2000 V 11

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T H E F IR S T M . T . H .

M IL L E N N I U M 2 0 0 0 P R OD U C T ION Y E AR AR E H E R E !

RailKing Table Of Contents

This year our product line has grown so much - it's bigger and better than any previous Quality and value are what our customers find in each and every M.T.H. product. In
® M.T.H. lineup to date - so we are printing two catalogs: one for our RailKing lineup, fact, they are the driving forces in the creation of the M.T.H. product line. We take our
and one for our Premier and Tinplate Traditions Lines. Both books are filled with mission seriously as a steward of the hobby and are proud to print the words “Quality
model railroading products that will capture virtually every railfan enthusiast's interests. in the Tradition You Remember” on each of our RailKing boxes.

M.T.H. creates our magnificent collection of model railroad products based on what we Armed with the quality and value of the M.T.H. product line, many of our customers
know railfans want. We keep our “ears to the ground” to determine what’s missing ... have begun spreading the word about the joys of M.T.H. model railroading to new and
M.T.H. RailKing 2000 Volume One M.T.H. RailKing Steam Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 M.T.H. RailKing Semi-Scale Rolling Stock to find out what model railroaders want, that they do not yet see on the market. We old railroad enthusiasts. This excitement is stimulating the growth of our hobby and it
also stay tuned in to what your favorite items are and we are constantly working on is expanding with incredible speed. It has also motivated us here at M.T.H. to strength-
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 4-6-4 Hudson Steam Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Semi-Scale Rolling Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
ways to make these products better and more innovative for you. en our efforts to produce the types of products model railroading enthusiasts want.
Proto-Sound® System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 2-8-8-2 USRA Mallet Steam Engine . . . . . . . . . .10 Semi-Scale 6-Car Freight Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Journey through the Web-Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 4-6-0 19th Century Ten-Wheeler Steam Engine .12 At M.T.H. Electric Trains, we are committed to offering model railroaders as much vari- Proof of our efforts can be found throughout the following pages where you will find
2-8-0 Consolidation Steam Engine . . . . . . . . . . .14 M.T.H. RailKing Passenger Sets ety as possible so that your displays and railroad empires can have everything needed to exciting O Gauge train sets, locomotives, rolling stock and accessories. Each item is
make them authentic. We also want to give the model railroader a broad choice of trains designed and manufactured to meet a standard of quality you expect. We accomplish
4-6-0 Ten-Wheeler Steam Engine . . . . . . . . . . .16 M.T.H. RailKing Madison Passenger Sets . . . . .44 and accessories so that your layout and collection have your mark ... your personal “sig- this by ensuring that our products are easy to understand how to use or operate, and
M.T.H. RailKing Streamlined Passenger Sets . . .46 nature” ... on them. that servicing is routine.
M.T.H. RailKing Diesel
Sometimes these concepts, like our M.T.H. RealTrax™ system, are clearly evident with
Brill Semi-Convertible Trolley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 M.T.H. RailKing Buildings Ge t “o n b o a rd ” a n d ri d e t h e R a i l K i n g R a i l s ! each easy-to-assemble RealTrax™ track section. Others may not be so apparent. For
FA-2 AA Diesel Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 M.T.H. RailKing Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 example, take M.T.H. locomotives, which are constructed from high quality ABS plas-
4-Car Modern Subway Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 M.T.H. RailKing Operating Buildings . . . . . . . . . .51 Enjoy the “scenery” as you journey through the tic or die-cast and stamped metal components. Most of these locomotives feature our
RailKing M.T.H. Millennium Year 2000 Catalog. modular chassis design (MCD) concept which ensures that M.T.H. locomotives are easy
SW-8 & SW-9 Switchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
M.T.H. commitment to quality and value in each and every product. to operate and easy to service. Most basic repairs can usually be accomplished with just
E-8 AA Diesel Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 M.T.H. RailKing Accessories Join the growing ranks of RailKing fans who declare . . . a screwdriver.
RDC Budd Car Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 M.T.H. RailKing Traditional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
F-3 AA Diesel Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 M.T.H. RailKing Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
M.T.H. also is moving towards introducing the hobby of model railroading into the
Doodlebug Non-Powered Diesels . . . . . . . . . . .34 M.T.H. RailKing O-Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
lives of those who haven’t yet been bitten by the “train bug”, and jogging the memo- “R a i l K i n g i s i n d e e d th e b e st ti c k e t to f u n a n d e xc i te me n t i n
PCC Electric Street Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 ry of those folks who have perhaps forgotten the wonder of this magical experience. O Ga u g e m o d e l ra i l ro a d i n g ! ”
Zephyr Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 M.T.H. RealTrax® The variety of trains and accessories available at M.T.H. make it easy for someone just
M.T.H. RealTrax® Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 starting out to choose individual items as well as complete sets that are high quality,
appealing and affordable. For those who may be motivated by a sense of nostalgia, we As you learn more about M.T.H. Electric Trains through the pages and images of this
M.T.H. RailKing 2000 Millennium M.T.H. RealTrax® Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
offer model railroading products that bring back wonderful memories of times gone by catalog, you will come to understand how M.T.H. has taken the lead in the O gauge
GG-1 Electric Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 with family and friends, and being a “kid again!” market. If you like what you see, contact us to find a dealer near you so that you may
4-Car Streamlined Aluminum Passenger Set . . .33 experience first hand why M.T.H. Electric Trains is your best source for O gauge value
Semi-Scale Box Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 To those folks who are experiencing M.T.H. Electric Trains for the first time, we are and quality.
offering some items to help guide you on your journey through model railroading and
the world of M.T.H. Electric Trains. These include an historical hard-cover book about
the amazing history of M.T.H., and an interactive CD ROM with both “how-to” videos Toll Free Dealer Locator Number
2000 and track planning software. These products will be very useful to the long-time loyal
M.T.H. enthusiasts too. The book and interactive CD ROM present interesting histor-
Volume One ical data on the company and innovative tools for using some of our M.T.H. products. Visit our Website www.mth-railking.com

2 3
The Proto-Sound® System

Virtual Journey Designed By


Almost every M.T.H. engine can be ordered with the exciting M.T.H. Proto-Sound® system - a state-of-the-art digital sound and train con-
OF trol system that requires no additional equipment or wiring to your layout. You simply hook up any compatible transformer and begin expe-
riencing the digital world of model railroading.
To operate Proto-Sound®, just put your engine on the track, right out of the box. As soon as you power-up your transformer, you will hear
the authentic sounds of your diesel, steam or electric engine awaken as it awaits your command to start moving. Your transformer's throttle
Visit the M.T.H. Web Site at www.mth-railking.com to find answers to many of your questions about product delivery, and its whistle button activate all the Proto-Sound® features listed. There is no need to purchase a whole new control system with dozens of
new product announcements and information on using M.T.H. products. buttons and keystrokes to memorize; Proto-Sound® works with almost any AC transformer.


INTERESTED IN JOINING THE M.T.H. RAILROADERS CLUB? FIND A RETAILER WHO MIGHT HAVE THAT HARD-TO-FIND M.T.H. When ordered with Proto-Sound®, your Every Proto-Sound® equipped engine All of the Proto-Effects™ sounds and fea-
You can join with just a few clicks on our web site. Once you join, you’ll be able to visit a PRODUCT IN STOCK? RailKing or Premier locomotive contains also features our exclusive Proto- tures, like the Proto-Sound® digital DIESEL ENGINES
special Members Only section of the web site where you and your fellow members will get Check out our all new Dealer Locator and Product Locator. These easy-to-use tools are high quality digital sounds you just have Effects™, a series of true-to-life sound sounds themselves, are controlled n Variably Controlled 8 Level Diesel Sound
to learn inside details about new products and programs coming from M.T.H. You’ll also now on our web site. The Dealer Locator calculates distance and includes maps which to hear to believe! For example, our and train control effects that make model through the Proto-Sound® microproces- n Authentic Diesel Horn
be able to read and leave messages on our MTHRRC message board, create your own makes finding an authorized M.T.H. retailer easier than ever. The Product Locator will steam engines come equipped with syn- railroading with M.T.H. a unique and sor. This microprocessor gives the oper- n Authentic Diesel Bell
M.T.H. Member Web Page and have an electronic M.T.H. Newsletter delivered to you find all M.T.H. retailers who have in stock any M.T.H. item you search for. It’s so smart, chronized steam chuffing, authentic fun experience. Proto-Effects™ sounds ator remote control ability from any n Squeaking Brakes
every month. it will even tell you who the closest dealer is from your location. whistle and bell sounds, air compressor include squeaking brakes that, when acti- compatible transformer for an array of n Randomly Activated Cab Chatter Sequences
pump and let-off sounds, and randomly vated, will let out an authentic sound features. These features include remote n Passenger Station or Freight Yard Proto-Effects™
We’ve upgraded our business systems so that our customers can stay in touch and have activated sounds like steam pop-off, piercing your ears as you throttle down volume adjustment and remote engine n Remote Controlled Engine Volume Adjustment
access to the latest news on our products and retailers. Customers needing to return an blow down and injector sounds. Even the engine to a stop or enter a turn. lock-out control as well as perhaps the n Remote Controlled Engine Lockout Setting
item for repair to the M.T.H. Service Department can obtain a return authorization num- when sitting still, a Proto-Sound® Imagine the fun of entering a station or most exciting of all the Proto-Sound® n Operates with any Compatible AC Transformer
ber through the M.T.H. web site. Eventually, the system will allow a customer to check equipped M.T.H. Steam Engine sounds switch yard, or even a curve after high- features - remote control over your n Self-Recharging Battery Backup with Auto Shut-off
on the status of their returned item’s repair as it moves through the M.T.H. Service like it's “alive and breathing” . Proto- balling down a straightaway and hearing engine's coupler from anywhere on the n Directionally Controlled Headlights*
Center. Once an item has been repaired, our system will even e-mail you with its deliv- Sound® equipped diesel engines sport the sound of your engine's brakes as you layout. No additional wiring, uncou- n Constant Voltage Headlights*
ery schedule and tracking number giving you the ultimate in peace of mind information. many of the same sound qualities as their slow down. With Proto-Effects™ you pling track sections or modifications to n Remote Controlled Die-Cast Metal Proto-Couplers®
steam counterparts, including 8 levels of also get special sounds for your freight or your layout are required. Each feature
Naturally, a visit to the M.T.H. Web Site will allow you to e-mail various departments, diesel motor sound, authentic sounding passenger engine that you won't find can be activated by simply using the STEAM ENGINES
check out our latest catalogs or visit our online store. Our Internet staffers will continu- horn and bell sounds, and air compressor anywhere else. When the Proto-Effects™ transformer's whistle controller. n Synchronized Steam Chuffing Sound
JUST PURCHASED AN MTH PRODUCT? ously update our site so that you will never be far from the latest model railroading news. pump and let-off sounds. Additionally, are activated, your freight or passenger n Authentic Steam Whistle
every Proto-Sound® equipped diesel line steam or diesel engine will play spe- n Authentic Steam Bell
also comes with our exclusive Cab cial freight yard or passenger station n Air Compressor Pump & Let-off Sounds
Chatter Proto-Effects™ - digitally cap- sounds once the engine comes to a halt. n Squeaking Brakes
tured radio transmissions of actual engi- n Randomly Activated Steam Neutral Sounds
neers and dispatchers going about the n Passenger Station or Freight Yard Proto-Effects™
business of train switching, loading and n Remote Controlled Engine Volume Adjustment
unloading. Best of all these sounds are n Remote Controlled Engine Lockout Setting
controlled by the Proto-Sound® micro- n Operates with any Compatible AC Transformer
processor, so they are each randomly n Self-Recharging Battery Backup with Auto Shut-off
activated to prevent constant repetition n Remote Controlled Die-Cast Metal Proto-Couplers®
Now you can fill out your warranty card or complete an M.T.H. survey and give Proto-Sound® owners a true-
online instead of mailing in the forms. Both are simple and easy to do. www.mth-railking.com to-life sound experience. * Found on MTH Premier engines only

4 5
By M.T.H. Electric Trains

By M.T.H. Electric Trains

M.T.H. RailKing Locomotives, Starter Sets, Track Systems, and Accessories extend to our customers a level of excellence For instance, most RailKing locomotives, including most of those offered in our ready-to-run train sets, can be ordered
and value unequaled by other manufacturers. Truly, our consumers appreciate our products and cherish them through the with an electronic horn or whistle or our state-of-the-art Proto-Sound® Digital Sound and Train Control System. The
years as they recognize that RailKing is of the "Quality In The Tradition You Remember". technological marvel, Proto-Sound® was designed to provide the operator with realistic sound effects and remote con-
trol performance over a multitude of railroading tasks. Additionally, most locomotives come equipped with a die-cast or
The variety, authentic detail, quality of construction, and affordable prices make it easy for model railroaders just start- metal chassis, wheels, axles and gears, and a flywheel-equipped precision motor for realistic starts, stops, and pulling
ing out, or those who are in it for the long haul, to obtain all of those special pieces needed to make your collection what strength.
you want it to be. All RailKing items are of a caliber that far exceeds those that were on the market in years past, as well
as those offered today by other manufacturers. Diligent product reviews during all processes of production enable us to Get “on board” and ride the RailKing Rails! Enjoy the “scenery” as you journey through the RailKing section of the
include improvements and enhancements in everything we make, before anything is released into your hands. . . the first MTH Millennium Year 2000 Catalog. Explore the possibilities as you realize the MTH commitment to quality and
hands of our valued customers. This ensures the realization of our commitment to provide you with the best value in value in each and every product featured on the following pages. Then you can join the growing ranks of RailKing fans
model railroading! who declare . . . “ RailKing is indeed the best ticket to fun and excitement in O Gauge model railroading! ”

6 7


Chesapeake & Ohio, 4-6-4 Hudson Steamer

Item No. 30-1161
Add a Chesapeake & Ohio 4-Car Passenger Car Set
M.S.R.P. 30-1161-0 ............................$329.95
See Page 47 M.S.R.P. 30-1161-1 ............................$429.95

4-6-4 Hudson Steamer

The 4-6-4 Streamlined Hudson Steam tives -- a fact that was obvious on a cold - Die-Cast Boiler and Tender
Engine was manufactured not long after winter day when the powerful steam of - Die-Cast Metal Drivers
World War II and was designed to meet this engine poured out profusely. - Metal Handrails and Decorative Whistle
the need for quick and comfortable day-
- Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motor
light passenger service trains. The 4-6-4 The “Chessie” Locomotives, as the 4-6-
- Operating Headlight
Streamlined Hudson was created by 4s came to be known on the
converting the 4-6-2 wheel arrange- Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, were pro- - Metal Wheels and Gears
ments on the F-19 Pacific into a 4-6-4 duced at the Huntington Locomotive - Operates on O-31 Track
class L-1. Among the other streamlin- Shops. These engines were numbered - Detailed Cab Interior
ing changes made were the use of pop- 490 through 493. The RailKing 4-6-4 - DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
pet valves in the cylinders and the cover- Streamlined Hudson is authentic in
- Operating Metal Coupler
ing of the boilers with shrouds and detail and is available with the standard
stainless steel trim. These streamlined and optional features listed. - Operating ProtoSmoke® System
Hudsons looked sleek and contempo- - Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound® Digital
rary, but they were still steam locomo- Sound and Train Control System Featuring
Squeaking Brakes, Passenger Station Proto-
Effects™ Sounds and Remotely Controlled Proto-
Coupler® By
- Locomotive Measures: 20 3/4” x 2 1/2” x 3 5/8”

8 9

Northern Pacific
R A I L K I N G S T E A M E R 2-8-8-2 USRA Mallet Steamer
Item No. 30-1157
M.S.R.P. 30-1157-0 ............................$599.95
Add a Northern Pacific 6-Car Hopper Set M.S.R.P. 30-1157-1 ............................$699.95
See Page 43
2-8-8-2 USRA Mallet Steamer
NEW Item No. 30-1156
M.S.R.P. 30-1156-0 ............................$599.95
M.S.R.P. 30-1156-1 ............................$699.95

Add a Pennsylvania 6-Car Hopper Set - Die-Cast Boiler and Tender

See Page 43 - Die-Cast Metal Drivers

- Metal Handrails and Decorative Whistle

2-8-8-2 USRA Mallet Steamer

- Two Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motors

- Operating Headlight
- Metal Wheels and Gears
- Operates on O-31 Track
The 2-8-8-2 USRA Steam Engine was a sure ones. (The MC in the classification - Detailed Cab Interior
powerful but slow articulated locomo- stood for Mallet Consolidation.) This - DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
tive with two sets of driving wheels locomotive was used considerably to - Operating Metal Coupler
powered by four cylinders. The 2-8-8-2, assist or to power heavy drag freights up
- Operating ProtoSmoke® System
which came into use in the early 1900s, steep inclines.
produced 85,040 pounds of tractive - Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound® Digital
effort with 26 by 30-inch low-pressure The RailKing 2-8-8-2 USRA Steam Sound and Train Control System Featuring
cylinders. Initially these engines were of Engine is available with the markings of Squeaking Brakes, Freight Yard Proto-Effects™
the “Mallet” type (name of the French the Northern Pacific Railroad and Sounds and Remotely Controlled Proto-
creator of this type of locomotive) MC- Pennsylvania Railroad. It is authentically
Coupler® By
1, which typically used steam two times detailed and offers a number of standard
- Locomotive Measures: 20 7/8” x 2 1/2” x 3 5/8”
by channeling it from a couple of high- features along with the optional equip-
pressure cylinders into bigger low-pres- ment listed.

10 11


Denver Rio Grande,

4-6-0 19th Century Ten-Wheeler Steamer
Item No. 30-1160
M.S.R.P. 30-1160-0 ............................$329.95
M.S.R.P. 30-1160-1 ............................$429.95

Add a Denver Rio Grande 3-Car Overton Passenger Car


4-6-0 19th Century Ten-Wheeler Steamer

- Die-Cast Boiler and Tender
- Die-Cast Metal Drivers
- Metal Handrails and Decorative Whistle
The 4-6-0 Steam Locomotive appeared struction of a bigger boiler, which along - Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motor
on the railroad scene in the middle of the with the extra wheel drivers, produced a - Operating Headlight
19th Century. It largely replaced the 50% stronger adhesion to climb the
- Metal Wheels and Gears
popular 4-4-0 when more powerful steep inclines of the Rocky Mountains.
engines were needed to serve areas of the - Operates on O-27 Track
Rocky Mountains on through to the The 4-6-0 Steam Engine was used by the - Detailed Cab Interior
western coast of the United States. Denver Rio Grande (DRG) Railroad to - DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
serve the abundant timber, coal, silver - Operating Metal Coupler
The 4-4-0 design was modified by and gold regions of the Colorado
- Operating ProtoSmoke® System
Richard Norris & Son of Philadelphia, Mountains. The RailKing 4-6-0 Steam
- Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound® Digital
who added an extra coupled axle at the Engine proudly displays the colors of the
rear of the locomotive to make it the 4- DRG Railroad, and is remarkably Sound and Train Control System Featuring
6-0, or as it is commonly known -- “a authentic in design and special features. Squeaking Brakes, Passenger Station Proto-
10-wheeler.” This permitted the con- Effects™ Sounds and Remotely Controlled Proto-
Coupler® By
- Locomotive Measures: 18” x 2 1/2” x 4 1/4”

12 13


Pennsylvania, 2-8-0 Consolidation Steamer

Item No. 30-1159
M.S.R.P. 30-1159-0 ............................$129.95
M.S.R.P. 30-1159-1 ............................$229.95

Add a Pennsylvania 6-Car Freight Set

See Page 43

2-8-0 Consolidation Steamer

- Die-Cast Boiler and ABS Tender
- Die-Cast Metal Drivers
- Metal Handrails and Decorative Whistle and Bell
The 2-8-0 Steam Engine was first devel- freight engines from commercial loco- - Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motor
oped in 1864 - 1865, to provide power motive builders. The PRR also built - Operating Headlight
for heavy trains at a moderate speed, many of the 2-8-0’s themselves in its
- Metal Wheels and Gears
especially on steep grades. Alexander Juniata, Pennsylvania Shops.
Mitchell, the chief mechanic for a coal - Operates on O-27 Track
hauler in eastern Pennsylvania, designed The PRR used the Class H10, which - Detailed Cab Interior
the original 2-8-0. The Pennsylvania was the largest of the “Pennsy - Electronic Reverse Unit
Railroad (PRR) was the first to apply Consolidations,” on its lines west of - Operating Metal Coupler
the 2-8-0 type engine by rebuilding a Pittsburgh. The RailKing PRR 2-8-0
- Operating ProtoSmoke® System
Baldwin flexible-beam engine to a 2-8-0 Steam Engine is a detailed “Near-Scale”
- Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound® Digital
configuration. In the 1910s, the PRR prototype, available with the standard
ordered many Consolidation-type (this features and optional equipment listed. Sound and Train Control System Featuring
is how the 2-8-0’s were identified) Squeaking Brakes, Freight Yard Proto-Effects™
Sounds and Remotely Controlled Proto-
Coupler® By
- Locomotive Measures: 19 3/8” x 2 1/2” x 3 5/8”

14 15

New York Central

4-6-0 Ten-Wheeler Steamer
Item No. 30-1158
M.S.R.P. 30-1158-0 ............................$129.95
M.S.R.P. 30-1158-1 ............................$229.95

4-6-0 Ten-Wheeler Steamer

In 1900, the most common locomotive (NYC) by Alco. These moderate duty
was the 4-6-0 Steam Engine that freight passenger engines were appealing
- Die-Cast Boiler and ABS Tender
weighed 165,500 pounds and claimed enough to be copied by other railroad
- Die-Cast Metal Drivers
four times as much tractive effort as lines in the early 1900s, when they were
other locomotives of that time. The first produced for the NYC Railroad. - Metal Handrails and Decorative Whistle and Bell
“10-wheelers,” as these engines were The original cylinders on this engine - Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motor
known, were actually first put into serv- were 22” by 26”, the drivers were 69”, - Operating Headlight
ice in the 1840s. They gained favor as a the boiler pressure was 200lbs., and the - Metal Wheels and Gears
passenger locomotive in the 1860s, and tractive force was 31,000 lbs.
- Operates on O-27 Track
went into the Twentieth Century work-
ing as a freight and passenger engine, The steam engines of the New York - Detailed Cab Interior
found to be great on fuel and water Central Railroad had a very distinctive - Electronic Reverse Unit
economy. aristocratic appearance. The M.T.H. - Operating Metal Coupler
RailKing 4-6-0 Steam Engine accurately - Operating ProtoSmoke® System
The 4-6-0 Steam Locomotive was depicts this unique characteristic with its
- Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound® Digital
among the most memorable of the “10- realistic detail, standard features and
Sound and Train Control System Featuring
wheelers” built for the New York Central optional equipment listed.
Squeaking Brakes, Freight Yard Proto-Effects™
Sounds and Remotely Controlled Proto-
Coupler® By
- Locomotive Measures: 18 3/4” x 2 1/2” x 3 1/2”

16 17


Brill Semi-Convertible Trolley

Item No. 30-2512
M.S.R.P. 30-2512 ..................................$99.95


Brill Semi-Convertible Trolley - Directionally Controlled Headlights

- Durable ABS Intricately Detailed Body
- Operates on O-27 Track
- Operating Trolley Pole
In the early 1900s, as cities grew in size “Eureka Maximum Traction Truck,” to - Colorful, Authentic Markings
and complexity, so too did the traffic assist in the design of a much-needed
- Die-Cast Truck Blocks with All-Metal Wheels
problems and transportation needs. A mass transit vehicle that was heavy
vehicle that could operate effectively enough to operate well and thus was and Gears
and efficiently while transporting many born the wonderful trolley car. - Equipped with DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
people was required. Initially, multi- - Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motor
passenger vehicles were horse-drawn. The Trolley Car went through several - Operating Marker Lights and Interior Lights
These cars were designed to be light- iterations first as an open car, the semi-
- Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound® Digital
weight, so when they were ultimately open car, the convertible, and the semi-
Sound and Train Control System Featuring
converted into the first electric street- convertibles. The most popular was the
cars, they were deficient in tractive semi-convertible design because it faired Squeaking Brakes and Station Stop Proto-
power. Two things occurred which led well in all kinds of weather. Effects™ Sounds By
to the production of an almost univer- - Measures Approximately: 11 5/8” x 2 5/8” x 3 1/2
sally accepted electric car construction. The creation of M.T.H.’s RailKing
First, Frank Sprague created a separate Electric Trolley Car was based on the Brill
metal truck for these cars. Then John semi-convertible design. Adding this
Albert Brill, the leading engineer of the Trolley Car to any model train layout will
J.G. Brill Company, developed the idea for the add a sense of character and history to the display.

18 19
Pennsylvania, FA-2 AA Diesel Set
Item No. 30-2173
M.S.R.P. 30-2173-0 ............................$159.95
Add a Optional B Unit Add a Optional B Unit M.S.R.P. 30-2173-1 ............................$259.95

Baltimore & Ohio, FA-2 AA Diesel Set

Item No. 30-2174
R A I L K I N G D I E S E L M.S.R.P. 30-2174-0 ............................$159.95
M.S.R.P. 30-2174-1 ............................$259.95

Add a Pennsylvania 6-Car Freight Set Pennsylvania, FA-2 B Unit

See Page 43 Item No. 30-2173-3
M.S.R.P. 30-2173-3 ..............................$49.95
Baltimore & Ohio, FA-2 B Unit
Item No. 30-2174-3
M.S.R.P. 30-2174-3 ..............................$49.95

Add a Baltimore & Ohio 6-Car Freight Set - Operating Headlights
See Page 43
FA-2 AA Diesel Sets
- Die-Cast Truck Sides, Pilots, and Fuel Tank

- Colorful Paint Schemes
- Operates on O-27 Track
- DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
- Electronic Horn
The original FA-2 prototype generated the equiva- The original FB-2 Locomotive Booster prototype - Decorative Metal Horn
lent of 1600 horsepower with its twelve cylinder was a “cab-less” unit that generated the equivalent - 2 Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motors in the
244 engine. It was first built in the early 1950’s by of 1600 horsepower. The FB-2 Locomotive Unit Powered A Unit
Alco. The FA-2 Locomotive Engine is is distinguished by its B-B wheel - Optionally Equipped with the Proto-Sound®
characterized by its flatnose cabs. The arrangement and the location of its radi- Digital Sound and Train Control System
engine is also recognized by its Alco-GE ator shutters and fan which are found Featuring Squeaking Brakes, Freight Yard Proto-
grille seen around the headlight. There considerably forward of the car body. Effects™ Sounds and Two Remote Controlled
were passenger designated FA-2s that The original FB-2 was 52 feet 8 inches. Proto-Couplers® By
were built and identified as FPs, instead The FB-2s, like the FB-1s, are built to - AA Diesel Locomotive Set Measures:
of just F. The FA-2 prototype was 53 allow room for a steam generator in the 25” x 2 1/2” x 3 1/2”
feet 6 inches long, which is a couple of space where a cab is located in the A
feet longer than the FA-1. This addi- Units.
tional length on the FA-2 allowed for a
- Die-Cast Truck Sides and Fuel Tank
steam generator compartment at the The M.T.H. RailKing FB-2
- Colorful Paint Schemes
rear of the unit. Locomotive Booster Unit is available
- Pre-wired for Use with Proto-Sound® Equipped
with the markings of the Pennsylvania
A Units
The M.T.H. RailKing FA-2 AA Diesel and Baltimore & Ohio Railroads. This
- Operates on O-27 Track
Set includes two A units back-to-back. Booster Unit can be added to the
- Locomotive Measures: 12” x 2 1/2” x 3 1/2”
It is available with the markings of the RailKing FA-2 AA Diesel Set to create
Pennsylvania and Baltimore & Ohio the classic railroad engine unit arrange-
Railroads and is authentic in detail. ment (A-B-A) for your trains.
20 21


Chicago, 4-Car Modern Subway Set

Item No. 30-2175
M.S.R.P. 30-2175-0 ............................$199.95
M.S.R.P. 30-2175-1 ............................$299.95

- Operating Headlight
- Durable ABS Bodies

4-Car Modern Subway Set

- Operating Metal Couplers
- Detailed Car Interiors
- Undercarriage Chassis Detail
- DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
Closely resembling the 1970 vintage ment, the cars can be easily retrofitted
- Overhead Interior Lighting
Boeing built 2400 series cars, the 3200 from 3rd rail pickups to overhead pan-
- Die-Cast Trucks
Series subway car first began appearing tographs. A unique operator’s compart-
on Chicago’s famed “L” in early 1993. ment provides multi-purpose opera- - Operating Electronic Horn
Produced by the Morrison Knudsen tor/conductor/passenger seating capa- - Operates on O-27 Track
Corporation (their first order for new bilities. - 2 Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motors in
transit cars) the consists have been in use Powered Unit
throughout the Chicago system. Adding the unique look and style of a
- Set includes 1 Twin Motored Powered Unit and
modern subway consist to your layout
The design and performance characteris- has never been easier. Choose from Three Non-Powered Coaches
tics of the new 3200 series cars are a far models equipped with or without - Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound® Digital
leap over previous subway type passen- Proto-Sound® and receive all of the Sound and Train Control System Featuring
ger equipment. Utilizing state-of-the-art standard features. Squeaking Brakes, Station Stop Proto-Effects™
microprocessor propulsion control and
Sounds, and Remotely Controlled Proto-
inverter auxiliary power supply equip-
Couplers® By
- Each Car Measures: 13 1/2” x 2 1/2” x 3 3/8”

22 23
New York Central, SW-8 Switcher
Item No. 30-2176
M.S.R.P. 30-2176-0 ............................$129.95
M.S.R.P. 30-2176-1 ............................$229.95
Great Northern, SW-8 Switcher
Item No. 30-2177
M.S.R.P. 30-2177-0 ............................$129.95

SW-8 & SW-9 M.S.R.P. 30-2177-1 ............................$229.95

Texas & Pacific, SW-8 Switcher

Switchers Item No. 30-2178

M.S.R.P. 30-2178-0 ............................$129.95
M.S.R.P. 30-2178-1 ............................$229.95

Boston & Maine, SW-9 Switcher

One of railroadings most revolutionary diesel Item No. 30-2179
switchers rolled out of General Motors Electro
Motive Division shops over 40 years ago, yet it is M.S.R.P. 30-2179-0 ............................$129.95
M.S.R.P. 30-2179-1 ............................$229.95
still a common sight on today’s rails. The venerable
EMD SW-8 and SW-9 switchers were first produced
as replacements for the aging NW-2 diesel switcher.
With a combined production run of over 1,000
units, this little workhorse FEATURES INCLUDE
has proved its tenacity
over the years thanks to its - Operating Headlight and Backup Light
reliability and strength.
- Die-Cast Truck Sides, Pilots, and Fuel Tank
- Colorful Paint Schemes
Adding switcher motive
power to your O Gauge - Die-Cast Metal Chassis
layout has never been so - Operates on O-27 Track
easy. Choose from three - DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
exciting SW-8 roadnames - Electronic Horn
and one SW-9 roadname.
- Metal Handrails and Decorative Horn
As with all RailKing
diesels, the SW-8 and SW- - 2 Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motors

9 feature the standard and - Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound® Digital

optional features listed. Sound and Train Control System Featuring
Squeaking Brakes, Remote Controlled Proto-
Couplers® and Freight Yard Proto-Effects™
Sounds By
- Measures: 12 1/2” x 2 5/8” x 3 3/4”

24 25
Seaboard, E-8 AA Diesel Set
Item No. 30-2181
M.S.R.P. 30-2181-0 ............................$179.95
M.S.R.P. 30-2181-1 ............................$279.95

Seaboard, E-8 B Unit

Item No. 30-2181-3
M.S.R.P. 30-2181-3 ..............................$59.95
Add a Seaboard 4-Car 60’ Streamlined Union Pacific, E-8 AA Diesel Set
Item No. 30-2180
Passenger Car Set M.S.R.P. 30-2180-0 ............................$179.95

E-8 AA Diesel Sets See Page 48

M.S.R.P. 30-2180-1 ............................$279.95

Union Pacific, E-8 B Unit

Item No. 30-2180-3
M.S.R.P. 30-2181-3 ..............................$59.95
First constructed in the early 1950s, the E-8
locomotive proved to be one of the most popu- Add an Optional B Rock Island, E-8 AA Diesel Set
lar engines in EMD's "E" series. One of the last Item No. 30-2187
EMD locomotives to sport the streamlined, M.S.R.P. 30-2187-0 ............................$179.95
"bulldog" nose first seen on "E" and "F" units of M.S.R.P. 30-2187-1 ............................$279.95

the 1940s. The engine was originally outfitted Rock Island, E-8 B Unit
with a 2,250hp power plant. The requirement Item No. 30-2187-3
for so much power provided the E-8 with the M.S.R.P. 30-2181-3 ..............................$59.95
ability to pull passenger trains on most major
express passenger routes. There was enough
power for the streamlined locomotive to pull its Add a Union Pacific 4-Car 60’ Streamlined FEATURES INCLUDE
consists at speeds up to 100mph. The drastic Passenger Car Set AA UNITS
decline in passenger service in the 1960s led to
most of the E units being traded in on general
See Page 48 - Operating Headlights
- Die-Cast Truck Sides, Pilots, and Fuel Tank
purpose locomotives. - Colorful Paint Schemes
- Operates on O-31 Track
Only dominating passenger routes for a little - DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
more than a decade, the E-8 earned its railroading
Add an Optional B - Electronic Horn
reputation for its looks and - Decorative Metal Horn
performance. Often mated - 2 Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motors In the
with an additional A Unit Powered A Unit
and cab-less B Unit, the long - Optionally Equipped with the Proto-Sound®
streamlined shape made for Digital Sound and Train Control System
an awesome sight. Now that Featuring Squeaking Brakes, Passenger Station
sight can be replicated on Proto-Effects™ Sounds and Two Remote
your own O Gauge model Controlled Proto-Couplers® By
railroad with the exciting - AA Diesel Locomotive Set Measures:
RailKing version of the clas- Add a Rock Island 4-Car 60’ Streamlined 29 3/4” x 2 1/2” x 3 1/2”
sic E. Choose from models Passenger Car Set B UNITS
with and without Proto-
Sound®, and add an option-
See Page 48 - Die-Cast Truck Sides, and Fuel Tank
- Colorful Paint Schemes
al non-powered B Unit for - Pre-Wired for Use with Proto-Sound®
the ultimate recreation of one of EMD’s greatest Equipped A Units
locomotives. - Operates on O-31 Track
26 Add an Optional B - B-Unit Measures: 13 1/2” x 2 1/2” x 3 1/2” 27
New York Central, RDC Budd Car Set
R A I L K I N G D I E S E L Item No. 30-2182
M.S.R.P. 30-2182-0 ............................$179.95
M.S.R.P. 30-2182-1 ............................$279.95

Canadian Pacific, RDC Budd Car Set

Item No. 30-2183
M.S.R.P. 30-2183-0 ............................$179.95
M.S.R.P. 30-2183-1 ............................$279.95

RDC Budd Car Set

- Operating Headlights
Even at the height of passenger railroad- that resembled a vista dome found on - Die-Cast Trucks
ing, it was still quite expensive for rail- streamlined passenger cars. This
- Operating Metal Couplers
roads to serve passengers on small arrangement kept the equipment out of
branch lines and secondary mainlines. the way and allowed for more passenger - Operates on O-31 Track
These high-cost, low ridership routes room, multiple unit capability and bi- - DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
required an innovative solution from the directional operation flexibility. A testa- - Lighted Cab Interiors
railroads that appeared in the form of the ment to their excellent design, RDCs - Electronic Horn
RDC (Rail Diesel Car) a self-propelled were common on U.S. railroads for over
- Two Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motors In
passenger car. 30 years.
The Powered A Unit

Commonly known as “Budd” cars, these Now, thanks to M.T.H., Budd cars can - Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound®
streamlined Rail Diesel Cars were essen- once again ride your main, secondary or Digital Sound and Train Control System
tially a cross between a locomotive and a branch lines! These 2-car sets are sure to Featuring Squeaking Brakes, Remote Controlled
passenger car. The diesel motors were bring to life today’s modern commuter Proto-Coupler® and Passenger Station Proto-
placed beneath the car frame, and the railroads’ earliest beginnings.
Effect™ Sounds By
exhausts, radiators and air intakes were
mounted in a top section above the roof - 2-Unit Set Measures: 32” x 2 1/2” x 3 7/8”

28 29
Add an Optional B Unit Add an Optional B Unit Chesapeake & Ohio, F-3 AA Diesel Set
Item No. 30-2185
M.S.R.P. 30-2185-0 ............................$159.95
M.S.R.P. 30-2185-1 ............................$259.95

Denver Rio Grande, F-3 AA Diesel Set

Item No. 30-2184
R A I L K I N G D I E S E L M.S.R.P. 30-2184-0 ............................$159.95
M.S.R.P. 30-2184-1 ............................$259.95
Add a Chesapeake & Ohio 4-Car Set
See Page 47 Chesapeake & Ohio, F-3 B Unit
Item No. 30-2185-3
M.S.R.P. 30-2185-3 ..............................$49.95

Denver Rio Grande, F-3 B Unit

Item No. 30-2184-3
M.S.R.P. 30-2184-3 ..............................$49.95

Add a Denver Rio Grande 4-Car Streamlined Passenger Set

See Page 47
F-3 AA Diesel Sets

- Die-Cast Truck Sides and Pilots
- Colorful Paint Schemes
- Operates on O-27 Track
In 1946, EMD began production of one of the most The RailKing F-3 AA set makes a perfect choice for - Decorative Metal Horn
famous and recognizable locomotives of all time: any model railroad fan looking to add the classic - 2 Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motors in the
the F-3 diesel. Proclaimed as the "widest range looks of one of railroading’s most enduring sym- Powered A Unit
locomotive in history", a record produc- bols. The addition of the optional non- - DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
tion of 1800 units sold in just two years. powered B Unit simply completes the - Electronic Horn
package. - Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound® Digital
Demonstrating remarkable proficiency Sound and Train Control System Featuring
at both fast-passenger and heavy-freight The F-3’s sleek streamlined shape Squeaking Brakes, Remote Controlled Proto-
service, the F-3's flexibility cemented it housed a powerful 1500 horsepower Coupler® and Passenger Station Proto-Effect™
as a mainstay on most large railroads. power plant that sometimes fell short of Sounds By
These 1,500 horsepower units were so expectations. Depending on consist - AA Diesel Set Measures: 23” x 21/2” x 31/2”
successful that the F-3 is credited with lengths and route conditions, many rail-
accelerating many railroads' path to roads opted to purchase additional B UNITS
dieselization. The engine's initial field power units that contained no cab. - Die-Cast Truck Sides

tests were conducted among 20 different These cab-less B Units were slaved with - Colorful Paint Schemes

railroads winning over many diesel the engineer controlled A Units and - B-Units Pre-wired for Use with Proto-Sound®

doubters with their fuel efficiency and gave railroads additional power when Equipped F-3 A Units

easy maintenance. Once purchased, the conditions warranted it. - Optional Proto-Coupler® Kit Available for

railroads were quick to recognize that Remote Uncoupling With Proto-Sound®

the F-3's sleek streamlined shape was a By adding a B Unit to your AA consist, Equipped F-3 A Unit

perfect canvas for the colorful, imaginative paint model railroaders can enjoy the same excitement - Operates on O-27 Track

schemes many railroads used on their locomotives that a long, colorful diesel consist created whenever - Locomotive Measures:

as a way to showcase their passenger trains. it appeared on a railroads route. 11 1/2” x 2 5/8” x 3 1/2”

30 31
4-Car 60’ Aluminum Passenger Set
18K Gold and Platinum Plated
Item No. 30-6707
M.S.R.P. 30-6707 ................................$599.95

Pennsylvania, GG-1 Electric Engine


18K Gold and Platinum Plated
Item No. 30-2514
M.S.R.P. 30-2514 ................................$699.95

In the millennium Year 2000, model railroad opera-

Pennsylvania, Boxcar
tors and collectors can choose from a variety of
18K Gold and Platinum Plated
Millennium Celebration products that are sure to
commemorate model railroading;s past as well as its Item No. 30-7446
future. At M.T.H. Electric Trains, we’ve created sev- M.S.R.P. 30-7446 ..................................$79.95
eral excellent examples of how we want to remem-
ber model railroading’s first century. Rediscover
these truly remarkable icons of model railroading’s FEATURES INCLUDE
past, each recreated in special 18K Gold and ENGINE
Platinum-plated finishes guaranteed to mark these - 18K Gold-Plated Finish
items as uniquely special. - Directionally Controlled Headlights
- Durable Die-Cast Metal Body

GG-1 Electric Engine & Cars - Operates On O-31 Track

- Operating Electronic Horn
- Operating Pantographs
The Raymond Loewy
- Colorful, Authentic Markings
inspired GG-1 locomo- - Die-Cast Platinum-Plated Trucks With All-Metal
tive was a fixture on the Wheels & Gears
Pennsylvania Railroad for - Equipped With DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
over 30 years. Nothing - 2 Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motors
could match the awesome - Measures Approximately 15” x 2 5/8” x 4”
power produced by its PASSENGER CARS
twelve motor, 8,500 - Genuine 18K Gold-Plated Finish
horsepower chassis. That - Die-Cast Platinum-Plated 4 Wheel Trucks
strength and glory made - Operating Platinum-Plated Die-Cast Couplers
the GG-1 one of the most - Authentic Pennsylvania Markings
recognizable locomotives - Operates On O-31 Curves
of all time and a perfect - Each Car Features Four Interior Lamps
choice for our - Each Car Measures: 16” x 2 1/2” x 3 3/8”
Millennium Celebration. FREIGHT BOXCAR
For the Celebration, - Genuine 18K Gold-Plated Finish
we’ve chosen our RailKing version of the Pennsy - Platinum Plated Die-Cast 4-Wheel Trucks
Classic and have mated it up with an optional set of - Operating Die-Cast Metal Couplers
18K Gold and Platinum-Plated Aluminum - Operates on O-27 Track

Celebrate the New Millennium

Passenger Cars and or a semi-scale boxcar. - Decorative Brake Wheels
- Fast-angle Wheel Sets
- Needle-point Axles
- Sliding Car Doors
- Stamped Metal Floors on Most Cars
- Measures Approximately:
32 11 1/2” x 2 5/8” x 4” 33
Chicago & Northwestern, Doodlebug
Item No. 30-2159
M.S.R.P. 30-2159-3 ..............................$49.95

Baltimore & Ohio, Doodlebug
Item No. 30-2134
Perfect Compliment for the 1999 CNW Powered Doodlebug
Doodlebug M.S.R.P. 30-2134-3 ..............................$49.95

Non-Powered Diesel
Santa Fe, Doodlebug

Item No. 30-2135
M.S.R.P. 30-2135-3 ..............................$49.95

A predecessor to lightweight, streamlined alu-

minum Budd Cars, the “Doodlebug” was the first Pennsylvania, Doodlebug
passenger/motive power combination for small Item No. 30-2158
branch line commuter railroads. Like its later M.S.R.P. 30-2158-3 ..............................$49.95
cousin, the Doodlebug was essentially a cross
between a locomotive and a passenger car. The Perfect Compliment for the 1998 Baltimore & Ohio Powered
front section housed an internal combustion engine
and the rear housed a passenger or freight com-
partment. Larger consists housed the baggage and
freight in the rear compartment and pulled a pas- FEATURES INCLUDE
senger car behind the Doodlebug. At their peak of
popularity in the 1920s Doodlebugs rode the rails
in every part of the country. - Operating Headlight

- Die-Cast Truck Sides and Pilots

- Colorful Paint Schemes
Doodlebugs now join
the RailKing lineup - Operates on O-31 Track
to complement previ- - Locomotive Measures: 16” x 2 1/2” x 3 3/4”
ously released pow- Perfect Compliment for the 1998 Santa Fe Powered Doodlebug
ered Doodlebug cars.
Painted to match
their earlier counter-
parts, these non-pow-
ered units will help
your growing com-
muter line handle its
increased ridership.

Perfect Compliment for the 1999 Pennsylvania Powered Doodlebug

34 35

Pacific Electric, PCC Electric Street Car

Item No. 30-2513
M.S.R.P. 30-2513-0 ..............................$99.95
M.S.R.P. 30-2513-1 ............................$199.95

- Directionally Controlled Headlights

- Durable ABS Intricately Detailed Body

PCC Electric Street Car

- Operates on O-27 Track

- Operating Trolley Pole

- Colorful, Authentic Markings

In the 1920s the great rise in the popu- This year, the classic rich colors of Pacific - Die-Cast Truck Blocks with All-Metal Wheels
larity of automobiles gave way to a des- Electric grace the sides of the RailKing
perate effort to save the dying streetcar PCC car in the fifth edition of MTH’s and Gears
industry. The automobile's success made ongoing series of this venerable street - Equipped With DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit
it essential that a modern street car be car design. Like our previous PCCs, the
- Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motor
designed both with a high level of com- model is optionally outfitted with the
fort and an ability to travel safely amidst Proto-Sound® Digital Sound and Train - Operating Marker Lights and Interior Lights
automobile traffic. The resulting effort Control system which includes PA - Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound® Digital
gave us the PCC Electric Street Car. announcements at each stop as well as
Sound and Train Control System Featuring
the sounds of passengers embarking and
disembarking. It truly makes for an Squeaking Brakes and Station Stop Proto-Effects™
exciting model railroad accessory. Sounds By

- Measures Approximately: 11 5/8” x 2 5/8” x 3 1/2

36 37

Burlington Pioneer Zephyr


Burlington, Zephyr Diesel
Item No. 30-2186
The Budd Company has long been held synony-
M.S.R.P. 30-2186-0 ............................$279.95
mous with passenger car construction. Yet Budd M.S.R.P. 30-2186-1 ............................$379.95
proved to be very revolutionary in the design of self-
propelled passenger cars as well. One of their most
unique designs came from a project commissioned
by the Burlington Railroad which simply asked for
a stainless steel train, powered by a diesel engine
and capable of travelling 100 miles per hour. The FEATURES INCLUDE
consist needed to be equipped with a Railway Post
Office compartment, contain space enough for 25 - Operating Headlights
tons of baggage and express and be capable of seat-
- Durable ABS Bodies
ing 70 passengers. The Burlington left it up to the
Budd company as to how they would accomplish - Operating Metal Couplers
the request. - Detailed Car Interiors

The 3-unit articulated consist - Undercarriage Chassis Detail

that Budd ultimately delivered - DCRU® Electronic Reverse Unit

employed the use of light-
- Overhead Interior Lighting
weight stainless steel construc-
tion that borrowed on aircraft - Die-Cast Trucks
fuselage technology. By using - Operating Electronic Horn
a tubular shape, Budd was able
- Operates on O-31 Track
to disperse the cars weight over
fewer trucks while creating a - 2 Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motors in
stronger design than tradition- Powered Unit
al car bodies afforded. The
- Set includes One Twin Motored Powered Unit
final design was unique not
only in appearance but in function as well. The low, and Two Non-Powered Coaches and One
sweeping design and rounded “shovel” nose made Powered Observation Car
Zephyr’s a popular siting attraction and frequent
subject of railfan shutterbugs all over the country. - Optionally Equipped with Proto-Sound® Digital

Sound and Train Control System Featuring

MTH is proud to introduce the Zephyr to our
Squeaking Brakes, Passenger Station Proto-
RailKing lineup. Its sleek look and smooth operat-
ing performance are sure to please both the opera- Effects™ Sounds, and Remotely Controlled
tor and collector. Available in two different ver- Proto-Couplers® By
sions, the Zephyr features all of the standard and
- Each Car Measures: 49” x 2 1/2” x 3 1/8”
38 optional features. 39

Semi-Scale Flat Car w/Ertl® 1970 Nova - MTH Auto Transport

Item No. 30-7661 M.S.R.P. $39.95
Flat Car w/Ertl® 1965 Ford Cobras - MTH Auto Transport
Item No. 30-7660 M.S.R.P. $39.95
Baltimore & Ohio, Bobber Caboose
Item No. 30-7728 M.S.R.P. $39.95
Baker’s Chocolate, Tank Car
Item No. 30-7324 M.S.R.P. $29.95
Great Northern, 3-Dome Tank Car
Item No. 30-7326 M.S.R.P. $32.95

Rolling Stock

E Expand your model railroad

empire with an exciting array
of RailKing ready-to-run
freight cars. Each car features
a precision molded ABS plastic
body mounted atop die-cast,
sprung trucks* with operating
metal couplers. Every truck
comes equipped with needle-
point axles and fast-angle metal
wheels for a smooth rolling,
Flat Car w/Ertl® 1940 Woody Wagon - MTH Auto Transport
Item No. 30-7662 M.S.R.P. $39.95
Southern Pacific, Box Car
Item No. 30-7441 M.S.R.P. $32.95
Union Pacific, Bobber Caboose
Item No. 30-7729 M.S.R.P. $39.95
Corn Industrial, Tank Car
Item No. 30-7325 M.S.R.P. $29.95
Conrail, 3-Dome Tank Car
Item No. 30-7321 M.S.R.P. $32.95

quiet ride. The intricately

detailed body sports an attrac- NEW
tive paint scheme and detailed
graphics that make RailKing freight cars an incredi- Auto Carrier Flat Car w/Ertl® 1967 Camaro SS & 1967 Shelby New York Central, Box Car Southern Pacific, Steel Caboose New York Central, Modern Tank Car
Item No. 30-7666 M.S.R.P. $59.95 Item No. 30-7440 M.S.R.P. $32.95 Item No. 30-7731 M.S.R.P. $39.95 Item No. 30-7322 M.S.R.P. $32.95
ble model railroading value. Because every
RailKing locomotive is engineered to pull at least a
dozen freight cars, today’s RailKing model railroad-
er is able to create long, realistic consists with vari- Union Pacific, American Crane Car
ous cars for a truly realistic look. Item No. 30-7931 M.S.R.P. $49.95

- Durable ABS Plastic
- Die-Cast 4 or 6-Wheel Trucks
Santa Fe, Flat Car Baltimore & Ohio, Box Car Reading, Steel Caboose Santa Fe, Modern Tank Car
- Operating Die-Cast Metal Couplers Item No. 30-7664 M.S.R.P. $32.95 Item No. 30-7445 M.S.R.P. $32.95 Item No. 30-7733 M.S.R.P. $39.95 Item No. 30-7323 M.S.R.P. $32.95
- Colorful Paint Schemes
- Most Cars Operate on O-27 Track
- Decorative Brake Wheels
- Detailed Caboose Interiors**
- Fast-Angle Wheel Sets
- Needle-Point Axles
- Sliding Car Doors
- Each Car Measures Approximately: 10 1/2” x 2 1/2” x 3 3/4”

* Excluded On Most Cabooses and Depressed Flats NEW

** Detailed Interiors Not Found On All RailKing Cabooses
Pennsylvania, Flat Car Western Pacific, Box Car Western Maryland, Steel Caboose Pennsylvania, N5c Caboose Pennsylvania, American Crane Car
Item No. 30-7665 M.S.R.P. $32.95 Item No. 30-7444 M.S.R.P. $32.95 Item No. 30-7732 M.S.R.P. $39.95 Item No. 30-7730 M.S.R.P. $39.95 Item No. 30-7932 M.S.R.P. $49.95
40 41
Semi-Scale 6-Car Freight Car
Great Northern ,Ore Car Union Pacific, 50’ Modern Box Car Great Northern, Rotary Snow Plow
Item No. 30-7529 M.S.R.P. $32.95 Item No. 30-7443 M.S.R.P. $34.95 Item No. 30-7929 M.S.R.P. $59.95
Pennsylvania, 6 Car Freight Set Perfect Compliment for the PRR 2-8-0 Steamer on Page 15 or PRR FA-2’s on Page 21
Item No. 30-7007
M.S.R.P. $199.95

Jersey Central, Ore Car Lehigh Valley, 50’ Modern Box Car Southern Pacific, Rotary Snow Plow Louisville & Nashville, 6 Car Freight Set
Item No. 30-7528 M.S.R.P. $32.95 Item No. 30-7442 M.S.R.P. $34.95 Item No. 30-7930 M.S.R.P. $59.95 Item No. 30-7008
M.S.R.P. $199.95

CP Rail, 6 Car Freight Set Perfect Compliment for the 1999 CP Rail SW-8
NEW NEW Item No. 30-7009
M.S.R.P. $199.95
W.A.R.R., Gondola Car - 19th Century Union Pacific, Airslide Hopper Car Seaboard, Airslide Hopper Car
Item No. 30-7216 M.S.R.P. $32.95
Item No. 30-7532 M.S.R.P. $34.95 Item No. 30-7533 M.S.R.P. $34.95

Die-Cast Rolling Stock Baltimore & Ohio, 6 Car Freight Set

Item No. 30-7010
Perfect Compliment for the 1999 B&O Steamer or B&O FA-2’s on Page
M.T.H.’s past years of die-cast metal casting experience M.S.R.P. $19.95

NEW have taught us ways to combine state-of-the-art casting

techniques with computer-aided design tools. Each NEW
W.A.R.R., Wooden Tank Car - 19th Century process ensures the creation of the very finest die-cast
Item No. 30-7320 M.S.R.P. $32.95 metal rolling stock ever produced for O Gauge railroaders Erie Lackawanna, Die-Cast Reefer Car
Item No. 30-8601 M.S.R.P. $44.95
- all at prices more affordable than ever.
Pennsylvania, 4-Bay Hopper 6 Car Set
Item No. 30-7530
Perfect Compliment for the PRR URSA Mallet Steamer on Page 11
RailKing die-cast freight cars feature precision molded cast M.S.R.P. $199.95
metal bodies mounted atop die-cast, sprung trucks
(excluding cabooses) with operating metal couplers. Each
truck features needle-point axles and fast-angle metal
wheels for a smooth rolling, quiet ride despite the
NEW increased weight of the metal die-cast bodies. RailKing NEW
W.A.R.R., 34’ Box Car - 19th Century die-cast freight cars an incredible model railroading value. Northern Pacific, 4-Bay Hopper 6 Car Set Perfect Compliment for the Northern Pacific URSA Mallet Steamer on Page 11
Item No. 30-7439 M.S.R.P. $39.95
Santa Fe, Die-Cast Reefer Car Item No. 30-7531
Item No. 30-8602 M.S.R.P. $44.95 M.S.R.P. $199.95
42 43
Baltimore & Ohio, 4-Car O-27 Madison Passenger Set Perfect Compliment for the Baltimore & Ohio FA-2’s on Page 21
M A D I S O N P A S S E N G E R S E T S Item No. 30-6265
M.S.R.P. $159.95

Madison and Overton Passenger

Baltimore & Ohio, O-27 Madison Coach Car

Sets Enjoy years of realistic operating fun with

Item No. 30-6266
M.S.R.P. $79.95

RailKing Madison “Heavyweight” pas-

senger cars. Each car is sturdily con-
structed and features die-cast metal trucks
and operating couplers mounted under Denver Rio Grande, 3-Car Overton Passenger Coach Set Perfect Compliment for the Denver Rio Grande Ten-Wheeler Steamer on Page 13
tough and rugged ABS plastic bodies. Item No. 30-6406
Each passenger car includes detailed, illu- M.S.R.P. $119.95
minated car interiors and end-of-car
diaphragms for an authentic, realistic
look. In addition, all RailKing passenger
cars feature smooth rolling needle point
axles for less drag and easy pulling.
Reading, 2-Car O-27 Madison Combine/Diner Set
Item No. 30-6268
M.S.R.P. $79.95

Wanderer, 3-Car Overton Passenger Coach Set Perfect Compliment for the 1999 Wild Wild West 4-4-0 Steamer
- Die-Cast 6 or 4-Wheel Trucks Item No. 30-6405
M.S.R.P. $119.95
- Operating Metal Couplers

- Interior Detail in Passenger Cars

- Two 3rd Rail Pickups per Car

- Each Passenger Car Features Overhead Lighting

- Operates on O-27 Curves

- Undercarriage Detail

- Each Car Measures Approximately:

Jersey Central, 2-Car O-27 Madison Combine/Diner Set
13 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" Item No. 30-6267
M.S.R.P. $79.95

44 45
S T R E A M L I N E D P A S S E N G E R S E T S Chesapeake & Ohio, 4-Car O-27 Streamlined ABS Passenger Set Perfect Compliment for the Chesapeake & Ohio F-3 Sets on Page 31
Southern Pacific, O-27 Streamlined Full-Length Vista Dome Item No. 30-6141
Item No. 30-606 M.S.R.P. $159.95
M.S.R.P. $39.955

Streamlined Passenger

Sets Choose from two exciting styles of RailKing
streamlined passenger cars - an all new smooth
roof 60’ model measuring nearly 15” in length
Denver Rio Grande, 4-Car O-27 Streamlined ABS Passenger Set Perfect Compliment for the Denver Rio Grande Sets on Page 31
Item No. 30-6139
or the O-27 rib-sided 13” car that set the stan-
Milwaukee Road, O-27 Streamlined Full-Length Vista Dome M.S.R.P. $159.95
dard for RailKing passenger cars. No matter Item No. 30-6092
which model is chosen, each is designed for
M.S.R.P. $39.95
years of operating fun thanks to their sturdily
constructed die-cast metal trucks and operating
couplers mounted beneath tough ABS plastic Chesapeake & Ohio, O-27 Streamlined Coach Car
Item No. 30-6142
bodies. Each four-car set includes detailed, illu-
minated passenger car interiors and end-of-car M.S.R.P. $39.95

diaphragms for an added touch of realism. As

with all RailKing passenger cars, each car truck
features fast-angle wheels and smooth rolling
needle point axles for less drag and easy pulling. New Haven, O-27 Streamlined Full-Length Vista Dome New Haven, 2-Car O-27 Streamlined Combine/Diner Set
Item No. 30-6144 Item No. 30-6137
EMD Demonstrator, O-27 Streamlined Full-Length Vista Dome
M.S.R.P. $39.95
FEATURES INCLUDE Item No. 30-6143 M.S.R.P. $79.95
M.S.R.P. $39.95

- Die-Cast 4-Wheel Trucks

- Operating Metal Couplers

Denver Rio Grande, O-27 Streamlined Coach Car
- Interior Detail in Passenger Cars Item No. 30-6140
- Each Passenger Car Features Overhead Lighting M.S.R.P. $39.95

- Operates on O-27 Curves

- Undercarriage Detail
Reading, O-27 Streamlined Observation Car
- Each Car Measures Approximately: Reading, 2-Car O-27 Streamlined Combine/Diner Set
Santa Fe, O-27 Streamlined Full-Length Vista Dome Item No. 30-6136
Item No. 30-6138
13 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" Item No. 30-6145 M.S.R.P. $39.95
M.S.R.P. $79.95
M.S.R.P. $39.95

46 47
4-Car 60’ Pullman Standard Streamlined ABS Passenger Sets


Union Pacific, 4-Car 60’ Streamlined ABS Passenger Set

Item No. 30-6702
M.S.R.P. $179.95

Union Pacific, 60’ Streamlined ABS Coach Car

Item No. 30-6702
M.S.R.P. $45.95

Seaboard, 4-Car 60’ Streamlined ABS Passenger Set

Item No. 30-6703
M.S.R.P. $179.95

Rock Island, 60’ Streamlined ABS Coach Car

Item No. 30-6704
M.S.R.P. $45.95

Santa Fe, 4-Car 60’ Streamlined ABS Passenger Set

Item No. 30-6705
M.S.R.P. $179.95

Santa Fe, 60’ Streamlined ABS Coach Car

Item No. 30-6706
M.S.R.P. $45.95

Rock Island, 4-Car 60’ Streamlined ABS Passenger Set

Item No. 30-6708
Rock Island, 60’ Streamlined ABS Coach Car M.S.R.P. $179.95
Item No. 30-6709
M.S.R.P. $45.95
48 49
Operating Passenger Station
NEW Add to your RailTown™ passenger station with the new
Operating Passenger Platform. When connected to a track
activation device or an insulated section of track, the plat-
form’s passengers board their departing train! After the
train pulls away from the station, the passengers on the plat-
R A I L K I N G B U I L D I N G S form have left. The secret to the disappearing passengers is
an ingenious design that hides the passengers up under the
roof of the platform, giving the illusion that they have

RailTown™ Buildings RKL Engine Shed

Measures: 24” x 8 1/2” x 13 1/2”
boarded the train. The RailTown™ Operating Passenger
Platform is just one example of the exciting and all-new
Item No. 30-9030 operating accessories from M.T.H. Electric Trains.
Half the fun of model railroading is
M.S.R.P. $79.95
building a layout, and with RailKing
RailTown™ buildings, layout expan-
Gray w/Blue Trim, Switch Tower
sion is just a few steps away. These
Measures: 16 1/8” x 10 1/2” x 9 1/2”
easy-to-use buildings require no Item No. 30-9011
assembly. Simply remove them from M.S.R.P. $29.95
the box, wire up the pre-installed Passenger Station w/dual Platforms
lights and start enjoying their attrac- Measures: 19” x 9” x 8 1/2” (Maroon/Gray)
Item No. 30-9014
tive, detailed looks on your O Gauge
pike. Constructed from sturdy ABS
M.S.R.P. $79.95
First City Bank
Train Arrives...
Measures: 9 1/2” x 17 15/16” x 9 1/8”
plastic and brightly painted and Item No. 30-9017
detailed, RailTown™ buildings are a M.S.R.P. $39.95 NEW
perfect addition on any O-27 or O
Gauge layout, as each is sized for use Operating Transfer Dock
with all O Gauge locomotives and
Moving freight is what most of today’s railroading is all about.
rolling stock.
The new MTH RailKing Transfer Dock is the perfect accesso-
ry to showcase your layout’s freight activity.
Passengers Board...
FEATURES INCLUDE Pennsylvania, Switch Tower
This attractively detailed, ABS structure features a truck load-
Passenger Station w/dual Platforms ing dock and elevated rail platform perfect for simulating
- Completely Pre-Assembled Measures: 19” x 9” x 8 1/2” (Orange) Passenger Station Platform Measures: 16 1/8” x 10 1/2” x 9 1/2”
Item No. 30-9031 freight movement between tractor trailer and rail car. There’s
Item No. 30-9005 Measures: 10” x 3 1/2” x 4”
- Fully Decorated and Painted
Item No. 30-9006 M.S.R.P. $29.95 lots of activity on this dock thanks to the moving dock workers
M.S.R.P. $79.95
- Easy-to-Wire Interior Lights M.S.R.P. $19.95 who tirelessly hand truck their freight from platform to ware-
house. Featuring near-silent operation and realistic movement,
this fully functioning accessory comes completely assembled,
painted and decorated for right-out-of-the-box use.

Train Departs!

- Completely Pre-Assembled - Silent Solenoid Driven Action - Lighted Interior

- Fully Decorated - Decorated Passenger Figures - Operating Dock Workers

- Operating Platform Lights - Easy-to-Wire - Comes Fully Assembled and Pre-Wired

Row House #1 Row House #2 Hardware Store #4 Country House #6 Farm House
Measures: 8 1/4” x 8” x 7” Measures: 8 1/4” x 8” x 7” Measures: 9 1/8” x 8 3/4” x 9” Measures: 11” x 4 1/4” x 11 3/4” Measures: 8 1/4” x 8” x 7” Operating Passenger Station Platform Operating Transfer Dock
Item No. 30-9023 Item No. 30-9024 Item No. 30-9018 Item No. 30-9015 Item No. 30-9016 Measures: 10” x 3 1/2” x 4” Measures Approx.: 20” x 9” x 9 1/2”
M.S.R.P. $24.95 M.S.R.P. $24.95 M.S.R.P. $29.95 M.S.R.P. $29.95 M.S.R.P. $29.95 Item No. 30-9107 Item No. 30-9110
M.S.R.P. $49.95 M.S.R.P. $149.95
50 51
Accessories Big Mo Trailer
Measures: 10 1/2” x 2 1/2” x 3 3/4”
Item No. 30-50004
Great accessories have been a part of the M.S.R.P. $24.95
RailKing line since its inception and MTH
continues that tradition in the new
Millennium. Model railroaders can choose
White Picket Fence Set from several exciting brand new MTH operat-
Measures: 16” x 13” ing accessories as well as some past RailKing
Item No. 30-50002 favorites.
Modern Operating Crossing Signal M.S.R.P. $9.95
Measures: 7” Tall In addition to RailKing Operating Accessories,
Item No. 30-11006 you’ll find an incredible selection of die-cast
M.S.R.P. $49.95 metal lamp sets and trackside accessories in
both Traditional and O Scale sizes. At a frac-
tion of the cost of typical O Gauge accessories,
RailKing accessories are the easiest way to
bring traditional looks and color to your O O Standard Gauge
Gauge layout Lighted Lockon
Item No. 10-1021
The operating American flag, created by for- M.S.R.P. $3.99
mer Lionel Trains designer Frank Pettit, fea-
tures a detailed base and metal pole and sports Operating Flag
a patented motor drive that actually waves the Measures: 11” Tall
flag. With the simple push of a switch, the flag Item No. 30-9103
will slowly unfurl as if a sudden breeze has M.S.R.P. $29.95
caught its surface and stretched it completely
outright. As long as the switch remains on, the
flag flutters in the breeze in an incredibly real-
O Scale Operating istic manner that you have to see to believe!
Crossing Gate Signal
Measures: 8 1/2” x 2” x 8” Snap this lighted lock-on into any manufactur- O Gauge
Item No. 30-11012 er’s tubular O, O-27 or standard gauge track Track Activation Device (TAD)
section. The built-in lamp will light whenever
M.S.R.P. $59.95 Item No. 10-1037
power is applied to the rails providing an easy,
illuminating reference to which track sections M.S.R.P. $9.95
O Scale Operating
Block Signal are powered up.
Measures: 8” Tall
Item No. 30-11005 Operate your RailKing accessories or any man-Protosmoke® Fluid
M.S.R.P. $29.95 ufacturer’s trackside accessories with this easy- 7oz. Bottle
to-use track activation devicefor tubular track. Item No. 60-1045
NEW Simply slide the TAD under your tubular track M.S.R.P. $9.95
12 Piece Figure Set #1 section, dial in the weight setting of your con-
3 Women Sitting sist, wire up the connectors to your accessory
1 Woman Standing and you’re ready for hands-free accessory oper-
4 Men Sitting ation!
1 Man Standing
The Z-750™, for the operator on a budget -
2 Children Sitting Z-750 Transformer
packing 75 watts of power - is an excellent
1 Child Standing power choice for small and medium sized lay- Item No. 40-750
Item No. 30-11016 outs or for anyone looking to power model M.S.R.P. $79.95
M.S.R.P. $19.95 railroading accessories. Featuring a U.L.
approved design, the Z-750™ utilizes a trans-
former and separate controller which contains
bell, horn and direction buttons that can con-
trol any manufacturer’s locomotives and sound
systems including Proto-Sound® equipped
steam, diesel and electric locomotives.
Bag of Coal
Item No. 30-50005
M.S.R.P. $3.45

Accessories #64 Highway Lamp Set
(Dark Green) Measures: 8 3/4” Tall
#64 Highway Lamp Set
(Silver) Measures: 8 3/4” Tall
#54 Double Arc Lamp Set
(State Car Brown) Measures: 9” Tall
Item No. 30-1065 Item No. 30-1095 Item No. 30-1066
Creating a model railroad requires more M.S.R.P. $19.95 M.S.R.P. $19.95 M.S.R.P. $27.95
than just acquiring motive power and
rolling stock. Most of the fun of model
railroading comes in the creation of a lay-
out. RailKing accessories are the perfect
solution to most of your modeling needs.
Many of the lights and accessories fea-
tured on the following pages feature
stamped metal or die-cast metal construc-
tion. You won't find plastic bases and
poles in any of these full sized accessories
ensuring their ruggability for generations
of railfans to come.
#580-2 Teardrop Lamp Set #580-2 Teardrop Lamp Set #580-1 Teardrop Lamp Set #580-1 Teardrop Lamp Set
(Silver) Measures: 8 3/4” Tall (Maroon) Measures: 8 3/4” Tall (Green) Measures: 8 3/4” Tall (Silver) Measures: 8 3/4” Tall
Item No. 30-1082a Item No. 30-1081a Item No. 30-1070 Item No. 30-1078a
M.S.R.P. $19.95 M.S.R.P. $19.95 M.S.R.P. $19.95 M.S.R.P. $19.95

#262 Crossing Gate/Signal #154 Highway Flashing Signal #152 Operating Crossing Gate #153 Operating Block Signal Operating Banjo Signal #151 Operating Semaphore
Measures: 11” Tall Measures: 8 3/4” Tall (Red/Aluminum) Measures: 9” Tall Measures: 9” Tall Measures: 8 3/4” Tall (Green Base) Measures: 9” Tall
Item No. 30-1073 Item No. 30-1074 Item No. 30-11008 Item No. 30-1076 Item No. 30-1093 Item No. 30-1075
M.S.R.P. $39.95 M.S.R.P. $29.95 M.S.R.P. $29.95 M.S.R.P. $29.95 M.S.R.P. $29.95 M.S.R.P. $29.95
M.T.H. RealTraxTM &
RealTraxTM 10” Straight Track Section
Item No. 40-1019M.S.R.P. $3.50 MTH RealTrax™ is the revolutionary new track design that
makes traditional O Gauge track virtually obsolete. RealTrax™
Left Hand Track Siding Layout
is the first O Gauge track system to feature an authentic-look-
(1) Left Hand O-31 Switch, (4) 10” Straights, (1) O-31 Curve, (1) RealTrax® Bumper O-72 Right Switch ing roadbed built in to each track section. Every section utilizes
R A I L K I N G R E A L T R A X ™ Item No. 40-1026M.S.R.P. $79.95 Item No. 40-1020
realistic looking track ties, solid nickel silver outside rails and a
RealTraxTM 3.5” Track Section M.S.R.P. $69.95
RealTraxTM Adapter Track Section
blackened center rail, with quick connectors that eliminate the
Item No. 40-1018M.S.R.P. $3.50
Item No. 40-1011M.S.R.P. $7.99 need for track pins which can be lost or bent. RealTrax™ is so
easy to snap together that a child can set up an oval in minutes.
In fact, you can set RealTrax™ up anywhere - even on carpet.
Best of all, you won't suffer from cut hands, stained carpet or
the frustration that today's traditional O Gauge track offers
RealTraxTM 4.25” Track Section Left Hand Track Siding Layout
Item No. 40-1017M.S.R.P. $3.50 (1) Right Hand O-31 Switch, (4) 10” Straights, (1) O-31 Curve, (1) RealTrax® Bumper MTH RealTrax™ switches are not your everyday O gauge
Item No. 40-1027M.S.R.P. $79.95 turnouts. There are no plastic or metal pins to lose or confuse.
O-72 Right Switch Yet each RealTrax™ Switch performs all of the functions of
Item No. 40-1021 other switches more efficiently and reliably. Inside the Switch
M.S.R.P. $69.95 Block (lantern housing) are four powerful, efficient and quiet
RealTraxTM 5” Track Section solenoid coils that drive the switch points back and forth at
RealTraxTM Track Activation Device RealTraxTM 90o Crossover Track lower voltage and current draws than other O Gauge track
Item No. 40-1016M.S.R.P. $3.50
Item No. 40-1028M.S.R.P. $19.95 Item No. 40-1006M.S.R.P. $19.95 switches: In fact, RealTrax™ Switches operate on only 10Volts
and 1.25Amps. Each switch contains a spring-loaded mecha-

RealTraxTM I.T.A.D.
RealTraxTM 10” Insulated Straight Track nism that ensures that the points always will be in the correct
Item No. 40-1029M.S.R.P. $3.50 position. Each switch utilizes a double-micro switch-driven
non-derailing feature. With RealTrax™ Switches, worries about
RealTraxTM 5.5” Track Section derailments or inconsistent operation are a thing of the past.
The days of spring loaded activation devices and insu-
Item No. 40-1012M.S.R.P. $3.50
lated track sections are now over thanks to the all-new Each RealTrax™ Switch is constructed of sturdy ABS plastic,
RealTrax™ I.T.A.D. Infrared Track Activation O-31 Right Switch
Item No. 40-1004
solid extruded nickel silver rails and simple yet sturdy electron-
Device. Utilizing the quick connect port found on Layout Builder 8 Piece Contains ics. The simple, functional design includes Switch Block
RealTraxTM Non-Slip Track Pads (50 pcs.) M.S.R.P. $49.95
(4) O-31 Curves, (4) 10” Straights, (1) Lighted Lockon, (1) O90
every section of RealTrax™ track, the RealTrax™ Item No. 40-1046M.S.R.P. $4.95 Covers that hide the opening to the switch's underside and a
Item No. 40-1025M.S.R.P. $49.95
I.T.A.D. detects the presence of a passing train using RealTraxTM 45o Crossover Track Screw Terminal Cover that hides the traditionally unsightly yet
a laser beam. When the train is in front of the beam, Item No. 40-1007M.S.R.P. $19.95 RealTraxTM O-31 Half Curved Track Section Layout Builder 8 Piece Contains necessary wire connections. The design mimics other
Item No. 40-1022M.S.R.P. $3.50 (not shown) RealTrax™ items so that it blends into your layout, instead of
your accessory is activated. Once the train is past, the RealTraxTM O-42 Half Curved Track Section (2) 3.5” Half Tracks, (2) 4.25” Half Tracks, (2) 5” Half Tracks, (2) 5.5” Half Tracks standing out. With their ruggedness and slim styling,
I.T.A.D. is switched off. Thanks to a 10 amp capac- Item No. 40-1045M.S.R.P. $3.50 Item No. 40-1023M.S.R.P. $29.95 RealTrax™ Switches will give you years of trouble-free opera-
ity, you can run quite a few signals and other acces- tion on either your RealTrax™ or your tubular rail O Gauge
sories off of one RealTrax™ I.T.A.D. Layout Builder model railroad.

RealTraxTM Lighted Bumper Expand your RealTrax™ layout quickly and easily with MTH Layout builder packs. Each FEATURES INCLUDE
Item No. 40-1024M.S.R.P. $12.95 pack includes all you need to turn your loop or oval into a figure 8. Thanks to easy to - Easy To Connect Snap-Together Track Sections
FEATURES INCLUDE RealTraxTM O-31 Curved Track Section
Item No. 40-1002M.S.R.P. $3.50
assemble sections and color-coded wiring terminals, RealTrax™ Layout Builder packs will
help you expand your empire in no time.
O-31 Left Switch
Item No. 40-1005
- Molded Realistic Roadbed
RealTrax Uncoupling Track Section
TM M.S.R.P. $49.95 - Authentic Looking Railroad Ties
- Plug-In Connection Item No. 40-1008M.S.R.P. $29.95 - Solid Nickel-Silver Rails
FEATURES INCLUDE - Does Not Require Connecting Pins or Rail Joiners
- Multiple Accessory Control
- Easy To Connect Snap-Together Track Sections O-42 Right Switch
- 10 Amp Capacity (not shown) - Dual Micro-Switch Non-Derailing Feature
- Molded Realistic Roadbed Item No. 40-1043M.S.R.P. $59.95
- Measures: 5” x 2” x 1 1/4” - Reversible Switch Motor
RealTraxTM O-72 Curved Track Section
- Authentic Looking Railroad Ties - Rotating Switch Lantern With Working Light
(3 3/4” long when plugged into RealTraxtm) Item No. 40-1010M.S.R.P. $4.99 O-42 Left Switch
RealTraxTM 10” Straight Track Section RealTraxTM O-42 Curved Track Section - Solid Nickel-Silver Rails (not shown) - Removable Connector Terminal Cover
Item No. 40-1001M.S.R.P. $3.50 Item No. 40-1042 (Not Shown)M.S.R.P. $3.50 Item No. 40-1044M.S.R.P. $59.95
- Does Not Require Connecting Pins or Rail Joiners - Rugged, Slimline Styling
56 57
R A I L K I N G R E A L T R A X ™

RealTrax™ Lighted Lockon

Item No. 40-1003
M.S.R.P. $4.99

Single Tunnel Portal Double Tunnel Portal

ABS Construction ABS Construction
Item No. 40-9014 Item No. 40-9015
M.S.R.P. $14.95 M.S.R.P. $19.95 Hell Gate Bridge Red & Gray
Item No. 30-9020
M.S.R.P. $199.95

RealTrax™ Wire Harness

Item No. 40-1015 Hell Gate Bridge Cream & Green
M.S.R.P. $3.99 Item No. 30-9021
M.S.R.P. $199.95

Hell Gate Bridge

E Early Dutch sailors named the stretch of rip current

between what is now Wards Island and Queens,
Long Island the "Gates of Hell" for the numerous
wrecks and high losses it tolled. Hundreds of years
later, passage across these waters posed perhaps the
last large obstacle for the Pennsylvania Railroad in
its quest to surpass the New York Central as the
nation's largest railway.

To achieve its goal, the Pennsylvania Railroad joined

forces with the New York-New Haven & Hartford
high main arch finally opened in 1917. A tribute to
Lindenthal's abilities, Hell Gate Bridge remained
fully operational until 1994 without any significant
maintenance. After many owners and in much need
of repair, the Hell Gate Bridge finally received nec-
essary upkeep and a fresh coat of paint to bring it to
the high splendor of its original beauty.

MTH Electric Trains is proud to introduce a fully

operational replica of the Hell Gate Bridge for 1999.
Measuring 33" long with sturdy ABS plastic con-
- ABS Plastic Construction
- Compatible With Any O Gauge Track Design
- Flashing Arch Light
- Measures: 33” Long x 20” Tall x 15” Wide
- Clearance 5 3/4”

Railroad to form the New York Connecting struction and vibrant decoration, the MTH
O Steel Arch Bridge Railroad. The centerpiece of the new link to New RailKing Hellgate Bridge will surely be the center-
ABS Construction
Measures: Bridge 30” Long England from the south and west was to be the now piece of your railroad as it was for the New York
Additional Girder Sections 10” Long O Bridge Girder famous Hell Gate Bridge. Connecting Railroad and for all those who traveled
Item No. 40-1031 ABS Construction or shipped goods through New York City.
M.S.R.P. $59.95 Measures: 10” long It took more than two decades of planning, $17 mil-
Includes 2 stone bridge supports
Item No. 40-1032 lion, and a dozen years of construction, but Chief
M.S.R.P. $19.95 Engineer Gustav Lindenthal's 1,017' long and 305'
58 59
O-31 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9904 O-31 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9905
M.S.R.P. $570.95 M.S.R.P. $329.95

O-31 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9901

M.S.R.P. $399.95


O-31 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9903

M.S.R.P. $419.95

O-42 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9907

M.S.R.P. $559.95

O-31 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9902 O-31 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9906
M.S.R.P. $479.95 M.S.R.P. $345.95

O-42 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9908

M.S.R.P. $419.95

60 61
O-72 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9912 O-72 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9911
M.S.R.P. $489.95 M.S.R.P. $729.95

O-72 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9913

M.S.R.P. $489.95


O-72 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9909

M.S.R.P. $619.95

O-72 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9910

M.S.R.P. $499.95

O-72 RealTrax™ Layout Design - Item No. 40-9914

M.S.R.P. $829.95

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