Mastery PDF
Mastery PDF
Mastery PDF
George Leonard
Plateau ➜ a steep curve of learning ➜ a little dip ➜ a plateau again (and so on and so forth)
● The plateau is the longest part of the whole journey
○ This is where you practice the usual stuff repeatedly without seeing results for a
○ Lots of time and energy are spent on this plateau but you have to give
everything you’ve got while here.
● After each learning curve, the brain has to take on a new learning, incorporate it into its
own structures, and habituate it.
○ This is the time to put new habit/s into your basal ganglia.
○ It takes time and effort just to make the newer learning a part of your existing
brain structure, but once you incorporate it, you can go and learn something
times that we have to go try something new and fail in the process just so we can rise
up again and get better.
EXAMPLE: By the time Tiger Woods had won 1 or 2 pro championships, he went to tell
his coach that his swing was “not perfect enough” and that they needed to change it. A
lot of opinions were made against his changing his swing as he was already at the top
of his game. But Tiger’s self-awareness made him prevail in his decision to change his
swing in order to further improve his game. He knew that with the change in his swing,
he might perform worse than when he did not change it -- but over time he could get
much better. He surrendered to the practice in the short-term in order to get more of
long-term great results.
4. Mastery is being intentional
We need to be aware that in our path to mastery, we have to be intentional about what
we're doing.
As Jack Nicklaus, the great golfer, used to say, “I never take a stroke without visualizing
exactly where the ball is going to land.” Even Jack Nicklaus was also big on visualization.
5. We’ve got to go to the edge
We have to challenge the limits of what's possible because that's when we find out
what's on the other side of the limitations.
EXAMPLE: Julie Moss was running a triathlon in Hawaii in 1982. During the marathon
part, she was already tired and exhausted. She was the leader in the race but due to
exhaustion, she fell down a few hundred yards before the finish line. She got up but
after running for a few raw yards, she fell down again.
At that point the next runner was about 10 or 20 minutes behind her. Julie then got up
again and started to walk this time because she ran out of energy to run. Julie fell down
4 times but at each time, she tried to get up to continue the race, until all she could do
was just crawl. The girl who was in second place just passed her by but Julie crawled all
the way to the finish line.
The doctors who later examined Julie said she was insane since what she did was
almost fatal. But the sports commentators around the world hailed Julie’s greatness and
considered her finish as one of the greatest achievements in sports.
Important: The edge referred to in this topic is where you draw the line between
greatness and madness. As Julie showed us, pursuing that edge is one of the most
important keys to mastery.
Getting Energy
1. Spend it. You can't hoard energy. Therefore get your body in action and get your mind
in motion. As you start to move and take action, as you spend your energy, you will get
more and more of it.
2. Put enough commitment in place. Commitment always comes before success. It’s not
something you do while you're already on the journey.
3. Self-impose firm deadlines. Deadlines are powerful. They force accountability. The
more firm the deadline is, the more energy it will give to you.
EXAMPLE: Before Thomas Edison had it figured out, he went and told reporters 6
months in advance that by January 1st (of the year he invented it), we would have the
light bulb.
The deadline created a lot of pressure on him to figure it out. It gave him so much more
energy and charge as he forced energies into that direction. In the end, it proved to be
one of the great reasons why he was able to produce the light bulb.
There we have it, Mastery by George Leonard, a great book for anyone who is on any journey
towards greatness, especially if you're an entrepreneur or you're learning a new hobby.