Medieval Monsters

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Notes Tiare previously exposed than ey a upeblhe paper, “The Unwanted Pa erates arose neater Teer 2 fetoepn Fea noes ves i Te Sd Ein of te Ca ities toe ocean os “Ton (mde Hot Pes td ie leat of Paycheuay, 1959) Seno ieetaslercectcss Ee eee eens EES dco CSRS ann a a ae Jigga tiara tect 1 aS ere HSS ROR tit 88 Arn of onl Pac 1 ieee NSN OSES! ve Kec ae" ty" Do te er Sm 36 056 Te as ade 4929 SE 9 1 ria ent oP aaa 093) SE. 18 Reg Barna, cma Sa 9f he Poi Lane Tick, 18.0. Kemte, Sracurt erate cf Objet ales" Ian re so. Stic Ren, Seis inh Phy of Cents) and “The a {fa Miia ay Ana (caer in Le ae ‘ie Wt ono: Hora Pr, 2 theca Decne Ca (03 BBW. Wincat, "irl of Mott so Fal a Child Deco” ‘The Praeomen of he Fale PL anon omath Pry, 19th and WR. ou Sodas Sid Reto Povo cm Yor lan ren David Lyle Jefrey Medieval Monsters SSeve ster rs aeons Soo erencttah cr caramenane ‘arose Care dt moan of he pacino antic ‘To anthropologists interested in Sstqutch and reat phenomens, it may wall ppm capricious to try to sett relaionsip tothe moder North ‘Amonican mh maker a medial sence of Old Wot monster, eck a Iunoid monies. Yetifwe can eichew fa romest the wdtivenest of 4 Simple evolutionary hypothesis and adop the ss ambitious meods of the ray compara beleve tat we enay ssover i the Meratre aed ofthe European Male Age an engaging atodustion to one o (HO ESS ofthe preset sty ‘Thee are two adios with regard 19 monsters ia the Miédle Ages ‘One is descended ffom the humane aathoptogy ef St, Augustine, who ‘epatded all repoced physlogalabeeations, wheter iia or ofa Soho group of people, at part of the alberto ivernty of eration fa Snbich sac rational Heng il descended fom Adam Te other eaiion ‘Shnore northerly Europe, latr, and wilucneed by Getani our, td 1 deyeloped sais sbout onstous humanoids who are embodiments of evil forces, As these mythologies weve Chstinid the Getmane monsters became “descendants of Can," or evdenes of misreanee nthe iry of {he family embodiments ofthe erersion of blood rlaonip 258 fly Ito. The deeant ations se topeter colour the romance teatre ofthe Mile Ags. Im the pass which flow wil ight cx tain fears of the Garminie dvelepment agit he baskpround of (Chitin tradition with special reerence to the AnglosSeuon epic poo Baowult In th process hope tof an ntodasory gid othe spcual history of what we migh ak of ats indo wnbuoey “pence ea sath Is hs monurena teats The Cty of God, Augie del with «pun ber of ese anthropological suestons Ones Ie wa de ene pained vel iloram Noe quam gona homduen mano eer (see XVir cap 8) which Sopa, Tels alo asked whether we ae to bev that ets monstrous acs ‘of men spoken of in seal htory, aye spans fom Noah son tater; shou se, fom that one men fom Whom hey tee vere deeded. Fri isrepored that some have one ayeraiheoae of he forehead; some, feet taraed backward from he bees sons osbic sex, he ssh beat i a anise koa necen ‘ters are sid to have no mouth, and ta breath only theoupa teh ‘nosis; ote ae but a cubit high and ae thercore clog Oras Greoks “Plame” they seo say that in some lass wee ceive inthe ith year and do not lve beyond oer ee Othersaresid to have no hen, having tse en i thee she er abe continued la thi ftion, with reference to “ther human or qu buna races [sch are depcied in moti a he harbour pane Cartage” Augustine observed two points fetes fv desing with te qston fal reatres which ae extraordinary: the Bat ea skepredn ‘eation that“we ar not bound to tee all we hear of tee cones oe gion Ran alia, byt Necsental soma wich | fous pertain cash entre Fat hooves torn anywhera man, that ia atonal mortal anna no tates what uausial appearance he pnt in lous moves, oud no how pear he isin some power, pur oe salt ope ‘ature, no Christian cm doubt tate sping om the ne a ast We can dings the comszon himanpatute om st etch ‘specu and therfore wonder t 1 sti afroaton of Fth which enables Augustine to prose ina SESLESG ene Oy ses agit tenes see | Iesaon whch ane wea formonivous tain indviuatenescante | ame Ho 2, HAAR MRE HL x 170 3 WL, x 200 SA MPH v oan icine Soe ble bce ible | cea eel Frc spelen usmentearmcooes ven for whole subepecie of monsteous fae all re part of a erat fiver which Go's perspective reconciles othe beauty ofthe whole, Yet the question of esa existence of whole race o tides of sabepeie ‘nent one ovr whic some shes must for Aosta Thus, sie his creation stshopology could account for wie care of vai tha a creatures who aze human (rattan apa) ee himself the hep loophole and concluded witha two-step Tope! hue that would do eat {0 ay sade lavyero peltian: Wo are rppotng thee sori about vaous aes who die from one another and rom usto bs ra; bu posibly they are nt: orf we were fot avare tat apes, monkeys and pines are aot eo, but Beast, {hos trans would possibly describe them ab ries OF en, and sunt wth impunity thet fae an vainglorious "Oremvers supposing thy ate men of whom thse marvels are ecorded, what ‘God hassen occu rome resin thir, that mgt we ot aup- ‘owe that the monstrous rhs nai appeseariong ourselves are Se auc ofthat wisdom wheeeby he fasvons the human ature 8 We peak of he false of ess perfest woskman? Ascoringy ght Int ser as to tata psd race ther re monsteous ‘rts she whale rae thes are monstrous races. Wherefore, to onclade th guunton causowly and guarded. eter these ings Which nave ben fold of some aces have mo extnee allo iE) ‘do exis thy ate nt hua races: Ite) are ra, they ate de ‘een fom Adam? is with hse varios angles oF advantage ip ind oth skeptical and ‘sdeictogetler thx we can see how Auporine's canes re tobe ont {othe early medieval tradioon of ore about sberations and subspecies of [emu human ITs pheornenonssomeherelsevered. teu, 200 St [cpu ratio’ plas. I tis discovered to be part of he fry. ems aan the tc be acorded al ofthe appropiate sympathy, om ter cues or even grotesque depts fom she moral erate ie Sine This sat te or "aormal”pgiclogel euros es for dog bended men, bel mon, or at Wild en "Atte philosophical lee, the eaguiy ine urna bur aberrant een- ‘ures became problminthe sud of geography—or peas we shoud sy, "embraced the evaluation of inrmation which prpote to be eoersp Calandanteops}ogl ‘Mach ofthe east ofthis kind of work incines merely to vague a= ‘ution. “travers sy" "itis reported" Xi eprtd to have sen" and soon Sia, before Anguting, me franky eyes "Genel epesiing” ety those ho have wet bout uch bing "were a pck of are ita they who coined he fas coneriag men wi ne age enough 0 ‘leepin,men ithoxt mouths. te Following Avvstne’s re tral views nevertheless, one ses a owing intestinal! pograpieal kn ‘goon the prt of madeal writer In England the sujet sums to are ‘een fostered by Alfred the Greats Anplo-Ston translation of Oro in {he nith century This work, ely an histo concn aed at he “esons af histor lls in the trason of Strabo, Pliny, Geli, ad Solms ans sel olowed bya hos of ner medieval envsopee wots hich take ncesingly conspicuous ote of ensaal humane Yet eth work proses it Beare les lear thatthe mons centre my 80 ts Se embraced spat of hum bad. Prom the ethan leventh cn tures MS Tiberius Bi and MS Cotton Vitis Ay, hot in the Brith brary, comin versions of a weluiltated book of thee cols Which SR tamer ha etd nr the tile "Marvel fhe East™ The it Iastaions ftom the Visi aanustp, whieh aso online te Ang ‘Saxon epic Aeowaf are not quit so clearly draw a hose nthe Tiers mandsript, bu they follow the same programme in stain eageie ‘tmonstrs who are esty humana pausly ran capan set which are figures of increasingly profound eangement from thetolesat asons of ‘St Avgostine, Both he ven of the eyzephal the dogheaded Chita ‘her creatures to whom Rats accorded the capacity of rata! (A Eustne vas hee a bit more eta) and one with a lions Bead (Pate 10, Siem cerounly les frightening fo the Hlsrator than does the seating ‘vamp man, ihabitor of fens, ovespecily the maeating py (Pate ID, whose gure bears so much ecatonship tothe desertion af Grendel ad Dis nocarsl eating Beowa™ ‘Of thes later creatures ner medical enysoped stage ambwardly wih the question o tei human. Can anything so appara snhumen be Duman? Sach beings ae Wet, slong with ther mont, n Vinge of Beauvais thitent-ceatry Speadim Natale and Scum Historia ss though they wee pat ofthe history ofthe deminain of the human {ace but Bertolomaeys Apglcis, in his De Proprlratbus Ream pt ists of he various “marvel” ambiguous in hit eihtenth book whi dene wah snimals® Adar of Bonen found sich monsters aed Avgu ‘ie, to be sgl laid with fe hata specie tad be amples ll [non ais to northern Eorope i his history a he ios of amber, writen in 10729 Rada Witkower has shown tht various mone ge Included in natural histories from Thomas of Castinpd ho Condo [Meeasburg and indeed, they ene even into meal Nistor of the soxeeth ad eri seveniezth cenurs, “Apart fom Tira Teferenees, humanoid. monsters re recorded sexe sucka he cary ew cntytympanam st Vesely 10 which £ vpresetation af Christy command top it il he word a! preach ‘he gospel to every creature” ha ays of ight extending out fom Chest throug the apo tothe peoples of the were, tong whom are repre ‘eae the abil rae” Another sir work of wala exits atthe Cather of Auta, aso twelftrsentzy, exacted by the Famous selpoe (Gnsatberts this Work afoeds examples, n'a oss opiate context, of some ofthese cea. Inerestngy, the airy woodman, er pr, present {mong the lish Figures et Autun, rot acho the “ibs abe eno the ‘nth portayed at Vewtay. The reissue, t soem, i 90: whether out hmano moter are merely ration capes, but whither te are capable if emption pad theeore no only of eason but tang The tus oF homo compass capa. As ate as Mandeville’ ave one of he ‘Mons ttrbuied theif oft Anthony tbe Great bash mee aut who asks him to pray forhim'~ so we eta hee isa tadition of ecm $e monster ul vitally the endo he Mle Ages. Tae more spiel {nd spate views eome after that. Dr. Nicolau Telp for scans he ‘Amsterdam pion ported im Rembranéts "Antony Lester, i ‘hed in ht mod eatne Observation Mdicanum a section On PY Siolopal_ monstrosities im whieh he diner home shes unde the Beading Sirus Indu, but be eae 1 the oncusion, sf debertly ironing Aust, that elter sas do notes, om ey do, hey mst ff beth orang-utan, For Tp the racial contain i at incie- tne as Augustine's if opposite: redemption fs not at we, since the ‘mance salable oreramination er oto be hams ‘Somemberebteen tes two pols but much se re Hist, ves the coon oF pyr of Gurmanic saga A rough hay, gril ovtsnd Pumanos, ic gures unde many mss an gues nora and write ea {ure of the Germanic peoples om the hoary and gry lls of norte, shire’ ales tothe violent antagonists of Beowul those “alles of Sows aod “shutters marsh,” rend and hie dar. Some fof the names given to such crnures te Indkaive of tn intially more Senen (ora lar! morally nesta character, hich has en signed Yo 8 fey often i European rytology, The waterspite gt, for exes oF the woud, OL English muda, wodemvon, Wasa Rl), sheay efx {ure sometimes depict as overgrown with mov, Raving aa chaser Its, but nor nasil ei" On the other ad, tee a al may, om bei, efte assoited,natrly enough, with wid women, wer lp ‘The wot mans severthls (or perhaps consequent) of «more neptve moral eharace: the Old Norse fr, ws tn deaeibe fhe nr, ty, 3 ‘Gein note, ity mal, pers or dle» Anoer name emer ftir and roi thi knows ba the hdgee Gr Seen sag et sRogsmia) cath a eas some prvate Valence nx oral oer fi: par of ebtoni clogy™ As Old High Gera cinch (mons) fr Anglo-Saxon scinie (porentum), the Wecaton is mae explicit “Thee Bn, however, any leptmate connection sn phology between "Sanquateh and shopev “Gropel and bis dam have both moral valens and an lesa t= ster Tay are not oly ratios capa, but also they are moral agets of @ Sort that makes them responsible paccpanis in the human ethos. This ‘much may be gathered ss tal from the names and acts by which they ate desorbed as fom thr daconerting anzeal thought nde [avout The nighlydepotations on the Seaninavian clan of Hrotgae, a whieh Grendel anebaled his way io note wl ented by Bel, re yall brown and need no spec renusal hore. But his charter a6 ‘malotlent version ofthe stg ot homo lets Becs pei atenton sit epee establishing 8 place for such fgue nthe sathropoogia lore of None ope. For Gretel ang hs mother havea clery human ‘cation; monsters they are, but they are aot wholyeutsiethe haan ondion, We sce thsi fe ie of two principal appellation stn ad yr boo wich mean base "lane bat ve compotion that rac “Buck through Germanic let Augustine's ducision ia The Cy of Ge, and thitd at, eond, Dt, which oscars to trite Grendel only once (Beoun.ine £46, occ rutin the poetic Edda andi Serbo y the Molo as freture who dels lore ne inks fens or arses 7 soa foe _emumio ano nan land Bat thee. ene here aloof liberate ata fons to divine ord py glossed in OL Hah German aoe dui (ereurdemon, so that Whe i eue as Kael Hel pat that ie By. ologie des Wores ft sche” the moral association of py are ty {rMont" Whe in routher wore he Is occasionally gocdenatre, 0 hothra store ei ack. ai. ry. abd alvays es than hospibe {Gop te matter gent) Tor the enemy of sch parm Scancneiah Imholgy, wie ola the fangb, Borgir, ad Berehrlar oun Fale) NK Keisling ae mace te pone tat he active mre, by Sibich Grendel saa denribed ier 10,162) more o ot earelatie, ‘meaning ot “notorious,” ais sometins translates (a mara with ong Aipthong), but mata, meaning ines or nihtronster, also osed = ‘ls. hiy oes Therefore, ae Grin si, “ter eno ea Tne 19 8 eawn heteun ints ad the wild airy wood-petes "These in, fering to triton, ae olbpeing of Adun's ace and myseius“femsle ‘put further sages thatthe specs of master we ae dealing is agw fetta be not merely las mata par af the extravagance of freatian, but a result oF Some perversion of ection breast about by a toral agency. Moreover the uggstion of moral disturbance fn the Fy Isoy caries over, ith expt referent the mos request Wor for ons wed by the Arona pot fr Gretel fem "eon iss in Boo epee testo deere Grendel, three tines speak of the dragon whieh falydtets Bowl nes torte to rome [Bante whom Booval met ns swimming mitch, one to mort fer nthe Ritts at Fineiurgh, and ene to an unavory human prince Heremod (Ontng relent the dragon, ll eter reo humars or humeneld| ‘ooses of th sort tepreseied by Grendel But dose the ue of ths {eri ater Male Engh to mea “vi” itera. "end" as bom Sufinly demonstrated that i Anglo Saxon asge the Lr sl hed & ‘ier ws, sealing ansthing "ipsa to monste™o erga ote les 112.765 aly aren OL Engl bt quite common ia lelanic saga, shove tho Fi of the Poste Ea contains seven veto. toes tothe tebe f pants” Te has human sssodations, ye sea linked not merely to Ads kin in pene, bt othe partir maesunee of alles mea This, fr example, in the eiymotogies Old Note ann and AngloSexon ester Yd upetoser.edoberghehoberg as the ame of “unpleasct noua oral exe Sone ofthe rouse ied by Grit net cote with ent (ad eae aw, aiken me," "sn eo are ‘dg ko oh nit vl sagen)* Ba his fre conection with woods and tr not at al Beign~we ave the reference n Old Nore: "Waser Brit i, ham var itso ona” [a sant tere wat eal Bre, sens gy rll oe san sae and te ennai at vsily uppermost in he mid th Benen pot bates Crema “aang” aroup Tor s,s dscns intent vis othe eins court ot Hrotese wes se gimma pest Grendel ten fete mencstaph, 5 ye moras held, Fenn fsient fieleynne cars wooust wer weardode hile, Sion bin Seyppend fone he in Caine eynae yone even pve ee Den. yas pe be Abs og Re eaenh be pe fee, ach tne foe Frwr, Metod for py mabe maneytoe ra, non sowrat elle onc, fetenns ond yire “oad ren, se ganas, Gode munnon Tange wage: hie Se ea orsa (Beonu, aes 102-19) (Mat rim spit was cast Grendel, the renowned travener of the aches, wo eld he mors, the fens fastens, weed sate he duet for awhile inthe nr of monsters afer the Crestor atone sinned them. On Cains kindred dd the eetlasing Lond sven te "murder, for that he ad san Abas he bad no oy oa ea. the {restr drove im fa om maskin for that seed. Thos oe roms were born, ome and ete and ev spits sans who fr a fone dine fought with Cod, for which he eve them vad] In lacing Grendel as “of the race of Cin” the poet at once accomptses ‘vo things Fis heeghtens ur appreciation forthe vlan opis nd sanctuny which is taking place by alluding to hour roe ed erature who is profoundly associated with sich a velo, Secondly oy sing Cala he wpe specie Chistian trains comeing polsion of furnly onder and outcast experience whch at onge strengthens the hacnse urate of Gres and etates the characte af is depres tot § concious moral pene. The paste comes imate) afer a nel has nz n sng in rae of renton. Grendel mone Je, bt one wath Hassan prope, espe al who has eetiv apartas ad wo oe ie, bene of the kinship of Cain asin the Kinship o hone men ho af rsponsive tothe rie af givne ction and God's edema, He also, however, asa meer of Calms ey part he ode of mons snd ‘snnatral its generally, in xclearsopseton that he apeny of al sch xeitionlabefitions is tobe seen the moral vl gure Cannon themete o eur proiity of ctetion Hn face arti hat Gren as ‘een condemned se we have a conta for ou ete, a hence, which snow ovety {Chuistian, yt in wich the unser snot any ong aly prt ofthe co, ‘munity ome. Like them be deere ine 1000, a holaceee aed refine rans for he eae hs sa enced bu of eck to Beowulf, wretched is spit, wih, as Stephen Baney pul i “the sera ‘hat hi days were mattered and is iat an en He Aas Kasip ‘ouing of iowa, represated by hireiaticnship to that awesome ae oth whom he ies the underwater cae, Bt his pole fa hee, ‘ees asa son of Nosh or Adm. In fact, bef now eel nked oe, ths fx Hoodearnacs, thelist excommunication, sad an sehcogah le outset sate. This represents an portant moieaion Ine cet, ‘Avgutnin tration and iva metaorphoss Wich ns oper 10 the darer side of Germanic monster lor, beat futher omen ‘A ky to what at hppened tothe tation maybe avalabe a aeeie two of Cans progeny which ocr inthe Midle High German Goss or the tvs century. In if Ue Germanic tations of daeten more me, Yolen monstrosities may be een to fe with the eee caer cm, ology of Augustin and southern wadton to make af the ang ne {Heeeinclodng« haty home sess ote ees shine she de ne Grendel;—orears of the tea set samelchheton bot asin hunt fuintchhcten an den Braten mu tn de aicen on <6 musen sch de hoetesseloken: Sumelichbedaien sch rt de ore Sandesh te 78 hore Eicher et ica far fer wat mie nde poe ler He ao bake ‘am cin ie date wae, Eulchitsebar en chine zie allen ase smi in, Sure lrenbeenrne (rt Schone ware, werden svare und sich (em) do nich was gech, ‘el ogen chien in ale ane Ae tne waren lanch in den unde; lowenne&) ie ese econ so mations den eal selec tote eben heen de ut chores) 2 ac comer, Se dese (ina) ain atan) Ae gechan moren dee za han [Some had ahead ie a ome fad the mouth onthe cet tnd ees on thir shoulder tho were oped to do wthout «end Sone thought wih hears (isis sang to hese) fe kind had foot hich as big and thik eran seis Hie an animal the Forest ‘One kind gave hth to cil ich walks oma oui a beste Some ae marked (gated) bail coou Some appen black end dsestng beyond comparison Ihe eyes lowed continuously, the toa were angld in the cut (and) whom they Hash then they Gould) fhe the dev ‘Sia id all ht oforng te thi ath a weapon. the onde of eration mst Seep them onthe ose “Tis account bears a evident relationship fo St. Augustine’ dieunons ‘concerning siiarceatrs In The Cty of Gad—he same sons of abee= ation tre icussed. But the preter Geman int for SP pay ould also find corainy—vt espe to gigantic monsters parciully— InAupostine. The esate im qustion somes ne passage ot fen teed {isBogk XV of Te Ci of God, almost minediatly preceding the discussion (of gonara hominz manor. Sugpeting tha heres ch abulUs oe apo rphal erature aout giants, Augsine acknowledges, m respect oF {Gene 6-1-4, that there mere indeed ouch reateres (and, by ncontemporary ‘xampse sl may bo) but ogg tht wie thee exstence demonstrate, ‘sith cher monster the divers of feat, ao alfods us a spose Sort of mora imracton He ys, ‘And i pleased the Cleator to produce them, hat might thas be ‘emonsted that rier bealy, nor get sz and eng ae of ‘mich mortent tothe wite man, whow leedaes len pista ad Immoral essing, in far beter and mre exdaring gif nthe god things that are the pecutarpropety of te good nd are no shared by food and bad alike, ie tat another prophet cones when be Sys, “Thee were the glans, famous rom te Begoning that were oF So great tutors and so exper in wae. Thos id mr the Lovd choos, titer gave He the way of Knowledge opto them bat they were - ‘ties by St Austin in the normalleanons of human commonality at p= antl in the orth bya Genmaniconear or ld lationship and fry solar. Tes find ready analogue the tory of Cain, tbe naman who rational an vltional." bot fundamentally anual, To Germanic ‘ory, ain Bool, sores thas the rim of fay story and an scrofa heroin to meet and east such = restore? “The story of oot medieval "Sasjutch type bps dese with the ooit ofthe Reniuncs at Mandeville’ Trae wen is 1370, ns the conventional monroe listed by Ply, Slinus,Isdore, and Augu lien al feu apie serio of ths ps oe sige: ‘And ye han no cothynge but of skynnes of bees pat poy ange ‘pon hom, A pt een o breed, bat all aw lech & pet dyn ‘yk of beste And yl Rate gone house 0 yen jane. And pe ‘en more aly manne Heschyaane my ope Bech ™ We nave lit trouble eopnizing the centres fom the Tiberias an Cot ton ans letrtons or Baw Rere. Yet, oral hat, th eseis.on Inc th fore t had ever a thoush = mee daly commonplace = ‘eres, subject fora moral. Ths impresion mortover Is senate ‘when we ead ined allowing anotber ie nha hy Women who ‘bn of ut Kyrie, pat pl beelden ony man wth wath pile ‘him anon wih ee teotyags, as doth the Basis” {When we mee ade who sly with look, surely we cannot be very from ‘he oediaary word aie a “Mandeville, the fourertbcenary preado-geogrpher, did addres one skvardquenion at deat with by those earer pots who made the Ge Tani yrs member of the race of Ca. ts ths: bow cou Cains race hve ured the Rood? Agus you wil meme, ae his panoply of sherat species descendent fom the soos of Noah and Messed thers ac ‘ordinaly. Wall, there is a cevr tek invelved ee, one which ought to Srementhropologite agaist foo mich sans spom thor of wh pure Uae eoject vi the shadowy routes of philology and etymology. AN ‘Goripion, in cater twenty-four of the cout of the otosous Oheags ‘hun (alsin Male Hngish "Whe ree Chae") Mandevil ls why {he soil Chane 50 ale. ‘se shall ndnstonde pat al the world was éstroyed be Noes flood ‘sf oaly Noe & hi wif hit childen, Nosh ij somes Sin, Cham & Tapth This Car was he yt si is faders prey memes sed ‘es he slepe scored hem. perfore wat cursed of gs ‘Chas as the grt & the most myahty& Of him exten 00 cacacours ano tear. And of hi sone Che was engendered Mambroth he geaunt pat waste ists Kyag pat cer was in the orld & be began the Pundacious of the tue of Babyere. And pat tyme the ends of ali camen man es yen ith he women ‘is generaionn &engenered on hen dyer folk ss MONSTRES 2 fol cnigured, Same witaoten hede,sumime with gree ers sume with on eye, sume genus, sm With has fet & any ope ‘of dyuerse sehapp wens kynde. And of pat seneracoun of Cha Ten comen the Premes,. 3 Hers ty ano very sb tymoloial ply, Canstnege hasbeen nerd Into the family of Noah via Hm (Cham). The same confation which as ‘ome to gover he role of monstn in ecicr medieval apn now provide Tors contiouation, i qusi:bbealItertue, of the race of Cin (sym, ‘Cans the generations of Chase (Cam, Can) By ne mesival ines ‘nhorilesandin bibl drama the confation alot complete eben, ower, incaly Gemani liar withthe skégrra or pyre 'By the endo the Mile Ages the function of monster i lest purely moral erepein The 175th tal of the Gest Ramanaram, "De midis ‘und pves on aceon of tefl convention iting. morliaing the doe: Irae men as preacher, th eope wih elptantne lone lip as syabol ‘of hums, and soon Ina Perch tration of Thome of Catt “Lier de mono hominba the cmocrphal re nom tanspoed 8 toe of canny "tad the pele without hen are te lagers Who ake ‘scsi fe in de ol the belie™ By the feet cent. ina ‘other manastpe of Caninpré,® the mons are ll dese up the stun of midis Flemish burghe ooking more or la ike Smokey te Bear). ‘With hecomingof the Renaissance isi, however his mora allegorizing takes a adder tro, and monstrous ces bea tobe faterpreted ia ier limos pag way as apoeaypiportets harbingers, o il omens at 9 end 9 core. Toere = rear ile vole by Pete Bona, led Mises Prosar whch sil repay reading byte tora of anthropology, ftom more than one pont of view. Hating something ofa Sholay ature, I nosercaless tas # toes abou i which fl some Ten the Guinea Rock of World Record and he Netonl Enger. Boatstavn fst ddkaed it hopeful to Queen Elizabeth a 1860, who ee Jct he book on sight. Although poor Houstauan its yeas ltr, thre years fer tht the book was pushed gain London under the tie “Hori of Wonderful Serr n Nature. And on the sae of human monsters of which it ass reat dea tos, this work takes a characer- ‘tly northern view _— tis most corsa, that dese monstons reatres forthe mest pa. do proceed ofthe juigment, josie, chstnement andere of Go, whic Soft thatthe fathers and mothers ring forth hee abominations, ‘sa howour oft since, surging themselves tran headlong, 25 0 bate beats without gui, tothe pad and sinks ofthe te appeies ving no respecte o ear tothe gs, pac, me or ober Iawes orden of Nature = Bossa itt his work st hit point with evo such humasoid enon. Stes sang before a seethceatary king or emperor (Plate 12) ‘tens of ome faethe King cua apatenyconue ‘But the tone of Bouitauau'e work inane ofthe development of| -monse study a he ead ofthe peciod. As Witkower has shown even L}- sstheness work “leads away ffom cosmologs and eojlopacdias and ‘eck ire the woud of magi” He conldes We are acd wth he curious partdo hat the supestiaous Mids [Ape lead in broad mind spt forte monsters as beaeging to (God's imexpicaie plan of the worl, while cho "ealghened” pend ‘ot hunni trond to Varco atoram’ an regard he ‘Ss cratons of Gods wrath to foreshadow extaordaar event. ‘We might now wih to correct Witkowe's noni wih the eidene of Norther ExropensHeratre inthe Mile Aga; ane ave sen, tal ‘mstholopal stor Joes notaccond wih Augustin’ mous passage citer. Butte point be ates to make, nteritng nthe southern and Rene: ‘anc cots, may so eat ight on another, nore conlemporary gUStio8 Invoringeven or preset conteence. 1 afer tothe penomenoogy of our wo. In he work of Boaitasas: just ed there a special chapter given overt on typeof humanoid mone Se, having a thelasptsays "the shape othe face mae, who was taken {in he Sore of Hauer the er 531, Whose portrait Goorgas Fai {Gaseatto Cesotes, dra tral a8 he sere gre" The aecous Introed with olen promie of chaarlasceacy an inept, and Ue ‘ition of Geers” De guadhpedbur riparia parce, which os ‘hatin the forest of Sexo in the coast of Dac, shor was ake cr {sine monous beats, having the ahape of face of amas, wheeal fhe fomle im chive by chance was hl of hunts, and the male ‘ken bythe, was brought alive, who afterwards became domestall ‘sr ame, i och sorte a be Bean otal atl, albeit hs words ‘were imperfect and ool, spec lke unto i Goat: and tovching the ret af hs acon, thy were more Bvt than humaine. For suc ume a owas moved bythe ardent heats znd tion of mature, ‘th women were at safety wth him, fore would endeavor hisele by force to vats chem open. Ad s another ie to this, was aks inne yre 1581 nthe Fret de fseigere de Saebourge in Almaine, who wold never be mae ame, nor yt endure the Toke of ama BL ving in such sot cetlne dyes, the ende ded of hunger, fing to be fed of any ving create Whether wth he extrovert or he introvert by 1531 wear wall aay for ‘he purely rary mythology of rancid monsters ad ao mate wed ‘tat ee itra the natural. Moreover, we apear to be dealing ete ‘ot merely with a inddaal case, but wit «whole speses The acount goes! ‘Even so in the tae that Imes the fourth king rgnd in Scotland which was inthe yee 1409... eset lacobs lima in eb ‘age o the French king, who by tempest of theses was cast onan ‘ersine le of Nore, oerehe sw onstrate spoken ‘ttetor as be wise ats earns and outing othe people of {hat counts what Kinde of eentures thy wee hey anseredy Cat thy wore certain Bes having the shape of the fae of men, who sascstmed very often fo come by night to thle houses, which being ‘otrepulsed by dogg, would devour aswell theirmen as chiles © ‘Were these crenturesreortol by naturalists and ambassadors then ofthe sine pci a Grendel and bi at? The dang, by Fabri original, ‘arly ker it som So: the poets deeipion andthe illustrations of humanoid monsters found in the same anise ate all ery snch more anthropos Bvt thee eam interesting parallel fo tht dewwing Jo ‘Thevet" wherein faceachimpanae or goila was enced by that woably compen tras almost the same way: although be was ooking at at Srthopoid ape, Théve sow a meeval mantoore, a mythological centre fom the testes snd travel Book ith wien he war fami. Rens "hay that hee phemomencoal operation could have governed the ravings Fabisuareroducecby Bowistauatendtit the ereatre depicted heroabs variant of te munscore ay have acu, jt bach Fm [Tul he hen or the Tiberius manuserit monstrous huatlde (Pht iDand 1). The prodien thet canton everyone working wath fare nomen oe sopposs, i that he sto Iialy to See what be is ooking for rather than what there. “The question wich continually ds medieval aswell as renasance and modern stent of the sabe whether ono ach reteset pa {pate tbe an condition. Ie Sting from te poe of prospect {sey tay rate, that Boasts sould conta is remarkable che at alow: ‘And remotes that 8. Augustine is his boke af the Cite of God, ‘maketh moation of sundrye moastes of suaunge forme, Whe Were ound in deserts or ehewher, whereupon grew question, wheter thay were descended ofthe Sst man Aum, otha hey ha stn Ae soule of ot, oF whether they sould seas others sal tthe eel day of sureton. By way of coneanon, we have aEen that the Grende Sure, oF por, ten, shea, aso pets He of nea bythe ine f the Beoal owt At escondant of those minpfldGetenanis monsters dpe a, be berg oro, rhe i a sl ore repreeating threat to Say ffom oud ts moral and domestic ove. AS a cscendant of At {tin’s gnc hominz monsrta hei descendant o€ Nosh and aly Dat of he fi. But fr al that x decent pacar of Cain (oF {Chane besomer an ute rom the fami fred out Criinn mor snd domestic ore. Hei ealonal and ellie, Boa rebel again ether ‘rboth ssp of thc Order open o him. Ths heeome to demain tore Sthich ar italy negative om all counts, Hei hereon, for ealy mode al society, truly “shadow,” representative ofa ore which max be ver Notes “Tomer ey een eet erie tite ERS Souk Ra ft as on {in le Ann ty nln county orm a Soot ee, Sreurcasse icra comme omer dint 2. Chy of Gd, XVE3. 9.118, a ERPS 6 tment © Ba Son sBesesettyn ernie Ceara ett oem rm Siraram ox att non orm.” Ai ncn, Pol Lame EE omy m0. Yer ta Sole ca ae ees ar 5. M Seour ae Proprio Tags Trey ramon Rete 1 So xc arc ty Rul Wows, "Mah of thE ty i tenth aoagnh ame scion, amnscrinced nen USS 18 Reet ti ok mea on: ty Eg Te Soe, HORE Itt sin 1 ene Sees hes i te a aes ‘Crone, v1, til pecs the manening asin pat Sano eller ‘ar aa ct 8 15 Kir Ager Relic, 2 le Wears (ei elton ae De a onic A ce ei ite Me {ine tonne woh inane ones st an nbsp cent, he Kington Pluie caer ie nom aye rm epee e piepeuemiesear TH Chi he Gt te sh! de oho as, wtih Gn ees eRe ig ese th a Se vw Meteo Ra Hl Pt 3s a, _a teri 8 hat, Tar Ni: 2. BN ape be ene Beoma Pha Sa Ue Wms. 1, Sloe 2 Meat, AP Right rcp in Bowl Palin fe Ma tae “ns ae ere ee mtn Aten JES ee re SL ei a BE monte See Sort came come i NASR eah SR a sp aco sn i a 3 Seem cer IRE eaomte tin, ectishattnar cane home ete eae RSS ees wean cat ae z Beri nantmerneninen wi... Olive Patricia Diekason ‘The Concept of L'Homme Sauvage ‘he Rarisancs oun fae tthe Wis Na Sey ote ropes sala, ‘ned ey enw Pewee of Ne Wer ae ss ts Seri eas Se cag oni wih ema os ho ‘Sloat deo aber rope nos, oe ee “The concept of Phone saurae is usually trated to Europes discovery of ‘he New World nd it nhabitant. According oth view, Europe's ito scion Amerndans was also her introduction to ateral mam, at lent inany numbers This event is seen a5 Heng largely responsible or the deve {spment oF theldea of home same: he savage wo could beer die rdeoaed, but who in any event nat not eivlizs. Civilization was aot oe Siete to have developed anywhere in North America sch achievements 2th ety states of Messe, Central Amer, of Peru nee ee gored or Slsmased being at ew barbarove. Hower, an examination the European concept of assy reveals thai origin are bath more comple fd far elder hap such new woul neat fat ives arn ‘tet thingy the well-known Renan flier gue ote Wild Man, ‘uly Chistian preepuons of oakeys, apes, and baboons, nd th ancl {Grok and Roman vacion ofthe noble savage Even after havingconidered allsbis we wills have arcived atte orgs ofthe concep, which st least a old a cvization ibe. This pope wil conser lone sree from the vantage pent of France daring the seteeth and sevententh ‘rnures a being mow: persnet to our carly Canadian experince, veh though the ides els wives ‘Calumbus's cnounter with te Arawsks of San Savedor presented rope witha problem of clsicaton Here as « New World inhabited by mltades whos exstene had ot previously ben suspected and for whom "no prvisionapeated to have bee made in Christan ethodony.AWward ‘the net waa to deal wth, the New Worl seemed to ave Seen ef ot of

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