Mesolithic Europe

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Mesolithic Culture of Europe

(Azilian, Tardenoisian, Maglemosian, Kitchen Midden)

The Mesolithic period falls between Palaeolithic and Neolithic in time. In
Lubbock’s original division of the Stone Age
into two periods; the Palaeolithic and the
Neolithic, were thought to have been
separated by a hiatus. Subsequent
excavations at
Mas d’Azil in
France and
other sitesm
the existence of Early Holocene hunting and
gathering cultures in mid-latitude regions. By the last quarter of the nineteenth
century, several authors like A. Brown had suggested independently the use of
the term Mesolithic for these industries, although the first synthetic studies of
European Mesolithic industries, compiled by J.G.D. Clark, were not published
until the 1950s.
The Mesolithic is the period of the last hunter-gatherers of Europe
beginning on the onset of the Holocene, around 10,300 BP. The end of the
Mesolithic is characterized by the appearance of agricultural economies, usually
along with other changes such as permanent villages and ceramic vessels.
Because this economic transition occurred at different times throughout the
continent, the dates for the end of the Mesolithic differ across Europe. In
general, hunting and gathering persisted longer as the dominant economy in the

north, and hence the Mesolithic lasts considerably longer in the northern parts
of the continent.

Epipalaeolithic is a loosely defined chronological or cultural
classification applied to the last phase of the Palaeolithic period. In the past,
researchers of European prehistory have sometimes used the term to describe
the period between the Palaeolithic and the Mesolithic. During this interval the
material culture complexes in Europe, such as the Azilian, exhibit certain
aspects of Magdalenian technology and subsistence and make use of many of
the same sites but lack key cultural indicators of the Upper Palaeolithic such as
developed art and lack microlithic technology, and so have fallen outside the
traditional classification of the Mesolithic. Confusingly, the term is also
occasionally used in the European context, to denote the entire interval between
the Magdalenian and the farming cultures of the first Neolithic phase.
The term Epipalaeolithic is used in place of
Mesolithic to describe final Late Pleistocene and
Holocene assemblages that reflect a continuation of a
Palaeolithic way of life, based on hunting of large
herbivores, from ca. 12 Ka to as late as 3 Ka, in northern
Europe. Tool kits are highly variable but often include
small tanged or backed points, scrapers and burins, a
wide range of bone and antler
tools including barbed
harpoons, and some geometric
microliths reflecting the
development of composite
tools. Specific industries may
include the reindeer-hunting cultures such as Hamburgian, Ahrensburgian of the

North European plain; the Maglemosian of the North European plain; the
Azilian, the Sauveterrian, and the Tardenoisian of France and Belgium; the
Asturian of Spain; the Romanellian of Italy; the Creswellian of England; and
comparable industries from Provence, Portugal, and other areas of Europe.
Some authors limit the use of the term Epipaleolithic to industries of southern
and southeastern Europe, as well as Africa, where greater continuity exists
between Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene adaptations due to greater
environmental continuity over the period involved. Other users of Epipaleolithic
reserve the designation Mesolithic for industries that reflect economic
intensification in the direction of domestication, sedentism, or environmental
One major difference between Upper Palaeolithic and Epipaleolithic
cultures in Europe is the apparent disappearance of widespread imaging
traditions based on animals. The few images associated with these sites are
either abstract (Azilian) or represent schematic human figures (Asturian).
Distribution of Mesolithic Sites in Europe
The Mesolithic sites are
generally very abundant in
Europe. Southern Germany and
Switzerland together, for
example, have over 1500 known
sites of this period. Over 400 are
known from France and more
than 2000 from Austria, the
Czech Republic, North-eastern
Germany, and southern Poland. Mesolithic sites appear to be also abundant in
the British Isles, Holland, Belgium, Scandinavia, Russia, Italy, and Spain. By
contrast, portions of South-eastern Europe, notably Bulgaria and Greece, appear

to have relatively few known Mesolithic sites. Some of the important Mesolithic
sites of Europe are:
1. Portugal: Cabeco da Amoreira, Cabeco da Arruda, Moita do Sebastiao
2. France: Dourgne, Gazel, Montclus, Chateauneuf, Teviec, Hoedic,
Mannlefelsen etc.
3. Ireland: Mount Sandel etc.
4. England: Star Carr, Seamer Carr etc.
5. Belgium: Bois Laiterie, Margaux, Remouchamps etc.
6. Germany: Bedburg-Konigshoven, Henauhof Nord II, Hohlenstein-Stadel,
Grosse Ofnet, Friesack, Schellnecker Wand, Hohen Viecheln etc.
7. Denmark: Prejlerup, Ertebolle, Ringkloster, Tybrind Vig, Dejro, Vaenget
Nord, Vedbaek, Svaerdborg, Holmegaard V, Stroby Egede etc.
8. Sweden: Skateholm, Loshult, Kams etc.
9. Latvia: Zvejnieki etc.
10. Russia: Oleneostrovski Mogilnik, Vis etc.
11. Serbia: Lepenski Vir etc.
12. Greece: Franchthi etc.
13. Italy: Uzzo etc.

Mesolithic Technologies
The most definitive and widespread
characteristic of Mesolithic technology is the
use of small, often geometric forms of
microliths. Microliths formed the basis for a
wide range of composite tools, including
arrows, barbed fish spears, and sickles. Since
the stone elements of composite tools could be
easily replaced in a haft of worked bone, antler,
or wood, composite tools may have
represented a more efficient technology, as
well as a way to create long detachable
arrowheads, and curved stone cutting edges
with multiple blades set in a sickle haft. The widespread use of very small

projectile points in the Mesolithic
suggests that arrow points may have been
designed to remain in the animal,
possibly to dissolve a poison into its
bloodstream, rather than to kill the
animal on contact.
In Europe, the sequential forms of microliths, from tanged/shouldered
points to triangles to trapezes, are often used to establish chronological and even
cultural relationships among the Azilian, Sauveterrian, Tardenoisian etc.,
although the regional distribution of these forms is extensive, and different
forms coexist or overlap in time.
The appearance of microliths suggests greater use of the bow in hunting.
Mesolithic subsistence was based on hunting of solitary and small herd-game,
as well as on fishing and birding. On the newly deglaciated North European
Plain, sites such as Hohen Viecheln suggest that the first human occupants of
these regions such as Ahrensburgian and Hamburgian groups continued late-
glacial hunting adaptations focus on reindeer and elk. Later North European
Mesolithic groups, such as the Maglemosian, increasingly focused their efforts
on red deer, wild cattle, and marine mammals. Mesolithic cultures from the
temperate forests of Europe, such as the Azilian, Tardenoisian, Sauveterrian,
and Montadian, furnish evidence of scheduled exploitation of forest resources,
including acorns, hazelnuts, wild cattle, boar, fallow deer, red deer, and ibex.
Chipped stone axes were common in northern European Mesolithic
contexts. Stone for axes was mined and transported over longer distances. The
development of Mesolithic bone-and-antler technology is equally unique. Bone,
antler, and wood formed the hafts of such composite tools as sickles, as well as
the points, barbed or smooth, of arrows, harpoons, fishhooks, and leisters.
The innovation in fishing enabled the fisher to tire the prey and to land a
greater proportion of the larger species. Other accessories of fishing, including

the nets themselves recovered from sites in
northern Germany and Scandinavia,
demonstrate the use of various fishing
strategies such as nets, traps, weirs, harpoons,
lines by Mesolithic peoples. Dugout canoes
and paddles indicate the widespread use of
Azilian is the Epipaleolithic or Early Mesolithic industry of Western
Europe. The term was introduced by the French Prehistorian E. Piette in 1899 to
describe a phase in the transition from the Palaeolithic to the Neolithic.
Specifically, Piette had discovered in the deposits of the Mas d’Azil cave near
Ariege in the Pyrenees region of France, a tool assemblage consisting of flat
harpoons made of deer horn and a collection of
various sized and shaped pebbles decorated with
coloured schematic designs. Although his
interpretation of these artifacts was initially
resisted, subsequent discoveries in other sites
throughout France and elsewhere in northern
Europe, such as at the Ofnet Cave, near Bayern,
Germany by H. Breuil in 1909 verified his
original proposal. Today, the Azilian is generally
Ofnet Cave in Germany
regarded as representing an initial phase in the
Mesolithic cultural sequence, which is dated to 11–9 Ka.
The Azilian industry is the transitional period between the Upper
Palaeolithic Magdalenian industry and Mesolithic. Because the Azilian appears
at the end of the last glaciation, it has traditionally been regarded as marking the
beginning of cultural and technological adoptions to a postglacial environment.

The Azilian was first excavated in 1874 at Abri Duruthy in France. The
sites of Mas d’Azil and La Tourasse are regarded as its type-sites. The Azilian
assemblage contains flat single-row Azilian harpoons often with button-hole
perforations and curious painted Azilian pebbles.
The Azilian assemblages are identified by their high proportion of backed
bladelets and small end-scrapers; a low but variable proportion of burins; and
the presence of Azilian points.
The Azilian is characterized by the replacement of the rich naturalistic
mobiliary and parietal art of the preceding Magdalenian with a rather limited art
of a much simpler geometric style. This art is occasionally manifested on bone
tools, but most characteristically on the famous painted and occasionally
engraved Azilian pebbles found in great concentrations at Mas d’Azil and
Rochdane etc. in France and several sites of Spain, Switzerland and Italy. Single
and multiple dots and strokes running across the width of the pebbles are the
most common motifs. More complex designs include crosses, wavy lines, and
longitudinal lines hatched with short strokes. The motifs are usually painted in
red, or occasionally black, but some are engraved.
The Tardenoisian stage of the classic
ic sequence of inland
France dated to ca. 8–6
Ka or possibly later,
was named after the
type site of Fere-en-Tardenois. It is distinguished from earlier industries by the
presence of geometric microliths, microburin, scalene triangles, trapezoids, and
points with concave bases. The term is sometimes used to describe industries
with geometric microliths from other regions, such as eastern Europe, as well as

to distinguish northern French sites of Tardenoisian
industry from southern ones of Sauveterrian industry.
The term Tardenoisian is
applied to an ill-defined group of
Mesolithic assemblages,
characterized principally by the
presence of asymmetrical trapezes and long blades.
Assemblages with Tardenoisian characteristics can be
identified across Europe from Iberia to Sweden
excluding Britain, centring on northern France. Tardenoisian assemblages are
generally thought to post-date assemblages defined as Maglemosian and those
defined as Sauveterrian; however, the relationship with the Sauveterrian has
been the subject of much debate.

Maglemosian, also spelt as Maglemosean, is the widespread family of
early Mesolithic industries, extending from Britain across the North European
Plain, defined in the Magle Mose bogland area of Zealand, Holland. The lithic
industry is characterized by the presence of axes, obliquely blunted points and

flints. The presence of microliths and axes
differentiate the assemblages from those of the
Upper Palaeolithic. The sites of northern
Britain with Maglemosian characteristics are
culturally distinct from the non-Maglemosian
lowland sites.
Most Maglemosian
sites represent summer and
fall lakeshore settlements,
some with small individual or
nuclear-family hut floors, in which both the hunting of forest
species such as aurochs, elk, red deer, roe deer and the
consumption of marine or lacustrine resources such as fish,
shellfish, seals are reflected in the faunal remains, as well as in
the artifacts. In addition to a stone industry with chipped-core axes and
microliths, such as lunates and backed bladelets, Maglemosian sites have
yielded wooden paddles, net weights, nets, floats, canoes, fishhooks, barbed and
notched points and harpoons, and even nutshells due to the excellent organic
preservation of wet sites.
The Maglemosian Open-Air Site of Star Carr
Star Carr is the most famous Mesolithic
Maglemosian open-air site in Yorkshire of
England excavated in the 1950s by J.G.D. Clark
and dated to ca. 9.5 Ka by radiocarbon dating.
It is a wet site with excellent organic
preservation. The site has yielded remains of a
brush pile or platform at the edge of a former
lake, possibly representing a dump rather than a
prehistoric campsite. It is associated with barbed antler spearheads, bone awls,

and scrapers, and a large series of antler frontlets, variously interpreted as ritual
objects, hunting disguises, or a raw-material cache. A wooden paddle and a roll
of birch bark suggest the presence of construction of boats. The stone industry
included flint axes and geometric microliths, such as angular backed bladelets
approaching trapezes, probably relating to arrow manufacture.
The associated fauna is dominated by red-deer remains, possibly
representing repeated winter hunting episodes, and it also includes the earliest
European evidence for the domesticated dog. In contrast to other Maglemosian
sites, fish remains were not recovered. The excavation and interpretation of the
site reflect the economic approach to prehistory. Clark’s work at Star Carr is
regarded as a pioneering example of a multidisciplinary investigation.
Kitchen Midden
The term Kitchen Midden is used
in a general sense to describe an
archaeological deposit formed largely of
refuse from food preparation and, in a
more particular sense, to describe large
mounds of shells with associated cultural
debris found at some coastal sites.
Examples of the latter include the Asturian complex in northern Spain and the
Ertebolle culture in Denmark and Scandinavia. Another group is located at the
mouth of the Tagus in Portugal. While shell middens are a particular feature of
Mesolithic Atlantic economies, they also exist in the Mediterranean, for
example, Ile de Riou in the bay of Marseilles has impressive limpet middens
perhaps dating from 6000–5000 BC.
Recent studies of shell middens have tended to stress that although they
often form the most impressive physical evidence of a hunting gathering
economy in overall nutritional terms, they may only form a minor or seasonal
part of a much more complicated foraging strategy. Even where marine

resources underpinned a hunter-gatherer economy, sea-bird catching, egg
collecting and fishing may have been more important components in terms of
their nutritional value.
Other Mesolithic Industries of Europe
There are several other regional industries of the Mesolithic period in
Europe like Sauveterrian, Asturian, Kunda culture etc. discussed below.
The Sauveterrian is a Mesolithic assemblages characterized principally by
the presence of small triangular points and narrow blades. First identified at the
site of Sauveterre-la Lemance in southwest France, the assemblages date from
about 7000 BC onwards, being produced for perhaps a millennium. S.K.
Kozłowski interprets the Sauveterrian as an assemblage type, originally
including a specific tool-kit, that evolved in southern France and was then
adapted to a greater or lesser extent through much of west and central Europe
including Britain. Sauveterrian assemblages are generally thought to post-date
the Maglemosian, or to be contemporary with the later Maglemosian, and to
predate the Tardenoisian; however, the relationship with the Tardenoisian has
been the subject of much debate.
Asturian is the Mesolithic stone and bone industry linked to the shell-
midden sites of northern Spain. The Asturian lithic industry is crude and has a
high proportion of heavy duty tools, including a unifacial pick. Compared to the
Azilian, it exhibits a relatively high proportion of serrated artefacts and a
relatively low proportion of backed bladelets. The Asturian was identified as a
distinct culture after excavations by Vega del Sella at the cave of El Penicial in
Asturias in Spain in 1914.
The term Kunda is used to denote a Mesolithic cultural tradition that
spread across Estonia, northern Latvia and neighbouring regions of
northwestern Russia. The type site is Kunda, located in northern Estonia, east of
the city of Tallinn. The fauna includes elk, brown bear and beaver. The Kunda-
type industry comprises tanged points, points and adzes. The stratified site of

Narva has yielded faunal remains of elk, red deer, wild pig, roe deer, brown
bear and seal.
Economic Features of the Mesolithic in Europe
The meaning of Mesolithic and the list of industries assigned to this
interval are far from uniform. The term carries technological (microliths,
composite tools), chronological (Early Holocene), and socioeconomic (broad-
spectrum resource use, economic intensification, semi-sedentism) connotations.
Some scholars reserve the designation
Mesolithic for northern and western Europe,
where societies adapted to forest-based
subsistence, practicing hunting, gathering, and
fishing, and using composite tools succeeded
one another before the advent of domesticated
stock and agriculture. In this view, societies that
continued a Palaeolithic way of life, characterized by nomadic hunting of large
herbivores, or whose tool traditions continue relatively unchanged from Late
Pleistocene to Holocene times, are referred to the Epipaleolithic, a term
originally suggested by H. Obermaier as a synonym for Mesolithic. Such
societies were found in the extreme north of Europe, where reindeer hunting
continued to form the subsistence base, and in the Mediterranean Basin, where
red deer and other forest species dominated both Late Pleistocene and Holocene
Like the other major divisions of prehistory, the Mesolithic is associated
with fundamental socio-economic as well as technological changes. According
to some scholars, the term Mesolithic is synonymous with the particular type of
hunting, fishing and gathering economy that evolved as a response to post-
glacial environmental changes such as afforestation.
The advancement of the economic and material culture during the
Mesolithic include extensive forest clearance and an associated technology of

mattocks, and tree-felling axes; elaborate seasonal scheduling of resource
exploitation; domestication of the dog; the use of the bow and the development
of microlithic technology; the development of river canoes and sea-going craft
together with sophisticated fishing gear including the first evidence for nets and
hooks; skis; and long-range exchange networks evidenced by the spread of
Mediterranean obsidian and Polish chocolate-coloured flint.
An important point is the proportion of arrowheads in Mesolithic
assemblages especially in Tardenoisian assemblages, which is distinctly higher
than in the Magdalenian and has led to the characterisation of the Mesolithic as
essentially the era of hunting with a bow. The components of the diversifying
Mesolithic economy show great variation from region to region, and the new
methodological approach of foraging theory is increasingly applied to try to
explain these complex strategies. In the Pyrenees and in many areas of northern
and western Europe, red deer and wild pigs became a principal prey, while at
sites in both northern and southern Europe there is evidence for specialized
marine fishing. The impressive shellfish middens of the Asturian and Ertebolle
economies, but probably seasonal, exploitation of coastal resources.
Mesolithic economy made increasing use of plant foods. Some scholars
have been tempted to see pre-adaptations to the coming agricultural revolution
in the intensifying use of plant resources, suggesting that a primitive form of
animal husbandry developed in the Mesolithic. They also point to the
domestication of the dog, the development of storage facilities and associated
semi-sedentism, and the social developments reflected in the advent of
cemeteries in some regions and the increasing deposition of grave goods.
The later Mesolithic period of southern Scandinavia (c. 7500–5000 BP) is
characterized by a large series of settlements with well-preserved faunal
remains. Considerable inter-site variability has been identified, in terms of the
frequency of different species and the season of year when they were exploited.
Rowley-Conwy has suggested that Danish sites such as Ertebolle, Bjornsholm

and Meilgaard are likely to have been large base camps and possibly permanent
settlements. These are found in generalized locations that give access to coastal,
terrestrial and freshwater resources.
Aggersund in Denmark contains very high frequencies of Whooper swan,
and the evidence indicates winter occupation, while Vaengo So, located on a
small islet a few metres from the shore, has an assemblage of whale bones and
is likely to have been a location where stranded whales were exploited. A
similar range of sites is found in southern Sweden. Here the large multi-phase
settlement cemetery site of Skateholm has a remarkably diverse faunal
assemblage indicating hunting in all biomes and all seasons of the year.
The British waterlogged site of Star Carr has provided detailed
information about Mesolithic economic activities, including evidence for
domesticated dog. In general, the Mesolithic witnesses a decline in long-
distance connections between different regions and an increasingly local and
regional scale of social organization. Later Mesolithic sites are concentrated
around more productive estuarine areas, where prolonged shellfish collection
created enormous middens, i.e. piles of discarded shells. The cemetery of
Vedbaek in Denmark provides evidence for complex Mesolithic mortuary
The economic and technological developments of the Mesolithic also
made possible a greater degree of sedentism, often based on fishing. Elsewhere
in Europe and western Asia, small lakeshore huts may have been seasonally
reoccupied in alternation with rock shelters or forest camps. Within-settlement
differentiation of activities and public vs. family areas is more marked than
previously. Large Mesolithic cemeteries in southern Scandinavia also argue for
increased sedentism. Finally, the sizes of social territories, whose boundaries
are reflected in trade networks, microlith styles, bone-point forms, and
decorative motifs, are correspondingly reduced from Palaeolithic times.

Broad-Spectrum Revolution during the Mesolithic Period
In 1965, K.V. Flannery introduced the concept of the broad spectrum
revolution to emphasize the shift in man-land relationships that took place in the
final Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene. Mesolithic or its equivalent
represented a level of more intensive exploitation of the natural environment.
Small-scale resources like fish, shellfish, nuts, snails, birds, and tortoises were
increasingly important in the diet of Holocene hunters, who developed new
strategies and technologies for taking large non-migratory forest and marine
species. At Franchthi Cave in Greece, for example, tuna represent 50 percent of
the faunal remains by the Late Mesolithic. The scheduling of resource use was
particularly important. Although the site of Star Carr in England was occupied
by red-deer hunters in winter and early spring, Maglemosian lakeside sites of
northern Europe reflect largely summer and fall occupations, when both nut
harvesting and fishing opportunities were at a maximum. Seasonal movement
from lowland winter camps to upland hunting settlements is documented for the
Late Palaeolithic and the Mesolithic of Greece.
The Mesolithic period witnessed massive readjustments to the
environmental changes at the end of the last ice age. As the tundra and large
animal herds of the Palaeolithic period disappeared, people adapted to the new,
forested habitats. Hunting continued its importance, but shifted to focus on deer
and other woodland animals. Small game, fish, birds, and plants increased their
importance as subsistence diversified.
By the end of the Mesolithic, economies in some regions were strongly
focused on marine or inland aquatic resources. Accompanying these changes in
subsistence was a number of technological innovations that led to greater

efficiency of hunting and increased ease of travel. Initially, people were quite
mobile and utilized many different parts of their habitat, but gradually they
began to restrict their movements to limited areas and to concentrate their
settlements in only parts of the landscape.
In some regions, notably coastal Denmark and south Sweden and
especially the Iron Gates area of the Danube, residence appears to have become
virtually sedentary. Art proliferated, largely in the form of decorations on
implements and personal ornaments, and some materials were exchanged over
large distances. Cemeteries appear in certain rich areas and document a rich
complex of ceremonial activities focused on death. Social distinctions become
increasingly evident, suggesting greater complexity in roles and status. In some
regions, interpersonal violence is well documented and suggests an increasingly
crowded and competitive social landscape.



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