Solid Mechanics - Unit 1 Notes
Solid Mechanics - Unit 1 Notes
Solid Mechanics - Unit 1 Notes
materials having good ductility but low strength are also not tough enough. Therefore, to be tough,
material should be capable to withstand with both high stress and strain.
Hardness: Hardness is the ability of a material to resist indentation or surface abrasion. Hardness
measures are categorized into scratch hardness, indentation hardness and rebound hardness.
The stresses are highly concentrated in the immediate vicinity of the point of application of the load
and reduce is magnitude as we move away from it along the cross-section. However, as we move
away from the end of the bar towards the middle portion of the bar, the stress distribution becomes
more uniform throughout the cross-section. Thus, away from the ends, the cross-sections can be
assumed to have uniform stress, as given in equation (1). This is called the St. Venant’s principle,
which is more formally stated as:
The stresses in a deformable solid body at a point sufficiently remote from the point of application of
the load depend only on the static resultant of the loads and not on the local distribution of the loads.
Figures (1) and (2) depict this principle.
Types of Stress
A) Normal/Direct Stress
1. Tensile Stress
The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite pull, as a result of which
there is an increase in length, is known as tensile stress. Tensile stress tends to elongate the body.
Consider a uniform bar of cross-section area A subjected to an axial force P. The stress at any
section, x-x, normal to the line of action of tensile force P is shown in the figure. The internal
resistance R at x-x is equal to applied force P.
Resisting Force (R) P
TensileStress (2)
CrossSectional Area (A) A
Under tensile stress, bar suffer stretching or elongation.
2. Compressive Stress
The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposites pushes, as a result of
which there is decrease in length, is known as compressive stress.
Consider a uniform bar of cross-section area A subjected to an axial compressive load P. The stress at
any section x-x normal to the line of action of compressive force P is shown in the figure. The
internal resistance R at x-x is equal to applied load P.
Resisting Force (R) P
Compressive Stress (3)
CrossSectional Area (A) A
Under compressive stress, bar suffers shortening.
Tensile Stresses are considered positive and compressive stresses are considered negative, as per
general numerical sign convention for stresses.
B) Shear/Tangential Stress
A shear stress, symbolized by the Greek letter tau, τ, results when a member is subjected to a force
that is parallel or tangent to the surface. The average shear stress in the member is obtained by
dividing the magnitude of the resultant shear force V by the cross sectional area A. Shear stress is:
Shear Force (V) V
Shear Stress, (4)
CrossSectional Area (A) A
It should be noted that the distributions of shear stresses is not uniform across the cross section.
Shear stress will be highest near the center of the section and become zero at the edge. This will be
dealt in greater detail in Unit III.
Direct or simple shear arises in the design of bolts, pins, rivets, keys, welds and glued joints.
C) Bearing Stress
A bearing stress, symbolized by the Greek letter sigma σb, is a compressive normal stress that occurs
on the surface of contact between two interacting members. The average normal stress in the
member is obtained by dividing the magnitude of the bearing force F by the area of interest. Bearing
stress for the situation in Figure 10 is
Punching Force P P
b (5)
Contact Area Ab td
Bolts, pins and rivets create bearing stresses along the surface of contact.
Strain is a measure of deformation produced by the application of external force. It is the ratio of
change in length to original length. It is denoted by Epsilon ( ). Strain is dimensionless. Strain in
direction of applied load is known as linear or longitudinal strain.
Change of length ( l )
Strain ( ) (6)
Original length (l )
Types of Strain
1. Tensile strain
Let initial length of bar before applied load be , when tensile load P is applied. Let the bar be
elongated by .
2. Compressive strain
Let initial length of bar before applied load be , when compressive load P is applied. Its length gets
decrease by .
Consider again the element ABCD from a material subjected to shearing stress () on a faces AB and
CD as shown in Figure 13 (a). We may assume that the deformation occurs as shown in Figure 13
(b). However, this is possible only when the base AB is glued to the bottom. If the element ABCD is
the portion of the material as shown in Figure 14 (a) subject to shear forces, then its deformation will
be as shown in Figure 14 (b). This deformation is more common case of shear deformation in
Specify the orientation of the inclined section pq by the angle θ between the x axis and the normal to
the plane.
Figure 16. Resolution of the axial stress into normal and shear components
(10 a)
(10 b)
We can thus see that even a normal force offering axial load to a bar will produce both normal and
shear stresses in the internal material of the bar. We may also note that when θ = 0o, that is when the
plane pq is normal to the load P, we get normal stress as maximum and equal to P/A, while the shear
stress on plane pq is zero. Another very important observation is that when θ = 45o, the shear stress
is maximum and is equal to P/2A (in magnitude). The maximum shear stress produced is half the
value of maximum normal stress.
Hooke’s Law
Within elastic limit or more accurately up to the proportional limit of the material, the stress is
directly proportional to strain.
Simple Tension Test, Stress-Strain Curve for Mild-Steel, Definitions of Critical Points on the Stress-
strain curve, Strain-Hardening, Necking, Engineering Stress-Strain Vs True Stress-Strain
Simple Tension Test for Mild Steel Specimen on Universal Testing Machine (UTM)
To study the behaviour of ductile materials in tension, a standard mild steel specimen is used for
tensile test on universal testing machine (UTM).
On the UTM more than one test can be performed like Tension, Compression, Bending and
Shear etc.
The end of specimens is gripped in UTM and one of the grips is moved apart by hydraulic
jack or system, thus exerting tensile load on the specimen.
The load applied is indicated on dial and the extension in the initial stages is measured by
using an extensometer fixed on specimen itself and later stages by scale fixed on machine.
Almost all machines are provided with an autographic recorder which is directly records the
load vs deformation curve (or) stress vs strain curve.
To fix the extensometer on specimen, two points are marked on a portion of specimen. The
distance between these points over which the extension is marked is called gauge length.
The load vs deformation curve is not unique, even for the specimen of the same material. As the
geometry (either length or cross-sectional area) of the specimen changes, the load-deformation curve
also changes.
On the other hand, the Stress vs Strain curve for a material is unique, irrespective of the geometric
dimensions of the material specimen. Thus, for studying engineering properties of a material, Stress-
Strain curve is commonly used.
The following is an example of a Stress-Strain curve for mild steel specimen obtained by performing
simple tension test.
Necking is a mode of tensile deformation in ductile materials where relatively large amounts of strain
localize disproportionately in a small region of the material. This results in prominent decrease in
local cross-sectional area and the material specimen assumes a shape in the form of a "neck". This
phenomenon is called necking.
In the Stress-Strain curve of Figure 18, the zone between the Ultimate Stress (U) and the point of
Rupture (B) is called as the necking zone.
Commonly, the Stress is calculated as the ratio of the applied load P measured on the test equipment
(Universal Testing Machine) and the original area of cross-section A0 of the specimen. This is called
engineering stress or nominal stress.
Applied load P
Engineering Stress ;
OriginalArea of cross-section A0
Engineering strain is the amount that a material deforms per unit length in a tensile test. The
reference length for this purpose is taken as the original guage length, before the material is tested.
This is also known as nominal strain.
Change in the guage length of the specimen L
Engineering Strain ;
Original guage length of the specimen L0
True Stress and True Strain
In tensile test, since the cross-sectional area of the specimen decreases as applied load P increases, the
stress plotted in the stress-strain diagram may not represent the actual stress in the specimen. This is
observed particularly for ductile materials after the onset of the yield.
Thus, true stress is defined as the applied load divided by the actual cross-sectional area (the
changing area with respect to time) of the specimen at that load.
Applied load P
True Stress ; t .
cross-section area at the time of load applied A
True strain at any particular instance of the loading of the specimen is equal to the natural log of the
quotient of current length over the original length as given by the equation: ln .
With the summation replaced by an integral, the true strain can also be expressed as follows:
Note: The diagram obtained by plotting true stress versus true strain reflects more accurately the
behavior of the material. There is no decrease in true stress during the necking phase. Also, the results
obtained from tensile and from compressive tests will produce essentially the same plot when true
stress and true strain are used. This is not the case for large values of the strain when the engineering
stress is plotted versus the engineering strain. However, engineers, whose responsibility is to
determine whether a load, P, will produce an acceptable stress and an acceptable deformation in a
given member, will want to use a diagram based on the engineering stress and the engineering strain,
since their respective expressions involve data that are available to them, namely the cross-sectional
area A0 and the length L0 of the member in its undeformed state.
Stress-Strain Curves for Other Materials - comparison, Proof Stress, Elasticity Modulus for Non-
Linear Elasticity, Ductility, and Permanent Set – Slip and Creep.
Fig 21: Mild Steel Vs High Strength Steels Fig 22: Stress-Strain curve for High Strength Steels
Firstly, high strength steels are less ductile but of higher strength as compared to mild steel. This is
indicated by shorter strains and high rupture stresses in the stress-strain curves (Fig.21).
Secondly, the stress-strain curves for high strength steels (HSD steel bars) do not have a well defined
yield point as in the case of mild steel (see Fig 21 and 22).
The HSD material displays linear characteristics of the stress-strain curve up to proportional limit, say
p. Beyond ‘p’, a smooth transition of curvature takes place without a well-defined yield point.
Thus, Proof Stress is defined as the stress which induces a specific residual strain (usually 0.2
percent) in the material.
(B) Concrete
The strength of concrete in tension is about one-tenth of its strength in compression. Thus, concrete is
usually tested in compression, as per the procedure specified by IS: 516-1959. The stress-strain curve
for concrete is shown in Figure 23.
Concrete shows a non-linear behaviour in the stress-strain curve even for small stress.
(NOTE: There is difference between non-linear elasticity and plasticity)
The strain at failure for concrete is about 0.002 to 0.004 which is about 100 times smaller than the
strain at failure for mild steel (which is about 0.35). Thus, concrete structures fails abruptly without
showing significant deformations to the naked eye. However, steel structures, being much more
ductile, show significant deformations before actual failure.
Initial modulus, Secant modulus and Tangent Modulus
In mild steel and other materials with initial linear characteristics of the stress-strain curves, the slope
of the initial linear portion of the curve is the Young’s Modulus of Elasticity (E).
However, due to non-linear elasticity, the slope in the stress-strain curve in concrete is varying. Thus,
following are the methods to determine elasticity modulus in concrete.
Initial Modulus: The elasticity modulus of concrete is usually defined by the slope of the stress-
strain curve at the origin. This slope is called as the initial tangent modulus or simply initial
Secant Modulus: If the elasticity modulus of concrete is defined by the slope of the line joining the
origin and a point (say a) on the stress-strain curve, then it is known as secant modulus,
corresponding to the stress at that point.
Tangent Modulus: If the elasticity modulus of concrete is defined by the slope of the tangent to the
stress-strain curve at some point (say b), then it is known as tangent modulus, corresponding to the
stress at that point.
[Courtesy: Taken from “Strength of Materials – A Practical Approach Vol.1” by D. S. Prakash Rao.]
The stress-strain curves for various other materials are shown below in Figures 24.
The stress-strain curves of the ductile materials are elongated. Before rupture, there is sufficient
elongation of the test specimen in the plastic zone. The stress-strain curves for brittle materials end
abruptly. That is to say that the brittle materials rupture suddenly, even before giving visual
indications of any significant plastic deformation.
It should be notes that for ductile materials fail primarily due to shear stress, and their typical fracture
mechanism is cup-cone fracture mechanism. While the brittle materials fails, primarily due to normal
stress and failure surface is flat, as shown in the following figures.
(a) (b)
Figure 27. Ductile and brittle failure patterns in materials
Ductility of a material is usually expressed in terms of percentage elongation of gage length of the
specimen at fracture or percentage contraction of cross-section area at fracture. These are calculated
as follows:
lu l
Percentage elongation = 100 , where l = original gage length and lu = gage length at fracture
A Au
Percentage contraction = 100 , where A = original c.s. area and Au = c.s. area at fracture
If the material has a well-defined yield point, the elastic limit, the proportional limit and the yield
point are essentially equal. In other words, the material behaves elastically and linearly as long as the
stress is kept below the yield point.
If the yield point is reached, however, yield takes place as described and, when the load is removed,
the stress and strain decrease in a linear fashion, along a line CD parallel to the straight-line portion
AB of the loading curve (Fig. 28).
The fact that does not return to zero after the load has been removed indicates that a permanent set
or plastic deformation of the material has taken place. For most materials, the plastic deformation
depends not only upon the maximum value reached by the stress, but also upon the time elapsed
before the load is removed.
The stress-dependent part of the plastic deformation is referred to as slip, and the time-dependent part
is referred to as creep.
Creep usually occurs as a result of long-term exposure of the material to high levels of stress that are
still below the yield strength of the material. Creep is more severe in materials that are subjected to
heat for long periods, and generally increases as they near their melting point. Unlike brittle fracture,
creep deformation does not occur suddenly upon the application of stress. Instead, strain accumulates
as a result of long-term stress. Therefore, creep is a "time-dependent" deformation.
Working Stress, Factor of Safety, Deformation of bars under axial loads – uniform sections,
abruptly varying sections.
Thus, the predicted strength and behavior characteristics of materials in well controlled laboratory set-
up may differ at the actual application site. Therefore, as a safety measure, while designing a
structural member, we need to take into consideration the above mentioned uncertainties. For this
purpose, the structural member is assumed to bear stress which is much lower than the actual yield
Working Stress (w): Maximum stress that a material is allowed to bear in design practices is called
working stress, allowable stress or maximum permissible stress.
It is necessary that the working stress should be well below the elastic limit and to achieve this
condition, the yield stress is divided by factor of safety to obtain working stress.
Yield Stress ( y )
Working Stress ( w )
Factor of Safety (F.O.S): Ratio of yield stress to working stress is called factor of safety.
Yield Stress ( y )
Factor of Safety (F.O.S.)
Working Stress ( w )
Sometimes, factor of safety is taken as the ratio of ultimate stress to working stress, in some special
design methodologies.
Consider a bar of length L and cross-sectional area A, subjected to an axial load of P. If L is the
elongation of the bar due to this load then it follows from Hooke’s law
Substituting for stress and strain as and in the above equation, we get the elongation
of the bar as
L .
This expression will be used for all the deformation problems in bars.
Principle of Superposition
The principle of superposition simply states that on a linear elastic structure, the combined effect of
several loads acting simultaneously is equal to the algebraic sum of the effects of each load acting
In other words, the total displacement or internal loadings (stress) at a point in a structure subjected to
several external loads, which can be determined by adding together the displacements or internal
loadings (stress) caused by each external load acting separately.
Lateral Strain, Poisson’s Ratio, Generalized State of Stresses in 3D, Volumetric Strain, Bulk
Modulus, and Relationship between various Elastic Modulii.
Strain at right angles to the direction of applied load is known as lateral strain.
= Increase in length
= Decrease in breadth
= Decrease in depth
Lateral Strain = or
If longitudinal strain is tensile, lateral strain will be compressive.
If longitudinal strain is compressive, lateral strain will be tensile.
This lateral strain differs from material to material. For every material the amount of lateral strain
developed due to axial stresses is determined by an intrinsic characteristic of the material called as the
Poisson’s ratio.
Poisson’s Ratio: Ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain is called Poisson’s ratio. It is constant for
given material, when the material is stressed within elastic limit. It is denoted by (Greek letter Nu)
or 1/m.
Poisson’s Ratio varies from 0.25 to 0.33 for steel and 0.45 to 0.50 for rubber. The value of lies
between 0 and 0.5.
Material Characteristics:
The following are some of the important characteristics of a material in terms of studying their
mechanical properties:
So far we discussed stresses that are acting along one direction particularly for a member subjected
to axial loading.
Now we shall consider a case of generalized loading, that is, a material is loaded from all three
mutually perpendicular directions, both normal and shear loads. Consider a 3D rectangular
Cartesian coordinate system.
In this case, the stress developed at a point will have nine components as follows:
Normal stresses: xx, yy, zz (Most commonly denoted as x, y, z)
Shear stresses: xy , yz , zx , yx , zy , xz.
x y z ;
y x z ;
z x y ;
xy G xy ; yz G yz ; zx G zx
Volumetric Strain: Change in dimensions of body will cause some change in its volume.
Volumetric strain is defined as the ratio of change in volume to original volume.
Consider a unit cube whose edges are along the coordinate axes. Let the cube be subjected to normal
stresses only in all three directions. Normal stresses are x, y, and z. Let the corresponding normal
strains be x, y, and z . Shear stresses are considered to be absent.
Thus the elongated lengths of the edges of the cube after deformation will be
(1 + x), (1 + y) and (1 + z).
Substituting the expressions for the three strains from the Generalized Hooke’s law we get,
x y z
2 x y z
1 2
x y z
We now introduce the constant known as Bulk Modulus or the Modulus of Compression.
Bulk Modulus, K, is defined as ratio of the hydrostatic pressure acting at a point in a material to the
volumetric strain of the material about that point. Thus, Bulk Modulus is given by
p E
v 3 1 2
Bulk Modulus, K, is expressed in the same units as the modulus of elasticity E, that is, in Pascals.
Like the modulus of elasticity, bulk modulus is also an intrinsic material property.
The reciprocal of bulk modulus gives the compressibility of a material, that is, it gives a measure of
how much a material can be compressed upon an applied pressure.
With applied compressive pressure p, the volume of the material will tend to decrease, and thus
volumetric strain v will be negative. Since we want a positive sign for bulk modulus, a negative sign
in introduced in the definition.
From the above expression for bulk modulus in terms of E and , since K and E are positive values,
we find that 1 2 0 . Since the Poisson’s ratio is positive for all engineering materials,
we get 0 .
We note that:
(a) When = 0, it represents an ideal material which could be stretched in one direction without
any lateral contraction. Bulk Modulus K will be exactly one-third of E.
(b) When = ½ , we get K = , or 1/K = 0. Thus, it represents a perfectly incompressible
material, with volumetric strain as zero.
Elastic Constants:
1) Modulus of Elasticity: Ratio of longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain
or linear stress to linear strain. It is denoted by E.
Modulus of elasticity (E) =
Bars of varying sections: Figure shows a bar which consist of three lengths l1 l2 & l3
with sectional area A1, A2 & A3 and subjected to an axial load P.
Even though the total force on each section is the same, the intensities of stress
will be different for three sections.
= +
= [ +
Note: When a body is subjected to a number of forces acting on its outer edge
as well as at some other sections, along the length of the body. In such case,
the forces are split up and their effects are considered on individual sections.
The resulting deformation of the body is equal to the algebraic sum of the
deformations of the individual sections, called principle of superposition.
We can find out diameter of bar at a distance x from the left end A by using
polynomial equation
D = a+bx ………………………………….(i)
Where D = diameter of taper section at a distance x
from left side In figure
At x = 0 at x = l
D = d1 D = d2
a = d1 d2 = a+bl or d2 = d1+bl so b =
put in equation (i)
D = d1 +( )x or D = d1 + (d2 – d1)
D = d1 - (d1 – d2) or D = Bigger end dia (major dia – minor dia)
D = d1 kx Where k = ( )
Cross section are of the bar at this section Ax = (d1 - kx)2
Induced stress at this section
= let 1 k =M
= (- )
0 –k.dx = dM
Limit changing if x = 0 then 1= M
if x = l the M = 1 k
=+ Put the value of k and by solving
δl =
Note: Same method & fundamental will apply for all tapering sections like
square, Rectangular tapering section.
By second point discussed above that strain is same for both bar
Strain in bar 1 (ε1) = Strain in bar 2 (ε2)
= =
You must have notice that in many times is structure will provide a gap
between two structural elements. We allow the structural member to expand or
contract due to variation in temperature. You must have noticed in the railway
tracks are not continuous; some gaps are maintained at a certain distance
travel. If this not, then rail track will be subjected to tremendous amount of
Δt = for contraction
If the rod is free to expand δl = α Δt.l
AB represents the original length and BB’
represents the increase in length due to
temperature rise, Now suppose that an external compressive load P is applied
at B’ so that the rod is decreased in its length from (l+ α Δt.l) to l = (l+ α Δt.l)
– δl = l
Total compressive strain
Thermal strain
= =
Thermal stress
= εT. = α E
If ends of body are fixed to rigid supports, so that its expansion is prevented then
compressive stress and strain will be set up in the rod. These are known as thermal stress
and thermal strain. If supports yield by an amount equal to d,
Then the actual expansion = expansion due to rise in temperature δ
= α Δt.l – δ
– –
Actual Strain = = ; Actual Stress =