Table of Contents
Abbreviations and Acronyms..................................................................................................... ii
Forward.......................................................................................................................................... iii
Preface ........................................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................... v
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... vi
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
Epidemiology of rabies ............................................................................................................ 1
Global burden of rabies ........................................................................................................... 1
National situation of rabies ..................................................................................................... 2
Rationale of the strategy ............................................................................................................. 5
Vision .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Mission ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Goal ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Specific objectives ....................................................................................................................... 7
Guiding Principles ........................................................................................................................ 8
Strategies for rabies elimination................................................................................................ 9
1. Establish and enhance multi-sectoral approach for rabies elimination:............... 9
2. Elimination of rabies among animals:.......................................................................... 9
3. Prevention of rabies in humans: ................................................................................. 11
4. Strengthen surveillance systems: .............................................................................. 12
5. Advocacy, Communication, and Social support: .................................................... 13
6. Mobilize needed resources: ......................................................................................... 14
7. Promote Operational Research: .................................................................................. 14
Tips for implementation: ........................................................................................................... 16
Monitoring and evaluation ........................................................................................................ 21
Monitoring and evaluation ........................................................................................................ 22
Annex I: Monitoring and Evaluation Plan............................................................................... 23
Annex II: Proposed Budget....................................................................................................... 31
Annex III: References ................................................................................................................. 38
Annex IV: List of contributors .................................................................................................. 39
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
One Health OH
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
This strategic plan was developed through a consultative process involving key
stakeholders sharing actively in prevention and control of rabies in Egypt. It is a result
of joint work with effective participation of representative from relevant organizations
and institutions who shared their valuable experience which was essential to get
proper vision of the problems and set priorities for actions.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
This strategic plan was developed through a consultative process involving key
stakeholders sharing actively in prevention and control of rabies in Egypt. It is a result
of joint work with effective participation of representative from relevant organizations
and institutions who shared their valuable experience which was essential to get
proper vision of the problems and set priorities for actions.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
This strategic plan was developed through a consultative process involving key
stakeholders sharing actively in prevention and control of rabies in Egypt. It is a result
of joint work with effective participation of representative from relevant organizations
and institutions who shared their valuable experience which was essential to get
proper vision of the problems and set priorities for actions.
A great effort was done by Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) in leading this
process and driving it towards success, which comes in line with activities done for
strengthening and operationalization of the concept of one health (OH), which is a
collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach with the goal of achieving
optimal health outcomes through recognition of the interconnection between people,
animals, and their shared environment. All of which is a part of great work done by
MoHP in improving the quality of health services offered to Egyptian people.
Greetings extended to both country offices of the World Health Organization (WHO)
and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for their support thorough all the
steps of formulation of this strategic plan.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
Executive Summary
Dog-mediated human rabies has been eliminated from Western Europe, Canada,
United States of America, Japan, and some Latin American countries. Despite many
success stories in Latin America and other countries, endemic rabies in Africa and
parts of Asia remains largely uncontrolled, resulting in about 95% of human deaths
from rabies worldwide. Rabies is considered one of the neglected tropical diseases
(NTDs) affecting mainly persons at low socioeconomic level living in remote areas.
In Egypt, rabies and animal bite incidents are both an important public health issue.
The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) offers PEP free of charge at more than
300 centers all over the country. Animal bites is increasing annually with enormous
economic burden due to costs of PEP beside other losses related to lost working days,
consumed resources, and sometimes related human disabilities or even deaths.
The strategy of rabies elimination in Egypt aims at zero human cases of rabies by
2030 as targeted by World Health Organization (WHO). The first priority of the strategy
is to establish and enhance multi-sectoral approach of rabies elimination at national
and governorate levels, which is a key point to help prevention or control of all zoonotic
diseases, including rabies. The second priority is elimination of rabies among animals
through dog population management, mass dog vaccination and promotion of
responsible pets’ ownership. The third priority is to prevent human rabies by providing
proper management of PEP and raise awareness about proper rabies and animal bites
monument by health care workers. The fourth priority is concerned with strengthen of
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
surveillance systems in both humans and animals and establishing a link for
information sharing between both systems. The fifth priority area addresses the
importance of advocacy, communication, and social support to raise community
awareness and education on dealing with animals and prevention of animals’ bites. It
will also help to enhance community participation in rabies prevention activities
especially by non-governmental organizations. The sixth priority is mobilizing needed
resources which should be available and sustainable all through the duration of the
strategy implementation. The seventh priority area addresses the importance of
strategic information through encouraging operational research.
Also, this strategy highlights the importance of establishment of a strong and effective
monitoring and evaluation system to provide the information needed to assess the
strategy implementation, ensure effective operations, follow up, and guide future
We expect high cost/benefit ratio of implementation, as the extra needed funds will be
much less than the losses induced by management of increased number of animal
attacks to humans annually.
September 2021
Epidemiology of rabies
Rabies is a zoonotic disease that can be transmitted to human causing acute infection
with progressive encephalitis. Infection is usually transmitted by animal saliva
contaminating animal bites or scratches. Manifestation started by apprehension,
headache, fever, malaise, and sensory changes at the site of bite or scratch.
Excitability then follows with swallowing muscles spasm, aerophobia, and
hydrophobia. These manifestations usually followed by delirium and occasional
convulsions. Once manifestations started the disease is almost 100% fatal.
Rabies is caused by rabies virus of the Lyssavirus group. Reservoirs of infection are
wild and domestic canidae including dogs, foxes, wolves and others. Cats, cattle,
horses, and camels usually get infected by rabid dogs, foxes, or wolves. Transmission
is usually caused by the virus laden saliva from rabid animal contaminating wounds
caused by bites or scratches. The incubation period is usually 3-8 weeks. Incubation
period depends on the severity of wound and its location near by nerve supply, head,
and neck where the incubation period tends to be relatively shorter.
1 1
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
Rabies is reported in all continents except Antarctica. Dog mediated rabies has been
eliminated from Western Europe, Canada, the United States of America, Japan, and
some Latin American countries. The majority of cases of human rabies are reported
in African and Asian countries, with 95% of human deaths from rabies worldwide.
Rabies is considered among the neglected diseases of the tropics affecting mainly
person at low socioeconomic level living in remote areas. The age most at risk was
found to be children 5-14 years representing most deaths due to human rabies.
Human rabies and animal bites are both included in the national surveillance system
of Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) in Egypt. The average number of clinically
reported cases of human rabies is around 50 cases annually. However only 32 and 37
cases were reported in 2018 and 2019, respectively compared to 59 and 65 cases in
2016 and 2017 (Figure 1).
Most of human rabies cases were among children 5-14 years and mostly in rural areas.
Among reported cases 70% did not receive PEP for rabies.
Regarding animal bite incidents, a total number of cases of reported animal bites were
482,040 in 2018, compared to 431,917 in 2017 and 355,373 in 2016 (Figure 2). It
seems that this trend of increased number of reported incidents of animal bites is
continuing, as 574149 cases were reported during 2019 with a rate of 20% increase.
It was also observed that more than 70% of cases of animal bites were by stray dogs.
On the veterinary side, there are reports of cases of animal rabies among domestic
animals caused from wildlife animals in New Valley Governorate.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
The significant reduction of human rabies cases in 2018 and 2019 is believed to be as
a result of implementation of the updated national post-exposure prophylaxis
guidelines that covers all cases of animal bites or scratches with 1st aid measures,
vaccination, and prioritization of cases regarding their need to receive immunoglobulin.
This was achieved despite the increased number of reported cases of animal bites
which adds to the burden of the disease annually.
70 65
60 55
40 37
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
600000 574149
400000 355373
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
MoHP is offering preventive and curative services for human rabies. Nationwide, there
is more than 300 centers providing PEP free of charge for persons suffering from
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
animal bites -including dog ones- in different general, central and fever hospitals in all
governorates. Human rabies vaccines are available at these centers and offered for
free. The guidelines of PEP were updated to offer rapid high-quality level of services.
Health education materials were developed to increase awareness of the public about
hazards of exposure to attacks from animals especially dogs. MoHP is also working
with other ministries including Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MoALR),
Ministry of Environment (MoE), Ministry of Local Development and Ministry of
Education to concert efforts of prevention of animal and human rabies in Egypt.
The cost of anti-rabies vaccines required for PEP is estimated at almost 300 Egyptian
pound per case, not including immunoglobulins and other medical services cost. The
estimated total cost for vaccines only in a year is almost 150 million Egyptian pounds.
This estimation does not include loss of working days by injured victims and human
losses due to human rabies deaths. Availability of human vaccines and
immunoglobulins is a challenging issue with the intermittent shortage in production by
international companies.
On the other hand, animal rabies vaccines are available in both injection and oral
doses. More than one brand of the injectable vaccine is available in Egypt. One of
these brands is manufactured locally and the others are imported. The national
vaccine cost only 25 Egyptian pound per dose while the imported brands cost between
75-150 pounds. The oral type of animal rabies vaccine is not available in Egypt. The
cost for one dose of oral vaccine costs 0.63 US Dollars.
The challenging current situation of rabies in Egypt and the international interest in
elimination of human rabies by 2030 mandates the adoption of a national strategy for
elimination of the disease in Egypt. This strategy should be adopted by all players
having a role in the elimination of the disease in both humans and animals. The cost
benefit of implementation of this strategy will be high considering the enormous cost
of PEP and other medical care needed. In addition to the burden of lost working days
or even deaths caused by rabies.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
In Egypt, Rabies is one of the priority zoonotic diseases. MoHP categorized priority
zoonotic diseases according to different factors to align with global priority zoonosis
in terms of human mortality and morbidity, impact on livestock, amenability to
agriculture/veterinary-based interventions. One of the major challenges is the steady
increase in the number of human cases of animal bites, with approximately 500,000
per year, and 50 rabies cases.
Considering that animal bites in humans in Egypt is a serious public health problem
with increasing numbers each year, in which dogs are responsible for the majority of
incidents and hence human rabies infections. Thus, Support should be directed for
dog population control activities, mass dog vaccination and educational outreach,
along with other activities to mitigate human risk.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
Gradually reducing human rabies till complete elimination by 2030 through measures
applied to control the disease in dogs and appropriate measures for prevention of
human rabies through timely and proper PEP.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
Specific objectives
4. Strengthen surveillance systems for both animal and human rabies and set a
mechanism of integration between the two systems.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
Guiding Principles
1. Animal bites and rabies infections are major public health problems in Egypt
due to human loss of 100% fatal infections and the enormous costs of PEP for
persons exposed to animal bites, medical care needed, and loss of working
3. The success of many Latin American and Asian countries with nearly similar
economic circumstances of Egypt indicates possibility to replicate the process
and achieve the objective of disease elimination.
5. Availability of highly effective vaccines for both humans and animals makes it
possible to achieve its elimination.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
Many players should be included in the elimination activities of rabies. These players
include -but not restricted to- MoHP, GOVS at MoALR, MoE, Ministry of Local
Development, Ministry of Education, Academia, and others. Partnership should be
ensured at all levels.
1.1- Support ongoing efforts to finalize the update of the influenza ministerial
committee to a One Health (OH) ministerial supreme committee including all
relevant ministers and other stakeholders in charge to address zoonotic
diseases, antimicrobial resistance and other issues needing multisectorial
Increasing numbers of stray dog population is a challenging problem for any control
program for rabies elimination. Vaccination programs of roaming dogs necessitate
prior management of dog population numbers.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
Presence of heaps of garbage provide plenty of food and attract dogs to inhabited
areas in close contact with humans exposing them to high risk of animal attacks.
Regular removal of heaps of solid wastes was believed in reducing and controlling of
dog population and pushed away from centers of cities and villages.
Dog ownership is common as a hobby and are used to help in guarding by farmers,
ranch workers, storehouse owners and guards of under construction buildings. There
are available laws regulating ownership of pets in Egypt. These laws need to be
revised, updated, and activated to guarantee prevention of rabies among animals and
Maintaining adequate herd immunity in the dog population is critical to prevent the
return of dog-derived rabies variants. With limited resources, vaccination programs
should be tailored to risk-based vaccination approach, suit the area characteristics –
including human-dog interaction and dog population ecology– to efficiently and cost-
effectively reduce rabies spread.
Characterizing the dog population can guide the decision regarding which vaccination
methods and targeted area that will led to the most successful vaccination campaign
outcome. Unfortunately, the actual density of dogs inside cities and villages is not
accurately known. Thus, support should be given in the beginning to understand and
identify the risk area of dog population which will be the pillar to formulate the rabies
vaccination strategy and related SOPs.
Dog Rabies vaccines are available and proved highly effective in prevention of animal
rabies. Support should be given for locally produced dog vaccine produced by
Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research Institute (VSVRI) or any other governmental
institute to ensure availability of efficient and enough quality vaccine.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
least 70% of dog population and maintained for successive three years to be effective.
Several countries had experienced a reduction in rabies transmission and human
cases by reaching a 70% vaccination coverage in the dog population.
2.1- Control of stray dog population taking into consideration animal welfare
acceptable methods e.g. spaying and increase number of animal shelters
2.2- Regular removal of solid garbage to push animals away from inhabited areas.
2.5- Apply mass vaccination programs in dogs using rabies vaccines especially in
targeted high-risk areas.
PEP services for human suffering from animal bite are provided by MoHP at more than
300 centers affiliated to general, central, fever hospitals and others all over the
country. These centers provide the five doses of anti-rabies vaccine for free for more
than 500,000 cases annually. In 2018, an updated guideline was prepared by MoHP
for Rabies PEP. These guidelines are in line with recent World Health Organization
recommendations and approved by different technical partners and stakeholders.
Also, MoHP has shared actively in the process of raising awareness regarding rabies
prevention and control including raising public awareness about how to avoid
exposure to animal bites. Recently, two health education materials were developed to
increase awareness of Health care providers and as well public about the burden of
rabies and how to prevent it and avoid animal attacks.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
3.1- Ensure access to high quality and timely services of PEP for rabies prevention
among humans.
3.3- Capacity building with knowledge, and skill improvement of health care workers
on proper implementation of PEP.
3.5- Offering rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis upon request for at risk population.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
4.1- Strengthen surveillance of human rabies and animal bites with regular
evaluation of key indicators. The system should be transformed to digital
system to help facilitate data analysis and calculation of key performance
4.2- Strengthen methods for surveillance of rabies among animals including routine
surveillance, event-based methods, and updating mechanisms of initiating joint
actions upon notifications from MoHP and other stakeholders.
4.4- Strengthen capacity of specimen collection from the field and laboratory
diagnosis of rabies in both humans and animals.
It is essential to guarantee high level of public awareness about the burden of rabies,
rabies prevention and proper and timely PEP for dog wound management. Increased
awareness will encourage adoption of responsible pets’ ownership and preventive
activities of the disease by the community, governmental and nongovernmental
Develop a joint risk communication plan targeting various audiences at all levels to be
implemented through a large mass communication campaign and using various tools
of communications (media, social media, direct communications, etc….)
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
The cost benefits of funds for elimination will be high as by saving lives and
expenditure for PEP to the increasing number of animal bites. Saving of other medical
expenditure and lost working days also count. The strategy could be a fund-raising
document to get resources from donors either national or international
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
A national campaign for controlling stray dog numbers in the first years of
implementation of the strategy is recommended. Stray dog control campaign will
use all available methods that conform to standards of the International
Organization of Animal Health and rules of animal welfare to reach the goal of
reducing stray dog number in the country. This activity should be in parallel with
communication activity for pets’ owners about keeping dogs and not abandoning
them on the streets and encourage NGOs for the establishment of holders for these
types of abandoned dogs.
This is followed by a need to perform studies about estimation of the size of stray
dogs’ population in different areas of Egypt with focus on high risk areas. These
studies will help accurately the estimation of needed doses of vaccines for mass
vaccination campaigns.
The implementation policy for mass vaccination should be subject to phases until
we cover all the country. Implementation of vaccination in risk areas for three
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
successive year reaching 70% coverage then enforce regulation of pets owners
and movement control of dogs in these areas in addition to other activities of stray
dog control, will results in free area from the disease. Then we can move to other
areas using the same strategy.
Activities of rabies elimination among animals need high level of collaboration and
support among all ministries involved such as General Organization for Veterinary
Services (GOVS) at Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MoALR),
Ministry of Environment, and Ministry of Local Development. This support and
collaboration is highly crucial for success of these activities.
A study about the increasing number of animal bites is necessary. A risk map can
be done by epidemiological analysis of available data exported from both human
and animal surveillance data to identify risk factors and most suffering areas and
plan for reducing the number of accidents.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
The cost of PEP is high especially for immunoglobulins. Ministry of health should
perform a study to estimate the unnecessary use of the costly immunoglobulins to
avoid it.
MoHP has a national center for health informatics that could support technical
officers in creation of a digital system for animal bites surveillance. This will enable
timely analysis of reported data, which is essential to produce indicators of
performance for activities of rabies elimination. This system should have a link with
a similar system for rabies among animals. Timely sharing of information between
the two systems will help identify areas where rabid animals could be found to
direct the veterinary department to take necessary actions soonest possible.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
different at risk population specially children and rural residents and disseminate it
by all available suitable methods.
Social media have wide access to many clients and may be effective in
dissemination of health education messages. Efforts should be done to create
channels of communication of rabies educational materials through social media.
Ministerial approval of the strategy should be obtained from all ministries sharing
in activities. Each ministry should identify the needed resources for implementation
of activities and ensure availability of needed resources in the ministry’s budget.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
A monitoring and evaluation plan will assist in determining the organizational and
operational strengths and weaknesses. It will help in defining priorities and approaches
for improvement. Furthermore, a routine monitoring and follow up mechanisms should
be in place to regularly assess the overall level of performance, recognize
improvements and support future planning.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
A monitoring and evaluation plan will assist in determining the organizational and
operational strengths and weaknesses. It will help in defining priorities and approaches
for improvement. Furthermore, a routine monitoring and follow up mechanisms should
be in place to regularly assess the overall level of performance, recognize
improvements and support future planning.
September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
1.1- Finalize the formulation of One Health • Establishment of the committee with wide
(OH) ministerial supreme committee to MoHP
representation of all stakeholders
address zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial MoALR
• Number of meetings of the committee per year
resistance and other issues needing MoE
multisectorial approaches.
1.3- Organize and activate sub-national • Establishment of the committee with wide
committee for elimination of zoonotic representation of all stakeholders MoHP and MoALR
diseases including rabies.
• Number of meetings of the committee per year
23 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
2.2- Apply mass vaccination programs using • Number of available vaccine doses annually
available effective animal vaccines.
• Coverage by vaccination for stray dogs MoALR
2.3- Regular removal of solid garbage to • Reports by inspection indicating a decrease of Local municipalities
push dogs away from inhabited areas. number of areas used to suffer of solid waste
• Number of complaints by the community
related to uncontrolled garbage management. MoE
24 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
2.5- Update and activate pet’s ownership • Number of occasions of discussion of laws in
National OH-TAG for
regulation laws national committee for prevention of zoonotic
control and prevention of
diseases and other authorities
zoonotic disease
• Incidents of update of laws
25 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
3.1- Ensure access to high quality and timely • Number of timely served patients with PEP
services of PEP for rabies
• Number of cases of rabies
3.2- Availability of human rabies vaccines • Number of available doses of rabies vaccines /bitten
and immunoglobulins. patients.
3.3- Capacity building with knowledge, and • Number of trained health care workers on PEP
skill improvement of health care workers
• Level of knowledge, attitude, and practice about
on proper implementation of PEP. (KAP studies among
proper management of animal bites by health care
health care workers)
3.4- Supporting educational programs • Number of trained at risk workers of pre- and post-
particularly for at risk population exposure prophylaxis.
regarding safe dealing with animals, pre- (KAP studies among
• Level of knowledge, attitude and practice of at risk
and post-exposure prophylaxis. at risk workers)
workers of pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis.
3.5- Offering rabies pre-exposure • Number of people from risk group receiving pre-
prophylaxis for at risk population. exposure prophylaxis.
26 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
4.1- Strengthen surveillance of human rabies • Transformation of the system to digital one
with regular evaluation of key indicators. MoHP
• Number of regular reports issued by the
system including key indicators
27 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
5.1- Develop Rabies national risk • Development of an integrated plan with MoHP
communication plan. involvement of all stakeholders MoALR
• Endorsement and dissemination of the plan MoE
5.2- Implement community awareness and • Number of communication materials available MoHP
education campaigns on dealing with • Number of awareness sessions implemented MoALR
animals and prevention of animals’ bites MoE
• Level of community KAP about rabies
and human rabies.
28 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
6.2- Encourage interested international and • Number of NGOs and international agencies
national non-governmental sharing in rabies elimination compared to
organizations to participate in previous year Council of Ministries
implementation of elimination activities. Information Center
• Fund spent by NGOs and international
agencies for rabies elimination activities
compared to previous year
29 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
30 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
This proposed budget is an estimation for needed extra budget in Egyptian pounds, taking into consideration that currently working
activities are not included in this budget:
1.3-Enhance coordination of
implementation of elimination activities at 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.5
administrative levels in each governorate.
31 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
32 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
33 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
4.3-Establish a mechanism of
cooperation and information sharing
1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.5
between human and animal
surveillance systems.
34 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
35 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
36 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
7.1-Encourage implementation of
operational research by different
5 3 3 2 2 5
academic institutes to provide
strategic information.
37 September 2021
Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
1. Hemachuda T., Meslin F., Rupprecht C., Wiles H. “Rabies” In: Control of
Communicable Diseases Manual. Heymann DL editor. American Public Health
Association and World Health Organization, 19th edition, 2008.
2. Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) “Rabies around the world”
available at: https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/location/world/index.html accessed on
3. Taylor H., and Nel L “Global epidemiology of canine rabies: past, present and
future prospectives” Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports 2015:6
September 2021
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For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt
September 2021
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Strategic Framework
For Elimination of Dog-Mediated
Human Rabies in Egypt