Lecture Sheet-1 PDF
Lecture Sheet-1 PDF
Lecture Sheet-1 PDF
materials having good ductility but low strength are also not tough enough. Therefore, to be tough,
material should be capable to withstand with both high stress and strain.
Hardness: Hardness is the ability of a material to resist indentation or surface abrasion. Hardness
measures are categorized into scratch hardness, indentation hardness and rebound hardness.
The stresses are highly concentrated in the immediate vicinity of the point of application of the load
and reduce is magnitude as we move away from it along the cross-section. However, as we move
away from the end of the bar towards the middle portion of the bar, the stress distribution becomes
more uniform throughout the cross-section. Thus, away from the ends, the cross-sections can be
assumed to have uniform stress, as given in equation (1). This is called the St. Venant’s principle,
which is more formally stated as:
The stresses in a deformable solid body at a point sufficiently remote from the point of application of
the load depend only on the static resultant of the loads and not on the local distribution of the loads.
Figures (1) and (2) depict this principle.
Types of Stress
A) Normal/Direct Stress
1. Tensile Stress
The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite pull, as a result of which
there is an increase in length, is known as tensile stress. Tensile stress tends to elongate the body.
Consider a uniform bar of cross-section area A subjected to an axial force P. The stress at any
section, x-x, normal to the line of action of tensile force P is shown in the figure. The internal
resistance R at x-x is equal to applied force P.
Resisting Force (R) P
TensileStress (2)
CrossSectional Area (A) A
Under tensile stress, bar suffer stretching or elongation.
2. Compressive Stress
The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposites pushes, as a result of
which there is decrease in length, is known as compressive stress.
Consider a uniform bar of cross-section area A subjected to an axial compressive load P. The stress at
any section x-x normal to the line of action of compressive force P is shown in the figure. The
internal resistance R at x-x is equal to applied load P.
Resisting Force (R) P
Compressive Stress (3)
CrossSectional Area (A) A
Under compressive stress, bar suffers shortening.
Tensile Stresses are considered positive and compressive stresses are considered negative, as per
general numerical sign convention for stresses.
B) Shear/Tangential Stress
A shear stress, symbolized by the Greek letter tau, τ, results when a member is subjected to a force
that is parallel or tangent to the surface. The average shear stress in the member is obtained by
dividing the magnitude of the resultant shear force V by the cross sectional area A. Shear stress is:
Shear Force (V) V
Shear Stress, (4)
CrossSectional Area (A) A
It should be noted that the distributions of shear stresses is not uniform across the cross section.
Shear stress will be highest near the center of the section and become zero at the edge. This will be
dealt in greater detail in Unit III.
Direct or simple shear arises in the design of bolts, pins, rivets, keys, welds and glued joints.
C) Bearing Stress
A bearing stress, symbolized by the Greek letter sigma σb, is a compressive normal stress that occurs
on the surface of contact between two interacting members. The average normal stress in the
member is obtained by dividing the magnitude of the bearing force F by the area of interest. Bearing
stress for the situation in Figure 10 is
Punching Force P P
b (5)
Contact Area Ab td
Bolts, pins and rivets create bearing stresses along the surface of contact.