Synopsis On The Readings of Odi Ogbe

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The synopsis is presented under the following subtitles:

1. Introduction
2. Pre-initiation Divination
3. Post-Initiation Divination
4. Brief History
5. Readings of the message
6. Affiliated Irunmole/Orisa
7. Possible Names
8. Possible Profession
9. Taboos
10. Glossary
The information you are about to receive from this reading of you Odu, which
was revealed to during Itenifa ( Ifa initiation) is the workings of the dynamic
forces within you, which were formed by your emanation and at the point of your
existence on this terrestrial plane. Also it bothers on the cosmic forces that are
spiritual and beyond your control.
The dynamic forces are your potentials, natural qualities and strength of your
character to be controlled in order to strengthen your public image and boost
your popularity. Whereas the cosmic forces or components are from Ayanmo,
Akunleyan and Akunlegba. These three components are loosely described as
Destiny or Heavenly gift/virtues.

The Ayanmo is interplay to forces, which are usually divine, and in consonant
with the inventive precepts of Olodumare (The Almighty God of creation).
Ayanmo of your life cannot be changed. Once you are created with it, it remains
so till the expiration of your life on this planet earth. Ayanmo includes sex of an
individual, race, family, parent, growth, and other natural rules of which an
individual must tow and obey.
Akunleyan are the virtues and values chosen in heaven consequent upon your
actions/activities in your previous evolution or existence. They are actually things
chosen by you and most of the time form your likes and dislikes or taboo.

Akunlegba are the gifts or virtues added by various Irunmole at the presence of
Onibode (celestial sentinel) in heaven or just before you emanate into the world.
They are like spices, additives, preservatives, and vehicles of propagation of
Ayanmo and Akunleyan or things that complement the Akunleyan in order to
fulfill your destiny on earth.
The reading of your Odu helps to determine or reveal your talent limitations,
assets, shortcomings, possibilities and probabilities. You should use the
appropriate ebo (sacrifice) which has same polarity and magnetism to your Odu
in order to discover love, fortune health, hope, happiness, fulfillment in life and
You should also avoid such things, which may hinder your talents, or discoveries
by observing your taboos as explained to you during your Itenifa (Ifa initiation)
Pre-initiation Divination (Àdáwọgbódù)
Pre-initiation divination (Adawogbodu) is usually done before a would-be initiate
enters the Ifa grove. The essence of this divination is to reveal the present
situation of things about the person. It states further and justifies the need or
necessity for the initiation. Sometimes, a clue or hint is revealed about any
unforeseen problems that may arise in the course/process of initiation.
Sometimes too it gives a guide or direction to be followed or observed during the
The appropriate ebo (sacrifice) is done immediately, so that a hitch free initiation
is achieved, and to correct or amend any sad or ugly occurrences that might
have beset the would-be initiate.
Post Initiation Divination (Ìta)
Ita, in simple translation means the post initiation divination usually done on the
third day of Itenifa (Ifa Initiation). The significance of Ita is to reveal the situation
of things surrounding the initiate which may likely happen in the near future. It
acts as a support to the Odu revealed at initiation. Through this divination, a
babalawo is told by Ifa if all the rituals and rites of initiation had been divinely
endorsed by the Irunmole and ultimately by God.
Ita, also re-emphasises and re-validates certain messages that are sacrosanct in
the main Odu reveal at initation.
Sacrifices (ebo) are made immediately in order to engender good tidings and
possibly prevent any unhealthy occurrence that may arise in the near future.
Brief History

Odi-Ogbe is one of the mixed Odu, which occupies the position 62 in the ranking
of the chapters of Odu Ifa. It is the combination of one leg of Odi Meji on the
right and one leg of Eji Ogbe on the left hand side. The fact of the mixed Odu
does not dilute their potency nor make them less efficacious. In fact, some of the
mixed Odu have been known to be powerful and display potency much more
than some major Odu in some aspects of life and living and in the knowledge of
things – natural and celestial. Odi-Ogbe is imprinted in pairs of the combined
Odu in four rows like this:

1. Ifa says it foresees the ire of longerity for the owner of this Ifa . You need to offer
ebo in order for him to live a long life on earth .You need to offer I guinea fowl
and money for the ebo to feed ifa with I guinea fowl . Once this is done , longerity
is assured by Ifa . The stanza reads thus:
Dia fun won nilun ibi a kii gbee ku
Won ni ki won rubo si laiku araa won
Won rubo
Kop e ko jinna
E wa ba ni laiku kangiri
Nje ogereji-mogbo awo ire ni o
Enikan kii da Idingbe ko yan ku
Ogereji mogbo awo ire ni o
Ogereji -mogbo (name of babalawo)
He cast Ifa for the inhabitants of the town where one does not live and die
They were advised to offer ebo for longervity
They complied
Not too long, not too far
Come and meet us in the blessing of long life
Ogereji mogbo, you are truly a good Awo
One cannot cast Idin-Gbe, for him to die prematurely
Ogerejimogbo, you are indeed a competent Awo.

2. Ifa says that there are some valuable items belonging to his family that are lost
already. Ifa says you are in search of the items that for you to regain the lost
items, you need to offer ebo and to propritaiate Ifa. Ifa also warns that you should
be wary of what you do in respect of Ifa divination. Ifa says you should be sure
and knowledgeable about whatever you want to say to people with regard to the
message of IFa. On this, Ifa says:

Ito bale, o ro pee

Kelebe bale wariri-wariri
Dia fun Aja
A bu fun Akuko
Won n lo ree gbawo nile Oniree Sanbe
Won ni ki won sakaale, ebo ni sise
Awon Orere taun-taun
Awo ehoro diafa fun Ehoro
Nijo to n lo ree fi Ogun han Oniree Sanbe
Won ni ko sakaale ebo ni sise
O gbebo, o rubo
Nje ta lo fi Ogun han Oniree Sanbe?
Ehoro, lo fi Ogun han Oniree Sanbe

The sputum landed on the ground and made an in-audible thud
Phlegm also landed on the ground and quiver
These were messages of Ifa to Aja, dog
And to Akuko, rooster
They were going to perform Ifa divination in the home Oniree Sanbe
There were advise to offer ebo
The straight path (alias of babalawo)
He was the awo of Ehoro, have who cast Ifa for Ehoro
When he was going to introduce Ogun to Oniree Sanbe
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Who was it that introduced Ogun to Oniree Sanbe
Ehoro, the have was the one who introduce Ogun to Oniree Sanbe
Truly, it was ehoro.

3. Ifa foresees that the owner of this Ifa will get out of any tribulations, which he
may be facing, Ifa says that he will be free of any form of conscription or forced
labour that may beset him. You need to offer ebo and to propritiate Osun in order
to enjoy the favour from women folk. The ebo materials include as follows: 2
pigeons, 2 hens, 2 rooster, and money. The stanza read thus:

Idin gbe mi ki ngbe o

Orisa gbe mi latete o jori ako esin lo
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti nloo yawo lowo Iku
Ti nloo singba lodo Arun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

Idin lift me up and let me lift you up
Orisa, please lift me up better than mounting a horse
This was the message of Ifa to Orunmila
When he was going to borrow money from Iku, death
And was also going to become a pawn for Arun, ailment
He was advised to offer ebo

In this Odu, Orunmila was serving under Iku and Arun in order to offset the debt
owed them. One day, he went to consult Ifa about how to be free from this forced labour.
He was advised to offer ebo and he complied. While he was offering the ebo Iku and
Arun had been expecting him to come and when they didn’t see him, they went to his
house in search of him. On seeing them, Orunmila took to his heels and they pursued
him. On getting to the stream, Orunmila jump into it and found Osun taking her bath.
Osun then covered him with his cloth. When Iku and Arun got there, they couldn’t see
him any longer and eventually they left.
Thereafter, Orunmila got acquainted with Osun, they met together and later on she
conceived and gave birth to a baby. When the baby grew up he was named by Orunmila
as Idi-Gbemi.
4. Ifa says that your suffering and want shall become a thing of the past. Ifa says the
if this has been his lot, that Olodumare has decided to put a stop to it now. You
will never lack or be in want of anything in your life.
ifa also says that you have a particular child who has the tendency to make you
great in life. You need to offer ebo with a pigeon, rooster, guinea fowl and
money. You also need to feed Ifa with a she-goat. On this, Ifa says:

Awo kere awo oni

Awo dagba awo ola
Ogede nii gbodo sosin sora
Awo lameni-mola
Dia fun Oni-Loju-pon-mi-mo
Tii somo bibi inu Agbonniregun
Lojo to ntorun bo waye
Ebo ni won ni o waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Nje oni loju pon mi mo o
Bo ba dola o di irorun
Bi opa kan ba wo dundun
Igba woroworo niilu fun jo
On loju pon mi mo o
Bo ba dola a di rorun


5. Ifa says that it foresees the Ire of large followership and establishment. Ifa says
that you are going to be blessed with all ire in life, which will make a lot of
people wanting to follow and associate with you. In fact, you will become a leader
in the process and have the ability to have a lot of people under your command.
However, you need to offer ebo for prosperity and to do special Ifa preparation
with Orogbo, bitter kola, Obi, kolanut, Atare pupo, plenty of alligator pepper, Olo
ata, grinding stone, Odo, mortar, Ijapa, tortoise, Igbin, snail, Ori, shea butter, Epo,
palm-oil, Ewe Adosusu, the leaves of adosusu plan; and she-goat. All these will
be prepared and buried in his compound or his personal land. On this, Ifa says:

Idin gbe mi ki n gbe o

Orisa gbe mi latete o jori ako esin lo
Dia fun Ibikunle
Omo arikan tile do
Un o rinkan kole e baba a mi
Kerekere, akun-fadi-ya ni t’oloja
Igbin kii kole ti ko ma kun
Alabahun kii kole tie ko ma kun
Ataare kii kole tie ko ma kun
Obi kii kole tie ko ma kun
Orogbo kii kole tie ko ma kun
Odo lo ni ki gbogbo ire o ba mi do
Olo lo ni bi ire ba de
Ki ire naa ma lee lo ninu ile mi
Ewe adosusu kii duro loun nikan soso
Kerekere, akunfadiya ni toloja

Idin lift me up and let me support you
Orisa, please lift me up to a position even better than that of a horse
This was the message of Ifa to Ibikunle
The one who was well established
And would also use the establishment to maintain his father’s house
Gradually the establishment of a market founder is well populated even beyond
the boundary
The snail never builds its house without filling it up
It is not the portion of the tortoise to build its house without filling it up
Alligator pepper is not in the habit of building its house without filling it up
Kolanut, also cannot build its house without filling it up
Bitter kola too never builds its house without filling it up
Odo, the mortar is it that authorizes all good things of life to surround me
And the grinding stone is it that authorizes that when all these good things of life
surround me
May they not depart from me anymore.
Adosusu leaves will never live a lonely life
Gradually, the establishment of a market founder

6. Ifa says that ire awaits you, that you shall become a wealthy person. All those
who have been doing Ifa work for him have not really achieved much as a result
of their inability to decipher the real message of Ifa. Ifa says that you have just
reached the place where things will be put in proper perspective. You shall also be
bestowed with honour and respect of your parternal ancestors. In this wise, you
need to propitiate the Oke divinity-Oosa-Oke. Ifa says that there is a particular
woman, who is close to you and is indire need of a child. The woman shall be
blessed and shall bear a child.s he needs to offer 1 she-goat, 6oo units of currency.
Ifa also advises the owner of this Ifa not to be bothered that he shall overcome his
According to Ifa, there are some people (about 6) who are planning evil against
him, but they shall not succeed. Ifa then advises him to make a feast and invite
people to the feast. Ifa says that these people are those who are very close to him.
On the above, the stanza goes thus:
Ogbologboo yunyun nii dade
Agbalagba ejo ni o komo re leyin yooyooyoo loo je
Mariwo ope bale senu gbadu-gbadu
Dia fun Orunmila
Won ni oro o baba o jebo
Bee ni o jetutu
Ayaafi ko maa lo sorun osan gangan

The big snake does not go about with its offsprings in search of food
The palm fronds drops down and reveal a scattered mouth
These were Ifa’s declarations to Orunmila
When his Awo told him he needed not to offer ebo neither should he perform any
Unless, he should proceed to heaven forth with

In this Odu, Orunmila took one she-goat and 600 units of cowries and headed for
the house of Iroko-Agunregejege, his friend in order to bid him farewell. He told
him he would sleep overnight and the following day he would be on his way to
heaven, while going to heaven, he met Aruko ya legun, o di Ooda. She asked
Orunmila where he was going. He told her he was going to heaven. She asked
why and he narrated to her how Ifa was consulted for him and was advised not to
offer any ebo but to proceed to heaven. Aruko ya legun, o di Oosa asked him to
go back that it was time for him to be bestowed with the title and honour of his
ancestors. That he would be bestowed with the title of Alakotun. She then advised
him to bring one she-goat and 600units of cowries for ebo. Orunmila complied
and then turned back to go home.
As Orunmila was about to bring out his snuff container from his pouch, his Opele
mistakenly fell down and the Odu Idin-Gbe was revealed. Orunmila then called
back Aruko ya legun, o di Oosa who was also known as Orisa Oke. He told her
that she had never conceived or given birth before, but if she could procure a she-
goat and 600 cowries that she would be able to conceive and give birth. She then
went and bought another she-goat, gave it to Orunmila with 600 units of cowries.
Orunmila made Ifa preparation for her, and they both left for their respective
When Orunmila got home, his family members had been looking for him to come
and receive the title of Alakotun.
On the other hand, Oosa-Oke also conceived. Prior to this time she had already
told Orunmila that after the day of his conferment of title that six enemies would
should up and will be praying negatively for Orunmila. Truly, when Orunmila had
been conferred with the title, the following people showed up. They are:
Otun awo won lode Aba
Osi awo Abosise
Atotun, atosi kii rubo tire fo ma fin
Atotun, atosi kii rubo tire fo ma da
Awon Asewelewele ni won sefa fun omokunrindepenu
Aba degun-depe lawo lori, ko le ja

Otun right the awo of the inhabitants of Aba town
Osi, left the awo of Abosise
Both right and left do not perform their ebo without being accepted
Both right and left don not perform their ebo without being endorsed
The Asewelewele were the awos who made Ifa work for omokunrin depenu
Even if curse and negative spell are cast on Awo
It will surely amount to wrought.

These were the six enemies of Orunmila, they came to visit him and asked him to
procure six kolanuts for them on the Ifa divination tray in order ot pray for him.
They then started praying negatively for Orunmila with the use of ase. Esu then
came to Orunmila not to keep quiet that he should reply them as follows:
Asemoleri depenu (Twice)
A ba degun-depe lawo lori ko le ja
Asemoleri depenu
Egun, epe, isasi ko ma le ran mi
Asemoleri depenu

Asemoleri depenu (Twice)
If a curse and negative spell are cast on Awo, it can never be effective
Asemoleri depenu
Be it curse, spells can not have any effect on me
Asemoleri depenu

Thereafter Orunmila became prosperous and then decided to go and visit the
woman to made Ifa work for him to be successful. He set out to the house of
Aruko-ya-legun-o-d’osa (Oosa-Oke). On the other hand, the woman too decided
to go and visit Orunmila, who made Ifa work for her to become a proud mother.
She headed for Orunmila’s house and on the way, they both met each other at the
crossroads. Orunmila was saying thus:
Talo so mi doloba o
Orisa-Oke, lo so mi doloba o, Orisa-oke
Orisa oke

Who was it that made me a king?
Orisa-oke, was the one who made me a king,
Orisa oke

Orisa-oke then retorted thus:

Talo so mi dolomo o
Iba-Igbo, Ifa lo so mi dolomo o, Ifa-Igbo

Who was it that made a proud mother
Iba-Igbo, Ifa was the one who made a mother

7. In this Odu of Idin-Gbe, Ifa foresees ire aje, financial success and ire omo, child
bearing. Ifa says that you will never be a lone ranger, that you will be blessed with
financial success and beautiful children that will always be by your need to offer
and all encompassing for all ire in life and will slice open a hen and put it on your
Ifa, leave for some days. When it starts bringing out maggots, remove and pound
with the leaves of egbee plant, and mix with soap. You will be using it to bathe.
On this, Ifa says:

Idin gbegbengbe lawo Idin gbegbengbe

Idin gbegbengbe lawo Idin gbegbengbe
Oosa gbeni latete o jori ako esin lo
Awo Ori difa fun Ori
Ori nbe logbere oun nikan soso girogiro
Ori sare wa o wag be mi o
Gbegbeegbe lewe eregbe ngbele
Nijo adie pe koko
Omo loyeke nsunkun pe, omo


8. Ifa says that Iku, death, Arun, ailment, Ejo, contention, Ofo, loss, etc. are pursuing
the person whom this Ifa is cast. Ifa says the with the appropriate ebo, you shall
triumph over these ajoguns and Ifa will banish them away. In this case, you need
to mould 2 sigidi (effigy) and stuff their mouth with kolanut.
One of them will be put in front of your house while the other one will be put at
the back of your house. These sigidi will always be there and as a result, all
ajoguns (negative forces) mentioned above will flee from you. On this, Ifa says:
Okerebe nijewu
Okere be nijewu
Oti kekere hu rungbon yeuke
Dia fun Orunmila
Nijo Iku oun Arun nkanle e ree re
Ti gbogbo ajogun nkanle ree lo
Ebo ni won o wa se
O gbebo, o rubo

Okerebe nijewu
Okerebe nijewu
He who started growing long beard from youth
These were the awo who cast Ifa for Orunmila
When death and ailments were coming to catch him at home
And all other negative forces followed suit
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied

In this Odu, all the ajoguns were pursuing Orunmila about. Orunmila went for Ifa
divination and was advised to offer ebo and instructed to make 2 sigidi as
explained above. Orunmila complied; Esu then transfigured those sigidi into
human beings.
Whenever all these ajoguns wanted to enter the house of Orunmila from the front,
they would be confronted with a sentrup (sigidi turned human being). Going
through the back door, they are confronted with another sentry. Seeing this
strange thing, they would greet the sentry and also asked him to answer.
Unfortunately, he would not answer. They started parading both the front and the
back house with a view to enter Orunmila’s house but could not succeed until it
became dawn the following morning.
They were then wondering and saying that the sentry was tough and bad
mannered that he should have responded to them when they were greeting him.
When Orunmila heard this, he the then replied that if the sentry does not repond to
them, that they should all leave. When they noticed that Orunmila had woken up,
they decided to flee. This was how Orunmila triumphed over them. Orunmila was
then happy and giving praises to Ifa.
The following were the conversation of the ajoguns in the midnight towards the
early morning and also the response of Orunmila to them:
Nje Ijobi ona o o seun
Ijobi ona o o seeyan
Ijobi ona sebi ti a ba kini
A a je ni
Orunmila ni Ijobi ona seun o
Ijobi ona seeyan
Iku, Arun to o ba ki ijobi ona
Ti o ba dahun
Iku, Arun, Ajogun ko o maa lo

Ijobi ona, the sentry you have not done well
Ijobi ona, you a bad mannered person
Ijobi ona, you ought to have responded
When we greeted you
Orunmila replied that Ijobi ona has done well
Ijobi ona is a good person
Iku, death, Arun, ailment if you have greeted Ijobi ona
And did not respond
Iku, Arun and all ajoguns, you should take your leave
9. Ifa says that you are a natural leader from heaven and that you are the head
(Olori) of a particular Egbe (heavenly mates) in heaven. These your egbe will
always be on hand to render you all the necessary support and assistance the you
may need. You need to offer ebo and propitiate egbe divinity in this regard. The
stanza of this Odu-Ifa goes thus:

Idin gbere arinako

Dia fun Lajunbala
Olori egbe lode orun
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbebo, o rubo
E ba ni se e
Eyin egbe mi e ba mi se o
Me le nikan da se

Idin gbere arinako
Cast Ifa for Lajunbala
The Olori, head of ebge in heaven
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Please, come and assist me
My heavenly mates, come and support me
I cannot do it all alone

10 Ifa advises you not to spill blood on your Ifa whenever you want to offer any
blooded animal to Ifa, you should spill the blood on the ground in front of Ifa
or round the IFa on the ground. Ifa says that spilling blood on Ifa-Odi’Gbe is a
taboo. The stanza of the Odu is as follows:
Ogereji mogbo, awo won lode Ido
Nijo aye e won ja, to’ro
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
Eyin leyin o mohun eewo
Igba eyin peran tan
Le deje si Idin-gbe loju
Eyin leyin o mohun eewo

Ogereji-mogbo, the awo in the town of Ido
He cast Ifa for the inhabitants of Ido
When their lives were completely down and out
They were advised to offer ebo
It was because you have not known your taboo
When you killed a sacrificial animal
You then poured the blood on Idin-gbe’s eye
It was because you have not realized your taboo
10. Ifa advises you to be careful in order for you not to go bankrupt which may lead
to uneasiness or lack of peace of mind for him. Ifa says that you need to offer ebo
with 3 partridges (bush fowl). You will use one to for the ebo; one to feed Ifa; and
one to feed your Ori. Once this is done, you cannot go bankrupt and you shall
have peace of mind. On this, Ifa says:

Asaka ni gba ro
Ogbengbe ngbere
Ka feyi segbe baba Adeyemo
Dia fun Orunmila
Won ni baba o nii ni isinmi laye
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbegbo, o rubo
Nje, aparo lawo je o
Awo o lorun-un gbese

Asaka ni gbaro
Ogbengbe ngbere
Ka feyi segbe baba Adeyemo
They were the awo who cast Ifa for Orunmila
When the enemies declared that he would not have comfort in life
He was advised to offer ebo
Behold, it is aparo, guinea fowl that Awo has eaten
The Awo is not going to be bankrupt

11. Ifa advises you that you need to offer ebo in order to be comfortable in life. Ifa
however, warns you not to be too inquisitive. Whatever he might have lost, Ifa
says that he shall regain it and thus become comfortable thereafter. The sacrifice
materials include the following: cotton wool, fresh egg and money. On this, Ifa
Eyele lo ji ni kutukutu
Lo foni wura san ese nu
Dia fun Olofin Aaye o roju
Awa roji, ara raaye
Awa rihun wa yoo nu.
The pigeon woke in the morning
And washed off its legs with the water of gold
This was the message of Ifa to Olofin, the one who
Was not comfortable in his life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Yes, we have the time and also have the convenience
We have seen our thing that was lost.
12. the person for whom this Odu is cast or children of Odi-Ogbe should uphold Ifa
for accomplishments. Ifa says that , it will always be his pillar of support and will
assist him to accomplish his heart desires . He need to offer ebo with 2 roosters ,2
hens, 2 bottles of honey and money in order to avert failures in his life . After the
offering of ebo , he should propitiate Ifa and Ori.
He can ask Ifa for what to be used for feeding Ifa and Ori.On this, Ifa says:
Idin gbee arinnako
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa nsunkun oun o leye lowo
Won ni ko rubo
O gbebo , O rubo
Nje e maa ho o ,oyin agbe
Hiho laa ho boo mo Idin’gbe
Idin gbee arinnako (name of babalawo)
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
When he was lamenting for want of Aje, financial success
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Shout and be merry
We normally shout and make merry with the child of Idin’gbe

13. Ifa says that you will meet with someone, either a friend or relative that you have
seen for quite a long time. Ifa says that your meeting again will be a happy one
and as sweet as honey. You need to offer ebo so that their joy will be full to the
brim and everlasting.
You need to offer 4 guinea fowls, 4 hens, 4 pigeons, and money. The stanza read
Ojo lo titi, ojo di kese
Oro kii gbe-e doro itan
Baa ba ti ri’ra eni o pe
E ku ati laa kukuku ki ra eni
Dia fun Eku-Ile
A bu fun Eku-Oko
Eku Ile o o, Eku Oko
Awa ti ri’ra wa
Awa yo

When time flies too long, it becomes too distant
Events easily become history
If we have seen each other for too long
The usual greeting is ‘Long time no see’
These were the declarations of Ifa to Eku-Ile, domestic rat (mouse)
And also declared for Eku-Oko, forest rat
Eku-Ile, mouse and Eku Oko, forest rat
We have seen each other again
And we are happy indeed

14. Ifa foresees ire wealth and prestige for a child born with Ifin’gbe. According to
Ifa, he will become a great person in life. A lot of ire also await him abroad, he
will become wealthy even outside his province, state or country. He needs to offer
ebo with 2 guinea fowls, 2 pigeons and money. On this, Ifa says:

Idin pa
Idin gbe
Dia fun Sekere
Ti nsawo rode Oyo
Dia fun Dundun
Ti nsawo rode Oyo
Sekere nikan lo nbe leyin ti ntubo
Sekere nikan lo rubo apesin
Otun ilu ta la o gbe
Baba onisekere la o gbe


15. Ifa advises you to always avoid anything that may cause problem between him
and Orisanla or between him and the elderly ones.
It is not in your best interest to confront or offend these set of people mentioned
above. If you can do this, they will always be ready to assist whenever they are
called upon. On the other hand, if you are having problems as a result of conflict
with elders or any of those mentioned above. Then what you need to do is to
appease Obatala, ask from Ifa what you will need to propitiate Obatala. But prior
to this, you need to offer ebo with 3 roosters, 3 guinea fowls and money. On this,
Ifa says thus:
Idingbe, Idingbe laa lu aran Oosa
Dia fun Iya Agere kekere
Olohun yiyun regerege
Ti nloo gba Ojele
Tii sobinrin Orisa
Ebo ni won ni o waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Mo gbojele na o
Orisa fi jin
Orisa fi jin
Mo gbojele o

Idingbe is the way the aran drum of Orisa is beaten
This was the message of Ifa to Agere kekere
The one with a pleasant and sweet voice
When going to seduce Ojele
The wife of Orisa
He was advised to offer ebo
I have taken Ojele as a wife
Orisa, please grant your forgiveness
Orisa, please forgive me
I have taken over Ojele

Affiliated Irunmole/Orisa
Ifa Obatala
Esu Odara

Possible Names
1. Iwinlara – f
2. Idigbemi – m
3. Olajunbala – m
4. Ikusaanu –m/f
5. Okikiade – f
6. Ifajenroju –m/f
7. Ifajenraaye – m/f
8. Iponjupin –m
9. Ifaserorun –m/f
10. Ibikunle – m/f
Possible Profession
1. Babalawo especially with specialization in rituals and initiations
2. Musicians
3. Medical Doctor
4. Herbalist
5. Hunter/Soldier
6. Farmer
7. Politician
8. Trader

1. Not to eat have/rabbit to avoid losing those who could help him
2. If a woman, she should not eat groundnut to avoid losing her children)
3. Not to discriminate in the choice of spouse in order to avoid losing the wife
that has been destined for him
4. Must not be too inquisitive to avoid losing his eyesight
5. Must not be killing rats and mice to avoid losing important friends or well
6. Must never put blood on his Ifa in order to avoid spoiling life destiny
7. Must not say what he is not sure of to avoid the anger of Ifa

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