Spellings by Neetru Singh
Spellings by Neetru Singh
Spellings by Neetru Singh
Introduction 2
English एक 'unphonetic' भाषा है । इस वजह से हम� बचपन से ह� spelling रटाया जाता है एवं
dictation के नाम से पर Regular Tests स्कू म� कराये जाते ह�। spellings याद करना जरूर है परन्त
कुछ �नयम से हम� कई spellings स्वत बनाना या याद रखना आसान हो जाता है ।
If ‘y’ comes after a consonant, we need to change ‘y’ into ‘i’ before adding
‘es’, ‘ed’ or ‘er’. This rule is applicable to ‘verb’, ‘noun’ and ‘adjective’.
अगर ‘y’ का प्रय consonant के बाद हो तो es, ed, er 'y' का प�रवतर् 'i' म� �कया जाता है । ये
�नयम verb, noun एवं adjective म� प्रयु होता है ।
Cry(Verb) cried (V2, V3) Country (Noun) countries (Pl. Noun)
Fry(Verb) fried (V2, V3) Happy (Adj) happily (Adverb)
ie ei ie ei
achieve ceiling belief(N) (�वश्वा) conceit(N) (घमंड)
believe (V) (�वश्वा करना) receive chief deceit(N) (धोखा)
thief perceive grief(N) (तकल�फ/ द ुःख) receipt
grieve(V) (मातम मनाना) conceive
Science, efficient, their, beige, foreign, height, neighbour, vein, weight do not
follow this rule because here the pronunciation is not ‘ee’.
science, efficient, their, beige, foreign, height, neighbour, vein, weight म� ये
�नयम लागू नह�ं होता है क्य�� यहाँ शब् के उच्चार म� 'ee' नह�ं है ।
Exceptions / अपवाद
The verbs that end in 'ie' take ‘ing’ only when ‘ie’ changes into ‘y’.
िजन शब्द म� 'ie' अंत म� आता है उनम� 'ing' लगाने से पहले 'ie' को 'y' म� प�रव�तर् �कया जाता है ।
Those words that end in silent 'e ' take suffix starting with a vowel only after
the ‘e’ is removed.
िजन शब्द के अंत म� silent 'e' आता है उन म� suffix लगाने से पहले 'e' हटा �दया जाता है ।
Examples / उदाहरण live + ing → living
hope + ing → hoping
move + ing/ed → moving, moved
drive + ing/er → driving, driver
become + ing → becoming
Shape + ing → Shaping
Argue + ment → argument
Nine + th → ninth
See the following words. Here ‘e’ changes into ‘i’ and then suffix ‘ous’ is added.
�नम्न�ल�ख शब्द को दे ख�। यहाँ 'e', 'i' म� प�रव�तर् होता है तब suffix 'ous' लगाया जाता है ।
Examples / उदाहरण
The words that end in a short vowel and a consonant take a suffix starting with
a vowel only after the last consonant is doubled.
जो शब् एक short vowel + एक consonant म� खत् हो तो vowel से शुर होने वाले suffix जोड़ने से
पहले अं�तम consonant को double �कया जाता है ।
Examples / उदाहरण beg + ed begged
run + ing running
rob + er robber
sad + er/est sadder, saddest
fit + er/est fitter, fittest
begin + ing beginning
occur + ed occurring
kidnap + er kidnapper
Exceptions / अपवाद
When a suffix starting with a consonant is added, this rule is not applicable.
जब consonant से शुर होने वाले suffix को जोड़ा जाता है तो इस �नयम का प्रय नह�ं होता।
bag + ed
bagged (‘g’ doubled)
bag + ful
bagful (‘g’ not doubled)
Examples / उदाहरण
Heat + ing → Heating
Beat + en → Beaten
• Some words take double ‘uu’. / कुछ अंग्रे के शब्द म� दो 'uu' एक साथ आते ह�।
Examples / उदाहरण
Many spellings of British English are different from American English. We must
use spellings as per British English.
British English म� कई spellings American English से अलग होते है । ऐसे म� हम� British
English के अनुसार Spelling का प्रय करना चा�हए क्य�� भारत म� हमने English British से �सखा
है । ऐसे कुछ उदाहरण नीचे �दए गए ह�।
Examples / उदाहरण
U.K. U.S.
Meagre Meager
Colour Color
Favour Favor
Foetus Fetus
Organisation Organization
Mileage Milage
It two words ending in double ‘l’ and joined, one ‘l’ is dropped.
अगर दो शब् ‘ll’ पर खत् ह� और दोन� को जोड़ना हो, तो दोन� शब्द म� से एक-एक ‘l’ हट जाएगा।
(UK) (US)
Examples / उदाहरण
Will + full → wilful / willful
Full + fill → fulfil / fulfill
If All, well, till, still come as ‘prefix’ or ‘suffix’ then one ‘l’ will be removed.
अगर All, well, till, still → 'prefix' और 'suffix' म� आए तो एक 'l' हट जाएगा।
(UK) (US)
Examples / उदाहरण All+together → Altogether
All+most → Almost In+still → Instil/ Instill
Un+till → Until Dis+till → Distil/ distill
It ‘ness’ is added to a word ending in ‘n’ then both ‘n’ remain in the word.
अगर ‘ness’ �कसी ऐसे शब् के साथ जोड़ा जाए तो खुद ‘n’ पर खत् हो, तो दोन� ‘n’ रह जाते ह�।
Examples / उदाहरण
Keen → keenness
Mean → meanness
Look at the following words. They end in ‘c’ and if they are to take a ‘suffix’,
then change ‘c’ into ‘ck’.
�नम्न�ल�ख शब्द को दे ख�। ये ‘c’ पर खत् होते ह� और अगर इनम� suffix लगाना हो, तो 'c', 'ck' म�
प�रव�तर् हो जाता है ।
• 'h' is silent in Daughter, draught (a game, a few of cold air that comes in
the room), sight (दृिष), right, bright, height, honour, hour,
honest, rhythm (लय), honorary (without salary), exhaust
(ख़त् करना / थका दे ना), haemorrhage
• 'l' is silent in Balm, palm (हथेल�), talk, walk, alms (दान), chalk, calm (शांत)
• 'k' is silent in Knife, know, knee, knight (a person given a title
or honour by a king)
• 'n' is silent in Solemn (serious), autumn, hymn (मंत), column
• 't' is silent in Whistle (�सट� बजाना), fasten (बांधना), hasten (हड़बड़ाना), often,
hustle and bustle (a large amount of activity in noisy
surroundings), debut (first performance), depot (a place
where a large number of vehicles are kept)
See how spellings change even when the words are of same origin.
�नम्न�ल�ख शब्द को दे ख�। एक ह� root से बने शब्द के spellings भी अलग-अलग हो सकते ह�।
Enemy → enmity
Maintain → Maintenance
Repeat → Repetition
Dexterous → Ambidextrous
Odour → Malodorous
Continue → Continuous
Humour → Humorous
Note/ नोटः
‘c’ never comes in place of ‘s’ in the words given
below. / नीचे �दए गये शब्द म� ‘s’ के जगह ‘c’ कभी ना लगाये।
Directions : In questions given below, groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is
correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the Answer-Sheet.
Directions : In questions given below, groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is
correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the Answer-Sheet.
Directions : In Questions given below, four word are given in each question, out of which only one
word is wrongly spelt. Find the word and indicate it in the Answer Sheet by blackening the
appropriate rectangle.
1. (A) Poignant (B) Relevent (C) Prevalent (D) Malignant
2. (A) Seize (B) Achieve (C) Wierd (D) Leisure
3. (A) Repent (B) Serpent (C) Flagrent (D) Reverent
4. (A) Dining (B) Shining (C) Determining (D) Begining
5. (A) Vendetta (B) Verisimilitude (C) Vicarious (D) Vociferate
6. (A) Embankment (B) Deliberately (C) Preceding (D) Proleferous
7. (A) Inexplicable (B) Inevitable (C) Inextinguishable (D) Inexpressable
8. (A) Representation (B) Verification (C) Amplification (D) Liberalisetion
9. (A) Reference (B) Preference (C) Difference (D) Performence
10. (A) Agreebly (B) Cruelly (C) Doubtfully (D) Fatally
11. (A) Nomenclature (B) Non–interference (C) Nonchalant (D) Commisioned
12. (A) Insolvency (B) Legitimacy (C) Hypocrisy (D) Idiosyncracy
13. (A) Anniversary (B) Bureaucracy (C) Heresy (D) Secresy
Exercise –2 (Wrongly Spelt) 49
Directions : In Questions given below, four word are given in each question, out of which only one
word is wrongly spelt. Find the word and indicate it in the Answer Sheet by blackening the
appropriate rectangle.