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published: 22 December 2020

doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.601380

Recent Advances in Genetic Tools

for Acinetobacter baumannii
Ellen M. E. Sykes, Soumya Deo and Ayush Kumar*
Department of Microbiology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Acinetobacter baumannii is classified as a top priority pathogen by the World Health

Organization (WHO) because of its widespread resistance to all classes of antibiotics.
This makes the need for understanding the mechanisms of resistance and virulence
critical. Therefore, tools that allow genetic manipulations are vital to unravel the
mechanisms of multidrug resistance (MDR) and virulence in A. baumannii. A host of
current strategies are available for genetic manipulations of A. baumannii laboratory-
strains, including ATCC 17978TM and ATCC 19606T , but depending on susceptibility

profiles, these strategies may not be sufficient when targeting strains newly obtained
from clinic, primarily due to the latter’s high resistance to antibiotics that are commonly
used for selection during genetic manipulations. This review highlights the most recent
methods for genetic manipulation of A. baumannii including CRISPR based approaches,
transposon mutagenesis, homologous recombination strategies, reporter systems and
Edited by:
complementation techniques with the spotlight on those that can be applied to MDR
Natalia Polouliakh, clinical isolates.
Sony Computer Science
Laboratories, Japan Keywords: multi-drug resistance, gene deletions, genetic complementation, selection marker, counter-selection
marker, non-clinical antibiotics
Reviewed by:
Brock Aaron Arivett,
Middle Tennessee State University,
United States
Balaji Veeraraghavan,
Christian Medical College and Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen causing disease in critically
Hospital, India ill patients. It exhibits widespread resistance to all classes of antibiotics leading the World
Health Organization (WHO) to classify it as a top priority for research (Tacconelli et al.,
Ayush Kumar 2018). This necessitates understanding the mechanisms of multi-drug resistance (MDR) and
Ayush.Kumar@umanitoba.ca virulence. Tools that allow genetic manipulations are the key to unravel such mechanisms in
A. baumannii. A host of current strategies are beneficial in manipulation of A. baumannii
Specialty section: laboratory-strains, including ATCC 17978TM and ATCC 19606T , but may be insufficient when

This article was submitted to targeting strains obtained from hospitals and patients more recently, primarily due to their high
Systems Biology, resistance to antibiotics and the genomic diversity of A. baumannii (Diancourt et al., 2010;
a section of the journal
Zarrilli et al., 2013). Recently, genetic tools including the use of non-clinical antibiotic markers
Frontiers in Genetics
as well as those utilizing non-antibiotic markers have been generated for clinical strains of
Received: 31 August 2020
A. baumannii (Trebosc et al., 2016, 2019; Ducas-Mowchun et al., 2019; Lucidi et al., 2019).
Accepted: 30 November 2020
Many of these tools provide desirable traits in gene manipulation, including unmarked and
Published: 22 December 2020
scarless gene deletions, and complementation that mimic natural systems with no pleiotropic
effects. This review compiles challenges with designing genetic tools for antibiotic resistant
Sykes EME, Deo S and Kumar A
(2020) Recent Advances in Genetic
clinical isolates of A. baumannii as well as new developments in the field including high-
Tools for Acinetobacter baumannii. throughput screening and genome editing such as CRISPR. More routine techniques such as
Front. Genet. 11:601380. homologous recombination and complementation are covered in excellent depth by Indranil
doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.601380 Biswas and we direct the readers to this review (Biswas, 2015). Our review highlights techniques

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Sykes et al. Genetic Tools for A. baumannii

that have evolved since then with a focus on selection and biofilm formation leading to the establishment of BfmRS two-
counter-selection markers developed specifically for use in novel component system’s role in outer membrane vesicle (OMV)
MDR and XDR clinical strains of A. baumannii, an ever- production (Kim et al., 2019).
emerging concern in Acinetobacter genetics. Mariner (Di Venanzio et al., 2019; Kazi et al., 2020; Lopez
et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2020) and Tn10 (Giles et al., 2015;
Geisinger et al., 2019, 2020; Roy et al., 2020) transposons also
HIGH-THROUGHPUT GENETIC prove useful, in A. baumannii. The suicide vector pJNW684
SCREENING containing the himar1 mariner transposase, transposon and
RP4/oriT/oriR6K origin of replication requires the λpir gene
Transposon Mutagenesis product for replication (Wang et al., 2014). Delivery to
Transposon mutagenesis allows for global genetic information A. baumannii occurs via bi-parental mating with an Escherichia
of an organism to be collected. Mutagenesis studies remain the coli diamenopimelic acid (DAP) auxotroph which allows for
mainstay in determining functional correlation with genotype selection of recipient cells (Wang et al., 2014; Kazi et al.,
(Russo et al., 2016). Three transposons used in A. baumannii 2020). This vector also contains the Acinetobacter specific rpoD
are Tn5, Tn10, and himar1 mariner (Figure 1A). Tn5 and promoter to control transposase expression. A different mariner-
Tn10 integrate at non-specific target sites (Bender and Klecknert, based system, pSAM::OmpAp+Tn903, has been applied to
1992; Goryshin et al., 1998) typically minimizing insertion ATCC 17978TM (Di Venanzio et al., 2019) and the Canadian

bias compared to mariner transposons whose insertion targets clinical isolate, AbCAN2 (Lopez et al., 2020). An AbCAN2
AT dinucleotides (Chiang and Rubin, 2002). Ideally saturation transposon mutant library provided the basis for determining
of insertion is achieved, meaning that for every possible the essentiality of the Vgr spike protein in the type VI secretion
insertion site, a transposon mutant exists. As the GC content system (T6SS) and its role in interbacterial competition (Lopez
of A. baumannii is around 40%, it presents a bias for mariner et al., 2020). A similar library in ATCC 17978TM laid the

insertion lending advantages to the use of Tn5 or Tn10 (Chao foundation for the discovery that suppression of the T6SS allows
et al., 2016). Due to the random integration of Tn5 there is a for dissemination of MDR plasmids within A. baumannii but also
higher degree of saturation in A. baumannii (Gallagher, 2019). within the Acinetobacter species itself (Di Venanzio et al., 2019).
However, maximum library density is easily calculated for himar1 Tn10 delivery via either electroporation or conjugation, pBSL180
mariner due to its known target site, whereas this is more of (Roy et al., 2020) pDL1073 (Geisinger et al., 2019, 2020), and
a challenge with Tn5 as there are integration hotspots (Green pLof (Giles et al., 2015) have successfully generated libraries for
et al., 2012), resulting in insertion bias with specific sites being A. baumannii. The use of pBSL180 (Alexeyev and Shokolenko,
overrepresented. It is critical to validate at least two insertion 1995) has been marked in other Gram-negatives such as E. coli
sites per gene to ensure no phenotype is overlooked (Gallagher (Scaletsky et al., 2005), Shenwanella oneidensis and Desulfovibrio
et al., 2015). Most mutagenesis studies consist of the same desulfuricans (Groh et al., 2005). In ATCC 17978TM , the role of

basic strategies. An insertion library is generated via delivery carboxy-terminal processing protease in motility and membrane
of transposon and its cognate transposase of choice resulting integrity was characterized (Roy et al., 2020). A drawback of using
in a single cell with one insertion within a population. The plasmid-based systems is the risk of integration of the backbone
mutants are pooled and those mutants with disrupted genes into the mutant chromosome. This can be mitigated by the use of
altering fitness under appropriate conditions are selected for or the conditional origin of replication ensuring that the transposase
against (Figure 1). is not maintained in A. baumannii (Kazi et al., 2020) which has
Most commonly, Tn5 saturated libraries have been generated been engineered into these common systems.
with the EZ-Tn5TM kit (Lucigen Biotechnologies, Middleton, After transposition, insertion mutants are isolated on selective
WI, United States) in a wide range of strains, namely, media (Figure 1A). An antibiotic marker is engineered within
AB5075 (Gallagher et al., 2015; Tipton et al., 2017; Pérez- the transposon that allows for the selection of a successful
Varela et al., 2020), BAL062 (Hassan et al., 2016), AB0057 integration event. Currently tetracycline (Pérez-Varela et al.,
(Crépin et al., 2018), and ATCC 17978TM (Subashchandrabose
2020), kanamycin (Gallagher et al., 2015; Hassan et al., 2016;
et al., 2015). The transposome, composed of the transposon Geisinger et al., 2019; Kazi et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2020), and
DNA sequence and transposase bound to the 19 base pair a combination of kanamycin and chloramphenicol (Kim et al.,
mosaic end recognition sequence, are commercially pre- 2019; Lopez et al., 2020) are used during library generation in
assembled requiring less upstream genetic engineering steps A. baumannii. These selection markers have been used in a
which is beneficial. The selection marker within the transposon variety of clinical isolates including AB5075, AbCAN2, BAL062,
is customizable. Electroporation into competent cells allows and AB0057 (Supplementary Table 1). As these isolates remain
transposome entry (Gallagher, 2019) however, this step cannot susceptible to tetracycline, kanamycin and chloramphenicol, the
be easily performed in a high through-put manner leading to requirement for non-antibiotic or non-clinical drug selection is
a preference for conjugation-based protocols (Kazi et al., 2020). negligible. However, selection conditions become increasingly
One vector-based Tn5 systems also exist; pRL27 system in critical factors to consider as the diversity and resistance profile
ATCC 17978TM (Kim et al., 2019) which can either be delivered
of A. baumannii is hyper-plastic. Following this, a critical step
to A. baumannii through electroporation or conjugation. Kim in library establishment is the storage of the mutants. To ensure
et al. mutagenized ATCC 17978TM and screened for loss of
that unnecessary selection pressures are avoided, freezing of the

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Sykes et al. Genetic Tools for A. baumannii

FIGURE 1 | An overview of the steps and considerations when undertaking transposon mutagenesis. (A) Considerations for transposon mutagenesis and Tn-seq.
During the selection of the transposon, the type should be taken into consideration and in A. baumannii Tn5, Tn10, and mariner himar have been successful. The
determination of the transposon system is the next step and includes both plasmid or transposome based methods and this will play a role in the method of delivery
to the strain of interest. Following this, the selection marker must be considered, and susceptibility profile of the strain taken into account. (B) After the mutant library
has been selected for and the pooled mutant genomic DNA extracted, the library must be prepared for sequencing. There are three methods of sequencing
preparation for Tn-seq. “C-tailing” involves the addition of dCTPs and the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and a poly-C tract is added to the 30 ends of
the fragmented DNA. The circle method involves the restriction digestion of pooled DNA using an enzyme that digests within the transposon as well as the addition
of a sequencing adapter. This is then circularized via templated ligation. Lastly, random restriction digestion of the DNA is followed by ligation of the varying length
fragments into a vector such as pBluescript. (C) Next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques are then used. Mapping of the reads to the genome, show an
absence of reads where the transposon integrated into the gene and thus allows for determination of insertion.

pooled mutants must occur very shortly after selection (Kazi et al., one exposed to particular in vitro or in vivo conditions,
2020). However, as research progresses, storing and exposing for example and the other generated without any selective
strains of interest to new conditions/stress allows investigation pressure. A recent study characterized phenotypic responses to
of novel effects as demonstrated for an XDR clinical lung isolate ciprofloxacin in ATCC 17978TM by comparing those pooled

HUMC1 (Luna et al., 2020). The authors repurposed a previously transposon mutants exposed and those untreated (Geisinger
generated mutant library in AB5075 in order to validate results et al., 2019). To elucidate the interplay in ciprofloxacin resistance
observed in HUMC1 (Gallagher et al., 2015). A screen for mechanisms, the most common fluoroquinolone resistance
susceptibility of HUMC1 to a small molecule library in the alleles, those in gyrA and parC, were generated. These became
absence of rich media was undertaken. A notable hit, resulting in the parent strains for the transposon mutagenesis study. A target-
an increase in susceptibility to rifabutin, led to the investigation dependent prophage and SOS response under fluoroquinolone
of the molecular mechanism in HUMC1 and also in AB5075. stress conditions was observed which characterizes the hierarchy
Transposon mutant libraries demonstrate their versatility in of induced resistance to ciprofloxacin.
the foundation of studies and as demonstrated by Luna et al. Following mutagenesis, genomic DNA of the pooled mutants
(2020) can be repurposed years in the future to investigate and is extracted and sheared. A method known as “C-tailing”
validate novel findings. facilitates the sequencing procedure (Klein et al., 2012). It
involves the addition of poly(C) tails to the 30 end of
Transposon-Sequencing (Tn-Seq) the fragmented DNA via the use of dCTPs and terminal
Transposon mutagenesis is coupled with downstream steps for deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT). A round of PCR enriches
further characterization of the mutant library, making it the the insertion sequences via a primer with a 50 poly(G) tract that
backbone of many genetic studies (Figure 1B). With the advent binds the poly(C) region previously added and a region that
of Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS), it is less cumbersome binds the transposon (Gallagher, 2019). Alternatively the use of
to sequence the region of integration, and the whole genome, a protocol originally developed in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the
identifying the disrupted genes. Generally, genomic DNA of the circle method allows for selection of transposon insertion sites
pooled mutants is extracted and NGS is used to sequence the (Gallagher et al., 2011). In this technique, after size selection,
transposon integration site and these reads are mapped to the a sequencing adapter is ligated onto the end of the transposon
genome. This approach means that mutants with fitness defects and circularized. Any remaining uncircularized and denatured
are under-represented due to lack of survival. However, this fragments, which is the majority, are degraded. A final PCR step
challenge can be overcome by generating conditional libraries, amplifies the transposon junction, initial sequencing primer and

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Sykes et al. Genetic Tools for A. baumannii

introduces the second required sequencing primer. Validating et al. (2016) have identified a novel regulator for the efflux
this approach, Gallagher et al. (2015) developed a three- pump AvmA in AB5075 by taking advantage of the fluorescent
allele library using both the circle and terminal deoxynuclease property of the known efflux pump substrate, ethidium bromide,
transferase methods of sequencing preparation, generating and combining it with TraDIS to create TraDISort. Using
similar libraries and demonstrating that any amplification-based Fluorescence Associated Cell Sorting (FACS) to detect substrate
bias in the circle method is negligible. Alternate sequence fluorescence with TraDIS, TraDISort allowed for the selection of
preparation includes digestion of isolated transposon mutant those mutants that had insertions in efflux pump encoding genes
DNA with restriction enzymes and ligation into a cloning vector or their regulators based on their response to ethidium bromide.
such as pBluescript. SK II (Giles et al., 2015). This method was validated with the identification of previously
After sequencing, most commonly by Illumina, and mapping characterized efflux pumps, AdeABC and AdeIJK and although
the sequencing reads to the genome, the disrupted genes this is the only instance of TraDISort to date, provides insight
are identified (Figure 1C). Fitness scores are assigned to into the power of TraDIS in combination with other sophisticated
those mutants based on their abundance compared to an techniques in A. baumannii.
untreated condition. To facilitate the ease of comparison across A very recent study in Acinetobacter baylyi demonstrated
mutagenesis studies, fitness values are normalized to insertions in the power of Tn-seq to determine the importance of essential
neutral sites; pseudogenes or those located in known intergenic genes. Gallagher et al. (2020) harnessed the mutagenizing
regions where insertion is shown to cause no growth defect and sequencing aspects of Tn-seq coupled with the natural
(Geisinger et al., 2019). The importance of Tn-seq has been transformation efficiency of Acinetobacter baylyi. A transposon
demonstrated in a number of studies. It has been used to mutant library was generated using a Tn5 transposon. The
elucidate many pathways including the morphological switch mutants’ DNA was pooled and transformed into wild-type
from opaque to translucent corresponding to virulent and A. baylyi then Tn-seq was performed over a specified time period.
avirulent phenotypes in the American wound isolate AB5075 The speed by which the loss of DNA from those mutants whose
(Tipton et al., 2017; Chin et al., 2018) as well as the role of RelA transposon was integrated into an essential gene was detected via
in the same strain (Pérez-Varela et al., 2020). Tn-seq determined the criticality of the gene. In other words,
the faster the depletion of mutant DNA from an essential gene
TraDIS and TraDISort integration, the more essential the gene to cellular functions.
Transposon Directed Insertion Sequencing (TraDIS) (Langridge Although this study is limited to A. baylyi, it demonstrates further
et al., 2009) is a technique that is highly similar to that of Tn- applications, similar to those shown by TraDISort, that can be
seq but differs slightly in sample preparation prior to sequencing coupled with transposon mutagenesis and their impact on the
(Figure 1B). The DNA is randomly cleaved resulting in variable study of the organism as a whole.
sized fragments and during sequencing library preparation, an
additional round of PCR is performed using a transposon specific
primer and a sequencing specific adapter primer (Langridge et al., GENOME EDITING
2009; Barquist et al., 2016). Enrichment, such as this, allows
for deeper sequencing coverage and thus higher confidence Homologous Recombination
on transposition site but also introduces additional PCR bias The genetic tools currently used for genome editing are based
as shorter templates are preferentially amplified over longer on harnessing existing molecular phenomenon. Homologous
ones (Van Opijnen and Camilli, 2013). Utility of TraDIS was recombination, CRISPR and DNA repair mechanisms are such
recently shown in a Vietnamese clinical isolate, where additional examples. One of the most common gene deletion strategies,
genes involved in colistin resistance such as those involved in previously and recently implemented with success in extensively
membrane maintenance and regulation of transcription and drug resistant (XDR) strains of A. baumannii, uses a two-step
translation were identified (Boinett et al., 2019). TraDIS has homologous recombination approach (Figure 2A; Krasauskas
evaluated ATCC 17978TM in respect to genes that are required
R et al., 2019; Xu Q. et al., 2019). Typically, this method involves
for murine septicemia (Subashchandrabose et al., 2015). A study the design of a knockout cassette that consists of an antibiotic
from the same group, generated a mutagenesis library in the resistance marker flanked by homologous regions of the target
clinical isolate AB0057 in order to mirror their initial study gene or adjacent. The cassette can be created using several
in ATCC 17978TM (Crépin et al., 2018). Interestingly, in this
R methods such as PCR (Choi and Schweizer, 2005) or Gibson
study, to successfully select for the transposon insertion mutant assembly (Gibson et al., 2009). There are two commonly used
pool, a kanamycin susceptible isogenic strain was created by approaches to use the knock-out cassette, using suicide plasmids
deletion of AB57_0288, a gene that encodes aminoglycoside or using the linear DNA fragment.
O-phosphotransferase. The mutagenesis was performed in this
susceptible strain which also demonstrated similarities in murine Gene Deletion Strategies Using Suicide
virulence (Crépin et al., 2018). This highlights the challenges Plasmids
when working with MDR clinical strains as a susceptible parent The knockout cassette created can be cloned into a suicide
strain is necessary to select for the transposon mutants. Due to knockout vector with selection (Table 1) and counter-selection
this screen, a lytic transglycosylase, MltB, was revealed as essential markers (Table 2). Alternatively, the knock-out cassette can
in the murine infection model. With an elegant approach, Hassan be assembled directly into the suicide vector using restriction

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Sykes et al. Genetic Tools for A. baumannii

FIGURE 2 | Current genetic techniques available for use in A. baumannii with common removal of selection marker. (A) Gene deletion via homologous
recombination (HR) using suicide plasmid and A knockout cassette is designed with non-clinical antibiotic resistance gene of choice such as hygromycin or
gentamicin flanked by Flp Recombinase Target (FRT) sites and homologous regions situated up and downstream of gene of interest. The knockout cassette can be
then cloned into a suicide vector or maintained as a linear product. The use of counter-selection markers such as sacB in the presence of high quantities of sucrose
enable curing of the vector. Unmarked deletions are then generated via the use of the Flp Recombinase acting on the engineered FRT sites. (B) Cloning and
complementation with the minTn7 system. In conjunction with the transposase, TnsABCE, integration of the miniTn7 plasmid occurs at the neutral position
upstream of the glmS2 gene. (C) Removal of the selection marker such as zeocin, apramycin, or hygromycin occurs via the Flp recombinase and is common
between the mini-Tn7 system and gene deletion via suicide plasmid. All maps were created using SnapGene software (from Insightful Science; available at
snapgene.com). Not every feature of each plasmid is shown, only those relevant for selection, counter-selection and unique properties are displayed.

digestion. However, with the advances in molecular techniques, presence of an antibiotic resistance cassette can interfere
this is the less desirable method due to limitations in unique with phenotypic characterization such as susceptibility assays.
restriction-digestion sites that can be used for cloning. The Thus, the evaluation of a true gene deletion event cannot be
suicide vector containing the knock-out cassette is introduced accomplished, making the removal of the antibiotic resistance
into the host strain by electroporation, chemical transformation, cassette necessary. This has been accomplished with remarkable
or mating. The two-step allelic exchange, utilizing a non- success using the FLP recombinase system (Hoang et al., 1998).
replicative plasmid-based method follows (Hamad et al., 2009; This system allows for the generation of unmarked deletions
Amin et al., 2013; Oh et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2018; Skerniškytė leaving behind the FRT scar sequences (De Silva and Kumar,
et al., 2019). Variations include those originally designed in 2018; Wang Y. et al., 2019). The introduction of additional bases
P. aeruginosa and Burkholderia spp. The methods of Choi and in the form of the FRT site scars, have not been observed to have
Schweizer have been adapted for use in A. baumannii (De Silva any pleiotropic effects. Several versions of the Flp recombinase-
and Kumar, 2018; De Silva et al., 2020) and includes the initial containing plasmids are now available. For example, those with
step of Splicing Overlap Extension (SOE), which introduces an a temperature-sensitive replicon (Choi et al., 2008) allow for
antibiotic resistance gene flanked by Flp Recombinase Target greater ease of selection after the first recombination event. The
(FRT) sites into the flanking homologous regions of the target modifications in the original Flp-recombinase containing vectors
gene to allow for selection of recombinants and antibiotic gene has allowed for their use in hyper-resistant clinical isolates of
removal, respectively (Choi and Schweizer, 2005). Applications A. baumannii (Ducas-Mowchun et al., 2019).
in clinical isolates using this method (Supplementary Table 1)
have been successful depending on the type of selection and
counter-selection markers used (Trebosc et al., 2016, 2019; Gene Deletion Strategies Using Linear
Xu Q. et al., 2019). DNA Fragment
The removal of the antibiotic cassette after the second A. baumannii is well known to readily uptake exogenous
homologous recombination event is highly desirable to DNA and this characteristic can be exploited for genetic
avoid any possible polar effects (Figure 2C). Further, the manipulations (Domingues et al., 2019). One particular strategy

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Sykes et al. Genetic Tools for A. baumannii

TABLE 1 | Summary of selection markers used in clinical isolates of A. baumannii.

Selection marker Type of marker Genetic manipulation strategy Strain Selection use in recent reference(s)

hph Antibiotic Transposon mutagenesis, AB5075 Jacobs et al., 2014; Gallagher et al., 2015;
complementation, unmarked gene AbCAN2 Xu Q. et al., 2019; Lopez et al., 2020;
deletion MDR-ZJ06 Pérez-Varela et al., 2020
ble Antibiotic Complementation HUMC1 Luna et al., 2017; Ducas-Mowchun et al.,
AB031 2019; Lucidi et al., 2019
ATCC R 19606T
ATCC R 17978TM
aac(3)-IVa Antibiotic Complementation, CRISPR-based ATCC R 17978TM Ducas-Mowchun et al., 2019; Wang Y. et al.,
editing ATCC R 19606T 2019; Pérez-Varela et al., 2020
tet Antibiotic Transposon mutagenesis AB5075 Pérez-Varela et al., 2020
kilA-telAB or tpm Toxic compound Gene deletion, complementation ATCC R 17978TM Amin et al., 2013; Trebosc et al., 2016, 2019;
R2 Luna et al., 2017; Charretier et al., 2018
BV26, BV94,
BV173, BV175,
BV185, BV186,
BV187, BV189,
BV190, BV191

Use in specific strains has been noted. hph; hygromycin resistance, ble; zeocin resistance, aac(3)-IVa; apramycin resistance, kilA-telAB; tellurite resistance, tpm; tellurite

utilizes the native DNA repair components, in particular the resistance element AbaR (Godeux et al., 2020). A PCR
RecET recombinase system in combination with site-specific product is synthesized with aacC4 and sacB genes flanked by
homologous recombination of a linear knockout cassette to regions homologous to those of the target gene (Figure 3).
achieve gene disruption in a single step (Tucker et al., 2014). Transformation of such PCR chimera allows the first
The knockout cassette contains an antibiotic resistance selectable recombination to result in an interruption of the gene of
marker (Table 1), allowing for selection of cells with successful interest with the apramycin resistance cassette and sacB. Cells
homologous recombination events. As with the previously after this first recombination event are selected on apramycin.
mentioned approaches, removal of the antibiotic resistance To obtain a markerless deletion, an additional PCR product is
marker can be performed by a Flp recombinase. generated with similar homologous flanking regions. Successful
A recently developed single step homologous recombination mutants are selected based on apramycin susceptibility and
technique is quite convenient (Trebosc et al., 2016) and allows sucrose resistance. Strains AB5075 and AYE were subjected to
for creation of scarless deletions via a single step method. The this strategy and their AbaR resistance islands deleted as shown
authors showed the versatility of this technique by deleting adeR by reduced susceptibility of AYE to aminoglycosides, tetracycline
(the gene encoding the response regulator that controls the and sulfonamides due to the loss of resistance island, similar to
expression of AdeABC efflux pump in tandem with the sensor previous findings as a result of the loss of AbaR (Kochar et al.,
kinase AdeS) in 10 different clinical strains isolated from various 2012). This strategy provides the advantage of a markerless,
geographical sources (Trebosc et al., 2016). Scarless deletions also scarless deletion and is sensitive enough to produce single
allow for the creation of multiple gene deletions in the same base-pair mutations (Godeux et al., 2020).
strain as the same selection marker can be reused. Again shown
by further deleting pmrA, eptA-1, eptA-2, eptA-3 in the same
strains (Trebosc et al., 2019). Absence of antibiotic resistance CRISPR
gene in the knockout cassette excludes requirement to use the Flp
recombinase making this approach scarless. Immunological Role
Of late, a two-step linear chimeric PCR product deletion Bacteria are constantly preyed upon by bacteriophages and
method was validated via the deletion of the mobile genetic therefore have evolved multiple antiviral strategies. Antiviral

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Sykes et al. Genetic Tools for A. baumannii

TABLE 2 | Summary of counter-selection markers used in clinical isolates of and 12 subtypes (excludes six variant subtypes) of CRISPR-Cas
A. baumannii.
system have been reported.
Counter- Type of marker Strain Use in recent The target recognition by a CRISPR-Cas system depend on the
selection marker studies Cas protein binding Protospacer Adjacent Motif (PAM), leading
to unwinding of the adjacent dsDNA helix (Sternberg et al., 2014;
sacB Toxic compound in ATCC R 17978TM Amin et al., 2013;
high concentrations ATCC R 19606T Oh et al., 2015;
Redding et al., 2015; Jones et al., 2017). The RNA-directed aspect
BV26, BV94, Ducas-Mowchun of the CRISPR-Cas is dependent on two RNAs, the CRISPR RNA
BV173, BV175, et al., 2019; (crRNA) and a trans-acting RNA (tracrRNA). The tracrRNA,
BV185, BV186, Wang Y. et al., which imparts partial complementarity, and the crRNA, can be
BV187, BV189, 2019; De Silva
combined to form a single guide RNA (sgRNA), that performs
BV190, BV191 et al., 2020
AB030 DNA target recognition and recruits Cas nuclease needed to
AB031 perform genome editing (Figure 4A; Gasiunas et al., 2012; Jinek
LAC-4 et al., 2012). The substrate specificity and the simplicity of the
ABH6 system that includes designing sgRNA makes CRSIPR an obvious
choice for genetic manipulation. Following unwinding of the
tdk Causes chain ATCC R 17978TM Trebosc et al.,
termination during BV26 2016, 2019
dsDNA, the single guide RNA (sgRNA) hybridizes to form a
DNA replication by BV94 R-loop structure. This allows recognition of seed sequence near
incorporating BV173 PAM elements enabling complementarity with the crRNA spacer
30 -azido-30 - BV175 and the CRISPR-Cas system to execute its effect (Figure 4B;
deoxythymidine BV185 Szczelkun et al., 2014; Rutkauskas et al., 2015; Jones et al., 2017;
(AZT) BV186
Xue et al., 2017).
BV190 Utility in Genome Editing
BV191 In addition to creating specific gene knockouts, adaptation of
lpxC Colistin susceptibility ATCC R 19606T Lee et al., 2018 the CRISPR-Cas system is implemented to perform interference
restored in 1lpxC
or activation, termed CRISPRi and CRISPRa, respectively,
deletion mutant
enabling transcriptional control (Qi et al., 2013). Transcriptional
Use in specific strains has been noted. sacB; sucrose toxicity, tdk; 30 -azido-30 - repression or knockdown via CRISPRi is an alternative
deoxythymidine (AZT) toxicity, lpxC; restoration of colistin susceptibility.
to mRNA targeting RNAi and differs from the later as
it may block either transcriptional initiation or elongation
immunity of bacteria and archaea consists of a combination (Figure 4C). This system uses a deactivated nicking endonuclease
of innate and adaptive antiviral defense mechanisms. The Cas9 (dCas9) for a targeted RNA-directed transcriptional
innate defense mechanisms include receptor masking (Makarova control. dCas9 may need additional helper proteins or effector
et al., 2011, 2013; Samson et al., 2013), restriction–modification proteins that allows higher degree of transcriptional repression.
systems (Tock and Dryden, 2005), bacteriophage exclusion As shown in Figure 4C, notable effector proteins include
(BREX) (Goldfarb et al., 2015), Argonaute (Ago) family KRAB (Krüppel-associated box) domain of Kox1 and the CS
facilitated DNA interference (Swarts et al., 2014), and abortive (chromoshadow) (Qi and Lo, 2017). Bacterial gene knockdown
infection (Chopin et al., 2005). Adaptive immunity is imparted using CRISPRi has been investigated in Gram-negative E. coli
through a Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic (Jiang et al., 2013; Li et al., 2016) and Gram-positive
Repeats (CRISPR) and associated Cas system. CRISPR-Cas Bacillus subtilis (Peters et al., 2016). This approach is tunable
is a common antiviral immunity system found in 45% of and can be modified to perform both moderate and high
bacteria (Grissa et al., 2007). In addition to cas genes, a series degree of over-expression and knockdown by using inducible
of direct repeats and spacers termed as CRISPR arrays are promoters (Li et al., 2016). Alternatively, CRISPRa is a
responsible for target specificity. These spacers are derived targeted gene activation approach, where a transcriptional
from predatory viruses that infected the bacterium previously, activator domain or a subunit of RNAP could be fused to
thereby imparting immune memory (Bolotin et al., 2005; Mojica dCas9 augmenting rate or initiation of transcription through
et al., 2005; Barrangou, 2015). By sequence specific targeting RNAP recruitment (Figure 4D; Dong et al., 2018). Use of
of the foreign (viral, plasmid) genetic material, the CRISPR- omega (ω) subunit of RNAP has shown to be an effective
Cas system protects against mobile genetic elements (MGEs), transcriptional activator in E. coli (Dove and Hochschild, 1998;
thereby defending against viral predation (Barrangou et al., Bikard et al., 2013).
2007; Brouns et al., 2008; Marraffini and Sontheimer, 2008;
Hale et al., 2009; Garneau et al., 2010; Terns and Terns, Diversity of CRISPR Systems
2011). The complexity of the CRISPR-Cas system warranted a The utility of CRISPR-Cas9 system (Figure 4) has been
comprehensive classification of the system. This was achieved by demonstrated in Gram-negative bacteria including E. coli,
basing the classification on phylogenetic analysis of conserved P. aeruginosa, and Burkholderia spp. (Jiang et al., 2015; Chen
Cas proteins, type and number of cas genes and gene et al., 2018; Hogan et al., 2019). Previous studies showed instances
arrangements (Makarova and Koonin, 2015). To date, four types where mismatch and/or partial match of sgRNA to target DNA

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FIGURE 3 | Linear DNA deletion technique. Gene deletion via homologous recombination (HR) using linear knockout cassette. A chimeric PCR product is designed
with a selection marker such as apramycin resistance and a counter-selection marker such as sacB flanked by regions of homology to those surrounding the target
gene. HR allows for disruption of target gene. A second chimeric PCR product is generated with homologous regions to the target gene and counter-selection
allows for the second recombination event to select for removal of the selection and counter-selection markers leaving a scarless deletion. All maps were created
using SnapGene software (from Insightful Science; available at snapgene.com). Not every feature of each plasmid is shown, only those relevant for selection,
counter-selection and unique properties are displayed.

is tolerated often leading to off-target effects (Graham and Root, (Chuai et al., 2017). The scope of the use of computational tools
2015; Lee et al., 2016). Although shown in mammalian cell encompasses in silico sgRNA design to enhance target specificity,
lines, it is possible that in-frame mutations affect the CRISPR CRISPR based sgRNA off-target profiles and analyzing outcomes
based knock-out efficiency. The reduction of in-frame mutation of CRISPR experiments. These use posterior NGS to characterize
was addressed by the authors by developing a microhomology insertions, deletions, and homologous recombination at the
prediction thereby improving knock-out efficiency (Bae et al., intended target sites. Even with the advancement of in silico
2014). A large volume of data on genome editing is currently methods in predicting off-target effects, the measured process
available. To assist a CRISPR based gene editing approach as recently proposed combining both in silico and experimental
a method of genome editing, by improving both efficiency approaches (Hendel et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2016). At the core of
and accuracy, we rely on multiple computational tools, which these approaches remain NGS and subsequent data analysis to
are covered extensively in a review published previously identify functional cleavage sites, in combination with genome

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Sykes et al. Genetic Tools for A. baumannii

FIGURE 4 | An overview of CRISPR-Cas9-based gene editing in bacteria. (A) Cas9 or a dCas9 binds to sgRNA that leads to an RNA-guided binding of the target
DNA. The dCas9 may be assisted with transcriptional effectors (activator or an inhibitor). (B) Gene editing undertaken by Cas9-sgRNA target binding, double strand
break and subsequent HR repair. (C) CRISPRi based targeted transcriptional inhibition through Cas9 fused to KRAB transcriptional inhibitor. (D) Activation of
transcription driven by ω subunit of RNAP fused to dCas9, enabling RNAP recruitment through binding to the β’ subunit of RNAP. (E) Targeted base-editing
performed by APOBEC1 fused to Cas9 (D10A), converting a triplet codon for glutamine to a stop codon.

wide techniques including double-strand break (DSB) capture other species resulted in > 10-fold higher efficiency, reflected
and protein binding site capture (Lee et al., 2016). Another study in the higher number of colonies selected for during a targeted
(Karlapudi et al., 2018) using A. baumannii strain M2, evaluated deletion of the regulator oxyR. The amount and length of the
the application of web-based tools (CHOPCHOP, CRISPR-ERA, repair template was also optimized, which greatly improved
CCTop and E-CRISP) for in silico sgRNA design. Individual web- the editing efficiency. The authors also tested genome editing
based tools consider one or multiple relevant factors that includes efficiency that is demonstrated in lab strains ATCC 17978TM , R

location of (PAM), sequence alignment scores attributed to GC and ATCC 19606T and in one clinical isolate A. baumannii

content and exon position thereby predicting on-target efficacy. ABH2. The reason for the use of multiple strains was the expected
variation in efficiency of CRISPR-Cas based genome editing
owing to differences in genomic background.
Exogenous CRISPR Systems in To investigate amino acid residues in the active site of
A. baumannii OxyR that are critical for H2 O2 sensing, point mutations were
In order to adapt a CRISPR based system to be used in introduced in ABH2 using the exogenous CRISPR-Cas system
A. baumannii, several modifications to the system were made (Wang Y. et al., 2019). By inserting an artificial spacer to replace
and tested. Based on the strategy previously outlined by Hsu the native spacer and then introducing a point mutation during
et al. (2013), the authors (Wang Y. et al., 2019) constructed a restoration of the native spacer, 13 mutant strains were generated.
plasmid containing expression cassettes for Cas9 nuclease from Three of these mutations included conserved non-critical amino
Streptococcus pyogenes and the corresponding sgRNA (Hsu et al., acids T104, H201, and R270 found in OxyR of other bacteria.
2013). In addition, to enhance the recombination efficiency of These strains as expected did not show any deficiency with
weak homologous recombination based DSB repair found in respect to H2 O2 sensitivity. A known residue, C202, and three
A. baumannii, authors developed an exogenous recombination new residues, E130, S133, and S226 were determined to be
system, that involves a two-plasmid system with each plasmid critical for OxyR function. In A. baumannii, many acquired
capable of replicating in both E. coli and A. baumannii (Fürste resistance genes are associated with mobile elements (plasmids
et al., 1986). The selection of RecAb from the A. baumannii and transposons), and undesired recombination events or the
IS-123 strain (Tucker et al., 2014) over recombinases from loss of a plasmid encoding CRISPR elements may occur when

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Sykes et al. Genetic Tools for A. baumannii

performing CRISPR-Cas based gene editing (Wang et al., 2018). of CRISPRs in various A. baumannii strains (Grissa et al., 2009).
An alternative approach is a cytidine base-editing system of The spacer organization in CRISPR-cas have been used for
targeted C to T conversion to achieve gene disruption. This comparison between strains. A pangenome study encompassing
method is independent of DSB and the need of a donor 2,500 genomes of A. baumannii, agreed to the presence of two
template. A C to T conversion can change a codon, for example CRISPR-Cas systems (Mangas et al., 2019). By constructing a
CAA or CAG to a stop codon (TAA or TAG) (Figure 4E). new phylogeny of Acinetobacter based on presence or absence of
A single plasmid system pBECAb-apr was constructed containing 14 common genes, they divided the genomes in to two groups.
expression cassettes for a sgRNA and a fusion protein. One of the The first group, sharing fewer common genes, showed gene
proteins in the fusion was a APOBEC1 deaminase that catalyzes enrichment for maintaining CRISPR elements and rarity in the
the conversion of C to U in the displaced DNA strands. The presence of plasmids. The authors in addition to confirming
other, Cas9(D10A) nickase cleaves the non-edited DNA strand. type 1 system showed the presence of type IV CRISPR-cas in
DNA repair or replication converts U:G originated from C:G to A. baumannii as previously suggested. The relationship between
T:A. The functionality of the cytidine base-editing system was CRISPR-cas and virulence genes have been discussed in a study
confirmed in A. baumannii ATCC 17978TM . R
(Louwen et al., 2014). With the success of endogenous CRISPR-
As an exogenous CRISPR-Cas system may fail in some Cas system including type I in genome editing in multiple
species, functional endogenous CRISPR-cas in many bacteria bacteria strains, the same may be explored in A. baumannii.
had been used for successful gene editing. In Haloferax volcanii, In addition, useful information would be obtained by better
an archaeon, endogenous CRISPR-Cas system was used for understanding of the relationship of CRISPR-Cas systems in
gene repression through CRISPRi (Stachler and Marchfelder, A. baumannii with the virulence and pathogenesis.
2016). In Clostridium tyrobutyricum, a Gram-positive bacterium, Here we have summarized the use of both exogenous
single and multi-gene deletions were successfully realized using and recently explored endogenous CRISPR-cas system in gene
the endogenous type I (subtype B) CRISPR-Cas system. In manipulation. Although there are only a handful examples
another study, an editing efficiency of 100% was achieved for of using the CRISPR-Cas system in A. baumannii, there is
the CRISPR-cas based gene deletions to develop strains for high- certainly a tremendous potential for this technique to be used
level butanol production (Zhang et al., 2018). A 100% efficiency in this organism.
for CRISPR-Cas based gene deletion was reported for a 643 bp
deletion, and lower efficiencies for insertion and single nucleotide
substitution (at 36 and 19% efficiency, respectively) performed COMPLEMENTATION AND CLONING
in Lactobacillus crispatus, a Gram-positive commensal bacteria APPROACHES
found in vagina and intestinal tracts (Hidalgo-Cantabrana et al.,
2019). The researchers used the endogenous type I (subtype Several vectors are now available for cloning in A. baumannii
E) CRISPR-Cas system for the three gene editing approaches (Supplementary Table 3). There are two common approaches
reported here. In E. coli, two studies reported the use of for complementation that include chromosomal or extra-
endogenous type I CRISPR-Cas system to modulate metabolic chromosomal. Extra-chromosomal cloning systems consists of
pathways via gene editing and CRISPRi, using Cas3 and dCas3 plasmids, which have been mainstay of the cloning strategies
proteins, respectively (Chang et al., 2016; Tarasava et al., 2018). historically. However, chromosomal insertion systems are
In S. aureus, type III (subtype A) CRISPR-Cas system has been increasingly becoming staple for cloning approaches, particularly
used to achieve gene deletions and insertions (Guan et al., 2017). since these systems allow expression of complemented genes
The above examples of successful use of endogenous CRISPR- at levels that mimic what is seen in nature and also because
Cas systems in archaea, Gram-positives and Gram-negatives such systems do not require antibiotic selection facilitating
highlights the possibilities of their use in other bacteria. in vivo studies.

Single Copy Insertion Systems

Endogenous CRISPR Systems in The most widely used mini-Tn7 system was originally developed
A. baumannii for chromosomal insertions in P. aeruginosa (Choi and
Analysis of CRISPR database (CRISPRdb) showed two CRISPR- Schweizer, 2005). This system has been modified for use in A.
cas in Acinetobacter spp. The first system is discovered in baumannii (Figure 2B). With the help of exogenously supplied
the genome of clinical isolates A. baumannii AYE, AB0057, transposase, single copy Tn7 transposition occurs at a very
and AB037 (Grissa et al., 2007; Hauck et al., 2012). Another specific attTn7 site within the genome. In A. baumannii this
study demonstrated the presence of G55 islands in two of is located in the intergenic region 24 base pairs upstream of
the above three strains AB0057 and AYE, and an additional the glmS2 gene (Kumar et al., 2010). Based on its conservation
strain 4,190 (Di Nocera et al., 2011). These G55 island across species, the resulting attTn7 site is presumed to be a
contains the CRISPR blocks flanked by a cas gene cluster. neutral site within the chromosome (Choi and Schweizer, 2006;
The second of the CRISPR-cas system in Acinetobacter spp. Choi et al., 2006, 2008; Kumar et al., 2006). There are a variety
was found in A. baumannii type strain ATCC 19606T and in
of iterations of this system including various selection markers,
A. baylyi ADP1. The large volume of sequencing data and and induction parameters (Supplementary Table 3). Versatility
available bioinformatics tools have permitted the identification of this system has been shown by its successful use in AB5075

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(Pérez-Varela et al., 2020; Williams et al., 2020) as well in the the plasmid vector in vivo can be unreliable Xu Q. et al. (2019).
clinical isolates AB030, AB031, and LAC-4 with the chromosomal Thus, underscoring the utility of genome insertion systems for
insertion of constitutive fluorescent markers (Supplementary in vivo experiments. Nevertheless, the pVRL system has been
Table 4) including mTurquoise, RubyRed, mCherry, and sfGFP shown to function in A. baumannii as well as in A. baylyi (Lucidi
(Ducas-Mowchun et al., 2019), as well as complementation et al., 2018). There are a variety of shuttle vectors in this family.
of deletion mutants in ATCC 17978TM using the gentamicin
pVRL1 and pVRL2 provide blue/white selection abilities for
selectable marker (De Silva et al., 2020). The antibiotic selection selection in E. coli as well as a gentamicin cassette for selection in
marker is removed via the Flp recombinase method described A. baumannii (Lucidi et al., 2018).
above (Figure 2C) using pFLP2 derivatives (Supplementary
Table 2). Insertional complementation provides the benefit pLVP System
of maintaining single copy insertion of the gene of interest, A useful set of high copy plasmids were developed by Lucidi
allowing for expression at physiological levels and maintenance et al. (2019) that include reporter systems compatible in the
of complementation on selectable -free media reducing the risk clinical strains ACICU and AYE. Using the uvr-dependent DNA
of mutations via antibiotic stress. While Tn7-based systems have repair pathway as a proof of concept, activation of its promoter
been used successfully in various strains of A. baumannii, it was evaluated in ATCC 19606T by cloning the promoter into

should be noted that A. baumannii strains may contain more pLVP1Z, pLVP2Z, and pLVP3Z (Supplementary Table 4).
than one copy of glmS (Kumar et al., 2010). The insertion of Tn7 Luminescence, β-galactosidase activity, and fluorescence were
element has always been shown to occur downstream of glmS2, detected from all promoter fusions during exposure to UV,
but researchers should ideally confirm the insertion site when demonstrating the successful generation of a reporter strain
using this system with a new strain of A. baumannii. As with any in ATCC 19606T . This system was further validated with the

transposition, immunity is also a concern using this system which use of the ethanol inducible promoters in ATCC 17978TM , R

prevents multiple cloning strategies in a single strain. Similar to ATCC 19606T and AYE using pLVP1Z and the promoter

the removal of the selectable marker during gene deletion, the regions of the ethanol dehydrogenase encoding adhP and the
FRT scar is left behind in the newly generated strain. aldehyde dehydrogenase yahK. Again, the lux promoter fusion
Alternatively, the use of endogenous site-specific produced luminescence in a dose dependent manner when
recombination systems also show success in removal of exposed to ethanol (Lucidi et al., 2019). In a final evaluation, iron
antibiotic markers. The XerC/D tyrosine recombinases recognize regulation involving the Fur-Fe repressor complex and the basA
adjacent dif sites within the newly replicated chromosome promoter was evaluated in ATCC 19606T using all three vectors.

and aid in the separation of daughter chromosomes during Reporter strains were exposed to increasing concentrations
replication. Many dif sites have been identified on plasmids of FeCl3 in minimal media and a decrease in luminescence,
within clinical isolates, flanking blaOXA−58 and contribute to β-galactosidase activity and fluorescence were observed. With
the mobility of the gene (Cameranesi et al., 2018). This system the use of pLVP1Z::PbasA , under iron limiting conditions, Lucidi
has been modified for use in removal of antibiotic cassettes in et al. demonstrated that in the animal model, G. mellonella,
reporter strains of clinical A. baumannii isolates (Supplementary luminescence was detected and decreased over time as iron was
Table 2). An autoluminescent strain was generated using the Tn7 scavenged from the host. This highlights the utility of these
system and removal of the cassette performed via the XerC/D vectors for in vivo experiments. As with other extra-chromosomal
recombineering strategy (Jiang et al., 2019). Removing the cloning systems, these vectors must be selected for, which poses
selectable marker through this approach allows for its removal challenges as antibiotics modify cellular functions. The pLVP
while leaving no genetic scar. system, however, has been shown to be stable over 40 generations
without an antibiotic selection and therefore is still of great value
Plasmid-Based Systems (Lucidi et al., 2019).
Plasmid-based systems continue to be utilized by various groups,
primarily due to the ease in their use. A number of plasmids
used in A. baumannii are described in the review by Biswas
(2015). However, since then, some useful plasmids have been ISOLATES
designed for use in A. baumannii. We highlight the evolution of
the newest systems below. Non-clinical Antibiotic Markers
One major obstacle when working with clinical isolates of
pVRL System A. baumannii is that most, if not all are MDR or even XDR. This
Extra-chromosomal plasmid-based complementation techniques presents challenges when selecting for genetically manipulated
have also been fine-tuned for A. baumannii. Provide mutants of interest as historically, those mutants are selected
complementation of gnaA in the MDR clinical isolate MDR-ZJ06 by an antibiotic resistance marker that differentiates them from
(Zhou et al., 2011), using a pET28a based E. coli shuttle vector wild-type cells. For this approach to work, high concentrations
pYMAb2 (Supplementary Table 3), that was modified to allow of many commonly used antibiotics are used that may introduce
for hygromycin selection. Restoration of the phenotype upon additional mutations. Alternatively, for manipulations of clinical
complementation was observed except during the virulence assay isolates, non-clinical antibiotics and toxic compounds are used
with the wax worm model, Galleria mellonella as maintenance of such as hygromycin, zeocin, apramycin, and tellurite. Novel

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Sykes et al. Genetic Tools for A. baumannii

vectors must be developed with these less common selection COUNTER-SELECTION MARKERS FOR
markers to increase the success of studies performed in CLINICAL ISOLATES
MDR/XDR isolates.
Both hygromycin and apramycin are aminoglycoside In an ideal situation, genetic modifications would be free of
antibiotics whose use is restricted to veterinary medicine selection markers used during strain generation, ensuring no
making it appealing for application in A. baumannii isolates interference in downstream assays. In order to remove plasmids
from clinical sources (Kotra et al., 2000). Hygromycin-specific during genetic manipulations, a counter-selection marker allows
resistance is encoded by a single gene, hph (Gritz and Davies, for curing of the vector. Stringency of conditions for counter-
1983) highlighting the ease of use in cloning into new vectors. selection is challenging and, in many cases, must be optimized
This marker has been used for transposon mutant selection on a strain by strain basis (Khetrapal et al., 2015). There are
(Jacobs et al., 2014; Gallagher et al., 2015) and complementation only two common counter-selection systems (sacB and tdk)
experiments (Pérez-Varela et al., 2020) in AB5075. It has also currently in use for widespread applications in A. baumannii.
been implemented successfully in AbCAN2 (Lopez et al., These are methods based on lethality in the presence of high
2020), as a selection marker for the Flp recombinase expressing amounts of sucrose or 30 -azido-30 -deoxythymidine (AZT). The
vector (Table 1). limited number of counter-selection markers currently available
Alternatively, apramycin resistance is conferred by 3-N- for use in A. baumannii necessitates that more options are needed
acetyltransferase type IV gene, aac(3)-IVa (Paget and Davies, particularly since the efficiency of existing markers can be quite
1996) that also provides a wide range of resistance to other variable from strain to strain.
aminoglycosides (Table 1). Successful genetic manipulations
include complementation with the mini-Tn7 based integration
system in XDR isolates (Ducas-Mowchun et al., 2019), and
Counter-Selection With sacB and tdk
AB5075 (Pérez-Varela et al., 2020) as well as the CRISPR gene In the case of sucrose counter-selection (Table 2), a vector
editing maintenance of the Cas expressing vector in clinical is engineered with the sacB gene, originally isolated from
isolates ABH6 and XH386, and type-strains ATCC 17978TM and
R B. subtilis, which encodes a levanosucrase. This enzyme performs
ATCC 19606T (Wang Y. et al., 2019). Zeocin is an antibiotic
R the transfructorylation reaction of sucrose into levan in high
that causes cell damage by intercalation into dsDNA causing sucrose environments and the buildup of this metabolite is
lethal double-stranded breaks (Gatignol et al., 1988) and is not toxic to many Gram-negative organisms including A. baumannii
in clinical use. Therefore, most clinical isolates of A. baumannii (Reyrat et al., 1998). This counter-selection marker has been
are susceptible to zeocin. Utility of zeocin as a selection marker used mainly to select for the second recombination event during
has been shown in a number of clinical isolates from various homologous recombination-type strategies (Amin et al., 2013;
countries (Luna et al., 2017; Ducas-Mowchun et al., 2019; Oh et al., 2015; De Silva et al., 2020) or to remove the Flp
Lucidi et al., 2019; Table 1). recombinase expressing vector (Ducas-Mowchun et al., 2019; De
Silva et al., 2020) in type strains but also with some success in
Non-antibiotic Markers clinical isolates such as AB030 and AB031. sacB is by far the
Non-antibiotic markers are beneficial because resistance is less most commonly used counter-selection marker. It has recently
readily acquired as these are typically absent from mobile genetic been shown useful in curing of CRISPR based plasmids after
elements. Amin et al. (2013) and Luna et al. (2017) made gene editing in ABH6 and XH386 (Wang Y. et al., 2019).
use of the tellurite resistance cassette and the xylE reporter Efficiency of this system can vary from strain to strain and
gene to select for gene deletions in MDR isolates DB, R2, and thus standardizing the growth conditions may be required.
HUMC1, respectively (Supplementary Table 2). Tellurite oxides These include optimizing the sucrose concentration, incubation
are thought to cause damage to cells via oxidative stress and temperature, and/or the growth medium.
therefore exhibit activity in a wide range of bacterial species However, it has been observed that sacB can result in
and cells expressing TelR -marker also show black pigmentation toxicity and thus select for mutations in sacB resulting in
in Tel-supplemented medium which can further aid in the the maintenance of the vector in cells under counter-selection
selection (Sanchez-Romero et al., 1998). The pABBR-TelR conditions (Trebosc et al., 2016). As a result, tdk and its cognate
(Supplementary Table 3) construct was modified for use in small molecule inhibitor AZT (Table 2) has been used as an
clinical isolates to study the role of alleles of pmrAB in clinical alternate counterselection marker (Trebosc et al., 2016). In
colistin heteroresistance (Charretier et al., 2018). In conjunction E. coli, the gene tdk encodes a thymidine kinase which is a key
with the TelR gene, tpm (Trebosc et al., 2016), or the kilA- enzyme in the phosphorylation of thymine during nucleotide
telAB operon (Amin et al., 2013), the xylE reporter gene can synthesis. With the introduction of the thymidine analog AZT,
be used to visualize color change in a colony to signify those Tdk incorporates this dideoxynucleotide during DNA replication
with successful first cross-over events. The xylE gene product forcing chain termination, a lethal event. This counter-selection
is a dioxygenase that hydrolyzes pyrocatechol to produce a marker has been shown be quite effective and does not appear to
yellow color, visible unaided, allowing for simple segregation of select for mutations in tdk (Trebosc et al., 2016, 2019).
desired mutants (Ingram et al., 1989). Gene deletion in clinical
isolates from Switzerland, United States, Turkey, Greece, Mexico, Counter-Selection With lpxC
Spain and China using these selection markers was successful Lee et al. (2018), introduce a variation on the previous counter-
(Trebosc et al., 2016, 2019). selection practices. It is known that the mechanism for colistin

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resistance results from loss of lipid A (Moffatt et al., 2010), and the yeast Pichia pastoris (Yang et al., 2009). Since the nisin
modification of LOS (Beceiro et al., 2011) or mutations in the inducible promoter’s efficacy in Gram-negatives has also yet
two-component system pmrAB (Charretier et al., 2018). Linking to be determined, the utility of this system in A. baumannii
the gain of lipid A with restored colistin susceptibility, lpxC remains to be seen.
was cloned into a suicide vector (Supplementary Table 2).
Generating a 1lpxC mutant strain allowed for loss of colistin pheS Variant
susceptibility and therefore a method for counter-selection. In In Gram-positives, a common counter-selection marker is pheS∗ .
order to maintain survival on colistin the mutant strain cures Encoding for a variant of the subunit of the phenylalanine
the vector after homologous recombination occurs with the gene tRNA transferase, this allows for the loading of para-
of interest. However, the major limitation of the method is chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) instead of only phenylalanine
that it can only function in the 1lpxC background, limiting onto the tRNAPhe (Ibba et al., 1994). In the presence of PCPA,
the widespread application of this marker. Colistin, being the this results in misfolding of proteins and eventually cell death.
last resort antibiotic for A. baumannii infections, is also not an Successful counter-selection has been achieved in Gram-positives
ideal antibiotic to be used for selection in laboratory conditions. such as Streptococcus mutans (Xie et al., 2011) and Enterococcus
Although creative, this method may not be of much use for faecalis (Van Zyl et al., 2019), more recently in Staphylococcus
manipulating clinical isolates of A. baumannii. aureus (Schuster et al., 2019) and Gram-negative organisms such
as Burkholderia pseudomallei (Barrett et al., 2008). Currently
pheS∗ has not been manipulated for use in A. baumannii nor
OTHER COMMON P. aeruginosa but considering its success in B. pseudomallei,
COUNTER-SELECTION SYSTEMS could be an addition to the arsenal of counter-selection markers
for Acinetobacter spp. A “super lethal” PheS in E. coli has been
Since there are only a limited number of counter-selection established (Miyazaki, 2015) which may also lend itself for use
markers that have been used in A. baumannii, it is worthwhile in A. baumannii. However, the utility of PheS in A. baumannii
investigating other options. A variety of counter-selection remains to be explored.
markers have been engineered for use in other bacterial species,
described below in brief. Some of these counter-selection markers
may be useful in A. baumannii. DISCUSSION
rpsL and tetAR Considering the evolution of A. baumannii as a major Gram-
rpsL encodes the ribosomal subunit S12, which is the target negative pathogen of concern in hospitals around the world, it is
of the antibiotic streptomycin. Presence of this gene increases critical that research stay current and cutting edge. To evaluate
the susceptibility of those cells to streptomycin and selective emerging clinical isolates, it is vital to develop and maintain
pressure ensure loss of the vector containing rpsL and success methods for their genetic manipulation. Such methods allow
has been seen in E. coli, Bortedella pertussis, Mycobacterium for investigation into mechanisms of virulence and resistance,
smegmatis (Reyrat et al., 1998) and recently in Corynebacterium allowing for further improvements to current treatment options.
glutamicium (Wang T. et al., 2019) and Borrelia burgdorferi As the majority of the work in A. baumannii has been carried
(Drecktrah et al., 2010). Constant use of this marker selects out in the laboratory strains ATCC 17978TM and ATCC 19606T ,

for streptomycin resistant mutants which if used as a selection applying this knowledge and these techniques to more recently
marker would be a detriment but further, its use in A. baumannii isolated clinical strains is important. It has also been noted that
is plausible as clinical strains tend to be intrinsically resistant these strains may not represent the characteristics that they once
to streptomycin (Magnet et al., 2001). Similarly, the use of had or those strains in the current clinical environment. This
tetAR, confers resistance to tetracycline but vulnerability to is in part because they lack the MDR/XDR and highly virulent
fusaric acid. However, these methods can unfortunately select for phenotypes common among current clinical isolates but also have
tetracycline resistant mutants (Reyrat et al., 1998). With the MDR evolved a distinct resistance profile from their origin (Harding
phenotypes of clinical isolates, antibiotic based counter-selection et al., 2018). This has resulted in research groups using modern
markers present challenges in manipulations of clinically relevant clinical strains as type-strains for their studies. One such example
A. baumannii. is AB5075 (Supplementary Table 1). It is a MDR strain, that was
first isolated from the United States military health care system,
mazF and has been selected as a representative of clonal complex I as
Recently, the toxin component of a toxin-anti-toxin system from well for its increased virulence in a murine model (Jacobs et al.,
E. coli was used as counter-selection in the Lactic Acid Bacteria 2014). It is sensitive to hygromycin and tetracycline allowing for
(LAB), Lactobacillus plantarum and Enterococcus mundtii (Van genetic manipulations with these antibiotic selectable markers
Zyl et al., 2019). Expression of mazF results in cell death by the and has been genetically modified extensively to study a
cleavage of mRNA at ACA sites. Cloned with the nisin inducible multitude of mechanisms encompassing resistance, virulence and
promoter, this counter-selectable marker is under tight regulatory global regulation of cellular processes. In addition, this strain
control to prevent leaky expression and undesired lethality. exhibits phase variation that has been attributed to virulence
Genetic manipulation using mazF has been demonstrated in (Chin et al., 2018) and this phenomenon is being investigated
B. subtilis (Zhang et al., 2006), Clostridia spp. (Joseph et al., 2018), in other isolates (Ahmad et al., 2019). Depending on the phase,

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Sykes et al. Genetic Tools for A. baumannii

phenotypic characteristics such as biofilm formation, antibiotic (Wang Y. et al., 2019). CRISPR provides high specificity and
susceptibility, motility, and virulence differ suggesting that great allows for base editing and gene deletion in clinical isolates.
care must be taken when working with this strain and others Although it is relatively new and has only been demonstrated in
(Tipton et al., 2015). two strains of different ST’s, it is a promising tool whose use can
In Europe, much work has been done on AYE (International be expanded to include many clinical isolates.
Clone I) and ACICU (International Clone II, also known as Challenges with counter-selection remain at bay to date but
European Clone II). AYE, a MDR strain endemic to France should be explored to enhance future genetic techniques. Sucrose
(Fournier et al., 2006) is susceptible to non-clinical antibiotics and AZT remain the gold standards in clinical isolates, but
such as apramycin and has been manipulated successfully since toxicity associated with sacB has already been noted (Trebosc
its isolation in 2006 (Lucidi et al., 2018, 2019). Comparisons et al., 2016). Promising lethal gene-cognate small molecule pairs
of deletions of adeRS and adeB have been made with strain have been identified in other species such as pheS∗ /PCPA and
AYE and S1 with differences in virulence, biofilm formation induction of mazF. Active investigation into these counter-
and antibiotic susceptibility (Richmond et al., 2016). The Italian selection markers allows for an increase in quantity of systems
isolate ACICU, also a MDR strain, has been studied extensively to choose from. It also provides options for use in novel
(Iacono et al., 2008) and has been used as a comparator for A. baumannii strains.
novel mutations in colistin resistance (Gerson et al., 2020) and There have been significant efforts made to advance the
as a reference for genomic assemblies (Yang-Yi Tan et al., 2013; ability to genetically manipulate A. baumannii, specifically
Hamidian et al., 2019). clinical isolates. These advancements significantly help in
Additionally, AB030 and AB031 are clinical isolates from the understanding of the current disease conditions better
Canada representing highly virulent strains with contrasting and further the ability to develop treatment options for
resistance phenotypes. AB030 is highly virulent and XDR, such infections.
whereas AB031 is highly virulent but less drug-resistant than
AB030 (Fernando et al., 2013; Singh et al., 2020). Use of
clinically relevant selection markers are critical in AB030 such AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
as apramycin, hygromycin and zeocin whereas these are not
required in AB031 as this strain is susceptible to classical markers EMES, SD, and AK conceptualized and wrote the manuscript.
such as gentamicin. This pair allow for the comparison of those All authors contributed to the article and approved the
systems that may contribute to resistance and virulence. AbCAN2 submitted version.
is also Canadian in origin and the T6SS has been heavily studied
in this isolate (Di Venanzio et al., 2019; Lopez et al., 2020).
In A. baumannii research, it is imperative to be aware FUNDING
of distinctions between strains. Many comparisons have been
performed on a wide selection of isolates revealing genomic This work was funded by grants from the Natural Sciences and
and phenotypic differences in antibiotic resistance capabilities, Engineering Council of Canada and University of Manitoba
virulence factors as well as clonal lineages (Fournier et al., 2006; (2015-05550) to AK. EMES was a recipient of the University of
Fernando et al., 2013; Casella et al., 2017; Cerezales et al., 2020; Manitoba Graduate Fellowship Award. SD was funded by the
Liu et al., 2020; Singh et al., 2020). To aid in research efforts, fellowship from Mitacs, Canada.
the Multi-drug organism Repository and Surveillance Network
(MRSN) has accumulated 3,500 A. baumannii isolates from
around the world and have short-listed 100 strains that represent ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the genetic diversity and maximal phylogenetic distance (Galac
et al., 2020). Significant effort must be dedicated to the study of We thank Sydney McLaughlin for technical assistance and
the diverse nature of this pathogen. No matter the strain being Rakesh Patidar and Vanessa Kornelsen for scientific and thought-
studied, whether it be ATCC 17978TM , ATCC 19606T or a more
provoking discussions.
recent isolate, these variations must be carefully considered when
comparing results.
The advancement of techniques for use in clinical strains has SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
been aided by the use of non-clinical and non-antibiotic selection
markers, both in deletion and complementation methods. Recent The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
progress with the introduction of an A. baumannii adapted online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fgene.
CRISPR-Cas system to edit and delete genes holds great promise 2020.601380/full#supplementary-material

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