Product Information: Safegreen ™ Loading Dye Catalog Number Packaging Size D012 1 ML Protocol
Product Information: Safegreen ™ Loading Dye Catalog Number Packaging Size D012 1 ML Protocol
Product Information: Safegreen ™ Loading Dye Catalog Number Packaging Size D012 1 ML Protocol
Product Information
SafeGreen™ Loading Dye Protocol
1. Prepare molten agarose gel solution, cast the gel and allow
Catalog Number Packaging Size it to solidify using your standard protocol. (Unnecessary to
add any DNA stain reagent.)
D012 1 mL 2. Mix the DNA samples and/or DNA ladder with SafeGreen
Loading Dye at 5:1 ratio.
Storage upon receipt: 3. Load samples and run the gels using your standard
4. Image the stained gel with a transilluminator, or a
Protect from light laser-based gel scanner using a long path green filter such as
Ex/Em: 500/530 nm, bound to nucleic a SYBR Filter or GelStar filter.
SafeGreen Loading Dye is a safe and highly sensitive
fluorescent stain for detecting nucleic acids in agarose gel.
This single stain gives high sensitivity detection of
double-stranded or single-stranded DNA and RNA. The stain
is simply mixed with DNA samples, and run the gels, providing
a simple and fast protocol. SafeGreen Loading Dye is
compatible with a standard 300 nm transilluminator, a 254 nm
transilluminator, a blue-light transilluminator, or a gel reader
equipped with visible light excitation such as a 488 nm
laser-based gel scanner.
SafeGreen Loading Dye is a ready-to-use solution. The stain
is premixed with DNA samples and/or DNA ladder at 1:5 ratio
before running the gel. For example, for every 5 L DNA
samples, adding 1 L of stain reagent. One vial (1 mL) of stain
reagent can be used to run at least 1000 DNA samples.
Gel staining with SafeGreen Loading Dye is compatible with
downstream applications such as gel extraction and cloning.
SafeGreen Loading Dye is efficiently removed from DNA by
phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation.
Spectral Characteristics
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