Spellings by Neetru Singh

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Introduction 2

English is an 'unphonetic' language. Owing to this, we are made to learn

spellings in our childhood and regular dictations are conducted is schools. We
have to learn spellings but there are certain rules that help us remember or
form the spellings easily.

English एक 'unphonetic' भाषा है । इस वजह से हम� बचपन से ह� spelling रटाया जाता है एवं
dictation के नाम से पर Regular Tests स्कू म� कराये जाते ह�। spellings याद करना जरूर है परन्त
कुछ �नयम से हम� कई spellings स्वत बनाना या याद रखना आसान हो जाता है ।

Rule / �नयम (1)

If ‘y’ comes after a consonant, we need to change ‘y’ into ‘i’ before adding
‘es’, ‘ed’ or ‘er’. This rule is applicable to ‘verb’, ‘noun’ and ‘adjective’.
अगर ‘y’ का प्रय consonant के बाद हो तो es, ed, er 'y' का प�रवतर् 'i' म� �कया जाता है । ये
�नयम verb, noun एवं adjective म� प्रयु होता है ।
Cry(Verb) cried (V2, V3) Country (Noun) countries (Pl. Noun)
Fry(Verb) fried (V2, V3) Happy (Adj) happily (Adverb)

Dry(Verb) dried (V2, V3) Marry + age Marriage

Carry + ed Carried
Dry(Adj.) drier, driest
City(Noun) cities (Pl. Noun)

Rule / �नयम (2)

If ‘y’ comes after a vowel ‘y’ is not changed into ‘i’.

अगर ‘y’ का प्रय vowel के बाद हो तो ‘y’ को ‘i’ म� प�रव�तर् नह�ं �कया जाता है ।
Boy (Noun) Boys (Pl. Noun) Exceptions / अपवाद
Pray (Verb) Prayed (V2, V3)
Pay (verb) Paid (V2, V3)
Grey (Adj.) Greyer, Greyest Say (verb) Said (V2, V3)
Lay (verb) Laid (V2, V3)

Rule / �नयम (3)

A famous saying is 'i ' before 'e' except 'c'. This means 'i' comes before 'e ' but
this rule is not applicable when they come after ‘c’. ‘e’ is not followed by i,e. ‘C’
is followed by (e,i.) This rule is applicable only when the pronunciation of ‘ie’
and ‘ei’ is ‘ee’ as in jeep.
एक प्रच� वाक् है 'i ' before 'e' except 'c' या�न 'i' का प्रय 'e' के पहले होता है पर ये �नयम तब
लागू नह�ं होता जब 'c' के बाद इनका प्रय हो। या�न 'c' के बाद 'ie' नह�ं बिल् 'ei' का प्रय होता है । परन्त
इस �नयम का प्रय तभी होता जब 'ie' या 'ei' का उच्चार 'ee' हो जैसे 'jeep' म� होता है ।
Examples / उदाहरण

ie ei ie ei
achieve ceiling belief(N) (�वश्वा) conceit(N) (घमंड)
believe (V) (�वश्वा करना) receive chief deceit(N) (धोखा)
thief perceive grief(N) (तकल�फ/ द ुःख) receipt
grieve(V) (मातम मनाना) conceive

Rule / �नयम (3)

Science, efficient, their, beige, foreign, height, neighbour, vein, weight do not
follow this rule because here the pronunciation is not ‘ee’.
science, efficient, their, beige, foreign, height, neighbour, vein, weight म� ये
�नयम लागू नह�ं होता है क्य�� यहाँ शब् के उच्चार म� 'ee' नह�ं है ।
Exceptions / अपवाद

In the following words the rule is not applicable though the

pronunciation is ‘ee’. / नीचे �दए गए शब्द म� 'ee' के उच्चार के बावजद
ू �नयम
लागू नह�ं होता।

Seize (जब् करना) Protein (प्रोट)

Surfeit (अ�त) Plebeian (आम जनता)
Counterfeit (जाल�, नकल�)

Rule / �नयम (4)

The verbs that end in 'ie' take ‘ing’ only when ‘ie’ changes into ‘y’.
िजन शब्द म� 'ie' अंत म� आता है उनम� 'ing' लगाने से पहले 'ie' को 'y' म� प�रव�तर् �कया जाता है ।

die (verb) dying

tie (verb) tying
lie (verb) lying
Vie (verb) vying
(प्र�तस्प करना )

Rule / �नयम (5)

Those words that end in silent 'e ' take suffix starting with a vowel only after
the ‘e’ is removed.
िजन शब्द के अंत म� silent 'e' आता है उन म� suffix लगाने से पहले 'e' हटा �दया जाता है ।
Examples / उदाहरण live + ing → living
hope + ing → hoping
move + ing/ed → moving, moved
drive + ing/er → driving, driver
become + ing → becoming
Shape + ing → Shaping
Argue + ment → argument
Nine + th → ninth

Examples / उदाहरण Note + able → notable

Advise + able → advisable
Imagine + ary → imaginary
Desire + ous → desirous
Value + able → valuable
Age + ing → aging
True + ly → truly
Sensible + ly → sensibly
Forcible + ly → forcibly
Gentle + ly → gently
Subtle + ly → subtly
Rove + ing → roving

Examples / उदाहरण Fame + ous → famous

Pore (छे द) + ous → porous
Value + able → valuable
Stone + y → stony
Noise + y → noisy
Whole + ly → wholly
Taste + y → tasty
Ice + y → Icy
Awe + full → Awful (बहुत गन्द)

Exceptions / अपवाद Hope + full/less → Hopeful/ hopeless

Awe + some → Awesome
Acknowledge + ment → Acknowledgement
Judge + ment → Judgement
Home + less → Homeless
Manage + able → Manageable
Charge + able → Chargeable
Courage + ous → Courageous

Rule / �नयम (6)

See the following words. Here ‘e’ changes into ‘i’ and then suffix ‘ous’ is added.
�नम्न�ल�ख शब्द को दे ख�। यहाँ 'e', 'i' म� प�रव�तर् होता है तब suffix 'ous' लगाया जाता है ।
Examples / उदाहरण

Space + ous = spacious

Vice + ous = vicious (बरु ाई से भरा हुआ)
Malice + ous = Malicious
(इच्छ �क दस
ु रो का बरु ा हो)
Grace + ous = Gracious (दयालु)

Rule / �नयम (7)

The words that end in a short vowel and a consonant take a suffix starting with
a vowel only after the last consonant is doubled.
जो शब् एक short vowel + एक consonant म� खत् हो तो vowel से शुर होने वाले suffix जोड़ने से
पहले अं�तम consonant को double �कया जाता है ।
Examples / उदाहरण beg + ed begged
run + ing running
rob + er robber
sad + er/est sadder, saddest
fit + er/est fitter, fittest
begin + ing beginning
occur + ed occurring
kidnap + er kidnapper

Exceptions / अपवाद

When a suffix starting with a consonant is added, this rule is not applicable.
जब consonant से शुर होने वाले suffix को जोड़ा जाता है तो इस �नयम का प्रय नह�ं होता।

bag + ed

bagged (‘g’ doubled)

bag + ful
 bagful (‘g’ not doubled)

If Consonant is preceded by a long vowel, the Consonant is doubled.

अगर Consonant के पहले long vowel आए तो Consonant double नह�ं होगा।

Examples / उदाहरण
Heat + ing → Heating
Beat + en → Beaten

Rule / �नयम (8)

When suffix 'full' is added to a word, an ‘l’ is removed.

अगर suffix 'full' को �कसी शब् से जोड़ा जाता है तो 'full' से एक ‘l’ हट जाता है ।
(UK) (US)
Examples / उदाहरण Skill + full → skilful / skillful
Hand + full → handful
Mouth + full → mouthful
Spoon + full → spoonful
Beauty + full → Beautiful

Rule / �नयम (9)

'q' is followed by 'u' for all words of English language.

अंग्रे के शब्द म� 'q' के बाद 'u' का प्रय होता है । ये �नयम अंग्रे के सभी शब्द म� प्रयु होता है ।
queue, quiz, queen, tranquil(A), quest(N), quarrel

Quiet and long search

peaceful (शांत) (लम्बी खो)

• Some words take double ‘uu’. / कुछ अंग्रे के शब्द म� दो 'uu' एक साथ आते ह�।
Examples / उदाहरण

Vacuum (N) — space that is completely empty

Continuum(N) — a continuous series of things
Residuum (N) — the remaining part (word used in Chemistry)

Rule / �नयम (10)

Many spellings of British English are different from American English. We must
use spellings as per British English.
British English म� कई spellings American English से अलग होते है । ऐसे म� हम� British
English के अनुसार Spelling का प्रय करना चा�हए क्य�� भारत म� हमने English British से �सखा
है । ऐसे कुछ उदाहरण नीचे �दए गए ह�।

Examples / उदाहरण
U.K. U.S.
Meagre Meager
Colour Color
Favour Favor
Foetus Fetus
Organisation Organization
Mileage Milage

Rule / �नयम (11)

It two words ending in double ‘l’ and joined, one ‘l’ is dropped.
अगर दो शब् ‘ll’ पर खत् ह� और दोन� को जोड़ना हो, तो दोन� शब्द म� से एक-एक ‘l’ हट जाएगा।

(UK) (US)
Examples / उदाहरण
Will + full → wilful / willful
Full + fill → fulfil / fulfill

Rule / �नयम (12)

If All, well, till, still come as ‘prefix’ or ‘suffix’ then one ‘l’ will be removed.
अगर All, well, till, still → 'prefix' और 'suffix' म� आए तो एक 'l' हट जाएगा।
(UK) (US)
Examples / उदाहरण All+together → Altogether
All+most → Almost In+still → Instil/ Instill
Un+till → Until Dis+till → Distil/ distill

To make a liquid stronger or purer (A

Exceptions / अपवाद Chemical process distillation)

Wellbeing (अच्छ, स्वस हालत)

Farewell (�वदाई)

Rule / �नयम (13)

It ‘ness’ is added to a word ending in ‘n’ then both ‘n’ remain in the word.
अगर ‘ness’ �कसी ऐसे शब् के साथ जोड़ा जाए तो खुद ‘n’ पर खत् हो, तो दोन� ‘n’ रह जाते ह�।

Examples / उदाहरण
Keen → keenness

Clean + ness → cleanness or cleanliness

Mean → meanness

Rule / �नयम (14)

Look at the following words. They end in ‘c’ and if they are to take a ‘suffix’,
then change ‘c’ into ‘ck’.
�नम्न�ल�ख शब्द को दे ख�। ये ‘c’ पर खत् होते ह� और अगर इनम� suffix लगाना हो, तो 'c', 'ck' म�
प�रव�तर् हो जाता है ।

Examples / उदाहरण Panic + ed → panicked

Traffic + ing → trafficking
Picnic + er → picnicker

• 'h' is silent in Daughter, draught (a game, a few of cold air that comes in
the room), sight (दृिष), right, bright, height, honour, hour,
honest, rhythm (लय), honorary (without salary), exhaust
(ख़त् करना / थका दे ना), haemorrhage
• 'l' is silent in Balm, palm (हथेल�), talk, walk, alms (दान), chalk, calm (शांत)
• 'k' is silent in Knife, know, knee, knight (a person given a title
or honour by a king)
• 'n' is silent in Solemn (serious), autumn, hymn (मंत), column

• 't' is silent in Whistle (�सट� बजाना), fasten (बांधना), hasten (हड़बड़ाना), often,
hustle and bustle (a large amount of activity in noisy
surroundings), debut (first performance), depot (a place
where a large number of vehicles are kept)

• 'd' is silent in Adjective, adjourn (to postpone), grudge (unfriendly feeling)

• 'w' is silent in Write, wrath (great anger), wring (�नचोड़ना), wrong,

wrap (लपेटना)

• 'b' is silent in Subtle (not very noticeable), debt (कजर), debtor,


• 'r' is silent in Summer, winter, mother, father, sister, brother

• 'g' is silent in Malign (harmful), benign (kind), assign, sign, campaign


See how spellings change even when the words are of same origin.

�नम्न�ल�ख शब्द को दे ख�। एक ह� root से बने शब्द के spellings भी अलग-अलग हो सकते ह�।

Enemy → enmity
Maintain → Maintenance
Repeat → Repetition
Dexterous → Ambidextrous
Odour → Malodorous
Continue → Continuous
Humour → Humorous

See the difference /अं त र दे खे Tomb → कब

Tome → �कताब
Epitome → perfect example

Note/ नोटः
‘c’ never comes in place of ‘s’ in the words given
below. / नीचे �दए गये शब्द म� ‘s’ के जगह ‘c’ कभी ना लगाये।

Supersede, Idiosyncrasy, Abstruse


See the difference /अं त र दे खे Condemn → deplore/ criticize

Commend → Praise
Comment → Applaud, laud, extol

• Colonel does not take ‘r’ • Superintendent – Super+in+ten+dent

कनर् म� ‘r’ नह�ं होता – Colonel सुप�रट� ड�ट – Super+in+ten+dent

• Lieutenant does not take ‘f’ • Etiquette

ले�फ्रटन म� ‘f’ नह�ं होता – Lieutenant ए�टकेट – Etiquette

• Cigar + rette – Cigarette • Omelette

�सगरे ट – Cigar + rette – Cigarette ऑमलेट – Omelette

See carefully:– Tuition, Omniscient, Occasion, Millionaire, Liaison, Queue. ‘i’

comes after ‘u’ in Tuition. ‘c’ is in Omniscient. Occasion does not take ‘ss’.
Millionaire takes 'aire' not 'er' and Liaison takes ‘i’ after and before ‘a’.
Tuition, Omniscient, Occasion, Millionaire, Liaison, Queue को ध्या से दे ख�।
Tuition म� 'u' के बाद 'i' है । Omniscient म� 'c' है । Occasion म� 'ss' नह�ं होता। Millionaire
म� 'naire' होता है ना �क 'er' एवं Liaison म� 'a' के बाद 'i' आता है ।
Commonly Misspelt Words 28

Assassination, Calendar, Cemetery, Chauffeur, Committee, Ecstasy, Four,

Forty, Nine, Ninth, Twelve, Twelfth, Harass, Fourth, Ninety, Forthcoming,
Champagne, Lollipop, Millennium, Occasion, Separate, Supersede, Plebiscite
Exercise –1 (Correctly Spelt) 29

Directions : In questions given below, groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is
correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the Answer-Sheet.

1. (A) Emancipation (B) Emancipasion (C) Emencipation (D) Emansipation

2. (A) Prejudice (B) Prejudise (C) Predjudice (D) Prejudis
3. (A) Surgeon (B) Surjon (C) Surgen (D) Surjun
4. (A) Potatos (B) Potatoes (C) Potatose (D) None of the above
5. (A) Ireversible (B) Irreversible (C) Irrevarsible (D) Irravarsible
6. (A) Independance (B) Independence (C) Independens (D) Indepandance
7. (A) Hypocrisy (B) Hypocresy (C) Hipocrisy (D) Hipocrecy
8. (A) Aeroplane (B) Airoplane (C) Aeroplain (D) Airoplain
9. (A) Loanly (B) Lonly (C) Loneli (D) Lonely
10. (A) Cerimony (B) Ceremoney (C) Ceremony (D) Cerimoney
Exercise –1 (Correctly Spelt) 30

11. (A) Deceive (B) Decieve (C) Diceive (D) Dicieve

12. (A) Argumeant (B) Argument (C) Arguement (D) Argumant
13. (A) Toom (B) Tuom (C) Tumb (D) Tomb
14. (A) Perusal (B) Perusel (C) Perusil (D) Perucil
15. (A) Diversion (B) Divertion (C) Dieversion (D) Divartion
16. (A) Gestelt (B) Imbrolios (C) Ampasse (D) Recondite
17. (A) Hindrance (B) Corespondence (C) Insurence (D) Assurence
18. (A) adversery (B) adultary (C) Advisory (D) Arbitary
19. (A) Rogeu (B) Colleague (C) Diluge (D) Algea
20. (A) Malignant (B) Impertinant (C) Independant (D) Negligant
21. (A) Supercede (B) Superceed (C) Supersede (D) Superseed
22. (A) Abandant (B) Abendant (C) Abundent (D) Abundant
23. (A) Asassin (B) Assassin (C) Assasin (D) Assassen
24. (A) Foyere (B) Foayer (C) Foyer (D) Fouyer
25. (A) Seperately (B) Separately (C) Seperatley (D) Separatly
Exercise –1 (Correctly Spelt) 31

26. (A) Pidistrian (B) Pedistrian (C) Pedestrian (D) Pidestrian

27. (A) Budgetery (B) Bugetary (C) Budgetary (D) Budgetry
28. (A) Embarrassed (B) Embarassed (C) Embarrased (D) Embarased
29. (A) Occurence (B) Occurrence (C) Ocurence (D) Occurrance
30. (A) Livelihood (B) Livelyhood (C) Livlihood (D) Livelyhud
31. (A) Volumenous (B) Voluptous (C) Voceferous (D) Virtuous
32. (A) Lision (B) Benine (C) Aqueous (D) Bavine
33. (A) Prolifirate (B) Propitiate (C) Apropriate (D) Apreciate
34. (A) Fragrent (B) Fragmant (C) Flurocent (D) Flamboyant
35. (A) Mammal (B) Mammale (C) Mammath (D) Mambrane
36. (A) Collaborate (B) Comemorate (C) Colate (D) Choclate
37. (A) Circuiteous (B) Clairvoyant (C) Chivelery (D) Cavelcade
38. (A) Severety (B) Sovereignity (C) Superiorty (D) Serenity
39. (A) Cummulative (B) Comemmorative (C) Accummulative (D) Accommodative
40. (A) Benidiction (B) Besmerch (C) Beneficient (D) Benevolence
Exercise –1 (Correctly Spelt) 32

41. (A) Parapharnelia (B) Parsimonious (C) Peccadilo (D) Peadiatrics

42. (A) Measureable (B) Manageable (C) Marriagable (D) Manoevrable
43. (A) Tussel (B) Tunnle (C) Tumble (D) Trable
44. (A) Populus (B) Pompuous (C) Prelious (D) Presumptuous
45. (A) Impromptue (B) Illustrious (C) Illusery (D) Impetous
46. (A) Irelevant (B) Irrelavent (C) Irelevent (D) Irrelevant
47. (A) Seismic (B) Siesmic (C) Seissmic (D) Seismik
48. (A) Choas (B) Chaos (C) Chaaos (D) Chaoss
49. (A) Surreptitious (B) Surreptitous (C) Surreptetious (D) Sureptitious
50. (A) Stealthily (B) Stealthely (C) Steelthily (D) Stealthilly
51. (A) Acknowlege (B) Acknoledge (C) Aknowledge (D) Acknowledge
52. (A) Cirtificate (B) Certificate (C) Cirtifikate (D) Certeficate
53. (A) Mischievous (B) Mischievious (C) Mischeivous (D) Mischeivious
54. (A) Ordinannce (B) Ordinannce (C) Ordinance (D) Ordinnence
55. (A) Incidantally (B) Incidantelly (C) Incidentally (D) Incidentelly
Exercise –1 (Correctly Spelt) 33

56. (A) Mandatary (B) Circulatory (C) Temporery (D) Regulatary

57. (A) Convinience (B) Initative (C) Concesional (D) Exaggerate
58. (A) Diologue (B) Giraffe (C) Scissor (D) Humourous
59. (A) Asiduous (B) Nefarious (C) Macaber (D) Loqacious
60. (A) Cortage (B) Damege (C) Milege (D) Plumage
61. (A) Onvelope (B) Envelope (C) Envalope (D) Envelap
62. (A) Character (B) Charecter (C) Charactar (D) Chaerector
63. (A) Drunkeness (B) Drunkenness (C) Dunnkness (D) Drunkennes
64. (A) Surprise (B) Supprise (C) Suprise (D) Surprize
65. (A) Comitee (B) Commitee (C) Committie (D) Committee
66. (A) Secretariel (B) Secreterel (C) Secreterial (D) Secretarial
67. (A) Aquisition (B) Acquizition (C) Acquisition (D) Acquisision
68. (A) Vaccation (B) Vocation (C) Vecation (D) Vecasion
69. (A) Gaurd (B) Gard (C) Guard (D) Garad
70. (A) Coreigible (B) Coraegible (C) Correigible (D) Corrigible
Exercise –1 (Correctly Spelt) 34

71. (A) Aromatic (B) Aurobatic (C) Antartic (D) Altrustic

72. (A) Misoginist (B) Momentery (C) Monotheeism (D) Moratorium
73. (A) Assessment (B) Rudiement (C) Retrenchement (D) Bereavment
74. (A) Tinker (B) Plumeber (C) Despacher (D) Sailar
75. (A) Psychiotrist (B) Punctillious (C) Pursuanse (D) Pseudonym
76. (A) Precarius (B) Preceede (C) Premier (D) Preperation
77. (A) Corespondent (B) Commandent (C) Superintendent (D) Attendent
78. (A) Imaginery (B) Dictionary (C) Itinerery (D) Stationerry
79. (A) Pronounciation (B) Repercution (C) Rehabilitation (D) Tution
80. (A) Columen (B) Autumn (C) Condamm (D) Symptem
81. (A) Relinquish (B) Relenquish (C) Relinqeush (D) Relinquesh
82. (A) Ecspectation (B) Expactation (C) Expectation (D) Expectasion
83. (A) Assimilation (B) Asimillation (C) Assimillation (D) Assimmilation
84. (A) Lassivous (B) Lacivoius (C) Lascivious (D) Lasivious
85. (A) Enemyty (B) Enemity (C) Enmity (D) Enraety
Exercise –1 (Correctly Spelt) 35

86. (A) Occasion (B) Occation (C) Ocasion (D) Occassion

87. (A) Intermitent (B) Intermittant (C) Intermittent (D) Intermitant
88. (A) Acommodation (B) Accommodation (C) Accomodation (D) Acomodation
89. (A) Sovereignty (B) Soveriegnty (C) Sovereignity (D) Soveriegnity
90. (A) Greivance (B) Grievance (C) Griveance (D) Grieveance
91. (A) Enterpreneur (B) Entreprenure (C) Entrepreneur (D) Enterprenure
92. (A) Promiscuous (B) Promescuous (C) Promiscuos (D) Promiscous
93. (A) Onomatopoeia (B) Onomotopoei (C) Onomatopoia (D) Onamotipoei
94. (A) Bureacracy (B) Bereaucracy (C) Buereacracy (D) Bureaucracy
95. (A) Miliionair (B) Millionaire (C) Millionare (D) Millionair
96. (A) Rumble (B) Rumbble (C) Stummble (D) Jumbble
97. (A) Nigardlely (B) Niggardly (C) Nigerdly (D) Nigardly
98. (A) Grammatical (B) Gremmatical (C) Gramatical (D) Grematical
99. (A) Omitted (B) Ommitted (C) Ommited (D) Omited
100. (A) Priveiege (B) Familier (C) Usualy (D) Nuisance
Exercise –1 (Correctly Spelt) 36

101. (A) Fascimile (B) Facsimile (C) Facsimele (D) Facksimile

102. (A) Haemorrage (B) Hemorhage (C) Hemmorage (D) Haemorrhage
103. (A) Hoseire (B) Hosier (C) Hosair (D) Hasier
104. (A) Punctileous (B) Punctilious (C) Punktilious (D) Punctileus
105. (A) Clientele (B) Clientale (C) Cleintele (D) Clientelle
106. (A) Definitely (B) Definately (C) Definitley (D) Definitly
107. (A) Cemetary (B) Semetary (C) Cemetery (D) Cemetry
108. (A) Recesion (B) Reccesion (C) Reccession (D) Recession
109. (A) Desiccation (B) Dessication (C) Desiccasion (D) Deziccation
110. (A) Inconvenienced (B) Inconveniensed (C) Inconvineinced (D) Inconvenneinced
111. (A) Misdemenour (B) Manoeuvre (C) Begining (D) Chameloon
112. (A) Irrepairable (B) Irreparable (C) Irreparabel (D) Irepairable
113. (A) Superfluous (B) Superflous (C) Superfluos (D) Supperflous
114. (A) Capracious (B) Auspicious (C) Fallicious (D) Dalicious
115. (A) Inefable (B) Inaccesible (C) Infallible (D) Invinscible
Exercise –1 (Correctly Spelt) 37

116. (A) Concomitant (B) Concommitant (C) Concommittant (D) Concommitent

117. (A) Fluorescent (B) Floorescent (C) Floorascent (D) Flourascent
118. (A) Travelling (B) Remitance (C) Kidnaping (D) Equiteble
119. (A) Neccessary (B) Temparory (C) Itinerary (D) Sanguinery
120. (A) Tomorow (B) Tommorow (C) Tommorrow (D) Tomorrow
121. (A) Superintendent (B) Superentendent (C) Suprintendent (D) Supirentendent
122. (A) Symatry (B) Symmetry (C) Symetry (D) Symmitry
123. (A) Villain (B) Alleince (C) Pleintive (D) Sustein
124. (A) Commisioner (B) Commissioner (C) Comissioner (D) Commissionar
125. (A) Asassin (B) Assassin (C) Assasin (D) Assassen
126. (A) Magnificient (B) Magnifecent (C) Magnifiscient (D) Magnificent
127. (A) Eccumenikal (B) Ecumenical (C) Ecuemenicel (D) Ekumanical
128. (A) Aprentice (B) Advertise (C) Treatice (D) Sencitive
129. (A) Misile (B) Missile (C) Misille (D) Missiel
130. (A) Abandant (B) Abendent (C) Abundent (D) Abundant
Exercise –1 (Correctly Spelt) 38

131. (A) Beneficil (B) Beneficial (C) Benifical (D) Benificial

132. (A) Avericious (B) Avaricious (C) Avarisious (D) Averisious
133. (A) Internaly (B) Coldlly (C) Fortunetely (D) Uniquely
134. (A) Affectionately (B) Afectionately (C) Affectionnality (D) Affactionately
135. (A) Aprehension (B) Apprihension (C) Aprihension (D) Apprehension
136. (A) Acquisision (B) Acquisision (C) Aquisition (D) Acquisition
137. (A) Demanstrative (B) Attractive (C) Represantative (D) Adminestrative
138. (A) Monarchy (B) Discrapancy (C) Hieararchy (D) Anorchy
139. (A) Refference (B) Relliance (C) Occurence (D) Recurrence
140. (A) Descreptive (B) Recepttive (C) Coopperative (D) Competitive
141. (A) Veterinerian (B) Vaterinerian (C) Veterinarian (D) Vetarinerian
142. (A) Equilibrium (B) Equalibirium (C) Ecquilibrium (D) Equilibriam
143. (A) Meritime (B) Marrytime (C) Marytime (D) Maritime
144. (A) Degression (B) Digresion (C) Digrestion (D) Digression
145. (A) Presomptous (B) Presumpchous (C) Presumtous (D) Presumptuous
Exercise –1 (Correctly Spelt) 39

146. (A) Anathemaa (B) Anathima (C) Anathema (D) Annathema

147. (A) Quiant (B) Quaaint (C) Quaint (D) Qauint
148. (A) Effervescent (B) Efferescent (C) Effervesent (D) Efervescent
149. (A) Persuesive (B) Persuasieve (C) Pursuasive (D) Persuasive
150. (A) Ascendancy (B) Ascendensy (C) Asscendency (D) Ascenndency
151. (A) Holocaust (B) Holocast (C) Holocost (D) Halocaust
152. (A) Reverantial (B) Reverential (C) Revarential (D) Reverentiel
153. (A) Meteculous (B) Meticulous (C) Metikyulus (D) Meticulus
154. (A) Souvenir (B) Suvenire (C) Suvenir (D) Souviener
155. (A) Flabergast (B) Flabergust (C) Flabbergast (D) Fiabbergust
Exercise –1 (Answer) 40

Directions : In questions given below, groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is
correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the Answer-Sheet.

1. (A) emancipation 14. (A) perusal 18. (C) advisory

2. (A) prejudice 15. (A) diversion Correct spellings of
3. (A) surgeon 16. (D) recondite remaining words:
4. (B) potatoes Correct spellings of
(A) adversary
remaining words:
5. (B) irreversible (B) adultery
(A) gestalt
6. (B) independence (D) arbitrary
(B) imbroglios
7. (A) hypocrisy 19. (B) colleague
(C) impasse
8. (A) aeroplane 17. (A) hindrance Correct spellings of
9. (D) lonely Correct spellings of remaining words:
10. (C) ceremony remaining words: (A) rogue
11. (A) deceive (B) correspondence
(C) deluge
12. (B) Argument (C) insurance
(D) algae
13. (D) tomb (D) assurance
Exercise –1 (Answer) 41

20. (A) malignant 31. (D) Virtuous 38. (D) Serenity

Correct spellings of 32. (C) Aqueous Correct spellings of
33. (B) Propitiate remaining words:
remaining words:
34. (D) Flamboyant (A) Severity
(B) impertinent (B) Sovereignty
35. (A) Mammal
(C) independent (C) Superiority
36. (A) Collaborate
(D) negligent 39. (D) Accommodative
Correct spellings of Correct spellings of
21. (C) Supersede
remaining words: remaining words:
22. (D) Abundant (B) Commemorate (A) Cumulative
23. (B) Assassin (C) Collate (B) Commemorative
24. (C) Foyer (D) Chocolate (C) Accumulative
25. (B) Separately 37. (B) Clairvoyant 40. (D) Benevolence
26. (C) Pedestrian (A) Circuitous Correct spellings of
(C) Chivalry remaining words:
27. (C) Budgetary
(A) Benediction
28. (A) Embarrassed (D) Cavalcade
(B) Besmirch
29. (B) Occurrence (C) Beneficent
30. (A) Livelihood
Exercise –1 (Answer) 42

41. (B) Parsimonious 44. (D) Presumptuous 52. (B) Certificate

Correct spellings of Correct spellings of 53. (A) Mischievous
remaining words: remaining words:
54. (C) Ordinance
(A) Paraphernalia (A) Populous
55. (C) Incidentally
(C) Peccadillo (B) Pompous
(D) Pediatrics (C) Perilous 56. (B) Circulatory
42. (B) Manageable 45. (B) Illustrious Correct spellings of
Correct spellings of Correct spellings of remaining words:
remaining words: remaining words: (A) Mandatory
(A) Measurable (A) Impromptu (C) Temporary
(C) Marriageable (C) Illusory (D) Regulatory
(D) Maneuverable (D) Impetuous
57. (D) Exaggerate
43. (C) Tumble 46. (D) Irrelevant
Correct spellings of 47. (A) Seismic Correct spellings of
remaining words: 48. (B) Chaos remaining words:
(A) Tussle 49. (A) Surreptitious (A) Convenience
(B) Tunnel 50. (A) Stealthily (B) Initiative
(D) Treble 51. (D) Acknowledge (C) Concessional
Exercise –1 (Answer) 43

58. (B) Giraffe 61. (B) Envelope 72. (D) Moratorium

Correct spellings of 62. (A) Character (A) Misogynist
remaining words: 63. (B) Drunkenness (B) Momentary
(A) Dialogue 64. (A) Surprise (C) Monotheism
(C) Scissors
65. (D) Committee 73. (A) Assessment
(D) Humorous
66. (D) Secretarial Correct spellings of
59. (B) Nefarious
67. (C) Acquisition remaining words:
Correct spellings of
remaining words: 68. (B) Vocation
(B) Rudiment
(A) Assiduous 69. (C) Guard
(C) Retrenchment
(C) Macabre 70. (D) Corrigible
(D) Bereavement
(D) Loquacious 71. (A) Aromatic
74. (A) Tinker
60. (D) Plumage Correct spellings of
Correct spellings of Correct spellings of
remaining words:
remaining words: (B) Aerobatic remaining words:
(A) Cortege (C) Antarctic (B) Plumber
(B) Damage (D) Altruistic (C) Dispatcher
(C) Mileage (D) Sailor
Exercise –1 (Answer) 44

75. (D) Pseudonym 78. (B) Dictionary 81. (A) Relinquish

Correct spellings of Correct spellings of 82. (C) Expectation
remaining words: remaining words:
83. (A) Assimilation
(A) Psychiatrist (A) Imaginary
84. (C) Lascivious
(B) Punctilious (C) Itinerary
(C) Pursuance (D) Stationery 85. (C) Enmity
76. (C) Premier 79. (C) Rehabilitation 86. (A) Occasion
Correct spellings of Correct spellings of 87. (C) Intermittent
remaining words: remaining words: 88. (B) Accommodation
(A) Precarious (A) Pronunciation 89. (A) Sovereignty
(B) Precede (B) Repercussion 90. (B) Grievance
(C) Preparation (D) Tuition
91. (C) Entrepreneur
77. (C) Superintendent 80. (B) Autumn
Correct spellings of Correct spellings of 92. (A) Promiscuous
remaining words: remaining words: 93. (A) Onomatopoeia
(A) Correspondent (A) Column 94. (D) Bureaucracy
(B) Commandant (C) Condemn 95. (B) Millionaire
(D) Attendant (D) Symptom 96. (A) Rumble
Exercise –1 (Answer) 45

97. (B) Niggardly 110. (A) Inconvenienced 115. (C) Infallible

98. (A) Grammatical 111. (B) Manoeuvre Correct spellings of
99. (A) Omitted Correct spellings of
remaining words:
100. (D) Nuisance remaining words:
(A) Ineffable
Correct spellings of (A) Misdemeanour
remaining words: (C) Beginning (B) Inaccessible
(A) Privilege (D) Chameleon (D) Invincible
(B) Familiar 112. (B) Irreparable 116. (A) Concomitant
(C) Usually 113. (A) Superfluous 117. (A) Fluorescent
101. (B) Facsimile 114. (B) Auspicious 118. (A) Travelling
102. (D) Haemorrhage Correct spellings of Correct spellings of
103. (B) Hosier remaining words:
remaining words:
104. (B) Punctilious (A) Capricious
105. (A) Clientele (C) Fallacious (B) Remittance
106. (A) Definitely (D) Delicious (C) Kidnapping
107. (C) Cemetery (D) Equitable
108. (D) Recession
109. (A) Desiccation
Exercise –1 (Answer) 46

119. (C) Itinerary 128. (B) Advertise 137. (B) Attractive

(A) Necessary Correct spellings of Correct spellings of
(B) Temporary remaining words: remaining words:
(D) Sanguinary (A) Apprentice (A) Demonstrative
120. (D) Tomorrow (C) Treatise (C) Representative
121. (A) Superintendent (D) Sensitive (D) Administrative
122. (B) Symmetry 129. (B) Missile 138. (A) Monarchy
123. (A) Villain 130. (D) Abundant Correct spellings of
Correct spellings of 131. (B) Beneficial remaining words:
132. (B) Avaricious
remaining words: (B) Discrepancy
133. (D) Uniquely
(B) Alliance (C) Hierarchy
Correct spellings of
(C) Plaintive (D) Anarchy
remaining words:
(D) Sustain 139. (D) Recurrence
(A) Internally
124. (B) Commissioner (B) Coldly Correct spellings of
125. (B) Assassin (C) Fortunately remaining words:
126. (D) Magnificent 134. (A) Affectionately (A) Reference
127. (B) Ecumenical 135. (D) Apprehension (B) Reliance
136. (D) Acquisition (C) Occurrence
Exercise –1 (Answer) 47

140. (D) Competitive 152. (B) Reverential 154. (A) Souvenir

Correct spellings of 153. (B) Meticulous 155. (C) Flabbergast
remaining words:
(A) Descriptive
(B) Receptive
(C) Cooperative
141. (C) Veterinarian
142. (A) Equilibrium
143. (D) Maritime
144. (D) Digression
145. (D) Presumptuous
146. (C) Anathema
147. (C) Quaint
148. (A) Effervescent
149. (D) Persuasive
150. (A) Ascendancy
151. (A) Holocaust
Exercise –2 (Wrongly Spelt) 48

Directions : In Questions given below, four word are given in each question, out of which only one
word is wrongly spelt. Find the word and indicate it in the Answer Sheet by blackening the
appropriate rectangle.
1. (A) Poignant (B) Relevent (C) Prevalent (D) Malignant
2. (A) Seize (B) Achieve (C) Wierd (D) Leisure
3. (A) Repent (B) Serpent (C) Flagrent (D) Reverent
4. (A) Dining (B) Shining (C) Determining (D) Begining
5. (A) Vendetta (B) Verisimilitude (C) Vicarious (D) Vociferate
6. (A) Embankment (B) Deliberately (C) Preceding (D) Proleferous
7. (A) Inexplicable (B) Inevitable (C) Inextinguishable (D) Inexpressable
8. (A) Representation (B) Verification (C) Amplification (D) Liberalisetion
9. (A) Reference (B) Preference (C) Difference (D) Performence
10. (A) Agreebly (B) Cruelly (C) Doubtfully (D) Fatally
11. (A) Nomenclature (B) Non–interference (C) Nonchalant (D) Commisioned
12. (A) Insolvency (B) Legitimacy (C) Hypocrisy (D) Idiosyncracy
13. (A) Anniversary (B) Bureaucracy (C) Heresy (D) Secresy
Exercise –2 (Wrongly Spelt) 49

14. (A) Malignity (B) Malodorus (C) Malfeasance (D) Malevolent

15. (A) Unaccompanied (B) Unaccusstomed (C) Unadopted (D) Unalloyed
16. (A) Boutique (B) Physique (C) Opaque (D) Obleeque
17. (A) Admitting (B) Budgetting (C) Preferring (D) Travelling
18. (A) Torpedoes (B) Mosquitoes (C) Pianoes (D) Tomatoes
19. (A) Oscillate (B) Deliberate (C) Ennumerate (D) Narrate
20. (A) Hurdle (B) Cuddel (C) Puddle (D) Meddle
21. (A) Composition (B) Grammer (C) Literature (D) Poetry
22. (A) Pneumonia (B) Diarrheoa (C) Xenophobia (D) Amnesia
23. (A) Commission (B) Omission (C) Possession (D) Occassion
24. (A) Pronunciation (B) Vaccum (C) Troublesome (D) Vacuum
25. (A) Successor (B) Marriage (C) Auctioner (D) Enthusiastic
Exercise –2 (Answer) 50

Directions : In Questions given below, four word are given in each question, out of which only one
word is wrongly spelt. Find the word and indicate it in the Answer Sheet by blackening the
appropriate rectangle.

1. (B) Relevant 14. (B) Malodorous

2. (C) Weird 15. (B) Unaccustomed
3. (C) Flagrant 16. (D) Oblique
4. (D) Beginning 17. (B) Budgeting
5. (D) Vociferate 18. (C) Pianos
6. (D) Proliferate 19. (C) Enumerate
7. (D) Inexpressible 20. (B) Cuddle
8. (D) Liberalization 21. (B) Grammar
9. (D) Performance 22. (B) Diarrhoea
10. (A) Agreeably 23. (D) Occasion
11. (D) Commissioned 24. (B) Vacuum
12. (D) Idiosyncrasy 25. (C) Auctioneer
13. (D) Secrecy

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