1. The document lists the characters and their relationships in the story of Lefufa. It includes Lefufa, Loeto, Motlhanka, Tshotlego and others.
2. The characters are involved in various incidents and events including arguments between villages, love triangles, medical treatments, and disagreements over inheritance.
3. The summary provides context on the key players and their connections to understand the plot of the story being described.
1. The document lists the characters and their relationships in the story of Lefufa. It includes Lefufa, Loeto, Motlhanka, Tshotlego and others.
2. The characters are involved in various incidents and events including arguments between villages, love triangles, medical treatments, and disagreements over inheritance.
3. The summary provides context on the key players and their connections to understand the plot of the story being described.
1. The document lists the characters and their relationships in the story of Lefufa. It includes Lefufa, Loeto, Motlhanka, Tshotlego and others.
2. The characters are involved in various incidents and events including arguments between villages, love triangles, medical treatments, and disagreements over inheritance.
3. The summary provides context on the key players and their connections to understand the plot of the story being described.
1. The document lists the characters and their relationships in the story of Lefufa. It includes Lefufa, Loeto, Motlhanka, Tshotlego and others.
2. The characters are involved in various incidents and events including arguments between villages, love triangles, medical treatments, and disagreements over inheritance.
3. The summary provides context on the key players and their connections to understand the plot of the story being described.
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Setlhogo se ke Lefufa ke Kgwetlho: Ke kilo e e Moanelwa-mogolo ke Paka ke ya Ke fa re bonang Ditiragalo tsa
seane, fa se feletse selo se se sa feteletseng mo Tshotlego. Ditiragalo segologolo. Tshotlego a buka e, di a sa re “Lefufa le siamang. basetsaneng kgotsa ka bontsi di remelela Matshelo, mekgwa, tlhokafala teng. kgonagala e apeetswe le Molaetsa o, bokgaitsadie Motlhanka mo go ene e bile o re ditsamaiso le Lefufa le le neng le bile di a lentswe; lentswe re o ba ila Tshotlego. senolela molaetsa, dikakanyo tsa batho le mo basetsaneng dumelesega. la butswa lone la senolelwa ka kgotlhang, setlhoa, ke tsa segologolo. Re ba, le dirile gore ba Go a sala”. Go tewa ditiragalo tsa MOTHO LE MOTHO paka le lefelo, le bona bona dintlha dire ka bojotlhe gore dumelesega gore ga gona sepe buka tse di * Fa gare ga ga basetsana setlhogo sa buka se tse di latelang: Tshotlego a gore mo se se ka fedisang ba motse le Loeto. itebagantse nae. supang fa *Bana ba letela tlhokafale, ba sena botshelong lefufa fa le setse le * Fa gare ga ga Loeto le Tshotlego, e batsadi go ba rebola go roma ba ka nna le le mo mothong. Motlhanka. BAANELWA BA BA leng go nyala. kgaitsadiabone lefufa mo Buka e e bua ka * Fa gare ga ga Lefufa, BOTLHOKWA: moanelwa- *Go na le merero ya Motlhanka; monna mothong, Lefufa le basetsana Lemena le Motlhanka ka Loeto, Motlhanka, mogolo a ne Setswana jaaka wa ga Tshotlego mme a sa ba bangwe ba ne ba ntlha ya loso lwa ga Loeto. Oneile, Ikgomotseng, a fufegelwa Patlo le Peeletso. gore a mo tshelele direla molato na le lone mo go * Fa gare ga ga bo Lefufa, Lemena, ke batho mo *Go na le ditiragalo botlhole mo ope, ba bo ba Tshotlego mme kgaitsadie Motlhanka le Molete, Mazaruba, go feletseng tsa bo seyantlo molemong o a neng felele ba lefufa leo la gola Tshotlego. Bashi, Mompati *Go dumelwa mo mo go feleditseng go bakile loso * Fa gare ga ga Motlhanka Batsadi ba ga Loeto, a o diretswe ke mmolaile ka dingakeng tsa setso go bakile loso la ga lwa monna le Tshotlego. Batsadi ba ga Mazaruba, fa bone lebaka lone jaaka re bona ngaka Loeto le Tshotlego. wa gagwe le * Fa gare ga ga Tshotlego Motlhanka, ba sena go palelwa leo la kilo. Mazaruba la gagwe. le matsalaagwe Batsadi ba ga ke go mmolaya (Mmamontsho). Tshotlego makgetho a ka nna * Fa gare ga ga mabedi. Mmamontsho le batsadi ba ga Tshotlego. *Fa gare ga ga Motlhanka le bokgaitsadie morago ga loso la ga Tshotlego.