Grade 10 Eim Module 4
Grade 10 Eim Module 4
Grade 10 Eim Module 4
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Advantages of Loop-In Method of Wiring
It doesn’t require joint boxes and so money is saved
In loop – in systems, no joint is concealed beneath floors or in roof spaces.
Fault location is made easy as the points are made only at outlets so that they are
1. Cleat Wiring
This system of wiring comprise of ordinary VIR or PVC insulated wires (occasionally, sheathed
and weather proof cable) braided and compounded held on walls or ceilings by means of porcelain
cleats, Plastic or wood.
Cleat wiring system is a temporary wiring system therefore it is not suitable for domestic
premises. The use of cleat wiring system is over nowadays
2 3
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Casing and Capping wiring system was famous wiring system in the past but, it is considered
obsolete these days because of Conduit and sheathed wiring system. The cables used in this kind
of wiring were either VIR or PVC or any other approved insulated cables.
The cables were carried through the wooden casing enclosures. The casing is made up of a
strip of wood with parallel grooves cut length wise so as to accommodate VIR cables. The grooves
were made to separate opposite polarity. the capping (also made of wood) used to cover the wires
and cables installed and fitted in the casing.
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Not suitable in the acidic, alkalies and humidity conditions Paraphrase is good and beautiful
Costly repairing and need more material. Repairing is easy
Material can’t be found easily in the contemporary Strong and long-lasting
White ants may damage the casing & capping of wood. Customization can be easily done in this wiring system.
Less chance of leakage current in batten wiring system.
Advantages of
6 Lead Sheathed
Advantages of Batten Wiring Wiring
Wiring installation is simple and easy It is easy
Cheap as compared to other electrical wiring systems to fix
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and looks nice as it can be run in buildings without damaging decoration and can be painted to Following conduits are used in the conduit wiring systems (both concealed and surface conduit
suit colour scheme of surroundings. wiring) which are shown in the above image.
It can be used in damp situations provided protections against moisture effect on the ends of Metallic Conduit
the cables are given. Non-metallic conduit
It can be used in situations exposed to rain and sum provided no joint is exposed.
It provides protection against mechanical injury better than that TRS wiring. Metallic Conduit:
Its life is long if proper earth continuity is maintained throughout. Metallic conduits are made of steel which are very strong but costly as well.
There are two types of metallic conduits.
Class A Conduit: Low gauge conduit (Thin layer steel sheet conduit)
Disadvantages of Lead Sheathed Wiring Class B Conduit: High gauge conduit (Thick sheet of steel conduit)
In case of damage of insulation, the metal sheath becomes alive and gives shock so as to
provide safety against electrical shock it is necessary that the sheath is properly earth and an Non-metallic Conduit:
earth wire is run side by side with it and all pieces are properly bonded or jointed together so A solid PVC conduit is used as non-metallic conduit now a days, which is flexible and easy to
that not a single cover unearthed. bend.
It is not suitable for places where chemical corrosion may occur.
Skilled labour and proper supervisions is required. Size of Conduit:
It is costlier than TRS wiring. The common conduit pipes are available in different sizes genially, 13, 16.2, 18.75, 20, 25, 37,
5. Conduit Wiring 50, and 63 mm (diameter) or 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 1, 1.25, 1.5, and 2 inch in diameter.
There are two additional types of conduit wiring according to pipe installation
A.Surface Conduit Wiring Advantage of Conduit Wiring Systems 9
B.Concealed Conduit Wiring It is the safest wiring system (Concealed conduit wring)
Appearance is very beautiful (in case of concealed conduit wiring)
A. Surface Conduit Wiring No risk of mechanical wear & tear and fire in case of metallic pipes.
If conduits installed on roof or wall, It is known as surface conduit wiring. in this wiring Customization can be easily done according to the future needs.
method, they make holes on the surface of wall on equal distances and conduit is installed Repairing and maintenance is easy.
then with the help of rawal plugs. There is no risk of damage the cables insulation.
it is safe from corrosion (in case of PVC conduit) and risk of fire.
B. Concealed Conduit Wiring It can be used even in humidity, chemical effect and smoky areas.
If the conduits is hidden inside the wall slots with the help of plastering, it is called No risk of electric shock (In case of proper earthing and grounding of metallic pipes).
concealed conduit wiring. In other words, the electrical wiring system inside wall, roof or floor It is reliable and popular wiring system.
with the help of plastic or metallic piping is called concealed conduit wiring. obliviously, It is Sustainable and long-lasting wiring system.
the most popular, beautiful, stronger and common electrical wiring system nowadays.
Disadvantages of Conduit Wiring Systems
It is expensive wiring system (Due to PVC and Metallic pipes, Additional earthing for metallic
In conduit wiring, steel tubes known as conduits are installed on the surface of walls by means pipes Tee(s) and elbows etc.
of pipe hooks (surface conduit wiring) or buried in walls under plaster and VIR or PVC cables are Very hard to find the defects in the wiring.
afterwards drawn by means of a GI wire of size if about 18SWG. installation is not easy and simple.
In Conduit wiring system, The conduits should be electrically continuous and connected to Risk of electric shock (In case of metallic pipes without proper earthing & grounding system)
earth at some suitable points in case of steel conduit. Conduit wiring is a professional way of wiring a Very complicated to manage additional connection in the future.
building. Mostly PVC conduits are used in domestic wiring.
The conduit protects the cables from being damaged by rodents (when rodents bites the Comparison between Different Wiring Systems
cables it will cause short circuit) that is why circuit breakers are in place though but hey! Prevention is Below is the table which shows the comparison between all the above mentioned wiring
better than cure. Lead conduits are used in factories or when the building is prone to fire accident. systems.
Trunking is more of like surface conduit wiring. It’s gaining popularity too.
It is done by screwing a PVC trunking pipe to a wall then passing the cables through the pipe.
The cables in conduit should not be too tight. Space factor have to be put into consideration.
Types of Conduit
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8 9
5. Conduit Wiring
Congrats! You did a great job! See you soon on the next lesson. Good luck!
V. Assessment
ACTIVITY 1. In long bond paper, draw the joint box system and looping system using yarn.
Color coding of yarn to be use:
Black- positive wire
Grey- negative wire
Yellow- switches
Blue- lamps
ACTIVITY 2. Describe the following types of electrical wiring methods in your own understanding. Write
your answer in one whole sheet of yellow paper (5 points each)
1. Cleat Wiring
3. Batten Wiring
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