Manage Your Day To Day PDF
Manage Your Day To Day PDF
Manage Your Day To Day PDF
Are you over-extended, over-distracted, and overwhelmed? Do you work at a breakneck pace all day,
only to find that you haven’t accomplished the most important things on your agenda when you leave the
Featuring contributions from: Dan Ariely, Leo Babauta, Scott Belsky, Lori Deschene, Aaron Dignan, Erin
Rooney Doland, Seth Godin, Todd Henry, Christian Jarrett, Scott McDowell, Mark McGuinness, Cal
Newport, Steven Pressfield, Gretchen Rubin, Stefan Sagmeister, Elizabeth G. Saunders, Tony Schwartz,
Tiffany Shlain, Linda Stone, and James Victore. Plus, a foreword from Behance founder and CEO, Scott
1) Become a Pro
A key to being highly productive is to become a pro. Stop being an amateur at whatever you're
pursuing and become a pro at it.
Amateurs only work when they feel like it. So if they're not in the mood, they're not going to
work on their goal or task. If the circumstances are not right, they will not work on it.
During the war, one of Napoleon Bonaparte’s commanders approached the general and said,
“Sir, the circumstances of the war are just not right. I suggest that we delay the attack.”
Napoleon Bonaparte got furious. He said, “I don't care about circumstances, because I make the
circumstances. I say we must attack, and we must attack right now. I shall not wait.”
And that's how we need to be. We need to act right away.
Whatever you want to be -- an athlete, a musician, or an entrepreneur -- be a professional at it.
You want to be the golden standard for being a pro in your field.
Act irrespective of your feelings. You have to make it your practice so that no matter happens,
you do what you need to do. When you don't feel like it -- that's when you must do it.
In The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey talks about the habit of being
proactive (Habit #1). This means we should act according to our values, not in accordance to
our feelings. We should also act irrespective of the circumstances. Being a pro is the start of
being hyper-productive in your field of endeavor.
Why frequency is powerful
● It is easy to get started when you are on this track of doing that thing. Otherwise, you
get stuck because you're thinking about all the things you need to do. You start
worrying about everything that is not done yet.
But if you're constantly taking small steps, you are making progress. So it's really easy to
start when you know you have done something the previous day.
● When you are frequently working on something, it keeps your ideas fresh.
○ You're constantly thinking about it
○ You’re constantly getting new ideas about it
In contrast, when you are doing it just once in a while, the ideas go stale and you can't
act on them.
● There's no pressure. It's not just about one day's work but rather a compilation of work
that you do over the days, and that is what matters. So there's no pressure to perform
really greatly that one day. You have the liberty to do well over an extended period of
time and that takes the pressure off of you.
● You will get sparks of inspiration over time, but only because you've been working on
that idea day in and day out again and again. If you stop that trend, then your brain is
not actively working on that idea and hence, it's not going to give you these sparks of
inspiration. But if you're constantly working on it on a daily basis and you have that
frequency and rhythm, then you will get those sparks of insight.
● Frequency begets frequency. The more frequent you become, the more likely you are to
follow through on your frequency. It's like momentum -- once your have frequency on
something, you get momentum on that and it becomes more and more likely that you
will follow through.
● You begin to see your progress. As you write, as you produce content, as you work on
your business, as you work on your sales, you create progress. But if you work in stops
and starts, it will be hard to see your progress because you are almost starting with a
blank slate every time. Have consistent frequency (daily, weekly, whatever it is you
need) in order to do great work and to be extremely productive.
3) Compulsive vs. Conscious
What is the reason behind our unproductiveness and what we can do about it?
The reason: We are giving in to our compulsive behavior without any conscious thought
process. T he unconscious behavior is taking over.
You might see this in your daily life. You start working on something and then you move on to
social media and then again you work on something for a little bit and then you check some
email and then you get back to it to your work, and then your phone starts to ring and you pick
it up and then you check stats and on it goes... You might also find yourself typing the name of
a website, checking it out, and then 5 minutes later you type the same website again into your
What’s happening here is that we are not able to consciously control the monkey mind that we
have inside of us.
● It wants to stimulation.
● It wants something new.
● It wants some excitement.
That leads to a drastic loss in productivity.
Move from Compulsive Behavior to Consciously-Designed
Meditation by far is the most potent technique to get yourself to focus and to increase your
willpower and self-discipline so that you don't let external stimulation drive your behavior.
Instead you do everything by design.
Manufacture Inspiration
In order to manufacture inspiration, make progress visible. That will make you happy.
● Create a checklist for every day of your work and then mark off the things that you
accomplished. That will give you a great sense of accomplishment and make progress
● You may also calculate the number of hours you worked on that task. Over time you will
see that you're making progress. That will give you tremendous sense of
● Another way is to count the total amount of work you're putting in. For example, if
you're a writer, count how many words you've written each day. It gives you such a
sense of boost and accomplishment, and that triggers forward progress.
● You can also set small deadlines for yourself. It could be a day from now, a week from
now, or a month from now. But start with the short-term deadline and accomplish it.
And then move to the medium-term deadline and accomplish that.
Again, as you hit these goals, you manufacture inspiration by making progress visible to
yourself. Because if you can see that deadline, if you can see this list, if you can see your time
adding up, if you can see your work adding up, then you feel you're on to greater things. But if
you cannot see any of these things, then you will constantly feel like you're not succeeding.
So make yourself feel that you are succeeding at your endeavor. Whether it means checking
things off your list, or adding time on your overall time report, or adding the number of words
you're writing, or creating deadlines, g o and manufacture that inspiration.
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