CMPS251 Project Phase 2 Fall22
CMPS251 Project Phase 2 Fall22
CMPS251 Project Phase 2 Fall22
In Phase II your task is to develop the user interface for the Club registration App using JavaFX. The
system should meet the following requirements.
1. Display the Main UI Window that allows the users to choose member, or session window
2. Member UI Window that allows the users to choose customer, administrator or coach window
3. Customer/ Administrator/ Coach UI allow the user to add, update, delete for a specific customer/
administrator/ coach.
4. Session UI window should allow the user to register, unregister customers in the system
Your system should have a GUI interface to interact with system users and should use files to save data
permanently. Not using files will result in losing 10% of the project grade.
Below are some of the screenshots for the GUI you suppose to create in phase II of the project. The
following screenshot are guidelines of how the system should look like. They are the minimal
requirements. However, if some of you would like to improve the design or implement more
functionalities, then you are free to do so.
Main UI Window
This window is loaded when you first start the application [Fig.1].
Member UI Window
This window is loaded when you click on member button [Fig. 2].
Delete Customer
If the user does not select any customer you should display a warning message saying , “please select a
customer to delete”
If the user selects a customer and presses on the delete button then give a confirmation message saying ,
“Do you want to delete customer no: X ”
You will create similar windows for administrator/ coach as customer windows.
Session View
This window is shown when the user clicks on the Sessions Button inside the Main View shown [Fig.1].
The following are the steps you need to implement.
1. You should populate the customer ids and coach ids in the two drop down elements [Customer,
2. When the user selects a customer id, coach, start date, end date, and enter session name, price,
start time, end time, and then presses on Register button. Then you need to use this information
to create a Session object and save this object into the file called sessions and display in the table.
Hint: before creating the session object, use the findCustomer and findCoach methods you
created in Phase 1, to get all customer and coach objects.
The below figure shows adding a rental
1. All the instruction in phase I apply here too, as these instructions are just a continuation of the
previous phase.
2. Please start immediately and plan your time so that you finish within the project period. Submissions
after the due date will incur a 25% penalty for every day or part of a day.
3. The name of the student who created a class must be written as the author using Javadoc comments.
Also, add the date of the creation of the class.
4. Each group should submit one softcopy of their work by uploading an archive of their project folder
to the course website on Blackboard under your group and also update their Phase I report by adding
phase II GUI.
5. Each student MUST submit a one-page confidential report (called the self-report) describing his/her
exact contribution to the project and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of working in
teams, based on your current experience with this project.
Evaluation criteria: