Chapter 8 Cell Reproduction

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This human lymphocyte is dividing into

two new cells. (17,687!)

SECTION 1 Chromosomes Unit 4—Cell Reproduction

Topics 1–6
SECTION 2 Cell Division
SECTION 3 Meiosis

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C H RO M O S O M E S ●
Describe the structure of a
Recall that DNA is a long, thin molecule that stores genetic chromosome.
● Identify the differences in structure
information. The DNA in a human cell is estimated to consist
between prokaryotic chromosomes
of three billion nucleotides. To visualize the enormity of three and eukaryotic chromosomes.
billion nucleotides, imagine increasing a cell nucleus to the ● Compare the numbers of
chromosomes in different species.
size of a basketball. Then, imagine taking the DNA out of the ● Explain the differences between
basketball-sized nucleus and stretching it into a straight line. sex chromosomes and autosomes.
● Distinguish between diploid and
That line of DNA would stretch for more than 20 miles. How can
haploid cells.
a nucleus hold so much DNA? Inside the nucleus, the DNA is
coiled and packed in a complicated yet organized manner. As VOCABULARY
a cell prepares to divide, the DNA coils even further into tightly chromosome
compacted structures. histone
During cell division, the DNA in a eukaryotic cell’s nucleus is coiled homologous chromosome
into very compact structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes karyotype
are rod-shaped structures made of DNA and proteins. In Figure 8-1, diploid
you can see the many levels of DNA coiling required to form a haploid
The chromosomes of stained eukaryotic cells undergoing cell
division are visible as darkened structures inside the nuclear mem-
brane. Each chromosome is a single DNA molecule associated with
proteins. The DNA in eukaryotic cells wraps tightly around pro-
teins called histones. Histones help maintain the shape of the chro- FIGURE 8-1
mosome and aid in the tight packing of DNA. Nonhistone proteins As a cell prepares to divide, its DNA
are generally involved in controlling the activity of specific regions coils around histones and twists into
of the DNA. rod-shaped chromosomes.


Cell Coil within Further coiling DNA and DNA double

chromosome within coil histones helix


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Figure 8-2 shows a chromosome that was isolated from a dividing
cell. Notice that the chromosome consists of two identical halves.
Each half of the chromosome is called a chromatid. Chromatids form
as the DNA makes a copy of itself before cell division. When the cell
divides, each of the two new cells will receive one chromatid from
each chromosome. The two chromatids of a chromosome are
attached at a point called a centromere. The centromere holds the
two chromatids together until they separate during cell division. As
you will learn in the next section, centromeres are especially impor-
Centromere tant for the movement of chromosomes during cell division.
Between cell divisions, DNA is not so tightly coiled into chro-
mosomes. Regions of DNA uncoil in between cell divisions so they
can be read and so the information can be used to direct the activ-
ities of the cell. The less tightly coiled DNA-protein complex is
called chromatin.
As you might expect, chromosomes are simpler in prokaryotes
than in eukaryotes. The DNA of most prokaryotes consists of only
FIGURE 8-2 one chromosome, which is attached to the inside of the cell mem-
Chromosomes, such as this one isolated brane. Prokaryotic chromosomes consist of a circular DNA mol-
from a dividing human cell, consist ecule. As with eukaryotic chromosomes, prokaryotic chromosomes
of two identical chromatids.
(TEM 12,542!)
must be very compact to fit into the cell.

TABLE 8-1 Chromosome Each species has a characteristic number of chromosomes in each
Numbers of Various cell. Table 8-1 lists the number of chromosomes found in some
Species organisms. Some species of organisms have the same number of
chromosomes. For example, potatoes, plums, and chimpanzees all
Number of
Organism chromosomes
have 48 chromosomes in each cell.

Adder’s tongue fern 1,262 Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes

Carrot 18 Human and animal chromosomes are categorized as either sex
Cat 32 chromosomes or autosomes. Sex chromosomes are chromosomes
that determine the sex of an organism, and they may also carry
Chimpanzee 48
genes for other characteristics. In humans, sex chromosomes are
Dog 78 either X or Y. Females normally have two X chromosomes, and
Earthworm 36 males normally have an X and a Y chromosome. All of the other
Fruit fly 8 chromosomes in an organism are called autosomes. Two of the 46
human chromosomes are sex chromosomes, and the remaining 44
Garden pea 20
chromosomes are autosomes.
Gorilla 48 Every cell of an organism produced by sexual reproduction has
Horse 64 two copies of each autosome. The organism receives one copy of
Human 46 each autosome from each parent. The two copies of each auto-
some are called homologous chromosomes, or homologues.
Lettuce 18
Homologous chromosomes are the same size and shape and carry
Orangutan 48 genes for the same traits. For example, if one chromosome in a pair
Sand dollar 52 of homologues contains a gene for eye color, so will the other chro-
mosome in the homologous pair.

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Figure 8-3 shows a karyotype,
which is a photomicrograph of the
chromosomes in a normal dividing
cell found in a human. Notice that
the 46 human chromosomes exist as
22 homologous pairs of autosomes
and 2 sex chromosomes (XY in males
and XX in females).

Diploid and
Haploid Cells
Cells having two sets of chromosomes
are diploid. Diploid cells have two
autosomes for each homologous pair.
Diploid cells also have two sex
chromosomes in animals, including
humans, and in many other organ-
isms that have sex chromosomes. All
human cells, except reproductive
cells (sperm cells and egg cells), are
normally diploid cells. Diploid is
commonly abbreviated as 2n. In
humans, the diploid, or 2n, number
of chromosomes is 46—22 pairs of
homologous autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. FIGURE 8-3
Sperm cells and egg cells are haploid cells, which contain only Karyotypes, such as this one, are used to
one set of chromosomes. Haploid cells have half the number of examine an individual’s chromosomes.
Karyotypes are made from a sample of a
chromosomes that are present in diploid cells. Thus, haploid cells
person’s blood. White blood cells from
have only one autosome of each homologous pair and only one sex the sample are treated chemically to
chromosome (23 total). Haploid is abbreviated as 1n. When a stimulate mitosis and to arrest mitosis
sperm cell (1n) and an egg cell (1n) combine to create the first cell in metaphase. The chromosomes are
of a new organism, the new cell will be diploid (2n). If the repro- then photographed, cut out, and
arranged by size and shape into pairs.
ductive cells were diploid, the new cell would have too many chro-
mosomes and would not be functional.

1. Name the proteins that DNA wraps around to CRITICAL THINKING
form a chromosome in eukaryotic cells. 6. Forming Reasoned Opinions Is there a correla-
2. How do the structure and location of a tion between the number of chromosomes and
prokaryotic chromosome differ from that of a the complexity of an organism? Give support for
eukaryotic chromosome? your answer.
3. Does chromosome number indicate whether an 7. Predicting Results What would be the conse-
organism is a plant or an animal? Explain. quence for future generations of cells if sperm
4. Contrast sex chromosomes with autosomes. and egg cells were normally diploid?

5. Using Table 8-1, list the haploid and diploid 8. Interpreting Graphics What is the sex of the
number of chromosomes for each organism. person whose chromosomes are shown in
Figure 8-3 above? Explain your answer.


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Describe the events of cell division
in prokaryotes. Approximately 2 trillion cells—about 25 million cells per
● Name the two parts of the cell that
second—are produced by an adult human body every day.
are equally divided during cell
division in eukaryotes. All cells come from the division of preexisting cells. Cell division
● Summarize the events of (also called cell reproduction) is the process by which cells
● Describe the stages of mitosis.
produce offspring cells. Cell division differs in prokaryotes
● Compare cytokinesis in animal and eukaryotes. But cell reproduction in both prokaryotes and
cells with cytokinesis in plant cells. eukaryotes produces the same result—two cells from one.
● Explain how cell division is


binary fission PROKARYOTES
asexual reproduction Prokaryotes have cell walls but lack nuclei and membrane-bound
meiosis organelles. A prokaryote’s single DNA molecule is not coiled
gamete around proteins to form chromosomes. Instead, a prokaryote’s
interphase DNA is a circular chromosome attached to the inner surface of the
cytokinesis plasma membrane like a rope attached to the inner wall of a tent.
prophase For most prokaryotes, cell division takes place through a process
spindle fiber called binary fission.
Binary fission is the division of a prokaryotic cell into two off-
spring cells, as shown in Figure 8-4. The DNA is copied, resulting in
two identical chromosomes attached to the inside of the prokary-
cell plate
ote’s inner cell membrane. A new cell membrane then begins to
develop between the two DNA copies. The cell grows until it
reaches approximately twice the cell’s original size. As new mater-
ial is added, the growing cell membrane pushes inward and the cell
is constricted in the center, like a balloon being squeezed in the
FIGURE 8-4 middle. A new cell wall forms around the new membrane.
Most prokaryotes reproduce by binary
Eventually, the dividing prokaryote is split into two independent
fission, in which two identical cells are cells. Each cell contains one of the identical chromosomes that
produced from one cell. resulted from the copying of the original cell’s chromosome.

DNA is Cell begins
Prokaryotic copied to divide

Two identical
haploid cells

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(DNA is copied)
In eukaryotic cell division, both the cytoplasm and the
nucleus divide. There are two kinds of cell division in
eukaryotes. The first type of cell division that you will (cell growth)
learn about is called mitosis. Mitosis results in new cells
with genetic material that is identical to the genetic mate- G2
rial of the original cell. Mitosis occurs in organisms (growth and
undergoing growth, development, repair, or asexual preparation for
Cytokinesis cell division)
reproduction. Asexual reproduction is the production of
offspring from one parent. Mitosis
The second type of cell division that you will learn C EL
about (in the next section) is called meiosis. Meiosis IVIS
occurs during the formation of gametes, which are hap-
loid reproductive cells. Meiosis reduces the chromosome number FIGURE 8-5
by half in new cells. Each new cell has the potential to join with The cell cycle consists of interphase and
another haploid cell to produce a diploid cell with a complete set cell division. Phases of growth, DNA
synthesis, and preparation for cell
of chromosomes.
division make up interphase. Cell
division is divided into mitosis (division
The Cell Cycle of the nucleus) and cytokinesis (division
The cell cycle is the repeating set of events in the life of a cell. of the cytoplasm).
Cell division is one phase of the cycle. The time between cell
divisions is called interphase. Interphase is divided into three
phases, and cell division is divided into two phases, as shown in
Figure 8-5.
During cell division, the chromosomes and cytoplasm are
equally divided between two offspring cells. Cell division consists
of mitosis and cytokinesis. During mitosis, the nucleus of a cell
divides. Cytokinesis is the division of the cell’s cytoplasm.

Notice in Figure 8-5 that cells spend most of the cell cycle in inter-
phase. Following cell division, offspring cells are approximately
half the size of the original cell. During the first stage of inter-
phase—called the G1 phase—offspring cells grow to mature size. G1
stands for the time gap following cell division and preceding DNA
replication. After cells have reached a mature size, many proceed
into the next phase of interphase, called the S phase. During the S
phase, the cell’s DNA is copied (synthesized). The G2 phase repre-
sents the time gap following DNA synthesis (S phase) and preced-
ing cell division. The G2 phase is a time during which the cell
prepares for cell division.
Cells can also exit the cell cycle (usually from the G1 phase) and
enter into a state called the G0 phase. During the G0 phase, cells do Topic: Cell Cycle
not copy their DNA and do not prepare for cell division. Many cells Keyword: HM60235
in the human body are in the G0 phase. For example, fully devel-
oped cells in the central nervous system stop dividing at maturity
and normally never divide again.


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Nuclear membrane
Early mitotic reforming
Centrosome spindle
(with centrioles) Mitotic
Polar spindle


Nuclear Kinetochore Kinetochore

membrane Chromatids fibers



1 During prophase, the copied DNA STAGES OF MITOSIS
coils into chromosomes. 2 During
metaphase, the chromosomes line up Mitosis is the division of the nucleus, which occurs during cell divi-
along the midline of the dividing cell. sion. Mitosis is a continuous process that allows for the organized
3 During anaphase, the chromatids of
distribution of a cell’s copied DNA to offspring cells. The process
each chromosome begin moving toward
opposite poles of the cell. 4 During of mitosis is usually divided into four phases for ease of under-
telophase, the chromosomes reach standing: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
opposite poles of the cell, and a
cleavage furrow is formed. Cytokinesis Prophase
Prophase is the first phase of mitosis. Prophase, shown in step 1
of Figure 8-6, begins with the shortening and tight coiling of DNA
into rod-shaped chromosomes that can be seen with a light micro-
scope. Recall that during the S phase, each chromosome is copied.
The two copies of each chromosome—the chromatids—stay con-
nected to one another by the centromere. At this time, the nucleo-
lus and the nuclear membrane break down and disappear.
Two pairs of dark spots called centrosomes appear next to the
disappearing nucleus. In animal cells, each centrosome contains a
pair of small, cylindrical bodies called centrioles. The centrosomes
of plant cells lack centrioles. In both animal and plant cells, the
centrosomes move toward opposite poles of the cell during
As the centrosomes separate, spindle fibers made of micro-
tubules radiate from the centrosomes in preparation for
metaphase. This array of spindle fibers is called the mitotic spindle,
which serves to equally divide the chromatids between the two
offspring cells during cell division. Two types of spindle fibers
Word Roots and Origins make up the mitotic spindle: kinetochore fibers and polar fibers.
Kinetochore fibers attach to a disk-shaped protein—called a
kinetochore—that is found in the centromere region of each
from the Greek kinetos, chromosome. Kinetochore fibers extend from the kinetochore of
meaning “moving,” and choros, each chromatid to one of the centrosomes. Polar fibers extend
meaning “place” across the dividing cell from centrosome to centrosome but do not
attach to the chromosomes.

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Spindle microtubules

This micrograph of the spindle apparatus
during metaphase shows the kinetochore
fibers moving the chromosomes to the
center of the dividing cell. The wormlike
structures in the center are the
chromosomes. (LM 1,080!)

Metaphase, as shown in step 2 of Figure 8-6, is the second phase
of mitosis. During metaphase, chromosomes are easier to identify
by using a microscope than during other phases; thus, karyotypes
are typically made from photomicrographs of chromosomes in
metaphase. As shown in Figure 8-7 above, the kinetochore fibers
move the chromosomes to the center of the dividing cell during
metaphase. Once in the center of the cell, each chromosome is
held in place by the kinetochore fibers.

During anaphase, shown in step 3 of Figure 8-6 on the previous
page, the chromatids of each chromosome separate at the cen-
tromere and slowly move, centromere first, toward opposite poles
Cleavage furrow
of the dividing cell. After the chromatids separate, they are con-
sidered to be individual chromosomes.

Telophase is shown in step 4 in Figure 8-6 on the previous page.
After the chromosomes reach opposite ends of the cell, the
spindle fibers disassemble, and the chromosomes return to a
less tightly coiled chromatin state. A nuclear envelope forms
around each set of chromosomes, and a nucleolus forms in each
of the newly forming cells.

During telophase, the cytoplasm begins dividing by the process of
cytokinesis. In animal cells, cytokinesis begins with a pinching Cleavage furrow

inward of the cell membrane midway between the dividing cell’s FIGURE 8-8
two poles, as shown in Figure 8-8. The area of the cell membrane In animal cells, such as this frog cell,
the cell membrane pinches in at the
that pinches in and eventually separates the dividing cell into two
center of the dividing cell, eventually
cells is called the cleavage furrow. The cleavage furrow pinches the dividing the cell into two offspring
cell into two cells through the action of microfilaments. cells. (SEM 78!)


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Nuclei of
new cells

Cell wall cell plate
Forming cell plate

In plant cells, such as this onion cell, a Cell wall
cell plate forms along the midline of the of original
dividing cell, eventually dividing the cell
into two offspring cells. (LM 4,104!)

Figure 8-9 shows cytokinesis in plant cells. In plant cells, vesi-

cles from the Golgi apparatus join together at the midline of the
dividing cell to form a cell plate. A cell wall eventually forms from
the cell plate at the midline, dividing the cell into two cells.
Quick Lab In both animal cells and plant cells, offspring cells are approxi-
mately equal in size. Each offspring cell receives an identical copy
Identifying Prefixes of the original cell’s chromosomes and approximately one-half of
and Suffixes the original cell’s cytoplasm and organelles.
Materials dictionary, 3 ! 5 in.
index cards (18), pencil
1. Write each of the following pre-
fixes and suffixes on separate CELL DIVISION
cards: pro-, meta-, ana-, telo-,
cyto-, oo-, inter-, -kinesis, and Recall that a cell spends most of its time in interphase, the time
between cell divisions. What triggers a cell to leave interphase and
2. Use a dictionary to find the defi-
begin dividing? In eukaryotes, proteins regulate the progress of cell
nition of each prefix and suffix.
division at certain checkpoints. This system of checkpoints can be
Write the definitions on cards.
thought of as a kind of “traffic signal” for the cell. Certain feedback
3. Play “Memory” with a partner.
Mix the cards, and place each signals from the cell can trigger the proteins to initiate the next
one face down on the table. Turn phase of the cell cycle, much as a green light signals traffic to move
over two cards. If the two cards forward. Other feedback signals from the cell can trigger the pro-
consist of a prefix or suffix and teins to halt the cycle, just as a red light signals traffic to stop.
its definition, pick up the cards, Control occurs at three main checkpoints. These checkpoints
and take another turn. If the two are illustrated in Figure 8-10 on the next page.
cards do not match, turn them 1. Cell growth (G1 ) checkpoint. Proteins at this checkpoint con-
face down again, and leave
trol whether the cell will divide. If the cell is healthy and has
them in the same place.
grown to a suitable size during the G1 phase, proteins will initi-
4. Repeat step 3 until no cards
remain on the table. The player
ate DNA synthesis (the S phase). The cell copies its DNA dur-
with the most pairs wins. ing this phase. If conditions are not favorable for DNA
Analysis How does knowing synthesis, the cell cycle will stop at this point. The cell cycle
the meaning of a prefix or suffix help may also stop at this checkpoint if the cell needs a rest period.
you understand a word’s meaning? Certain cells pass into the G0 phase at this checkpoint. Many
cells that have passed into the G0 phase will never divide again.

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checkpoint FIGURE 8-10
The cell cycle in eukaryotes is controlled
at three inspection points, or checkpoints.
Many proteins are involved in the control
of the cell cycle.




Mitosis G2
checkpoint checkpoint

2. DNA synthesis (G2 ) checkpoint. At this point in the G2 phase,

DNA repair enzymes check the results of DNA replication. If this
checkpoint is passed, proteins will signal the cell to begin the
molecular processes that will allow the cell to divide mitotically.
3. Mitosis checkpoint. If a cell passes this checkpoint, proteins
signal the cell to exit mitosis. The cell then enters into the G1
phase, the major growth phase of the cell cycle, once again.

When Control Is Lost: Cancer

The proteins that regulate cell growth and division are coded for
by genes. If a mutation occurs in one of these genes, the proteins
may not function properly. Cell growth and division may be dis-
rupted as a result. Such a disruption could lead to cancer, the
uncontrolled growth of cells. Cancer cells do not respond normally
to the body’s control mechanisms. Some mutations cause cancer
by overproducing growth-promoting molecules, which can lead to
increased cell division. Other mutations may interfere with the
ability of control proteins to slow or stop the cell cycle.

1. Name the process by which prokaryotic CRITICAL THINKING
cells divide. 7. Predicting Results What would happen if
2. What is the name of the process by which the cytokinesis took place before mitosis?
cell’s cytoplasm divides? 8. Applying Information What would result
3. During which of the phases of interphase does if chromosomes did not replicate during
an offspring cell grow to mature size? interphase?
4. During which phase of mitosis do chromatids 9. Evaluating Information Why are individual
separate to become chromosomes? chromosomes more difficult to see during inter-
5. Explain the main difference between cytokinesis phase than during mitosis?
in animal cells and cytokinesis in plant cells.
6. Which type of molecule controls the cell cycle?


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STEM CELLS: Promise and Difficulty

tem cells are unspecial- Adult Stem Cells that are unused for fertility treat-
ized cells that give rise to Some stem cells remain in the ment. When embryonic stem
the different types of body into adulthood. These cells are harvested, the embryo
cells that make up the human adult stem cells naturally is destroyed. Many people
body. Scientists researching produce just one or a few believe it is unethical to destroy
stem cells hope someday to be types of cells. For example, embryos that have the potential
able to use them to replace bone marrow stem cells give to develop into babies. The
damaged or diseased cells in rise only to new blood cells. harvesting of adult stem cells
the body. There are two general Studies have shown some suc- causes no lasting harm to the
types of stem cells: embryonic cess in coaxing adult stem cells donor, but the potential for the
stem cells and adult stem cells. into becoming other cell types. cells may be limited.
Using a person’s own stem cells Stem cell transplants might
Embryonic Stem Cells for cell transplant would avoid a one day be used routinely to
Embryonic stem cells seem to possible immune response. treat diseases and disorders
show more promise in medical However, because there are so such as Alzheimer’s disease,
treatment than do adult stem few adult stem cells, they can diabetes, cancer, and spinal
cells. Embryonic stem cells are be difficult to find. Adult stem cord injuries. We may even be
easier to find than are adult cells also have a limited life able to grow complete new or-
stem cells. Embryonic stem span in the lab, which gives rise gans from stem cells. Funding
cells can reproduce indefinitely to questions about the life span will be one factor that affects
in culture and have the poten- of any transplant done with the direction of research. Fed-
tial to grow into any cell type. adult stem cells. eral, state, and private funding
However, embryonic stem cells set the landscape for the future
would be genetically different Stem Cell Controversy of stem cell research. While the
from the cells of a transplant promise of stem cells seems
Despite the possibilities of
recipient. The recipient’s im- unlimited, major advances will
stem cell use, research on
mune system could reject the only be achieved through years
them has been controversial.
cells, causing transplant failure. of intensive research.
Embryonic stem cells are har-
vested from human embryos
1. How do adult stem cells differ
from embryonic stem cells?
2. Why is stem cell research
3. Critical Thinking What do you
think are the strongest reasons
for and against further
research? Based on these two
points, would you propose
stem cell research be regu-
lated? If so, how?
Topic: Differentiation
In 2004, New York Mets coach Don Baylor (center) enjoyed his first day back of Cells
with the team after receiving stem cell replacement therapy for cancer. Keyword: HM60404

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Compare the end products of
Meiosis is a process of nuclear division that reduces the meiosis with those of mitosis.
● Summarize the events of meiosis I.
number of chromosomes in new cells to half the number in
● Explain crossing-over and how it
the original cell. The halving of the chromosome number contributes to the production of
counteracts a joining of cells later in the life cycle of the unique individuals.
● Summarize the events of
meiosis II.
● Compare spermatogenesis and
FORMATION OF HAPLOID ● Define sexual reproduction.

In animals, meiosis produces gametes, which are haploid repro- synapsis
ductive cells. Human gametes are sperm cells and egg cells.
Sperm and egg cells each contain 23 (1n) chromosomes. The
genetic recombination
fusion of a sperm and an egg results in a zygote that contains
independent assortment
46 (2n) chromosomes.
Cells preparing to divide by meiosis undergo the G1, S, and
G2 phases of interphase. During interphase, the cell grows to a polar body
mature size and copies its DNA. Thus, cells begin meiosis with a sexual reproduction
duplicate set of chromosomes, just as cells beginning mitosis do.
Because cells undergoing meiosis divide twice, diploid (2n) cells
that divide meiotically result in four haploid (1n) cells rather than
two diploid (2n) cells. The stages of the first cell division are
called meiosis I, and the stages of the second cell division are
called meiosis II.

While reading about each phase of meiosis I, shown in Figure 8-11
on the next page, notice how these phases compare with the cor-
responding phases that occur in mitosis.

Prophase I
In prophase I (step 1 ), DNA coils tightly into chromosomes. As in
the prophase of mitosis, spindle fibers appear. Then, the nucleolus
and nuclear membrane disassemble. Notice that every chromo-
some lines up next to its homologue. The pairing of homologous Word Roots and Origins
chromosomes, which does not occur in mitosis, is called synapsis.
Each pair of homologous chromosomes is called a tetrad. In each
tetrad, chromatids of the homologous chromosomes are aligned from the Greek tetras,
lengthwise so that the genes on one chromosome are adjacent to meaning “four”
the corresponding genes on the other chromosome.


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(with kinetochore)


(pair of homologous chromosomes)



FIGURE 8-11 During synapsis, the chromatids within a homologous pair twist
Meiosis occurs in diploid reproductive around one another, as shown in Figure 8-12. Portions of chro-
cells. Before meiosis begins, the DNA of matids may break off and attach to adjacent chromatids on the
the diploid reproductive cells is copied.
homologous chromosome—a process called crossing-over. This
Meiosis I results in two haploid cells.
Meiosis II results in four haploid process permits the exchange of genetic material between mater-
offspring cells. nal and paternal chromosomes. Thus, genetic recombination
results, because a new mixture of genetic material is created.

Metaphase I
During metaphase I (step 2 ), the tetrads line up randomly along the
midline of the dividing cell, as shown in Figure 8-11. The orientation
of the pair of chromosomes is random with respect to the poles of
the cell. Spindle fibers from one pole attach to the centromere of one
homologous chromosome. Spindle fibers from the opposite pole
attach to the other homologous chromosome of the pair.

Anaphase I
FIGURE 8-12 During anaphase I (step 3 ), each homologous chromosome (con-
Crossing-over occurs when chromosomes sisting of two chromatids attached by a centromere) moves to an
that make up a tetrad exchange portions opposite pole of the dividing cell. The random separation of the
of their chromatids during synapsis.
Crossing-over results in an exchange of homologous chromosomes is called independent assortment.
genes and in new combinations of genes. Independent assortment results in genetic variation.

Telophase I and Cytokinesis I

During telophase I (step 4 ), the chromosomes reach the opposite
ends of the cell, and cytokinesis begins. Notice that the new cells
contain a haploid number of chromosomes.
During meiosis I, the original cell produces two new cells, each
containing one chromosome from each homologous pair. The new
A Aa a A A a a cells contain half the number of chromosomes of the original cell.
However, each new cell contains two copies (as chromatids),
B b B b B b B b
because the original cell copied its DNA before meiosis I.

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Chromatids separate Haploid offspring cells



Meiosis II occurs in each cell formed during meiosis I and is not
preceded by the copying of DNA. The events of meiosis II are
shown above. In some species, meiosis II begins after the nuclear
membrane re-forms in the new cells. In other species, meiosis II
begins immediately following meiosis I.

Prophase II, Metaphase II, and Anaphase II

During prophase II (step 5 ), spindle fibers form and begin to move
the chromosomes toward the midline of the dividing cell. In
metaphase II (step 6 ), the chromosomes move to the midline of
the dividing cell, with each chromatid facing opposite poles of the
dividing cell. In anaphase II (step 7 ), the chromatids separate and
move toward opposite poles of the cell.

Telophase II and Cytokinesis II

In telophase II (step 8 ), a nuclear membrane forms around the FIGURE 8-13
chromosomes in each of the four new cells. Cytokinesis II then When the female gamete (the egg) joins
occurs, resulting in four new cells, each of which contains half of with a male gamete (sperm), the genetic
the original cell’s number of chromosomes. instructions from the male and female
are combined, and a new individiual is
formed. (SEM 1,225!)


In animals, the only cells that divide by meiosis are those that pro-
duce gametes within the reproductive organs. However, organisms
vary in timing and structures associated with gamete formation. In Sperm
humans, meiosis occurs in the testes (males) and the ovaries
(females). Figure 8-13 shows a male human gamete joining with a
female human gamete.


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In the testes, meiosis is involved in the production
of male gametes known as sperm cells or spermatozoa.
In the development of sperm cells, a diploid repro-
ductive cell divides meiotically to form four haploid
cells called spermatids. Each spermatid develops into
a mature sperm cell. The production of sperm cells is
called spermatogenesis, shown in Figure 8-14a.
Oogenesis (OH-oh-JEN-uh-sis) is the production of
mature egg cells, or ova. During oogenesis, a diploid
Sperm cells
reproductive cell divides meiotically to produce one
Egg cell Polar bodies
mature egg cell (ovum). During cytokinesis and
cytokinesis II of oogenesis, the cytoplasm of the
FIGURE 8-14 original cell is divided unequally between new cells. As Figure 8-14b
(a) In the formation of male gametes, shows, one cell, which develops into a mature egg cell, receives
the original cell produces four sperm most of the cytoplasm of the original cell. As a result, one egg cell
cells by meiosis. (b) In the formation of
is produced by meiosis. The other three products of meiosis,
egg cells, the original cell produces one
egg and three polar bodies by meiosis. called polar bodies, eventually will degenerate.
The egg cell receives most of the
original cell’s cytoplasm.

Sexual reproduction is the production of offspring through meio-
sis and the union of a sperm and an egg. Offspring produced by
sexual reproduction are genetically different from the parents
because genes are combined in new ways in meiosis. In fact, except
in the case of identical twins, sexually produced offspring contain unique combinations of their parents’ genes. The evolutionary
Topic: Meiosis advantage of sexual reproduction is that it enables species to
Keyword: HM60935 adapt rapidly to new conditions. For example, if disease strikes a
crop of grain, a few plants may have genetic variations that make
them resistant to the disease. Although many individuals may die,
these few resistant plants survive and reproduce.

1. How do the end products of meiosis differ from CRITICAL THINKING
the end products of mitosis? 7. Applying Information Explain why the chromo-
2. How does anaphase I in meiosis differ from somes in the haploid cells that are produced by
anaphase in mitosis? meiosis I look different from those produced by
3. Explain the role of crossing-over in ensuring meiosis II.
genetic variation. 8. Relating Concepts Explain how it might hap-
4. During which stage of meiosis is the diploid pen that a human offspring with 47 chromo-
number of chromosomes reduced to the haploid somes could be produced.
number of chromosomes? 9. Distinguishing Relevant Information In
5. Describe the differences between spermatogen- humans, the egg is larger than the sperm.
esis and oogenesis. Explain how it is possible that a child inherits
equally from its mother and father.
6. Why is meiosis essential to sexual reproduction?

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SECTION 1 Chromosomes
● Chromosomes are tightly coiled DNA molecules. In ● Sex chromosomes are chromosomes that determine the
eukaryotes, proteins called histones help maintain the sex of an organism. All of the other chromosomes in an
compact structure of chromosomes. organism are autosomes.
● Chromosomes in prokaryotes are simpler than chromosomes ● Cells having two sets of chromosomes are diploid (2n).
in eukaryotes. Haploid cells (1n) have half the number of chromosomes
● Each species has a characteristic number of chromosomes that are present in diploid cells.
in each cell.

chromosome (p. 151) centromere (p. 152) autosome (p. 152) karyotype (p. 153)
histone (p. 151) chromatin (p. 152) homologous diploid (p. 153)
chromatid (p. 152) sex chromosome (p. 152) chromosome (p. 152) haploid (p. 153)

SECTION 2 Cell Division

● Cell division is the process by which cells reproduce ● Mitosis is divided into prophase, metaphase, anaphase,
themselves. Binary fission is the process of cell division and telophase. Mitosis results in two offspring cells that
in prokaryotes. are genetically identical to the original cell.
● The cell cycle is the repeating set of events in the life of a ● During cytokinesis in animal cells, a cleavage furrow
cell. The cell cycle consists of cell division and interphase. pinches in and eventually separates the dividing cell into
● Cell division in eukaryotes includes nuclear division two cells. In plant cells, a cell plate separates the dividing
(mitosis) and the division of cytoplasm (cytokinesis). cell into two cells.
● Interphase consists of growth (G1), DNA replication (S), ● Cell division in eukaryotes is controlled by many proteins.
and preparation for cell division (G2). Control occurs at three main checkpoints. Cancer may
result if cells do not respond to control mechanisms.

binary fission (p. 154) gamete (p. 155) prophase (p. 156) anaphase (p. 157)
mitosis (p. 155) interphase (p. 155) spindle fiber (p. 156) telophase (p. 157)
asexual reproduction (p. 155) cytokinesis (p. 155) metaphase (p. 157) cell plate (p. 158)
meiosis (p. 155)

SECTION 3 Meiosis
● Meiosis is a process of nuclear division that reduces the ● Meiosis II includes prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II,
number of chromosomes in new cells to half the number and telophase II. Four new haploid cells result.
in the original cell. Meiosis produces gametes. ● Spermatogenesis is the process by which sperm cells
● Cells undergoing meiosis divide twice. Diploid cells that are produced. Oogenesis is the process that produces
divide meiotically result in four haploid cells rather than egg cells.
two diploid cells as in mitosis. ● Sexual reproduction is the formation of offspring through
● Meiosis I includes prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, the union of a sperm and an egg. Offspring produced by
and telophase I. Crossing-over during prophase I results sexual reproduction are genetically different from the
in genetic recombination. parents.

synapsis (p. 161) genetic recombination (p. 162) spermatogenesis (p. 164) polar body (p. 164)
tetrad (p. 161) independent assortment (p. 162) oogenesis (p. 164) sexual reproduction (p. 164)
crossing-over (p. 162)


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USING VOCABULARY 20. Identify the relationship between sexual repro-

duction and genetic variation.
1. For each pair of terms, explain how the meanings 21. Unit 4—Cell Reproduction
of the terms differ. Write a report summarizing how
a. autosome and sex chromosome different cancer-fighting drugs
b. synapsis and crossing-over kill cancer cells by interrupting
c. haploid and diploid the events of the cell cycle.
2. Explain the relationship between the terms 22. CONCEPT MAPPING Use the following
chromosome and homologous chromosomes. terms to create a concept map that
3. Use the following terms in the same sentence: shows the connection between cellular division
mitosis, meiosis, and cytokinesis. in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: binary fission,
cell cycle, cytokinesis, eukaryote, mitosis,
4. Word Roots and Origins The word oogenesis is and prokaryote.
derived from the Greek oion, which means “egg,”
and geneia, which means “birth.” Using this infor-
mation, explain why the term oogenesis is a good CRITICAL THINKING
name for the biological process it describes.
23. Predicting Results Can mitosis occur in the
absence of cytokinesis? Support your answer. If
UNDERSTANDING KEY CONCEPTS your answer is yes, describe how the new cell
would appear in the G1 phase.
5. Describe the structure of a chromosome.
24. Making Calculations If you consider the mass
6. Compare prokaryotic chromosomes with eukary- of DNA in a sperm (a haploid cell) to be 1, what
otic chromosomes. would the relative value be for the DNA mass of
7. State the number of chromosomes in normal a cell in the G2 phase of the cell cycle?
human cells. 25. Applying Information Does a cell in metaphase II
8. Identify the type of chromosome that determines have the same mass of DNA as a diploid cell in
the sex of an organism. the G1 phase? Assume that both cells are from
9. Distinguish between haploid cells and diploid the same animal. Explain your answer.
cells. 26. Analyzing Information The events of mitosis in
10. Define the term binary fission. In what type of plants and animals are very similar, with the
organism does this type of cell division occur? exception of the absence of centrioles in plants.
How has the absence of centrioles in plant cells
11. Differentiate mitosis from cytokinesis. influenced scientists’ thinking about the function
12. Describe the events that occur in the G0, G1, and of centrioles in mitosis?
G2 phases. 27. Interpreting Graphics The photograph below
13. Summarize the phases of mitosis. shows cell division in a grasshopper testis. The
14. Describe the process of cytokinesis in plant cells. offspring cells are gametes. Do you think the
photograph shows mitosis or meiosis? Explain
15. List the three main checkpoints at which the cell your answer.
cycle is controlled.
16. Identify the type of nuclear division that results
in haploid cells.
17. Compare the phases of meiosis I with those of
meiosis II.
18. Name the meiotic process that results in genetic
19. Summarize the major characteristics of spermato-
genesis and oogenesis.

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Standardized Test Preparation
DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the answer choice DIRECTIONS: Complete the following analogy.
that best answers the question. 5. prokaryote : binary fission :: eukaryote :
1. Which of the following statements about prokary- A. mitosis
otic chromosomes is true? B. cytokinesis
A. Prokaryotes have at least two chromosomes. C. crossing-over
B. Prokaryotic chromosomes consist of a circu- D. genetic recombination
lar DNA molecule.
C. Prokaryotic chromosomes include histone INTERPRETING GRAPHICS: The diagram below
and nonhistone proteins. shows a model of cell division. Use the diagram to
D. Prokaryotic chromosomes are made of DNA answer the question that follows.
wrapped tightly around histone proteins.
2. Crossing-over occurs during which process?
F. mitosis
G. meiosis I
H. meiosis II
J. interphase

INTERPRETING GRAPHICS: The graph below shows

the relative mass of DNA and chromosome number 6. Which type of cell division is shown in the
for a cell undergoing mitosis. Use the graph to answer diagram?
the questions that follow. F. mitosis
G. meiosis
H. binary fission
Mitosis J. sexual reproduction

Human cells are either diploid or haploid. All human
cells with 46 chromosomes are diploid.
Would a human cell with any 23 chromosomes be
haploid? Explain your answer.

Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase/ For a cell to function efficiently, its surface area must
cytokinesis exceed that of its volume.

DNA mass
Part A Explain how cell division maintains the rela-
Chromosome number
tionship between surface area and volume.
Part B How does a stable ratio between surface
3. In which phase of mitosis do chromatids sepa- area and volume help maintain proper cell
rate and become individual chromosomes? functioning?
A. prophase
B. metaphase
C. anaphase
D. telophase/cytokinesis
4. What process occurs that leads to the decrease
in the cell’s DNA mass?
F. prophase
G. metaphase
H. anaphase
J. telophase/cytokinesis
To help you learn the stages of
mitosis and meiosis, make a note card describing
each stage, mix the cards up, and practice reordering
the stages.


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Observing Mitosis in Plant Cells

OBJECTIVES PART A Identifying the Phases of
■ Examine the dividing root-tip cells of an onion.
■ Identify the phase of mitosis that different cells in an 1. Look at the photograph below of a longitudinal sec-
onion root tip are undergoing. tion of an onion root tip. Find the meristem on the
■ Determine the relative length of time each phase of photograph. As you can see, the meristem is located
mitosis takes in onion root-tip cells. just behind the root cap.


■ observing
■ classifying
■ collecting
■ organizing
■ analyzing data
■ calculating
MATERIALS meristem
■ compound light microscope
■ prepared microscope slide of a longitudinal section of
Allium (onion) root tip

1. Mitosis is divided into four phases: prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
Root cap
2. Interphase is not considered a part of mitosis.
3. List the visible characteristics of each phase of
mitosis. 2. CAUTION Slides break easily. Use caution
4. In many plants, there are growth regions called when handling them. Using low power on
meristems where mitosis is ongoing. Meristems are your microscope, bring the meristem region on your
found in the tips of plant roots and shoots. slide into focus.


Phase of mitosis Tally marks Count Percentage Time (in minutes)





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Phase of mitosis Count Percentage Time (in minutes)





3. In your lab report, prepare a data table like Table A. 9. Record the actual time for each phase in your data
4. Examine the meristem carefully. Choose a sample of table.
about 50 cells. Look for a group of cells that appear to 10. Make another data table, similar to Table B, shown
have been actively dividing at the time that the slide above. Collect and record the count for each phase
was made. The cells will appear in rows, so it should of mitosis for the entire class. Fill in the percentage
be easy to keep track of them. The dark-staining and time information using the data collected by the
bodies are the chromosomes. entire class.
5. For each of the cells in your sample, identify the stage 11. Clean up your materials before leaving
of mitosis and place a mark in the “Tally marks” the lab.
column beside the appropriate phase.
Analysis and Conclusions
PART B Calculating the Relative 1. What color are the chromosomes stained?
Length of Each Phase 2. How can you distinguish between early and late
6. When you have classified each cell in your sample, anaphase?
count the tally marks for each phase and fill in the 3. According to your data table, which phase of mitosis
“Count” column. In which phase of mitosis were the lasts the longest? Why might this phase require more
greatest number of cells? In which phase were the time than other phases of mitosis?
fewest number of cells? 4. According to your data table, which phase takes the
7. Calculate the percentage of cells found in each phase. least amount of time?
Divide the number of cells in a phase by the total 5. How do your results compare with those of the entire
number of cells in your sample, and multiply by 100 class?
percent. Enter the figures under “Percentage.” 6. In this investigation, you assumed that the percentage of
8. The percentage of cells found in each phase can be the total time that any given phase takes is equal to the
used as a measure of how long each phase lasts. For percentage of cells in that phase at any moment. Why
example, if 25 percent of the cells are in prophase, might this not be true for very small samples of cells?
then prophase takes 25 percent of the total time it
takes for a cell to undergo mitosis. Mitosis in onion Further Inquiry
cells takes about 80 minutes. Calculate the actual time 1. Given the rate of mitosis in a type of animal cells, how
for each phase using this information and the percent- could you determine how long each phase of mitosis
age you have just determined. takes in those cells?
2. Cancerous tissue is composed of cells undergoing
Duration of phase (in minutes) ! uncontrolled, rapid cell division. How could you
percentage develop a procedure to identify cancerous tissue by
"" # 80 minutes
100 counting the number of cells undergoing mitosis?


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