Bamimo 0001
Bamimo 0001
Bamimo 0001
Past 9M Returns
High Volatility
22.94% Since: June 20, 2022
smallcase rationale
This portfolio will participate in the megatrends that have and will emerge over
the next decade. We do not want to buy cheap stocks but buy stocks that will
become cheap due to growth in the underlying business.
We will completely avoid absolute illiquid small caps which have entry and exit
issues. Those stocks are like Abhimanyu easy to get in and almost impossible to
We will invest across sectors and market caps. Weightage will be 50% above or
below the simple formula (100/No. of stocks).
So if we have 12 stocks:
Created by
SEBI Reg. Number Subscription Type
Basant Maheshwari
INP000004946 Paid
The team does in-depth research to decide the criteria to be used
for constituent screening
Constituent Screening
The research team does individual stock picking after going
through company reports and inancials and decides on a host of
qualitative and quantitative parameters to be considered while
screening stocks for the respective strategy
We will invest across sectors and market caps. Weightage will be
50% above or below the simple formula (100/No. of stocks).
So if we have 12 stocks:
This smallcase will be rebalanced on an as-needed basis
Important Fields
Inception Date Launch Date Marketcap Category
May 20, 2022 June 20, 2022 Equity Multi Cap
July August September October November December 2023 February March
The performance graphs & numbers are calculated using only the live data and
includes rebalances. Past performance doesn't include cost or guarantee future
The performance graphs & numbers are calculated using only the backtested
data. Past performance doesn't include cost or guarantee future returns.
Pricing Plans
Subscription Fee
How to subscribe
How to invest
Volatility Label
If the weight of Equities in the portfolio is less than 40%, the smallcase will
be considered ‘Low Volatility’
If the weight of Equities in the portfolio is greater than 70%, then the weight
of large-cap stocks within the equities portion is taken into consideration
For smallcases where manager has not prescribed any weights, equal weights are
assumed for calculations.
For smallcases where manager has not prescribed any weights, equal weights are
assumed for calculations.
All the stocks listed on NSE(National Stock Exchange) are arranged in decreasing
order of Market Cap, so that the stock with the largest market cap gets 1st Rank.
Stocks ranked equal to or below 100 are categorized as Large Cap. Stocks ranked
below or equal to 250, but ranked above 100 are categorized as Mid Cap stocks.
Stocks ranked above 250 are categorized as smallcap
If the sum of weights of constituent large cap stocks is greater than 50%,
then smallcase is categorized as Largecap
If the sum of weights of constituent mid cap stocks is greater than 50%, then
smallcase is categorized as Midcap
If the sum of weights of constituent small cap stocks is greater than 50%,
then smallcase is categorized as Smallcap
If the sum of weights of constituent large cap stocks is greater than 30%,
sum of weights of mid cap stocks are greater than 30%, and sum of weights
of large cap and mid cap stocks are greater than 80%, then smallcase is
categorized as Large & Midcap
If the sum of weights of constituent small cap stocks is greater than 30%,
sum of weights of mid cap stocks are greater than 30%, and sum of weights
of small cap and mid cap stocks are greater than 80%, then smallcase is
categorized as Mid & Smallcap
For smallcases where manager has not prescribed any weights, equal weights are
assumed for calculations.
Charts and performance numbers on the platform do not include any backtested
data. Please refer to the Returns Calculation Methodology to check how returns are
calculated on the platform. Data used for calculation of historical returns and
other information is provided by exchange approved third party data vendors and
has neither been audited nor validated by the Company. For smallcases where
weights are not provided by the creator, Equal weights are used to calculate all
returns, numbers and ratios on the platform.
Smallcase factsheets might include strategy backtest, if provided by the creator
of the smallcase. This is included to help users analyze performance of the
smallcase across different economic cycles and long time horizons. STPL has not
veri ied the backtest performed by the manager. We make no representations or
warranties (expressed or implied) to any recipient on the contents of the backtest.
Any information included in the backtest, should never be construed as our
representation or endorsement for the same. STPL is not involved in the generation
of the backtest and are not responsible for the contents of the same, nor do we
verify the accuracy of the same. We do not have control over the backtest
performed by the creator/manager of the smallcase and neither do we play a
determinative role in any calculation of the same.
"Back-testing" is the application of a quantitative model to historical market data
to generate hypothetical performance during a prior period. Use of back-tested
data has inherent limitations including the following:
a. The results do not re lect the results of actual trading or the effect of material
economic and market conditions on the decision-making process, but were
achieved by means of retrospective application, which may have been
designed with the bene it of hindsight.
e. Please note that past performance does not guarantee future returns.
All information present in this document and related material is to help investors
in their decision making process and shall not be considered as a
recommendation or solicitation of an investment or investment strategy. Investors
are responsible for their investment decisions and are responsible to validate all
the information used to make the investment decision. Investor should understand
that his/her investment decision is based on personal investment needs and risk
tolerance, and information available in this document and related material is one
among many other things that should be considered while making an investment
Stock and ETF investments are subject to market risks, read all related documents
carefully. Investors should consult their inancial advisors if in doubt about
whether the product is suitable for them.
Please visit Basant Maheshwari Investing for detailed disclosures, terms and conditions.