Industrial Microbiology Session 7
Industrial Microbiology Session 7
Industrial Microbiology Session 7
Today we will study:
• Because a selectively permeable plasma membrane separated microorganisms from their environment, they can be affected by
changes in osmotic concentration of their surrounding.
• If a microorganisms is places in a hypotonic solution ( one with a lower osmotic concentration), water will enter the cells and cause
it to burst unless something is done to prevent the influx.
• Prokaryotes contain pressure-sensitive channels that open and allow solute escape when the osmolarity of the environment
becomes much lower that that of the cytoplasm.
• Most bacteria, algae and fungi have rigid cell walls that maintain the shape and integrity of the cell.
• Most Prokaryotic cells increase their internal osmotic concentration in a hypertonic environment through the synthesis of some
• Microorganisms differ greatly in their ability to adapt to habitats with low water activity (aw). A microorganism must put extra
effort to grow in a habitat with a low aw because it must maintain a high internal solute concentration to retain water.
• The microorganisms that can do this are called osmotolerant meaning that they can grow over a wide range of water activity or
osmotic concentration.
• Although a few microorganisms are truly osmotolerant, most only grow well at water activities around 0.98 or higher.
• Halophiles have adapted so completely to hypertonic, saline conditions that require high levels of sodium chloride to grow.
Halophilic bacteria have significantly modified the structure of their proteins and membranes rather than simply increasing their
intracellular concentration of solutes, the approach used by most osmotolerant microorganisms
Microbial growth and Nutrition
Effects of environmental conditions on microbial growth (Solutes and Water activity)
Microbial growth and Nutrition
Effects of environmental conditions on microbial growth (pH)
• Most organisms spend their lives on land or on the surface of water always subjected to a pressure of 1 atm and are never
affected significantly by pressure.
• Fungi are a diverse groups of eukaryotic microorganisms that occupy a variety of habitats.
• The majority of fungal species are composed of filamentous hyphae and are often referred to as moulds, whereas the yeasts are
unicellular fungi.
• Of the thousand of species known, relatively few filamentous fungi are used for industrial purposed. Filamentous fungi are non-
photosynthetic and have strict chemoheterotrophic absorptive nutrition.
Fungi Cell Structure and Function
• Fungi are eukaryotic and therefore have
a nucleus and organelles