Purcom Module 1 Answers
Purcom Module 1 Answers
Purcom Module 1 Answers
Remote Learning Series 2020 – 2021
8 4 16 19 18 17 15 2 5 10 24 3 7 23 20 6 13 21 9 12 14 22
Watch and Buzz…
Use the Internet to watch the following video titled ―The Speech
Communication Process | Communication Studies‖ by Eric Robertson at
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=KRna4thAHkE. Then, write a summary of the
content of the video.
In summary, the video examines the seven components that make up the speech communication
process. The speaker is the first person who addresses the audience and conveys the message or the
input. The message follows, which can be either verbal or nonverbal depending on what the speaker is
attempting to convey. The third is the channel, sometimes referred to as the communication medium. This
is where the message is communicated; examples include phone calls, telegrams, and face-to-face
conversations where voice is the medium of communication. The person with whom the speaker is
seeking to communicate next is the listener. This is the individual who will receive the speaker's message.
After hearing the message, the listener will give feedback, either verbally or nonverbally, depending on
what the speaker and listener are attempting to discuss.
The speaker's delivery of the remainder of his or her speech will likewise be impacted by the
response. Any obstruction or delay to the communication is considered an interference. An external
interference are most likely occur outside the conversation; background sounds are one such example. An
internal interference has something to do with the audiences as well as the speaker. The environment and
the time in which communication takes place is known as the situation. Since communication is continual
and continuing, it is a constant process. Once you comprehend the entire communication process, it's
really helpful to break down the many meanings of communication scenarios to determine whether the
audiences are truly understanding what is being conveyed how it is being delivered, and what the
information may be.
Show and Tell…
A. Reacting to the Text. Read the article written by contributing writer to The New Yorker,
Robin Wright. (Source: The New Yorker Newsletter at https://www.
newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/coping-camaraderie-and-human-evolution-amid- the-
coronavirus-crisis) Then, answer the questions that follow.
1. According to Wright, even when we’re not in the same physical space together we have become very
creative in connecting amid the Covid 19 pandemic. How are imaginative ways of connecting exhibited in
the following parts of the globe?
In China, nightclubs were compelled to close. Cloud clubbing, however, has gained popularity. Netizens
use media streaming services to broadcast virtual DJ sets, and they may even send live messages to one
another to signify that they are connected. Some businesses have transformed into amusement centers for
customers to enjoy themselves despite the epidemic. Famous singers appear in virtual performances on
TV shows. Here, they are performing while at home, answering viewers' comments, and accepting song
suggestions. Gyms are putting out strategies for staying in shape without ever visiting the neighborhood
gym. They are holding instructor-led classes online. In essence, the audiences will repeat what the lecturer
says. Chinese users of the messaging program WeChat also established a group where they may
communicate with their loved ones and perhaps even find a partner in the midst of a crisis. As Chinese
people cheer one other on from their windows at night, echoes of encouragement can be heard.
In Iran, individuals have come up with creative methods to communicate with one another during the COVID-19
epidemic, such as taking participation in online dance performances, filming themselves performing, and making up
activities to keep classes entertaining online. To elaborate further, healthcare professionals who are still battling this
pandemic, such as doctors and nurses, joined the coronavirus dance challenge trend. They are dancing vivaciously in
their hazmat suits, either alone or in groups, to the music. To alleviate the yearning, anxiety, and anguish caused by
this pandemic, some medical professionals are singing together or dedicating songs to their patients. Despite the
lack of in-person connection, some online course teachers are skilled at improvising in order to keep their online
sessions interesting. Furthermore, a picture of a teacher in Khuzestan Province using her refrigerator's side as a
whiteboard to teach her students how to calculate the areas of squares, rectangles, and triangles went popular on
Twitter. It is, after all, more than simply a unique method for her to engage with her class; it is also a clever approach
for her to get the attention of online users.
In West Africa, they evolve into something that the virus wouldn’t be transmitted. They develop new cultural
habits, new tricks, and new mnemonics to get by, as part of their experimentation in building trusts.
Example of this are the new cultural habits of shaking hands as a form of trust, they adapt the culture of
Thai people where they bow with their hands in the front. They called it the elbow so that the deadly virus
would not be transmitted. Engaging in virtual dialogues is one of the creative ways to stay in touch with
those in other areas of the world. To give an example, one of this nation's earlier experiences was
defeating the Ebola virus, which necessitated a number of changes in how things were handled. For
instance, they have a long-standing custom of burying people, but it is no longer acceptable given the
problems, so it was handed on since the people who practice it are better off without them. In simple terms,
they have engaged with individuals around the world by using virtual meetings as a tool.
In Europe, an immersive fashion week is one of the creative ways they've utilized to interact with
individuals from all around the globe throughout the COVID-19 outbreak. To further clarify, they have a
Fashion Week when models accessorize with facemasks, drawing in a lot of other people's attention.
Additionally, they created mask accoutrements in brilliant hues. Moreover, Giorgio Armani postponed
Milan Fashion Week, debuted his winter catalogue alternatively in front of an internet stream from a
theater that was empty, and continued to choose to put on a mask even in the absence of spectators.
Marine Serre fashion week models strolled around in coordinated face masks and clothes. In Croatia,
designer Zoran Aragovi of the BiteMyStyle Company produced a mask with colorful accessories that
was influenced by Disney movies, Pop art, and comic books.
2. One of the ways we communicate or connect with others is through handshake. Do you agree with
Deacon that Covid 19 could mark the end of the handshake (a trust marker)? In what way can this “end”
contribute negative impact on the way we communicate?
I do agree that COVID 19 could be the end of the handshake. It has been in use for many years as the
contemporary industry and political customary salutation. However, public health professionals
admonish us to reconsider the ritual's safety. Public health professionals have struggled to persuade
some individuals to practice basic social distance, much alone perhaps persuade them to cease
shaking hands permanently. Even infectious disease specialists concur that it is very normal for people
to crave physical contact. The experts concur that the handshake's generally ubiquitous expression of
connectedness and cooperation—rather than the greeting itself—is what matters most. After all, there
are already substitutes to bowing, such as touching noses. The loss of handshakes will eventually have
a severe effect on the majority of individuals, particularly those who work in politics and commerce. Due
to the fact that businesspeople are used to making the gesture, it will be a little odd. Although it is
uncomfortable, a pleasant head tilt or the elbow bump that is now popular are also potential greetings.
Since door handles and countertops frequently get smeared with waste, enhancing bathroom manners
would be a preferable and more consistent approach than doing away with the handshake. Even yet,
whether or not there is a pandemic going on, the handshake may be extinct one day.
3. “One of the wonderful things that happen is that people cooperate when there’s a natural disaster,” said
Veissière. Are these words of Veissière true in the Philippines or at least in your own community during the
Covid 19 pandemic? Explain by sharing your own experiences and/or observations.
I concur with the assertion. It is nice to see individuals assisting one another in need. One illustration is
the fact that many individuals in our community attempt to support one another by offering words of
encouragement and lifting each other up. That, in my opinion, is what makes Filipinos so endearing—
their ability to remain positive in the face of adversity. That despite the world ceasing to work as it once
did, we may still cheer. Some individuals in our society also freely offer commodities to others in need.
The ability to lend a hand without expecting anything in return impresses me as being one of the
loveliest things I've ever seen. In our neighborhood, my mother distributed free facemasks, which I
thought was nice because masks are essential in these tough times. I suppose all deeds of compassion,
no matter how great or tiny, are wonderful. It matters, especially to the recipient of the deed, as long as
it comes from the heart. Everyone can contribute significantly, and as long as it is pure and done without
malice, it will always be lovely to the one doing it and to the other people as a whole.
B. Quick Response. Choose an Online Learning Partner (OLP) and discuss with him/her
the following questions. Then fill the Question and Answer table below. Use short but
complete sentences. Present your output in class. Indicate here your OLP:
Question Answer
The practice or process of exchanging ideas and viewpoints with the goal
1. What do you understand
of achieving prevalent agreement regarding things, individuals,
about communication?
occurrences, and locations is known as communication.
2. Is communication static or does it Since it must go through specific processes in order to function and be
involve a process? Why? efficient, communication entails a process.
3. What happens during People discuss thoughts, personal observations, views, and sentiments as
communication? they communicate.
Yes, you can accomplish that by communicating to yourself, trying to
4. Can you communicate with
write, painting, reading, and doing the things you like to do. Additionally,
yourself? How?
it is known as intrapersonal communication.
C. Responding to Image. In the following picture, you see various kinds of handshake, hug and
high five alternatives. Study the picture. Based on the message in the picture, write a
reflection essay of 50 – 75 words about your communication habits/practices. Share your
output with class.
Broadcasting an unarguable discourse to a vast
audience is known as mass communications. Mass
communications, in contrast to public
communications, is the sending and receiving of a
mass message or statements rather than an interaction
of viewpoints. Although members of a mass society
may object to or disagree with the message being
spread, the message is nevertheless consistent and
State of the Nation
universal. It also refers to the investigation of how
Mass Communication Address
individuals and organizations use mass media to
disseminate information. These shows examine how
major media platforms, including newspapers,
magazines, radio shows, television shows, and film
companies, communicate with wide swaths of the
public (Farley, 2018).
Clinch It Well…
Accomplish the assessment activity that follows. Then submit your output to
your instructor for evaluation and grading.
Communication abilities are cited in this video as being essential for developing
relationships with others. Communication skills are essential in all types of relationships,
including professional, friendship, and even romantic ones. It discusses the seven original
hints and techniques that can greatly enhance your ability to converse and communicate.
Moreover, it stresses the value of using these techniques in casual conversation and how
doing so will enhance communication abilities.
My Reaction
I was able to witness in this video how discussions impact relationships. I appreciate
how clearly the explanation in the video is presented. The graphics are lovely and self-
explanatory. The concepts are understandable just by looking at the images. I tend to
be reclusive or have trouble making acquaintances and starting discussions, it helped me
understand there is hope. These kinds of videos are helpful. I’m fortunate and glad to be
acquiring life lessons.
B. Mukha Mo!” Photo Gallery - Say it best with your Face. Take ten 1x1 pictures of your
own face that illustrate different emotions identified below. Paste up each picture in
the appropriate box.
C. Let’s Stay Connected! Write short but substantial answers to the following questions.
Talking to one pals about a subject that I think I want to discuss again. It's
something I've always wanted to do. For instance, I frequently inquired about their
days, how they were, and what they were up to. Asking them nowadays is challenging
because we are busy with our daily activities. Also, something happened from us back
then that truly scarred our friendship towards one another. It won't feel the same or
produce the same consequences even if I try to recreate a similar interaction with the
same individual. However, if I could speak to them again, I will use the same exact
words I used before.
3. Tell a situation in which you wished you could reverse communication.
I came to the conclusion that words truly are mightier than the sword when I
thought back on these two instances. Even if it might not harm you physically, it will
definitely leave you with emotional scars. There is no undo button when it comes to
communication since what someone says might be recalled by the person they are
interacting with. We can never take back what we have said or done to one another.
This teaches me to carefully consider my opinions before sharing them in
conversations in the future. This will undoubtedly be useful for communicating in the
future and for reducing unfavorable effects and miscommunications between myself
and other individuals.