Methodist University Ghana
Methodist University Ghana
Methodist University Ghana
Personal hygiene is one of those delicate topics, but one that must be addressed. The effect of
personal hygiene are far- reaching beyond the obvious health concerns. Failing to frequently wash
your hands, brush your teeth, and take showers doesn’t affect only you. It affect every one you
interact with. So I will like to let’s talk about the effect of poor personal hygiene, and why we need
to have everyday routines to help keep our hygiene regimen headed in the right direction all the
Virtually, the effect of poor hygiene on health is sometimes caused by means of human activities
that readily put one’s health at a risk, causing the victim into a severe sickness. Poor personal
hygiene may arises by either intentional or unintentional neglect your body’s cleanliness and health
requirements. Your body begins to look unhealthy, you experience unwanted health concern and
your overall health is affected, we deliberately ignore the act of proper hygiene and this may lead to
uncomfortable life among neighbors.
As in every effect there may be a causes of poor hygiene to health, and some of the causes leading
to the effect such as, bad habits, lack of cleaning materials and equipment, defective plumbing
fixtures, disorganized cluttered environment, neglected chores, poor maintenance of pets also
contribute greatly to poor hygiene on health and its effect on health is enormous. Due to some
personal habit you could easily transmit germs to your couch and kitchen utensils.
Meanwhile, starting with not doing proper handwashing and not showering frequently, especially
after a hard day’s work outside would bring the pathogens present in where you’ve been to the
house. Poor hygiene at work negatively affect an employee career growth inside the company.
Besides the general effect of poor personal hygiene it also affect an employee’s ability to create
strong relationships at work that might support him/her as a professional and valuable employee.
Since the effect of poor hygiene on health is a broad topic, it effect can be categorize at home, work
places, at a meeting or gathering, public places and as well the community.
Poor hygiene can be a sign of self-neglected, which is the inability or unwillingness to attend to one’s
personal needs. Poor hygiene often accompanies certain mental or emotional disorders, including
severe depression and psychotic disorders.
Unclean body is likely to accumulate germs and bacterial leading the body to smell. Body germs will
continuous reproduce rapidly as long as they found themselves on the body. Not only it does lead to
discomfort and embarrassing situation, but for the people around you, due to that a lot of
consequence can be develop. Knowing this bacteria react with the sweat produce from the apocrine
gland which will interact to produce more body odor, the situation continuous to get worsen as the
germs dominate rapidly.
One may be the smartest but showing up at work unkempt won’t improve one’s worthiness as an
employee. Poor physical appearance affect being perceived as a professional. If you think no one
cares about you skipping on showering or hand washing from time to time , but it matters when it
affect your life or that of people around you.
Poor dental hygiene can lead to tooth decay and gum diseases, which can also affect the heart. Not
bathing can result in a skin condition called dermatitis neglecta and secondary infection. An obvious
lack of hygiene can also affect a person’s work and social life. Some companies have a hygiene policy
in places for protection of employees and company image, especially if you have a public- facing
Eating contaminated food and water as bacteria’s cause dehydration which can lead to death.
Cholera can also lead to a severe diarrhea as one loss weight and become weak, the diseases is most
common in places with poor sanitation. Loss of skin elasticity, rapid decrease of health rate and as
well as dry mucous membrane in the inside of mouth, throat, leading to low blood pressure.
Figure 4 illustrates a person drinking from an untreated water body
Keeping bushy hairs and cloths build up germs which will serve them more than a tertiary for them.
Some of the effect can be, irritability and difficulty sleeping, tickling or a sensation of something
moving in the hair, sores on the head from scratching, swollen lymph and nodes.
Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, PHD, MSN, R.N, IBCLC, AHN –BC, CHT- by Adrienne Santos
– Longhurst is on July 1, 2021
Adrienne Santos –Longhurst is a Canada-based free-hand writer and author who has write
extensively on all things health and lifestyle for more than a decade.