EE 3206, Exp 04

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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Course no.: EE 3206
Exp. No. – 04
Study on DELTA Modulation
After completing the experiment students are able to
 describe principle of DM and different terminologies of DM. Also influence of ADM
over DM.
 explain analog signal transmission and reception technique by DM
 clarify how the output signal quality varies with sampling frequency, input signal
magnitude at different noise levels of the channel employing, DM and ADD.
Experimental data collection procedures:

1. Capture input signal waveforms for lower amplitude at tp - 48

2. Record corresponding waveforms for the reference signal tp - 49
3. Record delta modulated signal at the output of the modulator tp - 53
4. Record signal at the demodulator output ( after integrator ) tp - 56
5. Record signal at the filter output tp - 21
6. Compare input with output signal then see the effect of sampling frequency (16 KHz and
32 KHz), LDM and ADM, without noise, medium noise and high noise conditions arise
in the system from the channel.
7. Repeat the same for the medium and higher magnitude levels of the input signal.

Report writing:
# Objectives:
# Introduction:
# Block diagram/Experimental setup:
# Working principle:
# Experimental results and discussion:
# Conclusion:

# What are the techniques we have to convert analog signal into digital signal. Comments
on the circuit complexity for both of the techniques.
# How many types of Delta modulator (DM). What do you mean by LDM and ADM,
Explain them graphically.
# How can we improve the performance of DM transmission system. The performance
Delta modulation transmission system depend on the bandwidth requirement. Justify the
# What are the problem in LDM and how these are overcome by ADM.


 To introduce the main concepts of Delta modulation
 to describe the Linear Delta modulation and the Delta Adaptive
modulation (CVSD, Continuously Variable Slope Delta mod).
 oscilloscope.


The Delta Modulation is a technique which enables to code an analog
signal into binary digits (bit). This process is carried out via two
classical sampling and coding operation of the signal to be transmitted,
and so the Delta modulation can be considered a PCM system in all
ways (even though the word PCM identifies a particular coding
technique). In Delta modulation, there is the advantage that the circuits
required for the modulator and the demodulator are much simpler than
the ones necessary to the standard PCM. Some limitation of the simpler
Delta modulation (called also Linear) are overcome in the Adaptive

996.1.1 Linear Delta Modulation

A communication system using Linear Delta modulation is shown in
fig.996.1, fig.996.2 shows the characteristic wave-forms.

A pulse generator supplies a train of pulses P i(t) to one of the inputs of

the modulator. On the other input, the modulator receives also the signal
(t). The output PO(t) of the modulator is just the train of input pulses
Pi(t) multiplied by +1 or by -1, as function of the sign (not the
amplitude) of (t). If , in correspondence to the pulse Pi(t), (t) is
positive, so the multiplication is by +1; if (t) is negative there is the
multiplication by -1.

The pulse signal PO(t) is then applied to an integrator, across which

output there is s(t). As you can see in fig.996.2, the step signal s (t) is
an approximation of the input analog signal s(t).

The signals s(t) and s(t) are compared to a comparator circuit, which
output is positive [(t)>0 if s(t)>s(t)] or negative [(t)<0 if s(t) < s(t)].

Lesson 996: Introduction to DELTA modulation

fig.996.1 Linear Delta modulation communication system

fig.996.2 Wave-forms

Lesson 996: Introduction to DELTA modulation
(t) is the difference (of sign and not amplitude) between the signal to
be coded s(t) and the approximating signal s(t).

Theoretically we can think to send the train of positive and negative

pulses PO(t), in practice a two level signal is sent in line, taken by P O(t),
so to increase the energy of the transmitted signal. In line we find the
signal P(t), taken by PO(t) giving a "high" level of duration  for each
positive pulse and a "low" level of duration  for each negative pulse.

At this point we can note there is a main difference between the PCM
and the Delta modulation: in Delta modulation a binary coding (at one
single bit) of the difference (t) between s(t) and the approximating
signal s(t) is transmitted and not a binary coding of the signal s(t) (as in
PCM), The Delta modulation is represented by a set of logical "0" and
"1", coding the derivate of an analog signal: "0" indicates a drop of the
signal, while "1" is associated to an increase.

The Delta demodulator consists in a simple integrator followed by a low

pass filter. The integrator reconstructs a signal S(t) approximating the
modulating signal s(t) via a set of ramps, the low pass filter removes the
residuals of the clock frequency. In this way, you obtain, at the output of
the transmission system, the signal s’(t) which, unless there are
differences due to noises of different nature, is identical to the original
signal s(t).

Another typical diagram of Linear Delta modulator is represented in

fig.996.3. The behavior of this modulator is similar to the one of
fig.996.1, with the difference that the integrator is reached by pulses of
duration  and so the output integrator is a set of ramps.

Explaining the The operation can be explained referring to fig.996.3 and 996.4.
operation Consider, e.g., the instant corresponding to the general clock pulse "n":
the signal s(t) has a negative slope as, in the last sampling instant, the
value of the analog signal s(t) was lower than the one of the output of
the integrator and so the output of the flip-flop type D was "0".

At the instant "n", s(t) is still lower than s (t), so the output of the
comparator is still low and so the output of the flip-flop: s(t) continue

At the instant "n+1" the situation changes because s(t) is higher than
s(t), consequently the output of the comparator is high and so is the
output of the flip-flop: s(t) inverts the slope and begins to rise,
following the behavior of s(t), in this way.

Lesson 996: Introduction to DELTA modulation

fig.996.3 Principle diagram of the Delta Modulator

fig.996.4 Wave-forms

Lesson 996: Introduction to DELTA modulation

996.1.2 Quantization noise and "slope overload"

The signal s(t) of fig.996.4 is the signal we find also after the reception
integrator (see fig.996.1 and 996.2). The difference between the original
signal s(t) and the reconstructed signal s(t) (shown in fig.996.4) is
called quantization noise (or granular noise) and is typical of the Delta
modulation process.

This noise can be dropped by increasing the clock frequency and/or

dropping the amplitude "d" of the ramp. The clock frequency increase
implies an increase of the bit transmission rate and so requires the
transmission band to be enlarged.

The dropping of the ramp amplitude "d" points out another problem, the
so called slope overload. The effect due to the slope overload is visible
in the segment "A" of fig.996.4.

This effect appears when the modulating signal changes its amplitude,
between two next clocks, of a quantity over the ramp amplitude "d".
This kind of distortion is not caused anymore by the amplitude of the
modulating signal, but by its slope.

To drop the effect due to the slope overload you can increase the clock
frequency (finding the same problem seen for the quantization noise), or
you can increase the ramp amplitude "d", and this means the
quantization noise increases.

The solution to this problem which seems not solvable is possible

thanks to Adaptive Delta modulation.

996.1.3 Adaptive Delta Modulation

As described in the last chapter, the Linear Delta Modulation has the
inconveniences of quantization noise and slope overload; usually when
one drops the other increases and vice versa.

An effective method to reduce the exposed inconveniences to the

minimum is the companding (compressing/expanding), with which the
modulator changes its gain according to the amplitude variation of the
input analog signal. In this way, you can have a small amplitude of the
ramp when the signal has low slopes, and a higher amplitude when the
signal slope increases.

Lesson 996: Introduction to DELTA modulation
The ramp amplitude matches the signal slope, and this is the reason why
the modulation is called adaptive. An effective and used diagram to
carry out the Delta Adaptive modulation is known as CVSD
(Continuously Variable Slope Deltamod), and is made in different
integrated circuits in the market.

Fig.996.5 shows a standard block diagram of the modulator and

demodulator made with CVSD. As you can see, the only difference in
respect to Linear Delta modulation consists in the presence, in the
reaction chain, of a voltage controlled amplifier.

The control voltage is just the digital signal supplied by the modulator,
integrated (by the integrator 2, called also syllabic filter) with a time
constant greater than the one of the main integrator (integrator 1): this
because when the obtained control voltage must follow average
variations slower in time.

We will now analyze in details the operation of this modulator.

The digital signal from the flip-flop D, constituting the result of the
modulation, not only is applied to the line but also to a 3-bit Shift
Register. The algorithm used for the CVSD of fig.996.5 simply controls
the 3 last bits supplied by the modulator and checks if three "0" or three
"1" are generated one after the other. This condition is called

When this occurs, it means that the gain of the integrator 1 is too low.
The output of the coincidence detector (marked with the logic in the
diagram of fig.996.5) is integrated by the integrator 2.

The output voltage of the syllabic filter controls the gain of the
integrator 1 via a circuit supplying the integrator also with the sign of
the bit ("0" or "1") in the instant supplied by the modulator.

With this technique you get a measurement of the average level of the
slope of the input signal, and according to the average level, the
integrator gain is changed. In this way for weak signals the ramp will
have a reduced height (and so reduced quantization noise) and for
strong signals a higher height (and so reduced slope overload).

In reception, the demodulator must use the same technique to

reconstruct the signal.

Lesson 996: Introduction to DELTA modulation

fig.996.5 Communication system carried out with CVSD

Lesson 996: Introduction to DELTA modulation

 MCM30 Insert lesson code: 996

Q1 What is it coded in Delta Modulation:

 1 the input analog signal
 2 the clock signal
 3 the slope overload
 4 the difference between the analog signal and a signal
approximating it
 5 the quantization noise
 6 the granular noise

Q2 The comparator inserted into the Delta Modulator supplies:

 1 the amplitude of the input analog signal
 2 the clock signal
 3 the sign of the sum between input signal and approximating
 4 the difference between input signal and signal approximating it
 5 the sign of the difference between input signal and
approximating signal

Q3 If the clock period of a Delta Modulator is T = 62.5s, which is the bit

transmission rate V?
 1 V = 1/62.5 = 0.016 bit/s
 2 V = 62.5 bit/s
 3 V = 1/62.5 = 1600 bit/s
 4 V = 1/62.5 = 16 kbit/s
 5 V = 1/62.5 = 16 bit/s

Q4 In Delta Modulation, the difference between original signal s(t) and the
approximating signal s(t) is called:
 1 aliasing, or granular noise
 2 slope overload
 3 noise differential
 4 quantization noise, or granular noise

Lesson 996: Introduction to DELTA modulation
Q5 The slope overload is caused by:
 1 excessive amplitude of the input analog signal
 2 excessive slope of the input analog signal
 3 limited slope of the input analog signal
 4 difference between the input signal and the signal
approximating it

Q6 The amplitude increase of the steps of the ramp approximating the

analog signal causes the:
 1 increase of the slope overload and drop of the quantization
 2 drop of the slope overload and of the quantization noise
 3 drop of the slope overload and the granular noise
 4 drop of the slope overload and increase of the quantization
 5 increase of the slope overload and the quantization noise

Q7 In Delta Adaptive Modulation the amplitude of the steps of the ramp

approximating the analog signal:
 1 changes with the slope of the analog signal
 2 changes with the clock frequency
 3 changes with the clock signal amplitude
 4 changes with the analog signal amplitude

Q8 In the CVSD device (Continuously Variable Slope Deltamod) the

amplitude variation of the steps of the ramps made after:
 1 detection of the excessive input amplitude
 2 detection of the excessive input slope
 3 detection of equal output N bits
 4 detection of excessive noise

Q9 The Delta demodulator is carried out with:

 1 frequency multiplier and filter
 2 integrator and high pass filter
 3 derivator and band pass filter
 4 integrator and low pass filter

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Lesson 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta modulator and demodulator

LESSON 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta Modulator and Demodulator

 To examine the operation Linear Delta Modulator
 to examine the operation of the Adaptive Delta Modulator
 to carry out a communication system with Delta modulation

 oscilloscope.


997.1.1 Linear and Adaptive Delta Modulator

Linear Fig.997.1 shows the diagram of the modulator in Linear operating mode
operation (switch SW11 to LINEAR position). All functions necessary to the
modulation are provided by the integrated circuit MC3417 (IC38).

The analog modulating signal is applied to pin 1 of IC38, corresponding

to the input of the comparator. After the comparator, the signal (t) is
sampled by the flip-flop D and the train of resulting pulses is supplied to
the output (pin 9). The same pulses are sent, through the section
Polarity, to the integrator (operational amplifier, C108, R270), which
supplies the ramp signal which is applied to the second input (pin 2) of
the comparator.

IC38 provides also a voltage reference VCC/2, used to bias in continuous

the modulating signal and to set the switching threshold level (to pin 12)
for the digital signals across pin 13 (used in the demodulator), 14
(clock) and 15.

The external regulation R278 (Step_Size) is used to adjust the ramp

minimum amplitude; as in lesson 996, in adaptive operation the ramp
amplitude must change when the average slope of the input analog
signal changes. The ramp minimum amplitude, occurring when there
isn’t the analog signal, is adjusted with R278. R274 adjust, instead, the
gain of the integrator (in practice the load current of the capacitor

Before transmission, the Delta signal supplied by IC38 (pin 9) is

matched in amplitude (2Vpp) and balanced in respect to 0V by IC39.

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Lesson 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta modulator and demodulator

Fig.997.1 Linear Delta modulator

Fig.997.2 Adaptive Delta Modulator

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Lesson 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta modulator and demodulator

Adaptive operation
Now let’s examine the modulator in adaptive operation, so with CVSD
function (Continuous Variable Slope Delta_modulation) inserted. From
fig.997.2 you can see that, in respect to linear modulator, there is also a
Shift Register, a logic circuit and the capacitor C109.

The bits supplied by the modulator, beside being sent in transmission,

are also loaded serially into the 3-bit "Shift Register". The three parallel
outputs of the register are controlled by a logical section, supplying the
output (pin 11) with a low level if the register content is all "0" or all
"1". Remember that the presence of streams of "0" or "1" means that
you are in slope overload.

The negative pulses supplied by pin 11 are integrated by the so called

Syllabic filter (consisting of R277 and C109), from which you detect a
d.c. voltage proportional to the presence of slope overload. This voltage
(applied to pin 3 of IC38) changes the gain of the next integrator, and
acts so that the ramp signal can properly follows the modulating analog

997.1.2 Linear and Adaptive Delta Demodulator

Refer to fig.997.3. The Delta signal coming from the line is amplified
and squared by IC39-IC40, and then applied to the demodulator. Also
the demodulation function, as the modulation one, is carried out with
the integrated circuit MC3417 (IC41).

In linear operation, the switch SW12 is in "LINEAR" position and the

"Shift Register" and "LOGIC" blocks are excluded. The digital signal
enters the pin 13 of IC41 and is applied to a comparator and then to the
flip-flop D, which regenerates the signal. Then there is the integrator
(C112-R302), which produces a ramp signal approximating the starting
modulating signal.

In adaptive operation (switch SW12 to the position "CVSD") the "Shift

Register" and "Logic" blocks are used, with functions similar to those
carried out in the modulator. The presence of the digital signal of three
"0" or three "1" causes a pulse on pin 11, pulse which is integrated by
R305-C114 obtaining a d.c voltage adjusting the gain of the next
integrator C112-R302: all is analogous to the one developed in the

Low pass reception At the output of the integrator C112-R302 you get a ramp signal
filter approximating the starting modulating signal. To clean the signal from
the clock frequency and its harmonics, and to get a signal the more
possible similar to the modulating one, the low pass filter (with cutting
frequencies of about 3.4 kHz) used also for the other exercises.

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Lesson 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta modulator and demodulator

Fig.997.3 Linear and Adaptive Delta Demodulator

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Lesson 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta modulator and demodulator

Disconnect all jumpers

 MCM30
Turn all switches S OFF

997.2.1 Linear Delta Modulator

 Power the module

 set the circuit to Linear Delta mode with 16kHz Clock
(SW10=16kHz, SW11=Linear, fig.997.4)
 connect 1kHz-50mVpp to the modulator input (connect TP24 to
TP48 and adjust the signal level to 50mVpp)
 set Gain to the minimum (clockwise)
 with the oscilloscope examine the wave-forms of the input analog
signal (TP48) and the approximating signal supplied by the integrator
 wave-forms are detected similar to those of fig.997.5. Adjust the
input signal level in case you need stable wave-forms
 across the integrator output (TP49) there is a signal approximating
the input analog signal
 examine the wave-forms in TP53 (DM OUT) and TP49

Q1 What can you state after the above considerations?

 1 the signal approximating the input analog signal (TP49 is
obtained by integrating the rectangular wave-form constituting
the result of Delta modulation (TP53). A high level of the Delta
signal corresponds to an increasing ramp of the approximating
signal, a low level corresponds to a decreasing ramp
 2 the signal approximating the input analog signal (TP49 is
obtained by integrating the rectangular wave-form (with
inverted sign) of the Delta signal (TP53). A high level of the
Delta signal corresponds to a decreasing ramp of the
approximating signal, a low level corresponds to an increasing
 3 the signal approximating the analog input signal (TP49) is a
sine wave, obtained filtering the Delta signal
 4 in TP53 there is the clock signal producing the Delta

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Lesson 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta modulator and demodulator


 if a 3-trace oscilloscope is available you can examine at the same

time: the input analog signal to the modulator (TP48), the digital
output of the modulator (TP53), the approximating signal (TP49).
Fig.997.6 overlays the input analog signal and the ramp signal which
approximates it. Note that when the ramp signal overcomes the
analog signal, the digital output goes high, while it gets low when the
ramp signal is lower than the analog signal
 the comparation between analog signal and ramp signal is made at
the negative front of the clock signal (TP50)
 increase the amplitude of the input analog signal to about 100mVpp:
in TP48 and TP49 there are two wave-forms similar to those of
 increase the amplitude (take it to about 150mVpp) again and see that
the integrator cannot follow anymore the input analog signal with a
ramp signal: this behavior is pointed out in fig.997.8
 set the integrator gain to the max and see that now the integrator can
approximate the input analog signal more properly
 set the input analog signal to zero
 in TP53 there is a square-wave which, once integrated, produces a
triangular wave in TP49: change Gain and see the amplitude
variation of the triangular wave.
 Repeat the last tests using the clock at 32 kHz (SW10=32), and see
the approximating signal (TP49) follows more strictly the input
signal (TP48)

- 16 -
Lesson 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta modulator and demodulator

fig.997.5 fig.997.6

fig.997.7 fig.997.8


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Lesson 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta modulator and demodulator

997.2.2 Adaptive Delta Modulator

 Set the circuit to CVSD mode with Clock at 16kHz (SW10=16kHz,

 set Gain to the minimum (counter-clockwise)
 connect 1kHz-300mVpp to the modulator input (connect TP24 to
TP48 and adjust the signal level to 300mVpp)
 with the oscilloscope examine the wave-forms of the input analog
signal (TP48) and the approximating signal supplied by the integrator
(TP49). In case adjust the level of the input signal to obtain stable
 see that the ramp signal can follow the analog signal

Q2 Set the switch SW11 to Linear position. What can you see ?
 1 the ramp signal (TP49) cannot follow the analog signal
anymore, but reduces to a square-wave
 2 the ramp signal (TP49) perfectly follows the analog signal. In
Linear mode, the gain of the integrator is variable, and
automatically matches to input signal slope
 3 the ramp signal (TP49) perfectly follows the analog signal. In
CVSD mode, the gain of the integrator automatically matches
to input signal slope
 4 the ramp signal (TP49) cannot follow the analog signal
anymore, but reduces to a triangular signal. In Linear mode, the
gain of the integrator is fixed and it is insufficient to follow the
input signals with high slope

 take SW11 to CVSD position and note the ramp step amplitude
(about 100mV)
 increase the analog signal to about 1Vpp and see the step amplitude
increase (about 300mV): this is due to the increase of the integrator
gain, caused by the syllabic filter
 connect the oscilloscope to TP53 and TP51. In TP53 there is the
digital signal produced by the Delta modulation, in TP51 there is a
negative pulse each time the modulator output keeps high or low for
at least three bits (fig.997.9). These pulses are integrated by the
syllabic filter and the obtained d.c. voltage varies the integrator gain,
and so the ramp slope
 measure the d.c. voltage in TP51, and see that it drops when the
amplitude of the input analog signal increases: you find values
ranging between 10 and 12 Volt about
 take the input analog signal to about 0.5Vpp, and examine the wave-
forms of the input analog signal (TP48) and the approximating signal
supplied by the integrator (TP49). In case, adjust the input level to
obtain stable wave-forms

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Lesson 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta modulator and demodulator

 MCM30 Turn switch S9 ON

Q3 In TP49 the approximating signal is much distorted. Which is the

reason why ?
 1 the input signal (TP48) is missing
 2 the time constant of the syllabic filter integrator is changed and
so is the regulation d.c. voltage (TP51) of the gain. The result
is a quicker variation of the ramps slope
 3 the Delta signal is missing in TP53
 4 the clock signal is missing in TP50

 MCM30 Turn switch S9 OFF

997.2.3 Communication system with Delta modulation

Linear Delta  Power the module

 set the circuit in Linear Delta mode with 16kHz Clock. Connect a 40-
kHz line and set the Attenuation and Noise to the minimum. Connect
the Delta demodulator output to the 3.4-kHz low-pass filter input
(SW10=16kHz, SW11=Linear, SW12=Linear, J1=40kHz, J2=d,
 connect 1kHz-50mVpp to the modulator input (connect TP24 to
TP48 and adjust the signal level to 50mVpp)
 set Gain to the minimum
 in TP49 and TP56 examine the wave-forms related to the
reconstructed ramp signals. The first is related to the modulation
process, the second constitutes the actual received signal. The two
signals are identical, the only difference is the delay of 1 clock period
of the reception in respect to the transmission signal. Adjust the input
signal level if you need stable wave-forms
 after filtering, in TP21 you detect the received analog signal,
cleaned by the clock frequency components
 adjust LEVEL F1 to obtain the same amplitude for the transmitted
(TP48) and the received (TP21) analog signal
 increase the input signal amplitude (TP48) and see that it does not
increase anymore at a particular output signal (TP21). This is
because the modulator cannot follow the input signal (see the signal
in TP49) anymore

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Lesson 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta modulator and demodulator


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Lesson 997: Linear and Adaptive Delta modulator and demodulator

Adaptive Delta  Keep the last setting (fig.997.10), but set the circuit to CVSD mode
 connect 1kHz-50mVpp to the modulator input, and set Gain to the
 examine the transmitted (TP48) and the received (TP21) analog
 increase the amplitude of the input signal (TP48) and see that, unlike
the Linear operating mode, the output (TP21) can follow the
behavior of the input amplitud

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