TAKE 12012023115937 Reg74 5 Final
TAKE 12012023115937 Reg74 5 Final
TAKE 12012023115937 Reg74 5 Final
TAKE/BSE/2022-23 TAKE/NSE/2022-23
The Manager The Manager-Listing Department
Dept. of Corporate Services-Listing National Stock Exchange of India Limited
BSE Limited, Exchange Plaza,
P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Bandra - Kurla Complex, Bandra (East),
Mumbai - 400001 Mumbai - 400051
Scrip Code: 532890 Symbol: TAKE
Sub: Certificate pursuant to Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations 2018.
We are enclosing herewith certificate dated January 3, 2023, issued by Link lntime India Private Limited,
Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company confirming compliance with Regulation 74(5) of SEBI
(Depositories and Participants) Regulations 2018.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
For TAKE Solutions Limited
Srinivasan. P
Company Secretary
Encl: As above
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» Registered & Corporate Office : No: 27, Tank Bund Road , Nungambakkam, Chennai • 600 034
,('¢:>1:~~~~.. CIN : L63090TN2000PLC046338; GSTIN : 33AABCT3684M1Z0 www.takesolutions.com
:;-:-J,::,~---c.:c,:,~)'.;~~ Tel: +91446611 0700/01
LINK lntime Link Intime India Pvt Ltd.
• CIN : U67 190MH1999 PTC118368
C-101, 247 Park, L.B.S. Marg,
Vikhroli (West), Mumbai - 400 083
Phone: +91 22 4918 6000
Fax: +91 22 4918 6060
Email: mumbai@linkintime.co.in
We bsite: www.linkintime.co.in
Date: 03-01-2023
Subject: Confirmation Certificate under Reaulatjon 74{5} of securities and Exchange Board
of India <Depositories and Participants} Regulations. 201s.
Dear Madam/ Sir,
I n reference to the above captioned regulation, we hereby confirm that the securities received from the
depository participants for dematerialisation during the quarter ended 31st December 2022, were confirmed
(accepted/ rejected) to the depositories by us and that securities comprised in the said certificates have
been listed on the stock exchanges where the earlier issued securities are listed.
We hereby also confirm that the security certificates received for dematerialisation have been
confirmed/ rejected and the security certificates received were mutilated and cancelled after due verification
by the depository participant and the name of the depositories have been substituted in the register of
members as the registered ow ner within the prescribed timelines. We request you to kindly take note of
the above in your records.
Tilanking You,
Yours faithfully,
For Link Intime India Private Limited
Pradeep Mckale
Assistant Vice President - Corporate Registry