Energies: Comparative Analysis of Lithium-Ion Battery Resistance Estimation Techniques For Battery Management Systems
Energies: Comparative Analysis of Lithium-Ion Battery Resistance Estimation Techniques For Battery Management Systems
Energies: Comparative Analysis of Lithium-Ion Battery Resistance Estimation Techniques For Battery Management Systems
Comparative Analysis of Lithium-Ion Battery
Resistance Estimation Techniques for Battery
Management Systems
Manoj Mathew 1 ID
, Stefan Janhunen 2 , Mahir Rashid 1 , Frank Long 1 and Michael Fowler 1, *
1 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo,
ON N2L 3G1, Canada; m2mathew@uwaterloo.ca (M.M.); ms2rashid@edu.uwaterloo.ca (M.R.);
fclong@edu.uwaterloo.ca (F.L.)
2 Nuvation Energy, 40 Bathurst Dr, Waterloo, ON N2V 1V6, Canada; stefan.janhunen@nuvation.com
* Correspondence: mfowler@uwaterloo.ca; Tel.: +1-519-888-4567 (ext. 33415)
Received: 18 April 2018; Accepted: 1 June 2018; Published: 7 June 2018
Abstract: Safe and efficient operation of a battery pack requires a battery management system
(BMS) that can accurately predict the pack state-of-heath (SOH). Although there is no universal
definition for battery SOH, it is often defined based on the increase in the battery’s internal
resistance. Techniques such as extended Kalman filter (EKF) and recursive least squares (RLS) are two
frequently used approaches for online estimation of this resistance. These two methods can, however,
be computationally expensive, especially in the case of a battery pack composed of hundreds of cells.
In addition, both methods require a battery model as well as chemistry specific parameters. Therefore,
this paper investigates the performance of a direct resistance estimation (DRE) technique that requires
minimal computational resources and can be implemented without any training data. This approach
estimates the ohmic resistance only when the battery experiences sharp pulses in current. Comparison
of results from the three algorithms shows that the DRE algorithm can accurately identify a degraded
cell under various operating conditions while significantly reducing the required computational
complexity. The findings will further advance diagnostic techniques for the identification of a weak
cell in a large battery pack.
Keywords: lithium-ion battery; battery internal resistance; extended Kalman filter; recursive least
squares; state-of-health
1. Introduction
The global shift away from fossil fuels and towards more renewable energy sources has resulted
in a significant push in favor of vehicle electrification. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are a promising
candidate for energy storage in these vehicles due to their high power and energy density and long
service life. The dangerous nature of Li-ion batteries necessitates an intelligent battery management
system (BMS) for safe control and operation of the battery pack. The BMS is responsible for estimating
the battery’s state-of-charge (SOC), as well as monitoring the state-of-health (SOH) of the battery.
Therefore, development of an efficient and accurate SOH algorithm is essential for continued
integration of electrified vehicles into the automotive market.
The health of a battery changes over time due to the irreversible physical and chemical processes
that occur within the cell. The process, known as battery degradation, results in a decrease in capacity
and an increase in resistance. Therefore, depending on the type of application, the SOH of the battery
can be defined using either of these two metrics. For example, in electric vehicles (EVs), the parameter
of interest for determining SOH is capacity since it determines the range of the vehicle. In hybrid electric
vehicles (HEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), the battery pack’s SOH can be defined
using resistance since power losses in the pack can lead to lower acceleration or high fuel consumption
in the vehicle. Although capacity can be estimated using a number of different approaches [1–3],
the central focus of this paper will be algorithms for online estimation of the battery impedance.
The internal battery resistance is not a parameter that can be measured, but rather it needs to
be inferred using sensor outputs such as voltage and current. Inference of the battery impedance is
complicated by measurement noise, model error and computational limitations. Although a higher
degree of accuracy can be obtained using a more complex model or algorithm, it often comes at the
expense of computational efficiency [4]. Therefore, implementation of a resistance algorithm requires
careful consideration of the trade-off between simplicity and accuracy.
A number of approaches have been proposed in literature for estimation of the battery impedance.
One commonly used technique is electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), where an AC
excitation current is applied, and the corresponding AC voltage response is recorded. Rodrigues et
al. [5] used AC impedance to determine battery resistance and used these estimates for calculating SOC.
Momma et al. [6] examined the impedance effects at low battery temperatures using EIS. Waag et al. [7]
explored the changes in battery impedance characteristics over the lifetime of the battery, where SOC,
temperature, cycling history and current draws were included in the analysis. Although EIS has
proved to be a promising method for understanding the battery behavior offline, application of the
technique in a BMS is challenging since it requires special circuits for generating the required signals.
Online estimation techniques of battery internal resistance generally fall into two distinct groups.
In the first group, the battery is modeled using an electrochemical model, where the model parameters
are estimated online [8,9]. Inference of these parameters, especially the parameters associated
with battery impedance can provide insights into the degradation of the battery pack. However,
implementation of these complex models can be difficult in a BMS, where computational resources
are limited.
The second more frequently applied group of techniques involve modeling the battery using an
equivalent circuit model (ECM) and estimating the circuit parameters online. Once again, the estimates
of the circuit parameters are useful in determining the battery’s SOH. Adaptive filtering methods
can then be utilized to obtain optimal parameter estimates from sensor data. These methods are
frequently coupled with SOC estimation, where model parameters are updated online and used
in determining the internal resistance. For example, Sun et al. [10] applied an adaptive extended
Kalman filter (AEKF) for estimation of battery impedance in conjunction with SOC. Chiang et al. [11]
developed an algorithm based on the Lyapunov-stability criteria to estimate the internal resistance and
the open-circuit voltage (OCV). Wei et al. [12] have proposed a recursive least squares (RLS) approach
for estimating resistance based on an ECM. Remmlinger et al. [13] used a specific excitation signal,
found during normal operation of a HEV, along with the RLS algorithm to estimate battery impedance.
Finally, Dai et al. [14] proposed a parameter estimation framework composed of two modules running
on different time-scales. The EKF algorithm was applied for estimating the parameters associated with
slow battery dynamics, while the RLS algorithm was used for modeling the faster battery dynamics.
Although the methods mentioned above provide reliable resistance estimates, they can become
computationally expensive when implemented on a large battery pack, composed of hundreds of cells.
One approach to deal with this issue has been proposed by Lievre et al. [15], where the resistance is
estimated from the voltage drop across the battery, caused by large current variations in the profile.
However, currently, no published works have examined how resistance estimates from this approach
compare to more advanced filtering approaches. In addition, the work by Lievere et al. considered
both the ohmic and diffusion resistance when calculating their SOH metric. This paper will explore
the effectiveness of using only the ohmic resistance in determining the SOH of the battery.
In light of these gaps in literature, this paper will make the following contributions to literature.
First, it will provide a comparison between two advanced resistance estimation techniques—the
EKF and RLS algorithms, with a computationally efficient approach referred to in this work as
Energies 2018, 11, 1490 3 of 15
the direct resistance estimation (DRE). In addition to computational time, another advantage of
the DRE algorithm is that, unlike the EKF and other adaptive filtering algorithms proposed by
Plett [16–20], this technique does not require chemistry-specific parameters. The goal of this paper
is to determine under what conditions the simple DRE algorithm is sufficient and when a more
advanced, computationally expensive algorithm is required. In addition, the paper will explore
whether estimating only the ohmic resistance will provide enough information for identifying a
degraded cell. These findings will be beneficial for future researchers in trying to find a balance
between algorithm complexity and accuracy. Similar to the algorithms developed for optimal control
of EVs with relation to the grid [21,22], the proposed approach will allow for faster integration of
electrified vehicles into the automotive market.
The paper is divided into five different sections. Section 2 describes the cells used in the validation
tests, the design of the test bench, and the current profile. Section 3 discusses each of the three
algorithms in greater detail, while the results from the validation test are shown in Section 4. Finally,
conclusions and recommendations are provided in Section 5.
Table 1. Capacity and ohmic resistance of the four lithium iron phosphate (LFP) cells used in this study.
Cell Number Cell Capacity (Ah) Ohmic Resistance (µOhms) at 50% SOC
1 18.5 2998
2 11.7 6752
3 18.4 2916
4 16.1 4523
3. The battery
Energies 2018, 11,is charged
x FOR to full at a rate of C/25.
The OCV curve can be obtained by taking the average of the charge and discharge curves.
The OCV curve can be obtained by taking the average of the charge and discharge curves. It
It should be be
should noted that
noted thatthe
effect of
of aging onthe
aging on theOCV
OCV curve
curve is not
is not considered
considered forstudy.
for this this study.
2.3. Test
2.3.Bench for Algorithm
Test Bench Validation
for Algorithm Validation
The test
The bench shown
test bench in in
shown Figure
Figure1 1was
wasdeveloped tovalidate
developed to validatethe
the resistance
resistance estimation
estimation algorithms.
Figure 2. (A) Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule, (B) Highway Fuel Economy Test (C) US06 and
Figure 2. (A) Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule, (B) Highway Fuel Economy Test (C) US06 and
(D) HPPC current profile used in validating the resistance estimation algorithms.
(D) HPPC current profile used in validating the resistance estimation algorithms.
In addition to the drive cycles, a hybrid pulse power characterization (HPPC) test was carried
In at the beginning of each
to the drive test. The
cycles, hybrid
a hybrid pulsepower
pulse powercharacterization
characterization (HPPC)
carried out
at theused in identifying
beginning of eachthe resistance
test. The hybridof the battery
pulse [23].characterization
power The test consists (HPPC)
of a 10 stest
discharge at 1 C, used
is frequently
followed by
in identifying thea resistance
40 s rest period
of theand a 10 s[23].
battery charge at test
The ¾ C.consists
The testof
a 10 sisdischarge
shown in Figure
at 1 C,2D. The by
ohmic resistance obtained from the3 HPPC test provides a baseline upon which all other online
a 40 s rest period and a 10 s charge at 4 C. The test profile is shown in Figure 2D. The ohmic resistance
estimation algorithms can be compared.
obtained from the HPPC test provides a baseline upon which all other online estimation algorithms
can be3. compared.
Algorithm Development
3. Algorithm describing the estimation algorithms, it is important to define what is meant by battery
internal resistance. The battery impedance is a sum of a few different processes that occur within the
battery. describing
Figure 3 belowthebetter
estimation algorithms,
illustrates it isresistances
the different important toare
that define what
present in aisLi-ion
meant by battery
internal resistance. The battery
The first resistor in theimpedance
above circuit,is areferred
sum of to a few
as Rdifferent processes
ohmic, represents that occur
the sum of the within
ionic the
battery. Figure
Energies 2018, x3FOR
11, of below
the better
PEER REVIEWillustrates theelectric
as well as the different resistances
resistance of the that arecollector
current presentandin athe
Li-ion cell. 6 of 15
tabs. It models the instantaneous voltage drop that occurs as soon as a current is applied. To capture
the time-dependent voltage response, n number of resistor/capacitor (RC) pairs can be added to the
circuit. The RC pair with a smaller time constant is often used to represent the resistance associated
with the charge-transfer reaction as well as the double layer capacitance that occurs at the surface of
the electrode. The RC pair with a larger time constant represents the diffusion phenomena that occurs
within the battery. Additional RC pairs are often included to increase the accuracy of the ECM.
Determination of SOH in this paper will be based on the pure ohmic resistance. Studies have
shown that Rohmic is a strong indicator for the SOH of the battery [24–27]. Therefore, all three
algorithms proposed in this paper will estimate the pure ohmic resistance of the battery. Comparison
of the results from each technique will also provide insights into whether or not the ohmic resistance
is sufficient for identifying a damaged cell at different operating conditions.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Equivalent
Equivalent circuit
circuit model
model used
used in
The first resistor in the above circuit, referred to as Rohmic , represents the sum of the ionic resistance
of the electrolyte as well as the electric resistance of the current collector and the electrical tabs.
It models the instantaneous voltage drop that occurs as soon as a current is applied. To capture the
time-dependent voltage response, n number of resistor/capacitor (RC) pairs can be added to the circuit.
The RC pair with a smaller time constant is often used to represent the resistance associated with
the charge-transfer reaction as well as the double layer capacitance that occurs at the surface of the
electrode. The RC pair with a larger time constant represents the diffusion phenomena that occurs
within the battery. Additional RC pairs are often included to increase the accuracy of the ECM.
Determination of SOH in this paper will be based on the pure ohmic resistance. Studies have
shown that Rohmic is a strong indicator for the SOH of the battery [24–27]. Therefore, all three algorithms
proposed in this paper will estimate the pure ohmic resistance of the battery. Comparison of the results
from each technique will also provide insights into whether or not the ohmic resistance is sufficient for
identifying a damaged
Figure cellcircuit
3. Equivalent at different
model operating conditions.
used in describing the voltage response of Li-ion batteries.
respectively, willnot
respectively, will notbebeconsidered
considered in determining
in determining the resistance.
the resistance. In addition,
In addition, the length
the length of the
of the moving
should be should
kept asbesmall
kept as possible
small as to
estimateto only
estimate only the
the ohmic ohmic resistance.
resistance. UtilizationUtilization
of a larger
of a larger
time timewould
window window wouldvalues
produce produce values
that thatactivation
contain contain activation and concentration
and concentration polarization
polarization effects in
additionin to
the ohmicto the ohmic component.
component. Theisalgorithm
The algorithm summarized is summarized in Figure
in Figure 4 below. 4 below. The
The algorithm can
algorithm can be thought of as an offline resistance estimation technique that is applied
be thought of as an offline resistance estimation technique that is applied online by considering the online by
considering the current
current transients insidetransients inside atime
a small moving small moving time window.
Figure 4.
4. Direct
where (a)
(a) is
is the
the current
current profile and (b) is the corresponding voltage profile.
The estimates obtained from the DRE would contain a significant amount of noise due to noise
The estimates obtained from the DRE would contain a significant amount of noise due to noise in
in the measurement readings. Therefore, an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) filter
the measurement readings. Therefore, an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) filter will
will be utilized. The filter has been shown by Lievre et al. [15] to provide substantial noise reduction
be utilized. The filter has been shown by Lievre et al. [15] to provide substantial noise reduction while
while being computationally efficient. One significant advantage of using this filter is that it requires
being computationally efficient. One significant advantage of using this filter is that it requires only
only storage of the previous mean value. A smaller memory requirement is essential for
Energies 2018, 11, 1490 7 of 15
storage of the previous mean value. A smaller memory requirement is essential for implementation in
a BMS, especially when considering a large battery pack composed of hundreds of cells.
The EWMA is a moving average filter where the past values are weighted by a tunable constant
λ. The constant represents the depth of memory, where using a large λ value will produce more
smoothing in the output. The equation of EWMA can be written as follows:
where, EW MA k represents the current filtered resistance estimate, EW MA k−1 is the previous value
of the filtered resistance estimate, and Rohmic,k is the raw ohmic resistance.
There are two significant advantages in using this method for estimating the ohmic resistance.
First, the algorithm does not require an open circuit voltage curve or other chemistry-specific battery
parameters. Therefore, no initial battery characterization or training data is needed before the algorithm
can be used in a BMS. The second advantage of this algorithm is that unlike the EKF and RLS
approaches, it does not require complex matrix calculations. The lower computational cost is a
significant advantage especially when one is considering implementing the algorithm in an embedded
system. No research has been done recently that discuss the accuracy of such a simple resistance
estimation technique in comparison to some of the more well-established algorithms. Therefore, in light
of the advantages listed above, it is valuable to analyze the relative performance of these algorithms.
where, Vth represents the voltage drop across the first RC pair, I is the applied current, Vocv represent
the open circuit voltage and VT is the terminal voltage.
Since the goal of this paper is to provide a comparison between different parameter estimation
algorithms, only a brief discussion of the EKF will be provided in this section. For a more in-depth analysis
on how the filter can be implemented, please refer to the series of papers written by Plett [16,17,19]. All the
equations associated with the Kalman filter implementation are summarized below.
State-Space Models for Parameter Estimation:
θ k +1 = θ k + rk (5)
dg ( x̂ k , u k , θ )
Ckθ = (7)
θ= θ̂k−
θ̂k− = θ̂k+−1 (8)
Σ− +
e = Σe + Σr (9)
θ,k θ,k −1
T T −1
Lθk = Σ− Ckθ Ckθ Σ− Ckθ + Σe (10)
e θ,k
Assuming that θ represents a vector containing the true values of the battery model parameters,
the goal is to adapt θ̂ such that it converges to the true value. Equation (5) represents the state space
model for the parameters, where the parameters are essentially constant but can change gradually
over time as the battery is operated. The parameter rk represents the process noise and is assumed to
follow a gaussian distribution with a mean of zero and a covariance given by Σr . The output equation,
shown in Equation (6), represents the cell voltage output, which can be determined by solving the
Thevenin equivalent circuit. The sensor or measurement error, ek , is modeled once again using a
gaussian distribution, with zero mean and variance of Σe .
The EKF algorithm is composed of two distinct steps: the state/parameter update and the
measurement update. The parameter update is based on the state-space equation, where the parameter
estimates θ and the parameter error covariance matrix, Σθ , are propagated in time using Equations (8)
and (9). The measurement update is then used to incorporate the additional knowledge acquired from
the new measurement sample, and the parameter value is updated accordingly. The magnitude of the
measurement update is based on the size of the Kalman gain, shown in Equation (10). If there is more
confidence in the measurements than in the parameters, a large measurement update is carried out.
Using this approach, the parameters can be continuously updated as new measurements are made
available. It should be noted that initial guesses are required for both the process and measurement
covariances as well as the parameter covariance. Therefore, development of an efficient filter requires
tuning of these covariance matrices.
yk = θk ϕk + ek (13)
ϕ̂k = [1 VT,k−1 Ik Ik−1 ] (14)
Energies 2018, 11, 1490 9 of 15
Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 15
Pk−1 ϕkT
Lk = (17)
λ𝑃RLSφ+ ϕkT Pk−1 ϕk
𝐿 = (17)
𝜆 +φ P φ
Pk−1 − Lk ϕkT Pk−1
Pk = (18)
𝑃 = λ (18)
θ̂k = θ̂k−1 + Lk [VT,k−1 − ϕk θ̂k−1 ] (19)
𝜃 = 𝜃 + 𝐿 [𝑉 , − 𝜑 𝜃 ] (19)
Equation (13)(13)
Equation represents
ARXmodel,model, where
where φϕkkisisthe
input vector,
vector, θk is is the
θ kthe parameter
parameter vector,
yk isythe estimated system output (i.e., terminal voltage
k is the estimated system output (i.e., terminal voltage VTT), ek k V ), e is the process noise, and k is
is the process noise, and k is the sample the sample
TheThevalue of the
value of the constantsa1a,1,a2a,2,aa33 can
constants usedto
can be used tosolve
solvefor forthe
ECM parameters
parameters R0, R01,, and
R1 , and
C. C.
Similarto the EKF,
to the EKF,thethe
measurements can can be
update thethe parameters,
parameters, where where
the the
size size
of theof the update
update is dependentononthe
is dependent thealgorithm
algorithm gain
gain LLkk (Equation
(Equation(17)). The
(17)). The noise covariance
noise covariance of the
of the
parameters can also be propagated in time using Equation (18). The forgetting
parameters can also be propagated in time using Equation (18). The forgetting factor, λRLS , can be factor, λ RLS , can be
included whenwhen calculating
calculating the
the algorithmgain,
algorithm gain,and
and in
in this
this paper,
paper,the thevalue
be initially set set
be initially
to 0.999 0.999
4. Results
4. Results andand Discussion
Figure 5. The validation current profile (A) and the corresponding voltage response (B) for the LFP
Figure 5. The validation current profile (A) and the corresponding voltage response (B) for the LFP
battery pack at a constant temperature of 20 °C.
battery pack at a constant temperature of 20 ◦ C.
Examining Figure 5B, it is evident that the impedance of cell 2 is significantly greater than the
other three cells based on the large voltage drops. Cell 4 has the second largest resistance while cells
1 and 3 have the smallest. Given the substantial difference in the voltage response among the cells,
Energies 2018, 11, 1490 10 of 15
Examining Figure 5B, it is evident that the impedance of cell 2 is significantly greater than the
other three cells based on the large voltage drops. Cell 4 has the second largest resistance while cells
Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 15
1 and 3 have the smallest. Given the substantial difference in the voltage response among the cells,
all three resistance estimation algorithms will be tested on this profile to determine whether they can
all three resistance estimation algorithms will be tested on this profile to determine whether they can
accurately estimate
estimate the
The three
The threealgorithms,
discussedininSection 3, were
Section 3, weredeveloped
MATLAB (R2016b,
(R2016b, MathWorks,
Natick, Massachusetts, United States) and executed using the voltage and current
Natick, Massachusetts, United States) and executed using the voltage and current data obtained fromdata obtained from
resistanceofof each
each cell
cell was set to
was set to 2500
whether thethe
algorithm could
intelligently converge
converge toto
shown in the in
are shown Figure 6 below.
the Figure 6 below.
Figure 6. Resistance
6. Resistance estimations
estimations fromfrom the HPPC
the HPPC test,algorithm,
test, EKF EKF algorithm, RLS algorithm
RLS algorithm and DRE and DRE
algorithm for cell one (A), two (C), three (B) and four (D) at a constant temperature
◦ of 20 °C.
for cell one (A), two (C), three (B) and four (D) at a constant temperature of 20 C.
The resistance obtained from the HPPC profile will be used as the reference when comparing
theThe resistance
accuracy of theobtained from thealgorithms.
three resistance HPPC profile will be the
Examining used as theshown
results reference when6,comparing
in Figure it is evidentthe
that all three algorithms converge to the reference resistance value, given by the HPPC test. evident
of the three resistance algorithms. Examining the results shown in Figure 6, it is Although that
all the
three algorithms
initial guess forconverge to the was
each algorithm reference resistance
set to 2500 µOhms, value, given estimates
the output by the HPPC test.the
matched Although
trueguess for each
resistance valuesalgorithm was few
after the first set to 2500 µOhms, the output estimates matched the battery’s
true resistance
It shouldvalues
also beafter thethat
noted firstthe
approach can provide the same degree of accuracy when
It shouldthe ohmic
also resistance,
be noted as the
that the DRE more advanced
approach canalgorithms.
provide the Table
same2 provides
degree of a comparison
accuracy when of
the averaged
estimating percent
the ohmic error of allasthree
resistance, approaches.
the more advancedIt was assumed that
algorithms. Tableeach of the three
2 provides algorithms of
a comparison
thehave converged
averaged aftererror
percent 20,000
of sall
and the approaches.
three percent error It is was
this each
the three
end ofalgorithms
the test.
The percent error for the DRE algorithm is in the same range as the
have converged after 20,000 s and the percent error is averaged from this point to the end error for RLS and EKF. These
of the
test. The indicate
errorby for
thea DRE
more algorithm
simplified andis incomputationally
the same range efficient
as theapproach
error fortoRLS estimating
and EKF.
These resultsthe same degree
indicate that by of using
accuracy can besimplified
a more obtained. and computationally efficient approach to
estimating resistance, the same degree of accuracy can be obtained.
Energies 2018, 11, 1490 11 of 15
Table 2. Comparison of the average percent error from DRE algorithm, RLS algorithm, and EKF
11, xa FOR PEERpack
battery REVIEW at 20 ◦ C.
maintained 11 of 15
Table 2. Comparison of the average percent error from DRE algorithm, RLS algorithm, and EKF
Cell Number RLS Error (%) EKF Error (%) DRE Error (%)
algorithm for a battery pack maintained at 20 °C.
Cell 1 6.21 5.11 5.04
Cell Number
Cell 2 RLS 1.66
Error (%) EKF Error
1.39 (%) DRE Error
1.58 (%)
Cell 6.21
6.10 5.11
7.68 5.04
Cell42 7.43
1.66 2.91
1.39 6.87
Cell 3 6.10 7.68 5.15
Cell 4 7.43 2.91 6.87
It is also important to compare the convergence speed of the algorithm from its initial guess.
The EKF can converge to the actual resistance value at a much faster rate than the other two methods.
It is also important to compare the convergence speed of the algorithm from its initial guess. The
This EKF
is evident for all four cells in the battery pack. However, the disadvantage of using this approach
can converge to the actual resistance value at a much faster rate than the other two methods.
is that it needs
This is evident significant
for all fourcomputational resources
cells in the battery and requires
pack. However, careful tuning
the disadvantage of usingofthis
is thatThe RLS method,
it needs significantoncomputational
the other hand, requiresand
resources lessrequires
tuning but takes
careful a longer
tuning time
of the to converge
to the correct resistance value. Finally, the DRE algorithm is not able to update the
matrices. The RLS method, on the other hand, requires less tuning but takes a longer time to converge resistance during
the initial part of the test, since this portion of the profile does not contain rapid changes
to the correct resistance value. Finally, the DRE algorithm is not able to update the resistance during in current.
the initial part
The algorithm of the
does, test, since
however, this portion
quickly convergeof the profile
to the doesresistance
correct not containvalue
changesthe in current.
drive cycle
The of
portion algorithm does,Therefore,
the profile. however, quickly converge
although the DRE to the correctisresistance
method value during the drive
simple, computationally cycle
portion of the profile. Therefore, although the DRE method is simple, computationally
and can accurately track battery SOH, it requires sufficient excitation in the input current to provide inexpensive,
and can
accurate accurately track battery SOH, it requires sufficient excitation in the input current to provide
accurate results.
4.2. Algorithm Validation at Different Temperatures
4.2. Algorithm Validation at Different Temperatures
In addition to battery degradation, temperature has a significant effect on the ohmic resistance of
In addition to battery degradation, temperature has a significant effect on the ohmic resistance
the battery. A decrease in temperature has been shown to significantly increase the internal resistance
of the battery. A decrease in temperature has been shown to significantly increase the internal
of the battery [31]. To test the robustness of the algorithms under different operating conditions,
resistance of the battery [31]. To test the robustness of the algorithms under different operating
the same profilethe
conditions, shown
same in Figure
profile 5A was
shown carried
in Figure 5A out
wasat three out
carried additional
at three temperatures of 10 ◦ C, of
additional temperatures 30 ◦ C
and 40 ◦ C. 30
10 °C, °Cresults
and 40are
°C.captured in are
The results Figure 7 for ainfresh
captured cell
Figure anda Figure
7 for 8 for
fresh cell andthe cell with
Figure 8 for the
the highest
withof degradation.
the highest amount of degradation.
Figure 7. Resistance estimations from HPPC test, EKF algorithm, RLS algorithm and DRE algorithm
Figure 7. Resistance estimations from HPPC test, EKF algorithm, RLS algorithm and DRE algorithm
for cell #1 (fresh cell) at temperatures of 10 °C (A), 20 °C (B), 30 °C (C) and 40 °C (D).
for cell #1 (fresh cell) at temperatures of 10 ◦ C (A), 20 ◦ C (B), 30 ◦ C (C) and 40 ◦ C (D).
Energies 2018, 11, 1490 12 of 15
Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 15
Figure 8. Resistance estimations from HPPC test, EKF algorithm, RLS algorithm and DRE algorithm
temperatures of
for cell #2 (aged cell) at temperatures 10 ◦°C
of 10 C (A), 20 ◦°C ◦ C (C) and 40 °C
C (B), 30 °C ◦ C (D).
Once again, there is strong agreement between the HPPC results and the output resistance
Once again, there is strong agreement between the HPPC results and the output resistance
estimates from all three algorithms. Given an initial guess of 2500 µOhms, all three algorithms were
estimates from all three algorithms. Given an initial guess of 2500 µOhms, all three algorithms were
able to adapt to the actual battery resistance at different temperatures. This is true for both the fresh
able to adapt to the actual battery resistance at different temperatures. This is true for both the
(Figure 7) and aged (Figure 8) cells. These trends are further confirmed when examining the mean
fresh (Figure 7) and aged (Figure 8) cells. These trends are further confirmed when examining the
percent error of the three different approaches (Table 3). The mean percent error is less than 10% at
mean percent error of the three different approaches (Table 3). The mean percent error is less than
all temperatures except for 10 °C. Therefore, it can be concluded that the DRE algorithm, where only
10% at all temperatures except for 10 ◦ C. Therefore, it can be concluded that the DRE algorithm,
the ohmic resistance is estimated, can accurately track changes in resistance at different ambient
where only the ohmic resistance is estimated, can accurately track changes in resistance at different
ambient temperatures.
Table 3. Comparison of the averaged percent error from DRE algorithm, RLS algorithm, and EKF
Table 3. Comparison of the averaged percent error from DRE algorithm, RLS algorithm, and EKF
algorithm for fresh and aged cell at temperatures of 10 °C, 20 °C, 30 °C, and 40 °C.
algorithm for fresh and aged cell at temperatures of 10 ◦ C, 20 ◦ C, 30 ◦ C, and 40 ◦ C.
Cell Number RLS Error (%) EKF Error (%) DRE Error (%)
Cell Number 10 °C RLS Error (%) 11.51
16.95 EKF Error (%) DRE 9.06
Error (%)
20 °C 10 ◦ C 6.21 16.95 5.11 11.51 5.04
Fresh Cell
30 °C 20 ◦ C 3.90 6.21 4.48 5.11 4.80
Fresh Cell
40 °C 30 ◦ C 0.73 3.90 1.38 4.48 4.80
40 ◦C 0.73
10 °C 12.63 11.89 1.38 0.87
20 °C 10 C 1.66 12.63 1.39 11.89 1.58
Aged Cell
30 °C 20 ◦ C 5.56 1.66 7.76 1.39 5.60
Aged Cell
40 °C 30 ◦ C 6.22 5.56 0.81 7.76 5.60
40 ◦ C 6.22 0.81 7.05
It should be noted that the error at the lowest temperature of 10 °C is significantly higher than
at any other temperature.
It should be noted thatExamining Figures
the error at 7A and
the lowest temperature of 10 ◦ Cthat
8A, it is evident the resistance
is significantly estimates
higher than
at anyall three
other algorithms are
temperature. smaller Figures
Examining than the7A
HPPC result.
and 8A, it isTo betterthat
evident understand this trend,
the resistance it is
important to examine the conditions under which the HPPC test is carried out.
from all three algorithms are smaller than the HPPC result. To better understand this trend, it is For this particular
test, the battery
important is initially
to examine at rest, and
the conditions the which
under temperature of the
the HPPC testbattery is inout.
is carried equilibrium with the
For this particular
ambient temperature. The online estimation techniques, however, are estimating
test, the battery is initially at rest, and the temperature of the battery is in equilibrium with the internal
resistance of the battery under operation. Heat generated from the applied current
ambient temperature. The online estimation techniques, however, are estimating the internal resistancecould result in a
of battery under
the battery internal temperature
operation. Heatand therefore,from
generated a lower resistance
the applied estimate.
current couldThis effect
result inwould be
a higher
more prevalent at low temperature since resistance increases exponentially as the temperature is
lowered [32]. Also, not modeling the battery hysteresis in the online estimation methods could be
Energies 2018, 11, 1490 13 of 15
battery internal temperature and therefore, a lower resistance estimate. This effect would be more
prevalent at low temperature since resistance increases exponentially as the temperature is lowered [32].
Also, not modeling the battery hysteresis in the online estimation methods could be another reason
for the discrepancy observed in Table 3. The hysteresis effect has been shown to be significant in LFP
batteries [33]. Therefore, future work is still required in developing a resistance estimation technique
that can account for this behavior.
Another observation from Figures 7 and 8 as well as Table 3 is that at low temperatures, there is a
significant amount of variation in the resistance estimates. As the temperature increases, the resistance
output becomes significantly smoother. One possible reason for this is that at lower temperatures,
there can be differences in the battery internal resistance depending on the battery SOC. Therefore,
for SOH calculations, it is advisable to estimate the battery resistance at a higher temperature, where a
more stable output is observed.
Finally, it is important to compare the computational complexity of each of these three algorithms.
One approach is to express the required execution time in big O notation, which provides an upper
bound to the running time of the algorithm. The EKF and RLS algorithms both have matrix calculations
that are dependent on the number of states or parameters that will be estimated. Suppose that N
represents the number of states/parameters that are being estimated. Then, it can be shown that the
EKF method has a computational complexity of O(N3 ) [34], whereas the RLS algorithm has a complexity
of O(N2 ) [35]. The DRE approach, however, has a lower complexity of O(1). For state/parameter
estimation in Li-ion batteries, the value of N is usually two or three. Since the DRE technique only
estimates a single parameter and does not adapt the other chemistry parameters, the computational
complexity will always be O(1). Therefore, the results from this study indicate that the DRE algorithm
can provide accurate results with less complexity.
5. Conclusions
Three different approaches for estimating the internal resistance of the battery have been presented
in this paper. The DRE approach searches the current profile for sharp pulses in the current and voltage
to estimate the resistance. An exponentially weighted moving average filter is then applied to obtain a
smooth resistance output. The findings from this approach are compared with the results from more
advanced estimation techniques such as the EKF and RLS.
To test these three algorithms, a battery pack composed of four LFP cells connected in series were
utilized. The pack was made of two new cells combined with two cells with a significant amount of
degradation. The battery pack was then subjected to a carefully designed current profile.
The conclusions from this study are as follows:
1. All three algorithms were able to converge from an incorrect initial guess to the actual internal
battery resistance, given by the HPPC test. This is true at different temperatures and different
battery SOH.
2. The DRE technique can estimate the cell’s ohmic resistance with the same amount of accuracy as
more advanced online estimation techniques. Therefore, utilization of this algorithm on a BMS
can significantly reduce the computational cost. This can be extremely beneficial for a battery
pack composed of hundreds of cells.
3. The DRE technique is only able to estimate the resistance when sufficient excitation is present
in the current profile. Under operating conditions where the current does not change for long
periods of time (i.e., constant current regions), the EKF or RLS approach should be used.
4. Comparison of the three techniques shows that the EKF has the fastest convergence to the true
resistance value.
5. A more stable resistance output is obtained at a higher temperature for all three algorithms.
These results seem to indicate that it might be advantageous to use resistance estimates at a
higher temperature when evaluating SOH.
Energies 2018, 11, 1490 14 of 15
As previously mentioned, when considering the type of SOH estimation algorithm to use, it is
important to consider the trade-off between simplicity and accuracy. The findings from this study will
provide valuable knowledge on which algorithm is most the appropriate for a particular application.
Author Contributions: M.M. was responsible for developing the comprehensive cell model, helping conduct
thermal experiments, carrying out the simulations, preparing the results, graphs and manuscript. M.M., J.C., E.S.
offered additional assistance with the experimental set-up and provided modeling advice. S.J. and M.F. provided
research direction and guidance in the type of experiments to be conduct and the most appropriate model to
be applied.
Funding: This research was funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada grant
number [NSERC 261669-2013-RGPIN].
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge the Natural Sciences and Research Council of Canada
for the funding required to complete this project and Haocheng Zhang for his help in editing and proof-reading
the document.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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