476304-Power Plant Engineering by Morse PDF
476304-Power Plant Engineering by Morse PDF
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This book has been published with the assistance of the Joint
Indian-American Textbook programme.
This book is the result of work that started as an intended revision of the
author's Power Plant Engineering and Design, Out of the experiences of
twenty years of teaching and consultive engineering which have followed pub¬
lication of the first edition have come many ideas for change—additions,
deletions, and modifications. These ideas have been incorporated into the
present book, and the result must be considered as more of a new book than
a revision.
The objective continues to be the presentation of a thorough study of
stationary power and heating plants, including public service, industrial, and
institutional varieties. The needs of the engineering student, the consulting
engineer, and the plant operator were equally considered in the preparation
of the present volume. Fundamentals are emphasized, leaving details and
dimensions of equipment for more specialized books and manufacturers' litera¬
ture. The power plant is emphasized as an integrated assembly. Economic
factors are pointed out, but specific costs and prices are avoided as being sub¬
ject to rapid change. The treatment will give due consideration to recent
trends and theories in the field of power generation. Much greater emphasis
is placed on the small plant than in the former editions.
Those who are familiar with Power Plant Engineering and Design, this
oook's predecessor, will note the absence of former sections dealing with hy-
<lraulic power and electrical equipment. On the other hand, steam plant equip-
nent is awarded expanded coverage. The inclusion of a short chapter on the
gas turbine is an indication of regard for its potentiality as a future factor
m the stationary power plant field. When used as a college'textbook, a full
two-semester course may be based on this book. A one-semester course on
steam power plants would employ Chapters 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 only.
Power plant engineering is a subject of great detail. Throughout this book
^.he author has endeavored to summarize wherever possible, then proceed to
the separate explanations, if any, in the belief that this method will be of
major benefit both to student and teacher. Sample examples explain most
of the principles of the equipment and its assembly. These are further ampli¬
fied by a large selection of chapter-end problems provided for the reader's
Although Power Plant Engineering, like its predecessor, presumes that the
reader has actively studied or otherwise become acquainted with the subject
of Elementary Heat Power or Applied Thermodynamics, it will be found that
more attention has been given to review and explanation of these funda¬
mentals. In this and other ways the author acknowledges valuable construc¬
tive criticism tendered by reisers. Thanks are due the several friends who
have contributed comments, suggestions, and reviews of parts of the new
Many industrial finns, associations, and publishers have been asked to
contribute data and illustrations. It is a pleasure again to be able to give
testament to the splendid cooperation the author has received from all. The
Diesel Engine Manufacturers’ Association, Heat Exchange Institute, Hy¬
draulic Institute, and other associations have freely donated material from
their Standards. An especial acknowledgment is due Power magazine, whose
editors have provided several illustrations of good educational value.
Although carefully prepared and reviewed, this work may contain errors
of typography, mathematics, or statement. Any report of these errors will be
welcomed by the author.
The assistance of the author’s wife, Genevieve F. Morse, in the preparation
of the manuscript and proofreading is most gratefully acknowledged.
F, T. M.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Va.
March 1, 1958
1 Introduction 1
Energy and power Background of power study. Working proc¬
esses. The power age. Power jilant engineering and design. Draw¬
ings, specifications, and correspondence Electric power systems.
8 Vapor Cycles .... 208
Biblioobaphy 657
Appendix 660
Index 679
A Area. Atomic mass number.
a Acc(‘leration. Unit area.
C A constant or coefficient. Mol specific heat.
c Unit sp(‘eifie heat. Velocity of light.
D Diameter. Draft.
(] Density. Thickness (of wall, tube, etc.).
E Voltage.
e Energy.
F Force.
/ Fretpiency. Power factor. Friction factor. Stress (structural).
G Mass flow.
g Acceh'iation of gravity.
H Height.
h Enthalpy. Surface coefficient of heat transfer.
I Amperes. Moment of inertia.
J Mechanical equivalent of heat.
K A constant or coefficient.
k Cyoefficient of conductivity.
L Distance, linear.
M ^Moment. Torque. Molecular weight.
m Mass.
N Rotative speed, revolutions per unit time.
n Poly tropic exponent. Number of units, i.e., cylinders, tubes, etc
P Power.
p Unit fluid pressure.
Q Transfc'rred heat energy. Volume rate of flow.
Qy, Higher heating value (fuel).
Ol Lower heating value (fuel).
q Heat flow rate.
R Gas constant. Cut-off ratio. Resistance.
Hydraulic radius.
r Radius. Compression, or expansion, ratio.
S Stress (pipe).
s Unit entropy.
T Absolute temperature.
t Temperature.
U Thermal conductance.
u Unit internal energy. Tangential velocity.
V Velocity.
V Specific volume.
W Work. Total weight.
w Weight. Unit work.
X Drynei>s factor.
P (Beta) Diameter ratio,
y (Gamma) Adiabatic polytropic exponent.
A (Delta) An increment.
€ (Epsilon) Emissivity (Radiant Energy).
yj (Eta) Efficiency.
B (Theta) Temperature, special.
X (Lambda) Wave length.
/X (Mu) Absolute viscosity.
V (Nu) Kinematic viscosity.
p (Rho) Mass density.
S (Sigma) A summation operator.
or (Sigma) Stephan constant (Radiant Energy).
T (Tau) Time.
^ (Psi) No-load factor.
Q (Omega) Radiant heat fraction,
w (Omega) Rotative speed, radians per unit time.
1-1 Energy and Power. Both the historical and the present-day civiliza¬
tion of mankind are closely interwoven with energy, and there is little reason
to doubt but that in the future our existence will be ever more dependent upon
this thing called energy. Mere existence requires that even an animal jiroduce
and expend it. Until man found ways to utilize energy from sources outside
and beyond his own physical efforts, his status on earth was quite animal-like.
What is this quantity that has been so essential to life and progress? Energy
probably was the original stuff of creation. As we encounter it about us, energy
appears in many forms, but has one thing in common—energy is possessed of
the ability to produce a dynamic, vital effect.
Energy is associated with physical substance, but is not a substance itself.
It shows itself by the excited, animated state assumefl by material which
receives energy. We see the manifestations everywhere around us, in bodily
physical activity produced by the consumption of energy-containing food, or
in masses in motion, wind and wave, projectiles and vehicles; we see it in the
form of heat received from the sun, also as heat generated from fuels and other
sources; we see it in the sudden galvanizing into action of an idle electric motor
which has been connected to a far distant source. The examples that can be
mentioned are almost endless in number. In this era energy is being produced in
enormous quantities. As more and more of it is produced per person, the com¬
forts, conveniences, and pleasures of life are ever enhanced.
All these manifestations are conveniently classified as: (1) mechanical
work; (2) heat; (3) electricity; and (4) radiation. Technical details of these
various forms of energy and their computations are included in this chapter.
The average person knows, or thinks he knows, the meaning of power, and
he uses the term frequently in everyday language. But what is the exact
technical meaning of this word, and how is it best defined? If a person has a
good and comprehensive idea of “energy,” it is quite simple for him to under¬
stand the technical meaning of power, for powder is the rate 'at which energy is
produced and consumed. Any physical unit of energy when divided by a unit of
time automatically becomes a unit of powder. However, it is in connection with
the mechanical and electrical forms of energy that the term “power” is generally
used. The rate of production or consumption of heat energy and, to a certain
extent, of radiation energy is not ordinarily thought of as power. Power is
primarily associated with mechanical work and electrical energy. Therefore,
we will define power as the rate of flow of energy and state that a i)ovv(*r i)]ant
is a unit built for the production and delivery of a flow of nieclianieal and
electrical energy.
In common usage, a machine or assemblage of equij)ment tliat i)roduces and
delivers a flow of mechanical or electrical energy is a power plant. Hcaice, an
internal combustion engine is a power plant, a water wheel is a power plant,
etc. However, what wc generally mean by the term is that assemblage of
equipment, permanently located on some chosen site, which receives raw
energy in the form of a substance capable of being operated on in such a way
as to produce electrical energy for delivery from the power plant. It is this kind
of power plant to which this book is chiefly, but not (‘xclu^^ively, addressed. The
problems of the mobile power plant are similar in general features, but the
need for mobility usually imposes requirements of simjdicity at the sacrifice of
some efficiency. For these and other reasons, the mobile power plant has be¬
come rather specialized along paths too numerous to cover in a book of this
We here propose to inquire into the nature of the stationary jiower plant,
its economics, design, and performance. Considerable emphasis will be placc'd
upon the public utility type of stationary power plant, hut we do not intend to
concentrate on that type to the point of lu'glecting the smaller industrial anil
institutional units. Although possibly not providing illustrations of tlie maxi¬
mum technical progress made in this field, nevertlieless the latter account for
a significant portion of the remunerative engineering efforts iu power ])lant
engineering and design.
Furthermore, the many plants in w’hich no mechanical or electrical ])ower
is produced, but from which energy is delivered in the form of the heat of
steam, are considered to be within the purview of thi^' book, for any power plant
using fuel as the raw material is, fir.st of all, a heat-producing plant. If the
heat is produced in some convenient carrying medium, such as steam, th<*n that
would be the end product of a plant which the owner had erected as a ^‘heating
plant.” Thus, considerations of production of heat in steam which will l>e sub¬
sequently developed in connection with the production of mechanical power
are, for the most part, equally valid for heating plants. Although ue set out to
encompass the engineering of power plants, incidentally we also shall have
covered the engineering of heating plants.
We shall use the term “efficiency” fairly frequently. Unless specifically de¬
fined otherwise, efficiency will be taken to mean that fraction of the energy
supplied to a unit or a system which is finally usefully eonverted to the purpose'
for which the project was conceived. That is, efficiency is energy efficiency. In
its simplest form it is output divided by input. As power is the rate of energy
flow, efficiency may be expressed equally well as output power divided by input
Man looks to the following sources for energy to make power:*
1. Fuels.
2. Flairing streams of water.
* Not including food, which body metabolism converts to muscular power.
Fvels. Currontly, fuels provide* more energy than any of the other sources
list(‘(l. Fuels arc substances having sufficient carbon or hydrogen for the
chemical oxidation to i)roduce, exothermically, worth-while quantities of heat.
The princiind fuels are coal, natural gas, and petroleum, and their derivatives.
200 ?
too 3
It is not expedient to enter into a detailed discussion of fuels here, but at the
appiopriate point the nature of fuels will be given further attention. Bituminous
coal, the principal steaming coal, is found in twenty-eight states of the United
States, and anthracite and semi-bituminous in half a dozen others. Although it
is believed that the United States contains more than one-half of the known
coal resources of the world, it must be realized tliat a great deal of this is un¬
marketable under present conditions of production. The relative proportions of
coal, gas, and oil as fuels are shown in Fig. 1-1. It will be seen that coal is the
principal fuel, of the stationary power plant. However, there are many factors
which enter into the relative use of different fuels. Labor conditions in the in¬
dustry which produces the fuel may generate differences in the economics of that
fueFs utilization from one decade to another. Productive capacity of the com¬
mercial fuel industry also has a bearing on prices, but although these may in¬
fluence the initial selection of, say, fuel oil in preference to coal, once the instal¬
lation is made as a one-fuel plant, it is diflScult to shift to cheaper fuel, even if
changing economic conditions produce one. Although there has been a rising
trend to the use of fuel oil, much of it has been the result of possible temporary
surpluses of petroleum products, the convenience of use of a liquid, ash-free
fuel, and the uncertain status of coal production.
In a typical year, 1947, the production (in tonnes) of bituminous coal and
lignite in the United States was consigned as iollows:
Railroads 99.151^
Coke making 94,949.800
Electric power plants 78,020,700
Steel mills 9,115.300
Industry (general) 112,907,400
Domestic users* 89,958,900
Cement mills 7,141,400
Colliery, bunker, and export 66,030.«00
Total 557,275^ tonnes
♦See Appendix. In addition to the natural elements, some artificial elements have been
The combination of particles into atoms, or of atoms and particles into other
atoms, can result in end products of slightly smaller mass than the components.
Likewise the jarring of complex nuclei into fragments can end in products of
slightly decreased total mass. These fusion and fission activities are, however,
capable of liberating an enormous quantity of energy for they involve that
astronomically large number, the energy equivalence of mass.*
Thus if it were possible to assemble a helium nucleus 2H^ from 2 hydrogen
nuclei and 2 neutrons, the component masses would be 2 X 1.00758 4* 2 X
1.00894 = 4.03304. However, the carefully measured mass of the helium nucleus
is only 4.00279, making a discrepancy of 0.03025 mass units, or 0.0501 X
10-24 g.
Each atom of helium thus formed would be accompanied by the liberation of
0.0501 X 10-24 X 2*497 x 10’ kw hr, which is 0.00125 x lO*'* kw hr per
atom. This is, of course, an insignificant energy quantity when viewed individu-
ally. But when assembled as, say, from a leg of helipm formed in fusion^ the
energy is startlingly great. The result is 0.00125 x 10"^® X 6060 X lO^® f =
7.575 X 10® kw hr per kg mol, or 1.894 x 10® kw hr per kg. These energy
(liia^ntitics per unit of the raw ingredients are revolutionary compared to the
entirely different realm of combustion energy we now tap so freely and which
is obtained solely by electron rearrangements, leaving the nuclei unchanged.
That this energy potentially exists is no longer doubted; however, someone has
yet to devise a means for obtaining it in useful form. It is conceivable that this
problem can ultimately be solved.
The energy that has just been calculated is the “binding energy,” liberated
when helium nuclei are formed. The corresponding energies of other atoms are
shown in Fig. 1-2. Man has been successful in liberating energy from elements
♦See page 14.
t This is the Avogadro Number in the Metric System. A mass of experimental evidence
places the number of molecules in gas at 6.06 X 10^ per gram mol.
at the other end of the periodic table—but by fission rather than fusion. The
energy liberated is vast (atomic bomb), but not as great as by fusion. In fact,
were it not for the peculiar shape of the curve, no surplus energy could come
from fission. But because it is convex the binding energy of the unstable high
mass elements is less than that of stable elements such as barium and krypton;
hence the fission into these fragments can liberate energy.
Of course, it should be pointed out that this use of nuclear energy which
may be impending is representative of something that has always existed
Nuclear energy contributing to the welfare of man is not a new thing. From
time immemorial, the earth has been receiving nuclear energy radiated to it
from the sun. The origin of this energy at the sun is from nuclear reactions
which are now beginning to be understood fairly well. As an energy machine,
the sun depends on the fact that deep within it hydrogen is being converted into
helium for the production of energy, which is immediately absorbed inside the
sun as heat generated at terrifyingly high temperatures. This energy, on its way
out from the body of the sun is, of course, degraded to the surface temperature,
which is about 5000® C. Scientists and engineers ha\e only recently been able
to produce energy in the same manner, that is, from within the atom, and then
only explosively as a weapon. However, research is going forward at a rapid
rate not only on problems of improving on this source of energy as a military
weapon, but also in developing ways to generate industrial energy.
Except for atomic energy, and possibly terrestrial heat, all the sources of
energy may be traced back to the sun. The sun^s heat causes evaporation of
surface water to form rain clouds which continually replenish the flow of water
in streams. Gravitational effects account for tides Warming and cooling of dif¬
ferent parts of the earth^s atmosphere cause winds, and thereby waves. Solar
rays nourished tropical vegetation through the prehistoric ages, and from this
vegetation we inherit the deposits of coal which loom so largely as a present
source of energy. Likewise, some theories of the origin of oil and gas, although
not so definitely formulated as for coal, do imply that, without incident energy
falling on the earth from the sun^s nuclear furnace, such fuels would not have
been formed.
1-2 Background of Power Study. This study of power plant engineering
is not intended to be ^^from-the-ground-up.” The author will presume that the
reader has acquired a working knowledge of energy and its transfers and trans¬
formations by means of an adequate study of some basic introductory work on
applied heat power. Titles of several books that have been published in the
introductory field are appended to this chapter. The underlying heat engineer¬
ing here assembled is designed for review or refresher use and carries no claim
of intelligibility for the -unprepared reader.
Properties are basic physical quantities describing the state of a fluid sub¬
stance. They are:
1. Pressure, p,
2. Volume, v,
3. Temperature, L
4. Enthalpy, h.
6. Entropy, s.
To these basic five quantities others may be added, such as:
6. Specific heat, c,
7. Density, d,
8. Internal energy, u.
These properties pertain both to gaseous and vaporous media. In addition, the
physical state of a vapor may require, for its definition, the dryness factor, x,
to be given. This is the fractional part of a sample of a wet vapor that is true
vapor. The liquid portion is, of course, equal to 1 — x. This factor has generally
been called “quality.” The change to dryness factor, which is made in this
volume, is in recognition of its increasing adoption by engineers. Quality may
be either dryness factor or superheat.
In general, the properties of gases may be derived from equations, such as
the General Gas Law, with the use of relatively few constants. However, vapors
do not obey simple equations unless very highly superheated; hence the need
for tabulations or charts of their physical properties. The unabridged steam
tables of Keenan and others* are recommended as the reference for the proper¬
ties of vapor and have been used in effecting the numerical solution of prob¬
lems in this book.
Pressure vessel
Absolute Zero
Fluid pressures are ordinarily given in kg per square cm, being abbreviated
kg/cm* ab if an absolute pressure and kg/cm* ga if a gauge pressure. However,
a conversion of this fluid pressure unit into kg per square metre (kg/m*) is fre*
quently in order for dimensional homogeneity. Manometric pressures are
commonly expressed in mm of mercury (mm Hg) for which the multiplier to
obtain kg per square cm is 1.36 x 10-*.
Density is ordinarily used in kg per cub^c metre, abbreviated kg/m», and
specific volume is its reciprocal. Temperature scales are denoted by letter
symbol, thus:
R—Rankine (absolute Fahrenheit scale),
K—Kelvin (absolute centigrade scale).
^Thermodynamic Properties of Water Including Vapour, Liquid and Solid Phans, Keenan,
Keyes, Hill and Moore, Jeto Wiley and Sons.
Enthalpy is a tenn expressing the combination of internal molecular energy,
expansion work, and flow work. By definition.
Entropy measures the fraction of heat energy that is unavailable for ideal
conversion to mechanical work. Entropy has no absolute scale of values; it is
always the change of entropy that is pertinent. Where it seems to have a zero
origin a study of the data will reveal that entropy entries are relative to some
“datum"’ that was arbitrarily assumed to be the zero value. Thus the steam
tables show entropy of liquid water at 38® C to be 0.S458. However, the same
tables give entropy a zero value atO.Ol® CThe interpretation of 0.5458 is that
A« from 0.0Pto38®Cis 0.5458. Again, a subtraction of liquid entropy at 16® C
from that at 38® C obviously cancels the assumed data and yields:
Example 2: A shaft rotating at 1200 rpm receives an applied torque (via gears,
belt, etc.) of 80kg*in. What is the received horsepower?
Therefore, power =
» 16240 hp (metric) » 11.94 Mw
Example 4: A rotating mass, say a turbogenerator rotor, has a total weight of
.11,000 kg. and a composite radius of gyration of 50 cm. The rotative speed is 1800 rpm.
The kinetic energy is in which I is the mass moment of inertia of the rotating
system, and o> is the angular velocity in radian units.
1 /1800
Energy = -X 280.5 X ( — X 2w 4983300 kgm
Were this rotor to be slowed from 1800 to 1780 rpm in 10 sec, the average power
released would be — a>2i7»)/10 kgm per sec
Example 6: The potential energy of a mass poised above a datum plane is illustrated
by the rise of an elevator weighing 700 kg from first floor at grade 0.00. m to fifth floor
at grade 14.8 m. The energy expended in making the lift is the simple product of
weight and height, or
Energy ~ 700 x 14.8 = 10,360 kgm
This energy which was expended as a force overcoming a resistance then resides
potentially in the mass of the elevator while it remains at grade 14.8 m^
Heat The common unit of this form of energy, as employed by most engi¬
neers, is the Joule, abbreviated J. This is the unit used in the steam tables,
also to express such quantities as calorific value of fuels^ heat transfer
rates, and the like. Heat can exist internally in a fluid as random mloec-
ular motion, and externally as a volume under pressure. Also, quantities of
heat energy are involved in processes accompanying a change of physical state
—as from liquid to vapor, or solid to liquid. Transferred heat energy, desig¬
nated by Q, is definitely associated with temperature changes in gases, but may
occur at constant temperature in vapors. The transferred heat may be shown
to equal the change of enthalpy if the process occurs at constant pressure.
The Ah of a gas is therefore always CpAT, Constant pressure changes are a
common occurrence in steam cycles; for example, the processes in boilers and
condensers are of this nature. The heat transfers in these cases are therefore
readily evaluated as the differences in enthalpy read from tables.
It is the function of a heat power plant to convert as much of the heat
energy produced in it into high-grade mechanical and electrical energy as is
economically feasible. The supply of heat energy is commonly produced from
combustion, a chemical reaction of exothermic nature. Of all of the reactions
which are exothermic, those of carbon and hydrogen with oxygen have been
most in the service of man. In fact, except for some quite recent experiments
in exothermic reactions for rocket propulsion, the manufactured heat supply
has been developed with these simple oxidation reactions:
in which temperatures are Kelvin, and F® is a factor connected with the black¬
body qualities of the surface. F« is designated the “emissivity factor.” For non-
planar and nonparallel bodies, a shape factor also multiplies this equation.
Actually, the production and absorption of electromagnetic radiation ac¬
count for heats of combustion, for the waves are produced by rearrangements
of molecular electrons occurring during the chemical reactions we call com¬
Transformation of Energy, Since work, heat, electricity, all are forms of
energy, they are mutually interdiangeable at fixed ratios. The kgm is 9.807
Joules, and one joule is 0.102 kgm.
Electrical energy can be converted to heat by passing the flow of electrons
through an electrical resistance, R (measured in ohms).
2 2600
Fig. 1-5 Vapor charts: a. isothermal process; b. iscntropic process; c. isobaric process;
d. throttling process.
the solution of various vapor processes, and the reader should endeavor to
familiarize himself with the form of the processes as they appear on this chart.
Except at high pressure, Vf is quite small compared to Vtg and the second term can
be dropped, making v = xVg. Do not use this approximation for very high pressures or
moisture contents.
i; = 0.90 X 189.22 - 170.3 cm*/g
(d) The entropy of steamaJt los Aglciff-aSoind superheat. The volume, enthalpy,
and entropy of superheated steam will be found listed in superheated steam tables.
These will be found to be double-entry tables, since there are two independent variables,
viz., pressure and total temperature. In this case, the table must be entered AtlOL8kg/om8
aband291.l^C.Thistemperature cannot be expected to be a standard tabular entry, so
an interpolation is in order. The result is an entropy of 7.0758 J per g pcr®K.
In many cases, neither pressure nor temperature will coincide with tabulated entries;
then a double interpolation is required.
discover and to interpret certain of the laws of nature upon which could be
built that era in man’s historical career that we call the power age, and in which
we are now living. This power age marks the success of man in acquiring a
mastery over the forces of nature and an ability to create mechanical slaves
in the form of electrical or mechanical power-producing units. The last half
century, although not the entire scope of the power age, does cover that part
of it. in which the greatest progress has been registered. The kilowaU of
mechanically produced power per worker has increased several fold in this time.
This increase, of course, usually produces an increase as well of the productifin
per worker and a greater store of consumer goods for the average indivdual.
In 1900, the kilowatt in basic industries per worker was about l.Skasrin 1950
it is up to aboutS.8kw;It is this increasing availability of the labor of nonhuman
“slaves,” coupled, of course, with improvements in production machinery, that
spells the ever-widening variety of consumer products available to the average
The introduction of mechanical power soon produced a centralization of
industry near the source of its power. This was because mechanical power is
not readily transiAitted efficiently over long distances. The industrial revolu¬
tion therefore led to poor living conditions due to overcrowding and, had it
continued, would have produced far greater social problems than we have in
this day and time. But then came electrical energy in the alternating-current
form. It offered flexible and economic transmission of energy from a central
generating station to distributed industries. Decentralization became possible
and has occurred very extensively, thus markedly bettering the working condi¬
tions of workers of the power age over those that were predominant before
the long-distance transmission of energy was economical.
This is one of the reasons why much of the energy used in industry is being
generated centrally by corporations whose business is the production and sale
of electrical energy. Industries find it possible to locate in small communities,
and even rurally, and enjoy the advantage of adequate power transmitted to
them electrically from gen^^rating stations which may be located many miles
away. Smaller factories and shops can produce competitively with larger firms.
Small-scale enterprises often create a greater sense of responsibility and a feel¬
ing of individuality on the part of the average workman. The heart of an
individual system such as this is the central electric station, with its radiating
network of transmission lines, instantly ready to deliver power at a low price
—so low, in fact, that oftentimes large industries find it unprofitable to gener¬
ate their own power.
The application of power to the service of man has been the means of
elevating his standard of living. Where power has been universally and exten¬
sively employed by the population, the standard of living is highest. Unfor¬
tunately, also, such societies exhibit the greatest complexity of the social
system. The influence of mechanical power is felt today mainly in transporta'-
tion. Most of the activation of the ^'wheels of industry'^ nowadays is with the
electric motor. In agriculture, powered farm machinery has made it possible
for a farmer to cultivate and harvest ten times or more the acreage that he
could have handled without tractors and mechanical planting, cultivating, and
harvesting equipment. The domesticated draft animal is by no means an obso¬
lete source of power even today, but most of the intensively cultivated areas
or the United States do exhibit a definite trend from the draft animal to the
mechanical power unit. Then, of course, all large-scale methods of rapid trans^
portation of passengers and freight, by land, sea, and air, are, for the most
part, motivated by mechanical power units, although a certain amount of
surface transportation is accomplished by electrical power.
In communication lines, the telephone, the telegraph, also radio, radar, and
television, are certain to be included in any list of developments which have
added to the safety, comfort, and enjoyment of living. Rapid and reliable
communication is essential to the conduct of modem business. These are all
provided with electrical power, but in relatively small amounts as compared
to its use for industrial power, lighting, and heating.
It was in the field of lighting that the central station production of power
made the first headway. The first commercial station began operation in New
York about 1882. This was steam driven and was soon followed by a hydro¬
electric station in Wisconsin. The incandescent lamp invented in 1879 gave the
impetus necessary for the rapid expansion of this infant industry. Seventy
years later the number of customers exceeds thirty million,* and the industry
that provides electrical energy to the general public customer is one of the
biggest and the most essential in these United States. Although the uses of
electricity are manifold and are increasing daily, lighting in various forms has
continued to be the main source of income of the public utility company. Be¬
cause electric lights are so convenient and so superior to all other sources in
producing adequate illumination, and because that form of lighting offers a
minimum hazard of fire, it has practically displaced all other lighting systems;
old fashioned, indeed, is the home, institution, or industry which is not today
illuminated electrically.
No more striking instance of the part played by electric power in elevating
the standard of living can be found than in the convenience of electric house¬
hold appliances. Cooking utensils, fans, refrigerators, stoves, vacuum cleaners,
and various small motors all help to make modern life more comfortable and
free countless people from drudgery.
The knowledge of the production and utilization of power should hold, we
think, more than usual interest for the engineer and for the student of engineer¬
ing. It is hard to imagine any other single factor which has had more influence
in shaping the present social structure of the United States than has mechanical
and electrical power. The special interest of the engineer, in particular, is that
his is the responsibility for a state of society that is requiring the services of
trained technical men to an ever-increasing extent. While the generation and
marketing of large blocks of power itself furnishes direct employment to many
engineers, a comprehensive view of modem engineering activity reveals that
nearly all of it is dependent upon an abundant supply of power.
1-5 Power Plant Engineering and Design. It is already evident that
the type of power plant to be treated in this book is the stationary plant which
produces electrical energy. With minor exceptions, the term “Power Plant^^
may be taken to imply an Electrical Power Generating Station. As noted before,
this type has developed into the most important power-producing unit. The
power plant must function as a unit, not as a collection of individual pieces of
equipment. This statement is significant, for it governs the method of treatment
of the subject in the following pages. Concentration on the external operating
characteristics of each piece of apparatus and a study of its relation to the
rest of the plant will eliminate the apparently endless maze of details which
accompanies a study of power plant equipment from the individaul design
standpoint. Power plant engineering, as construed here, would not include the
design of a steam trap, or of a motor or crane, but rather the selection of a
trap, motor, or crane manufacturer’s product for the specific service in mind.
Briefly, it is the art of selecting and placing the necessary power-generating
equipment so that a maximum of return mil result from a minimum of ex¬
penditure over the working life of the plant; and the operation of the completed
plant in a manner to provide cheap, reliable, and continuous service.
The scope thus set forth, it will be noted, implies the placing of professional
en^neers in three categories, viz., (1) Designing Engineers; (2) Construction
Fig. 1-8 Construction progress chart covering the main subdivisions for a 60,000-kw
power plant. The chart is revised periodically and the percentages of work completed
are indicated for each revision.
backwards from that point so as to know when construction must start to meet
this date, when the drawings must be started in order to be completed in time
for construction purposes, and when specifications must be started in order to
receive bids with the proper time allowance for the placing of the bid, drawing
up the contract, manufacturing the equipment, and delivering it to the plant
site so that it is on hand when the date of erection arrives.
The respective engineers are then put in possession of the main points of
design and the dates upon which certain information must be ready for the
field. They and their assistants elaborate on the main details, imtil they can
pass on to the chief draftsman a fairly complete outline of the chief features
of the station. The chief draftsman in conjunction with the various engineers
then makes up a list of drawings which, to the best of their knowledge, will be
required for the complete delineation of the station design. In making this list
they must draw heavily on experience and judgment at this early stage. A
Drawing Progress Chart, similar to the Construction Progress Chart shown
in Fig. 1-8, but, of course, with appropriate headings, is then prepared. Suf¬
ficient technical men are then assigned to the work to meet the progress
plan. The design groups may consist of designers only, to begin with, but as
the work gets going, checkers, detailers, and other draftsmen are added as
needed. Meanwhile the engineers have made out a purchasing schedule in order
to deal with manufacturing contractors or subcontractors on a chronological
Designers are first engaged in preliminary studies and sketches which de¬
termine the rough characteristics of the plant and, when approved by executive
engineers, serve as an outline to guide preparation of final drawings. In the
course of final design work there is necessarily a considerable amount of cross
checking to be done between different individuals or groups so that interfer¬
ences will be eliminated and information can be mutually exchanged. This is
a formal routine on a job of the size we are now contemplating, but could be
quite informal and spontaneous in a small design office. Needless to say, the
various engineers must keep closely in touch with the drafting room to watch
the progress of the drawings and to direct the work. This is necessary in order
that the plant have embodied in it the features they desire, and to insure not
only a plant of the caliber contemplated, but one which may be constructed
within the amount allotted in the estimate.
The efficiency with which drawings can be produced is greatly dependent
upon the close attention the engineer gives to the drafting. Otherwise it is
likely to mean that the engineer gets into the position of “pulling apart” drawings
instead of directing them. Also, the prompt attainment of manufacturers^ prints
by the engineer is highly essential to good drafting room efficiency.
1-6 Drawings, Specifications, and Correspondence. A design or con¬
sulting engineer's plan for the construction of a power plant is set forth in his
drawings and specifications. Specifications are a written set of rules, regula¬
tions, explanations, standards of quality, etc., which accompany a set of draw¬
ings. Many items of information the engineer wishes to convey are far more
cheaply and conveniently set forth in multigraphed typewritten booklets than
blueprinted from hand-lettered drawings. Conversely, there are other matters
that can be briefly and succinctly shown by drawing which would re¬
quire unreasonably extensive wordage to convey in writing. A combination of
drawings and written specifications is more compact and definite than either
could be if relied on entirely. The drawings and specifications should be ade¬
quately cross-referenced so that the reader will be able to integrate the
information they contain with minimum effort.
In general, specifizations carry the following type of information and direc¬
1. General infonnatiem on what the contractor can expect at the site and the condi¬
tions of his use of the premises.
2. Basis of legal relations between contractor and purchaser. Conditions of payment,
insurance, guarantees, arbitration, etc.
3. General description of the planned project, expected mode of operation,
sequence of construction, etc.
4. Standard of workmanship expected and method of insuring that it is furnished.
6. Qualities of materials, performance of components, etc.
6. Schedules of equipment in multiple which would overload the drawings if at¬
tempted to be placed there.
7. Conditions of acceptance tests.
Insofar as possible, the engineer should restrict his instructions to a con¬
tractor to ^^what-to-build,” and not be drawn into specification of *^how-to-
build,” for he cannot enter into the latter activity and still expect the responsi¬
bility for the complete job to rest on the shoulders of the contractor.
Similarly the engineer in his dealings with equipment manufacturers should
be careful not to write specifications that in the end could be legally interpreted
as relieving the contractor of responsibility for performance because the en¬
gineer had not only specified results, but also the design itself.
The major items of equipment in a power station are generally purchased
through competitive bidding. Since the basic principles of this form of buying
are well known to most persons, they need not be dealt with here. Equipment
specifications should set forth, as briefly and concisely as the individual case
permits, the requirements of the purchaser and the information which he desires
the manufacturer to submit in his bid. The specification should be clear on
matters of capacity, performance, over-all dimensions, and quality, but should
not unduly restrict freedom of design on the part of the manufacturer unless
added cost resulting from special design can be accepted. Lack of space prevents
printing of sample specifications here; however, they are frequently available
in printed form.*
When completed, power plant design drawings are put to three distinct uses:
(1) Purchases of material are made on the basis of the items indicated on the
drawings; (2) drawings furnish the erector with the information he needs to
build the plant in accordance with the designer’s ideas; and (3) certain of the
drawings will be used as a source of information for the guidance of the
operating staff. The drawings should furnish all the data required for these
services, but little more. The methods of orthographic projection are not neces¬
sarily followed except for large-scale detail drawings.
Layout drawings generally consist of one or more plans and a number of
elevations. The sections represented on the elevations are indicated on the
plan by section lines. The sections do not have to be taken completely along one
plane, but may be offset if such serves the designer’s purpose better.
Supplementing the plans and elevations, details, drawn to a large scale, give
important construction information that cannot be shown on the general draw¬
ings. In addition, there will be wiring diagrams, flow diagrams, etc. When
equipment manufacturers have supplied prints or drawings of their equipment,
such may be incorporated into the design as details by a note of reference to
the manufacturer's drawing by title and number.
Jn the large station design several drawings arc often made covering the
same plairWt each bringing out some special phase of the equipment. For
instance, one may be made primarily to show machine location, another to
* For example, in publications of the old NELA and later the Edison Electric Institute.
show main steam piping, another conduits, another lighting, and so forth. It
is customary to bring out the primary information by drawing the lines showing
it much heavier than the remainder. Such information is then said to be in
The character of drawings required for a steam power station design may be
classified as follows:
Mechanical Electrical Steel
Machine layout Conduit Floor plans
Steam piping Equipment Stairs
Water piping Wiring Trusses
Boiler settings Lighting Cranes
Coal and ash handling Substation
Draft Control boards Concrete
Turbogenerator Details Floor plans
Condenser and 4iuxiliaries Wall elevations
Water conduits Building Service Foimdations
Cranes and hoists Plumbing Details
There are, at present, no drafting standards that can be said to have been
widely adopted by firms doing power plant design work. Many of the individual^
firms maintaining a large drafting organization have their own drafting stand¬
ards which they follow on all jobs. Some standards should be adopted at tiie
beginning of any job if such are not already in existence. Most firms take an
interest in completing a set of drawings that is uniform in appearance and neat
in execution. Good lettering will contribute more towards the external ap-
oearance of a drawing than anything else. Without good lettering an excellent
lesign will, offhand, create an unfavorable reaction. To the nontechnical man
(city managers, institutional superintendents, etc.) the appearance of the draw-
ng sometimes means more than the design itself. Most executive engineers,
formerly capable of first-class work themselves, react unfavorably to a poorly
executed drawing even though the technical substance of it is sound. By giving
due regard to the importance of lettering, and by following a standard drafting
procedure throughout the design, the designer can produce a set of drawings
which does not belie the technical skill and care that may have been employed
in its preparation.
Another thing which may reflect credit or discredit on a power station design
is the correspondence. Correspondence plays an important part in the engineer¬
ing of any job. Countless letters must pass between the engineers and the field.'
in order to keep the construction of the character desired, to explain those parts
of the dengn that are not covered by drawings, and also to explmn the drawings.
Correspondence with the client deserves the engineer’s careful attention. Care
must be exercised to get the client’s approval on all major points of design
since the plant will be his to operate. Well-written letters go a long way in
holding the good will of the client. Purchasing letters must be clear and deci¬
sive, leaving no point unsettled. This is essential to avoid any dispute whea, cm
delivery, the equipment is not found to be as expected, and to avdd any mis-
understwdings of price.
The engineer’s duty is not only to design and construct, but to leave after
him a complete record of his work, and this record is largely his drawings and
his letters. Hence the circumspect engineer will attend carefully to the form
as well as the engineering of his drafting and correspondence.
1-7 Electric Power Systems. If power could be generated for the same
cost at any point in the country there would be no difficulties arising from
power distribution. The condition that early prevailed would still exist—each
power user would operate his own plant. But, unless use may be made of the
exhaust steam, the small privately owned plant is hardly able to compete with
the central station on an economic basis because of the inherently higher ef¬
ficiency of large generating units and the lower overhead cost of quantity
production. Hence, although large numbers of small plants are in operation at
present, the major portion of installed power capacity is to be found in central
stations. Power generated by industries may or may not be converted into the
electrical form before use, but that generated by central stations is invariably
electrical to permit transmission to distant points.
As Figs. 1-9 and 1-11 show, the central station is but one link of a chain
joining the source of energy and its ultimate user. The system of distribution
extending from the j)ower plant to the consumer is of varying complexity,
depending on the number of consumers and their location relative to the plant.
From the standpoint of economy in power transmission it is desirable to locate
the plant near the geograj)hical center of the load, but there are other factors
to be taken into account Some plant sites are more suitable than others from
the srandj)oint of gen(‘ration, even though many miles may separate the plant
and its customers. Nearness to natural waterfalls and sources of fuel, land cost,
supply of condensing wi^er—these are prominent influences in the location
of a central power jdant.
The distribution system may be separated into two parts, the primary and
secondary systems. The primary distribution system generally consists of a
transmission line carrying the three-phase current from the switchyard of the
plant to a substation located near the load served. The purpose of the substation
is to transform the high voltage necessary for economical long distance trans¬
mission to voltages suitable for lines in residential districts and for the pri¬
maries of the light pole-top distribution transformers. The secondary distnbu-
tion gyatem extends from the substation to the customer’s meter through the
transformers, strategically located with respect to a small group of customers
which each one supplies. Small companies will transmit at such voltages that
the substation may sometimes be omitted. Large systems may require two or
more step-down transformations of voltage.
Power supply systems are owned and controlled by municipalities, institu¬
tions, government agencies, and public utility companies. Public-service power
and li^t plants, at one time mostly municipally owned, have come more and
more into the hands of public utility companies. A utility company may own
one or more generating stations and a network of transmission lines serving its
territory. The company should be so organised as to weld generating, distribut-
mg, and public relations departments into a smooth working unit. The small
company operating one station and servicing one community easily accom¬
plishes this, but the lar^ company requires a complex organization. One com¬
pany divides its operating responsibility into five departments as followa:
1. The system operating department which directs the operation of the
electrical system and has the care and operation of the electrical system, the
load dispatching, the provision of safety about high tension equipment, and
the keeping of electrical records as its responsibility.
2. The steam department which has charge of mechanical equipment and is
expected to have mechanical power ready for the generators at all times.
3. The substation department which maintains and operates all substations.
4. The test departmenty which runs all tests, obtains and analyzes experi¬
mental data, checks station instruments, and is responsible for keeping the
operation of the station at the highest possible efficiency.
5. The office department which handles clerical details, records, and
Sales and mergers of public utility companies have resulted in holding or
management companies, which may be state-wide or even national in their
scope. The holding company, as a device for controlling more than one corpora¬
tion, is of comparatively recent origin. The decade prior to the economic de¬
pression of the 1930^8 saw a widespread expansion of financial control of public
utilities occur through the use of the holding company. Organized as a corpora¬
tion, it secured control over its subsidiaries by purchase of a controlling block
of stock. Although, theoretically, 51 per cent of outstanding stock might be re¬
quired, usually far less than this is sufficient for effective control. In view of
the widespread distribution of public utility securities, it is probable that
ownership of 10 per cent of the voting securities is tantamount to control.
Furthermore, through exchange of stock certificates, the holding company
could be created and controlled by promoters having relatively small personal
investment in it.
The management company structure lent itself to promotional pyramiding,
and the public in general derived little or no benefit from that situation. Abuses
of holding companies in taking advantage of corporate structure for law evasion
and obstruction of regulation, as well as a needless pyramiding and centraliza¬
tion of control of a large and essential national service, finally brought about
a public reaction to this form of business. By the Public Utility Holding Com¬
pany Act of 1935 the United States Congress opposed the abuses of holding
companies without administering the ''death penalty.” The Securities Exchange
Commission by that act was assigned duties which included the elimination
of uneconomic company structures, and the supervision of security transactions
and acquisition of securities by holding companies. A uniform system of ac¬
counts was also prescribed. The operations of a holding company are now
limited to a single, integrated (geographically) public utility system. The
present philosophy of governmental regulation of this type of corporate struc¬
ture is that the function of the holding company is the economic and efficient
administration of an integrated system, and not that of an investment company
which minimizes the risks of its investments through diversification of its port¬
folio of securities.
The cost of a central power station is high. Only a large organization can
finance the new construction. Problems of design and construction which are
involved in power plant engineering require the overcoming of difficult tech¬
nical problems and the exercise of a high degree of intelligence. The engineer
Fm. 1-11 A public electric supply system. (Courtesy West Penn Power Co.)
is liable to feel that these problems constitute his major burden. It happens,
however, that the financing of power plant construction, as in any other field
of building, is at first the paramount consideration. Utility stock, sold to the
public, and particularly to the customer public, is a common means of financ¬
ing new work or reconstruction. The investor requires of power plant engineer¬
ing that it show him how the new construction will give a reasonable rate of
return, as well as overcome successfully the purely technical difficulties. In
other words, the power plant engineer should have breadth of outlook and the
ability to present to the public facts showing that the proposed construction
will return profits upon the money invested as well as showing that it is tech¬
nically possible.
Interconnections and mergers are slowly uniting public electric supply sys¬
tems into a network of distribution. The justification for interconnection can
be presented on a financial basis, but the ability to render intersystem as¬
sistance during local trouble and in that way to prevent interruption of service
to the customer should be the basic reason for interconnection, even though
no definite financial expression may be attached to it. Of more tangible value
is the use of the more efficient plants as base load stations. Off-peak power
may be exchanged on some prearranged basis when the load peaks on one sys¬
tem do not occur simultaneously with those on another. This has the effect of
delaying, for a time, the purchase of new equipment to care for increasing
peaks. Also, it renders economical the installation of additional capacity be¬
yond that justified by the gain in the individual system; that is, a new station
or unit causes temporary surplus capacity and consequent annual charges for
idie equipment which may be reduced by adjacent systems installing their
new equipment alternately. A decrease in the total of emergency standby capac¬
ity is possible when two or more systems operate interconnected.
Interconnection provides some relief from the necessity of splitting up the
plant capacity into a number of small units for the sake of uninterrupted serv¬
ice. No very difficult operating problems have been encountered in intercon¬
nected systems, provided the length of the interconnecting lines was kept to a
reasonable figure. To compensate for line drop in voltage under the condition
of a possible power flow in either direction, tap changing transformers have
been installed. Complete metering stations at the points of interconnection
provide records upon which rates and charges for exchange energy are made.
A superpower system is a vast interconnected system, which has for its
basis the maximum exploitable water power of the country, relying oh excess
flows at one point to counteract low water at another, and havihg i^team plants
suitably located to care for deficiencies in water power.
1. A train weighing 14501 is pulled up a 2% grade by 4475 kw. Train resistance,
8710 kg» What is the speed,kmph?
2. A pump is lifting water through5t50i to fill a 570 m* tank. The over-all energy
efficiency is 80%. Calculate the length of time that 7.5 kw applied to the pump will re¬
quire to complete the job.
3. A body is being dragged uniformly along a horizontal surface by a force of 45
kg acting at an angle of 20® to the horizontal. Find the work done in moving the body a
4. The difference in tension between the sides of a belt running over a 750m diameter
pulley is 25 kg,Pulley speed 500 rpm. What power in kw is transmitted? Is the direction
of the belt leaving the pulley a factor?
5. A truck “free-wheeling'* at BOkmph is stopped in 90 m by the application of a
uniform retarding force. Weight, 1800 kg« What is the magnitude of the force?
6. What is the power of a steam jet 13mm in diameter moving at 750 m/sec? Steam
condition, 1.4 kg/om< ab dry and saturated.
7. Forty percent of the electrical input to a moto^-driven pump is converted into
a hydraulic jet, If mmindiamcter, for the purpose of washing down ashes. Find the jet
velocity in m/ieo. The motor has a 3-phase, 220-v, 7.5-amp rating. Power factor, 85%.
8. How much kinetic energy is released when a flywheel, as here described, is
slowed from 250 rpm to 235 rpm? Mass of flywheel is 60 hyls ; radius of gyration,53cm.
9. A chain weighing 15 kg/m supports a load of 1500 kg at its lower end. The
upper end of the chain passes around a powered drum60cm in diameter. The weight is
120 m below the drum. How much mechanical energy must be applied to the drum to
raise the weight 75 m?
10. A turbogenerator rotating mass has a moment of inertia of 555 hyls/m*. It is
delivering 2500 kw at 1800 rpm. The load then suddenly increases to 25^ kw, the
developed steam power remaining unchanged. What is the resulting speed in rpm after
10 sec ?
11. Prove that 1 kw » 14.33 kcal/mtn or 860 kcal/hr.
12. A hoist is to raise a 1135 kg mine cage at the rate of 4.6 m/sec Mechanical efficiency
of the hoist is 92%. What is the power in kw required to drive at this speed?
13. How much power is there in the kinetic energy of the atmosphere (density
1.217 kg/m*) at56kmph wind velocity? Consider that section that passes through a3m^
diameter circular area normal to the velocity.
14. The flow of a riveri84.26 m/seosta site where a 23 m hydrostatic head can be
created by the erection of a dam. What is the potential capacity of a hydroelectric
power plant if installed at this site? Consider that the hydraulic efficiency of energy
conversion can be 80%, and that the electric efficiency can be 90%.
15. A locomotive is tested with a dynamometer car coupled between the tender and
the train. Traveling over a level track at a speed of 130 kmpVhe dynamometer registers
10615 kg . What horsepower is the locomotive then delivering? On an extended run the
dynamometer integrator gives 2945 kw hr, and over the same stretch 6215 kg of 27920
J/g coal were consumed. Calculate the thermal efficiency of the locomotive.
16. An electric heater is to heat 11 kg of oil per min from 4.5® C to 65.5® C*Specific
heat of the oil ifi 2,1 J/g pcr®C. How many watts should this heater consume?
17. Mechanical work in the form of a torque of 346 kg m is applied to an electric
generator at a speed of ISOO rpm. The machine loses some of this energy in the form
of a heat loss of 2640 kJ* per min. The remainder of the energy is transformed to the
electrical form. Find the kilowatts of electrical power produced.
18. An electric motor converted' 700 w of electrical injmt into work at 58 kgm per
sec. The speed was 1750 rpm. Find the kgm of driven torque and the motor efficiency.
19. In a certain industrial process 85 kg of a liquid (spec, heat: 3.56 J/g per
) are required to be heated through 36® C in a 42-min period. If an immersed elec¬
tric coil is used to accomplish this, how many watts will it draw while in operation, and
what must be its working resistance in ohm.s? (110-v circuit).
20. In a change-over from steam to electric heating, a unit which had been con¬
densing 4.5 kg dry and saturated steam at 2.1'kg/cm* each 15 min is to be electrically
heated from a 220-v circuit. How many r2-ohm resistors in parallel would be needed to
supply the same heat?
21. What power mkw is represented by a flow of water from a Sem diameter nozzle
at a velocity of 135 m/iec?
*kJ«rkiio jotties*
22. A certain electric motor receives 12 kw of electrical power and delivers mechani¬
cal energy at the rate of 1000kgm per sec. What is its efficiency?
23. Water drops perpendicularly 365 m in a certain waterfall. Assuming all available
energy absorbed as heat after striking the lower pool, find rise in temperature of the
water passing the falls.
24. How many kg-m of torque are given to a turbine shaft transmitting 30,000 kw at
1800 rpm? At 3600 rpm?
25. What water horsepower(jiietric) is required to>raisel900 l/minthroughaheightof38m?
26. A power plant serves a factory having two 22 kw motors and ten 3.7kw motors.
Assume the efficiency of motors 80%, of transmission line 95%, of generator 92%. (a)
What should the rated capacity of the generator be if it is assumed that all motors
might be delivering their rated power simultaneously? (b) What should the rated
capacity of the engine be?
27. If 2685200 kl* per hr are given to an engine which can convert 12% of the
heat into work, what is the power in kw developed by the engine?
28. The over-all efficiency of an electric system, coal pile to lights, is 11%. What
fraction of a pound of coal containing 302S0 J/g must be consumed to light a 100-w
lamp 45 min?, min?
29. A plant containing one 600-kw and one 200-kw generating unit is being operated
at rated capacity. The coal consumption at the same time is 860 kg per hr. Heating
value of the coal is 22106 J/g • What fraction of the heat in the coal is converted into
useful energy?
30. Compare the heat content of 270 m* natural gas at a temperature of 16® C and
a pressure of 340 g above atmosphere with 15111 of fuel oil of 446691/g Gas has
35.21 J/cm« at standard conditions of 16®C and 1.03 kg/cm* pressure. Oil weighs 880 kg/
31. A power dam creates a head of 25 m in a stream whose normal flow is 4200 cfs.
Hydraulic turbines that can convert 92% of the water power into shaft power are in¬
stalled. They are connected to generators whose efficiency is 97.5%. What is the kilowatt
capacity of the plant?
32. A farmer has a small stream on his property which he thinks might supply
(iiough power to light his buildings. The stream is gauged and found to be flowing 0.03
m3/seo. The available fall is 2.i m. A small hvdraulic turbine and generator will have
a combined efficiency of 70%. I’aking the transmission line efficiency as 80%, how many
50-w lamps can be connected to the generator simultaneously?
33. Find, by use of steam tables, the temperature of steam at the following states:
(a) 195®C superheat at 35 kg/cm* ab(b) 85% dry atgdA^i'^^S ab(c) Dry aodsaturated at
7 kg/cm* ga.
34. Find, by use of sceam tables, the temperature of steam at the following states:
(a)3.2l<g/cm2abhavingl40® C superheat, (b) 739 mm Hg vacuum, 95% dry. Barometer
751mmHg. (c) Pressure of 3.2kg/om* ab entropy of 6.7R38 J/g/k.
35. Calculate the enthalpy change when water at 16® C is converted to wet steam of
90% dryness factor at 18 kg/cm* ab.
36. Water at 88®C andi Olkg/om* ab is pressurized andheated to the state of 42rl^8/
cm* abl49®C«(a)Bymeans of the usual approximation, find the increase of enthalpy, (b)
Allow for subcooling of liquid, and find the exact increase of enthalpy.
37. Calculate, for the following cases, the ]ier cent error in assuming water to contain
the heat of saturated liquid, (a) 42 kg/om* ab ]28®C (b) 84kg/cm* abO® F. (c) 200 psia,
38. Calculate the enthalpy and volumeof£teamat6.3kg/om*gband98%dryne8Bfactor.-
39. At what dryness factor does steam at.8.8 kg/cm* gahaveameiiitropy;ot4.4488 J/g/lfc
40. A pipe line carries a flow of 69 m*/iniii of steam at28kg/<an* gaiand:ill®C super-
t l/min litres per minute.
^kJ » kilo joulee » lOODJoulci.
heat. Find the flow in kg per min. Diagram tho interpolation method employed on the
steam tables.
41. A drum of 0.S5 m* volume containn steam U).5 kg/om* ga.95% dry. What is
the weight of wet steam in the drum?
42. Interpolate for the enthalpy of steam at31kg/om*aband4l2’ CDiagram the sys¬
tem of interpolation used.
43. Steam is expanded isentropically from 10.6 kg/cm*»b 96% dry, to l.03kg/cmSab.
Sketch' the process on plane. Label with properties found for the final state.
44. Repeat Prob. 43 except for isothermal process.
45. Repeat Prob. 43 except for completely throttling process.
46. Steam is cooled at constant pressure from 227®C, 2908 J/gi, until its moisture is
5.5%. What are the final enthalpy and entropy? Chart solution, illustrated by labeled
47. Wet steam at 7 kg/cm* ah is irreversibly expahded, without work, to 1.03 kg/omt
ab, where its temperature is n6®C What is the initial quality? Chart solution, illust-^
rated by a labeled sketch.
48. What is the highest pressure steam can have at 482®C not to have a moisture
content in excess of 15% after a reversible adiabatic expansion to 38mm Hg. Chart solu¬
tion, illustrated by labeled sketch.
49. In a certain throttling type steam calorimeter, the calorimeter pressure is 1.03
kg/om* abj temperature, 107*C. The line steam being sampled is at 7 kg/cm* ga. What
is its dryness factor? Chart solution, illustrated by a labeled sketch.
50. Steam flowing ideally through a nozzle undergoes a constant entropy expansion.
Initial state: e.gkg/cm* ab, 193''C Final state, 2.8 kg/cm* ab. Determine by chart the
change ol enthalpy. Illustrate with sketch showing how the chart was employed.
■■■ :ss■HI
■ ■P 5iR|i PklPP
■ra mmmmm
while from the utility viewpoint, the chief concern is to put each kilowatt hour
on the transmission line at as low a production cost as possible. The reason for
this difference in unit output cost is to be found not only in the improved oper¬
ating conditions, such as turbines and generators operating at their best
efficiency, or uniform rate of driving the boilers, but may be even more the
result of lower first cost of equipment, brought about by simplified control and
the elimination of various auxiliaries and
regulating devices. ■ ■ 1H ■ ■ ■
As any power plant operator is well
■ ■ ■H ■ ■ ■
aware, the shape of the actual load curve
■■1 ■■■ IS1
departs far from this ideal. He also knows
■ ■ pj ■ S
that its mountainous outline is of tre¬ o
■ 11 R/l n ■
ri II
mendous importance to him as a guide I
£ u ai i ■ H
M n ■ iii i n ■ 1 U
and index to his various duties con¬
5 B 1 i ■ 1 !l ■ ■ K
nected wdth the generation and delivery
of electrical energy to the users. What, II■IB
then, is the fundamental condition which
produces the variable, rather than the Tim#
steady, load? Fig. 2-2 Individual customers* load
The general co7ich(sion is that indus- curves.
tiial processes and domestic uses impose
highly variable demands upon the capacity of the plant. The exceptions do not
disprove this as a basic operating condition of most equipment. Even though
the characteristics of the demand made by any one user will hardly be under¬
stood until his conditions of use arc fully investigated, we might suppose, for
purposes of illustration, that this has liecn accomplished. Then Fig. 2-2 might
represent the domestic demands of two adjacent residences. There is, appar¬
ently, no great similarity between them, nor would one expect a similarity unless
he knew the family life of the two sets of occupants to be similar. Furthermore,
the next reBidence might have a still different form of load curve, and so on for
still other residences. This is all the result of the natural fact of the individual
differences of persons. However, as the number of connected customers increases,
the effect of individual differences is submerged to the general use conditions of
the community, and the resulting load curve is not unlike that of the average
in any other community where similar living conditions obtain. This fact is
illustrated in Fig. 2-3.
This similarity will be apparent only where the number of connected users
is large enough to smooth out the individual factor, and it also requires that no
one individual load be large enough to be considerable in comparison with the
sum of the others. Consequently, generators serving one industry, or just a few
large industries, will meet a demand which can be predicted only after a careful
survey of the industrial processes, this survey including not only demand, but
also diversity factors. The demand upon generators serving a community of
12 2 4 6 8 to 12M 2 4 6 8 10 12 12 2 4 6 8 1012M 2 4 6 8 10 12
July DtCfmbtr
Fig. 2-3 A comparison of the actual average load curves of two towns A and B of
about 4000 population each, situated 45 miles apart, and having similar community
life. Both are served by municipally owned and operated Diesel plants,
appears with kilowatts as the power unit and hours as the time unit, the se¬
quence being the 24 hr beginning with midnight. The most important variations
of this curve are the monthly and annual load curves, each of which is the
average of the daily load curves over the period named. The monthly load
curve is sometimes used in establishing rates; the annual load curve for
annual load factor. The load duration curve, useful in financial studies, is ob¬
tained from the same data as the daily load curves for one year (8760 hr).
The ordinates of this curve may extend from 0 to maximum demand in kw or
from 0 to 100% maximum demand. The abscissa reaches from 0 hr (the length
of time of the peak demand) to 8760 hr. The number of hours during which
1000 kwj 2000 kw, 3000 kw, etc., is demanded is recorded from the daily load
curves, then totaled for the year and plotted as the load duration curve. Hence,
the interpretation of point A (see Fig, 2-5), is that 12,000 kw were demanded
for 5266 hr of the year, or that, through 60% of the year, not more than 40%
JP (MO <D(0
As was mentioned m connection with Fig. 2-1, two load curves may represent
the same kw hr production, yet the unit cost of production for one be more than
for the other. Some information other than the magnitude of kw hr energy pro¬
duced is needed to describe an operating condition. Evidently the relation of
the peak load to the average in some
measure satisfies this requirement.
This relationship is expressed in the
load factor. The daily, monthly, or
annual load factor is the average
load over the time specified divided
by the maximum peak. This peak is
seldom taken as the maximum in¬
stantaneous value but rather as
the maximum 15-min, half-hour, or
hour-long peak.
Ti mt Load factor must not be con¬
Fk;. 2-() T.ond factor fioui nua^mcnientj fused with ‘"power factor,” with
on the load curve. which it has little in common. Power
factor is (‘mj)loycd to describe cer-
tain t(‘chiii(al aspects of a-c circuits aiid has no meaning in variable load
The effect of the submergence of individual difference and the effect of
grouj) or community difference are also cared for by variable load nomenclature.
terms and factors 41
The manner in which the energy output of a single power plant is subdivided
and sent to thousands of individual customers is diagrammed in Fig. 2-7. First,
the energy is sent to substations which are located at the ends of the primary
distribution system. Feeders, which lead out from the substations, may each
supply several distribution transformers, only one of which (per feeder) is
actually included in the diagram. Each transformer is connected by short low-
voltage lines to the systems of one or more customers.
Now each customer has a “connected load” that is the sum of the continuous
ratings of all the equipment and outlets on the customer's circuits. For example,
the connected load for the distribution transformer shown on Feeder No. 1 is
the sum of the connected loads of customers, a, b, and c. A customer's demand
factor is his actual maximum demand divided by his connected load. As in the
case of peak load, the time interval for maximum demand measurement can
be a quarter, half, or full hour. In consideration of the variable, even random
manner of use of electric energy by the hundreds of thousands of customers
located at the ends of the distribution system one would judge that normal
diversification of use would mitigate against simultaneous existence of peak
loads on the components of a system fed from a common source. Thus the peak
load on the distribution transformer would be expected to be less than the sum
of the peak loads of customers a, b, and c, for a^s peak might occur at 11:00 a.m.,
b^B at 11:60 a.m., and c’s at 1:30 p.m.
The diversity factor between customers gives numerical expression to the
ratio of the sum of the individual peaks to their joint peak load. Diversity
factor is the sum of the individual maximum demands of the subdivisions of a
system taken as they may occur during the daily cycle, divided by the maximum
simultaneous demand of the system. The “system” may be a group of customers
served by a certain transformer, a group of transformers served by a feeder,
Type of CoMumer Fador
fikw. 1.00
Readence Lighting U kw. 0.60
l^Over 1 kw. 0.60
^ Restaurants .. .. 0.70
Stores and offices. 0.70
Theaters. 0.60
Commercial Lighting
Small industry... 0.60
Schools, churches 0.65
^ Hotels. 0.50
7.5 kw- 0.75
General Power Service
7.5-15 kw . . 0.65
15 kw-75 kw 0.55
.. Over 75 kw 0.50
etc. Since individual variations have diminishing' effect as one goes farther
from the ultimate consumer in making measurements, one should expect de¬
creasing numerical values of diversity factor as the power plant end of the
system is approaches. Typical diversity factors between the different elements
of the system shown in Fig. 2-7 are set forth in Table 2-2.
Load and demand factors are always less than unity; diversity factors,
more than unity. High load and diversity factors are desirable qualities.
By way of explanation of the use of these statistical factors in predicting
load, the maximum individual demands'of customers a, h, and c are the products
of the connected load of each and an appropriate demand factor. The maximum
demand on the transformer is the sum of a, b, and c’s peak loads divided by
the diversity factor between consumers. Similarly, the maximum demand on
Feeder No. 1 is the sum of the peak loads bn the transformers connected to it
divided by the diversity factor between transformers. Likewise diversification
between feeders is recognized when obtaining substation peaks; and substation
diversification when predicting maximum load on the power plant.
Another term which is useful in variable load studies is the '^plant capacity
factor.*^* Since the load and diversity factors are not involved with the reserve
capacity of the plant or system, a factor is needed which will measure the re¬
serve, likewise the degree of utilization of the installed equipment. This need is
met by the plant capacity factor, which is defined as the actual energy produc¬
tion divided by the maximum possible energy that might have been produced
during the same period. Thus the annual capacity factor would be the annual
kilowatt hours produced divided by the kilowatts of plant capacity times hours
TEJIMS and factors 43
of the year. The difference between load and capacity factors is an indication
of reserve capacity. A modification of capacity factor is obtained by using only
the actual number of hours the plant was in operation. This is the ^'plant use
factor,” defined as follows. Plant Use Factor is the annual kilowatt hours pro¬
duction divided by the kilowatts of capacity times number of hours plant was
in operation.
Example 1: A daily load curve which exhibited a 15-min peak of 6520 kw is
drawn to scales of 1 cm 2 hr and 1 cm 500 kwThe area under the curve is measured
by planimeter and found to be 48.72 cm*'. The load factor based on the 15>min peak
will be found.
Since this base-load station has no reserves above peak load, and is in continuous use,
its Use and Capacity Factors are also 0.642.
value. This governing action may be direct, but is often accomplished through
the intermediary of a pilot valve and motor in the case of a unit where con¬
siderable force is needed to move the governor valve, but where a lightweight,
sensitive governor is desired.
The governing response through to this point has followed rapidly the
original change of load. Beyond this point changes are not so rapid, for the
steam generator must operate with unbalance between heat transfer and steam
demand long enough to suffer a slight but definite decrease of steam pressure.
This is because steam pressure variation is the primary signal used by most
automatic combustion control systems. The controller, be it automatic or
human, must then increase fuel, air, and water flow in the proper amount, thus
affecting the operation of practically every piece of auxiliary equipment in the
In the modem power plant there is much equipment devoted entirely to
adjusting the rates of supply of air, fuel, and water to the boilers in accordance
with tlic demands made upon them for steam. Efficient combustion is readily
obtained under steady steaming conditions. With fluctuating steam demand, it
becomes very difficult to secure good combustion and steady steam pressure,
because efficient combustion requires the coordination of so many various
services. Although it is not expected that the steam pressure will always be kept
to within as close regulation limits as, for example, turbine speed, yet a severe
pressure fluctuation results in lowered efficiency of both boiler and turbine. The
coordination just mentioned is not as simple as the supplying of more air and
fuel when more steam is required, the reason being that there is a certain time
lag element present in combustion that is not present in electrical generators.
Although this picture of control for variable load is necessarily elementary,
enough has been stated to indicate the important effect of load variation on
plant design.
Fig, 2-9 Characteristic efficiency-load curves.
12 2 4 6 e 10 12 2 4 e S 10 12 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 8 0 ID tt
Timt Timf
Fio. 2-10 Selection of number and size of units to lit the load curve.
Plant A Plant B
10,620 10,620
Use factor - 0.762 = 0.735
13,940 14,470
Example: A plant load curve is given, together with a plant characteristic curve
showing rate of steam consumption vs plant output. These are plotted in Fig. 2-11 side
by side with a common ordinate—^kilowatts. Points are selected on the plant load curve.
Then each is projected vertically and horizontally, the latter defining a steam consump¬
tion which is graphically brought up and erected over the former, so fixing a point on
the boiler load curve. The area under the plant load curve represents the daily produc¬
tion of electrical energy, whereas that under the boiler load curve is the daily steam
consumption. For annual studies a load duration curve replaces the daily load curve.
As electrical power supply systems grew and stations were interconnected,
the individual plant superintendents ceased to have sufficient cognizance of the
entire generation and load characteristics of the system to make the best use
of the equipment under their control. Both for safety and for achieving the
utmost economy in the whole system, a certain amount of operating super-
vision was concentrated in a ‘‘load dispatcher.” The load dispatcher was at first
primarily a load forecaster who advised the superintendents of the power stations
of what to expect. Subsequently, as systems became more complex, the dis¬
patcher’s duties and importance increased. The load dispatcher knows inti¬
mately the thermal and electrical characteristics of the stations and intercon¬
necting transmission lines. He has also, before him, complete meter information
regarding the load on the system. When the system is comprised of one base
load station and one or more peak load stations, the load dispatching is chiefly
distributing the load in excess of base load plant capacity to the best peak load
plants; but when there are a number of plants in the system all of which are
nearly equally efficient, the best distribution of load requires much study and
full Imowledge of system geography and technology.
Time Time
Low Flow day High Flow doy
relatively small reservoir, couhi produce the required peak capacity and then
refill its depicted reservoir during off-peak hours. There arc many hydro sites
which are not above the level of economic competition with steam plants when
designed for base load but which, when developed as peak load plants, would
serve to carry the system peaks with the minimum of expenditure.
If hydro and steam are on about the same economic level, wdicn water is
plentiful, as in spring and summer, the hydro part of the system is given the
base load to carry, with steam jilants taking the peaks. When w'atcr is low, as
in fall and winter, the steam plants arc pven the base load with the maximum
hydraulic capacity realized by impounding during all but peak hours. Hydro
units are more reliable than steam units and usually give some advance indica¬
tion of loss of pow’cr; hence there need be less spinning reserve. Large hydro¬
electric units arc not able to respond to sudden swings of load, and it is desira¬
ble to have some of the more sensitive steam turbine equipment operating in
jiarallel for the purpose of stabilizing electrical frequency.
3. The lower the capacity factor of a station, the less is the utilization of
the investment. This diminished utilization represents less loss when applied
to a plant that has been in service some years, and consequently is of less
capital value because of depreciation, than if it affected a modem plant. The
older, less efficient plants, or the older, less efficient units in one plant, keep
investment loss due to low use factor at a minimum. This fact is well known by
power men, and their use of it is reflected in curves showing the life history of
the output of different plants or of different units in the same plant. Operation
under this condition implies that the older units are still considered as normal
operating units. The capacity factor of peak load units is very nearly zero, and
the economic aspect of the use of this equipment resides not in the fact that it
is of a certain efficiency, or that its capacity factor is so and so, but that it is
forestalling the purchase of new equipment upon which low capacity factor
would stand as a distinct financial loss. This gives a direct key to the use of
obsolete equipment. If there is a sharp peak of short duration, it matters little
what the efficiency of the equipment carrying the peak is, as long as it can
eliminate an expenditure of capital for new equipment on which the earnings
would be quite inadequate. In so far as obsolete equipment may have sufficient
capacity to carry short peaks, it is excellent since its first cost will already have
been largely written off in depreciation.
4. One of the advantages of electrical interconnection is the ability to
exchange off-peak power. Extending the idea to the interconnection of two
systems, intersystem exchange would be effective only if the peaks did not
occur simultaneously. As a matter of fact, they will occur simultaneously unless
the geographical extent of the systems is sufficient to cover two sections remote
enough to offer different types of loads. The author believes there is a tendency
to place heavy demand charges on intersystem exchange between independent
companies, but even if this is untrue, it seems best to keep purchased power as
a reserve in case of inadequacy of other methods of carrying peaks.
6. Internal Combustion Power Plants have been advocated as peak load
units on account of the rapid starts possible, i.e., no long warm-up, as with
steam turbines. However, the size and cost of the Diesel engine are strong ad¬
verse factors and, consequently, not many have been used for this purpose.
There are bright prospects, nevertheless, for the gas turbine plant in the peak
load field, for reasons as follows: (1) ability to take a quick start from cold,
thus eliminating long warm-up fuei cost; (2) moderate first cost coupled with
compactness and minimum foundation requirements; and (3) high rotational
speed, which results in low generator cost.
The simple, compact gas turbine unit has quite low thermal efficiency, but
this is not a serious objection for load carrying at extremely low capacity fac¬
tors, as in peak load service. Also, the large quantities of hot exhaust gas that
are a by-product of low efficiency can sometimes be put to use in raising the
capacity of an adjacent steam plant. A public utility which installed a 3500-kw
gas turbine was able to increase its load peak by about 7000 kw. Preheating the
steam plant feedwater with heat transferred from the exhaust gases accounted
for the other 3500 kw gained in capacity. In this unusual case the steam plant's
generators were not fully loaded when the steam boiler, unassisted by feed
preheating, was operating at maximum output. However, many and varied
conditions exist throughout the industry, and many cases probably invite
consideration of the gas turbine.
6. The principal use of storage batteries for peak load is in connection with
traction systems which, for speed control reasons, use direct current. These
traction peaks can be extremely sharp, and there may be many of them during
the day, but the kw hr they represent are not many. Storage battery reserve is
not often practical in an a-c system, for rotary conversion would be required
both during charging and discharging periods. Battery reserve incurs heavy
first cost and maintenance per kw hr of storage. However, they are often used
in the d-c field, sometimes in large capacity.
7. Under certain favoraldc conditions a heat energy “flywheer^ may be
interposed between a steam generator and a variable use of steam. A severely
fluctuating steam demand renders it difficult to fire a steam boiler with uni¬
formly good efficiency. Heat accumulator systems have been devised to smooth
out the fluctuations, the most used being the Ruths system of live steam accu¬
Energy storage in the Ruths accumulator is* actually in the form of very hot
water, but it is charged with live steam, and releases live steam during the
discharge period; hence it can be called a steam accumulator. One essential to
its operation is a pressure difference between boiler and steam mains. The
greater this difference, the larger the quantity of energy storage in a given size
of vessel. The most attractive prospects for accumulators are those with sharp
but short-lived steam peaks, i.e., a load curve similar to that shown in Fig. 2-14
There are numerous cases like this in the industrial field, but the accumulator
is not well adapted for service with a central station. However, in textiles, sugar
refining, dyeworks, and many other industries, steam accumulation can render
triple service, viz.: (1) reduce required boiler capacity; (2) permit steadier
more efficient combustion ; and (3) maintain more constant steam pressure in
an industrial process. There is a small but steady sale of these units to industry.
Some detailed treatment of the accumulator is given here, as it will not be sub¬
sequently considered.
The principle of storage is illustrated in Fig. 2-14. But first, to explain why
the energy is transferred to hot water, consider the energy storage possibilities
in a volume of one cubic metre. If one fills it with dry saturated steam at 10.5 kg/cm* ab
pressure (0.189 m’/kg, 181.2 **0, it will contain an enthalpy of 14.7x 10* J above 0 ^C. How*
ever, a cubic metre of water at 181.2'’C and 10.5 kg/cm* ab (886kg/in*) holds 681x10* J
above 0®C.
Basically, a steam accumulator is an unfired pressure vessel containing
water to which excess steam from the boiler is sent during a charging cycle.
The entering steam condenses in the water, raising the temperature. When the
water being charged reaches saturation temperature at boiler steam pressure,
the accumulator is fully charged. Steam draw-off during a discharge period
lowers the tank pressure, causing a spontaneous evaporation of part of the hot
water content in the en(leavor to maintain thermal equilibrium in the face of
diminishing pressure.
The action of the accumulator system in smoothing out the boiler load is as
The water in the accumulator will absorb or give up steam, depending upon
the pressure in the steam line leading to it and its saturation temperature. If
the pressure in the steam line rises above that in the accumulator, the accumu¬
lator will absorb steam until the heat added raises the saturation temperature,
and therefore the pressure, to that of the steam line. Normally the water in the
accumulator is at the saturation temperature. If the pressure in the steam line
decreases below that in the accumulator, the accumulator pressure is also
lowered, its water is able to hold less heat of the liquid, and consequently heat
is liberated, forming the steam supplied by the accumulator. The water in the
accumulator has assumed a lower thermodynamic level.
The reducing valve B regulates the amount of steam passed into the low-
pressure main in accordance with the low-pressure steam demands by maintain¬
ing constant pressure on the low-pressure side. The regulating valve A will pass
steam into the accumulator if the boiler pressure tries to rise above standard
because of the closing of valve B. It will also act as a reducing valve, passing
low-pressure steam in the event that the accumulator is unable to supply all
the steam demanded during a peak period and the pressure between A and P
sinks to a predetermined level.
The action of the accumulator in smoothing out the peaks is illustrated at
6. The irregular steam demand is assumed to be that of an industrial process
using considerable quantities of low-pressure steam, while the desired boiler
output is shown as the straight line. If the irregular demand is to be supplied,
and yet have the boilers operating at uniform rate of combustion, the accumula¬
tor must absorb steam during the valleys which occur below the steady boiler
output line and supply steam during the peaks. In the diagram shown it is as¬
sumed that the accumulator is large enough to absorb completely the variations.
The direction of steam flow when charging the accumulator is shown at D, while
at E is the flow diagram for accuinulator discharging.
Example: Assuming that the maximum loop area above or below the average line
of Fig. 2-14 (b) represents 9980 kg of steam, the required size of the accumulator tanks
will be predicted. Boiler pressure, kg/om*ab; process steam pressure, 3.2 kg/cm^ ab*
Let W = weight of water in the tanks when they are fully charged to 10,6 kg/cm*
tkh Then W= 9980 4- weight remaining when fully discharged at8.2kg/em*ab. Assume
dry and saturated steam.
At 10.42 kg/em*ab, h =2779.3 J/g; at 8.8kg/om*ab, h = 2727.4 J/g . The average ig
2753.4 J/g.
Enthalpy discharge per cycle = 2753.4 x 9980 x 10® = 27.48 x 10® J
Now this is provided by the flashing of saturated water. Initially the water had an
enthalpy of 768.51 J/g; finally 568.15 J/g. Hence,
768.51 X 10® X IF - 568.15 x 10®(>F- 9980) =» 27.48 x 10®
fV = 108850 kg
A battery of four tanks, each2.5 min diameter and 7.2 m long, would contain this
mass of water with sufficient space left above the water line to provide enough disen¬
gagement area for the generation of reasonably dry and saturated steam. Although
this may seem to be an excessively large storage volume to have to provide, 9980 kg
of steam might represent approximately 13600 kg per hr maximum rate of steam flow
for a peak demand over the uniform boiler output of about an hour^s duration, or be
even greater for peaks of shorter duration. In effect, the tanks would be a substitute
for 1000 or more boiler metric horsepower.
8. Another interesting proposal is one which, although not absolutely un¬
tried, is, as yet, seldom employed in the United States. The Hydraulic Accumu¬
lator System pumps water into a reservoir with off-peak power in order later
to produce on-peak power. Quoted costs from similar European installations
seem to show that in favorable locations the efficiency of conversion and
storage need not be greater than 50fo to justify the project. As shown in Fig.
2-15, the centrifugal pump, hydraulic turbine, and motor-generator are
mounted on the same shaft. Sometimes horizontal shaft units are connected by
clutches so that one or the other may be disconnected from the motor-generator
when not in use. Another variation of the idea is to have two separate units,
and this, of course, applies to the use of hydraulic accumulators to carry steam
station peaks. One unit is a steam-turbine-driven centrifugal pump, the other
an ordinary hydraulic turbogenerator. Certain topographical features are essen¬
tial to the accumulator site. The hydraulic storage of power is necessarily a
high-head development, low-head equipment and hydraulic losses being too
expensive. Hence a storage site should offer a head better than 23 m with suffi¬
cient reservoir storage capacity to carry the peaks. The nature of the storage
basin also is important. There should be no run-off through the soil. An exten¬
sive shallow basin will cause the over-all efficiency to be lower than for a smaller
deeper basin of equivalent capacity because of both percolation and surface
evaporation. These losses are the same as energy evaporated, for energy had
been expended in placing the water in storage against the hydraulic head. Then,
too, the reservoir must be near enough to the station to minimize line cost and
keep pipe friction losses low. Pumped storage of energy can bring to a steam
plant some of the advantages previously cited for the steam accumulator. It
will furnish a load for the boilers during periods of minimum demand and
promote a more uniform rate of combustion.
Having examined the causes underlying variable demand^ we perceive them
so deeply rooted in our daily occupations that creating a imiform use of electri¬
cal power is a well-nigh impossible task. Then, turning from the consumer to
the producer, it is interesting to note the various means which power plant
men have taken to cope with and partially offset the evil effects of load varia-
Upper Pool
bility; methods which arc even more interesting when we remember that eveiy
one of them must stand the acid test of an economic study before it can be
1. A central station is supplying energy to a community through two substations.
One substation feeds four distributing circuits; the other, six. The maximum daily
recorded demands are:
Power Station... 12,000 kw
Substation A. . 6000 kw Substation B. . 9000
Feeder 1. . 1700 Feeder 1. . 620
2. . 1800 2. . 1500
3. . 2800 3. . 1000
4. . 600 4. . 2900
5 . . 2200
6. . 3000
Calculate the diversity factor hotwocn (a) substations, (b) feeders on Substation A, (c)
feeders on Substation B.
2. The daily load curve of a power sy stem is given by the following data.
Time. 12 3 6 8 10 11 12 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 12
Load, kw X lO-**. . . . Oo 00 (K) 150 175 180 175 150 200 250 310 170 140 100 105
Plot the load curve to scales of I cm » 2 hr, I cm = 50,000 kwDetermine the load factor.
What is the daily load factor of the standby equipment that takes all peak load over
200,000 kw?
3. A daily load curve is defined as follows:
Time. 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
Load, kw.140 150 160 180 170 170 170 160 240 365 320 220 160
Plot the load curve to scales of Icm «- 2 hr, 1cm — 50 kw.Determine the load factor and
energy produced.
4. All investigation of the way of transforming daily load curves into annual load
duration curves may be made if one of the daily load curves described in these problems
is considered to be duplicated every other day of the year. This untrue but simplifying
assumption will eliminate need for a mass of load data and the reader will learn the
5. The daily load curve of a power plant is given by these coordinates.
Time.12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
(a) Find th(3 daily load factor, (b) All loads in excess of 4000 kw are carried by Unit
No. 2, rated at 6000 kw. Find its use factor.
6. The annual jieak load on a 15,000-kw power plant is 10,600 kw. Two substations
are supplied by this plant. Annual energy dispatched through Substation A is 27,500,-
000 kw hr with a peak at 8900 kw, while 16,500,000 are sent through B with a peak at
6650 kw. Neglect line losses. Find (a) diversity factor between substations and (b)
capacity factor of the power plant.
7. A power plant load is represented by an average daily load given by the fol¬
lowing coordinates
Hour Kw Hour Kw Hour Kw Hour Kw
1 AM 220 7 300 1*PM 500 7 900
2 200 8 410 2 620 8 870
3 190 9 560 3 670 9 850
4 180 10 590 4 760 10 720
5 180 11 610 5 1000 11 600
6 200 12 m 605 6 930 12 380
This is carried by one 1200-kw steam turbogenerating unit which has a steam demand
represented by the equation
kg steam per hr = 997.2 -I- 4.99 kw
Find (a) the load factor, (b) capacity factor, and (c) kg steam used per day.
8. A distributing transformer supphes a group of general power customers having
a connected load of 186 kw. Demand factor = 0.75. If the load factor for the group will
average 45% and energy sells at SVJj cents per kw hr, what will be the monthly (30-
day) income from energy delivered through this transformer? Assume average motor
efficiency 75%.
9. An electrical feeder line serves four distribution transformers which have the
following connected loads.
A.M... 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30
kw . ..220 200 190 180 180 200 300 410 560 590 610 605 490
P.M.. .IKX) 1:30 2:00 sm 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 7.‘00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00
kw . ..500 590 620 670 760 1000 960 930 900 870 850 720 600 380
It is proposed to carry this load with a new Diesel engine power station. A certain
line of engines is offered in the following sizes, depending on the number of cylinders*.
360 kw, 480 kw, 600 kw, 720 kw, 960 kw. Plot the load curve and fit it with selections
from the engine line mentioned so that there will be a good balance between capacity
factor and number of units installed, (a) Determine the capacity factor of the plant,
(b) Tabulate an ''operating schedule.” (c) Determine the use factor of each unit.
14. The load sho\ni in Fig. 2-11 goes to a peak of 24,000 kw. It is to be carried by
one 10,000-kw imit and two 7500-kw units. Work out a use scheme similar to Fig. 2-10
which will be best from the standpoint of number of paralleling operations and plant
use factor. What is the resulting daily load factor for each unit?
15* A 50,000-kw steam plant delivers an annual output of 238,000,000 ^w hr with a
peak load of 42,860 kw. (a) What is the annual load factor? (b) What is the capacity
16. The load shown by the data of Prob. 13 is carried by one steam turbogenerator
having the following steam characteristic: Total steam =907.2 + 4.99 kw kg per hr,
where P = kwi Generator efficiency = 96%. Steam costs 67j^ per 500 kg to produce.
What is the cost of the steam supplied to this unit per day of 24 hr? What is the cost
of steam used per kw hr?
17. Given load factor 0.48, installed capacity 35,000 kw, reserve over peak 3000
kw, hours out of service per year 410. Find the capacity and use factors.
18. If the load on a system such as that shown in Fig. 2-7 were composed entirely
of residence lighting, what quantity of customer’s connected load could be cared for
by each kw of generating capacity installed in the power station?
19. The load mentioned in Prob. 2-3 is carried by two 150-kw and one 100-kw
engine-generators. Show how these would be operated to carry the load and compute
the resulting plant use factor.
20. The load duration curve of a system is given by the following data:
Load, kw X IQ-*... .36.0 33.0 32.2 29.8 29.6 29.2 28.5 28.0 22.0 12.0 8.0
This load is supplied by a steam plant whose fuel consumption is tabulated as follows:
Load, kw X 10“®. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Coal, lb per hr X 10“® 2.0 10.0 17.5 23.5 27.5 32.0 35.0 39.0 42.0
Assume that you are the purchasing agent and you want to contract in advance for
the year’s supply of coal to be delivered in equal semimonthly deliveries. How many
tonnes would you specify per delivery?
21. The system shown in Fig. 2-7 consists in part of a transformer serving customers
c, /, and g. Estimate the peak load on the transformer.
6. Store building with 6 kw lighting, 25-kw small motor power.
/. Store building with 18 kw lighting, 35-kw small motor power.
p. Office building with 65 kw lighting, 80-kw large motor power.
22. Assume that the maximum feeder loads of the system shown in Fig. 2-7 are (1)
18 kw, (2) 255 kw, (3) 115 kw, (4) 95 kw, (5) 37 kw, (6) 45 kw. Predict the peak
load for the power plant.
23. A city is supplied by a 15,000-kw plant whose load duration curve is defined
by the following data:
Duration, hr. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000. 6000 7000 8760
Load, kw X 10~^... 114.5 91.6 81.0 74.5 69.4 62.0 52.0 40.8 29.8
The plant has one 15,000-kw unit supplied with steam by one boiler. Auxiliaries are
electrically driven. Draw the coal consumption duration curve from the load duration
curve with intermediate graphical modification from three plant characteristics, viz.
1. Auxiliary power. No load, 250 kw; full load, 600 kw.
2. Steam to turbine. No load, 9070per hr; full load, 90700 kg per hr.
3. Coal to stoker. No load, 907 kg per hr; full load, 9070 kg per hr.'
Assume straight-line variation between no-load and full-load conditions. Determine
annual coal consumption, tons.
24. The load mentioned in Prob. 23 is distributed through two substations, A and
B, A supplies the business and industrial district. Its annual peak load is 3050 kw; its
annual load factor 40%. The diversity factor between A and B is 1.177. Neglect losses
in transmission lines. Find (a) peak load on B; (b) kw hr sent through B.
25. Steam flow meters on an industrial process line recorded maximum flow rates
of 26260 kg per hr for cycles of 15 sec duration. To keep this fluctuation off the boilers
and allow them to steam evenly at an average rate of 3400 kg per hr, a Ruths steam
accumulator was installed, working between 3.2 and 2.5 kg/cm* ga.A water surface area,
of sufficient size to limit rate of steam disengagement to 0.305 m* per see per m*, was
considered necessary to insure dry steam production. Find suitable dimensions for
the accumulator tank (i.e., dia. X length). Note: As actually installed the tank was
L 33 m X 7,32 m long.
26. A horizontal steam accumulator tank isl62oin diameter by 6.1mlong. When fully
charged the water levelis 114 cm above the bottom, and the pressure is 7kg/cm* gi^ During
a test for maximum discharge it was found that the pressure could be dropped to6.33
kg/cm* ga in 10 sec without throwing water into the discharging steam. Calculate the
average rate of steam discharge from the accumulator in kg per hr.
27. The maximum demand upon a steam accumulator (i.e., one of the sectional
areas in Fig. 2-14) is 29500 kg steam.Maximumchargingpressureisf 5kg/om^ab dry and
saturated steam. The delivery pressure, beyond valveB,isgkg/om*ab Assuming that the
accumulator is fully charged just previous to the period of maximum demand, calculate
the kg water the accumulator must contain if this maximum demand is to be only 75%
of the accumulator's steam capacity.
28. A hydraulic storage plant has a unit similar to that shown in Fig. 2-15. The
efficiency of the generator-motor is 96%, of the turbine 80%, of the pump 75%.
Average elevation between upper and lower pools =30 ra. Assume a 2% loss of head in
pipe friction. This imit was installed to carry a daily peak load of 1400 kw hr. There is
a daily evaporation loss of stored water amounting to 907 t. Calculate the over-all effi*
dency of conversion.
29. Find the hydraulic impoundment volume necessary to meet a peak of 15,000
kw hr with pumped storage. Turbogenerator efficiency = 82%, head = 70 m. Neglect
friction and evaporation losses.
30. The boiler load curve shown in Fig. 2-11 is to be smoothed out by operating
an hydraulic accumulator unit in parallel. The accumulator plant will have an average
head of 76 m. Ne^ect pipe friction and evaporation losses. Assume the steam turbine
driving the accumulator pump operates as part of the plant characteristic shown
and that the over-all efficiency of hydraulic storage from steam turbine shaft back to
hydro turbogenerator output is 65%.
(a) What steam plant base load capacity is needed?
(b) What boiler capacity is needed?
(c) What is the capacity of the accumulator turbine?
(d) How much more steam is generated per 24 hr than would have been used with¬
out the accumulator?
3-1 The Source of Power Plant Income. The revenues which pay for
the cost of producing electrical energy are derived, in the case of the industrial
power plant, in a different manner than that existing in a i)ublic utility. The in¬
dustrial plant is producing hut one of the items which enter into the final cost
of the finished article, w’hcreas the public service plant produces the electrical
energy itself as the finished product, ready for sale. The revenue of the indus¬
trial plant is that portion of the manufacturing returns which cost accounting
indicates as the portion of production costs assignable to the power used. There
are many factories where there is no attempt made to separate the cost of power
from the cost of the other items entering into production. It is in these plants
that high energy costs arc often found to exist, not so much because the im¬
portance of keeping them low is neglected, but because the identity of their
magnitude is lost in the unsegregated general costs. Many industrial plants,
however, do have metering equipment and a cost-accounting routine which
have been planned and selected for the specific purpose of evaluating the pro¬
portion of manufacturing cost that is due to the energy used.
The revenues of the public service plant are derived directly from the cus¬
tomers it serves.* Unlike the industrial plant wdierein the revenues may be
shown on paper only, there is an actual transfer of money from the user to the
producer of the energy. The electrical energy is the article of manufacture, and
the determination of its selling price is made upon a more complicated basis
than in the majority of industrial plants. Income from public electric service is
derived chiefly from domestic and power customers. Because of the more
favorable load characteristics of the latter, the per kw hr costs of serving them
are lower than for domestic service. The common method of collecting the
revenues is by monthly installments, on the basis of bills which are rendered to
the customer, usually at the end of each month. A discount is allowed for
prompt payment and, as nearly all customers will take advantage of it, the
discount is added to the actual cost of supplying the customer and becomes, in
reality, a sort of penalty for delinquent payment.
3-2 Effect of Plant Type on Costs. Included in the customer’s bill must
be an element of charge which will pay for the plant and system investment,
to exist. Parallel and competing distribution systems to the same group of cus¬
tomers would be the chief cause of this. Therefore, in these fields the
public, acting through its governing organization, has found it expedient to
create an artificial monopoly to bar needless competitive investment. This is
accomplished by the award of an exclusive right to provide the specific product
or service in a stated region. This is commonly called a franchise, and its privi¬
leges are enforceable at law. In the presence of such a monopoly the customer
must be protected by regulation from monopolistic abuse. The electric service
industry operates under monopoly conditions by reason of the long-term
franchises granted to the individual companies. In nearly all the states govern¬
ment authority, acting through public service (or corporation) commissions,
has assumed a degree of control over privately owned public service corpora¬
tions in the public interest, so that excessive profits will not be made by com¬
panies which are free from the restraint of normal competitive business condi-
tions.* These commissions do not have final authority and sometimes have to
argue their decisions before higher courts.
The municipally owned and operated plant comes under no such restrictions^
it being public property, and the rates of such will not necessarily include a
profit on the investment other than a nominal rate of interest. However, the
rates may, and often do, contain a large charge which goes to defraying the
operating costs of the municipal government in part or in whole. The bulk of the
electrical plant customers will also be taxpayers and since the costs of municipal
government would have to be borne by taxes if plant revenue were insufficient,
it is seen where the justification of tax collection in the form of electric service
bills has had its origin. The best that can be said of it is that it is the cheapest
and most efficient way of tax collection as the delinquent customer may be
threatened with severance of electric service. The argument used in connection
with the collection of highway construction and maintenance funds by gasoline
tax is equally applicable to the inclusion of a tax element in the charge made
for municipal plant electric service. It is that, of all methods of taxation, that
method which will receive least public opposition is the one whereby the pay-
ments are spread out in small installments and attached to the purchase price of
some inexpensive, widely used, commodity.
A large power user will be granted, under this plan, a lower rate, not only
because of his more favorable load conditions, but because the tax function of
the rate must be modified to meet the case of a single large user of electrical
From the foregoing it is seen that an economic comparison of the costs of
electric service is unintelligent unless the taxational features are equivalent.
Equally unintelligent is the comparison of portions, only, of the over-all costs.
For example, one may see Diesel and steam power plants compared on the basis
of fuel consumption only; or the operating costs of hydro and steam power
systems compared without any reference to fixed costs. The publication of
partial comparative data on different types of plants is a device sometimes used
to produce an advantageous reaction towards the equipment or system w^hich
is favored by the data. An inexperienced reader may be placed in a dilemma by
contradictions of sets of cost data and by discrepancies between printed infor¬
mation and actual facts. Only by considering all the elements entering into the
cost of power will a fair, economic comparison be made. The nature of these
elements of cost and their incorporation into electric rates will now be explored.
3-3 Rates. That an industry will install its own power plant if the utility
rates are unfavorable is a competitive aspect always present in the supply of
power by a utility company to an industry. That ever-present threat coupled
with the guardianship of public interests exercised by the regulating commis¬
sions makes it highly important that the rates in effect be a fair apportionment
of costs to one and all. The variable load problems, presented in Chapter 2,
have served to show that the cost of producing a kw hr is not the same for all
users but increases with increasing departure of the customer’s load conditions
from the ideal. These facts make the establishment of suitable rates a task of
some magnitude.
estate Commkaioa Jurisdiction and Regulation of Electric and Gas Utilities. Federal
Power Ckimmission.
In general, it may be stated that the rate of charge for electrical energy
should satisfy the following conditions:
Fairness. The rates should distribute the costs where they rightfully belong,
taking full account of the variable conditions of the customer's demand.
Simplicity. The rates should not be so complicated as to cause an opposition
or antagonism from a public which is frequently distrustful of ^‘new fangled”
Cost The financial outlay in meters and cost-accounting systems by the
electric company should not be so heavy as to increase costs to more than can
be saved by their installation.
The following elements enter into the cost of electrical energy to the con¬
1. Fixed element.
2. Energy ele nent.
3. Customer element.
4. Investors* profit.
The first of these is governed by the extent of plant investment and the
current financial rates. It remains a fixed sum regardless of the amount of
energy sold. The second is directly proportional to the plant output. The cus¬
tomer element will be proportional to the number of customers and nearly inde¬
pendent of both the plant investment and its kw hr production. The profit is
that which sound normal business is expected to make.
3-4 The Fixed Element. The factors which must be taken into account
in arriving at the value of the fixed element of cost are:
1. Capital cost of the power plant.
a. Real estate.
b. Building and equipment.
c. Cost of installation.
d. Engineering fees.
2. Capital cost of primary distribution system.
a. Cost of right of way.
b. Cost of line.
c. Cost of substations.
3. Interest, taxation, and insurance rates.
4. The rate at which capital cost is written off to depreciation and ob¬
solescence. Salvage values.
5. Management cost,
6. The amount of general maintenance which would be required whether or
not the plant were operated.
Principal items* comprising the capital cost of the power plant will include
preliminary costs, real estate, buildings and equipment, engineering fees, and
cost of installation which, in addition to labor cost, will involve transportation
(freight and express), stores and storekeeping, interest during construction, and
Tlui investment cost in a power plant varies widely, even for similar types
*8oc; also the more cxiensivo listing of items to bo considered in fixed cost: ‘^Definition
of a Unit of Fixed Capital,” N.E.L.A. Pnhlicalion No. 18, January 1931, and Table XCI
Uydroelcctric Ilnndhook, Cn'.-tfor and Justin, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
of plants. A Diesel engine type may cost from $130 to $260 per kw of capacity.
The simple, noncondensing steam engine plant may cost as little as $70 per
kw, but can be much more expensive if the more efficient unaflow type engine
is used. A stcam-elcctric power station of modern design will not likely be
obtainable for less than $120 per kw and may be much higher, say up to $150.
Hydroelectric developments show still greater variation, for land costs vary
widely. The upper limit may be $300 and more per kw of capacity. The author
hesitates to quote costs, realizing that these can be altered rapidly when there
arc inflationary trends in the nation’s currency. Cost data tend to obsolesce
far more rapidly than technical information. In recognition of this, costs are
considered in only a comparative way in this book.
The use of published cost information is not safe practice unless full condi¬
tions appertaining to the project arc given. Usually some conditions are radi¬
cally different from those of the estimator’s own problem. Building space
provided for future units, foundation construction difficulties, and the extent
to which duplicate auxiliary equipment is provided are typical of the indi-
Fig. 3-2 Typical subdivisions of investment costs in various types of plants. Com¬
parative unit costs are represented by the areas.
vidual conditions which will vary costs and which might not be mentioned in
published figures. Estimates arc of little value unless based on the estimator’s
first-hand knowledge. When cost estimates arc to be prepared, unless the
project is of minor importance and slight cost, the competent engineer will not
estimate the cost of a detail on which he has had no cost experience without
first consulting one whose experience has included the proposed item. Even after
careful estimating an addition of from 10% to 20% of the total cost should be
made to care for contingencies which may arise from unforeseen complications,
from the sum of many small items, each of which may have been considered
negligible by itself, or from possible errors in estimating.
When the power plant is not situated in proximity to the load served, the
cost of a primary distribution system will be a part of the initial investment.
The primary distribution system should be laid out to meet the expected
capacity of the plant; therefore its first cost will be proportional to plant cost
and not to the number of connected customers.
During the period in which a sinking fund may be accumulated to retire
the investment in a plant, the investment is treated as a loan upon which in-
terest will have to be paid at the current rates. The severity of this rate is of
importance to the fixed element. In the case of a plant where a long working
life is expected and where a high rate of interest is being paid, the interest
component may be more than a quarter of the total fixed charges. Taxes will
also have to be paid at the local rate but will not be a seriously large charge
except for stations located on land of high value, as in metropolitan districts.
Of about the same magnitude as taxes will be the insurance upon boilers,
buildings, turbines, which, like the taxes, is proportional to the capacity of
the plant. Taxes and insurance are frequently lumped together in cost estimates
and are put at from 2% to 5% of the cost of building and equipment per
A certain amount of power plant maintenance is required whether any
salable energy is produced or not. As such, it is proportional to the size of the
building and the amount of equipment in it.
3-5 The Energy Element. The energy element, sometimes called operat¬
ing cost to distinguish it from the fixed costs of the investment element, is based
on the energy output as measured in kw hr. The magnitude of energy cost will
be in direct proportion to the number of kw hr used by the customer; hence
the charge is made as a unit charge per kw hr upon the consumption as re¬
corded on the customer's watthour meter. When all of those expenses which are
incurred in the actual production of energy are summed and divided by the
kw hr used, the quotient is the energy element of unit cost. When using the
plant output in kw hr as the denominator, it should be multiplied by the efii-
ciency of the primary distribution system in order that each customer pay his
part of transmission line losses. The steam and Diesel plants have energy
costs as a large part of the total; however, radically different conditions prevail
in the hydraulic plant where investment cost overshadows the relatively small
energy cost.
The components of the energy cost are:
1. Cost of fuel.
2. Cost of labor.
3. Cost of water for
a. Boiler feed.
b. Condensers.
c. Cooling and house service.
4. Oil, waste, and supplies.
5. Maintenance.
Labor is a small part of the cost of a kw hr. This being so, the increased
labor charge per kw hr is not pronounced when well-paid, skilled labor is sub¬
stituted for poorly paid, unskilled labor. As a matter of fact, the skill in at¬
tendance, as for instance in the firing of boilers, may reduce fuel costs to a
point where the sum of fuel and labor costs is a minimum when the labor cost
is a maximum. For that reason it is urged, on an economic basis purely, that
a large proportion of skilled labor be used in power plant attendance, and that
it be paid well enough to put forth the best effort that its skill sponsors.
At present the labor requirement of the average steam central station larger
than 10,000 kw is about one employee for each 1000 kw installed capacity. A
larger ratio of employees to installed capacity is met in the smaller stations.
Labor costs are truly operating costs, that is, they would cease, in the major
part, were the plant shu^ down for more than just a temporary period; never¬
theless, with the plant in steady operation and enjoying an average use factor,
the labor cost is more proportional to kw of plant capacity than to kw hr of
energy output.
Separated from the energy element in the causes underlying its existence,
but still usually classed with it in rate making, is a variable load clement.
Factors which govern it are:
1. Extent of reserve capacity carried.
2. The operating status of the plant considered as a member of a power
3. Being in '‘readiness to serve.”
4. Amount of starting, stopping, and banking of power units that is neces¬
The reserve capacity carried is largely dependent upon the interconnections
of the system and upon the policies of management of those responsible for the
system operation. To be "ready to serve” is a state required of the public serv¬
ice plant and of some industrial plants. To remain in this state means to create
certain losses which will add to the variable load element of charge. Lastly,
the cost of starting, stopping, and banking of power units, especially the large
ones, being a fuel, labor, and maintenance expense, is independent of the energy
output of the plant. These factors have been mentioned in detail to show that
they are not true energy costs. Their magnitude is usually small in comparison
with the energy element. They are difficult to separate from energy costs, and
since there is no suitable rate vehicle upon which to load them, as the energy
element is loaded on kw hr, they are included in the energy charge.
3-6 The Customer Element. The third general clement of cost is pro¬
portional to the number of customers. Its components are:
1. Cost of the secondary distribution system.
a. Depreciation, interest, taxes, and insurance, upon the capital cost of
the secondary distribution system.
b. Line and transformer maintenance and inspection.
2. Labor cost of collecting revenue.
a. Meter reading.
b. Office (clerical).
(1) Records.
(2) Billing, collecting, and accounting.
3. Cost of franchise (nominal value), amortized over its life.
4. Publicity.
a. Public relations.
b. Advertising, etc.
The extent and, therefore, the cost of the secondary distribution system are
proportional to the number of customers it serves. It has been found that the
best method of charging for the secondary distribution system is to divide its
cost equally between the different customers unless, of course, one customer
greatly dwarfs the others in the size of the secondary system necessary to serve
him. The expense of distributing through the secondary system is the deprecia¬
tion, interest, taxes, and insurance upon the investment and operating costs
such as line maintenance, transformer maintenance, and inspection.
Franchise cost depends more on the time and circumstances surrounding
the granting of the franchise than on the actual value of the franchise itself.
Sometimes a company will have received a franchise for less than its actual
worth to them; occasionally they will have paid dearly for it. On account of
the close control exercised over the utility business by the regulating commis¬
sions, the franchise of today is stripped of the financial importance formerly
attached to it, and it is the practice to allow for it in rate schedules only to the
extent to which the utility has actually paid for franchise rights. Under modern
regulatory conditions, public utility franchises have no value since there is no
special incentive for capital to seek the public utility field because of excep¬
tional profits.
Under the head of cost of publicity could be included public educational
campaigns to bring the public to a greater use of electricity and paid advertis¬
ing designed to create and maintain public good will. As a public utility, it
behooves any company to look well to the nature and character of its advertis¬
ing, for public bodies, both protective and otherwise, have demonstrated their
interest in guarding the public against big business propaganda. One of the
most important executives of the public utility is that officer who has charge
of the advertising, publicity, and public relations activities.
The sum of these customer costs divided by the number of customers is the
customer element. It frequently appears as a fixed, monthly service charge.
3-7 The Investors* Profit. The last element whi^h was mentioned as
being a part of the cost of electrical energy to the consumer was the investors’
profit. As would be expected, this element is also variable owing to variable
business conditions prevailing in different localities at different times. After
interest has been paid and all contingencies, present or expected, cared for,
the surplus may be declared as a dividend. The industrial plant is rarely expected
to show a profit except as its profit on energy used in the manufacturing process
is included in the general manufacturing profit. But the public service plant is
expected by those who have invested funds in its development to produce a
profit. The private industrialist is entitled to all the profit he can make in the
face of business competition. This business competition has been nearly re¬
moved in the case of the public utility by the nature of the franchise it holds;
hence an artificial control, such as regulation by a specially created public
commission, is substituted for the competition of private industry. Forty-one
states have established public service commissions to regulate profits.
Whereas the profits of private competitive industry range upward to 25%,
depending on the financial hazard of the enterprise, the relatively safe invest¬
ments in public utility companies arc restricted to 8% or less by state regula¬
tion. An examination of state commission regulation practices discloses that
the approximate rate of return prescribed in most cases is between 5% and
/ %.
61 2
3-8 Depreciation and Replacement. The largest component of the fixed
charge is the amount to be collected and set aside in a fund which, through the
useful life of the plant, will accumulate a sum equivalent to the money borrowed
depreciation and replacement 71
for investment. This cost is brought about through the reduction in value of
the property, through depreciation, from its initial cost to its salvage value at
the end of its economic usefulness. This depreciation is caused by age of service,
wear and tear on the machinery, by corrosion; or it may be due to obsolescence
of equipment or inadequacy of the equipment, necessitating its replacement
with larger, better adapted units. The depreciation charge, that is, the amount
which must be set aside from the income each year and placed in the deprecia¬
tion reserve, may be based on either the straight line or sinking fund theory.
The former is the more widely used in power plant cost accounting and is
simpler, in application, than the latter. The straight line method assumes a
constant depreciation each year while the sinking fund is based on a variable
depreciation. The straight line method is based on the assumption that de¬
preciation occurs according to a straight line law such as is expressed at a in
Fig. 3-3. The amount of this charge depends only on the total depreciation and
the expected life and is independent of the rate of interest it may draw during
The amount which, when annually placed at r rate of compound interest,
will amount to (P — S) in n years, is
Sinking fund payment = (P — S) ^
<(l -I- r)- t)
The parenthetical term in Eq 3-3 is frequently referred to as the ^^sinking
fund factor.” It and useful variations are often entered in Interest Tables
having n and r as independent variables. However, for the few examples in this
book one may prefer to use the formula, as is done in the following example:
Example 1: A 7500-kw steam plant is erected at a cost of $125 per kw. Assume
that bonds in the amount of the total cost were sold. They are to mature in 15 years,
which is also the estimated life of the plant. Salvage value is estimated at 5% of first
cost. Interest on bonds is 4%; on sinking fund deposit The amount of annual
payment on the investment, also the sinking fund accumulation after 5 years, will be
(From Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers^ McGraw-Hill Book Co., Publishers)
Property (Straight-line) Life, Years
Per Cent
Air compressors. 4 to 5 20 to 25
Boilers, fire tube.. 6.7 to 10 10 to 15
Boilers, water tube. 5 20
Breechings. . 3.5 to 10 10 to 28.5
Buildings. 2 50
Coal and ash machinery. 5 to 10 10 to 20
Condensers. 5 20
Conduits. 2 50
Steam engines. 3 to 7.5 13.3 to 33.3
Gas engines. 6.7 15
Foundations, machinery... same as its same as its
machine machine
Fuel oil handling machinery. 4 25
Generators. 3to5 20 to 33.3
Steam turbogenerators. 5 to 10 10 to 20
Feed water heaters, closed. 3.3 33
Feed water heaters, open. 3.5 28.5
Electric meters . 5 to 8 12.5 to 20
Piping and covering... 1 4 to 6.67 15 to 25
Pumps. 5 to 6.7 15 to 20
Stacks. 3 to 10 10 to 33.3
Stokers, fixed parts. 5 20
Stokers, moving parts. 20 5
Storage batteries. 5 20
Switchboard and wiring.... 3 to 8 12.5 to 33.3
Transformers, station service. 5 to 6.7 15 to 20
Turbines, steam. 5 to 6.7 15 to 20
Turbines, hydraulic. 3.33 30
Wire, weatherproof. 6.25 to 7.5 13.3 to 16
Motors. 5 20
District of Columbia.... Original cost Deducted St. line
rronroria . All elements considered
Idaho. Original cost Deducted St. line
Indiana.. Deducted
ICanAnn. Fair value Deducted
Louisiana. Prudent investment Not deducted Judg. and hist.
Maine. Retirement
Maryland. Fair value ^23 plus net Inc. over '23
add. ded.
Massachusetts. Prudent investment Deducted St. line generally
Michigan. Original cost Deducted St. line
Missouri. Original cost Not deducted St. line
Montana. Fair value Deducted St. line
Nevada. Prudent investment Deducted St. line generally
New Hampshire. All elements considered Deducted St. line
New Jersey. All elements considered Deducted St. line generally
New Mexico. Original cost adjusted Deducted St. line generally
New York. Original cost Deducted St. line
North Carolina. All elements considered Deducted St. line
North Dakota. Prudent investment Deducted
Ohio. Reproduction cost Deducted Observed
Oklahoma. Original cost Deducted
Oregon. Original cost Deducted St. line generally
Pennsylvania. Fair value
Rhode Island.
South Carolina. Fair value
South Dakota.
Tennessee. Prudent investment Deducted St. line
Utah. Prudent investment Deducted
Virginia. Fair value Deducted Comp, interest
Washington. Original cost Deducted St. line generally
West Virginia. All elements considered Deducted Inq>. & CO. exper.
Wisconsin. Fair value Deducted St. line generally
the requirements of a successful working rate is a matter of considerable diffi¬
culty. From the public^s standpoint the rates should meet the following condi¬
1. Rate schedules should be simple. The problem of setting up a schedule
that will fairly distribute the costs is aggravated by the necessity of its being
comprehensible to the public as well as to the rate expert.
2. Rate schedules should be uniform over large territorial areas. There is
much yet to be accomplished here. Persons in one community frequently are
paying on one basis, and those in the neighboring community on another which
is so different as to be unintelligible to the first.
3. Direct service from producer to consumer. This requires the elimination
of the energy jobber, subcontractor, or middleman.
Sanuamn FJeclrtc Co
Fig. 3-5 Combination watthour and wattmeter with maximum demand feature.
per kw hr is simply the §ium of the four elements mentioned divided by the
kw hr estimated to be registered on customers’ meters the job of rate-making
advances in complexity as attempts are made to place the costs equitably on
the customers, that is to say, to charge in accordance with the real costs
imposed on the company by the specific nature of the customers’ load. Then
the correct rate may be psychologically bad for use on the average domestic
customer. For example, the customer element, represented in a “service charge,”
may come out to be large compared to the energy charge, and the customer
public may feel thereby that it is being gouged for overhead. No company feels
that it wants to make a separate charge for profit, though any sane-minded
customer must understand that it is always present. Profit could with reason be
assigned to the elements that invohe capital outlay, i.e., fixed and customer, in
proportion to the investment in each. Again, this is not always done for reasons
of ‘‘appearance’^ or “balance’^ of the form of rate. The following examples are
rate problems much skeletonized and simplified in order to show how the rate
is devised to return the necessary income. An actual problem of this type re¬
quires a mass of detailed information and data to be available.
Example 1: The costs of a certain electric system will be summarized by elements
and translated into a straight meter rate.
A city of 150,000 customers (commercial customers being reduced to equivalent
domestic customers on the basis of about 50 kw hr per month per customer) is served
by a 30,000-kw plant through the medium of a 25 jcm transmission line. Cost of the
plant is $145 per kw; salvage value at the end of an 18-year useful life, 10% of its
first cost. Cost of the primary distribution system is $ 1200per km; salvage value at
the end of a 25-year useful life, 30%. The secondary distribution system has a capital
cost of $3,250,000 and an estimated salvage value of 20% at the end of 15 years. In¬
terest rate, 6%%; taxes plus insurance, 5%. Labor costs for the power plant and
primary distribution system:
30 men at $150 month
16 men at $200 month
8 men at $350 month
Management cost is $68,000 annually; maintenance and repairs, $50,000 annually,
oil, waste, and supplies, $25,000 annually. Cost of franchise and publicity, estimated
: ’5
- M01
- iio i
< 1
// / —■ g 1
// / // ..-r “ V 5 -1-
// / h
1/ //
/ //
. o _l_
/ /"
_1_ u 1
i! 1
f t
1 1 1
rf m ■B ts
gH n
—- o
H 20
nB B ‘ 1 ' ■ ■1111
_ji- ■—
-i - BassB B
15 10 5
□ 6
0 n n 8700
Fig. 3-6 A graphical solution for annual coal consumption from load duration and
plant characteristic curves.
$1 per customer. Collecting revenue, $225,000 annually; operating secondary distribu¬
tion system, $110,500 annually, cost of coal, delivered to the plant, $486 per tonne.
The load duration curve and plant fuel charactenstic are as shown m Fig. 3-6. By
the graphical method, these two curves are combined to give the third, the coal con¬
sumption duration curve The area under this curve represents coal used per year
Fixed element:
Capital cost = cost of plant + cost of transmission line
Capital cost = 145 X 30,000 + 25 x 1200 = $4,380,000
Depreciation = capital cost — salvage value
Depreciation (plant) = (145 X 30,000) (100 — 0 10) = $3,910,000
Depreciation (line) = (25 X 1200) (100 — 0 30) = $21,000
Annual depreciation reserve will be calculated on the straight line basis
Plant depreciation reserve = 3,910,000/18 = $217,000
lone depreciation reserve = 21,000/25 = $840
Annual depreciation reserve $^17,000 + $840 $217,840
Interest, taxes, and insurance (0 065 H- 0 05) X 4,380,000 505,000
Maintenance (10% of 50,000) 5,000
Management . 68,000
Total annual cost for fixed element $795,840
Energy element:
The area under the coal consumption duration curve was found tobe72000tcmiiM
and that under the load duration curve, 95,000,000 kw hr Labor costs per annum
are estimated to be 30 X 150 + 16 X 200 + 8 X 350 = $126,000
Labor $126,000
Fuel cost 72/)D0 X $4 86 350,000
Oil, waste, and supplies 25,000
Maintenance (50,000 — 5000) 45,000
Total energy element charge $546,000
f^ustomer element
Dep. of the secondary distribution
system = (100 - 0 20) X 3,250,000 = $2,600,000
Annual depreciation reserve 2,600,000/15 $173,500
Interest, taxes and insurance (0 065 + 0 05) X 3,250,000 374,000
Operating costs 110,500
Franchise and publicity 150,000 X $1 150,000
Cost of collecting revenue 225,000
Total customer element charge $1,033,000
Investors^ profit.
Assume annual profit on capitalization, over and above interest, to be 8%
Cost of plant, primary, and secondary distnbution systems*
Capitalization = 4,380,000 + 3,250,000 = $7,630,000
Profit element * 0.08 X 7,630,000 = $610,400.
Straight line meter rate:
Summing the various elements of cost:
Fixed element. S 795,840
Energy. 546,000
Customer. 1,033,000
Profit. 610,400
2 Q8^ non
Rate = y0 Q^ QQQ = 0.0393. Say, a 4c per kw hr rate.
Dividing this equally between 150,000 customers, the result is $8.62 per year, or $0,718
per month. Here again the theoretical needs to be increased, this time to allow for such
factors as vacancies, temporary absence of such increase due to customer being dis¬
connected while away on vacation, etc. Assuming that this charge needs to be $0.75
per month, we have the final rate as follows:
$1.00 per kw of maximum demand per month, plus 7% mills per kw hr used, plus a
service charge of 754 per month.
Example 3: The same basic data are here worked into a room rate form. Suppose
it is desired to obtain the fixed element and the customer element in the first three kw
hr per room. (It is assumed that this will be the minimum individual consumption.)
The annual sum to be collected this way is $795,840 -I- $1,033,000 = $1,828,840.
Now, assuming all customers to be domestic (this would not be true, but it is as¬
sumed here for purposes of simplification), and each having an average of five rooms
per home, the rate is found as follows:
Charge per kw hr per month for the first three kw hr per counted room =
1,828,840/(150,000 X 5 X 3 X 12) = $0.0676, say 74.
Amount realized from thia would be 160,000 X 6 X 3 X 12 X 0.07 = $1,890,000.
Remaining as a strai^t energy charge $2,985,240 — $1,890,000 = $1,095,240.
Kilowatt-hours remaining after this preliminary consumption =
76,000,000 - 160,000 X 6 X 3 X 12 = 49,000,000.
The room rate, then, is 74 per kw hr per month for the first three kw hr per counted
room and 2%^ per kw hr for all energy used in excess of this.
1. A power plant cost $375,800 to build. Its life is assumed 20 years; salvage, 15%.
Find the sinking fund payment. Interest compounded annually at 5%.
2. Find the production cost per 1000 kglsteam in a steam plant when the evapora¬
tion rate is 7.2 kg steam per kg coal; initial cost of plant, $150,000; annual operation
cost exclusive of coal, $15,000. Assume life of 20 years; no final value; interest on bor¬
rowed capital, 4%; on sinking fund, 3%. Average steam production is 14 500 kg per hr;
cost of coal, ^.00 per toime,
3. Determine the annual cost of a feedwater softener from the following data: Cost,
$15,000; life, 10 years; salvage value, 0; annual repairs and maintenance, $500; annual
cost of chemicals, $825; labor, $20.00 month; sinking fund depreciation with r = 4%.
4. The bonds issued to build a certain power plant have face value of $2,500,000
and bear interest at 4Vi%. They are to be retired at end of 20 years by an accumulated
sinking fund which will yield 4% compounded annually. Find the annual payment to
the account of capital investment.
5. The fixed element invested in a 100,000-kw power plant is $15,000,000. Find its
average annual cost per kw, based on straight line deprecisftion. Estimated life, 15 yr;
salvage, 20%; r, 5%.
6. An ash disposal system of a steam plant cost $30,000 when new. It is now 4 years
old. The annual maintenance costs for the four years have been $2000, $2250, $2675,
$3000. Interest rate = 6%. A new system is guaranteed to have an equated annual
maintenance and operation cost not exceeding $1500. Its cost is $47,000 installed. Life
of each system, 7 years; salvage value, 5% of first cost. Present sale value of old system
is same as salvage value. Would it be profitable to install the new system?
7. Ten years ago a small steam plant of 2000-kw capacity costing $125 per kw was
erected. The life was estimated at 15 years and the salvage value at 5%. At present,
abandoning the old plant in favor of a new Diesel plant is being considered. A market
has been found for the old engine and boiler equipment at $15,000. The remainder of
the old plant can be utilized in the new and is given a valuation of $8500. Depreciation
has been figured on the straight line basis. What is the difference between the depreci¬
ated book value of the old plant and its sale value? How would the difference be taken
care of in the reconstruction?
8 The load duration curve and fuel characteristic for a 45,000 kw plant are given
in Prob. 20, Chapter 2. Other data for the same station are: Initial cost, $135 per kw;
estimated life, 20 years; salvage value, 8% of first cost; interest rate, 5%; taxes and
insurance, 3%%; labor, 45 men; average salary, $175 per month; maintenance and
repairs, $65,000 per annum; oil, waste and supplies, $20,000 per annum; coal, $8.25
per tonne Find production cost per kw hr.
9. The annual costs expected by a utility system in supplying a certain residential
suburb of 45,000 customers are: Fixed element, $345,000; energy element, $180,000;
customer element, $300,000; return on investment, $200,000.
17,050,000 kw hr will be registered on customers’ meters during the year and their
tpftTiinum demand on the power plant will be of the order of 5500 kw. Diversity factor
from Table 2-2.
(a) Form a straight line meter rate, (b) Form a three charge rate, putting % of
the profit in the energy element, in fixed element, (c) Form a room rate in which
the customer element is a fixed monthly service charge and the fixed element is obtained
in the first 4 kw hr per room. (Assume average home, 6 rooms.) Energy element is
uniformly distributed.
10. A town of 4500 population has 2000 connected customers. The maximum de¬
mand is 350 kw and the annual output 1,950,000 kw hr. The plant is operated by the
municipality and its rate includes an element which goes towards defraying the ex¬
penses of town administration. The rate is expected to produce: $12,500 per annum
for fixed element; $20,000 per annum for energy element; $30,000 per annum for cus¬
tomer element; $^,000 per annum for town expenses element.
Work out a rate of the following form:
(A) 4 per kw hr for the first 25 kw hr per month; (B) 4 per kw hr for all energy
used in excess of 25 kw hr.
1st block to return fixed element, customer element, and $20,000 of town expenses.
11. The annual costs of operating an electric system are:
Coal, $300,000
Franc^se and publicity, $70,000
Station depreciation, $190,000
Station supplies, $30,000
Primary line dep., $190,000
Interest, taxes and insurance: on plant and primary line, $50,000; on secon¬
dary lines, $85,000
Secondary lines dep., $120,000
Plant maintenance: Fixed $1000, variable $2000
Secondary lines maintenance, $50,000
Labor: Generation, $105,000; Distribution $80,000; Accounting $150,000
Superintendence and management, $50,000
Dividends to stockholders, $350,000
Annual station output 70 X 10® kw hr, 10% energy loss in transmission; peak
load, 20,000 kw; diversity, 3.33; 100,000 customers
Compute a three-charge rate in which one-half of the dividends are in the service
charge, the other half in the demand charge.
12. A customer owning an 8-room house has 365 kw hr recorded on his meter during
a certain month. The local electric rate is: 6^ per kw hr for the first 6 kw hr per
counted room, plus 44 per kw hr for the next 8 kw hr per counted room, and 24 per kw
hr for all remaining energy consumed during the month. Compute the electric bill for
the month.
13. Annual costs in a certain power system are:
For fixed costs: Plant, $1,750,000; primary lines, $600,000; secondary lines,
For operating cost: Plant, $75,000 indirect and $950,000 direct.
For distribution system, $500,000.
Direct customer expense, $400,000; profit, 8% of fixed cost.
Peak load on plant, 45,000 kw; diversity factor, 4; annual plant output, 1.2 X 10®
kw hr. Assume 50,000 customers and 20% transmission loss.
Find the straight line meter rate.
14. Using data of Prob. 13, construct a Doherty rate, putting profit into the proper
elements, in proportion to the investment.
15. An air preheater installation will cost $12,500. Its life is assumed to be 8 years.
Salvage value is nothing. Annual maintenance and repair is estimated to average $150.
Use compound interest at 6% and find the annual cost of the preheater.
16. What initial cost will an annual saving of $675 per year for ten years amortize at
4% interest compounded annually?
17. A 30nihp* condensate pump motor has been burned beyond repair. The plant
superintendent has two replacement alternatives. Manufacturer ^*A” offers to replace
the original (which was an “A” motor) for $510. Manufacturer ‘‘B” offers a cheaper
motor at $400 but can only guarantee 87% efficiency whereas the ‘"A” motor is guaran>
teed for 89%. The installation operates 25% of the time at full load, and 75% of the
time at half load where the two efficiencies become 85% and 84% respectively. Assume
a motor comparison period of 5 years, interest rate 8%, equal maintenance costs.
Electric energy is charged for at the rate of 1%^ per kw hr.
(a) Which motor is the more economical buy? (b) At what energy cost do they be¬
come equal alternatives?
18. Make a comparative analysis of the production cost per kw hr of the two plants
for which data are given. Annual production = 1 X 10® kw hr.
Diesel Plant Steam Plant
Engine and generator .... $53,000 Turbogen. and condenser . $24,000
Swbd. and wiring. $5,600 Boiler and stoker. $20,000
Miscellaneous . $8,000 Swbd. and wiring . $5,600
Building . $10,500 Miscellaneous . $10,000
Labor, per month . $350 Building . $12,000
Fixed charges . Labor, per month. $450
Oil, per Ut6W0.62l^/ml). . 4.i Fixed charges . 12%
Fuel economy . .49 Ib/kw hr Coal, per ton. $3.50
Fuel economy . 1.72 Ib/kw hr
19. Using data of the example in Sec 3-10, form a block meter rate with the fixed
element and onerhalf the customer element collected in the first 12 kw hr per month
per customer. In the second block, reduce the rate to % of the first block for the
collection of the energy element and the remainder of the customer element. Assume
that % of the customers will average full consumption of the second block. Collect the
profit element in the third and final block.
20. A 500-kw electric lighting plant cost $95 per kw installed. Fixed charges, 14% ;
operating costs, 1.3^ per kw hr. The plant averages 150 kw for 5000 hr of the year,
420 kw for 1000 hr, and 20 kw for the remainder. What is the unit cost of production
of electric energy?
21. The load duration of a group of residential customers served by a substation
is given by the following data:
Kilowatts. 95 50 40 30 29 29 28 28 22 12 A
Average efficiency of distribution is 95%. Customer's rate is 8^ per kw hr for the first
25 kw-hr, 54 per kw hr for the next 30 kw hr, 34 per kw hr for the next 50 kw hr,
and 24 per kw hr for all remaining energy. What is the average monthly gross income
from this group of customers if 20 of them average taking 300 kw hr per month, 50
of them take 130 kw hr per month, while the remainder average 70 kw hr per montii
each? How many customers are there in the whole group?
*lfatrio horse power
22. A customer’s meter reads 29,543 kw hr ou May 1, and 29,598 kw hr on June 1.
Find the amount of his electric bill for May based on the following rates.
(a) 74 per kw hr.
(b) 104 per kw hr for the first 35 kw hr; 54 per kw hr for the next 25 kw hr; 34 per
kw hr for all in excess of 60 kw hr.
23. Assume that a customer’s maximum monthly demand was recorded as 120 kw.
His energy consumption for the same period was 40,500 kw hr. His rate is: $2.40 per
month per kw for the first 50 kw of maximum demand; $2.00 per month per kw for
the excess of maximum demand over 50 kw; plus 54 per kw hr for the first 1000 kw hr
per month; 34 per kw hr for the next 4000 kw hr per month; and 24 per kw hr for all
energy in excess of 5000 kw hr. What is his bill for the month considered?
24. A customer having a 7-room house used 55 kw hr during a certain month. What
is his electric bill for that month if his rate is that given as the example of “Room
rate charge,” Sec 3-9, and there is a 5% discount for payment in 15 days
25. A customer owning an eight-room house has electric service under the following
rate: 94 per kw hr for the first 3 kw hr per room; 54 per kw hr for the next 5 kw hr
per room; 34 per kw hr for all in excess of 8 kw hr per room. His meter readings for
three consecutive months were: May 5—2789 kw hr; June 5—2984 kw hr; July 5—
3154 kw hr. What is the amount of his bill for May 5-June 5? for June 5-July 5? What
is the average cost per kw hr for each of the two i)eriods?
26. The rate for a commercial customer is $6.00 per kw per month for the first
kw of maximum demand, plus $5.00 per kw per month for the next 6 kw of maximum
demand, plus $4.00 per kw per month for all of the maximum demand in excess of 7 kw,
l)lus energy charge as follows; First 100 kw hr at 44 per kw hr. All remaining energy
at 14 per kw hr. What type of rate is this? How much is the customer’s bill in a
month when he registers 15-kw maximum demand and consumes 1850 kw hr?
Fig. 4-1 Heavy massive lines suggest the architectural motif of power and permanence.
The dimensions of the power plant building can be allotted after a plan of
the site is made and the dimensions of the principal pieces of equipment secured.
For this purpose, manufacturers issue catalogues and supply prints of their
respective products showing dimensions that may be used for preliminary
estimating. These preliminary prints are seldom drawn with sufficient accuracy
to be used for final construction drawings. The designers make several studies
of possible schemes of equipment location, since it is improbable that first ideas
would be the best. In all layouts, allowances must be made for sufficient clear¬
ances and for walkways. Generator and motor rotors, boiler, heater, and con¬
denser tubes are examples of parts for which clearance must be allowed in the
layout. Walkway clearances around hot objects and rapidly moving machinery
should be wider than those just necessary to allow passage. Similarly, galleries
in the neighborhood of high tension buses should be as ample as available
space permits. Throughout the design, probable future extensions need to be
kept in mind, and the equipment should be placed so as to allow for the addi¬
tions with a minimum of change or relocation and with no interruption of
service. After the equipment has been arranged, the whole should be restudied
from the standpoint of operating routine. Convenience to operators, short hauls
of supplies, and safety provisions are typical items deserving attention.
Architecture. If the power plant building is not to be purely functional,
then its exterior should receive a treatment appropriate to the field. The archie
tectural motif of a power plant should suggest, in its heavy massive lines, power
and permanence. Each wall should receive a symmetrical treatment in window
opening and ornamentation as far as it is possible to do so. Symmetry and
proportion are far more effective than expensive marbles in lending the proper
dignity to the structure. Simple contrasting stone trimmings can be used very
effectively to relieve the monotony of brick walls. Even the chimney has come
in for architectural treatment, as is seen in Fig. 4-8. A chimney placed to one
side of the plant k less conspicuous than one mounted on the roof. However,
many plants have a steel stack over the boiler room. Mechanical draft mak^
it possible to employ very short stacks unless the products of combustion must
be delivered at an elevation to free the vicinity of soot and gases.
Grounds adjacent to the hydroelectric plant lend themselves nicely to land¬
scaping, with an expanse of water the main theme. Unfortunately, most of the
hydroelectric plants are located far from centers of population and their natural
beauty is seen by relatively few persons. The surroundings of the steam plant
may also be beautified with lawns and shrubs. Where this has been carried out,
the former ugliness associated with power plants is largely forgotten. However,
many plants are located in metropolitan districts with no possibility of land¬
Within comparatively recent years considerable thought has been expended
in the beautification of substations. The substation is often located in a resi¬
dential district where an unsightly building would cause a decrease in real
estate values and arouse the opposition of property owners. As a result, the
tendency is towards pleasing substation design.
4-2 Materials. Brick, cinderblock, hollow tile, concrete, and steel are the
principal building materials. Wood is unsuitable for power plant construction,
although it is occasionally used in the smaller plants for roof trusses. Wooden
construction presents a fire hazard, it is relatively short-lived, and its strength
as a building material is not great. Sheet metal is incombustible, if not fire¬
proof, but it is unsightly in sidewall construction. As a roofing material, it is
too good a conductor of heat. However, it is occasionally used because of its
low cost. Although clay bricks may be had in various shapes and sizes, the
standard brick measures 210 X 100 X 55 mm. The better class of brick, called
facing brick, forms a wall that is quite impervious to all weather if well laid
in good mortar. Considerable attention has been given to the ] possibility of
achieving various architectural effects by the use of different colors of brick¬
work in wall and trim.
Brickwork laid to a structural steel frame is a modem type of building con¬
struction. The inclosing walls between adjacent horizontal girders are called
curtain and panel walls, and are much thinner than for the bearing wall type
of construction where the bottom walls support not only their own weight, but,
in addition, the weight of the superimposed walls. Masonry blocks are used for
walls (interior;, floors, and ceilings. One cubicaMta* of brick masonry will re¬
quire approximately 650 standard brick and fromiso to ^ Ute« of mortar,
depending on the thickness and style of the joints. Proportions for the mortar
are from one to three parts of dry sand to one part of Portland cement, depen¬
ding on the strength needed. For preliminaiy estimating purpo8es,acubic metre of
mortar may be taken as made from acubicmetwofsandand 13 sacks of cement.
The addition of a small amount of lime to cement mortar will not materially
impair its strength and will render it more easily worked. In the absence of
union rates, a bricklayer with helper will lay from UXX) to 2000 brick daily, the
1:2:3 9.2 Roofs, sills, tanks, 266 882.78
R. C. floors, beams,
and columns
Building walls
1:3:5 6.2 0.52
B Foundations and
1:2:4 8.6 0.49 0.96 R. C. floors 2.13 15311
times be heated thus, but it has been found necessary in some northerly situ¬
ated stations to install a steam heating system. Diesel engine plants can be
heated by passing the exhaust gas through a waste heat boiler and heating by
steam. Alternately the cylinder cooling water may be circulated through
radiators, or air may be circulated over finned sections of the exhaust duct
The illumination problem in power stations is somewhat specialized and the
installations are different from industrial lighting systems for reasons as noted.
1. It is not necessary for the worker to examine closely the product being
2. Considerable intensive local illumination is required, as, for instance,
instrument panels, gauge glasses, and control boards.
3. Emergency lighting of a dependable nature is absolutely essential be¬
cause the power plant is the source of lighting service.
4. No open, or mill type, wiring is permissible.
5. High ceilings eliminate any consideration of indirect lighting.
6. Fumes and moisture may corrode lighting units.
7. Rapidly moving machine parts are enclosed and protected, but walkways
near highly charged parts such as buses and switches will be hazardous unless
well illuminated.
8. Many small lamps are used for safety and for signaling purposes.
Internal Combustion Engine Plants. These plants may receive very simple
treatment. The auxiliaries to the Diesel engine are few and small in size. No
coal pile hinders the landscape treatment; it is possible to locate the oil tanks
underground, although the reason for doing so is more often for convenience in
unloading from tank car or protection against the fire hazard than for a desire
to hide the tank. If the water for the jackets must be recirculated, a cooling
tower or spray pond will, of necessity, be located near the plant. The capacity
of the Diesel engine plant rarely exceeds 7500 fcw, the design of the building
being more or less directly determined by the dimensions of the engine units it
houses. The rectangular block shape illustrated in Fig. 4-4 is the usual result.
Hydroelectric Plants. Building and foundation of the hydraulic plant are
most important. In hydraulic nomenclature it is customary to designate the
building and foundation as superstructure and substructure. The substructure
of the hydraulic plant is the most massive and expensive single item of the
plant, excluding the dam and certain very high-head projects. The volumes
Fig. 4-6 Hydroelectric plant structure (when plant is located at the dam).
of water handled are large; consequently the water passages in the substruc¬
ture are large. Since the bulk of concrete involved prevents rearrangement of
design after construction, extreme care is necessary in proportioning water
passages. Compared to the substructure, the superstructure assumes minor im¬
portance, as is evidenced in Fig. 4-5. In the outdoor type of plant the super¬
structure has shrunk to a sheet metal hood protecting the exposed parts of the
generators from the weather, with a small auxiliary building housing switch¬
board and bus structure.
Steam Plants. The typical steam plant embodies three classes of building
treatment: boiler room, turbine room, and electrical bays. Head room required
in the boiler room will be greater than in the others, and ventilation presents
greater difficulty because of the heat liberated from the boiler surfaces. Usual
drafty conditions and the presence of considerable moisture in the air further
complicate the problem. Coal handling and draft equipment make it difficult
to illuminate the boiler room from above. Conversely, the turbine room becomes
the show room of the plant. Overhead, the turbine room is kept in the clear
to allow operation of the traveling crane. It is characteristic of the most modem
plants that practically no piping shows in the turbine room.
In central stations the room will usually be spacious^ uncrowded, well
lighted, and clean. It is, however, somewhat noisy, since this is inherent in the
action and construction of the rapidly turning turbine and generator. A typical
arrangement of the central station building structure is shown in Fig. 4-6. Also
other illustrations in this book, notably Fig. 1-11, may be examined in this
Electrical bays contain switchboards, control boards, relay panels, motor-
generator-battery sets, bus galleries, and circuit breaker cells. There is usually
a large number of circuit breaker cells arranged in rows, sometimes all on one
level, sometimes in tiers on successive floors. If built of concrete, the reinforc¬
ing steel placement should receive the study of an electrical engineer to elimi¬
nate the chance of induced currents.
Mezzanine floors of open metal grating are often used in the boiler room to
carry draft equipment, economizers, air preheaters, and coal handling equip¬
ment. In the turbine room, switchboards and control boards may also be ele¬
vated above the turbine floor on a platform or mezzanine floor. Below the tur¬
bine room floor the condenser and auxiliaries are located on one or more4evels.
Access to these various levels calls for widely different stairway design. Space
is often restricted; hence intermediate landings are employed to change the
direction of stair slant. Stairways infrequently used are made single width to
economize space. Steep slants and higher risers than those usually encountered
are permissible in the power plant.
Outdoor-type Sieam Plants. It is possible to save a considerable part (up
te a third) of the cost of the power plant building by an outdoor type of plant.
Many such plants have now been built. Boilers, turbines, tanks, fans and other
bulky pieces of ^am plant equipment are normally enclosed by a fairly
weather-tight casing, even wTien located indoors. The modifications necessary
to weather-proof such equipment are not expensive. Of course, some equipment
must be housed; also, a building space is needed for offices, control rooms, etc.
However, the physical size is greatly reduced under that required for fully
covering all equipment.
A certain amount of inspection and maintenance becomes outdoor work for
operators of this kind of plant. The prospect is more attractive in the southern
than in the northern part of the United States, for heavy rainfall is then the
only weather obstacle to maintenance. Nevertheless, this type will be found
in states having cold seasons, such as Utah and Kansas. The greatest saving
in building cost is obtained where the fuel is oil or gas, and it will be noted that
most outdoor-type plants use these fuels. The simplification of building can be
judged by examining the arrangement shown in Fig. 4-7. No basement is ex¬
cavated; all equipment is set on a concrete slab laid at ground level. The boiler
and most of its auxiliaries are outdoors, as is the turbogenerator which is set
on the roof of the comparatively small building. The absence of coal bunkers
and ash basement is a major aid in holding the building to such modest dimen¬
sions. The illustration shows the extreme extent to which equipment is exposed.
Woftr Tunntit
In many cases the building is carried up over the turbine, but leaving the crane
above the roof. Then roof hatches are provided over the heavy turbine and
generator in order to handle them with the crane.
4-5 Chimney. The products of combustion from the furnace of a steam
generator must be discharged to the atmosphere in an appropriate manner. In
some cases this duty is performed by a short stack or exhaust pipe, this being
possible where the gaseous products are not dust or smoke laden, and where the
furnace draft is produced by fans. But in many plants the draft, or part of it, is
obtained by the confinement of a tall column of the hot gas in a chimney. Con¬
sequently, between draft producing and the need to carry the dusty products of
a coal fire to a required altitude before discharge into the atmosphere, the
chimney liecomes a usual feature, one might almost say a trade mark, of the
steam power station.
From the architectural standpoint, there is nothing unlovely in the cylin¬
drical rise of a chimney, towering 30 m to 60 m above the plant. Indeed, the
stately shaft of a concrete or masonry chimney visible from af^r is a monument
to po^er development. Yet there are some plants, chiefly those connected with
educational institutions, hospitals, and the like, where both the power plant and
stack should blend in with the general architectural treatment of the building
group. Fig. 4*8 shows what can be done with the chimney from an architectural
standpoint. The important thing is to have the combustion equipment engi¬
neered so that the chimney top is not continually surmounted by a plume of
Where mechanical draft is used, the necessary stack height is just that
needed to discharge the gases above surrounding buildings Except in metropoli¬
tan districts, this permits the use of a stub stack of sheet iron construction
mounted directly over the boiler room When a masonry stack is located over
the boiler room, its weight must be earned down to suitable foundations by a
steel or masonry structure in the boiler room.
The necessary diameter and height of a chimney are determined by gas flow
and draft. These topics are given due consideration m Chapter 12. Where the
chimney tapers, for stability reasons, the '^thermal diameter” is the internal
diameter at the top of the chimney. Neglecting seismic disturbances, the struc-
The forces W and Pw have a resultant determined as shown in Fig. 4-9. This
resultant, projected, intersects the horizontal section (above which W and Pw
exist) at a distance z from the chimn^ center-line, or neutral axis. This may
be required to be less than P for stractural safety in some types of chimneys,
but may safely exceed R in others. The intersection may also be thought of as
locating that point through which IF would have to,act if Pw were to be left out
of structural analysis (except for the determination of z). This is because
PwA = Wz (44)
It will be noted from Fig. 4-9 that the effect of W, alone, is to create uniform
compression /,. over the horizontal sectional area, while ^W» alone, creates a
bending action that results in variable compression, -h/b, on the leeward side of
a neutral axis and variable tension, —/b, to wind¬
ward. Steel and reinforced concrete chimneys can
have /b > /c, i.c., a net tension, but masonry con¬
struction should not be considered to possess any
tensile strength.
Steel Chimneye. These, if short, are made self-
supporting and are called stacks. High steel chim¬
neys are usually built for snfall, natural draft
boilers (because of low initial expense to the
owner)* and are braced with guy wires. Their small
diameter would render their design as a self-sup¬
porting structure difficult. Large-diameter tall
chimneys should be lined to extend their life, but
seldom are. Consequently, they need frequent re¬
placement and, as a long-range project, actually
become more expensive than a durable masonry
chimney. The large-diameter, short exhaust stacks,
often used at central stations where draft is cre¬
ated altogether by fans, are lined with brick and
consequently have a longer life expectancy. The
guyed steel chimneys are built with wall thickness
determined by rules of sheet metal shop practice.
3,35,,.2^180 and 2.0miii sheets, arej adequate for. MiMJe
most cases; in - fact' thickne88^ofJ/25-m«^^^ Dtod weight is distributed os
0 uniform compression due to
p;5int{n;| are often used where long life is not of the symmetrical shape.
importance, but light weight is. Steel chimneys are
generally built in welded sections and erected in
the field by riveting or welding horizontal joints.
Reinforced Concrete Chimneys. This type, like wind lood creates o food shodmg
the steel chimney, can withstand tension in the ^rom windward tension to leeward
structural column; therefore it can be built with chTmney^are^a^
thinner walls and less taper than masonry types.
The principles of stress analysis are those of stand- Chimney loads,
ard reinforced concrete construction. However, the
equations covering reinforced chimneys have been used to construct design
charts of relative simplicity. The concrete chimney is more costly to construct
than masonry because of the need for forming the structure. Furthermore, con¬
crete is not as fully impervious to weather as are the hard burned bricks of
the chimney trade.
Masonry Chimneys, Formerly, many chimneys were constructed of eommon
brick, but the excellence of construction which may be achieved with perforated
radial brick has caused its general adoption for masonry chimneys. The bricks
are molded to suit the diameter of the chimney. The perforations aid struc¬
turally because the mortar partially enters them, giving good vertical bond.
The heat insulating properties of the dead air spaces formed are of advantage
in securing maximum draft performance of the chimney.
The maximum compressive strength of masonry is greatly influenced by
the mortar, and the actual crushing strengUi of the radial brick is many times
the safe design value for the masonry. A conservative value is indicate for a
structure of chimney proportions. With good lime-cement mortar, a radial brick
chimney that will not be stressed abovel5*6kg/em*a8the result of dead and wind
load should be satisfactory in any case where thermal strains are not unusual.
Radial brick masonry weighs betweenig22and3i03kg/nri Other physicalproper-
ties of radial chimney brick are mentioned in Chapter 12.
The conditions of stability of this type of chimney will be considered in the
following sectidn, where the reasons for chimney taper will become clear. Design
of these chimneys is a trial process; first a chimney section is assumed, then it
is analyzed to determine its economy and stability. As a guide to estimation of
the over-all shape of a chimney for a given inside top diameter da and height H,
the data of Table 4-3 may be consulted.
(iMkoa/h wind)
Top wall thickness,mm.180 to 230, dfyndiin; on
the dia^ter
Minimum wall thickness
at base, mm. 0-2517
r, - 1.7-0322- l.SSm
Although the chimney as actually built would vary the thickness by steps, it is
here assumed that the interior is smoothly tapered so that the volume may be com*
puted as the difference of the frusta of two cones.
This is reducible to
(‘- (^ ’]
0 0
The factor of safety against tipping downwind is the ratio of the stabilizing
moment to the wind moment, both taken about the downwind edge.
but since P^h = Wz,
FSor = R/z (4-12)
This factor of safety should not be less than 1.5.
1.06 m; k *4 y = ^(2 + -l.I98m
From Eq 4-12:
FS, 1.7/UBI - l.(
. *Der Sekomsteinbau. Gustav Lange, He'-wing’sche Verlags-Buchandlung. 1896.
These results indicate a fairly economic design without, however, pushing the theory
oi the ^ludf-crack to windward’* to the limit. Since z is nearer to y than to k, a con¬
siderable windward floating may be expected at lUOfcjBi/h, but
not to reach as far as the MM axis. Therefore full lateral
D*. i4om stability is preserved. The FSor being well in excess of 1.5,
—j- dj* 1,82 m there is no chance of tipping instability, while an A of
I 0 195780/195800, or 80 % of crushing strength, is certainly
I working the masonry conservatively in compression.
PJ^ « = 22950 kg m
U +^) - (i - j:5)(|i)’] -
Since y^> Za> K lateral stability is unimpaired. As /m is only 63900 when 195800 is
allowable, the masonry is definitely safe against crushing.
Analysis of section at Dt, t.e., upper 30
The chimney is thus also determined to be safe and stable at section D2. In a similar
manner the analysis could be extended to section Di, with reisults but slightly different
from the approximations of Ex 1.
4-7 Foundations. The foundation is a most important part of the power
plant building. Determination of the bearing power of the subsoU, selection of a
working factor of safety, and proportioning the wall footings to economical
construction, all are matters requiring a refinement of engineering judgment.
The foundation is that part of a structure which transmits the loads to the
supporting material. In the design of a foundation it is essential that the settle¬
ment shall be reduced to a minimum and that this settlement shall be uniform at
all points. The first requirement may be fulfilled by providing a bearing area
which is large enough to reduce to a safe value the bearing pressure on the
underlying material. In the case x)f soils having low bearing values, pile founda¬
tions can be used to reduce settlement. The second requirement may be secured
by designing the foundations so that the resultant of the vertical loads passes
through the center of gravity of the foundation. If the material under the foun¬
dation is structurally sound rock, having a bearing value within safe limits,
there will be no appreciable settlement of the structures; but there is bound to
be settlement in structures whose supporting medium is earth since it is a com¬
pressible material. A bearing wall rests upon a continuous fouildation, whereas
Unit compres-
1 formly to the foundation unless
the proximity of the i)oint of ap¬
isive stress p
LJ plication to the foundation line is
’.A ‘ * I
along this line
such that it is apparent that a
concentration must exist. Column
Fig. 4-12 Spread footing. piers must distribute the axial
load in the columns and be thick
enough to resist the punching shear of the column on the concrete. Whether
required by the character of the subsoil or not, the column footings should be
spread wider than the wall to give stability. Fig. 4-12 illustrates the spread
footing. In the following example, the necessary offsets are determined. The
spread can be divided into as many offsets as the designer thinks expedient upon
comparison of the extra form cost against the saving in concrete mass. After
dividing the total spread into equal a^s, per block, the depth b is found by the
use of the following equation
b = a/V48//p (4-13)
where a and b are dimensions as in Fig. 4-12.
p = Unit compressive stress on the base of the block to which a and b per¬
j = Allowable stress, taken as 0.146 t/m^for concrete.
Example 1: Assuming that the wall in Fig. 4-12 is i60mmwide and carries 17^858
kg/m to the foundation, the dimensions of a two-step footing are determined. Soil
bearing is taken at i«.6 t/m^. The wall reaction is 17.86 t/wi, which would require
17.88/14.6,011.22 m width of the lower step of the footing, neglecting the footing weight
itself. However, this gives some indication of the footing size and we here allow for
a section of 0.76 m* area. At 2402 kg/m* this furnishes an estimated L8 t/m addi-
10 668
tional soil load. Trial width =rrr— 1.35m^
This is nearly the same as assumed, but a larger discrepancy would have indicated
the need for a recalculation.
In case the soil condition is such as to require an extremely wide footing,
timber or I beam grillage is placed under it to assist the bearing power of the
soil. In fluid soils, piling is used to give sufficient bearing power. Both wooden
and concrete piling are in use, the former being the cheaper but the les^ desirable
of the two. Some large power house foundations are constructed on a mat of
wooden piles driven op 900 mm or 1200 mm centers, sawn off just below the
ground water line, and surmounted by a monolithic concrete capping which ad¬
ds to the bearing of the piles by making available whatever bearing power the
soil between the piles may possess. A common formula, known as the Eng^
ineering News formula, gives
These are handbook values which were evidently chosen to provide suflBcient
mass to dampen vibration almost completely. The concrete foundations yielded
by the application of the above data are sometimes grotesquely huge, obviously
unnecessary for the average installation. The data should be regarded as the
extreme upper limit of necessary foundation weight and be decreased appro¬
priately when complete dampening is unnecessary. If the shaking forces can be
calculated, a mass of weight equal to 10 to 20 times the forces should be ade¬
quate to dampen vibration.
Safe bearing power of soils for machine foundations are from a quarter to a
half of those given in Table 4-4, depending on the machine. Unless a uniform
foundation soil is available, the concrete in the bottom of the heavy foundation
should have reinforcement.
Example 3: To illustrate, in a simple manner, the principles involved in founda^
tion design, the foundation of the 250-kw, 4-cylinder, vertical, unaflow engine shown in
Fig. 4-14 will be designed. The weight of this engine, together with generator and
exciter, is 45800 kg. The bedsoil is found to be dry sand, not exceptionally firm.
It is noted in Table 4-4 that the safe bearing power of the soil could be taken as
10.5t/iiiP,but, as this is a machine foundation, that will be halved, giving an allowable unit
soil stress of 0750 kg/ms Table 4-5 gives foundation weight 080 kgparbmhp for this type
of engine. The bhp of a 250-kw unit will be about 875 m bp, making the
Total weight of unit and foundation 46850 -f 875 x 080 -• 181600 kg
Base area of the foundation = 181600/0750 = IMm*
A base 8.05 m X 4.05 m gives 18.0 mS. The sides are tapered to a top width of
8.70 m, making top area 11.7 m*.
Considering the volume of the pit left under the generator to equalize the projection
of the bearing and exciter pedestal, and neglecting the 500 nun rise under the engine, we
may find, roughly, the depth d of a foundation which will give the required mass.
The foundation weight is to be 88915 kg ; hence concrete volume == 85 m* .
Average horizontal area = <11.7 + 18,8)/8 = 12.75 m*. Then 10.75 d = 86 , and
d = 0:75 m depth. Now as this is a rather deep foundation, it is *»vident that foundation
mass, and not bearing area, is the governing factor.
By increasing the top to 8.0 m X 4.5 m and the base to 3.5 m x 4i.5 m
M » ISlSOkgm
z 2.f5m
>>5 x 4.5»
I 26.55 ml
161S0 X 2.25
/b I260kg/iii>
Hence extreme soil stress = 8256 -f 1260 = 2616 kg/mt, which is less than the
2750 kg/w^ taken to be allowable.
the turbine foundation. The turbine foundation does not carry the turbine upon
a lieavy bedplate, and hence a study of the foundation deflections is all-im¬
portant. No two foundations are alike. Reinforced concrete and structural steel
foundations cacli have their advocates, but any installation should be figured
upon a basis of comparable costs of the two types, because each is suited to a
particular field of utilitj^ and eeonoiny. The concrete base gives more rigidity
to the turbine, but it is claimed for hteel that its flexibility is an advantage in
large units as preventing distortivc bowing of the shaft and attendant difficul¬
ties. The concrete foundation will require less maintenance; the steel type yields
more available space below the unit.
Although the vibration problem is not so serious in the turbine as in the
reciprocating engine, there is another factor of importance. Referring to Fig.
4-15, it is seen that the portion of the low-pressure shell above the condenser
inlet is subjected to a downward thrust, while the corresponding area across
the turbine outlet is enibjeoted to condenser pressure. The resultant downward
thrust is exactly as though atmospheric pressure acted on one side of a hori-
sontal plate whose area equaled that of the exhaust nozzle cross section, and
absolute condenser pressure on the other. If the absolute condenser pressure is
Pc kg/cm', and the cadiaust nozzle area is Acm*, then the vacuum pull is
F - A(1.03 - p.) kg (4-16)
If the condenser is bolted directly to the turbine, this pull is neutralized in
internal stresses in the shell. In such cases the turbine foundation must support
the weight of the condenser as well as that of the turbine. Sometimes the con¬
denser weight is supported partially by springs, but the thrust produced by
them must not be sufficient to take all the gravity load off the turbine flange
when the condenser is empty of water.
Example 4: Vacuum pull can be a rignificant factor in the deagn of turbine
foundations. Consider the ease of a 15/XX)-kw turbine with exhaust pressure ot^Akgimf
eb. A geiieiatinc unit of this oae would have an exhaust opening about M4 xSdSem.
Substituting in Eq 4-15,
F - 244 X 366 X (1.03-0.1) 1-83053 kg
Setting Machinery to Foundations. Customarily, machines are attached to
their foundations by anchor bolts which are east in the c<Hicrete and project
above the foundatitm surface far enough to pass through holes in machine bed
plates and be secured by nuts. Two forms of foundation bolts are illustrated in
Fig. 4-16. The simpler, cheaper form is permanently set in the concrete and the
machine must be Ufted over the bolts and carefully let down so that they pass
through the holes provided. The other type is more expensive to construct, but,
being removable, the machine can be skidded sideways into position, then the
anchor bolts inserted into the prepared threads. Small machines for which an
anchor bolt setting template might be prepared directly from the machine could
be successfully set on foundaticms, the anchors to which were rigidly cast in
concrete. However, the bolt settinp for larger machines must be prepared from
blueprint information and should always be set in pipe sleeves so that some
minor adjustment of position can be made if necessary when setting the
When bringing a machine into alignment on its foundation, shims or sole
plates are placed beneath the frame or bedplate and adjusted until the elements
being aligned are correct. The elements might be the edges of the bedplate, the
center-line of the shaft, a casing joint, etc. After alignment is secured, a tempo¬
rary dam is built around the top edge of the foundation, and a grout flowed
beneath the bedplate.
Grouting is the process of filling a small clearance between machine and
foundation with a hardening mixture. Grout is usually made of a 2:1 mixture
of sand and cement, mixed wet enough to be fully fluid. The machine having
been shimmed up level about an inch above
its foundation, and a board or clay dam
having been run around the edge of the
foundation, the grout is poured on and
allowed to run into and fill the clearance,
and to rise slightly above the lower edge of
(if required) the machine base. After the grout is hard,
the dam is removed (shims also, if pos¬
FOUNDATION FORMS sible), nuts are tightened on anchor bolts,
DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE and the exposed edge of foundation smooth
finished with a neat cement plaster. It is
preferable to pour the grout in two steps:
to the edge of the bedplate, then to the
edge of the foundation after removing the
Fig. 4-17 Setting of anchor bolts. shims. However, mechanics are not always
willing to take this trouble.
4-8 Miscellaneous Equipment. It is customary to provide the turbine or
engine room with a traveling crane of sufficient capacity to handle the heaviest
single piece of equipment in the room. Since these rooms are usually clear of
overhead obstructions, the crane in greatest favor is the bridge type with rails
supported at opposite walls. If bearing walls are used, the crane load is carried
down to foundations on brick or concrete columns called pilasters. In steel
construction the crane rail supports are either brackets attached to the building
columns, or are short columns made integral with the building columns.
Any coal-fired power plant poses a major problem in cleaning. From the
time in which the chief tool used to keep the plant clean was the shovel, plant
owners have progressed to a stage which recognizes the economic and moral
losses occasioned by dust and dirt. A dark, oilproof, enameled surface is one
which is easily wiped clean and does not readily show fingerprints. Floor paints
give concrete floors a surface that can be mopped clean. Aluminum paint on all
boiler room steel and duct work greatly improves illumination. The boiler room
offers the major problem in cleaning. Because of its finely divided state, coal
dust may prove an explosion hazard; and of course it excels as a begriming
agent. It is difficult to remove except by water flushing or suction. Confinement
of coal dust by functionally separating fuel preparation and handling from the
remainder of the building, use of covered conveyors and hoppers, and similar
measures are helpful. Plant design should give careful attention to illumination
and to provisions for cleanliness, but these have all too often been neglected.
Wash rooms, shower baths, toilet rooms, and offices may or may not be
provided in the plant, depending upon its size and upon local conditions. The
central station in the country must be very nearly a self-contained community
with its operators' village, its store rooms, and its repair shops. When a power
plant is privately owned by an industry, the same repair shop may serve for
both factory and power plant; otherwise the power plant must contain its own
workshop, small or large as the case may be. A public utility plant generally
requires enough maintenance to employ a repair crew regularly.
Power plant maintenance requires large stocks to be kept on hand, since the
plant is a specialized industry. How to account for and issue the many small
and large parts that must be carried in stock is a problem. Periodic inspection to
detect wear, thus enabling a part to be ordered in advance, will aid in reducing
the stock necessary to be carried. The storekeeping in a power plant should be
as simple as possible, and yet should maintain a stock that will be insurance
against prolonged breakdown.
Building arrangements of central power stations often must include execu¬
tive offices, a control laboratory, equipment control rooms, and load dispatching
(t/m^cz: tonnes per square metre ;kg/m> = kg per cubic metre)
1. How high can a solid, unloaded brick wall (S.08 tonnee per m? ) be carried with¬
out the compressive stress on the lower course exceeding (a) 12 kg/om>, (b)l7.5 kg/emt?
2. The brick walls of a small power plant are ofthebeanng wall type,482 mm thick.
They arelO.Sm high to the eaves and take a reaction of B400kg from roof trusses spaced
4.Smapart, (a) What is the maximum compression in the brick work? (b) The safe
bearing power of the subsoil is 9788 kg/m>»and the wall footings weigh approximately
495 kg/m. How wide should the footings be ?
3. A brick power plant building islBmxll m x7.5 mhigh, with flat roof. Walls are
644 m thick for lower 4.6 m,482 mm for upper 8m.Thereiarel0window openings 1.5mX2.0m,
and 2 door openings 2.0 m x 2.5m.Thfi walls are built with thin cement mortar joints. Calcu¬
late the cost of building materials for the walls, given the following unit costs: Brick,
$40.00 per 1000; cement, $4.00 per bbl* sand, $3.50 per oubio metre.
4. What is the cost, in place, of a brick walls mhigh,21 mlong,482 mm thick?Thin
cement mortar joints. Bricklayer, $15.00 per day; helper, $8.00 per day. Briclc,
$32.00 per 1000; cement, $4.00 per bbl* sand, $3.00 per tonne (1720 kg » 1 ).
5. An engine is to be set on a S3rmmetrical concrete foundation!.2mx8.5m top face,
2.1 mXSOlmbottom face,1.6m deep. Make a list of the materials to be used in the construc¬
tion of the foundation and calculate the foundation weight.
6. A 80.5 m circular water tunnel of l«8m inside diameter and 805 mm thick walls is to be
constructed of concrete. Allowing 4 bags cement to the bbl, find cost of materials based
on the following unit prices: Cement, $4.50 per bbl; sand, $3.50 per tonne; stone,
$4.00 tonne. Sand and stone weigh 1720 kg/m*.
7. Estimate the quantities of stone, sand, and cement required to build a circular
concrete water tank (wood cover) to hold 7200 litres water. Interior depth of water,
1.5 m; of tank, 1.8 m. Walls and floor, 800 mm thick. Neglect volume occupied by steel
8. A89.5mhigh chimney of radial brick masonry is described by the following top
and bottom dimensions. Dz = 1.9 m, ^2 = 1.5 mi, = 8.2 m, =2.Sm. Uniform
batter, weight 180 tonnes«Find the maximum compressive stress under 180 km/h wind
load. Will a base crack be opened to windward?
Lay out this chimney to scale 1 cm=1 m-Determine its weight, cumulatively section by
section, using 1922 kg/m* both for main column and lining. Lining extends from 18.5 m
to 29 mabove ground, is carried on corbells at |8.5 mand21jl m^ is 100 mmthick and built
to give minimum 50 mm air space.
14. Analyze the stability of the chimney of Prob. 13 at sections 1, 4, and 6 when
subjected to 160 km/h wind load.
15. Proportion, from Table 4-3, the c’himney whose dimensions are given economic
study in the example, Sec 12-12. Consider chinmey foundation to be 2m below furnace
grates. Will the chimney, as so laid out, be safe in 160 km/h wind, or will the economic
dimensions be jettisoned because of structural requirements ?1922kg/m4. Top thickness,
178 mm. Uniform inside and outside taper.
16. * A block-type concrete foundation must support a static load of 22.5 Unmes trans¬
mitted to it on a thick steel plate 610 mm x 916 mm-Design a foundation of minimum weight
that will be safe against settlement and cracking. Estimate the concrete’ materials
needed. Bearing power of soil, 124/m2.
17. A482mmbhck wall 18.25mhigh rests uponaconcrete footing The soil has a bearing
power of 12t/m6. Design a two-step offset footing of concrete and detail to a scale
of 10 cm 1m
18. A reinforced concrete wall carries a load to foundation of 80t/mrun. The wall
is 500 mm thick. A subsoil bearing power of 12.5t/ii6 is allowed. Design and draw a
sketch of the wall footing (two-step).
19. The following data refer to a 6-cyHnder, 450-kw,650bmhp Diesel engine alterna¬
tor unit having direct connected exciter: Weight of engine and flywheel, 88500 kg;
weight of alternator and exciter, 6800 kg; bedplate of engine, 8m x 7.2 m; length of
whole unit,10.8mwi<ith of generator bedplate, 8 m.The subsoil is average sand. Design
and detail a foundation for this engine. The foundation top is all in one horizontal
plane. Calculate the amount of sand, stone, cement, and form Imnber required for its
20. The condenser <rf a 10,000-kw turbine is rigidly carrio^i by its own foundation
and is connected to the turbine by a copper expansion joint whose dimensions are
2.1 m X 23 m, approximately rectangular. Tbe water and steam normaUy in the con¬
denser weigh9072 kg. Condenser pressure ^0.07 kg/txiii8 ah. What is the variation in
weight on the condenser foimdation between in-servioe and out-of-service conditions T
21. Design a sloping octagonal concrete foundation for the chimney of Ex 1, Sec
4-6. Bearing power of soil I93ft/iii6. Justify any necessary assumptions.
22. A46.75 m chimney with Di ,4.71 weighs 272 toiiiies.The chimney is set
on a two^p octagonal concrete foundation, laid on soil having safe bearing
power. Wind load, 160 km/b. Design and make a drawing of the foundation.
23. A 60-kw vertical, single^ylinder, steam engine-generator set has a bedplate
1.6 m X t.S6m, Its wright isiSMkg. Design a foundation to rest on average sandy
soil. Foundation mass in accordance with Table 4-5.
24. The foundation under the engine of Fig.4-14i6S00iBm higher than that under the
generator. Considering the generator pit to have the same volume as the exciter pedestal,
find the amounts of sand, crushed stone, and cement required for this foundation.
25. A Diesel engine sets on a plain block foundation a m x Am x 176 m deep. Find
cost of foundation and form lumber (forms of *6 mm lumber). Lumber, S36.00 per 100
board metre; cement, $1.50 per sack; stone, $3.00 pertonne; sand, $2.25 per tonne.
26. Estimate the weight and cost of materials for foundations for the following
300mbp prime movers, using 70% of foimdation masses from Table 4-5. Get local unit
(a) Vertical multi-cylinder unailow engine.
(b) Vertical multi-cylinder Diesel engine.
(c) Horizontal single-cylinder gas engine.
(d) Horizontal single-cylinder Corliss engine.
27. Piles are driven in a quicksand (bearing = 6t/m*) on 000 mm centers. They
are driven until the penetration under the last hammer blow is 06 mm. The driver's
1-tonne hammer dropi 0.6 m . I^les are sawn off and surmounted by a concrete dab
900 ram thick. What average bearing power, int/mi*, does this foundation provide?
5-1 Fuels. The raw materials of the heat power plant are the poK ntial
energy dormant in a fuel and the oxygen necessary to convert it to a dynamic
high-temperature condition. A fuel is composed of chemical elements whicli, in
rapid chemical union with oxygen, produce combustion. As this definition is
contingent upon the meaning of combustion, the latter term will now be defined.
Combustion is that rapid chemical union with oxygen of an element whose
exothermic heat of reaction is sufficiently great and whose rate of reaction is
sufficiently fast that useful quantities of heat arc liberated at elevated tem¬
peratures, In all the fuels that are in common use, the elements which are sought
because they do have the necessary heat of formation and rate of reaction are
carbon and hydrogen. These two chemical elements are combined with others in
various w^ays, producing the fuels of commerce. Solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels
are employed, usually separately. Coal is the most used solid fuel for generating
steam, but sometimes industrial wastes are used. Fuel oil is the most important
liquid type of fuel. Natural, by-product, and manufactured gases form the third
group, but manufactured gases are seldom employed for they are high in cost.
The use of by-product gases is occasionally possible. Generally they are em¬
ployed only by the producing industry and are not distributed.
5-2 Gas. Natural gas is widely distributed in the United States, and a
growing network of pipe lines is making it increasingly available to industry.
Its cost per unit heat content at the wells compares favorably with other fuels,
but the cost of transportation through expensive pipe lines, having compressor
stations at periodic intervals, adds a delivery charge which causes it to be an
expensive fuel, compared to oil or coal. Its advantage is its convenience in use,
stemming from ease of control, smokeless combustion, and absence of ash. The
cost is a deterrent to any considerable use of it for producing steam. Methane
(CH4) is the major constituent of natural gas. In addition, this gas sometimes
contains ethane, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide. Most samples of natural gas
average about 37260Joules/litres measured at standard conditions of76«min,Hg
andl5.6®C.It is generally sold by volumetric measurement with the actual gas
flow corrected to standard conditions by use of temperature and pressure
5-3 Oil. The liquid fuels of power plant practice are nearly always by¬
products of petroleum. Crude petroleum oil contains mainly carbon and hydro-
gen, along with some small amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. The
hydrogen is present always in the form of hydrocarbon mixtures. This crude
oil is seldom used in its original form. Its decomposition into numerous com¬
mercial products is a major industry in the United States. The approximate
chemical composition of petroleum and its derivatives is: carbon, 85%;
hydrogen, 15%. Among products and by-products of petroleum the chemical
properties vary but little, although the physical properties, such as viscosity,
density, color, may vary greatly. Many special fuels are produced from crude
oil by distillation and by chemical cracking, which is decomposition under
conditions of high temperature and pressure. Cracking of crude oil yields a
larger fraction of I.C. engine fuel than does distillation. The tremendous demand
for engine fuel is reflected in the processing of most crude oil by the cracking
process. Thus it will be found that most fuel oils are the products or by-products
of a cracking process. The products produced by cracking refineries must be
separated according to boiling range into light oils and residual or heavy oils.
As an end result there are certain heavy, tarry refinery sludges which are not
conveniently utilizable in anything but very special equipment, used either in
the refinery power plant or in a near-by station.
The total proved reserves of crude oil in the United States in 1947 were 24.7
billion barrels. Comparing that with the current withdrawals, it would appear
that the liquid fuel reserve will be able to last only until 1960. However, pessi¬
mistic predictions like this have been repeatedly delivered in the past, and all
have ultimately been wrong, mainly because of the discovery of new reserves.
However, it certainly seems to be a fact that, before this century closes, the
pumping of pool oil from the ground will gradually end. Major oil companies
are, of course, cognizant of this fact and have planned programs that seem to
indicate that the demands for liquid fuels will be met for a long time in the
future. Such programs include large-scale importations from abroad, thus en¬
abling the companies to reduce to temporary inactivity some of our domestic
fields, and the production of synthetic liquid fuels from coal and gas. Further¬
more, pilot plants are investigating the costs of extracting oil from the oil shales
which represent a large, but at present economically unusable, source of fuel
oil. Further, the possibility of ultimately being able to harness nuclear energy
and thus replace the chemical energy of oxidation is very definitely a live one
at the present time, and one which beclouds the analysis of fuel type selection
based on a long-range economic plan. Nevertheless, it is noted that the cost of
fuel oil is currently higher than coal on a straight Joule comparison. In most
cases this throws the decision to coal, but sometimes factors such as the
simplification of the steam generator and its auxiliaries, lower initial cost of
equipment, reduced space requirements, elimination of some labor, and more
nearly smokeless combustion have been influential in favor of oil. This has oc¬
curred principally in industrial, commercial, and institutional plants and not
in central power stations.
5-4 Internal Combustion Engine Fuel. The I.C. engine as used in the
United States is operated almost exclusively on fuels derived from petroleum.
Hie exception is fuel gas for an occasional gas or dual-fuel engine. Although
Diesel originally intended to operate hia new engine on coal dust, neither he nor
anyone since has solved the ash problem. Crude petroleum has been abundant
in this country, but the mounting use of the liquid-fuel-powered I.C. engine on
land, sea, and air is making grievous inroads into natural supplies of crude.
The largest demand has been for gasoline on account of the automobile, truck,
and airplane. Refineries process the crude for maximum gasoline production.
Up to the present time Diesel fuel has been chiefly distillate, but, as the demand
for it increases, doubtless more of it will be blended straight-run distillate and
catalytically cracked oil.
The typical petroleum substance is a complex of carbon and hydrogen, mixed
in various compounds each having its own boiling range. The compounds are
classified in four groups; paraffins, olefins, naphthalenes, and aromatics. Carbon
is about 85% by weight: hydrogen, 15%. Fig. 5-1 shows the range of volatility
of the commercial fuel products derived from petroleum. Liquid-fueled spark-
ignition engines require a highly volatile fuel for carburetion and therefore
need gasoline. Diesel engines can use a less volatile, cheaper fuel. Normally
their fuel has been a distillate composed of blended kerosene and gas oil, but
increasingly this is being mixed with cracked distillates. The resulting fuel,
though not favored by operators used to straight-run distillate, appears to
jierform satisfactorily if properly selected for the engine. Since the Diesel is the
principal I.C. engine for stationary power plants, the important comparative
properties of fuels suitable for it are to be considered. They arc:
1. Density. 5. Calorific value.
2. Viscosity. 6. Pour, flash, and color.
3. Volatility and residue. 7. Purity.
4. Ignition quality.
Density, Mass per unit volume is the universal definition of density. Kg
per litre is in common use for liquid fuels, also specific gravity (S.G.).
Density at 15,6®C= (S.G. at 15.6®/15«6®) kg per litre, (5-1)
The hydrometer furnishes the .simplest method of determining gravity. The
gravity bottle, or picnometer, is far more accurate, as are special balances, but
where its accuracy is adequate the hydrometer is preferred on account of low
cost and the ease and rapidity of use. In reporting S.G.data the 15.6®/I5.6®
standard is common, that is, the oil is atl5.6®Cand is referred to the density of
water taken atl5.6®G If the measurement is made at some other temperature, a
correction is in order. The volumetric coefficient of expansion of oil is 0.0007 per
Hydrometer scales will be found to be marked in “degrees” as well as S.G.
The degrees may be expressed in Baume or API units.
® Baum4 = - 130 (6-2)
S.G. at 15.6715.6'
“API = - 131.5 (5-3)
S.G. at 15.6/15.6'
The American Petroleum Institute scale of degrees is accepted as the standard
by the petroleum industry. There is little difference between results using °B4
or' API.
Ex2miple 1: A 28° API oil has a temperature of i.4°C. Its density in kg per litre will
be calculated.
S.G. at 0.887
Determined as the time lag between injection and ignition of the fuel imder running
conditions. This is the CFR Diesel method. (CFR is from the title of the SAE Cooperative
Fuel Research Committed.) Alternately the lowest or critical compression ratio at which
fuel will ignite is used.
Calorijio Value, Determination of the heats of cortibustion of petroleum oils
may be made with the bomb calorimeter (see Sec 5-7), results so obtained being
the higher heating values Qh. The net or lower heating value is a better indica¬
tion of the heat energy available to the engine, since exhaust gases are hot
enough to contain the H2O in the form of vapor. 1
The relative carbon and hydrogen content of oil is closely allied to its
density, for the impurities in commercial engine oil are an insignificant fraction
of the total. It follows that the density is the main variable in heating value, and
empirical formulae expressing Qh as a function of density are successful. The
following equations give Qh to a probable accuracy within 1% of actual value.
(ASME Formula) Qh = 41,130 + 139.6 x'^API J/g (5-5)
(Bureau of Standards Formula) Qh = 51,716—8793.8 (S.G.)^ J/g (5-6)
Grade of Fuel
♦Lower Pour Points may be .specified whenever reciuiied by local tempeiature condi¬
tions to facilitate storage and use
Pour, Flash, and Color. This is a group of qualities which bear little relation¬
ship to the performance of fuel in an engine, but may be specified for some
other reason, such as handling.
The flash point is the temperature at which ignition of the fuel vapors rising
above the heated oil will occur when exposed to an open flame. Safety in han¬
dling and storing will usually be adequate if this is 65.6*0 or more.
Pour point is the minimum temperature at which the fuel will no longer
pour freely. It is more important to the fuel for mobile engines whose fuel
tanks are generally exposed and unheated than for stationary units.
Color is sometimes specified on the basis that good color indicates clean
fresh stock of Satisfactory volatility.
Purity. Although oil is a relatively pure fuel it may contain some sediment
and water, ash, or sulfur, all of which are undesirable impurities and are
limited to low permissible amounts in specifications. Sediment and water are
determined by diluting the fuel with benzol and centrifuging. They are reported
together, sometimes by the abbreviation B.S. and W., meaning bottom sediment
and water. Fuels have no B.S. and W. when initially manufactured, so this is a
test for the possibility of subsequent contamination. Ash is the incombustible
content of fuel oil. As it is quite abrasive and detrimental to the finely finished
surfaces of injection equipment, it must be limited to minute amounts by oil
Sulfur to an excessive amount may produce corrosion and deposits in the
engine. All oils have some sulfur, but the allowable content is small, less than
2% in any case. Tests are sometimes carried out for the sulfur content and for
the corrosive effect on polished copper strips.
Manufacturers establish minimum fuel specifications for their engines,
based on their individual experience. In addition there are some general
standards. (See Table 5-1.) Operatois endeavor to purchase fuel supplies which
satisfy the minimum requirements without greatly exceeding them, for the
superior oils cost the most but do not outperform the poorer, provided the
latter meet appropriate minimum standards.
5-5 Furnace Fuel Oil. The characteristic qualities employed to measure
the value of furnace oil are mainly the same as those mentioned in Sec 5-4.
They are: heating value, specific gravity, viscosity, flash and pour points,
carbon residue, and impurities. Commercially, fuel oils for furnace use are
marked by a number index, specifications for which are to be seen in Table 5-2.
There it will be noted that six grades of fuel oil are designated. In general, the
higher the grade number the lower the cost of the oil per Joule of heat content.
Also, the higher the index number, the more diflicult it is to get proper atomiza¬
tion and smokeless combustion of the oil, more maintenance is required on
Table 5-2. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS FOR FUEL OILS*. (A voluntary commercial standard.)
burners, and the burning equipment may be additionally complicated by the
need for heaters to reduce the viscosity of the oil before spraying.
The common unit of measure for oil sales is volumetric, either the litre or
the ^^barrel,^^ which is 159 litres (42 U.S gallons). The pricing on such a
volumetric basis is commonly made at a 15.6®G volume, and the volume therefore
sold in any case is the actual volume delivered corrected by a coefficient of ex¬
pansion. The coefficient for fuel oil is about 0.0007; hence an oil that was
delivered into a tank of known volume, and gauged at 19900 litres in the tank at a
temperature of 4.4®C, is actually a commercial volume of 19900 + 19900 X
0.0007(15.6--4.4), or 20055 Utxes
The relation of the API and Baume scales to specific gravity is stated in
Eqs 5-2 and 5-3. The Bureau of Standards formula for Qh of all petroleum
products is Eq 5-6. Sherman and Knopff suggest the following for fuel oil:
Qh = 42450-93(Bc'+10) J per g at 15 6®G (5-8)
A^’here the prospect of oil as a fuel is considered, management frequently
inquires whether the necessary supplies of oil will be forthcoming in the future,
for it has been generally understood that the reserves of petroleum in the
ground are far less than those of coal. This is a question which cannot be ade¬
quately answered by statements like ‘'there is plenty of oil in sight for the next
five or ten years^^ for two good reasons. The first is that the equipment which
will be installed to burn oil rather than coal as a fuel is of a fairly permanent
character and might conceivably be expected to last for fifteen to twenty years,
so that changes of a fuel from liquid to solid could not be made without sub¬
stantial major alterations to the steam generating unit. Second, there is a
question as to the effect of abnormal future demands. Such questions are stimu¬
lated by the knowledge that previous wars have made increasingly large inroads
into the reserves of liquid fuels of the country, and by the instability, from the
labor standpoint, of the coal industry. Such considerations are the concern of
owners considering the types of fuel to use, and continuity of supply may be
more important than relative cost. The use of oil fuel is attended by several
tangible advantages which will sometimes outweigh the uncertainties.
5-6 Coal. Coal is a heterogeneous compound, difficult to define. While its
constituents are always carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, and certain
mineral noncombustiblcs, not ordinarily analyzed but lumped together as
“ash,” the many ways in which these elements are compounded in coal as
found at different sites precludes any simple definition. In fact, coal is quite
a variable substance, and the classification of its different forms has not been
('a.>y. There are several classification systems which attempt to find some com¬
mon principle of variation among different kinds of coal. The inventor of a
practical system will necessarily have had to eliminate moisture and ash, for
the.^^c arc strictly of random occurrence in coal. The presence in coal, as found
in storage i)ilcs, or ready-to-fire, or as-received at the laboratory, of both mois¬
ture and ash gives rise to certain variations of analysis of the constituents.
These variations are:
1, As-received. As sampled from car deliveries, storage piles, stoker hoppers,
then tightly scaled for delivery to the analyzing laboratory.
2. Air-dried. When the as-received sample, partly ground or crushed, is laid
COAL 125
out in the laboratory room until it no longer loses moisture to the surrounding
atmosphere, its condition is said to be air-dried. In this form it contains some
surface moisture, but not much. It can be satisfactorily ground to fine consist¬
ency in sample grinders (which wet coal cannot) and will remain stable while
being weighed on analytical balances.
3. Moisture-free. This coal could actually be produced by holding the sam¬
ple at slightly above 100®C for a sufficient length of time to drive off all the
surface moisture. The moisture content of air-dried coal varies from time to
time, but the moisture-free basis is a duplicatable condition.
4. Moisture- and ash-free. This is a hypothetical substance. Actually one
is not able to separate ash from coal except by the process of combustion.
Moisture- and ash-free coal is generally called combustible, since it represents
the fraction of the original sample that can be gasified during proper combus¬
5. A variation of Item 4, known as moisture- and mineral-free, is occasion¬
ally used. Certain of the mineral content of coal, such as pyrites, will be gasi¬
fied during combustion. To some extent this mineral content may be eliminated
without destroying the coal.
The sulfur content of coal varies from as low as 0.5% to as much as 5%.
It adds a little heating value, but furnishes some undesirable characteristics.
The purchaser may well view with suspicion a coal whose analysis shows high
sulfur. It occurs as pyrites, as sulfates, and as organic sulfur compounds. Fre¬
quently high sulfur coal is priced low, but the operating engineer should shun
large contracts for it until a thorough trial has demonstrated the effect of the
coal on operation and maintenance costs, service availability, and capacity.
This is because the sulfur may be responsible for clinkering and slagging, cor¬
rosion, spontaneous combustion, and air pollution. In spite of these disagreeable
features, it sometimes happens that the attractive price of high sulfur coal more
than outweighs the difficulties.
Based upon the composition of the hypothetical ^^moisture- and ash-free
coal,^^ there have been several systems devised for the classification of the dif¬
ferent grades or “ranks.” The ASTM Standard Specification is shown in Table
Two forms of coal analysis are used by combustion engineers. The first, the
proximate analysis, is a separation of the coal into moisture, volatile material,
fixed carbon, and ash. This analysis is readily made by thermal means with a
moderate amount of equipment and is or should be within the capacity of any
mechanical engineer to perform. The addition of an analysis of sulfur content,
and grindability index, is desirable in evaluating firing characteristics of the
The grindability index is an important characteristic in pulverized coal
plants, since it is a measure of the .relative ease or difficulty of pulverizing dif¬
ferent kinds of coal. One of the tests, the Hardgrove, uses a standard miniature
pulverizer into which is sent a definite amount of grinding energy. The weight
of the ground product that will pass a 75 micron sieve is employed to calculate
an index number called the Hardgrove Grindability (HG). Typical values of
this index are 50 to 60 for good bituminous coal. Lower values mean more diffi¬
cult grinding. This index is principally comparative, and the power and energy
•If II
3 05
li) ^ 3
o -g 3
§ 's pL <
o o ^ ^ ^ lili« =
I- s.^5 I
<o g s? s £ ■
“I'a.S I E
Jill I .1 il £« S'
s S I s> ®.
tllll •«S aS'?S “q2 ^^3 -3 -2^ 'o 43
» C-"* 18 a S§ =
^ 3 a
o o k< V sfelsss
a fi ® s. E E ..i Z
5 o O 43 ^1-5
2 |52 e
3 c4 O
3-2 « IS
j T3 orj 3 c8
3 «"
5 |.S.S J
! g.S
5-25 a-s
.J3 JS ^ *3 if
5-s § s £
xnmm h5 W 11
i-H eq CO rH c^
; ® 5 J fO
COAL 127
requirements of actual pulverizers are not readily ascertained from the HG
Another important physical characteristic is the ash fusion temperature.
Other things being equal, the coal with highest ash fusion temperature would
be the most desirable, for it would give a stable, solid ash particle in the pres¬
ence of high furnace temperature. In some equipment, the fusion temperature
produces a limitation upon the capacity at which the equipment can be oper¬
ated. If a low ash fusion coal is contemplated at the time of designing the
plant, the proper provisions can be made for successfully using it. This is often
done on account of the attractive price usually offered by the producers of low-
fusion coal. However, to switch to low-fusion coal on a unit that has been
operating satisfactorily with high-fusion coal is usually inviting trouble from
slagging and clogging of the gas passages.
The proximate analysis is of little use in combustion calculations, which
Carbon Hydrogen
Oxygen and
Degrees Baume Joule per
Nitrogen 15 6®C gram
1 Tex Crude 84 60 10 90 2 87 1 63 21 56 44279
2 Tex Fuel 83 26 12 41 3 83 0 50 21 25 45859
3 Penna Crude 84 90 13 7b 1 40 0 0 28 01 44823
4 Cal Fuel 81 52 11 51 6 42 0 55 14 93 43556
Joule per
CHa CsH4 CO Ha Oa Na COa
2 Carburetted water gas IS 34 35 2 1 20495
3 Coke oven gas . 32 6 48 8 2 204951
4 Producer gu 22 11
IHH 59 6 $590
* Data mostly that of U S. Bureau of Mines. See Professional Paper 48, 1906 and Bulletin 85, 1914
fCi Hi.
are essentially chemical equations. A chemical, or ultimate, analysis, is re¬
quired for that kind of work. The quantitative separation of such a compound
as coal into its chemical elements requires not only a well-equipped chemical
laboratory, but expert chemists and chemical technology, and thus is not a test
ordinarily in the repertoire of the engineer. However, it is not always possible or
convenient to get such an analysis or to have it prepared on short notice. Studies
have been made of the possibility of constructing a synthetic ultimate analysis
from the proximate analysis. If this could be done, it would eliminate much
inconvenience in combustion calculations, particularly field or preliminary cal¬
culations, for the proximate analysis can usually be quickly obtained. There
have been some solutions to this problem published in the form of empirical
conversion equations. Those of F. C. Evans, summarized in Table 5-5, have
been found by the author to give excellent results. Nitrogen is not included in
this table, but one of the following empirical equations may be used to calculate
the percent of N in the combustible using V, the percent of volatile matter in
the combustible.
N = 0.07 y for anthracite (5-9)
N = 0.0210 — 0.012y for bituminous and lignite (5-10)
In order to eliminate the random elements, the transfer is made from the proxi¬
mate to the ultimate analysis of combustible; hence the first step is a reduction
of the analysis of coal to one of combustible, implying the ash- and moisture-
free basis. After the application of the transfer equations, the resulting ultimate
analysis of the combustible is then reconverted to the desired basis by the inser¬
tion of ash or ash and moisture. The following problem will illustrate the
transfer of a proximate to an ultimate analysis.
Example 1: Check the ultimate analysis of the Illinois bituminous coal given in
Table 5-4 by applying the conversion formulae to the proximate analysis.
To reduce the proximate analysis to a combustible basis divide by
(1 — ash — moisture)
From Table 5-5, we find that the equations to use.for this case are:
The ultimate analysis as fired is found by including ash and moisture. Multiply the
above by (1 — ash — moisture), then compare this with the analysis from Table 5-4,
with moisture separate.
(F C Evans)
Cornell University Bulletin 3 (1925)
Converted: C, 59.3; Hs, 4.1; N2, 1.2; H20, 13.3; ash, 11.7; other, 10.4.
Analyzed: C, 59.1; H2,3.7; N2, 1.0; H2O, 13.3; ash, 11.7; other, 11.2.
The firing qualities of a coal are highly important when selection of the coal
or combustion equipment is being considered, for if it were not for the effects
of these qualities, coal could be purchased on the basis of heating value alone.
Some of the factors that must be considered are:
1. Sizes and grades for economical and satisfactory performance. Sizing practice
in the coal industry is to state the screen limits through which that sample of coal
will pass, and on which it will he retained. For example, a 60 mm x 80 mm size is that
size of coal which will pass through a 60 mm round hole opening or its equivalent, but be
retained on a SO ram round hole screen. Typical standard sizing practice and the use
of those sizes are given in Table 5-6.
2. Constituents. This includes such information as proximate and ultimate analyses,
ash analysis, and uniformity over a range.
3. Physical characteristics such as (a) friability—resistance to degradation; (b)
grindability, as measured by Hardgrove Grindability or some other standard; (c) size
4. Storage characteristics. Deterioration, spontaneous combustion.
5. Performance characteristics—coking and caking tendency—the retention of
original shape during combustion vs softening or crusting.
6. Slagging characteristics—dependent on ash fusion temperature and iron content
7. Corrosive characteristics—the sulfur content.
8. Ignition characteristics—the presence‘of certai© minerals of low-ignition tempera¬
ture in the volatile.
The purchaser of small quantities of coal rarely pays any attention to
other than its cost per tonne, and, occasionally, if firing characteristics have forced
him to it, the sulfur and moisture content. The large-scale purchaser needs a
definite contract basis, for the cost of coal is a large item in total operating
expense. The contract between the purchaser and seller should set forth clearly
the coal to be furnished by stating its trade name, region mined, and size limits,
as well as the quantity. Ranges of acceptable physical and chemical qualities
are fixed and, of course, contract prices are given.
Anthracite Bituminous
llOmrax 80 ram—Broken Run of mine —Rarely sold because of de¬
80 mm X 60 mm —^Egg mand for graded sizes.
60 mm x 40 mm —Stove 125 mm Lump —Hand firing
40 mm X 20 mm —Chestnut 125 mm x 60 mm Egg —^Hand firing
‘io mm X 14 ram —Pea 50 mm X 30 mm Nut —Industrial stokers
14 mm X 6 —No.l Buckwheat 30 mm X 20 mm Stoker—Domestic and industrial
8 mm X 6 ram—No.2 Buckwheat stokers
6 mm X 2.5 mm—No.3 Buckwheat 20 mm X 0 mm Slack —Industrial stokers.
Screenings —Culm Pulverizers
50 mm Nut & Slack—Industrial stokers
Heating value tests are performed by the use of one of the standard fuel
calorimeters. These are likely to go much better for solid and gaseous fuels than
for liquid fuels, ^^hlch art' inherently difficult to test accurately for heating
value. On the other hand, fuel oil is a much more homogeneous substance than
coal, and good estimates of heating value can be obtained from hydrometer
The apparatus for heating value testing falls into two general categories:
(1) continuous flow and (2) individual sample or “batch” apparatus.
Solid fuels are tested with individual sample apparatus, gaseous fuels by
continuous flow apparatus, and liquid fuels by either type, depending upon the
Most types of calorimeters measure the heat released by absorbing it in
water. If the maximum temperature of the absorbing medium is low enough
to cool the products of combustion below lOO^C, the latent heat of vaporiza¬
tion in the products will be released. Since this is always the case, it is the
higher heating value, rather than the lower, that is obtained by calorimetry.
Coal Calorimeter, The heating value of coal is determined either by the
peroxide or oxygen bomb calorimeter. Use of the latter type is here described.
The apparatus, illustrated in Fig. 5-2, employs gaseous oxygen under pressure
as the oxidant, and electric ignition. The bomb is construct^ of two pieces held
together with a screwed collar. The bomb has a fuel tray, oxygen valve, two
external electrical leads, and internal poles to which fuse wire can be connected.
A polished container holds the bomb and about».26kgof water. This, in turn,
k ..urrounded by a heat insulating jacket. A stirring device is provided so that
the water bath will be homogeneous in temperature.
About Ig of finely ground coal is selected for testing. The sample must
be briquetted with a measured amount of fuse wire, put in the fuel tray, and
weighed before being assembled into the bomb. It has been found advisable to
briquet the sample and embed the fuse wire to (1) insure ignition and (2) pre¬
vent loss of fuel from the pan before ignition. It is customary to put a few drops
of water in the bottom of the bomb when charging it. This is done because
Finol obttrvofions
3to5 min.
PO ploctcd sothot
Oi «02 Thtn PQ»aT
otherwise part of the latent heat of vaporization of the products would be held
as a humidity in the atmosphere of the bomb. The bomb is charged with oxygen
to a pressure of about 14 kg/om*. The electrical connections are made, then the
bomb is put in its container along with a weighed quantity of water. The water
used for the bath should be about 3® C below room temperature, since it may
be expected to rise about 6® C when the bomb is fired. Adjusting the water
bath thus minimizes the effect of radiation. External electrical leads are at¬
tached, and the sample is ignited. Meanwhile, the- water bath is being electri¬
cally stirred. Combustion is presumed to be almost instantaneous; however, the
thermal capacity of the outfit prevents any rapid temperature rise upon ignition.
Fig. 5-3 shows about what rate of temperature change may be expected.
The heat released by the ensuing combustion is absorbed by the water, by
the bomb, and by the container via a small rise in temperature. It is convenient
to express the heat absorbing capacity of the bomb and container per degree
temperature rise as that of an equivalent weight of water which would absorb
the same heat with the sarne temperature rise. This value is called the “water
equivalent” of the bomb and is added to the water weight in the heating value
calculations. It is necessary that the heating value of the fuse wire be known,
for the heat so released must be deducted from the gross heat initially calcu¬
lated. The apparent heat release is:
Q — w'c6t, (5-11)
in which ly' = Weight of the water bath + water equivalent of the outfit.
c « Specific heat of water, which may be taken as 1.
At = Observed temperature rise of the bath.
After adding or deducting any necessary corrections, Q is divided by the
initial weight of the coal sample to get the higher heating value.
It is important that the temperature rise- be rationally determined. Before
the bomb is ignited, the temperature rise is gradual. The temperature is plotted
agaitist time, resulting in a curve similar to that shown in Fig. 5-3. The ob¬
served temperature approaching the firing point, and following the combustion,
will usually plot as a straight line against time, however, the temperature rise
If the air used for combustion is not saturated, a part of the heat released
will be carried off in the latent heat of the vapor required for saturation of
the products. The correction for this is small Although it is tlieoretically cal¬
culable, one usually employs prepared correction tables.
In this calorimeter the products are cooled nearly to room temperature.
Ordinarily, no correction for the residual heat in the dry or wet products of
combustion is required.
The heating value of the fuel is found as follows:
* Chiefly nitrogen, but with small, generally negligible quantities of argon, carbon
dioxide, uid other gases.
course, are gravimetric. So, also, are those of liquid fuels, but gas analyses are
customarily volumetric. The gaseous products of combustion are analyzable
by test, for which the portable Orsat apparatus is commonly used. Where a
gaseous state is involved, either as a product of combustion, or in the fuel itself,
the calculations may be made either on volumetric or gravimetric bases, or in
combination. Volumetric calculations may be written in cubic cm units; also
in mols, Mols are especially useful in the case of gaseous fuels, for the equa¬
tions of chemical reaction are also mol equations. On the other hand, gravi¬
metric calculations may always be checked by the law of Conservation of
Mass, whereas there is no law of conservation of volume, and mol equations
may take this unarithmetical form: 1 mol + % mol = 1 mol. This would never
happen in gravimetric calculations. Either of these forms of gas calculations
will, if correctly handled, give the same result, and the individual can feel at
[2150 :
Fig. 6-5 Mean specific heat of gases between ld.a*0 and final temperature,
keal/Kg- *0 (at constant pressure).
liberty to employ his personal preference. Actually there is not much difference
in the two methods. Reviewing the basic facts of mols and mol volumes, we
1 A mol is- weight of the substance, gtn
* molecular weight of the substance
2. A mol volume is 23.693 Iitreatatl5.6^G and 1.03kg/cm* a6. This is
independent of the kind of gas.
0 0845 T
3. At T® R and p kg/cm* ab^ the mol volume is - litres
Several standard equations are put forth for use in combustion calculations,
and many others may be invented to suit the need by using two simple princi¬
ples, namely;
1. Analysis of equations for dimensional homogeneity.
2. Principle of continuity of mass in steady flow.
As an example of equation invention, suppose an equation were desired, in¬
terpreting the results of an Orsat analysis of the products of combustion of a
certain coal, in terms of the air-fuel ratio employed during combustion. First,
note that the Orsat is a volumetric analysis and, therefore, likewise a molal
analysis. Next, the idea of continuity of carbon mass is introduced by relying
on the equivalence of all the carbon in the flue gas to the carbon actually burned
in the furnace. Also, with another continuity idea, that of equating the nitrogen
in the products to that coming from the air* (knowing that the dimensional
unit of the A:F ratio is ^^air per kg coaPO we can set up an equation involving
carbon and nitrogen continuity.
For an equation of weight of dry gas formed per kg coal burned, note that:
. 1000 UttM
* This is true enough in the case of coal, although not for a fuel like by-product or manu¬
factured gas, which itself contains considerable nitrogen.
itggas ^ tgC
itg gas _ mol gas kg coal
kg coal kgC ^ inol C
mol C mol gas
= 44 CO, + 28 CO + 32 0, + 28 N,
mol gas
kg gas ^ (44 CO2 + 28 CO + 32 O2 + 28 N2)C^
kg coal 12(C02 + CO)
This reduces to;
kg gas ^ rU CO2 + 8 O2 + 7(C0 + NslC^
kg coal 3(C02 + CO)
Example 1: The various products of combustion, the A:F ratio, and the excess
air will be established, mainly from flue gas and fuel analyses. All computations will
be maintained on a weight basis in the first solution.
C' of Eq 5-15 is found by applying the principle of continuity to ash flow, assuming
here no fly-ash.
Ash * 0.11 of the coal « 0.80 of the refuse.
Theoretical air needed perkgcoal = 11.5 X .77 + 34.5 ^0.05 — + 4.3 X 0.01
= 10.32 kg. (11.5, 34.5, and 4.3 are constants from Fig. A-4.)
Excess air = 14.85 — 10.32 = 4.53 kg(43.8% excess).
Alternate solution: Were the air supplied and dry gas produced items of the fore¬
going calculations our only objective, a shorter, quicker solution is possible.
Example 2: Exact and approximate calculations of the heat absorbed and carried
off by the products of combustion found in Ex 1 will be made. Assume 14W*C preheated
air temperature and 899^ discharge temperature. Atmospheric humidity is defined
by psychrometer dry and wet bulb temperatures of 15.6 and l(W .
Approximate method. The water vapor content of the atmosphere is small enough
to be neglected in approximate calculations.
In Ex 1 it is seen that there are 15,24 kg dry gas per kg coal. The ASME Code
permits a composite Cp of 1005 J per kg .per deg C to be used.
The water vapor from combustion is 9 X 0.05 = .45 kg •
Average Cp for water vapor is taken as 8094 Jper kg per 0.
Sensible heat above liW in products:
The specific value of hfg to employ is uncertain. If conditions warrant, a value can
be calculated by thermodynamic methods, employing Dalton^s Law. Usually some value
between hfg at 15,6*0 and at 100® O is assumed. The ASME boiler test code uses hfg at
d5.6^C .
Exact method. All sulfur is assumed to be in SO2, with a Cp of 0.2 (exact value not
important); atmospheric moisture being calculated from Eq 5-14 or picked from
psychrometric chart. Fig A-12, Appendix.
The manner of use of Fig. 5-5 for average Cp when initial temperature exceeds 15.6®C
is as follows. Subscripts a and h refer to initial and final states.
Mean Cp =
— Ca
Cases sometimes arise where the engineer needs an estimate of the products
of combustion and their composite physical characteristics at some definite
temperature. The next two illustrative examples will show how these character¬
istics may be computed for solid and for gaseous fuels.
Example 3: The as-fired ultimate analysis of a certain coal that will be burned
with an estimated 50% excess air is given as follows:
8.07 kg total
0.9618 mol gas -t- 1.639 mol O2 = 0.792 mol CO2 + 1.704 mol H2O
The O2 required from the air = 1.639 — 0.008 = 1.631 mol.
Since the composition of air is 0.791 mol N2 to 0.209 mol O2, each mol O2 supplied
brings with it — = 3.78 mols N2. We may now write the products of combustion of
H = Total hydrogen -
C' 0.7444 -(|XO.U05)' 0.07249
/ 0.1105
♦ Alternately C* = 0.7444 - 0.1105 0.7249 as in Ex 1> Sec 5-11.
\ 0.85
1. A prohibition against emitting a smoke the shade or appearance of which is equal
to or darker than No. 2 Ringelman except
a. Equal to No. 2 may be permitted for periods aggregating 4 min in any 30
min, and
b. Equal to No. 3 may be permitted for periods aggregating 3 min in any 15 min
when building new fire, having maintenance difficulties, etc., not reasonably
2. A prohibition against emitting dust in gases to exceed 6.85 kg per 1000 kg gases,
adjusted to 50% excess air, except that dust collector efficiencies of greater than
85% will not be required.
1. (a) Six hundred twenty three cubic metres of a fuel gas are passed through
a meter at 0.35 kg/om> • Barometer, inmHg.Find the commercial sales volume
of this gas.(b) Tank contains 214m*of fuel oil atJL7®C.S.G. = 0.945. Find the volume
and weight of this quantity of oil measured at 15.6°/15.6**
2. (a) At a natural gas metering station the temperature is steady at2a9*C during
a period in which 1281 m3 are registered. Pressi're in meter averages 0.84 kg/cm^ ga.
Barometcr,775inin Hg. Find the commercial sales volume of this gas. (b) How mu(;h
volume ( m3) will 3785 liters fuel oil of 18° Be at 15.6*/15.6* occupy when heated to
37.8*C ?
3. During a gas calorimeter test there was a 7.62 ® o rise of water temperature.
While 56,63 litres gas registered on the meter, 6.78 kg water were collected. Meter
pressure,203 mmHg; temperature,27.8°C. Find Qi,, corrected to 762 mm and 15.6°C.
4. Given this proximate analysis data sheet, get the complete proximate analysis,
air-dried basis, to nearest 0,1%.
4m-DRiED Sample
Moisture and
Test Moisture Volatile Ash
5. The following are the results of a proximate analysis test run on air-dried coa^.
All weights in grams. Calculate the proximate analysis of dry coal and of as-fired coal,
Empty Crucible and coal
Item crucible Initial Final
Moisture test 13.001 14.686 14.610
Moisture and volatile test 30.275 33.603 32.522
Ash test 11.255 12.800 11.378
(as-fired moisture test) 14.420 15.928 15.906
6. Testing a certain West Virginia Pocahontas coal by bomb calorimeter yielded
these results. AT, 3.49® C. Fuel sample, 1.0535 g. Fuse wire consumed, 0.0073 g. Water
charged, 1855.68 g. Water equivalent of bomb, 470 g. Test coal had 0.96% moisture.
Calculate Qu for dry coal. {Q of fuse wire, 1600 Cal per g.)
7. A cylindrical oil tank2.4indiaineterX6 mlongis filled to the neck with fuel oil
which is checked at 21* Be at $1* C. Estimate the kilo JouIm heating value stored in
this tank.
8. Fuel oil of 16* Be is stored in a tank to supply a boiler whose rated max. steam¬
ing rate is 6604 kg per hr at 150 psig. Feedwater, O. Average thermal efficiency,
70%. Consider that plant’s capacity factor is 45% and that- 1% months’ supply is
carried. Make any necessary assumptions and calculate the number of 1.8 m diaX4.6 m
long cylindrical tanks needed to hold this quantity.
9. A horizontal cylindrical fuel oil storage tankM m dia. x a mlong is gauged at 825.5
mm oil depth. A delivery of oil is made which raises the level to 2165 mm, measured after the
temperature of the. contents had attained ground temperature, i.e., 7.2 ®C. This oil is
purchased for $3.31perbblatl5.6*/15,6*. The delivery is billed at $380.50. Is this correct
to the nearest dollar?
10. Reduce the analysis of a coal designated from Table 5-4 to (a) moisture-free
basis (b) moisture- and ash-free basis.
11. Check the ultimate analysis and heating value of a coal designated from Table
5-4 by applying conversion formulae from Table 5-5. Also estimate the air required
for combustion at 50% excess.
12. Given a coal with proximate analysis as follows, find heating value and kgaii
required per kg coal at 50% excess. Moisture, 4.47; volatile, 22.74; fixed carbon,
53.72; ash, 19.07.
13. Predict the flue gas analysis to be obtained when a coal of the following proxi¬
mate analysis is completely burned with 85% excess air.
Moisture, 1.75; volatile, 21.70; fixed carbon, 69.13; ash, 7.42.
14. The as-fired proximate analysis is taken of a coal of West Virginia origin.
Moisture, 1.75; volatile, 21.70; fixed carbon, 69.13; ash, 7.42. When burned with what
is presumed to be sufficient air for complete combustion, the CO2 tests 10% by volume.
What percent excess air is indicated?
15. Apply the data of Table 5-3 to a coal designated from Table 5-4 and fix its
rank thereby.
16. Predict the Orsat analysis resulting from the combustion of a coal designated
from Table 5-4, with 50% excess air. 10% combustible in the refuse.
17. A coal is analyzed in a plant laboratory and found to have Qi, = 14^866 kJ ;
C, 58.93; VM, 31.81; ash, 9.26. All on a dry basis. Find the rank of this coal. Estimate
the A-F ratio used when a CO2 meter shows 12%. Use approximate methods.
18. A Kansas coal, reported on the combustible basis, has 5.7% S, 79.6% C. As-
fired, the moisture is 11%, ash 14%. Orsat of combustion gases is: CO2, 12.1 ; O2, 7.1;
CO, 0.8; N2, 80; carbon in refuse, 10%. Find dry gas per kg coal burned (a) neglecting
SO2 and (b) including 8O2.
19. From the analysis of a coal sample taken during a test it is estimated that the
as-fired total carbon was 76.5% and free hydrogen was 4.7%. From other tests C =
0.7263, Orsat: CO2, 10.53; Og, 3.74; CO, 0.49; Ng, 85.24. Find A:F ratio.
20. Boiler plant test data, in part:
Proximate analysis as fired: FC, 60.65; VM, 33.45; Moist., 0.83; ash, 5.07. Combusti¬
ble in dry refuse, 29.8%. Orsat: CO2,11.3; O2, 6.75; CO, 0.2. Find the air-fuel ratio and
the percent excess air.
21. Further analysis of the coal mentioned in Prob. 20 reveals a sulfur content of
3.2%. Find the kg dry gas produced per kg coal during this test.
22. Using the test data mentioned in Prob. 20, change proximate to ultimate analysis
and calculate the weights of the individual products formed by the combustion of a
kg of coal.
23. A coal designated from Table 5-4 is burned with 60% excess air. Atm. humidity,
5 g per kg. No incomplete combustion. Combustion air at 176.7®C. Flue gas at
441 '"C . (a) Estimate sensible heat loss by approx, method; (b) calculate sensible heat
loss by exact method.
24. Humid air which enters a combustion chamber at 27.2®C is transformed into
products of combustion at Psychrometer readings are27.2®Candtefi.2f®C'-'How many
kJ are carried off per kg coal burned by the superheating of this moisture? A:F =
25. A coal as designated from Table 5-4 is burned in a pulverized coal furnace
with *20% excess air. Preheated air temperature, ]48.0**0; furnace outlet temperature,
1010® C No incomplete combustion. Calculate the kJ absorbed by the gases leaving
the furnace, per kg coal.
26. Calculate the volume ( m* ) of the products of combustion of a coal designated
from Table 5-4 if at 260°C aher complete combustion with 100% excess air.
27. What is the volume ( m* ) at 176.7®C of the products of combustion of a cubic
metro of fuel gas at I.07 kg/cm* ab, 15.6®C, whose volumetric analysis is C2H(j, 14.5; CH4,
59.1 ;C02, 25.1; N2, 1.3. 60% excess air.
28. A coal of following composition is burned to an Orsat gas analysis of 0% CO2.
Refuse analysis, 15% combustible. Flue gas at282.2r®C. Find the density of this flue gas.
C, 76.82; H2, 4.96; O2, 6.38; N2, 1.46; S, 1.39; ash, 6.26; moisture, 2.73.
29. WHte mol equations of combustion of a gas designated from Table 5-4, when
burned with 25% excess air. Then calculate the specific volume of the products, m*-
perkg, at 204® 0.
30. To what temperature, above an initial 16.6®0, would the products of combustion
of the California fuel oil. Table 5-4, be raised in a furnace where 45% of the sensible
heat developed is immediately absorbed radiantly. 45% excess air, complete combus¬
tion. Specific heat from Fig. 5-5.
1 Caribvrvtvr vapoclMi f«Ml t AUainp valva Mandt air I Air antarc cylindar thraagh 1 Svetlan ttraka. with inlat
mm6 iiiiact it wMi air la and gat faal bi prapar bilat parti In cylindar wall valva apan filli cylindar
^mpmr prarartlwia pr apart lant 3 aiitan clatat Inlat and an with air
7 ItKflM itrali*, wllli inl«t 7 Swcfian ttraka wlik intaka hawtt ttarft fa caaipratt 7 Inlat valva clatat cam
valva epan filU iyllarfar valva apaa flllt lyllndar 3 Gat fual it injactad at law prattian haglnt fual an*
witli ailatwra with ittialwra prattura aarly in catnprat tart vndar high prattwrc
OUTLINE OF 9 Caaiprattlan itroka raltat
miatara prattwra ta J-
3 Cantprattlaa ttraka roltat
miHtwra prattwra taV<9>
tian ttraka
4 latulting miitwra it cam
3 fual and air min at cam
prattian ttraka raliat prat
ENGINE’S •S t ta/****" prattad taf^l tura taT-fd
4 Spark ignitat miatura aaar 4 Spark ignitat mlatwra naar panding an faal 4 Spark ignitat miftvra naar
CYCLE OF aa4 at <ampra**ian ttroka and af catnprettian ttraka 5 Spark ignitat mintara naar and aT camprattian ttraka
EVENTS 9 Tha flra4 miafwri capotidt
patklap plitan dawn
5 Ttia firad mtatura aapandt and af camprattian firad 5 Tha fired miatura anpandt
pwthing pittan Pawn miatara aapandt puthing pittan dawn
4 lakaatf valva apant rU 4 lahawtt valva apant rit A Piftan mavat dawn an 4 lahautt valva apant rIt
lap piftan claar* cylindar tag plitan ilaart cylindar warking ttraka wncav ing pittan ciaort cylindar
af Iwmad pai af btiraad gat art aahautt partt naar and af burnad gat
gas field territory and built a power supply plant in which were installed more
than a hundred 1150-kw engine-generator units driven by 2-cycle, outside-mix¬
ing gas engines.
As employed in stationary power plants, engines are direct-connected to
generators of relatively low speed. The speeds employed (2(K)-1000 rpm) neces¬
sitate a large-diameter, salient-pole generator of rather short axial length. The
heavy, rugged slow-speed construction is productive of high reliability and, al¬
though costly, can be justified in central station practice.
In a patent dated 1892, Dr. Rudolf Diesel, a German engineer, described an
engine to operate on the Carnot cycle. Coal dust was the fuel, and it was to be
fed slowly enough so that isothermal expansion would result. After fuel cutoff,
an adiabatic expansion would continue, followed by a compression made iso-
thermal by the injection of water into the cylinder. An adiabatic compression
then brought the cycle back to its beginning. A further claim of the patent cov¬
ered the use of liquid fuels and the spray valve. Early attempts to build this
engine* resulted in the adoption of a modified cycle which, after much experi¬
mentation, was built into a successful working engine. Since then the Diesel has
slowly but surely established itself as a practical prime mover of high efficiency
which can use a comparatively cheap fuel.
Engine installations may be divided into mobile and stationary. The class
t liKflon tiroli*. wirii Intof 1. lactlaa atraha, with bilat 1. iactlaa ftraha, arMi lalat I Air aatara cyllaAar t. lalat aalaa apaaay aaa*
valvt fill* cjrlinAar walaa mptm, fill* aylhMiar aalva aytaa, HNa tyllaAar thraafh iaiat yarta riaa atraha fWa cyNadar
with air wHh air with air 3. yiatati alaaaa mlai aaA with air and faa
3 Compraitian «tr«li« rwiMt 3 Ia|a<ta4 f«al aa^arlaa*, 3. CaaifrataiaaatraliaralBaa aahavat caaaaraaaaa air 3 CamyraaaianatrafcaraltaB
tof-4KNAl# ailaat with haraa4 vaa, fraaaara f ahaalJTI^J- «a ahaai praaaara af adalara fa
3 P«mI It (wSlpIct. 4aaaa'l bam 9. Vaal lafactlaa afarta at ar 9 Naar and vl aamyraaalaa. ahaat
9 Cam^raaaiaa atraha faal faa and yila* all ara 9. ttaar and af caaiyraaalaa.
itroha mnd ••49UUH faraat air Mta iniaatad yilat a4 la iniactad fa hd*
4. Saarhf Im*! hafara cam. aa^iariiar 4. Naat af cantyraaaian If. tiata aaiwhaatlaw
^aitiaa aa4>, lanitat 4 Maafa4 aarlaaa af va^« laaaati hy aaatyraaaiaa, nitaa faal; yllat oil ata* 4 Naat af caaapraaalaa If*
fwal «a^riia4 hy com. laar l9altaa miafara aaar Ifaitaa faal hiliaaa camhaatian nitaa pllat all, which
praiflaa mmd ttararf haat •amarataiaa aa4 •. laralaf artataraaaiMada, 9. lamlnf mlniaraaKyaada. caaaaa mlatara to haaa
I. Ca^aadan |Mthai ^itaa 5 Caaihaatiaa la aaplaaiaa, faahiaf yialaa 4awa aa yaiMnf ylatan dawn 9 Raaalthif aayoaalaapaHh*
4awa ^aahaa piataa 4awa “warhiaf” atraha 4. Naar and af atraha. pit* aa yitfaa dawn
4 Cahawtt «al«a a[»an», rl>> 4 lahaait valaa afaway ria* 4. lahaaat valva ayaaai ria> tan ancavara aahaaat 4. lahaaat valva apaaay rlt>
laf |rt**an «laar« cyllnAar af flataa claara ayWaAar hif fiataa alaara cylhiAar 1af plalaa alaara cyttadar
of stationary services with which we are here concerned used to be the principal
outlet of Diesel engine manufacturing, but acceptance of this prime mover in
the railway, truck, and motor bus fields now accounts for a large share of the
output of engine builders.
The Diesel is an excellent prime mover for electrical generation in capacities
of from iOl hp to 5070 hp. As such, it is widely used by private industry, hotels,
utility companies, and municipalities.
The advantages of the Diesel engine are:
1. Low fuel cost.
2. No long wanhing-up period.
3. No standby losses.
* Difficulties in isothermal control, in addition to bulkiness of a Carnot engine caused
by its small mean effective pressure (thin cycle).
4. Uniformly high efficiency of all sizes.
5 Simple plant layout
6 Needs no large water supply
The Diesel can extract more work out of each heat unit than other engines.
For that reason it becomes an attractive prime mover wherever first cost is
written off slowly enough so that operating costs are influential Central sta¬
tion service is of that type On the other hand, the Diesel is not the answer to
all power supply problems Unlike the steam turbine, an increase of capacity
increases the plant floor area and cost nearly in the same proportion This fixes
Fig 6-2 Elements of the stationary Diesel engine It can be seen that engine parts
break down mto several groups (1) structural parts—^bedplate, frame, liners, heads,
(2) major moving parts—piston, connecting rods, crankshaft, and their respective
bearings, (3) arrangements for getting air m and exhaust out—valves, valve mechanism,
manifolds, scavenging and supercharging systems, and (4) fuel-mjection system—
pumps, nozzles, control devices
an economic limit to the size of Diesel central stations. Also, the steam plant is
not necessarily inefficient compared to the Diesel. Large steam central stations
have net thermal efficiencies nearly as high as that of the Diesel. Another objec¬
tion to the Diesel is the exhaust noise. Proper exhaust silencers can minimize
this fault.
Where fuel prices or reliability of supply favor oil over coal, where water
supply is limited, where loads are relatively small, and where electric line
service is unavailable, or is available at too high rates, there one will frequently
find informed engineers recommending Diesel engine power.
6-2 Diesel Engine Power. The ideal thermal cycle of the Diesel engine
is illustrated in Fig. 6-3. Beginning with the working medium at state 1, it is
first polytropically compressed to state 2, then heat is added during a limited
isobaric expansion, after which a polytropic expansion to the initial volume
reduces the pressure to state 4. The ideal work produced by the cycle is repre¬
sented by its area, and the mean effective pressure is its average height.
Polytropic processes 1-2 and 3-4 in the ideal cycle are isentropics with air
as the fluid. Thus, for the air standard performance, n = 7 = 1.4
The ideal air standard efficiency,
Example 1: An air standard Diesel cycle will be analyzed for state of the working
fluid and performance.Using the nomenclature of Fig. 6-3, state 1 is at 0*9 kg/emSab and
27* C. The volume quantity is that of a single-cylinder engine with 25 cm bore and
38 cm stroke. It will be assumed that, after a compression sufficient to produce 638*C ,
heat is added during the first 10% of the working stroke. Equations of polytropic
processes in Appendix Fig. A-17 are used wheic necessary without further reference,
Ratio of compression, r = Vi/th = = (8n/300)^/.4 s= 12.0
pi/Pi “ = 12^*^ = 32.4; — 29.2 kg/cm* ab
The piston displacement {vx — 1^2) = 12 5*it x 38/10 s0.01865 m*
Clearance volume, V2 - \vx — V2)/{r — 1) = 0.01865/11-Ob. 0.00167 m*
Vi == 0.01865 + 0.00167=0.02032 m*
Net work done per cycle = 5.83; X10* X 0.01865 = 1087 kg-m
1 r
Ideal thermal efflciency. i?i = 1
1.4x12-* L 2.12-11 J A K£t
* As a check, investigate the isometric process 4-1. pjpx should equal 7\/Tx\ 2.54/0.9
=* 856/300 *2
The outstanding characteristic of the Diesel engine is compression ignition.
It is possible to raise the air sufficiently in temperature, by polytropic compres¬
sion, to ignite hydrocarbon fuels. Control of ignition timing is obtained by in¬
jecting fuel into the air after the compression. Atomization rather than carbure-
tion is employed for dispersal, and inexpensive low-volatile liquid fuel, such as
petroleum distillate, can be used in place of the gasoline of spark ignition
engines. Timing of combustion is accomplished by timing of fuel injection. The
extent of compression required for ignition may be understood from Fig. 6-5.
Here the volumetric compression ratio is shown plotted against the pressure
and the temperature at the end of compression, assuming n = 1.35 rather than
the ideal 1 4. The effect of initial p and t is considerable. For example, a super¬
charge of about 0.2 kg/cm* ab over the naturally aspirated suction pressure of
about 1 kg/cm*ab raises the pressiiie at state 2 by 8 kg/cm* when the compression
ratio IS 14. Even more significant it. the initial temperature. At r = 14, adecreaseof
suction temperature from 15° to 18"'Glowers final compression temperature from
452 to 369*^0 The graph a Iso will explain wny relatively high compression ratios
are inbuilt by Diesel manufacturers. Assume an initial air condition of 15® C.
Then, for the typical ignition data given, a compression ratio of 11 7 would be
needed (intersection of ignition and compression temperature curves). This
would allow no margin over variables such as lower inlet temperature or air
leakage. An engine with r = 11.7, using this fuel, would not have reliable igni¬
tion. Some margin of assurance of ignition is necessary. If this were set by the
designer as 115®, then a compression ratio of about 15 is indicated, for at this
ratio the compression temperature is
115® above the fuel ignition tempera¬
ture. It is hoped that the foregoing
discussion will have pointed up the
problem of compression ignition and
disclosed the variables involved.
The mechanical heart of the Diesel
is the fuel injection system. The en¬
gine can perform no better than its
fuel injection system. A very small
Fiu. 6-6 Two type's of common-rail injection. Left. A single pump supplies high-
pressure fuel to header; a relief valve holds pressure constant. The control wedge ad¬
justs lift of mechanically operated valve to set amount and time of injection. Right,
Controlled-pressure system has pump which maintains set header pressure. Pressure-
relief and timing valves regulate injection time and amount. Spring-loaded spray valve
acts merely as check. (Courtesy Power.)
secured by (1) air blast and (2) pressure spray. Early Roekf arm
Diesel engines used air for fuel injection at about
70 kg/cni*.This is suflBicient not only to inject the oil,
but also to atomize it for a rapid and thorough com¬
bustion. The expense of providing an air compressor
and tank led to the development of ‘‘solid” injection,
using a liquid pressure of between 105and 210kg/cm^,
which is suflSciently high to atomize the oil it force§
through spray nozzles.
Great advances have been made in the field of
solid injection of the fuel through research and prog¬
ress in fuel pump, spray nozzle, and combustion Fig. 6-7 Unit injector.
chamber design. This has stimulated a trend to solid Mechanically actuated
pump plunger raises fuel
injection, and comparatively few new installations
to a high pressure, me¬
are foimd with air injection. ters the quantity and
The fuel injection system must pressurize, meter, controls injection tim¬
and time the fuel. These fimctions are achieved in a ing. Nozzle contains a
variety of ways, but the common rail, the individual spring-loaded delivery
pump, or the unit injector systems are usual on power valve actuated by
station Diesels. Although these can properly be classi¬ change in the fuel-oil
fied as internal characteristics, their great importance pressure. (Courtesy
to successful operation justifies reviewing them as is Power,)
done in accompanying illustrations.
Engine types in commercial use may be classified as follows:
1. Cycle, It is possible to build the
2-cycle engine without valve gear. The
absence of this feature is indeed the vir¬
tue of the 2-cycle principle. In the 4-cycle
engine the exhaust and inlet valves are
mechanically operated from a camshaft.
Since the Diesel engine is commonly rather
large, the valves are correspondingly large
in diameter and are operated from a mas¬
sive cam-shaft. The first successful Diesels
operated on the 4-cycle principle; then
2-cycle engines made their appearance. For
variable speed operation the 2-cycle engine
lacks tht flexibility of 4rcycle, but, for
electrical generation which is a constant-
speed service, it is quite successful. Its
capacity is not twice that of the 4-cycle
Fig. 6-8 Pump-injection ' system.
engine of the same dimensions because of
An individual pump or pump cylin¬
der connects directly to each fuel its lower volumetric efiiciency, but there is
nozzle. Pump meters charge and not much difference in thermal efficiency.
control injection timing. Nozzles 2. Number and arrangement of cylin-
contain a delivery valve actuated ders. It is customary to design a line of
by fuel-oil pressure. (Courtesy engines on the basis oi a fixed bore and
Power.) stroke, and to vary capacity by adding
cylinders. In-line arrangement is common, but increasingly the V-bank ar¬
rangement is seen.
3. Single^ or double-acting. The double-acting principle was adopted to ob¬
tain larger capacity than the single-acting without much increase in over-all
dimensions. Although chiefly used in marine service, there have been some
stationary applications. Most Diesels are single-acting.
4. Governing. Constant stroke with variable by-pass or suction, or variable
stroke. Governing is accomplished by control of the quantity of fuel oil spray.
The governor speed control is derived from centrifugal flyweights whose action
is to vary the metering function of the injection system. The load may be
divided at will between units. Governors are sensitive enough to permit exact
load adjustment. For electrical generation even the multicylinder engines
must be equipped with a heavy flywheel to prevent cyclic variation of speed.
5. Frames, (a) Horizontal or vertical; (b) A-frame or box-frame. A few
Diesels, chiefly single-cylinder engines, have horizontal cylinders, but general
practice prescribes a vertical or Vee engine. The box-type frame is standard.
Of all the questions which arise in purchasing an engine, the one least
amenable to precise analysis is the selection of the engine type. Some answers
are furnished by local requirements or prior usage, but any man with an under¬
standing of Diesel engines can And good and bad arguments for any type of
engine. The greatest assurance of success lies not in the type of an engine, but
in the details of design, materials, and workmanship, as proved by the engine’s
record, by the manufacturer’s reputation, or both. An engine should therefore
be as conservatively rated in speed and mean effective pressure as the purchaser
can afford to use. Crowding a high horsepower rating into a given engine lowers
the cost per horsepower and shortens the life of the engine. Every step in the
direction of simple design, if proved successful, is an advantage for the pur¬
6-3 Combustion. In the previous chapter the nature of fluid fuels was
examined and the principles of combustion were presented. Here the special
features of combustion as carried out in the Diesel engine cylinder are to
receive attention. However, first it appears desirable to repeat and summarize
the equations pertaining to fuel oil.
j, / Dtpth of jtt
Fig. 6-9 Schematic analysis of the disintegration of a fuel jet. (Courtesy Trans, SAE,)
N >
««“ A per power stroke if the same maxi¬
mum temperature limit is to prevail.
The power output is therefore re¬
duced. Fig. 6-10 shows manufactur¬
er's practice in derating engines for
1 - A• altitude operation.
B- UNSUPERCHARGED __ Some of this loss of power can be
tt ) *5 VO 1*5 2-0 2<5 3^ 3« 4*0 4-5 avoided by using a- supercharger
Q. ALTITUDE ABOVE SEA LEVEL - THOUSAND nr with the engine, driven either me¬
Fig. 6-10 Decrease of power at altitudes. chanically from the crankshaft or by
(DEMA Data.) an exhaust gas turbine. Also super¬
charging is practiced on sea level
engines in order to raise their mean effective pressure. Substantial increases in
power per cylinder are possible.One manufacturerwho8e22.86ciDx30.46cmx450
rpm, 6-cylinder engine is rated at 197 hp is able to increase the sea level rating
to 313 hp with a turbo-supercharger and oil cooling for the pistons.
Combustion of Diesel fuel goes on in two stages, first an ignition delay stage,
then a stage of inflammation of the fuel-air mixture. For brevity, the actions
occurring in each stage are diagrammed in Fig. 6-11. The implication there is
that the process of combustion is complex. This is substantiated by research.
Although the whole delay period may be only microseconds long, its character¬
istics are quite influential to external operating characteristics of the engine,
such as detonation, starting, products of combustion, and smoothness of opera¬
tion. Injection must begin several degrees of crank angle before dead center, the
advance being governed by engine speed, compression temperature, spray
shape, delay period of the fuel, and other lesser factors. Following ignition
there is a rapid pressure rise during ^‘inflammation,” the extent of this being
inversely to the delay period, for the longer the delay the more fuel in the cylin¬
der to be suddenly inflamed. In an exaggerated case the pressure rise is sharp
enough to constitute an engine knock. Higher Cetane rating of the fuel is one
cure for this. After inflammation the incoming spray bums directly without lag.
Whether this final stage is at constant pressure or not depends on the rate of
nozzle flow.
-ignitiOR- -Rnol eombuftiofi •
•Otioy ptriod-
rnyticoi osioy *i*untniiccii OMay*i
•mini iTOtlon I
of tfroom of , Inflommoflon,
injoetod futi
Mlxin9 0^ I
liquid fuol
_ with oif
Mixturo of
products of
portiol oxidotionl
Mixmo iEFD or of thtrmol
with oir
Tomporoturs Tomporoturs
ond oxygon ond oxygon
-I'liii iiiimni] I coneontrotion
fovoroMo unfovorohit
for for complots|
combustion combustion
ond owor-rleh
mix turns)
(ts of
Fig. 6-11 Outline of combustion process in the Diesel engine. (Courtesy Trans. SAE.)
Products of combustion are theoretically CO2, H2O, and N2, but, as Fig. 6-13
shows, the products may contain carbon monoxide, unbumed fuel, and the
(odoriferous) aldehydes. However, con¬
centrations of CO are never very much, PRESSURE, kg/cm* ABSOLUTE
and there is an absence of the H2, CH4,
and CgHe found in spark ignition en¬ FUEL CUTOFF
cyclic action in an actual engine modifies Fig. 6-12 Time record of the Diesel
the ideal cycle of Fig. 6-3. The diagram combustion process.
comers are no longer sharp, fuel must
be injected ahead of dead-center, etc. The forms of ^indicator cards,” which
are instrument-drawn p-t/’s from running engines, are shown in Fig. 6-14 for
both 2- and 4-cycle types.
A Diesel engine is used as a source of power which can utilize a relatively
Fig. 6-13 Products of combustion as affected by fuel-air ratio. CFR Diesel engine.
Note: IJI = 1 for clear exhaust; oo for opaque exhaust. (Courtesy Trans. SAE.)
cheap fuel. Therefore its power capacity and thermal efficiency are paramount
engineering considerations.
The developed cylinder power is the indicated horsepower, abbreviated, ihp.
After engine friction and accessory power needs have been satisfied, the net
power available at the engine shaft
is the brake horsepower, bhp, so
called because it can be (but nowa¬
days seldom is) measured by a brake
dynamometer. Indicated power is
difficult to measure directly on small
Diesels with great accuracy, because
Fig. 6-i4 Typical engine indicator dia¬ the volume of indicator lead through
grams. the cylinder head appreciably lowers
the normal compression ratio. Also,
the cylinder heads of small-bore high-speed engines have special chambers,
valves, and other equipment, leaving little or no space available for an indi¬
cator lead. Since none of these difficulties exists with the large stationary Diesel,
indicator openings are provided as standard equipment.
A hypothetical pressure, known as brake mean effective pressure, bmep, can
be employed to show the magnitude of mean effective pressure. The true pres¬
sure, pmep, is higher on account of engine friction losses.
engine performance 163
ibp - p„^ LANJ449 702hp (6-10)
bhp - 2wWrNI**9 702hp (6-11)
bmep = bhp Xi4S7(t2/LANpkg/cai^ (6-12)
in which pm.. — Indicated mep, kg/cai*.
L » Piston stroke,.un.
A = Piston face area, cm*.
Np = Number of power strokes per min.
Indicated thermal efficiency, rja = —(6-13)
4- 44-' 4“
1 si L. _ — ___
5° — --—
— __— _ U Wd '#i fd
fi rm JT. WA fM w, WA fM WA fM
^33 -- - -- ~\'d
8* il-
ss m
tti X *
-OiMvlft ought not to bo
-oporotod continuously i
JjffLJL.U-LJJU_U_l 1
for long poriodo of \
.timo in this load rang#
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 IOC
H) 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100
Fig. 6-18 Auxiliary equipment of the Diesel engine power plant.
6-5 Plant Design. The I.C. engine is almost a self-contained prime mover
in that it requires very few auxiliaries beyond those built onto the engine by
the manufacturer. Although '-oine are built as complete power units on a single
base, this is not cu.^-tomary if the engine is a stationary type Diesel designed
for liigh-cafiaeity-factor service in a power station. Fig. 6-18 shows the usual
auxiliary eciuipmcnt that must be selected and worked into the complete plant
by the power plant engineer.* These auxiliaries may be grouped into the follow¬
ing systems: (1) fuel supply; (2) cooling; (3) intake and exhaust; (4) lubrica¬
tion; (5) starting.
It is common practice to set the engine generator units in a power plant on
♦ A few of the auxiliaries shown are standard equipment furnished by the engine manu-
faeturer. Standard Prartirvs, published by DEM A, conlains a complete list of the standard
cquipnu'nt which the engine irmnufacturere propose to furnisli. In genc’ral it does not in¬
clude any apparutas which might require different treatment for different installations.
parallel center-lines. As the average plant has two or more engines, the parallel
arrangement leads to a building of somewhat square shape. Ample clearance
should be allowed in the layout for dismantling of the engine, generator, and
exciter. Manufacturers* prints indicate extreme dimensions for removal of
rotors, pistons, etc.
Engine foundations were described in Chapter 4. The heavy reciprocating
parts of the Diesel will cause objectionable vibration unless sufficient foundation
mass is provided. It is better to err on the side of too large a foundation than to
have complaints of vibration, because nothing can be done about it after the
foundation is poured and the engine is in place. Foundations of engines in the
basements of hotels, and in similar locations wliere any vibration transmitted
from the foundation would be undesirable, must have the foundations insulated
from the rest of the building by corkboard or vibration dampeners. For the
same reason, piping connections to the engine should be through short flexible
Power station engines are always direct-connected to their generators, usu¬
ally close-couidcd. The standard engine-type generator has its own bearings
and is connected by flexible coupling to the engine shaft, outboard of the fly¬
wheel. Flywheels are furni>hed with jacks for rotating the engine to its starting
position and for use when repairing or adjusting. Engines large enough so that
one man could not operate the manual device have pneumatic turning appara¬
Voltages i)referred for a-c generators from about 100 to 600 kw are either
480, 600, or 2400 v. Larger units may go up to 4160 v. Excitation is at 125 v d-c,
with the exciters being belt-driven to increase speed, thereby reducing physical
size. The relation between number of electrical poles ??, the frequency /, and the
rotative speed N is:
N = 120///? rpm (6-15)
(4) to determine what fuel supply is available, viz., size of deliveries, as well as
their frequency and reliability. Then the design of the fuel supply system is an
arrangement of equipment and piping to accomplish a flow described briefly
thus: Delivery from tank car or truck through the unloading facility to main
storage tanks, thence by transfer pumps to smaller service storage tanks from
which the fuel passes through cleaning equipment to the engines which bum it.
This main flow, so described, is made workable and practical by arranging the
piping equipment with the necessary heaters, by-passes, shut-offs, drain lines,
relief valves, strainers and filters, flow meters, pressure and temperature indi¬
The actual flow plans depend on type of fuel, engine equipment, size of plant,
etc., and are quite varied as they are subject to engineers’ individual ideas.
Most arrangements, however, can be classified as:
1. Simple suction system by means of engine-driven pump from service
tank locat^ near engine and few feet below it. Such pumps are constant volume
delivery, and an overflow line is required back to the tank.
2. Transfer system by which a motor-driven transfer pump moves oil from
main storage to an elevated service tank, sometimes called a day tank, from
which it can flow by gravity to (a) engine injection pumps or (b) engine
auxiliary oil pump.
3. Like the preceding, a transfer to a
day tank with gravity flow to a small en¬
gine oil tank from which the engine pump¬
ing system takes what it needs.
The volume of oil storage should be
suflBcient so that the maximum rate of fuel
consumption in the plant will not empty
the storage during the expected period be¬
tween deliveries. Truck trailers can usually
drop 11300-19900 1 at a delivery. Railway
tank cars vary from 30300 to 45400 1 in
capacity. Whether the tank shall be located
above ground or below is a matter of local
conditions, including method of oil delivery,
local ordinances, building location, etc. The
National Board of Fire Underwriters has
regulations covering the construction and
installation of fuel oil storage tanks, as do
Fig. 6-21 Service tank for gravity many local authorities. Comparison of ex¬
fuel supply to engine. posed vs buried tanks reveals the following
Exposed Tanks Buried Tanks
Cost of excavation is avoided. Oil can be delivered by gravity.
Leakage is readily detected. Fire hazard is reduced.
Maintenance is easier. Plant grounds more easily landscaped.
Water and sediment are easily drained.
Horizontal welded steel tanks are quite common, the large-diameter, exposed
vertical tanks being seen only with very large plants. Exposed tanks are set on
concrete saddles and can have openings from the bottom as well as the top.
The buried tank, as shown in Fig. 6-20, has all openings on the top. More de¬
tails on storage tanks are given in Sec 12-6.
The number and size of tanks are established from the plant size, capacity
factor, and delivery schedules. It would be well to have sufficient tank capacity
to carry the plant for twice the normal time between fuel deliveries. Also the
Fig. 6-23 Multiple-unit fuel handling system. Relief, vent, drip, and other secondary
lines not shown.
auxiliaries external to the engine: pump, oil cleaners, oil coolers, storage and
sump tanks, gauges, and safety devices. It is quite common practice to have
enclosed crank cases which serve as oil sumps into which the oil supplied for
engine lubrication drains, and from which it may be withdrawn by a pump.*
As oil passes through the lubrication cycle it accumulates impurities in the
form of carbon particles, water, and metal scrap. Continuous reliable operation
may not be expected in a recirculating system unless definite attention is given
to oil cleaning. For this purpose filters, centrifuges, or chemical action have
been employt d. Typical of mechanical filters are cloth bags, wool felt pads,
paper discs, and cartridges of porous material. Many engineers prefer to rough-
clean the oil with simple screen type strainers, and then pass the oil through
high-speed centrifuges for ultimate cleaning. Centrifuging may be done by peri¬
odic cleaning of the entire charge of lubricating oil or by continuous cleaning of
a smaller fraction which is split off from the main flow and returned to the
crankcase after cleaning. In either case, the oil should be hot before being ad¬
mitted to the centrifuge.
The friction losses of an engine will appear in part as the heating of the
lubricating oil during its circulation throu^ the engine. This must be removed
by cooling the oil before recirculation. Ordinarily, not much over of the
^Deeoriptioiis of engme hibrioation systems are not posaible in this book. Many of the
oil refining companies publish excellently illustrated literature on this subject.
heat in the fuel will find its way into the lubricating oil. By assuming this and
taking the useful output as 30%, it would appear that the heat to be removed
from the oil would be (632.4 X0.025)/0.30 or 52.7 kcal per bhp per hr. Shell-and-
tube coolers are employed, generally being part of the engine equipment. The
water used to absorb the heat may be part of the engine cooling water.
Lubricating oil replacement is no small item of Diesel engine operating cost.
Data from several stationary power plants show an average consumption of a
gallon per 1600 kw hr generated at full-load rating. Thus lubricating oil con¬
sumption is about 1% of fuel consumption. The type and quality of the lubricat¬
ing oil are always specified by the engine manufacturer. In general, slow-speed
engines operate satisfactorily on a well-refined straight mineral oil, whereas
specially treated and fortified oil is required for best results in heavy-duty
medium-speed and in high-speed engines. An engine lubricating oil, in addition
to preventing metal-to-mctal contact, must dissipate heat from the upper
cylinder and bearings, wash deposits from the surface (detergency), and hold
them in suspension (dispersion). The qualities of “oiliness,’^ film strength, and
viscosity are produced by the selection and processing of the mineral oil base.
Resistance to oxidation and foaming, detergency, dispersion, and anticorrosion
qualities are provided by adding detergents and inhibitors to the straight
mineral oil.
Lube oil tests are (1) oxidation, (2) sedimentation, (3) acidity, and (4)
viscosity and viscosity index. The fourth item is a most important physical
property. It governs both manufacture and application of the oil. It is commonly
graded by viscosimeter tests, but reported as an SAE number. SSU viscosities
may be converted to SAE numbers by tabulations of which Table 6-2 is an
abstract. Most refining companies offer Diesel lubricants in SAE grades from
10 to 60 in ten-number increments. Viscosity index is an, empirical number
which rates the change in viscosity with oil temperature. This index was
originally established at 0 for asphalt base oils and 100 for paraffin base oils.
Toda^ome solvent refined oils have viscosity indices over 100.
yjntake and Exhaust Passages. A large Diesel engine requires no inconsider¬
able amount of air for combustion. An engine needsfromO 056 to 0.084 m® of air
per min per hp developed. In its natural atmospheric state the air will vary in
temperature and in dust content. An air intake system thus becomes a necessary
part of a Diesel plant installation, and this will include a suitable engine mani¬
fold in the case of multicylinder engines. The air system begins with an intake
SAE Number SSU at .U.4^C
Min Max
10 90 120
20 120 185
30 185 255
40 255
SSU at 98^9^0
40 80
50 80 105
60 105 125
located outside the building provided with a filter to catch dirt which would
otherwise cause excessive wear in the engine. In northern states, the outside air
may sometimes reach such low temperatures that it promotes misfiring at low
loads; consequently, the air intake system may need to have a heating element
using exhaust gas. The filters used may be conveniently classified by types as:
oil-impingement, oil-bath, and dry. The impingement type consists of a frame
filled with crimped wire or metal shavings. These are coated with a special oil
so that the air in passing through the frame and being broken up into numbers
of small filaments comes into intimate contact with the oil, whose property is
to seize and hold any dust particles being carried by the air. When in service,
the cleansing capacity of this type of filter becomes j^rogressively exhausted,
and it is necessary periodically to refresh it by removing, washing, and re-oiling.
In the oil-bath type of cleaner, the air is swept over or through a pool of oil so
that the particles of dust become coated. The air is then caused to flow through
a filter, which retains the oil-coated dust particles. The dry type of filter is made
of cloth, felt, glass wool, etc. The effect of such filters is to catch dirt by causing
it to cling to the surface of the filter material. This type also needs to be cleaned
at intervals, the period between cleanings being governed by the amount of air
which has been used by the engines and the dust concentrations in it. Occa¬
sionally engine noise may be transmitted back through the air intake system to
the outside air. In such cases, a silencer is required between the engine and the
intake. Lightweight steel pipe is the material for intake ducts.
The exhaust system also requires the attention of the designing engineer
because, although the engine manufacturer will provide an exhaust manifold
for the engine, the plant designer must arrange for connection of the manifold
to a suitable exhaust system which will convey the exhaust gases to the atmos¬
phere with proper provision for the following:
1. Silencing of the exhaust noise to the required degree.
2. Discharge of the exhaust sufficiently high above ground level.
3. High temperature of the exhaust gas, which may necessitate water-cooled
exhaust lines or special high-temperature materials.
4. Expansion and contraction due to changes in temperature between the
extremes of full load and cold.
6. Possible by-product heat utilization. Where the exhaust is to be employed
for building heating, or other sources of heat, such conditions necessarily modify
,the exhaust system.
6. Arrangement of the exhaust system to minimize the back pressure created
by the exhaust system itself. (Header pressures ought not to be over 0.143 to
0.21 kg/cm‘ gauge pressure.)
7. Isolation of engine vibration from building and muffler system by use of
a flexible section of exhaust pipe.
The exhaust system must carry approximately 0.168-0.224mVniin of gases
per hp developed, this volume being at the average exhaust temperature.
Where the exhaust from a single cylinder of a 2-cyole engine is carried a dis*
tance to the header, there is some possibility of resonance of pressure wave
creating some impairment of engine operation. This may need investigating in
some instances, but is of little importance in the case of 4-cycle engines or 2-cycie
multicylinder engines having an .engine manifold.
Muffling of the exhaust noise is the main problem met in the exhaust system.
This is done in a silencer usually located outside the building. It is customary to
provide individual silencers for each engine. They may be of cast iron, sheet
steel, or concrete, the latter being simply
pits provided with baffles. A pipe or stack
slightly smaller than the exhaust line should
extend vertically from the silencer and
carry the gases above the building roof.
Commercial silencers, built by firms spe¬
cializing in acoustical engineering, are
usually made of steel. Several principles are
to be found in the types now available on
the market. Some operate by absorption
of pressure waves by acoustical material;
some by expansion through carefully de¬
signed inner chambers in the silencer body;
and some by providing baffles, or in other
ways creating internal friction. All designs
of silencers must necessarily create some
back pressure.
One system of supercharging, the Buchi,
Fig. 6-26 Exhaust-driven super¬ becomes part of the exhaust and intake
charger. systems. In order to obtain increased power
from an engine the intake air is pressur¬
ized. This has been covered in Sec 6-3. It is practiced mainly with 4-cycle
engines and by an exhaust-gas-turbine-driven centrifugal compressor. The
construction of this unit is shown in an accompanying figure. The single-
stage turbine and comnressor wheels'are mounted on the same shaft, uncon-
nected externally. Exhaust gas passing through the turbine develops the power
to give the combustion air an initial plenum of 381-508 mm. Hg. Typical location
of the supercharger is illustrated in Fig. 6-33. Sometimes mechanically driven
blowers are used for supercharging, but the presence of such does not neces¬
sarily mean a supercharged engine, for all but the slow-speed, crankcase-
compression, 2-cycle Diesels require blowers for scavenging air.
Starting LC. Engines, The cycles of these engines must be externally moti¬
vated until the essentials of fuel-air-ignition are correlated and power ensues.
Spark-ignition engines are employed mainly in the smaller sizes—on auto¬
motive and portable equipment where the compression ratio to be overcome in
cranking is only 5 to 7. Hand and electric motor (6-12 v d-c) cranking are
The high compression pressures of the full Diesel make it difficult to start
even the smallest Diesels by hand cranking and, in general, Diesel engines must
be started by a mechanical cranking system. Compressed air, electric cranking
motors, and auxiliary gasoline engines are used. Large stationary Diesels are
started with compressed air.
In addition to compressed air for starting, the air injection types require an
injection air system; also some solid injection types have a scavenging air sys¬
tem. A mechanical injection engine, having no air compressor cylinder as an
integral part, requires the separately driven compressor for starting air.
Two or more compressed air storage tanks, or ^‘bottles,are provided. A
small compressor is installed either as a normal or emergency supply of com¬
pressed air to recharge the storage tanks. An air injection engine has an integral
compressor, and air may be bled from the injection system for the purpose of
recharging the starting tanks. Starting air pressure needs to be between 14 and
42 kg/cm^.
During the starting period, compressed air is admitted to one or more of the
engine^s cylinders. This powers the engine much the same as steam works in a
steam engine. The injection pumps are inoperative while speed is being gained
under air power. Then air is turned off, and oil injection is started while the
engine '^drifts” on its momentum. An engine in proper condition will fire im¬
mediately if it is a high-compression type with considerable margin of assurance
of ignition. When cold, the oil engines with lesser compression ratios and smaller
cylinders require the use of expedients such as electric glow plugs in the cylin¬
ders, continued operation by external power from a gasoline engine until
warmed by the heat of compression, or auxiliary flame heaters for the intake air.
Cooling System. The temperatures existing inside engines would disintegrate
the film of lubricating oil on the cylinder liners and otherwise render the engine
unserviceable by warping of valves, pistons, etc., were they not cooled by circu¬
lating water through jackets surrounding the heated parts. The operation of
cooling and recirculating this water accounts for much of the plant auxiliary
equipment. Small engines may be served with a cellular heat exchanger,^
through which the air is drawn by means of a fan, the water being broken up
by the flow through the radiator cells into numerous small streams offering
large surface exposure and being rapidly cooled by the conduction of heat to
the air. Although this is a compact form of heat transfer equipment for small
^ Often erroneously called a "radiator.”
engines, it is inferior to evaporative cooling for power plants. Cost, bulk, an4
auxiliary power required all favor the latter.
The calculations necessary to determine the amount of cooling water re¬
quired are simple. The most difficult part is to fix upon the jacket inlet and
outlet temperatures. If the water is too cold, the efficiency suffers; and it
should not rise above82.2*Goiiherwise there may be danger of insufficient cool¬
ing with resulting failure of the lubricating film. The theoretical limits might
be put at 37.8® inlet to65*6® outlet, giving a27*8®rise. As a matter of fact, more
uniform thermal conditions are obtained by circulating the water more rapidly
than that would indicate. An examination of current practice discloses the fact
that temperature rises in actual use vary all the way from IT to 27.8®, with a
majority in the range from 19.4® to 25® rise. Inlet water temperatures are gen¬
erally from26.7®to32.2®and outlet temperatures from 43.3° to 54.4®*
If 30% is taken as the thermal efficiency and 32% as the loss to cooling
water, then the weight of water per hour per brake horsepower is
631.1 IX 0.32
kg per hr per hp
{ti - ii) X 0.30
From this comes the following equation relating cooling water to brake horse¬
Fig. 6-28 Closed cooling water system using soft water coolers and spray pond.
ture serve to break up a stream of water released at the top of the tower so that
it rains down through the air currents and is evaporatively cooled. This type is
not often used with Diesel plants.
The cooling tower in Fig. 6-27 is on natural draft. Air circulation is obtained
through the levity of a confined column of warm air. The performance of these
is best with high water temperatures
WARM AIR OUT and if built as a high structure. They
-ELIMINATORS are fairly common as adjuncts to small
With a fan providing dependable air
movement, a cooling tower does not
SLATS TO AID have to be as high as with natural draft.
WATER EXPOSURE According to the fan location, the
AIR IN AT tower is classified as forced or induced
WATER ‘ ‘ ATMOSPHERIC draft. The principle is explained and a
HUMIDITY typical cross-section shown in accom¬
a ** I panying illustrations. When this cooler
is built entirely of steel, including a
CATCH BASIN MOTOR 6RIVEN heat exchanger for cooling the water of
Fia. 6-29 Principle of forced-draft cool¬ the engine circuit, it is called an “evap¬
ing tower. orative cooler.” With sheet metal ducts
arranged to lead air to and from it, this
cooler may be located indoors in engine rooms, utility rooms, etc. It has some
use in Diesel practice, but most coolers are either natural or forced draft out¬
door towers.
Some sensible heat is transferred from water to air in the tower, but the
latent heat of evaporation of the water vaporised is the main source of heat
transfer. The degree of cooling action is limited by the vapor that can be ab¬
sorbed before the air reaches saturation humidity at its leaving temperature.
Counterflow principle is employed because the natural direction of air being
heated is up-flow whereas gravity assists the down-flow of water. The outgoing
air comes in contact with the warmest water, thus giving it the maximum
capacity to absorb vapor.
The water vapor carried by air is determined by hygrometry, customarily
with wet-and-dry bulb thermometers such as the sling psychrometer. With
psychrometric charts (see appendix) these temperatures can be converted into
humidity data. The chart can be used to obtain relative humidity (a percent¬
age) and specific humidity, i.e., the water vapor in kg per kg dry aii The
following symbols will be employed in explaining the cooling action.
This enters the tower at 48.9*C. The theoretical maximum humidified state of the air
leaving is 48.9°C at 100% humidity. This cannot be obtained as actual performance.
There will be a temperature difference of several degrees: the smaller and cheaper the
tower, the greater this temperature differential. Also it is not possible to achieve a fully
saturated state on the outgoing air. Assume here a 0.0* differential and 90% outgoing
From a psychrometric chart (Appendix) at 29.4® dry bulb and 21.1® wet bulb tem¬
peratures SHi = 0.0123 kg and = 79098 j/kg. Since the final state falls out¬
side the limits of this chart, the following equations are provided.
actual cooling
Cooling efficiency =
theoretical cooling range
The Diesel indicator diagram, such as that shown in Fig. 6-32, has compres¬
sion and expansion lines roughly polytropic in nature. The average value of
the exponent n for the expansion or compression curve is sometimes wanted for
the purpose of analyzing part of the engine performance. Theoretically the
same n should exist all along each curve. Actually heat transfer conditions
Type Ratiat at Net
4S0M.iC. W^t A B D K
(IjfJ m m mi
m m H >n
FB>13S 345
S.7IS soil 1 a-f1 tSffl en 0-61?
vaiae 430
BB5 i-W 44*0 03041la 4 1 l-BTZ Bt o«W
n-137 490 BUB! 6.359 m BSi 0-305- I^Q 1-372 EQ 0-6W
iMt &.o3a O'3o«'! 39 BS 1-37^ ra 0«<?
f8-13f 560
fgEi 0-9 O-W
. rt>1354C 525
Fl-136^ 1 63S
\ui7tt C-SOL b-oo ♦■«oj mtsss^ I17Z 1 104 oTg.^
2e<isc •7.010 9^ tio* [o»3oy 1 [Em x m 1 mi 0794^
n-iMC 1 tso 30m
Fig. 6-33 Dimensions of Nordberg 4-cycle unsupercharged and supercharged engines.
5, 6, 7, and 8 cylinders,S>,02f»ibore X4ieistroika. ^ '
radiation, and unaccounted” losses, then finding these by the difference between
heating value of the fuel and the sum of all other items.
Cooling loss is found by testing for quantity of cooling water flow and its
rise of temperature. Piston coolant, if employed, should be included, but not
lube oil cooling, as that is friction energy. Exhaust loss includes heat of the
weiit form, as well as the latent heat of water vapor in the products, which may
be taken as the difference between Qh and Ql* The quantity flowing may be
determined from an orifice box attached to the air inlet, or from exhaust gas
measurements which, coupled with fuel analysis, can give the air-fuel ratio.*
This ratio, used with the measured rate of fuel consumption, gives the mass flow
to the engine which necessarily is also that of the exhaust gas.
Fuel measurements for acceptance tests are required to be made by direct
weighing. Temperature and gravity of the fuel oil should be taken frequently
during a test.
Example 2: A Diesel-engine power plant was given a test of 45 min duration,
with results here given. The various performance quantities that these data fix will be
calculated. The engine is 8-cylinder, 2-cycIe, 37.47 om x 46.72 cm X 267 rpm, direct-
connected to a 760-kw generator. Electrical output was read by watthour meter, Wi
7562 kw hr, W2 8087 kw hr. Fuel quantity was measured by direct weighing,!S8.7 kg
for the run. Water flow by Venturi meter 1136 l/min in at 36®C , out at 46.1*1! . Average
fuel temperature, 23.0K!; S.G., 0.921. Atmospheric temperature, 1B.3*C ; exhaust gas,
398.9^0. Average mean effective pressure of indicator cards taken during t^, 6.73kg/om3
Power used for plant pumps, 4.0 kw. During the test exhaust gas analysis determined
that the Air-Fuel ratio was 26.62.
Power CcdculaHons:
Generator output == (8087 — 7562) X 60/45 « 700 kw
This is 93.4% of rated load. NEMA efficiency is 94.0%. Correction from Table 6-3 is
1.4%; net efficiency « 92.6%.
bhp = 700/(0.926 X 0.736) = 1026 hp
These calculations, equivalent to those for furnace combustion as set forth in Chap¬
ter 6, are not duplicated here.
Efficiency CaleidaHoM:
From Eq 6-13, i}ti 1648/(0.164 x 44100) » 86.6% based on Qh
From Eq 6-14, i;tb = 2648/(0.829 x 44150) « 27.5% based on Qt
Plant efficiency, ijp *= (700 — 4) x 8.6 x 104/(224.9 x 104 x 44150) ** 25Jt%
Engine mechanical efficiency, rim = 1026/1818 s 74.8%
746,270 746,870
4. Friotion, radiation and unaooounted for (diff) 216,900 04
1. Plot the cycle analyzed in Example 1, Sec 6-2, to scales of Icm^Skg/cm^ifandlQm
« 0.001*iii4 Calculate a similar cycle having same initial state, same r, and same
temperature at point 3, but with n = 1.35. Then superimpose a plot of this cycle on the
original example for comparison of pressures and areas.
2. A hypothetical Diesel cycle is to be plotted as was done in Prob. 6-1 for data
as follows: Pi, 0.9 kg/cm* ab; compression pressure, 88.7 kg/om* ab ; tj, 15.6’*C; R, 2J6if
n, 135; 85 om x 38 cm cylinders.
3. Using Prob. 6-2 data, calculate (1) ideal thermal efficiency (with n = 1.35 in
place of y), (2) mean effective pressure, (3) power from a 6-cylinder, 4-cycle, 327-rpm
engine operating on this cycle.
4. An ideal air standard Diesel cycle (except n = 1.35) begins with air at 4<rC,
supercharged to 1.2 kg/om4 ah, and attainsanefficieney of 47%. With the help of Fig '
6-5. determine compression ratio, minimum permissible suction air temperature, and
maximum temperature of the cycle for operation with a “margin of assurance’’ of
ignition of 83.3°C
5. Plot the air standard Diesel cycle beginning with pj 1,02 kg/omt ab, 32.2*D, Vi
0.028 m4. Max. cycle temperature, 1927^0; r, 15.Scales: lom^ 3 kg/om4 icm == 0.002m4
^d work done per cycle, and i^.
6. The specific gravity of oil tested at 29.4^0 is 0.852. Find its API degrees.
7. How many heat units are there in a standard 16.6* litre of fuel oil? When this
was tested at 6.6®C ,a |5.6®hydrometer sank to the 0.896-specific gravity level.
8. Estimate the Ql of 18® API fuel oil.
9. Using median data from Fig. 6-15, find the oil storage volume, in» , needed for
a two-week supply of 25® API fuel oil to operate a 1014 hp engine 70% of the time at
full load, 10% at % load. It is idle 20% of the time.
10. The load curve given in Prob. 2-13 is to be- considered typical for a plant con-
* This is jCp for the 18.8-399**C range for typical exhaust gas. Method of estimating
average Cp of products of combustion is given in Chapter 5.
@ Heat balance worked out in koal/hr.
t Multiidier for conveiting J/g to kcal/kg.
taining two 350-kw and one 600-kw Diesel engine generators. With help from Fig. 6-15,
estimate the litceB minimum daily consumption of 20*" API oil. Compute the average
daily thermal efficiency.
11. Find the higher and lower heating value per litre of distillate fuel oil of some
assumed, or assigned, API degrees.
12. An engine on test developed bhp steadily for 30 min during which it con¬
sumed 15.84 kg fuel. This same fuel when tested at 28.9®Cwith.a 15.6* hydrometer, showed
S.G* of 0.905. Calculate thermal efficiency, based on bhp and Q^.
13. Write "the ideal combustion reaction of fuel oil considered as C^eHao; a^iso the
reaction with sufficient air to yield A:F ratio of 40:1.
14. Find the percent excess air represented by 32:1 A-F ratio with Cetane as the
15. The air flow to aDiesel engine is measured as 87.66jn>/fiilii at is.S^C 1.02 kg/om* ab
at a time when the fuel flow is 1*02 kgper min. Assume that the fuel is CieHsoand deteiv
mine the percent excess air.
16. Assume that the cycle analyzed in Ex 1, Sec 6-2, is produced with a fuel of
Qj^ z= 41870 J/g per lb. Assuming Cp = 1.06 J/g®C, find A:F ratio.
17. What ideal thermal efficiency is possible from a Diesel having r = 15, A:F =
40:1, Ql = 42800 J/g? Take Cp = 1.06 J/^C, = 16.6®C.
18. A 89.87 om x 66.88 om X 327-rpm, 16-cylinder, 4-cycle stationary Diesel engine
is connected to a 3125-Kva (80% power factor) generator. It also drives a 30-kw
exciter. Assume a gefficiency of 92% and determine bmep at rated load.
19. Specifications of a 4-cylinder, 4-cycle gas engine are 10.16omxl6.24om 900 rpm.
Mechanical efficiency, 86%. Find the kw output of a direct-connected generator of 90%
efficiency, when the indicated mep is 7.78 kg/om*.
20. An engine-type generator with 30 poles generates 3-phase, 60-cycle current at
600 V. Its rated output is 4(X) kw. Engine specifications: 40.64oinx 60.8cm. Find the brake
mep existing when line current is 360 amp; power factor, 0.8.
21. Estimate the electrical power output ot a unit consisting of a 1270-bhp, 277-rpm
Diesel engine direct-connected to a 60-cycle, 2400-y, 0.8 power factor generator.
22. Make a scaled layout, plan and elevation, of a Diesel power plant as assigned
or, alternately, to carry the load described in Prob. 2-13. No auxiliaries need be shown.
Proportion engine foundations in accordance with principles of Chapter 4. Use informa¬
tion from Figs. 19, 25, and 33 of this chapter.
23; Diagram a fuel oil supply system suitable for the plant of Prob. 6-22, and
determine (1) storage tank requirements; (2) day tank sizes based on 6 hr running
capacity at 50% use factor. Monthly deliveries by trailer truck.
24. Find lytb and bmep of an 8-cyIinder, 4-cycle Diesel engine which is direct-con¬
nected to a 2300-v, 3-phaM generator rated at 1250 kw. Engine specifications are 89.87 om
x66.88om X 327 rpm. During a test this imit used 269.6 kg fuel oil of 44660 J/g heat¬
ing value. Wattmeter readings at the start and finish ot the one-hour test were 25,156
and 26,378 kw. For electrical efficiencies use NEMA data, corrected by Tabfe 6-3.
25. Diagram the three fuel supply systems described in Sec 6-6.
26. Estimate the fuel storage tank capacity for a Diesel plant having 5000 kw
installed capacity. Expected plant capacity factor, 55%. Fuel contract is to be made for
smi-monthly delivery, but allow 100% extra for contingency. Also determine the gpm
transfer pump capacity.
27. Find the necessary litres capacity of a day tank large enough for 4-hr full-load
operation of the engine described in Prob. 6-24. Assume an average fuel rate from Fig.
28. Diagram a fuel supply system for a plant having one engine with supply from
day tank, two storage tanks, fuel delivery from tank truck. Include all necessary
meters, filters, pumps, etc.
29. Cooling water for a 607 hp Diesel engine is pumped to a cooling tower at 00*
C. It is desired to cool the water to a maximum temperature of 37.8° under an atmos¬
phere condition *of 82.2° dry bulb temperature, 27.8° wet bulb temperature. Find re¬
quired capacity and efficiency of the cooling tower.
30. A Diesel plant has a cooling system employing a cooling tower that loses to the
atmosphere approximately 6% of the wafer circulating. When the two 507-hp engines
are operated at full load on an average day the tower cools the water from 54.4' to 35°.
What should the capacity of a water softening plant for the makeup be, in l/min -
31. Diagram the water cooling system of the plant of Prob. 6-22. Include forced
draft cooling tower, shell-and-tube heat exchanger, raw water softener. Determine I/min
flow in various parts of the system. Tower cooling efficiency, 70%. Design wet-bulb
temperature,22.2°0. Engine cooling water discharge, 65.6°C ; inlet, 43.3°C . Tower inlet
water 6(fC.
32. Repeat Prob. 31 for a plant containing one 600-hp engine.
33. A cooling tower, needed in conjunction with an I.C. engine plant, will be re¬
quired to cool 681 l/min water at 65.6°C entering temperature. Atmospheric pressure,
1.03kg/om»; dry-bulb, 27.8°C; wet-bulb, 22.2°C. Forced draft tower with 68% cooling
efficiency. Calculate make-up (15.6°C) flow, air flow, and estimate fan power. Assume
air out of tower at 60°C , 90% humidity.
34. Find l/min loss of water due to evaporatively cooling an inlet flow ofi704]/mir.
water in a cooling tower from 60°C to 48.1°C. Atmospheric dry-bulb, 26.7°C; wet-bulb,
21.rc. Air discharge at 67.2°C ; 95% humidity. No make-up.
35. The p-r diagram of a 2-cycle Diesel engine is given herewith by coordinates.
This engine has 4.5 R-C ratio. Construct its p-v cycle grajihically.
T-sec 0 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.64 1.68 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.96
p-kg/om< ah 1.09 1.23 1.79 2.95 3.59 6.68 13.15 25.31 29.88 33.4 33.75 33.04 31.71 30.94
T-sec 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.3 3.33
36. Solve Prob. 34 altered to include makeup of evai)oration losses with water at
37. The following are coordinates taken from the expansion portion of an I.C engine
cycle. By means of logarithmic plotting find the average polytropic exponent r?.
p, kg/om<ab 35.15 28.12 18.98 7.03 3.52 1.76
V, m* 0.00255 0.00340 0.00425 0.00878 0.01501 0.02832
38. Analyze an assigned indicator diagram for the average polytropic n for both
expansion and compression curves.
39. The shop test of an engine whose record is here reported was made for heat
balance. Calculate a four-item balance. Dynamometer torque, 651 kg-m at 450 rpm.
A:F ratio, 27:1. Speed, 450 rpm. Temperatures: Atmosphere, 26.7°C exhaust gas,464.4°
C; coolant in, 65°C ; out, 66.7°C ; fuel,28.9°C Fuel flow, 87 kg per hr; coolant flow (c
= 1), 98 gpm. Hydrometer test of fuel oil, 0.945 S.G.
40. The following readings were taken during a 60-min test at steady load of 300-
rpm Diesel engine—generator unit rated at 650 kw. Initial fuel meter reading, 14.0154
m4 final. 14.1811 m* . Initial watthour meter, 86,547 fcw hr; final, 87,002 kw hr.
Average temperatures: atmosphere, 4.4°C ; fuel, 16.6°C; exhaust gas, 416.7®0; cooling
water in, 46.1°C; out, 6l.l°C . Water flow, 549 l/min S.G. of fuel by hydrometer, 0.905.
A:F ratio, 22:1. Calculate a five-element heat balance, including electrical losses as one
item. Use NEMA efficiency data and Table 6-3.
7-1 The Gas Turbine. This type of prime mover derives its energy from
heat, commonly supplied by combustion. The products of combustion form
the working medium,* but the combustion region is external to the prime mover.
Hence the gas turbine is removed from the internal combustion machines of
Chapter 6, as well as from the external combustion cycles of Chapter 8 whose
working media are not the products of combustion. •
The industrially successful gas turbine power plant is relatively a newcomer
to the power field. Although gas turbines have been the subject of experimental
development for decades, only in recent years have there been gas turbine plants
of performance and cost that are commercially acceptable. The obstacle to
success resided principally in the condition that the plant uses approximately
70% of its prime mover output internally and, if all processes are not highly
efficient, the losses easily consume the potential net output, leaving the machine
unattractively inefficient. Early experimental plants sometimes failed to pro¬
duce any net output. Furthermore, good efficiency of the cycle used demands
high initial temperatures of the working medium. The manufacturer is con¬
fronted with a series of high-temperature problems of difficult solution. Com¬
mercial development followed when science and engineering had progressed
to where*
1. Manufacturers would build high-speed turbines for use with gases hot
enough to be incandescent ( 538®C and up).
2. The theory of blade action in turbines had developed to the point where
as much as 80% of the theoretically available energy could be converted into
shaft work.
3. High-speed air compressors of about 80% compression efficiency or better
could be built.
The aeronautical jet engine is a specialized gas turbine plant whose net
output is a kinetic propulsion jet of the working medium rather than shaft
work. The high-performance aircraft which could be made possible by an ex¬
tremely compact prime mover for jet propulsion interested governments in
expending large sums for development, much of which was to perfect the solu¬
tion of the three problems mentioned above. Some of the resulting know-how
has been beneficially applied to the manufacture and use of stationary gas
* This is not an absolute requirement of gas turbine plants, as will be shown.
turbine power plants. Although currently few in number, the prospects of in¬
creasing use of gas turbines in this field are considered sufficiently bright to
devote a short chapter to this type of stationary power plant.
At this point it is well to review the meaning of working process by reference
to Sec 1-3, for the critical action in any gas turbine plant is this process per¬
formed in the turbine. A reversible adiabatic expansion of a gas is theoretically
possible if the gas is made to pass through a properly shaped nozzle from a
region of high to one of low pressure. The ratio of high to low pressure will be
called the pressure ratio, whether the process is an expansion or a compression.
Actual expansions are almost reversible, there being but little friction or turbu¬
lence generated by nozzle action. The result of this process is a jet of gases con¬
taining high-grade mechanical (kinetic) energy. Turbine wheels have blades
onto which the jet is directed in order that this kinetic energy may be trans¬
formed into a blade thrust and thence to a shaft torque.
In the gas turbine a stationary nozzle discharges a jet of gas (usually prod¬
ucts of combustion) against the blades on the periphery of a turbine wheel,
as shown in Fig. 7-1. The jet is thereby deflected and slowed while the blades
receive an impulse force which is transmitted as a mechanical torque to the
shaft. The prospective jet speed is sometimes, sufficiently high to warrant divid¬
ing the expansion into a series of stages with a set of nozzles and a row of blades
in each stage, all blade wheels being mounted on the same shaft. By limiting
the gas expansion per stage, the blade speed and rpm of the shaft are suitably
decreased. Were the blades themselves so shaped as to be virtual nozzles, some
expansion would also take place in the gas as it went through the blading.
The latter would, in consequence, receive a ^'reaction thrust" distinct from im¬
pulse action. Many gas turbine designs have employed the reaction principle.
The heat made available for conversion to work during an isentropic work¬
ing expansion is
AA == CpAT (7-1)
the gas turbine 193
in which ■■ Mean specific heat of gases for the temperature range of the
expansi<m, J/g**C<
AT •= Temperature drop, *C.
Since gas turbines work with a high-temperature fluid medium, the best ex¬
perimental data should be used to establish the value of the specific heat.
Many special charts and tables are to be found in the literature of gas turbine
engineering. Here we will present only instantaneous specific heats derived from
good spectroeeopie data, these being for the products of combustion of an as-
l-Mi •S2
-4 *1
vjuuiMiMMmiiiii^siKsq 4 *30
•26 *
UU"' H *27 «
. irm
:;^if5eaiLa__ a ULUL • 25
I 400 600 600 1000 1200 UOO 160
275 . 11665
temperature, K
Fig. 7-2 Constant pressure specific heat for air and combustion products.
V.. _ r,..
shows that ideal reversible nozzle flow from pi, Ti, to pa produces the velocity
increase Vi to F2. Similarly, a reversible velocity diffusion from V2 to Vi would
produce a pressure increment Ap = pi — p2 and a temperature rise AT (= Ti
— T2). Thus, we have “total” quantities, which are the sum of the static quanti¬
ties and the increments representing the velocity. Using prefix t to designate a
total quantity,
th = h+ F*/2gJ (7-3)
tP = P (1 + ^ (7-4)
*Noie that this is not a basic thermal efficiency, but is more like ^^engine efficiency”
(see p. 367).
M = V/VygRT (7-6)
1 - (7-7)
ipi/pi) y
From Eq 7-7 one might draAv the conclusion that, for maximum 71, make pi/pi
maximum. But there is a temperature ceiling Ti for the cycle, set by the struc¬
tural limitations of the turbine. This impoees a limit on the pressure ratio that
can be used. Theoretically a pressure ratio of pi/pi — (Ti/Ti)y-^ would produce
the maximum efficiency, but it could not be tolerated because the useful work
of the ideal cycle then vanishes. Furthermore, the optimum pressure ratio
becomes less than (Tz/Ti)y-i when the turbine and compressor are given
realistic efficiencies.
To analyze the simple combustion gas turbine cycle the following nomen¬
clature is employed:
Wr>mc — T^c
To find the ratio pt/pi for this efficioacy to reach its highest value, replace
TTt and Wc with'lOZ^lhr andlQil^Ahc, reiq>ectivdy, but using as an ex¬
pression fw AA. Then
M ~ Tj) — CiiTt — 7*i)
’* eoCB(r, -
Consider c^, Tm, and. Ti constant, and use T4 » Tt(Ti/Tt) to eliminate 7*4,
thereby obtaining
(yrecn - ro(T. - ro
iKj(r.T, - T/)
By performing the operation diit/dTt «« 0, the value of 7s for maximum fix,
when 7*4 is fixed, is found to be contained in
(2i>Tifcri7*i)7*s — (7*1 — (1 — iKJ*rr)r4)7*s* *»* rrmcT^Ti (7-10)
Using 7*s obtained from this equation, the best pressure ratio is
ps/pi « (7*s/7’i)t-i
The closed cycle would be similar in appearance to the p-t; diagram of
Fig. 7-3. A high-temperature surface heat exchanger would take the place of
the combustion chamber. Combustion could be carried out in an external fur¬
nace, using coal if desired, for the products of combustion are kept separate
from the working medium. Likewise, a low-temperature heat exchanger would
accomplish the constant pressure cooling along process 4-1. Being in a com¬
pletely closed unit the gas could be employed at higher pressures, thus reducing
the size of the equipment needed. For example, a pressure ratio of 6 might be
incorporated into a cycle working between pressure limits ofl6«8and2.Bkg/cm*
The gas would not even need to be air, and it is likely that other media might
be found to be superior for the purpose.*
The closed cycle had not received commercial development in the United
States prior to 1950. Partially closed cycles have been built, but are involved
with compound units, a type discussed in Sec 7-4.
7-3 The Simple Gas Turbine Plant. Fig. 7-3 has indicated the princi¬
pal elements needed to produce power in such a plant. Fig. 7-4 shows how the
elements may be assembled compactly in a single machine. The illustration is
that of an open-cycle unit currently being offered commercially. It is rated at
3500 kw when connected through gearing which changes the 6700-rpm turbine
speed to 3600-rpm generator speed. At 704® C to 760^0 maximum gas
temperatures the thermal efficiency is approximately 15%. Atmospheric air is
compressed in the multi-stage turbocompressor at approximately 5.9 pressure
ratio. Air leaving the compressor flows into the multiple combustor (6 chambers)
’^Helium, for example.
* OoDsteot will bo 426,9 if mto in koal/kg.
Fio. 7-6 Rotors of the unit shown in Fig. 7-4.
where it bums the fuel necessary to produce the design temperature. Bunker
C (black) oil, pressurized and preheated, is fed in through air atomizer spray
nozzles. Ignition is by spark plugs located in two of the chambers, the other
chambers being ignited through cross tubes connecting them. Combustion is
self-sustaining, and spark ignition is used only during starting. Also, Diesel oil
is the fuel during starting and stopping periods of operation. Primary governor
control is by varying the fuel oil pressure to the nozzles. Secondary controls arc
provided to limit overspeed and maximum temperature. Upon leaving the com¬
bustion chamber the products of combustion are expanded to atmospheric
pressure in a two-stage gas turbine. The turbine and compressor rotors are
shown in Fig. 7-5. An extension of the generator shaft is connected to a 187 kw
electric motor which is needed for starting. Until a critical pressure is developed
by the compressor the unit is not self-energizing. This occurs at about 3400 rpm
in this unit.
Example 1: Some of the operational factors for a simple gas turbine plant will be
analyzed for a case where maximum permissible temperature is .760*^'and a fuel of
43156 J/g. lower heating value will be used. Other data are: atmospheric temperature,
26.7®C riT, 030; np, 0.78; combustion efficiency, 95%. Subscripts employed will refer to
state points on Fig. 7-3.
On the assumption that it is desired to use a pressure ratio that will yield the maxi¬
mum thermal efficiency, Eq 7-10 is first employed to determine T2.
* 1.118 = mean Cp, 621® to 1033®C range, for estimated / = 0.015, Fig. 7-2.
t Use of pa/p4 =; Pa/Pi, of course, is a neglect of pressure loss in combustor and exhaust
Wt - 101(1 +/)c^r, — r«) - los X 1.014 x i.i» (loas -'6w.4> kg^psr l(g air.
- loa^ (Ta - Ti) -> lot X 1.01S(47t.t - tOO) kg^ p«r kg •&.
Substitute in Eq 7*9 for thermal efficiency:
1.014 X I.IM X t4«.« X 0.M X 0.7S - l.Olt x 17t.t
Vt ---- - 17.8%
0.78 X 672.80
Including combustion losses, plant efficiency . 17.8 x 0.08 — 18.8%
Net output per^air flour. l.014 xi.188 x t4B.6x 0.80xlUi - i.oitx 178.2 x 10*/0>7S
• <880.8 - 881.1)10* . 90.1 x 10* J/kg.
/tir rate, lUi - 8.8M xl0*/00.1 x 10* - 88.7 kg pnr kp hr.
Fraction of turbine power used internally in the plant -i 881.1/880.8 0.801.
The actual exhaust temperature exceeds T4 because turbine leases reheat the gas. Actual
Oxhaust temperature » 1088 — (1088 - 886.4)0.80 ,=1 788‘K.
ft geared A.C.
steam plant. It is also superior to both in quantity of water used, for the simple
gas turbine plant uses almost no cooling water. However, large steam power
stations will be more compact and less expensive than had they been powered
with gas turbines.
The efficiency handicap is surmountable, at the expense of adding complexity
to the gas turbine plant. The principal refinements which accomplish this are
regeneration, intercooling, and reheat.
Regeneration is the transfer of heat energy from exhaust gases to compressed
air flowing between the compressor and combustion chamber. A surface heater
called the “regenerator” is required. Resulting cooler final exhaust gases repre¬
sent a reduction of waste heat.
Intercooling is the removal of heat from compressed air between stages of
compression. This reduces the internal consumption of turbine power by the
plant. Usually water-cooled surface coolers are employed. Ideally the objective
is isothermal compression, but actually plant designers must be with
staging, consisting of adiabatic compressions with intervening cooling.* Only
a few of these are economically practicable. The compressor must necessarily
be compounded, i.e., low- and high-pressure sections separately encased.
Reheating is the increase of temperature of partially expanded gas by burn¬
ing more fuel in it. It necessitates a compounding of the turbine, and a partner¬
ship with regeneration, for it raises the temperature of the turbine exhaust.
It is especially good for improving the efficiency of plants having high pressure
ratio but moderate maximum cycle temperature.
Fig. 7-7 Flow diagram of a regenerative plant having intercooling and reheat. Open
Fig, 7-8 Cyct^ for gas turbine plant with regeneration, intercooling, and r(‘heat. See
Fig. 7-7.
The foregoing indicates that the efficient gas turbine plant must be provided
with heat exchanger equipment, regenerator, intercooler, or both. The principal
requirements may be summarized as follows:
Regenerators Intercoolers
Gas-to-gas heat transfer Gas-to-liquid heat transfer
High temperatures Moderate temperatures
Lower coefficients of heat transfer than Water circuit required
for intercoolers (approx. 44 koal as Less heat to be transferred than for
against 73 kcal per hr m> ) regenerator
The extent to which one fluid is cooled while the other is heated is described
by the effectiveness of a heat exchanger. This is defined as follows:
Fig. 7-9 Flow diagrams illustrative of high-efficiency, open-cycle gas turbine plants
(See list of symbols in Fig. 7-6.)
variable load (Chapter 2). However, the a-c generator must be driven at con¬
stant speed. Part-load operations are more efficient if the compressor speed
can be varied; therefore, a two-shaft plant may be expected to be less adversely
affected by part-load operations, and the starting power required is considerably
less with divided shafts. For example, a commercial design of a 3500-kw,
single-shaft machine specifies 253.5 hp in the starting motor, whereas another
of SOOO kw, but a two-shaft design, has specification of 40.6 hpon the low-pressure
compressor shaft and 101.4 hp on the high. Divided shaft plants permit several
advantageous arrangements of the equipment for compound-closed cycle and
semi-closed cycle plants.
7-5 Field for Gas Turbine Power. The important application of gas
turbine power, so far as the average citizen is now concerned, is in the airplane
where the gas turbine plant is used either to supply gas for jet propulsion or to
drive an airscrew, as in the so-called turboprop engine. These are highly special¬
ized and very progressive applications due to their association with military
Fig. 7-10 Closed-cycle gas turbine plant. Possible thermal efficiency, 32%.
needs. Railway and marine propulsion are also fields of active experimentation
with gas turbines. Some operating experiences have been accumulated with the
gas turbine as a heavy-duty truck engine. But though less known to the public,
the application of the gas turbine to stationary power generation is the oldest
field of successful use and one in which steady progress is being made today.
This is especially interesting since these units must compete actively on a com¬
mercial basis with the highly perfected Diesel and condensing steam power
The likelihood of many variations from the basic simple cycle of Fig. 7-3
is implied by Sec 7-4. These variations, however, only begin to cover the pos¬
sibilities, for the gas turbine idea is amenable to advantageous combinations
with industrial heat-power needs, with steam plants, with pipe-line gas trans¬
mission, and many others. A few of the cases that could be mentioned are:
1. In place of the regenerator of Fig. 7-9 (C), a waste heat boiler could
generate industrial steam. The gas turbine could operate on an oi>en cycle, as
shown, or on a closed cycle, using as the gas precooler, ahead of the compressor,
a water heater or other low-temperature heat exchanger. Unbalance of heat
and power demand could more readily be met with the open cycle, for then, if
steam demands exceed those which waste heat will supply, an auxiliary oil
burner in the boiler could be used to make up the deficiency.
2. As an auxiliary to a large steam plant, the gas turbine plant could be a
simple unit whose exhaust heat was largely absorbed by heating steam-plant
feedwater, super-heating steam, or supplying steam for low-pressure station
3. Several combination steam turbine-gas turbine cycles have been proposed,
all highly interesting from the thermodynamic standpoint.
4. The extensive pipe-line transmission of natural gas now carried on in
this country offers a fertile field for the gas turbine as a drive to high-speed gas
compressors in the intermediate compressor stations required along the pipe
line. The same can be said for oil pipe-line pumping stations. These have been
powered by large reciprocating oil or gas engines.
5. The closed gas turbine cycle may become a suitable vehicle for the
nuclear power plant. Unless a feasible method of a large-scale direct conversion
of nuclear radiation into electricity
is found, any nuclear power scheme >100|
for electric generation must include I CLOSED
a heat power cycle for the conversion
of heat energy into mechanical
work. It would appear that the closed < ^§2=55^1— COMPOUNDED J
OPEN evae
gas turbine cycle operating on com¬ 60 I (TWOSHAFTI
ancing is the First Law of Thermodynamics. This
law is so‘generally employed and is so simple and
obvious that engineers often employ it without
thinking each time of its significance. The value
of the first law to heat balance calculations is
Figurt obovt shows
correct construction that, in the accounting for energy, simple addi¬
of 0 bronching hoot
stroom tions or subtractions may be used to account for
Figure of right
eontoins ssysrol of the total of heat, mechanical, or electrical energy.
the mistokss thot One way of showing a heat balance is in a tabular
form; another shows the energy as a stream, prop¬
erly branched and subdivided to indicate the
Fig. 8-1 Principles of heat distribution.
stream construction. A heat stream is often the best way to present
a heat balance, since it enables the reader to grasp
at once the relative magnitude of energy involved in the different sections of
heat-power equipment. To construct the diagram, one must have at hand a
calculated breakdown of all energy quantities, being sure to test the calcula-
* OonstHit will be 42(1.9 if la In kenl.
tions at all points possible for obedience to the aforesaid law. In other words,
one must be careful to account for aU energy. The widths of the heat stream
represent energy graphically so the scale could be any unit of energy. A com¬
mon basis, where combustion supplies the heat, is to consider the heating
value of the fuel as 100% and have the widths of the energy streams as per¬
centages of that heat.
Since stream width is energy, any tapering of the stream is in violation of
the first law. Streams may be split off or added together, but they may not be
tapered. Hence, where streams are to be curved, it is important that the same
center be used for both inner and outer arcs. Never use square comers for heat
streams, for the width perpendicular to the center-line would not be constant.
The performance of vapor cycle plants may be expressed in several ways.
The over-all thermal efficiency will probably convey the most meaning to the
novice who has a basic knowledge of thermodynamics and heat engineering
without much practical plant experience. On the other hand, the plant engineer
usually thinks in terms of his rate in Joule (or kcal) per iw hr, meaning
by that the number of Joule (or kcal) used to (xroduce one kw hn The Joule
(or kcal) are those represented in the heating value of the coal used, or diose
tnmsferred to the vapor cycle in the steam generator, deoending on the
purpose for which heat rate is stated.
Neither of these expressions is entirely descriptive of a power plant’s worth
in comparison with others in that they do not consider the eff^ of partial
capacity operation.
Sadi Camot, a French engineer of the early nineteenth century, during the
course of studies in natural philosophy recorded in a small brochure a descrip¬
tion of an ideal cycle. The basic soundness of his conclusions and the worth
of his cycle were not appreciated until after his death. Today his name is
perpetuated in the Carnot cycle. Although it has not been possible to constract
a practical plant operating on this cycle, it is of great value to heat power
theory. Its value resides in the high thermodynamic efficiency it possesses, the
highest, in fact, possible for any cycle operating between a heat source at
Ti °K and a heat rejection at Ta ‘’K. It is a standard of comparison for all other
cycles, whose possibilities may then be gauged by their approach to the Carnot
cycle efficiency, expressed by
The low efficiency common to all heat power cycles, including even the Car¬
not, may be understood if thought be given to the conditions which would be
required in order to make the value of igj 100%. Either Ti would have to be
infinitely large or Ta zero. As we can scarcely expect to work a plant at these
temperattire extremes, there is but little prospect of working the Camot cycle
efficiency much higher than it is now without some radical change, an event not
to be expected in the light of present experience.
Along with Camot and Joule, W. J. M. Rankine* is one of the pioneers of
heat power science. Rankine’s modification of the Camot cycle is the basis of
the modem steam plant, even though the Rankine cycle itself has been modi-
* Professor at the University of Qlasgow; b. 1820, d. 1872.
fied and changed with the passing of time. For instance, Cotterill perceived
that the extraction of some of the steam from an engine for the purpose of
heating the boiler feedwater nearer saturation temperature would result in
considerable gain over the simple Rankine cycle. This idea was first applied to
reciprocating steam engine plants, but it did not enjoy its present widespread
use until the advent of the high-capacity, steam turbine central station. This
cycle is called the regenerative vapor cycle and is now applied to nearly every
modem central station and to a great many industrial plants as well.
The reheating cycle is a logical outgrowth of the trend to higher pressures.
The reheat vapor cycle is designed to keep the steam dry throughout more of
the expansion. This is accomplished by removing the steam from the tur¬
bine or engine before it reaches the state of saturation, resuperheating it
and readmitting to the prime mover for further working expansion.
There is another class of cycles which might be termed multiple vapor cy¬
cles. In 1899 Josse used the steam-sulfur dioxide cycle; in 1913 Emmet began
experimentation with a mercury-steam cycle. These are binary vapor cycles.
In such cycles the heat rejected from the leading vapor becomes the heat ab¬
sorbed by the following vapor. Thus, there are two working media, one of
which absorbs heat from the fuel and rejects its unavailable heat to the other
which, in turn, rejects as unavailable heat at the lowest possible temperature a
certain proportion of that which it receives.
The reader’s attention is directed to a compilation of diagram symbols
carried in the appendix. Some of these will be frequently, but not exclusively,
employed in the flow diagrams by means of which the equipment connections
required for the various cycles will be here illustrated.
8-3 Rankine Cycle. The closed Rankine vapor cycle can be carried out
in four pieces of equipment which are appropriately joined with pipes for con¬
veying the working medium from one to another. The basic arrangement of
this, the simplest of all vapor cycles, is shown by Fig. 8-2. This ideal plant
consists of a steam generator which receives feedwater under pressure from a
pump, a prime mover in which to obtain the working expansion, and a con¬
denser to reduce the exhaust steam to liquid, ready for pumping.
A closed cycle plant wdinarily contains auxiliary equipment added for
economic reasons; hence wc turn to an open cycle for an example of the
simplest form of an actual steam power plant. Illustrated by Fig. 8-3, such a
plant has a boiler generating steam for an engine which then discharges the
waste steam to atmosphere, thus losing the fluid. Replacement water, however,
is taken in by the pump and pressurised for boiler use. Thus the condenser is
eliminated, but the cycle is open. A small refinement is the inclusion of a water
heater in which a small portion of the engine exhaust heat is salvaged by the
The efiSciency of such a plant is necessarily poor; yet for small amounts of
power it represents a type that has minimum invested capital and can be
operated in a successful manner by nonprofessional attendants.
When water is pumped into the boiler, it has the heat of the liquid, Af, in it
corresponding to its temperature. This temperature is that of the condensate
out of the condenser in an arrangement such as is shown in Fig. 8-2, but would
be the heated water temperature in case there is a heater. When vaporized by
the steam generator, this water has an enthalpy determined by its pressure and
quality, i.e., wet, dry, or superheated. The enthalpy entering the prime mover
is nominally the same as that leaving the steam generator. Call this enthalpy hi.
Fig. 8-3 Plant equipment for producing the open Rankine cycle.
In an ideal Rankine cycle the next action is an isentropic expansion to exhaust
pressure. Final enthalpy ^2 may be calculated after determining quality from
the equation Si = or it may be traced out on the Mollier diagram. After ex¬
haust from the prime mover the steam is condensed to a liquid at constant
pressure and temperature. Then it has enthalpy hfs. This assumes that the
enthalpy at state 4 (entrance to steam generator) is the same as at state 3,
since the temperature is the same. Actually some pump flow work is added, a
factor which is not entirely negligible for a high fluid pressure as was demon¬
strated in Sec 1-3. The efficiency of this Rankine vapor cycle, neglecting pump
work, is expressed as follows:
VR (8-3)
WJJ* h,-ht,-Wp/0.102 .
in which Wp is the pump work per kg fluid per cycle, kg-m Eqs S-Z and 8-4 will
be in substantial agreement except for high-pressure cycles.
^ 7710.2*“
in which p«, pb » Pressure at states a, b in kg/cm* ab.
Vft » Specific volume of steam at state a, cm* per g«
= Enthalpy of steam after isentropic expansion to pa, J/g.
Actual thermal efficiency of a vapor cycle based on the Rankine is given by
the following equation:*
2648 ®
w(hi — ^f)
where w « Steam roXe^ i.e., kg steam consumed by the prime mover per hp hr
of output.
hi = Heat of the liquid of the fluid entering the steam generator, J/g.
The efficiency lyt is based on .either indicated or shaft power, depending on
whether w is steam rate in kg per hr per ihp or bhp.
The combined thermal and electrical efficiency of a prime mover-generator
unit is
tjo — <8-6)
Wk(^i ~ K)
where is steam rate in kg per kw hr. Steam rates need to be established by
timed tests during which output power and steam consumption are both
Fiwnimr*- 1: The ideal Raakine effioieaoy for a vapor oyole operating between 11.6
kg/om* ab dry and saturated steam state and atmospherio pressure will be determmed.
Neglect pump work.
At 11.6 kg/cm* ab, 2783 J/g. After an isentropic expansion .to 1.03 kg/omt ab. Ag ««
2373 J/g, Afs » 41S.7 J/g. Using Eq 8-3,
2783 ~ 2378
2783 418.7
Next, the thermal efficiency of an open-cycle plant operating at the same terminal
conditions is calculated. Feedwater is heated to 93.8®C . The steam flow, when producing
76 bhp, was measured as 1261 kg per hr.
* If Aft is used, the equation becomes one of actual thermal efficiency of the prime mover,
@ Ckmstant will be 682.4 if A| and hf are in kocd/kg.
f Constant will be 869.9 if hi and Aft are in koal/kg.
rankine cycle 215
Sxami^e 2: The calculaticm g{ Rankine efficiency of an incomplete expansion
is now stiowB* Assmns 10.05 kg/em* sb dry and saturated initial state ; release
pressiure 2.11 kg/em* ab ; eKhanst pressure «• 0.21 kg/omt ab.
First determine enthalpy and volume at states 1 and a.
A| - 2770.4 Jig. *1^ - 2404 J/g. « 0.90S» »» •» O.OOS x 857.8 » 774.6 em* per g.
Than with Eq. 8*2. modifled fsr incomplete expansion.
- 0.21)
^ ..= 17.0%
2770.4 254.5
Example 3: Consider that the following data pertain to the open-cycle plant
illustrated by 8-3. Heating value of coal. 82407 J/g; boiler and furnace
efficiency, 72.9%; engine output, 81 bhp; steam rate, 17 kg per bhp hr; steam to pump,
48.1kgper hr; equivalent pumping head,02.85 m; steam pressure, 125 psig, 99% dry;
fe^ temperature, 08.8K); cold water supply, 15.6®C. These are used to construct a heat
balance of this plant.
Enthalpy of steam = 756.6 -h .99 x 2021 = 2756.4 J/g
Increase of enthalpy by steam generator = 2756.4 - 390.8 = 2365.6 J/g.
Steam used = 81 x 17 4* 43.1 » 1420 kg per hr.
Thousand Thousand
kccdthr Percent kcallhr Percent
^Reoeived from boiler, 1420 x 2756.4 x 0.280* .. . 932.7 84.9
Input to engine. 1877 x 2756.4 x 0.289 « 904.5 x 10»
Engine output. 1877 x . ^-7
Friction Iocs assumed os 4% of input. 36.2 3.3
Exhaust loss (difference). 817.1 74.4
Inrat to pump, 4S.1 x 2756.4 x 0,239-*28.3 x 10»
Fump output. 1320 x 92.85/426.9 . 0.3 0.0
Exhaust loss (difference). 27.9 2.5
Balance. 932.7 932.7
Before computing' the heater balance, the portion of the engine exhaust used by the
heater must be found. The mixing and heating are at constant pressure. Enthalpy of
engine exhaust = (817100/1377) 4.19 2490.3 J/g.
Let Wg = Exhaust steam entering heater; 1420 — Wg = Cold water entering. Then
1420 xl0>x 390.8 » 2490.3 x 10^ ^^0+65.51 (1420.1 ~ Wg}10’
Wg = 190.6 steam condensed per hr
Cold water entering heater = 1420—190.5 = 1229.5 kg per hr
Atmospheric exhaust * 1877 - 190.5=1186.6 kg per hr
Thousand Thoueand
kcai/hr Percent kcallhr Pereeni
Reoeived in engine exhaust 817.1 74.4
Heat entering in cold water,.
1229.5 X 65.51 x 0.239 19.2 1.7
Delivered to boiler, 1420 x 890.8 x 0.239_ 132.2 12.0
Exhaust loss, 1196.5 x 2490.8 x 0Ji89 .... 704.1 64.1
Balsuoe. . 886.8 886.8
Thoummd Thatuaind
healfhr Percent heailhr Percent
Received from heater. . 132,2 12.0
In heating value of coal,
(982.7 - lS2.2)I0*/.729 = . . . . 1097.9 100.0
Output in generated steam. 982.7 84.0
Boile** losses, 1007.9 x 10* x .271 = • 297.4 27.1
By dividing all items of these balances by 4371.1, they are reduced to a basis of per¬
cent heat in the fuel.
8-4 Regenerative Cycle. Study of the Rankine vapor cycle has shown
that improvement requires either an increase in the thermal state of the high
pressure steam, a decrease of that of the exhaust steam, or both. In other words,
increased efficiency requires increased boiler pressure, initial superheat, and
condenser vacuum. These improvements reached natural limits of boiler
Fio. 8-4 Flow diagram and graphic heat balance of simple condensing steam power
of heat lost in the exhaust steam. It does, however, require more auxiliary
equipment in the form of heaters, pumps, traps, and piping. The heaters are
generally of the closed, or surface, type, but open, or contact, type heaters,
have been used. In order that the steam bleeder lines may be short in length,
the heaters are set as close to the turbine as the plant layout allows.
The elements of the regenerative vapor cycle are shown in Fig. 8-5. As
pictured there, feedwater heating from condenser to boiler feed temperature is
accomplished in three stages, using closed heaters. Heaters 2 and 3 are high-
pressure heaters, that is, they are on the boiler side of the boiler feed pump;
heater 1 is a low-pressure heater. This designation is based on water, not steam,
pressure. The condensed heater steam is pmnped from each heater into the
main feedwater stream leaving the heater. Thus all of the heat from the ex¬
tracted steam is given to the feedwater before it enters the next higher heater.
The surge tank absorbs the irregularities of cycle flow. Its water level does not
alter except during changes of load on the generating unit, at which time water
either accumulates in it or is drawn from it, due to the time lag in rate of change
of flow in the different elements of the vapor cycle. Alternate schemes for the
handling of heater condensate are shown in Figs. 8-5 at (a) and (b). Traps are
float- or bucket-operated chambers which can pass condensate and will hold
back steam, but there must be a pressure difference between the steam chamber
and the condensate discharge. These traps do not involve as much initial or oper¬
ating expense as pumps, but their use results in a vapor cycle of slightly lower
eflSciency on account of the flashing of the condensate to a lower pressure, with
attendant increase of entropy. In scheme (a) the heater condensate is relumed
to the condenser hotwell through a water leg seal. This is possible only if the
lowest extraction pressure is sufficiently near the condenser pressure so that the
length of the vertical leg of the water seal is not too great. Otherwise it could
be cared for as in scheme (b), in which the condensate from all the heaters is
returned to the main feed stream just beyond heater 1 by a pump.
The terms regenerative vapor cycle and extraction cycle are not synonymous.
Extraction cycle refers to any airangement whereby steam is bled from a
^rbine at one or more pressures for any purpose whatsoever, i.e., feedwat^
^seating, process steam, Keating steam, etc. Regenerative cyde implies that the
extracteg steam liTused for one turpose, the thermal regeneration of the con*
densate to a temperature level approaching that of the boilerjwatgr. The terms
*^led steam^^ and '^extracW»E?^?!THny§’;'i^ synonymously, as may also
‘‘bleeder point” and “extraction point.” The effect of bleeding steam to heat the
feedwater is shown in Fig. 8-6 (a) which is for a cycle having an infinite num¬
ber of heaters. Were there a finite number of heaters, the line FJ would become
topped instead of smooth. In so showing the regenerative cycle on the tempera-
regenerative cycle 219
ture-entropy plane we assume that, by ei^actiojuthe ^tropy of ««panHing
at^Awi is decreased by the extraction of heat at constant temperatw^,. TTiis re¬
quires arbitrarily assuming tttat ordy heat pastes through the extractionJtnes
to the heaters. ' ’he extracted heat is immediately given up to the fee3water:
hence the line fj parallels tne uquid line CB BinceWeTieat~^at will be bl^ is
equal to the he Vj^aded to the feedwater beiween condenser temperature )T^and
feedwater temperature [Tf. But note, meanwhile, that as a definite steam wei^ET
is actually extracted ihkead of the heat only, as assumed, the actual condition
of the remaining expanding steam follows the line EFO and not EFJ.
This theoretical regenerative cycle (a) assumes, in addition to an infinite
number of heaters, no pressure or heat loss in the extraction lines, no terminal
temperature difference between water and steam in the heaters, no imdercooling
of the condensate below condenser saturation temperature, and an isentropic
expansion. An equation for the efiBciency of the regenerative cycle can be de¬
rived cm the basis of these assumptions. Pump work will be neglected. Referring
again to Fig. 8-6 (a), let it first be noted that
Efficiency of the cycle — ijnt
J(hx - A,w) hi hti,
The area BDEFJ will be interpreted as follows:
Howevei, since FJ parallels CB, JGF = BCM = LBCK — LBMK. Hence
Substitute in the efficiency equation, with replacement of areas by equivalent
enthalpies, noting that LBCK = hfw — ha.
In the modern power station, where initial superheat is the rule, extraction
to the heaters begins in the superheated steam region. This alters the conclu¬
sions made lor saturated extraction. Referring to Fig. 8-6 (b) in which the final
feedwater temperature is Tf, y represents the initial extraction point on the
turbine expansion line. That is, if all the steam were taken by the heater, the
cycle would follow the line yy', which represents a constant pressure line on
the T-8 plane. But since only a portion of the steam is extracted, and that in
a series of heaters operating at constantly decreasing temperatures, the cycle
lollows a line yY to the saturation line, after which the remainder is the same
as in (a). The location of YY' is so that the shaded areas will be equal. No
reasonably simple equation which will represent the efficiency of the cycle
BCDEyYJ may be formed; but it is found that a line FF\ drawn from the
expansion line at Tt parallel to the liquid line approximates the cycle and has
the advantage of offering the same thermodynamic conditions as pictured in
Fig. 8-6 (a). Applying the previously derived equation for i^reg to this case, it is
again found that the maximum theoretical efficiency occurs when Tt equals the
saturation temperature at boiler pressure. But now the Carnot cycle efficiency
is considerably larger than the regenerative, the truth of which is demonstrated
in the following example.
regenerative cycle 221
Example 2: The maximum efficiency of an ideal regenerative cycle working be-
tween29-«*fg/cm* ab,371''Cand49.5aQjnHgabswillbe compared with the Carnot efficiency.
Turbine Extraction
Pressure Heat Flow
Stage J/g kg/hr.
kg/cm 2
5 20*5 3154-6 22135
B 9*9 2935-9 9888
11 3*68 2812*7 19595
14 0-72 2568-4 15286
Fig. 8-7 Flow rliagram—Watts Bar steam plant. Flows are hourly, pressures absolute.
Heat added by feed pump is included.
A difference of 89® in feedwater temperature caused only 0.3% difference in
Muttipb>r lo b» uftpd on
•0 improvomont -Pbrcontogo to bo oddod to or
obtoinod ot 736*6 mm Hg Qr 4.0*4-oubtroctod from the percentage
O 4_improvement obtoined at 899*CI
on fig 8-8 y .0*2fibJ_throlH. t«np*ratur* as shown I
2 o!E!!!S^seHiniHiiiHi
V. Lood
, ■■■■■■■vaflajsv.Lood 8
S*0 690 720 750 -0-6 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
375 435 495 545
VACUUM - mm Hg
Fig. 8-9 Correction factors for vacuum, superheat, and partial load.
o I Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 »0
NUMSCa OF STAOeS or extraction
Fig. 8-10 Reduction in heat consumption obtained with various numbers of stages
and various steam pressures. (R.L. Reynolds.) Steam conditions: Pressure at throttle,
14.06-84.37 kg/cm* ga ,* total steam temperature, 399°C/ vacuum, 736.6 mm . Hg.
regenerative cycle 225
curves show that the most efficient final feed temperature increases quite
rapidly as heaters are added for the first four heaters, while additional points of
extraction above four affect the efficient final feed temperature only slightly.
The location of the turbine zones to which the heater should be connected de¬
pends upon the steam pressure at the turbine throttle. From Figs. ^8 and 8-11
the final temperature of the feedwater may be estimated. To obtain the maxi¬
mum efficiency it is desirable to locate the other feedwater heaters at such points
that the amounts of steam bled from the turbine to each heater are as nearly
equal as possible. This means that the temperature rises over each heater
would be approximately the same.
The higher the boiler pressure or the lower the condenser pressure, the better
will be the gain effected by the regenerative cycle, and more stages of regenera¬
tion will be justified. Certain secondary effects of a desirable nature result from
bleeding opieration. A reduction in the volume of steam passing the final stages
Fig. 8-11 Final feed water temperatures for maximum gain with various number of
stages and steam pressures from 14.00-84.87 kg/om* g». (R.li. Reynolds.) Total steam
temperature, 65.0*C; vacuum, 786.6 mm. Hg.
of the turbine blading allows the turbine casing at the exhaust end to be much
smaller, an important factor because size of the turbine casing at the low-
pressure end is frequently a limiting dimension of the unit. Another result of
less steam in the exhaust is the higher vacuum possible without increase of
condensing water to the condenser.
Regenerative Turbines. It is common knowledge with those who ai'e familiar
with turbines that the expansion of steam is not isentropic. Friction loss in each
stage causes loss of availability and increasing departure of the steam condi¬
tions from the isentropic in the direction of increased entropy.
The extent of this defect is governed by the moisture in the steam, velocity
of the steam, the number of stages, and the general excellence of design and
construction. Consequently it is to be expected that turbines of different makes
and types will have varied expansion lines upon the Mollier Diagram. Some
typical lines are shown in Fig. A-13. These lines form the basis of regenera¬
tive cycle calculations and should be thoroughly understood. The exact form
of the line is a curve, but considering it a broken line between the known points
is accurate enough for practical purposes. The use of nonextraction expansion
lines for extraction calculations is an assumption frequently made. Turbines
from which steam is to be extracted are provided with suitable outlets to which
the extraction lines may be connected.
There are two types of extraction, i.e., extraction at constant steam pressure
and extraction at whatever pressure exists in the turbine at the extraction point.
Extraction at constant pressure requires that an extraction valve gear be pro¬
vided to regulate the area through which steam flows into the lower pressure
stages. This is necessary because, not only would ^he extraction pressure vary
with different amounts of extracted steam demanded, but varying loads
on the turbine would cause the casing pressure at the extraction nozzle to vary.
The extraction valve gear is often complicated by the use of a control or pilot
vaive to operate the main extraction valve. Turbines equipped with extraction
valve gear are naturally more expensive than the simpler forms which have no
pressure governing on the extraction lines. Industrial use of extracted steam
often requires that the pressure of the bled steam be kept constant. Also, in¬
dustrial use of the extraction turbine differs from central station practice in
that frequently a large portion of the total flow is extracted, whereas in the
power plant only a small fraction of the total is used for feedwater heating.
Therefore, regenerative cycle turbines are of the simplest form, the pressure and
temperature of the steam in the extraction lines varying in accordance with the
load on the turbine and the quantity extracted. This does not measurably affect
the regenerative cycle as its only effect is to vary the final feedwater tempera¬
ture within moderate limits, and it has already been said that considerable
variation in the final feedwater temperature does not seriously affect the
eflSciency of the cycle.
The conditions of extraction of steam are schematically set forth in Fig.
8-12 for an assumed three-heater cycle. Thermal state of the steam flowing
through the turbine is depicted on a section of the Mollier diagram. Steam
enters the turbine at pressure pi, total temperature ^i, and begins its working
expansion towards the exhaust end. After passing a group of stages its pressure
is reduced to its enthalpy to Ac. At this point a casing opening is provided so
regenerative cycle 227
that a small portion of the steam flow can be extracted to Heater C. The re¬
maining flow continues past another group of stages to point b where more of it
is extracted for use in Heater B. Similarly, after an ejrtraction at point a, the
remaining steam continues to expand until it flows through the exhaust nozzle
with pressure p2, dryness factor X2f and enthalpy ^2- The enthalpies At, and
he may be determined from the condition line if the pressures Pa, Pb, and Pc are
known. We shall next explain what sets the magnitude of these pressures.
The heaters are usually shell-and-tube construction, with steam contained
within the shell and water flowing through the tubes. The steam is considered
to be at the saturation temperature corresponding to shell pressure and is
everywhere warmer than the water in the tubes. The temperature difference.
Heoter C
Fig. 8-12 Conditions of steam extraction.
steam to water, is least where the water leaves the heater. This least M is called
the ^'terminal difference.'’ To produce a given outgoing water temperature to,
the turbine steam pressure must be appropriate to allow for the terminal differ¬
ence, as well as for the fluid friction loss in the extraction line. (See Fig. 8-12.)
Extraction pressure = Saturation pressure at (to + At) + Ap.
The turbine condition line, together with calculated extraction weights
(method to be shown later) and pressures, furnishes the enthalpy information
by means of which the gross mechanical work delivered to the turbine shaft is
estimated. The steam turbine is so compact a heat engine that radiation and
convection heat loss from its surface is negligible. Therefore, relying on the law
of conservation of energy, we can write the following equation for mechanical
work done per g of steam flow to the throttle.
W ^ (hi — he) + (1 — Wc)(hc — hh) + (1 — ““ y>h)(hh — ht) -j-
(l — We. — Wh - Wa)(K h) J per g (8-8)
The net energy delivered to the generator = gross energy developed — mechani¬
cal friction losses. Brown and Drewry give the following empirical formula for
mechanical losses, including bearing friction, gland resistance, and oil pump
4 O’**
Friction % normal rating (8-9)
/Rated kw
y 1000
* For ratings of over 25,000 kw, increase the numerator to 6.0.
The following formula for generator efficiency is taken from the same
Saturation i h at hi at
<0 at h-h,
Temperature turbine to
(°C) Turbine, ( J/gi)
at Turbine Abs ( j/g) ( j/g )
The extraction flows per kg throttle flow are designated ta», tab,
Heat balances for the three heaters are written thus:*
’'‘For simplification M x 4.1868 hae been assumed to equal Mt. This is not striotbr true.
Heater C: (l - - 109.9 )4.1868 =:^ 2245.1
This is the gross efficiency. Net efficiency would include consideration of energy to
pumps and other auxiliaries.
Station Pressure {kglem^ ab) Enthalpy (Jig) Plow (kgfhr)
Throttle 88.94 3380.3 320.240
Extr. point 4 23.20 3089.5 28.850
Extr. point 3 9.14 2896.4 27,900
Extr. point 2 3.41 2729 11,200
Gland seal 3105.8 820
Extr. point 1 0.759 2.524.2 24.500
Condenser 0.0517 2259 226,970
Fig. 8-13 Sample of regenerative cycle plant flow diagram.
Example 1: Assuming that the data entered on Fig. 8-13 represents the result of
a test of the vapor cycle, it will now be shown how such information can be worked
into a heat balance and expressed graphically. All the separate pieces of equipment in
which heat transfers or transformations occur must be surveyed by use of the law of
conservation of energy. Where the data are sufficient for the purpose, a balance can be
struck, thereby validating the accuracy of testing, for the “unaccoimted for^^ item
necessary to make an exact balance should be within the accuracy of instrumentation
of the test. In some instances the balance is found by assigning the necessary difference
to one of the items. In these cases the achievement of an exact balance is not, of course,
proof of accurate test procedure. The following tabulated calculations are recorded in
abbreviated form making it necessary for the reader to employ prior knowledge of steam
properties in correlating data from the diagram with these computations. Note dividon
of the solution into six sections.
1. Enthalpy of steam and blowdown leaving the steam generator is first found;
then by subtracting feedwater enthalpy, the heat absorption is determined.
Heat absorbed in steam generator = 320,240 x 3380.3 x 0.239 -j- 3180 x 1389.3^
X 10® — 323,420 X 912,8 x 0.239 = 188,661,500 koal per hr. The enthalpy oorreotion
explained in £x 4, See 1-3, is not applied' here because the magnitude of its effeot
is of the same order as of 1% accuracy in steam flow measurement, whereas
1% is good for such test data.
Heat input in coal 188.661,500/0.825 = 228,^80,500 koal per hr.
Combustion losses in steam generator = 228,680.500-188,661,500=40,019,000koalperhr.
2. Disposition of the enthalpy delivered to the turbine is next analyzed.
Thousand local per hr
Enthalpy at turbine throttle = 320.240 x 3380.3 x 0.239 = 257,956
Extraction No. 4 : 28.850 x 3089.5 x 0.239 «. 21,240
Extraction No. 3 : 27,900 x 2896.4 x 0.239 19,256
Extraction No. 2:/ll.200 x 2729 x 0.239 = 7,283
Gland leakoff: 820 x 3105.8 x 0.239 = 607
Extraction No. 1: 24.500 x 2524.2 x 0.239 = 14,737
Exhaust: 226,970 X 2259 x 0.239 « 122,180
3. Analysis of the condenser and ejector condenser is next. In the ejector condenser
the steam (used to activate the jet compression of noncondensable gas out of the main
condenser) which is exhausted by the ejector jets is condensed by absorbing its latent
heat in condensate from the main condenser. Beginning at this point the main conden¬
sate flow will be referred to as Feedwater,
124,470 124>479
6098. 8609
4. Heat balances of the three extraction heaters A, B, and C are now tabulated.
Data are sufficient for a calculated balance. An ^^unaccounted for” item is inserted where
necessary in order to strike an exact balance.
Healer A balance Thousand heal per M
Extraction steam (see part 2) 14,787
Gland steam 607.
Feedwater in* 8,408
Condensate out 2,274
Feedwater out 247,390 x 305.14 x 0.239 B- 21,526
Unaccounted for 48
23,800 23,800
Healer B balance Thousand heal per hr
Extraction steam 19,040 x 2890.4 x 0 239 13,556
Feedwater in 323,420 x 570.3 x 0.239 43,958
Condensate from 28,850 x 979.2 x 0.239 6,782
Feedwater out 323,420 x 724 x 0.239 55,799
Condensate to deaerator 48,490 x 731.5 x 0.239 8,452
Unaccounted for 10
64,251 64,251
Healer C balance Thousand heal per hr
Extraction steam 21,240
Feedwater in 65,709
Feedwater out 323,420 x 911.8 x 0 230 70,272
Condensate to B 6,732
Unaccounted for 35
77.039 77,039
5. Finally, the distribution of heat quantities in the evaporator and deaeratory which
are placed m this cycle for feed purification is computed
Evaporator heat balance Thousand heal per hr
Extraction steam 8260 x 2896.4 x 0 239 = 5,701
In make-up 8890 x 507 x 0.239 = 1,074
Vapor out 8070 x 2726 1 x 0.239 = 5,242
Blowdown 820 X 507 X 0.239 = 66
Condensate to deaerator 8260 x 730.4 x 0,239 1,438
Unaccounted for 4
6,779 6,779
Deaerator heat balance Thousand herd per hr
Extraction steam (see part 2) 7,283
Evaporator vapor 5,242
Evaporator condensate 1,438
Condensate from B 8,452
Feedwater from A 21,526
Feedwater to B 4S.963
Unaccoimted for 12
48,953 43,953
*This 18 less than enthalpy of feedwater out of ejector condenser because of the flow
of 5,170 /hr to storage Enthalpy of this flow = 8,584,000/252,500 = ^34 koal per kg.
Enthalpy of feedwater* to A = 8,584,000 — 5170 x 34 = 8,408,220 koal per kg,
t State assumed to be dry and saturated at 3.25 kg/om* ab.
6. The flow of heat energ>' in this plant is more readily grasped if the results are
displayed in a heat stream, Fig. 8-14. In the arrangement of such a figure the engineer
may employ much originality and ingenuity, but he must be careful to respect the
principle of conservation of energy since the scaled widths of the heat stream repre¬
sent heat quantities.
hi hr — hi
hi hr — hff
in which K = rp(TR, - Tr.) = At. “
h^ = .T2fefgj + /if,.
By combining Eqs 8-7 and 8-11, one obtains the efficiency of an ideal re¬
heating-regenerative cycle (infinite number of heaters) having no feed heating
extraction until after reheating. It is also assumed that reheating begins at the
saturation line.
addition. It is possible that the superposed unit can pass sufficient steam into
the original plant header for the old boilers to be discarded. In this way, not
only are the excellent qualities of existing turbines retained, but also it is possi¬
ble to obtain the benefits of the progress that has occurred in high-pressure
steam generation. Many plant extensions have been secured in this way and
have displayed remarkable economies of operation when compared to the
original units. Not the least of the factors contributing to the success of super¬
position has been the development and standardization of equipment for high
pressures and high temperatures. Pressures of 56 to 98 kg/cm* and temperatures
to 538'*C I are no longer considered to be unusual or hazardous. Manufacturers
are ready to supply commercially tried and tested equipment in this range.
The capacity of the superposed unit and the throttle pressures required are
arrived at by a coordinated study of load growths, the cycle of the bating
plant, and thermodynamic studies of the probable steam expansion in the
superposed unit.
The steam conditions for superposition are shown plotted on the Mollier
diagram in Fig. 8-19. Here point A is the established throttle state of an existing
plant. An ideal superposed turbine with throttle state B would liberate BA Joules
of work per g flow. Since turbine expansions
produce some irreversibility, the throttle state
needed is point C, so chosen that line CA is rep¬
resentative of the possibilities of a real turbine
able to produce the same work, per g flow,
as the ideal. It is seen that the effect of internal
friction is to increase pressure and temperature,
but in such a way that the degree of superheat
at C is* less than at B.
The pressure Pmax and temperature fma, are
assumed to be the highest for which commercial
equipment is available. The maximum power
capacity would be had in the superposed tur¬
bine were the throttle state C extended upward
until it reached either the limiting pressure or
temperature as at C\ The state Cmax could be
used only if by coincidence state A were so lo¬
cated that a normal turbine expansion Cmnx A
were possible.
The expansion is wholly in the superheated
steam region, and line CA should be approxi¬
mately straight if the superposed turbine is of
the usual multi-staged form. Stage eflSciency
remains substantially constant in the super¬
heat region. The slope of line CA is therefore a
function of the average stage efficiency. The
selection of point C will be illustrated by
However, heat originates from the combustion of fuels at very high thermal
levels. Although the availability feature may limit the extent to which energy
can be converted into mechanical power, it is possible that the requisite power
may be developed during the process of providing the heat where a need exists
for both low-temperature heat and power.
In other words, the thermal level of the origin of the energy may be placed
high enough so that the available energy may be skimmed from the heat and
diverted to power service before the remainder, or less available portion, is
delivered for heat service.
The possibilities opened up by this fact are numerous and have led to many
ingenious plant designs. Naturally enough, some of the simpler, but less
efficient methods, such as a low-pressure boiler for the supply of heating steam,
and Diesels for power, have been abandoned in favor of a single, balanced heat
and power system. The simpler system might be especially good for meeting
variable load flexibly, but will usually show higher investment costs and lower
efficiencies, due to the necessity of wasting at least part of the heat from the
engine cooling and exhaust systems.
Where it can be satisfactorily worked out, a balanced heat and power supply
will generally be economical. In this respect, industry enjoys an advantage
over the public service utility, whose plants almost invariably are based upon
the idea of extracting the maximum available fraction of the heat energy by
use of high pressures, condensers, extraction cycles, etc., because there is no
opportunity to use the vnavailable fraction of heat, which is abandoned as
heated condensing water. With expensive installations and skilled operation, it
scarcely expects to skim off more than 30% of the heat value of the coal as
mechanical work.
The industrial operator is ordinarily not under the same necessity of obtain¬
ing the most efficient operation because his rejections of heat from the prime
mover can be used. Frequently, however, the heat and power needs do not
coincide in variability; that is, the maximum power demand may occur at an
entirely different hour of the day from that for heat, and it is not always possi¬
ble to secure a storage or an averaging effect which will allow heat and power to
be balanced. Furthermore, there sometimes exist seasonal variations with the
result that, although there may be a synchronization of heat and power demands
at one season of the year, at another season they are out of step. In such cases a
portion of the power may be generated by the industry in the course of produc¬
ing its beat needs, and the balance purchased from a utility.
In a simple case where the right proportion exists between steam and power
needs, it is often possible to obtain a reasonably satisfactory balance between
steam and power generation by the simple expedient of selecting boiler pressure
and temperature so that the requisite power may be produced by operating the
prime mover something in the manner of a reducing valve, except that in the
process of pressure reduction the requisite mechanical energy is extracted from
the steam. In some cases it may be advisable to float a steam accumulator on
the process header in parallel with the steam turbine designed for variable back
pressure. This would serve to equalize short-time, out-of-step fluctuations of
heat and power demands. This same objective is usually attained by relief
valves, alternate power sources, and pressure reducing valves, but under some
circumstances the accumulator would be more economical.
Fig. 8-2Gt Flow diagrams for industrial plants, (a) Simple case of proportional heat
and power demand, (b) Example of system for industrial heat and power. 1. When
power requirements exceed process steam, load is partially shifted to condensing turbine.
2. When process steam is insufficient, load is shifted to noncondensing turbine and
steam deficiency, if any, supplied through pressure reducing valve.
This elementary case has been presented for the purpose of showing how
such an item as boiler pressure may be selected to help obtain a balance between
power and heat. In practice, an industrial heat ix)wer balance is generally a
matter involving more complexity and some considerable amount of compro¬
mise. At higher process steam pressures or temperatures, and where power needs
are larger in relation to process steam, the boiler pressure and superheat will
necessarily be increased. Such increases may leave the terminal condition im¬
practicably high.
An industrial process will frequently be found to require steam at two or
more pressures. Extraction-type turbines have received considerable applica¬
tion in these cases.
Other possibilities for industrial steam cycles are provided in instances
where considerable quantities of distilled water are employed. The use of multi¬
ple-effect evaporators for this service provides the opportunity of utilising the
exhaust of a back-pressure turbine.
In general, where industry furnishes some process steam requirements, it
will be good practice to furnish generating equipment sufficient to pass the
process steam, but it may not necessarily be economical to install condensing
equipment beyond this point if purchased power is available at reasonable
8-10 Combination Cycles. Modifications of the basic vapor cycles have
occasionally been used in the interest of greater economy of operation. The
reheat and regenerative principles are readily combined, as has been mentioned.
Certain combinations of vapor cycles with the gas turbine are technically in¬
teresting and may possibly be developed to some extent. A series combination
of two vapor cycles has certain advantages and a limited commercial importance
at present.
Water vapor has physical properties not altogether desirable at either end
of the expansion range, but no other common substance is a better compromise
for both extremes than water vapor. Thus, as the development of vapor cycles
has proceeded, it has been with the steam boiler and prime mover. Nevertheless,
the fact has been constantly before engineers that there were vapors which
were thermodynamically better suited than steam to one or the other ends of
the expansion range. On the low-pressure side sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons such
as butane, propane, petroleum ether, etc., have been mentioned, while mercury
and diphenyl oxide are attractive in the high-pressure region. In order to realize
better efficiencies in heat power plants the temperature range ri-r2 has to be
increased. The increase can be accomplished by the following means, and at
the expense of disadvantages as noted.
1. Increase of degree of superheat.
(a) More investment in superheaters.
(b) Only the heat of superheat is at the elevated thermal potential.
2. Increase of boiler pressure.
(a) Quickly arrived at point beyond which major pressure increase was
needed for minor temperature increase.
(b) High pressures mean thicker, heavier, and more expensive construc¬
tion in boilers, piping, turbines.
(c) Higher temperatures at high pressures weaken the metal in tensile
strength, aggravating the previously named disadvantage.
3. Decrease of exhaust pressure.
(a) Enormous volumes of steam made design of low-pressure end of
turbine or engine a compromise between size and possible efiBciency.
Condenser large and costly.
(b) Maintenance of the high vacuum is troublesome due to air leakage
and noncondensable gases in feedwater.
The mercury-steam is the only binary vapor cycle operated on a commercial
scale at the present time. As excellent results have been obtained in actual
operation, it is judged advisable to describe it.
The advantages of mercury as a vapor cycle fluid are these;
1. It has moderate vapor pressure at higher fluid temperature. For example,
at 538^ C its saturation pressure is less than 14.1 kg/cm* ab.
2. The liquid has high density, a desirable property in securing separation
of vapor from liquid in the boiler, in feeding liquid back to the boiler under
hydrostatic rather than pumping head, and other advantages.
3. Low specific enthalpy results in moderate jet velocities in the turbine,
enabling simple turbines ot tew stages to be used.
4. It is an element, therefore stable. Also it has been found possible to give
mercury a chemical treatment that causes it to spread in a film over the walls
of the heating surface with attendant rapid heat transfer.
Against these advantages one must consider the high cost of mercury, the
apparent limitation of supply, its toxic qualities, and its pervasiveness.* Since
the whole boiler, not just the superheater, operates at the very high initial tem¬
perature, the support and expansion problems are more difficult of solution than
in steam boilers.
Mercury systems have been built as superposed units on existing steam
plants whose pressures were too high to warrant consideration of superposed
steam cycles. They have also been built as binary vapor cycle plants where
mercury and steam sections were designed and built together as a unit. There
are not many mercury plants in the United States at present, but enough to
have established their practicability and commercial success. Some recent
developments in mercury vaporization have greatly reduced the ratio of system
charge to system circulation. This is of benefit in reducing the cost of the
initial charge of mercury per megawatt* of capacity.
The flow diagram in Fig. 8-21 may be taken as representative of the
mercury-steam cycle in its present stage of development. Here the liquid mer¬
cury feed is under hydrostatic head, but mercury feed pumps have been suc¬
cessfully used where it is not convenient to arrange the necessary static head.
The boiler is mainly radiant heating surface. The high density of mercury
creates much more pressure differential between the bottom and top of the
boiler than in steam equipment. Liquid mercury expands far more than water
when heated and this, coupled with some flashing action as the mercury rising
Mercury can seep through joints or cracks that would be impervious to water or steam.
in the furnace tubes meets decreasing pressure, causes strong circulation and a
^^foggy” rather than a liquid mixture in the upper sections of the heating sur¬
face. Because of the resulting increase of volume, the heating surface is suc¬
cessfully cooled by a charge of mercury that fills only about 10% of the internal
volume of the boiler initially.
The saturated mercury vapor flows from the boiler directly to the turbine,
which is usually a few-stage, simple, impulse turbine overhung in its casing
from the low-pressure end so that there is no high-pressure seal required. Alter
expansion to a high vacuum the vapor is exhausted to a '^condenser-boiler.^'
This is a compact, high-duty heat exchanger which will boil water with heat
transferred from the still-hot condensing mercury vapor. That this is readily
possible is shown by the operating condition of a recently installed plant. The
mercury vapor is exhausted at 0.19 kg/cm* ab, while the steam boiler section
The difference between Carnot and binary vapor cycle efficiencies is to be found in
the area CUD, This fact illustrates the advantage of the steep slope of the mercury
liquid line CD. The efficiency of the steam cycle alone would have been equal to
between 830.7^and 26.1^.
936.7 - 96.1
17r«g = 41.3%
‘ 986.7 + 278
By adding a meroiury vapor eyole working aS 7.08 kg/om* tbe efficieney of tlie38.13
kg/cm> plant has bean inoreaasd (60.0 — 41.3)/4U ■■ 45.4%^
In practice the performance would fall short of these very favorable results.
The reasons for the discrepancy may well be understood by again examining
the assumptions made for the cycle. It is advisable to superheat the steam.
Between 11® and 17® temperature difference is used to transfer the heat from
condensing mercury to boiling water. The simplicity of the T-s diagram is
further destroyed if some feedwater heating is performed in the boiler because
of nonregeneration to the saturation temperature: Yet, withal, this cycle is of
interest to heat power engineers because of the high thermal efficiency of which
it is capable.
Published data on a 40,000*kw plant placed in service in 1950, which was
designed as a binary cycle plant, not a topping of an existing unit, give it a
9707x 10* Joules per kw hr over-all heat rate on base load,^ with oil fuel.This
corresponds to an over-all efficiency fi^re of 3.6 x 10*/970’7 x 10*, or 37.1%.
The vapor cycle efficiency of this plant is doubtless in excess of 40%.
8-11 Variable Load Operation. Turbines are most efficient in their use
of steam when the normal inlet valves are fully open, i.e., when theje is no
throttling of the steam flow entering. The previous discussions of vapor cycles
have assumed this condition, as have the turbine condition lines in the Appen¬
dix. In use, these machines are subjected to variable power output demands by
their generators and must be governed to continue at constant speed. The
governing action* is usually a ‘^throttling” process, a constant enthalpy pres¬
sure drop produced by a partially closed valve. Turbines can also carry some
overload if they are arranged for admitting some throttle steam at intermediate
stages. This is not the place to describe turbine details; howeveri some general
Heat Rates, For variable load analysis the Heat Rate, HR, is more useful
than thermal efficiency, even though they are related in a simple manner.
3.6x1(PVHR (8-14)
The unit of HR is Joules per kw hr. The heat input to a vapor cycle, or a plant,
typically takes the form shown in Fig. 8-24. A no-load or idling input is
Fig. 8-24 Typical heat plant input- Fig. 8-25 Heat- and increment-rate curves
output relation. derived from Fig. 8-24.
Fig. 8>26 Chart for estimating justifiable added investment in equipment to effect a
reduction in heat rate.
fisT = (8-15)
1 — /v*
1. Plot an ideal Rankine vapor cycle, as specified, to scales of 1 cm a(r&aiidieiii=
0.6 J/g/^K entropy. Initial state at 14.1 kg/om> Bh, 66.6* superheat. Quantity 1 kg. Atmos-
pherto exhaust. Find :Ya) i}|^; (b) work done per cycle.
2. A simple steam engine plant has boiler feedwater at 05.6^.. Steam is supplied
to the engine at 7.0S kg/caiS‘ab, 97%diy.Atm^herio exhaust. Steam rate» 9.3 kg per ihp hr.
^, 87%. Generator of 91.5% efficiency is direct connected to the engine. Find: (a) lya,*
(b) lyt baaed on ihp and bhp; (c)
* Steinberg and Smith, Economy LdodUng of Power Plants and Electric Syeteme, ‘John
Wilay and Sons, Publishers.
3. Plot a Rankine vapor cycle, as specified, to scales of 1 om » WK and 1 em »
0.5 J/gr^ entropy. Also to eoale of 1 om 0.5 kg/cm* and I om or 0.35 m*. Initial etate^
10.6 kg/om* ab, 27.8* euperheat ; exliaiiet,0,,a kg/em* ab »2%d?y, <bedta.S*C quantity 1 kg.
Find ; (a) ; (b) work per cycle ; (e) ijt.
4. Plot the incomplete expansion Rankine vapor cycle to scales of 1 cnn«0.5kg/em>
and lem»0.05m< for a quantity of 1 kg.Calculate of this cycle. Initial state, 5.27
kg/cm< ga, dry and saturated ; exhauec preemre, 1.05 kg/omS ab ; release at 1.05 kg/omt ga.
5. Repeat Prob. 4. but lor initial state 9.14 kg/om^ ab, 98% dry,exhaust at1.05 kg/cm>
ab, release at 1.41 kg/om* ab.
6. A 75-kw turbine-generator has steam rate of 12.7 kg per kw hr. Steam at 12.8
kg/cm* ga, 66.6® superheat; exhaust, 50.8 mm Hg abs. Find : of a simple vapor cycle
incorporating this unit.
7. Construct a scaled heat stream setting forth the results of Ex 3, Sec 8-3. Scale
6 cm = heat input in coal.
8. A steam power plant has operating 7m-0.90
conditions as shown in Fig. 8-8P. Determine £
all flows for a boiler output of 1 kg per
min and record same on a copy of the flow
diagram. Calculate the gross vapor cycle
efficiency and the plant efficiency. Main 0
12. Using Eqs 8-9 and 8-10, determine the steam rate of a turbine whose condition
hne is assigned from the group given in the Appendix.
13. A Rankine vapor cycle type power plant has a turbine which operates on the
condition line B, Appendix, when generator output is 9450 kw. Other plant test data
are: Steam generator efficiency, 0.875; steam flow, 719 kg per min; auxiliary power
used, 225 kw. Calculate the heat balance of tlus plant and express same as a heat stream
using scale of5 eiii*«Heat input in fuel.
14. Plot the ideal regenerative cycle of maximum efficiency to scales of 1 cm «.
4(PK and 1 cm ss 0.75 J/g/°K entropy. Initial state, 14.06 kg/om^ ab dry and saturated;
exhaust 0.11 kg/cm* ab. Caloulate ^reg.
15. Compare the Rankine vapor cycle with the regenerative cycle of maximum
efficiency on the following bases. For each, initial condition, 28.12 kg/cm* ab, 816.0®C,
0.14 kg/cm^ ab exhaust. Find ; (a) vapor cycle efficioncy ; (b) relative volumes of exhaust
steam ; (c) kg-m work obtained per kg generated steam.
16. Calculate the efficiency of an ideal regenerative cycle operating with steam at
31.64 kg/om^ ab, 398.9®C ; exhaust pressure 25.4 mm Hg abs. 187.8®C. Sketch this
cycle on T-s plane.
17. Plot the ideal regenerative cycle on T-$ axes to scales of l cm 40®Kand 1 cm
ss 0.5 J/g/*’K entropy Tor a quantity of 1 kg.Initial pressure, 42.18 kg/cm* ab ; temperature,
537.8®C ; condenser pressure, 0.07 hg/cm* ab ; 2C4.4®C. Find lOreg.
18. The flow diagram of a one-heater regenerative cycle is shown in Fig. 8-18P.
Calculate the necessary quantities and draw a scaled heat stream of the plant, based
on 1-kg coal input. Scale 1 cm** 2500 x lO^ J. All pumps are motor-driven and,combined,
take 1% of the generator outjuit.
Fic. 8-19P
20. The turbine of Prob. 8-19 has the following no-load pressures. Inlet
6.62 kg/om* ab; e, 1*76 kg/cm^ ab; d, 0.84 kg/om^ ab ; o, 0,11 kg/om2 ab ; b,
71.1 mm Hg ; a, 69,8 min Hg, Plot the condition line to scale of 1 cm = 50 J/gand
1 om ■■ 0‘25 J/g/®K entropy. Then add an estimated condition line for 70% of
the oHginal load and locate thereon the extraction states e\ d\ etc.
21. Lay out the flow diagram for a four-heater regenerative cycle. TurbiiK^ to be
employed has condition line E,
Appendix. Condensate as in Fig. 8-5(b). Assume 5.6®
difference between feedwater out of heater and saturation •temperature at the ex¬
traction pressure. Also take condensate out of heaters at same temperature as feed-
water out. Record temperatures on all flow lines of the diagram, also pressures at bleed
22. Employing data and results of Prob. 21, estimate the throttle and extraction
flows, kg per hr at 94,000-kw load, using Eqs 8-9 and 8-10. Also calculate the gross vapor
cycle efficiency. Report results in a manner similar to Example 1, Sec 8-5.
23. Design a two-heater regenerative cycle for a power plant whose turbine condi¬
tion line is assigned from the Appendix chart. Heater condensate is handled by traps.
Allow 2.8^heater terminal difference and 7% pressure loss in extraction lines. Assume
heater condensate cooled to outgoing feedwater temperature. Report the* design in
approximately the same fashion as used for the sample example, Sec 8-5. Draw the
flow diagram and label it with hourly flows at rated load. Neglect any make-up water
supply features when drawing the flow diagram.
24. Find the following heat rates for the data of Fig. 8-7.
(a) Station heat rate, Joules per kw hr.
(b) Vapor cycle heat rate. Joules per brake hp hr.
25. Calculate heat balances for the following elements of Fig. 8-7: (a) turbine-
generator; (b) deaerating heater.
26. Each of the following initial states is a possibility in a reheating cycle plant.
Consider that the final quality should not be less than 86% dry. Exhaust pressure-
0.07 kg/cm* ab. Determine the reheat conditions for maximum utilization of the avail¬
able energy if (1) reheat begins at the saturation point; (2) reheat is carried to the
original temperature.
(a) 112.6 kg/cm* ab, 663.6*0. (b) 66.2 kg/om* ab» 687.8®C. Work out each case on the
Mollier Chart, and dhow rei^ts by (no scale) sketch of same.
27. An ideal reheating cycle, based on the Rankine cycle, has initial state 87.9
kg/cm* ab, 398.9^C ; reheat at 28.9 kg/cmt ab to S98.9°C ; exhaust at 25.4 mm Hg abs.
Find the thermal efficiency of this cycle and compare with that of a Rankine <^e
operating between the same terminal conditions.
28. Plot an ideal reheating Rankine oyole to scales of 1 om == 50*C and 1 cm
« 0.6 J/g/^K entropy. Initial state, 112.6 kg/cm^ ab, 565.6^C. Quantity, 1 kg. Reheat
from saturation line, sufficient to produce a final exhaust condition of 0.07 kg/cm*
ab, 14% moisture. Superimpose a Rankine cycle having same initial state and same
final quality. Calculate thermal efficiencies of these cycles ; also that if the final state
of the Rankine cycle had been 0.07 kg/cm^ ab.
29. In a central power station having reheat and regeneration the steam generator
delivers 195,045 kg steam per hr at 103 kg/cm^ ab and 537.8X* to the turbine. After partial
expansion a flow of 162.552 kg per hr is returned fbr reheating from 27.63 kg/cm> ab,363.9*’C
to 25.62 kg/om^ ab. 637.8°0,after which it is readmitted to the turbine for complete expansion.
Feedwater is regeneratively heated to 230.6®C. Ix>»d,64,511 kw. Boiler blowdown, 1960 kg
per hr. Generator efficiency, 96%, Find the heat rate of the vapor cycle.
30. Assume that the plant shown in Prob. 8-18 is to have a superposed unit of maxi¬
mum capacity added to it. Draw the flow diagram of the complete plant. Superposed
unit stage efficiency » 72% ; thermal ceilings are 87.9 kg/cm^ ab and dlO'^C. Feed to high-
pressure boiler to remain 148,9''C. New boiler efficiency, 80%. By what percent are the
plant capacity and thermal efficiency increased by the superposition? Assume mech-elec
efficiency of superposed turbine, 90%. 112-5 kg/cr»f ga 5io*c
31. A recent installation of a superposed tur¬
bine operates with conditions as shown in Fig.
8-31P. Estimate the power that this unit ought
to be able to furnish. Mech-elec efficiency = 0.925.
32. The capacity of a power plant is to be
increased by superposing a high-pressure addi¬
tion on the existing 17.58 kg/cm3 ga plant. Existing
turbines are rated to take 369,678 kg steam per hr
at 287,8®C. Assume average stage efficiency of superposed turbine will be 76%; mech-
elec efiiciency, 0.93. What initial steam conditions would suffice to add 20,000 kw to
the plant capacity?
33. The plant of Ex 1, Sec 8-9, uses 283 hp at a time when process needs are
3674 kg steam per hr. Draw flow diagram, showing how a pressure reducing valve
would be installed to meet process steam requirements. Find: (a) weight of live steam
through reducing valve per hr; (b) quality of the 2,11 kg steam in the process mains.
34. The nonextracting condition line of an industrial plant turbine may be con-
•id«r(Kl M ft line joining the following points on theXollier Chftrt.(l) 14.06 kg/omi nb,d and
8;(2) 5.t6kg/omSftb,0.M7 dry;(3)1.0$kg/oin*ftb,0.9a8diy Induetrial stenm is needed as fol¬
lows :544«3 kg per hr at 4«92 kg/em> ga, 2813.3 kgperhr at atmoepherio preasure. Extraction
pressureof 4.92 kg/om8 gait maintained by an Inbuilt valve gear. Assume that the action
of this gear is to throttle the steam to 4.57 kg/om* ga before passing it into the low-pres¬
sure section of the turbine. Find the available shaft horsepower. i)m 0.965.
35. The flow plan of an industrial plant is like Fig. 8-20 (b). Boiler pressure|17.6
kg/om* ab, 260^. Botbunits 100 kw rated oapaoity.Condenser vacuum. 63.5 mm Hgabs.Process
main pressure, 0*35 kg/om* ga. Full-load condition lines to be based on average stage efficiency
of 0.76 in superheated region, 0.70 in saturated region. Find division of load between
units when 1588 kg per hr process steam is required and 165 kw power is needed. Allow
0.90 for mech-elec efficiency.
36. Solve Prob. 35 if the steam demand had been 907 kg pei hr and the power
demand 115 kw.
37. Assuming that the answers to Prob. 36 are 71 kw, noncondensing, and 44 kw
condensing. Copy the flow diagram and record thereon all flows, in kg per hr. Assume
3J31 kg/cm* ab nozzle inlet pressure for no-load condition on condensing turbine.
38. Using the data of Fig. 2-14, draw an industrial flow diagram to meet variable
load operation by use of an accumulator. Process steam^ at 2.11 kg/cm^ab ; boiler j)ressure,
21.1 kg/cm* ab. At one manufacturing rate, power and steam are in balance, but at
other rates unbalance may occur in either direction.
39. Find the boiler steam conditions that would allow an industry, using 7484
kg per hr of steam at 7.03 kg/cm* ga, dry and saturated, to take 350 kw from this steam
before using it for heating. Make and record any necessary assumptions.
40. Mercury vapor, 98% dry, is expanded from 10.55 to 0.08 kg/cm* ub.It is then con¬
densed, giving up its latent heat to produce dry and saturated steam which is allowed
to expand to 25.4 mm Hg abs in an ideal regenerative cycle of maximum efficiency. Draw
the T-s diagram of the mercury-steam cycle and compute its efficiency. Make the
same assumptions as were used in the construction of Fig. 8^22.1 cm 40°K; 1 cm »
0.075 J/g/®K entropy.
41. Dry and saturated mercury vapor at 8.16 kg/om> ab is expanded in a turbine
to 0.19 kg/cm* ab. 'the following steam cycle finally rejects beat at 33.2'’C. Making the
same assumptions fuswere used in the construction of Fig. 8-22, except for 16.7°l9mpef»ture
difference in condenser-boiler, compute the binary vapor cycle efficiency, sketch the cycle
on T-s axes.
42. Find the working conditions of Heater B in the example, Sec 8-5, when the
generator output is 14,500 kw.
43. Find the working conditions of Heater C of the plant, diagrammed in Fig. 8-13,
at 6Q,000-kw load. Make any necessary assumptions and record'justification of same.
44. Diagram the probable condition line (h-s plane) of the turbine. Fig. 8-13, for
60,000-kw load. Assume simple throttling governing.
45. Work out a heat balance and draw a heat stream for the vapor cycle shown
in Fig. 8-7.
46. Find the heat rates and the station heat rates of the vapor cycles shown by
Figs. 8-7 and 8-13.
47. Two vapor cycles are to produce jointly, from the generators driven by their
prime movers, an output of 8000 kw. Their variable load characteristics are described
as follows:
(htlput, kw 0 mo JflOO 6000 8000
i/k*/No. 1 21.1 33.8 53.8 81.2 116.1
Input, m milhon boal/hr | ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ j
Determine most economical division of load by the increment rate method*
48. Construct curves of station heat rate and increment rate vs. output between
0 and 40,000-kw load. Steam generator characteristic is represented by the equation:
Input Joules » 1.06X + 4.74 where X is the Joulc«*output. Obtain the in¬
crement rate of the turbine from its characteristic of steam'consumption, i.e., W =
15875 + 3.72Ir kg per hr« where L is kw load. Throttle steam has 3170 J/g.*
The increment rate of station auxiliaries is considered constant at 0.030 <^ouJe per Joule,
all auxiliaries being electrically driven.
Bqio will be Input keal i» l.OOX + > X 10-«X>, where X is koal output.
3170 J/g 757.8 koal/kg.
9-1 The Steam Power Plant. To obtain high-grade energy from fuel
via the external combustion, or vapor cycle, process takes a considerable ag¬
gregation of equipment if the transformation of energy is to be accomplished
as efficiently as possible. Something of this was implied by the vapor cycle
studies of the preceding chapter. A modern power station represents a large in¬
vestment in, literally, thousands of separate items, yet nearly all function to
transform or transfer energy. Transformations occur when one form is
changed to another. They are: (1) latent chemical energy into heat energy by
oxidation; (2) heat energy into mechanical work by expansions of a fluid
medium; (3) mechanical vork into electrical energy through the electromag¬
netic action in a generator; (4) electrical energy back to mechanical work in
electric motors; and, occasionally, (5) electricity to heat for convenience or
accurate spot heating. Transfers of energy are likewise numerous—^heat energy
transferred from fluid to fluid in steam generators, in condensers, coolers, and
heaters; and carried by these fluids from place to place in the plant’s pipe and
duct systems; electrical energy transferred by conductors comprising the many
circuits of the electrical system; etc.
When one has studied the steam power station via visualization of the fluid
flows and their changes of state, followed by an appreciation of the energy
flows also involved, he begins to comprehend the plant. The whole installation
can take on meaning and rationality when it is viewed as a plant for the purpose
of achieving certain energy flows that will ultimately produce the upgrading of
a considerable portion of low-grade raw material into the desirable electrical
output of the public utility system.
Some idea of this can be gained by inspection of Fig. 1-11. Coal which con¬
tains elements that oxidize with high heat release during the reaction is fed
into the plant. After preliminary preparation it undergoes this reaction with
oxygen, supplied by air, in the furnace of the steam generator. Here high-
temperature energy is produced, but almost immediately transferred to the
water which, on account of its confinement, becomes high-pressure steam. The
energy flow now rides the steam through pipes to the prime mover, a turbine in
this case. In this machine a working expansion to low pressure effects a trans-
functional relations 267
formation of some of the heat into highgrade mechanical work available as a
torque at the turbine shaft. Most of the remaining heat is transferred by the
condenser to masses of river water which it heats a few degrees.
The turbine came from the hands of its inventors already a highly developed
machine, and subsequent improvements have largely been in the perfection of
details and the building of large units at low cost. In the turbine we have the
heart of the steam electric station. The boiler and condenser are heat-transfer¬
ring devices, one operating at the high-temperature end of the cycle, the other
at the low-temperature end; the turbine, however, is the heat-xdilizing device.
Boiler and condenser transfer heat energy from one medium to another, but
the turbine transfers energy from one form to another—from heat to mechanical
work. The turbine’s job is, theoretically, vastly more difficult and the results,
consequently, much less impressive than those of its partners, the boiler and the
condenser. However, as has been shown by the contents of the previous chapter
on the vapor cycle, the conditions under which energy transfer is accomplished
in the vapor cycle show that the turbine is actually a highly perfected machine.
Next the mechanical torque is transferred directly to the rotor of the
electrical generator and used to overcome the drag of electromagnetic attrac¬
tion involved in the generator action whereby torque energy is consumed and a
current of electrons appears at an electric potential, this representing electrical
energy. This form is then readily transferred long distances, especially if raised
in potential (voltage) by transformers. This is the main energy stream, but
there are many secondary energy flows connected with increasing the percentage
yield of high-grade energy, motivating essential auxiliaries, etc. In this chapter
we shall examine some of the technical features of this energy flow, with special
emphasis on the transfer of heat, since that form predominates in steam power
plant equipment.
9-2 Functional Relations. We shall endeavor here to outline the method
to be used to cover the subject of steam power plant equipment while keeping
the functional relation to the main energy flow ever in mind.
As the more efficient power cycles came into use, the auxiliary equipment
required became more numerous and expensive, and its disposition in the plant
more of a problem. Equipment has been developed to the point where much of
it is justified on economic grounds. The complication attending the large amount
of auxiliary equipment tends to obscure the relationship and relative importance
of the component parts of steam cycle equipment.
Let it be remembered, however, that the whole action of modem electric
power production centers around three pieces of equipment: the boiler, the
turbine, and the condenser. No matter how extensive the remainder of equipment,
these three constitute the main power-producing group, and all the remaining
mechanical equipment services them. The modem trend is towards a boiler of
sufficient capacity to supply the entire steam requirements of one turbine; hence
the boiler-turbine-condenser can be thought of as the central unit of the power
plant. The design of any one of these involves some consideration of at least one
of the others. They are treated in Chapters 10 and 11. The principal factor
tying these three together is the working medium, which is delivered in suc¬
cession from boiler to turbine to condenser.
In order that the heat-absorbing and heat-utilising fimctions of the boiler-
turbine-condenser group may be efficiently, safely, and economically performed
under the generally prevailing condition of variable load, it is supplied with an
eittensive number of auxiliaries; i.e., feed heaters, pumps, traps, fans, stokers,
etc. When the purpose and action of all these auxiliaries are understood, it will
be found that they naturally classify themselves into two groups: first, those
associated with the flow of the working medium of the cycle (i.e., water and
steam); second, those associated with the combustion of the fuel and the flow
of the resulting gases. Proceeding on this basis, the auxiliary equipment will
assume a position in one or the other of the two loops shown in Fig. 9-1. We
may call these the water and gae loops, and, by keeping them in mind, find that
the station layout and action, as far as auxiliary equipment is concerned, are
considerably clarified.
Fio. 9-1 Diagram of the steam power plant, illustrating how the equipment is viewed
as a boiler, prime mover, condenser group, with gas and v>ater service loops.
For the purpose of explaining the relation of Chapters 12 and 13 to this one,
let each be thought of as dealing^ with one of the loops diagrammed in this il¬
9-3 Production of Heat Energy. The kinetic molecular nature of matter
and the character of heat energy have been alluded to in Chapter 1. While not
essential to the practice of power plant engineering, a picture of the processes
by which the heat energy is created should be of interest. Fuel molecules, say
H2, can exist without combustion in an atmosphere of oxygen at temperatures
below the ignition temperature. What, then, is the circumstance that produces
their union accompanied by the liberation of free energy? Also, how does this
differ from the origin of the nuclear energy which science and engineering are
so actively studying?
Combustion, Between the two nuclei of hydrogen gas there are both attrac¬
tion and repulsion forces. These vary differently with the distance between
nuclei and in such manner that there is one spacing of minimum potential
energy. This is the normal, unexcited, atomic configuration for the molecule.
The molecular energy then is mainly electronic. If temperature is increased by
gas compression or heat transfer,from an outside source, molecular vibrational
energy begins to appear. However, the molecule remains stable, although ex¬
cited, until the vibrational energy produces atomic motion violent enough to
overcome the force of attraction. There the molecule flies apart in an action
called dmodatum. In the ease of hydrogen, free, excited atoma moving at hi|^
speeds are a product of this dissociation. These will 'collide with other hydtagen
or oxygen molecules, producing a variety of short*lived products, all of which
by further similar action go to a final stable end product, H2O.
As molecules of various velocities exist in a sample of gas exhibiting a eertiun
temperature, a few molecules may dissociate while the remainder remain stable.
The enei^ of the few dissociation products is absorbed without producing an
equal amount of active products, and there is no chain reaction. But at some
higher temperature the dissociation products are sufficiently numerous to pro¬
duce by impact more than are consumed, and a complex chain reaction follows.
The point at which this becomes possible is known as the ignition temperature.
It is affected by the type of molecules, the mean free path between ttem, and
their motion. Externally it is the point where the process of inflammation or
explosion begins.
Electromagnetic radiatitm is emitted both fimn the dissociated excited atoms
and the various intermediate reaction products. The region is tmporarily
saturated with high-speed collisions of particles. Electronic energy levels are
altered. The electromagnetic waves can absorbed by the more complex mole¬
cules in the vicinity, although diatomic gases seem to be transparent to it.
Finally, the end pr^uct of water vapor is reached with liberation of a finite
quantity of energy which is partly present as high moleculmr speed (tempera¬
ture) , the remainder having been discharged as infra red or visible li^t radia¬
tion. The combustion of carbon and of hydrocarbons is an even more complex
pattern of intermediate reactions thui for the single, diatomic gas molecule, Hg.
Nuclear Energy. Another source of heat energy is available in the nucleus
of the atom. Unsuspected in 1930, the subject of laboratory exploration in 1940,
H is, a decade later, undergmng large-scale study which may lead to the nuclear-
energy power plant. The possibility of realizing large quantities of energy from
a small mass of atomic “fuel” was introduced at the beginning of this book. The
most promising field lies in the controlled fission of the heavier, unstable atoms
such as Th**® and U®*®, or the artificial element plutonium, Pu®**. Because of
the terrific explosive power of a fast chain reaction in nuclear fissionable
material, the field of atomic energy in this country was, in 1946, brought under
strict governmental control. The Atomic Energy Commission was created to
direct and control work in research, production, engineering, and military ap¬
plications of nuclear energy. The Commission has power over the dissemination
of information that should be restricted in order to preserve national security.
This Commission succeeded the wartime Manhattan Engineer District. It has
continued the physical development of production of nuclear materials, licens¬
ing of manufacturing firms to operate government facilities, and other matters
associated with this, the latest and most important new field of physical science
and armament. It is clear that private industry cannot enter at will into wide¬
spread development of nuclear power plants. Only such development as is
federally authorized and licensed by the Commission can be undertaken. In
1962 there were several such official projects under way, the outcome of which
may be the production of kilowatt hours from nuclear energy.
In this conversion of energy it is thought that the nuclear reactor will re¬
place the combustion equipment and furnace of the conventional power plant.
but the nuclear energy will appear as heat to be absorbed by some working
fluid and used in conventional prime movers. Thus the first nuclear power plants
might follow a plan somewhat like that implied in Fig. 9-2. The natural source
of fissionable material is uranium, a rather common element in that it is present
in the earth’s crust in about the same proportions as copper and lead. The
natural element is a mixture of and U“®. Energy is liberated when a free
neutron strikes the uranium nucleus; however, it is only the U*®® that is fis¬
sionable and natural uranium contains only one part in 140 of this isotope, the
remainder being nonfissionable IP®®. As each fissioned nucleus yields more
Fig. 9-2 Assumed heat-producmg end of an atomic-nred power plant. (From Good¬
man, Science and Engineering of Nuclear Power, Vol 1, Addison-Wesley Press, Inc.
Cambridge, Mass.)
than one new free neutron, there is a possibility of a chain reaction resulting in
continuous fission, just as when combustion is ignited it is possible to sustain
continuous combustion as long as any fuel remains. The question of whether
or not the U®®® and neutrons continue to ‘‘bum” or go out depends on the results
of a competition for free neutrons by: (1) Escape from the reactor; (2) non¬
fission capture by U®®®; (3) nonfission capture by impurities in the reactor;
(4) fission capture by U®®®. If item 4 produces more neutrons than are lost by
the others, then the chain reaction continues, otherwise it does not.
Fission is accomplished better by neutrons moving more slowly than those
which the fission itself produces. The fast neutrons are slowed suflSciently by
being passed through a moderator material (carbon, heavy water) and colliding
with molecules. Hence the uranium needs to be mixed with moderator or inter-
spersed in a latticed moderator. Reactors are therefore homogeneom or hetero¬
geneous types. A chain reaction will not occur unless the uranium is present in
excess of a critical mass. The homogeneous reactor may be a sphere filled with
a solution of uranium salt in water, or with a slurry of moderator and uranium.
A heterogeneous reactor might be a large cube of pure graphite (a 'pile) with
numerous openings into which containers with purified uranium metal could be
inserted in a quantity to exceed the critical mass. Through other openings would
be inserted adjustable rods of material having the property of high neutron
absorptivity. Cadmium is such a material. Control of the rate of energy produc¬
tion is vested in movements of these control rods in or out of the pile.
Fig. 9-3 shows the chain reaction, as well as the production of a new arti¬
ficial element plutonium, Pu^®®, which, like is fissionable by slow neutrons,
but which may be chemically separated from U®®®, whereas U®®® can be isolated
only by expensive physical processes. In the pile large numbers of the slow
neutrons are absorbed by the U^®®, creating a short-lived new element, nep¬
tunium, which decays to plutonium.
The reactions are:*
9,Np2» 94Pu«® +
As the safety valve will not open until pressure has risen some 4% above
operating pressure, the maximum drum pressure is (26.4+2.67)1.04 ==30.2kg/cm*
g«. The boiler construction industry has a recommended pressure standard for
the construction of power boilers. These standardized pressures are 11.25,12.66,
14.06, andin increments of 1.76 kg above this. Hence the boiler design pressure
for the foregoing case would be 31.64 kg/cm* ga.
The pressure-temperature ranges used for steam power can be grouped as
8.8- 17.6 kg/om* : saturated steam to 83.S'’C superheat,
17.6-28.1 kg/cm^ ; saturated steam to 400°C total.
28.1- 66*2 kg/om> ; 400*^0 to 440®C.
66.2- 70.3 kg/cm* ; A2TC to 482‘»C.
70.8- 140.6 kg/cm* ; 449®C to 506*C.
^ ^ ^ , ,,, (9-6)
U ki fe k* kn
For flat walls the area Ai * Aj = • • • An", hence
3 = kcal per hr (9-6)
ky^ h k» kn
The case of double-layer cylindrical walls having radii of ri, r2, r#, is covered
by the equation:
3 kcal per hr (9-6)
In rt/ry In nM
ky k»
The temperature for p, fc, c, and p may be the average .mixed temperature of
the fluid streams or the average fluid film temperature. It is necessary to
attach these conditions to tabulation of the constants.
The physical properties p, k, c, and p are dependent on fluid temperature,
posing the question of what temperature is to be used for this evaluation. Since
the transfer process occurs through the fluid film, the mean temperature of this
film should be used. However, this is somewhat uncertain and difficult to
measure. In turbulent flow the film is very thin, despite its high resistance.
Cross flow over tube banks 0.33 0.6 0.33 D* Average film
('ross flow over single tube 0.3 0.57 0 Do* Average film
end and becomes smaller as 6^ decreases. For Fig. 9-7 Study of mean tem¬
very small temperature rises, to — ti, the error perature difference.
is not large, but becomes increasingly serious
with increasing At. The shape of the temperature rise curve is readily deter¬
mined. The arithmetical mean temperature difference is the average ordinate 6.
Through elementary area dA there is a heat flow dq that is also the heat
absorbed by the flow w, experiencing a temperature rise dt.
Now dq = UOxdA, where U is an over-all coefficient of conductance, con¬
sidered constant over the whole heating surface. Also, dq = wcdt, = wcdOx, for
dt = d$x if f is constant. As a result,
As has been stated, the true mean temperature difference over the entire
area A is the average 6x- Therefore
9 -
might seem that water temperature would rise from feed temperature to saturation
temperature, and, of course, this is t ue of any specific mass of water. But on account of
recirculation (10-15 times around the circuit for complete evaporation) the incoming feed
is mixed with so much saturated water that the mixture temperature at the tube surface is
nearly that of saturation.
If expression (I) is used to replace both A and dA in (II), we get the follow¬
ing result.
^max *tnin
d = (9-12)
In ^max/^iT
If the t* fluid were inside and the t fluid were flowing over the outside of the
tube, the same equations would have resulted.
Both t* and t variable. Although a derivation for 0 may follow the same
principle as above, it becomes con
ti tn "to_ sidcrably more complicated, for in
this case one is not entitled to use
the dOx = dt relation. The mean tem¬
perature difference now involves four
temperatures. There are two possible
Parallel flow Counterflow types of flow as illustrated in Fig.
FiCJ. 9-8 Both fluids of varying tempera¬ 9-8, the parallel and the counter-
ture. flow. Counterflow is used where pos¬
sible because it places the highest t
and V together, permitting a larger range of temperature change. In either
case, however, the average temperature is given by a solution of ^BxdA
which, as it turns out, is identical with Eq 9-12, but not with Eq 9-13.
Example 1: The mean temperature difference existing for the convective heat trans¬
fer in a boiler tube bank will be calculated assuming that the case is approximated by
the situation shown in Fig. 9-7 inverted, that is, with t' inside the tubes and t outside.
Boiler pressure, 10.55 kg/om* ga; gas temperature, 982,2*C initially, final 287.8*’C.
At 10.55 4-1.03 kg/om2 ab- the saturation temperature is 185.6*0. This is
The gas temperature t varies from 982.2*0 to 287.8*0.
Example 2: Steam flowing through superheater tubes and being superheated with
heat transferred from gases flowing over the superheater tube bank is an approximation
of the counterflow case of Fig. 9-8. The mean temperature difference will be calculated
for the following data : Boiler steam pressure, 17.58 kg/om2 ga. Final steam temperature,
315.6*0. Gas temperature before superheater, 81.5.6*0 ; after superheater, 657.2*0.
At 17.58 kg/cm3 ga, saturated steam temperature is 207.8*0. The temperatures are
identified thus : = 815.6*0. « ^ = 657.2*0, « 207.8*0, «. 315.6*0.
or Z “ ■ (9-16)
CtflVu Bnmx
A* (9^17)
U{Z ^ 1) ^„ln
However, unless the empirical data available are based on cases very similar
to the study being undertaken, the designer must revert to the rational methods
obtained from Thermodynamics.
9-10 Convective Heat Transfer Between Condensing Steam and
Water. This type of heat transfer has received full study in theory and experi¬
ment. The factors that affect the transfer have been individually studied and
evaluated; consequently predictions of heat transfer are on a fairly definite
basis in the steam condenser and water heater field. These factors have been
examined in investigations of vapor film resistance, effect of water velocity in
tubes, etc. We shall now devise an equation to assemble the results of such
studies in a relation between heating surface and the various influences on heat
The customary arrangement of equipment for transferring heat from a
condensing vapor to water through a dividing surface is to arrange that surface
in tubular form with the water inside the tubes and the vapor outside. This
gives controlled water flow and is much more effec¬
tive in promoting high rates of transfer than is the
submerged steam coil arrangement. It furthermore
facilitates prompt and direct delivery of condensate
to the hotwell. This yields the characteristic ar¬
rangement of a bank of tubes expanded or packed
into tube sheets, supplied with water from a water
box which is essentially a water supply header for
Fig. 9-9 Cross section of the tubes. Encompassing the whole is the shell
condenser tube. which confines the vapor to the tubes. When prop¬
erly supplied with flanges for ingress of steam and
water and egress of condensate and water, we have the basis of both the
condenser and the heater.
Basically we have the case shown in Pig. 9-7. The tube is carrying water in
turbulent flow and is surrounded by condensing steam. The conditions attend¬
ing heat transfer where impure water has to be used are depicted on the tube
cross section. Fig. 9-9.
As Fig. 9-9 shows, q is (xnnmon to all these temperature drops, since they
are in aeries; that is, the same amount of heat that enters a givoi segmoit of
wall must emerge from the same segment and heat the water. q/A would be
common except that the area of the izmer surface is less than the outer; there¬
fore the intenrily of heat flow is greatw.
By taking Ay as on the outside of the tube, A. and A« at the inside, and At
as the average, all surfaces may be expressed in terms of the outer surface At.
Calling Z)w the inside diameter of the tube and Dy the outside diameter. A*
and At may both be expressed as a function of At and the diameters. Then
Eq 9>18 is reducible to
$ = H-^-h (9-19)
At LC/v ^ UtiDyy + Dy) ^ UJ)y, ^ Uy,D„j
This apparently unwieldy formula is, nevertheless, in useful form, and mere
length is not necessarily a handicap. Some of our shortest formulae are most
difficult to employ because of their inflexibility. The form of Eq 9>19 is useful
to the degree that research and tests supply the values of the separate It
is in a form such that, as new experimental data become available, they may
be used to supersede old data. Also, experimental data may be applied directly
instead of being converted into abstract coefficients. For instance, Ub would be
the actual conductance of a layer of scale in kcal per m* per hr per deg C tem¬
perature difference. It would be difficult to convert such information, were it
available, into an abstract multiplier such as a “cleanliness coefficient.”
A. T. Brown, Sherwood, McAdams, Turner, Partridge, White, and others
have contributed information on the various conductances. Their work is not
necessarily final and probably will be repeated and improved on by others as
time goes on.
Uti Conductance of the tube is fct/dt where dt is wall thickness. Consult
Table 9-1 for fct.
C/g! The amount of scale on the water side of condenser tubes varies with the
source of the water, season of the year, and frequency of cleaning. The coeffi¬
cient is therefore widely variable with a possible range of 4880-19530 kcal per
m*-hr-dcg C. An average value to use lacking definite local information would
bel4650.The mill scale on new tubes having no fouling has U of about 29250.
Uw* It has been established that this is some function of water velocity.
Sherwood and Turner give:
f/w = (9-20)
Fro. 9-10 Steam tuibine coadenser heat transfer rates. (For various tubes and'water
velocities.) (Courteqr Stdt. Heat Exchange Institute—mt.)
facturer members of the Heat Exchange Institute have conducted tests and
arrived at values of over-all conductance which they consider to be maximum
safe design limits. The coefficients used by this association are shown by Fig.
9-10. The coefficient U is in kcal per hr-m*-dcg C, and is such that
Ue = q/Ay (9-24)
The data are depicted for21.rinlet water temperature, and are based on
clean, new 1.24 mm(18 BWG) Admiralty tubing. Other operating conditions
may be corrected for with the use of temperature and tubing multipliers. One
could judge from the purpose for which these coefficients are promulgated that
condensers in service could produce higher values of the coiAcient.
Very similar to the surface condenser is the steam water heater, referred to
in Chapter 8 as a regenerative or extraction heater. The heat transfer analysis
is practically the same. Whereas basically both accomplish the delivery of heat
to a fluid of rising temperature by the action of a condensing vapor delivering
its latent heat of evaporation while being reduced to the state of condensate,
actually they are distinct for the following reasons:
1. The condenser must accommodate practically the entire flow of the
vapor cycle as a low-pressure vapor, whereas the heaters are required to hold
only a small fraction of the flow as a vapor. Furthermore, the vapor density in
the heaters is higher than in the condenser, and thus there is a large difference
in mere physical size of equipment.
2. Heat transfer in a condenser is seriously complicated by formation of
scale and sludge on the transfer surfaces, whereas there is very little of that in
the heaters.
3. Condensers are generally one- or two-pass, while heaters are never less
than two-pass, and may be four- or six-pass.
4. Condenser tubes are copper alloy of high heat conductivity, but high-
pressure heater tubes may need to be of the stronger (but less conducting) steel.
9-11 Examples of Surface Convection Calculations.
Example 1: The film coefficient of water flowing in a 19.1 mm QD^ 1,66 mm tube at
1.67 m/seo will be calculated from Eq 9-10. Water enters this tube at 16.6^5 and leaves at
The fluid properties will be evaluated for a temperature of (15.6 ^ 994^ ^
Conductivity from Table 9-1; viscosity from Table 14-8 or Fig. 9-6. Specific heat,
1.0koal par kg-deg C density, 697.7 kglmK
k »0.533 kcal per ha>m*iieg C,
H s 0.95 centipoises, or 0^95 x 10.1 x lO»-»kg
c » 1.0 X 9.81 * 9.81,
p « 997.7/9.81 » 101.7 kgWl/n^.
D, » (19.1 - 2 X 1.6»>/iOOOOJOMm.
These properties were computed in order to find the parameters Nu, Re, Pr, and thus
to use Eq 9-10.
Nu » 0.0158^/0.533 » O.OMk.
Re « 0.0158 X L67 x tOlJKkM X iOJ x 10^ - tWO.
Pr ^ 9.81 X 3600 X 0.95 X 10.2 x lO-s/0.583 « 6.47.
Substitute in £q 9>-10 with eonstanti Mieeted from Ti|4ble S-2.
O.OtMh - Mn X fftOOM X 6;47«4
h ^ 0906 Inel per hi^mWeg C
In £q 6*20, is also the film eoefficient. It will be computed and compared with the
foregoing result.
From Eq 6-21, h * 1279.7 i’a5"‘'CT *■
4290.4 X 1.67 01* » 6200 keel per iMbiaMegO
Example 2: A convection steam superheater is an example of e^ple heat transfer
between a gas and a vapor. Here a problem is devised which will involve an estimate
of the over-all coefficient. The surface arrangement is diagrammed in Fig. 6-11, and
some of the data required for a solution are to be found on the figure. The surbee
ares needed and tube bank arrangement will be determined.
As the tube is thin walled and of very high conductivity compared to the steam
and gas films, the curvature will be neglected in the equation for over-all conductance.
i- = — -f- -i- 4- -
U hx Ut hz
where is steam film conductance; h2 the gas film conductance.
Steam Film Coefficient. Eq 9-10: Nu = O.O23/?e0-
This is capable of simplification, for Pr i^ approximately unity for superheated
steam. Also the pV of the Reynolds number can be exchang^ for G,/9^S1, where G,
is the steam mass flow, kg per ml-mo. With these modifications, £q 9-10 becomes
Gas film temperature is the average of tube tem])eraturc and gas stream tempera¬
ture. Preliminary trials having shown that /i, is much larger than hj,
the 751.8° to 260*
drop between fluids is assumed to take place mainly m th(' gas film Tube tem])erature
IS estimated to be 316*C.
Film temperature = (751.8-f 316)/2 ^ 534° C. From Fig. 9-6 at this temperature,
A’2 = 4.6 X = 38.33 X 10“7. Using air properties ns a substitute for those of
combustion products, = 0 884 *
Eq 9-10 is now modified to
h. = 0.33/)r’A-2[7)2Gg/(9.8lM2)?'’Pr2«''’^ =0.0841 W ^3
Substituting the values already determined, with D2 =26.4/1000
Ih = 0.0841 X 4.6 xlO-2 X (0.0254)-0-4 [2.268/38.33 xl0-7p «x0.884
whence A2 =43.19 kcal per hr-ni*-deg C.
Overall Coefficient. The tube coefiScient is approximately k/dt. From Table 9-1 for
steel, k = 39.7 kcal per hr-m-deg 0. Ut = kcal per hr-m*-deg C.
Now 1/U = 1/1014 + 1/14897 + 1/43.19 whence, U = 41.31 kcal per hr-m*-d6g C.
Number and Length of Elements. Assume that this superheater is to be in a 13610 kg
per hr steam generator. Superheater transfers 13610 [(3064.4t—2797.6)0.239] « 0.868 x 10*
koal per hr*
^max = 815.6 ~ 316.6 = 600*0, = 688 ~ 208 = 480*0,
500 - 480
^ In (600/480)
'^Author used Nat. Bureau of Stds. Table 2.44, but Pr might also be calculated from
alt, ka, and ca.
tValues in Joules/gram. Multiply 0.238 to convert to koal/kg.
To Booure this in an %M m high paoBage will reqaire 8 paBBOB or 2.2 m per paBB. This
arrangement would probably have a drop of 1.4-2.1 kg/om< steam preBsure between super¬
heater headers, and a draft loss of 7.6 mm water, or less. The major heat flow reostance
is on the gas side on account of the high mass flow of steam and the low mass flow
of gas. Nevertheless, steam pressure is simpler and easier to create than draft.
Example 3: Illustrating the use of Eq 9-19, the rate of' heat transfer through
lO.lmmX 1.24mm. copper alloy clean condenser tubes will be determined.
Given 6 ~ B.1**C , »= 6885 koal per hr-m*- deg C •
Assume the Dy/(UJ)^) term negligible for clean tubes.
<y r 1 / q , 2x19.1 191 "1
Eq 9-19:
Av 1111910 VAv/ ^ 98.7 ^1^.62+19.1) ^ 98^ x 16.62 J
Arrange as follows for solution:
a he
6^ d
(n rows deep)
* Linn Helander, “Dividing Heating Surface Among Boiler, Economizer, and Air
Heater,” Power, March 4, 1930.
The foregoing equations, together with 9-15 and 9-16, can be used to set up
a series of simultaneous equations which can then be solved for the values of the
most economical temperatures. The solution of the simultaneous equations will
be simple for the first two cases, but will require more extensive labor for the
1. Devise a diagram to show roughly, but quantitatively, the rate of flow of
energy in a power system (Fig. 1-11) per kw being used by a customer. At appropriate
points on the diagram indicate the magnitude of each of the following: (a) generator
output; (b) torque at turbine coupling at 18(X) rpm; (c) waste heat discharged
through condenser; (d) weight of coal (bituminous) used per min. Data: steam
generator thermal efficiency, 75%; auxiliary steam^ 5% of tW generated; thermal
efficiency of vapor cycle, 35%; generator efficiency, 95%; electrical auxiliaries use 2%;
power line efficiency, 93%.
2. A deuteron is an atomic particle composed of a neutron and a proton held
together by nuclear binding energy. On the atomic mass scale the deuteron mass
is 2.0146. Find the binding energy in Mev per deuterwi.
3. Assume that all the energy released in the fission of U*®® in 25 g ot normal
uranium is captured for use. How many kw hr should be obtain^ 25 g of normal
4, A new steam power plant of 30,000 kw capacity in one unit is being consideted.
Assuming that the pipe friction loss between boiler drum and turbine would not exceed
1% of the throttle gauge pressure, predict the probable boiler design pressure and
the degree of superheat to be used.
5. Bolts in a high-temperature pipe flange which had begun to leak after five
years* continuous service were removed and the length compared with installation
records. Stressed lengths that were installedat 130*83 mm were found to be 140*46 mm long.
Determine whether this is within the creep limit mentioned in text.
6. A flat partition is made in two layers, X and Y in close
contact (Fig. 9.6P). Thermocouple measurements are taken
at stations as shown. Material Y is known to have k =7.2
4.,5* koal per hi*—^m—des; C Find: (a) (b) contact re¬
sistance in hr-m^-deg C per kcal.
7. A steam pipe 219.08 mm OD is covered with 50.8 mm of
material for which k 3.47, over which is 63 5 mm of
Fio. 9-eP
material with k 2.54, both k'a in kcol per hr- m^-deg C.
Outside surface of pipe at 457“C ; of covering, 79*C. Length-of pipe, 4.72 m. How much
heat is lost through it per hr ?
8. Given Fourier’s Law as qdr = -—kAdO; derive Eq 9-7.
9. A thin, flat metal wall is bathed with water on one side, air on the other. It is
found that 3300 koal are transferred to the water in forced convection per in’* per
hr. Mean temperature difference, 27.8®C. The water film conductance is estimated at
4638 kcal per hr-m^-dog C Make an estimate of the air film conductance.
10. Write an equation for q transmitted by forced convection under
a mtd of $ for the case shown in Fig. 9-lOP.
11. Air at an average stream temperature of 82®C is flowing at
762 m/min in a rectangular duct 38cm x 76 cm. Estimate the conductance
of the air film.
12. Diagram a <*ase of heat transfer from condensing steam to
water flowing in a tube. Derive Eq 9-12 for this case, showing all Fio. 9-iOP
necessary steps.
13. Find the mean temperature difference in a steam condenser where the absolute
pressure is 0.12 kg/cm^and the condensing water terminal temperatures are 18.3*’Cand
14. In a two-fluid heat exchanger, operating counterflow, one fluid rises in tempera¬
ture from 82°c to I2rc j w^hile the other changes from 32rc to 218®C Diagram
the flows. Calculate the true and arithmetical mean temperature differences.
15. Repeat Prob. 14, except make the case one of parallel flow.
16. A lubricating oil cooler of the shell-and-tube type has the following flow
temperatures: Oil in, 66°C; out, 33.6®0. Water in, 15.8®C; out, 47.8®C. Arrange¬
ment, counterflow. Find the mean temperature difference.
17. The rate of water discharge from a 5.4 mm copper alloy tube 3.05m long surround¬
ed by steam was 97 kg per min. Water terminal temperatures, 18.3®C and 28.9®C. Steam
temperature, 104.4*0. What coefficient of conductance was developed?
18. With the use of Fig. 9-10, determine the required surface for a condenser if
43,090 kg steam per hr are to be condensed at 50.8 mm Hg aba, uaing water at 21.1*0
which will be heated to 4.4* less than steam temperature. Steam quality, 0.875 ; water
velocity, 2.44 m/sec ; 19.1 mm 1.24 mm Muntz tubes.
19. Determine the over-all 17 of a condenser from individual predictions of Uy, U^,
Ut, and U^, Data: 22.2 mm x 1.24 mm tubes; 2.l3m/seo water velocity; 7*G mtd;
23.9*0 average water temperature.
20. Calculate the film coefficient of steam flowing through S8.lmm x 2.67 mm tubes
at 10.64 kg/om* ga 22YX)t at the rate of 1220 m/min.
21. Determine, with Eq 9<*10, the film coefficient of conductance of water in a
60.6 mm x 3.18 mm Steel tube. Average water temperature, 110*C; velocity, 1.6S m/seo.
Compare result with a coefficient calculated from Eq 9-20.
lU. An assumption of 816”C was made in Ex 2, Sec 9-11. Using the results
computed in that example, what would the tube temperature actually have been? What
percentage correction does this lead to in M2 and k2^
23. Make an estimate of the over-all conductance, gas to water, of surface con¬
vection through a 60*8 mm x 3.05 mm steel tube having an Interior water flow at 0.61
m/sec, with water entering at 99^C, leaving at 16rC. Gas flow is transverse at G » 24,410
kg{Mrhr-mr and has temperature change 308*^0 to 274*C. Gas is to be considered as
having same thermal properties as air.
24. Employ Eq 9-19 to predict q/A^ of a condenser heat transfer surface where the
tubes are 22.2 mmx 1.24 mm copper alloy. 32.2^0; t|, IC.T'C 27.8T. Water velocity^
1.83 m/seo. Ug» 9766 koal per m^^hr-deg C.
25. Find the ERS and EPRS of radiant surfaces for tubes on a furnace wall in
arrangement (a), Fig. 9-14. There are 20 tubes ss.Ommdia x 3.05 m long. Assume a
slag factor of 0.92.
26. Find the ERS of a furnace envelope consisting of 3 walls arranged as in Fig.
9-15 (3), one wall refractory, floor refractory, and roof a tube bank. BS area of walls,
10.7 m* ^ach; of floor and roof, 8.4 m* each. 6 == 0.55v for walls; 1.5v for tube bank.
8 = 0.90; D = 76.2 mm; L = 178 mm.
27. Solve Ex 9-26, finding EPRS instead of ERS.
28. Find the “fraction cold'^ of the furnace of Prob. 9-26.
29. With the Orrok equation, find temperature of gases at furnace exit for a case
of combustion where bituminous coal of Qj^ = 6255kcal/kg is burned on 15:1
A:F ratio. Air temperature, 26.7®C; 0^9.8 kglnflERS. Allow for combustionlheat losses
of 280 kcal per kg coal. Cp of gases = 026 kcal per kg-deg C.
30. A steam generator is equipped with air preheating auxiliary heating surface.
Find the most economical temperature to which to cool the gas leaving preheater,
using the following data: fia, 371*C; t,, 21.rc Coal, $4.92 pertonne ; Q,, 7225 kcal;
Cg, $.3.23 I7„, 8.8 Operation 6000 hr per yr. z (Eq 9-16) = 0.70; over-all thermal
efficiency, approximately 80%.
* Subseqvently the reader will see hpw this pressure is maintained by combugtion con^
governed by a combination of diameter and thickness, expressed in formulae
of the boiler construction code.
Drums are cylinders with spherical ends, of welded steel plate construction,
except in designs for very high pressures where required wall thickness exceeds
the practical limit of welded construction and forgings are used.
The rate at which heat can be transferred through heating surfaces varies
greatly in practice, for it is affected by the many factors mentioned in Chapter
9. The comparative rates at which surfaces located in different parts of a steam
generator can be instrumental in transferring heat energy from gas to water are
illustrated in Fig 10-1 This shows a pulverized coal-fired unit with water-
cooled furnace, superheater, and air preheater.
Fig 10-1 Typical conditions of temperature and heat transfer, koal per ^qm-hr.
1. High efficiency rcprosf’ntcd l)y transfer of the required heat with minimum
losses. This involves the use of auxiliaiy'^ heat transfer surfaces, well-insulated casings,
effective baffling, etc.
2. High availability for service. The tendency to build steam generators of sufficient
capacity per unit to serve a turbine generator, unaided by other boilers, emphasizes
the need for inbuilt ability to remain ^'on the line^^ continuously. Ability of the
materials, and especially the joints, to stand the high temperature service reflects on
this. Also, the degree to which the design was successful in preventing slagging of
tubes by molten ash and the performance of the ash removal system are critical to
availability. Furthermore, the availability of the boiler auxiliaries must be equal to
that of the boiler itself,
3. Ability to deliver clean steam. See steam purifiers, Sec 10-10.
4. Uniformity of superheat, indicated by ability to deliver superheated steam at
the specified temperat\ire at full load, with superheat controlled within narrow limits
over a siiecified load ramre. Superheat is treated in Sec 10-0.
5. Ability to accommodate variations in rate of steaming without unsteadiness in
steam pressure, surging of water levels, development of localized overheating and other
transient phenomena.
* The unit is kB, a thousand Btu heat transfer (oonverted in ko»l or Jonlae).
onlS.4kg6team per hp per hr. Because it was thought desirable to have a
'^boiler horsepower” supply the steam for an engine horsepower, about iM kg
per hr of steam-raising capacity was selected as the unit of boiler horsepower.
On account of the variety of steam and feedwater conditions met in practice, a
hypothetical standard of 15.44kg steam per hr generated dry and saturated at
lOOX! from feedwater at the same temperature was taken for the purpose of
defining a developed boiler horsepower. This operating condition is now famil¬
iarly referred to as “from and atlOO®C” The heat transfer represented byl5.44
kg team generated from and atlOOX! is 15.44x1000x2257.0x2.3885 per hr.
X 10* kcal/hr.^ When the actual heat transfer per hr in a boiler is divided by
2257.0 the quotient is said to be the ‘‘Equivalent Evaporation.” The term
“Factor of Evaporatbn” is sometimes employed. It is the actual heat absorption,
per kg steam generated, divided by 2257.0.
At the time of defining the standard developed boiler horsepower, the
average rate of evaporation in boilers was 14*65 kg steam per hr per sq metre.
Comparing this with the average steam rate of engines at the time, it was
judged that 0.91 m* of heating surface would be needed to generate steam for
an engine horsepower.Consequently this surface (1.1 m* for fire tube boilers) was
adopted as a rating for “boiler horsepower.” The 10:30 ratio of heating surface
to steam rate has long been obsolete because steam rates have been reduced to
less than 4.5 kg per hp hr, while evaporation rates per sq metre have doubled and
tripled. Because the normal developed horsepower began frequently to exceed
the rated horsepower, the term “per cent of rating” came into use. The modem
high-capacity boilers may operate at as much as 400% rating, and 200% is
common in numerous installations. Unlike ratings in other fields, thisiMs not
construed as an overload on the boiler, but rather is the normal continuous load¬
carrying capacity.
Boiler horsepower and per cent rating are terms w’^hich have been abandoned
in large steam generator nomenclature. As water wall, economizer, and super¬
heater surfaces increasingly account for total heating surface these terms be¬
come meaningless. However, in the field where the unit is a steam boiler of
standardized design this nomenclature is still used. In some small boiler fields
maximum developable boiler horsepower is a standard method of rating.
Low-pressure boilers intended for heating use are frequently rated in terms
of the number of square metre of equivalent direct radiation (EDR) they will
Example 1: A boiler with 140 m* heating surface was found to evaporate S720 kg
oftteaaoLperhrat 18*(lkg/em>aband 0.9S diy ness factor. The feedwater was at 66.0*C.
The vanous capacity expressions previously mentioned will be determined. The steam
atote ooriesponds to an enthalpy of 2757x10* J/kg; hence increase of enthalpy produced
by the boiler was (2767—274.24) 1000 » 2483x104 J per kg evaporated
Rated boiler hp = 140/0«91 — 153-9 bo bp.
Developed boiler hp =3720x2483x104/36322x104 « 281.6 bo bp.
Percent rating = 281.6/163.8 » 170%.
ASME evaporation units = 3720x2483x104 «. 8237x104 J/hr,.
The plant operator should be interested in the efficiency with which steam
generating equipment performs its duty, for fuel costs are minimum when the
eflSciency of this equipment is maximum. There can be a great range of
efficiency. Many plants can be found which day after day get no more than
60fo of the potential heat of the fuel into steam whereas others operate con¬
sistently at better than 75%. Steam generator thermal efficiency is usually,
though incorrectly, called “boiler efficiency.”
By ^^boiler efficiency** is meant the measure of ability of a boiler or steam
generator to transfer the heat given it by the furnace to the water and steam.
But boiler and combustion equipment are so much a unit that ^^boiler and
furnace efficiency** is more important than boiler efficiency. To most persons in
this field the term “boiler efficiency” connotes over-all thermal efficiency, that
is, the percentage of the higher heating value of the coal which will be in the
steam. Efficiency can also be designated by kg evaporation per kg coal fired.
The evaporation may be based either on actual evaporation or on equivalent
evaporation “from and at 100®C”
Example 2: Three methods of expressing steam generator efficiency will be illus¬
trated using, in addition to the data of Ex 1, the hourly coal consumption of that
boiler. This is taken to have been 481 kg of coal of 28498.5 k J per kg higher heating
Fio. 10-3 Typical setting of an HRT boiler; and above, the boiler itedf.
ating pressure, and they would be tailor-made tofitthe customer’s needs. It canbe
assumed that the customer lor such a unit would have retained adequate
technical counsel to guide him in specifying his needs and evaluating the offer¬
ings. This counsel is equally important for the purchaser of a small boiler, but
unfortunately many purchasers of small units prefer to substitute the uncertain
economy of purchasing a standardized unit, without any in-place testing to
determine whether it fulfills claims made for it, for the cost of professional ad¬
10-4 Representative Fire-tube Boilers. The more important representa¬
tives of this field are the horizontal return tubular (HRT) boiler, the horizontal
two-pass or economic boiler, the locomotive type, the round upright type, and
the horizontal multi-pass or modified Scotch marine type The first and last of
these are chosen for further description
Prefentd VHUHm Co
Fig. 10-5 Unit steam generator. This fire-tube, intemal-fumace type is frequently
called a “Package Jailer.”
* Exo^t for plants remotely located, this advantage is more theoretical than real. Usu¬
ally a replacement tid>e can be quickly obtained from the manufacturer. Also, tubes may
be removed and tube holes temporarily plugged. Welding repairs are now possible.
t If the reader will carefully compare the two pa^ of this illustration (also.Fig, 10-7),
he can learn how to visualise the internal construction of a boiler in three hy
t3rpical fiat sectional drawings, which are the usual form in which tl^ information is
roof of the boiler. A drain and blow-off connection is required from each of
the lower rear header and lower wall header.
Bent-tube Boiler. There are more bent-tube than straight-tube boilers sold.
This is probably because purchase costs tend to be a little lower and many con¬
tracts are let on a strictly competitive basis. There are more variations of
heating surface arrangement available to the designer. This is of assistance in
arranging the elements of a steam generator which may have superheaters,
water walls, and economizers in addition to evaporative surface. Also there is
more latitude in baffle arrangement than in straight-tube designs. Tubes are
more difficult of access for cleaning and removal, especially if the steam drum
has internal fittings for steam purification, for these must be removed before
access is had to the tube ends.
drum There are two lower water wall headers. Drums and headers are parallel
to the boiler axis. Part of the steam drum is exposed to furnace temperature,
but there are few circulating tubes required.
Large steam generators are built to the purchaser's specification and are so
involved with other heat transfer surface that boiler tube banks are often a
minor portion of the whole unit. Examples of such units are given, but they
dannot be said to be ^‘typical,” because of the vast opportunity for individual
differences in this field.
10-6 Water Walls. The evaporative capacity of a water-tube boiler
be greatly extended, and at the same time a protection against high temperature v
can be afforded the furnace walls, by partially shielding the walls with vertical
tubes connected into the general circulation of the boiler.
This system of furnace cooling tubes is a water wall. Typical of the circula
tory connections to it are those shown in Fig. 10-11, in which the nonheating,
circulating tubes are emphasized As these are outside the furnace, they expand
Assumptions are; Air-fuel ratio, 11.4; pulverized coal firing with coal of Qh ■■ T$U
koal/kiyQL=7M7kcal/kg; slagging factor, 0.95; radiation plus incomplete combustion
losses, 1.5%. A rectangular furnace S.7 m X 4.1 m X 6.2 m high is taken, and for
simplicity is assumed to be covered on all six sides with water wall of the type shown
in ng. 19»12b»with 88.9 mm tubes spaced to 152.4 mm on oeiiters.This speoing permits
22 tubes on each of two side wells end 26 on each of the other side we11s,the roof; end
the floor. In this ecKemple, the date of Fig. 10-lSA ere employed.
The projected radiant heating surface, Ap, is calculated.
Proj. area (side wall tubes) = (26 + 22) x 2 x 6.2 x 0.0889 » 48.6 mt«
Proj. area (top and bottom) = 8.7 x 26 x 2 x 0.0889 ^ 16.6 mt.
Total Ap •m 60 m<.
To use Fig. 10-13A it will be necessary to calculate available heat, gas flow, and
effective radiant surface. A,.* The notation of Chapter 9 will be employed without
redefinition. It would appear from comments in Chapter 9 that « = 1.2 ^ is a reasonable
assumption for this type of wall.
Entering Fig. 10-13A with ERS = 3.64 and avsilsble he»t of 590 ko»l, the furnace
exit temperature is found to be 1132^ This is based on 15.6*C datum of combustion
air. Were combustion air preheated, the enthalpy of preheat would have been added
to Qg.
From the furnace exit temperature the heat transfer to water walls could be
calculated, as could’the necessary transfer duty of the convection zone.
Example 2: The same case will be analyzed successively by the data of Figs.
B and C. Previous calculated results are employed where necessary. Area of the
furnace envelope, BS » 5.2 <3.7 + 4.1) x 2 -h 2 x 8.7x4.1-«112 m*. Reduce by 0.96
factor for slag effect. Available heat per sq metre BS » 2581 x 7256/(112 x 0.96)
175968 koal per hr.Entering Fig. B with 175.96 x 10* kcal, and xpulverized coal practice,'*
the f|imaoe exit temperature is determined to be 1099*0. Since the datum of enthalpy for
F**- is 26.7*0, a emperature of 1088*0 should be used to comparethis result with meth*-
V sed on 15.6*0 datUm.
Po use Fig. C it is necessary to reduce BS surfaces to EPRS, From Fig. 9-16,
i^th tube spacing ratio of 88.9/152.4, the ««peroent effectiveness" is found to be 0.986.
EPRS « 112 X 0.935 X 0.95 = 99.6 m«.
Available heat2681 x 7266/99.6 ■> 188656 koal per hr per m* EPRS. Entering
ig. C with 188.7,the limits of experience are l^alradiant heat abaoiption per
Then sensible heat left in gas at furnace exit = (1 — 0.515) X 7256 /12.3—284.5
koal per kg.
Exit temperature = 15.6 4 284.5/.26=s 11J0®C.
These examples imply that, although the physics of heat transfer from a
luminous cloud to water-cooled tubes is quite involved, practical solutions
have been evolved that are fairly reliable.
10-7 Installation. The installation of a steam generator in a boiler room
may range from the exceedingly simple to the extremely complex. The extremes
Simple, A truly packaged unit such as a 150-hp oil burning fire-tube boiler
is received via railroad car fully assembled and pretested at factory. It is
handled in one piece and slid on its own base into place on a flat foundation.
When covered with heat insulation, joined to water, steam, blowdown, flue gas
vent, and oil supply lines, and supplied with electrical service and ignition gas,
it is ready to use.
Complex. A 45360 kg per hr power plant steam generator consisting of two-
drum boiler, superheater, water walls, setting, trim, combustion equipment, and
control equipment is received completely disassembled. One drum of this unit
may weigh as much as the entire boiler of the first example. There can be over
a thousand separate pieces to be received, inventoried, aifd finally used during
the erection of such a boiler which is, in a sense, built in place on the owner’s
foundations. The foundations themselves are complicated by special provisions
for ash disposal, air passages, and footings for carrying heavy concentrated
loads. In some cases the manufacturer’s contract includes erection; in others
an independent contractor erects, or the purchaser’s forces do so. The job may
consume upwards to a year’s time, and the unit may finally be tested for com¬
pliance with guarantees as much as a year and a half after the manufacturer
shipped the principal items (drums, tubes, and headers) from his factory.
The setting of a boiler may be thought of as all that material contributing
to the encasement of the heating surface and furnace region. Sometimes it is
built as a solid brick wall with inner courses of refractory material, but more
often nowadays it is a combination of refractory tiles on the inner surface
backed up by layers of heat insulation with a sheet-metal exterior casing. The
combustion equipment, reflecting arches, and other parts of the steam generator
may be built into, or be supported by, a brick setting, but the thinner, insulated
setting is not used for the mounting of any but light equipment. Combustion
equipment is separately supported from the foundation. The baffles which are
built against or across the tube banks to guide the gas flow are also part of
the setting, as are ash pits, soot hoppers, etc.
A major problem in the design of setting and support of pressure parts of
large boilers is thermal expansion. Tubes, baffles, tile walls and other parts at¬
tain different operating temperatures and proceed to different linear expansions,
all of which requires special attention in both design and installation in order
to preserve tight joints, avoid cracked walls, overstrained tubes, etc.
A fully installed steam generator will have its weight adequately supported
with allowance for thermal expansion. It will be completely encased with a
gas-tight wall capable of retarding the flow of heat from the hot interior to
a suflicient degree. This wall will, however, be pierced with numerous openings
for observation ports, lancing ports, soot blowers, draft gauge leads, etc. The
installation will have provided a furnace region and burners or stokers, and
a way of controlling gas flow through to a discharge conduit, called the uptake.
The complete installation includes disposal of waste products, viz., ash, cinder,
soot, and the proper introduction of combustion air. Numerous accessories,
either required or desirable, complete the installation. These are either for
instrumentation or are accessories collectively known as boiler trim*
10-8 Furnace. A furnace is a chamber for combustion. In addition it
provides support and enclosure for the combustion equipment—burners or
stokers. It surrounds the region where the combustion reaction takes place,
confining and isolating it so that it remains a controlled, albeit highly dynamic,
There are many interesting, puzzling, and difficult problems in the field of
furnace design. Many of the questions that arise have already been answered
by scientific testing and by experience, but some points are still met by the
liberal allowance method.
The design of a furnace cannot be carried out independently of other equip¬
ment, for its success will require coordination of several important factors,
among which may be mentioned:
1. Type of combustion equipment.
2. Character of the fuel used, especially its ash content.
3. Draft equipment employed.
4. Air supply and degree of preheating.
6. Boiler and its baffling arrangement.
Presuming that suflicient data on these factors are at hand, the furnace de¬
signer has to solve next a number of major problems before arriving at a
satisfactory result. What physical size is required for a particular installation
in order to provide sufficient furnace volume? What is the best possible shape
that will still satisfactorily accommodate boilers, stokers, burners, ash equip¬
ment, etc.? What wall type do the local conditions indicate? Will this type
give satisfactory combustion over the full range of variable boiler load ex¬
pected? Will the wall selected be satisfactory from the maintenance stand-
The applicaticm of heat release data will be shown for a case where it is
used to determine furnace hei^t.
Example 1: The dimensioDs of a furnace of a steam gennator, rated at 187S x 10*
kesl of imt transfer, are assumed to be determined horizontally by the shape of the
pressure parts and to be *Jim x The required hn^t inade this furnace will
be estimated, assinning water-coded walls. The coal has ash fusion temperature of
ISMI!. The thennal effioeney u usumed to be 80^. Pulverised coal firing. Hie fuel
must be potentially capaUe of liberating 1875 x 10*/0.8 = SMSTSOO keal per tor.
From Table 10-1 a heat rdease rate of 186800 koal per m* per hr is sdeeted as
appropriate to this case. Hmh fuinaoe volume = 8SU7000/105800 — no.? ni>.
I^uired furnace height = ii8>7/4^ x 44 -■ 6.8 m.
The type of boiler greatly influences the furnace shape. The firing equipment
itself may partially dictate the furnace shape. A stoker frequently fixes the
horisontal furnace dimensions. Pulverised coal burners, on the other hand,
allow the designer more latitude in the placement and number of combustion
units; hence the furnace shap^ is more ^Justable to other influences.
The shape should promote turbulence as much as possible. Needed turbu¬
lence may result from proper combination of furnace shape, burner placement,
and burner design. Furnace shapes are still further affected by the necessity
of ash disposal and by arches n^ed to promote ignition and to help bulm the
There are divergent ideas of how fuel burners should be located in the
furnace, but in general they should be aimed away from the opening leading
into the boiler tube banks (called the furnace aperture) and away from the
possibility of a direct impingement on the heating surface. The highly luminous
phase of the flame should not occupy a large part of the furnace volume. Gas
turbulence resulting from design or placement of burners is mueh.sou^t for
as an.aid to complete combustion.
The suspended ash particles (fly-ash) of pulverised coal and spreader stoker
furnaces may become critical to operation. The gas velocity in the furnace
should be made low enough to permit coarser particles of fuel to "hover,” thus
promoting completeness of combustion and effectiveness of radiant heat trans¬
fer. A low gas velocity through the boiler aperture will minimize the driving
of partly solidified ash particles against boiler tubes. Also, the tubes at the
boiler entrance should be spaced on sufficiently wide centers to delay brid^g
of such ash or slag as may stick.
The character of the furnace walls is an important factor in maintaining
continuous ignition and complete combustion, especially in furnaces unequipped
with arches. Two opposed considerations intrude themselves at this point. Tlie
walls should be as hot as possible, so that combustion will be complete and
heat transfer to water rapid. The walls should be as cool as possible for struc¬
tural strength and minimum midntenance. A judicious use of solid refractory
sections in water-cooled furnaces or of special refractory-covered water-walls
has helped, but the high-capacity, water-jacketed furnace is not extronely
flexible in carrying variable lo8d.
Many types of furnace walls are in use today. A primary classificati<»i of
them would be as follows:
1. iSoiuf JkfoMmrv.—This type langw from a sin^e homofeneous refraetoiy section
to one containing special insulation sandwiched between refraetoiy and earing. This
used to be a ecmmon type for small steam generating unite. As the furnace ride of
the refractory will ord^rily be ineandeeeent, it is important to prbvide a section
wlueh will be aatiafaetorily tuflit against beat leaks. Moat designers will either qieeify
the wall eeetion or cheek the manufacturer's figures en temperature gradient. Prririems
of this nature afford a dwnee for cfireet aam^ by theory and eemputaticn.
2. Aif'-cooled Masonry Walls.—^An air-cooled wall consists of a thin refractoty
section backed by an air space through which circulate cooling air currents. The air
is positively circulated bj’^ the furnace draft since it is desirable to use the heated air
for combustion. Obviously, an excellent feature of this construction is that the heat
flow which cools the refractories is again returned to the furnace. The cool wall front¬
ing the air sjiace is the furnace casing. The refractory section must be independently
supported by a steel or cast-iron skeleton from which the bricks (which are of special
shapes) are hung. Many ingenious methods of doing this have appeared, and a number
of successful typos are on the market. They are patented, and in the main this is the
field of the proprietary wall.
3. Partially Water-cooled Walls.—This type of wall is adaptable to a wide variety
of firing conditions. It is usually a solid type with a portion of the surface covered by
water tubes. Proper balance between the water-cooled and refractory sections will
allow high-capacity firing of fuel with low excess air by keeping the furnace temperature
sufficiently under the ash melting temperature. The refractory sections act as a
stabilizer to temperature, aiding in ignition and hampering overcooling. Partially
water-cooled walls are in common use for both stoker and burner-fired boilers. The
inner Burfaoe of refractory tile may be 50.8 to 101.6 mm thick, with 101.6 mm to 854 mm
heat insulation in block form backing it up. Such a wall could be used back of the water
tubes. Bare walls would require a thicker brick section.
4. Water-jacketed Furnace.—The combustion region is completely surrounded by
heat absorbing surface. As a type, the water-jacketed furnace is suitable for pulverized
coal firing, employing highly preheated air, and serving a fairly steady load.
A (ti - U
qo = kcal per hr (10-3)
I ^ I
kl h kn
1500 - to
q = 11.0 X 10“>« X 1.5(To^ - 54(P)
(4/8.5) 4- (5/0.55)
When is assumed = 200®, Qr = 175, Qc = 136 Btu per hr.
This having revealed qR > Qq, the assumption of outside wall temperature needs
Upon assuming = 175, Qr = 127, qc = 139.
As the two q's are now in approximate balance, it will be well to re-estimate the
*See Figs. 10-15 and 10-16 for typical materials.
conductivity values before another trial. For this purpose assume g = 138 Btu per hr.
J5QQ _
Considering Eq 10-2 applied to the tile layer alone, 138 = —whence t' = 1435°.
The mean temperature of the tile layer is (1500 -f 1435)/2 = 1467° F. Neglecting
contact resistance, the mean temperature of the block insulation is (1435 + 175)/2 =
805° F. For these temperatures, ki = 9.0 and k2 = 0.64. As these new k's will raise
the rate of heat flow, an assumption of = 190 is made, in the view of the previous
Spaciol shapas ora doslpnod ond
ordorod of noodod from bvildor
Into forme tho somo oe concroto
Saturated 55 6® iir
Type of Prime Mover Steam Superheat Superheat
transfer, the gas film has more effect on the over-all coefficient, as a previous
example has demonstrated. Also high mass flow, Gg, tends to reduce number of
superheater elements in parallel and to require greater length per element. The
effect of this is more folds per element between the two headers and greater
draft loss. For example,where 7 kg/cm*per 30.5m of element might be allowable
in a high-pressure unit, a low-pressure design might not be desirable with over
0.7 kg/cm* per 30.5 m. Flow velocities are of the magnitude of 1219-3048
m/min, with heat transfer coefficients of 24.4-73.2 kcal/m* hr deg C.
Tubes of 25.4 to 50.8 mm diameter arc generally used, although formerly
many superheaters were built of larger diameter tubing with external fins to in¬
crease heating surface.
Although separately fired superheaters have made an appearance in marine
units, the superheater is enclosed in the boiler setting in stationary practice.
This creates the need to design the boiler itself so that its setting will provide
sufficient room for the superheater and a means of supporting the elements.
There is little difficulty in arranging standard boilers to receive a superheater
for 37.8®to 93.3®C superheat, butthe superheater spaceneedsfor high temperature
units have considerable effect on boiler and setting arrangement.
Example 1: A convection superheater is composed of 12 elements in parallel, each
consisting of 1% in. X 0.105 in. tubing, 64 ft long. Gas temperature = 1850* F. Enter¬
ing steam has 0.985 quality at 250 psig. Superheated steam has 600® F at 235 psig.
The superheater transfer coefficient U will be estimated, assuming evaporation of 9.55*
lb per lb fuel and 18 lb gas per lb fuel. Steam flow 15,000 lb per hr.
This will be considered as a case of counterflow heat transfer, explained in Chapter 9.
The equation U =; q/AB will be used. To find tf, the gas temperature drop over the
superheater must be found. Assume Cp of gases = .25 Btu per Ib-deg. Equating heat
release of gases to heat absorption of ste.tm;
e= - «™.)/ln^; e= = 1220“ F
10-10 Boiler Accessories and Trim. The steam boiler consists basically
of heating surface and shell or drums. These are enclosed in a setting. Then
the ^^trim’’ is added, this consisting of valves and piping essential to the safe
operation of the boiler. These are supplied with the boiler when a comiilete or
*^tum key’^ installation is purchased. On the other hand, the purchaser fre¬
quently buys a bare boiler, then assembles the setting and trim himself. The
minimum trim is usually the following:
1. Feedwater entrance. A stop valve and a ch^ck vnlvo, with the former installed
nearest the boiler.
2. Blow-off (water), including special valves not vulne’’ahle to dirt in the water.
3. Safety valves (steam) to prevent rise of steam prehsurc above a predetermined
4. Water column, with gauge gla.ss, high- and low-water alarms, etc. The primary
purpose of a water column is to inform the boiler operator where the water level is in
his boiler. As this level should be maintained within a few mm , or les^’, of a normal
water line, the display of water level need only cover a heightot 3ooto 460mm., centered
about this normal line.
5. Stop-and-clieck valve. This is mounted on the main steam outlet and to it is
connected the steam pipe line.
6. Steam vent. A small outlet on the top drum normally closed by a valve, which
may be opened when it is desired to hold atmospheric pressure in the boiler, as during
initial boiling out.
7. Steam pressure gauge with siphon, cock, and inspector’s test cock.
8. Various special openings, in accordance with purchaser’s requirements, for the
accommodation of feedwater control elements, reagent feed, water sampling, etc.
Rotating and retracting dement eoat blower
• I—.. '
-II "
- c
1*1 I.'
Muhiplo jet*
( f.TH Fan mix
Pru-mix rMultiple* burner
PreflHur(‘ utomiziuK* 'i Heplaeeable tip
Fluid I
1 Wide nuiKe lip
* OesrrilM'd in text.
Here tiu' jinth<tr implies eombiistinii (muiIuiI sx.slems riesigii<*il i<» ni,iint:iiti iie.nrly
eonst:int steam pressuri* iu the boiler, a enrnplex siib|(*<*l rel(*gati*ii In S(s* 12-16.
convenience in use are other criteria of selection, but more decisive in small
plants than in central power stations.
Transportation costs add less to the delivery price of oil than gas; also fuel
oil may be stored in tanks at a reasonable cost, whereas gas cannot. Hence al¬
though fuel oil is usually more costly than coal per kg of steam generated,
many operators select fuel oil burners rather than stokers because of the
simplicity and cleanliness of storing and transporting the fuel from borage tp
burner. Also, many have decided on installations that can be readily switched
from coal to oil and vice versa as a safeguard against interruptions arising from
shortages created by strikes, bad weather, etc.
Most of the steam generated in the United States is produced from coal fuel.
In small plants the horizontal retort underfeed stoker has been an old standby
but is a poor competitor, at present, to the spreader stoker. Pulverized coal is
successful in small plants, but costs favor stokers up to approximately 22680 kg
per hr rate of steam generation per boiler. Above 45360 kg per hr the majority
of new units are pulverized coal-fired. In the past the multiple-retort underfeed
stoker was widely employed f6r large boilers, but this author has not seen any
recent evidence that they are of importance in the new plant field. Spreaders
and pulverized coal seem to have taken over the large boiler field. Spreader
stokers are now receiving the greatest interest and sales efforts of any stoker
type. The spreader is also very popular with small boiler operators; hence it
may be said currently to be the leading type.
10-12 Spreader Stoker. The principle of spreader stoking is the sprin¬
kling of coal, evenly and thinly, over a grate which forms the floor of the furnace.
'Desirable spreader coal consists of a mixture of fine particles and small lumps
up to31.8 nun screen sue. Air is fed up through the grates frenn wind boxes
located below. The thin fuel bed offers but little resistanoe and the coal is
quickly cauumed. Only the lumps reach the grates, for the fine paitides bum
In suspension ri^ng on the column of ps and fiame riidng from the grates.
TViibnlenoe, frhieh is quite InIjiMHtant in this stoker, is seeured liy ow-flre
w or steam jets.
A^natural resulfbf suspenmon burning of small fuel particles is the entnun-
ment of ash in the products of cmnbustion. There is enougd^ of this from spreader
stdiers to create a nuisance if discharged from chimnejrs. Also many of tiie
gas-bmne particles contain carbon which titould be 'tnqiped and retained to
the furnace for bura^. Jhus one sees a disadvantage of these stdkers—a dust
ocdQMor 18 almost a nSbessary auxiliary.
A spreader stoker consists of (1) Infers and feeders, (2) distributors, and
(3) grates. The hopper receives the supply of coal. Underneath the hopper is a
feeder to measure out the coal in accordance with need and drop it onto the
rotating distributor.* The distributor then impels the coal into the furnace.
Because the coal is a mixture of fine and coarse pieces it can be launched into
the furnace so as to descend fairly uniformly over the grates, with the heavier
pieces, of course, farthest from the disti^utdr. This (ould not be achieved if
the coal were all one size. Although these stokers are not critical to coal com¬
position (as are many), the author has found them to be fairly sensitive to coal
to be slower than the rate of travel of the stoker, thereby tending to shunt the
imrjiing section of the fuel bed rearward on the stoker. Consequently, furnaces
for these stokers arc built with ignition arches so arranged as to reflect heat
from.the incandescent region to the surface of the incoming coal.
Good distillation of the volatile matter in the coal must be followed by
equall^Tgood combustion of that volatile. The ignition arch constrains the ^s
t5“^e hottest portion of the furnace w’here it will be burned if over-fire air is
adnntted.to this regign. This is generally done by letting the over-fire air in
liErougii openings in the arch, so disposed as to promote turbulence in the
burning volatile. The main part of the combustion air is supplied from below
thevrorkitig gratc.'To control this air supply effectively (i.e., vary the plenum
along the length of the stoker in accordance with the combustion needs) the
plenum chamber should be zoned with cross partitions so that air may be fur¬
nished as and where needed.
The fuel bed is thin, though not so thin as in spreader stokers. Forced draft
coityeyOT stokers have approximately 150 mm thick green fuel ,bed ; those few
built ibr natural draft must operate with thinner beds and lower rates of com-
bustion per square metre of grate sur&ce. forctd draft stokers can develop
810000-1350(]^ kcal per hr perm* grate surface, with drive power of 3-5 hp per
tonne per hr. They will bum fine screenings, anthracite, lignite, and special
coals or sizings not readily handled by other stokers. Bituminous coal can be
used if it is free burning, i.e., noncaking, but as caking coals are the main
steaming coals of this country this is a rather serious limitation. Because of the
required ignition arches, the furnace will be more costly than for other stokers.
10-14 Underfeed Stoker. This type ot stoker is primarily a volatilization
retort to which may be attached overfeed grate sections where much of the
jBokcd product is burned Fresh coal is supplied from below under pressure,
causing the coal already in the retort to rise, passing in succession through
'20008 of ^tillation, ignition, and combustion. Air is supplied along the sides
of the retorts and below the overfeed sections.
" Underfeed stokers fall into two main groups, the single retort and the
multiple retort stokers. As is seen from Fig. 10-30, the single retort stoker con¬
sists of a trough-shaped retort to which coal is delivered by a reciprocating
ram. A systepa of auxiliary distributing pushers operating simultaneously with
the main ram push the coal longitudinally into the retort and prevent all of it
from rising near the front end. This stoker is not confined to the use of free-
burning coals since the cver-upward motion of the fuel bed supplies a heaving
action which will break up the crusts which form during the volatilization of
coking coals. Air from the tuyeres penetrates the fuel bed, mixing thoroughly
with the evolved gaees after which the combustible mixture passes throu^ tfie
bed of ineandescent carbw in order to reach the tumace is^on. This aeeoimts
' for the ability of this stoker to bum a wide variety of free-bumii^ and coking
coals smokelessly. Fine coals which might pack too tightly under the ram action,
anthracite, and coals with relatively low ash fusion temperatures are not suited
to the underfeed stoker.
The fuel bed surface builds up to a natural angle of repose of the burning
carbon. Ash appears at the surface from which it moves to the ash plates. Since
the main purpose of the retort is volatilization, the coal-burning Cgpacity may
Pat which it fans out and slows down after leaving the burner tip. Flame shape is
'^'^ntrollable by the adjustments of secondary air swirl vanes and other control
justments incorporated into the burners.
Pulverized coal burners are frequently classifed as long-flame, short-flame
(or turbulent), and tangential burners. The principal differences are in the
methods used for, -and rapidity of, air-fuel mixing, i.e., in turbulence. In the
long-flame system, the firing is downward in the furnace and, since there is,
therefore, a considerable length of flame travel permissible before combustion
is complete,, the burner itself ia ftot required to make an intensive mixture.
Tv^ulent humers are usually set into furnace walls and launch the flame
hdn^htalTy into the furnace. Full and complete mixing is required to be com¬
pleted At the burner. In flame is short and intensely hot. Tangential burners^
are set in the furnacrcomers and directed tangentially to an imaginary circle
in the center of the furnace. The swirling action produces such a turbulent
furnace atmosphere that high-turtojdeQQa^.the bumex itself is unno^ssary.
This type of* burner is sometimes constructed with tips that can be angled
through a small vertical arc so as to xaise or lower the position of the turbulent
combustion region in the furnace. This, in connection with a water-cooled
furnace, gives some control over temperature of gases at the furnace aperture
and is an assistance in maintaining constant superheated steam temperature
as the load varies.
Control of combustion in pulverized coal furnaces is secured by placing coal
feeders under the combustion control system. Air-fuel ratio' is controlled by
secondary air plenum, through dampers or fan control.
Cyclone Burner. Two disadvantages of pulverized coal are: (1) cost of
pulverization and (2) entrainment of 60-70% of the ash as “fly ash,” requiring
ej^nsive dust collectors in the jw^circuiti avoid these C(gm-
plications there has recently been developed a system of burning crushed, not
pulverized, coal in vortex suqpeniion. Ck>al is crushed to 6.4 mm maximum size
and blown into a cylindrical ^'cyclone furnace.” Air admitted tangentially at
some 762 mm water plenum creates a strong vortex, highly turbulent. Extremely
high heat liberations and the use of preheated air cause high temperatures in
the cyclone. The fuel is quickly consumed, and liberated ash forms a molten
film flowing over the inner wall of the cylinder. Owing to the inclination of the
furnace, the molten ash flows tp an appropriate disposal system. Scrubbing of
ash particles over the molten ash film results in capture by adhesion. Reduc¬
tion of fly ash to 10-20% of the total ash is vouchsafed by tests on the flue gas.
The use of a pulverized coal burner involves first establishing the flame.
This is done by an auxiliary gas or oil burner. These should be engineered with
the same care and safeguards as any other burner. When the pilot flame is well
established, the coal pulverizer or feeder is started, and ignition of the coal
stream is prompt. Although not a difficult operation, the lighting-off of coal
burners needs to be competently and carefully handled by experienced person*
nel, for should the setting take in a considerable quantity of unbumed coal
dust, and ignition occur before the setting had been thorougly purged, a damag¬
ing explosion might result. After a burner is in operation, it is under automatic
combustion control and operators need only
attend to occasional secondary adjustment
to prevent pulsations, unnecessary air, etc.
10-16 Gas and Oil Burners. Oil
Burner, The function of a fuel oil burner
is to receive a supply of fuel, meter it in
accordance with the boiler load, and condi¬
tion it for thorough mixing with air. Oil
humors are sometimes used with large sta¬
tion boilers, but more frequently with the
smaller boilers of industrial, commercial,
and institutional heating plants. In the
smaller capacities they and their air supply,
ignition, and control are incorporated into
an integrated oil burner unit, ^veral man¬
ufacturers have developed highly reliable
automatic units suitable for power boilers
6f 50-500 hp. A large number of light oil Fig. 10-34 Turbulent pulverized
units suitable for dwelling heating plants coal burner camng.
have been marketed.
The main difference in oil burners is the method of preparing the fuel for
close mixing with air. This can be done by vaporizing or by atomizing. Vapor¬
izing docs not appear in the power field. Atomizing can be accomplished (1) by
mixing the oil with a steam jet; (2) by forcing it through a small orifice imder
high pressure; and (3) by centrifuging it. The equipment is known as steam
atomizer, pressure atomizer, and rgtaiy cup atomizer, and examples are given
in Figs. 10-35. That the atomizing action is highly successful is demonstrated
by the willingness of most manufacturers to guarantee 13% CO2 minimum in
the products of combustion of their units. This represents low excess air, say
Next cycle
50 too 150
Fk;. 10-37 Example of program control, automatic oil burner with modulating control
and safety ignition.
modulating motor. Air flow proportioning is taken from the same linkage. As
long as the steam demand remains above that corresponding to the low-fire
point, the burner will ^‘float^’ under the combustion control described. Should
load then dwindle below that point a short period of operation on minimum
modulating valve position will raise steam pressure, causing a pressure limit
control to shut dowm the unit. Later, when pressure has dropped below the preset
differential, a new cycle of operations will be initiated by closure of contacts in
the limit control. This program of operations is set forth in chronological se¬
quence in Fig. 10-37. The timing sequence during ignition can be obtained from
a cam driven by a synchronous motor. A schematic diagram of a typical ar¬
rangement of equipment and controls for a modulating type rotary cup burner
is given by Fig. 10-38.
^ Gas Burners. Gas is the only fuel which is originally in suitable physical
condition for use in a burner. However, as with other burner fuels, the gas sup¬
ply must be regulated to the load, air in proper proportion admitted, and the
two thoroughly mixed. The intermingling of a fuel gas and air is comparatively
easy since both are in the gaseous state. A conunon method for boiler practice
is to divide the gas stream into many small filaments by a system of manifolds
and nozzles located in the burner. This system produces gas streams of small
enough dimension that surrounding air readily mixes with them. The mixture is
launched into the furnace through a nest of short mixing tubes of refractory
material and burning is in short-flame form. There are also other systems of
gas combustion, but natural gas is not often used for steam generation because
of cost Its convenience is unexcelled, and the boiler plant is considerably
simplified compared to oil or coal In certain businesses and industry these
considerations may outweigh fuel cost, and gas, if available, may be used. In
such cases the puchaser is usually looking for a fully automatic plant, and
equipment similar to that of Fig 10-38 is readily modified to control and safe¬
guard gas burners
10-17 Operation and Performance. The operation of a modem steam
generator is a job for trained, intelligent personnel Gone are the black gangs
of former years, so called from their general appearance after spending a shift
passing and firing coal by hand. With stokers, burners, and automatic control,
operations have become mainly supervisory in nature, although hand loading of
a coal-handling system, and hand removal of ash are frequently to be found in
smaller plants, including those of recent design and modem equipment. Fully
mechanized plants are not always financially justifiable. In the larger and in
many of the smaller plants, operations are divided into shifts, for continuous
production is the rule. In some of the smaller plants it is the practice to bank
fires overnight.
As was said, operation is mainly supervisory. Since loads are usually varia¬
ble, operation consists not only in ascertaining that the equipment is following
the load and functioning normally, but also in making secondary adjustments
which refine the thermal efficiency beyond the normal abilities of the usual com¬
plement of automatic equipment. Automatic equipment must be watched
through instruments or periodic inspections, load shifts between multiple units
made, critical points for pressure, temperature, etc., inspected from time to time
and other precautionary actions taken. In most plants, especially central
stations, part of supervision is “taking the log,” i.e., the record of flows, pres¬
sures, material quantities, and other physical data. These are supplemented by
samples of coal, water, etc., for testing in the plant laboratory. Performance of
the plant as a whole, or parts of it, are computed at intervals from such data.
Then there is always a certain amount of maintenance and repair, this being as
true of a boiler room as any other part of a power station. The larger the instal¬
lation, the more the need for division of operational duties between specialized
groups such as operations, tests, plant improvement, maintenance, repair, etc.
Professional engineers are needed for many of these duties; others can be
performed by nonprofessional technicians with special training, but there are not
many jobs for common labor in the modem boiler room.
Among the duties of professional nature are the testing of steam generators
and related equipment for performance. Although this often means “thermal”
performance, such is not always the case. For example, the performance of a
dust collector is not a matter of thermal eflSciency. However, the major operat¬
ing expense is fuel, so that the eflSciency with which it is converted into steam
or kw hr is of prime importance to operations. Performance tests are conducted
initially to determine whether sales guarantees are met, subsequently to test
whether a plant is performing as well as can be expected, to isolate faulty per¬
formance, and to check on changes designed to improve performance. Tests of
steam generators and firing equipment are among the most necessary and
complex of all such tests.
In a previous section of this chapter the meaning of “eflBciency” as applied
to steam generators was defined. Although it is of interest and importance to
know, for example, that the efficiency was 76.5%, what is often wanted is a
breakdown of the 23.5% losses so that each may be individually considered for
normal range, possibility of decrease by making operating changes, better main¬
tenance, etc.
The most widely accepted subdivision of losses is that of the ASME Test
Code in which the losses are segregated seven ways as follows: (a) Raising the
dry chimney gas from atmospheric temperature to flue gas temperature; (b)
boiling off the moisture in the fuel, and superheating to flue gas temperature;
(c) forming water vapor from free H2 in the fuel and superheating it to flue gas
temperature; (d) failure to realize the full heat of formation of carbon and
oxygen, as indicated by the presence of some CO in the products; (e) loss of
potential heating value represented by the presence of unconsumed combustible
in the ash refuse; (£) heat transfer from the setting to the ambient atmosphere
by the process primarily of radiation, with some secondary induced convection;
(g) a miscellaneous group of relatively small magnitude, frequently not directly
measurable. It is designated ^^unaccounted-for-loss” and consists of the,super¬
heat taken on by the humidity in the air used for combustion, sensible heat in
ashes, free carbon floating in the gaseous products of combustion, and some
other small items.
When tests show that one of these losses has become excessive, then a
knowledge of the sources of the loss enables the operator to look intelligently
for his difficulty among the many items which constitute the total boiler loss.
Table 10-4 is a resume of the more common causes of thermal loss associated
with steam generators.
Large power and heating plants are invariably designed and constructed
with allowances for testing, consisting of instrumentation, with provision for
checking instruments, openings for taking samples, etc. The author, however,
has visited several small plants which were assembled with apparently no
thought of any future tests, for when such tests were wanted piping alterations,
breeching openings, etc., were required, and the cost was far more than had they
been included in the original design. Although not describing in detail the neces*
sary provisions for testing, Fig. 10-39 is intended to summarize the minimum
requirements. Prior to an important test for which the engineer professionally
guarantees the results, instruments should receive calibration, limits of accuracy
be investigated, and general procedure methods be agreed on by parties in¬
volved. This subject is very adequately covered in the ASME Test Code for
Stationary Steam Generating Units and will not be repeated here.
A boiler test for efficiency is of questionable accuracy unless conducted for
several hours at the rate of steaming for which the test is being made. This is
not only to insure that thermal equilibrium is reached, but also to reduce the
effect of tolerances in measurement of fuel consumed. For example, with under¬
feed stokers there is always a large mass of coal in the stoker, with no way to
Orific stotion
be certain that it contains the same quantity at the end of the test as at the
beginning. But if the range of variation were, say, 454 kg, then the possible
average error in measurement of coal burned would be 45.4 kg per hr on a 10-hr
test, but 454 kg per hr for a 1-hr test.
Considering that each load point takes several hours to test, and that numer¬
ous readings and samples are taken, the reader may see that a full-dress steam
generator test is an undertaking of large magnitude. After the test the data are
rendered by calculation into a heat balance, load curves, or any other form of
report desired. An example of graphical display of performance data is given
by Fig. 10-40, and a typical rendition of a load test into a heat balance is
given in the next section.
10-18 Heat Balance of a Steam Generator. It is quite important to con¬
duct a test at a steady rate of steam generation and fuel feed. To achieve the
highest possible efficiency, small manual adjustments of the fuel-air ratio set by
automatic control may be necessary. Repeated checks of flue gas composition
test the value of these adjustments. Steady output can be maintained if the
unit is part of a system containing other units which may be caused to carry
all the variable part of system load. An isolated unit should be provided with
an atmospheric discharge line having a conveniently located hand valve. Then
steam may be wasted at variable rate during the test in order to compensate
for variable demand on the plant and thereby hold boiler steaming rate con¬
The ASME Code provides a “long” and “short” form of report. The long
form lists 154 items and leads to a complete breakdown of the heat losses, appli¬
cable not only to boilers, but to complete generators having superheaters, re¬
heaters, economizer, and air preheater. Except for acceptance tests on central
station units, the short form is usually adequate for all purposes. It is the test
we propose to illustrate here.
The short-form heat balance consists of eight items, the sum of which must
be the higher heating value of the fuel. These items are, first, the heat usefully
absorbed by the unit, followed by the seven losses described in the previous
section. We shall list these in the ASME order:
1. Heat absorbed by unit.
2. Heat loss due to dry gas.
3. Heat loss due to moisture in fuel.
4. Heat loss due to HjO from combustion of H2.
5. Heat loss due to carbon monoxide.
6. Heat loss due to combustible in refuse.
7. Heat loss due to radiation (including convection) from setting.
8. Unaccoimted for.
Total = Qh, the hiidier heating value of fuel as fired.
The first five of the losses are calculable from fiue gas analysis, temperatures,
refuse analysis, and fuel analysis. It is usually not troublesome to find or make
stations for getting these data. There are two methods of procedure for jointly
determining the other items, depending on which one is found by the difference
between Qi, and the sum of the other seven items.
Input-output Method. Rate of steam generation is determined by steam
fiow meter or feedwater measurement. Time of test and weight of fuel used
during that time are kept. Then the heat absorbed, per kg fuel, is calculated and
items 7 and 8 found by difference.* This method requires a test of several hours
in order to produce reliable fuel data. Results are subject to the tolerance of
the steam flow meter, the best of which are not guaranteed to closer than ±-\%.
Feedwater measurement by weight or volumetric means is quite accurate, but
plant arrangements are frequently such that feedwater weighing is impossible.
Nevertheless, this method is to be recommended, for it is the more direct route
to efficiency, considered as an output-input relationship.
Heat Balance Method The steam generator is brought up to a stable uni¬
form operating condition by several hours^ preliminary operation, and the
same data taken as for the input-output method, except that rate of steam
generation and fuel quantity are not measured.! This, of course, eliminates
timing as an element of the test. Extra care is taken to accumulate any data
fchat might have a bearing on accurate estimation of items 7 and 8. The average
of readings for one or more hours* operation is then used to calculate all the
losses, and item 1 is found by difference.
It is always preferable to calculate the results by both methods wherever the
data suffice. Of course they should agree within the limits of flow meter ac¬
curacy and setting heat loss calculation, but it is a proficient engineer indeed
who can repeatedly achieve such results.
An ‘^unaccounted for** item is frequently inserted in manufacturers* proposals
as a basis for arriving at efficiency when employing the heat balance method.
However, most of the “unaccounted for** can be closely estimated, and often
totals less than the 1% to 2% allowance seen in formal proposals. Radiation
and convection losses are commonly estimated from the ABAI chart. Fig. 10-
41. Another method is to measure the surface temperature and area of the
outside of the setting, in sections; also to measure the ambient atmospheric
temperature, then calculate radiation and convection from some reliable heat
transfer data.|
Example 1: This is to exemplify the test data and calculations! for heat balance
of a water-tube boiler fired by a spreader stoker employing bituminous coal. The heat
balance basis will be used. Item numbers are those of the short-form code, with any
non-pertinent items omitted.
* Item 7 can be separated from item 8 by estimating ''setting loss.*' See Fig. 10-41.
t Where fly-ash is appreciable, measurements of coal fired and refuse produced per
hour, as well as a sampling of the fly-ash, may be required. Plant coal scales are suffi¬
ciently accurate for this coal measurement since the weight is used to determine carbon
loss, not total heat input.
t Heilman, "Surface Heat Transmission,” Trans. ASMS, Vol. 61.
f The reasons for several of the forms of calculation have appeared in Chapter 5.
immimwmtmr/',A O
LV r/yyy.'i'J.
k9 tm' a m''jm
■ r. IV # M ■ ■§ iJWw;
5 if; 1S” ”u!zq:
-\~AMWAKr ^■IKlVJU' '
_ .U-U_L-U_U
ZF^FdrAM'Am^ ^ W«PMr»li^V*V-U-P-LJZJ
PSaS/iSSSSiB ■■■■■■
I—1. ^ y.<r4T^r--_ ^-
- -
i ■ I. r—w:jir^■r.T^
i—i— ■■ ■■ ^_i „ ^ «
L|_u.4a!:Bi^v»aaBBBaiHaaiiHArlxo P-b,
Lp^vBKiKMHBaBBaBiaaaaiiiiiHj ' ^
tT'iiv«!»^l5Hiiia»aBiHiiiii;j rs
ij.i^MiiiimMHiiii^JH n»<
0.illHBHilllllBHHl ^||||||j:S£J1=.
kLUUHHlIlllllIBHI |jjjl||ll»ll
« ri •laai^ipiA’B e
kcal per
. kgfuel Percent
66. Heat absorbed by unit (by difference) 81 1
67. Heat loss due to dry gas 806 111
68 Heat loss due to moisture m fuel 17 02
69. Heat loss due to H2O from free H2 294 40
60 Heat loss due to carbon monoxide 0 0
61 Heat loss due to combustible in refuse ISO 25
68. Heat loss due to radiation and convection 68 08
63 Unaccounted for (from manufacture! s’ allowance) 03
7256 100 0
s e.46 kg
Fig. 10-16P
19. The furnace of a certain large boiler is diagrammed in Fig. 10-19P. Ap of tube
banks*7.enix jm. Side walls each shielded by76.2mmx3m tubejon 162mincenteis.Front wall
refractory, Bridge wall, refractory covered tubes, having A, = 8.7 m*. Fuel consump¬
tion, 2668 kg per hr good bituminous coal; A:F = 12. Preheated air at 08.8^. Qj, =
2626 koal. Assume Cp = 0.24 koal per kg-deg C mean between 15.6^C and 98.3^ ; 0.26
between98«8*C and Find the temperature of the gases at the furnace aperture, C,
using Eq 9-26.
20. Afumace4.6mx4.5inx6mhighhas all vertical walls shielded by tubes arranged
as in Fig.l0-12A. Tubes are 76.2 mm dia.onivrSmmcenters. The top of the furnace opens
intoa tubebank for which 9 can betaken as s •• ir Furnace bottom is an ash screen layer of
76.2innitubes on 177.8 mm centers, 9 The available heat released =192465 kcal per hr
perm* furnace volume. Combustion air flow = 72614^ per min at 15.6*0, preheat^ to
148* 0. Slag factor = 0.90. Fuel consumption, 4082 kg coal per hr, pulverized. With the
aid of Fig. 10-13A, determine the temperature of gases leaving the furnace and the
kcal beat transfer by radiation. Record any necessary assumption of data.
21. Solve Prob. 10-20 by the use of Fig. 10-13C.
22. Taking Qb of the coal burned in Prob. 10-21 as 2852 koal, determine the heat
release rate in the furnace mentioned. What does this suggest as a minimum ash fusion
temperature for coal purchasing specifications?
23. Estimate the required furnace volume for a pulverized-coal-fired steam gener¬
ator where 1275x10* koal per hr beat transfer at 80% thermal efliciency is the expected
thermal performance. Boiler has water walls. Ash fusion temperature, 1204* C.
24. Specify the insulation thickness for a furnace wall composed of 228*6 mm fire
clay brick, ini^tion #5, Fig. 10-15,and sheet-metal casing with glossy black paint. Atm¬
ospheric temperature, 29.4*c; furnace wall face,954.4*0.The insulation is to be suflicient
to hold CMing temperature to 66,6*0.
25. Find ^e kcal per hr-m* heat loss through a furnace wall from 922.2* C hot
face temperature to 16.2*C ambient temperature. The wall is composed of 222.6 mm
fire-elay brick, 114.2 mm diatomaceous silica brick, andf02Ji mm red brick,
26. A water-cooled furnace wall such as Fig. 10-12A has 76J mm costaUe lefra*
etory concrete, 50.2 moi mineral fiber block insulaticm, and 50.2 mm mineral wool blanket
insulation; aD covered by a steel casing painted aluminum. What is the earing tempe¬
rature when the temperature of the inner surface is 760*0? N6ri6et irregularities'due to
tube sockets and assume 22.ira, ambient temperature.
27. One wall of a pulveris^ coal furnace is bare refractory having 1204*C face
temperature. The 228.6 mm of fused silica refractory is bsdmd up by ttS.Omin of
insulating fire brick, then by 88.9 mm of mineral wool blanket over which is a metal
casing painted dull black. TTie casing temperature is60®C. Find the heat leakage thro¬
ugh this wall, kcal per hr*
28. In Fig. 10-14, assume t, = 648,9*0, =32.2°C, =50.8 mm refractory fire clay
tile, ^2 = 101.6 mm of block insulation (#7, Fig. 10-15). The casing is metal, painted
aluminum.Find Q, to, t^.
29. A convection superheater with tube elements 38.1 mm x2.7 mm x 6 mlong is to
be placed in a boiler setting where it will be able to superheat steam of 24 6 kg/cm*
ga^ 98% dry, to 260®c when G, = 196 kg steam per sec-m® . Coefficient of conductance
expected to be realized is 73 kcal perm* hr deg C. = 1.8; Cg = 0.25. Find requ¬
ired t'l. Given 22680 kg per hr rate of steam flow, how many elements should the super¬
heater have?
30. Predict an over-all coefficient of convection for heat transfer in a superheater
employing 88.1 mm x 2.7 mrntubes. Pressure,!7.6 kg/om* ga; average steam temperature,
260®C,velocity,2l34 mpm. Average gas temperature, 482°C. Mass flow of gas, 43922 kg
per hr-m*-
31. The temperature characteristic of a certain convection superheater rises from
37l*C at 27216 to 454®C at 54432 kg per hr steam flow through it. Pressure, 42 kg/om*
ab. Spray water, 93.3°C. What constant superheat can be maintained by <k‘Miperheat
control for a delivery range of 27216 to 54432 kg per hr? What part oi the 54432 kg
flow will be evaporated spray water? By what percent does the regulalod steam volume
at 54432 kg per hr flow differ from the superheater discharge volume ?
32. Diagram the following systems of superheat regulation, including method of
control: (a) contact water spray; (b) initial condensation.
33. In a proposed countorfiow steel tube economizer the W^/W^ ratio is to be
1.5. = 316®C ; fj = 82.2°C. It is desired to proportion the economizer so that At is
54.4" c. Find the necessary sq m heating surface per 454 kg per hr feedwater. Gas
mass flow, 58563 kg per hr m*.
34. Design and sketch a counterflow economizer composed of'88.9 mm dia. longitudi¬
nally finned tubes, tj =26.7*C; = 371.rc; t^ =176.7°C; W^/W^ = 1.72. Maximum
allowable draft loss 88.9mm. Feedwater flow, 4536 kg per hr. Assume rectangular duct
D = 4C. Tubes on 114.8 mm centers.
35. Determine z, y, (\ D(Fig. 10-27) for an economizer with 38.1 mm dia. tubes, longi¬
tudinally finned. t\ = 371.1 C; tj = 2l.l®0. It is desired to reduce the gas temperature
to 232.2°C. A:F ratio 16:1; evaporation, 9.5 kg per kg coal. Allowable draft loss,50.8
mm. Evaporation of boiler, 6804 kg per hr. Tube spacing, 63.5 mm; D = 3C.
36. Assume that the test covered in Ex 1, Sec 10-18, was to provide data for the
input-output method. In addition to the data of the example the test produced infor¬
mation to show that the coal con.«umption was 442 kg per hr. Formulate the new heat
balance, omitting any calculations that would duplicate those in the example.
37. Calculate a boiler heat balance from these data:
Coal analysis: Coal No. 11, Table 5-4.
Refuse analysis: 20% combustible (no fly-ash).
Flue gas analysis: CO2,10.48; CO, 0.28; Oo, 9.(X); N2, 80.24.
Atmospheric temperature,21.1*C; flue gas temperature, 232.2*C.
Assume that items 7 and 8 total 0.05Qh.
38. Calculate a boiler heat balance from these data:
Coal analysis: C, 60.74; H2, 4.00; S, 1.32; O2, 8.24; Nj, 1.15; HgO, 12.85;
ash, 11.70. Qy^ 6293 kcal i^r kg.
Flue gas analysis: COo, 12; CO, 1; O2, 7; N2, 80.
Atmospheric temperature, 11.1*0; flue gas temperature, 260*c.
Heat transferred to steam per kg coal, 4620*
Refuse in pit per tonno coal bumad 42.2 kg, free of combustible* Flyrash sampling
showed 25% combustible in it. The generating unit has capacity of 29484
kg per hr, was tested at a load of 22880 kg’per hr. Two of the furnace side
walls are watereooled.
head from damage when a large slug of water appears and the engine is up to
speed, but are safeguards for lesser cases of water knock. The engineer should
not overlook the need to provide drains from low spots in the exhaust line when
laying out an engine installation.
Lubrication. The rubbing and sliding surfaces in a steam engine are numer¬
ous. Lubrication is therefore highly important—and somewhat complex. Lubri¬
cation of a steam engine is divided into (1) cylinder and valve lubrication and
(2) bearing lubrication. The smaller engines can receive lubrication of all parts
in contact with steam by oiling the steam entering the engine with the common
hydrostatic lubricator attachment. This is a simple system but subject to
operational fluctuations and hence is not used on modem main power units.
Instead a force-feed oiler with mechanical drive from the engine crosshead is
used to feed oil to the valve, cylinder walls, and piston rods. As it comes into
contact with hot steam this oil is heated and thinned; therefore, it is a heavy¬
bodied oil with high viscosity at atmospheric temperature. Best lubrication is
achieved by a com^imded oil with good emulsifying properties. On the other
hand, bearing lubrication is by straight mineral oil which will not readily
emulsify, for, whether splash system or force feed is used, the bearing lubricant
can be salvaged and reused if it separates readily from water. On some of the
older engines the bearing lubrication will be found to consist principally of
gravity-fed oil. These “all-loss’’ systems are mainly sight-feed oil cups, one
for each point of lubrication. Minimum oil consumption requires careful ad¬
justment of feed to least need plus use of a medium heavy-body mineral oil
having exceptionally good persistence-of-film property.
Practically all the oil injected into the steam appears in the exhaust. There
are relatively few uses of exhaust steam that can accept this contamination.
An oil separator to catch and divert the emulsified oil particles is needed if the
exhaust steam has further usage. By sparing use of cylinder lubrication and a
good separator on the exhaust line, the steam is fit for most purposes, although
its condensate may need further oil cleansing before becoming a safe boiler
feedwater. Oil separators may work on the principle of gravity separation, if
space for large reservoirs is available, or by centrifugal action provided by
cyclones or baffles. The condensate can further be filtered through sand or
charcoal, diatomite, or other materials which absorb oil. It is possible to re¬
duce oil content of filtered water to the limit of error of usual analytical
methods, a contamination of less than 0.1 ppm.
Governing. There have been two systems of steam engine governing for
constant speed: the constant cutoff, variable inlet pressure called throttling
governing; and the constant inlet pressure-variable cutoff method called cutoff
governing. Nowadays new engines, large and small, are equipped with cutoff
governing since this system is more efficient. Governors are of the centrifugal
type. They are attached to the flywheel and revolve at flywheel speed. Valve
drives are taken from shaft-mounted eccentrics (or their kinematic equivalents).
Mechanical Details. These, being problems of the engine manufacturer, are
mentioned here only in summary. All steam engines are double-acting and
mostly single-cylinder if of the horizontal type. Principal differences lie in
the design of valves for admitting and releasing steam and the mechanical
valve gear which produces the valve motion. Mechanical variations are great
in number, but we shall consider these to be internal features of the engine
and avoid descriptions. Valves are usually sliding piston type on the smaller
engines used for auxiliary drive, and either, drop-piston or double-beat poppet
types on the larger engines used for generator drive. Modem valves are non-
releasing, and the cylinder flow may be classified as counterflow or unaflow.
Releasing-type valve gear such as the Corliss, although very efficient in eliminat¬
ing wire drawing, are confined to use on relatively slow-speed engines, say
up to 125 rpm, whereas the trend has been to higher speeds, i.e., up to 300 rpm.
Although it is a more costly type to build, the unaflow engine is the most
efficient. Since thermal efficiency affects annual fuel costs, it is often the de¬
ciding factor in selection. For this reason the unaflow has come to the fore as
a main power unit where engines are warranted.
11-3 Steam Engine Capacity and Performance. Steam is admitted to
the engine cylinder at throttle pressure during the first part of the working
stroke, then cut off by closure of the steam valve. The steam so trapped in the
cylinder expands adiabatically to the release pressure, then is exhausted from
the cylinder during part of the return stroke. Compression is practiced in steam
engines to cushion the shock of incoming high-pressure steam. This cycle, de¬
picted in Fig. 11-4, is the Rankine engine cycle. The Rankine vapor cycle of
Chapter 8 was the thermodynamic cycle of a unit quantity of the working
fluid, but this engine Rankine cycle is
the cylinder steam p-v relation during
one revolution of the crankshaft. The
expansion is polytropic. It has been
found that the form of this expansion is
approximately hyperbolic, i.e., pv = C,
if the steam is initially saturated or only
slightly superheated. If originally highly
superheated, then n 1 and values murt
be determined from the isentropic lines
of steam expansions. Thermodynamic Fig. 11-4 Rankine eng^e cycle.
Properties of Steam (Keenan and Keyes)
charts isentropic exponents for steam expansions.
Steam engines always have small pipe taps into the clearance space so that
an engine indicator may be attached for the purpose of testing. The indicator
would alternately be applied to both head and crank ends with resulting dia¬
grams as pidtured in Fig. 11-5. Reference should be made to this figure for
the following nomenclature and relations.
Pm t Pi - P* (11-2)
where ZA = sum of 7 (D* — D^) for head and crank ends, sqom. Other ^m-
bols as previously defined.
* hg and hg ara in joides per gram. >648 and 3599 ohange to 982.4 and 859.9 respectively
if hg and hg are in koal/kg.
Indicators and dynamometers are associated with power capacity of in¬
stalled engines. Occasionally it becomes desirable to estimate the power that
some available engine would develop were it installed in a prospective pur¬
chaser’s plant. There is much traffic in used steam engines. As long as the manu¬
facturer’s design pressure and speed are not exceeded, engines can be employed
on a variety of steam terminal conditions.* Unlike turbines, they are not
adversely affected by use on steam at a pressure different from that for which
they were designed. To decide upon the power capacity of an engine of known
bore and stroke, an estimate of mean effective pressure is required. The value
of Pmep is affected by the shape of the cycle. This shape is primarily the result
of the valve gear employed and the engine speed. However, the effective
pressure of the craventional standard of comparison is independent of mechan¬
ical detail and Pmi is calculable from pi, p2 and r. The ratio of Pmep to Pmi,
called diagram factor, is therefore characteristic for an engine type.
200-350 rpm
High-speed mmple automatic
183-137 m per min
80-125 rpm
Low-speed releasing gear_
229-152 m per min
100-300 rpm
^ 274-183 m per min
High-speed, simple automatic. 0.70-0.85
Low-speed, releasmg gear. 0.80-0.90
Full compression, condensing. 0.75-0.85
Full compression, noncondensing. 0.70-0.80
Control!^ compression, condensing. 0.85-0.90
Controlled compression, noncondensing. 0.80-0.85
Example 1: The power capacity of a 80.5 cm. x eicro. single-cylinder Corliss engine,
when employed on 8.8 kg/cmt ga saturated steam is to be estimated. Atmospheric
exhaust.Release pressure, about 1.4 kg/om* ga.,Speed, 100 rpm. Piston rod, 3.8 omno
tail rod. Clearance, 4.0%.
Table 11-1 furnishes mep data. Diagram factor will be assumed at 0.85. With the
usual assumption for saturated steam expansion,
.r _
0;85pnri * 0.85 I 9,83 ( ^
/I + ln4.02\
^ I
4.09 kg/om*
Fig. 11-6 Typical steam rates for simple, noncondensing, high-sp^d engine-alter¬
nator sets. Based on dry saturated steam at 8.Skg/eiBi^ ga, aunospheric exhaust. Steam
rate corrections for other conditions: 1.8% per5®C superheat; l%por O.l kg/om» back
pressure; see inset for throttle pressure.
Valve action affects the shape of the indicator card. Correct mechanical
setting of the valves is often possible through a trial-and-error process, taking
indicator cards between each adjustment so as to note the effect. An engine
expert* is able to so interpret the cards he takes from an operating engine
that he can effect the settings of the valve gear linkage sufficient to get the
cycle events of the admission, cutoff, release, and compression correctly timed,
and the power production properly divided between head and crank end of the
cylinder. Also, leakage and lubrication defects in the valve gear are detectable
Years ago expert steam engine mechanics were fairly numerous, due to the large num¬
bers of engines in use. Increasing use of I.C. engmes, turbines, and electric motors has
sharply restricted the field. Outside of the service departments of the few active engine
builders, there are relatively few practicing master mechanics, most of these being ^*oId
timers.” In consequence, the professionally trained mechanical engineer, having mastered
the underlying principles of kinematics and steam power as part of his training, is more
frequently called in on plant engine problems.
throu^ indicating. Steam engine speeds are low enough that the ordinary
cyclic indicator which draws a p>v diagram is adequate. The p-t indicators so
necessary for the higher speed I.C. engines might have to be used if a takeoff
for stroke motion can not be obtained. Many engines have exposed crossheads;
manufacturers of fully enclosed engines usually provide a built-in indicator
Output and efficiency testing involves dynamometers or generators to
absorb power, as well as measurement of steam conditions and flow. Flywheel
Prony brakes can be built on the spot, using wooden brake blocks, but can
absorb power for brief intervals only, unless the flywheel rim is constructed
with internal flanges so as to retain cooling water. Frequently the engine will
be direct-connected to an electric generator; then amperes, volts, and power
factor give the generator output. Electrical losses in such cases are not always
separable from the mechanical.
-l«00 5
H300 I
-fioo 8
HlOO (a
» 21.5 hp.
port initial condensation of the simple slide-valve engine, but suffers it on the
walls and cylinder heads
In the unaflow engine the steam enters the cylinder through admission ports
at the ends. After expansion it is exhausted through center ports as they are
uncovered by the piston High expansion ratios can be used without much
initial condensation, and favorable steam rates can be obtained. The cylinder
of an engine having all exhaust valving done by the piston is shown in Fig.
11-11. Compression begins as soon as the piston has covered the central ports
and a long compression stroke ensues. This is designated fuU comprestion and
tends to produce overly high compression pressures at admisnon unless (1)
the engine is operated condensing, (2) high throttle steam pressure is empl<^ed,
or (3) very large clearance space is built into the engine. Fig. 11-12 will explain
this.llirottle pressure isassumedto beM kg/om* gs.Small clearances are desirable,
but, if as little as 5% is employed, compression is satisfactory only if operating
condensing. The other exhaust cases in a result in overcompression. It is noted
in b that an increase of clearance to 15% cures this difficulty, but leaves com¬
pression inadequate in condensing operation. This explains the reason for
auxiliary clearance pockets that can be opened and closed manually in order
to accommodate the engine to different exhaust pressures. The valve should be
spring-loaded so as to yield and safeguard the engine against excessive com¬
pression should vacuum accidentally be lost when the engine is arranged for
low-clearance operation.
Another disadvantage of full compression is the smaller diagram factor
created by the absorption of energy for the compression.* An engine manufac¬
turer has developed a controlled com¬
pression unaflow which is adaptable
to either of the exhaust conditions
without alteration of clearance. As
shown in c, back pressure and non¬
condensing operations do not result in
overcompression if the point of com¬
pression is delayed for about % of the
return stroke. This action is accom¬ Fig. 11-11 Full-compression unaflow
plished at the expense of some me¬ engine cylinder.
chanical complication, for auxiliary
exhaust valves must be added to create the delay. These must be linkage-
driven since they have to be closed on the working stroke, and open only
on the return. A small increase of initial condensation is to be expected over
the full compression type; however, diagram factor, adaptability to vary¬
ing exhaust pressure, and cost are all favorable. The compression delay is not
needed for condensing operation, and the auxiliary valves automatically remain
Fiq. 11-14 Some types of turbines. Among types not illustrated are: cross-compound,
steeple-compound, mixed-pressure, and double automatic extraction.
aequence is the turbine throttle valve. This is manually operated and used to
regulate the rate of starting the turbine. When the turbine is warmed and up
to speed, this valve* is left fully open.
An emergency trip valve may either be built into the throttle valve or
become a separate unit following it. This is tripped shut if the turbine over¬
speeds because of governor defect. It can also be connected to act on other
emergencies such as water in extraction lines, generator undervoltage, loss of
oil pressure, etc. Following the emergency valve the steam flows through the
governor valve and into the first-stage nozzles, after which it expansively flows
through the turbine without further control except for two cases: (1) constant-
pressure extraction turbines which have automatically regulated internal valves
in the path of the steam flow at the extraction point; (2) the dilution of
partially expanded steam with high-pressure steam by-passed from the throttle
to intermediate stage points. This by-pass is under governor control and is a
method of carrying load over and above that power produced by full un¬
throttled expansion.
6. Oil System, Oil is required for lubricating the bearings. Most turbines use
the same oil pressure system for both bearing lubrication and governor servo¬
mechanism operation. An integral oil pump, driven from the main shaft,
provides the pressure for oil relays and governor valve-operating cylinders. The
A. By Size and Application,
1. Auxiliary service, direct-connected, small capacity.
2. Mechanical drive, geared and direct-connect^. Standard units available in range
10-1515 hp.
3. Industrial power. Usually impulse turbines with gear drive to generator in the
smaller sizes. Usual range 100^^000 kw.
4. Central station power; 2000-200,000 kw. Impulse and reaction; direct drive to
a. Smaller capacities, single cylinder, 1800 rpm.
b. Larger capacities, 10,000-60,000 kw, usually single cylinder, 3600 rpm.
c. Extreme sizes 100,000-200,000 kw, multi-cylinder, 3600 rpm.
B. By Steam Flow.
1. Impulse, impulse-reaction, and reaction-blading.
2. Single stage (smaller capacities) and multi-stage.
3. Re-entry. Partial multi-stage advantages without added mechanical complica¬
4. Subdivided steam flow in multiple cylinders in parallel or in tandem.
C. By Degree of Expansion,
1. Straight expansion, condensing and non-condensing.
2. Back pressure. Exhaust to heating or process steam mains at gauge pressure.
3. Bleeder. Steam extracted for feedwater heating.
4. Automatic extraction. Steam extracted at controlled pressure for process use.
6. Low pressure. Condensing turbine receiving steam from prior prime mover, say
steam engine.
6. Superposed. High-pressure turbine exhausting at throttle pressure of original
plant (Sec 8-8).
* Large high-pressure units often do not have such a valve, but have a manual over¬
ride on the governor system for use in starting.
same oil, when reduced somewhat in pressure, serves for circulating to the
bearings. An oil reservoir, oil filter, and oil cooler are included in this system.
Sometimes a separately driven emergency oil pump is provided, for should the
main oil supply fail on a large turbine, the bearings would be ruined before
the rotor came to rest, even though the fault were immediately detected and
the emergency valve tripped. This is because of the enormous store of energy in
the massive rotor turning at 1800 or 3600 rpm.
Turbines may all have the aforementioned components, yet vary in several
ways other than size. A classification of steam turbines is therefore de.sirable.
This is introduced by Table 11-2 and implemented in part by Fig. 11-14.
Power Rating, Mechanical drive turbines are rated in horsepower; turbine-
generator units, in kilowatts. There is no internal power comparable to the
indicated horsepower of engines, although the product of torque and rotor speed
is internal power. The nominal rating is a declared power capacity expected to
be the maximum load. The capability of a turbine is the manufacturer's
guaranteed maximum continuous output for a clean turbine, operating under
specified throttle and exhaust conditions, with full extraction at any openings,
if provided. The difference between capability and rating is considered to be
overload capacity. Maximum efficiency usually occurs near the rating point
since methods used to secure maximum capability generally interfere with
smooth streamline flow of steam in the turbine. In many cases the rating point
occurs with full first-stage admission, overload being carried by by-passing
throttle steam to downstream stages. This, however, is not always the case and
some turbines have full first-stage admissions at 80-909f of rating.
A common practice has been to design for a turbine capability of 125%
nominal rating and to provide a generator that will absorb rated power at 0.80
power factor. By raising power factor to unity, the generator wilt absorb the
full turbine caiiability. Recent experiences in the central station field, where
new installations are usually large, hydrogen-cooled generators, indicate that
average operating power factors are about 0.85 and that generator capacities
can be raised in emergencies by increasing the cooling gas pressure. It is seen
from the preferred standards for large, 3600-rpm turbogenerators (Table 11-3)
tiiat the overload allowance is 10% and the normal power factor 0.85.*
Standardized Units. Where a line of equipment lia^^ iirospective sah ^ '
different sizes and with variations of operating condition*^, an endless succe-^uPi
of new ^^tailor-made” designs arc posrible, each differing in detail ivom u
othci’S and incurring much individual design, molding patterns, i)eif(':mMue
estimates, etc. After years of manufacturing exiierience, interested parti(‘^ often
formulate standards to (1) reduce first cost to the purchasers, (2) reduce
number of parts sizes to be stocked, and (3) reduce time interval between
contract and delivery.
In the turbogenerator field the smaller sizes (up to 75(X) kw) have b(*en
defined for some time in the standards of the NE^IA. More recently a joint
AIEE-ASME committee has promulgated preferred standards for large 3600-
rpm, 60-cycle condensing steam turbine generators, specifying not only a series
’‘‘As the International Electro-technical Commission employs turbine capability as the
Rating, this difference should be remembered when comparing U. 8. data with international
11-7 Governing Steam Turbines. The electric power system is devised
of elements automatically responsive to variable load. (Sec Fig. 2-8.) One
of these is the prime mover governor. The steam turbine output is controlled
by its governor, which, for stationary power plants, functions to control speed
to nearly constant value. The speed responsive element used is either a centrifu¬
gal weight or hydraulic impeller. These must necessarily produce some speed
regulation. However, modifications may be added which permit manual or
automatic resetting to any required constant speed.
The governing system acts to translate slight speed changes, resulting from
load variation, into steam control. The nature of such control is fundamentally
a throttling process. Its effect on the condition line was described in Sec 8-11.
JTrip- throttlu
oil pump*
lltliff volvt Mf
•t so IP
3635 1 5 y
3630 ^
a, 36!5 -
5000 10,000 15,000
Euum Co.
Fig. 11-27 Industrial turbines in a paper mill. 2000-kw back pressure turbines with
controlled extraction.
against a spring force. This action may be inbuilt in a special throttle valve, or
it may be a separate valve in series with the throttle and governor.
To permit speed adjustment, the actual no-load speed of a turbine should
be adjustable between 95% and 105% of rated no-load speed. Within this range
the overspeed trip should be inoperative. The governing of the turbine should
be made sufficiently quick-acting to hold speed rise below the trip point on any
sudden loss of load.
Pressure responsive governors are occasionally used, some instances being:
1. Throttle governors on turbines driving pumps—for speed variation of
imit to produce constant pump discharge pressure or excess pressure, as across
an independently regulated valve in the pump line.
2. Throttle governors on turbines required to exhaust at constant back
pressure. For speed control, unit must be operated in parallel with other syn¬
chronous generators. Load control not possible independent of exhaust line
3. Extraction governors on Hli^eder turbines for automatically regulated
pressure extraction.
11-8 Part-load Performance. Throttling of incoming steam affects the
work delivered to the shaft in two ways—a reduction of rate of flow and a
decrease of energy conversion per kg steam. Hence a small amount of throttling
can effect a considerable change in power output. When the pressure at the
outlet of the first stage nozzles is less than the critical nozzle pressure, flow is
determined by the fixed nozzle throat area and by the heat release in expansion
to the critical pressure. With straight throttling control.
In this relation (which is founded on constant nozzle throat area) Wi is
the throttled flow ihto the nozzle at part load, Vt is specific volume at the
2£l _ £1. „
Wi ~Vt'\Ah ~ O-SiBlsV 168.6 ”
Net work delivered to shaft is reduced to 0.963 X 0.754 or 0.727 of full load.f
Generator output would be similarly curtailed
In multiple-valve governing, the flow will be reduced in direct proportion to
the number of valves remaining open, plus the throttled flow through the one
valve to be partially open.
The Willans line, described for steam engines, is a characteristic also of
steam turbines. Test data yield straight lines on the Steam consumption vs
Load plane for full expansion turbines, and nearly straight lines for ordinary
regenerative cycle turbines. For obvious reasons no correlation is to be expected
of data taken from industrial extraction turbines. Any straight line is defined if
two points on it are known. We will now show how to predict a Willans line
by calculating two special points on it.
Engine efficiency, rated load, and steam conditions can be employed to de¬
termine steam consumption at rated load. The consumption at no-load is
estimated from a no-load factor if/j whose unit is kcal per hr. Actually ij/ is no-
load steam flow multiidicd by AK - c bct\veen throttle and exhaust steam condi¬
tions. This means it represents available energy consumed to idle the turbo¬
alternator. When xp calculated from tests is plotted against rated capacity,
which is assumed to be the principal factor affecting it, the data are not too
well correlated, indicating that other factors than turl>ine size affect it. Averag-
*The alteration of steam flow caused by variation of initial steam slate, for both
divergent and convergent first-stage nozzling, as here described for governing action, is
also valid tor purposes of estimating change of turbogenerator rating occasioned by changes
of plant steam pressure or superheat.
t Header will note that the part load line of Fig. 8-23 was constructed by means of
the empirical turbine rules of that section for an assumed 14,500-kw load, and that, in
good agreement, this is 0.725 of full load (20,000 kw).
ing of test data and consultations with manufacturers led to Fig. 11-30. The
following example predicts a Willans line from preliminary turbine information.
Example 2: The Willans line and its equation will be determined for n 2000-kw
straight condensing, 3600-rpm geared, multi-stage turbine. pi tlM kg/cni*g^, lll^O
super- heat, ps 68.i vam Ug.
These two points are plotted as shown in Fig. 11-31, and connected by a straight
line AB. Slope of this line is (BD — OA)/OD = 6 kg per kw hr. It is therefore repre¬
sented by the equation: W = 910 + 5 L kg per hr; where L = kw of generator
1 [ _[_LJ_JL-ULU_i_ 1 1 1 1 111
1 M ■n11n
■ ■■ ■ 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 ■1 1 1
- ■ ■ >■■■ VI ■ ■ ■
_ 10
— _ ■ i IBS S5 SQBSis
- ——
“1 ■ ■ IM s S ■ ■1 8 '
- __ _ ■ ■1 ft £
■ ■ 1 11 ■■ ■ II
■ ■ 1 II B ■i 1 II 4
z ■■ ■ 1 1 II ■ ■1 11 -*
I ■ ■■1 ■ 11 i1 2 7
lZ 11 ■■■ 11 r
- 11 1 j ■11 11 a1
■ >■■■1 ■•1
7' ■ ilHBI ■1
1 ■ IHHH ■ ■1
■ ■ ■ II •o
tij ■■ ■ 1 II
cj ■ 1 1 ilihh 1 1 II .4
, 3 2 3 4 ! >84 3 4 j e
Rated Capoerty- kw
Load -kw
Fig. 11-31 Willans line and derived performance.
The small turbogenerator unit of this example probably would not have any
overload valves, but to show the effect of by-passing some steam around the
first stages to secure turbine capability beyond rating, the dotted overload
extensions are drawn on Fig. 11-31. For a 25% overload the steam rate will be
approximately 5% higher than for straight unthrottled flow without by-passing.
The point C then would be at 1.25 X 2000, or 2500 kw. Its ordinate would be
Lood Load
The Willans line has lost inucli of its foiiner significance under the modem
practice of considering heat rates in regenerative operation rather than straight
condensing steam rates. It remains, liowever, a facile tool for rajiid estimating
As load on a turbine decreases, the exhaust pressure extends through the
casing toward the inlet end, until, at no-load, nearly the entire expansion occurs
in the first-stage nozzles and the remainder of the stages are idling in steam
nearly of exhaust or condenser pressure.
11-9 Mechanical-drive Turbines. Several manufacturers build standard
lines of small turbines designed for direct connection to auxiliaries such as
draft fans, pumps, pulverizers, and designed to be used to power miscellaneous
industrial equipment. These are always impulse turbines, mainly single-wheel,
although the blading may be velocity compounded in Curtis or re-entry ar¬
rangement. The power range is about 5-1520 bhp in the single-wheel units, but
ratings of several thousand horsepower are built into multi-stage units. Turbines
are sometimes selected to drive auxiliaries in lieu of motors because of the
benefit to station heat balance of the exhaust steam. The turbine drive is more
readily adapted to variable speed control than is the motor; also, it is safer
in locations where there is some expectation of explosive gases in the atmos¬
The single-stage units are generally operated at atmospheric or back pressure,
with the exhaust steam used to heat feedwater or in an industrial process. The
Fig. 11-34 Single-wheel re-entry turbines with details of blading. Frequently seen
for the smaller mechanical drives.
steam rates therefore are quite high and such units would be expensive to operate
if their exhaust heat were thrown away. These turbines compare with engines
for auxiliary drive as follows:
Mechanical Drive Turbines Steam Engines
Higher rotative speed is useful for direct Low rotative speed may be an advantage
connection to centrifugal pumps, fans, etc. in some applications. Lower steam rate.
Oil-free character of exhaust steam. Less Valve gear can be adapted to reversible
lubrication and maintenance. More com¬ operation. Usually quieter in operation.
Mechanical drive turbines are characterised by short rigid shafts and large
blade clearances which enable them to be started quickly. They have spe^
governors and overspeed trips as standard equipment. The speed governor may
be topped by a pressure-responsive element. When this is done, the unit operates
at variable speed up to the limit set by the speed governor. Variable speed
governing may also be introduced in connection with combustion control.
The lubrication systems are simple. Reservoir and ring oiling is common,
although some have circulating oil systems. Mechanical steam seals are stand¬
ard. Governors can be supplied for almost any desired speed, but 1800 and
3600 rpm are quite common. Where driven equipment is of low speed, the
geared turbine will provide more economical power than will a direct-connected,
low-speed machine. Double helical gears are quiet and have balanced end
thrust. Reduction ratios up to 10:1 are possible, so if the turbine were to operate
at the efficient speeds of 6000-8000 rpm, the drive could be as low as 600-
800 rpm.
Because of close clearances between rotor and casing blades in large turbines,
it is necessary to avoid acts that would cause unequal heating and expansion,
such as passing steam through a turbine or drawing air through the glands with
the rotor at rest. Most of the large turbines have spindle-turning motors that
assist in maintaining even expansion or contraction by turning the rotor slowly
during preliminary warm-up, cooling off, or shut-down periods. The lube oil flow
can be greatly reduced during such periods of slow motion.
The maintenance supervision required during the lon^ periods of time that
central station turbo-alternators are on-the-line consists of a verification of
bearing oil temperature, pressure, and purity; a logging of steam conditions as
indicated by gauges and instruments; plus a corresponding set of generator and
exciter checks. Special instruments such as shaft eccentricity, bearing vibration,
and rubbing (noise) detectors are frequently installed on large turbines and
interpreting their readings is part of supervision. Careful watching of these items
can usually detect incipient troubles before real difficulties develop. Loading
supervision is generally carried out by remote control from the plant control
room or, in some cases, from the office of the load dispatcher which may be miles
away. Periodic checks of thermal efficiency and load-carrying ability are made,
generally by the engineering supervisor or an efficiency-improvement group
working for him. As long as steam conditions are maintained at standard levels,
vacuum is normal, and steam is clean, there is not much to turbine operation
except watchful waiting. Unclean steam represented by dust carryover from
To gowmof Speed-
Fkj. 11-38 Oil system of large steam turbine having hydraulic pressure-type
the superheater may cause a slow loss of load-carrying ability, even vibration.
Eventually deposits may have to be removed by internal washing with water or
wet steam, or by opening and cleaning.
iMbricating Oil. Checking the lube oil has been mentioned as necessary
supervision. This is because the oil may deposit sludge, become acidified, foam,
or form an oil-water emulsion. Although the lubrication of a turbine can be
said to be relatively simple (compared to other prime movers), it is never¬
theless highly important and vital to operation. The turbine is a high-speed
machine. Large units have tremendous rotative momentum, and bearings would
be ruined before the machine could come to rest, even if the throttle were
tripped simultaneously with failure of the lubricating system. Brakes are not
built into steam turbines.
Steam turbine oil is highly refined mineral oil with good antioxidation and
demulsibility properties. It can be obtained in conventional or fortified forms,
the latter having certain additives for restraining or preventing rust and
oxidation. Less, frequent oil cleaning (4-6 months) is required with the in¬
hibited oils than with conventional (1 month). However, the best of oils
cannot be used continuously without purification. Either the entire charge
can be drained at some time when the unit is shut down or a small percentage
of the oil flow may be continuously by-passed to a purifier. The purification
can be accomplished by filtering, centrifuging, or settlement. When a new tur¬
bine is ready for service, and after a turbine overhaul, the lubricating system
should be cleaned, the oil cooler tube bundle inspected, orifices and strainers
checked to see that no sludge or scale is encrusted. Special flushing fluids are
sometimes run through the system before filling with new or renovated lubri¬
cating oil.
IHrectHMnnected Ring-oiled and
Units Geared Units
Viscosit3^ SSU at 37.8” C 140-170 270-325
Neutralization No.* 0.05 0.05
ASTM Steam Emulsion No.f 120 max 150 max
API degrees 30 27
Cooling range approx. 83°-66“C 83®-66®C
♦ Acid number of ASTM-D663. The mg of KOH used to neutralize 1 g oil sample,
t ASTM.D157.
11-11 Turbine Tests. Turbine tests are commercial, educational, or ex¬
perimental. In the manufacturers^ shops turbine tests are made for power,
valve setting, speed regulation, overspeed trip setting, and running balance.
From time to time commercial tests may be made by the operating company
to determine what increase of steam rate or heat consumption has followed
operation of the unit over a certain length of time. Experimental testing is
carried on in manufacturers’ shops and in research laboratories for the purpose
of checking new designs or of improving the old. During the. initial period of
operation, the purchaser of a turbine may conduct an acceptance test to verify
any or all of the guarantees made for the unit by its manufacturer. The ac¬
ceptance test, as ordinarily performed, is a check on output, steam rate (or
heat consumption), speed regulation, and overspeed trip setting. The ASME
Test Code jor Steam Turbines has been a standard for acceptance tests. This
code covers the testing of turbines for (1) thermal economy characteristics
and (2) capacity; and provides specific instructions for the testing of three
classes of turbines, i.e. (1) complete expansion turbines, (2) reheating turbines,
and (3) regenerative turbines. The load on a turbine generator is defined in
the code as the net output of its generator. Net output = Electrical output
of generator (kw) minus that portion of the excitation power that is separately
supplied (kw) minus power for ventilation separately supplied (kw). The
total steam is determined in the case of a turbine exhausting to a surface
condenser by weighing or measuring the condensate.
The readings of commercial steam flow meters connected to orifices in the
steam line leading to the turbine may be used if the meter is checked and veri-
fied before the test and if the usual tolerance of these instruments, 1.6%
of full-scale reading, is permissible for the test. For noncondensing turbines
the steam flow meter or weighing of boiler feedwater are ways to get steam
consumption. Since steam turbo-alternators are close-coupled, permanently
installed units, it is not practicable to employ any sort of dynamometer load
as a means of measuring output. The generator is a dynamometer of sorts.
However, the instruments customarily installed give generator output; hence,
unless data on electrical efficiency are available, turbine performance cannot
be separated from that of the whole unit.
A test wherein the variations of steam consumption, steam rate, combined
efficiency, and engine efficiency with load are determined for a straight con-
Fig. 11-39 (connections for small condensing turbogenerator and auxiliaries. Special
instructional installation.
densing unit would present no unusual problems. If the unit were an extract-
ing or regenerative turbine, and if the testing were to include determining
the state of steam at extraction points, as well as extraction flows, the field
work would be much more of a job. Steam condition is readily and easily
determined by pressure gauge and thermometer where it is superheated. In
the saturated stages, it is pressure and quality that must be measured. Test¬
ing goes very well with throttling or separating calorimeters until the point is
reached where casing pressure is too low to operate the separating calorim¬
eter. The reader will recall that the principle of this calorimeter includes flow
measurement through an orifice as a function of the high-side pressure. This
requires the low side to be less than 58% of the high side, and for reliability
it would be well to limit use to pressures greater than twice condenser pressure.
Of course, the calorimeter discharge must be piped tightly to the condenser for
all casing pressures less than about twice atmospheric. The presence of steam
jet air ejectors, discharging some of the condensed jet steam back to the
condenser, and the possibility of ejector condenser as well as main condenser
tube leakage are further complications if condensate weighing is to establish
steam flow.
Example 1: Fig. 11-39 represents a 75-kw, condensing, geared, steam turbo-
alternator employed educationally in the author’s institution. During a certain* scries
of tests data were taken which led to the calculation of the following performance
characteristics at approximately %, and full-load. The average data for each
of the test runs and the derived calculations are shown in Table 11-6. The tests were
made to obtain variable load,data for (1) Willans line, (2) steam rate, (3) combined
efficiency, and (4) engine efficiency. Performance curves showing these items against
percent load can be plotted from the tabular calculations.
Preliminary static test with turbine exhaust valve closed, auxiliaries in operation,
and full condenser vacuum established was undertaken in order to find the ^Hare”
condensate flow. This was later subtracted from condensate weighings made during
load tests.
Fig. 11-40 Typical correction factors for steam turbine having performance guaran¬
teed at 42*2 kg/cin*ga,426*7*C throttle steam,38.1 min.Hg exhaust pressure, at rated
steam flow.
include in a turbine contract. Better steam or heat rates are provided by pres¬
sure, temperature, and vacuum higher than design specifications, and vice
versa. A test steam rate lower than guarantee might actually represent a
failure to meet the guarantee, if the test conditions were more favorable to
efficiency than those specified in the contract. How the test results will be
corrected for comparison with the guaranteed rate will be illustrated in the
following example.
Example 2: A straight condensing steam turbine was tested for steam rate at a
loading producing a rate of flow for which the corrections in Fig. 11-40 apply. Over
a 2-hr test the average load was 7515 kw, and the steam flow to the throttle was
64,180 kg. Steam at throttle, 42.9 kg/tmi> gfi^415.6‘’C; average exhaust pressure,44.5 thiii
Hg; operating conditions, steady. The guarantee at this load was 4.24 kg per kw hr.
Was it met?
From the correction curves one finds that the actual test conditions should produce
a steam rate that is 0.5% better because of overpressure, 1 3%; poorer because of
undertemperaturc, and 0.8% poorer because of higher back-pressure. These net
1.6% poorer steam rate than had the design conditions prevailed. A “poorer’' steam
rate is a higher steam rate; consequently the tested steam rate should be decreased
by 1.6% for comparison with the guarantee.
Test steiim rate = 64,180/(2 X 7515) = 4.28 kg per kw hr
Corrected steam rate = 4.28 — 0.016 X 4.28 = 4.21 kg per kw hr
The tubes in a condenser are all the same length and are arranged in a
bundle having steam entry lanes created by the omission of certain groups of
tubes. The difference between performance of two condensers of identical
surface would usually be traceable to the effectiveness with which these lanes
’^The individual tube is not too costly, but there are so many of them in a large
condenser. A 50,000-kw unit’s condenser may containSl Ummm of tubing.
let the steam flow easily to all tubes. With adequate steam lanes each tube
performs its share of the condensing job. Fig. 11-44 indicates some of the various
plans that manufacturers have evolved to accomplish this.
Tubes are fastened into tube sheets at their ends and loosely supported by
one or more bitermediate plates. The shell being steel, and the tub^ copper
alloy, differential thermal expansion is encountered. This is accommodated by:
1. Rolling tubes tightly into one tube sheet, packing in the other.
2. Rolling tubes into both sheets, with flexible joint between one sheet and
the supporting shell.
Fig. 11-44 Various arrangements of condenser surface are indicated by these condenser
tube sheet layouts.
♦Portion of the tube bundle through whieh all the condrn-ing waior flows.*
Fig. 11-46 Section through reheating hotwell and tube hank of large inward-flow
fcjurface condenser.
Ur =lll,910/(g//lv)»“
Ut - 9S.7/l.f4 X 10-» - 76.666
By comparing Ex 1 and 2, it can be seen that' standard derign practice in¬
cludes a liberal allowance for the effects of fouling, uneven steam loading, and
the uncertainty of exact exhaust enthalpy.
11-15 Air Removal. Heat transfer action in a surface condenser is hindered
by the presence of noncondensable gases which mix with the film of condensate
on the tube surface. The sources of air and other noncondensable gas leakage
are numerous. Some may come over with the boiler steam, or leak in through
turbine packing gland or exhaust nozzle connection. Ck>ndensing water leakage
past tute packings is another source, for raw water contains dissolved gases
which are released under a vacuum. Vents back from low-pressure heaters and
leaks in the condenser shell itself may provide still more of the undesirable gas.
Unless atmospheric relief valves are water-sealed, air will back-flow through
Air infiltration is a serious factor and should be kept down as much as possi¬
ble. Since it is not practicable to eliminate it entirely, arrangements are made
for continuously drawing it out of the condenser and compressing it up to
atmospheric pressure where it can be released.
Recommendations of the Heat Exchange Institute are given in Table 11-9.
These are advanced to serve as a guide in specifying the capacity of the air re¬
moval equipment and are based on operating experience.
An additional source of noncondensable gas is to be foimd in the release from
injection water in contact condensers. For design purposes one canuseO.01864
free air from a ir* of 25*C water, increasing this linearly to 0.02689 m> for
water injected at 5*C •
The work required to compress a gas, a vapor, or a mixture of these is pro¬
portional to the volume to be compressed. Gas withdrawn from a condenser is
fully mixed with water vapor which could have been more cheaply removed by
1. lat stage body. 11. 2Dd stage nozzle. 20. Inter cooler hot well.
2. 1st stage nozzle extension. 12. 2nd stage diffuser. 21. After cooler hot well.
3. 1st stage nozzle head. 13. Elbow. 22. Water gage.
4. Pipe plugs. 14. Tube plate. 23. Cover nuts.
5. 1st stage nozzle. 15. Crown head. 24. Pipe plug.
6. 1st stage diffuser. 16. Water box. 25. Safety valve.
7. 2nd stage body. 17. Water box cover. 26. 101.6 mm evacoalor.
8. 2nd stage nozzle extension. 18. Tubes. 27. 101.6 mm vaivo.
9. 2nd stage nozzle head. 19. Oioler shell. 28. 2nd stage gate valve.
10. Pipe plug.
Fio. 11-47 Worthington two-stage air ejector with inter- and after-cooler.
Air compressors may be classified as reciprocating, rotary, or ejector types.
The reciprocating type, similar in principle to the air compressor, becomes in¬
conveniently large for other than small or low vacuum condensers.
The steam jet ejector is a widely used air pump, especially on large con¬
densers. When the heat liberated by condensing the ejector exhaust is recovered
in the feedwater, the ejector becomes a compact, efficient, and simple machine
for exhausting the noncondcnsable gases. Its first cost compares favorably with
other types of exhausters. Ejectors are usually operated on steam pressures of
from 100 to 250 psi, taking steam from reducing valve or bleeder nozzle. Up to
26-in. vacuum a single jet is satisfactory; above that two-stage ejectors are re¬
quired. The first-stage exhaust is condensed and cooled in an intercondenser;
the second-stage condenser is called the aftercondenser. The condensing water
should preferably be condensate from the hotwell of the main condenser. Jets
are arranged in parallel when capacities beyond that of a single jet are required.
Partial capacity operation is better in a multijet ejector than in a large single-
jet ejector because the extra jets can be turned off and each of the remaining
can work at its point of best efficiency. Ejectors are rated on the basis of their
free air handling capacity. Actually they handle an air-vapor mixture. The
calculations relating the actual operating conditions to the free air rating are
based on the ejector’s being equally able to handle free air or air-vapor on a
weight basis.
Example 2: A condenser has 51 mm abs pressure. The air-vapor mixture has been
cooled to 28*»* in an air cooler section. The ejector capacity required to handle0.086 m»
free air per min leakage will be established. From steam tables, the specific volume of
vapor at 28.0^ 46.162 m^/kg and py = O.OS02 kg/om>. Then
Pn = 61 x0.00136-0.0202-0.0892 kg/om*
then from pv = wRT
= 1.08xl0*x0.086/(29.8x288.6)—0.1086 kg per min
In the condenser, this air has volume = 0.1086 X 29.8x896.0/(0.0892 X 10*) =
2 358mS .
Two pumjjing conditions have been calculated, but it turns out that the pump
power is practically the same whether operating at 88.1 mm or 63.6 mm.Hg condenser
pressure. Maximum continuous flow of. condensate, barring condenser leakage, is
66,000 X 8.36/60«»8685 litres/min. A 3786 litToo/min pump good for 30 m dynamic
head at some specified minimum inlet submergence would give adequate capacity with
ample pressure over nomial rating to meet any contingency, yet would not be over¬
rated as the above calculations have shown. When operating at 60,000 kw regenerative.
’^Only exception is where water flow can be taken from 6—15 m higher elevation than
the discharge pool level. A dam or falls in a river would produce this condition.
the condenser steam rate is 2.86 kg per kw hr. Condensate pump load is then only
2860lUvM per min.
The condensate to be removed varies with load; yet customarily condensate
pumps are constant-speed centrifugals. At part load, then, control must be
exercised on quantity of flow in order to maintain some uniformity of hotwell
liquid level. Three methods are practiced:
1. Throttling of flow in pump discharge line, deriving control from hotweU
2. Recirculation, This is automatic by-passing of part of the pump discharge
back to the hotwell. It is governed by a hotwell float-controlled valve in the
by-pass line.
3. Submergence control. The constant speed centrifugal vacuum pump has a
rapidly diminishing delivery as inlet submergence is lowered. For example, one
| ;| Wofer-Intake Screen
Link-Belt Co.
Fio. 11-49 Friction loss through condenser tubes and water boxes.
which traveling screens with automatic cleaning features are employed. Fig.
11-48 illustrates a screen house located at the circulating water intake. The
traveling screen is composed of a series of small rectangular screens mounted
on two endless chains. When the trash-laden screens reach the cleaning position,
they are flushed clear by a jet of water directed through them from the inside.
Trash and water are caught in a trough and carried away. Unless thoroughly
flushed the debris will be carried over the top of the screen and into the con¬
densing water.
When natural supplies of condensing water are insufiicient, cooling towers
may be employed to cool the water for recirculation through the condenser, thus
making the atmosphere the ultimate medium to which the unavailable heat is
rejected. Cooling towers may be classified as atmospheric, natural draft, and
forced draft. The construction of cooling towers and their thermodynamics were
presented in Chapter 6 and vrill not be repeated here. They serve well for small
plants, which do not have adequate condensing water supply. Central stations
are better located at the water, relying on electric transmission to reach the load
Concrete tunnels and steel or iron pipe are used for the condensing water
conduits. A common method is to lead the water to and from the plant in con¬
crete tunnels into which the suction and discharge pipes dip. The head on the
circulating pump is the total of the hydraulic resistances of the trash racks and
screens, the velocity head, friction in conduits, water boxes, and condenser tubes
less the external head due to the difference in elevation of the intake and dis¬
charge. This external head can usually be neglected, and when it is appreciable,
it aids the pump. The friction heads in water conduits can be estimated from
Fig. A-14. Losses in the condenser itself can be taken from Fig. 11-49.
/4.8I8 4
Diameter of water conduits 1.417 m
V 3.05 TT
With the use of Fig. A-14 in Appendix, the friction loss in 83.5 m of 1.417 mdia. steel
pipe can be found to be0.262raH2O. The velocity head= 3.05*/2(7 = 0.472 m. From Fig.
11-49, loss in tubes isO.46 mperZM m of tubes and 0.52 min the water boxes. Then friction
loss in condenser = 0.46/3.05 x 2x6.5 -f 0.62^ m = 2.17 m
Gross pump head — 0.15 -f- 0.262 + 0.472 + 2.17 on 3.054 m
288,800 x 3,054
Water power = -196 hp.
The circulating pumps are usually motor-driven, with direct drive. It is well
to be able to reduce ]>ump speed at partial loads as an economy measure through
motor control or fluid couplings. Condensers with divided water boxes (i.e.,
double water circuits) may carry light loads on one circuit.
Atmospheric relief valves are provided to permit partial-load noncondensing
operation and to prevent high back pressure on the weak cast-iron sections at
the low-pressure end of the turbine. As low-pressure steam is carried, the valve
and its piping are large and cumbersome, but nevertheless desirable wherever
they can be accommodated. The size required can be estimated with an assumed
2440—3050 m/min exhaust steam velocity, although probably half this relieving
area would suffice for protection only.
Vacuum breakers are provided to admit air to the condenser shell to break
the vacuum and allow the atmospheric relief valve to open. The purpose of
breaking the vacuum is to jirevent condensate backing up into the turbine should
the condensate pump break down. The vacuum breaker is usually a float-
operated device which remains out of service until condensate rising in the steam
space reaches a predetermined level. In order to have the same device protect the
turbine against damage from excessive circulating water leakage resulting from
1. Atmospheric relief valve 15. Air removal line from main condenser to
2. Expansion joint first stage ejectors
3. Gate valve 16. Air ejectors (first stage)
4. Circulating water discharge from main 17. Air ejectors (second stage)
condenser 18. Stop valve (steam)
5. Condensate from condenser to conden¬ 19. Throttle valve (steam)
sate pump 20. Steam strainer
6. Check valve 21. Steam pressure gauge
7. Condensate from condensate pump to 22. Intermediate condenser condensate drain
intermediate and after condenser loop
8. Condensate from intermediate and after 23. After condenser condensate drain drip¬
condensers ping
9. Condensate line to heaters 24. After condenser drainer
10. Condensate recirculating line to main 25. After condenser drainer float chamber
condenser piping
11. Condensate control for recirculating line 26. Aft(’r condenser drainer float chamber
12. Vent from control valve float chainber vent
13. Condensate line to conlrol valve float 27. Intermediate and after condensate return
chamber to main condenser
14. Vent from condensate pump to main 28. Main condenser support springs
condenser 29. Main condenser spring support
Fig. 11-50 Typical connection of auxiliaries for a large condenser.
*Tn keal/kg
Were the steam initially superheated, the throat pressure would be 0.55pi, unless
higher accuracy is required for the critical pressure ratio. If so, pt/pi =* [2/(7 —
Thermodynamic ProperticB of Steam (Keenan and Keyes) charts the steam exponent 7
as a function of p and t.
Some published test results on a large condenser will be given in the next
example to illustrate the testing of these units for heat transfer.
Example 2: On a certain 5110 sqm condenser, the averages of {periodic readings
taken during a 2-hr test at stead}^ load are as here reported. The over-all coefficient
of heat transfer is to be computed.
Barometric pressure (corrected tol5.6°0), 770.9 mm
Metered steam flow to throttle, i2,i26 l^per hr.
Vacuum at neck of condenser (corrected to 16.6®C),761.8 mm.
Condensing water in at 8.94®C, out at t6.83*0*
Condensing water quantity 835»400 litrea/min.The heat transferred =885,400 x0,99918
X00(15.38-a94)«1284.8xl0i koal per hr.
Steam pressure = (770.9— 751,8) • 19.6 mm Hg abs atl5.6**; also 19.6 mm at 0^.
1. Find the required bore x stroke of a high-speed, simple steam engine for
direct connection to a 60-cycle, 25-kw generator. Governor can be adjusted to
operate in 300-350 rpia range. pi 7.03k^cm*ga, saturated steam; atmospheric
exhaust, deuanoe, 5%; cutoff, 25%; i| ^7^77.
2. A singIc>«ylinder50.8ciB>^101.6ciiiX240»rpm controlled compression unaflow
engine being available for a certain pump drive, it is desiredi to determine the gpm of
water that can be delivered against 11.6 m head. Clearance, 4%; ifm 88%; hydraulic
efficiency, 76%; Pi, 7.03 kg/cm* ab saturated steam; exhaust, jt52 mm Hg abs.
Release at 0.35 kg/cm* ga and 96% stroke.
3. A dealer otters an industrialist a single-c3'linder, full-compression, noncon¬
densing used unaflow engine of30.5cmX‘45.7 cmX 200-rpm dimensions. Engine would be
usedto belt-drive a piunp requiring 127kp6t1800 rpm.Normal cutoff, 25%; clearance.
JP'iQ, 11-63 Water-box and water connections to large two-pass, divided flow surface
condenser. Note vertical motor-driven condensing water pumps.
10%. Advise the prospective purchaser whether the engitie would be suitable for his
job, knowing that the factory plant has 1S.S kK/em* g» boilers.
4. Using Fig. 11-6, derive Willans lines (TF = a -f bP) of a 10-kw noncondensing
unit for steam conditions as given:
(a) Superheated steam at M kg/em* ga» 218.9^ ; atmospheric exhaust.
(b) Superheated steam at 10.8lGg/omS ga, 218.8^; atmospheric exhaust
(c) Saturated steam at 7.08 kg]eiiit£a.0,85 kg/cmiXga back pressure.
(d) Saturated steam at7.08ka/oiBPga,0.7 kg/om^ga back pressure.
5. Determine, with use of Fig. 11-9, the based on hp ana of this unaflow
when operated (a) at 507 bhp, pi 14J kg/omtga and saturated steam; atmospheric
exhaust; or (b) 600-kw output, Pil4.1 kg/om*ga^82.2*C;0*56 kg/om*gt^chaust pressure.
6. The piston of a full-compression unatlow engine will cover the exhaust port
at 8% return stroke. Admission, 3% before DC; clearance, 7%. What minimum
throttle gauge pressure should be used if (a) exhaust is atmospheric; (b) exhaust is
at 508 mm Hg vacuum?
7.0iven a 80.5 omx4847om controlled compression horizontal unaflow having i;*based
oh ihp = 0.70wben operated between 8,8 kg;/omagaand atmosphere;steam initially dry
saturated. Piston rod,44.5 mm; tail rod,81.8 0.90. When this is connected to a
standard 240-rpm NEMA a-c generator, what is the proper kw rating? Find
Consider rated load to be such that r = 4.0.
8. Construct to scales i em—10% FD,1 om**5 kg/om^, superimposed synthetic HE
and CE indicator diagrams to the following specifications!
HE events specified from IlEDC; CE events from CEDC. Throttle steam state, 56J
kg/oms •bdl5.6*C:exhaust, 8.8 kg/cm^ ah (hence the assumption of hyperbolic expansion
IS not warranted). Find the average mep and diagram factor.-
9. Determine, from this single-cylinder engine test data, the same items of
performance as in Ex 2, Sec 11-3. Time, 45 min; readings averaged for test period.
Load is a belted electric dynamometer with76 cm brake arm. Allow 1% belt loss. Scale
force, 102 kg net. p, 10.65 kg/om?; quality by throttle calorimeter which shows 115.6^3.
Barometer748mmHg. Speeds: engine,!^ rpm;dynamometer,945 rpm.Pmep*«:j?.S,8i,66
kg/om*;C£,5.81 kg/oin*. Increase shown by steam flow meter integrator during test, 1048
kg. Ex^ust,0.88 kg/om4g«. Engine specitlcations :30.50m X45.7 omx 150rpm. rated at 127
bhp.Piston rod|51 mm no tail rod.
10. An engineer was asked to measure the performance of a Coriiss engine
driving a 125 kva a-c generator in a lumber mill, belted as in Fig. 11-2. There was no
arrangement by which steam or water flow
could be measured, but the engine could be
indicated,and the panel instruments were reliab'
le. Boileri.8 kg/eo^gi^probably about 97% dry,
long exhaust line.Engine was found to be 86.6 om x
9L4omwith51 mmpistonrod.FiQ.ll-lOPisan ac¬
curate reproduction oi the cards taken at what
Atm. lint i02mmlon9
was stated to be ^‘normal load.” Manufacturer Fio. 11-lOP
gives max cutoff of this engine, 25%. By assum¬
ing 0.80 power factor, 25% initial condensation loss, 5% clearance and 0.90 generator
efficiency, the engineer was able to (1) report a quantitative estimate of all performance
items mentioned in Sec 11-3 and (2) render a considered opinion whether the capacities
of engine and generator were well matched.
11. As a familiarization exercise, any one of the turbine diagrams in Fig. 11-14 may
be selected for redrawing on the more detailed basis suggested by Fig. 11-13.
12. Calculate -qt of the turbine, Fig. 8-13.
13. Calculate the heat rate of the turbine in Fig. 8-7.
14. Review the results of Ex 1, Sec 8-5, then lay out the flow diagram of that
plant, properly labeled with the data pertinent to turbine heat rate. Calculate said
15. Obtain the following equation for the ratio of extracting to nonextracting '^in¬
ternal” steam rate. Assume condition line same in either case.
31. Operating coii(iition& for i 2(),l)00-k\\ turbini with dnergent firist-stage nozzles
areJ4.1/om*»h,5fi.6®6uperheat,exhuist,88.1 mmHg^ i)WithfuHunthrottled flow, 16,500
kw are generated on 81,200kg ‘-team per hr Find the capacity and steam rate of this
unit were the steam tempenturt riiscd to 815.0®C
32. Repeat Prob 31 except for a rc iction turbiiit with full peripheral admission to
the first stage
33. A single-stage, 1800-rpm mechapicil drive turbine is rated at 81 bhp with
steam conditions of jo 6 kg/om* ga, saturated steam atmospheric exhaust What w^ould it
be rated at 01) 8.8 kg/cm* ga saturated steam and same exhiu^t*!^ Assume rfe constant
(Actually the chinge might improve it Whv
34. The turbine whose rated load condition line i*- GG, given by Fig A-13, has
divergent first-stage nozzles and single governor v live Whit prreent of its rated load
can It develop when the governor is throttling the fir^t-stigeadmi^HiontolO.Skg/om^v
35 Derive an equation fo'r the Willans line of a 50,00()-kw, 3600-rpm conoensing
turbine Steam pres&urey58.2 kg/om*gajtemperature^510°C Exhaust, 61 mrollgabs. CaP
dilate Vc at 40,000-kw load
36. Plot a predicted Willans line ind the derived curves of steam rate and thermal
efficiency, for a 3600-rpm, rxted 20,000 kw suiierposed turbine As'sume mech-elec effi¬
ciency of 0 92, Pi,87.9 kg/om> ab510^ , P2> 17.6 kg/cm» ab Overlo'»d condition capacity
37. Plot a Willans line from the data of Table 11-6, then derive values of
and ^
38. The results of i 00-min test run it stead} load on a ToOO-kvv condensing steam
turbine are hen Mimmarized Calculate the following (1) Exhiu>t saturation tempera¬
ture to 1/20 of a degree, (2) ideal and actual exhaust enthdpy, (3) (4) rjc,
(5) (6) HR
D^ta Pii28.1kg/cm8ga,3l6,6®C.Condenser manometer,715,2 mmHgat26*7®C baromet¬
er, 761.2 mmHg atlo®0 barometer scale correct ato°C Steam flow, 82,520 kg per hr
Watt hour meter readings initial, 265,217 kw hr, finil, 275,942 kw hi. Condensing
water flow, 24,510 litreg/mm; m at 20.1*C,out at80.8*X3
39. Assume that Fig 11-40 applies to a 12,^-kw turbine guaranteed for 4.42 kg
per kw hr at 42.2 kg/em> ga,426,7*0 with38,immHg,txh lu-tpn-sun Di'iing a performa¬
nce test at this load the steam rate was found to be 4.40 kg per kw hr Did this performance
meet the guarantee if the operating conditions vvcre41.5 kg/om8ga,446*Oi44 mmHg ^
40. A condenser manometer reads720.8ininHgat the same time that a mercunal
barometer shows762.5 mm Temperatures are manometer,29.4*C; barometer, 18.8*0. Find
correct vacuum, referred to 15.6X5 standard
41. Find the exact saturation temperature corresponding to the following: Con¬
denser manometer,674.6 mm Eg at 87.8*0; barometer, 758.7 mm at 27.2*0.
42. The enthalpy of steam entering a condenser is 2228Jfg. Condeoser has . a
vacuum of 724.2 mm Hg on a25.6®C column. Atmosphere, 1.010 Icg/omt »b- Determine
steam quality fo nearest 1/10%.
43. At what height would a 35"C mercury manometer column be sustained by a
vacuum in a region of 0.058 kg/om*/ab pressure? Barometer, 756.7 mm at 15.6®C.
44. The condenser pressure in a system with abnormal air leakage is accurately
determined to be 0.088 kg/om> ab. The contents areat 4l#7*C. Net interior volume, 84 m».
Find the air-vai)or mixture and the weight of air in the condenser.
45. What is the air richness of an air-vapor mixture entering an air ejector atl8.1*
Cand702.8 mm Hg vacuum. Manometer temperature,88.0*C. Barometer,712 mm at 16*0®C.
46. Body height of a parallel flow barometric condenser is approximately 1*22m-
Steam pressure, 0.3 kg/om* ab.Working barometric pressure787 mm.Injection water at40.<r
0 available at0.36kg/cm*ga relative to hotwell level. Load isll34 kg of engine exhaust steam
per hr.Pipe friction,o.01miwatcr,Estimate the following: Effective tail pipe height; kg
injection water per hr; noncondensable gas to be ejected; head required of a booster
pump, if any.
47. A certain low-level, counterflow mixing, jet condenser is to serve an engine of
characteristics given bj Fig. 11-7. Injection water available at 29.4*C. Pump suction
suhmergcnce4.22m,^?tatic discharge head,0.91m. Neglect pipe friction. Find required water
horsejiower of the removal pump.
48. Repeat Prob, 47, assuming an ejector condenser requiring 0.7 kg/om*gapressure
at the spray nozzles. Pump suction,o.l4 kgfom* ga.
49. Determine n, L, Ay, wv for a two-pass surface condenser, using Eq 9-19 for heat
transfer. Specifications: Condense 68i,040 kg steam per hr at 61 mm Hg abs 'vith 4.4*0
terminal difTerence. CondenMiig water available at 20*C* F^ = 1.83 m/eao; f/B=18.8l0 *
Tubes 19-1 mmX 1.24mm* Steam enthalpy,7277 J/g,l.l*C condensate depression. Neglect
air cooling requirements.
50. Determine n, L, for a surface condenser by employing data of Fig. 9-10.
90J20 kg. steam are to be condensed jier hr at 61 mmHgabs. 26.4miilx 1 *951.52m/
15'9®CAvailable space limits tubes to not over 7.62 mlong Neglect air cooling.
51. During a test a two-pass condenser with 20006.1 m X 22.2 mm xl.24imm tubes per
pass received a flow of 81,890 litrea/miniofl8-8°C condensing water which wasdischarged at
28.7®C • Condenser manometer, 727.2 mm llg at 82.2H3- Barometer,768.8 mm corrected to
16.6°C.How does the developed C compare with a prediction from Fig. 9-10?
52. Find the capacity rating, m* free air, of a steam jet ejector for a 30,000-kw
turbine's condenser. It is expected that the air-vapor mixture will be cooled to 26.7*C
at 88.1 mm Hg abs.
53*. Assume that the free air leakage including injection water release, for the con¬
denser mentioned in Prob. 47 will be0.0779m*/mmat 81,1 What rated capacity .of steam
jet ejector is needed if (1) there is no external mixture cooler (2) there is an external
cooler, as in Fig. 11-41, able to reduce mixture tempeiature to 61.7*0 ?
54. Find the water horsepower for the circulating pump of a two-pass condenser
with flowof24,830 litres/minicondensing water.There are 1200 22.2 mmxi.24mmx 4.6m tubes
in the condenser. Water conduits are steel pipes 610 mm with 68.6 m total length. Consider
final discharge at same elevijtion as screen house water level.
55. The following are test data on a 3066 m* , two-pass condenser having 6720
26.4 mmx 1.24mnitubes. Condensate fiow was 118,340 kg per hr at 87.8*0 ; condensing
water, 118,660 litres/^tn Temperatures: t, 88,3; ti 2^8 *, to 32.06 (all *0). Vapor pressure,
61 mm Hgabs.(l) Calculate (/; (2) assuming tnat Uy was 17,680<'*», find C/,.
56. A certain tube in a condenser, having been selected for testing, was isolated from
the main flow and these water quantities were measured:
Between test No. 3 and 4 the inside of the tube was thoroughly cleaned. Tube is SU
mm X i,(M nun thiokneM x 4.7 m Condenser vapor pressure, tfi.4 mn Hg abs. From
these data, find U, and Vy,
Actual area would be slightly larger because of sloping sides of the pile.
Storage from which coal may be withdrawn to supply combustion equip¬
ment with little or no rehandling is live storage. Dead storage is that holding'
area from which coal can only be taken by the exercise of a definite reclaiming
and conveying activity. Dead storage is ordinarily an exposed pile, laid di¬
rectly on the ground.
When coal is piled in storage it ^Veathers.^^ It has a tendency to become
slack; to oxidize with accompanying liberation of heat. When loosely piled
in shallow piles with large lumps, natural circulation of air currents may carry
the heat off rapidly enough so that the temperature does not rise dangerously.
Cor Oumpor
Coals having high sulfur content are liable to prove troublesome to store in
volume because local heating apparently originates in a reaction between
sulfur, air, and water. Deep piling with exposure to winds aggravates spon¬
taneous heating. The best remedy known at present is to exclude air from the
pile by (a) underwater storage, (b) bituminous surface coatings, (c) rolling
and packing an air-tight layer of fine coal on the surface. At the Port Washing¬
ton plant 70307tonnci were satisfactorily protected by covering the pile with
30«5cm of fine coal dust overlaid by a thin layer of lump coal to prevent wind
and rain erosion.
The cost of maintaining coal in storage is the sum of interest and taxes on
capital invested in land, interest and depreciation on handling equipment, in¬
terest and insurance on coal stored, the energy costs of moving the coal, and
deterioration in value due to weathering.
The bulk of coal burned is received either by boat or railroad, supple¬
mented, to a limited extent, by trucks, mainly to supply institutional plants
that are accessible neither to rail nor water. Methods of handling coal con-
stitute an important part of power plant equipment, and the coal handling
equipment is generally one of the major components of plant cost.
Coal for either live or dead storage is received intermittently at the plant;
consequently, the coal_ stocking and tedaimipg. equipment must have cjqjacity
to unload the expected shipments within a length of time wUch will not bear
any definite relation to maximum rate of usage in the furnaces. The unload¬
ing plant should be arranged so that the coal as received can be stocked to
dead storage or fed directly on to the conveying system leading to live storage.
In almost every case of coal handling, equipment may be selected from
among a large number of devices radically different from one another so that
no standard systems may be described. Each installation is an individual
problem based on the immediate surroundings.
TVpicau SCCTiom.
Sauerman Broi,
Link-BOt Co.
Fig. 12-4 Apron feeder shown removing coal from a track hopper and discharging
it to a crusher.
Fig. 12-7 Typical sj^oed reduction to con\c\or (lri\(‘ '-half (Shown with belt
con\ cyor.)
3. Skip hoifit. App]ical)le \\hen lifts are too high for bucket elevators.
Simple and compact.
4. Belt conveyor. Limited to less than 20° to the horizontal; therefore it
is necessary to start at considerable distance from the plant.
5. Electric hotfits to elevate larries or coal buggies which have been filled
at the storage pile and wheeled in to the plant by hand. They will be hoisted
until their contents may be discharged into the stoker hoppers.
Horizontal movement of coal to bunkers is by conveyors, of which the
following arc typical:
1. Belt convenors. Continuous system; belt usually troughed; high capac¬
ities possible.
_ 2. Spiral conveyors. Endless helicoid
screw in a trough. Can easily be made
dust-tight. Not having a return strand, it
requires a minimum of space. Limited in
length. Considerable wear.
3. Flight or scraper conveyors. Low in
first cost but having large energy consump¬
tion. There is considerable wear, caused by
friction and abrasion.
4. Pivoted bucket carriers. Probably
ideal from a good many standpoints, al¬
Stephena^Adamson Mfgr. Co.
though expensive in first cost. Material is
Fig. 12-8 Section through a carried and buckets are supported on rol¬
troughed belt conveyor. lers which reduce friction to a minimum.
The pivoted bucket carrier can both ele¬
vate and convey. Since it is run at low speed, the operation is both silent and
free from vibration.
5. Larries. Suspended rail types are generally used because even ,though
they require more headroom than the floor type, they leave the boiler aisle free
from obstructions.
Design of equipment for coal handling involves capacity calculations as
well as selection of equipment type. What tonnage per hour should the coal
conveying machinery be abl(‘ to handle? The minimum requirements (not
allowing for the effect of load factor) would be the maximum rate at which
coal can be burned under the boilers. Expecterl plant extension should be
Fig. 12-10 Pivoted bucket conveyor. Combined coal and ash handling in a large
be interposed between it and the furnaces to allow for several hours' repair on
conveyors without running out of coal.
Full mechanical coal handling will not be justified in all boiler plants. But
even in the smaller plants, where the complete systems cannot always be af¬
forded, portable loaders, larries, etc., representing partial conveying, will be
found to be good investments.
Tramp iron is removed magnetically before coal is passed into pulverizers
or crushers
Means for weighing coal can be incorporated into the conveying system
(1) at track scales; (2) by weigh larries; (3) by coal spout volumetric meters;
and (4) by scale stations between bunker and dowmspouts. The weigh larry
has a small coal hopper suspended on knife edges in a scale beam weighing
system. Hopper, beam, and all are a portable structure on rails, whose align¬
ment suffices to carry the hopper under bunker discharge gates and then over
stoker or pulverizer hoppers. Some larries are motor propelled; small ones are
hand pushed. The hopper is filled from a bunker gate, the beam is put into
balance and read, and the hopper is discharged by gravity to the combustion
equipment. Larry scales are gener¬
ally built so that a prepared record
card when inserted will be marked
with the weight at which the beam
is balancing.
The distribution from bunker to
several hoppers is not as simple with
the automatic coal scales as with the
weigh larry. The automatic scales
Fig. 12-12 Flight conveyor. are best where one weigh station is
continuously and exclusively em¬
ployed with one combustion unit.
Hence, automatic coal scales are more likely to be employed in large plants,
and weigh larries in small. As Fig. 12-14 shows, the automatic scale feeds coal
into a weigh hopper which is suspended from a weigh beam. When a preset
load is registered, the beam comes to balance, stops the feeder automatically,
and the load is dumped into the lower hopper. The dump action causes a
count to be registered on the recording apparatus.
Coal Oates and Spouts, Coal will readily flow by gravity through square
or round spouts of 30.5 cm internal dimension, provided the inclination is not
too flat. If the spout is more than 85® to the vertical, it should be arranged so
that operators may rap it if the coal should lodge. Gates should open easily
and close tightly, and be designed so that the gate and the cut-off plate can
be separately renewed. Coal discharge spouts are sometimes
fanned out so that the width of a stoker hopper is supplied by a
single dust-tight downspout. Special designs are required on these
distributing spouts in order to keep coal sizes from segregating
in them.
Conveyor Layout, The design and detailing of mechanical
conveyors are sufficiently specialized to lie outside the ordinary
scope of power i>lant engineering, and the plant designer cus¬
tomarily relies on conveyor manufacturers for advice on layouts.
However, space allowance, capacities, and the leading data must
come from the plant designer. Where the equipment itself is not
dust-tight, its vicinity should be isolated with dust-tight walls
and partitions so that the fine coal dust, which invariably flies up
wherever coal is dumped off a conveyor, will not settle over the
whole plant and discourage operators from maintaining a high
standard of cleanliness. Walkways need to be provided along¬
side conveyors for maintenance and inspection. After layout of S-A Co.
the system has been made, it should be studied with reference to Yig, 12-13
the possibility of coal piling up at conveyor discharges in the Bucket ele-
event of failure of any portion of the conveying system. Inter- vator.
locking relays are often applied to the conveyor motors to make
certain that conveyors and machines in scries with them are started and
stopped according to a predetermined order.
Belt Conveyors. This type is probably more universally used than any
other. The first cost is reasonable and the power consumption is low. It is
widely used for lorizontal movement of coal and, to a certain extent, for in¬
clined runs. Because of the varied conditions under which they are operated,
each individual belt conveyor installation should be
M given a thorough engineering analysis so that an eco-
MoQnttic nomical and, at the same time, adequate installation
will be had. A fair average speed of all belt conveyors
is 91.4 m/min. From ol - 91 4 m/mm is the usual range for
coal conveyors because higher speeds tend to shatter the
Tramp Iron discharge end. A minimum speedof 91A m/znin
should be used if the belt discharges over a tripper (Fig.
’ifi 12-6). There is no economy in running at a given speed
Fig. 12-15
Fig. 12-15 Iron
Iron load; it is better to reduce the speed and
separator. the belt full. Both flat and troughed belt conveyors
can handle coal, but the troughed are more frequently
used because their capacity is about 100% greater per inch width of belt. With
the proper design of troughed carriers and correct alignment of head and foot
pulleys, guide idlers are not necessary.
Troughed belt conveyors also handle coal successfully
at slants up to about 20®, but with capacity reduced 5% VToout
I spout \ \
to 10% as compared with horizontal conveyors. When in- \\30^X \\
dined, the conveyor must be equipped with a no-reverse
mechanism to prevent its running backward in case it is ?
stopped under load. The belt itself is made of multiple-ply ® *
canvas duck surfaced with rubber covers fur friction and [ ^ ^j
resistance to abrasion, ^s tl;^e belt itself will cost nearly i
ha^f tha^ conveyor installation, expert advice should a-s mm welded steel
be sought for its selection. The canvas may be varied in const r.
numbers of plies and in weight of the duck used (28, 32, ^ig, 12-16 Coal
36, and 42 ) so that it will have sufficient strength for gate,
tight side tension, be firm enough to prevent sagging be¬
tween carriers, and yet be flexible enough to pass around pulleys readily. There
is no practical limitation to length of these conveyors and, if well raain-
Minimum Pulley.
Weights of Material
Diameter— «m
(per ply per cm width Carrier Spacing
(Plain drive)
No. of plies
Belt width Spacing
28 duck, 0.0119 kg
6 8
32 duck, 0.0isa kg
36 duck, 0.014S kg
2 106.7 80.5-45.7 1JB2
42 duck, 0.0165 kg
.4 121.0 50.8-70.2 1.07
(1.0 mm) rubber cover,
0.010S kg
187*2 91-41524 0.91
tained, they will transport millions of tons of coal before the belt needs re¬
Estimating Conveyor Requirements. Although, as previously mentioned,
the advice of conveyor specialists must be sought for final layout work, the
power plant engineer must make some decisions as to type, capacity, etc. In
estimating power requirements of various conveyors, the empirical relations of
Table 12-2 may be helpful, but estimates of space and support requirements
will have to be implemented by references to manufacturers' data.
The symbols in Tables 12-2 and 12-3 have the following meanings:
A, Working area of each flight, m* .
6, Belt width,cm, or bucket pitch,m.
Hj S X sin of the angle of inclination of the conveyor.
K, Horsepower Constant, see Table 12-3.
L, Conveyor length,®.
Ny Drivesliaft speed, rpin.
jS, Lineal speed of conveyor, m/min.
Ty Conveyor capacity,tonnes coal per hr.
w^y Individual bucket load, kg coal.
Wfy Weight of single strand, chains and flight, kg per m.
*For horizontal conveyors. Add 77//273.7hpfor rise' on inclined conveyors. Belt con¬
veyors can be used up to 20° slope with little los.s m capacity.
t This is power to conveyor drivesliaft. For motor jiower allow foi losses as follows:
For each pair gears, sprockets, sheaves:
Cut gears Cast gears Steel roller chain Plain chain V-helt
5% 10% 5% 10% 5%
For each manufactured speed reducer unit:
Helical gear type, 5%; worm gear type, 10-20%.
t Add tripper power where pertinent. See Tabic 12-3.
Example 1: The size and drive shaft power for a 12.2 m flight conveyor will be
estimated. It is inclined 20° and will carry 18.1 tonnes of coal per hr at 80.5 m/min.
From: Capacity = 48.055 A3, the
Belt width
Con} K Tripper Hp Belt Type
On account of partial ’filling, conbicler working area to he 50% of flight area. Then
1. The pulverizing mill may work at constant load because of the storage capacity
between it and the burners.
2. The large storage is a jirotection against interruption of fuel supply to the
3. Offers good control of coal fineness.
4. More latitude in the arrangement and number of burners is allowed the de¬
5. The boiler aisles are unobstructed.
Most pulverized coal plants are now being installed with unit pulverizers.
The unit system is so-called from the fact that each burner or burner group
and the pulverizer constitute a unit. Crushed coal is fed to the pulverizing mill
at a variable rate governed by the combustion requirements of the boiler and
furnace. Primary air is admitted to the mill and 1>ecomes the transport air
which carries the coal through the short delivery pipe to the burner. This air
may be preheated if mill drying is desirable.
Unit system advantages are:
1. It is cheaper than the central system.
2. It allows direct control of combustion from the pulverizer.
3. Coal which would require drying in order to function satisfactorily in the central
system may usually be employed without drying in the unit system.
4. In a replacement of stokers, the old conveyor and bunker equiiiment may be used
5. There is no complex transportation system.
Z -'Win€tbf0-sp€ta
fk€e/0r cfriye
ifrom ,,-Po//-pressure
fktdtr} spring
|M, ''-Xb/Ac/ra/wjcie
! - Qe/Justrnenfroe/
"-Orine/ing ro//
Grinding nng
\'-Revo/¥ing bow/
" 'Tramp-iron
''Pyrites remotia/pipe
Spira/-f/ow To exhauster and burner Preheated
classifier ,-From coa/ feeder airduct
if /
\l ' / / *■ - A- Hdter(oiMtdbearingj
Fig. 12-20 Boiler equipped with water walls and fired by unit pulverizers.
variation from this in individual cases. The kw hr of energy required for the
conveying and pulverizing of a tonne of bituminous coal varies from 11 lo 33; a
fair average being 22 kw hr per tonne. Anthracite might use 38.6 kw hr per tonnCL
12-5 Oil and Gas Supply Systems. Gas, The cost of storing gaseous
fuel is too high for storage to be economically practical in power plant work.
Nature has gas m storage in the form of gas deposits at high pressure in gas
sands. When wells are drilled into these strata the gas can be drawn off through
pipe lines—some of which extend hundreds of miles cross-country to customers,
domestic and industrial. Friction in the pipe line flow consumes fluid pressure
so that gas compressor stations must be located at intervals of 32 to 80 km.
along the lines in order to renew the pressure and continue the flow. When this
pipe line gas finally arrives at a boiler plant, it will have a fluid pressure in
excess of that customarily used in the combustion equipment, and one or more
pressure reducing stations are installed. The plant layout, insofar as a gas
supply system is involved is, therefore, quite simple. From pressure reducing
and metering points it flows to the gas burners where combustion is effected as
was described in Chapter 10.
Gas burning systems are(l)low pressure, i.e.,0-0.07 kg/cm*ga,and(2)highrpr-
essure i.e., 0.35-1.41 kg/cm^ga. It may be practical to install the gas meter on therfi -
nal reduced pressure inhigh-pressure systems,but an intermediate pres8ure(033-*l41
kg/cm*ga) is preferable for meteringwith low-pressure systems in order to reduce
gas volume and meter size. To meter gas exactly the plant gauging station
should have recording pressure and temperature gauges so that gas meter
readings can be corrected for these variables. The remainder of the system con¬
sists of the branching pipe ^'tree’^ to the various burners, with valves, drains,
boiler gas meters, and by-passes.
Oil. Unlike gas, fuel oil compares favorably with coal in storage bulk. Oil
will contain about twice the heating value of coal per cubic metreof storage.
This ratio is favorable, but the cost of storage volume is not, since coal can
be piled on the ground with little previous preparation,, whereas oil must be
contained in tanks. After oil arrives at a ])lant, the operating expense of
storage and reclamation arc likely to be less than for coal by virtue of the
fluidity and the pumping method of transportation.
Fuel oil is transported in barges, railway tank cars, and motor trucks.
Boiler plants that can be located on a railway system will usually receive fuel
in tank cars. On U. S. railroads these are30,283; 37,854 or 45,425 litres capacity.
Barge loads are much greater.Highwaytruck-trailerunitsareaboutlS,927litres.
It is desirable to have sufficient tankage so that several days* operating supply
remains in other tanks wlien a tank is empty and ready for fill by railroad or
truck delivery. Because of differences in production methods it is not con¬
sidered essential or economic to store several months* supply, but rather to
provide only against delivery failures originating from flood, storm, and the like.
Present-day demands for motor fuel are great and, in meeting them, whether
by distillation or cracking, refiners accumulate large stores of heavy oil suitable
only for furnace combustion. While the burner equipment is somewhat more
elaborate and expensive than for light oils, where properly chosen it will bum
the heavy (No. 6) oil efficiently and cleanly. Hence attention is focused on
this fuel since supplies are abundant and cost is reasonable.
A Cent atomizers
B Steam
While light oils such as Nos. 2 or 3 are sufficiently fluid at all normal tem¬
peratures, heavy oil must be heated both for pumping and atomizing. Pumping
temperatures are dependent on viscosity. The chart in Fig. 12-21 will permit
selection of a pumping temperature. Atomizing temperatures are dependent on
burner design and manufacturers' recommendations govern. The chart may be
employed to determine required preheating for pumping and atomizing oils
of different viscosities. It is entered with the viscosity and temperature of the
viscosity rating. These determine a point on the chart from which projections
parallel to the slope lines will intersect the desirable pumping and atomizing
fluidity lines. The abscissa at the intersection is the preheat temperature.
Example 1: Principal data will be estimated for an oil supply system to be used
with a 304-hp ‘^package” boiler, fired with No. fi fuel oil, Be 12®, viscosity rating 155
SSF at 50® C* Pressure atomizing type burner. Estimated capacity factor, 33%.
Delivery by tank truck biweekly. Minimuni oil reserve to be a supply for one week.
This type of steam generator can be expected to get better than 75% thermal
efficiency. Using 75% as the average efficiency, the maximum fuel flow is calculated as
Eq 5-8: Qh « 42450+98-04(12~-10) - 42,264 J/g*"
Eq 5-2: S.G. = ——— = 0.985
^ 130 + 12
„ 804x8S23x4.187x J0» .
Fuel flow - (i.7Sx42264 x 60xlU«r “ »*” P*'
Fuel used per 2-wefek period = 5.657 x 60 x 24 x 14 x 33% » 37635 !
Were three 2.44 mx 5.08 m tanks to be installed, each would take the full load of a
truck-trailer transport. No. 1 could he in use while No. 2 lay empty awaiting delivery.
No. 3 would contain somewhat more than the specified reserve.
Since 62 baybolt Seconds Furol equals 600 Seconds Universal, this oil is 1500 SSU.
Enter Fig. 12-21 at 1500 and 60®C. Locate the intersection and project upward to
the left to find that tank oil temperature should be at least 84.4®C. Projection downward
to the right to line C shows that the oil should be preheated to 91.rc before atomiza¬
Tank heating is done with a steam or hot water coil immersed in the oil,
located so as to surround the suction opening. Heating for the burner is done
by electric and steam heaters in series. The electric heater under thermostatic
switch control comes into action only w^hile starting up, after which the steam
heaters override it and the thermostat keeps the electric circuit disconnected.
These heaters are generally located as near the burner as practical.
Since automatic oil burners commonly return a large part of the quantity,
drawn from the tank, back to the tank, and since all of the suction is heated,
the burner oil heater ordinarily supplies all the heat needed to keep the whole
system sufficiently fluid. Exceptions are the very long suction lines, exposed
piping and/or tanks in cold climates, long shut downs, as over week-ends, etc.
In such cases patented electric heating which warms the piping with electric
current is helpful. This system needs to have all piping well insulated and uses
special electric supply to produce the heating currents, utilizing the pipe itself as
the conductor. Another method is to install a steam or hot water line with the
oil lines inside a blanket of heat insulation.
The major field of application of oil burning has been the nonutility field,
generally the small plant, often with a single burner. Oil supply then becomes
relatively simple since all the automatic burners have in-built oil pumps and
can draw the oil from storage provided it is reasonably located, say not over 100
ft away horizontally or morethanS.OS mstatic lift. Otherwise transfer pumps
are required. With multiple burners installed, transfer pumps will create maxi¬
mum flexibility of oil supply.
12-6^ Flue Gas Cleaning. The products of combustion of coal-fed fires con¬
tain particles oTsolid matter floating in suspension. This may be smoke or dust.
If smoke, the indication is that combustion conditions were faulty, and the
proper remedy is in the design and management of the furnace. If dust, the
particles' are mainly fine ash particles called ^‘fly-ash” intermixed with some
quantity of carbon-ash material called “cinder.” Pulverized coal and spreader
stoker firing units are the principal types causing difficulty from this source.
Other stokers may produce minor quantities of dust but generally not enough to
demand special gas cleaning equipment. The two mentioned are troublesome be¬
cause coal is burned in suspension—^in a turbulent furnace atmosphere—and
every opportunity is offered for the gas to pick up the smaller particles and
sweep them along with it.
Any sample of atmosphere will be found to contain some matter other than
gaseous, but, of course, ^ widely varying percentages, dependent on the time
and place of collection^he power planiL_engiiiecr is inteiMed mainly in the
quantity and effect of the solid content of the products of combustion his equip¬
ment discharges from the plant chimney. Dust collection is a comparatively new
subject to the power plant engineer, for until pulverized coal was introduced,
the main nuisance that could be created was smoke. Nowadays there are often
legal restrictions on the dust content that may be emitted and there is always the
possibility that adjacent residents may bring damage suits resulting from the
fall of ash or cinder on their premises. Consequently dust collection is often of
importance even in the absence of such things as municipal ordinances.
Nomenclature, As the highly specialized field * of dust collection is liable to
be unfamiliar to the reader, it may be well to mention some of the methods of
measurement. The size of dust particles is measured in microns. The micron is
one millionth of a meter. As an indication of the scale of this measure, the
diameter of a human hair is approximately 80 microns. Typical classification of
Fio. 12-23 Typical particle sizes. A. Flue gas particles and ranges of collecting equip¬
ment. B. Typical distribution of particle size in products of combustion.
* Boiler plant chimney dust is but a small segment of this field. Dust collection is
practiced in industries such as petroleum refining, food products, cement, foundries, smelt¬
ers, etc.
particles by name is given in Fig. 12-23, but it must be imderstood that ,the
limits shown are, for the most part, arbitrary. A critical characteristic of dust is
its Settling Velocity in still air. This is proportional to the product of the square
of micron siae and mass density. Manufacturers often assume a specific gravity
of 2.0 for flue gas dust. Typical values:18.3cm/minatl0microns,!8.3m/mm at
100 microns. With settling velocitv of 61 cm/min or less the dust will be carried
from 1.6 to 4.8 km in a light breeze, from an average chimney height.TheGas Lo-
oding is the weight of dust particles per cubic foot of flue gas. It can range from
4.6 to 27.6 grams per m* with typical operating conditions represented by the
minimum value.
The removal of dust and cinders from flue gas can usually be effected to the
required degree by commercial dust collectors. These can be classified^ as me-
ohanical ajid electrical. The mechanical collectors are subdivided into wet and
dry types. Wet types. callecTscrubbers. operate with water sprays to wash dust'
from the air. Such large quantities of wash water are needed for central station
gas washing that this system is seldom used. It also produces a waste water that
may require chemical neutralization before it can be discharged into natural
bodies of water. Hence the common mechanical dust collector is the dry type,
which can be subdivided according to operating principle as follows:
^_Gravitational Separators. Act by slowing down gas flow so that particles
remain in a chamber long enough to settle to the bottom. Not very suitable
because of large chamber volume needed.
Inertial Separators. Act by rapid change of direction of gas, which cannot
l^e^llowed completely by the heavier particles. Common forms are the baffle,
the louvre, and the cyclone separators. Baffle separators are frequently impror
vised within a boiler setting in-order to drop the large cinders from the^ases.
Because volume is less than that of the other types^ louvre and cyclone separa¬
tors are favored. The former is a high-speed gas type in which a small portion
of the gas carries the bulk of the dust into a secondary chamber where velocities
are low enough for a combination of gravitational and inertia forces to make the
separation. Meanwhile the main gas flow passes out the side of the direct-flow
chamber. A separator of this type is shown in Fig. 12-24. The cyclone is a
separating chamber wherein high-speed gas rotation is generated for the purpose
of “centrifuging'^ the particles from the carrying gases. Usually there is an
outer downward flowing vortex which turns into an inward upward flowing
vortex. Involute inlets and sufficient velocity head pressure are used to produce
the vortices. As multiple, small-diameter vortices with higher pressure drops
appear to have high cleaning efficiency, that type is now being exploited. Skim¬
ming cyclones shave off the dust at the periphery of the vortex, along with a
small portion of the gas flow. This concentrated flow is then led to a secondary
chamber for final separation.
Some of the aforementioned principles are shown in Fig. 12-24. There are
numerous proprietary patents in this field. Though the underlying^ principles
may be few and simple, they are capable of various ingenuities in application,
each with sufficiently 'original features to have been patentable. Also, while
some separate the dust from the gq.a mor^ <*ompletely tbkiLxrfiiftrs, the draft lOflS
requirements differ, and the more efficient the gas cleaning, the higher the price
in draft. Thus baffle and louvre types may be builttooperate(ml2.7to25.4inm
water static pressure loss, but cyclones must have from 38 to 76iiiii)Jn addition
to the occasional patented features, much specialized knowledge on gas velocities
and decelerations, particle inertia, and the like must go into collector design,
E^trical PredpitatoT. This separation principle consists of imposing an
electncal charge on the particles as they pass near a collecting electrode of
^posite polarity. Gas is made to flow between grounded collecting electrodes
between which are suspended the highly charged ionizing wires. The particles
are attracted to the collecting electrodes and stick there until removed by being
jarred loose with electrode rapping or some like method.
By means of transformers the pressure ot the a-c supply is raised sufficiently
high, then made unidirectional either by synchronous rotarv switching or
vacuum tubes. The d-c voltage is hold at 30,000 to 60,000 v, dependent on
electrode spacing, particle size, etc. For good results this voltage needs to ap¬
proach the flashover voltage between electrodes.
Although the draft loss of the electrical precipitator is the least nljdLfonQs,
its operation requires a steady input of electrical energy which can well be much
more than the extra fan power used.to boost the gases through mechanical col¬
lectors. Also the. first JCQst is high. However^ in spite of costs, it is frequently
employed with pulverized coal-fired power stations for its effectiveness on very
fine ash particles is superior to that of any other type. As is typical in the dust
collection field, this principle is applicable to general industrial problems, and
flue gas cleaning is a small segment of its field of use. Also it is proprietary,
having been originally developed by Cottrell.
Installation. Dust collectors are installed between the boiler outlet and the
chimney, usually on the chimney side of thefair heat^ if there is one. There
'^uld be some advantages from the standpoint of ^ater cleanliness were the
collector to be put ahead of it; however, the practice seems tp be to follow with
the collector, and use spotJbJowers to keep the heater surfaces, jclean. Where
there is more than one boiler, the practice is to use an individual collector for
each boiler. In somlp cases a low resistance inertial and an electrostatic precipi¬
tator have been installed in scries, again with pros and cons as to which should
be ahead of the other. Generally the mechanical type is placed first in the gas
flow. Another characteristic of interest in a combination is the variation of col¬
lection efficiency with gas flow. As flow increases, the. electrostatic efficiency de-
cjreascs, tlLe^clonc efficiency increasegL
Collectors arc bulky. The space they consume and the necessary breeching
connections arc costly—and difficult to provide, for, as an after thought. Hence
the need for a collector should receive careful consideration during the original
power plant layout.
Reinjection, The dust and cinders which are collected by this equipment fall
intojiioppers from which they must be removed by some system. Two altema
tives are: (1) dispose to a fly-ash bin with a pneumatic ash transport system;
(2) reinject the collection into the furnace, borne upon an air jet furnished by
a reinjection fan capable of about25.4
cm water static pressure. The first al¬
ternative is proper where there is but
little carbon in the dust—as in pul¬
verized coal plant fly-ash, but the
second may be desirable with spreader
stokers, for the material collected
may have sufficient carbon content
that the boiler and furnace efficiency
might be raised as much as 1% by Fio. 12-25 Typical fractional efficiencies
completing the combustion. However, A. of dust collectors.
the desirability of reinjection is a
matter on which the industry is not of one mind. Consider what happens when
the ash and cinder from a mechanical collector are sent back to the furnace.
Probably only a part of the ash gets permanently mixed with the ash on the
grates; the rest recirculates to the collector and back to the furnace. This proc¬
ess reduces the average micron size and increases the gas loading until an
equilibrium is established where the collector passes superfine fly-ash to the
chimney. Used in this way the collector merely assures minimum carbon loss
and a fly-ash state suitable for good atmospheric dispersion. The obvious an¬
swer to a need both for no-carbon-loss and no-fly-ash-discharge is to follow
the mechanical collector with a Cottrell whose collections are not reinjected.
But it is equally obvious that this is costly and not likely to be adopted unless
local conditions absolutely demand it. Two-stage mechanical collectors which
reinject coarse particles and send fines to storage have been built.
Efficiency, The absolute efficiency of a dust collector is the percentage of en¬
tering solids that will be removed by the collector. Some manufacturers prefer
to rate their equipment on an efficiency curve, as illustrated in Fig. 12-26. For
example, the curve for cyclpne., type showa .91%.^.15..JThis can be in¬
terpreted as meaning that this collector will remove 91% of the solid matter
over a limited range centered on 15 microns, say the 10 to 20 micron group of
When variable-load operating conditions are considered, it will be seen that
dust collection is a very inexact science. Gas volumes, gas loadings, and size
distribution all vary and are not built with regulating features; the specifications
and design must be pointed at some assumed ^'normal operating condition^' and
acceptance tests conducted at that load. Since the potential nuisance value of
dust-laden fliie gas increases with boiler loading, some high-load condition is
selected as the specification point and not an average load.
Actual performance is determined by testing, commonly with the Bagtest
Sampler shown in Fig. 12-26. This is an apparatus for withdrawing a sample of
dusty gas and filtering out the dust. Weighing of the filter before and after a
timed collection period, together with data on relative area of sampling nozzle
to flue gas passage, will suffice to establish the collection efficiency if the gas
passage is traversed both at the inlet and discharge of the dust collector, load
remaining steady meanwhile. In order to obtain average samples the duct cross-
sectional area must be subdivided into elements and a reading taken at the
geometrical center of each. Furthermore for a true sample the gas velocity into
the sampling tube must be the same as that of the surrounding gas flow. This
considerably complicates the testing, for preliminary pitot-static traverse must
be made and then the rate of flow into the sample nozzle adjusted for the same
velocity. This explains the reason for some of the components shown on the
Example 1: The results of a test* for collector performance will be calculated
based on assumed data. Methods of measuring gas flows in ducts are given elsewhere,t
so it will be assumed that a pitot-static test has yielded a veloeityofAO.67 m/sec in the
80.5 omx 182.9 om inlet to the collector,and 7.01 m/seojn the 91.4 omx91.4 oro breeching to
which the collector discharges. Flue gas temperature in main flow 266^ in sampler 138T>
Sampling nozzle area, 5.074 om* I orifice area, 3.252 cm* with taps located so that
the coefficient is 61%.
First the differential manometer reading for proper rate of flow at the nozzle will be
♦ The conduct of a test is the subject of an ASME Code. An examination of the Code
will reveal that this example greatly abbreviates the procedure.
tSec 12-9.
t This is a temperature correction. Pressure correction is considered to be negligible.
Note that: Orifice fiow area X coefficient X ideal velocity
[low]®” "'***'■•
Asslfme that the Bagtest Sampler flow was so adjusted and that samples were taken
for 30-min runs, showing collections of 0.0816 kg upstream 1 and 0.0154 kg downstream.
Collector efficiency =
- 81%.
Gas Loading = 0,0453 x 106/5947 » 7.62 grains per m6 entering collector and 0.0086x
106/3907 am 2.2 grams per m* leaving.
80l5x 182-9 60 x 7.62
Total flow of solids from boiler =10.67 x—— X —= 2.72 kg per min.
12-7 Handling^ All coal has more ordess ash. Combustion of the coal
is attended by the necessity of providing some means of removing the ash
which is deposited in the ash hopper. All the ash should be in this hopper, but,
as a matter of fact, from 5 to 40% of it leaves the furnace with the gases carried
in suspension. The constant endeavor is to reduce the percentage of ash particles
leaving with the gas because their collection and handling are more difficult than
Fly osh
Eb Fly ost>rdmovol (Portion
fPv^- Stock sproys
^ Electrical precipitation*
m gos streoml
t Trops 5 centrifugol seporotere
All or bulk Speciol bloded fon
of oih to
I ut r
Molten osh
Convtyor system 1 .Continuous flow
Oischorge to Topped >oiid osh
L Ash dump.
2.R.R Cor^ 1 Hydroulicfill 1 Hond raking
2 Settling tonk ^Conveying system
B.eorps 3 Dryoshpit 2 Grovity Dump
^ 4 j^otor truck 4 Ash bunker
3 Pneumotic conveyor
4 Steom jet conveyor
5 Ashcors 5cort»
6 Wheel borrows
\. W W / \ flTlSI /
B§oumo«t*Bifch Co,
Over-all U - P*hMot-dagC
A check on the original assumption of 88^ drop on the gas side is next made by equat¬
ing heat transfer to heat release. Log mtd and total heating surface are required.
U-tube is inclined at a small angle to the horizontal and the other made
comparatively large in bore. The liquid displacement will then be almost
entirely in the small tube. A considerable meniscus travel will be produced
by a very small pressure difference.
Although the manometer is a simple primary instrument for draft
measurement, routine operating needs are better met by a dry type of draft
Fig. 12-33 Apparatus for velocity traverse and static pressure with a single man¬
ometer. If the duct carries a plenum, the leads to the manometer are reversed. When
the static pressure exceeds the capacity of the sensitive manometer, a U-tube manometer
is added, as shown.
gauge, one which will give a pointer reading on a prominent scale and re¬
quire little or no maintenance through the years. However, such gauges are
calibrated to read “cm (inches) of water.”
For some purposes the draft pressure must be used as g/cm* or kg/cm*.
To convert a draft gauge reading, multiply the gauge reading in cm by the
density of water in g/cm* to obtain pressure in g/emK
It frequently happens that gas flow is slowed down and a pressure built
up or vice versa. The equation used to relate the pressure increment to gas
velocity is derived from Bernoulli’s principle, assuming incompressible flow.
7^2 _ 7^2 = X 2gH (12-2)
where Fi and V2 are the gas velocities before and after applying a driving
pressure of if m of gas.
C = a velocity coefficient, generally nearly unity.
Since gauge readings are in cm of water rather than m of gas, a
conversion is necessary.
Example 1: The draft pressure consumed in giving 176.7*0 air, under 14 cm water
plenum, a velocity increase from 0 to 15.24 m/Bec will be determined.
As Vi is 0, and C is assumed == 1, Eq (12-2) can be rendered: H « V2^/2g « 11.8S.iki
of air. The process of converting the pressure head, represented by 11.8S m of air at
14cm. water plciniin and J76,7’*C, into cm water follows next. Static pressure of the
air «= 1.034 + 1*048 kg/om*
Density of the air - 1.048 x 10* /29.8 x 449.7 .0.M14B kg/m>
Let Vw be the cm of a water column equivalent to 11.83 m of air
Example 2: The draft loss in a sheet metalhot air duct55.88 om x 56.88 om square
by 91.44 m long will be detenninedwith the use of the foregoing friction equation. Air
velocity,609.6 m/min; temperature, 93.8M; pressure, 10.16cm water plenum. Run of duct
includes 3 right-angle and 2 45-degree turns.
The draft loss is the sum of friction plus an allowance for loss in the turns of the
*For rectangular passages increase these values by 15%. Add 0«L27 cm water for
each 90* bend.
Numerical values of / appear in technical literature from time to time. Many investiga¬
tors have experimented with gas friction* or attempted correlation of experimental data
pertaining to /. Reported values range between the wide limits of 0.004 and 0.016. Steel
and brick or concrete air ducts should have different coefficients because of the difference
in smoothness. In the case of breechings and ehimne3r8 there is not so much dffierence on
account of the tendency of both brick and steel surfaces to soot up to approximately the
same conditions.
duct. Equivalent right-angle turns = 3-l-2x%==4. At 0.127 tm right-aagie
bend,1088=: 0.127 i-0.508 em water.
Density of air at 08.8*0 and 0.01016 kg/om* plenum is now calculated from the
When all the draft losses of the gas loop are summed up, the total repre¬
sents a fluid pressure the equal of which must be created by “draft pro¬
ducers.” These are generally fans or chimneys, although occasionally steam
and air jets are used for boosting other systems of draft or for localized
draft aid.
Some of the draft nomenclature of the gas loop is covered by the fol¬
lowing definitions.
Natural draft The fluid pressure difference created by confining a column
of heated gas, as by a chimney. See Fig. 12-43.
Forced draft, A plenum on the air before it reaches the combustion zone.
Created by fans.
Induced draft, A pressure rise from a greater to a lesser vacuum, created
in the gas loop between steam generator outlet and chimney by means of a
Balanced draft, A combination of forced and induced, or forced and
natural draft, so chosen that the gas loop pressure is nearly atmospheric at
the furnace.
Required draft. That draft pressure required to overcome the sum of the
draft losses at any specified rate of flow, i.e., Di 4- D2 + Ds + D4.
Available draft. That draft which the fans and/or chimney of the gas
loop can produce at any specified rate of flow.
Chimney draft decreases somewhat with increasing gas flow but not
greatly. Fan-produced draft varies according to the Fan Characteristic,
which generally shows increasing delivery pressure with decreasing flow. A
system whose available draft was not at least equal to the required draft
at maximum expected rate of flow would be one in which the draft deficiency
limited the output .of the steam generator to less than its capacity. A
properly engineered design would provide some excess available draft at
maximum expected rating. At lesser loads the excess draft available would
always increase and the gas loop pressures are then brought into balance
by (1) adjustable dampers or (2) fan speed control.
The Rate of Flow in the gas loop may be established by:
1. Direct means^ generally a traverse of some strategic cross-section in
the duct or breeching, using pitot-static tube and inclined leg manometer.
Temperature readings are also necessary.
2. Indirect means, employing the principle of mass continuity. Complete
analysis of the fuel and flue gas are necessary, but no gas velocity measure¬
ments are taken. Fuel consumption rate is necessary, however, for the mass
flow comes from a calculation of Gas-Fuel ratio, which is then multiplied by
the rate of fuel flow.
Example 3: At a time when coal was being fired at the rate of ]805.Slkgper hr a
traverse of theOl .4 om x i21.9 om breeching was made by pitot-static tube. Other data,
as follows, were simultaneously recorded. The gas flow will be calculated by both meth¬
ods previously mentioned.
Coal ultimate analysis: C, 79.5; H2,5.1; O2, 5.0; N2,1.6; S, 1.0; H2O, 2.8; Ash, 5.0.
No combustible in refuse. Orsat: CO2, 10.5; O2, 9.5; N2, 80.0.
Flue gas 2d(W. 5.08 em water vacuum. Average of square roots of manometer read¬
ings on pitot-static traverse, 0.767 om i/*
Assume MW of gas, 30; R, 28.8 m/kf
Direct method. Assume pitot-static coefficient = 1. Neglect effect 6.08 om vacuum
on density. From the general gas law, or Fig. 12-44, density = 0.68660 kg/m^
To use Eq 12-2, change manometer reading to feet of gas thus:
10 X 0.767*
8J869 m gas.
allow 0.022 cm loss per 3 mof run where the duct friction is a small part of
the total draft requirements. Air ducts, in general, extend from the outlet
of a forced draft fan to the stoker or burner plenum chamber. Where air
heaters are used the air duct is necessarily in two sections, viz., the cool
section, fan to heater, and the hot section, heater to combustion equipment.
The latter should be insulated against heat loss and may possibly require
special design for thermal expansion. Bends should be long radius if possible.
Where of short radius, or square, internal guide vanes should be provided in
large (60cm -f) ducts. The duct walls should not be lighter than:
0.644 mm metal up to 122 cm wide.
0.812 mmmetal up to 152 cm wide.
1.02 mm metal up to 183 cm wide.
1.29 mm metal up to 213 cm wide.
Breechings, Velocities in breechings are not usually made lefis than 6
nor over 15.2 m/sec atratedflow.If possible, the gas should be made to flow with
approximately the same velocity as it has in the preheater or economizer
The gas passages of modern plants offef so many variations that little
may be said of them in the way of generalization. A breeching, as such, is
often practically nonexistent, while auxiliary heat-absorbing surfaces have
occasioned almost as many variations of gas passage design as there are
plants. A factor of no little importance is the trend to fewer and larger boiler
units which, in some cases, are serviced by individual stacks. Some of the
devices employed today, all of which must be incorporated in the flue gas
circuit between boiler, and stack if they are installed, are:
1. Economizer.
2. Air preheater.
3. Induced draft fan.
4. Dust collector.
For control of air temperatures, for continuous plant operation while equip¬
ment repairs are carried out, and for part load adjustments, these devices
are frequently by-passed, the by-passes themselves adding much to the
expense and difficulty of design of the gas passages.
ana oiir-neater miet
@ Droft measurement ot
this poir^t gives “air- .
heater outlet d^’bndl
“dust-cdlectw inlet drof r
® Draft measurement at
this point gives*tiust'
C^lector <S^et draft*
and serves os^induceoH
droft'fan indicator”
® IVessure msosurwent at
this point gives “air- I
heoter mlw pressure **1
and serves OS ”forced|
droft>fan indicator.*'
® Pressure mcosurement ot
this point gives **air-
hearer outlet pressure”
and**«vindboK pressure”
Fig. 12-35 Location of draft measurements.
of its carrymg a few hundred cubic metres of gas per kilogram of coal burned,
the breeching arrangeAient is not entirely flexible. Large boiler breechinp,
particularly, may be difficult to dispose of within the boiler room, and are
frequently installed on the roof. The breeching arrangement is stUl further
dependent upon the method of supporting the stacks. Obviously the breech-
ing would be different were a battery of boilers to be connected to stadcs
under conditions such as:
1. Stack mounted on boiler room roof and carried by roof structure^ or by a special
steel framework within the boiler room extending from a firm foundation to the base
of the stack.
2. Stack supported by a short solid foundation at ground level. The breeching entry
approximately at ground level permits lower headroom in the boiler house, and the
mounting of auxiliary heat-absorbing surfaces and fans near boiler floor grade.
3. Stack carried on high masonry pedestal allowing breeching to be carried hori¬
zontally into it at the level of gas outlet from the boiler.
Problems to’be met and overcome by a breeching are numerous, but ap¬
parently corrosion is one of the most troublesome. Constructed of sheet iron
or steel plate, the breeching is prey to the corrosive gases it may contain and
to stresses set up by expansion and contraction occasioned by varying
temperature. Hence, expansion joints which permit change of length of the
breeching are needed and may be either slip joints packed with a high-tem-
perature material or flexible creases which also serve as stiffeners. Large
breechings must be stiffened by angle-iron or in some other fashion, since
the 4^8 mm to 7.9 mm steel plate is too thin to be sufficiently rigid alone.
Corrosion will be least where no condensation takes place in the gas
loop; therefore the breeching should be insulated where surface radiation
from it would reduce the temperature of some of the gas below the dew
point. In the absence of mechanical draft, an exposed breeching should be
insulated to allow the chimney to develop the maximum draft of which it
is cai)able, by delivering the gas to it as hot as the gas left the boiler. Also,
especially if mechanical draft is not employed, the draft resistance of the
breeching should be kept to the minimum by eliminating bends, abrupt
changes of area, and interior roughness. Other factors important to the
successful breeching are elimination of gas and air leaks, and the obtaining
of a completed structure of minimum weight consistent with the meeting of
other requirements.
Many elements enter into the determination of breeching size, some of
them being assumptions or allowances which are to permit the structure to
be successful at operating conditions which might be said to be abnormal.
The foremost of these are the excess air allowed for, and the gas velocity
assigned to this operating condition. Given percent excess air, flue gas tem¬
perature, coal analysis, and infiltration allowance, the flue gas volume may
be found by a suitable application of combustion theory.
The proper design of ducts and breechings should include provision for:
(a) evpansion, (b) insulation, (c) support, (d) rigidity. Expansion and in¬
sulation may be computed, following methods and data presented in Chapter
14. The construction needs to be stiffened, and this is generally accomplished
with angles welded or riveted circumferentially around the breeching or
duct at intervals to suit the individual case. Some types of expansion joints
are themselves excellent transverse stiffeners.
Insulation, The preheated air duct and the breeching must be well in¬
sulated to conserve heat and to render the vicinity habitable. Molded block
insulation securely attached to the steel is the usual practice. The material
commonly used has been 85% magnesia, although o^er materials are be¬
ginning to be competitive at present. The magnesia is magnesium carbonate
mixed with binder. Being able to withstand temperatures up to 316*C ' ^th-
out deterioration it is suitable for all air duct work and can be applied
directly to the steel. With a metal spacing material such a V-rib expanded
metal lath between it and a breeching wall, the 85% magnesia is suitable
for the majority of breeching coverings. Occasionally, however, there are
sections between boiler and air heater which require some more highly re¬
fractory material, or which must be double layered with a material such as
diatomaceous silica (which can withstand at least 843'G) next to the
breeching, followed by an outer magnesia layer.
since V is largely diffused into plenum in the scroll case, it is apparent that
lower values of u will produce the same plenum in a forwardly curved fan.
Backwardly curved blade wheels are generally selected for forced draft
service because the high speed is suitable for standard motor drive. The
power demand is self-limiting, and the static efficiency is high. These fans
may be satisfactorily operated in parallel.
Induced draft fans operate in gas of much higher temperature and may
handle gases laden with dust. Forwardly curved blade wheels run at the
lowest speed to develop a given pressure, hence are frequently chosen for
induced draft service so that the centrifugal stresses in the wheels will be
least. Low speeds, together with absence of dust-gathering tendency, mini¬
mize out-of-balance vibrations. The forward curvature reduces the blade
depth, but gives a large inlet opening for the gas. The rising horsepower and
pressure characteristics of this type usually render it unsuitable for parallel
operation, for it can overload its dnver under abnormal working conditions.
Induced draft service is exacting in requiring heavy-duty construction and
is frequently met by a modified radial blade.
Basic operating conditions of forced draft service are:
Induced draft service is not so simple and direct as forced draft. Its basic
operating conditions are:
1. The fan handles hot gases, often from fOO*—480*0*^
2. The gases often contain soot which fouls the blades, or ashes and cinder which
wear them.
3. Required draft consists of the sum of gas friction loss through furnace, boiler,
superheater, economizer, dust collectors, and air preheater. Chimney may assist.
4. Location is fixed, somewhere between boiler outlet and chimney.
6. The handling of hot gases requires more expensive construction, such as shield¬
ing or water-cooling of bearings, etc.
6. Vacuum costs more to create than plenum so the induced draft is used alone
only with installations where little or no fuel bed resistance is encountered.
Fan manufacturers test their product under standard conditions and
publish the results in tables or as performance charts. The power plant en¬
gineer’s work is then the fitting of his own particular conditions with the aid
of these charts or tables, making the proper corrections where his data differ
from the manufacturer’s test conditions. The purchase of large fans is com-
1 ^Static prwtsura ] □
“ Effldlancy=^ —
mmKi>POW 1
i ^
0 -1is *210 *45 *60
0*liv*ry~Tbousond m/min Oalivary—Thousond m/min Oalivary-Thousond m/min
Fon with bockwordiy Fon with forwordly Fan with rodlal
curved blading curved btoding blodok
monly made upon the basis of performance guarantees. The generalized per¬
formance curves of Fig. 12-38 are for constant speed, since that approximates
the usual condition of use. One is able to predict the performance at other
shaft speeds and gas conditions, making use of such data. From fan theory,
assuming efficiency to remain constant, it is possible to formulate a number
of equations covering the before-and-after-a-change situation. £q 12-10 rep¬
resents all of them.
t-[fm (12-10)
D. = KQ2 (12-11)
When the fan is running, the flow Q is that singular value existing at the
intersection of the fan characteristic curve and the system characteristic.
This is made the full rating of the fan if the system characteristic is definitely
known. Otherwise a fan of characteristic shown in Fig. 12-39 as Fan No. 2
(which might be another fan or Fan No. 1 at higher speed) is selected.
Then, were the system characteristic correctly evaluated, the surplus draft
oa' would be dissipated by damper action or speed control. The efficiency of
Fan No. 1 would be better than Fan No. 2 for a position at point a; hence
the allowance aa" if used should be made as small as possible by careful in¬
vestigation of the gas loop resistances.
The effect of variable load on this component of the power plant is to
D - D.(Q/Q.)« = Constant X Q*
Damper control. This is the simplest method and least expensive in first
cost; also, the least efficient on account of the irreversible, entropy-increasing,
action of throttling flow. Nevertheless it is a common method of control of
induced draft in power plants. The damper is usually located in the system
on the boiler side of the fan. The fan outlet is
an unrestricted discharge to the chimney. Since
damper control merely imposes a controllable
pressure drop in the system, the fan can produce
point b (Fig. 12-39) conditions by operating at
point c with the damper increment be added to
the system resistance.
Construction. Centrifugal draft fans consist
primarily of a Rotating bladed wheel enclosed in
a spiral-shaped sheet-metal housing. The wheel
may be single-entry, meaning that air enters the
Fig. 12-40 Change of oper¬ interior of the wheel from one side only, or
ating conditions. double-entry. The latter form is employed for
large volume fans where the necessary wheel
width is so great that it is expedient to feed in the gas or air from each end
of the wheel. The shaft on which the wheel is mounted turns in bearings which
are supported on brackets fastened to the housing or on pedestals independ¬
ently mounted on the foundation. Bracket support is the cheaper and is suit¬
able for close-coupled motor drives. The pedestals are preferable for induced
draft fans and for forced draft fans driven by turbines or speed controllers.
The drive may be V-belt, but direct drive is usual, there being interposed
between driver and fan a flexible coupling.
The National Association of Fan Manufacturers had adopted four standard
fan classifications in order to meet the varied operating conditions of the field
with fewer standard designs. The classification is based on maximum total pres¬
sure, i.e., static and velocity head. The total is practically equivalent to static
pressure for outlet velocities less than610 m/minr^but at high duct speeds the
static pressure is more limited.
Bearings of fans should be sealed ball bearings where possible. Air-
Class I—115.86 mm water maximum total pressure
Class II— 171.46 mm water maximum total pressure
Class III— 847.66 mm water maximum total pressure
Class IV—Greater than 847.66 mm total pressure
^At 81.1*0 and 760 mm Hg. Correct required total pressure before selecting fan class
by multiplying by ratio of density (at 81.1*0, 760 mm) to actual working density.
B. F. Stwrtevant Co.
work is usually overhead and exposed. If an air heater is used, the fan
location is dictated chiefly by gas flow, not air flow, consideration. Hence
this always affects the air duct location and frequently the forced draft
fan itself.
Fan testing. Fan tests are seldom performed by the plant engineer unless
as acceptance tests. Then pitot-static equipment is generally employed, and
there should be some provision for test openings. Experience indicates that
the velocities in ducts and breechings vary across the flow, so that the area
should be divided into elements. Rectangular sections are divided into small
squares and readings taken at the center of each. Circular ducts are divided
into equal-area rings, and test stations are set at opposite mid-radii of each
ring. It is the square roots of vclocity^head readings that are averaged for
the calculation of flow velocity, not the readings themselves.
On tests where it is not possible to hold the rpm constant, corrections to
readings must be made before comparing results with constant-speed guaran¬
tees. If N is the rated speed and Nx the test speed, multiply test volume by
N/Nx, test pressure by (N/Nx)^, and test powers by (N/Nx)^ before com¬
paring with the ratings.
12-12 Chimneys. Whether to produce draft by fan or chimney may be
an open question, necessitating a complete comparison of the characteristics
of each before an answer can be given. Briefly, their comparative character¬
istics are:
1. Chimney may have to be high enough to produce sufficient draft for
reasons foreign to draft.
2. Higher rates of combustion arc possible with mechanical draft.
3. Mechanical draft is more readily controlled to meet varying load
4. Mechanical draft is independent of atmospheric conditions.
5. Chimneys, once erected, cost nothing for operation, and have a very
low depreciation rate.
The chimney is provided primarily to produce a certain available draft
at the flue entry. But, in addition, there must be sufficient draft to overcome
frictional losses in the chimney itself. These losses are proportional to the
square of the velocity which, in turn, is proportional to cross-sectional area
of the chimney for any given flow of gas. Hence, the problem of chimney
diameter is more than the mere assumption of a velocity comparable to that
used in actual practice; it should be such that the diameter and height it
indicates result in a chimney of the least cost. Deinlein has pointed out
that a combination whose diameter multiplied by its height was the least
of all workable combinations would be the most economical. Ordinarily, the
velocities range between 6.land 15.24 m/iec,but, foi economical design, height
cannot be separated from velocity and diameter.
Most chimney equations are based on rational derivations, but in at¬
tempts to simplify them to where direct substitution is possible, various fac¬
tors have had to be introduced to care for the many variables that enter into
a problem of this sort and, as a result, these equations have the aspect of
rule-of-thumb proportioning. The author believes it better to work from
the fundamental data through the various logical steps, thus illustrating
basic features of the solution.
A chimney produces draft by virtue of an extremely simple principle of
thermodynamics. When the gas is heated, it expands in volume and decreases
in density, in which condition it may be displaced by a more dense gas.
Fig. 12-43 shows how this principle is incorporated in a chimney, (a) Air
movement is produced by heating one leg of a U-tube. (b) Comparative
weights of equal columns of air (2S.9'C)and flue gas (260X1), the difference
producing the draft, (c) The U-tube is replaced by two stacks connected
at their bases. The heat of combustion produces a flow of air down the cool
stack and gas up the heated stack, (d) Progressing toward the conventicmal
form of power house chimney, the air stack is brought around the chimney,
producing the same flow conditions as in (c). (e) If the diameter of the air
stack is made exceedingly large, we have the chimney standing alone in the
atmosphere, but performing as in (c) because of the flow action produced by
the heat not absorbed in the boiler.
The light hot flue gas is confined by the chimney column and the draft
produced is proportional to (1) the height and (2) the difference in density
of air and gas. Therefore the draft of a chimney is, in an elementary way,
expressed by
D= Height X difference in density of flue gas and air
j t
1 I
y I ■ w. J
p Air
Air 1«mperoture« C
Fig. 12-44 Variation of air and flue gas densities with temperatures.
leum derivatives have a fairly constant chemical analysis it was also pos¬
sible to supply a curve for fuel oil fires. The charted densities are for
sea-level locations. Density corrections to both d* and dg must be made for
chimneys located at altitudes. Up to 1829 m above sea level, it can be as¬
sumed that the barometric pressure decrement is 25 mw Hg per 300 m*
The draft of a chimney is affected by atmospheric temperature, and its
diameter by the excess air assumption. In boiler plants used mainly for
heating, the maximum loads ^(hence maximum required draft) come when
atmospheric temperatures are low, so that atmospheric temperature effects
are in the favorable direction. In order to be conservative, chimney heights
are commonly designed to give the maximum required draft with l5.6Ti
ambient temperature. In southern climates and for cases where maximum
loads can occur in hot weather, and where gas temperatures are low (say
232^> or less) the design assumption of atmospheric temperature should be
carefully weighed.
The quantity of gas flow, Q„ is directly affected by the excess air as*
sumption. Depending on the combustion equip*
«S2^ ment, and the size and type of plant, the oper*
ating range of excess air is from 0 to 100^ (or
: I2S -Hatpr««»ur»
N|- more). Central station pulverized coal combus¬
s New eparating jlOriginai |
I point" Irating
Solnt - ,ao £ tion represents one extreme, using from 5 to
N 5 20% excess air, while hand-fired grates, or small
stokers in poor adjustment, represent the other.
•ffieloncy curvo
Uo« Central station designs rarely are critical on
T excess air assumptions used for chimneys, since
gas movement is secured mainly by fans. In
Oalivary •Theuftand m^/inin cases where insufficient chimney would adversely
affect the remainder of the gas loop equipment,
Fiq. 12-45 Determination of it is well to allow 100% excess air in chim¬
economic chimney propor¬ ney proportioning, even though normal opera¬
tions. tions are expected to be carried out with much
Example 1: The combinations of diameter and height of a chimney required for
a specific case will be determined over a range that includes the minimum product.
Assume that the chimney is to be constructed of bnck, proportioned to carry 48.42
of gas and maintain a static draft of t.007 om water. Qas density given as 0.6776
kg/m’; atmospheric density, 1.171 kg/m*.
Let V be the velocity of gas in the chimney. Then by Eq 12-14 the required draft is
2.007 - 0.004 X 0.0776V* — 2.007 + 0.00271 F* cm water.
0.007678 X 0-6776 F*/*
Eq (12-12): . 2.7(1.171 - 0.6776) — ---om per 80 m
Dfo - 1.882 ~ 0.00078793 F*^ cm per 80 m.
2.007 + 0.00271 F^
Chimney height X 80m (1)
1.882 — 0.00078708 F*/*
From the above it is seen that the higher the gas velocity, the higher the chimney.
Next a relation between diameter and velocity is developed.
Stchon Ihtouyhflut
13-1 Function of the Water Loop. The water loop might be said
to have as its purpose the conversion of condensate into hot boiler feed at
a pressure sufficiently above that of the boiler to cause the correct flow into
the boiler, that is, correct from the standpoint of feedwater demand under
variable load operation. The elements of this loop in the portion extending
between the condenser and the boiler are shown in Fig. 13-1. As is seen there,
a pump must first remove the condensate from the condenser. Make-up is
then added to counteract loss of the working medium throughout the cycle
from blowdown, leaks, etc, Tlie condensate is heated, put under pressure
by a boiler feed pump, then further heated. Its condition then is one having
a temperature approaching, and a pressure exceeding, that of the boiler
water. It is finally regulated for the desired flow into the boiler.
The remainder of the w^ater loop consists of the flow at diminishing pres¬
sure and enthalpy, but in the form of vapor, from boiler through turbine to
condenser. This part of the water loop has been covered in Chapters 10 and
11, and our present concern is with that portion diagrammed in Fig. 13-1.
There the equipment is generalized. Details of actual systems vary greatly,
and often involve a complexity not suggested by the diagram. The technical
problems of design and operation of this phase of steam plant engineering
are conveniently grouped under:
1. Water Treatment. Water quality, and operating difficulties originating
in inferior water. Remedies and preventative treatment.
2. Water Heating. The reason for heating has been alluded to previously
in this volume, especially in Chapter 8.* Here we deal with details of heaters.
3. Water Pressurizing and Regulation. Pumps and feedwater regulators.
At high boiler pressures the feedwater treatment should be adequate to
continue the surfaces of the boiler in approximately the same condition as
when new. Once in the boiler, the water is first heated to saturation tem¬
perature, then evaporated at the point of contact with heated tube surface.
In general, the steam is free of all impurities the water might have contained
(except dissolved gas). Impurities are left in the boiler water whose concen¬
tration thereby increases. The point of evaporation being the tube surface,
there is every opportunity for the impurities to deposit on these surfaces as
a scale. When untreated feedvvater produces enough scale on the boiler sur-
• 510
faces to interfere with heat transfer, or when/it contains elements, which
either corrode or alter the strength of the boiler metal, feedwater treatment
is necessary.
The higher the rate of lieat transfer, the more important it becomes to
keep that surface scale-free, because the scale can both reduce the steaming
capacity and cause overheating of the tubes. As steam generation goes to
higlu*r pressures and rates of evaporation, the feedwater problem becomes
mor(‘ important and more intricate, even to the extent of requiring specialized
j)hysieal and chemical talent for its solution.
Fjg. 13-3 When a boiler drum lets go! General view of a wrecked boiler room sug¬
gesting the destructive forces set loose after lack of feedwater treatment, or incorrect
feedwater treatment has done its work.
decrease the transfer. The accumulation of scale may become so thick that the
temperature drop from gas to water is principally through the scale. When this
condition occurs, overheated tubes, blistering, and rupturing may be expected.
The scales that are tightly adherent and tough are the worst from the stand¬
point of removal. Others are adherent but soft, whereas still others are brittle
enough to, be removed by tube hammering cleaners. Boiler water conditioning
often seeks to precipitate the impurities in the boiler as a soft sludge which can
be removed by blowing down. Antiscale treatment consists of removing the
scale-forming elements or replacing them with extremely soluble salts.
When scale has formed, tubes are cleaned with water- or electric-powered
rotary brushes and cutters which are pushed through the tubes during boiler
overhauls. Some large, high-capacity boilers, however, have long multi-bend,
small-diameter tubes such that working out the scale with tube cleaners is not
practicable. Also, the maximum thickness of scale permitted in these high-duty
boilers is so little that cutting it out would not leave tubes sufficiently clean.
Rather, scale is dissolved with weak acid baths. Primarily the operational in¬
tent is to prevent scale.
Corrodon, By corrosion is meant the destructive conversion of metal into
(ftfldes or salts. It may occur any place in the water loop, but is most feared in
the steam generator because that is a '‘i)ressurc-fired vesser’ containing large
quantities of saturated water. But heaters, pumps, and piping are also attacked.
Corrosion is due to an acid condition of water, or to oxygen, carbon dioxide, or
chlorides. The most serious factor in corrosion is the dissolved oxygen. The per¬
missible limit of oxygen content varies with the acidity of the water and the
amount of scale on the tubes but should not exceed 0.5 cc per liter. Even this
(A) (B)
Fig. 13-4 Results of unsuitable boiler water. (A) Extreme cases of scaling in water-
tube boiler tubes. (B) Caustic embrittlement cracking of a boiler blow-off flange.
Dissolved O2 and CO«. These two corrosion accelerators are detected and
quantitatively measured by a chemical titration routine wherein the quantity of
titrating reagents is used to determine the dissolved gases in ppm. Both tests
must be carried out soon after collecting the sample or their validity will be
under suspicion. The oxygen test commonly employed is known as the Winkler
test. Special portable apparatus has been designed to facilitate carrying out this
test rapidly in the plant where the sample is drawn.
Other chemical tests for boiler water include those for chlorides, sulfates,
sulfite, and nitrates. Calorimetric or gravimetric methods are employed’for
residual phosphates, silica, oil, and dissolved solids.
Dissolved Solids, Primary gravimetric tests for dissolved solids involve time
and equipment requirements that place these methods outside the scope of
routine boiler water testing. However, special types of hydrometers and elec¬
trical conductivity meters are available for making field tests of the mineral
content dissolved in water. Most of these are sufl&ciently accurate for plant
work. Tolerance limits for TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) in boiler water re¬
quested by boiler manufacturers are set down in Table 13-3.
Complete Water Test. Natural or raw water is the supply most frequently
subjected to a full analysis. On account of ionization, it is impossible to de¬
termine by analysis of .water the nature of each compound that was dissolved in
it. However, testing can detennine the dissolved constituents by ionic measure¬
ments so that, although the results cannot state how much of the compounds
♦ I. W. = Ionic weight.
such as calcium sulfate or magnesium carbonate was in solution, the plus ions
(cations) and the negative ions (anions) may be separated out and measured.
Because of this fact it is reasonable to report dissolved water impurities as ions,
in parts per million by weight. Some of the common positive and negative ions
of water analyses are shown in Table 13-4. The equivalent weights given there
are the weights that contain or will “match up with^^ a unit weight of hydrogen.
For example, the molecular weight of calcium is 40, but its valance is two com¬
pared to hydrogen^s one. Therefor'^, its equivalent weight is 20.
Of considerable assistance in arriving at the treatment requirements of an
analyzed water is an arrangement of the soluble ions in anodic and cathodic
equivalents per million, *'epm.^’ To obtain an epm, divide the ppm of an ionic
substance by the equivalent weight. However, some analyses are composed of
'^ppm as CaCOa^^ then epm is the ppm as CaCOa divided by the equivalent
weight of CaCOa.
For a perfectly analyzed water the sum of the plus epm’s should equal that
of the minus epm s; however, since ionic water analysis technology is not usually
able to achieve this accuracy, the tester usually reports some -f-Na or —NOa
sufficient to make the quantitative balance. A breakdown of an ionic water
analysis into positive and negative epm is shown in the next example.
Example 1: The following ionic analysis of a water sample is in ppm. Equivalents
per million are obtained by dividing with equivalent weights taken from Table 13-4.
Example 1: Suppose a water tube boiler with steam drum 1220 mm x 1820 mm
long has normal w^ater at mid-drum and is equipped with a 250 mm gauge glass.
Operating pressure, kg/cm* ga. Let it be required to determine the proper interval
between blowdowns, assuming that a “half gauge'' will be the quantity blown off. The
boiler has a steam flow meter of the indicating-integrating type. Given = 12 ppm,
= 2500 ppm.
The volume of w^ater removed is approximately a rectangular volume 125 mm x
1220 mm x 1830 mm, or 0.28 m*. Its density is 881 kg/m^ at the operating pressure; hence
a halt gauge is 247 kg of boiler water. Now with Eq 13-3, 12(lVg + 247) » 2500 x 247.
Wq = 51203 kg steam flow between blowdowns. When the steam flow integrator on
the meter shows 51203 kg above the reading at the time of the last blowdown,
another half gauge blowdown is in order. For a safety allowance m plants w'here Si>
is only occasionally checked, probably it would be better to use 50% to 75% of the
calculated TTg for blowdown guidance, then adjust it to a schedule routine in boiler
A manual blow-off system is an essential boiler attachment. It must be in¬
stalled even if continuous blowdown is practiced. Continuous blowdown equip¬
ment is installed only if justified on the basis of heat lecovery, or some tangible
advantage to boiler operations. By a development from Eq 13-3, we can say that
the annual saving due to heat recovered from continuous blowdown is:
ieWs = 2.76 X 10* X 866 x 10"^ *= 1004 x 10* kilo kg per year.
C » 9.37 X 10*/(1000 X 27.9 x 10« x 0.72) = $ 9.37/279 x 72 per lO* Joules.
ti * 264®C ; assume to =27®0; then Aht = 993.2 x 10* Joules.
3 CaCOs + 2 Na8P04 Ca3(P04)2 + 3 Na^COg
On separator
Vent condenser ~ -
-'Exhaust inlet
Adjustable or/f/ce
^Steom otonuzer
Fig. 13-10 Hot process lime-soda ash softener, with deaerator section.
Ion-exchange Processes. There arc materials which will exchange their base
radical with anions in solution in water brought into contact with them. If an
exchange of calcium for sodium might thus be accomplished, the action would
be a water-softening one. The word zeolite is associated with this action.
“Zeolite’^ was originally applied to certain natural sands, but artificially pre¬
pared porous materials have supplanted natural zeolite. The most used form is
sodium zeolite, Na2(AloSi208); simplified symbol, Na2Z. Recently organic zeo¬
lites have been iiroduced, containing no silica. These are carbonaceous or resin¬
ous, but like inorganic zeolite they exchange the base radical with water perco¬
lating tlirough a bed. Typical sodium zeolite actions on hard water arc:
CaS()4 Na2Z —> Na2v>04 C^aZ
are returned through a sealed connection to the tray stack, where they are de¬
Merely rendering gases insoluble by heating water to boiling temperature
does not of itself eliminate molecules and bubbles of gas in the mass of water
and, unless they are separated, they will enter into solution again as soon as the
temperature is reduced and the pressure increased. In order to escape from the
mass of water, gas molecules must diffuse through the surface film surrounding
the particle of water. The rate of diffusion is proportional to the concentration of
gas within the water particle, to the surface area, and to the time of exposure.
Diffusion is, therefore, much more rapid from the small particles of water con¬
tinually mixed, agitated, and broken up by successive layers of trays than from
appreciable masses of still water. The repeated agitation and breaking up of the
water screen as it passes over the deaerating trays serve to bring the gas mole-
cules to the surface rapidly and eliminate the need of the gas to move from the
interior of each water particle to the surface film by diffusion.
The atomizing deaerator does the job without trays and is therefore liked
where the water is very corrosive; also where the deaerator is not stationary as
in maritime practice.
In the atomizing deaerator the water is first heated to within 1 or 2 degrees
of the temperature of the steam by spraying the water into a steam atmosphere
from nozzles spring-loaded to give a uniformly high spraying velocity at all
rates of flow. The heated water then encounters a high-velocity steam jet and is
atomized into a mist, presenting greatly increased total surface to contact with
the steam. The gases pass almost instantaneously into the enveloping steam
LNormol operating
2.LOW woter okirm
atmosphere from the small droplets into which the water is subdivided by the
atomizing action. The deaerated water drops into a storage or pump supply
chamber, while the steam, little of which has been condensed in the atomizing
process, flows to meet the incoming water in a spray heater chamber, from which
the liberated gases and a small amount of steam are withdrawn to a vent con¬
At the same time that oxygen is eliminated, free CO2 can also be removed
completely if the water is slightly alkaline. By first treating the water with
enough acid to decompose the bicarbonate, and then deaerating, bicarbonate
CO2 can likewise be removed.
A good deaerator will reduce oxygen to 0.03 cc per liter or less. As the
Winkler test yields O2 in ppm, it is necessary to know that 0.7 cc per liter = 1
ppm when comparing performance with the usual form of guarantee, expressed
as cc O2 at 0® C, 760 mm.
Terminal difference in a heater or deaerator in good condition should be
less than 3® C. The steam and water thermometers on deaerators frequently
show the same temperature (within the tolerance of these instruments). The
following equation expresses the conserv^'ation of heat in contact heaters. As
these can be well insulated against heat leaks, an assumption of no heat loss is
reasonable. With nomenclature as in Fig. 13-12:
105 x 0800 1 .
Steam flow through turbine = L 00 x 80 x 75 x 0.5 J *“
Since -I- = 0800 kg per hr, liig needed is 0800/22.9 = 207 kg steam per
hr. The turbine exhaust has been estimated to bel58.0kgper hr; hence in the absence
of any other auxiliary exhaust steam live steam from the boiler should be sent through
a reducing valve to supply the difference.
13-8 Surface Heaters. The surface heaters are divided into steam tube
and water tube types. Steam tubes are ordinarily used in evaporators, but most
extraction heaters are of the water tube type. These heaters can also be divided
into straight tube and bent tube (U tubes and steam coils), and into single- or
multi-pass. The surface heater is used when water is to be heated under pres¬
sure without direct contact with the steam. Problems associated with good
longitudinal distribution of steam and removal of noncondensable gases are as
important as in condenser practice. Noncondensable gases are vented from the
heater to the condenser through a small vent line. Sometimes, to avoid all
possible load on the air removal apparatus, the heaters supplied with steam
above atmospheric pressure are vented to atmosphere through a small vent
The ordinary closed heater is housed in a cylindrical shell of steel, well in¬
sulated on the outside. Steel or copper alloy tubes are rolled into tube sheets,
one of which is fixed, the other floating. The floating tube sheet allows free
expansion and contraction and permits the use of interchangeable tubes. The
vertical type is also used. It offers savings in required floor space, but takes
more headroom. The rating of a closed heater should be expressed in terms of
m* surface and rate of heat transfer; or as the quantity of water heated per hr
from initial to final temperature. Heat transfer in the water tube heater may
.4 *'
ElUott Co
Fi<^ 13-15 Turbine room of a central station showing teed water storage and deaerat¬
ing heater
A, Multi-paM extntotion heater B» Condensate cirauier C, Condensate drcuner by-pass valve D» Bleeder
we check valve hydraulic control Boat chamber E, Reli^ \a've F, Pressure gage. G, air vent line
H, Condensate drainer vent line I, Feed water by pass line J, Cuscade dnp line from next higher pressure
heater. K, Two-pen recording thermometer. L, Steam inlet. M, Water inlet. N, Water outlet.
Fig. 13-17 Performance of surface-type extraction heater for variable load conditions.
(94,000-kw turbine, 5th-stage heater )
Terminal differences in these heaters are of the order of 3®-6® C for design
purposes. However, actual tests may show more because it is possible that
operating conditions (proper venting, cleanliness, etc.) are not all that could
be expected.
Steam-tube heaters cannot be so readily analyzed as the water-tube type,
due to the uncontrolled circulation of water. The mean temperature difference
of steam-tube heaters is generally of higher order than for water tubes, rang¬
ing from 28® to 84® G. Heat transfer rates vary between 975 to 1955 kcal/m^-lw-
deg C if the tubes are well drained.
The variable load performance of a regenerative heater is shown in Fig.
13-17. As turbine load increases, all quantities tend to increase more or less
linearly. This applies to extraction flow, water velocity, temperatures, and
coefficient of heat transfer. This is a high-pressure heater, i.e., on the boiler side
of the feed pump. Economic studies indicate slightly lower water velocities,
and coefficients of heat transfer should be employed in low-pressure heaters.
Some of the details of installation of closed heaters are shown in accompany¬
ing illustrations. The several heaters of a large regenerative cycle are usually
mounted on a floor below the turbine operating floor. Extraction steam nozzles
♦ koal/mS-hr-d^ O
open downward from the turbine casing; hence nobe of the auxiliary piping
needs appear in the turbine room itself. However, there is plenty of it in the
space below. Equipment and piping layouts for that region require careful ex¬
ecution in detail.
Fig. 13-19 Evaporator paralleled with reducing valve for supply of industrial ste .m.
Distilled water pioduced with 7870 kg st(‘am = 13608 x 0.97 + 7870 « 21070 kg-
13-10 Water Pumps. The wat(‘r looj) i.'- aelivated by pumps Tlie regener¬
ative cycle with its exlrartiuii iKatei'., deaeiator. and other auxiliario presents
numerous recpiin'UK'ut^ lor moving water Irom one placa* to another, well
as of increasing its pre^ssure. The futiction oj a putHp /.s* /o add /a the pre^nure
existing on a liquid an inert nient sufficient to the required neri ire. This s< rviee
may be the iirodiiction oi a \elucity or the uvia’eoming o) Irietion or (‘xternal
pressure. Water pumps are ust'd tor condensing v\atei. (‘omhaisate, boiler feed,
Fig. 13-21 Two-stage centrifugal innn]) mounted on eonimon base with single-stage
steam turbine.
heater drain, booster flows, .*<1111^) drain, and other services. The principal types
in pow'er plant service are ieei]>rocating, rotary, and centrifugal pumps. Jet
pumps as represented by the boiler injector are comparatively unimportant in
this field, though sometimes used as emergency feed for small boilers. Rotary
pumps are all types operating on pure rotation, excluding centrifugal force as
pressure-building action. The principal example is the turbine-tyi>e pump.
Reciprocating and rotary pumps are used to some extent in smaller fiower
plants and heating plants; centrifugals, in small and large plants. Reciprocat¬
ing pumps are capable of the very highest jiressures, but are too bulky for
moving large volumes of water. By multi-staging, the centrifugal pumps may
be caused to produce pressures suitable for feeding modem power boilers, in¬
cluding those operating at up to 105 kg/cm* steam pressure. However, their field
of maximum discharge capacity occurs at lower pressures.
At very small flows, but for boiler pressures, the centrifugal design is in¬
ferior to others.
Essential data for the selection of anypumpincludetb»headminetrea^capaci^^
inliter^min and properties of the Zigrwid such as viscosity;temperature,corrosive¬
ness, grittiness. Secondary data concerning the pump equipment are speed of
rotation, power required, and first cost. Because of the importance of the pumps
to successful operation of plants, and of the small portion of total cost repre¬
sented in pump equipment, the cost of pumps should not be made the most
important factor in their selection.
The general requirements of a water pump installation are the provision
of foundation, accurate mounting of the pump and driver on it, connection of
suction and discharge pipes of adequate size without stressing the pump casing,
and provision of the desired form of discharge control.
The foundations of high-speed rotary and centrifugal pumps should be
solid and rigid—^indicating concrete as the material. For foundation construc¬
tion and installation of the bedplate,
see Sec 4-7. These machines are sold
mounted on a cast-iron or welded steel
uu bedplate of suflicient length to accom¬
TP- toper gouflo
Offset misoligmont Angular misalignment Carrect alignment
modate the driver. Because of the
direct connection to the motor or tur¬
Fig. 13-22 Alignment of coupling. bine, the pump manufacturer is usu¬
ally requested to buy the driver,
mount it on the base, and be responsible for the performance of the entire unit.
However, the alignment of the coupling between driver and pump should be
verified after installation; also after pump or motor overhaul this alignment
needs re-establishment. The adjustment is made with shims, slotted feet, and
the like, while alignment checks are made as suggested in Fig. 13-22. When hot
fluids are involved (turbine drive and/or hot water pump), the final alignment
should be made with the machine hot.
Designers usually arrange to bring water to a pump in a suction line that
is one pipe size larger than the pump opening. The change in pipe size is made
with reducer fitting, not a pipe bushing. The same can be done with discharge
piping, but is not as beneficial there. Suction piping is of particular importance
as it is the most frequent source of trouble, apart from misalignment. Particu¬
lar care should be taken to prevent air leakage into the suction line if the
suction head is negative, and to avoid piping alignment that leaves air pock¬
ets. Whether suction is positive or negative, all pumps should be piped writh
a check valve and gate valve in the discharge line, and a gate valve in the suc¬
tion. The latter is for the purpose of isolating the pump for inspection or repair.
A pressure gauge ought to be connected to the discharge close to the pump; one
on the suction is also desirable.
T^ere the pump operates normally with negative suction head, as do con¬
densing water pmnps, some means of initial priming may be necessary. Vacuum
pumps and jet ejectors are extensively used to priiiie large centrifugal pumps.
In some cases a valved by-pass around the discharge check valve will suffice
to prime a pump with water from a discharge header, if there is a foot valve
or check valve on the suction.
The layout of pumps in design drawings requires mainly dimensional in¬
formation on the bedplate and the suction and discharge openings. Points of
connection of bedplate drains, priming openings, casing drains, etc., may be
indicated, but not necessarily dimensioned, for the connecting piping is small
size and can be properly fitted in the field. Fig. 13-23 illustrates the type of
pump manufacturer’s information needed by the power plant designer in laying
out a pump installation.
Fig. 13-23 Typical dimensions required for pump layout. (All dimmrioiis In mm upr
leas otherwise speoi/led) Note: Pump illustrated is two-stage centrifugal suitable for
small boiler feed pump. Capacity about 190 l/miii at 107 m, 3600 rpm.
Static head is the height (usually in metre) of the surface of the water above
the gauge point.
Pressure head is the static head plus gauge pressure on the water surface
plus friction head.
Velocity head is the head required to produce a flow of the water.
Dynamic head i& the pressure head plus the velocity head. Except for water
velocities considerably above average, or for large volumes handled at low
heads, the velocity head can be neglected.
Total {sliSSm*] Head is the reading of a true gauge at the pump {SSSSS**} con¬
verted to metres of liquidand referred to datum, plus the velocity head at the point
of gauge attachment. If the suction head is less than atmospheric it is negative.
This is because the existence of a suction lift causes the gauge to read vacuum,
i.e., a negative gauge pressure.
Pump operating head is the algebraic dif¬
ference of discharge and suction heads. This
can also be called total dynamic head and
abbreviated TDH.
Net positive suction head, abbreviated
NPSH, is defined as the dynamic pressure of
the liquid at pump suction,kg/on* ab, less
the saturation pressure corresponding to the
temperature at the same point, converted to
metres head of the liquid.
Speafic speed of a centrifugal pump im¬
peller is the rotative speed at which a geo¬
metrically similar impeller would run if it
were of such size as to raise 75 kg of water
per second against one metre head.
\ (13-7)
A ih pump -'peed, rpm, and II is tht‘
TDH in metres per stage^Q is the discharge 1/m,
Fk.. Ja-24 Pump workiiiji: uiulci Specific speed ls iiscdul in defining the suc¬
suction lift <iTifl atmoqihenc dis¬ tion limitation of impellers of different de¬
charge signs.
Qd H
Wakr horsepower, whp - 45000OO
D ^
■^w If P — Pf
The foregoing cannot be an equality, for unless the left-hand term exceeds the
right there is no surplus force for accelerating the water at the beginning of
each pumping stroke. In order to insure positive pump action, Dg/Dw is made
about 1.6 for ordinary boiler feed service and 2.5 for low-pressure feeds.
hammanMl iron
padung rmgt
Worthington Pump and Machinery Carp,
Fig. 13-25 Vertical section through one side of a duplex direct-acting pump.
- r-^
Bas»d on Slandords of
Hydraulic ln»lilute. These —^
suction conditions ore *normal\
i.e. guoronteeable. With favorable
conditions,1«2m more suction
might be developable. Dotted .
portion not covered by HydroulicX
Institute Siondords.
submergence lift
pump suction m water static heod
Q= l/min (13-12)
where rix = Volumetric efficiency. Should be more than 0.90 for pumps in
good order, not overspeeded.
PI) = Piston displacement, cm*. per min per pump.
Manufacturing practice is to build pumps of cylinder diameters which ad¬
vance by 6.4 mm increments from 50.8 mm to 139.7 mm and by 25.4
mm increments to 406.4 mm. Strokes increase by 30.8 mm increments
from 50.8 mm to 406.4 mm, plus 63.5 mm and 88.9 mm sizes. Only those combi
nations offering suitable ratios arc usable for, boiler feeding.
Example 1 : The discharge oapsoifcy of a duplex ataam boiler feed pump 228.6 x
133.35 x 254 mm, oxwrating at normal speed, will be found. Water temperature^ 93.3*0.
These dimensions represent D,x Dw xZ», mm. From £q 13-11, oorreoted for 93.8*0, Vp
ai0.66xl.38V‘2dl»l^*3 m/min. Fb of duplex pumpa6 2xl3.l43iv(14.5x 1001/4 ■■449900
om^/min. Assuming ^v»0.00, 0«0.23x0.90x449900/331»405 l/min. Spasd in strokes
per min per cylinder ■> jj*^ xl000
The d-a steam pump has a high steam rate because it does not expand the
steam. On account of initial condensation and clearance the steam consumed
exceeds the product of piston displacement and density of the throttle steam.
Steam rates vary from 45 to 135 kg per hp hr. i/t is so low that thermal
performance is gauged by a term called 'pinnp duty, defined as the kgm work
done in the water cylinders per million Joules chargeable to the steam end. The
chargeable Joule/gram steam is throttle enthalpy less heat of the liquid at ex¬
haust pressure. Pump duty is also expressed as kgm water work per 1000 kg
Esmtiiple 2 : A test was performed on a 152 mm x 102 mm x 152 mm d-a duplex pump
for the purpose of determining its operating condition and performance. In 30 min of
steady operation the pump used 45.2 kg steam (determined by condensing exhaust at
O.Ol kg/cm» ga) and made 1254 strokes per cylinder. Atmospheric pressure, 0.98 kg/om* ab.
Throttle steam, 3.2 kg/cm* ga at 0.974 quality. Mean effective pressures : left, 2.7 kg/om>;
right, 2.6 kg/cm*. Average strokes : left, 140 mm; right, 120.7 mm. Piston rod, 31.8 mm.
Water pumped, 2164 kg; temperature, 17.2®C. Discharge head. 52.3 m ; suction, 0.65 m
Pump duty = =0.00112 kgm per 10* Joules
Pump power ~ sum of head end and water end — 1.141 ihp
Water power = 2164 (52.3 — (-0.65))/(30 X 60 X 75) = 0,849 whp.
Combined hydraulic-mechanical efficiency = 0.849/ 1.141 = 0.74.
Steam rate = 45.2 X 60/(30 X 1 141) = 79.3 kg per ihp hr
Let V = Volumetric displacement of water piston per two strokes.
V = 4067.3 cm*. (exact), or 4244 cm* (neglecting rod effect).
Inacrsoll-Rand Co.
Fig. 13-31 Two-stage horizontal centrifugal pump Design suitable for boiler feed
service up to 5675 1/m at 335 m TDK and 3500 rpm.
I/ubrication is simple on most centrifugal pumps, there being only the two
shaft bearings to require it. Ring oiling from reservoirs cast in the bearing
pedestal and grease-lubricated ball bearings are usual. Cooling may be needed
lor high-temperature feed pump bearings.^ In the high-pressure regenerative
cycle, power station boiler feed requirements constitute severe service for a
pump. End thrusts are high and oil-lubricated thrust bearings such as the
Kingsbury are used. Such installations may have a more complex lubricating
system, including oil eiiculation and cooling
Capacity Ls a function of iinpellei width, diameter, and sjieed. Head is
determined by impeller diameter and speed, and efficiency results from proper
integration of impeller and casing shapes. The variable discharge performance
of a pump is usually tested with cold water at constant shaft speed, resulting
in a set of curves similar in nature to those jireserited for the centrifugal fan
in Fig. 12-38. Where it is desired to show' jierfonnancc data for a line of geo¬
metrically similar punijis, with different impeller diameters reiiresented, a plot
like Fig. 13-32 is often used. This is a head-diNcliarge graph for the several
For Single - Suction Pumps with Shaft Through Eye of impeller
15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60
Fig 13-33 Limiting ^jiecific bjieed.s for centrifugal iiiunp suction lifts (Ha^'edon
, 29,4 and sea level )
impellers, all at the same speed with pow’er and efficiently noted at oaeh head-
discharge coordinate. Then all lines of the same efficiency and the same bhp
are connected to display these characteristics as contours For other speeds
similar graph sheets would be necessary; however, for limited variation the
law of similitude may be invoked. Head is proportional to capacity to N,
and power to (A")®.
Specific speed is an indication of impeller type, the same as it indicates the
runner type of hydraulic turbines. Designers employ it to meet different con¬
ditions of H, Q, and N\ jiower plant engineers should understand how to use
it to check an installation for permissible suction heads to avoid cavitation.
A pump of low specific speed will operate safely with greater suction lift than
one of higher speed. With low suction lifts (high NPSH) a pump of higher
specific speed can be used—which often is a cheaper pump. Fig. 13-33 repre¬
sents operating experience on the upper limit oi N, for which centrifugal
pumps can be considered to be safe from cavitation difficulties, viz., noise,
vibration,and pitting. The chart basis is a sea-levelatmosphere and 29.4"^water.
Example 2: Given driver speed of 3550 rpm, the chart will be employed to
determine highest, safe, specific speed for a multi-stage boiler feed pump to handle
1893 I/min against a total head of 167.6 m of 121.1^0 water. Suction head available is
2.56 kg/om* ab •
The S.G. of 121,1 water is 0.942 referred to cold water. Its vapor pressure is
2.089 kg/om< ab.
Then NPSH = (2.66 -2.09)10= 4.7 ra cold water.
Chart is based on 29.4®C water, for which vapor pressure is 0.042. At sea level,
suction pressure, absolute = 1.03x10—induction lift. With 29.4®C water NPSH =
(1.03 X 10 — m-suction 1 ifb)—0.042 x 10 - 9.88—suction. Therefore< suction 1 ift on chartss9.88
-NPSH-9.88 -4.70 = 5.18 m. = 32.6 — 15.2 = 17.4 ft.
The head per stage is now determined, assuming 2 and 3 stages. For 2-8tage,
ff = 167.6 x 0.942/2 = 78.9 m cold water. Likewise, if 3-8tage, ^=52.7 m.
Enter chart with suction lift and head.
2-stage Ng = 1180; 3-stage Ng = 1520
Next solve the specific speed equation for pump speed.
2- stage JV = 1180 x 4.74 x 78.9»'«/VT893==3405rpm
3- stage = 1520 x 4.74 x 52.7»/Vlj^*=3241 rpm
The 2-stage pump uses a speed nearer the specified drive.
Capoc'ity I/min double sucfion pumps _
20 =«
o y;s;^';^-^:s5ssssssass:s;^^:ss^ • BBiaBlliar-U.U.i.MI
0*9rT-rr i iJ.U.i.BaHHHaiBKaBBIIIII’^flllllii»|R0^i2{Sjg>2{2j{jf\
tti 11 SMiaiaiHBBr:aiBiaBBisr'4iaisiiiiniR^BaBa8iiaisi!ii*.:.'
Fio. 13-34 Minimum positive suction head for centrifugal condensate pumps*
The chart may also be used for altitude cases by adding to the specified
suction lift, or deducting from the specified suction head, 0.1 m per lOOm alti¬
tude above sea level.
Condensate Pump, Centrifugal pumps are almost exclusively given the job
of condensate pumping. For one thing, the self-regulating character of sub¬
mergence control mentioned in the treatment of condenser auxiliaries simplifies
many condensate pumping installations, particularly those from vacuum re¬
Condensate pumps are a special class of centrifugals. They are generally
required to operate on minimums of net positive suction head, frequently when
pumping hot condensate. The flow into the pump through the suction nozzle is
whatever the NPSH, used as H in the equation Q = A yJ2gti, will provide.
Since submergence of inlet is a prominent factor in NPSH it acts to regulate
It follows, of course, that installation mistakes are easily and frequently
committed when the significance of suction head is not understood. The recom¬
mendations shown in Fig. 13-34 are based on wide experience in this field. It
will be noted that the inflow to the pump at a given NPSH varies as the square
of the pump speed.
The single-stage, double-suction pump has the widest range of application
and can serve for all condensate drainage except those cases with high discharge
pressures. Then 2-stage axially balanced pumps are needed.
Another application of the centrifugal
condensate pump is the integrated conden¬
sation pumping set, illustrated in Fig.
13-35. These sets are employed to receive
assorted flows of condensate from traps,
heating systems, etc., and deliver the con¬
densate to the feedwater tank. On a com¬
mon base will be mounted a motor-driven
centrifugal pump, a receiver tank of steel
or cast iron, and the necessary valves,
strainers, controls. Usually the control is
"Nash Engineering Co. a simple, float-operated switch that starts
Fig. 13-35 Condensation unit. Con¬ the motor when the tank is nearly full and
sists of cast-iron receiver tank, tank- stops it when the tank has been nearly
mounted centrifugal pump, and float pumped out. By venting the tank, hot trap
switch. discharges are cooled to 100®G through
flashing; hence the pump must be de¬
signed to operate on a few cm suction submergence, although pumping hot
Boiler Feed Pump, The multi-stage centrifugal pump has few competitors
foHboiler feeding in the large power station. There is no auxiliary more vital
to the continued operation of the station. Let the boiler feed pump begin to
misbehave and operators spring to action, endeavoring to bring standby equip¬
ment into service and avoid a plant shutdown. That standby equipment will
be provided is axiomatic to the central station and is nearly universal practice
elsewhere. The modern, high-duty steam generator might be out of water in a
minute or less were the feed to fail completely. At' such times an immediate
shutdown is the only alternative to service from standby feed pumps.
The maximum capacity needed in this pump is theoretically the maximum
rate of evaporation of the boilers it feeds, but here is an auxiliary which ought
to be specified oversize. Where steam demand is fairly steady and the ratio
of boiler water capacity to evapora¬
tion rate is conservative, then a
margin of 50% over the maximum
rate of evaporation would be ample
capacity. Contrariwise, if the steam
drum water capacity is a small frac¬
tion of the evaporative rate, and
heavy load swings are expected, then
prudence dictates sizingthe pump even
more conservatively. A boiler rated
at 22700 kg per hr could and would
meet brief demands for 22700 to
36200 kg steam if there were that
demand. This would not likely
happen in an electric power station,
but could for institutional, industrial,
or central heating loads where load
diversity was temporarily missing.
There is probably nothing more un¬
nerving to experienced boiler opera¬
tors than to see the water level disap¬ Fig. 13-36 Working conditions for a boiler
pear into the bottom of the gauge feed pump.
glass with the feed valve wide open.
True, it may be only a temporary load peak and the pump will quickly gain
command of the situation, but these philosophical attitudes are conspicuous by
their absence when operators face empty water gauge glasses.
The total operating head of a boiler feed pump is calculated as the differ¬
ence between discharge and suction heads. Velocity head is negligible. The
power plant boiler feed pump will be handling hot water under a positive suc¬
tion head composed of hydraulic head to the water level in the feedwater supply
or surge tank plus gauge pressure, if any, on that water level, less friction in
pipe, fittings, strainers, and valves. Discharge head will be the sum of hydro¬
static head to the boiler water level, piping and fittings friction, boiler gauge
pressure, and pressure drop through the feedwater regulator. All should be
expressed in metres of water at the pumping temperature.
Example 3: A simple problem in boiler feed pump calculation is presented in
Fig. 13-36. Data: Pipe and fittings friction losses, 1.5min suction line and 2.6m in
delivery line;* pressure drop through regulating valve at open position, 0.14 kg/om*
water temperature, . Maximum discharge, 473 l/min.
Using Vf from tables, the density of 93.8^ water referred to the 15.6^ standard
(where lOm—1 kg/cm> ) is 1.001 / 1.03S 0.964. Datum will be pump center-line.
Specified pump operating head will exceed this by whatever safety allowance the
engineer wants to throw in to meet effect of initial frictional discrepancies^ aging of
pipe line, lack of allowed suction head, variation of excess pressure control, etc.
Engineers will wish to put in from 10% to 25% allowance here. Using 15%, the
specified head here would be 170 m water at 93.3'^C.
Now, if performance curves of the pump were available, the driving power could
be computed. Assuming it was foimd tlmt at 4731/min and 170 m the pump efficiency
will be 0.75, the power required is:
bhp = ^ = 1.001^ ^^
Capacity m I/min
Hydraulic ItuHHdc
Fig. 13-37 Net positive suction head. Centrifugal hot water pumps—sin^e suction.
These curves serve as guides in determining the net positive suction head for hot water
pumps and do not necessarily represent absolute minimum values. Compiled from data
by representative companies. The curves apply to water temperatures up to 100®C,
For temperatures above 100®C use temperature correction chart. For speeds within
db 25% of those shown correct capacity according to rpm \/jpm = Constant.
The data of Fig. 13-37 were compiled by the Hydi^aulic Institute from data
by representative companies. It is provided as a reliable indicator of minimum
NPSH on the boiler feed pump suction. This graph is for single suction pumps.
A set of curves for double suction pumps is similar except that, at maximum
discharge, they rise to about 70% of the NPSH's given for single suction.
Example 4: Water is heated to saturation( 1.407 kfr/om< ab, 108^9^) in adeaerator,
then delivered by gravity to a boiler feed pump rated at 284 l/min at 10.5 kg/om* ga
pressure. It is desired to determine the required suction submergence height^ H. 0.3 m
head will be allowed for pipe friction in the suction line. N — 3500' rpm.
From Fig. 13-37, NPSH = 8matioo®C. Correction for 108.9^0»b.24 m making
NPSH at 108.9®C, 3.24 m 8.0. of 108.9* water = ^ =0.953.
_ , vapor pressure
NPSH s suction head ---
1.407x10 1.407x10
--o;^ +H-0.3- -5^553—
H = 3.54 m. Allowing some margin of assurance, the submergence will be put at 4 m.
In this example H was simply the NPSH -h friction, but only because the water was
saturated, and at the same temperature in both deaerator and pump suction.
Steam turbines and electric motors are employed to drive the centrifugal
boiler feed pump. Motors are direct-connected; so are the steam turbines,
though large, turbine-powered units will also be found with geared turbines.
This is so the turbine may operate at higher speed than the pump in the in¬
terest of better efficiency. Turbines are the mechanical drive type, usually non¬
condensing, with exhaust steam directed to feed heating or otherwise usefully
absorbed. Motors may need to have special features of high-temperature in¬
sulation of the windings and drip proof frames.
Centrifugal pumps expected to be operated in parallel should have a droop¬
ing pressure characteristic throughout the operating range and possess the
same percent AQ over the operating range.
Control of discharge is largely dependent on the drive employed. Motor
drives are essentially constant speed so that the pump is caused to operate
back and forth along its constant-speed, head vs discharge characteristic by
Fio. 13-38 Two systems of centrifugal boiler feed pump control with governed differ¬
ential pressure across feedwater regulator.
throttling the discharge. Turbine drives are readily speed-controlled by pres¬
sure-operated throttle valves in series with the turbine speed governor. These
two systems are comi)ared in Fig. 13-38.
Speed control is premised on the shift of the H-Q characteristic by change
of pump speed. Imagine a feedwater system resistance characteristic which is
composed of a ])ressure head and a variable frictional resistance. Constant
excess pressure control is presumed to be applied to the feed regulating valve.
Then the system 11-Q relation is represented by F, whereas that for the pump
is N. The piimj) will always operate in hydraulic condition represented by the
intersection of these two curves. Thus if N in diagram a is normal rated turbine
speed set by its speed governor, then would be the pump characteristic
needed to supply rated discharge Qi. The surplus head A A' represents the al¬
lowance mentioned in Example 4 as a contingency should
OlFFERENTrAL the actual system resistance turn out to be F' instead ot
PRESS. LEADS the estimated F. At part loads Q2, Qs, the pump charac¬
teristic will be shifted to .V2, -V3 in order to achieve requi¬
site hydraulic balance. This shifting is carried out by
turbine governing wherein an excess pressure governor
takes over. The feedwater system is usually set up with
excess pressure control on the feed regulator.* A turbine
throttle valve to go in series with the speed governor
would be similar to Fig. 13-39. Pressure leads from the
high- and lo^v-pressure side of the feedwater regulator, or
alternately from feed and steam headers, are connected
to the opposite sides of a diaphragm. The low pressure is
aided by the spring, and the system comes into balance at
a differential pressure that can be adjusted by spring
Fig. 13-39 Excess compression.Differential pressures of 1.5 to 3.5 kg/cm* are
pressure regulating used with the conventional feedwater regulators. When the
valve feedwater regulator p.ai’tially closes, it tends to increase
the pressure differential. This, transmitted to the turbine
pressure governor, partially closes the steam valve and the turbine slows down
to such speed as will again adjust the excess pressure to that value preset by
the spring compression. .
Throttling control is shown in Fig. 13-386. Disregarding the normal small
speed regulation of the motor, there is only one H-Q characteristic to work with.
Now to deliver Qi, Q2, Qa, the control system must produce system resistances
Fj, F2, F3. But as the basic system resistance is F, an extra controlled resistance
must be inserted in the discharge line. This takes the form of a water line valve
automatically controlled by the same pressure differential used in system a.
AA' is the necessary throttling at rated discharge resulting from the same pre¬
cautionary pump specificationf that produced AA' in Fig. 13-38a. If F turns
out to have been a correct prediction of system resistance, the water valve pro¬
duces pressure drops BB' and CC' to regulate for flows Q2 and O3. The throt-
Fig 13-40 Connections tor feed control with constant-speed centrifugal boiler feed-
water pump.
Pipe plug
From discharge
(int of pump
Orifice Oiameter
Fig. 13-41 Dimensions and capacity of by-pass orifices. (Courtesy Southern Power
and Industry,)
To prevent this a small orifice should always be installed to by-pass that mini¬
mum flow of water required to cool the pump from the discharge back into
the feedwater cycle. The orifice must be quite small, should be corrosion proof,
and have a strainer in front of it, or be installed so that its interior can be
rodded from time to time to verify that it is serviceable. The hydraulic loss
occasioned by this small by-pass is relatively insignificant; its protective feature
is valuable. If the orifice flow is sufficient to prevent more than 8.3®C rise in
the water temperature in the pump, it is said to be adequate protection against
flashing and overheating in the first-stage impeller.
Example 3; A1703 ]/min pump which operates against 366 m water TDH at 100^
has efficiency of 6% at 94 l/min and 15%, at 1801/min Its by-pass orifice needs are to
be determined.
Each kg of water flowmg through the pump has 366 kgm of work imparted
to it, equivalent to 3689 J. The turbulence energy absorbed as a temperatur. rise is
3589 . This amoimts to 68190 J per kg at 941/min flow and 20348 J per kg at
189 l/min The specific heat at 100%; being 4.187 J per g-deg we have 16.rC rise at 94
1/min, 4.8”C at 189 l/min. Interpolating, at 8.3'*C rise a flow of 160 l/min is indicated. From
Fig. 13-41, it is seen that the orifloe size to use is 7.1 mm.
fully the double loop idea as outlined in Fig. 9-1. He will discover that, not only
has the equipment been described, but, what is more important from the stand¬
point of power plant engineering, its relation to the remainder of the loop, and
the behavior and control of each loop on variable load (the fundamental operat¬
ing condition) has been treated in as much detail as space permitted.
1. The feedwater to a boiler is 92% condensate and 8% make-up containing 270
ppm solids. What weight of solids enters the boiler per hr at a 22680 kg per hr steam
2. In a test for hardness of a water sample, 14,0 ml soap solution were needed in
a 60-ml sample of water. Lather factor, 1.5 ml. Phenolphthalein and methylorange
alkalinities were determined to be 0 and 150 ppm respectively. What percentage of
the hardness is of the permanent type?
3. The hardness of a feedwater is reported as 4.5 U.S. Degrees. Phenolphthalein
alkalinity, 50 ppm; methylorange alkalinity, 190 ppm. Describe the character of the
alkalinity and hardness of this w^ater.
4. Write the following water analysis on a balanced epm basis: Ca, 55.0; Mg, 19.0;
Na, 10.0; HCO3, 220.0; SO4, 29.0; Cl, 9.0; all in ppm.
5. Write the following w^ater analysis on a balanced epm basis: Ca, 29.0; Mg, 7.6;
Na, 12.0; HCO3, 98.0; SO4, 22.0; NO3, 2.1; Cl, 9.2; all in ppm.
6. Determine the quantity of each reagent for lime-soda treatment of 8800 litow
of water of either problem 13-4 or 13-5 assuming lime to be 90% pure, soda ash
86% pure.
7. Find the hardness in U.S. Degrees'of a water whose ionic analysis in ppm is:
Ca, 58.0; Mg, 17.0; Na, 44.0; HCOa, 178.0; SO4, 44.0; NOa, 2.2; Cl, 91.0.
8. The water of Prob. 13-7 is used as make-up for a boiler evaporating an average
of 272156 kg steam per day. Make-up, 40%; remainder condensate. What weight of
Ca(OH)2 and NaaCOa would constitute a month's supply for water treatment?
9. Estimate suitable proportions of a blow-off tank for the boiler of Example 1,
Sec 13-4 and sketch it approximately to scale.
10. The ] 370 mm di». steam drum on a boiler is 2440 mm long and has a 260 mm
8>^uge glass at mid-drum level. Find the maximum steam generation that could be
oared for by a blowdown of half a water gauge each 8-hr shift. Pressure, 17.5 kg/om* ga
Sf = 150 ppm; Sb, 2000 ppm.
11. The annual production of a boiler is estimated to be 2 x 10^ kg of 16.6 kg/om* ga
steam. Efficiency: 10 kg equivalent evaporation per kg coal. Coal cost $6.50 per tonne.
Assume that 85 < 3500 ppm; m = 0.03; 8^ = 400. What annual dollar saving is pos¬
sible from a continuous blowdown system which will cool the effluent 66.6®C ?
12. Find 1/min of continuous blowdown required to maintain boiler water concen¬
tration within ABMA limits for this case: 850 hp boiler operated at 150% rating. 28
kg/om* ga, 316% feed at 138% Feed is 30% make-up, 70% condensate. 8fm»120.
13. Determine the maximum sum that can be economically invested in a continuous
blowdown system for an 66 kg/om> ga plant whose steam generator averages 463600 kg
daily at 75% over-all effioienoy. Fuel is ooal of 12 x 10* Joules costing $8.76 per tonne.The
49^0 feedwater is half condensate and half 16^0 make-up. 8f = 32. Base estimate on 20%
annual amortization. Diagram the system.
14. The exhaust of a mechanical drive turbine is estimated to be 1270 kg per hr at
14 kg/om* ga and 2850 J/g. How much feedwater will this heat per hr with a 2.7*0
terminal difference (^d®) T Cold water temperature, 26.7®C.
15. Ten percent of heated feedwater is exhaust steam (0 kg/cm* ga, 90% dry) condensed
in an open heater; 90% condensate return at 37.8*C. Find the heated water tempera¬
ture and the terminal difference. Describe the heater situation had the returns been
at 140"
16. Water at 60*0 will be deaerated in a heater at 0.7 kg/om* ga steam saturation pres¬
sure. <d=2.7®0. Steam is supplied through a reducing valve from a header where the
steam is at 10.5 kg/om* ga dry and saturated. How many kg per hr steam will be drawn
into the heater when the rate of outflow of deaerated water is 6304/min 7
17. Determine the principal specifications of a surface heater assigned from one of
the extraction heaters calculated in Ex 1, Sec 8-5. Tubes to be 19mm by 1.02 mm copper
alloy in low-pressure heaters. 1.6 m/seo; U, «29205.
18. The conditions of steam extraction to a surface heater are: 2650 J/g 1.1 kg/
-cm* ab. Water flow is 13470 kg per hr heated from 20.6® to99®C Specify principal
dimensions of this heater, given desired tube length about 2,4 mxl6.8 mm x 1.27 mm
tubes of copper alloy ; F^—1.6 m/seo, U% =29296.
19. Lay out the two tube sheets and water Box partitions for the heater of Prob. 18,
on the basis that it is six-pass with 18 tubes per pass.
20. During a test an extraction heater condensed 557.6 kg steam per hr and heated
17890 kg from or to 78®C. The heating surface is such that A = 19.7 m*and F^
2.11 m/seo . Steam pressure, 0.8 kg/cm* ab, 94*0; condensate, 82*0 . Find the td, V, and
thermal efficiency.
21. Evaporation of 2268 kg of raw water is the desired performance of a single-stage
evaporator. How much live steam will it use 7 Live steam at 7.3 kg/om* ab, 18.3%
superheat. Raw water at 15.6*0. 5=33.33*0 on the heating surface. 5% blowdown,
22. Solve Prob. 13-21 were the evaporator a two-effect type. Record the necessary
Diagram the connections for using this pump as a boiler feeder. Suction from overhead
water tank pressurized to 2.5 kg/cm* ab and heated to 12PO.NPSH in accordance with
Fig. 13-37. Control system: FW regulator valve plus speed control of the driving tur¬
bine. Boiler is 44.6 kg/om< ga. Discharge static head, 9 in. Friction head 2.8 kg/cm>, FW
regulator working differential pressure a:2.1 kg/cra*. Calculate (a) the static head on the
pump suction, (b) the head at point A. Fig. 13*38a.
38. For the same plant as described in Prob. 13-37, construct a scaled diagram
similar to Fig. 13-38a, showing all lines except N^. B is to be at 11361/m .
39. Repeat Prob. 13-37, except adapt the pump to throttling control, i.e., constant-
speed motor, differential pressure valve in series with the FW regulator, and by-pass.
40. For the same plant as described in Prob. 13-39, construct a scaled diagram simi¬
lar to Fig. 13-38b, showing all lines except F3. B is to be at 1136 l/m. Calculate the
required orifice flow for cooling at zero feedwater flow and select an orifice size from
Fig. 13-41.
41. Determine the orifice flow and select an orifice diameter (Fig. 13-41) for a
by-pass line around a throttle-controlled boiler feed pump.TDH = 244 m, = 5% at
37 l/min, 15% at 114l/min20% at 228 l/min.
42. Suppose that the pump charactenstic data of Prob. 13-37 were for cold water
instead of hot. Then what would the efficiency of this pump have been at:
(a)l893 l/min; 3500 rpm; 121®C water. (b)li36 l/min;3120 rpm; lfI*C water.
* Rated point.
14-1 Pipe System Classification. After a study of the vapor cycle and its
equipment, a person could hardly fail to note the multitude of flow lines re¬
quired to connect the individual pieces of equipment to make them the homo¬
geneous working unit constituting the well designed power plant. Flows of
liquids, gases, or vapors are through pipes comprising the piping system of the
plant. Piping, valves, and fittings are indispensable necessities in all power
plants, especially the steam plant. The piping incidental to the installation of
a power plant may not appear, offhand, to be of primary importance, yet its
selection and arrangement is deserving of the most careful study. The best
possible selection can be made of mechanical equipment, yet the plant may be
inferior from the standpoint of economy, operation, appearance, and reliability
if the piping is not equally well selected. Then too, with advancing temperatures
and pressures, and with the increasing complexity of the central station cycle,
the cost of the piping system has become one of the major items of expense and
its selection and arrangement one of the major items of design.
Service conditions of portions of the piping system are frequently rigorous.
Feedwater piping may be expected to carry pressuresS.S-Tkg/cm^or more, higher
than the boiler pressure; steam temperatures as high as 425-540® are met in
some plants; corrosive and grit-laden liquids are sometimes pumped; moisture-
laden steam may have to be handled at high velocity; and some of the water
lines may have to resist water hammer as well as hydrostatic pressure. Obvi¬
ously, these various service conditions call for differing construction if the
least expensive system is to be built. Piping systems may be classified on the
basis of the fluid carried, for example (1) steam, {2\ cold water, (3) hot water,
(4) oil, etc., but a more useful classification is based on the service conditions,
as follows:
1. High-pressure superheated or saturated steam.
2. High-pressure drip piping.
3. Low-pressure steam piping.
4. Boiler feedwater piping.
5. Heater piping.
6. Blow-off piping.
7. Condensate piping.
8. Hot and cold water service piping.
9. Circulating water piping.
10. Oil piping (lubricating, fuel, insulating).
11. Instrument piping.
12. Compressed air piping.
13. Soot blower piping.
14. Drainage piping, etc.
14-2 Commercial Pipe. Pipe is either wrought or cast. Wrought pipe may
be welded or seamless. The material may be iron, carbon steel, alloy steel,
wrought iron, brass, or copper. There is very little use of cast pipe in power
plants—^most pipe being wrought steel, with wrought iron in fair demand for
corrosion resistance—as in condensate lines.
Cast Iron, This pipe is principally used for drainage or for resistance to
corrosion and abrasion. Various weight classifications, for heads to 244 m water,
are listed under American Waterworks Association Standards.
Wrought Steel, Most power plant piping is the low-cost and strong wrought
steel pipe. The resistance of wrought steel pipe to corrosion is increased by a
protective coating of zinc. Such pipe is designated as '^galvanized.'' Small water
pipe is often galvanized, but large pipe and gas, steam, air, or oil pif)e are
^'black.” Wrought pipe is manufactured by welding long plates, called skelp,
with butt or lap weld; or by piercing and drawing a seamless pipe from a billet.
Butt-welded pipe has small area of contact at the weld. Its inherent weakness
limits its use to sizes smaller than 76.2 mm. Pipe is not lap welded in sizes smaller
than 50.8 mm. Large OD pipe is made by hammer welding and by spiral riveting.
Alloy Steels, These are steels which owe their special properties to alloying
elements other than carbon. Such steels are required for temperatures in excess
of 455®C and may be beneficially employed above 400®C. Carbon-molybdenum
alloy was used for many years, but recent experience with graphitization* at
very high temperatures has directed attention to the advantages of other alloys.
Chromium molybdenum is being specified for the.highest temperatures, as it has
been found that carbon steel is subject to graphitization above 427*ti C-Mo
steel above 477®C . Cr-Mo steels have Mo. with Cr ranging from 1 to 5%,
depending on the temperature to be met. Very high pressure and temperature
pipe of large size is made by turning and boring solid forgings.
Wrought Iron. This is a two-component metal consisting of iron permeated
with 1% to 3% of finely divided and uniformly distributed iron silicate. The
silicate is distributed throughotit the base metal in the form of threads or fibers.
(Jntil the fourteenth century wrought iron, was the only product made from iron
ore. Thus there has been ample time to Verify that this is a metal of superior
resistance to most forms of corrosion. In power plants it is favored for conden¬
sate, feedwater, and blow-off lines. It is not advisable to employ it when pres¬
sure exceeds 17.5 kg/cm*.
A superficial examination is not always able to distinguish wrought iron from
wrought steel pipe. Wrought iron manufacturers mark their product by some
means such as spiral color stripe. A ragged fibrous fracture—or a crumbly chip
instead of a long shaving from a pipe threader—^will identify wrought iron.
* Graphitization is a condition where the carbon in a steel continuously exposed to high
temperature changes to graphite and may concentrate at critical spots, definitely weaken¬
ing the steel in tension.
Since wrought steel pipe is frequently called ‘‘wrpught iron'^ by material men
and contractors, one should specify ^‘genuine wrought iron^^ when it is w'anted.
Copper and Brass, There are several compositions used for brass pipe, all of
which contain over 60% copper, the remainder being mostly zinc. Brass pipe is
cold drawn to size and annealed. It may be threaded and is rigid, compared to
copper alone. The latter is generally employed as tubing where flexibility is de¬
sired or where some special quality of the fluid is detrimental to brass.
The use of brass and copper pipe is limited by its cost to piping in which
flexibility, appearance, or resistance to certain forms of corrosion are important.
Brass and copper piping is principally used for oil lines and occasionally for
sections of boiler feed pipes. Brass pipe should not be used above 21 kg/cm*
or 204®G.
Some of the standards and specifications applying to the more common pip¬
ing materials are given in Table 14-1.
In order to meet various service conditions economically, steel pipe is manu¬
factured in several wall thickness classifications. The American Standards
Association has established a standard, ASAB36.10, for a rational system of pipe
wall thicknesses to supersede the common designations* of “standard,” “extra
strong,” and “double extra strong.” In this standard Schedule Numbers were
introduced to designate pipe weight. These numbers are an approximation of the
Schedule Number = lOOOp/S (14-1)
where p = Gauge pressure carried, kglcm\
These numbers are made to agree closely with regularly used commercial sizes,
the wall thickness of Schedules 40 and 80 being identical with those of the old
Standard and Extra Strong lists up through 203.2 mm nominal size* "Double
extra strong” is pipe with wall thicknesses double those of “extra strong.*'
Pipes are sized by their nominal inside diameter for sizes up to3(>4.8 mm. When
the pipe wall is thickened to provide additional strength, the increment is added
to the inside so that, the outside diameter remaining constant, the same size of
thread and fittings can be used for all weights. Above 304.8 mm the sizes are
based on outside diameters; for example, 406.4 mm OD by 9.53 mm. Pipe is
marketed in random lengths of 4.88 m to 6.71 m, 6.4 m being a common length.
Seamless sftee) pipe in the smaller sizes can be obtained inverybng lengths (7.62-
10.67 m).
A table of pipe size standards, incorporating schedule numbers, will be
found in the Appendix. The tabulated thicknesses are average wall dimensions.
Customarily steel pipe specifications permit the actual pipe wall thickness to
vary from the nominal size by ± 12%%.
Many formulae have been devised for calculating the gauge working pressure
in a pipe of given size, material, and thickness. One of these, of considerable
usage, is the Barlow formula which is based on a factor of safety of 8 and
applies to thin-walled pipe.
d% « 4pDo/Su mm. (14-2)
♦These, however, are used for genuine wrought iron pipe.
(Abstracted. Consult ASA and ASTM standards for full information***)
Material ASTM Specification
1S 1
A-120 Furnace welded and
seamless drawm
Carbon steel
1 &
i 5$
3 E
i i
" i
CD «
% t
to me
« lis
t* to
«e 00
I 0
s 3
1 r-
b 31«
I'i 1
i 1
1- a ,f
§ § 1 i
CD 'Ol #•
a 1
is 1
i 1
di «e
»Uoy * ^^**'^^*** weld; LW «= lap weld; FW, RW « electric fusion or resistance weld; S •» seamless; A, B « ductility grades; li Cr • \\% Cr-Mo
AM B31.1. Code for power piping Stresses given include the necessary factor of safety, for these metals yield from 3516-7031 kff/om^ ultiinate strength.
Where exact values are required, interpolation from Oiis table may be 10% in error.
However, the ASA Code for power pressure pipin(t gives the following, inot
limited to thin wall:
S * 501 kg/om<
Since this is less than the maximum safe stress, Schedule 80 pipe of A-106, Grade A,
manufacture is the specification.
Fig. 14-2 American Standard Pipe Thread ^with normal engagement length E re¬
quired to make tight joints.
Example 1: Let it be required to determine the length of the pipe to be cut for a
0*985 m offsef in a 7fl.2 mm line, standard pipe.
The layout, shown in Fk. 14-1, can be draijrn after taking the dimension B from
Table A-8 for a 76.2 mm standard 45^ ell and the dimension E from Fig* 14-2* Baa65.1 mm;
Fs25.4mm. The length required is seen to be j[>—2(B—Al)* The offset isO.QB6m4-s
L « « 1.365 m.
Therefore, the required length is 1.365 -2(0.0551 -0.0254)b: 1.306 m.
Flanged Joints, Low-pressure piping larger than 152.4 mm and high-pressure
piping are, in the majority of cases, coimected by companion flanges. Flanges
are drilled to a standard templet and drawn tightly together by means of flange
bolts. Alloy steel bolting to conform to ASTM specifications should be used
when pressures exceed 11.25 kg/cm* or
temperatures exceed 232^^ but below these
limits commercial bolting can be used.
Flanges are manufactured in a number
of styles, the more important of which are
shown. It will be noted that some are de¬ Coupimg Union
Butt Weld
For Metal Thickness of
H mm or less
90* Nozzle Weld
90” Nozzle Weld
Standard Type
Reinforced Type
Bute Weld
For Metal Thideness
greater than lOw"*
^ o
Elbow Tot
Strsst Shoptd
Tts f Ibow Lotsrol 45* f Ibow nippits Soddle
Fig. 14-7 Some of the common pipe fittings.
Wrought steel
Cast Malleable Wrought Cast
Pressure class iron iron iron Carbon Alloy steel
Note: Screwed bronze fittings and solder-type bronze fittings are also available, as are
stainless steel and Monel for special service.
Fig. 14-7 shows a few of the many types of fM/tings that are manufactured
for use in pipe systems, and Table 14-2 gives a r^um6 of the materials and
pressure groups in which they are produced. Tables of dimensions of standard
fittings are relegated to the Appendix.
14-5 Common Valves. Valves start, stop, and regulate fluid flow. The com¬
mon pipe line valve consists of a body to house it and give a means of connect¬
ing it to the pipe, a valve seat, a valve, a valve stem, a top, a means of operating
the stem—^usually screw and hand wheel—and a packing to prevent leakage
around the stem as it emerges from the top. Valves are furnished for either
screwed or flanged connection. Inside, or female, threads are standard on
screwed valves, and if male threads are wanted they must be so specified.
Valves are sized by the nominal inside diameter of the pipe to which they are
connected. They are made of brass, bronze, malleable iron, cast iron, cast steel,
and forged steel. Cast and forged steel are employed in high pressure-tempera¬
ture service. Valve sealing materials (sometimes constituting the valve seat,
sometimes attached to the valve face) include rubber for cold water, brass and
bronze for ordinary temperatures, stainless steel, Monel metal, and various
other alloys for high temperatures.
Valves most used are the ordinary hand-operated globe and gate valves, and
the check valves. These are classified thus:
1. Globe valves (straight and angle).
a. Inside screw; outside screw.
b. Screw bonnet top; bolted yolk top.
2. Gate valves (straight and angle).
a. Rising stem; nonrising stem.
b. Wedge valve (split and solid); parallel seat valve.
3. Check valves (lift and swing types).
a. For vertical pipe,
b. For horizontal pipe.
The globe valves do not allow a line to drain completely; also, they offer
more frictional resistance than gate valves. They are frequently used in very
small lines (both water and steam) and where the valve is to be used for throt¬
tling, as they can be closely regulated and the seats which are liable to be cut
away in throttling service can be more easily replaced than in gate valves.
Gate valves are used in large pipe lines, in high-pressure steam lines, and in
all service where small friction loss is wanted. They should always be fully
shut or open and not be used for throttling the flow.
Gate valves differ chiefly in the action of the stem, or spindle, and the shape
of the gate, i.e., wedge or parallel. The inside screw rising stem is the simplest
construction. The position of the stem indicates whether the valve is open or
closed. However, the room needed for stem travel may not exist in crowded
quarters, especially if the valve is a large one, and the nonrising stem is better.
Also the packing wear is less. Life and maintenance are superior if an outside
screw rising stem design is used. Threads are not in contact with the fluid and
stem is packed against longitudinal motion only.
The disks of gate valves are split or solid wedge, and parallel double disk.
The solid wedge is the simplest and least expensive to build. It is therefore the
most common type for steam and water, particularly in the smaller sizes. On
larger valves the split wedge with its self-adjusting feature not only maintains
a tighter closure, but is also freer from sticking closed. Parallel-seat, double¬
disk type of seat is especially jam-free as disks spread apart to the seats on
final turn of the wheel. Being more expensive than the split wedge, they are
less frequently selected. Some gate valves have the valve seat machined in the
metal of the valve body; others have renewable seats, screwed in. Fig. 14-9A is
the former; 9C, the latter. Integral seats may be refaced a limited number of
Inside Screw Inside Screw Inside Screw Outside Screw and Yoke
Non-Rising Spindle Traveling Spindle Non-Rising Spindle Rising Spindle
Solid Wedge Split Wedge Double Disc—^Parallel Double Disc—Taper
Seat Seat
Jenkins Bros.
£ F G H
One-piece bonnet Union bonnet 'Bolted bonnet. Outside screw and yoke
Renewable compositiou Regrinding bevel disc R«iewable composition Stainless steel plug and
disc witii throttling nut disc. Spider seat ring. seat ring
(B) (C)
Fig. 14-12 Representative regulating valves.
(A) Pilot-operated pressure-reducing valve. The regulated pressure (downstream) is ad¬
mitted against the lower side of a diaphragm and is balanced against an adjustable
spring pressure. Diaphragm moves the pilot valve to proper position to let upstream
steam pressure against the piston face in the magnitude required to open the main
valve for that flow of steam that will maintain the desired downstream pressure. Other
manufacturers may build pru^s with separated pilots where the pilot is joined with the
main valve and with downstream pressure through small pipe or tubing.
(B) Direct-acting pressure-reducing valve. '^Direct acting” means that no pilot valve is
used. The regulated pressure, applied against the upper side of the ^ring-loaded dia¬
phragm, directly actuates the main valve. This is a double-seated, spring-opening valve.
(C) This temperature regulating valve has an internal pilot regulating the fraction of
upstream pressure placed against the upper surface of the diaphragm, the lower side
of which receives spring-assisted downstream pressure. This diaphragm regulates the
osition of the main valve. The pilot valve position is adjusted by a thermostat
iaphragm which balances gas or vapor pressure set up in the thermostat bulb against
an adjustable spring pressure.
Stoker Burner
Firing by
r, c. Cl c,
Water tube boiler 89.06 68.50 48.82 78.12
Fire tube boiler 34.18 30.06 48.82 68.85
After Wt is determined, the safety valve sizes can be selected from manu¬
facturers’ rating tables, in accordance with the requirement, consistent with
above Code specifications.
Wr g (14-5)
In case more than one safety valve is used, the smaller one can be set to pop
at the desired maximum pressure and the larger at 0.35 to 0.7 kg/cm* higher. Since
the safety valve blows down a few kg
cm*ga pressure before closing, a smaller
“vernier'^safety valve giving less press¬
ure drop between pop and close is in¬
stalled, usually on the superheater
outlet, though sometimes on the boiler
lead, for the purpose of giving partial
relief to the high pressure, warning the
attendants of high pressure, prevent¬
ing overheating of superheater tubes,
and possibly forestalling popping of
the main safety valves and the result¬
ant waste of high potential heat.
Example 1: This example will illustrate the selection and choice of setting of safety
valves, given operating conditions, and the following line of safety valves.
Data : Boiler design pressure 11.88 kg/om* g», operating (drum) pressure 7.08 kg/om^ ga,
water tube boiler, stoker-fired. Heating surfiMe. 269.4 mt, water wall, 46.45 m*. Maximum
rate of evaporation, 8165 kg per hr. Assume 3 valves are to be used.
If the low-set valve is set to open at 7.88 kg/ozn*, then the highest valve is limited to
•pproximAtoly 10%, or 0.74 kg/om^ higher. From this the settings nre speoifted nt 7.88^ 7.7fii,
and 8.12 kg/otn* ga, which oomplies with all the Code reqairements heretofore mentionedL
The following combinations from the available valves provide the Requisite capacity,
but only B meets the specification, item 3, quoted before.
A. One 38.1 y 50.8 mm set for 7.38 kg/om3, one 101.6 x 152.4 mm set for 7.75 kg/oiii9.
Total TTg.v. = 12*314 ka per hr.
B. One 63.5 X 101.6 mm set for 7.38 kg/om* one 76.2 x 101.6 mm set for7.75 kg/om* and
one 76.2x101.6 mm set for 8.12 kg/em*.
Total W^g.v. ^ 11,961 kg per hr.
Example 2: Assume that the unit of Ex 1 now has a superheater for producing
steam of 98.3^0 superheat, all other data remaining the same. Superheater pressure
loss at full rating is 0.35 kg/om*. A complement of safety valves is to be specified.
Since the superheater valve usually is given the lowest setting, it probably should be
set between 6.89 and 7.17 kg/om* (superheater header pressure is 6.68 kg/om*) if we want to
use 7.38 kg/om* on the low-set drum valve, for the difference between settings on super*
heater and low-set drum valves should be about 0.35 kg/om*. Hence 7.03 kg/om> is taken
as the setting. Proceeding on the assumption of two drum valves, one would be set at
7.38 kg/cm< and the other not to exceed 103% of 11.88 kg/om*, but also not to produce
more than 10% difference between highest *and lowest. Ton percent of 7.75 kg/em* is
0.78 kg/om< ; hence, low and high settings of 7.03 and 7.75 kg/cm* come within this limit.
Drum valves must total 0.75x11,430 »8573 kg per hr capacity. This indicates two
76.2x101.6 mm valves; total TTg.v. -•8836kg per hr. Steam rating of the superheater
valve is 11430—8836=2594 kg per hr. Manufacturers issue correction factors which
indicate the relative discharge capacity if used with superheat. For the valves used in
this and Ex 1, the manufacturer's correction for 7.03 kg/cm*, 93.3^, is 0.90. The equiva*
lent saturated steam capacity required of the superheater valve is therefore 2594/0.90, or
2882 kg per hr (63*5 x 101*6 mm valve)
The safety valve specification is s One 63.5 x 101.6 mm valve on the superheater, set
for 7.08 kg/om* ; one 76.2x101.6 mm drum vidve set for 7.38 kg/om^; one 76.2x101,6 am
drum valve set for 7.76 kg/cm*. 1f,.v.»3125 x.90.f.4418 +4418«11.649 kg per hr. (Note :
Discharge ratings at 7.03 kg/om^ ga have been used but were discharge tables available*
the actual settings the valves would determine their rating.)
The safety valves are sometimes arranged to discharge upward in the boiler
room. However, the noise, humidity, and possibility of scalding someone inad¬
vertently near the discharge when the valve opens are good reasons for convey¬
ing the discharge above the roof in a pipe; in fact, open discharge ought not to
be used for any boiler operating above 3.5 kg/cm*.
Safety valve discharge piping should be independently supported and be
free of contact with the safety valve discharge nozzle. It should project through
flat roofs far enough to eliminate the possibility of the unwary looking into it
and must be open (no rain hoods). Rain and condensation can be caught by a
drip elbow fitting on the discharge nozzle, which fitting is piped for drainage.
There must be no chance that part of the discharge piping weight could come
to rest on the drip elbow, for that could strain the valve body. Even if not over¬
strained, this can cause the valve to increase its blowdown range.
Discharge piping should be straight if possible; at least right-angle bends
should be avoided, and where bends are necessary special lateral bracing is
needed to withstand steam thrust. Preferably each valve’s discharge should be
piped separately; however, a manifold is often necessaiy. Its ai'ea should be
fully equal to the sum of all inlets into the manifold. The designer must con-
sider expansion of discharge piping as the steam hits it and provide the necessary
flexibility and clearance that will prevent stressing the valve.
14-8 Thermal Expansion. Pipes have the property possessed by materials
of expanding with increase of temperature. If they were constrained to a fixed
length, a reaction equivalent to the force required to compress the pipe through
a deformation equal to the prevented expansion would be set up. For all but
very short steam lines this force is too large to incorporate in the piping system.
The same force would be present, theoretically, in the short line, but the supports
would have enough elasticity to take the small expansion. In long lines the ex¬
pansion is permitted by the use of suitable joints or bends. The expansion of a
straight run of pipe can be treated as pure linear expansion resulting from
temperature change. The following equation is applicable to problems of ex¬
AL = KLM (14-6)
where AL = Change (m) in length of a pipe, L m long.
At = Temperature change, ®C.
K — A constant.* Values to use for K are:
Cast iron, 10.62 X
Wrought iron, 12.42 X 10^
Carbon steel, 12.6 X 10~®
Alloy steel, 12.96 X 10^
Brass, 17.46X10^
Esample 1: What is the extensioa of a straight run of Sted pipe SBJSi m long 7 Installa¬
tion temperature 4.4**0, normal operation on steam at 8.70 kg/om* ga, saturated steam.
The saturation temperature = 176.7*Cf a*—176.7—4 4>■172.3^
A1^»0.0000126x172.3 x 22.86-0.0496 m-4.96 om.
Podbed expansion joints are used up to 17.6 kg/cm* saturated steam. High
temperature has a deteriorating effect on packing; however, packed joints have
been designed for high temperature by protecting the packing by air-cooled
Fig. 14-14 Packed slip joints for expansion. (Single-end joint shown for welded con¬
nection; double-end joint is flang^.)
* There is considerable variation in the coefficient of expansion reported from different
sources. Probably the data of Holbum and Day, Smithsonian Physiccl Tables, 7th Ed., will
be best for vexy accurate calculations of expansion.
sleeves. Expansion joints take up expansion at one point by allowing relative
motion of the two sections of pipe connected by the joint. Usually one pipe end
is anchored by a rigid connection to the body of the joint, but occasionally the
double slip joint in which both pipe ends are free to move in the joint is used.
Fig. 14-14 illustrates the packed expansion joint.
Low-pressure expansion joints rely on flexibility of a bellowslike section
or the slight movement of screwed pipe threads in the fittings, which is the
action in a swing joint These are shown in Fig. 14-15. Copper bellows joints are
often used to connect large low-pressure conduits such as exhaust piping, turbine
to condenser, etc.
When expansion is to be taken by the flexibility of the pipe itself, various
forms of pipe bends as illustrated in Fig. 14-16 may be used. This way of caring
for expansion is free of the temperature-pres¬
sure limitations of the expansion joints and o
also of any maintenance work such as the
repacking of joints. Consequently, it has been
the standard for boiler and turbine leads and
for long runs of high-pressure piping of all
sorts. Its principal drawbacks are the added
friction losses, the expense of fabrication (most
bends are special jobs), and the space required. Fig. 14-15 Low-pressure expan¬
Originally these bends were designed by em¬ sion joints.
pirical rules, but more recently the progress in
this field has led to rational methods of stress calculation in preference to rules
of thumb. A stress-strain study of pipe bends is important because:
1. The reaction of the pipe on turbines, boilers, headers, etc., must be known
and kept within bounds.
2. The anchorages should be calculated from known reactions.
3. The safe stress of the pipe metal should not be exceeded m the bends.
4. The flanged connections of the bends to tangents should not transmit
moments large enough to spring leaks or damage joints.
The use of higher steam pressures and temperatures has complicated the
design of expansion bands. Heavier, stiffer pipe is used, while the higher tem¬
peratures produce more expansion and decrease the elastic strength of metal.
Loops in larger diameter pipe are quite expensive. This warrants the application
of considerable engineering to the economic design of expansion bends. The
design problem is primarily one of stress in a deflected structural member, but
a number of conditions peculiar to this field (such as the fattening of the pipe
bend to an oval shape while subject to expansion forces) make the mathematical
analysis highly complicated. Investigations have been made and special methods
of analysis have been evolved * which, however, are set forth in a series of
charts or tables for which space is not available in this book. Several pipe
W. Shipman, 'ODesdgn of Steam Piping to Care for Expansion,’' Tram. A8ME, Vol.
61, No. 62.
F. Peiter and M. J. Fish, ^^Method for Determination of Reactions and Stresses in Ex¬
pansion Pipe Bends,” Combustion, December 1938.
Crocker, Piping Handbook.
Wirt, Smith, and Cope, Manual for Design of Piping for FlextbUUy by Use of Graphs.
Double Offset
Exponsion U Bend
'f 1/^ i\ 1
Exponsion U Bend
Double Offset
Advisable Mimmum
Size of Pipe R R Length of Length of
Inside Advisable Minimum Radius to which Tangent, or Tangent, or
Diameter Radius of Pipe Can Be Bent, m Strai^t Pipe Straight Pipe
mm Bends • on Ends of on Ends of
m Extra Heavy Benda^m Bends t m
Standard Pipe Pipe
UX 0.981 0.254 0.178 0.305 0.076
fU 0.457 0.306 O.S0I 0.305 0.076
Mi 0.533 0.356 ojm 0.305 0.00
0.610 0.305 0.38 0.10
m 0.762 <L508 0.381 0.405 0.130
IM.# 0.014 0.610 0.457 0.455 0.16
iOU 1.310 0.813 0^10 0.51 0.30
tH 1.524 1.016 03U 0.61 0.30
aoli 1.820 1.373 1.210 0.61 0^
Crane Co,
The above values, based on actual tests, are recommended as allowing a good safety
Cold springing has not been taken into account in preparing this tAhle.
The above values are for 90* bends. For **U” bends, multiply by 2. For single offset
bends or expansion **U” bends, multiply by 4. For double offset expansion bends or
circle bends, multiply by 5.
17.8 mm. Use this in the table for a 101.6 mm pipe. By interpolation, the bend radius is
0.864 m. Cheeking this against Fig. 14-16 it is seen to be above the minimum.*
A tangent length of 0.381 m is selected, then the bend oan belaid out by one of the
methods of Fig. 14-17.
Expansion joints are now being made in welded piping by building up a
flexible loop such as that shown in Fig. 14-18, using standard turns manufactured
especially for welded piping. The chart is based upon a flexure theoryf and is
constructed so that the maximum fiber stress in the loop, due to bending, will be
approximately 1125 kg/cm*. This value is conservative for low carbon steel to
232® C but should be decreased at higher temperatures.
Since fiber stress is proportional to expansion, the chart may be used for
different maximum fiber stress by making a suitable correction of expansion.
Nominal pipe size is
L = (Pjg2 ~
152*4 mm
From the intersection of TF = 8 and L = 150 on the chart, project horizontally to 0.32
expansion, then vertically downward, reading H from the horizontal axis, if = 15 pipe
diameters. Hence H = 15x0.152«i2.28 m .
Fig. 14-20 Insulation details. Pipe with double layer of insulation and canvas jacket.
Insulation of a high-temperature valve
for density is not one of the attributes of a good insulator. In fact, the non-con¬
ducting properties seem chiefly to be derived from the presence of large numbers
of air cells. The materials most commonly used are asbestos, “magnesia” (car¬
bonate), cork, hair felt, wool felt, rock wool, and diatomaceous earths. Most
commercial insulations are either built up from corrugated asbestos paper, or
laminated asbestos paper artificially roughened to produce air spaces, or are
molded, or felted with asbestos, or blanketed. A very common and effective
insulation for temperatures upto315®Cisthe molded “85% magnesia,” so called
Double Double
Pipe Standard Standard Pipe Standard Standard
size thick thick size thick thick
( mm.) ( mm.) ( mm.) ( mm.) (mm.) ( mm.)
12,7 22 49 102.4 29 6»
19.1 22 49 177.8 83 64
25.4 22 49 208.8 32 64
SIJ 22 49 228.6 32 64
S8.1 22 49 254 82 64
00.8 26 65 804.8 88 76
88.6 26 55 355.6 38 76
76.8 26 55 406.4 88 76
88.9 26 57 457.2 88 76
101.6 29 57 506 88 76
114.8 29 59 609.6 88 76
U7 29 59 762 88 76
because it is 85% carbonate of magnesium and 15% binder. Pipe insulation for
higher temperatures should have an inner layer of some special high-tempera-
tiire insulation, since 85% magnesia alone will (let(‘rioral(‘. Standard insulating
sections of magnesia are 3 ft in length, held together by canvas jackets and
metal bands. Fittings and flanges are covered by specially molded forms or by
plastic insulating cement. Sometimes the flanges are left bare, but that practice
wastes so much heat on superheated steam lines that flanges also are covered.
Magnesia insulation has been the standard for medium temperature sec¬
tional insulation, but is being challenged by several excellent competitors. The
^ 0*12
; 0-09
> 0*06
> 0*03
An empirical equation* for coeflScient of heat transfer from the usual outer
surface, a canvas jacket, is
fc«i761.3/£D-"(15l.4-»)] kcal per hr-in*-deg C (14r8)
/„ <o = Inner and outer surface temperatures of the insulation, *C,
U = Ambient atmospheric temperature, ®C,
e ^ to-U.
ri, r% = Inner and outer radii of the insulation, m.
D = Outer diameter of pipe covering, m.
h = Conductivity of insulation, kcal per hr-m*dcg G.
*“Heat Losses from Bare and Covered Wrought Iron Pipe at Temperatures up to
4m}(800* F),” Tran». A8ME. 1922.
Fta. 14-22 Chart for economical thickness of insulation. (From Heat Iiutdatinft
Practice in the Modem Steam Plant, L.B. McMillan, Mechgnicdl Engineering, May,
Eq 14-8 applies to insulation located in “stiir* air; that is, the convection
is produced only through the natural levity of heated air.
In case there are two layers of insulation of differing conductivities, the
denominator of Eq 14-7 becomes
Example 2: The heat loss per metre of pipe, and the insulation efficiency will be
calculated for the case in Ex 1.
An assumption for will be necessary. After some preliminary trials, this is taken
to be 64.4°C. Then mean temperature of the insulation is (54.4+282.2)/2 = 168.3°0, at
which k = 0.066.
A 203.2 mm pipe is 219.08 mm OD, so Z>as219.08*f 2x76.2» 371.48 mm; r|al85.7 mm •
ri»109.6 mm. 6«:64.4—32.2i-22.2°C.
h=-761.3/[0.37150d9(i6i.4_22.2)]«7-128 kcal per hr.m*-deg C
Q = 164.1 koal per hr-m*
1 / 0.1867 \ 1
0.066 \ ■■■ ■ ■ 0.1096 / 7.128
Verifying the assumption of to =64.4°; q = 7.128x22.2^168.2 discharged from cover.
0.066 0.1095
The principles of pipe insulation apply also to the insulation of tanks, such
as feedwater heaters, storage, etc. Much the same materials are used as for
pipe covering. Method of application may be somewhat different, as the binding
of the insulation closely to the tank may be more of a problem, especially under
the belly of the tank, where the insulation will have the tendency to sag away
from the tank surface, due to its own weight. Lacing wire attached to welded-on
clips or studs and tied in with circumferentially applied wire netting will make
a permanently attached insulating jacket. Tanks may be covered with molded
segmental blocks, narrow rectangular blocks, or blanket insulation. The final
covering is usually hard finish insulating cement, and some prefer to apply a
cover of canvas over that.
A development in the insulation field is the use of reflective insulation. This
is composed of a series of aluminum alloy sheets, separated at intervals by
spaced blocks providing multiple dead air spaces. Advantages claimed are
relative cleanliness during construction,* expansion without cracking the sur¬
face, and smooth, clean finished appearance without paint. This has been used
throughout a power station, i.e., to cover pipes, tanks, ducts, and breechings.
14-10 Determining Pipe Size. Most of the problems of this nature arising
in power plant design will involve pipes carrying only water or steam; hence
this section is devoted mainly to problems of water and steam lines. Engineers
will appreciate that pipe size is not determined alone by weight or volume to be
transported. For instance, there is no one size that mwi be selected to carry
15m* steam per min. At 1500 m/min velocity a pipe of 0.01 m* cross-sectional
area is required ; at 3000 m/min it is 0.005 m*. But when both velocity and
flow volume are specified, the pipe size is fixed, according to the relation
Volume = Velocity X cross-sectional area
The law of continuity is more useful than the above-mentioned relation, for
mass flow is a constant anywhere in a pipe having no side-branched flows.
Weight flowing = Velocity X area X density (14-9)
To determine the correct size for a pipe of relatively short length and moder¬
ate cost (typical of interior plant piping) knowing the quantity of fluid to be
carried, the usual practice is to assume a velocity based on satisfactory prior
experience and to determine the area from Eq 14-9. Diameters can then be cal¬
culated and the pipe of the nearest or, in some cases, the next larger standard
size selected. Table 14-6 is furnished as a guide to representative practice in
flow velocities. Having so determined the pipe size, resulting friction losses can
be computed by methods to follow. In some cases a predetermined maximum al¬
lowable friction loss sets the pipe size rather than average flow practice.
General water flow 61-152
Plant water services (misc) 91-183
Pump lines, discharge 91-183
Pump lines, suction 61-158
Boiler feed lines 152.183
High-pressure saturated steam 1829-3048
Low-pressure saturated steam 1219-1829
High-pressure superheated steam 8048-4572
High-vacuum exhaust steam 6096-7315
1: The size of Schedule 40 pipe which will carry 5443 kg steam per hr
at 8.79 kg/om* ga, 0.97 dry, will be found with the aid of the table of average flow velocity.
This steam has a specific volume of 0.1947 m> per kg. Cross-sectional area for the
pipe, assuming velocity of 2135m/min is
This IS obviously the ncarebt pipe size, for the velocity is almost exactly 2136 m/min.
ature, Crude Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Lubricating Lubricating
(•0) Water 15 Deg. B 24 Deg. B Bunker C Oil, Turbine Oil, Engine
The following examples will illustrate some of the cases of frictional flow
these formulae will solve.
Bsampl« 2 : The statio head at a certain station on a 101.6 mnu Schedule 40, clean,
iron, cold water pipe is 60.96 m. The static head is to be determined for a station 152.4 m
^rther along the pipe in the direction of flow, and where the pipe is 0.14 m higher than
station 1. Between the stations are three elbows. Flow rate, 13251/min.
The 101.6 mm pipe has a 102.4 mm internal diametei; Bay 2> = 102 mm.
Flow area A = n/4x0.1023»0.007886 m*.
Flow velocity V = 1326/(1O^x 0.007886 x 60)sB.S m/sec.
From Table 14-7, get / = 0.0058, while with Fig. 14-23 determine that pipe length
equivalent to 3 elbows is 10.06 m. Then use Eq 14-10.
H =: 2 x0.0058x(152.4+10.06)x2.8>/9.81x0.l02»14.U8 m
Example 3: In this example a pipe size is to be detennined such that 668 I/min cold
water flow will not suffer more than 0.069 kg/cm* loss per 30 m of pipe.
Flow volume, Q = 668/10*x 60—0.009467 n^/seo .
H = 0.69 m when L = 30 m • Assume / = 0.006.
V -.a.009467/-^Da_0.0ia05/i)*iii/aeo.
Fig 14-23 Resistance of valves and fittmgs to flow of fluids. Note. Valve types shown
do not include check valves The resistance of swing checks is approximately the same
as for the eloae return bend, while that of vertical hft check valves is approximated by
the open globe valve.
14-11 Pipe Support. Steam and water pipes are usually supported inter¬
mittently by hangars, brackets, rollers, etc. This results in the pipe acting as a
continuously loaded beam over several supports. However, the configuration and
support of a pipe line might be such that it bore more resemblance to a beam
with free ends. Thus there are t\^o extremes of end-fixity assumption. Weight
of the pipe, its covering, and its contents will produce a bending stress that may
need calculation and comparison with safe values (Table 14-1). The deflection
between supports may need calculation, for steam lines must be graded down
enough to avoid pockets of condensation.
The average gradient is the span in metres
divided by the difference in elevation at
the supports and is expressed as “1 in
-In general, when condensate
flows with the steam the gradient should
Fig. 14-24 Pipe gradient. not be flatter than 1 in 240. Conden¬
sate flow against the steam should be
avoided if possible, but where necessary the gradient should not be less than
1 in 96, and steam velocities should be held^ to moderate values. Further¬
more, the downstream support needs to be placed below the upstream at
least enough to produce a horizontal tangent or, preferably, a positive angle as
shown in Fig. 14-24. This criterion will require that V exceed 4y, Most dei^igners
will prefer to accentuate the drainage by making Y equal 6 to 8 times y.
The following equations are for the maximum deflection, y, and the maxi¬
mum beam tensile stress, S, in pipe lines for either free or fixed ends at the
For free ends: y ~ 5wL*/3SEI cm. (14-17)
also, Si = wL^Do/161 kg/cm*. (14-18)
For continuous spans, y = wL^/(ZMEI) (14-19)
also, Si == wL^Do/241 (14-20)
These are theoretical formulae, based on the elastic flexure theory.*
Symbols represent the following quantities:
w mt Weij^t of pipe, covering, and contents, kg per cm.
L » Distance between supports, cm.
I M Moment of inertia, 0.0491(Do^ — Di^) cm*.
Do, Di » Pipe diameters, cm.
B ■■ Modulus of elasticity of the pipe; kg/cm* at operating temperature.
B * (20.5—0.00760x10® kg/cm* t being*C. Valid for carbon steel up
to315^C, and alloy steel to 427*C. Consult reference sources for
higher temperatures.
A pipe wall may be stressed by the simultaneous action of:
3. Torsion and bending, S4, arising from the action of pipe bends, and other
configurations, taking up thermal expansion.
Stress of the Si form is not likely to be important where S4 stress predomi¬
nates, for the pipe bends are ordinarily closely and carefully supported. Only
in large pipes will Ss assume an important magnitude, and only in pipes con¬
taining considerable fluid pressure will hoop tension become of moment in stand¬
ard weight pipe. Therefore, except for the use of high-pressure, closely de¬
signed pipe bends, the rational analysis of which has already been set outside
the scope of this book, the principal pipe stresses are Si and S2. These occur
across normal planes and are independently considered (no combined stress
calculations). Each is required to be less than the safe working stress, S. A
determination of schedule number by formula is usually assurance of safety
’*'One series of tests on Schedule 40 pipe indicated that tlic test deflections approached
values ealoulated from Bq 14*17 for pipes smaller than 60.8 mm, and Bq 14-19 for larg^
against hoop stress. Only in the case of unusually long spans in low-pressure
piping is >Si liable to exceed 82-
EsmmfUm 1: The pipe epeoinoatioxiB of a 42.2 kg/om* ga, 843^, horiaontal eteam
line are : 152.4 mm ASA 106-A pipe, welded, covered with insulation weighing 0.071 kg/om
run. The pipe wall dimension, support spacing, and drainage gradient are to be found.
Condensate same direction as steam flow.
Table 14-1 gives S = 843.7 for this grade of pipe. Calculated Schedule number =
1000 X 42.2/843.7 = 50. Next determine whether Schedule 40 or 80 must be selected.
The minimum wall thickness for Schedule 40 is 17.11—0.125 x 7.11 = 6.22mm.
Stress, by Eq 14-3 is760 kg/om*: hence, Schedule 40 is strong enough for the internal
The next step is to determine whether /Si or y governs the span by comparing com¬
puted Si with /S. A 152.4 mm. Schedule 40 pipe weighs 28.3 kg/m has Do^ 168.28 mm.,
Di —155.84 mm. 7 —1036.6 cm* These properties are based on dt -6.22 mm min. Water
contents = 7 (IMI)* X0.001 0.184kg/em, w * 0.283 + 0.071 + 0.184 — 0.538 kg per
om.Pipe is taken to be full of water in calculating span, for conditions might arise that
the pipe became filled. UsTng Eq 14-20,/Si i« 843.7—0.538 X 15,831^/24X1036.61583 cm.
Span L, for Si = iS, is, therefore, 15.28 m
Eq 14-19: y = 0.538 x 152t*/(884 x 1036.61^. After calculating E to be IM X 10*
kg/oih*, 1/ =4.06 am. Minimum 7 » 4 x 4.06 — 16.24om, representing 1528/16.24 or 1 in
93j gradient. A gradient of 1 in 300 is ample for drainage, so obviously deflection, not
bending stress, governs the span.
For drainage gradient calculations have pipe empty, and 6y,w^ 38.8/100 4* 0l071
= 0.884 kg/em . Assume L - 015^1040^ and 1115 om ; then
f 915 *1*/ r 0.348 *1
y »0.354x1 I /(384X 1036.6X 17.9xl0«)=j 0.581 I cm
a b C d
Fig. 14-25 Forms of pipe supports, (a) Spring hanger, (b) Bracket-supported anchor
chair, (c) Adjustable roll support, (d) Bracket-supported hangers.
Heavy vertical runs of pipe are supported at the base by anchorage fittings
and at intermediate points by spring suspension hangars.
14-12 Drips and Drains. All steam lines must be adequately drained of
condensation. Even superheated steam lines need drainage since condensation
forms during the warming up period, and while the line is hot but having no
flow. Also, slugs of water may come over from the boiler. Fig. 14-26 shows
methods of caring for the condensation in a high-pressure steam main. The
points to be drained are the low points in the line, separators, drip pockets,
globe valves, and valves in vertical lines. Draining of a high-pressure Steam
Fig. 14-26 Methods of caring for the condensation in high-pressure steam lines. Pipe
drawn to larger scale than floor level equipment.
line requires that the drainage equipment be able to draw off the condensate
and hold back the steam. This can be done by manually operating valves on
a drip tank, by a steam trap, and by a pump. These methods are also illustrated.
The standard code for pressure piping contains some specifications on the
installation of drips and drains which can be summarized thus:
1. Drip lines to be taken from all points where condensate may collect and
drain lines from points that will drain all water-bearing equipment. Each drip
or drain line to be manually valved.
2 Pressure steam should be drained through traps.
3. Drips from steam regions at different pressures should be drained
through different traps.
4. If several traps discharge into a common header which may have some
pressure, each trap discharge line should have a hand and check valve.
6. Trap discharge lines should be protected against freezing.
6. A point of discharge to the atmosphere should be properly safeguarded
for human protection
Fig. 14-27 Steam line accessories (A) Steam or oil separator. (B) Steam trap.
To collect the condensate from the bottom of steam lines, a drip pocket
made of pipe fittings as shown in Fig. 14-26 is desirable. When located where
dirt and scale are likely to settle, it becomes a sediment pocket and should be
provided with a valved discharge to waste. The steam separator will not only
divert a condensation stream from the piping, but will also remove suspended
drops or slugs of water.
The principles upon which separation is based are: (a) reverse current,
(b) centrifugal force, and (c) wet baffles. The separator should provide for an
enlarged path for the steam since it has been found that separation is more
effective at lower steam velocities.
The simple separator shown in Fig. 14-27A uses a reversing chamber for
gravitational separation. Units with multiple baffles for the steam to flow over
can separate more of the finer drops of water from the steam. However, they
are more expensive, create more line pressure drop, and may be an unnecessary
refinement in many cases. Separators ought to be placed in all prime mover
steam leads.
Exhaust steam lines from engines and reciprocating steam pumps contain
considerable oil as a result of the method of lubrication. If this steam is to be
used in heating systems, to heat feedwater, or for industrial processes, the oil
content is objectionable. An oil separator, built much on the same principles as
the steam separator, should form part of the exhaust line from such equipment.
Steam Traps. Condensate that is to be removed from a steam region where
there is gauge pressure must be passed through some automatic valve that will
let the condensate pass but hold back the steam. The alternate to this is to
pass it through a fixed orifice which, if large enough to carry the maximum
condensate load, will be blowing steam at lower rates of condensation. How¬
ever, this may be satisfactory for draining condensate that is produced only
during warm-ups of pipe lines.
Removal of condensate from a vacuum region by traps is possible only if
there is a region of still greater vacuum for the trap discharge because a trap
works on a pressure difference.
Floot Bucket Inverted bucket Thermoetotle Exponeion
Fig. 14-30 Schematic diagrams of typical steam headers and feedwater mains.
High-pressure steam.
" " ' Low-pressure steam.
H©l- Tee looking up.
«.i». Hot water.
■ O—
Tee looking down.
———— Returns—steam or water.
-II- Flanges.
Globe valve.
Angle valve.
Elbow looking up.
-S- Diaphragm valve.
Oi- Elbow looking down. Check valve.
Globe Gate Check
Fig. 14-32 Symbols for ordinary flanged valves.
1. Determine the specifications of material and wall thickness for a KHLS pipe
^ CMry steam at a state selected from the following: (a) 28.1 fcgim^gt. iie^5 (b)
26.71ig/oiiiSgai8aturat^; (c)84.4kg/om*fi^61(ra; (d) 5M kg/mbS ga 484*C»
Fig. 14-33 Boiler and turbine room piping plan—^high-pressure steam piping.
2. Would Schedule 120,203.2 mm pipe made to A53-SA Specification be acceptable
on a line operating at 17.6 kg/om* ga 400*C?
3. Specify the pipe required to carry 272,200 kg steam per hr at 87.9 kg/om* ga638*t?,
with velocity approximating 3050 m/min
4. What maximum working pressure is advisable in an 457.2 mm OD, Schedule 40
pipe A53-SA, operations not to exceed 232.2^ ?
5. A certain pipe line covered with heat insulation has exposed flanges. These are
found to be steel and to measure 279.4 mmdiax33.8imm thick, and to have 8 bolts. With¬
out removing any of the insulation, it is desired to determine whether it would be
proper to put 24.6 kg/om* ga steam through this line. Assume line is carbon steel with
flanges properly selected for the pipe weight.
6. Detail to scale a joint of 203.2 mm Schedule 80 piping consisting of a welded elbow
and two 1.22 m tangents terminated by 28.1 kg/om^raised face slip-on-and-weld type flanges.
7. Detail to scale a 1.37 m offset in a 152.4 mm screwed pipe line (including the 45*
elbows).8.8kg/om» W8P. Specify correct cut length for the offset pipe.
8. Repeat Prob. 7 but for (a) flanged joint piping with lap joint faces and (b) ail
welded joints.
9. Fig. 14-9P gives the configuration of a certain pipe
line in isometric. Detail it to scale in plan and elevation. Pipe
is 254 mm with 28.1 kg/cm* raised face flanges. Fxo. 14-9F
10. Repeat Prob. 9, assuming 101.6 mm screwed piping' for 17.6 kg/om^ worJong
pressure with flange end connections.
11. Repeat Prob. 9, assuming 203.2 mm
welded pipe, 21.1 kg/om* working pressure.
12. The configuration of a certain
pipe line in isometric is seen in Fig. 14-
12P. Detail it to scale in plan and eleva¬
tion for 28.1 kg/om* class, raised face
flanged joints.
13. Repeat Prob. 12, but assume
Schedule ^ welded piping except for end
connections and valve, which are flanged.
14. A portion of a manufacturer's
safety valve rating table is reproduced
herewith. From this line specify 3 safety
valves and settings suitable for use on a
stoker-fired, water-tube boiler generating at 17.6 kg/om* ga Boiler heating surface.
427.4 m8 including 55.7 mt water wall area. Steam rating, 10886 kg per hr; design pressure,
21J kg/omS ga
Application of Diversity Factor, H. B. Gear, Proc. Natl. EL Light Assoc.y 1915.
The Electric Power Industry, McGraw-Hill, 1949.
Westinghouse Engineer, January 1950.
Economics of Public Utilities, L. R. Nash, McGraw-Hill, 1932.
The Electric Power Industry, McGraw-Hill, 1949.
Power Economics for Engineering Students, Pittsburgh Printing Co., 1939.
Semi-Outdoor Steam Plants, Gourdon, Friend, and Elliott, Combustion, April 1946.
How to Design a Foundation, G. Steven, Power, February 1947.
Fuel Oils Commercial Standard, U. S. Dept. Commerce, Govt. Printing Office.
Diesel Fuels, Standard Oil Co., N. J., 1939.
The Processes of Combustion in a Furnace, Henry Kreisinger, Combustion, November
U. S. Bureau of Mines, Bull. Nos. 22, 85, 193; Tech, papers Nos. 93, 158; Information
Circulars Nos. 6888, 7538.
Fuel Test Codes, ASTM.
Combustion Engineering, 0. deLorenzi, Combustion Engineering-Superheater Co., Inc.,
Steam Generation, Power, December 1946.
Economic Factors Involved m Selection of Industrial Boilers, Patterson and Riker,
Combustion, August 1949.
Refractories, Power, June 1950.
Factors Affecting Superheat Control, M. Frisch, Heat Engineering, December 1950.
Fuels and Firing, Power, December 1948.
Test Code for Stationary Steam Generating Units, ASME.
Development of Pulverized Coal Firing, C. G. R. Humphreys, Combustion, September,
October, November 1948.
Design and Operation of Spreader Stokers, W. S. Major, Combustion, July 1949.
The Problem of Generating Pure Steam at High Pressures (abstract), Frisch and
Lorenzini, Heat Engineering, May 1960,
Fmj. A-- Molher diastram for nirrciiry vai>or.
Vnthalpy, Joult per grae Butropy, Joulta per graa deg C
8p TOl
Preaa Teep Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Vaper
Kc/c«>ab C Liquid Brap Vapor Liquid Srap Vapor a^As
* Carbon monoxide. t Sulphur dioxide. % C. F. Sulphur dioxide C. F. » cubic feeU
i_j j | | | ||
Decimal ihicknesses are average. Expect variation of :±:12.5% wall thickness.
Fig. A>7 Steel flange dimensions*, mm, (Abstract of ASA, B16e, Standard)!) = dia.,
B = bolt circle dia., T = thickness**, N = munber of holes, d = bolt hole dia.
• See Fig. 14^. 106.5 kg/om» and 176.8 kg/om* oImms and some pipe mam ave
Thicknem, T, mdudee raised ftboe of 1.68 mm in 10.8 kg/om* and 81.1 kg/ena^
Standards ; does not include raised fooe in the others.
90 Elbow Lone Radius
B 88.90
G9 H
Si 75 95.26 189.70 60.89 117.48 158.76 44.45 12.70
88.10 101.60 152.40 67.16 127.00 177.80 60.80 14.29
50.80 114.30 166.10 68.60 162.40 203.20 63.60 127.00 16.88
63.60 127.00 177.80 76.80 177.80 241.30 63.60 139.70 17.46
76.20 139.70 196.85 76.20 190.60 254.00 76.20 162.40 19.05
88.90 162.40 216.90 88.90 216.90 292.10 76.20 166.10 20.64
101.60 165.10 228.60 101.60 228.60 804.80 76.20 177.80 23.81
127.00 190.60 260.35 114.30 254.00 24S.90 88.90 203.20 28.81
152.40 203.20 292.10 127.00 279.40 368.30 88.90 228.60 25.40
203.20 228.60 366.60 139.70 342.90 444.50 114.30 279.40 28.58
254.00 279.40 419.10 165.10 406.40 520.70 127.00 304.80 30.16
804.80 304.80 482.60 190.60 482.60 622.30 139.70 366.60 31.75
165.60 856.60 546.10 190.60 583.40 686.80 152.40 406.40 84.93
406.40 381.00 609.60 203.20 696.90 762.00 165.10 457.20 86.51
467.20 419.10 673.10 215.90 636.00 812.30 177.80 482.60 89.69
608.00 467.20 736.60 241.30 698.50 889.00 203.20 508.00 42.82
609.60 568.80 868.60 279.40 812.80 1028.70 228.60 609.60 47.63
762.00 636.00 1054.10 381.00 084.25 1244.60 264.00 762.00 53.98
CAat*St«al-10.<S kg/cn2 WSP Glass s&d Cast Iron«»17.6 kg/cm^ WSP Class^
Cast Stssl-ai.l kf/asi« WSf Class<r /
10.1 For sls4iS below 50.8 an u se dlaens;Ions of tbs 42.2 kjS/on^ olasis.
25.4 Where 1 •95 aa raised face la requlired. subtract 4.76 na froa
31.8 A. B. C, E, and F.
50.8 127.00 165.10 76.20 165.10 228.60 63.50 127.00 22.23
63.5 139.70 177.80 88.90 190.50 266.70 63.50 139.70 25.40
76.2 152.40 196.90 88.90 209.55 279.40 76.20 152.40 28.58
88.9 165.10 215.90 101.60 228.60 317.50 76.20 165.10 30.16
101.6 177.80 228.60 114.30 254.00 342.90 76.20 177.80 31.75
127.0 205.20 260.40 127.00 279.40 381.00 88.90 203.20 34.93
152.4 215.90 292.10 139.70 317.50 444.50 101.60 228.60 36.51
203.2 254.90 355.60 152.40 381 .OO 520.70 127.00 279.40 41.28
254.0 292.10 419.10 177.80 444.50 609.60 139.70 304.80 47.63
304.8 330.20 482.60 203.20 520.70 698.50 152.40 355.60 50.80
38.1 For sls« s below ; .01.6 na i ise dlaeni lions of i 2.2 kg/oi class.
88 ..9
101.6 203.20 139.70 254.00 406.40 114.30 209.55 34.93
127.0 228.60 152.40 279.40 425.15 127.00 234.95 38,10
152.4 247.65 158.75 317.50 476.25 133.35 254.00 41 .28
203.2 298.45 171.45 381.00 565.15 146.05 304.80 47.63
254.0 336.55 196.85 444.50 654.05 158.75 342.90 53.08
304 .8 381.00 222.25 520.70 755.65 165.10 387.35 57.15
38.1 For glsdIt btlow 76.2 ■■ Qtt dlatntloat of 1435.5 kg/oa^ olatt.
76.8 190.50 139.70 241.30 368.30 114.30 196.85 38.10
88.9 215.90 152.40 273.05 419.10 114,30 222.25 41.28
101.60 228.60 165.10 292.10 444.50 139.70 234.95 44.45
127.00 279.40 190.50 349.25 533.40 165.10 285.75 90.80
152.40 304.80 203.20 381.00 571.50 165.10 311.10 55.56
203.20 368.30 228.60 469.90 698.90 190.90 374.65 63.50
254.00 419.10 254.00 546.10 787.40 215.90 425.45 69.85
304.80 482.60 279.40 609.60 863.60 228.60 450.85 79.38
o DiWMioM ar« In Thin tnbl* i« nn nbbrcvantiron of tho Standard, which eoworo larger einea
than here entered, and which includee 1,76-, 176,6~and 281,2 kg/en* claeeea,
b All 8,8 kg/en* elaaa oast iron flangss hare a platn face.
All 17,6 kg/en* claos east iron flanges hare a 1,69 nn raised face. This raised face is included in
all dinensioas except S,
d A raised face of 1,68 nsi is included in all diaenslons exoept D, When flanges other than 1,59 wm raised
face are used, the center to flange edge diaensions shall renain unchanged.
^ A raised face of 6,36 wm is inolnded in all diaensions except 0 and H. Where flanges other thas these
hawing a 6,36 aa raised face are uaed, the center to flange edge diaensiona shall resain unchanged,
/ The cast steel fitting pressure ratlnga incorporated in this table are based on the following toaperatnreot
10.6 ki^oa*.260,0*c
21.1 k^ea*.•398.9*e
28.1 k^ca^.90e.0*c
42.2 ki/ea«.482.2*c
63.3 kf/cB*.482•2*c
105.6 ki^ea*.482.2*e
Working pressures aay be raised if the tenperature is lower than the abowe. Conwerooly, higher tOBpomturoi
can be aecenaodated only if the pressure is lower. Fitting aanufaeturers are prepared to furnish pressure class
reeoaasndatieas tor stoaa cenditlons differing conoidombly froa those quoted.
g Redueers and eccentric reducers for all reductions use the sane face to face diaenoions giwon in the abowe
table of diasnaiona for the larger opening.
2S.0 38.1 38.10 50.80 101.60 50.80 38.10
31.8 47.63 47.63 50.80 101.90 63.50 38.10
38.1 57.15 28.58 57.15 63.50 101.60 73.03 38.10
50.8 76.20 34.03 63.50 79.20 152.40 02.08 38.10
63.5 05.25 44.45 76.20 88.00 152.40 104.78 38.10
76.8 114.30 50.80 85.73 88.00 152.40 127.00 50.80
88.8 133.35 57.15 05.25 101.60 152.40 130.70 63.5
101 .• 152.40 63.50 104.78 101.60 152.40 157.16 63.50
127.0 190.90 70.38 123.83 127.00 203.20 185.74 76.20
102.4 228.60 05.25 142.88 130.70 203.20 215.00 88.00
203.2 304.80 127.00 177.80 152.40 203.20 260.88 101.60
254.0 381.00 158.75 215.00 177.80 254.00 323.85 127.00
308.4 457.20 100.50 254.00 203.20 254.00 381.00 152.40
350.6 OD 304.80 412,75 165.10
406.4 OD 304.30 460.00 177.80
457.2 304.80 533.40 203.20
506.0 304.80 584.20 254.00
600.6 304.80 602.15 266.70
Fig. A-10 Standard (Schedule 40) and extra heaw (Scdiedule 80) weldinj? fitting
dimension.^, inches.
ecature difference between pipe and air.)
1*033 kg/cm^
HroffAUUc Raoms
Courtesy G B Warren and P H Knowlton
I • Line current, omperes
E • Line voltoge
t? * Motor efficiency
F ■ Power factor
R • rL, in which r« ohms per m of single conductor, ond
L« length of single conductor from supply line, m