Two categories of organisms based on they passes through the esophagus, and
obtain energy and nutrients is stored in an organ called the
1. Autotrophs - produce their own food from crop; then it passes into the
energy and raw material gizzard, where it is churned and
2. Heterotrophs - get energy from the digested. From the gizzard, the
consumption of autotrophs or other food passes through the intestine,
consumers. the nutrients are absorbed, and the
- Photoheterotrophs waste is eliminated as feces, called
- Chemoheterotrophs castings, through the anus.
Trypsin- split protein into amino acid - a small pear-shaped sac that can hold about
50 ml of bile which it stores and
Lipase- changes fats to fatty acids and glycerol concentrates.
Hormones involved in digestion: 1. Through Plasma Membrane
➔ absorb oxygen from the surrounding air
1. Cholecystokinin- is synthesized and secreted by or water and give out carbon dioxide
enteroendocrine cells in the duodenum, the first through the plasma membrane by
segment of the small intestine. Its presence causes diffusion
the release of digestive enzymes and bile from the
2. Through Body Wall or Skin
pancreas and gallbladder, respectively, and also
acts as a hunger suppressant. ➔ use their skin to absorb oxygen from the
air and remove carbon dioxide
2. Secretin- a hormone released into the ➔ Many blood cells called capillaries are
bloodstream by the duodenum (especially in spread on their skin.
response to acidity) to stimulate secretion by the liver ➔ The exchange of gases occurs at
and pancreas. capillaries. They die of suffocation if
their skin is dried up.
3. Enterogastrone- a hormone secreted by the 3. Through Tracheal System
upper intestinal mucosa, that inhibits the secretion ➔ In insects, transportation and exchange
of gastric juice and stomach movements, thereby of gas take place by a special type of
slowing digestion, especially of fats. fine tube called the trachea.
4. Through Gills
4. Gastrin- a peptide hormone that stimulates the
➔ Gills are projections of the skin that help
secretion of gastric acid (HCl) by the parietal cells of
the stomach and aids in gastric motility.
in using oxygen dissolved in water. Gills
contain blood vessels that help in the
exchange of gases.
➔ Fish gulp water and pump it over the
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM gills - water passes into the gill chamber
through gill slits - water passes over the
Respiration - ventilation or breathing filament in each chamber - oxygen from
(macroscopic level), processes by which cells the water is absorbed and exchanged
utilize oxygen, produce carbon dioxide, and with CO2
convert energy into useful forms (cellular level) 5. Through the lungs
➔ exchange gases through special
RESPIRATION - the union of oxygen with food respiratory organs called lungs -
and the accompanying release of energy, water, air-filled sac-like structures in the chest
and carbon dioxide. It can be divided into three cavity and are connected to the outside
general processes: by a series of tubes and a small opening
Breathing refers to the physical way in which - Occurs in the Mitochondrial matrix of cells. It
organisms take in oxygen from the air and expel may also be found in the cytoplasm (in the stage
carbon dioxide. Respiration, on the other hand, of glycolysis.
refers to the more intricate process of breaking
down food molecules within the cells that leads - Commonly used by higher organisms
to the release of energy.
- Anaerobic respiration happens more quickly
than aerobic respiration.
Anaerobic Respiration: The Human Respiratory System
- The process does not produce any additional 2.Sound production (vocalization)
ATP molecules when oxygen is not present.
3.Assistance in abdominal compression during
Photosynthesis: micturition, defecation, and parturition
- Photosynthesis requires chlorophyll (which is NOSE- is consists of the external visible part,
commonly seen in plants/algae) supported by cartilage, and the inner nasal
cavity that is divided into left and right halves by
- Occurs in chloroplast the NASAL SEPTUM. It is lined with stratified
squamous epithelium containing cilia and a
- Utilizes carbon dioxide coming from the thick layer of the mucous membrane. It is the
atmosphere and produces oxygen efficient air conditioning and filtering units of
- Only happens in the daytime, can only happen
at night when there are enough artificial light PHARYNX- a narrow tube composed of muscles
and membrane. It links the nose to the larynx. It
wavelengths provides a pathway for not only air but also food.
BRONCH I- subdivisions of the trachea. The first The Inhalation process - During inhalation, the
subdivision is the primary bronchi, each inserted diaphragm is contracted, resulting in the
into the lungs through a slit-like opening called lowering and flattening of its dome-shaped. In
HILUM. addition, the intercostal muscles contract,
causing the ribcage to rise and enlarge. These
BRONCHIOLES - smallest subdivisions of the changes increase the volume of the thoracic
bronchi. Their distal ends lead to small ducts, cavity and cause the lungs to inflate.
which in turn lead to the air sacs.
The Exhalation process - the intercostal
ALVEOLAR SACS - composed of several muscles relax, and the diaphragm relaxes by
microscopic out pockets called ALVEOLI- the going back to its dome-shaped position. When
functional units of the lungs where actual gas this happens, the thoracic cavity returns to its
exchange occurs. It consists of a single layer of original resting size. Then, the abdominal
squamous epithelium surrounded by a network muscles contract against the diaphragm, further
of capillaries (pulmonary blood capillaries). increasing the pressure within the thoracic
cavity, thus causing the lungs to contract to
LUNGS - are cone-shaped organs that compress the air within the air sacs and causing
completely fill the pleural spaces of the thoracic the air to be expelled from the lungs. So the
cavity. Each lung is enclosed by a saclike lungs deflate when the muscles relax.
membrane known as PLEURA (the inner
pleura/visceral pleura- is tightly attached to the CONTROL CENTER OF BREATHING
lung surface while the outer pleura/parietal
pleura- attach to the thoracic cavity). Medulla oblongata-that stimulates the
diaphragm and intercostal muscles to contract,
At the base of the lungs is a muscular shelf making us inhale.
known as DIAPHRAGM- that separates the
abdominal cavity (contains the viscera like Pons- smoothens the basic rhythm of inhalation
stomach and small intestine) and the thoracic and exhalation set by the medulla keeping the
cavity (contains the heart and lungs). breathing in tune with the body's needs.
(c) Reptiles also have two circulatory routes; Right atrium- receives deoxygenated blood
however, blood is only oxygenated through the coming from body except the lungs
lungs. The heart is three chambered, but the
ventricles are partially separated, so some Left atrium- receives oxygenated blood from
mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood the lungs
occurs except in crocodilians and birds.
Right Ventricle- pumps deoxygenated blood to
(d) Mammals and birds have the most efficient the lungs
heart with four chambers that completely
separate the oxygenated and deoxygenated Left Ventricle- pumps oxygenated blood to all
blood; it pumps only oxygenated blood through parts of the body
the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs
interatrial septum- separates the right and left
When the ventricles relax, the pressure is Both have parts that help them move
reduced and the artery snaps back to its substances all around their bodies
original size.
water only flow once in plants, while other blood
The rhythmic stretching of the artery caused by flows twice in some animals (pulmonary,
the pressure of the blood within as the ventricles systemic)
contract is called PULSE.