Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation Print Receipt 1
Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation Print Receipt 1
Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation Print Receipt 1
MB997607875AE *MB997607875AE*
Job Offer for
Unlimited Term Employment Contract
Address Emirates :
Dubai Address : Emirate :
District :
dubai Region :
Street :
dubai Street :
Land Line :
044161684 044161684 :
Mobile :
0543385029 0543385029 :
mobile phone
PO Box No. :
41388 41388 :
P.O. Box
Email : :
Fax :
Represented by represented by
Name :
Abdullah Hassan Abdullah Al-Qattan Al-
Passport No :
A15561564 A15561564 :
passport number
Nationality :
EMIRATES Nationality :
Title :
owner Adjective :
Address Emirates :
Dubai Address : Emirate :
District :
DUBAI Region :
Street :
DUBAI Street :
Land Line :
044168468 Landline :
Mobile :
0543385029 0543385029 :
mobile phone
PO Box No. :
413988 413988 :
P.O. Box
Email : :
Fax :
.What is mentioned in this clause (the first party) is referred to in the job offer and its appendix
Hereinafter referred to as (The First Party) in this Job Offer and the Annex thereof.
To hire :
:In running
Mr./Ms :
:. Mr
Name :
Name: Zhihong Wang
Nationality :
CHINA Nationality: China
Passport No EJ1477800 Passport number: EJ1477800
What is mentioned in this clause is referred to as the second party or the worker/worker in the work contract and its -
Hereinafter referred to as (The Second Party/ Worker) in this Job Offer and the Annex thereof.
And what is mentioned in these two clauses (1 and 2) shall be referred to together (the two parties/or the two parties) in the
.job offer and its appendix
Both the First Party and the Second Party are hereinafter referred to as ( The Parties/ Both Parties) in this Job Offer and
Annex thereof.
Where the first party expressed its desire to contract with the second party to work for him (or her) in the work described
:below, so he (or she) submitted this offer to him (or to her), including the following
Whereas the First Party desires to contract with the Second Party to employ the latter to carry out the below-mentioned job,
the First Party has granted the Second Party this Job Offer including the following terms:
item (first)
The second party is obligated to work for the first party in the profession / job of a librarian, in the United Arab Emirates in
the Emirate of: Dubai
First Article
The Second Party shall work for the First Party in the job/profession of Library Clerk within the UAE, (Emirate
The second item )
The second party is obligated to work for the first party with a profession / job The second party is obligated to work for the
first party with a job / or a profession The second party is obligated to work for the first party with a job / or a profession
The second party is obligated to work for the first party with a job / or profession as a librarian, in the United Arab Emirates
/ Emirate of Dubai
ساعات عمل يوميا بنمط العملThe second party works for the first party
يأخذ الطرف الثاني يوم كاجازة سنوية مدفوعة االجر
Second Article
The term of the contract concluded based on the present Offer shall commence from the date of entering the State by the
Second Party in case of being employed from abroad and from the date of status amendment in case of being contracted
with from inside the State.
) البند ( الثالث
) شهر6( وتكون مدة هذه التجربة، يعمل (يعمل) الطرف الثاني لدى الطرف األول تحت التجربة
Third Article
The Second Party (MAY) work under a probation period of (6 month/s) to the First Party.
) البند ( الرابع
MB997607875AE **MB997607875AE
يلتزم الطرف الثاني بأن يعمل لدى الطرف األول بـ مهنة /وظيفةيلتزم الطرف الثاني بأن يعمل لدى الطرف األول بوظيفة /أو بمهنةيلتزم الطرف الثاني بأن يعمل
لدى الطرف األول بوظيفة /أو بمهنةيلتزم الطرف الثاني بأن يعمل لدى الطرف األول بوظيفة /أو بمهنةيلتزم الطرف الثاني بأن يعمل لدى الطرف األول بوظيفة /
أو بمهنة موظف مكتبة ،بدولة االمارات العربية المتحدة في امارة :دبي
يعمل الطرف الثاني لحساب الطرف األول ساعات عمل يوميا بنمط العمل
يأخذ الطرف الثاني يوم كاجازة سنوية مدفوعة االجر
Fourth Article
The Second Party’s weekly rest shall be 1 day(s). The First Party shall determine such day(s) and inform the Second Party
thereof at the commencement date of the employment relationship.
) البند الخامس (
اﺗﻔﻖ اﻟﻄﺮﻓﺎن ﻋﻠﻰ أن ﯾﻌﻤﻞ اﻟﻄﺮف اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ ﻟﺪى اﻟﻄﺮف اﻷول ﻣﻘﺎﺑﻞ :أﺟﺮ ﺷﮭﺮي ﻣﻘﺪاره 10500درھﻢ إﻣﺎراﺗﻲ) ﺛﻼﺛﺔ اﻻف درھﻢ إﻣﺎراﺗﻲ( وﯾﺸﻤﻞ ھﺬا اﻷﺟﺮ
اﻵﺗﻲ :اﻷﺟﺮ اﻻﺳﺎﺳﻲ وﻣﻘﺪاره ( :اﻟﻒ وﺧﻤﺴﻤﺎﺋﺔ درھﻢ إﻣﺎراﺗﻲ)9000درھﻢ إﻣﺎراﺗﻲ
بدل سكن ( :سبعمائة و خمسون درهم إماراتي)750درهم إماراتي البدالت
بدل انتقال ( :سبعمائة و خمسون درهم إماراتي)750درهم إماراتي
:أية بدالت أخرى
ويكون التزام الطرف األول بسداد األجر ،وقيام الطرف الثاني باستالم هذا األجر ،طبقًا للنظم القانونية التي تقررها الوزارة
Fifth Article
Both Parties agree that the Second Party shall work for the First Party in return for Monthly Wage of 10500 AED (Three
thousand) . Such wage shall include:
)The Basic Salary at an amount of AED 9000(One thousand five hundred
These allowances should include without limitation:
)Housing Allowance: AED 750(Seven hundred fifty
)Transport Allowance: AED 750(Seven hundred fifty
Other Allowances :
The First Party shall pay the wage and the Second Party shall receive the wage according to the regulations determined by
) البند ( السادس
يلتزم الطرف الثاني بأن يعمل لدى الطرف األول بـ مهنة /أو وظيفة موظف مكتبة ،بدولة االمارات العربية المتحدة في إمارة دبي (تحديد االمارة حقل اختياري)
يعمل الطرف الثاني لحساب الطرف األول ساعات عمل يوميا بنمط العمل
يأخذ الطرف الثاني يوم كاجازة سنوية مدفوعة االجر
Sixth Article
The labour relation governed by the Contract executed under this Job Offer, shall be a contractual, consensual relationship.
Neither Party shall be obliged to continue such contractual labour relationship with the other Party without its consent,
provided that the Party terminating the Contract at its sole discretion shall bear all legal consequences resulting therefrom as
stipulated in the Annex enclosed herewith and according to any MOHRE Applicable Laws. The labour relationship between
both Parties shall end if any of the events set forth in Article (2) of the Annex enclosed herewith occurs.
) البند ( السابع
يقر الطرف األول بأنه أْط َلع الطرف الثاني تفصيليًا على كافة البنود الواردة في ُم لحق هذا العرض ( سبعة بنود) كما يقر بأن الطرف الثاني قام بقبول وتوقيع هذا
العرض في دولة االستقدام أو داخل الدولة
Seventh Article
MB997607875AE *MB997607875AE*
The First Party acknowledges that it has informed the Second Party of all the articles stipulated in the Annex enclosed
herewith (a number of 7 articles) and that the Second Party has accepted and signed this Offer in the State of Recruitment or
within the UAE
) البند ( الثامن
كما يقر بأنه قام بقبول وتوقيع،ُيقر الطرف الثاني بأنه إَطَلع تفصيليًا على كافة البنود الواردة في ُم لحق هذا العرض ( سبعة بنود) وَعِلم بكافة ما تَّضمنته من أحكام
هذا العرض في دولة االستقدام أو داخل الدولة
Eighth Article
The Second Party acknowledges that it has thoroughly reviewed all the articles stipulated in the Annex enclosed herewith (7
articles), and he is well aware of all contained provisions and that he has accepted and signed this Offer in the State of
Recruitment or within the UAE
) البند ( التاسع
. ويلتزمان بكِل ما ورد فيها، وُم كملة له تمامًا، ُيقُّر الطرفان بأَّن كافة بنود ُم لحق هذا العرض جزٌء ال يتجزأ منه
Ninth Article
Both Parties hereto acknowledge that all articles stipulated in the Annex enclosed with this Offer shall constitute an integral
and complementary part thereof and shall be binding on both Parties.
)البند (العاشر
1 يقر الطرفان بأنه في حال رغبة أحد الطرفين في إنهاء العقد الذي ُيبرم بناء على هذا العرض عليه أن ُينذر الطرف اآلخر بذلك قبل الموعد المحدد لإلنهاء (أشهر
. مع استمرار عالقة العمل طوال هذه الفترة، )
Tenth Article
Both Parties shall further acknowledge that in case either Party desires to terminate the Contract executed under this Offer,
such Party shall notify the other Party of such desire within (1 Months) prior to the determined date of termination. Such
period shall be similar for both Parties and the labour relation shall remain effective throughout such period.
) البند ( الحادي عشر
MB997607875AE *MB997607875AE*
البند الثاني عشر
والنسخة الثالثة يقوم الطرف األول بتقديمها للوزارة كشرط للموافقة على، ويحتفظ كل منهما بنسخة، وتم توقيعه من الطرفين، ُح رر هذا العرض من ثالث نسخ
اصدار تصريح العمل.
Twelfth Article
This Job Offer has been made up of three counterparts duly signed by both parties. Each party shall receive and retain a copy
thereof and the third one shall be submitted by the First Party to the MOHRE as a prerequisite for issuance of the work
توقيع الطرف األول
First Part’s Signature
توقيع الطرف الثاني
Second Party’s Signature
Typing Electronic Pre Approval for Work Permit Application - المدفوع مسبقًا- طباعة طلب اشعار الموافقة المبدئية لتصريح العمل آلي
You can download the supplements from
You can download the annexures from