Matrix Stimulation Manual Rev4.0

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Revision: 4.0
Date: April 1, 2015

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Table of Content
TABLE OF CONTENT ...............................................................................................................................................................2
GENERAL-ACIDIZING AND WELL STIMULATION ....................................................................................................................................9
ACID SYSTEMS......................................................................................................................................................................10
HYDROCHLORIC ACID......................................................................................................................................................................11
Chemistry .............................................................................................................................................................................11
Physical properties...............................................................................................................................................................11
Industrial market .................................................................................................................................................................12
Hydrochloric Acid used in the oil field.................................................................................................................................13
Dissolving Power of HCl acid...............................................................................................................................................14
HYDROFLUORIC ACID ......................................................................................................................................................................16
Materials ..............................................................................................................................................................................17
Fluid selection: .....................................................................................................................................................................18
MUD DAMAGE REMOVAL ACID “MDR”..........................................................................................................................................20
Fluid Composition ................................................................................................................................................................20
Compatibility and Inhibition................................................................................................................................................20
S288 EMULSIFIED ACID SYSTEM “EAS” ...........................................................................................................................................22
Introductory summary ........................................................................................................................................................22
Description ...........................................................................................................................................................................23
Application ...........................................................................................................................................................................24
S288 Benefits........................................................................................................................................................................24
Mixing Procedures:..............................................................................................................................................................25
S288 Physical Properties .....................................................................................................................................................25
S212G/S212 ACETIC ACID ORGANIC ACID SYSTEM ...........................................................................................................................27
Physical Properties...............................................................................................................................................................28
Concentration ......................................................................................................................................................................28
S211 FORMIC ACID ORGANIC ACID SYSTEM .....................................................................................................................................31
Physical properties...............................................................................................................................................................32
Concentration ......................................................................................................................................................................32
S1000 CLEAN DIVERTING ACID ........................................................................................................................................................33
VISCOELASTIC ACID DIVERTING SYSTEM CDA....................................................................................................................................33

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Application ...........................................................................................................................................................................33
Typical concentrations ........................................................................................................................................................35
Physical Properties...............................................................................................................................................................35
Rheological Profile ...............................................................................................................................................................35
S1001 FIBERDIVERT DEGRADABLE FIBER ACID DIVERTER ..................................................................................................................38
Product Features..................................................................................................................................................................38
Product Applications............................................................................................................................................................38
Principal Uses.......................................................................................................................................................................38
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES.............................................................................................................................39
Material Compatibility ........................................................................................................................................................39
Handling and Storage..........................................................................................................................................................39
S1002 SELF DEGRADABLE DIVERTING AGENT-COURSE .......................................................................................................................40
Product Features..................................................................................................................................................................40
Product Applications............................................................................................................................................................40
Principal Uses.......................................................................................................................................................................40
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES.............................................................................................................................41
Handling and Storage..........................................................................................................................................................41
S1003 SELF DEGRADABLE DIVERTING AGENT-FINE ............................................................................................................................42
Product Features..................................................................................................................................................................42
Product Applications............................................................................................................................................................42
Principal Uses.......................................................................................................................................................................42
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES.............................................................................................................................43
Handling and Storage..........................................................................................................................................................43
S1004 SELF DEGRADABLE DIVERTING AGENT LOW TEMP-COURSE .....................................................................................................44
Product Features..................................................................................................................................................................44
Product Applications............................................................................................................................................................44
Principal Uses.......................................................................................................................................................................44
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES.............................................................................................................................45
Handling and Storage..........................................................................................................................................................45
S1005 SELF DEGRADABLE DIVERTING AGENT LOW TEMP-FINE ..........................................................................................................46
Product Features..................................................................................................................................................................46
Product Applications............................................................................................................................................................46
Principal Uses.......................................................................................................................................................................46
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES.............................................................................................................................47
Handling and Storage..........................................................................................................................................................47
S310 ACID GELLING AGENT –CROSSLINKED ACID ..............................................................................................................................48
MIXING AND DEPLOYMENT................................................................................................................................................48
VISCOSITY DATA, 15% HCI, 1.5% S310 ...............................................................................................................................49
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES.........................................................................................................................................................49
S410 ACID GELLING AGENT -BUFFER...............................................................................................................................................50

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PHYSICAL PROPERTIES.........................................................................................................................................................50
S411 CROSS-LINKER FOR S310 SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................................................51
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES.........................................................................................................................................................51
Rheological Profile ...............................................................................................................................................................51
STIMULATION ADDITIVES....................................................................................................................................................57
S101 CORROSION INHIBITOR ..........................................................................................................................................................58
Feeding and Dosage............................................................................................................................................................58
S320 H2S SCAVENGER AGENT .....................................................................................................................................................63
Physical properties...............................................................................................................................................................63
Handling ...............................................................................................................................................................................63
SURFACTANTS- GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................64
Etymology ............................................................................................................................................................................64
Properties .............................................................................................................................................................................64
Classification ........................................................................................................................................................................64
S280 SURFACTANT – FOAMING AGENT-ANIONIC ....................................................................................................................68
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES.............................................................................................................................68
Product Benefits...................................................................................................................................................................68
Principal Uses.......................................................................................................................................................................68
Feeding and Dosage............................................................................................................................................................68
Handling and Storage..........................................................................................................................................................68
S281 SURFACTANT/SILT SUSPENDING AGENT-CATIONC .....................................................................................................................69
Principal Uses.......................................................................................................................................................................69
General Description .............................................................................................................................................................69
Typical concentrations ........................................................................................................................................................69
Safety Data...........................................................................................................................................................................69
S284 SURFACTANT AGENT-NONIONIC....................................................................................................................................70
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES.............................................................................................................................70
Product Benefits...................................................................................................................................................................70
Principal Uses and dosage ..................................................................................................................................................70
Handling and Storage..........................................................................................................................................................70
S222 ACID ANTI-SLUDGE AGENT ....................................................................................................................................................71
Introductory summary ........................................................................................................................................................71
Product Benefits:..................................................................................................................................................................71
Principal uses: ......................................................................................................................................................................71
General Description:............................................................................................................................................................71
Feeding and Dosage:...........................................................................................................................................................71
Handling and Storage:.........................................................................................................................................................71

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S243 NONIONIC NON-EMULSIFIER ..................................................................................................................................................72

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES.............................................................................................................................72
Product Benefits:..................................................................................................................................................................72
Principal uses: ......................................................................................................................................................................72
General Description:............................................................................................................................................................72
Feeding and Dosage:...........................................................................................................................................................72
Handling and Storage:.........................................................................................................................................................73
S282 MUTUAL SOLVENT (EGMBE).........................................................................................................................................74
Physical properties...............................................................................................................................................................74
Principal Uses ......................................................................................................................................................................74
General Description ............................................................................................................................................................74
Typical concentrations........................................................................................................................................................74
Safety Data ..........................................................................................................................................................................74
S292 ORGANIC DEPOSIT REMOVER .................................................................................................................................................75
Product Benefits ..................................................................................................................................................................75
Typical concentrations........................................................................................................................................................76
Safety Data ..........................................................................................................................................................................76
S294 ASPHALTENE DISPERSANT ......................................................................................................................................................77
Product Benefits ..................................................................................................................................................................77
Safety Data ..........................................................................................................................................................................77
IRON CONTROL.........................................................................................................................................................................78
PROPERTIES OF COMMON IRON CONTROL AGENTS ..........................................................................................................................79
Comparison between different iron control agents ..........................................................................................................80
S261 IRON SEQUESTERING AGENT ..................................................................................................................................................81
Product Benefits...................................................................................................................................................................81
Principal Uses.......................................................................................................................................................................81
General Description .............................................................................................................................................................81
Feeding and Dosage............................................................................................................................................................82
Material Compatibility ........................................................................................................................................................82
Handling and Storage..........................................................................................................................................................82
S260 IRON SEQUESTERING AGENT ..................................................................................................................................................83
Principal Uses.......................................................................................................................................................................83
General Description .............................................................................................................................................................83
Typical concentrations ........................................................................................................................................................83
Safety Data...........................................................................................................................................................................84
S-265 IRON CONTROL AGENT.........................................................................................................................................................85
Description ...........................................................................................................................................................................85
Application ...........................................................................................................................................................................85
Chemistry .............................................................................................................................................................................85
Physical Properties...............................................................................................................................................................85
Advantages ..........................................................................................................................................................................85
Disadvantages .....................................................................................................................................................................86
Recommended Dosage .......................................................................................................................................................86
S-245 SCALE INHIBITOR ..................................................................................................................................................................87
Description: ..........................................................................................................................................................................87
Application ...........................................................................................................................................................................87
Dosage Information.............................................................................................................................................................87

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Handling ...............................................................................................................................................................................87
Disadvantages .....................................................................................................................................................................87
S-303 FRICTION REDUCER..............................................................................................................................................................88
Description: ..........................................................................................................................................................................88
Application: ..........................................................................................................................................................................88
Typical Properties: ...............................................................................................................................................................88
Safety and Handling: ...........................................................................................................................................................88
S891, S892, S893 POLYURETHANE BALL SEALERS ...................................................................................................................89
Identification of the Substance ...........................................................................................................................................89
Description, Features, and Benefits....................................................................................................................................89
S890 BIO-DEGRADABLE BALL SEALERS .........................................................................................................................................90
Identification of the Substance ...........................................................................................................................................90
Description, Features, and Benefits....................................................................................................................................90
SECTION -2: FRACTURING MATERIALS................................................................................................................................93
S500 POLY SACCHARIDE GUAR .......................................................................................................................................................94
Identification of the Substance ...........................................................................................................................................94
Description, Features, and Benefits....................................................................................................................................94
Physical Properties...............................................................................................................................................................94
S811 BREAKER AID ........................................................................................................................................................................95
Identification of the Substance ...........................................................................................................................................95
Description, Features, and Benefits....................................................................................................................................95
Physical Properties...............................................................................................................................................................95
S812 LIQUID BREAKER ...................................................................................................................................................................96
Identification of the Substance ...........................................................................................................................................96
Description, Features, and Benefits....................................................................................................................................96
Physical Properties...............................................................................................................................................................96
S706 HIGH PH BUFFER ...................................................................................................................................................................97
Identification of the Substance ...........................................................................................................................................97
Description, Features, and Benefits....................................................................................................................................97
Physical Properties...............................................................................................................................................................97
S615 DELAYED BORATE CROSSLINKER ..............................................................................................................................................98
Identification of the Substance ...........................................................................................................................................98
Description, Features, and Benefits....................................................................................................................................98
Physical Properties...............................................................................................................................................................98
S809 ENCAPSULATED BREAKER HT...................................................................................................................................................99
Identification of the Substance ...........................................................................................................................................99
Description, Features, and Benefits....................................................................................................................................99
Physical Properties.............................................................................................................................................................100

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S810 ENCAPSULATED BREAKER HT.................................................................................................................................................101

Identification of the Substance .........................................................................................................................................101
Description, Features, and Benefits..................................................................................................................................101
Physical Properties.............................................................................................................................................................102
S830 DBNPA BIOCIDE................................................................................................................................................................103
Identification of the Substance .........................................................................................................................................103
Description, Features, and Benefits..................................................................................................................................103
Physical Properties.............................................................................................................................................................104
Biocide Efficacy comparisons............................................................................................................................................104
S863 PERMANENT CLAY STABILIZER ...............................................................................................................................................105
Identification of the Substance .........................................................................................................................................105
Description, Features, and Benefits..................................................................................................................................105
Physical Properties.............................................................................................................................................................105
S880 HIGH TEMPERATURE STABILIZER ............................................................................................................................................106
Identification of the Substance .........................................................................................................................................106
Description, Features, and Benefits..................................................................................................................................106
Physical Properties.............................................................................................................................................................106
S20/40 FRAC SAND ....................................................................................................................................................................107
Physical and Chemical analysis:........................................................................................................................................107
PREPARATION OF LINEAR GUAR BORATE FRACTURING FLUIDS.........................................................................................108
PROCEDURE – PREPARATION OF GUAR FRACTURING FLUIS.........................................................................................109
Linear Gel Viscosity Measurement...................................................................................................................................110
Test Procedures..................................................................................................................................................................110
Viscosity Calculations ........................................................................................................................................................110
PREPARATION OF XL GUAR BORATE FRACTURING FLUID .......................................................................................................112
EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................................................................................................112
REAGENTS ..........................................................................................................................................................................112
CROSSLINKING THE GUAR LINEAR GEL............................................................................................................................114
PROCEDURE 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................114
PROCEDURE 2 ....................................................................................................................................................................114
CHAN35 LINEAR GEL VISCOSITY MEASUREMENT .............................................................................................................................115
Equipment and Materials .................................................................................................................................................115
Test Procedures..................................................................................................................................................................115
STATIC GEL BREAK TEST ...............................................................................................................................................................117

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Equipment and Materials .................................................................................................................................................117

Test Procedures (for temperature less than 100C)..........................................................................................................117
APENDIX 1: .........................................................................................................................................................................118
LABORATORY PROCEDURES AND QA/QC........................................................................................................................................118
QA/QC OF ACID SYSTEMS IN THE FIELD ................................................................................................................................119
ACID PREPARATION – LABORATORY PROCEDURES .........................................................................................................122

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Acid is used to stimulate production in all types of formations including injection, gas and/or oil producing,
and disposal. Acids can be categorized into organic and inorganic, and various combinations of these two
types are also used in specialty applications. Acid treatment types can be defined by injection rate and
pumping pressure. Acid stimulation treatments carried out below formation fracture pressures are termed
“Matrix Acidizing Treatments” while those carried out at pressures greater than formation fracture pressures
are categorized as “Fracture Acidizing Treatments”.

OiLSERV develops acid systems for formations in all areas and formations in which we operate. OiLSERV has
successfully completed treatments in many of the more challenging regions for acidizing, such as in those
containing heavy crude oil, long carbonate intervals with high permeability contrasts in between the different
layers. In these cases, zonal coverage to achieve maximum recovery of the oil in place is vital. OiLSERV has
sourced acid chemistry that not only diverts the treatment fluids to the damaged zone, but also the
technology leaves no damage behind. This allows maximum retention of original permeability in addition to
clean and highly conductive wormhole deep inside the formation.

OiLSERV also offers recompletion services, designing treatments for existing production and injection wells.
We utilize an integrated approach in order to design the best treatment for our customer’s field or well.
Analysis includes:

 Review of reservoir parameters and their influence on conformance, sweep and injection
 Evaluation of existing well test data and opportunities for enhancement
 Data acquisition program design (open and cased hole logging, coring and seismic)
 Laboratory analysis on produced water and crudes
 Wellbore management programs (previous performance of workovers, artificial lift injection wells)
 Decline curve analysis
 Computer software program for well fluid behavior at surface and subsurface conditions
 Formation case histories

OiLSERV integrated team will help our customers establish a plan to maximize hydrocarbon recovery,
resulting in optimum asset management and ultimate oil recovery.

OiLSERV advanced chemistry, technical experts, and state-of-the-art equipment can be used in all areas.
Whether in carbonate, sandstone reservoirs, our acid engineering and laboratory group has the experience
and the expertise to develop customized acid blends to successfully and economically treat different wells.

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- Hydrochloric Acid HCl
- Hydroflouric Acid HF
- Mud Damage Removal Acid MDR
- Emulsified Acid System EAS
- S212G/ S212 Acetic Acid System
- S211 Formic Acid System
- Clean Diverting Acid-Visco Elastic Diverting Acid CDA
- Acid Gelling Agent AGA

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Hydrochloric acid is a solution of hydrogen chloride (HCl) in water. HCl is a highly corrosive, strong mineral
acid with many industrial uses.
The main use of HCl in the oil field industry is for dissolving carbonate minerals. Due to the high solubility of
calcium carbonate “limestone” and magnesium carbonate “dolomite” in Hydrochloric acid.

Hydrogen chloride (HCl) is a monoprotic acid, which means it can dissociate (i.e., ionize) only once to give up
one H+ ion (a single proton). In aqueous hydrochloric acid, the H+ joins a water molecule to form a hydronium
ion, H3O+
HCl + H2O → H3O+ + Cl−
The other ion formed is Cl−, the chloride ion. Hydrochloric acid can therefore be used to prepare salts called
chlorides, such as sodium and calcium chloride. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid, since it is essentially
completely dissociated in water.
Monoprotic acids have one acid dissociation constant, Ka, which indicates the level of dissociation in water.
For a strong acid like HCl, the Ka is large. Theoretical attempts to assign a Ka to HCl have been made when
chloride salts such as NaCl are added to aqueous HCl they have practically no effect on pH, indicating that Cl−
is an exceedingly weak conjugate base and that HCl is fully dissociated in aqueous solution. For intermediate
to strong solutions of hydrochloric acid, the assumption that H+ molarity (a unit of concentration) equals HCl
molarity is excellent, agreeing to four significant digits.
Hydrochloric acid is the monoprotic acid least likely to undergo an interfering oxidation-reduction reaction. It
is one of the least hazardous strong acids to handle; despite its acidity, it consists of the non-reactive and
non-toxic chloride ion. Intermediate strength hydrochloric acid solutions are quite stable upon storage,
maintaining their concentrations over time. These attributes, plus the fact that it is available as a pure
reagent, mean that hydrochloric acid makes an excellent acidifying reagent.

Physical properties
The physical properties of hydrochloric acid, such as boiling and melting points, density, and pH depend on
the concentration or molarity of HCl in the acid solution. They range from those of water at very low
concentrations approaching 0% HCl to values for fuming hydrochloric acid at over 40% HCl.
The following table summarizes the main physical properties of different concentrations of HCl acid made
from fresh distilled water.
The reference temperature and pressure for the following table are 20 °C and 1 atmosphere (101.325 kPa).
Vapor pressure values are taken from the International Critical Tables, and refer to the total vapor pressure
of the solution.

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Vapor Boiling Melting

Concentration Density Molarity pH Viscosity
pressure point point
kg HCl/kg kg HCl/m3 Baume kg/l mol/dm3 mPa·s kPa °C °C
10% 104.80 6.6 1.048 2.87 −0.5 1.16 1.95 103 −18
15% 157.20 10 1.075 4.5 -0.6 1.20 1.75 105 -40
20% 219.60 13 1.098 6.02 −0.8 1.37 1.40 108 −59
30% 344.70 19 1.149 9.45 −1.0 1.70 2.13 90 −52
32% 370.88 20 1.159 10.17 −1.0 1.80 3.73 84 −43
34% 397.46 21 1.169 10.90 −1.0 1.90 7.24 71 −36
36% 424.44 22 1.179 11.64 −1.1 1.99 14.5 61 −30
38% 451.82 23 1.189 12.39 −1.1 2.10 28.3 48 −26

Graph- Melting temperature as a function of HCl concentration in water.

Hydrochloric acid is prepared by dissolving hydrogen chloride in water. Hydrogen chloride can be generated
in many ways, and thus several precursors to hydrochloric acid exist. The large-scale production of
hydrochloric acid is almost always integrated with the industrial scale production of other chemicals.

Industrial market
OiLSERV uses raw hydrochloric acid concentrations between 30 and 34%. Higher concentrations up to just
over 40% are chemically possible, but the evaporation rate is then so high that storage and handling need

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extra precautions, such as pressure and low temperature. Bulk industrial-grade is therefore 30% to 34%,
optimized for effective transport and limited product loss by HCl vapors.


Concentrated hydrochloric acid (fuming hydrochloric acid) forms acidic mists. Both the mist and the solution
have a corrosive effect on human tissue, with the potential to damage respiratory organs, eyes, skin, and
intestines. Upon mixing hydrochloric acid with common oxidizing chemicals, such as sodium hypochlorite
(bleach, NaClO) or potassium permanganate (KMnO4), the toxic gas chlorine is produced.
NaClO + 2 HCl → H2O + NaCl + Cl2
2 KMnO4 + 16 HCl → 2 MnCl2 + 8 H2O + 2 KCl + 5 Cl2

Personal protective equipment such as rubber or PVC gloves, protective eye goggles, and chemical-resistant
clothing and shoes are used to minimize risks when handling hydrochloric acid.
The hazards of solutions of hydrochloric acid depend on the concentration. The following table lists the EU
classification of hydrochloric acid solutions.
Classification R-Phrases
by weight

R36/37/38: irritating to eye, respiratory system and

10–25% Irritant (Xi)
R34 R37: causes burns, irritating to respiratory
> 25% Corrosive (C)

The United States Environmental Protection Agency rates and regulates hydrochloric acid as a toxic
For definition of the R-phrases (short for Risk Phrases) as defined in Annex III of European Union Directive
67/548/EEC, please refer to Appendix 1 of this manual.

Hydrochloric Acid used in the oil field

Concentrations of HCl up to 28% by weight are generally used in oilfield treatment. The most common
method of measuring the concentration of dissolved gas is by determining the specific gravity of the acid
solution. The specific gravity reading is then converted into % HCl by weight. This conversion is based on the
increase in weight and volume of the solution when the HCl gas is dissolved in water. A more accurate way to
determine acid strength is titration with reagents. For more details, please refer to the OiLSERV laboratory
procedures manual.

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The same corrosive properties that make acids useful as stimulation fluids also pose a threat to the metal of
pumps, valves and wellbore tubular goods. Protection from the corrosive effect of the acid is provided by the
addition of an acid corrosion inhibitor. This inhibitor is chosen to suit the particular needs of the acid under
downhole conditions. A corrosion inhibitor is added to all HCl sold by OiLSERV. The proper inhibitor to use in
a given circumstance can be found in another section. The concentration and type of corrosion inhibitor is
decided based on several factors such as temperature, protection time, metallurgy, acid type and
concentration, and other additives used in the system.

Dissolving Power of HCl acid

HCl will dissolve calcium carbonate in a mass transfer limited reaction. The dissolving mass of rock will
depend on the acid concentration as follows:

lbs of CaCO3 Kg CaCO3

HCL % dissolved per Dissolved per
gal US m3
5.00 0.59 70.68
10.00 1.2 143.76
15.00 1.84 220.43
20.00 2.53 303.14
Following table shows pH value for different concentrations of HCl and caustic soda NaOH:

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Below table show the amount of different neutralizers for live HCl acid:

Calcium Lime Soda Ash Caustic

For each
carbonate Soda
1000 gal of
Lb Lb Lb Lb
5% HCl 586 433 620 468
10% HCl 1,201 887 1,258 959
15% HCl 1,850 1,367 1,957 1,477
20% HCl 2,526 1,866 2,672 2,017

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Hydrofluoric acid (HF) is a solution of hydrogen fluoride in water. Hydrofluoric acid is a highly corrosive acid,
capable of dissolving many materials, especially oxides.
Because of its high reactivity toward glass and moderate reactivity toward many metals, hydrofluoric acid is
usually stored in plastic.

Hydrogen fluoride gas is a severe poison that may immediately and permanently damage lungs and the
corneas of the eyes. Water solutions (hydrofluoric acid) are a contact-poison with the potential for deep,
initially painless burns, with later tissue death. By interfering with body calcium metabolism, the
concentrated acid may also cause systemic toxicity and eventual cardiac arrest and fatality, after contact with
as little as 160 cm2 (24.8 square inches) of skin.

Hydrofluoric acid is classified as a weak acid: it ionizes in aqueous solution in a similar fashion to other
common acids:
HF + H2O H3O+ + F−
It is the only hydrohalic acid that is not considered a strong acid, i.e. it is not fully ionized in dilute aqueous
When the concentration of HF approaches 100%, the acidity increases dramatically due to the following
2 HF H+ + FHF−
The bi-fluoride (FHF−) anion is stabilized by the very strong hydrogen–fluorine hydrogen bond.
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) is the second most frequently used acid in the oil field, the first being hydrochloric acid
(HCl). The most common form of HF is the combination of HF and HCl acids called Mud Acid. The primary
composition of Mud Acid is 12% HCl and 3% HF, by weight. The HF will react with and dissolve all materials that
are soluble in HCl and will, in addition, react with and dissolve or partially dissolve siliceous materials such as
bentonite, naturally occurring formation clays and other siliceous materials. As suggested by the Mud Acid
formulation, HF is always used in the presence of another acid, usually HCl.
The HF makes possible a unique and indispensable service, i.e., matrix stimulation of sandstone. Correctly
applied, a matrix acid treatment can restore permeability to the critical matrix and thus enhance production.
The HF reacts with a variety of siliceous minerals to form a large number of reaction products, most of which
are soluble in spent acid. Proper execution of a well-conceived plan is required to provide a treating
environment which will remove wellbore damage and not result in the precipitation of undesirable by-
products. The decision on the fluids to use in an HF treatment must always be supported by this basic rule:
they must efficiently remove damage and restore permeability.
Due to the potential of precipitation of secondary and tertiary by-products, it is always prudent to pump HCl
ahead of HF so that the HCl will react with and dissolve exposed carbonate compounds and other HCl soluble
minerals allowing the following and more expensive HF to react with minerals soluble only in HF.
In its concentrated forms, HF is dangerous to handle and OiLSERV employees are not permitted to handle HF
at strengths stronger than 20% by weight.
OiLSERV prepares HF acid by the addition of Ammonium Bi-Fluoride to Hydrochloric Acid. Although the
resulting acid is still extremely toxic and corrosive, but the separate components used to make it, are of a
much safer nature.

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Although the chemical reactions between HF and sandstone minerals are complex and can, in some cases,
result in precipitation of reaction products, most of these can be avoided. The methodology and guidelines
discussed in this section are designed to maximize treating efficiency and eliminate precipitates. One way to
help minimize permeability damage is to backflow or swab the well as soon as possible after pumping stops.
In all cases, it is highly recommended to flow back the wells treated with HF acid as soon as possible. If flow
back was not possible, then last stage of HF acid should be overflushed from the vicinity of the wellbore and
to a minimum depth of 5 ft (1.5 m) from the wellbore.


Hydrofluoric acid is a highly corrosive liquid and is a contact poison. It should be handled with extreme care,
beyond that accorded to other mineral acids. Owing to its low dissociation constant, HF as a neutral lipid-
soluble molecule penetrates tissue more rapidly than typical mineral acids. Because of the ability of
hydrofluoric acid to penetrate tissue, poisoning can occur readily through exposure of skin or eyes, or when
inhaled or swallowed. Symptoms of exposure to hydrofluoric acid may not be immediately evident. HF
interferes with nerve function, meaning that burns may not initially be painful. Accidental exposures can go
unnoticed, delaying treatment and increasing the extent and seriousness of the injury.

Once absorbed into blood through the skin, it reacts with blood calcium and may cause cardiac arrest. Burns
with areas larger than 25 square inches (160 cm2) have the potential to cause serious systemic toxicity from
interference with blood and tissue calcium levels. In the body, hydrofluoric acid reacts with the ubiquitous
biologically important ions Ca2+ and Mg2+. Formation of insoluble calcium fluoride is proposed as the
etiology for both precipitous fall in serum calcium and the severe pain associated with tissue toxicity. In some
cases, exposures can lead to hypocalcemia. Thus, hydrofluoric acid exposure is often treated with calcium
gluconate, a source of Ca2+ that sequesters the fluoride ions. HF chemical burns can be treated with a water
wash and 2.5% calcium gluconate gel or special rinsing solutions. However, because it is absorbed, medical
treatment is necessary; rinsing off is not enough. Intra-arterial infusions of calcium chloride have also shown
great effectiveness in treating burns. In some cases, amputation may be required.

OiLSERV prepares HF acid by the addition of Ammonium Bi-Fluoride “ABF” to Hydrochloric Acid. Although the
resulting acid is still extremely toxic and corrosive, but the separate components used to make it, are of a
much safer nature.

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Additive Acid Type HCL:HF (to make 1000 gal of final product)
6.0:0.5 6.0:1.0 6.0:1.5 9.0:0.5 9.0:1.0 9.0:1.5 12.0:1.5 12.0:3.0
Water (gal) 786 766 746 684 663 642 535 467
28% HCL (gal) 208 224 240 309 325 342 446 500
ABF (lb) 62 125 188 62 125 188 188 386
Specific Gravity 1.031 1.037 1.042 1.044 1.049 1.055 1.068 1.084

Mixing order:
Always prepare water, add additives, add HCL, then add ABF (avoid splashing)

HF is highly corrosive to flesh. Use extreme care while loading Mud Acid.
Follow these principles while mixing acid:
1. Work at dock level; stay off trucks.
2. All chemicals must be pumped through a closed system using a remote-controlled pump. Do
not leave the pump unattended while operating.
3. Ingredients are to be added to a stationary mixing tank at the loading dock. Ingredients and
additives are to be added through fixed piping. An eductor should be installed in the fill line for
adding solids.
4. Mixing is to be done by jet circulation (no paddle shafts to leak). Does not air lance. No mixing
should be done in the truck tanks. After mixing by circulation, transfer the Mud Acid to the
truck tank through one hose.
5. Acid facilities should be constructed so that all lines can be flushed with water and emptied by
gravity into the truck tanks. Drain all lines and hoses before unhooking them or knocking
unions loose.
6. Keep all clothing and equipment dry. Be sure nothing is spilled but water.
7. Use only clean, fresh water for mix water. Do not use seawater to prepare Mud Acid.

Fluid selection:
Sandstone is primarily composed of Silica and Silicate minerals, including quartz, various forms of clays,
feldspars and in rare cases zeolites. Formation damage is often caused by siliceous materials, such as drilling
solids, formation fines and swollen and migrated clays.

In Sandstone Acidizing, treatment fluids are used to stimulate the true permeability of sandstone formations,
by removing the damage in the critical matrix (3-5 ft from the wellbore). This is different from carbonate
stimulation where treatments fluids are targeting to bypass the damage by creating wormholes deep in the
critical matrix.

So, in sandstone, treatment fluids are pumped into the porosity of the rock at below the fracturing pressure
and the acid reacts with a large portion of the formation. The main component of the formation targeted
with a matrix treatment are clays. Due to their high surface area, clays are where most of the HF acid
reactions take place. Clays could cause formation damage through swelling or migration and plugging the
pore throats. Clays could be introduced in the critical matrix either from native formation clays, or from

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drilling mud invasion. Since HF is the best fluids to dissolve clays, then clay damage is one of the main reasons
to use HF:HCl acid.

The criteria of selecting an acid system to stimulate sandstone formations depends on different parameters
such as:

1. Percentage of carbonate in the formation: In general, whenever the formation carbonate

contents is higher than 20%, then the formation should be treated as a carbonate formation “i.e,
use only HCl acid. The use of HF is highly not recommended due to the possibility of precipitating
calcium fluoride salt.

2. Clay content and type of clays. It is recommended to use low HF concentration in case if the
formation contains high concentrations of migratory clays. This will avoid disturbing the clays
further due to the introduced treatment fluids.

In addition to concentration of clays, certain types of clays have high concentrations of iron,
Aluminum, and potassium. This will induce secondary and tertiary precipitation. In such cases, the
use of low concentration of HF is recommended.

Sandstone acidizing presents a somewhat a set of challenges. Deleterious side-effects of acidizing in

sandstone formations—such as clay swelling, fines migration, gel formation or particle precipitation—may be
minimized or avoided altogether by designing hydrofluoric acid (HF) stimulation treatments with compatible
chemical and physical properties. Smectite and mixed illite-smectite clays are among the most water-
sensitive clays, while illites and chlorites are less prone to ion exchange. Also of concern when acidizing
sandstone is the presence of illite, potassium feldspars, sodium feldspars, and zeolites, because these
compounds can contribute to the formation of matrix-blocking precipitates.

Clay swelling can occur when acidizing fluids exchange ions with formation minerals, choking off production
by obstructing the matrix, unless care is taken to sustain the salinity of the injected fluid after ion exchange.
Many water-sensitive clays contain potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium chloride (NaCl) ions that can be
exchanged with ions in injected fluids to lower the salinity of the fluid.

For all above reasons, fluid selection is very important in sandstone stimulation. The consult of the laboratory
and performing specialty core flow tests is of uppermost importance especially for new formation with no
case histories for best acid type/ concentration to be used.

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Perforation using shaped charges opens holes in the metal casing using an extremely high pressure. At the
same time, this high pressure and high temperature jet will carry all the metal debris and inject them in the
open perforation causing plugging of the matrix around the perforation tunnel. Also, the high pressure will
create a very low permeability zone due to formation compaction in the crushed rock zone.

In order to dissolve the debris and reconnect the perforation tunnel to the reservoir, OiLSERV uses a very low
surface tension acid system. The main system components are a superior surfactant and chelating agent. The
combination of both additives creates a synergy of favorable properties such as: ease of acid penetration of
the tiny pores of the compacted zone, lifting and suspension of non-soluble products such as mud silts and
clays or cement particles.

Fluid Composition
Product Function Concetration gpt
HCl HCL concentration can be from 5 % to 15%
S261 Iron Control- Sequesting Agent 20
S281 Surfactant-Cationic 5

The mix of a cationic surfactant and a strong chelating agent like EDTA will results in a fluid with superior
properties of both: low surface tension fluid, and suspension properties of clays and feldspars. In addition,
the surfactant will act as an excellent cleanup acid to use to open perforations and lower injection
pressures ahead of a matrix treatment or a fracturing treatment. Using MDR will usually lead to lower injection
If the well is to be tested after the MDR job, load water and spent acid should be flowed back or swabbed as
soon as possible after pumping stops. This takes advantage of the suspending properties of the S284 and
minimizes the formation of secondary deposits, such as iron precipitation from spent acid. Such cleanup will
often return large amounts of suspended mud and silt. The iron control additive used in MDR is sufficient to
handle 2,000 ppm of ferric iron or 10,000 ppm of total iron which is more than required for majority of the
cases encountered in the oil field
MDR can be used as a preflush ahead of hydrofluoric acid to remove carbonates materials from the critical
matrix ahead of the next HF stages.
Since S284 is a strong foaming agent, MDR can be used for foamed acid treatments which will lead to
improved zonal coverage, easier flow back, and better well cleaning.

Compatibility and Inhibition

The use of anionic additives should be avoided as they may affect the surface tension properties of MDR.
MDR can be used for temperatures as high as 300 deg F. Corrosion Inhibitor S101 is the preferred inhibitor
for MDR acid. At temperatures above 200 deg F, corrosion inhibitor aid S211 is required. Please see S101
corrosion inhibitor section for the concentrations.

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Exact loading and mixing procedures are dependent on safe procedures developed for each loading dock. In
general, the following steps should be observed:
1. Load one-half of the required amount of acid mix water.
2. Load the required amount of corrosion inhibitor.
3. Add 5 gal of S281 per 1,000 gal of acid solution to be mixed.
4. Add 20 gal of S261 per 1,000 gal of acid solution to be mixed.
5. Add other additives as required.
6. Agitate to obtain complete mixing.
7. Add the required amount of concentrated HCl.
8. Add the remaining acid mix water up to the required volume of MDR mixture.
9. Agitate until thoroughly mixed.

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Introductory summary
Carbonates reaction with hydrochloric acid is a mass transfer limited. This means that the acid will be spent
almost immediately upon getting in touch with the carbonate rock. This fact is enhanced more at high
temperatures formations and higher percentages of calcium carbonates in the rock.
At temperatures higher than 150 deg F [65 deg C], almost all carbonates will react with live HCl at extremely
high speed. This will lead to shallow acid penetration and mass rock dissolution around the wellbore. The
final effect of an acid matrix treatment will be limited to little enlargement of the effective wellbore, damage
removal at shallow distances only, and eventually, reduced impact on production.
In order to carry the live acid deeper into the natural or induced fractures and faults of the carbonate
reservoirs, the industry used several techniques such as: high concentrations of HCl injected at extremely
high rates, retarded acid systems using organic acids or surfactants. The use of organic acids remained low or
limited due to several reasons such as: higher cost, low retardation, and weak dissolving power. While the
use of high concentrations of HCl is not so common due to inhibition challenges, shallow penetration in spite
of the high acid concentration, and high horse power demand to place acid at high rates.
Oil outside emulsified acid systems came as a solution for the need for highly retarded acid systems that can
achieve deeper penetration of live acid. An acid-in-diesel emulsified acid was invented to stimulate deep and
high temperature carbonates. The acid (28 wt% HCl) to diesel volume ratio is 70 to 30. Laboratory results
indicate that the emulsified acid is stable for more than 72 hours at ambient conditions and more than four
hours at 250 deg F.
The retardation factor of the emulsified acid was found to be greater than 45 times that of the conventional
acid systems at low temperatures “75 deg F, 24 deg C” and more than 15 times at high temperatures “above
150 deg F”. Core flood tests using tight carbonate plugs (dolomite cores) indicated that the emulsified acid
could be injected into tight cores (permeability less than 10 md) without encountering any injectivity
problems. The acid created deep wormholes, which significantly increased the permeability of the treated
Tests on carbonates cores simulating the faces of a fracture showed deep penetration of live acid and the
creations of irregular itching patterns of both faces. After the treatment, the created conductivity remained
infinite although it was subjected to high closure pressures.

Graphs- Weight loss of a Carbonate rock vss time as an indication of reaction rate for 15% HCl vss EAS,

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Graphs- Weight loss of a Carbonate rock vss time as an indication of reaction rate for EAS at different

The emulsifier of EAS is S288 which is a fatty amine acetate blend that is used to prepare high acid internal
phase emulsions with kerosene or diesel fuel. As high as 95 parts of acid may be emulsified with 5 parts of
kerosene or diesel fuel under the proper conditions. At such high internal phase ratios, the emulsion will
exhibit a semi-solid pseudoplastic consistency when at rest, but will tend to liquefy under pumping pressure
without breaking or inverting. When pumping pressure is released, the emulsion immediately regains its
semi-solid pseudo plastic state.

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Graph- Viscosity behavior or Emulsified Acid System made from 70:30 28% HCl: Diesel

Acid internal emulsions show a significantly retarded rate of reaction on limestone or other acid soluble
materials. This provides far deeper penetration of live acid into the formation, resulting in more effective

For acid fracturing applications “or even naturally fractured carbonates”, it is very important to have live acid
penetrating deep inside the created fractures. This live acid will work on creating different patterns of itched
faces of the fractured rock. After pumping has stopped, these itched patterns will act as pillars that will
maintain the fracture open with infinite conductivity between the pillars.

Another advantage, since kerosene or diesel external emulsions are hydrophobic in nature, emulsions of this
type will tend to enter the formation through oil-bearing zones, rather than water bearing zones.

Formation temperature, reaction time of the acid; and dilution of the kerosene or diesel external phase by
formation crude gradually helps resolve the acid internal emulsion. The acid is then free to react with acid
soluble materials.

S288 Benefits
 Prepare high acid internal phase emulsions
 Can be mixed without high shear
 Upper temperature limit of 132-149°C (270-300°F)

The amount of S288 required will depend on the stability desired and the presence and nature of other acid
additives to be employed. S288 is normally used at a concentration of 10-20 gal/1000 gallons (10-20 L/m3) of
the total emulsified fluid.
The S288 should be mixed with the kerosene or diesel and then slowly add the acid with sufficient mixing.
Varying degrees of emulsion (and viscosity) can be formed. The internal (acid) phase must be added to the
solution at a slow rate to allow for complete mixing. If the internal phase is added too rapidly the emulsion
will not be formed properly and be unstable.

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High shear is not needed to prepare high internal phase emulsions. This could result in the preparation of a
loose, unstable or reverse emulsion. Provision should be made for thorough mixing at moderate shear,
particularly, for effective mixing as the "thickness" increases.
The acid-in-diesel emulsion is compatible with most acid additives which were initially mixed with the HCl
acid. However, adding of mutual solvents or demulsifiers to the acid-in-diesel emulsion will result in breaking
the emulsion instantaneously. Therefore, mutual solvents and/or demulsifiers should not be added to the
emulsified acid.

Mixing Procedures:
- Prepare the acid in a tank… add all the additives except the emulsifier S288.
- Prepare the diesel in another tank. Add the S288 to the diesel.
- Rig up both tanks to centrifugal pump inlet. While circulating the oil at high rate, start to crack open the
acid valve and maintain the circulation to the oil tank till the emulsion (EAS) is obtained.. The fluid will be a
clear emulsion with oil outside (a drop of the fluid on water will not disperse.. while it will disperse in diesel).

S288 Physical Properties

Appearance ……………………… Clear, Amber Liquid
Specific Gravity …………………. 0.91-0.95
Density …………………………… 7.58-7.91 lbs/gal
Flash Point ………………………. 14°C (58°F)
pH (50% in fresh water) ………… 3.0-6.0
Solubility, 1% in water ………….. Dispersible
Solubility, 1% in 15% HCL Slightly.. Dispersible
Solubility, 1% in brine…………… Slightly Dispersible
Solubility, 1 % in kerosene …… Soluble
Ionic Charge ……………………… Anionic

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Acetic acid is an organic acid compound with the chemical formula CH3COOH. It is a colorless liquid that
when undiluted is also called glacial acetic acid (S212G). As the main component of vinegar, it has a
distinctive sour taste and pungent smell. Although it is classified as a weak acid, acetic acid is highly
dangerous to skin. Due to low freezing point of glacial acetic acid, an aqueous Acetic acid concentrate is
made of 70% acetic (S212).
Acetic acid is one of the simplest carboxylic acids. It is an important chemical reagent and industrial chemical.
In the oil field industry, Acetic acid is used as a weak acid mainly for the following applications:
 High temperature applications for stimulation fluids (up to 400 deg F / 204 deg C). On situations were
achieving adequate protection time of tubular against HCl acid, is difficult and costly “the cost of the
corrosion inhibitor could be the major cost item in the stimulation fluid system”, the use of a weak
organic acid such as acetic could represent a saving on the treatment cost in addition a technical
enabler in some cases.
 Retarded acid systems: The reaction rate of acetic acid is slower that the HCl acid especially at low to
medium temperature applications (below 200 deg F/ 93 deg C). Due to its slower reaction rate, Acetic
acid has found applications in deeper penetration acid, or to ensure full coverage for long intervals.
 Iron control applications: Acetic acid partially spends and the reaction can be buffered due to the
saturation of byproducts “mainly carbon dioxide”. Since the pH of spent acetic acid stays below 2, this
prevents the precipitation of damaging Ferric iron compounds “such as Ferric hydroxide”. Acetic acid is
used as an iron control agent or as the main treatment acid in some cases to deal with severe and
persistent iron precipitation problems.
 Stimulation treatments for HCl sensitive formations: Sandstone formations with high contents of clays
that can form migratory clays, or can be rich with iron compounds “such as chlorite clay” that cause
damage to matrix permeability, are good candidates for acetic acid treatments as a pre-flush or as
main treatment fluid.
 Water block damage removal: Due to the hydrophilic properties of pure acetic acid. Mainly low
pressure, depleted, and tight reservoirs where induced increase in water saturation in the critical
matrix can cause loss to production, pure acetic acid “glacial acetic acid” can be used to absorb the
water and reduce water saturation improving relative permeability to oil.
Acetic acid reaction with calcium and other metals yield products called acetate. Calcium and magnesium
acetates are highly soluble products in water

Concentrated acetic acid is corrosive to skin and must, therefore, be handled with appropriate care, since it
can cause skin burns, permanent eye damage, and irritation to the mucous membranes. These burns or
blisters may not appear until hours after exposure. Latex gloves offer no protection, so especially resistant
gloves, such as those made of nitrile rubber, are worn when handling the compound. Concentrated acetic
acid can be ignited with difficulty in the laboratory. It becomes a
flammable risk if the ambient temperature exceeds 39 °C (102 °F), and can form explosive mixtures with air
above this temperature (explosive limits: 5.4–16%).

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The hazards of solutions of acetic acid depend on the concentration. The following table lists the EU
classification of acetic acid solutions:

Molarity Classification R-Phrases
by weight
10–25% 1.67–4.16 mol/L Irritant (Xi) R36/38
25–90% 4.16–14.99 mol/L Corrosive (C) R34
>90% >14.99 mol/L Corrosive (C) Flammable (F) R10, R35

Solutions at more than 25% acetic acid are handled in a fume hood because of the pungent,
corrosive vapor. Dilute acetic acid, in the form of vinegar, is harmless. However, ingestion of
stronger solutions is dangerous to human and animal life. It can cause severe damage to
the digestive system, and a potentially lethal change in the acidity of the blood.
Due to incompatibilities, it is recommended to keep acetic acid away from chromic acid,
ethylene glycol, nitric acid, perchloric acid, permanganates, peroxides and hydroxyls.

Physical Properties
Chemical Product Name Form Specific Gravity Flash Point Pour Point
S212G Glacial Acetic Acid Colorless Liquid 1.05 40 deg C 17 deg C
S212 Acetic Acid Colorless Liquid 1.0 to 1.05 32 deg C -

Most common acetic acid solution is made from 10% acetic diluted with fresh water. Below table and graph
shows the typical concentration of acetic acid and the corresponding specific gravity of the solution acid:

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180 1.018
Concentration of Acetic Acid concentrate S212G/ S212
160 1.016
S212G gal/1000 gal

140 S212 gal/1000 gal 1.014

Specific Gravilty
120 1.012

100 1.01

Specific Gravity
80 1.008

60 1.006

40 1.004

20 1.002

0 1
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12

Concentration of Acetic Acid

Acetic concentration 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 10.0% 11.0% 12.0%
S212G gal/1000 gal 0 9 19 28 38 48 58 67 77 87 97 106 116
S212 gal/1000 gal 0 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130 144 157
Specific Gravilty 1.0000 1.0006 1.0012 1.0025 1.0040 1.0055 1.0069 1.0083 1.0097 1.0111 1.0125 1.0139 1.0154

The dissolving power of acetic acid for calcium carbonate is considered to be approximately one-half as
reactive as HCl on a pound-for-pound basis. Theoretically, 10% acetic acid is equivalent in dissolving power to
6.1% HCl at atmospheric pressure. This is true at atmospheric pressure where the reaction product, carbon
dioxide would revert to a gas and would escape from solution; the balance of the acid reaction would be
available for reaction.
Actually, in field conditions, acetic acid is not this efficient. At most bottomhole pressures, about 60% of the
available acetic acid spends, leaving 40% in a state of chemical equilibrium with dissolved carbonate
materials. Because of the effect of pressure on the spending of acetic acid, the acid spends only to a pH of 2
to 3. This buffering action aids in the prevention of ferric iron precipitation from solution.
In general, at bottom hole pressures, a 1000 gal of 10% acetic acid will dissolve around 400 lb of calcium

Acetic acid is compatible with most stimulation additives used in well stimulation like surfactants, anti-sludge,
and iron control.

Acetic acid is prepared in much the same way as solutions of HCl. A simple mixing guideline is as follows:

1. Add about one-half of the acid-make-up water to a clean tank.

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2. Add the required amount of corrosion inhibitor and other additives to be used.
3. Mix thoroughly, either with paddles, circulation, or air-lance.
4. Add the required S212 or S212G
5. Add the remaining water. Use this water to flush all the fill up lines.
6. Mix thoroughly.

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Formic acid is the simplest carboxylic acid. Its chemical formula is HCOOH or HCO2H. Formic acid is used as a
weak acid mainly for the following applications:
 High temperature applications for stimulation fluids (up to 350 deg F / 177 deg C). On situations
were achieving adequate protection time of tubular against HCl acid, is difficult and costly “the
cost of the corrosion inhibitor could be the major cost item in the stimulation fluid system”, the
use of a weak organic acid such as acetic could represent a saving on the treatment cost in
addition a technical enabler in some cases.
 Retarded acid systems: The reaction rate of acetic acid is slower that the HCl acid especially at
low to medium temperature applications (below 200 deg F/ 93 deg C). Due to its slower
reaction rate, Formic acid has found applications in deeper penetration acid, or to ensure full
coverage for long intervals.
Esters, salts, and the anion derived from formic acid are referred to as formates. Formic acid is a colorless
liquid having a highly pungent, penetrating odor at room temperature. It is miscible with water and most
polar organic solvents.

Formic acid in 85% concentration is not flammable, and diluted formic acid is on the US Food and Drug
Administration list of food additives. The principal danger from formic acid is from skin or eye contact with
the concentrated liquid or vapors. The US OSHA Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) of formic acid vapor in the
work environment is 5 parts per million parts of air (ppm) which is very low limit indicating the safety concern
from contact with formic acid.

Formic acid is readily metabolized and eliminated by the body. Nonetheless, it has specific toxic effects; the
formic acid and formaldehyde produced as metabolites of methanol are responsible for the optic nerve
damage, causing blindness seen in methanol poisoning. Some chronic effects of formic acid exposure have
been documented. Chronic exposure to humans may cause kidney damage. Another effect of chronic
exposure is development of a skin allergy that manifests upon re-exposure to the

Concentrated formic acid slowly decomposes to carbon monoxide and water, leading to
pressure buildup in the container it is kept in. For this reason, 98% formic acid is shipped
in plastic bottles with self-venting caps.

The hazards of solutions of formic acid depend on the concentration. The following table lists the EU
classification of formic acid solutions:

Concentration (weight percent) Classification R-Phrases

2%–10% Irritant (Xi) R36/38
10%–90% Corrosive (C) R34
>90% Corrosive (C) R35

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Physical properties
Product Name Form Specific Gravity Flash Point Pour Point
S211 Formic Acid Colorless Liquid 1.22 69 deg C 8.4 deg C

Most common formic acid solution is made from 9% formic diluted with fresh water. Higher concentrations
are not recommended as it may cause the precipitation of insoluble calcium formate causing damage to
formation. Formic acid is provided in concentrated form. To make 9.0% solution of formic acid, add 90 gal
formic acid to 910 gal of water including other additives as applicable.
Similar to acetic acid, formic acid reaction will be buffered by the carbon dioxide gas byproduct dissolved in
the solution at high pressures similar to encountered in down hole. The dissolving power of formic acid is in
between hydrochloric and acetic acid. In general, at bottom hole pressures, a 1000 gal of 9% formic acid will
dissolve around 700 lb of calcium carbonate.

Formic acid is compatible with most stimulation additives used in well stimulation like surfactants, anti-
sludge, and iron control. Care should be taken not to exceed 9.0% formic in any solution to avoid calcium
formate precipitate.

Special care should be given to wearing the proper protective equipment. Formic acid is highly corrosive and
could cause severe damage to skin, eye, vision, and kidney. A simple mixing guideline is as follows:

1. Add acid-make-up water to a clean tank.

2. Add the required amount of corrosion inhibitor and other additives to be used.
3. Mix thoroughly, either with paddles, circulation, or air-lance.
4. Add the required S211
5. Mix thoroughly. Avoid splashing and skin contact.

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CDA viscoelastic diverting acid, a self-diverting, polymer-free acidizing fluid, can be used alone or with other
treating acids for total zonal coverage in carbonate reservoirs. It viscosifies as it stimulates in carbonate
formations, diverting the remaining acid treatment fluid into zones of lower injectivity for:

 Improved zonal coverage across long intervals and high permeability contrasts
 Extremely efficient worm-holing behavior in a wide range of conditions
 Significantly better leak-off control than straight hydrochloric and non-crosslinked gelled acid
 High fluid efficiency during acid fracturing treatments
 Simple mixing for a smaller equipment footprint

CDA diverting acid system uses novel visco-elastic surfactants to formulate acidizing fluid systems for
carbonate reservoir stimulation. The fluids can be formulated with as much as 28% HCl. CDA is self-diverting
when pumping into the carbonate reservoir formation. This means that a separate diversion pad is not

 Non-polymeric, non-particulate aqueous system
 Works for temperatures up to 250 deg F (121 deg C)
 Low viscosity, low friction pressure during pumping
 In-situ Gelation only when acid starts spending in the formation and calcium chloride salt is in-
situ generated
 Extended gel viscosity control after acid spent
 Visocosity break upon initial flow back when formation fluids are in contact with the CDA gel.
Alternatively, a mutual solvent breaker can be pumped as part of the treatment.

 Improve zonal coverage of acid
 Avoids formation damage
 Lower pump horsepower requirement
 Superior worm-holing leak-off control
 Excellent fluid for foaming with nitrogen

CDA can be pumped as a single reactive fluid which will stimulate and self-divert in one step. Or it can be
pumped as a diverting fluid in several stages alternately with an inhibited straight acid or an emulsified acid
to enhance the zonal coverage.

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CDA fluid contains no solids nor does it viscosify in the tubing string so it can be easily pumped through coiled
tubing. CDA diversion has the greatest potential in horizontal wells, and in treating zones with widely varying
permeability streaks. When combined with coiled tubing, CDA provides an optimum placement technique
for acid diversion in carbonate reservoir stimulation or wellbore clean-up.

If wellbore cool-down is not considered, currently the CDA application temperature limit is 250 oF for acid
strength ranging from 3 to 28% HCl.

CDA is a special HCl acid formulation using a mixture of unique zwitterion surfactants, which are readily
soluble in any mix water. Initial fluid apparent viscosity is below 2-3 cP. The reaction between HCl carbonate
rock release calcium chloride as a by-product. The calcium cations will lead to the formation of micelles into
long chains leading to the increase in fluid viscosity.

The gel remains stable with high viscosity so continuous diversion can be achieved during pumping. After the
job is complete, and the production resumes, the produced hydrocarbon effectively breaks the surfactant
microstructure and lowers the gel viscosity down to near water like viscosity. As there is no polymer or solid
particles in the CDA fluid system, the broken CDA fluid is readily flowed back from the well without causing

formation damage.
Pressure chart during core flood of a core using VES S1000 fluid. Pressure decline toward the end of the
injection indicates acid break through from the face inlet to the outlet of the core sample

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Typical concentrations
S1000 is the main additive in CDA acid system. Normal concentration range between 5.5 and 7% volume by
volume of acid to yield an optimum viscosity depending on acid concentration, and temperature.

Physical Properties
Appearance ……………. Clear, golden liquid
Odor ……………………. Amine like
Specific Gravity………… 0.99
Density ………………… 8.25 lbs/gal
Ionic Charge ………….. Amphoteric/Cationic
Viscosity @ 25ºC ………. 450 cps
Flash Point ……………. >100ºC (>212ºF)
Melting Point …………… 4ºC (39.2ºF)
Solubility ………………. Easily soluble in water, methanol acetone

Rheological Profile
Table 1: Rheological Data of 75 gal / 1000 gal S1000 in 15% Spent HCl
Viscosity (cP)
Temp (°F) n’ k’
40 sec-1 100 sec-1 170 sec-1
75 0.481 0.0437 308 192 146
96 0.553 0.0295 272 180 142
129 0.232 0.2082 586 290 193
154 0.333 0.1622 663 360 253
179 0.439 0.0494 299 179 133
204 0.072 0.2231 348 149 91
229 0.101 0.2363 411 180 112
251 0.567 0.0294 285 192 152
277 0.969 0.0025 107 104 102
301 0.978 0.0009 40 39 38

Table 2: Rheological Data of 75 gal/ 1000 gal S1000 in 20% Spent HCl
Viscosity (cP)
Temp (°F) n’ k’
40 sec-1 100 sec-1 170 sec-1
73 0.530 0.0616 521 339 264
97 0.536 0.0567 490 320 251
122 0.264 0.1935 613 312 211
148 0.197 0.3337 826 396 258
173 0.320 0.0978 381 204 142

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199 0.023 0.3546 462 189 112

224 0.065 0.3158 480 204 124
249 0.488 0.0477 345 216 165
274 0.621 0.0161 190 135 110
299 0.318 0.0327 127 68 47

Table 3: Rheological Data of 75 gal/ 1000 gal S1000 in 28% Spent HCl
Viscosity (cP)
Temp (°F) n’ k’
40 sec-1 100 sec-1 170 sec-1
59 0.451 0.0643 406 246 184
99 0.596 0.0270 291 201 162
126 0.337 0.1178 489 266 187
155 0.278 0.2384 796 411 280
178 0.729 0.0190 335 261 226
203 0.089 0.1997 332 144 89
229 0.060 0.2491 372 157 95
251 0.362 0.0679 309 172 123
276 0.887 0.0049 155 139 131
300 0.992 0.0012 56 55 55

4% S1000 5% S1000 6% S1000

7% S1000 15% S1000

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S1000 in 13% HC - Simulated depletion to 17.47% CaCl2

4% S1000 in 20% HCl after

5% S1000 in 20% HCl after 7% S1000 in 20% HCl after
spending with CaCO3 to equiv
spending with CaCO3 to equiv spending with CaCO3 to equiv
14% HCl
14% HCl 14% HCl

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Product Features
S1001 is a degradable fibers of special physical properties that will enhance bridging against the fissures
apertures during acid treatments. This will result in acid diversion achieving better zonal coverage in high
permeability contrast and fractured carbonate formations.

The completely degradable fibers is suitable for applications up to 250 deg F (121 deg C).

Product Applications
 Diverter for acid treatments in highly fractured and fissured carbonates
 Non damaging diverter: Degradable fibers that leaves little damage behind.
 Can enhance the performance of other chemical diverters such as CDA, and AGA. This will result in
better acid zonal coverage using less amounts of acid.

Principal Uses
S1001 FiberDivert is used in long perforated intervals that have high permeability contrast due to the
existence of high conductivity fractures / fissures in the zone.
S1001 will plug acid thief zones and increase delta-P in the wellbore. This will contribute to more uniform
distribution of treatment fluids.
S1001 is used as a sole diverter, or can be used in combination of other diversion techniques such as ball
diverters, chemical diverters, and particulate diverters.
S1001 is added to the carrier fluid prior to pumping down hole. The fibers concentration depends on surface
equipment, interval length, permeability contract, fractures concentration and apertures, and other
treatment fluids and placement techniques. In general, S1001 is added at a concentration of 1 to 2 pounds
per bbl of fluid treated.
FiberDivert degradation is accelerated at high temperatures. Eventually, a complete degradation of the fibers
will happen within days after the treatment completion. Below table show estimated time for fiber
degradation. Degradation time is dependent on fluid pH, replenishment of the fluid around the fibers, in
addition to other ions in the fluids in contact with the fibers. A laboratory test will enable a closer estimate of
degradation time based on actual treatment fluids.

Temperature Temperature Degradation

Deg F Deg C time (hr)
250 121 1
248 120 3
230 110 4
212 100 7
194 90 15
176 80 24
158 70 26
140 60 48

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PHYSICAL STATE…………………………….. Dry

APPEARANCE………………………………… White fibers
ODOR ………………………………………… None
Melting Point ………………………………….. 170 deg C
Flash Point …………………………………… 121 deg C
SPECIFIC GRAVITY …………………………..1.23 – 1.30
DENSITY ………………………………………. 0.89 lb/gal
SOLUBILITY IN WATER ………………………Not soluble

Material Compatibility
S1001 is compatible with most OiLSERV additives. However, it may affect pH sensitive fluids. FiberDivert use
will be endorsed by laboratory tests of the additive performance in presence of suggested treatment fluid.

Handling and Storage

Read the label and Material Safety Data Sheet for complete handling information before using or storing this

S1001 is shipped in plastic bags 25 lb each

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Product Features
S1002 is a medium- to high-temperature self-degradable material used as a temporary blocking agent in
reservoir stimulation treatments. The product dissolves with time and temperature in the presence of water,
completely removing the bridging agent.

The main advantage from S1002 diverter:

 Self-degradable temporary diverting or fluid loss control agent for
stimulation or workover fluids
 Has a controlled degradation rate depending on temperature and
 Degradation byproduct is water-soluble and compatible with most
stimulation and produced fluids.
 Is a highly effective temporary sealing material for perforation when
combined with S1003.
 Offers a cost-effective alternative to plug-and-perforation technique
for multistage fracturing treatments

Product Applications
 Can be used to temporarily block perforations, matrix permeability,
or fractures during stimulation treatments at temperatures between
180°F (82°C) and 300°F (149°C)
 Used as a temporary diverting agent for multistage fracturing or
acidizing treatments
 Used as a fluid loss control additive for treatment of high-permeability formations -loss or lost-
circulation pills to control
 Can be used in fluid loss control or lost circulation pills to control fluid lost to thief zones.
 Normally used in combination with S1003 to improve blocking efficiency

Principal Uses
 For use in blocking perforations, typical loading ranges from 1 to 10 lb (0.45 to 4.51 kg) per
perforation, mixed at concentrations of 0.25 to 1.0 lb/gal (0.11 to 0.45 kg/3.78 L) of treatment fluid.
 For use as fluid loss or lost-circulation material, typical loading ranges from 25 to 100 lb/1,000 gal (3
to 12 kg/m3) of treatment volume.
 S1002 can be combined with S1003 in various ratios (typically 25:75) to improve perforation
blocking efficiency.
 The product can be metered through sand screw or standard dry-additive mixer.

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Appearance Translucent beads
Assay > 98%
Specific Gravity 1.23 to 1.25
Form Solid
Odor Sweet
Particle size 7 US mesh

Handling and Storage

Read the label and Material Safety Data Sheet for complete handling information before using or storing this

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Product Features
S1003 is a medium- to high-temperature self -degradable material used as a temporary blocking agent in
reservoir stimulation treatments. The product dissolves with time and temperature in the presence of water,
completely removing the bridging agent.

The main advantage from S1002 diverter :

 Self-degradable temporary diverting or fluid loss control agent
for stimulation or workover fluids
 Has a controlled degradation rate depending on temperature
and time
 Degradation byproduct is water-soluble and compatible with
most stimulation and produced fluids.
 Is a highly effective temporary sealing material for perforation
when combined with S1002
 Offers a cost-effective alternative to plug-and-perforation
technique for multistage fracturing treatments

Product Applications
 Can be used to temporarily block perforations, matrix
permeability, or fractures during stimulation treatments at
temperatures between 180°F (82°C) and 300°F (149°C)
 Used as a temporary diverting agent for multistage fracturing or
acidizing treatments
 Used as a fluid loss control additive for treatment of high-
permeability formations -loss or lost-circulation pills to control
 Can be used in fluid loss control or lost circulation pills to control fluid lost to thief zones.
 Normally used in combination with S1002 to improve blocking efficiency

Principal Uses
 For use in blocking perforations, typical loading ranges from 1 to 10 lb (0.45 to 4.51 kg) per
perforation, mixed at concentrations of 0.25 to 1.0 lb/gal (0.11 to 0.45 kg/3.78 L) of treatment fluid.
 For use as fluid loss or lost-circulation material, typical loading ranges from 25 to 100 lb/1,000 gal (3
to 12 kg/m3) of treatment volume.
 S1003 can be combined with S1002 in various ratios (typically 75:25) to improve perforation
blocking efficiency.
 The product can be metered through sand screw or standard dry-additive mixer.

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S1003 Degradability in DI water at various temperatures


Appearance Translucent beads
Assay > 98%
Specific Gravity 1.23 to 1.25
Form Solid
Odor Sweet
Particle size 100 US mesh

Handling and Storage

Read the label and Material Safety Data Sheet for complete handling information before using or storing this

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Product Features
S1004 is a Low to medium-temperature self -degradable material used as a temporary blocking agent in
reservoir stimulation treatments. The product dissolves with time and temperature in the presence of water,
completely removing the bridging agent.

The main advantage from S1004 diverter :

 Self-degradable temporary diverting or fluid loss control agent
for stimulation or workover fluids
 Has a controlled degradation rate depending on temperature and
 Degradation byproduct is water-soluble and compatible with most
stimulation and produced fluids.
 Is a highly effective temporary sealing material for perforation
when combined with S1005
 Offers a cost-effective alternative to plug-and-perforation
technique for multistage fracturing treatments

Product Applications
 Can be used to temporarily block perforations, matrix
permeability, or fractures during stimulation treatments at
temperatures between 130°F (54°C) and 180°F (82°C)
 Used as a temporary diverting agent for multistage fracturing or
acidizing treatments
 Used as a fluid loss control additive for treatment of high-
permeability formations -loss or lost-circulation pills to control
 Can be used in fluid loss control or lost circulation pills to control fluid lost to thief zones.
 Normally used in combination with S1005 to improve blocking efficiency

Principal Uses
 For use in blocking perforations, typical loading ranges from 1 to 10 lb (0.45 to 4.51 kg) per
perforation, mixed at concentrations of 0.25 to 1.0 lb/gal (0.11 to 0.45 kg/3.78 L) of treatment fluid.
 For use as fluid loss or lost-circulation material, typical loading ranges from 25 to 100 lb/1,000 gal (3
to 12 kg/m3) of treatment volume.
 S1004 can be combined with S1005 in various ratios (typically 25:75) to improve perforation
blocking efficiency.
 The product can be metered through sand screw or standard dry-additive mixer.

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Appearance Translucent beads
Assay > 99%
Specific Gravity 1.5 to 1.6
Form Solid
Odor Odorless
Particle size 7 US mesh

Handling and Storage

Read the label and Material Safety Data Sheet for complete handling information before using or storing this

OiLSERV confidential Rev 4.0 Page # 45



Product Features
S1005 is a Low to medium-temperature self -degradable material used as a temporary blocking agent in
reservoir stimulation treatments. The product dissolves with time and temperature in the presence of water,
completely removing the bridging agent.

The main advantage from S1005 diverter :

 Self-degradable temporary diverting or fluid loss control agent
for stimulation or workover fluids
 Has a controlled degradation rate depending on temperature
and time
 Degradation byproduct is water-soluble and compatible with
most stimulation and produced fluids.
 Is a highly effective temporary sealing material for perforation
when combined with S1005
 Offers a cost-effective alternative to plug-and-perforation
technique for multistage fracturing treatments

Product Applications
 Can be used to temporarily block perforations, matrix
permeability, or fractures during stimulation treatments at
temperatures between 130°F (54°C) and 180°F (82°C)
 Used as a temporary diverting agent for multistage fracturing or
acidizing treatments
 Used as a fluid loss control additive for treatment of high-
permeability formations -loss or lost-circulation pills to control
 Can be used in fluid loss control or lost circulation pills to control fluid lost to thief zones.
 Normally used in combination with S1004 to improve blocking efficiency

Principal Uses
 For use in blocking perforations, typical loading ranges from 1 to 10 lb (0.45 to 4.51 kg) per
perforation, mixed at concentrations of 0.25 to 1.0 lb/gal (0.11 to 0.45 kg/3.78 L) of treatment fluid.
 For use as fluid loss or lost-circulation material, typical loading ranges from 25 to 100 lb/1,000 gal (3
to 12 kg/m3) of treatment volume.
 S1005 can be combined with S1004 in various ratios (typically 75:25) to improve perforation
blocking efficiency.
 The product can be metered through sand screw or standard dry-additive mixer.

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Appearance Translucent beads
Assay > 99%
Specific Gravity 1.5 to 1.6
Form Solid
Odor Odorless
Particle size 100 US mesh

Handling and Storage

Read the label and Material Safety Data Sheet for complete handling information before using or storing this

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S310 is a cationic, high-molecular weight, polyacrylamide copolymer that viscosifies hydrochloric (HCI) acid
for use in carbonate acidizing treatments. Being acrylamide based, S310 works to temperatures of 149°C

S310 is the main component of a cross-linked acid system. When combined with S410, S411 and Iron Control
Agent S265, a self-diverting, cross-linked acid system is developed. The cross-link forms as the acid spends
and the pH rises. The cross-linked acid greatly reduces fluid loss to the existing permeability and therefore
creates longer, higher conductivity fractures in fracture acidizing treatments or improved etching in matrix
acid applications.

The gelled acid greatly reduces the reaction rate, the fluid loss to the existing permeability and therefore
creates longer, higher conductivity fractures in fracture acidizing treatments or improved etching in matrix
acid applications.
At lower concentrations, S310 can also be used as a friction reducer for pumping at high rates through small


S310 requires a premix time of at least 30 minutes prior to pumping to ensure complete mixing and viscosity
development. For low strength acids (< 1 0% HCl) and in cold water, the premix time required is increased to
at least 1 hour.

S310 must be mixed with high shear to achieve maximum viscosity development. This can best be achieved
by injecting the polymer into the eye of the blender's centrifugal pump. To prevent rapid gellation and
lumping (fisheyes), add S310 only after the strong acid has been mixed with the water containing the
chemical additives, not earlier to the make up water. Adding such a polymer to water will result in lumping.

S310 is compatible with both cationic and non-ionic surfactants and corrosion inhibitors. Use with caution
with anionic surfactants, such as anionic anti-sludge agents. Compatibility problems can diminish the
effectiveness of the overall acidizing package.

 Acid penetrates deeper before spending
 Cross-linking lowers fluid leak-off to the formation by plugging wormholes
 Base gel viscosity is retained as acid spends
 Excellent friction reduction
 Residual viscosity helps remove insoluble fines
 Creates longer, more conductive fractures

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The typical concentration range for S310 is 15-40 gal/1000gallons (15-40 L/m3). The cross-linked acid system
also utilizes an iron control agent, Iron Control Agent, at 3-10 Ibs/1000 gallons (0.36-1.2 kg/m3), a pH buffer,
S410, at 1-2 gal/1000 gallons (1-2 L/m3), and the cross-linker, S411, at 4-5 gal/1000 gallons (4-5 L/m3).

S310 is also an excellent friction reducer for acid when used at relatively low dosages of 1-2 gal/1000 gallons
(1-2 L/m3)

VISCOSITY DATA, 15% HCI, 1.5% S310

FANN 35 @ 170/sec and 24°C (75°F) ………48 cps
FANN 35 @ 511/sec and 24°C (75°F) …………. 32 cps

Appearance …………………………... Milky-White, Viscous liquid
Specific Gravity ………………………. 1.01-1.04
Density ………………………………… 8.41-8.66 Ibs/gal
Solubility in Water ……………………. 5%
pH (neat) ……………………… 5.0-8.0
Ionic Charge …………………………….. Cationic
Freeze Point ………………………….. O°C (32°F)

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pH Buffer for AGA

S410 is a Iow pH solution of a proprietary organic buffer that provides pH control for the S310 cross-linked
acid system. As the gelled acid spends and the pH rises to 2.5 – 3.0, S410 temporarily locks the pH there to
allow for complete cross-link viscosity development. Without this pH control additive, the S310 system would
not be possible.

A cross-linked acid system provides better fluid loss control and diverts live acid to another part of the
formation face to prevent "wormhole" development. It allows the acid to concentrate on the full area of the
formation. S310 is a self-diverting acid system because the fluid crosslinks as the pH of the system rises
(pH=2.5-3.0) and then breaks back to its original viscosity as the pH continues to rise (pH=4.0-5.0).

A strong pH buffer is needed to allow for a complete cross-link to occur and divert the live acid. S410
provides this pH stability in the S310 system.

 Buffers the pH so that cross-linking can place
 Effective at temperatures < 149°C (<300°F)
 Concentrated buffer
 Readily soluble in hydrochloric acid

S410 is used at a concentration of 1-2 gal/1000 gallons (1-2L/m3) of gelled acid.

Appearance …………….…….. Clear Liquid
Specific gravity ……………………… 1.2-1.3 Solubility,
Water, 25°C (7rF) ……………. Complete
Acid. 25°C (7rF) ……………….. Complete
pH (neat) …………………….. <1.0
Freeze Point ……………………… 10°C (50°F)
Flash Point: ………………………. >93°C (>200°F)

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Cross-Linker for S310 System

S411 is a low pH solution of a proprietary metal chloride cross-linker for S310 cross-linked acid system. The
metal supplies the means for the acid gelling polymer to form longer polymer chains, increasing the apparent
viscosity of the cross-linked gel.

A cross-linked acid system provides better fluid loss control and diverts live acid to another part of the
formation face to prevent "wormhole" development. It allows the acid to concentrate on the full area of the
formation. S310 is a self-diverting acid system because the fluid crosslinks as the pH of the system rises (pH =
2.5-3.0) and then breaks back to its original viscosity as the pH continues to rise (pH=4.0-5.0).

S411 reacts with the polymer in S310 as the pH increases to create a cross-link and divert the live acid.

 Forms stable cross-link acid gels
 Effective at temperatures < 149°C (< 300°F)
 Highly concentrated cross-linker
 Readily soluble in hydrochloric acid

S411 is used at a concentration of 4-5 gal/l000 gallons (45 L/m3) of gelled acid.

Appearance ………………………. Reddish-Brown Liquid
Specific gravity …………………... 1.41-1.46
Density ……………………………. ll. 75-12.16 Ibs/gal
Freeze Point,………………………. 50°C (-58°F)
pH (neat) ……………………………. <2.0
Solubility, water, 25°C (77°F) …… Complete
Solubility, acid, 25°C (77°F)……….. Complete

Rheological Profile
Gelled Acid: The rheology of the gelled acid fluid is determined primarily by the concentration of the gelling
agent. Figure 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 shows the rheology data.

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Figure 5: Rheology Data - Gelled Acid containing 10 gal Gelling Agent / 1000 gal

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Figure 6: Rheology Data - Gelled Acid containing 15 gal Gelling Agent / 1000 gal

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Figure 7: Rheology Data - Gelled Acid containing 20 gal Gelling Agent / 1000 gal

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Figure 8: Rheology Data - Gelled Acid containing 25 gal Gelling Agent / 1000 gal

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Figure 9: Rheology Data - Gelled Acid containing 30 gal Gelling Agent / 1000 gal

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S101 is an environmentally responsible Acid Corrosion Inhibitor designed to be used under almost all
acidizing conditions.
S101 contains a quinolone-quat surfactant, a synergistic blend of an acetylenic alcohol replacement, solvents,
and a highly effective dispersion package that enable it to inhibit corrosion in all hydrochloric (HCl) and HCl -
Hydrofluoric (HCl - HF) acid concentrations up to 350 deg F (177 deg C). This product provides corrosion
inhibition by forming a protective film on metal surfaces.

Chemical Product Form Specific Ionic pH Flash Solubility

Code Function Gravity Charge Point in Water

Corrosion Dark red/

S101 1.05 Cationic 2.0 - 4.0 77 deg C Miscible
Inhibitor Purple liquid
For a general description of the chemical and physical properties, please refer to the Material Safety Data

The product benefits include:

 Corrosion protection up to 350 F. Above 200 deg F, S200 corrosion inhibitor aid should be used.
 S101 contains no propargyl alcohol and has a high flash point, which makes the product
nonhazardous for transportation and shipping purposes.
 S101 disperses well in acid solutions, resulting in good inhibitor distribution and pipe protection.
 It can provide acid- corrosion protection for as long as 24 hours.
 S101 is compatible with intensifiers such as organic acids, metal halides, and antimony compounds
for higher temperatures.
 Effective both in HCL and HF acids
 Does not promote cross-linking of acid gel systems
 Performance can be enhanced with the addition of S200 to improve pitting
 EO-nonylphenol components have been eliminated
 Reduced heavy aromatic solvent content
 Contains no acetylenic alcohols

The following data shows the performance of S101 with different types of acids and different temperatures.

Feeding and Dosage

The recommended concentration range from 1 to 20 gal/1000 gal (1 to 20 L/m3) of the total acid blend.
Concentration is dependent on acid type, strength, borehole temperature, contact time, and additional
additives. By adding S101 with the water during the loading operations, the product can be better dispersed
in the resultant acid solution.
The following tables contain the results of autoclave tests of S101 under the conditions:

15% HCL Coiled Tubing, K55, J55, L80, and N80

OiLSERV confidential Rev 4.0 Page # 58


% S200 Time Temperature Corrosion Rate

% S101 Pit Rank
Intensifier (hr) (° F/ ° C ) (lb/ft2, kg/m 2)
150 0.0081
0.2 – 24 0
66° 0.0395
175 0.0048
0.2 – 16 0
79° 0.0234
200 0.0132
0.4 – 16 0
93° 0.0644
225 0.0140
0.6 2.0 6 3,0,0
107° 0.0683
250 0.0133
0.6 3.0 6 0,1,0
121° 0.0649
275 0.0141
0.6 3.0 6 3,0,0
135° 0.0688
300 0.0217
0.6 4.0 6 1,1,1
149° 0.1059
350 0.0240
1.0 6.0 2 0,0,0
177° 0.1171

28% HCL Coiled Tubing, K55, J55, L80, and N80

% S200 Time Temperature Corrosion Rate
% S101 Pit Rank
Intensifier (hr) (°F/°C) (lb//ft2, kg/m2)

150° 0.0107
0.4 – 24 0,0,0
66° 0.0522
175° 0.0155
0.8 – 16 0,0,3
79° 0.0757
200° 0.0321
1.0 – 16 0,0,0
93° 0.1567
225° 0.0115
0.6 4.0 6 1,0,0
107° 0.0561
250° 0.0169
0.6 6.0 6 0,0,0
121° 0.0825
275° 0.0165
0.6 6.0 6 0,0,0
135° 0.0806
300° 0.0221
1.0 6.0 6 0,0,0
149° 0.1079

OiLSERV confidential Rev 4.0 Page # 59


12-3 mud acid Coiled Tubing, K55, J55, L80, and N80
% S200 Time Temperature Corrosion Rate
% S101 Pit Rank
Intensifier (hr) (°F/°C) (lb//ft2, kg/m2)

150° 0.0161
0.1 – 24 0,3
66° 0.0786
150° 0.0085
0.2 – 24 0,1,0
66° 0.0415
175° 0.0089
0.3 – 24 0,0,0
79° 0.0435
200° 0.0114
0.4 – 16 0,0
93° 0.0557
225° 0.0151
0.4 3.0 6 4,3
107° 0.0737
250° 0.0157
0.6 3.0 6 3,0,3
121° 0.0767
275° 0.0162
0.6 4.0 6 0,0
135° 0.0791
300° 0.0233
0.8 4.0 6 3,3
149° 0.1138

15%, 28%, and 12-3 mud acid CR-13

Temperatur Corrosion
% S200 Time
% S101 Acid Type e Rate Pit Rank
Intensifier (hr)
(°F/°C) (lb//ft2, kg/m2)

24 150° 0.0317
0.4 – 15% HCl 66° 0,0,4
24 150° 0.0237
0.8 – 28% HCl 66° 0,3,0
24 150° 0.0136
0.4 – 12-3 Mud 66° 0
24 175° 0.0246
0.6 – 15% HCl 79° 0
24 175° 0.0798
1.2 – 28% HCl 79° 2,5
24 175° 0.0177
0.4 – 12-3 Mud 79° 0
16 200° 0.0400
0.8 – 15% HCl 93° 3,0,3
16 200° 0.0723
1.0 – 28% HCl 93° 1,3
16 200° 0.0212
0.8 – 12-3 Mud 93° 0,0,0
6 225° 0.0384
1.0 3.0 15% HCl 107° 1,1,1
6 250° 0.0249
2.0 6.0 15% HCl 121° 1,1,1

OiLSERV confidential Rev 4.0 Page # 60


15%, 28%, and 12-3 mud acid with QT-700

% S200 Time Temperature
% S101 Acid Type Rate Pit Rank
Intensifier (hr) (°F/°C)
(lb//ft2, kg/m2)

24 150° 0.0039
0.1 – 15% HCl 0
66° 0.0190
24 150° 0.0107
0.3 – 28% HCl 4
66° 0.0522
24 150° 0.0045
0.1 – 12-3 Mud 0
66° 0.0220
24 175° 0.0037
0.2 – 15% HCl 0,0,0
79° 0.0181
24 175° 0.0177
0.4 – 28% HCl 0,1,1
79° 0.0864
24 175° 0.0074
0.1 – 12-3 Mud 0
79° 0.0361
16 200° 0.0075
0.3 – 15% HCl 0,0,0
93° 0.0366
16 200° 0.0288
0.4 – 28% HCl 3,3
93° 0.1406
16 200° 0.0090
0.2 – 12-3 Mud 1,1,0
93° 0.0439
6 225° 0.0054
0.4 2.0 15% HCl 0
107° 0.0264
6 225° 0.0061
0.6 2.0 28% HCl 0
107° 0.0978
6 225° 0.0057
0.4 2.0 12-3 Mud 0
107° 0.0278
6 250° 0.0076
1.0 2.0 15% HCl 0,0,0
121° 0.0371
6 275° 0.0097
0.8 2.0 15% HCl 0,0,0
135° 0.0474
6 275° 0.0129
1.0 3.0 28% HCl 0,0,0
135° 0.0630
6 275° 0.0168
0.8 2.0 12-3 Mud 0,0,0
135° 0.0820
6 300° 0.0111
1.0 2.0 15% HCl 0,0,0
149 0.0542
6 300° 0.0223
1.0 3.0 28% HCl 0,0,0
149° 0.1089
6 300° 0.0145
0.8 2.0 12-3 Mud 0,0,0
149° 0.0708

Rank Description of Pitting

0 No pits. Surface same as for original untreated coupon.
1 Intergranular corrosion on cut edge of coupon, giving a sintered effect; no pits on
2 major surfaces.
Small, shallow pits on cut edges; no pits on major surfaces.
3 Scattered, very shallow pin point pits, less than 25 pits on either surface.
4 More than 25 pits of Rank 3 on either surface.
Pitting represented by Ranks 1, 2, 3, and 4 are usually not considered serious.
5 Ten or less pits of 1/32- to 1/16-in. diameter, 1/64- to 1/32-in. deep.

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6 11-25 pits of Rank 5.

7 More than 25 pits of Rank 5.
8 Pits larger than 1/16 in. but less than 1/8-in. diameter, greater than 1/32-in. deep, 100
9 or
Anyless in number.
pitting more severe than Rank 8.

Other metals and alloys:

In addition to above information, OiLSERV have a data base on corrosion inhibitor effectiveness with CRA
materials. Information can be provided when required and additional tests can be performed in 3rd party
laboratories when requested.

Industry Acceptable Metal Loss is as follows:

Below 200 deg F: Acceptable metal loss is less than 0.02 lb/ft2,
200 - 250 deg F: Acceptable metal loss is 0.05 lb/ ft2,
Above 250 deg F: up to 0.07 lb/ft2 (The acceptable metal loss values change between operators)

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Many water injectors and oil producers are damaged due to the accumulation of iron sulfide deposits near
the wellbore area. For example, iron sulfide is present in water supply and injection wells as a product of
sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB). Hydrochloric acid can be used to remove iron sulfide, however this process
can result in the release of hydrogen sulfide, a toxic and corrosive gas. Moreover, hydrogen sulfide reacts
with ferric ions and precipitates elemental sulfur. Elemental sulfur is insoluble in acids, practically impossible
to dissolve, and can damage the formation.

S320 inhibitor should be used in acid systems with organic corrosion inhibitors, such as S100, and S101 when
high concentrations of H2S are expected in the well. The main benefits of S320:

1. Aldehyde based.
2. It is completely soluble in acid solutions and has no special mixing requirements.
3. In the presence of H2S, S320 inhibitor helps improve the performance of other organic corrosion
4. It minimizes the risk of formation damage caused by iron sulfide (FeS) precipitation.

It is used to control the corrosive effect of H2S that may be present in the acidizing fluids due to the reaction
of HCl and iron sulfide accumulated in the tubular or formation. It can be added to all concentrations of
Hydrochloric acid and up to 350 deg F. Also, S320 can be used for sour environments to help inhibition of
coiled tubing against produced H2S.

Controls corrosive effects of H2S present in acidizing systems or produced from the formation.

A general concentration is10 gal/ 1000 gal.

Physical properties
State Odour Specific Gravity Flash point pH
(closed cup)
Clear Aqueous Solution Pungent 1.08 (25 deg.C) 64 deg C 2.8 -3.0

55 gal drums

Use of approved respiratory systems, goggles, gloves & suitable clothing is recommended. See MSDS for
further details.

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Surfactants are compounds that lower the surface tension of a liquid, the interfacial tension between two
liquids, or that between a liquid and a solid. Surfactants may act as detergents, wetting agents, emulsifiers,
foaming agents, and dispersants.

The term surfactant is a blend of surface active agent. Surfactants are usually organic compounds that are
amphiphilic, meaning they contain both hydrophobic groups (their tails) and hydrophilic groups (their heads).
Therefore, a surfactant molecule contains both, a water insoluble (or oil soluble component) and a water
soluble component. Surfactant molecules will migrate to the water surface, where the insoluble hydrophobic
group may extend out of the bulk water phase, either into the air or, if water is mixed with an oil, into the oil
phase, while the water goes tank soluble head group remains in the water phase. This alignment and
aggregation of surfactant molecules at the surface acts to alter the surface properties of water at the
water/air or water/oil interface.

A micelle—the lipophilic tails of the surfactant molecules remain on the inside of the micelle due to
unfavorable interactions. The polar "heads" of the micelle, due to favorable interactions with water, form a
hydrophilic outer layer that in effect protects the hydrophobic core of the micelle. The compounds that make
up a micelle are typically amphiphilic in nature, meaning that not only are micelles soluble in protic solvents
such as water but also in aprotic solvents as a reverse micelle.

Surfactants reduce the surface tension of water by adsorbing at the liquid-gas interface. They also reduce the
interfacial tension between oil and water by adsorbing at the
liquid-liquid interface.

Many surfactants can also assemble in the bulk solution into

aggregates. Examples of such aggregates are vesicles and
micelles. The concentration at which surfactants begin to form
micelle is known as the critical micelle concentration (CMC).
When micelles form in water, their tails form a core that can
encapsulate an oil droplet, and their (ionic/polar) heads form an
outer shell that maintains favorable contact with water. When
surfactants assemble in oil, the aggregate is referred to as a reverse micelle. In a reverse micelle, the heads
are in the core and the tails maintain favorable contact with oil. Surfactants are also often classified into four
primary groups; anionic, cationic, non-ionic, and zwitterionic (dual charge).

Surfactants play an important role as cleaning, wetting, dispersing, emulsifying, foaming and anti-foaming
agents in many practical applications and products in the oil industry.

According to the composition of their tail

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The tail of surfactants can be:

 A hydrocarbon chain: aromatic hydrocarbons (arenes), alkanes (alkyl), alkenes, cycloalkanes, alkyne-
 An alkyl ether chain:
o Ethoxylated surfactants: polyethylene oxides are inserted to increase the hydrophilic
character of a surfactant;
o Propoxylated surfactants: polypropylene oxides are inserted to increase the lipophilic
character of a surfactant;
 A fluorocarbon chain: fluorosurfactants;
 A siloxane chain: siloxane surfactants
A surfactant can have one or two tails, these are called double-chained.

According to the composition of their head

Surfactant classification according to the composition of their head: nonionic, anionic, cationic, amphoteric.

A surfactant can be classified by the presence of formally charged groups in its head. A non-ionic surfactant
has no charge groups in its head. The head of an ionic surfactant carries a net charge. If the charge is
negative, the surfactant is more specifically called anionic; if the charge is positive, it is called cationic. If a
surfactant contains a head with two oppositely charged groups, it is termed zwitterionic.

Some commonly encountered surfactants of each type include:

 Ionic
o Anionic: based on permanent anions (sulfate, sulfonate, phosphate) or pH-dependent
anions (carboxylate):
 Sulfates:
 Alkyl sulfates: ammonium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate (SDS, sodium
dodecyl sulfate, another name for the compound);
 Alkyl ether sulfates: sodium laureth sulfate, also known as sodium lauryl
ether sulfate (SLES), sodium myreth sulfate;
 Sulfonates:
 Docusates: dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate;
 Sulfonate fluorosurfactants: perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS),
 Alkyl benzene sulfonates;
 Phosphates:
 Alkyl aryl ether phosphate
 Alkyl ether phosphate

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 Carboxylates:
 Alkyl carboxylates: Fatty acid salts (soaps): sodium stearate;
 Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate;
 Carboxylate fluorosurfactants: perfluorononanoate, perfluorooctanoate
 Cationic: based on:
 pH-dependent primary, secondary or tertiary amines: primary amines become
positively charged at pH < 10, secondary amines become charged at pH < 4:
 Octenidine dihydrochloride;
 Permanently charged quaternary ammonium cation:
 Alkyltrimethylammonium salts: cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)
a.k.a. hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, cetyl trimethylammonium
chloride (CTAC);
 Cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC);
 Polyethoxylated tallow amine (POEA);
 Benzalkonium chloride (BAC);
 Benzethonium chloride (BZT);
 5-Bromo-5-nitro-1,3-dioxane;
 Dimethyldioctadecylammonium chloride
 Dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB)
 Zwitterionic (amphoteric): based on primary, secondary or tertiary amines or quaternary ammonium
cation with:
 Sulfonates:
 CHAPS(3-[(3-Cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate);
 Sultaines: cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine;
 Carboxylates:
 Amino acids
 Imino acids
 Betaines: cocamidopropyl betaine;
 Phosphates: lecithin
 Nonionic
o Fatty alcohols:
 Cetyl alcohol,
 Stearyl alcohol,
 Cetostearyl alcohol (consisting predominantly of cetyl and stearyl alcohols),
 Oleyl alcohol;
o Polyoxyethylene glycol alkyl ethers (Brij): CH3–(CH2)10–16–(O-C2H4)1–25–OH:
 Octaethylene glycol monododecyl ether,
 Pentaethylene glycol monododecyl ether;
o Polyoxypropylene glycol alkyl ethers: CH3–(CH2)10–16–(O-C3H6)1–25–OH;
o Glucoside alkyl ethers: CH3–(CH2)10–16–(O-Glucoside)1–3–OH:
 Decyl glucoside,
 Lauryl glucoside,
 Octyl glucoside;
o Polyoxyethylene glycol octylphenol ethers: C8H17–(C6H4)–(O-C2H4)1–25–OH:
 Triton X-100;
o Polyoxyethylene glycol alkylphenol ethers: C9H19–(C6H4)–(O-C2H4)1–25–OH:

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 Nonoxynol-9;
o Glycerol alkyl esters:
 Glyceryl laurate
o Polyoxyethylene glycol sorbitan alkyl esters: Polysorbates;
o Sorbitan alkyl esters: Spans;
o Cocamide MEA, cocamide DEA;
o Dodecyldimethylamine oxide;
o Block copolymers of polyethylene glycol and polypropylene glycol: Poloxamers

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S280 Surfactant is an outstanding surface-active agent. It has excellent silt-suspending qualities, has excellent
foam generating and stability characteristics, and provides low surface and interfacial tension qualities.
S280 can be used as a surfactant in water, acid or heavy brines. It is effective in acid, spent acid (CaCl2 brine)
and KCl water as well as having the desirable property of creating a water-wet surface condition in both
limestone and sandstone formations.
As a foaming agent, S280 was found to be superior to the agents previously available. It is used in fracturing
fluids to aid in cleanup measures, particularly in gas wells.


PHYSICAL STATE …………………………………….. Liquid
APPEARANCE ………………………………………… Clear Amber
ODOR ………………………………………………….. Alcoholic
SPECIFIC GRAVITY ………………………………….. 0.89 @ 68 °F / 20 °C
DENSITY ………………………………………………. 7.41 lb/gal
SOLUBILITY IN WATER …………………………… Complete
pH (100 %) …………………………………………….. 7.0
POUR POINT ………………………………………… -20 °F / -29 °C
BOILING POINT ……………………………………… 187 °F / 86.1 °C

Product Benefits
- Excellent low surface tension in water, acid and brines
- Provides high quality and stable foams
- Provides Silt suspension properties
- Water wetting agent

Principal Uses
S280 is a highly effective foaming agent designed for use in water, acid or fracturing fluids.
This product provides high quality foams and stability compared to most foaming agents.

Feeding and Dosage

S280 is generally used at a concentration of 2 to 10 Gallons per 1000 Gallons of treating fluid..

Handling and Storage

Read the label and Material Safety Data Sheet for complete handling information before using or storing this

S280 is shipped in 55-gallon nonreturnable drums.

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Principal Uses
S281 is a cationic surfactant used in acid systems to aid the suspension of silt and fines released during the
acidizing process. S281 possesses excellent detergent properties, which enable it to clean fracture and
wellbore areas of old mud, cuttings, iron sulfides caused by the bacteria action and other matter. It can also
be used as a foaming agent. Typical dose rates are 2 - 10 gals per 1000 gals of acid solution.
Where it is known or suspected that significant amounts of acid insoluble silt or fines will be released during
acidizing, it is of benefit to treat the acid with a silt suspending agent such as S281. By keeping these solids in
suspension, they can be produced out of the formation rather than causing severe plugging of pore throats
during flow-back. S281 is also a foaming agent which adds to the dispersibility of insoluble as well as to the
speed of clean up, particularly in gas wells and when used with nitrogen or carbon dioxide. S281 is a surface
tension reducer and in many instances a non-emulsifying agent. Treated formations are left in a water wet

 Effective in fracturing and acidizing treatments to assist in fluid clean-up.
 Rapidly separates mixed oil and water by lowering interfacial tension.
 Surface tension reducer of treatment waters.
 Foaming agent to reduce hydrostatic head of returning frac fluids.
 Non-emulsifying properties to rapidly separate mixed oil and water to prevent emulsions
 Uses detergent properties to clean fracture and wellbore areas to remove old mud, cutting and iron

General Description
Appearance ……………………………. yellow liquid
S.G at 20°C ……………………………… 0.89
Ionic Character ………………………… Cationic
pH (neat) …………………………………. 6.0 to 8.0
Freezing point …………………………. < 30 degF (<-1 deg C)
Flash Point ……………………………… 80 deg F (27 deg C)
Solubility in water ………………….. Complete

Typical concentrations
Tests should be carried out to optimise the concentration of S281. General concentrations are as follows:
 For silt suspension use 5 gals per 1000 gals of acid solution (5L/ m3)
 Non-Emulsifier: use 1 to 5 gal /1000 gal (1 to 5 L/m3)
 Foaming agent: use 10 gal / 1000 gal of fluid (10 L/m3)

Safety Data
Please review fluid MSDS before usage.

55 gal drums

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S284 Surfactant is an alcohol ethoxylate based nonionic surfactant for water and acid. Since it is nonionic,
S284 leaves the formation water-wet, which improves the flow of hydrocarbon. Surfactants like S284 are
used in aqueous-base stimulation fluids to lower the capillary forces that restrict fluid flow in the rock matrix.
The use of S284 should result in less swabbing time, faster cleanup and more complete recovery of
stimulation fluids. Interfacial tension values for S284 are very low. Therefore it should provide better fluid


PHYSICAL STATE …………………………………… Liquid
APPEARANCE ……………………………………….. Clear to yellow
ODOR Alcoholic
SPECIFIC GRAVITY ………………………………… 0.97 @ 77 °F / 25 °C
SOLUBILITY IN WATER …………………………….. Miscible
pH (neat) ……………………………………………… 5.5 to 7.5
FLASH POINT ………………………………………… 85 degF (29 degC)

Product Benefits
- Excellent low surface tension in water, acid and brines
- Provides high quality and stable foams
- Non-emulsifying properties to rapidly separate mixed oil and water to prevent emulsions
- Water wetting agent

Principal Uses and dosage

S284 is a highly effective as a surfactant agent designed for use in water, acid or fracturing fluids. The normal
concentration is 0.5 to 2 gal/1000 gal (0.5 to 2 L/m3) as a non-emulsifier and 5 to 10 gal/1000 gal (5 to 10
L/m3) as a foaming agent.

Handling and Storage

Read the label and Material Safety Data Sheet for complete handling information before using or storing this

S284 is shipped in 52-gallon nonreturnable drums.

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Introductory summary
Emulsion and Sludge Preventer S222 is used in acid fluids to control crude oil sludging problems during matrix
treatments. S222 is recommended for use with 5% to 28% hydrochloric acid (HCl) and mud acid (6%-HCl-
1.5% hydrofluoric acid [HF] and 12%-HCl-3% HF) systems. S222 is also a good emulsion-preventing agent and
may be used to prevent sludge and emulsions caused by acid mixing with the produced oil.

Product Benefits:
- Highly effective Acid Antisludge Agent
- Effective in a wide range of crude oils
- Possesses good water wetting properties

Principal uses:
S222 is a highly effective surfactant designed to prevent sludging in acidizing operations. This product is
commonly used in formations that produce asphaltic crude, to prevent sludging and loss of well productivity.

General Description:
S222 is an anionic acid anti-sludge agent. This product is water and oil soluble, and highly dispersible in acid.
For a general description of the chemical and physical properties, please refer to the Material Safety Data

Feeding and Dosage:

S222 can be added directly to the acid holding tanks prior to use or on the fly as the treating fluid is being
pumped downhole.
S222 dosage will vary from 5 to 25 Gal of anti-sludge agent per 1000 Gal of acid, depending on the strength
of the acid and the sludging properties of the crude oil.

Handling and Storage:

Read the Label and Material Safety Data Sheet for complete handling information before using or storing this

S222 is shipped in 55 Gal non-returnable drums.

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Non-emulsifying Agent S243 is an multicomponent nonionic surfactant blend developed to provide non-
emulsifying, water-wetting, surface- and interfacial-tension-reducing properties when added to stimulation
fluids, whether acid or hydraulic fracturing fluids.
S243 is a cost-efficient additive for preventing the difficult-to-treat emulsions that are normally generated
during acidizing treatments. S243 is recommended for use in hydrochloric acid (5% to 28% HCl) and mud acid
(6% HCl-1.5% hydrofluoric acid [HF] and 12% HCl-3% HF) systems. It can also be used to break existing
emulsions. S243 preferentially water wets both sandstone and carbonate formations and is compatible with
most nonionic and cationic additives.


PHYSICAL STATE …………………………………………. Liquid
APPEARANCE ……………………………………………… Yellow
ODOR ……………………………………………………….. Mild
SPECIFIC GRAVITY ……………………………………….. 0.93 @ 60 °F / 15.6 °C
DENSITY ……………………………………………………. 7.73 lb/gal
SOLUBILITY IN WATER …………………………………… Dispersible
VISCOSITY …………………………….13 cst @ 100 °F / 37.8 °C 6 cst @ 150 °F / 65.6 °C
POUR POINT ……………………………………………….. -50 °F / -45 °C
BOILING POINT …………………………………………….. 203 °F / 95 °C
VAPOR PRESSURE ………………………………………. 95 mm Hg @ 100 °F / 38 °C

Product Benefits:
- Prevents wellbore and formation damage due to emulsion stability, oil wetting, and particle plugging
- Compatible with acid corrosion inhibitors, mutual solvents, and other additives
- Excellent water-wetting properties

Principal uses:
S243 is a highly effective, nonionic non-emulsifier designed for use in preventing and/or treating emulsions
over a wide range of systems. This product is especially effective in limestone reservoirs.

General Description:
S243 is a liquid, nonionic non-emulsifier. For a general description of the chemical and physical properties,
please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet.

Feeding and Dosage:

S243 can be added directly to the treating tanks or on the fly.
The normal dosage for S243 is 5 to 10 Gal per 1000 Gal of fluid. In order to achieve optimum results,
however, it is recommended that every fluid be tested to determine the proper dosage of S243.

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Handling and Storage:

Read the Label and Material Safety Data Sheet for complete handling information before using or storing this

S243 is shipped in 55 Gal non-returnable lined steel drums.

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Physical properties
Molecular weight (g/mol) ……………………………….. 118.2
Boiling point @ 760 mmHg, 1.01 bar ……………….. 340°F (171°C)
Flash point ………………………………………………….… 149°F ……… 65°C
Freezing point ………………………………………………. -107°F ……. -77°C
Vapor pressure@ 20°C — extrapolated ………… 0.66 mmHg …0.89 mbar
Specific gravity (25/25°C) ………………………………... 0.901
Density @ 20°C………………………………………………… 7.53 lb/gal … 0.902 g/cm³
@ 25°C …………………………………………………. 7.49 lb/gal …0.898 g/cm³
Viscosity (cP or mPa•s @ 25°C) ………………………… 2.9
Surface tension (dynes/cm or mN/m @ 25°C) …… 27.4
Specific heat (J/g/°C @ 25°C) ……………………………. 2.38
Auto ignition temperature ………………………………… 471°F 224°C
Solubility: …………….Light brine, acids, frac fluids, fresh water, diesel.

Principal Uses
 Wetting agent
 Surface tension reducer
 Interfacial tension reducer
 Non emulsifier
 Demulsifer

General Description
S282 is non ionic solvent commonly known as Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether. It is easily soluble in acid,
hydrocarbons, or water.
It is used in acid stimulation as wetting agent and surface tension reducer. In addition it has the above
mentioned properties.

Typical concentrations
Lab testing is the only way of optimizing the concentration, but typically 2.5 to 10
% per volume in brines and acids.

Safety Data
S282 is a toxic, combustible fluid. Should not be in contact with skin or eyes. Consult
MSDS for more information.

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Product Benefits
Paraffin and asphaltene problems can significantly reduce well profitability, causing troublesome operational
issues, damaging formations, and decreasing production.
The most common asphaltene removal techniques use xylene or xylene mixtures, which could have
undesirable health, safety, and environmental characteristics. S292 is a new organic deposit removal system
optimized for broader global operations through providing the favorable HS&E characteristics compared to
aromatics. The system is unique as it provides a high-flashpoint water/solvent mixture with solvency power
comparable to xylene and the additional benefit of leaving the formation strongly water-wet.
In industrial and oilfield applications, S292 has found its edge over other harmful and non- environmental-
friendly solvents those usually have low flash point. With the increased safety awareness, S292 is the solvent
of choice in many oilfield application. The application ranges from general cleaning purpose to removing and
dispersing hydrocarbon deposition like Paraffin, Asphaltene, etc. from well bore, pumps, and tubulars.
S292 primary application is for solvent cleaning where the use of S291 and S290 has been restricted or
prohibited. As a straight solvent, S292 can replace a wide variety of products, including mineral spirits, methyl
ethyl ketone, acetone, toluene, Xylene, glycol ethers, and of course fluorinated and chlorinated organic
Exhibiting reduced toxicity to marine life, S292 is recommended for applications where environmentally
acceptable solvents for organic deposits are desired. S292 does not contain BETX solvents. In addition, due to
its high flash point and low vapor pressure, S292 is a safer replacement for aromatic solvents that could be
hazardous to apply in hot weather environments.
Table 1 provides a summary of the physical properties and hazards of S292. Only the principal, immediate
hazards are listed in Table 1. Complete information on health hazards, personal protective equipment,
handling precautions, environmental hazards and disposal is provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet for
Table 1: S292 – Physical Properties and Hazards

Chemical Product Specific Health Vapor Pour Flash pH Value

Code Name Gravity Hazard Pressure Point Point
S292 S292 (Organic Clear 0.840 @ Moderate: 0.3 KPa @ -68°C 46°C 6.5
Deposit liquid 25°C eyes, skin, 20 deg C
Remover) inhalation

S292 is classified as a non-flammable. Diluted with equal parts water the pH is 9 which is considered mildly
Fluid Design
S292 is an alternative to the aromatic Solvents S290 and S291. It can be used as a solvent for hydrocarbon
deposits such as paraffin, asphaltenes, and pipe dope. Its primary application is in solvent cleaning operations
where S290 or S291 has been restricted or prohibited. S292 can be added to water based fluids, or diesel and
other hydrocarbon based fluids. The addition of mutual solvent S282 will improve effectiveness of the
organic deposit dissolver.

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Laboratory testing indicates that S292 can be used to successfully clean up various types of hydrocarbon
sludge and pipe-dope fouling. Solvent selection should be determined by comparative solvent tests on
representative samples of the deposit to be removed. Laboratory tests have shown that the addition of S282
Mutual Solvent (5% to 10% by volume) improves the solvency of S292 for paraffin and other organic
S292 has a wide variety of applications as a solvent for organic deposits. It can be applied in most equipment
and formation cleaning operations where S291 or S290 could be used. Applicable operations for using S292
 Cleans and dissolves asphaltene deposits.
 Strips asphaltenes and waxes from tubulars as well as the formation.
 Provides a longer-lasting treatment.
 Improved environmental and safety footprint as compared to traditional asphaltene
removal systems.
 Contains no BETX (benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene, or xylene).
 All components are fully miscible.
 May be batch mixed or easily mixed on-the-fly.
 Can be applied wherever heavy oils are produced.

Typical concentrations
To decide on best loading, laboratory analysis is recommended using actual samples of the organic deposit to
remove. Solution of 10 % and up to 80% can be used.
Avoid flushing dissolver fluids into the critical matrix (3-5 ft from the wellbore). It is preferred to flow back
consumed dissolvers as soon as possible. If a flow back was not possible, treatment should be flushed beyond
the critical matrix.

Safety Data
Refer to MSDS for full description.

S292 is shipped in 55 Gal steel drums.

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Product Benefits
Asphaltenes and resins, two of the major constituents in the heavy and polar fraction of petroleum fluids, are
formed by condensed polyaromatic structures containing alkyl chains, heteroatoms (such as O, S and N) and
some metals. They are surface active and at certain, thermodynamic conditions exhibit colloidal behavior in
crude oils.

The formation of organic deposits in petroleum reservoirs, wells and transport pipelines, wettability changes
of mineral surfaces of reservoir formation and stabilization of emulsions, represent some of the problems
attributed to the presence of these constituents in crude oils. The deposition of asphaltenes during
production, transport and refining of petroleum fluids can result in production losses and large increases in
maintenance costs.

S294 Asphaltene Dispersant is based on anionic surfactants (sulfonic acids) which is considered the most
effective chemistry in asphaltene solubilization but not for asphaltene precipitation inhibition.

Table 1: S294 – Physical Properties and Hazards

Chemical Product Specific Vapor Flash pH Value

Code Name Gravity Pressure Point
Amber 1.02 @ 1< (5% in
S294 (Asphaltene ND >93°C
liquid 20°C API/Water)

Fluid Design
S294 The product is 100% active and can be blended with 20-40% aromatic solvent if needed.

Safety Data
Refer to MSDS for full description.

S294 is shipped in 55 Gal steel drums.

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Formation damage from ferric hydroxide precipitation is a potential problem during any acidizing treatment.
Acid readily dissolves Fe scale in pipeline and equipment and attacks Fe-containing minerals present in the
formation. This dissolved Fe remains in solution until the acid spends. As the pH rises above, Fe present in the
FE(III) oxidation state precipitates as gelatinous ferric hydroxide. This can cause serious formation damage.
Ferric hydroxide precipitation can be prevented by adding Fe stabilizers to the acid. Two types of Fe
stabilizers presently are available. The most commonly used type employs a complexing agent or mixtures of
complexing agents to solubilize the Fe. Ferric hydroxide precipitation also can be prevented by using reducing
that convert Fe(III) to the more soluble FE(II) form.

Fe dissolved during an acidizing treatment can exist in either the Fe(III) or Fe(II) oxidation state. Upon
spending of the acid, that Fe present in the FE(III) form will begin to precipitate at a pH of about 2.2. On
reaching a pH of 3.2, essentially all of the dissolved FE(III) will have precipitated unless an effective Fe
stabilizer is used. In contrast, FE(II) hydroxide will not precipitate below a pH of 7.7. Since spent acid usually
reaches a maximum pH of about 5.3, precipitation of FE(II) hydroxide is rarely a problem. Consequently, one
needs only to be concerned about stabilizing the FE(III) dissolved by the acid. Previous studies have shown
that most Fe, dissolved by treating acid, is present in the FE(II) oxidation state. It has been estimated that, on
the average, the Fe(II) to FE(III) ratio of spent acid is about 5: 1. This varies greatly, however, depending on
well conditions and the type of formation being treated.

Citric acid, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), and erythorbic acid were all
shown to be effective iron (Fe) stabilizers at temperatures up to at least 400 degrees F [204 degrees C]. In
most cases, efficiency increased with elevated temperature. In contrast, acetic acid performed poorly above
125 degrees F [52 degrees C]. When compared on a weight basis. erythorbic acid was the most efficient
agent tested, stabilizing nine times as much iron as citric acid. Unlike the other iron stabilizers, which function
by complexation. erythorbic acid prevents ferric hydroxide precipitation primarily by reducing ferric FE(III
prevents ferric hydroxide precipitation primarily by reducing ferric FE(III ) iron to the ferrous Fe(II) form.

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Comparison between different iron control agents

After “reservoir Stimulation book – 3rd addition”

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Product Benefits
 Solubilizes iron over a wide pH range
 Is an easily handled liquid

Principal Uses
S261 is an iron-sequestering agent designed for use in the acid treatment of wells. In the acid treatment of
wells containing significant quantities of iron, live acid puts much of the iron into solution. However, as the
acid spends ferrous ions again become insoluble and will precipitate unless an iron chelation agent is present
in the acid mixture.

S261 is a concentrated aqueous solution of technical grade tetrasodium salt of ethylenediamine tetraacetic
acid EDTA. It functions as an iron sequestrant by forming a soluble complex with the divalent metal ion
utilizing a strong chelate action.

S261 is anionic and is designed to keep iron in solution after the acid has spent. Stabilized acids are effective
in preventing gelatinous iron precipitates from forming in oil or gas wells and are especially useful in acidizing
water-injection wells. S261 is effective at temperatures up to 400 deg F (210 deg C) and is compatible with
OiLSERV inhibitors. This iron stabilizers will not form insoluble calcium salts provided that recommended
treating concentrations are not exceeded.

General Description
S261 is a concentrated aqueous solution of technical grade tetrasodium salt of ethylenediamine tetraacetic
acid. S261 is essentially odorless and soluble in Fresh water and brine.


PHYSICAL STATE…………………………….. Liquid

APPEARANCE………………………………… Straw-colored
ODOR ………………………………………… None
SPECIFIC GRAVITY ………………………….. 1.31 @ 77 °F / 25 °C
DENSITY ……………………………………….. 10.89 lb/gal
SOLUBILITY IN WATER …………………… Complete
pH (1.0 %) ……………………………………… 11.0 - 11.8
VISCOSITY Calculated 9.19 cst @ 100.4 °F / 38 °C Calculated 4.23 cst @ 150.8 °F /66 °C
MELTING POINT ASTM D-97 ……………… -24 °F / -31 °C
VAPOR PRESSURE …………………………… Same as water
EVAPORATION RATE ………………………… Same as water

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Feeding and Dosage

Following table show the maximum solubility of S261 in different concentrations of HCl.

Solubility of S261 Chelating Agent in different concentrations

of HCl (gal in 1000 gal)

Temperature 15% HCl 20% HCl 28% HCl

Deg F [deg C] S261 (gal) S261 (gal) S261 (gal)
25 [-4] 10 9 8
50[10] 15 14 12
75[24] 50 40 16
100[38] 55 40 18

Below table show S261 concentration to control different concentrations of iron. If data is not available,
assume that 20% of total iron is Ferric iron.

Amount of Stabilizing Agent to use for different

iron concentrations

Ferric Iron Total Iron Concentration

(ppm) (ppm) (gal/1000 gal)

200 1000 2.6

500 3500 6.5
1000 5000 13
2000 10000 26

Where severe iron sulfide deposition is encountered, iron reducing agent S265 need to be used in addition to
a chelating agent such as S261. S265 concentration should be 4 lb./1000 gal to prevent iron sulfide

Material Compatibility
Although S261 is anionic, it is compatible with most OiLSERV additives. However, it may not be compatible
with strong cationic materials and S261 will be reduced in effectiveness if an attempt is made to use them in
the same treatment. Check with the laboratory if there is uncertainty about the compatibility of additives.

Handling and Storage

Read the label and Material Safety Data Sheet for complete handling information before using or storing this

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S261 is shipped in 55-gallon nonreturnable lined steel drums.


Principal Uses
To prevent the precipitation of ferric hydroxide in spent hydrochloric acid, a complexing agent can be added.
Ferric hydroxide will begin to precipitate as a voluminous gelatinous material as the pH of hydrochloric acid
rises above 2.2. However, ferrous hydroxide will not precipitate until above pH 7.7.
Spent acid rarely has a pH over 5.5. The concentration of complexing agent required depends on the amount
of ferric iron expected to be dissolved into the acid.
S260 is based on EDTA as a chelating agent to the iron ions. It is the dry version of S261.

General Description
Table-Physical Properties and Hazards.
Chemical Product Specific Health Physical Pour Point Flash Point
Form pH
Code Name Gravity Hazard Hazard deg F [deg C]) deg F [deg C]

Chelating Dust > 572 > 200 11

S260 Powder 0.72 Eyes, Skin Explodes
Agent [>300] [> 93] (1%)

Typical concentrations
Below table shows solubility of S260 in different concentrations of HCl acid. S260 concentrations are given in
lb/1000 gal of acid

Temperature 15% HCl 20% HCl 28% HCl

deg F [deg C] S260 (lbm) S260 (lbm) S260 (lbm)
25 [-4] 50 45 40
50 [10] 75 70 60
75[24] 250 200 80
100[38] 275 200 90

Following table shows amounts of S260 iron control agent to use for different concentrations of ferric iron.
Ferric Iron Total Iron S260 Concentration
(ppm) (ppm) (lbm per 1000 gal)
200 1,000 13
500 3,500 33
1000 5,000 65
2000 10,000 130

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Safety Data
Please refer to MSDS for full description.

Solutions of S260 will corrode and ruin fittings containing Copper or Nickel alloys. Contact with Aluminum will
produce Hydrogen, creating an explosion risk if in a confined space.

First Aid:
EYE: Irrigate eyes with water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation persists.
SKIN: Flush exposed area with water
INHALATION: Not a likely problem.

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S265 is an extremely cost effective iron reducing agent and oxygen scavenger for use in fracturing or acidizing
solutions. S265 is packaged as odor-less, white granular solid. The performance of S265 is based on the
properties of an organometallic salt that allow it to act as an anti-oxidant, reducing agent and weak chelating

Iron dissolved during an acidizing treatment can exist in either the ferric (Fe III) or ferrous (Fe II) oxidation
state. Upon spending of the acid, that iron present in the ferric form will begin to precipitate at a pH of about
2.2. Upon reaching a pH of 3.2, essentially all of the dissolved ferric iron will have precipitated unless an
effective iron stabilizer is used. In contrast, ferrous hydroxide will not precipitate below a pH of 7.7. Since
spent acid usually reaches a maximum pH of about 5.3, precipitation of ferrous hydroxide is rarely a problem.
Consequently, one needs only to be concerned with stabilizing the ferric iron dissolved by the acid or the
prevention of oxidating ferrous iron to ferric in fracturing fluids.

The presence of S265 in acidizing solutions prevents the precipitation of gelatinous ferric hydroxide from
spent acid primarily by reducing ferric iron to the more soluble ferrous iron. Because S265 does not spend
itself on the already soluble ferrous iron, it controls ferric iron precipitation at much lower concentrations
than competitive materials.

Physical Properties
Appearance..................................................... White to Off-White Powder
Specific gravity .............................................. 1.65
pH (10%).......................................................... 5.0-8.0
Melting Point, °C.............................................. 342°F (172oC)
Solubility, lbs/1000 gal water, 25°C..................1275
acid, 25°C................... >2,000
Bulk Density (granular), lb/ft3 ............................62
Decomposition Temp.......................................424°F (218oC)

 Prevents formation damage due to iron precipitation from spent acid solutions
 Removes free oxygen from treating fluids
 Effective at temperatures of up to 300°F
 Prevents ferric iron compatibility problems in gelled acid systems
 Easy to handle
 Readily soluble in hydrochloric acid

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 Not recommended for batch mixing
 Degrades with time and temperature in HCL

Recommended Dosage
S265 is normally used at 3-5 pounds per 1000 gallons of 15% or 28% HCL when combined with S260 or S261.
If S265 is the sole iron control agent in the acid package, then assume 5 pounds per 1000 gallons for every
1000 ppm of Ferric iron to be treated.

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S245 is a neutralized phosphonate-based water soluble scale inhibitor that may be used for controlling
calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate deposition. The product is especially effective during hydrochloric acid
stimulation treatments and is an excellent sequesterant.
S245 possess excellent CaCO3 and CaCO4 inhibitor in high iron concentrations. Also, the additive is
compatible with most stimulation fluids. S245 is winterized up to -40 deg F (-40 deg C).

Typical Physical Properties

Chemical Product Specific Freezing Point Flash Point
Form pH
Code Name Gravity deg F [deg C]) deg F [deg C]

5.9 – 6.94
S245 Scale inhibitor Liquid 0.98-1.00 -40 [-40] 81 [27]

 Oil and gas wells with scaling potential
 Effective during water-based stimulation treatments including acidizing
 Temperature up to 250 °F (121 °C)
 May be used to control scale formation in producing wells, injection wells, and all surface injection
systems and vessels

Dosage Information
 Typically applied at the rate of 2 gallons per 1000 gallons (2 L/m3)
 The concentration may vary depending on the type of the scale and severity of the problem
 Pre-job scale inhibitor tests are recommended to verify the optimum concentration of S245 for a
cost effective operation

S245 is available in standard polypropylene lined drums (nominal capacity, 55 gal).

 Consult the MSDS, safety posters, and/or product label before use, and use personal protective
equipment as advised.
 Observe standard precautions when handling this and all other organic chemicals.

 Not recommended for batch mixing

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Friction Reducer used for stimulation acidizing and pumping services.
S303 friction reducer is a Nonionic, high molecular weight, polyacrylamide copolymer that viscosities HCl acid
and water based brines by forming a macromolecular structure and functions as a friction reducer at low
concentrations up to 350 F (177 C).

 Highly effective anionic friction reducer
 Designed for use in fresh water, brines, and acids
 Effective in high hardness waters
 Inverts rapidly at temperatures below 40F
 Cost effective due to low dosage concentrations
 Minimizes hydraulic horse power usage to lower surface treating pressures.

Friction reducing additives are used to suppress fluid turbulence when pumping water based fluids and acid
treatments through coiled tubing and oilfield tubulars. Friction reducer is necessary to reduce hydraulic
horsepower requirements.

S303 provides effective reduction in friction pressures when treating at high rates. The friction pressure
reduction depends on several factors such as contact surface area, pump rate, temperature, and pipe
roughness. Field experience and laboratory measurements show that a friction reduction of up to 80% can
be achieved with S303. For most of the cases, a 60% reduction in friction pressure can be reasonably
assumed by using 3 gpt (0.3%) of S303 with acid solutions.

The temperature range for the fluids prepared using S303 is 75 to 350 F and typical concentrations vary
between 1 to 3 Gal/1000 Gal (0.1 – 0.3%) .

Typical Properties:
 Physical State: Liquid
 Appearance: Off-­‐white
 Odour: Hydrocarbon
 Specific Gravity: 1.03 -­‐ 1.07 @ 75 F / 22 C
 Solubility in water: Emulsifiable
 pH (1 %): 7
Note: These physical properties are typical values for this product and are subject to change.

Safety and Handling:

The product is supplied in 55 Gal drums. It may cause irritation with prolonged contact. Refer to the MSDS for
further details

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Identification of the Substance
ARD Thermoset polyurethane balls are hand cast, hand trimmed and individually inspected. The
polyurethane balls have proved to have excellent performance under a combined state of high pressure and
temperature. These balls are produced in a variety of sizes ranging
from 5/8" (16mm) to 1-1/2" (38mm).
Thermoset polyurethane sealer balls are also offered in three
different, color-coded specific gravities: 0.9 (yellow), 1.1 (red) and 1.3
All three specific gravities are available in all the different sizes

Description, Features, and Benefits

Physical Properties Hardness, durometer A…………………… 95
100% Modulus, psi [MPa]…………………………………………. 1800 [12.4]
300% Modulus, psi [MPa]………………………………….......... 3400 [23.4]
Tensile strength, psi [MPa]… ……………………................. 5000 [34.5]
Elongation at break, %.................................................... 400
Tear strength(d-4700), lb/in [kN/m]…………………………. 150[26.2]
Tear Strength (Die C), lb/in [kN/m]…………………………… 500[87.5]
Compression set (method B) (22 hours at 158°F [70°C]), %......40
Resilience, rebound, %................................................................. 40
Abrasion resistance, NBS index………………………………… 300
Brittleness temperature (solenoid), °F [°C]………………… < -94 [< -70]
Torsional Stiffness, psi [MPa]
Clash-Berg Method. 75°F [24°C]…………............ 2400 [16.8]
0°F [-18°C]……………………………………………………… 7150 [49.3]
-40°F [-40°C]………………………..…........................ 16500 [113.7]
-70°F [-57°C]………………………………………………… 80000 [552]
Thermal Conductivity, BTU/(hr) (sq ft) (°F/in)[W/m K]………...... 0.86 [12.4]
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion, in/in/°F [°C]
-32°F to 32°F [-36°C to 0°C]………………………………. 1.27 x 10 -4 [2.30 x 10 -4]
32°F to 75°F [0°C to 24°C]…………………………......... 0.89 x 10 -4 [1.60 x 10 -4]
75°F to 212°F [24C to 100°C]………..………………….. 0.89 x 10 -4 [1.60 x 10 -4]
212°F to 302°F [100C to 150°C]………………………... 0.89 x 15 -4 [1.24 x 10 -4]

Specific Gravity at 75°F [24°C]

S891 (Green Balls)……………………………… 1.30
S892 (Red Balls) ……………………………… .. 1.10
S893 (Yellow Balls)……………………………… 0.90
1 hour pressure differential capability 7/8” ball in ½“ perforation
68°F [20°C], Psi [MPa]…………….............................................. 10000 [68.95]

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Identification of the Substance

S890 Bio-Balls are made from polyester/ polylactide copolymer material combined with plasticizers and
lubricants. The balls are used for diversion in hydraulic fracturing and high rate matrix stimulation
treatments. Baed on the tempeature range, the balls are available in 3 types: Regular, Midium, and High
temperature ranges.

Description, Features, and Benefits

Below table and graphs illustrate the main properties of the three types of Bio-Balls available. Although other
sizes can be made available, but 7/8” is the main size that is used in OiLSERV operations.

Mechanical Application
Code Appearance Composition Sp. Gr. Technical
integrity Range (deg F)

Up to 3000 psi at
Spherical, Collagen 150 deg F after 1
S890-R 1.1 75-120
Tan (Beige) (Biopolymer) hr of exposure at

Up to 3000 psi at
Spherical, PVA,PVOH, 150 deg F after 1
S890-M 1.18 120-200 See Notes below
Green PEO,PPO hr of exposure at

Up to 5000 psi at
Spherical, PEO,PPO, 230 deg F after 1
S890-H 1.18 200-350
Opaque PLA hr of exposure at

Compatibble Fluids: Polar Solvents: eg. Water brine, short chain alchohols

Incompatible Fluids: Non-polar solvents: eg. Diesel, Benzene, Xylene, Kerosene, Toluene

Technical Considerations: Wet the BioBalls in Mineral oil prior to placement in the ball injector to avoid
clumping. Do not expose to heat-temperature greater than 100 deg F and avoid contact with water or
other polar solvents during storage

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Identification of the Substance
Product Name: Guar Gum
Product Application: Additive for oilfield stimulation

Description, Features, and Benefits

S500 Guar Gum agent is a chemically modified, low-­‐residue guar gelling agent used in aqueous fracturing
S500 can be batch-­‐mixed or mixed continuously. It is effective at bottomhole circulating temperatures
(BHCT) up to 200°F. Required gelling-­‐agent concentrations depend on well conditions and the fluid
properties required for the job. The gel’s development of apparent viscosity is directly related to gelling-­‐
agent concentration.
The hydration rate of S500 Guar Gum agent is pH-­‐dependent. Hydration is slow at the agent’s natural pH
of 8 to 9. At lower pH levels, the hydration rate increases. Because S500 is dispersible, lumping is minimized.

The product is not tolerant to high pH or high calcium conditions.
Subject to bacterial degradation. A biocide should be used to prevent fermentation

Physical Properties
Appearance: …………………………………. Yellowish to white powder
Specific Gravity: ……………………………… 1.3
Solubility in water: …………………………… Soluble
Viscosity (1% solution after 2 hrs): ………….3700 Cps
pH: ………………………………………… 6.5 – 7.5
Moisture: ……………………………………… 6.5 %
Size: …………………………………………... 200 Mesh

S500 is packaged in 25 kg paper bags

Refer to the MSDS for further details

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Identification of the Substance

Product Name: S811
Product Application: Oxidative Breaker Accelerator

Description, Features, and Benefits

S811 is an oxidative breaker accelerator used in conjunction with S800 for high pH guar-borate and
CMHPG-zirconium based crosslinker systems. The main applications are:
 Crosslinked fracturing systems
 Bottomhole temperature from 175 to 300 ºF (79 – 149 ºC)
The main advantages of S811 beaker aid are:
 Liquid additive with low viscosity
 Easily handled and metered
 Extremely efficient breaker in conjunction with Breaker S800 for borate and high pH zirconium
crosslinked systems

 S811 is typically used in combination with S800, normally at concentrations of 1.0 to 5.0 gallons
per 1,000 gallons (1.0 to 5.0 L/m3)
 Loadings rates are dependent on base gel and crosslinker loadings
 Pre-job break tests are recommended to determine the optimum concentration of S811.

Physical Properties
Appearance Clear, blue to green liquid
Specific gravity 1.19 – 1.24
pH <3
Solubility (Water) soluble
Freezing Point -10 °F (-23 °C)
Flush Point Non-flamable
Packaging Drum

 Consult the MSDS, safety posters, and/or product label before use, and use personal protective
equipment as advised.
 Observe standard precautions when handling this and all other organic chemicals.

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Identification of the Substance

Product Name: S812
Product Application: Oxidative Liquid Breaker

Description, Features, and Benefits

Breaker S812 is a highly efficient oxidizing breaker system to reduce viscosity in guar-based crosslinked
fluids and slick water systems. The main applications are:
 Slickwater and crosslinked fracturing systems
 Bottomhole temperature from 200 to 275 ºF (93 – 135 ºC)
The main advantages of the liquid breaker are:
 Liquid breaker with low viscosity
 Easily handled and metered
 Extremely efficient breaker for borate and high pH zirconium crosslinked systems

 Typical loading rate is 1 - 3 gpt (1 - 3L/m3) and 0.25 - 2.0 gpt (0.25 - 2.0 L/m3) for high pH zirconium
and borate crosslinked systems respectively
 Loadings rates are dependent on base gel and crosslinker loadings
 Pre-job break tests are recommended to determine the optimum concentration of Breaker S812

Physical Properties
Appearance Pail to colorless slightly cloudy liquid
Specific gravity 1.14 – 1.23
pH 10.0 -11.0
Solubility (Water) soluble
Freezing point -12 °F (-24 °C)
Flush point Non-flamable
Packaging 55 lb drum, 330 gal tote and bulk

 Consult the MSDS, safety posters, and/or product label before use, and use personal protective
equipment as advised.
 Observe standard precautions when handling this and all other organic chemicals.

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Identification of the Substance

Product Name: S706
Product Application: high pH buffer

Description, Features, and Benefits

Buffer S706 is a high-pH buffering agent used to adjust the pH of fracturing gels to the range of 9.0 to 11.5.
The product helps to maintain the stability of the fluids as temperatures increase.
The main application is as effective high pH (9.0 to 11.5) buffer for crosslinked fracturing fluids up to 400
deg F (204 C)
Main advantages:
 Maximizes crosslinker performance and ensures good gel viscosity for sand transporting capabilities
in high-pH
 Compatible with most common fracturing additives
 Easy-to-handle liquid buffer for mixing

 S706 Buffer must only be added to the gel after a complete hydration of the gelling agent.
Overloading Buffer S706 can inhibit borate gel’s breaking process.
 Optimum dosage, temperature, and extent of mixing should be determined for a cost-effective

Physical Properties
Appearance Clear liquid
Specific Gravity 1.03
Density (lb/gal, kg/L) 8.59 / 1.02
Pour point (°F/°C) <–40 / <–40
Aqueous solubility Soluble in all proportions
Flash point (°F/°C) 146 / 63
Freezing point (°F/°C) <–40 / <–40
Packaging 55-gal (208-L) drum 275-gal (1041-L) tote

 Consult the MSDS, safety posters, and/or product label before use, and use personal protective
equipment as advised.
 Observe standard precautions when handling this and all other chemicals.

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Identification of the Substance

Product Name: S615
Product Application: Delayed Borate Corsslinker

Description, Features, and Benefits

S615 is a delayed borate crosslinker for guar and derivative guar fracturing fluid systems. The product
provides extended crosslink times at elevated temperatures and gel loadings.
The main applications:
 Crosslinked guar and guar derivative fracturing fluids.
 Deep wells or slim completions with long fluid-transit time from surface to perforations
 Wells with bottomhole temperatures up to 300°F (149°C)
 Tropical climates with high surface-water temperatures
The main advantages:
 Provides a controlled delayed crosslink
 Enables lower polymer loadings by yielding high crosslinked viscosities
 Enhances crosslink stability for optimal transport for greater fracture conductivity
 Produces a gel structure that is thermally stable and elastic, enabling the product to heal and reform
a stable gel after shearing

S615 is normally used at concentrations of 0.5 to 2.0 gal/1,000 gal (0.5 to 2.0 L/m3) and can be used in fresh
water, 2% potassium chloride (KCl), KCl- substitute brines, or produced waters
Minimum delayed crosslink time of the system is dependent on the pH and temperature of the fracture
fluid system.
Optimum dosage, temperature, and extent of mixing should be determined for a cost-effective operation.

Physical Properties
Appearance Tan liquid suspension
Specific Gravity 1.15 to 1.20
Density (lb/gal; kg/mᶟ) 9.6 to 10.0 1.15 to 1.19
Pour point (°F/°C) 10.4–12
Aqueous solubility Moderate
Flash point (°F/°C) 164 / 73
Viscosity (cP) (at 300 rpm on Fann 35) 85 to 135
Packaging 55-gal (208-L) drum / 275-gal (1041-L) tote

 Consult the MSDS, safety posters, and/or product label before use, and use personal protective
equipment as advised. Observe standard precautions when handling this and all other

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Identification of the Substance

Product Name: S809
Product Application: Encapsulated Oxidative Breaker

Description, Features, and Benefits

S809is an encapsulated oxidizer for use as a delayed release breaker for water-based fracturing systems.
The delayed release minimizes premature gel disintegration and also allows for increased breaker
concentration without compromising the proppant transport capability of the fracturing fluid system.
Main application conditions:
 Water based fracturing fluids
 Bottomhole temperature from 180 to 210 ºF (82 – 99 ºC)
S810 acheives the following advantages:
 Provides variable and controlled break time
 Improves proppant transport capabilities
 Reduces premature gel disintegration
 Allows for higher breaker concentration without compromising fracturing fluid stability
 Improves fracture conductivity

 Typical loading rate is from 0.5 to 5 pounds per 1000 gallons (0.06 to 0.6 kg/m3)
 Pre-job break tests are recommended to determine the optimum concentration of S809

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Physical Properties
Appearance Light yellow
Bulk Density 1.000 g/L
Activity 80 - 85 %
pH (1% in water) (10% in water) 4/3
Solubility (Water) 10 – 20 g/L
Packaging 55 lb bag

 Consult the MSDS, safety posters, and/or product label before use, and use personal protective
equipment as advised.

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Identification of the Substance

Product Name: S810
Product Application: Encapsulated Oxidative Breaker

Description, Features, and Benefits

S810 is an encapsulated oxidizer for use as a delayed release breaker for water-based fracturing systems.
The delayed release minimizes premature gel disintegration and also allows for increased breaker
concentration without compromising the proppant transport capability of the fracturing fluid system.
Main application conditions:
 Water based fracturing fluids
 Bottomhole temperature from 180 to 250 ºF (82 – 121 ºC)
S810 acheives the following advantages:
 Provides variable and controlled break time
 Improves proppant transport capabilities
 Reduces premature gel disintegration
 Allows for higher breaker concentration without compromising fracturing fluid stability
 Improves fracture conductivity

 Typical loading rate is from 0.5 to 5 pounds per 1000 gallons (0.06 to 0.6 kg/m3)
 Pre-job break tests are recommended to determine the optimum concentration of S810

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Physical Properties
Appearance Off-white granules
Specific gravity (@ 20 ºC) 1.8

Activity 70 - 75 %

pH (10g/L solution @ 20 ºC) 6.5 - 8

Solubility (Water) 10 – 20 g/L

Packaging 55 lb bag

 Consult the MSDS, safety posters, and/or product label before use, and use personal protective
equipment as advised.

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Identification of the Substance

Product Name: S830
Product Application: Biocide

Description, Features, and Benefits

S830 biocide is a superior antimicrobial that rapidly and effectively protects against many types of
microorganisms, including sulfate-reducing and algal-slime-forming bacteria. S830 biocide is a 20 percent
active, liquid brominated propionamide, commonly known as DBNPA.
S830 biocide begins to kill instantly, and it normally decontaminates a system within one hour. The low
persistency of DBNPA in the environment minimizes the safety and environmental concerns associated with
most industrial biocides.
S830 biocide is ideal for promoting and maintaining a bacterially controlled environment by providing ease of
handling, high efficiency rates, and rapid decomposition in the environment.
The main advantages of S830 are:

 Cost-effective control of sessile and planktonic organisms

 Broad-spectrum biocide controls bacteria, fungi, yeast, cyanobacteria, and algae
 Kills rapidly, normally within one hour
 Low persistency in the environment, degrading into nonhazardous end products
 Effective against both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria for optimal performance
 Provides high performance for a broad pH and temperature range
 Unaffected by hard water or salts and tolerant of high organic loads
 Nonfoaming

S830 is recommend for use in the following situations:

 Oilfield applications include fracturing, drilling, completion, workover, packer fluids, water-flood
injection, drilling muds, and pipeline hydrotesting.
 Publicly owned treatment works
 Metalworking fluids containing water
 Industrial recirculating, water-cooling towers
 Air washer systems
 Reverse osmosis systems
 Process, product, wastewater, and recycle cleanup
 Industrial wastewater systems
 Equipment cleaning

 Recommended dose rate varies depending on the application and severity of contamination. The
normal concentration range to effectively decontaminate a system is from 1 ppm to 500 ppm.

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Physical Properties
Appearance Colorless – slight yellow
Assay 20%
Specific Gravity 1.18 to 1.24
Density (lb/gal, kg/gal) 9.84 to 10.34 / 4.46 to 4.69
pH 3.0 to 4.0
Flash point (°F/°C) >200 / >93
Freeze point (°F/°C) –4 / –20
Solubility in water Soluble

Biocide Efficacy comparisons

After After
Water Samples 10 minutes 3 hours
Control 30,000 30,000
DBNPA, 2 ppm 10,000 15
DBNPA, 5 ppm 2,000 <1
DBNPA, 10 ppm 1,000 <1
Gluteraldehyde, 10 ppm 20,000 10,000
Gluteraldehyde, 100 ppm 10,000 100
Hexahydro-1,3,5-triethyl-s-triazine, 50 ppm 15,000 2,000
Hexahydro-1,3,5-triethyl-s-triazine, 300 ppm 15,000 <1
Gelled Frac Fluid Samples
Control 30,000 30,000
Bacterial species tested:
DBNPA, 2 ppm 25,000 3,000 Bacillus subtilis
DBNPA, 5 ppm 15,000 100 Escherichia coli
DBNPA, 10 ppm 2,000 <1 Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Salmonella choleraesuis
Gluteraldehyde, 10 ppm 20,000 20,000
Proteus vulgaris
Gluteraldehyde, 100 ppm 20,000 4,000 Klebsiella pheumoniae
Hexahydro-1,3,5-triethyl-s-triazine, 50 ppm 15,000 100 Staphylococcus aureus
Hexahydro-1,3,5-triethyl-s-triazine, 300 ppm 15,000 <1 Enterobacter aerogenes

 Consult the MSDS, safety posters, and/or product label before use, and use personal protective
equipment as advised.

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Identification of the Substance

Product Name: S863
Product Application: clay stabilizer

Description, Features, and Benefits

S863 is a blend of amine salts that replace liquid potassium chloride as a temporary clay control additive or
provide an alternative to other permanent polymer-based clay-control additives. This product is a high
efficiency stabilizer for smectite, illite, and mixed-layer clay minerals encountered in many formations.
S830 can be used for the following conditions:
 Stimulation treatments and workover operations
 Permanent clay protection
 High temperatures in excess of 350°F (177°C)
 All types of wells and formations (e.g., shales, sandstones, carbonates)

The main advantages of using S863 are:

 Extends protection beyond that offered by temporary clay stabilizers

 Maintains favorable water-wet formation
 Environmentally acceptable based on microtox testing in fluid systems up to 46.6 gallons per 1,000
gallons (46.6 L/m 3)
 No shut-in period is required to activate the system
 Cost effective alternative to other permanent clay control additives

 Typical load rates are 1 to 2 gal/1,000 gal (1 to 2 L/m3) of fresh water, depending on the formation
 Can be batch-mixed in any order in advance or “ on the f l y”

Physical Properties
Appearance Clear liquid
Activity 22%
Specific gravity 1.065 -1.085
Density 8.887 – 9.054
pH(1% solution)) 5.5 – 7.5
Solubility (water) Complete
Packaging 55 gal drum

 Consult the MSDS, safety posters, and/or product label before use, and use personal protective
equipment as advised.

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Identification of the Substance

Product Name: S880
Product Application: High Temperature Stabilizer

Description, Features, and Benefits

S880 is a 30% active sodium-salt solution that provides thermal stability for water-based fracturing using
borate, titanium, or zirconium crosslinker. It helps to limit or delay the viscosity degradation of guar and
guar derivatives that can occur as bottomhole-treating temperature increases above 200°F (93°C).

S880 is Compatible with other additives normally used in fracturing. Hence, it can be used in borate,
titanium, and zirconate-crosslinked systems. It can be added continuously on the slurry or as a batch mix.

S800 can protect water based fracturing fluids from thermal degradation up to 300 deg F (149 deg C).

 The normal concentration range is 1.5 to 7.0 gal/1,000 gal (1.5 to 7.0 L/m3).

Physical Properties
Appearance Clear, colorless- to-amber liquid
Activity 30% by weight
gravity 1.26 to 1.34
Density 10.5 to 11.2 lb/gal / 1,048 to 1,118 kg/m3
pH 6.0 to 8.0
Solubility in water Soluble
Freeze point 20°F / -7ºC

 Consult the MSDS, safety posters, and/or product label before use, and use personal protective
equipment as advised.

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OiLSERV frac sand has the following properties:

Physical and Chemical analysis:

Reference Used:
Standard method of chemical analysis by F.J. Welcher 6th addition, volume II, part B. / AASTM C 136/ ASTM
E-11/09 API RP 56

Sr. Sieve in MM Sieve in Mesh % of retainer

1. 1.18 16 < 0.10%

2. 0.850 20 <25.00%
3. -0.300 -50 1.0% Max

Sr. Parameter Tested Result obtained

1. % of SiO2 >98.00%
2. Sphericity >0.65
3. Roundness >0.65
4. % of HCL acid solubility, 1:1 concentration <2.00%
5. Hardness 7.00 Moh’s Scale
6. Particle Density >2.60 g/cc

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This procedure describes the preparation of Linear Guar fluids. These fluids form the base fluid for the Guar
Borate cross-linked fracturing fluids. This procedure can be used to evaluate any of the additives and / or a
particular water source.

In general, KCl, surfactant, crosslink stabilizer, bactericide and clay control can be added in any order, unless
specified. However, they should be added before the gelling agent.

The addition of breaker is optional but, if used, should be added after the gelling agent has hydrated and
before the gel is cross-linked.

To convert gallons per 1000 gal of fracturing fluid to milliliters per 500 mL of fracturing fluid, divide by 2. To
convert pounds per 1000 gals to grams per 500 mL, multiply by 0.06.For example, 2 gal S281 /1000 gals
equals 1 mL of S281 per 500mL. 30 lb Guar S500 per 1000 gal equals 2.4 g per 500 mL water.

Normal safety procedures should be observed. The minimum eye protection is safety glasses. Flush eyes with
water immediately if contacted with materials used in test. Wash affected skin with water.

 Waring blender / Blender jar
 Graduated cylinders
 Disposable syringes
 Timer
 pH meter or paper
 Viscometer with R1-B1 rotor-bob combination, cup, and thermometer

 Gelling Agent S500 (Guar Polymer)
 Blend (w/w) Polymer Slurriable Guar S500 (51%) : Diesel (49%) – Density: 1.06 g/cc

Note: Slowly add 51 g S500 to 49 g diesel in vessel containing a magnetic stirrer. Mix for about 15 minutes
to 30 minutes.

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Table 1 : Concentration and Viscosity values for Linear Gel

Only S500 Guar

Linear Gel GB Concentration S500 Viscosity Range 170 sec-1,

(g/ 500 mL ) 75°F (24°C) - cP
GB25 1.5 9 to 15
GB30 1.8 18 to 27

Table 2 : Viscosity values for Linear Gels

Polymer Slurriable Guar S500 : Diesel
(51% S500 : 49% Diesel)
Linear Gel GB Concentration S500 Viscosity Range 170 sec-1,
(m/ 500 mL ) 75°F (24°C) - cP
GB25 3.0 9-15
GB30 3.6 18-27

 Surfactant S281 (1.0 mL/ 500mL water)
 Clay Stabilizer KCl salt 2% (10.1 g KCl / 500 mL water)
 Bactericide / Biocide S830 0.3 lb/ 1000 gal (0.018 g / 500 mL water)


1. Pour 500 mL of water into a blender jar and stir.

2. Measure the initial pH of the water using a pH meter or paper. If pH is BELOW 6, add 2% caustic (NaOH)
solution with a 1 mL syringe (one drop at a time) until pH is within range of 6 to 8. The 2% caustic (NaOH)
solution is prepared by adding 2 g of NaOH (M002) to 100 mL of water. If pH is ABOVE 8, add 15% HCl with a1
mL syringe (one drop at a time) until pH is within range of 5 to 7.
3. Add the amount of additives according to the above information (i.e. clay stabilizer, surfactant,
bactericide/ biocide).

4. With the blender running at a speed to create a vortex down to the blades, add the appropriate amount of
gelling agent S500 (for 30 lb / 1000 gal add 1.8 g / 500 mL water) or PSG (for 30 lb/ 1000 gal add 3.4 ml / 500
mL water) . Continue to stir at a low rate to prevent the inclusion of air bubbles in the gel.

5. Allow the gel to hydrate for at least 30 minutes. Test the viscosity (see below) and check pH &

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Linear Gel Viscosity Measurement

1. Check the viscosity of the gel using a Chan 35 viscometer and compare with the viscosity ranges shown in
Tables 1 and 2, depending if prepared directly with S500 or PSG.

The most commonly used viscometer in testing fracturing fluids for their low temperature rheology is Chan
35 / Fann 35 or OFITE 800 viscometer. The calculation of the viscosity based on the viscometer reading is
stated in the Calculation section.

Test Procedures
1. Power on the machine (check the power volts required, 220v A.C.)
2. Install rotor and bob.
3. Fill the sample cup to the mark with fracturing fluid.
4. Place the cup containing sample on the stage (three pins on the bottom of the cup sit in three holes
on the stage)
5. Raise the stage until sample is at the mark on the rotor.
6. Set viscometer to the desired shear rate. Shift gears only when the instrument is running.
7. Let dial come to a steady reading and record.
8. Record the fluid temperature using thermometer.
9. Turn off the machine and clean all parts of the instrument.
10. Calculate the viscosity.

Viscosity Calculations
Viscosity, by definition, is shear stress divided by shear rate:
Viscosity (cP) = (Shear Stress / Shear Rate) * 100

The fluid viscosity can be determined by the following equation using the values given in Table 3:
Viscosity (cP) = S *  * f * C, where
S = Speed factor
f = Spring Factor
C = Rotor-Bob Factor
 = Dial Reading

Table 3: Torsion Soring Factors and Rotor-Bob Configuration Constants

Torsion Spring Rotor Rotor - Bob

Spring No. f RPM S Combination C
F.02 0.2 0.9 333.3 R1-B1 1.000
F0.5 0.5 1.8 166.6 R1-B2 8.15
F1 1 3 100 R1-B3 25.392
F2 2 6 50 R1-B4 50.787
F3 3 30 10 R2-B1 0.315
F4 4 60 5 R2-B2 8.229
F5 5 90 3.33 R2-B3 24.707

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F10 10 100 3 R2-B4 49.412

180 1.667 R3-B1 4.517
200 1.5 R3-B2 12.431
300 1.0 R3-B3 28.0
600 0.5 R3-B4 57.815

Basically, rheoleogical measurements with R1:B1 Rotor-Bob Combination with Spring Factor of 1 could be
directly converted to viscosity measurements as follows:
a. 100-RPM Dial Reading x 3 = Viscosity at 170 sec-1 (cp)
b. 300-RPM Dial Reading = Viscosity at 511 sec-1 (cp)

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The Cross-linked Guar Borate (GB) fracturing fluids are water-based systems composed of a refined guar
gelling agent cross-linked by a borate crosslinker. They are prepared from the Linear Guar Gel fluids.
NOTE: The current procedure concerns a low temperature guar polymer, non-delayed fluid (<200°F); a fluid
that uses S600 (boric acid) as the boron source. A dilute caustic solution is added to water containing
hydrated guar and S600. The resulting pH increase causes the hydrolysis of boric acid forming the
monoborate ion. Other polyborate ions may also form, but the important point is that once the borate ion is
present in sufficient quantity, the fluid will crosslink instantly. The pH should be between 8.5 and 10 for this
fluid to perform optimally. These fluids are essentially insensitive to shear history.
cross-linked Guar Borate fluids (not delayed) are designed to crosslink rapidly when activated at
the blender discharge. The viscous fluid will thin with shear and heat, but the borate crosslink
will return to its original state once shear or heat is removed. The borate crosslink is reversible;
crosslinks form and then break, only to form again. Heating the fluid above 200°F (93°C) will
cause some irreversible loss of viscosity due to polymer degradation.
The rapid rate of crosslinking of the standard GB fluids and the viscous nature of the fluid cause high friction
pressure during pumping. This can be overcome by altering the crosslink activator to delay the rate of
crosslinking and produce the delayed crosslink, GB fluids. Delaying the crosslink in this manner reduces the
friction pressure to approximately that of the base linear gel fluid.

Normal safety procedures should be observed. the minimum eye protection is safety glasses. Flush eyes with
water immediately if contacted with materials used in test. Wash affected skin with water.

 Waring blender
 Blender cup
 Mixer Impeller IKA RW20
 Plastic Containers / Jars
 Graduated cylinders
 Disposable syringes
 pH meter or paper
 Timer

Gelling Agent
 Water gelling agent S500 or PSG Polymer Slurry (51% Guar S500: 49% Diesel)
 Crosslinker S600 at 1.2 lb S600/1000gals Guar Borate fluid (0.144 g S600/Litre; 0.072 g / 500 mL ). For
addition of small quantities a stock solution of S600 can be prepared by adding 2.3965 g of S600 to
100 mL of distilled water.
1mL S600 stock solution per 200 mL of Guar Borate = 1 lb S600 /1000 gal Linear Guar Gel

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Note: lb/1000gals x 0.1198 = g/L

Crosslinker Activator

2% (wt/wt) caustic activator solution (NaOH) prepared from Caustic Soda Flake or from a 30% sodium
hydroxide solution (Specific Gravity: 1.33). Do not attempt to crosslink a fluid with undiluted 30% sodium
hydroxide solution, because it is difficult to control the pH value of the fracturing fluid with the concentrated

The concentration range or the caustic activator solution is 5 to 10 gal / 1000 gal of fracturing fluid. Generally,
7 gal / 1000 is adequate. The concentration must be such that it will raise the pH to between 8.5 and 10. The
temperature stability of the fluid tends to improve as the fluid pH value approaches 10. Increasing the pH
above about 10.5 will cause the fluid to “overcosslink” and become lumpy, and water to separate from the

Note: 2% solution prepared by dissolving 2 g NaOH in 100 mL of distilled water.


1.2 lb S600 / 1000 gal Fracturing Fluid+ 5 gal 2% NaOH / 1000 gal Fracturing Fluid

(1.2 lb S600/1000 gal) x (1 gal/ 3785 ml) x (453.6 g/1 lb) = 0.14 g S600/lt Fracturing Fluid
2% NaOH ; 5 gal/ 1000 gal = 5ml /1000 ml

(2 g NaOH / 100 ml ) x 5ml = 0.10 g NaOH / lt Fracturing fluid

Water = 5 ml / lt Fracturing Fluid

Thus, to prepare 20 ml crosslinker solution, multiplying each one by 4:

0.14 g S600 x4 = 0.56 g
0.10 g NaOH x 4 = 0.40 g NaOH
5 ml Water x 4 = 20 ml water

Then measure again with a syringe, and the volume obtained divided by 4. This will give the Crosslinker
Addition Rate in gal/ 1000 gals or liters / 1000 liters.
Let’s say that above mixture gives you 20 ml, then dividing by 4, it will be 5 ml. Thus, the Crosslinker Addition
Rate will be expressed as 5 gal Crosslinker Solution per 1000 gal or 5 liter Crosslinker Solution per 1000 liters.

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1. Prepare 500 mL of Guar base gel. .
2. Add S600 to the base gel and mix at low speed for one minute, ensuring air is not trapped.
3. Add the 2% NaOH solution until the pH measures between 8.5 and 10. Crosslinking should occur
promptly. Record the volume of 2% NaOH solution added.

1. Prepare 500 ml of Guar base gel.
2. Transfer 200- ml of the Guar base gel to a 300-ml plastic cup, and add the volume of crosslinker
required to be tested. Start the timer.
If a crosslinker solution has been prepared as per the Alternative Crosslinker Preparation in The Lab, then you
will divide the Crosslinker Addition Rate by 5 since you are just using 200 ml (equivalent to 200 gal or 200
liters, and Crosslinker Addition Rate has been expressed in gal per 100 gal or liter per 100 liters).
3. Quickly begin transferring the contents of the cup back and forth between cups (i.e. pour the fluid
between one beaker and the other) at a rate of 25 to 40 transfers per minute. The fluid will begin to
4. Note the time at which the fluid makes a transition time from a completely linear fluid to a stringy
fluid. A stringy fluid will form strands or ribbons that bridge the two cups even when separated by a
few inches, whereas a viscous linear fluid will not.
5. Continue the cup-to cup transfer and note the time at which the fluid will support a pencil thick
tongue of fluid hanging off the edge of the cup (i.e. this meaning when the fluid the fluid reaches the
stage where it “lips” over the edge of the beaker and can easily be flipped back into the beaker
without falling from the beaker). Stop the timer for the fluid is crosslinked. Crosslink Time is so the
point at which it is possible to pull the tongue back into the cup.
6. Continue the cup-to-cup transfer and note the time at which becomes fully crosslinked and supports
a broad, thick fluid tongue. Not all fluids will form a broad, thick fluid tongue at the mix-water
temperature. Nonetheless, note this time as the time to full crosslink (or temperature to full
crosslink if it was necessary to heat the fluid).
7. Check and record pH and temperature.

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The most commonly used viscometer in testing fracturing fluids for their low temperature rheology is Chan
35 viscometer. The calculation of the viscosity based on the viscometer reading is stated in the Calculation

Equipment and Materials

Chan35 viscometer with appropriate parameters (speed factor, R-B factor and spring factor)
Rotor and bob
Chan 35 sample cup
Fracturing fluid

Test Procedures
1. Power on the machine (check the power volts required, 220v A.C.)
2. Install rotor and bob.
3. Fill the sample cup to the mark with fracturing fluid.
4. Place the cup containing sample on the stage (three pins on the bottom of the cup sit in three holes
on the stage)
5. Raise the stage until sample is at the mark on the rotor.
6. Set Chan 35 to the desired shear rate. Shift gears only when the instrument is running.
7. Let dial come to a steady reading and record.
8. Record the fluid temperature using thermometer.
9. Turn off the machine and clean all parts of the instrument.
10. Calculate the viscosity.

The fluid viscosity can be determined by the following equation

Note: Basically take the Reading at 100 rpm and then multiply by 3 to have the value in cP.

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The above factors can be found in the following table.

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This is important for the field operation without HTHP gel break test equipment. A gel is usually considered
broken enough to flow back when it has been degraded to a viscosity of 20cp at required temperature. (as
close as possible to BHT for the initial PPA stage, decrease temperature for the following stage of PPA)

Equipment and Materials

 1000ml jar with cap
 200ml high temperature bottles
 HTHP fluid loss cell and heating jacket
 Chan 35 with proper accessories
 Water bath with temperature control
 Thermometer
 Stop watch
 Gel and breaker being tested

Test Procedures (for temperature less than 100C)

 Prepare the base gel as described in different fluid preparation procedures.
 Place amount of breaker solution (dissolve S800 breaker into small amount of water, into the linear
gel before adding the cross-linker solution.
 X-link the gel as described procedures in according fluid preparation procedures.
 Preheat the water bath to the required temperature.
 Pour 500ml of gel into the loosed covered jar.
 Place the jar containing gel in the water bath that will bring the sample to the required temperature.
Stir it slowly while heating to accelerate the process.
 Start timing while temperature reach the BHT.
 Tight the jar cap.
 Shake the jar vigorously every 30 minutes and visually observe the viscosity.
 Install Chan 35 rotor, bob and sample cup.
 Take appropriate amount of gel from the jar and place it into the heated simple cup.
 Start testing the fluid viscosity at 170sec-1 as quick as possible when fluid temperature is at required
temperature. Continue the above process until fluid viscosity reaches 20cp. Write the time, which is
the static gel break time.

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Acid Preparation – Laboratory Procedures

Below are the laboratory formulations for various uninhibited acids. Most formulations are based
upon 32% hydrochloric acid and all formulations make up 1,000 milliliters of the required type. Mixing
procedure for inhibited HCl acid system is given.

Goggles, rubber gloves and a laboratory overall must be worn when mixing acids. Always work under a
fume hood when preparing acids. ALWAYS ADD CONCENTRATED ACID TO WATER.

• Glass and Plastic graduated cylinders*
• Funnels
• Labels for containers
*When using hydrofluoric acid, use plastic containers, not glass as the acid dissolves silica or glass and will
etch the containers.

• Hydrochloric Acid
• Mud Acid
• Mud Damage Removal(MDR)
• Aqueous Acetic Acid
• Formic Acid


Hydrochloric acid is a solution of HCl gas in water. Maximum concentration of commercial acid product
is 36%. Refer to following table to prepare 1000ml HCl different diluted acid from 32% concentrated
one. The mass balance that should be applied for the calculation is:
Volume of diluted acid x Density of diluted acid x A c i d strength of diluted acid = Volume of concentrated
acid x D e n s i t y of concentrated acid x Acid strength of concentrated acid

Table 1: Dilutions of Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid

HCl Acid Strength 32% HCl needed (mL) Density (g/cc)
28% 860 1.142
20% 591 1.100
15% 434 1.075
10% 282 1.050
7.5 % 209 1.038
5.0% 138 1.025

Mixing Procedures
To prepare 1,000mL of HCl:

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1. Place some amount of water in 1000ml volumetric flask.

2. Add the required quantity of concentrated HCl into the flask very slowly. Heat and smell will
be released during the preparation, it is strongly recommended to operate in fume hood.
3. Top up the flask to graduated line (1000 mL).
4. Shake the capped flask a few times upside down.

Or, you may proceed to mix it in a beaker:

1. Place the required amount of water in a beaker. Due to fumes generated from the acid, use a
fume cupboard when preparing acid solutions.
2. Add the required quantity of concentrated HCl. Mix using a magnetic stirrer for 2 minutes. Heat
will be generated. Label the container correctly.


The table below contains volumes required to prepare the most common Mud Acid formulations.

Table 2: Mud Acid Formulations

36% HCl Water Specific
Concentration NH4HF2
(mL) (mL) (g/cc)
4% HCl - 0.5% HF 122 7.32 872 1.019
6% HCl - 0.5% HF 179 7.32 815 1.028
8% HCl - 0.5% HF 237 7.44 758 1.037
6% HCl - 1 % HF 192 14.76 796 1.030
8% HCl - 1 % HF 250 14.88 738 1.039
10% HCl - 1 % HF 309 15.00 679 1.048
6% HCl - 1.5% HF 220 22.32 762 1.034
7.5% HCl - 1.5% HF 249 22.32 733 1.038
10% HCl - 1.5% HF 323 22.68 659 1.050
12% HCl - 1.5% HF 384 22.80 598 1.060
10% HCl - 2 % HF 338 30.24 639 1.052
12% HCl - 3% HF 428 46.2 536 1.065

Mixing Procedures
To prepare 1,000 mL of Mud Acid:

1. Place appropriate quantity of fresh water in a plastic beaker. Do not use
seawater, oilfield brine, calcium, magnesium, potassium or sodium chlorides to
prepare Mud Acid.
2. Add required amount of Ammonium Bi-fluoride (NH4HF2). Mix using a magnetic
stirrer until the Ammonium Bi-fluoride has dissolved completely.
3. Add the required quantity of concentrated HCl. Heat will be generated.

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MDR is an acid solution containing a clay dispersant-suspending agent and an iron chelating agent.
Combination of this two additives provides not only good dispersion of drilling muds and silt/fines from
formation, but also an effective suspension properties.

MDR applications include removal of mud damage, use as a workover fluid to restore fracture conductivity or
use as a breakdown or matrix treatment fluid to open clogged perforation or restore the permeability.

The MDR Acid fluid is a combination of additives that can be used in ammonium or potassium chloride
water, HCl and Mud Acid. There are three distinct formulations: MDR100, MDR150 and MDR123.

Table 3: Compositions of MDR Formulations

Agent MDR100 MDR150 MDR123

S260 12 g 18 g 6g
(or S261) (20 mL) (30 mL) (5 mL)
S284* S282 5 mL 5 mL 5 mL
- - 100 mL Mud Acid
Carrier Fluid 7.5% HCl to 15% HCl 7.5% HCl to 15% HCl (12% HCl + 3% HF)
(or 3% NH4Cl, 2% KCl) (or 3% NH4Cl, 2% KCl)

Mixing Procedures
1. Prepare the appropriate acid concentration using the procedures for HCl or Mud Acid.
2. Place 200 mL of acid in a plastic container.
3. Add the appropriate quantities of the additives.
4. Make the solution up to 1,000 mL using the remaining acid solution.


The primary advantages of acetic acid is offering extended exposure time at elevated temperature and
providing slow reaction rate with carbonate rocks and minerals in addition to controlling the clay
migration and iron precipitates by buffering the solution pH.

Aqueous acetic acid is prepared using glacial acetic acid (S212). Commonly 10% acetic acid is used. Following
table lists common acetic acids diluted from S212. Add inhibitor first for the mixing.

Always add the acetic acid to the water.

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Table 4: Acetic Acid Dilution

Acetic Acid Specific Gravity ml of L400 for

Concentration (20 deg C) 1000 ml Solution
2% 1.0012 19
3% 1.0025 25
4% 1.0040 38

5% 1.0055 48
6% 1.0069 58
7% 1.0083 67
8% 1.0097 77
9% 1.0110 87

10% 1.0125 97
11% 1.0139 106
12% 1.0154 116


S211 is a mixture of inhibited formic acid diluted in water, which is generally used to stimulate oil and gas
wells. The acid strength is between that of HCl and acetic acid. It reacts slowly with carbonate
formations and many minerals presented in sandstone.
S211 normally has a Formic acid concentration of approximately 85 wt%. I t is usually diluted in water
to give a maximum concentration of 9%. Higher concentrations than this may cause insoluble calcium
formate to precipitate to form causing formation damage.

Mixing Procedures (for preparing 1,000 ml of 9% S211)

1. Mix the water and additives (corrosion inhibitor/mutual solvent/surfactant confirmed by
compatibility tests) to produce a volume of 910 ml.
2. Slowly add 90 ml of concentrated L036. Thoroughly mix to obtain a uniform solution.
3. Correctly label the container.

Calculation of acid volume to give a required Formic acid strength

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The density of the concentrated acid S211 needs to be measured, so as to check its strength. Read the
strength of the acid from the given Table and Figure (see below). In addition, the density of the required
diluted acid may also be read from the same Table and Figure (which is also required in the volume
Table 5: Density of Formic acid solutions at various 60°F (15.6°C)

Concentration Density of Formic acid

(wt%) (g/mL)

95 1.220

90 1.205
85 1.193

9 1.022
5 1.012

Volume of conc. acid = Volume (dilute) x Density (dilute) x Concentration (dilute acid)
Density (concentrated acid S211) x Concentration of acid
Example where S211 is used to construct a 9% Formic acid concentration
Volume of S211 = 1000L x 1.022g/mL x 9% / (1.193g/mL x 85%) = 90.7 L . The calculation assumes that
the acid is mixed in fresh water not brine.

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The exact volumes needed to mix / dilute a certain volume of acid can be calculated from the following

Vol. Strong Acid= Vol. diluted acid x SG diluted acid x STRENGTH diluted acid (%)
SG strong acid x STRENGTH strong acid (%)
The most common acid concentrations and specific gravity are listed below:
Acid Strength Specific Gravity
15% 1.0747
20% 1.0998
28% 1.1402
32% 1.1604

Example: To mix / dilute 1000 gal of 15% HCl from 32% HCl (Raw Acid)
Volume Strong Acid = (1000 gal x 1.0747 x 15%) / (1.1604 x 32) =434 gal of 32% HCl
Volume of Water: 1000 gal – 434 gal = 566 gal

Volume Strong Acid: 434 gal

Corrosion Inhibitor = 5 gal
Surfactant = 3
Mutual Solvent: 100 gal
Anti-sludge: 5 gal
Non-Emulsifier: 5 gal
Iron Stabilizer: 13 gal
Iron Stabilizer (Reducing Agent) : 5 lbm
Water: 435 gal *
Note: All the liquid additives are subtracted from the water volume initially calculated (i.e. 566 gal)

Mixing Procedure - A
 Fill the closed top paddle mixer with calculated amount of fresh / drill water.
 Add and disperse the corrosion inhibitor. Mix thoroughly
 Add and disperse each one of the remaining liquid additives. Mix thoroughly.
 Add iron stabilizer (reducing agent – solid additive). Mix thoroughly.
 Add the required amount of concentrated Hydrochloric acid (strong acid)
 Mix thoroughly.
 Check density and temperature of acid system.

Mixing Procedure - B
 Add approximately one-half of the required mix water to a clean tank.
 Add and disperse the corrosion inhibitor. Mix thoroughly

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 Add and disperse each one of the remaining liquid additives. Mix thoroughly.
 Add iron stabilizer (reducing agent – solid additive). Mix thoroughly.
 Add the required amount of concentrated Hydrochloric acid (strong acid)
 Mix thoroughly.
 Top off with the balance of the mix water.
 Check density and temperature of acid system

For CDA Acid System the following procedure must be used:

 Fill the closed top paddle mixer with calculated amount of fresh / drill water.
 Add and disperse the corrosion inhibitor. Mix thoroughly
 Add and disperse each one of the remaining liquid additives. Mix thoroughly.
 Add iron stabilizer (reducing agent – solid additive). Mix thoroughly.
 Add the required amount of concentrated Hydrochloric acid (strong acid)
 Mix thoroughly.
 Add the required amount of Viscoelastic Surfactant (S1000).
 Check density and temperature of acid system.

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OiLSERV confidential Rev 4.0 Page # 129

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