Case Study 2 Knowledge
Case Study 2 Knowledge
Case Study 2 Knowledge
1.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................2
2.0 The Conflict Process............................................................................................................3
3.0 Types of Organizations Conflict.........................................................................................4
3.1 Intrapersonal Conflicts......................................................................................................5
3.2 Interpersonal Conflict........................................................................................................5
3.3 Intragroup Conflict............................................................................................................6
3.4 Intergroup Conflict............................................................................................................7
3.5 Intra-organizational Conflict.............................................................................................8
4.0 Causes of Conflict in Organizations...................................................................................8
5.0 Organization Conflict Management...................................................................................9
6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations.................................................................................11
1.0 Introduction
Due to discrepancies between the thoughts, expectations, opinions and interests of
customers, conflict cannot really be eliminated in any setting, entity or organization.
Conflict is usually characterized as an antagonistic situation of disagreement, conflict or
incompatibility among two or more persons (Patzak, 2012 & Wilmont and Hocker, 2001).
It is a condition of conflict generated by the real or assumed disagreement among
individuals working together between desires, beliefs and interests. In organizations,
conflict takes several types. The unavoidable conflict between institutional control and
authority but those impacted people and organizations is apparent. There are many
disagreements about how to allocate profits, how to do all the job, and also how hard for a
long-time worker can work. Among citizens, agencies, as well as between workers and
management, there really are legislative differences. Then, organizational conflict, in basic
words, relates to the consequence of human activity, which begins if one group member
discovers whether their aims, beliefs or actions are conflicting with other people in the
organization. Misalignment of views can exist between two individuals, within the same
member, or between organizational divisions.
There are several factors that can influence the conflict in the workplace which are
unclear responsibility, interpersonal relationship, scarcity of resources and others. The
unclear responsibility means where there has been a conflict of understanding,
disagreement usually occurs about who is responsible about which part of a mission or
project. And the tasks and obligations of the group members must be properly stated and
therefore decided upon by everyone to prevent the problem. After that, the others factors is
interpersonal relationship means Each person in an organization has a different character
that plays an important role in a firm's resolving conflicts. Organizational conflicts are
sometimes caused by relationship difficulties with people in the organization. Then, the
others factors are scarcity of resources means that because of the scarcity of resources such
as time, manpower, supplies, and so on, an employee of the organization conflict with one
another and its contributing to conflict amongst themselves. Lastly, the others factor that
influencing organization conflicts is when there has conflict of interest in the company.
This means that conflict of interest happens where there is a confusion with the
individuals’ personal specific interests as well as the goals of the organization, so when
individual will battle over their personal objectives, affecting the actual progress of the
company. Organizations conflicts are related to human and inter-individual causes,
disputes in the workplaces. Behaviors, values, personality preference and human failings
are linked to particular factors. Inter-individual disputes occur when a person breaches the
organization's expectations.
There are several stage or process that can result in organization conflicts arises
which are incompatibility, cognition and personalization, intentions, behaviors and
outcomes. Firstly, incompatibility happens because of several issues in the company like
communication, structures and personal variables. The communications happen when
conflict in the communication medium which has not been explained may emerge from
contextual problems, confusion, or noise. Structures are depending in the structure of a set
of individuals who have had to work jointly, conflict can occur. Personal variables are
conflict can occur if two people working around each other simply don't think about one
another. After that, the next process is cognition and personalization mean that humans
spoke of how tension occurs unless it is believed to happen. If it has been developed that
there is possible conflict or inconsistency and both sides sense it, so dispute arises. Next,
the next process is intentions means that intentions arise between some of the perceptions
and emotions of individuals and assist those participating in the future confrontation to
attempt to behave in a certain manner. In order to decide how and when to respond to a
statement or action, one must derive from what all the other person said. A lot of disputes
are complicated when one group supposes from other person the incorrect motivations.
There are several different ways that the person can respond to the others statement in
order to avoid from conflict happens which are competing, collaborating, avoiding and
Moreover, the next process is behaviors means when disagreement appears clear,
and it encompasses the claims, acts and answers of the parties to the conflict. Such actions
can be subtle efforts to get the other person to announce motives, although they have a
quality of stimuli that distinguishes them from its real stage of intention. Lastly, the last
process of conflict is the outcomes. Outcomes can be divided into two which are functional
outcomes and dysfunctional outcomes. Functional outcomes happens when it becomes
beneficial for conflict. It can be tough to think of moments where individuals disagree and
argue, as well as the effect somehow is positive. Although, for a second, think about
disagreement as the solution to groupthink. If the community members want approval,
when all the feasible options are being evaluated, they are obligated to all agree. Conflict
avoids that from taking place. Next, dysfunctional outcomes happen when usually highly
well-known and recognized. Unmonitored disagreement creates dissatisfaction, which
tends to break relations and inevitably leads to the group's breakup. As a consequence of
dysfunctional conflict, companies reach their eventual destruction more frequently than
you might expect. Individuals who dislike one another and cannot get together do not
decide things to run a business well.
3.1 Intrapersonal Conflicts
This intrapersonal conflict arises inside the person himself and arises within about
an individual whenever his motivations or purposes are prevented and when a person faces
two distinct options and does not take the right decision because he faces opposing goals
and roles (Chand, 2010). In general, the conflict within the person is linked to values, in
which there is no consensus between his position and his ideals and principles, such as
avoiding unwelcome phone conversations or guests, secretary may often lie that their
executives weren't in their offices. This might lead to disagreements inside the heads of the
representatives that might have strengthened the concept of truth-telling.
It is perhaps the most known and common disagreement that exists amongst two or
more parties. That is why most people confuse as organizational disputes, and that can
exist due to various disagreements between two entities (Green & Charles 2012). This
dispute may arise among two managers who share or collaborate for about the same benefit
with a small staff and capital resources; they may even conflict on the right campaign
strategy for each top customer. In addition, this conflict may actually occur here between
manager and his bosses, supervisor and staff, as well as between worker and worker, and
so on. In addition, it may arise because of disagreements in organization’s aims and
priorities (Kinicki & Kreitner 2008). The factors of this conflict are differences in
personalities, attitudes such as expectations, knowledge, histories and education that
conflict interests, changes in status and power, lack of information, position in harmony,
tension and frightening resources (Whetten & Cameron, 2012).
members of the organization with interpersonal compatibility issues such as conflicts,
animosities, frustrations and personality clashes, a relationship conflict exists (Jehn, 1995).
Performing is much more appropriate than falling in Western country, and rivalry is more
normal than collaboration, both of which helps to escalate intra-group conflict. Community
meetings are sometimes held in a win-lose atmosphere in order to decide a winner and a
loser, but instead to achieve cooperative solving problems, which is participant or
subgroup engagement.
3.5 Intra-organizational Conflict
doesn't even respond appropriately, conflict flares in the company. Conflict may be
facilitated by multiple communication difficulties or inconsistencies in the process of
communication. The individual often reacts with rage and frustration once a person
misrepresents a response or when information is excluded. After that, the others cause of
organization conflicts is individual differences means that the essence of interpersonal
relationships can be affected in no tiny measure by personal skills, characteristics, and
abilities. Personal domination, assertiveness, authoritarianism, and uncertainty sensitivity
all tend to affect how a person deals with future conflict. Evidently, such features can
decide when conflict is produced already or not.
Based on the conflicts that usually happens in the companies above, there are
several methods that can be used by the company itself in order to reduce the conflicts that
happens in the organization which known as Organization Conflict Management which
including several method which are avoiding style, accommodating style, competing style,
compromising style and collaborating style. The avoiding style is when someone has little
regard about his or her overall purpose and little concern for each other's relationship with
him or her. Some employees, not trying to start any conflicts, may avoid certain
conversation with some of the other employees. He's not really a person of that type. After
that, the others method is accommodating style means that Whereby each group focuses on
the desires of another, but not on the value of the objective. If one employee were to follow
the welcoming style, he could look at some others. The person is telling others to go
forward with both the direct mail program without worrying about the purpose and the
result the organization expects.
Next, the others methods are competing styles means that it will be identified by
one person moving forward with its own objective and priorities with little regard for one
of the other sides in the dispute. When the competing type of dispute resolution was to be
followed by one employee, we could move forward with the decision to use direct mail and
disregard much to do with the certain idea. We would take her proposal to her supervisor
and enforce it and run right through any complaints some had. Then, the others methods of
avoiding the organization conflicts is by compromising styles. This means that the strong
concern towards others and reasonable consideration for the main destination are seen, and
an emphasis is placed on finding a fair common ground where both stakeholders can still
be satisfied. However, no community has received exactly what it was intended, though
neither group is entirely unhappy with both the agreement. Lastly, the last methods that can
be used in order to reduce the organization conflict among the workers is collaborating
styles. The one in which partnerships and strong regard for fulfilling one's own target are
of high concern. Many with a collaborative style are trying to place all issues on the table,
discuss them and communicate with all sides freely. They are searching for the best
outcome possible which will gain in the dispute for each side. With that kind of new
solution that both sides can get behind, dispute is overcome and both believe that the
purpose of the business will be achieved.
6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations
Based on the case study above, it can be seen that there are several types of the
organizations conflicts that usually happens in the business. The company can use the
organization conflict management above in order to manage their conflicts that happens in
the company. In my opinion, the company should provide the conflict resolutions training.
This means that Through allowing staff gain the skills they really have to effectively
overcome the disputes that happen in their lives, they can reduce the negative effects of
conflict. This gives more faith to individuals in their ability to settle private and
professional disputes. Instead of causing them to become huge distractions, it also allows
people more productive at resolving small problems as they arise. After that, the company
should provide communications skills towards all the employees. This is because
employees can improve their ability to communicate efficiently with a variety of
stakeholders and overcome the communication issues which are often at the center of
interpersonal conflict through obtaining training and professional development.
Last but not least, the company also needs to implement team building activities.
This is because Through the team development process, you can greatly enhance team
relationships and results. These events enable team members with an opportunity to
become more acquainted with each other, to define appropriate behaviors and methods of
communication, and to decide how to overcome team issues and disagreements.
(3,019 words)
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