Report On Standard Method of Computing Noise Contours Around Civil Airports
Report On Standard Method of Computing Noise Contours Around Civil Airports
Report On Standard Method of Computing Noise Contours Around Civil Airports
3 bis, Villa Emile Bergerat
92522 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cédex
Second Edition
a) determination of a common method for noise footprint calculation and contour, the
work on contours being restricted to those technical problems that are common to
different cumulative aircraft noise exposure contour calculation methods;
c) review of the need to develop a common noise scale for use in ECAC policy
considerations affecting noise exposure around airports.
The outcome of the work above was adopted in 1985 by the Twelfth
Triennial Session, and published in 1986 as ECAC.CEAC Doc. 29. Apart from one amendment,
published in 1987, the document has remained unchanged until now.
Developments within the field have established the need for a total revision
of the document. Work has been undertaken by the APATSI Environmental Aspects (APENA)
sub-group of ANCAT, comprising experts from Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway, the
United Kingdom, the European Commission and the ECAC Secretariat. This proposed
complete revision to ECAC.CEAC Doc. 29 is primarily based on ICAO Circular 205-AN/1/25,
“Recommended Method for Computing Noise Contours around Airports” and Nord 1993:38,
“Air Traffic Noise Calculation - Nordic Guidelines”. The document is further based on material
made available to the sub-group during its five meetings.
2.2.1 Noise
2.2.3 Atmosphere
2.2.6 Subscripts
11.2.3 Correction on the inner side of a turn, within the circle defined
by the turn (Step 2)
The noise at points on the ground from aircraft flying into and out of a nearby
airport depends on a number of factors. Principal among these are the types of aeroplane and
their powerplant; the power, flap and airspeed management procedures used on the
aeroplanes themselves; the distances from the points concerned to the various flight paths; and
local topography and weather, affecting sound propagation. Airport operations generally
include different types of aeroplanes, various flight procedures and a range of operational
weights. Because of the large quantity of aeroplane-specific data and airport operational
information that would be required to compute the noise of each individual operation, it is
customary in airport noise studies to make certain simplifications, leading to estimates of noise
index values which are averages over long periods of time (typically several months).
Calculations are usually repeated at each of a series of points around the airport and then
interpolations are made to trace outlines of equal noise index values (noise "contours") which
are then used for study purposes.
Chapter 7 gives the method of calculating the noise at a grid point from an
individual aeroplane movement, depending on the distance to the aeroplane, the power setting
selected, the aeroplane speed as it flies past and extra attenuation of the sound levels in
propagation over an absorbing ground surface (lateral attenuation).
Noise levels over a range of distances from the aeroplane, for each of a
number of engine power settings. The levels include allowance for the effects of sound
attenuation due to spherical wave spreading (inverse-square law) and atmospheric absorption.
The distance parameter is defined by the perpendicular distance to the aeroplane flight path
(sometimes termed the slant distance or the slant range).
The elevation of the flight path, showing the variation of aeroplane height
along the ground track.
A line of constant noise level around a runway, due to the noise of one take-
off and one landing of an aircraft, operating under prescribed conditions (including weather,
atmospheric conditions, flight profile, etc.).
A line of constant value of a noise scale or index around an airport, due to the
noise of a traffic mix of aeroplanes under normal operating conditions and using normal flight
2.2.1 Noise
p Sound pressure
t Time
P Take-off coefficient
R Climb/descent coefficient
RC Rate of climb
W Aeroplane weight
M Aeroplane mass
V Aeroplane speed
f Acceleration factor
h Aeroplane height
g Gravitational acceleration
hp Pressure altitude
2.2.3 Atmosphere
θ T/To
δ P/P o
σ ρ / ρo (also δ / θ)
Eξ Thrust/noise constant
Gξ Altitude coefficient
Hξ Temperature coefficient
Aν Noise constant
Bν Thrust coefficient
Cν Speed-altitude coefficient
2.2.6 Subscripts
AP Approach
CL Climb
FR Flap retraction
TO Take-off
s Standard deviation
r Radial distance
For an airport noise study, the calculations comprise the following, in order:
The noise levels for individual movements are calculated, for given
atmospheric conditions assuming flat terrain, from noise-power-distance and aeroplane
performance data (see 4.2.5). The conditions for the noise data are defined by atmospheric
attenuation rates, for which the yearly averages drawn from several major world airports are
assumed. The performance data are for defined atmospheric temperature and humidity, airport
altitude and wind speed. However, given that the calculated noise contours depict average
conditions over a long period of time, the same basic data are assumed to apply over specified
ranges of conditions. The form of presentation, methods of derivation and reference conditions
for the aeroplane data are given in Chapter 4.
The specification for noise data in Chapter 4 includes two noise descriptors.
These are the maximum A-weighted sound pressure level occurring at some instant during an
aeroplane movement, and the sound exposure level, which is the level of an integral with time of
the square of the A-weighted sound pressure during the aeroplane movement (see 4.1.2).
b) noise and performance data for each of the aeroplane types concerned, supplied
in accordance with the specifications of Chapter 4;
d) the number of movements per aeroplane type on each route within the period
chosen for the calculation including - depending on the actual index chosen - the
time of day for each movement;
e) the operational data and flight procedures relating to each route (including
aeroplane masses, power settings, speeds and configurations during different
flight segments); and
The above process is repeated at the same point for all the movements of all
the aeroplane types occurring within the time period over which the noise contours are to be
calculated, and then again at all the other grid points. In an airport noise study, it may not be
practicable to account for each aeroplane type separately when calculating flight profiles and
noise levels. In such cases, different aeroplane types having similar noise characteristics and
also similar performance at a particular airport may be categorized or grouped as, effectively, a
single type at that airport (see chapter 5). This is especially likely to be the case in studies with
future fleet mix scenarios. For such categorized or grouped types on a given route, the
calculations as above need only be made once and the resultant noise levels at the grid points
are then factored according to the number of movements of the type in the noise index
The framework is described below according to which the "basic" noise and
associated aircraft performance information on fixed-wing aircraft, for use in the computation of
aircraft noise contours around an airport, should be obtained, composed and presented.
The noise data should cover a range of noise-related thrust parameter values
and perpendicular distances to the flight path. For each noise-related thrust parameter value
from approach to take-off, the data should be given in numerical tabular form, as illustrated in
Figure 1. In addition, a graphical presentation may be used for reference. The following
information should also be provided.
Aeroplane : _______________
Engines : _______________
Slant distance 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800
L Amax (dB)
L AE (dB)
Slant 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000
distance (m)
L Amax (dB)
L AE (dB)
Note : All noise levels are to be normalized to conform with the attenuation rates of Table I.
The noise levels given should be those occurring directly under the flight
path during steady flight, that is, a constant speed of 160 knots, constant configuration and
thrust setting, without banking. The aeroplane configuration and flight speed to which the
noise levels correspond should be identified on the tables and graphs.
The physical quantity selected for the noise-related thrust parameter should
be directly compatible with that presented in the performance information (see section 4.2).
Typical parameters are, amongst others, corrected net thrust, fan speed, propeller speed and
engine shaft horse power.
Note : The sound exposure level, LAE , is defined (see ref. 1) as follows :
L AE = 10log (1 / t 0 )∫t [p2A (t)/ p2O ]dt
where p A (t) is the instantaneous A-weighted sound pressure, (t2 - t 1 ) is a stated time interval
long enough to encompass all significant sound of a stated event, po is the reference sound
pressure (20 µPa) and to is the reference duration (1 s)
a) a range of thrust-related noise parameter values which encompasses all the values
likely to be selected on the aeroplane during flight operations at and in the vicinity
of an airport; and
Note: The attenuation rates given in Table 1 refers to 25°C and 70% relative humidity.
For many jet- and propeller-powered aeroplanes, the preferred nominal flight
altitude for noise measurements is of the order of 300 m (1000 ft) for each engine power
setting. However, practicality often results in the measurement altitude being different for each
aeroplane type and may range from 100 m (330 ft) to 800 m (2625 ft). This range of altitude
encompasses those normally encountered in noise certification compliance demonstrations.
Measured aeroplane noise data are sometimes available for only one
distance (altitude) per engine power setting. Thus, to develop a generalized noise-power-
distance table it is necessary to make adjustments. The extent of data available will vary
between aeroplane types. Full spectral time history information is to be preferred when
available. Otherwise, use has to be made of peak spectrum and duration information. These
two types of data are referred to below, as respectively, Type 1 and Type 2 and a broad overview
follows of the procedures recommended for the development of generalized noise-power-
distance data.
Frequency Attenuation Rate
of 1/3-Octave Band (dB/100m)
50 0.033
63 0.033
80 0.033
100 0.066
125 0.066
160 0.098
200 0.131
250 0.131
315 0.197
400 0.230
500 0.295
630 0.361
800 0.459
1 000 0.590
1 250 0.754
1 600 0.983
2 000 1.311
2 500 1.705
3 150 2.295
4 000 3.115
5 000 3.607
6 300 5.246
8 000 7.213
10 000 9.836
4. For distances, d, greater than 800 m, compute LAmax for the adjusted spectral
data, using the 800 m data as reference, by accounting for spherical divergence
and atmospheric attenuation according to Table 1. LAE for the new distance is
determined by adding a 7.5 dB/decade duration factor for distance according to
the following relation :
L AE = LAmax + (LAEr - LAmaxr) + 7.5 log (d/800) (2)
distance 800m reference
Slant distance
2. For the measurement distance define the sound exposure level, L AEr , the
maximum value of A-weighted sound pressure level, LAmax , and the 1/3-octave-
band sound pressure levels corresponding to L Amax. The reference sound
exposure level, LAEr , is derived from the test day LAE adjusted by the incremental
difference between LAmax corrected to the reference atmosphere and test day
L Amax , i.e. LAEr for the measurement distance = LAE + ( LAmaxr – LAmax ).
3. For distances, d, other than the measurement distance d r , compute LAmax for the
adjusted spectral data by accounting for spherical divergence and atmospheric
attenuation according to Table 1. LAE for the new distance is determined from the
following relation :
Slant distance
— Product of air temperature (°C) and relative humidity (per cent) greater
than 500.
Operational segments
Ground roll (take-off or landing)
Acceleration and
flap retraction
Initial climb
Runway axis
Flight profiles, engine thrusts and aeroplane flight speeds might be supplied
directly for an aeroplane type undergoing reference flight procedures (see 4.2.2). Then, for
operations at an airport where the actual procedures in use are unknown, these reference
procedures can be assumed. The information for other procedures known to be used, or for
different operating conditions of the aeroplane, can be calculated using aerodynamic and thrust
equations. The equations contain coefficients and constants which should also be made
available for each combination of engine and aeroplane (see 4.2.3). The equations themselves
are set out in Appendix C.
P Take-off coefficient
R Climb/descent coefficient
Eξ Thrust/noise constant
Gξ Altitude coefficient
Hξ Temperature coefficient
Aν Noise constant
Bν Thrust coefficient
Cν Speed/altitude coefficient
The flight speed coefficient, Q, has to be determined for each flap setting
used in the different flight path segments. The climb/descent coefficient, R, is the
non-dimensional ratio of the aeroplane drag coefficient to lift coefficient for a given flap setting
and aeroplane configuration.
Care must be taken to ensure that the coefficients and constants are
presented in dimensional units consistent with those of the variables calculated from the
equations in Appendix C.
– no runway slope;
– any runway altitude, provided the temperature and altitude are within the engine
flat-rating range;
As many types of aircraft are normally operating at an aerodrome, the amount
of computations would be tremendous, if each individual aircraft type was included in a noise
study. For some aircraft noise data are not available. In practice, some kind of grouping is
therefore necessary, but utmost care should be taken in order to keep the reliability of the
It is generally recommended that for commercial aeroplanes (jets and
turboprops) and/or military aircraft grouping is only to be used in case of types having a limited
number of operations. An approach to include such types by grouping with frequently operating
types is presented in this chapter.
In case of general aviation aeroplanes (piston engine and turboprops with a
MTOM below 5,700 kg) grouping would be the normal approach in a noise study, due to the
amount of types in service. A possible approach is set out in Appendix D including noise and
performance data, etc..
In case of helicopters grouping with other types of aeroplanes is impossible,
as operations normally follow separate tracks. Noise calculations for helicopters are discussed in
Appendix B.
Turbojets and turbofans are also grouped. Here the relevant parameter is
the by-pass ratio (BPR). The obvious relation between engine by-pass ratio and noise emission
leads to a further distinction amongst turbojet and turbofan aeroplanes:
- 2 - engined
- 3 - engined
- 4 - engined
Finally, a distinction can be made by the ICAO ANNEX 16, Vol. 1 (see ref. 2),
noise certification data of each aeroplane depending on the mass category and the first date of
application for Certificate of Airworthiness:
Note: Within a group flight profiles might differ significantly. This should be taken into
account when a representative type is chosen.
LBPR turbofan
IL86 IL-86 Camber
4 engines (very heavy)
MBPR turbofan C501 Citation I/SP
C500 Citation I
2 engines (GA) Model 501
TABLE 2: JET AIRCRAFT (continued)
LR 55 Learjet 55
MU30 Mu-300 Diamond IA
S601 SN 601 Corvette
MBPR turbofan
2 engines(heavy) MD 80 MD-81, MD-83
HBPR turbofan AN72 AN-72, -74 Coaler BA10 Bae 125 series 1000
2 engines (medium) CL60 Challenger CL601-3R
CL65 Regional jet
- Citation X
- Falcon 2000
- Gulfstream V
- MD-90
TUP4 TU-204
B74F B747-400
HBPR turbofan B747 B747-200/-200 B B74S B 747-SP
4 engines (very heavy)
EA34 A340-200/-300 LR
IL96 IL-96-300
1 If the ICAO code is -, no code is known (yet)
2 Hushkitted or reengined aircraft can be certified as chapter 2 or 3
SW3 Merlin IVC,
Turboprop (heavy) CL44 1 Yukon/CL 44 AN12 AN-12/-12BP Cub L382 Hercules C-130H
L188 Electra IL18 IL-18 - AN-70, 77
ND16 Transall C-160
SH5 Belfast SC.-5/10
- 31 -
Within a particular group (see Table 2 and 3) noise and performance data for
frequently operating aeroplane types can be used to represent other types having a limited
number of operations. However, the number of operations should be corrected carefully in
order to take differences in actual noise emission into account.
Noise contours are curves shown on a map illustrating how the noise index
varies from location to location as the result of a given aircraft traffic pattern at an airport. Noise
contours are normally obtained by interpolation of discrete values of the noise index at the
intersection points of a regular observation grid centred on the airport.
The choice of spacing between the grid points determines the extent to
which fluctuations of the noise index are taken into account. Consequently, the quality of the
noise contours will depend on the choice of the grid spacing, especially in such zones where
sharp changes occur in the noise contours (see circled areas in Figure 5).
d = l2 + ( h cosγ )
where l is the perpendicular distance from the point to the ground track, h is the aeroplane
height as it flies over the intersection of the perpendicular to the ground track and γ is the climb
angle of the flight path.
track β
As the tabulated noise versus distance data will normally not correspond to
the actual power-setting and/or the actual shortest distance, it will generally be necessary to
estimate the sound level or sound exposure level by interpolation. A linear interpolation is used
between tabulated power-settings, whereas a logarithmic interpolation is used between
tabulated distances (see Figure 7).
X i+1
Noise level
L x.d
di d d i+1
Let X i and X i+1 be tabulated net thrust values for which noise data are
provided at some distance. The noise level at the same distance for intermediate thrust X,
between X i and Xi +1 is given by :
) ( (X
X – Xi )
L X = LX + (L X –L X
– Xi )
i i+1 i
Let d i and di+1 be tabulated distances for which noise data are provided at
some power setting. The noise level at the same net thrust for an intermediate distance d,
between di and d i+1 is given by :
Ld = L d + L – Ld
log d – log d
i ( )
i di + 1 i log d
i +1
– log d(i ) (6)
By using Equations (5) and (6), a noise level Lx,d can be obtained for any net thrust X and any
distance d that is within the envelope of the reference data base, i.e., use of Equation (5) at di
and d i+1 gives the level at thrust X, at d i and d i+1 for use in Equation (6).
Note : In turning flight, there is an effect on the duration correction both inside and
outside the flight track which is separately accountable (see Chapter 11).
and G = 13.86
for ≥ 914 m (9)
where G ( ) is the overground lateral attenuation in decibels as a function
Λ (β , ) = [ G( ) ] [ Λ ( β ) ] / 13.86 (12)
For the sake of completeness two possibilities for improving the calculation
accuracy shall be mentioned in this section. Two advanced calculation techniques denoted
segmentation and simulation will briefly be described below (see Reference 8).
The following method is reproduced from the document "Air Traffic Noise
Calculation — Nordic Guidelines" (see Reference 8). If the power setting and hence the noise
emission is constant or changing very slowly within the section of relevance to the noise metric
of current interest, the assumption of using the power setting in the point P as a representative
of the whole fly-by is reasonable.
However, if fast, significant changes in the power setting take place, this
principle will lead to discontinuities in the calculated noise contours as shown in Figure 8 with
dashed lines. This is, of course, not correct, and for the sound exposure level LAE which is a
time integrated level based on the entire fly-by the noise exposure contours should look more
like the solid lines in Figure 8. The contours in Figure 8 are only examples presenting the
problem. Very often programmes, which do not contain a method for calculating the effect of
changes in the engine power setting, use gradual changes of the power settings in the input
performance data to simulate the changes in the noise contours.
Flight track
Change of
engine power setting
The first step is to determine the angle θ m (in °) between the direction of the
aircraft and the direction PmB. Pm is the point where the power setting is changed, and B is the
calculation point as shown in Figure 9.
If PmB is more than three times PB, the effect of changes in power setting
may usually be ignored when calculating LAE whereas twice is usually enough when calculating
M1 M2
Pm P
The effect of changes in power setting on the sound exposure level LAE is
calculated according to Equation 13.
L AE,1(d) L AE,2(d)
LAE (d) = 10 log (F(θm )10 10 + (1− F(θ m ))10 10 (13)
where L AE,1 (d) is the sound exposure level in distance d at the power setting before Pm.
L AE,2 (d) is the sound exposure level in distance d at the power setting after Pm.
F( θ m ) is the proportion of the sound energy from θ = 0° to θ = θ m.
The proportion of the sound energy F ( θ ) from 0° to θ is calculated according to Equation 14.
θ sin (θ ) cos(θ )
F( θ ) = — (14)
180 π
The principle may easily be extended to cover two or more changes in
engine power settings as the proportion of the energy from θ m1 to θ m2 is equal to
F ( θ m2) - F ( θ m1).
The effect of changes in power setting on the maximum LAmax is calculated
according to Equation 15. The highest of the two alternative values in Equation 15 is used.
Modelling of the noise at ground positions near the airport runway during the
take-off roll requires several modifications of the basic noise-power-distance data. The
modifications result from the fact that the aeroplane is on the ground accelerating from
essentially zero velocity to its initial climb speed, whereas the basic data are representative of
overflight operations at constant airspeed. To accommodate these differences, consideration
must be given to changes in generated sound resulting from jet relative-velocity effects, varying
directivity patterns from the moving aeroplane, the modified effective duration with increased
speed and extra attenuation of sound during over-ground propagation at near-zero elevation
angles. The present model is applicable only to jet aeroplanes and is subject to further
development in the light of continuing research. Further work will also be required to determine
its applicability to propeller-driven aeroplanes or to establish an alternative method.
Several factors can effect the accuracy of the modelling. Principal among
these are wind and temperature gradients and variability in the operational procedures
employed during take-off. The present model does not include any allowance for wind and
temperature effects, even though these can cause significant changes in ground-to-ground
attenuation and can even result in shadow zones in special cases. Experience has shown that
different pilot techniques are employed at the start of the take-off roll, including a rolling start
with no pause after taxiing, an early or a later selection of full take-off power, or even on occasion
the application of full power while the brakes are still on. Noise contour calculations are intended
to determine averages from a number of operations and so an overall method is given which is
intended to give an envelope enclosing all these effects.
∆V = duration correction to allow for the difference between the local speed
and the reference speed for which the noise-power-distance data are
quoted, (see Equation 7)
∆ V = 0.036(VL-V) in dB (19)
Note : The duration correction calculated at points to the side of the runway is to be
determined on the assumption of constant aeroplane acceleration, from a typical
minimum speed to the lift-off speed.
Noise from landing ground roll is not as important to the total noise exposure
as noise from take-off ground roll. (This text is partly reproduced from Reference 8)
If thrust reversal is not used, the engines are normally running at idle power
during ground roll, and the noise will therefore be insignificant. There are two possible
approaches for this part of a landing. Ground roll can be ignored or the same equations can be
used as for a take-off (see Section 8.2). In the latter case LAE and L Amax are assumed to
correspond to a low power setting, normally idle power, and ∆L is assumed to be 0 (the contour
is ended by a half circle).
When the thrust reversers are activated, the aerodynamics are changed
resulting in increased noise even for an unchanged power setting. No models are so far
available for calculation of this, but it is recommended to determine the noise from the noise data
format corresponding to the nominal power setting and add a correction for the change in
aerodynamics. For aircraft with external thrust reversers the correction will normally be within the
range of 5-10 dB. For Chapter 2-aircraft a suitable average value will be 8 dB whereas it is
recommended to use 5 dB for Chapter 3-aircraft. For aircraft with internal thrust reversers the
increase of the noise due to the aerodynamics is less important and it is recommended not to
make any correction in this case. It must be emphasized that these estimations are rough and
based on a very limited number of data.
For propeller aircraft which are able to use the propellers for reversal, it has
not been possible to make similar simple principles. The effect of propeller reversal has to be
estimated in each individual case. If the traffic is a mix of jet and propeller aircraft in which the jet
aircraft are dominating the noise exposure, it is possible to ignore propeller reversal.
Before the noise exposure in a calculation point from the total traffic can be
determined, the sound exposure level or maximum level has to be calculated for each individual
aircraft operation. (This text is partly reproduced from Reference 8).
If the purpose is to determine the maximum level from the total traffic, this
should be done according to the national formulation of the noise index. However, it is
recommended to use the envelope of the noise foot print for the noisiest aeroplane on each
where L AE,j is the sound exposure level from the j'th aircraft operation out of N,
T is the reference time for LAeq in seconds. If the reference time is one day
(24 hours), T is to 86 400 sec.
Noise contours calculated on the assumption that all aircraft departure and
approach ground tracks follow exactly the nominal routes may be liable to localized errors of
several dB. It is recommended that, for greatest reliability, the forms and parameters of the
distributions of approach and departure ground tracks should be measured on each route at
particular airports.
Calculated values of noise indices are not particularly sensitive to the shape
of the lateral distribution. The Gaussian form gives the best fit to many observed distributions.
Although continuous distributions can be simulated, an approximate model is preferable on
grounds of computing cost. As a minimum, a 5-point discrete approximation should be used.
The accuracy of the 5-point discrete approximation given in T a b l e 4 generally gives values
within 1 dB of those obtained from a continuous (Gaussian) distribution, and is recommended.
Spacing Proportion
Having found the actual shortest distance ( ) from a grid point to the
nominal ground track (see Chapter 7), replaces ym in Table 4. Using the aeroplane height (h)
for a nominal flight path, the noise from the aeroplane flypast is calculated according to Chapter
7 for the five discrete positions of the aeroplane. The proportions given in Table 4 are taken into
account before adding the contributions together.
The effect of lateral attenuation could be taken into account for the discrete
positions of the aeroplane, or an overall effect could be calculated corresponding to zero lateral
dispersion from the nominal flight path.
As well as dispersed laterally the traffic will also be dispersed vertically. (This
text is partly reproduced from Reference 8). This is due to variations in take-off weight,
headwind (or tailwind) component, take-off procedure, and how the pilot is executing the
procedure. The influence of the headwind component is not a parameter if calculations are
made in accordance with this document as a headwind component of 8 kts is assumed in
Section 4.2.5. The vertical dispersion is mainly due to the variation in take-off weight, and the
dispersion will therefore be different for short-range aircraft compared to long-range. It is not
possible to elaborate a model for vertical dispersion as it will be strongly dependent of the aircraft
type. Furthermore, the vertical dispersion does not influence the calculation result to the same
extent as the lateral dispersion. It is in general sufficient to choose a typical flight profile which is
normally the average profile when calculating equivalent sound levels and the flight profile
corresponding to the largest take-off weight in the case of maximum levels. If the vertical
dispersion is very large due to large differences in take-off weight, it may be necessary when
calculating equivalent sound levels to divide the traffic on two or more take-off profiles
corresponding to different stage lengths.
In practice, flight tracks will not always be straight, but will include turns as
well. For the SEL noise descriptor, it will in general not be sufficient to take into account only the
contribution from the closest segment, assuming a straight flypast. Close to a track such a
simplification would normally be satisfactory. However, in some sectors within the computation
grid, significant errors would occur. For instance the estimated SEL would be too low inside a
turn, whereas it would be too high outside the turn.
Failure to take into account the sound energy contributions from other than
the closest segment of flight path is liable also to result in severe discontinuities in sectors
where two track sections are almost equally close to the computation points. This effect would
be magnified, if the power settings used in the two segments were substantially different.
Step 1 : The SEL is calculated taking the contribution from the closest segment into
account assuming a straight flypast, constant height and power setting.
Step 2 : If the computation point is located anywhere within a circle defined by the
centre and radius of a turn, a (positive) correction given in dB is added.
Step 3 : In cases where a next-to-closest segment exists, the contribution from this
segment is also taken into account. However, a distance to track is used
which is different from the actual one.
Note : Apart from adding two sorts of corrections in different sectors and taking the
contribution from the next-to-closest segment into account, no change of basic principles has
been introduced.
It is assumed that the nominal track is formed by straight and circular sections.
Perpendiculars to the track are drawn through the computation point, and the shortest distance
between the track and the computation point is selected for calculations of the SEL according to
Chapter 7 with the possibility of including the effect of lateral dispersion according to Chapter
Note: Ψ = Ψ1 + Ψ2
The distance from J to the track is denoted JT, whereas the distance from J
to C is denoted JC.
Note : JC= J T+ r
Ψ 1= 0 or Ψ 2= 0.
As the distance to the track increases, JT/JC will approach unity and a
constant correction depending on Ψ , Ψ 1 and Ψ 2 , will be reached. If Ψ 1 equals Ψ 2 , the
correction would in the limit be -3.5 dB for a 90° turn and -5 dB for a 180° turn.
ψ ψ2
11.2.3 Correction on the inner side of a turn, within the circle defined
by the turn (Step 2)
In Figure 12, the track from Figure 11 is shown again, this time with the full
circle defined by the turn shown. A correction is applied to those computation points which are
located within the circle, i.e. if JC < r, where r is the radius of the turn and JC is the distance from
the computation point to the centre of the turn. The correction is given by :
In the centre of the turn, a correction of + 2 dB would be found for a 90° turn
and + 3 dB for a 180° turn. In order to minimize computer time, small turns might again be
disregarded. A limiting correction of + 1 dB would correspond to a turn of approximately 45°.
Note: The possibility exists that J is located within more than one circle. If that is the case,
the largest correction is used in this step.
In Figure 13, the track from Figure 11 is shown again. In the sector behind
the centre of the turn, a next-to-closest section exists. The perpendiculars from the
computation point J intercept the track at points A and B. The distance to the track is denoted
AJ (closest) and JB (next-to-closest).
— The distance measured via the track from A to B, ATB, is measured by taking into
account only the lengths of straight sections.
In Figure 13, the turn starts at point E and ends at point F. In this case, where
there is only one turn between A and B, ATB is AE + FB. The corrected next-to-closest
distance is then given as follows :
Finally the total SEL at J is found by adding the components from the closest
and next-to-closest track sections.
J'B will always be larger than JB. If J is rather close to C, J'B will be much
larger than JB and the contribution from the next-to-closest section will be insignificant.
However, in this case a correction has already been introduced by Step 2 of the computation
Test Examples
They are based on test cases in the document "Air Traffic Noise Calculation
— Nordic Guidelines" (see Reference 8) referred to in that document as the minitest. The text
below is based almost entirely on the above material.
Input data for the minitest and the maximum acceptable deviations of the
calculation results are specified in Sections A.1 to A.3 below.
Flight tracks and calculation positions are defined in Figure A.1 and
Table A.1.
2000 m A B C 1 3° GP
X 90°
D E F G 4000 m
r=1500 m
Calculation x y
position m m
A 3000 0
B 6000 0
C 10000 0
D -500 -500
E 1000 -500
F 1500 -500
G 2000 -500
H 2000 -2000
I 4000 -2000
1 a 3°GP 1 96300 1)
2 b 3°GP 1 288000 2)
3 c 1 1 90000 —
4 d 1 1 265000 —
5 c 1 1 105000 3) —
6 d 1 1 305700 3) —
90000 —
9 c 2 1 265000 —
10 d 2 1
11 c 2 1 105000 3) —
305700 3) —
12 d 2 1
13 c+d 2 1 90000 —
14 c+d 2 1 105000 3)
305700 3)
1) 3° glide path ending 954 ft after runway threshold. Power setting : 3584 lbs/eng.
during final approach. Thrust reversal : from 954 ft to 1241 ft : power setting
increased linearly from 3584 lbs/eng. to 9600 lbs/eng. From 1241 ft to 9820 ft
after runway threshold : power setting reduced linearly from 9600 lbs/eng. to 1600
2) Same glide path as 1). Power setting during final approach : 11821 lbs/eng.
Thrust reversal : from 954 ft to 1283 ft : power setting increased linearly from 11821
lbs/eng. to 36000 lbs/eng. From 1283 ft to 4239 ft after runway threshold : power
setting reduced linearly from 36000 lbs/eng. to 6000 lbs/eng.
Noise and performance data from INM Data Base 10 are stated in Tables A.3-A.10.
Distance (ft)
200 400 630 1000 2000 4000 6300 10000 16000 25000
3000 94.6 90.8 87.9 84.8 79.8 73.4 69.0 63.6 57.2 50.2
6000 99.8 96.0 93.1 90.0 85.0 78.9 74.2 68.8 62.4 55.4
8000 104.3 100.6 97.7 94.7 89.7 83.7 79.1 73.8 67.6 60.8
1000 109.0 105.2 102.5 99.5 94.6 88.6 84.1 79.0 72.9 66.3
12000 113.8 110.1 107.4 104.5 99.6 93.8 89.3 84.2 78.4 72,1
14000 119.1 115.4 112.8 110.0 105.1 99.4 95.0 90.1 84.4 78.4
0. 0. 16. 15384.
3303. 0. 142. 14319.
7539. 1000. 144. 14524.
9472. 1306. 155. 14489.
12392. 1615. 181. 14323.
13392. 1667. 189. 12075.
16635. 1837. 216. 11864.
23403. 3000. 220. 11955.
30161. 3291. 262. 11682.
44823. 5500. 271. 11639.
60019. 7500. 280. 11394.
82894. 10000. 291.
0. 0. 16. 15384.
4526. 0. 153. 14223.
9913. 1000. 156. 14427.
12438. 1316. 166. 14397.
16321. 1642. 193. 14234.
17321. 1693. 198. 11999.
20275. 1844. 216. 11865.
28674. 3000. 220. 11955.
37931. 3399. 263. 11685.
55526. 5500. 271. 11639.
74818. 7500. 280. 11394.
104334. 10000. 291.
(ft) (ft)
-3820. -1241.
7000 98.1 93.9 90.8 87.4 81.4 75.0 70.3 65.7 60.6 55.7
12000 99.3 95.0 91.9 88.5 82.5 76.2 71.7 67.2 62.3 57.6
17000 100.0 95.6 92.6 89.3 83.7 77.6 73.1 68.5 63.4 58.4
25000 100.3 96.7 93.9 90.9 85.9 79.8 75.4 70.5 65.2 59.8
33000 103.3 99.9 97.3 94.5 89.7 83.6 79.2 74.3 69.0 63.5
41000 106.2 103.1 100.8 98.2 93.6 87.6 83.1 78.1 72.5 66.8
Table A.8— B767-300/PW 4060 : Take-off profile, speed and power setting at
a take-off mass of 265,000 lbs.
0. 0. 16. 55522.
2753. 0. 147. 48586.
6163. 1000. 149. 48837.
6698. 1081. 154. 48585.
8776. 1368. 175. 47598.
9776. 1421. 185. 39038.
13447. 1614. 220. 37374.
15873. 1723. 241. 36597.
22375. 3000. 246. 37311.
24540. 3089. 262. 36732.
37819. 5500. 271. 38080.
49599. 7500. 280. 39198.
65430. 10000. 291.
Table A.9 — B767-300/PW 4060 : Take-off profile, speed and power setting
at a take-off mass of 305,700 lbs.
0. 0. 16. 55522.
3708. 0. 158. 48010.
7956. 1000. 160. 48261.
8673. 1087. 166. 48004.
11376. 1389. 187. 47020.
12376. 1439. 194. 38589.
17678. 1703. 231. 37004.
20945. 1844. 252. 36245.
28188. 3000. 256. 36892.
29129. 3038. 261. 36703.
45551. 5500. 271. 38080.
59865. 7500. 280. 39198.
79158. 10000. 291.
Table A.10 — B767-300/PW 4060 : Speed and power setting during landing
(abbreviations according to INM Data Base 10).
(ft) (ft)
-4239. -1283.
If the principles of the calculation programme used are not identical to the
method outlined in this document, the single point calculation results must fulfil the
requirements stated in Tables A.11-A.24.
Each table represents one of the 14 calculation cases defined in Table A.2
and contains the single point L Aeq,24h for positions A-I calculated by DANSIM and by INM 3. In
each table the third column shows the acceptance interval for the calculation result. The
acceptable interval is defined as the interval between the DANSIM- and the INM 3-result ± 1 dB.
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position Acceptance
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
Calculated Laeq,24h
position DANSIM Acceptance INM3
In the case of helicopters, noise emanates from the their lifting, propulsion
and control systems. The principal noise source is the main rotor. This has complex spectral
and directional characteristics which are very sensitive to the numbers of blades, the tip speed,
the forward speed, accelerations and turns. Unlike fixed wing noise which radiates mainly
sideways and backwards, rotor noise tends to propagate forwards, often with pronounced
impulsiveness at the blade passing rate. The tail rotor, if fitted, is much smaller but has similar
noise generating mechanisms and can be very noticeable because of its much higher blade
passing frequency. Some helicopters obtain directional control (and torque balance) using
fans, either directly or indirectly which have yet further noise differences. Some helicopters
avoid the need for torque balance by having two main rotors; flow interactions between them
further complicate the noise generation. Finally, although all larger helicopters are powered by
turbine engines, these are installed in a variety of ways; some smaller helicopters have piston
The second reason for the lack of reliable helicopter noise contour
methodology is that, again unlike the fixed wing case, these can be dominated by "ground
noise", the noise generated by helicopters during terminal operations on or over the ground
surface. These involve hovering and taxiing manoeuvres as well as idling with rotors running,
which, by comparison with overflight noise events, are very lengthy with durations measured in
minutes rather than seconds. As ground operation can generate as much noise energy as
flight, its contribution to noise exposure (in Leq) can be an order of magnitude greater.
The difficulty is that noise from a hovering helicopter varies with its height
above the ground, its loading, with azimuth angle and with the prevailing wind (small wind
changes can have large effects upon rotor flow patterns that influence noise). Furthermore,
ground-to-ground sound propagation depends upon wind speed and direction, air temperature
and humidity (and the way these vary above the ground), local topography and the nature of the
ground surface, and the presence of buildings and other similar obstacles. Of course, these
propagational factors affect ground noise from fixed-wing airports but this is less problematical
because it is generally much less significant than "air noise" from arriving and departing aircraft.
Many urban helicopter facilities have a controlling influence on the surrounding noise exposure
ξ = E ξ + F ξ × V EAS + G ξ × hp (C1)
∆ξ = Hξ (1 / Θ )– (1 / Θ ISA ) ] (C2)
N / Θ = (Θ ISA / Θ) (EN / Θ ) + (F N / Θ )V EAS + (GN / Θ )hp ] (C4)
M t = CM / Θ
t (C5)
Equation C5 is based on the assumption of a constant propeller speed, Np,
which implies that FN and G N are zero (see Equation C1). this assumption is valid for most
turboprop engines.
For a "general" thrust setting, e.g. during the approach or at cut-back during
the climb, the relation between the thrust and the thrust parameters is given by the following
formula, in which ν represents the thrust parameters N / θ and SHP/ δ θ :
ν = A ν + B ν (X N / δ) + C ν V EAS (1 + 6.0 ×10 –5 hp ) ] (C6)
Note: Equation C6 is unsuitable to determine the propeller rotational speed, Np. For the
approach, Np is assumed constant (and equal to the reference Np).
The effect of de-rated (flexible) take-off thrust can be taken into account by
reducing the coefficient E X / δ in Equation C1 by an amount determined as follows:
∆E X / δ = (∆EN / Θ )/ (BN / Θ )
N (C7)
where the coefficient BN/ θ is obtained from Equation C6.
The equivalent take-off roll, Sg, is the distance along the runway from the
start of the take-off roll to the intersection point of the runway and the initial climb path projected
downwards (see Figure C.1).
Initial climb
35 ft
Start-of-roll Lift-off
S g = pΘ[ f w ( W / δ )] / X N / δ )
where p is the take-off performance coefficient (see 4.2.3) evaluated for the reference
conditions of 4.2.5, Θ and δ are the ratios of ambient air pressure and temperature to the
respective ISA sea-level values, W is the gross weight of the aeroplane at the start of roll, XN is
the all-engine net thrust for the initial climb and fw is a wind coefficient given by the following
V EAS = Q w (C10)
where Q is the flight speed coefficient (see 4.2.3) for which different values are applicable
during the climb (QCL), flap retraction (QFR) and approach (QAP).
The relation between the true and equivalent airspeeds is given by the
following expression:
{ [
γ = sin –1 (f / f w ) ( X N / W ) –R ]} (C12)
where fw is the wind coefficient (Equation C9), R is the climb/descent performance coefficient
(see 4.2.3) and f is an acceleration coefficient over the flight path segment as follows:
1 / f = 1 + V 2TAS – V2TAS / [ 2g( ∆h)]
2 1
) (C13)
For a climb at constant VEAS expressed in m/s
1 / f = 1 + 5.2 × 10 –6 VEAS
The angle γ takes a positive value during the climb and a negative value
during descent.
For a flap retraction segment, the climb angle should be approximated by the
average of the values of the coefficient R at the beginning and end of the segment.
γ = sin –1 (RC ) / [V TAS (f w )] } (C15)
If a constant attitude is specified, the climb angle should be assumed
constant for the purpose of flight-path schematization.
S = ∆h / tan γ (C16)
While the aeroplane is accelerating in level flight, the horizontal distance
covered is as follows:
S = f w V 2TAS – V TAS
/ 2g ( X N / W ) –R [ ] (C17)
Based on data from noise certification, piston engine and turboprops with
MTOM below 5 700 kg are divided into 4 noise classes each 5 dB wide. The measured
maximum A-weighted sound pressure level during a level overflight in a height of 300 meters
with the highest power in the normal operating range is used without any performance
correction. Except for the performance correction not included, this corresponds to certification
according to ICAO Annex 16, Chapter 6 (see Reference 2).
I ≤70 68 dB
II 71 - 75 dB 73 dB
III 76 - 80 dB 78 dB
IV 81 - 85 dB 83 dB
In case of take-off, 3 profile classes are used in order to reduce the number
of profiles. Above 2000 feet level flight is assumed.
A ≤9% 8% 600 m
B 10 - 12% 11% 500 m
C ≥ 13 % 14% 400 m
Table D.3 – L AE as function of the shortest distance to the flight path for take-
off and climb
The number of calculations can be reduced if for a given profile class the
number of operations in each noise class are converted to an equivalent number of operations
in one of the noise classes (normally noise class II). Correspondingly, in case of landings the
number of calculations can be reduced, as an equivalent number of operations for one of the
noise classes can be found for each glide slope.
The full benefit of the method outlined above can only be achieved if
sufficient statistical data are available for the aeroplanes in question. A survey was carried out for
the piston- and turboprop aeroplanes (with MTOM below 5 700 kg) on the Danish register by
1 January 1992. Noise data were available for 89% of the aeroplanes (866, comprising
273 types).
I 19% 24% 2% -
II 54% 68% 11% 2%
III 18% 8% 78% 23%
IV 9% - 9% 75%
β' = β + ∆β ( ) (E.1)
where ∆β ( ) = 1.13 ( 2
+ 525 ) - 3.03 < 914 m (E.2)
∆β ( ) = 3.66 ≥ 914 m
2. ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Third Edition, July 1993 International Civil
Aviation Organization.
10. Noise from airfields. Guidance material No. 5/1994, Section B5 and B6.
Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Available in Danish only).
— END —