BUSM7011 - Simulation - Reflective Report
BUSM7011 - Simulation - Reflective Report
BUSM7011 - Simulation - Reflective Report
process has resulted in the immediate adoption of Agile as the most suitable candidate for the
currently adapting operational system of Choice Hotel International.
This session has changed my idea on management, specifically regarding its real-life
implication of the theory of constraints, which indicates the importance of prioritizing simplicity
over complex and grandiose choices or decisions that may become yet another constraint for the
company to jump over. In the companies that I worked for in the past, it was extremely difficult
to have a procedure or step-by-step process simplified, since many departments were involved in
it and they could not agree on which step to cut and which one to keep. As a result, this video
case study is an illustrative example as to how big corporations eliminate constraints, which has
challenged my view of corporate bureaucratism being a norm (Weatherford & Kimes, 2003).
One knowledge gap that I find worthy of further investigation is the implication of
potential mistakes or failures that may occur after the decision has been made or the project was
completed. Even though companies may be able to come up with another project to fix small
issues here and there, the question is do they need to revisit the entire project all over again and
look for possible problems coming from their previous steps. In order to close such a knowledge
gap, I plan to research other project management case studies in order to make a connection with
the relevant theoretical implications being provided by Choice Hotel International (Prasad &
Dev, 2000).
Abrahamsson, P., Salo, O., Ronkainen, J., & Warsta, J. (2017). Agile software development
methods: Review and analysis. arXiv:1709.08439.
Krajewski, L., Ritzman, L. P., & Malhotra, M. K. (2019). Operations management. Processes
and Supply Chains, Harlow: Pearson.
Prasad, K., & Dev, C. S. (2000). Managing hotel brand equity: A customer-centric framework
for assessing performance. The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly,
41(3), 22-4.
Weatherford, L. R., & Kimes, S. E. (2003). A comparison of forecasting methods for hotel
revenue management. International journal of forecasting, 19(3), 401-415.
Withiam, G. (2017). Choice Hotels subdivides, arranges financing. Cornell Hospitality
Quarterly, 38(3), 11.