1ST Summative Test Math

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Dumanjug, Cebu


S.Y.: 2021-2022


Describe the - 20 100% 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,
appearance and 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
uses of
homogeneous and

Prepared by:

Teacher 1
Tapon ES

Contents Noted:

School Principal
Tapon ES
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
District of Dumanjug 1


S.Y.: 2022-2023

Name:_______________________________ Score: _______________________

Grade & Section: ______________________ Date: ________________________

I. Directions: Match the given numbers in Column A with the factors in Column B. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the blanks.
Column A Column B
________1. 12 a. 2,3,4,6,9,12,18
________2. 20 b. 2,4,5,10
________3. 18 c. 2,3,4,6
________4. 35 d. 2,3,5
________5. 50 e. 2, 5,10,25
________6. 36 f. 5,7
g. 2,3,6,9

II. Directions: Give the first ten multiples of the following numbers.

7. 4 : ____________________________________________________________________

8. 10 : ___________________________________________________________________

9. 7 : ____________________________________________________________________

10. 6 : ___________________________________________________________________

11. 15 : __________________________________________________________________

12. 3 : ___________________________________________________________________

III. Directions: Find the Greatest Common Factor of the given numbers. Encircle the letter
of the correct answer.
13. 15 and 45 a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20
14. 8 and 12 a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d.6
15. 18 and 81 a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 12
16. 10 and 30 a. 2 b. 5 c. 10 d. 15
17. 18 and 9 a. 3 b. 9 c. 6 d. 18
18. 7 and 14 a. 7 b. 3 c. 14 d. 5

IV. Directions: Find the Least Common Multiple of the following numbers. Encircle the letter
of the correct answer.
19. 12 and 6 a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 12
20. 2 and 7 a. 2 b. 7 c. 14 d. 10
21. 8 and 12 a. 24 b. 21 c. 8 d. 4
22. 10 and 12 a. 10 b. 12 c. 40 d. 60
23. 9 and 3 a. 6 b. 18 c. 16 d. 27
24. 2, 5 and 10 a. 2 b. 5 c. 10 d. 20

V. Directions: Identify if the following fractions are PROPER or IMPROPER fraction. Write
your answer on the blanks.
_________________25. 4/5
_________________26. 10/17
_________________27. 11/9
_________________28. 25/49

VI. Directions: Study the following fractions. Identify the fraction that doesn’t belong to the
group. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
29. a. 1/4 b. 3/4 c. 1/3 d. 2/4
30. a. 6/9 b. 2/7 c. 2/9 d. 10/9
31. a. 9/10 b. 8/9 c. 7/10 d. 5/10
32. a. 1/30 b. 1/20 c. 7/20 d. 9/20


Parent’s/ Guardian’s Signature
Key to Corrections
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. B
What makes us yawn? Yawning is something that we cannot control. Even in the mother’s womb,
eleven-week-old babies have been observed to yawn. But why do we do it?

One popular explanation for yawning is that a person may be tired or bored. Although many believe this
to be true, it cannot explain why athletes yawn before an event or why dogs yawn before an attack.

It is said that yawning is caused by a lack of oxygen and excess carbon dioxide. A good example of this is
when we yawn in groups. We yawn because we are competing for air.

Others even believe that we yawn to cool our brains off. Cool brains allow us to think more clearly so
yawning is said to help us become more alert.

1. What is a fact about yawning?
a. It is something we cannot control.
b. It is something only humans do
c. It is a result of boredom.
d. It happens after birth.
2. Which of the following might make us yawn?
a. reading a book
b. being in a crowded room
c. being around plants
d. being in a small air-conditioned car
3. What does the word "involuntary" mean?
a. expected
b. unexpected
c. within control
d. uncontrollable
4. Which of the following may be a benefit of yawning?
a. It warns us of possible attacks by dogs.
b. It provides us the carbon dioxide we need.
c. It cools our brains.
d. It balances the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide
5. According to the selection, what is most likely to happen after we yawn?
a. We will become more alert.
b. We will be less tired.
c. We will be less sleepy.
d. We will be calmer.

6. In the selection, how is the word 'compete' used in the phrase "competing for air?"
a. struggling to take in some air
b. arguing about breathing
c. battling it out for oxygen
d. racing to breathe more air

7. Which of the following shows evidence that "yawning" is "competing for air?"
a. The passengers in an elevator yawned.
b. Several people yawned while picnicking at an open field.
c. Two people yawned inside a room with air-conditioning.
d. Three students yawned in a big empty room.

8. Which of the following is the best response when we see a person/animal yawn?
a. Have the person eat a food item that is a good source of energy.
b. Change the topic of conversation to a more interesting one.
c. Turn on an electric fan or source of ventilation.
d. Run away to avoid being attacked.

People love to laugh. We love it so much when there are jokes, jobs, and
shows that are made to make us laugh. Even though laughing seems natural,
not many species are able to do so.
Laughing involves the performance of rhythmic, involuntary movements,
and the production of sounds. We are able to laugh using fifteen facial
muscles, our respiratory system, and sometimes even our tear ducts.

We are lucky that we are able to laugh because there is strong evidence

that laughter can help improve health. Laughter boosts the immune system

and adds another layer of protection from disease. Since laughter also

increases blood flow, it improves the function of blood vessels that helps

protect the heart. Laughter also relaxes the whole body by relieving tension

and stress. Finally, laughter also brings out the body’s natural feel-good

chemicals that promote well-being.

Reference: http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/emotions/laughter.htm
1. What is laughing?
a. It is the voluntary reception of sounds.
b. It is the voluntary production of sounds.
c. It is the involuntary production of sounds.
d. It is the voluntary use of our facial muscles.
2. What does the statement, “There are jokes, jobs, and shows that are made to
make us laugh,” imply in this selection?
a. Laughter is something we have to work at.
b. Comedy shows are good sources of income.
c. Laughter is an important part of our life.
d. Jokes and comedy shows are expensive ways to make us laugh.
3. In what way does laughing prevent us from getting sick?
a. It lets us have full use of our respiratory system.
b. It helps boost our immune system.
c. It allows us to use our tear ducts.
d. It exercises our facial muscles.
4. If laughter increases blood flow, which body system does it help?
a. nervous system
b. respiratory system
c. excretory system
d. circulatory system
5. Which word CANNOT be used to describe laughing?
a. rhythmic
b. voluntary
c. uncontrollable
d. functional
6. Which of the following facts about laughter would be helpful to a
hardworking secretary at a busy office?
a. Laughter uses fifteen facial muscles.
b. Laughter keeps tension and stress away.
c. Laughter may help protect us from diseases.
d. Laughter brings out the ‘feel good’ chemicals.
7. Which of the following is the best title for the selection?
a. Laughter is the answer.
b. Laughter is the best medicine.
c. Laughter is what sets humans apart.
d. Laughter affects the human condition.
8. Which of the following would be the most ideal place to spread the good effects of
a. sari-sari store
b. gas station
c. hospital
d. market

Anger is often viewed as harmful. It does not only affect the

person feeling this anger but those around him or her. As these
feelings get stronger, changes occur in our body. Our faces turn
red and carry a frown. Our teeth are clenched and our hands are
closed tight. Our breathing becomes heavy and this makes our
heart beat faster. Our shoulder and neck muscles become stiff and
our blood pressure begins to rise. All these things happen because
our body is preparing for something. It is preparing for action.
However, this action does not have to be harmful.

People are often guilty about feeling angry. But, anger can

be viewed positively. Feelings of anger tell you that something is

not right and that something needs to change. The challenge lies

in making sure that actions resulting from anger will help rather

than harm. Expressing our feelings can help others understand the

source of our anger rather than fear its consequences.

Reference: Adapted from http://vmarano.tumblr.com/post/4955945239/good-news-about-

1. Which is NOT an observed change in our body when we get angry?
a. Our face turns red.
b. Our heart beats faster.
c. Our shoulders become stiff.
d. Our breathing becomes slow.

2. In the sentence, “Changes occur in our body,” which of the following words is a synonym for
the word occur?
a. stay
b. form
c. happen
d. transform

3. Why do people sometimes feel guilty for being angry?

a. Anger may hurt others.
b. Anger is not a feeling you should show to other people.
c. Anger may cause us to create positive change in the world.
d. Anger may cause us to be motivated to act on something.

4. Which of these actions is based on anger as a positive form of expression?

a. focusing on what is wrong
b. saying hurtful words
c. identifying the root of the problem
d. keeping our emotions bottled up inside of us

5. Which of these actions are based on anger as a form of motivation?

a. asking the person we are angry at to think of how the problem can be resolved
b. giving the person that we are angry at the silent treatment
c. kicking a chair aside and screaming out loud
d. seeking the help of a third person to side with you

6. What is one benefit of feeling angry?

a. It provides a form of exercise for our heart and blood vessels.
b. It prepares us for future occasions that we might feel angry.
c. It serves as a signal that something is not right.
d. It changes how our mind works.

7. In the selection, what is the meaning of the word "challenge?"

a. It refers to a task that is new.
b. It refers to a task that is different
c. It refers to a task that is assigned to us.
d. It refers to a task that is difficult to do.

8. In the selection, which trait would be most helpful when trying to use our anger in a positive way?
a. being obedient
b. being honest
c. being thoughtful
d. being hardworking

We often say “Sweet dreams,” but have you ever wondered

why we dream? Some say that dreaming is our brain’s way of

exercising. While we sleep, our brain may be testing the

connections and pathways to see if they are working well. Others

believe that dreaming is our brain’s way of sorting out problems.

Problems that have not been addressed during the day are

sometimes resolved in our sleep. Yet another explanation is that

dreaming is our brain’s way of fixing and organizing all the

information we have. While sleeping, our brains have a chance to

sort out the information that we want to keep from the stuff we no

longer want. Still another idea is that dreams are just another form

of thinking. Will we ever get to know the answer to this question?

Maybe we should sleep on it.

Reference: Adapted from http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-

brain/dream1.htm; http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/magazine/what-are-dreams
1. Based on the selection, what does our brain exercise through sleeping?
a. the connections and pathways
b. the left and right hemispheres
c. the content and concepts
d. the gray matter
2. Which of the statements does NOT show how dreams fix our problems?
a. As we dream, we constantly think about what we have learned or
b. Our dreams help us focus on things we are unable to notice during the day.
c. Our brain comes up with solutions in our sleep.
d. Our brain sorts and files information.
3. How does a brain - through dreams - perform the function of an office clerk?
a. It sorts information we need from what we don’t need.
b. It files what we know into fixed categories.
c. It clears the board to store new information.
d. It functions alone.
4. Based on how it is used in the selection, which of the following words is a
synonym for the word "resolved?"
a. accommodated
b. reflected
c. decided
d. fixed
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the brain?
a. Our brain makes connections.
b. Our brain never stops thinking.
c. Sleeping is our brain’s way of shutting down.
d. Our brain replays our experiences as we sleep.
6. Which question is the selection trying to answer?
a. What are the types of dreams?
b. Why are our reasons for dreaming?
c. Are all dreams sweet?
d. How can we stop from dreaming?
7. In the selection, what does it mean to “sleep on it?"
a. ignore it
b. take a nap
c. think about it
d. forget about it
8. Which could be a good title for this selection?
a. Dreaming: Explained
b. Preventing Our Dreams
c. Interpreting One’s Dream
d. Finding Solutions to Dreaming

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