Grade 5 Term 2 Cre Schemes

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Wk Ls n Strand/ Sub strand Specific learning outcomes Key inquiry Learning experiences Learning Assessment Refl
Theme Questions Resources methods
1 1 THE Empowering the By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Why did Jesus • Learners in pairs discuss why Good News Bible, • Oral
EARLY Needy – ways in learner should be able to: teach in the story? people in their Flash cards, Questions,
LIFE OF which Christians a. outline the relevance of the 2. Why did the rich community work together in Pictures, Songs, • Portfolio
JESUS apply the teachings of Jesus in the young man find it supporting the needy Digital devices • Observation
teachings in the story of the rich young man difficult to share • Learners explain activities Charts, poems schedules
story of the rich and the society with others? carried out by their Longhorn CRE • Written
young man b. explain how Christians 3. Which projects are leaders to empower the poor. act. Learners Bk. Quizzes
apply the teachings in the carried out in the • Learners in pairs read Pg. 69-70
story to empower others in community to Matthew19:16-22 and
the community support the needy? explain lessons learnt Longhorn CRE
c. appreciate the importance • learners in groups to identify act. TG. Pg. 84-85
respecting spiritual and temptations that can
material resources keep them away from God
2 Persistence in By the end of the Sub strand, 1. Why did the • Learners brainstorm why it Good News Bible, • Oral
prayer – the story the learner should be able to: friend visit at good to choose friends wisely Flash cards, Questions,
of a friend at a. Narrate the story of a friend midnight? • Learners discuss what is the Pictures, Songs, • Portfolio
midnight at midnight to understand the 2. What are the meaning of a mid-night friend Digital devices • Observation
importance of persistence qualities of a Charts, poems schedules
• Learners to watch a video clip
b. State the qualities of a good good friend? Longhorn CRE • Written
friend the story on a friend at act. Learners Bk.
midnight Quizzes
c. Appreciate the importance of Pg. 71
prayer for good personal • Learners to read in turns Luke
relationship with God 11:5-13 Longhorn CRE
act. TG. Pg. 85-86

3 Persistence in By the end of the Sub strand, 1. Why did the • Learners brainstorm why it Good News Bible, • Oral
prayer - the story the learner should be able to: friend visit at good to choose friends wisely Flash cards, Questions,
of a friend at a. Narrate the story of a friend midnight? • Learners discuss what is the Pictures, Songs, • Portfolio
midnight at midnight to understand 2. What are the meaning of a mid-night friend Digital devices • Observation
the qualities of a • Learners to watch a video clip Charts, poems schedules
importance of persistence good friend? the story on a friend at Longhorn CRE • Written
b. State the qualities of a good midnight act. Learners Bk. Quizzes
friend • Learners to read in turns Luke Pg. 71
c. Appreciate the importance 11:5-13
of prayer for good personal Longhorn CRE
relationship with God act. TG. Pg. 85-86
2 1 Persistence in By the end of the Sub strand, 1. Why did the • Learners to outline lessons Good News Bible, • Oral
prayer – the the learner should be able to: friend visit at learnt from the story and Flash cards, Questions,
value of a. State the importance of midnight? dramatize the story of a friend Pictures, Songs, • Portfolio
friendship prayer 2. What are the at midnight. Digital devices • Observation
b. explain the value of qualities of a • Learners to role play the story Charts, poems schedules
friendship using lessons good friend? of a friend at midnight Longhorn CRE • Written
from the story of a friend at • Learners to discuss in groups act. Learners Bk. Quizzes
midnight the importance of prayer Pg. 71-73
c. Appreciate the importance of • Learners to sing a relevant
prayer for good personal song, on the story Longhorn CRE
relationship with God act. TG. Pg. 87-88
2 THE The early Church By the end of the sub-strand the 1. What brought • Learners in groups discuss Good News Bible, • Journals
CHURC – definitions of learner should be able to; unity among the why unity is important at Flash cards, • Authentic
H unity of believers a. Identify different ways of early believers? school, at home and in church Pictures, Songs, tasks
in the early definitions for unity of 2. What is the • Learners, in pairs, describe Digital devices • Written
church believers in the early church importance of various definitions of Charts, poems questions
b. Explain the importance of unity among the term ‘Church’. Longhorn CRE
unity among christians Christians? • Learners in pairs read Acts 2: act. Learners Bk.
c. appreciate the importance of 3. How is the church 42-47 and list Pg. 74-75
unity of believers in our involved in charity activities that brought unity in
society today work today? the early church Longhorn CRE
• Learners in pairs, outline acts act. TG. Pg. 89-90
of charity/mercy and solidarity
done by churches today
3 The early Church By the end of the sub-strand the 1. What brought • Learners in groups discuss Good News Bible, • Journals
– activities which learner should be able to; unity among the why unity is important at Flash cards, • Authentic
promoted unity a. Discuss the activities that early believers? school, at home and in church Pictures, Songs, tasks
in the early brought unity of believers in 2. What is the • Learners, in pairs, describe Digital devices • Written
church the early church importance of various definitions of Charts, poems questions
b. outline activities which unity among the term ‘Church’. Longhorn CRE
promoted unity among early Christians? • Learners in pairs read Acts 2: act. Learners Bk.
believers in the early church 3. How is the church 42-47 and list Pg. 75
c. appreciate the importance of involved in charity activities that brought unity in
unity of believers in our work today? the early church Longhorn CRE
society today • Learners in pairs, outline acts act. TG. Pg. 90-91
of charity/mercy and solidarity
done by churches today
3 1 The early Church By the end of the sub-strand the 1. What brought • Learners in groups discuss Good News Bible, • Journals
– strategies used learner should be able to; unity among the why unity is important at Flash cards, • Authentic
by Christians to early believers? school, at home and in church Pictures, Songs, tasks
promote unity 2. What is the
a. outline activities which importance of • Learners, in pairs, describe Digital devices • Written
promoted unity among early unity among various definitions of Charts, poems questions
believers in the early church Christians? the term ‘Church’. Longhorn CRE
b. Explain strategies used by 3. How is the church • Learners in pairs read Acts 2: act. Learners Bk.
Christians to promote unity involved in charity 42-47 and list Pg. 76
among Christians for work today? activities that brought unity in
responsible living the early church Longhorn CRE
c. appreciate the importance of • Learners in pairs, outline acts act. TG. Pg. 91-91
unity of believers in our of charity/mercy and solidarity
society today done by churches today
2 The Lords Supper By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Why did Jesus • Learners discuss how the Good News Bible, • Journals
– Events that learner should be able to; organize the lords’ Lords’ supper is organized Flash cards, • Authentic
took place during a. Describe the events that took supper in their churches Pictures, Songs, tasks
the Lord’s supper place during the Lord’s 2. What instructions • Learners sing a relevant Digital devices • Written
Supper to develop spiritually did Jesus give for song and explain the meaning Charts, poems questions
b. State the reason why Jesus celebration of the • Learners, in turns, read Longhorn CRE
organized the Lord’s supper Lord’s Supper? Luke 22:14-20 and describe the act. Learners Bk.
c. appreciate the importance of 3. Why do we take events mentioned in the text Pg. 77-78
remembrance of the Lords’ the Lords Table/ • Learners to watch a video
supper Eucharist today? on the Lord’s Supper Longhorn CRE
• Learners, in groups, act. TG. Pg. 93-94
discuss the significance of
the Lord’s Supper
3 The Lords Supper By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Why did Jesus • Learners discuss how the Good News Bible, • Journals
– significance of learner should be able to; organize the lords’ Lords’ supper is organized Flash cards, • Authentic
the Lord’s supper a. Identify the instructions supper in their churches Pictures, Songs, tasks
to Christians Jesus gave for the 2. What instructions • Learners sing a relevant Digital devices • Written
today celebration of the Lord’s did Jesus give for song and explain the meaning Charts, poems questions
supper celebration of the • Learners, in turns, read Longhorn CRE
b. explain the significance of Lord’s Supper? Luke 22:14-20 and describe the act. Learners Bk.
the Lord’s Supper to 3. Why do we take events mentioned in the text Pg. 78-79
Christians today the Lords Table/ • Learners to watch a video
c. appreciate the importance of Eucharist today? on the Lord’s Supper Longhorn CRE
remembrance of the Lords’ • Learners, in groups, act. TG. Pg. 94-95
supper discuss the significance of
the Lord’s Supper
4 1 The Lords By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Why did Jesus • Learners say the Good News Bible, • Journals
Supper- Values learner should be able to; organize the lords’ importance of the Lord’s Flash cards, • Authentic
acquired during a. explain the significance of supper Table/Eucharist to a Christian Pictures, Songs, tasks
the celebration of the Lord’s Supper to 2. What instructions • Learners to list Digital devices • Written
the Eucharist Christians today did Jesus give for attitudes/values required Charts, poems questions
b. identity the values required celebration of the when partaking the
during the celebration of Lord’s Supper? Eucharist/Lord’s Table
Lord’s Table/Eucharist for 3. Why do we take • Learners discuss with their Longhorn CRE
application by Christians the Lords Table/ parents/guardians or act. Learners Bk.
c. appreciate the importance Eucharist today? resource person Pg. 79-80
of remembrance of the importance of celebrating
Lords’ supper the Lord’s supper and Longhorn CRE
report to the class act. TG. Pg. 95-96
2 The Role of the By the end of the sub-strand the 1. What is the • Learners in pairs discuss the Good News Bible, • Journals
Holy Spirit - the learner should be able to; meaning of gifts of roles played by religious Flash cards, • Authentic
gift of the Holy a. Identify the gifts of the Holy the Holy Spirit leaders and their parents for Pictures, Songs, tasks
Spirit Spirit to promote spiritual 2. What is the service to God Digital devices • Written
maturity meaning of fruits Charts, poems questions
• Learners in turns read 1
b. identify how the fruits of the of the Holy Spirit? Longhorn CRE
Holy Spirit have helped in Corinthians 12:1-11 and
3. How does the holy act. Learners Bk.
promoting God’s work spirit inspire identify gifts mentioned Pg. 81-82
c. appreciate the role of the people to offer • Learners in groups discuss
gifts of Holy Spirit in his/her service to God and why the gifts of the Holy Spirit Longhorn CRE
others? are important to Christians act. TG. Pg. 96-97
• Learners read Galatians 5:22-
23 and explain how these
fruits promote good
relationships among Christians
• Learners sing a song relevant
to gifts of the Holy Spirit
and Fruits of the Holy Spirit

3 The Role of the By the end of the sub-strand the 1. What is the • Learners in pairs discuss the Good News Bible, • Journals
Holy Spirit – the learner should be able to; meaning of gifts of roles played by religious Flash cards, • Authentic
gift of the Holy a. Identify the gifts of the Holy the Holy Spirit leaders and their parents for Pictures, Songs, tasks
Spirit Spirit to promote spiritual 2. What is the service to God Digital devices • Written
maturity meaning of fruits • Learners in turns read 1 Charts, poems questions
b. Differentiate between the of the Holy Spirit? Corinthians 12:1-11 and Longhorn CRE
gifts and fruits of the Holy 3. How does the holy identify gifts mentioned act. Learners Bk.
spirit spirit inspire • Learners in groups discuss Pg. 81-82
c. appreciate the role of the people to offer why the gifts of the Holy Spirit
gifts of Holy Spirit in his/her service to God and are important to Christians Longhorn CRE
others? • Learners read Galatians 5:22- act. TG. Pg. 96-97
23 and explain how these
fruits promote good
relationships among Christians
• Learners sing a song relevant
to gifts of the Holy Spirit
and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
5 1 The Role of the By the end of the sub-strand the 1. What is the • Learners in pairs discuss the Good News Bible, • Journals
Holy Spirit – How learner should be able to; meaning of gifts of roles played by religious Flash cards, • Authentic
the fruits of the a. identify how the fruits of the the Holy Spirit leaders and their parents for Pictures, Songs, tasks
Holy spirit helps Holy Spirit have helped in 2. What is the service to God Digital devices • Written
in promoting promoting God’s work meaning of fruits • Learners in turns read 1 Charts, poems questions
God’s work b. discuss the fruits of the Holy of the Holy Spirit? Corinthians 12:1-11 and Longhorn CRE
spirit 3. How does the holy identify gifts mentioned act. Learners Bk.
c. appreciate the role of the spirit inspire • Learners in groups discuss Pg. 83
gifts of Holy Spirit in his/her people to offer why the gifts of the Holy Spirit
service to God and are important to Christians Longhorn CRE
others? • Learners read Galatians 5:22- act. TG. Pg. 98
23 and explain how these
fruits promote good
relationships among Christians
• Learners sing a song relevant
to gifts of the Holy Spirit
and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
2 The Role of the By the end of the sub-strand the 1. What is the • Learners in pairs discuss the Good News Bible, • Journals
Holy Spirit – learner should be able to; meaning of gifts of roles played by religious Flash cards, • Authentic
values that a. identify how the fruits of the the Holy Spirit leaders and their parents for Pictures, Songs, tasks
influence the life Holy Spirit have helped in 2. What is the service to God Digital devices • Written
of Christians promoting God’s work meaning of fruits • Learners in turns read 1 Charts, poems questions
from gifts and b. list values which should of the Holy Spirit? Corinthians 12:1-11 and Longhorn CRE
fruits of the Holy influence the life Christians 3. How does the holy identify gifts mentioned act. Learners Bk.
spirit from the gifts and fruits of spirit inspire • Learners in groups discuss Pg. 84-85
the Holy Spirit people to offer why the gifts of the Holy Spirit
c. appreciate the role of the service to God and are important to Christians Longhorn CRE
gifts of Holy Spirit in his/her others? • Learners read Galatians 5:22- act. TG. Pg. 98-99
23 and explain how these
fruits promote good
relationships among Christians
• Learners sing a song relevant
to gifts of the Holy Spirit
and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
3 Power of By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Who was Peter? • Learners in pairs discuss the Good News Bible, • Journals
Intercessory learner should be able to; 2. How did Peter importance of prayers in Flash cards, • Authentic
prayer – the story a. Narrate the story of Peter’s portray faith in their life Pictures, Songs, tasks
of Peter’s miraculous rescue to Christ? • Learners in turns ,read Acts Digital devices • Written
miraculous understand the power of 3. How should you 12:3-17 about the story of Charts, poems questions
rescue intercessory prayers demonstrate faith in Peter’s rescue from prison and Longhorn CRE
b. explain various ways Christ? narrate what happened act. Learners Bk.
Christians demonstrate their 4. What is the • Learners watch a video on Pg. 85-86
faith in God meaning of Peter’s miraculous rescue
intercessory Prayer?
c. appreciate lessons learnt • Learners, in pairs, list lessons Longhorn CRE
from the story of Peter’s learnt from this story act. TG. Pg. 99-
rescue by doing what is right • Learners discuss what they 100
have learnt from this story
about Peter
6 1 Power of By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Who was Peter? • Learners in pairs discuss the Good News Bible, • Journals
Intercessory learner should be able to; 2. How did Peter importance of prayers in Flash cards, • Authentic
prayer - the story a. Narrate the story of Peter’s portray faith in their life Pictures, Songs, tasks
of Peter’s miraculous rescue to Christ? • Learners in turns ,read Acts Digital devices • Written
miraculous understand the power of 3. How should you 12:3-17 about the story of Charts, poems questions
rescue intercessory prayers demonstrate faith in Peter’s rescue from prison and Longhorn CRE
b. explain various ways Christ? narrate what happened act. Learners Bk.
Christians demonstrate their 4. What is the • Learners watch a video on Pg. 85-86
faith in God meaning of Peter’s miraculous rescue
c. appreciate lessons learnt intercessory Prayer? • Learners, in pairs, list lessons Longhorn CRE
from the story of Peter’s learnt from this story act. TG. Pg. 99-
rescue by doing what is right • Learners discuss what they 100
have learnt from this story
about Peter
2 Power of By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Who was Peter? • Learners research on different Good News Bible, • Journals
Intercessory learner should be able to; 2. How did Peter types of prayer from Flash cards, • Authentic
prayer – ways in a. Narrate the story of Peter’s portray faith in parents/guardians/Sunday Pictures, Songs, tasks
which Christians miraculous rescue to Christ? /Sabbath teachers and report Digital devices • Written
demonstrate understand the power of 3. How should you • Learners to discuss what Charts, poems questions
faith in God intercessory prayers demonstrate faith in inspires them about Peter’s Longhorn CRE
b. explain various ways Christ? rescue by God act. Learners Bk.
Christians demonstrate their 4. What is the • Learners engage in activities Pg. 87-89
faith in God meaning of that strengthen their faith
c. appreciate lessons learnt intercessory Prayer? in Christ Longhorn CRE
from the story of Peter’s • Sing a song related to act. TG. Pg. 101-
rescue by doing what is right standing firm in the faith 102
• Learners brainstorm activities
carried out by Christians
to demonstrate their faith in
3 CHRIST Friendship By the end of the sub-strand 1. How can you avoid • Learners in pairs, make a Good News Bible, • Journals
IAN formation: peer the learner should be able to; negative peer list of qualities of a good Flash cards, • Authentic
LIVING influence – the a. Identify desirable qualities pressure? friend Pictures, Songs, tasks
qualities of a of a good friend for • Learners in groups read 1 Digital devices • Written
good friend personal development Thessalonians 5:11 and Charts, poems questions
b. explain values useful in Galatians 6:2; Longhorn CRE
maintaining good friends • Learners to share whether act. Learners Bk.
to avoid negative influence their friends possess the Pg. 90-92
c. appreciate the importance qualities mentioned
of desirable friendship that • learners to list what they Longhorn CRE
please God consider as negative act. TG. Pg. 103-
influence from friends and 106

7 1 Friendship By the end of the sub-strand 1. How can you avoid • Learners, in groups, Good News Bible, • Journals
formation: peer the learner should be able to; negative peer discuss how to deal with Flash cards, • Authentic
influence – a. explain values useful in pressure? bullying from unfriendly Pictures, Songs, tasks
Causes of poor maintaining good friends peers Digital devices • Written
choice of friends to avoid negative influence • Learners discuss ways of Charts, poems questions
at home and b. identify causes of poor maintaining good friends Longhorn CRE
school choice of friends at home to avoid negative influence act. Learners Bk.
and school to make right • Learners, in pairs, discuss Pg. 93-94
choices causes of poor choice of
c. appreciate the importance friends at home and school Longhorn CRE
of desirable friendship that • Learners to brainstorm on act. TG. Pg. 106-
please God the e importance of desirable 107
friendship that
pleases God
2 Human sexuality By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Which issues are • Learners brainstorm on where Good News Bible, • Journals
– changes learner should be able to: faced by get information for Flash cards, • Authentic
associated with a. identify changes associated adolescents? bodily changes Pictures, Songs, tasks
adolescence in with adolescence in both 2. How does one get • Learners debate why some Digital devices • Written
boys and girls boys and girls for greater information on sources of information on Charts, poems questions
and how to cope self-awareness physical and bodily changes are considered Longhorn CRE
with them b. outline how they cope with emotional unhealthy act. Learners Bk.
changes in their bodies to changes? Pg. 95-98
build self-confidence 3. Who should
c. appreciate positively advice on bodily Longhorn CRE
physical and physiological changes? act. TG. Pg. 108-
changes as a Christians 110
3 Human sexuality By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Which issues are • Learners in pairs identify why Good News Bible, • Journals
– Healthy and learner should be able to: faced by they should get the right Flash cards, • Authentic
effects of a. identify changes associated adolescents? information about themselves Pictures, Songs, tasks
unhealthy boy- with adolescence in both 2. How does one get as they grow up Digital devices • Written
girl relationship boys and girls for greater information on • Learners, in pairs read Charts, poems questions
self-awareness physical and 1Corinthians 6: 18-19 and Longhorn CRE
b. explain the effects of emotional explain lessons from the Bible act. Learners Bk.
unhealthy boy-girl changes? text Pg. 98-99
relationships 3. Who should • Learners discuss Christian
c. appreciate positively advice on bodily teachings on how to cope Longhorn CRE
physical and physiological changes? with challenges associated with act. TG. Pg. 110-
changes as a Christians adolescence stage 112
8 1 Human sexuality By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Which issues are • Learners in groups to discuss Good News Bible, • Journals
– Overcoming learner should be able to: faced by the meaning of healthy Flash cards, • Authentic
unhealthy boy – a. explain the effects of adolescents? boy-girl relationship Pictures, Songs, tasks
girl relationship unhealthy boy-girl 2. How does one get • Learners to discuss the Digital devices • Written
relationships information on meaning of unhealthy boy-girl Charts, poems questions
b. discuss how to overcome physical and relationship and their negative Longhorn CRE
unhealthy boy-girl emotional effects act. Learners Bk.
relationship changes? • Learners in pairs to discuss Pg. 100-101
c. appreciate positively 3. Who should how to overcome unhealthy
physical and physiological advice on bodily boy-girl relationship Longhorn CRE
changes as a Christians changes? • Learners compose a poem act. TG. Pg. 112-
importance of health boy-girl 113
• In pairs, learners to discuss
why they should take
positively developmental
changes in their bodies
2 God the source of By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Why is human life • Learners brainstorm on the Good News Bible, • Journals
life – Christian learner should be able to: sacred? importance of safety and Flash cards, • Authentic
teachings on God a. discuss Christian teaching 2. What does the security to human life Pictures, Songs, tasks
as the only on God as the only source Bible teach about • Learners, in small groups, Digital devices • Written
source of life of life sacredness of life? learners read Genesis 1: Charts, poems questions
b. Identify areas of abuse of 3. How will you 27; 9:6 Psalms 49:7-8 and Longhorn CRE
the right to life encourage your Exodus 20:13 and identify act. Learners Bk.
c. appreciate the importance classmates to Christian teaching on Pg. 101-102
of life as a gift from God by respect their own sacredness of life
observing safety life as well as lives • Learners share examples of Longhorn CRE
of others? violation of human life in act. TG. Pg. 113-
life today 114
• Learners to brainstorm on the
meaning of right to life
and why it should be upheld by
all not be violated
3 God the source of By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Why is human life • Learners brainstorm on the Good News Bible, • Journals
life – Causes of learner should be able to: sacred? importance of safety and Flash cards, • Authentic
violation of a. discuss Christian teaching 2. What does the security to human life Pictures, Songs, tasks
human life on God as the only source Bible teach about • Learners, in small groups, Digital devices • Written
of life sacredness of life? learners read Genesis 1: Charts, poems questions
b. identify causes of violation 3. How will you 27; 9:6 Psalms 49:7-8 and Longhorn CRE
of the right to life for encourage your Exodus 20:13 and identify act. Learners Bk.
awareness classmates to Christian teaching on Pg. 103
c. appreciate the importance respect their own sacredness of life
of life as a gift from God by life as well as lives • Learners share examples of
observing safety of others?
violation of human life in Longhorn CRE
life today act. TG. Pg. 114-
• Learners to brainstorm on the 115
meaning of right to life
and why it should be upheld by
all not be violated
9 1 God the source of By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Why is human life • Learner debate the causes of Good News Bible, • Journals
life – How to cope learner should be able to: sacred? violation of the right to life Flash cards, • Authentic
with emotions a. identify the reason why 2. What does the • Learners discuss emotions Pictures, Songs, tasks
and stress human life is sacred Bible teach about that can lead to violation of Digital devices • Written
b. explain how to cope with sacredness of life? one’s life Charts, poems questions
emotions and stress to 3. How will you • In pairs learners to discuss Longhorn CRE
reduce abuse of the right to encourage your how to cope with negative act. Learners Bk.
life classmates to emotions Pg. 104-105
c. appreciate the importance respect their own • Learners to discuss
of life as a gift from God by life as well as lives consequences of violating life Longhorn CRE
observing safety of others? • Learners to compose a poem act. TG. Pg. 115-
on sacredness/sanctity of 116
life using a digital device
2 Good Health By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Which drugs are • Learners discuss the meaning Good News Bible, • Journals
Practices – learner should be able to: commonly abused of alcohol and Flash cards, • Authentic
Alcohol and a. Explain the meaning of today? substance abuse Pictures, Songs, tasks
substance use alcohol and substance use 2. What can lead one • learners in pairs to give Digital devices • Written
and reasons why for raised awareness to alcohol and examples of commonly Charts, poems questions
young people b. list examples of drugs that substance use? abused drugs Longhorn CRE
engage in alcohol are abused today 3. What are the • Learners read and discuss the act. Learners Bk.
and substance c. explain reasons why young effects of alcohol following; Proverbs Pg. 105-107
use people engage in alcohol and and substance 20:1,; Proverbs 31:6 Ephesians
substance abuse use? 5:18; Longhorn CRE
d. Appreciate the importance of 4. How can you • Learners to brainstorm act. TG. Pg. 117-
the body as the temple of avoid alcohol and lessons learnt from the 118
God by avoiding misuse of substance use? Bible texts
alcohol and drugs 5. How can you help • Learners to brainstorm on
your peers to reasons that lead to
avoid alcohol and alcohol and substance use by
substance abuse? young people and
ways of addressing them
3 Good Health By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Which drugs are • Learners discuss the meaning Good News Bible, • Journals
Practices – effects learner should be able to: commonly abused of alcohol and Flash cards, • Authentic
of alcohol and a. outline the effects of today? substance abuse Pictures, Songs, tasks
substance use to alcohol and substance use to 2. What can lead one • learners in pairs to give Digital devices • Written
the body and the body and relationships to alcohol and examples of commonly Charts, poems questions
relationships substance use? abused drugs
3. What are the
for effects of alcohol • Learners read and discuss the Longhorn CRE
avoidance and substance following; Proverbs act. Learners Bk.
b. list examples of drugs that use? 20:1,; Proverbs 31:6 Ephesians Pg. 108
are abused today 4. How can you 5:18;
c. Appreciate the importance avoid alcohol and • Learners to brainstorm Longhorn CRE
of the body as the temple of substance use? lessons learnt from the act. TG. Pg. 118-
God by avoiding misuse of 5. How can you help Bible texts 119
alcohol and drugs your peers to • Learners to brainstorm on
avoid alcohol and reasons that lead to
substance abuse? alcohol and substance use by
young people and
ways of addressing them
10 1 Good Health By the end of the sub-strand the 1. Which drugs are • Learners explain dangers of Good News Bible, • Journals
Practices – ways learner should be able to: commonly abused alcohol and substance Flash cards, • Authentic
of avoiding a. outline the effects of today? use to his/her health/body Pictures, Songs, tasks
engaging in alcohol and substance use 2. What can lead one • Learners to watch a video clip Digital devices • Written
alcohol and to the body and to alcohol and on the dangers of Charts, poems questions
substance abuse relationships for avoidance substance use? alcohol and substance use Longhorn CRE
b. Identify ways of avoiding 3. What are the • Learners research on act. Learners Bk.
engaging in alcohol and effects of alcohol prevention of alcohol and Pg. 109-110
substance use for healthy and substance substance use and report to
living. use? class Longhorn CRE
c. Appreciate the importance 4. How can you • Learners to use flashcards to act. TG. Pg. 119-
of the body as the temple of avoid alcohol and pass different 120
God by avoiding misuse of substance use? messages saying no! to alcohol
alcohol and drugs 5. How can you help and substance use
your peers to • Learners give a brief talk at
avoid alcohol and the assembly on effects
substance abuse? of alcohol and substance use
2 Appropriate use By the end of the sub-strand the 1. What are • Learners in pairs define the Good News Bible, • Journals
of Social Media – learner should be able to; social media term social media Flash cards, • Authentic
Meaning of social a. Explain the meaning of platforms? • Learners list social media Pictures, Songs, tasks
media awareness social media for awareness 2. Why should platforms commonly used today Digital devices • Written
and social media b. list social media platforms you use them and illustrate their symbols by Charts, poems questions
platforms that are commonly used appropriately? drawing in their books Longhorn CRE
commonly used today 3. What is cyber • Learners, in small groups, list act. Learners Bk.
today c. Desire to use social media bullying? advantages and disadvantages Pg. 111-112
for positive benefit of self of social media for children
and others. and youth. Longhorn CRE
act. TG. Pg. 120-
3 Appropriate use By the end of the sub-strand the 1. What are • Learners in pairs define the Good News Bible, • Journals
of Social Media – learner should be able to; social media term social media Flash cards, • Authentic
Effects of platforms? • Learners list social media Pictures, Songs, tasks
appropriate and a. state the effects of 2. Why should platforms commonly used today Digital devices • Written
inappropriate appropriate an inappropriate you use them and illustrate their symbols by Charts, poems questions
use of social use of social media for appropriately? drawing in their books Longhorn CRE
media choosing responsibly 3. What is cyber • Learners, in small groups, list act. Learners Bk.
b. list social media platforms bullying? advantages and disadvantages Pg. 113
that are commonly used of social media for children
today and youth. Longhorn CRE
c. Desire to use social media act. TG. Pg. 122-
for positive benefit of self 123
and others.
Appropriate use By the end of the sub-strand the 1. What are • Learners, in groups, discuss Good News Bible, • Journals
of Social Media – learner should be able to; social media cyber-bullying and how to Flash cards, • Authentic
safety measures a. debate about the advantages platforms? protect themselves from its Pictures, Songs, tasks
to observe when and disadvantages of social 2. Why should harm Digital devices • Written
using social media you use them • Leaners debate on the motion: Charts, poems questions
media b. discuss safety measures to appropriately? :Social media are ruining Longhorn CRE
observe when using social 3. What is cyber children and youth act. Learners Bk.
media to use them bullying? • In pairs learners to discuss Pg. 114-116
c. Desire to use social media safety measures when using
for positive benefit of self social media Longhorn CRE
and others. • Learners watch good movies act. TG. Pg. 123-
or educative documentaries e.g. 124
the Bible Stories

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