Mini Habits v.1 PDF
Mini Habits v.1 PDF
Mini Habits v.1 PDF
Book Overview
What's A Mini Habit?
A mini habit is a very small positive behavior that you force yourself to do every day; its "too small to fail"
nature makes it weightless, deceptively powerful, and a superior habit-building strategy. You will have no
choice but to believe in yourself when you're always moving forward. The barrier to the first step is so
low that even depressed or "stuck" people can find early success and begin to reverse their lives right
away. And if you think one push-up a day is too small to matter, I've got one heck of a story for you!
Aim For The First Step
They say when you aim for the moon, you'll land among the stars. Well, that doesn't make sense, as the
moon is closer than the stars. I digress. The message is that you should aim very high and even if you fall
short, you'll still get somewhere. I've found the opposite to be true in regards to productivity and healthy
behaviors. When you aim for the moon, you'll won't shoot because it's too far away. But when you aim
for the step in front of you, you might just keep going and reach the moon.
The same way goes with our behavior. The same same way goes with our brain.
Just the fact that you're doing your daily work and you're consistently taking action makes the
progress visible and gives you a ton of motivation in the face of all the challenges.
Be happy, but never satisfied.
- Bruce Lee
The way to look at our long-term goals: We don't become satisfied and complacent. We just
need to be motivated so that we can continue to make forward progress, to beat the inertia in
our brain, and to create momentum in our lives.
Related Books:
● Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
2) Goal Achievement
Types of triggers:
● Time-based
○ Example: Doing something at 3 PM everyday. (Time cue: 3 PM)
● Activity-based
○ Example: When you’re done brushing your teeth, you drink water. (Activity cue:
brushing teeth)
● General
○ Example: Doing something 5 times a day.
These are different kinds of triggers in your mind, each indicating that you need to act on your
habit. You know you need to do something.
The more specific our cue is, the faster that habit will be formed.
Implementation intention
The specificity of the cues is what makes this implementation possible. It is the key factor in
extreme productivity with our implementation intentions.
If our cues are very specific, we're going to be able to move to the implementation state very
quickly. We're going to cut through all the deliberation and move right into implementing.
Anytime a cue is triggered, it notifies our brain, and that notification forces us to take action.
That's why this whole system is so powerful.
EXAMPLE: A morning ritual with specific cues
Task: Writing down your goals as soon as you wake up
Type of trigger: Activity-based
Activity (Cue): Waking up
In this ritual, as soon as you wake up, you write your goals no matter what. You don't go and
brush your teeth, you don't go and drink water, you don't do anything else. It's your time for
your specific task or goal.
This is an example of a specifically defined cue.
● Your goal is very clear in your mind.
● You know the cue is “when you wake up”
● There are no ifs and buts about it.
● There is no ambiguity about that cue.
An ambiguous version of this morning ritual
● You write your goals sometime after waking up, It could be within the next 2 hours, 3
hours, or whatever.
With a “ritual” like this, you will never get your task done.
Again, in order to form powerful habits really fast, have very specific cues for how that habit
will be triggered.
What is the specific cue that will take you into implementation ASAP? That's the key.
The thing about our brain: It’s always resisting change.
Hence in order for us to be able to get it to do something and in order for us to change and to
do our most important work, we have to create this repetition.
What we are able to create with repetition: Habits
Initially it feels like the changes are very small. They would feel miniscule, like nothing is
happening. But the truth is that every little change and every effort we make in building our
habit counts.