Lab 7 (1903069)
Lab 7 (1903069)
Lab 7 (1903069)
Year : 2nd
Semester : 2nd
i) To be able to measure the frequency response of an IC op amp low pass active filter
and to plot a response curve.
ii) To learn how to demonstrate the effect of a change in reactive component on the
frequency response of a low pass active filter.
iii) To study how to measure the frequency response of an IC op amp high pass active filter
and plot a response curve.
An active filter is one that uses an electrically active circuit along with passive components to
provide desired signal voltage gain and undesired signal rejection at the same time. There op - amp
makes an ideal choice for the active element in an active filter because it is small and inexpensive
. It also has a high input Impedance and a low output impedance which means that impedance
matching is less trouble. Low pass, high pass, band pass and band rejects are the possible circuits
here. In low pass circuit capacitor CF is in parallel with feedback Resistor RF and presents a high
reactance at low frequency. The parallel capacitor of CF and RF is high compared to the value of
input resistor Ri. The gain at amplifier is maximum and input signals receive maximum
amplification. If the frequency of Input signal is increased sufficiently, a frequency is reached
where the reactance of CF is reduced and becomes equal to the value of RF. This causes the
corresponding reduction in amplifier gain such that the output is reduction to 0.70 thus and this is
3dB voltage point when reactance of CF ≈ resistance of RF . f cutoff = In high pass circuit,
capacitor is in series with input resistor Ri and presents a high resistance at low frequencies. The
series impedance of R1 and C1 is high compared to the value of RF. In this case the gain of the
amplifier is minimum and amplification. The cut off frequency can be calculated using the formula,
f cutoff = .
Experimental Setup:
Fig -7(b): Low pass filter Fig -7(c): High pass filter
Experimental Data:
For low pass filter:
Input voltage: 176mV
Frequency (Hz) Output (volt pk-pk)
20 1.50
100 1.44
500 1.40
1K 1.28
1.2K 1.20
1.4K 1.12
1.5K 1.04
1.6K 1.04
1.7K 1.04
2K 1.00
3.5K 0.78
10K 0.33
50K 0.20
100K 0.18
200K 0.16
20 200 2000 20000 200000
Frequency (Hz)
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Frequency (Hz)
RF = 10kΩ
CF = 10nF
Cutoff (Low pass) = 1
= 1591.55 Hz
Cutoff (High pass) = 1
= 15915.5 Hz
From graph:
Corresponding to 70.70% of maximum value of output voltage,
In low pass,
Cut off frequency = 1495Hz , error = 6.07%
In High pass,
Cut off frequency = 14350Hz , error = 9.84%
In order to remove high frequency noise and distortion and to provide low frequency bass impulses
to bigger bass speakers, active low pass filters are employed in speaker systems, equalizers, and
audio amplifiers. In communication systems, active filters are primarily used to reduce noise and
isolate a communication signal from various channels in order to maximize the unique message
signal from a modulated signal. Active filters have a comprehensive administration system, but they
are expensive. A lot of power is too much for it to handle. For functioning, a DC power supply is
required. This filter's frequency range is restricted.