Sunsystems - 6.4.xSunSystems Financials
Sunsystems - 6.4.xSunSystems Financials
Sunsystems - 6.4.xSunSystems Financials
Release 6.4.x
Copyright © 2022 Infor
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Publication Information
Release: Infor SunSystems 6.4.x
Publication Date: September 7, 2022
Document code: sunsystems_6.4.x_ssfinolh__en-us
Contacting Infor........................................................................................................................11
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Daybook Listing..........................................................................................................................................220
Tax Reporting.................................................................................................................................................224
Setting Up User Defined Tax Reporting.....................................................................................................225
Setting Up the Standard Tax Reports........................................................................................................227
Setting Up the Business Rules for Tax Reporting......................................................................................227
Running Tax Reporting...............................................................................................................................228
Entering the Tax Reporting Transaction Selection Criteria.....................................................................229
Producing financial reports...........................................................................................................................231
Producing a Financial Analysis Report......................................................................................................231
Producing a Financial Statement..............................................................................................................232
Producing a Financial Table Report..........................................................................................................233
Reporting on Assets.......................................................................................................................................234
Producing the Asset Register Report.........................................................................................................234
Producing the Asset Status Report............................................................................................................235
Chapter 13: Managing fixed assets.............................................................................................237
Entering Asset Transactions..........................................................................................................................237
The effect of depreciation locking.............................................................................................................238
The effect of depreciation locking combined with adjustments to gross value.....................................238
Manually posting a depreciation amount.................................................................................................238
Running the depreciation calculation...........................................................................................................239
Closed or suspended accounts..................................................................................................................240
Multi-currency depreciation......................................................................................................................240
Depreciation exceptions............................................................................................................................240
Calculating depreciation............................................................................................................................240
Depreciation calculation consolidation....................................................................................................242
Performing an Asset Inquiry..........................................................................................................................242
Enhanced depreciation..................................................................................................................................243
Selecting assets for reduction depreciation.............................................................................................243
Running the Reduction Depreciation........................................................................................................244
Selecting assets for advanced depreciation.............................................................................................246
Running the advanced depreciation calculation......................................................................................246
Calculating Advanced and Reduction Depreciation.................................................................................249
Asset Disposal.................................................................................................................................................249
Determining the disposal period...............................................................................................................250
What are the disposal postings?................................................................................................................250
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Contacting Infor
Contacting Infor
If you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at and create
a support incident.
The latest documentation is available from or from the Infor Support Portal. To access
documentation on the Infor Support Portal, select Search > Browse Documentation. We recommend that
you check this portal periodically for updated documentation.
If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact
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Financials overview
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Financials overview
allows you to report across all ledgers, accounts, accounting periods and analysis codes, at any level, as
Dual-Base Currency
SunSystems Financials provides dual-base currency processing throughout the entire accounting suite.
These currency facilities provide full euro-compliance and enable GAAP processing and reporting.
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A Quick Guide to Allocating Transactions After Posting
Use Account Allocations (ACA) to match selected transactions that have already been posted to an account.
For example, you can use it to match a payment transaction to the transactions it has paid. You can also use
it to amend selected transaction details.
Note: You can select the allocations for matching using a control desk. This replaces the first 3 steps below.
Carry out the following steps to allocate transactions:
1 From SunSystems select Account Allocations (ACA).
Note: There may be many different account allocation menu commands, each of which is a tailored
version of Account Allocations.
The Selection Criteria for Account Allocation form is displayed.
2 Specify the allocation batch selection details.
3 Click Extract to select the transactions that meet the selection criteria.
4 If there are several allocation forms available, then Find Form List is displayed and you must select the
form you require.
5 The Account Allocations form is displayed, listing all of the transactions selected for allocation.
6 If you wish to match transactions, you must set the appropriate allocation marker on the transactions
to be matched. You can:
a Fully match selected transactions.
b Split and partially match a transaction.
You can enter the first letter of the allocation marker you require to set it. For example, you can enter T
to set the To Be Allocated marker.
You can view the allocation totals to check that the allocations balance.
7 If you wish to amend selected transaction details, you can use this form to:
a Amend a transaction's details.
b Amend the allocation marker on all selected transactions, or on a selected range of transactions.
This option can be used to fully allocate a number of transactions at once.
8 To enter additional text, from the Action menu select Standard Text.
9 When you have made all of the required allocations and amendments, select the relevant Post By currency.
The posting process may calculate and apply discount, write on or write off an imbalance, or post a gain
or loss exchange difference journal to balance the allocations.
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Entering journals and transactions
Ledger Entry (LEN) is the core online facility used to enter and post transactions to the Financials ledger.
Analyzing transactions
You can enter up to ten analysis code details on each transaction.
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Entering journals and transactions
The analysis codes required for a particular transaction will depend on the journal type and ledger account.
Default analysis codes can be provided by a journal preset.
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Entering journals and transactions
your existing input documents. SunSystems is delivered with several default ledger entry forms, and in general
they can be categorized into three form styles:
• form style, for example the Basic Ledger Entry (LEN) form, D_LEBF
• grid style, for example the Basic Ledger Entry (LEN) Grid form, D_LEBG
• combined form and grid style, for example the Ledger Entry Multi-Currency Combined, D_LEMC.
The form that is displayed for ledger entry depends on the form code associated with the journal type that
you select after you select Ledger Entry (LEN).
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Entering journals and transactions
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Entering journals and transactions
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Entering journals and transactions
New Line Allows you to enter a new journal line for the current journal
New Reference Allows you to enter a new journal line, with a new reference
New Journal Type Allows you to select a different journal type for a new journal,
after you have posted the current journal
Exit Leaves the Ledger Entry form and returns to the menu
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Entering journals and transactions
Note: If a form has not been associated with the journal type, you are asked to select the appropriate
Ledger Entry form.
2 If necessary, select the Business Unit. This may have been preset automatically.
3 If required, select the Journal Type, click OK or press Return.
The form layout may change at this stage, depending on whether a specific Form Name is associated
with the journal type.
Note: If a form has not been associated with the journal type, you are asked to select the appropriate
Ledger Entry form.
4 If necessary, enter your Operator Id. This may have been preset automatically.
5 Enter the Transaction Reference, click OK or press Return.
This reference may apply to one or more journal lines. A journal may contain a number of different
transaction references. The journal may be forced to balance by transaction reference.
6 Enter the remaining journal line details, pressing Tab to move between fields where necessary.
Depending on the form layout, you enter these details in individual fields on the screen, or in a grid.
If journal presets have been defined for the journal type, any preset field values appear automatically.
7 When you have entered the journal line details, click OK to validate these. If the details are correct, the
journal line is added to the journal. This updates the journal totals displayed at the top of the form. Other
Ledger Entry functions display different totals and balances.
If the details are not correct, an error message appears identifying the problem. The cursor is positioned
automatically on the incorrect, or required, field.
8 You can allocate the journals lines to existing transactions for the same account, if required. During the
allocation process you can generate settlement discounts, tax on settlement discounts, and currency
gains/losses. The account allocation form appears automatically if this option has been requested in the
journal preset.
9 If the journal line is for a creditor, debtor, or client account type, and a payment schedule has been
configured and assigned to the related Supplier or Customer record then this transaction line is split into
several transactions, or instalments. Each instalment is generated with a different due date to enable
the staging of payments or collections.
10 Click New Line to enter another journal line, unless the Create Without Pause option is set for the journal
type. Alternatively, click New Reference to enter a new journal line for a different transaction reference.
11 When you have entered all of the journal lines, you may review and amend any of the journal details
before you post it.
12 When you are satisfied the journal is correct, click Post to post it to either the permanent or provisional
You can only post a journal when it meets all of the balancing rules.
If you are unable to post a journal for any reason, you can place it on hold. Held journals are reselected
from the Action menu by selecting View Held Journals.
If the journal requires authorization, the Authorization Batch Comment dialog appears and you can
enter a note or comment to assist the authorizer. When you click the journal is placed on hold
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Entering journals and transactions
Business Unit
The business unit to which the journal is posted. This may be preset.
Operator Code
Your initials, department code or any other code you want use to identify the originator of this journal.
The Force Journal Source option in Ledger Setup (LES) determines whether this is set automatically
to the id of the operator creating or posting the journal or must be entered manually.
Line Number
The line number is automatically incremented within the current transaction reference. If you want to
view, amend or delete a line, you enter the line number and, if relevant, the line number suffix to identify
the transaction you require.
Accounting Period
Postings are made to the period entered here. The default accounting period is the current period, unless
preset otherwise. You can only post to periods that fall within the open period range specified in Ledger
Setup (LES).
Transaction Date
The date that applies to this transaction. This defaults to the date on the preceding line for the current
transaction reference, or the current date. You can select another date by entering it manually or choosing
it from calendar that appears when you click the down arrow.
You can only post to dates that fall within the open date range specified in Ledger Setup (LES).
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Entering journals and transactions
Account Code
A valid account code, created using Chart of Accounts (COA), to which the amount on this line is posted.
You cannot select a closed account. If you select a suspended account a warning appears but you can
continue and post to the account.
A prompt may have been preset to help you enter the correct code, or the account code may be preset
and appear automatically. Alternatively, the type of account may have been preset which forces you to
enter a particular type of account, for example, a creditor/payables or balance sheet account.
A description of the business transaction. The default for this field is the descriptive name of the journal
type you are using. If you prefer, you can over-type this.
The Description Per Line option in Journal Types (JNT) determines whether or not you must enter
something in this field. If the option is set to No Default Description, then you must enter a description
on each line. If it is set to Default Description - Override per Reference, you may enter a new description
each time the transaction reference changes. If it is set to Default Description - Override per Line,
you may enter a different description on each line. If you do not enter a different description the Journal
Name is used as the default.
The description can also be preset to be the account code or account name using Journal Presets (JNP).
Base Amount
• In a single currency environment, this is the amount of the transaction. If the amount is in whole
units, you can omit the decimal point and decimal places. The format of amounts, including the
number of decimal places, decimal separator, and thousand separator, depends on the Business
Unit Setup.
The amount may be preset, or calculated automatically from another journal line. You can select
an option in the Debit/Credit field to automatically set this to a balancing amount.
Note: In a multi-currency environment, it may also be calculated from another currency value. This is
described later in the Multi-Currency section below.
If you are using over commitment or over expenditure budget checking you are warned if the amount
entered on this line exceeds the remaining budget for the account.
The Debit/Credit marker determines whether the amount is debited or credited to the chosen account.
Alternatively, you can select a balancing option to automatically set the Amount and Debit/Credit
marker to the value required to balance:
• the journal as a whole
• the transactions for the transaction reference on the current line
• the transactions for the period referenced on the current line.
If you have used different transaction currencies on different journal lines, or if you have entered any
journal lines with exchange rates that differ from the current daily or period rates, then multiple balancing
transaction lines may be generated in order to balance all of the different currency values used. In this
case, the generated balancing lines share the same line number, but each is given a separate line number
suffix (as displayed in the second box of the Line Number field).
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Entering journals and transactions
codes required, and whether they are mandatory or optional, depends on the journal type and the
account referenced on the journal transaction. The codes may be preset using journal presets.
Only valid analysis codes can be entered, as defined using Analysis Codes (ANC), unless the analysis
dimension has been defined to allow non validated codes.
Click the Query button alongside an analysis dimension to select the valid analysis codes for each
analysis dimension from the Find Analysis Code form.
Note: Any analysis dimensions that are initially not available for data entry (due to the defined rules
such as being prohibited by the account), become available for editing after you complete the current
journal line. However, if you subsequently enter any details in these fields, the system still applies the
same checks as before, and prohibits entry of any analysis not allowed under the defined rules.
Note: If you use an analysis dimension that has been defined as the transaction sequence dimension,
the code must be numeric.
Instalment Date
The instalment date for the transaction, if this posting is one of several instalments due. This is only
required if Instalment Checking is enabled on Ledger Setup (LES) and the instalment date is being
Instalment Number
The instalment number for the transaction, if this posting is one of several instalments due. This is only
required if Instalment Checking is enabled on Ledger Setup (LES) and the instalment number is being
Allocation Marker
You can set the allocation marker for the journal during ledger entry by using this field. Forced journal
listings and documents will then be produced depending on the allocation marker setting. Once a
particular transaction has been printed, its allocation marker is incremented by one.
Memorandum Amount
You can enter a memorandum amount for this journal line. This may be a non-financial value associated
with the journal line, for example a quantity or headcount. You cannot enter a memo value if the
Non-Currency Value Post Rule in Business Unit Setup is set as 0-Undefined, or the Memo Post Rule
Override field in Journal Types (JNT) is set as 0-Undefined.
Note: If you enter a memorandum amount in Ledger Entry when Asset Quantity is in use, this could
affect the number of assets recorded on the Asset Register.
Standard Text
You can add standard text to this journal line, by selecting Action > Line > Standard Text.
Journal Notes
Identifies if there are any journal notes associated with this journal line. Select Action > Line > Notes to
create and assign journal notes to this journal.
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Entering journals and transactions
Second Reference
You can enter a Second Reference for each journal line, if you are not using the Second Reference for
Voucher Numbering.
Note: If Second Reference is required, it must also have been previously included in the Ledger Entry
form using Form Designer (FRD).
Additional Fields
You can record additional information in each journal line, such as supplementary references or related
dates, providing these additional fields have been previously defined in Additional Fields Setup (AFS).
Note: Any additional fields required must also have been previously included in the Ledger Entry form
using Form Designer (FRD).
4 The following fields identify the payment related details for the journal transaction. Therefore, they are
only required if the transaction relates to a purchase or sales transaction, for example an invoice or credit
note. A set of payment terms can be used to determine many of these details. A payment terms code can
be entered manually for the transaction, or the customer or supplier payment terms is used. Specify this
information for Payment Terms:
Due Date
The date the transaction is due to be paid, or by which payment should have been received. If payment
terms apply, this date may be calculated automatically. Alternatively, you can enter the due date
If the Override Ageing/Discounts option is set for the journal type, the transaction date is copied to the
due date and this overrides any calculated or entered date. This is used to request an immediate payment.
Terms Code
The payment terms code to apply to the transaction. This can determine selected dates and discount
terms. If this is left blank, the payment terms code assigned to the supplier or customer is used.
Prefix 1-4
The prefix and numbers associated with up to four associated documents.
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Entering journals and transactions
Interest Date/Percentage
You may want to charge interest on the transaction amount in which case you can specify the interest
date and interest rate percent. These details can be calculated from the payment terms, or entered
Note: This information is held for information only on the transaction and is not used to automatically
calculate an interest charge.
5 Four currency values can be entered, or calculated automatically, for a transaction. The values to be
entered or calculated depend on the business unit setup and posting rules, any journal type or account
posting overrides, and any journal presets.
Fifth currency values cannot be entered, but a fifth currency code can be derived from the account or
the Business Unit Setup at the time the transaction is created. This will allow fifth currency values to be
calculated on an ad-hoc basis in reporting.
Note: At least one daily or period currency rate must have been defined for any currencies you reference
in the journal.
6 The following transaction currency details may be required in a multi-currency environment. Some of
the details may be preset by the journal preset. The Value 2 Currency Post Rule set in Business Unit
Setup determines whether these details must be entered manually, or are calculated automatically if
they are not entered.
Note: Transaction currency values cannot be entered if Value 2 Other Currency Post Rule in Business
Unit Setup is set as Undefined, or Transaction Post Rule Override for this value in Journal Type (JNT)
is set as Unused.
Specify this information for Transaction Currency:
Transaction Currency Code
The currency code for the transaction currency. This code may be provided by a journal preset, or default
to the currency code set for the account.
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Entering journals and transactions
This determines whether the amount is a debit or a credit. Alternatively, you can select a balancing
option to automatically set the Amount and Debit/Credit marker to values that balances the journal,
transaction or period.
7 The following base currency details are mandatory. Some of the details may be preset by the journal
preset. The Base Currency Post Rule set in Business Unit Setup determines whether these details must
be entered manually, or are calculated automatically if they are not entered.
Specify this information for Base Currency:
Base Currency Code
The base currency code is displayed automatically. It is defined in Business Unit Setup and cannot be
8 The following currency details reflect either the second base currency or reporting currency for the
transaction, depending on the choice made in Business Unit Setup.
Note: Second Base/Reporting currency values cannot be entered and will not be auto-calculated if:
• Business Unit Setup - Value 3 Currency Post Rule is set as Undefined.
• Journal Type - Base 2 / Rep Post Rule Override is set as Unused.
• Chart of Accounts - Report Conversion Control within the Currency tab is set to No
Specify this information for Second Base/Reporting Currency Code:
Second Base/Reporting Currency Code
The second base or reporting currency code is displayed automatically. It is defined in Business Unit
Setup and cannot be changed.
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Entering journals and transactions
Post Rule Override option is set in Journal Type Setup (Posting Overrides) (JDX). You cannot ever
enter a second base currency value. The following details are only required if the journal transaction
relates to a fixed asset. For example, if an asset has been purchased or sold. These details may be held
on a separate tab.
9 The following fourth currency details may be required if fourth currency has been defined in Business
Unit Setup. Like the transaction currency, the fourth currency can be defined in Business Unit Setup as
Calculated if Not Entered or Only Present if Entered.
Note: Transaction values cannot be entered for the fourth currency if the 4th Currency Posting Rule is
set to Undefined on Business Unit Setup, or within a Journal Type Posting Override for a particular
Specify this information for Fourth Currency:
Fourth Currency Code
The currency code for fourth currency. This code can be fixed within Business Unit Setup, provided by
a journal preset, or defaulted to the currency code set for the account.
10 The following details are only required if the journal transaction relates to a fixed asset. For example, if
an asset has been purchased or sold. These details may be held on a separate tab.
Specify this information for Asset Details:
Asset Code
The asset code created in Asset Records (FAS). You cannot post transactions to an asset with a status
of Disposal. You are warned if you try to post to an asset after the depreciation end period.
Asset Indicator
Select Initial if the posting is for a new asset, or if you are migrating assets into SunSystems from
another asset register. Otherwise, use Asset Indicator to determine whether this posting updates the
gross value on the asset record, or the accumulated depreciation.
Note: It is not normally recommended to enter depreciation amounts in Ledger Entry, except under
the circumstances described in 'Manually Posting a Depreciation Amount'.
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Entering journals and transactions
Asset Quantity
You can enter multiple units as a single asset when making fixed asset postings, for example, when
purchasing 100 chairs but recording these as a single asset. Use Memorandum Amount in Ledger Entry
(LEN) to record the number of units.
Note: To record asset quantities in Ledger Entry (LEN), the following configuration must previously
have been defined:
• the Use Asset Quantity option on theGeneral tab in Ledger Setup (LES) must be checked
• the Non-Currency Value Post Rule on the Memo Value tab of Business Unit Setup must not be
set to 0-Undefined
• the Memo Post Rule Override field in Journal Types Setup (Posting Overrides) (JDX) must not
be set to 0-Undefined.
Journal Notes
Journal Line Number
The journal line number to which the note is associated.
Line Number
The line number of the note.
Created By
The operator Id of the person who created the note.
Updated By
The operator Id of the person who last updated the note.
Internal Only
Used to signify if the note is for internal use only. This value can be used in the design of reports to determine
if note text should appear.
Indicates if the note text is exclusive to an individual journal line, or if it applies to all lines.
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Entering journals and transactions
Note: If a number of journal lines are selected in Account Inquiry, and the notes function is accessed, any
notes added are automatically added against all the lines selected. If one of these journal lines is then
accessed, through whatever means, and a note is amended or deleted, the change is reflected for all the
journal lines, that is, there is only one journal note.
Creation Date
The date when the original note was created.
Updated Date
The date when the note was last updated.
Note Text
Free format note text.
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Entering journals and transactions
The transaction currency can vary for each transaction, if an amount can be entered. This code must be
entered. It may be provided by a journal preset. You may, or may not, be able to override the preset code,
depending on whether the presets are enforced. For example, a particular journal type may only be used for
invoices received in Euros and the journal preset defaults the transaction currency to EUR.
The fourth currency can also vary for each transaction and the same rules apply.
A default currency code can also be set for an account, or asset, or it may be derived by Business Rules. This
default code overrides any preset currency code.
Spot Rates
You can enter a spot rate for a transaction, which is different to the rate held in either Currency Period Rates
(CNP) or Currency Daily Rates (CND). If you enter a spot rate and tolerance checking applies, the rate you
enter is checked to ensure it is within the tolerance set for the original period or daily rate. The difference
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Entering journals and transactions
between the rate you enter and the predefined conversion rate must be within the tolerance percent. This
prevents you from entering a widely inaccurate rate by mistake.
Note: If you always use spot rates, you may want to define a default period rate with a rate of zero and no
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Entering journals and transactions
Multi-Currency Matching
You can match transactions in the base currency, the transaction currency, or the fourth currency amount.
At any time, you can display the total debits, total credits, and the total out of balance amounts in any of the
Online Allocation automatically calculates any unrealized exchange gains and losses, and generates
transactions to post this to the appropriate gain or loss accounts.
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Entering journals and transactions
In the Extracted Transactions section you must identify the transactions you want to allocate against these
journal transactions and set the allocation marker on these transactions accordingly. All of the matching
options are available, for example:
• To fully allocate a posted transaction in the Extracted Transactions section you would set the marker to
To Be Allocated.
• To allocate only part of the transaction you can assign an Allocation Marker of Split, enter the amount
to be allocated and create another transaction for the remaining, unallocated amount.
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Entering journals and transactions
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Entering journals and transactions
These steps are required to allow an authorized user the right to reset the Allocation in Progress status.
This permission should only be granted to the system administrator to ensure it is not used indiscriminately.
1 From SunSystems, select Form Designer (FRD).
2 Check out and open the form Account Allocation (SAOA1).
3 Select View > Form Actions to list the actions available on the form.
4 In the Specified Operator Groups box, click the Operator Group to be granted permission.
5 In the Available Actions box select Override Locked Acc/Trans and click Enable.
6 Save, close and check in the form.
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Entering journals and transactions
This is because the allocations and generated transactions are only posted when the journal is posted using
Ledger Entry (LEN). If the journal is not posted for any reason, for example if it is held or cancelled, the
allocations are not made.
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Entering journals and transactions
If you want to use the same transaction reference when starting a new line in the current journal, then you
must click New Line.
Alternatively, click New Reference to use a new transaction reference.
If journal presets apply and the Create Without Pause option has been set, you must still click OK after each
preset line, but do not need to click New Line. When you click OK the next preset line appears automatically,
providing the details are correct.
However, once you have entered all of the preset lines, the normal entry rules apply within the current
transaction reference. That is, if you want to add another line with the same transaction reference you must
click New Line. If you want to enter lines for a new transaction reference, click New Reference and the preset
lines appear once again.
Transaction Credits
The total of all credits entered in this journal for this account, up to and including the current line. It ignores
lines that have been deleted, or are unused.
Transaction Debits
The total of all debits entered in this journal for this account, up to and including the current line. This ignores
any lines that have been deleted, or are unused.
Closing Balance
The total of the three previous values and is the account balance that would result from posting the journal.
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Entering journals and transactions
• Reference totals
the total debit and credit values of the transactions for each journal reference, regardless of accounting
In a multi-currency environment it calculates these totals in each of the currencies in use within your business
unit: base currency, transaction currency, reporting/second base currency, and fourth currency.
The journal totals appear on the Ledger Entry form, usually in the top right corner. They are displayed in the
base currency by default. You can use the menu commands or toolbar buttons to display these totals in one
of the other currencies, and to display the totals for the current journal reference rather than the journal as
a whole.
A journal can contain transactions that post to different accounting periods. The transactions for each
accounting period must balance before the journal can be posted. Therefore, Ledger Entry also calculates
the journal transaction totals by accounting period, in the base currency only. These period balances can
also be displayed at any time.
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Entering journals and transactions
Note: SunSystems includes a Balance Override function that can be used as a last resort. This function is
not available from any of the forms delivered with SunSystems and must be added to a form via Form Designer
prior to use. It must be used with appropriate caution and access restrictions.
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Entering journals and transactions
Cancelling a Journal
You can only cancel, or remove, unposted journals.
If you wish to cancel a posted journal you should enter another journal to reverse out the original and set the
allocation marker on all of the journal transactions to Correction.
If you want to remove a journal that you have entered, but not posted, in Ledger Entry (LEN), select Action
> Cancel Journal. You are asked to confirm that you do want to cancel the journal. You can elect to place the
journal on hold.
If the unposted journal you want to remove has already been placed on hold, you can use the Clear Journal
action on Ledger Entry Held Journals (LEH).
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Entering journals and transactions
Posting a Journal
The Post command posts valid journals to the financial ledger. They are either posted as permanent postings
or provisional postings, depending on the Provisional Postings option in Ledger Setup (LES).
Note: If the Provisional Postings option is set to Optional, you can choose to post the journal transactions
as either permanent or provisional postings. Provisional postings must be made permanent at a later stage.
To post a journal using Ledger Entry (LEN), select Action > Post.
Ledger Entry checks that the journal meets all of the validation rules.
If the journal passes all of the validation, it is posted to the ledger. A journal number is assigned automatically
and appears briefly at the bottom of the form.
If a transaction sequence number and registration date are being assigned automatically, these are also
displayed alongside the journal number.
A journal listing can be produced automatically after any posting, or only after main or provisional ledger
postings, depending on the Force Journal Listing option chosen in Ledger Setup (LES).
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Entering journals and transactions
Correcting Errors
However careful you are, mistakes can be made when entering transactions.
The section 'Correcting Mistakes After Posting', outlines the amendments you can make to transactions which
have been posted.
Holding a Journal
To hold the current journal on Ledger Entry (LEN), select Action > Hold.
Alternatively a journal can be placed on hold by:
• The journal posting process, if the journal cannot be posted.
• The Ledger Import process.
• The multipart split transaction option in Account Allocation.
• The Authorization process, if the journal type requires authorization.
Authorizing Journals
If the Authorization Required flag has been set for a journal type, any journals entered or imported for this
journal type must go through the authorization process before they can be posted.
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Entering journals and transactions
When journals with these journal types are entered using Ledger Entry or Ledger Import, they are
automatically placed on hold with an authorization status of Authorization Requested.
If you are entering the journal using Ledger Entry (LEN), the Authorization Batch Comment dialog appears
when you choose to Post the journal. This identifies the authorization set (batch) reference and allows you
to enter a comment or note for the authorizer. When you click on OK the journal is held automatically and
the transactions are sent for authorization.
These journals cannot be recalled in Ledger Entry, amended or posted, until they have been through the
authorization process.
If a journal is authorized it is posted automatically, providing it is still in balance.
If a journal is rejected during authorization it can be recalled using Ledger Entry and amended. In this case
it must pass through the authorization process again before it can be posted. Alternatively, it can be cleared
from the Ledger Hold tables.
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Entering journals and transactions
Supervisor Authorization
Until a journal is posted, all of the transaction details can be amended or deleted.
If you want to add a separate procedure to authorize journals when they are entered, you can use the journal
hold file to save journals until they are approved by another operator. You can retrieve held journals and,
once authorized, they can be posted. Held transactions are treated as unposted, and are therefore not included
in general reports.
Transactions can be de-allocated subsequent to posting in Account Allocations. All changes made in Account
Allocations must be posted before they are written to the ledger.
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Entering journals and transactions
Transactions which have a Correction marker can be excluded from financial reports. You can use the Report
Corrections option in Ledger Setup (LES) to specify whether correcting transactions are included or excluded
from reports.
Payment Voiding
Payment Voiding (PYV) enables you to cancel or remove payments made in Payment Run or Payment
Collection Run. You select the payment to cancel by identifying the payment reference, usually the cheque
If a payment reference has not been generated, a dummy reference can be generated in Payment Documents
to enable the transaction to be selected for reversal. You can choose to mark the original transactions that
were paid with a Withhold allocation marker or you can leave the allocation marker blank.
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Entering journals and transactions
There is no limit to the number of analysis dimensions that can be created in SunSystems. Only analysis
dimensions that have been linked to the Ledger entity using Analysis Structure (ANS) can be referenced on
ledger transactions. In addition, only ten of these can be entered on any one journal transaction.
The Journal Types (JNT) identifies the analysis dimensions that apply to a particular type of journal, and
only these dimensions are prompted for during Ledger Entry (LEN). Journal Presets (JNP) can be used to
predefine default codes for any of these dimensions, for a type of journal.
Analysis requirements can also be defined for particular ledger accounts using Chart of Accounts (COA).
These analysis dimensions override those set for a journal type. As a result, you may be prompted to enter
certain analysis dimensions on one transaction line, and different ones on the next line depending on the
journal type and account code requirements.
Note: If you are using the Fixed Asset Register and entering an asset transaction, the analysis code requirements
are also determined by the asset subcode.
Sequence Numbering
Sequence numbers can be applied to transactions automatically and these are held in the Transactions
Dimension analysis dimension identified in Ledger Setup (LES). If transaction sequence codes have been
defined using Ledger Sequences (LEQ) and the Update Sequence field is set to Manual, you are prompted
to enter the sequence number. You must enter a number in the analysis dimension associated with sequence
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Entering journals and transactions
• The Enable Automatic Tax option must have been set on Journal Types (JNT) for the journal type
• The analysis code for the tax analysis dimension must be entered on the journal line
• The analysis code entered must correspond to a tax details record that has input/output tax accounts
as defined on Tax Details (TXD).
Note: The automatic tax calculations are only performed when you are creating journals using Ledger Entry
(LEN) or Ledger Import (LIM). If you amend a transaction line which triggered the creation of tax journal
lines, the tax lines must be amended manually. That is they are not recalculated automatically. Additionally,
if you delete a journal line, you must manually delete the tax journal lines created from it.
Transactions generated in this way acquire the same journal line number, with a suffix, as the 'base' transaction,
i.e. the transaction line which triggered the tax calculations. Preset lines defined in Journal Presets (JNP)
are therefore not affected by the addition of new lines to the journal.
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Entering journals and transactions
You can preset the asset code, subcode or asset indicator using Journal Presets (JNP).
The asset code and subcode govern the analysis codes prompted for. An asset subcode is defined using asset
posting presets on Asset Records. Associated analysis codes are placed in the analysis fields.
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Entering journals and transactions
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Entering journals and transactions
Journal Type
Display only. The type of journal selected for copying or reversal.
Note: Any journal numbering gaps within the selected range are not displayed.
2 Save your changes.
Data Selection
1 Specify this information:
Allocation Marker for Reversal
Determines which allocation indicator is to be applied to the journal lines when generating the reversal
or copy. This applies to both the source journal lines and the generated journal lines.
The allocation indicators are:
Note: Journal Reversal and Payment Reversal provide facilities to speed up error corrections. The
allocation indicator Correction is recommended because it indicates that the transactions are balanced
and closed. The Report Connection setting in Ledger Setup excludes the Correction transactions from
financial reports. This avoids double-counting the debit and credit totals while maintaining an accurate
audit trail.
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Entering journals and transactions
Transaction Date
Enter the date you want to be registered on the generated journal as the transaction date.
Accounting Period
Enter the accounting period you want to post the generated journal in.
Posting Details
1 Specify this information:
Posting Type
This determines whether or not the generated transactions are posted, and whether they can be posted
if they contain errors. Three options are available:
• Validate only - if this option is selected the transactions are validated but not posted.
• Post - if this option is selected the transactions are validated, balancing transactions are generated
to balance the journal if necessary and the journal is posted.
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Entering journals and transactions
• Post if No Errors Found - if this option is selected the transactions are validated and, providing
there are no errors, posted. This can be overridden for an imbalance by using the Posting Allow
Balance Trans setting described below.
Provisional Posting
If the Provisional Postings option in Ledger Setup (LES) is Optional and this option is also set, the
generated transactions are validated and/or posted as provisional transactions. If this option is not set,
the generated transactions are validated and/or posted as permanent transactions.
Use this option in conjunction with Post if No Errors Found if you want to permit an imported journal
to be posted even if it is unbalanced, whilst nevertheless preventing the journal from being posted if it
contains other errors, such as prohibited analysis codes, closed accounts, dates, or periods.
If this option is set, any generated balancing adjustments are treated in one of two ways depending on
the cause of the imbalance:
• For an imbalance due to a currency conversion rounding difference, the adjustment transaction is
posted to the corresponding Balancing Account identified on Business Unit Setup Value 1, Value
2, Value 3 or Value 4 tab, depending on the currency value being adjusted (providing that the
rounding difference is within the threshold for that currency value, also specified on the Business
Unit Setup).
For an imbalance to be considered as due to a currency conversion rounding difference, the journal
must balance in at least one of the currency values.
• For all other imbalances, the balancing transaction is posted to the Base Suspense Account, the
Transaction Suspense Account or the Reporting Suspense Account (specified on the Error
Suspense Accounts tab), depending on the currency value being adjusted.
If this option check box is unchecked, imbalances are treated as errors that prevent the journal from
being posted.
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Entering journals and transactions
Note Text
Enter the text relating to the journal copy or reversal. If you are reversing a journal, this field is mandatory.
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Entering journals and transactions
The journal reference on recalled provisional transactions cannot be amended. This ensures that the sequence
numbering within registration date is maintained.
You can also record a registration date using Ledger Sequences (LEQ), which overrides the normal entry
date for a journal with a 'user defined' date stamp.
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Entering journals and transactions
If you do not know the journal number use Recall Provisional Journals (PRJ) to select the journal from a
list of provisional transactions, or if you already know the journal number, recall it directly in Ledger Entry
(LEN) by selecting Action > Recall Provisional.
Provisional Transactions can also be deleted using Ledger Entry (LEN), and similarly to amending, you must
first recall the provisional journal you want to delete from the ledger.
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Entering journals and transactions
You can also make the transactions in a provisional journal permanent by recalling the provisional journal
and posting them permanently in Ledger Entry (LEN).
Note: If sequence numbers are being assigned to ledger transactions, the number can be assigned when the
provisional transactions are posted as provisional or permanent transactions.
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Entering journals and transactions
Reporting Transactions
SunSystems includes a number of different types of transaction listing.
• Journal Listings report transactions, and provide a basic audit trail reporting. You can force the printing
of a journal listing each time a journal is posted by choosing one of the Force Journal Listing options in
Ledger Setup (LES).
• Daybook Listing is similar to Journal Listing, allowing you to design your own basic audit trail reports.
You can, however, sequence transactions by date and period.
• Account Listings report transactions within account and are useful audit and checking reports.
• Payment Listing lists particular payment transaction details but it can also be used to list the transactions
associated with any type of journal or journal source
Each of the transaction input options, Ledger Entry (LEN), Ledger Import (LIM), and Account Allocations
(ACA), allow you to report transactions before posting using the Report action. You can design your own
reports for use with each of these forms using Report Designer.
In addition, a report is produced for each of the procedures within SunSystems that automatically generates
Depending on your selections, the Financials report writers can also report transaction details in addition to
the summary totals.
Note: Held transactions are treated as unposted, and are therefore not included in general reports. You can
list these transactions on the Held Journal Listing.
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Authorizing Transactions
When a user enters or selects a group of transactions for processing, some of these transactions may require
These transactions are grouped into an authorization set and marked as awaiting authorization. The
authorization set is then passed through each stage of the authorization process that applies.
The Authorizer
The transactions are sent for the first stage of authorization required and are placed on the authorizer's
Authorization In Tray (AUT). The authorizer is able to review the set of transactions on the in tray and either
authorize it or reject it. The authorizer must enter a valid password to be able to authorize the set.
If the set of transactions is rejected by the authorizer, it returns to the originator or to the authorizer for a
previous authorization stage. When an authorizer rejects transactions, a financial rejection code is used to
identify the reason for the rejection.
If the set of transactions is authorized, the set moves to the next step in the authorization process. It either
moves on to the authorizer for the next level of authorization required, or if it is fully authorized, it is given
the status of Complete, and processed.
The processing that takes place depends on the function that triggered the authorization requirement. For
example, if the transactions were journals held by Ledger Entry or Ledger Import, when they are fully
authorized they are posted automatically (providing they still balance).
The authorizer is any member of the user team assigned to the authorization stage. The transactions requiring
authorization are placed in the Authorization In Trays of all the users in the user team. This helps to ensure
that a set of postings is not held up if, for example, one person in the team is absent.
Note: Authorizers are not alerted to the fact that new transactions are awaiting their authorization, hence
they must check their authorization in-tray frequently.
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Authorizing Transactions
The Originator
The user that generates the transactions awaiting authorization is referred to as the originator of the
authorization set.
The Authorization Originators In-Tray (AOT) lists all of the authorization sets created by a particular operator.
This way, users can see the status of all the transactions they have generated that require authorization.
When a rejected authorization set is displayed, it must be deleted before it can be modified in the appropriate
function, such as ledger entry. Transactions that have been authorized and posted are no longer displayed.
Note: Originators are not alerted when their transactions are authorized or rejected, hence they must check
their originator in-tray frequently.
Payment Authorization
If authorization is enabled, all of the transactions selected for payment are checked to verify if authorization
is required. Payment Run checks each authorization stage that has been defined for the Payments stage type
to see whether the transactions meet the filter requirements for the stage. If they do, the transactions are
grouped into an authorization set and sent for authorization.
If the total of the transactions selected for payment exceeds the Payment Limit for the run, these transactions
also require authorization.
Note: The Payment Limit is the total amount that can be paid by payment run without authorization. It does
not apply to the individual payments produced by a payment run. So, if the Payment Limit is 100 GBP and
the transactions selected for payment will produce two payments of 99 GBP each, the transactions will require
authorization because the total of the payment run is over 100.
If Financials is being used as a broker ledger, authorization may also be required for any transactions selected
for payment that have been funded. For example, if a transaction with a Withheld allocation marker has been
selected for payment thus breaking the pay as paid rule.
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Authorizing Transactions
Account Allocations
If you are using Account Allocations, or any of the other matching functions, some transactions may require
authorization before they can be matched. For example, this may be required if the difference between the
transactions you are matching exceeds the matching tolerance percentages/values.
If Financials is being used as a broker ledger, authorization may also be required for transactions where:
• the Funding status is set in the Allocation Code, either because a transaction with a Withheld allocation
marker is being matched, or because a broken billing link has caused the Funding status to be set.
• the allocation code/marker is being updated.
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Authorizing Transactions
The user that marks the transactions for authorization is referred to as the originator of the authorization set.
The Authorization Originators In-Tray filter lists the authorization sets created by an originator and allows
the originator to view the details of the set, or delete an authorization set.
Authorization Inquiry
The following fields are displayed on the Authorization Inquiry:
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Authorizing Transactions
Assigned Authorizer
The operator Id of the user currently assigned as the authorizer.
Account Code
The account referenced on the transaction.
Authorization Status
The range of current statuses of the authorization set. This may be: Awaiting Authorization, Rejected,
Complete, Awaiting Re-Authorization, Authorization Deleted.
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Authorizing Transactions
Authorization Status
The current status of the authorization set. This may be: Awaiting Authorization, Rejected, Complete, Awaiting
Re-Authorization, Authorization Deleted.
Any comments entered for the authorization set when it was created.
Current Originator
The operator Id of the user that marked the transactions for authorization. This is the operator that entered
the transactions or selected them for processing.
Last Authorizer
The operator id of the user that authorized the set at the previous authorization stage, if applicable.
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Authorizing Transactions
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Authorizing Transactions
The authorizer must enter a valid password to authorize the transactions.
Note: If the authorizer specifies an invalid password three times, the authorizer's password is revoked
and the authorizer will not be able to authorize further transactions. The authorization password can
be reset by an administrator in Security Console or User Manager.
Any additional notes or comments the authorizer wants to enter for the authorization set.
Rejection Code
Select the code that identifies the reason the set of transactions has been rejected. Rejection codes are
defined using Financial Rejection Codes Setup (FJC).
Any additional notes or comments the authorizer wants to enter for the authorization set.
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Authorizing Transactions
Operator Code
Select the code that identifies the operator to whom you are assigning the rejected transactions. The
originator's operator code is shown by default.
Display only. The comment that was entered by the originator against this authorization set.
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Matching and allocating transactions
Matching is the process of linking one or more related transactions on an open item account, to 'close' the
transactions. This process is also referred to as account allocation.
To match, or allocate transactions, you set an allocation marker on the transactions to indicate the matched
What is Matching?
Matching is the process of linking one or more related transactions on an open item account, to 'close' the
transactions. This process is also referred to as account allocation. To match, or allocate transactions, you
set an allocation marker on the transactions to indicate the matched status.
For example, when an invoice is posted to a debtor/receivables account it is entered as an open, unallocated,
transaction on the account. In a simple case, if the invoice is paid in full with a single payment, two steps are
required to record the payment fully:
• A payment transaction must be posted to the debtor account to reduce the debtor's balance
• The payment and invoice transactions on the debtor's account must be matched together to indicate
that the invoice has been paid.
To match the payment against the invoice you would set the allocation marker to To Be Allocated on the
payment and invoice transactions. Then, when the allocations are posted, the allocation marker on each
transaction is changed to Allocated.
The transactions posted to open item accounts remain in the system until they are allocated. That is until
the transaction contains a matched allocation marker. There are four 'matched' allocation markers: Allocated,
Paid, Correction or Reconciled.
On debtor/receivables, creditor/payables, and client accounts it is particularly important that the transactions
are matched correctly to prevent paid transactions being treated as unpaid.
If the Authorization facility is enabled, some transactions selected for matching may require authorization
before they can be matched.
If instalment checking has been enabled in Ledger Setup (LES), the matching processes ensure that cash is
matched against the instalments in either instalment number or instalment date sequence.
Matching can be more involved than simply matching two corresponding items. You may need to:
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Matching and allocating transactions
• match several transactions together on the account. For example, you may need to allocate one payment
to many different invoice and credit transactions on the account.
• split a transaction into two to be able to match it correctly. For example, you may have received a payment
for only part of an original transaction and need to split the original transaction into two transactions.
• generate additional transactions to record the difference between the 'matched' transactions, for example
to record settlement discounts or currency exchange differences.
Note: If SunSystems Financials is being used as a broker ledger, cash posting transactions contain a Value
Date and can only be selected for matching on or after this date is reached.
Matching in SunSystems
SunSystems Financials provides several different methods for matching transactions:
• Online allocation - allows you to allocate a transaction as part of the Ledger Entry process.
• Account Allocations - allows you to manually allocate transactions on a single, selected account.
• Transaction Matching - allows you to allocate the transactions on several accounts, using predefined
matching rules.
• Reconciliation Manager - allows you to match entries both automatically according to predefined match
criteria, or manually.
Note: When you generate or collect payments automatically using Payment Run (PYR) and Payment
Collection Run (PYC), the payment transactions are generated, posted, and matched against the items being
paid automatically. The only exception to this is if the Non Match of System Payments option is set in Ledger
Setup (LES) and a user has elected to mark paid transactions as Paid Unmatched.
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Matching and allocating transactions
a bank statement, you cannot allocate it online as part of the cash input process. In this case, once you have
posted the miscellaneous receipt, you must identify the customer and items that have been paid. Then you
can allocate the cash transaction to the corresponding invoice and/or credit transactions on the customer's
debtor/receivables account.
SunSystems provides the following methods of matching transactions after they have been posted to the
• Account Allocations (ACA) allows you to manually allocate selected transactions on an account
• Transaction Matching (TRM) allows you to allocate transactions on several accounts using predefined
matching criteria
• Reconciliation Manager (RCM) allows you to match entries both automatically according to predefined
match criteria, or manually.
• Account Allocations also allows you to amend some of the details available on a transaction, in particular
the allocation marker and payment term details. See 'What Transaction Details can be Amended Using
Account Allocation'.
• All of the matching functions perform additional tasks when Financials is being used as a broker ledger,
to meet the Pay as Paid requirements. When linked transactions are matched and posted the matching
processes automatically find any other transactions with the same intra-transaction link and release
these for payment.
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Matching and allocating transactions
A payment is received for GBP 60 and you attempt to match this against the second transaction above (Tx
Ref AAAA13/Instalment 2). This is rejected because there is an unmatched transaction with the same instalment
matching reference (AAAA) and an earlier instalment number.
Account Allocation
Account Allocations (ACA) is used primarily to match transactions on an account.
For example, a debtor/receivables payment transaction can be allocated or matched to the original invoice.
You can fully match a group of transactions, and you can split a transaction if you need to match against only
part of the transaction value.
Account Allocations can determine whether settlement discount has been taken and post the discount and
any tax on the discount automatically. It can also generate and post any currency exchange differences caused
by fluctuating exchange rates.
Account Allocations also allows you to:
• change the allocation marker on a transaction, for example to reconcile the transaction, indicate the
processing status of the transaction, mark it for immediate payment, or withhold it from payment.
• alter the transaction analysis codes, description, entry date, payment terms code, due date and other
payment related details.
Note: If budget checking at analysis code level is used, any amendment to analysis codes via Account
Allocations is not reflected in the budget check values and therefore any future postings may not be compared
against the correct value.
When you use Account Allocations you perform some of the following steps, each of which is described
briefly below:
• Extract Account Transactions for Allocation
• Display the Transaction Details
• Amend Transaction Details
• Match the Transactions
• View the Allocation Balancing
• Post the Allocations, Discount and Exchange Differences.
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Matching and allocating transactions
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Matching and allocating transactions
Because it can be used for different purposes, you may find there are several versions of the Account
Allocations form available. These versions may be displayed separately on the SunSystems menu. Alternatively,
when you run Account Allocations (ACA) you may be prompted to select a form on the Find Form List.
The following versions of Account Allocations are provided with the standard SunSystems Financials product:
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Matching and allocating transactions
The Action menu commands are briefly explained below, and any corresponding toolbar button is identified.
Where a function is explained in detail in another topic a link is provided.
Swap window Switches between the sections of the online allocation form
and is only available on the Search Results - Ledger Entry
- Online Allocation form
Action All Allows you to change the allocation marker on selected
FIrst Displays the first transaction in the allocation grid
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Matching and allocating transactions
Range Allocate Allows you to change the allocation marker on a selected range
of transactions
Signed Split Allows you to split a transaction into two transactions
Multipart Split Allows you to split a transaction into several transactions
Currency Split Allows you to split a transaction into several transactions includ-
ing different currency values
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Matching and allocating transactions
Provisional Postings
Account Allocations can display provisional transactions as well as permanent transactions. Provisional
transactions are identified as such in the Transaction Status field.
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Matching and allocating transactions
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Matching and allocating transactions
difference and/or a tolerance amount. These tolerances are applied to the difference between the calculated
discount and the amount of discount that appears to have been taken, which is the matching out-of-balance
If the out-of-balance amount is within the discount tolerance amount or percentage, it is allowed as additional
discount. The discount journal and the allocations are posted automatically.
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Matching and allocating transactions
Manual Balancing
If the Base Currency Amount Balancing setting is Manual, the total debit and credit allocations in the base
currency must balance before the allocations can be posted.
The system attempts to balance the allocations by treating the imbalance as either discount or a write on/off,
depending on whether or not the Write On/Off Balancing feature is enabled.
If the allocations still do not balance because the difference is outside the discount or write on/off tolerances,
you must adjust the allocations manually, or generate and post an additional transaction to balance the
allocations before they are posted.
Automatic Balancing
If the Base Currency Amount Balancing setting is Automatic, the system calculates and posts any discount
allowed or allowable write on/off values.
It then automatically posts a balancing adjustment to balance the allocations, providing the balancing
adjustment value is within the Value 1 Rounding Threshold identified in Business Unit Setup. If the balancing
value is greater than the threshold amount, you must balance the allocations manually.
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Matching and allocating transactions
it applies the balancing rules. Based on the rules it either generates a balancing posting in the appropriate
currency automatically, or forces you to balance the allocations in each currency manually.
Finally, it checks that the fixed currency values balance, that is the second base or reporting currency values,
if they are being used. The balancing rules that apply depend on whether these values are being used as
second base or reporting currency. This also determines whether any automatic posting reflects a currency
exchange difference or a rounding difference.
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Matching and allocating transactions
Once the fourth currency allocation totals balance the system checks the allocation totals in the other
currencies. It checks the base currency and transaction currency totals before the second base/reporting
currency totals.
If the base currency allocation totals do not balance, the difference is typically the realized exchange difference.
How this difference is treated depends on the Base Currency Amount Balancing rule for the business unit.
If the Base Currency Amount Balancing field for the business unit is set to Automatic, and the difference is
within the automatic balancing threshold, the system automatically posts the difference to the realized
exchange gain or loss account. If the Base Currency Amount Balancing field for the business unit is set to
Manual, you are forced to manually balance the allocations in this currency.
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Matching and allocating transactions
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Matching and allocating transactions
You can enter the first letter of the allocation marker you require to set it. For example, you can enter T
to set the To Be Allocated marker.
You can view the allocation totals to check that the allocations balance.
7 If you wish to amend selected transaction details, you can use this form to:
a Amend a transaction's details.
b Amend the allocation marker on all selected transactions, or on a selected range of transactions.
This option can be used to fully allocate a number of transactions at once.
8 To enter additional text, from the Action menu select Standard Text.
9 When you have made all of the required allocations and amendments, select the relevant Post By currency.
The posting process may calculate and apply discount, write on or write off an imbalance, or post a gain
or loss exchange difference journal to balance the allocations.
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Matching and allocating transactions
Accounting Period/To/All
The range of accounting periods for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you want to allocate
transactions for all periods, select All. Otherwise, specify the range of accounting periods you require.
You can reduce the number of transactions selected for matching by only selecting those with values
within a selected range, for a particular transaction currency value.
Transaction Date/To/All
The range of transaction dates for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you want to allocate
transactions for all dates, select All. Otherwise, specify the range of accounting dates you require.
Journal Type/To/All
The range of journal types for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you want to allocate
transactions for all journal types, select All. Otherwise, specify the type of journals you require.
Journal Source/To/All
The range of journal source codes for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you want to
allocate transactions for all journal sources, select All. Otherwise, specify the range of journal sources
you require.
Journal Number/To/All
The range of journal numbers for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you want to allocate
transactions for all journal numbers, select All. Otherwise, specify the range of journal numbers you
Transaction Reference/To/All
The range of transaction reference numbers for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you
want to allocate transactions for all transaction references, select All. Otherwise, specify the range of
transaction references you require.
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Matching and allocating transactions
Link Reference 1
The range of Link Reference 1 numbers for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you want
to allocate transactions for all Link 1 references, select All. Otherwise, specify the range of transaction
references you require. If Financials is being used as a broker ledger, this may be used as the Billing Link.
Link Reference 3
The range of Link Reference 3 numbers for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you want
to allocate transactions for all Link 3 references, select All. Otherwise, specify the range of transaction
references you require. If Financials is being used as a broker ledger, this may be used as the Accounting
Second Reference
The range of Second Reference numbers for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you want
to allocate transactions for all Second References, select All. Otherwise, specify the range of Second
References you require.
Allocation Reference
The range of Allocation Reference numbers for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you
want to allocate transactions for all Allocation References, select All. Otherwise, specify the range of
Allocation References you require.
Entry Date/To/All
The range of entry dates for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you want to allocate
transactions for all dates, select All. Otherwise, specify the range of the dates you require.
Due Date
The range of Due Dates for which transactions are selected for allocation. If you want to allocate
transactions for all dates, select All. Otherwise, specify the range of dates you require.
Allocation Marker
The allocation marker for which transactions are selected for allocation. This defaults to Unallocated
Only but you can select a particular allocation marker, for example, Paid Only or Forced Only.
This is useful if you are using Account Allocations (ACA) to adjust the allocation marker on selected
transactions. For example, you may want to reset the Withhold marker to release transactions for payment.
The following options are available:
• Unallocated Only
• Include All Transactions
• Allocated Only
• Corrections Only
• Paid Only
• Reconciled Only
• 0 Marker - 9 Marker
• Blank Allocation Marker
• Forced Only
• Withheld Only
• Paid Unmatched
SunSystems Financials | 93
Matching and allocating transactions
Note: Transactions marked as F-Force, W-Withheld, B-Brought Forward and 0-9-Numeric Allocation
Marker are treated as unallocated. Therefore selecting the option Unallocated Only will extract all
transactions with these allocation markers.
Include Revaluations
This determines whether revaluation transactions are selected for allocation. Revaluation transactions
are generated by Ledger Revaluation (LER) to record unrealized exchange gains and losses.
Select Transactions
This determines the type of transactions selected for the report if provisional transactions are allowed.
The following options are available:
• Include All - include all transactions, both provisional and permanent.
• Exclude Provisional - only include permanent postings.
• Provisional Only - only include provisional postings.
The range of transaction values to be selected for allocation. Only transactions with a value for the
chosen currency within this range are selected. Select All to include all values. The Currency Identifier
determines the currency value that is checked.
Credit/Debit Indicator
You can select transactions by either debit or credit indicator. Leave this blank to select debit and credit
The analysis dimensions that have been assigned to ledger transactions are listed and you can use any
of these to select transactions for allocation.
Analysis Codes
The range of analysis codes, for the appropriate analysis dimension, to be used to select the transactions.
3 In a multi-currency environment, transactions may have been posted to an account in different transaction
currencies. If this is the case, it may be easier to match these transactions if you only select transactions
entered in a particular currency.
Currency Code/To/All
A valid currency code, or range of codes, for which you want to select transactions for allocation. This
range of currency codes applies to the transaction currency value (value 2). To select transactions with
any value 2 currency, select All.
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Matching and allocating transactions
and a currency code range in the previous field, transactions are only selected if they meet both of these
criteria. For example, you might only wish to select transactions with a Transaction currency of USD and
a 4th Currency code of EUR.
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Matching and allocating transactions
The form displays all of the details available on a transaction, and some of the account details. Because there
is such a large amount of information, it is displayed on separate tabs on the dialog: Allocation Details,
Account Details, Analysis Details, Extracted Totals and Summary.
Note: There are several different versions of the Account Allocations form available which have been tailored
to particular functions. Some of these forms only display a selection of the transaction details available to
restrict the information you can view or amend and may not include these tabs.
Allocation Details
The Allocation Detailstab displays the transaction details for each transaction extracted for allocation. The
transaction details displayed will depend on the version of the Account Allocations form you are using. For
example, if you are using a tailored matching form it may only display the payment terms because these are
the only fields you are able to change.
The details you can amend are displayed on a white background.
If provisional and permanent postings are being displayed, the posting status of each transaction appears in
Transaction Status.
Account Details
TheAccount Details tab displays selected information for the account, such as the account balance, and for
the payment terms associated with the account. You cannot amend any of this information. It displays the
discount settlement terms and discount percentages, if they have been set in the payment terms.
Analysis Details
The Analysis Details tab identifies the ten analysis dimensions assigned to the account selected for matching.
Note: These are the analysis codes assigned to the ledger account rather than any assigned to the customer
or supplier record.
Extracted Totals
The Extracted Totals tab displays the totals of the transactions selected for allocation, by currency. In a
single currency environment, this is simply the total of all of the transactions in the base currency.
In a multi-currency environment, these default to the totals of the transaction currency values (Value 2), by
currency. For each transaction currency, it displays the totals of the debit and credit transactions entered in
this transaction currency. It also displays the base currency equivalents, the second base / reporting currency
equivalents, and the fourth currency equivalents.
If a fourth currency is being used as a variable transaction currency, you can display the totals for each 4th
currency by clicking List by 4th Currency.
You can redisplay the transaction currency totals by clicking List by Trans Currency.
The Summary tab displays current year and previous year summary details for those transactions extracted
for allocation. It calculates and displays the total debits and credits by accounting period, for the current and
SunSystems Financials | 96
Matching and allocating transactions
previous years. It also displays the total debit and credit postings for the current year, the current balance
for the account, and the opening account balance for each year.
These are totals for all of the extracted transactions, regardless of whether or not they are selected for
SunSystems Financials | 97
Matching and allocating transactions
Note: If there is more than one Account Allocationsfunction available on the SunSystems menu, you must
select the one that will enable you to modify the required information.
Note: You can only amend the analysis codes for an analysis dimension if the Amend in Account Allocation
option is set in Analysis Dimensions (AND).
Note: If you update the payment terms code, you are warned that this alters the due date and discount details
on the transaction.
1 Use the Extract facility to identify the transactions you require. You can use the selection criteria to only
select the transactions you wish to amend for the chosen account.
2 Identify the transaction you wish to amend in the transaction list.
3 Enter or select the revised information in the appropriate fields. You can amend more than one field on
a transaction, but can only amend the fields displayed on a white background. For example, to alter the
Due Date enter the new date in the Due Date field.
4 Select Action > Post to save the amendments.
SunSystems Financials | 98
Matching and allocating transactions
3 You can enter the first letter of the allocation marker you require to set it. For example, you can enter T
to set the To Be Allocated marker.
The Debit or Credit allocation totals at the top of the form are updated with the amount of the allocated
transaction. You can display these totals in a different currency, if required.
These totals are updated after you set the Allocation Marker when you click the mouse.
Note: The transactions marked with some allocation markers must balance independently.
If necessary, use the Allocation Totals command to check the allocations balance.
You may need to partially allocate transactions by splitting them, apply settlement discount or post
exchange difference transactions to balance and post the allocations.
SunSystems Financials | 99
Matching and allocating transactions
• Transaction Currency
• Report/Second Base.
The total debit and credit amounts, and any out of balance amount, are displayed in the selected currency.
You can view the allocation totals by allocation marker type using the Allocation Totals command.
Once you have extracted the transactions, you should display the allocation totals in the transaction currency.
To do so, from the Action menu select Currency Totals > Transaction Currency.
You can then allocate the transactions as usual, but based on the transaction currency amounts.
When you post the allocations you must choose to save the allocations in the transaction currency. This
means that the allocations must balance in the transaction currency before you can post them. If these values
do not balance you must manually adjust the allocations to make them balance.
If, once the transaction currency amounts balance, the base currency amounts do not balance, then a gain/loss
transaction may be generated and posted automatically to the specified accounts.
If settlement discount applies, then the conversion rate used on each source transaction is used on any
discount and tax on settlement discount transactions generated.
Gain and Loss processing, a dimension set as Optional on the account record in this context means either
enter a value or leave blank.
If there is a difference between the Value 3 values and Value 3 is used as a Reporting Currency, then the
difference is treated as an exchange difference between either the base or transaction currency, whichever
is the pivot currency.
Splitting transactions
Account Allocations (ACA), and online allocation as part of the Ledger Entry (LEN), can be used to allocate or
match part of a transaction.
This is typically required when you receive an under or over payment for an invoice.
Account Allocations (ACA), and online allocation as part of the Ledger Entry (LEN), can be used to allocate
or match part of a transaction. This is typically required when you a receive an under or over payment for an
Note: You can select the transactions you wish to split from a control desk using the Split Process batch
option on the control desks in-tray.
To match part of a transaction you must split the original transaction into two or more transactions with
different amounts. The total amount of the split transactions must equal the original transaction amount, in
each currency.
The original transaction is either amended, or it is retained unchanged and a correction transaction is generated
to reverse it. This is determined by the Preserve Original Line Values setting in Ledger Setup (LES).
There are several different ways to split a transaction, depending on your requirements:
• Unsigned Split - this is the default split option which splits one transaction into two transactions with
the same debit or credit sign.
• Signed Split - this also splits one transaction into two split transactions but with opposite debit/credit
• Multi Split - this allows the original transaction to be split into more than one new transaction, a mixture
of debits and credits if necessary, all of which must total the original transaction value. The transaction
can only be split into the existing currencies referenced on the transaction.
• Currency Split - this split allows the original transaction to be split into more than one new transaction,
and allows the transaction to be split across different transaction currencies (in Value 2 or Value 4).
When you have split a transaction, the new transaction appears immediately above the original transaction
in the allocation transaction list.
Note: The new split transactions are not posted to the ledger until you select the Post action. On posting, if
the original transaction you split was linked to other transactions using Link Reference 2 or a Revaluation
Link, those linked transactions are split in the same proportions automatically.
The new transactions becomes the part of the transaction to be matched and its allocation marker is set to
To Be Allocated automatically. The original transaction identifies the part of the original transaction that
cannot yet be matched. Its allocation marker remains as it was, for example if the transaction you split has
an allocation marker of Force, after the split the unallocated part of the transaction still contains this marker.
You can enter the split value in any of the currencies in use within your business unit. However, you should
use the currency in which you are matching the transactions. The current period currency rate is used
to convert this amount into the other currencies available. Any difference between the original currency
values and the recalculated currency values is posted as currency exchange gain or loss.
3 3. In the Description field, enter a description for this split transaction or any other useful information,
if required.
4 4. Click OK to create the split transaction which appears in the list at the bottom of the form.
The amount that remains to be split appears in Outstanding fields.
5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 to enter each split transaction.
6 5. If you enter a split value incorrectly, click on the transaction in the list. The transaction details reappear
in the transaction entry part of the form where you can alter them. If you want to reset all of the transaction
values to zero, select Reset.
7 Click OK to update the transaction details in the list.
• The difference between the original transaction amount and the amount to be allocated appears in the
Outstanding field. This is the amount of the transaction that remains unallocated and retains the
allocation marker from the original transaction.
• Click OK to split the transaction, or click Cancel to abandon these details.
When you have split the transaction, the new transaction (or transactions) appear immediately above the
original transaction in the allocation transaction list.
The transaction containing the Amount to Allocate value has an allocation marker of To Be Allocated. This
amount is also added to the debit or credit balance totals at the top of the form which identify the total
amounts allocated.
The original transaction contains the outstanding, unallocated amount and retains its original allocation
Note: If the Preserve Original Line Values option is set in Ledger Setup (LES), the original transaction is
not altered. An offset transaction is generated to reverse out the full value of the original transaction. Both
this offset and the original transaction are given allocation markers of Correction. Two new transactions are
generated, one containing the Amount to Allocate value and one containing the Outstanding value from
the split dialog.
10 Click Split Complete to generate the split transactions when you have fully split the original transaction
and the Outstanding field displays zero.
Alternatively, click Cancel at any time to abandon the currency split.
Note: If you cannot complete the split, you can suspend the split details by clicking Hold. This displays
the Hold Multi-Part Split form, where you enter your reason for the holding the split.
When you complete the split, the new split transactions appear immediately above the original transaction
in the allocation transaction list. The allocation marker is not set of any of the new split transactions. They
all retain the allocation marker of the original transaction. You can set the allocation markers on these
transactions in the normal way, as required.
It is split into four transactions with different transaction currencies. Balancing transactions are generated
to balance the transaction currency on each of the new split transactions.
In addition, the original posting is retained and an offset is posted for this, both of which are marked as
Correction transactions.
Posting Allocations
When you have allocated the required transactions, you should post or save the allocations.
To post allocations, in a multi-currency environment you must choose the balancing currency. You can either
select the appropriate option from Action > Post, or click the appropriate Post By currency option. The Post
options are:
• Post By Base - post the allocations, balance by base currency
• Post By Transaction - post the allocations, balance by transaction currency
• Post By Fourth Currency - post the allocations, balance by the fourth currency.
Note: If you are using Online Allocation to match transactions during Ledger Entry (LEN), you must select
Save rather than Post. The allocations and generated transactions are posted when the journal itself is posted.
If the allocations do not balance, the posting process attempts to balance the allocations by calculating and
applying settlement discount or writing on or off the imbalance, and posting exchange gains or losses.
When the allocations are correct and in balance, the posting process performs the following tasks:
• It updates the allocation markers on the allocated transactions.
• It changes any other fields that you have amended, for example if you have changed the due date or an
analysis code.
• It posts any settlement discount, and settlement discount tax, transactions generated
• It posts any write on or write off transactions generated
• It posts any realized exchange gain/loss transactions generated
• It assigns the next allocation reference and the latest allocation date and period to the allocated
If the account is not available, you are prompted to enter it on the Allocation Different Account Entrydialog.
If the Provisional Postings field in Ledger Setup (LES) is set to Optional, you can choose to post the new
transactions as provisional or permanent postings.
Transaction Matching
If you want to allocate transactions on an account without entering any transactions to the ledger, you can
use Transaction Matching (TRM). This automates the allocation process within the criteria you specify.
Transaction Matching is similar to Account Allocations (ACA) and the online allocation function in Ledger
Entry. It allows you to allocate or match transactions. However, Transaction Matching goes a step further
by enabling you to automate the allocation/matching process.
An account type and range of account codes are entered, and depending on other criteria specified, matching
debit and credit transactions on an account are selected and matched. During the matching process, settlement
discount, tax on settlement discount, and currency exchange gain and loss transactions, can be generated.
Note: If the Allocations Locking Allowed option on Business Unit Setup is set to lock at transaction level,
any transactions that are locked by another user will not be matched. If these transactions were eligible for
matching they are identified on the matching report.
If you are matching debtor/receivables, creditor/payables, or client accounts, Transaction Matching generates
any settlement discount and tax on settlement discount postings for you. You can specify the account to
which discounts must be posted and discount tolerance limits. If the discount falls outside the tolerance limit,
the transactions are not matched.
You must choose at least one selection criterion. A transaction must meet all of the selection criteria to be
considered for matching.
The following selection options are available:
• Currency code
• Transaction reference
• Allocation marker
• Ledger transaction analysis dimension codes 1 to 10
• Link Reference 1 (Billing Link)
• Link Reference 3 (Accounting Link)
• Signing Details
• Posting Reference
• General Description 1 to 25 (Additional Fields)
• General Date 1 to 5 (Additional Fields)
A cutoff period can also be defined, beyond which transactions are not selected.
Discount Tolerance
You can enter a discount tolerance amount or percentage in the matching process. If no discount tolerance
is allowed, then the difference between the transaction values must match the discount due according to
the settlement terms exactly, before the allocation proceeds. This could lead to an allocation being rejected
because of a trivial discrepancy between the actual and specified settlement discount.
When the matching process identifies an unbalanced allocation, it first checks the due dates and discount
due dates for the transaction, to ensure that the payment falls within the discount terms. It then calculates
the discount available. If the net of settlement discount amount for the invoice transaction does not match
the receipt, then the discount tolerance is examined. The actual receipt value is added to the expected discount
amount and compared to the invoice amount. If the difference between the two falls within the discount
tolerance, then the discrepancy is deemed to be settlement discount.
Transaction Matching, and use a Call Point of either 00015 Populate or00016 Validate Analysis on System
Generated Transactions.
1 Specify this information:
Currency Identifier
The currency value type to be matched. You can match transactions by base currency, transaction
currency, or fourth currency. If you match by transaction currency, the corresponding base currency
amounts must also be equal before an allocation is made. If the difference is caused by an exchange
gain or loss, a journal is generated automatically to post this difference to the realized gain or loss
Account Type
The type of accounts for which transactions will be selected for matching.
The account, or range of accounts, to be selected within the account type chosen. Transactions for these
accounts, matching the selection criteria, are considered for matching and allocation. Leave these fields
blank to include all accounts of the chosen type.
Note: Closed and suspended account codes are excluded from Transaction Matching.
Selection 1-3
This option allows you to identify up to three selection criteria which transactions must meet before
they are picked for matching. If you leave all three selection criteria blank, you will select all of the
unmatched transactions for the selected accounts, for periods up to the selected Cutoff Period.
From/To 1-3
A code, or range of codes, within the chosen selection criteria. Transactions are only selected if they
include this range of codes. For example, you may wish to restrict the transactions to those for a range
of analysis codes.
Cutoff Period
A cutoff period can be identified beyond which, transactions are not considered for matching. The default
is to select the current period as the cutoff period.
Report Unmatched
This option enables you to determine the reporting detail you require for transactions that have been
selected, but remain unmatched, after a transaction matching run. You can choose not to report the
unmatched transactions at all, to report unmatched debit and credit transactions, only unmatched
debits, or only unmatched credits.
Report Matched
This determines whether or not the transaction matching report identifies the matched transactions.
Post Transactions
This determines whether or not the allocations and any resulting discount and gain/loss transactions
are posted to the ledger. If provisional postings are optional, you can choose to post the transactions
as provisional or permanent.
Discount Tolerance
The discount tolerance identifies the acceptable difference between the amount of discount allowed,
as identified by the settlement terms, and the actual discount amount taken. The tolerance is entered
either in the form 9999.99 to specify a fixed amount tolerance, or in the form 999.99% to specify a
percentage tolerance from the calculated discount. Leave the field blank if no tolerance is required.
Note: Discount only applies if you are matching transactions on debtor, creditor or client accounts.
The Exchange Gain/Loss Post Rule setting in Ledger Setup (LES) determines the use of this account.
If the Exchange Gain/Loss Post Rule is set to:
• Net Gains and Losses, enter the net realized difference account.
• Gains and Losses Separately, enter the realized gains account. In this case, you must also enter
the Realized Losses Account in the field below.
• Gains Only, or Losses Only, the effect on Transaction Matching is exactly the same as for Gains
and Losses Separately. Therefore, enter the realized gains account, and then enter the Realized
Losses Account in the field below.
You can also enter a '-' hyphen in this field, for the Base or Reporting amount exchange gain/loss to be
posted to the account codes specified in Business Unit Setup. If Value 3 is Second Base Currency, the
balancing account on Business Unit Setup is used. However, the gain/loss difference on the other
currencies is generated into the gain/loss account defined in Currency Codes (CNC), Currency Period
Rates (CNP), Currency Daily Rates (CND), or at run-time entry.
Posting Period
The period to which transactions generated during Transaction Matching are to be posted. Leave this
blank to post to the current period. This is only required, if you selected Yes in the Post Transactions
Allocation Markers
Transactions have an allocation marker set to identify a particular processing requirement or status.
There are several different allocation marker flags available, which have different meanings in the system.
Certain Financials functions set the allocation marker automatically to indicate the processing status of the
For example:
• Payment Run (PYR) and Payment Collection Run (PYC) set the marker to Paid (or Paid Unmatched) to
indicate that a transaction has been paid.
• Account Allocations (ACA), the online allocation function of Ledger Entry (LEN), and Transaction
Matching (TRM) set the allocation marker to Allocated when a transaction is matched against another.
• Account Allocations (ACA) can be used to manually set selected allocation markers on a transaction.
A journal type can be defined to set an allocation marker automatically on the transactions in a journal during
Ledger Entry (LEN). For example, you could define a journal type to always set the marker to Force.
You can use Ledger Allocation Indicators (LAI) to change the names of the allocation markers.
For further information on allocation markers see:
• 'What Allocation Markers are Available?' for a list of the allocation markers and a summary of how the
markers can be set or amended.
• 'Updating the Allocation Markers Manually' for information on how to set the allocation markers on
• 'Which Allocation Markers Must Balance' for details of the three allocation markers that can only be set
on a balancing group of transactions.
Note: The Allocation Markers are predefined, although you can change their name. A similar set of user
defined codes, referred to as Allocation Codes, can be defined and automatically assigned to transactions by
particular Financials functions. See 'What are Allocation Codes?'
B-Brought For- This marker is used by Payment Run (PYR) if the amount to Y, B, S
ward be paid is discovered to be a debit balance. These transactions
are included in subsequent payment runs until the balance
reverts to a credit. A similar situation arises in Payment Col-
lection Run (PYC), but where the amount to be 'paid' is dis-
covered to be a credit balance.
C-Correction This marker is used to highlight transactions posted in error. space, 0-9, F, W, Y, C,
Transactions with this marker may be excluded from all re- S
ports except Journal Listing and Trial Balance. Use the Re-
port Corrections option in Ledger Setup (LES) to determine
whether these transactions are included in the report.
F-Force This marker identifies transactions to be paid in the next space, 0-9, F, W, Y, C,
Payment Run or Payment Collection Run. R, S
P-Paid This marker identifies transactions that have been paid and space, 0-9, F, W, Y, C
matched by Payment Run and Payment Collection Run. It
cannot be entered manually.
R-Reconciled This marker identifies bank account transactions that have space, 0-9, F, W, Y, C,
been reconciled with the bank statement. R, S
W-Withhold This marker works in reverse to the Force maker. Transactions space, 0-9, F, W, Y, C,
with this marker are excluded from Payment Run and Pay- R, S
ment Collection Run.
0 to 9 These markers are used to indicate the various processing space, 0-9, F, W, Y, C,
stages that a transaction can go through during its lifetime. R, S
They are used primarily for bills of exchange and promissary
notes. Each number represents the stage in the life of the bill.
These markers can be incremented manually or by printing
specific documents. See Document Format (DFS).
Space You can enter a space to remove an existing allocation marker space, 0-9, F, W, Y, C,
from the current transaction. R, S
S-Split (becomes You enter Split on a transaction where you want to split the Not Applicable (see A-
A-Allocated after amount to record a part payment or receipt. Allocated)
T-Paid Un- This marker identifies manual payment override transactions space, 0-9, F, W, Y, C,
matched generated and paid by Payment Run or Payment Collection R, S
Run. It makes these transactions available for manual
matching using Account Allocations (ACA). This marker
cannot be set manually.
The Allocated marker applies to a set of balancing payment, invoice and credit note transactions on debtor,
creditor or client accounts. This marker indicates that the payment transaction has 'paid' the associated
invoice and credit note transactions.
The Allocated marker is set using any of the SunSystems matching functions. The transactions are initially
marked as either To Be Allocatedor Split, depending on whether the transaction is to be fully or partly
allocated. When the allocations are posted, the allocation marker is set to Allocated.
The Paid marker also applies to a set of balancing payment, invoice and credit note transactions for debtor,
creditor and client accounts. It indicates that the system generated payment transaction has paid the associated
invoice and credit note transaction. The payment transaction was generated by Payment Run (PYR) or
Payment Collection Run (PYC). This marker is, therefore, only usually set by SunSystems.
Note: The Paid allocation marker can only be removed from balancing transactions using Account Allocations
(ACA). It cannot be set.
The Correction marker is used to identify a set of balancing transactions that were posted in error. It can be
used to exclude the transactions from reports, except Journal Listing and Trial Balance. You use the Report
Corrections option in Ledger Setup (LES) to determine whether these transactions are included in reports.
This marker can be set using Account Allocations.
The allocation marker name.
Short Heading
A shortened version of the Description to be used instead where space is limited. If you leave this blank it
defaults to the first characters of the Description.
Note: The following markers are normally excluded: Paid, Paid Unmatched, Allocated, Reconciled and
Ledger Import allows you to validate and post journals that have been created by another function rather
than entered manually using Ledger Entry (LEN).
These journals are held as import files and stored in the Ledger Import tables. You can use Ledger Import to
post actual and budget transactions.
When Ledger Import is used to manually import and post journals, the journals are held on the Ledger Import
SQL tables within Financials until you choose to import them. You then manually select the journals you want
to import, and these are passed to Ledger Import for validation and posting.
The journals generated by SunSystems Order Fulfilment and Financials Corporate Allocations can be posted
either in real-time or posted manually.
The errors are identified on the Ledger Import validation report and you must edit the journal file to correct
the errors. You can then reselect the journal for import in the normal way. Alternatively, if the journal import
file should not be posted, you can delete the journal from the import tables.
If you want to edit the journal details in Financials, you should set the Post to Hold run-time parameter to
load the invalid journals as held journals in Financials. You can then review, edit, release and post the journals
using Ledger Entry in the same way as any manually held journals.
You can optionally choose to override the Post if no errors option, if the error is caused by a system generated
currency conversion rounding difference.
is set, the system substitutes any invalid journal details and, if necessary, forces the journal to balance so
that it can be posted.
A journal may contain several different types of error which are treated differently:
• A journal line may have incorrect, or missing, details. In this case Ledger Import substitutes the invalid
details with default valid information. For example, if the account code on the journal line is invalid, it
substitutes the error suspense account. However, if the transaction cannot be corrected it is rejected.
• The journal may be out of balance, in which case:
• If the imbalance is the result of a currency conversion rounding difference, the system generates
and posts a rounding adjustment.
• If the imbalance is not considered to be a rounding difference, the system generates a balancing
transaction that posts to the suspense account for the currency that is out of balance.
Note: When errors are posted to a suspense account you should review the reason for the error and enter
another journal to correct the errors. For example, if the error was caused by a journal line referencing an
invalid account you should identify the correct account and enter a journal which reverses the amount out
of the suspense account and posts it to the correct account.
The Transaction Rejected message appears if the transaction has been rejected. The '^' caret character is
printed beneath each field that contains invalid data.
The reasons the transaction was rejected are explained beneath the transaction details alongside the {Rejection}
If a transaction contains invalid data that has been replaced by default valid data, these substitutions are
identified alongside the {Substitution} note beneath the transaction details.
Note: If you are using over expenditure checking, and an imported transaction takes the account over budget,
the posting report highlights this but does not prevent the transaction from being posted.
Note: You can also create new report layouts and change existing report layouts using Report Designer.
Automatic Editing
Some imported items are edited by the Ledger Import process before they are validated:
• If the debit/credit indicator is undefined, it is ascertained from the content of the amount fields. A '-'
minus sign results in a debit.
• If you have chosen to left justify ledger import references in Ledger Setup (LES), all transaction references
are shifted to the left to match the SunSystems Financials format.
Journal Type
The type of journals included in the import file, as defined using Journal Type (JNT). Only one type of journal
can be contained in an import file.
Last Status
The current processing status of the import file. This is updated by SunSystems as the file is processed.
Created By
The business unit or operator that created the journal import file.
Created Date
The date the import file was added to the Ledger Import tables.
The Ledger Import Run-Time Parameters form is accessed from the Ledger Import Control Desk via the
Control Desk In-Tray. You use the control desk to select one or more import files for processing. You then
use Ledger Import Run-Time Parameters to set the processing rules and run the import process, for each
import file individually.
The number of files chosen for processing is identified in the Selection n Of n section at the top of the form.
The first file in the Control Desk In-Tray is selected automatically and identified at the top of the form. This
is referred to as the current file or batch.
For example, Selection 1 of 12 indicates that the Control Desk In-Tray contains 12 files awaiting processing
and the first file is the current file.
Once you have entered the import parameters for this current file, and Ledger Import has processed and
POSTED the journal transactions successfully, the next file on the Control Desk In-Tray becomes the current
file selected for processing.
Alternatively, if the current file was processed by Ledger Import but NOT POSTED, this file remains the current
file selected for processing. For example, you may have selected the Validate only processing option and
now want to select the Post processing option. You can use the Next action to select the next file available
on the Control Desk In-Tray, if required.
The Ledger Import Run-Time Parameters form includes the Clear Import File action. This removes the
selected import file from the import tables, for example if it not required.
Note: You cannot return to the previous file in the selection list.
Created On/By
The date on which the current journal import file was created and the operator Id of the person who
created the transactions.
Amended On/By
The date on which the current journal import file was last amended and the operator Id of the person
who amended the transactions.
Journal Type
The type of journals contained in the current import file. All of the journals in the import file must reference
this journal type.
The following error suspense accounts are required by the ledger import process to post any balancing
transactions it generates to compensate for an error, or a journal imbalance exceeding the currency Rounding
Thresholds on the Business Unit Setup.
However, if the imbalance is caused by a currency conversion rounding difference within the Rounding
Thresholds, then the balancing adjustment transaction is instead posted to the corresponding Balancing
Account identified on the Business Unit Setup Value 1, Value 2, Value 3 or Value 4 tab, depending on the
currency value being adjusted.
The following accounts are required regardless of whether or not you choose to post the current import file.
1 Specify this information:
Error Suspense Account
The account code to which the balancing adjustment is posted if the base currency journal values do
not balance, and the imbalance exceeds the currency Rounding Threshold for Value 1.
Additionally, if you set the Post Transactions (On Import) option on the Posting tab to Post, and a
journal transaction line is rejected, this account is used to post the rejected transaction. For example,
if the account code on a journal transaction is invalid, or an analysis code is prohibited, this account is
used as the substitution.
Other Account
The account code to which the balancing adjustment is posted if the transaction currency journal values
do not balance, and the imbalance is not a currency conversion rounding difference.
Note: In order for balancing adjustments to be generated and posted in the transaction currency, the
Amount Balancingoption must be set to Manual on the Value 2 tab of the Business Unit Setup.
Reporting Account
The account code to which the balancing adjustment is posted if the second base or reporting currency
journal values do not balance, and the imbalance exceeds the currency Rounding Threshold for Value
1 Specify this information:
Balance By
This determines the level at which the journal transactions must balance. If this level of balancing is
required, you can force the transactions to balance by transaction date, transaction reference, or one
of the ten ledger analysis codes.
1 Specify this information:
Post Provisional
If the Provisional Postings option in Ledger Setup (LES) is Optional and this Post Provisional option
is set, the transactions are validated and/or posted as provisional transactions. If this option is not set,
the transactions are validated and/or posted as permanent transactions.
Post to Hold
This option validates the journals and stores them as held journals on the Journal Hold file. This provides
an additional level of posting control because they then need to be released from hold and posted. If
this option is blank, the journals are validated and posted as provisional or permanent postings.
Ledger Code
The ledger to which the transactions are posted. Select A to post actual journals, or B to K to select one
of the ten available budget ledgers.
1 Specify this information:
Layout Code
The document format code that identifies the Ledger Import report required.
Major Errors
There are various circumstances in which a line can be considered as containing a major error, for example,
an attempt to post to a closed or non-existent account, or an attempt to use a prohibited or non-existent
analysis code or journal type. Possibly the most common error is the exclusion of an analysis code for an
account that has that dimension set to mandatory.
If you set the Post Transactions (On Import) option to Post, any major error is treated as a reason to reject
the transaction line from the account, and to pass it to the Error Suspense Account you specify. However,
if you set the option to Post if no Errors, the same major errors are considered reasons for rejecting the
transaction and therefore for not posting the ledger import file.
With the Post Transactions (On Import) option set to Post, imbalances in any or all of the currency values
are automatically balanced by a line to the appropriate error suspense account for the value or values
containing the imbalance.
With the option set to Post if no Errors, the handling of imbalances (that is, whether an imbalance is
considered to be an error) depends on the setting of Allow Bal Txns When Post if no Err, described in detail
in the 'Balancing' topic.
When an error is not considered major enough to reject the line, and if the error can be automatically
substituted by a suitable alternative, the transaction line is imported to the correct account and the substitution
made. Such substitutions happen regardless of whether the option is set to Post, or Post if no Errors.
Substitutions are considered either significant or insignificant. In general, the insignificant substitutions can
be ignored, for example when an analysis code is imported in lower case and is substituted with correct code
in upper case.
The following circumstances are common examples of significant substitutions, when the import file contains:
• an analysis code for an account that has that dimension prohibited. The analysis code is replaced by a
null or blank code.
• a date or period out of the open range specified in Ledger Setup (LES). The error is substituted with the
current date or period as appropriate.
• a currency conversion rate missing, but the two values and the currency conversion code are present.
The correct rate is substituted.
• a currency conversion rate included, but incorrect for the two values included in the transaction line.
The correct rate is substituted.
• a currency conversion code, a conversion rate, and the base value are included, but not the transaction
(or other) value. The other value is calculated and substituted.
Records Input
The number of journal transactions included in the import file.
Records Rejected
The number of journal transactions rejected by the Import process.
Reversal Records
The number of reversal transactions generated for the journal import file.
Records Posted
The number of journal transactions posted by the Import process.
Records Printed
The number of transactions to be printed.
Print Totals
The option chosen whether to print the journal and ledger import file totals.
2 On the Clear Posted Imports form, enter the following selection parameters to determine the import
files to be removed:
Date/Time Last Updated
The date up to which posted import files are removed.
Period From/To
The range of accounting periods for which transactions are extracted for posting.
You can choose to post all of these transactions, or only selected transactions, using Action > Review.
1 Specify this information:
Originating User Id
The operator who created the journal transaction.
Posting Date
The posting date generated for the transaction.
Journal Code
The Financials ledger to be updated by the transaction. This is A for the actuals ledger or B to K for one
of the budget ledgers available.
Journal Type
The type of journal to be posted. This is assigned in the Ledger Interface setup. The interface ignores
any journal presets assigned to the journal type.
The accounting period to which the transaction is to be posted.
Module Code
The Order Fulfilment module from which this transaction was generated. Options are: Sales, Purchasing
or Inventory.
Originating Transaction Id
The transaction Id from which this posting transaction was generated, if the originating transaction was
a sales invoice, picking list or dispatch note.
Stage Code
The stage in the lifecycle of the originating transaction at which this posting transaction was generated.
For example, order confirmation or goods receipt matching.
Provisional Posting
Select this to post the journals as provisional postings. Leave this blank to post the journals as permanent
transactions. This is only required if provisional postings are optional in Financials.
Post Balance By
The additional transaction details for which the journal lines must balance. This imposes an additional
level of balancing, over and above the normal journal balancing requirements. If you do not wish to
impose additional balance conditions select No Extra Balancing. Otherwise select one of the following
options to ensure the journal transactions balance for the selected field: ledger analysis 1 to 10, transaction
date or transaction reference.
SunSystems Financials generates payments using the Payment Run (PYR) function.
Payment Run produces the payment documents and transactions for the source transactions that you select
for payment.
There are two ways you can select the transactions to be paid by Payment Run:
• using payment profiles
• via a control desk.
Payment Profiles
A payment profile contains predefined selection criteria that extract transactions for payment. The selection
criteria can also be modified at run time. A profile also identifies the type of payments you want to produce,
the payment bank and other payment details. You identify the payment profile you want to use when you
run Payment Run (PYR). It then selects the transactions according to the selection criteria and produces the
To preview the payments or collections, you should set the Post Transactions option to No on Payment Run,
or Payment Collection Run. This produces the payment run details report which lists the transactions selected
for payment or collection.
You can use this report to check that the required payments are produced or collected.
If the payment method is Bank or Other, the report also prints the bank subcode details for each account
including the bank sort code and account code, and the bank transaction reference. These are the supplier
or debtor bank details defined using Bank Details (BNK).
Once all of the accounts have been printed, the report prints the report payment total and then summarizes
the payment run details.
If payment journals are generated and posted, it prints the payment journal number. It then lists the following
• the number of payments generated
• the total value of the payments generated
• the total amount of discount taken
• the total amount of tax calculated on the discount
• the number of debits outstanding
• the total value of these debits.
Finally the report summarizes the bank account position. It prints the payment bank account number and
name, its balance prior to the payment run, the total value of the payments paid from the bank account, and
the closing account balance.
Authorizing Payments
If the Authorization facility is enabled for the ledger, some transactions may need to be authorized before
they can be paid. Payment Run checks all of the transactions selected for payment to see whether they
require authorization.
It reviews all of the authorization stages that have been defined with a Stage Type of Payments. The transactions
require authorization if they match the filter requirements that have been defined for an authorization stage.
The transactions are grouped into an authorization set and sent for authorization. If more than one stage of
authorization is required for the transactions they are sent in stage number order.
From Payment Run (PYR):
• When the transactions are identified as requiring authorization, the Authorization Batch Comments
dialog is displayed. This is used to mark the transactions for authorization. It identifies the authorization
set reference for the transactions and allows you to enter comments for the authorizer. This dialog is
displayed at the end of the Payment Run process, after you have entered all of the payment run details
and selected the Print action.
From Payment Selection and Review (PYS):
• When the transactions in the payment set (saved set) are sent to the Payment Process from the control
desk in-tray, the Payment Run form is displayed and you must enter the details as with a normal Payment
Run (PYR) before the payment set is sent to the appropriate authorization in-tray.
The payment run is suspended until the transactions are authorized. To preserve the payment request details,
all of the transactions selected for payment in the run are saved into a saved set, or in the case of Payment
Selection and Review (PYS), are retained in their current payment set (saved set). When the transactions
have been fully authorized for payment, the payment run for this set of transactions is completed automatically.
When the payment run is completed all of the payment transactions are posted, the payment files are produced
and the payment run details report is produced. However, if payment documents are required these must
be printed manually using Payment Documents (PYD) in the normal way.
Note: This field may be displayed as Realized Gains Account, or Realized Net/Losses Account, or both,
depending on the Exchange Gain/Loss Post Rule setting on the Options tab of Ledger Setup (LES).
Note: If the Withholding Tax facility is in use and Withholding Tax transactions fail to post during the Payment
Run, they must be imported manually using Ledger Import. Once posted successfully Payment Run can be
initiated again.
Post Transactions
Select Yes to generate and post the payment transactions, produce a payments file, set the allocation
marker to Paid (or Paid Unmatched) on the selected transactions, produce the payment run details
report and optionally produce a bank transfer file. If provisional postings are optional, you can choose
to post the transactions as provisional. If this option is mandatory, then the transactions are always
posted as provisional.
Select No to only produce the payment run details report showing the items selected for payment.
Payment Date
The date to be used as the transaction date for transactions generated during this run. The default is
today's date.
Posting Period
The period to which the transactions generated during this run are to be posted. The default is the
current period.
Bank Subcode
The subcode, if used, on the bank details record identified in the field above. Otherwise leave blank.
Payment Account
The chart of accounts code to which the balancing, cash transactions for the payment are to be posted.
It would normally be a bank account. You cannot select a memo account. A default account can be set
for the payment profile.
If you are producing payments in more than one transaction currency, the payment account identified
for each currency in Currency Codes (CNC) is used. If a payment account has not been defined for a
currency, the account you enter here is used.
You may be warned if there are insufficient funds in this account to meet the generated payments.
Single Payment
Check this check box if you want to generate a single transaction to each payment account for the
suppliers paid from this account in the payment run. This option is necessary if you want to use
consolidation to set or consolidate analysis codes on the collection bank account transaction, as described
Leave this check box unchecked if you want each account paid to be recorded as a separate transaction
in the payment account.
Note: If you use this option you cannot use Payment Voiding to cancel a payment for a single supplier.
Print Link
Select this field if you want to go straight to Payment Documents (PYD) when the payment run has
finished to produce any supporting documents, for example to print remittances.
profile. If this is the first run with the payment profile, it defaults to the bank file identifier specified in
the profile, unless that is blank, in which case it defaults to '01'.
All three types of consolidation refer to ledger analysis codes on the transaction lines generated by Payment
Run, and are described below.
You can also use Business Rules to set or validate analysis codes on the generated transactions. To do this,
create an Event Profile that checks for a Function Code of Payment Run, and use a Call Point of either 00015
Populate or 00016 Validate Analysis on System Generated Transactions.
contain various different analysis codes for a dimension. These analysis codes are also automatically
entered on the corresponding bank account transactions, providing you are not using the Single
Transaction to Payment Account option (described above).
Alternatively, you can enter a specific analysis code for a dimension in order to set that code on the
generated payment transactions.
Note: You cannot use this feature for transaction sequence or daybook codes.
Consolidate Hierarchy
If a principal to principal hierarchy has been defined on the transactions select this option to consolidate
the transactions at each level of the hierarchy.
Consolidate Hierarchy
If a principal to principal hierarchy has been defined on the transactions select this option to consolidate
the transactions at each level of the hierarchy.
You can enter a specific analysis code for a dimension in order to set that code on the generated bank
Additionally you can enter '..' against an analysis dimension to generate bank transactions with the
same analysis codes (for that dimension) as the creditor / client side of the payment transaction. In this
case, it is possible for several bank transactions to be generated, according to the common groupings
of analysis codes.
If you enter '..' for an analysis dimension, in order to copy that dimension's analysis codes from the
creditor / client transaction lines you must first enter an option for the dimension on the Payment Run
Consolidation form for Creditor / Client Analysis Codes. To do this, click Amend Consolidation, as
described above.
Consolidate Hierarchy
If a principal to principal hierarchy has been defined on the transactions select this option to consolidate
the transactions at each level of the hierarchy.
want to produce an immediate cheque payment for a supplier that is usually paid by bank transfer, you must
temporarily change the supplier's Payment Method on Supplier (SUS).
Note: If a transaction fails validation by a business rule using call points 0015 or 0016, by default the error
message is not shown in the transaction report. This is because it is not included in the SunSystems sample
reports; therefore, to show the details of such analysis code validation, you must add an appropriate column
for this to the relevant transaction report for the process (payment, collection, and so on.).
The following tables describe how the Amend Consolidation and Bank Analysis options interact with Business
Rules Call Points 00015 and 00016.
Not used Business Rules Yes - see In this scenario Call point 16 is invoked
are defined. note be- automatically after call point 15, and
low. analysis is validated against the Chart of
Accounts settings.
Analysis set in Business Rules No The Business Rules are ignored and the
Bank Analysis are defined. Bank Analysis settings are definitive.
Note: You can only set analysis on the Bank transaction via Business Rules if the Single Transaction to
Payment Account option is set on Payment Run, or the Single Transaction to Collection Account option
is set on Payment Collection Run.
Note: Regardless of the analysis on the original payment transactions, the analysis codes validated and set
by Business Rules are definitive, and if different, override the original codes. This is because the Business
Rules operate after the voiding process finishes setting analysis codes on the voiding transaction.
Note: If a transaction fails validation by a Business Rule using call points 0015 or 0016, by default the error
message is not shown in the transaction report. This is because it is not included in the SunSystems example
reports; therefore, to show the details of such analysis code validation, you must add an appropriate column
for this to the relevant payment voiding transaction report.
Payment Reference
The transaction reference of the payment to be voided. This must be entered, otherwise Payment
Voiding will not be able to find the correct transaction to void. This is the reference on the supplier
Note: The payment reference is only assigned to the payment transactions when the payment documents
are produced for the run using the Final Print setting of Final in the document format report parameters.
If a final print run has not been performed for the payments, the payment reference will be blank even
though the payment transactions have been posted. Therefore, before you can void one of these
payments, you must use Payment Documents using the Final print option and Store option to produce
a 'dummy' payment document and assign a reference to the payment.
Post Transactions
This option determines whether or not the void payment transactions are posted to the ledger. If you
choose No, a report is produced identifying the void transactions that would be posted. This allows you
to check you have selected the correct transactions.
Note: If the original payment transactions were posted as provisional postings, you must also post the
void payment transactions as provisional.
Note: You can also use Account Allocations (ACA) to amend the payment due date and discount terms
for the transaction.
6 Finally, from the Action menu select Print to initiate the payment process.
Note: If the Authorization facility is enabled and some of the transactions selected for payment require
authorization, the Authorization Batch Comments dialog appears. The transactions are placed in an
authorization set and are sent for authorization. The payment processing for these transactions is suspended
until the transactions are authorized. When they are authorized the remaining steps are carried out
• The standard print request form appears to allow you to control the production of the payment run
details report.
If the Post Transactions option is set to Yes and payment documents are required, the Payment
Documents form appears. This is used to produce the physical payment documents, for example
remittances and cheques.
transactions are posted to the supplier account. This ensures the supplier account balance remains correct
and double entry is maintained.
The manual payment override transaction is immediately available for payment. The offset transaction is
automatically assigned an allocation marker of Withheld to ensure it cannot be selected for payment.
7 When finished, click Exit to close the Control Desks In-Tray form, and click Re-enter Parameters or
Exit to close the Financials Inquiry form.
Note: Transactions within a saved set that have subsequently been allocated or no longer fit the saved
set criteria are automatically removed from the saved set.
4 Select the lines again, and for the Report Process action, select Payment Process.
The Payment Run form is displayed. With the exception of how you have selected the transactions to
be considered for payment, all the normal rules apply for Payment Run.
5 When you have entered details as appropriate on the Payment Run form, click Print to process the
If authorization is set up so that payments must be authorized, the payment set is sent to the appropriate
user team's Authorization In-Tray. The transactions remain in the saved set until they are authorized
and paid. Otherwise, if authorization is not being used, the transactions are paid and payment documents
generated if appropriate.
When the transactions are paid, the saved set number is automatically removed from all of the paid
6 When finished, click Exit to close the Control Desks In-Tray form, and click Re-enter Parameters or
Exit to close the Financials Inquiry form.
Priority Rating
If you want to filter by priority rating enter it here, otherwise check the Select Blanks check box. A priority
code is used to group customers, suppliers and clients together for any reason.
Allocation Marker
If you want to filter by allocation marker enter it here, otherwise check the Select Blanks check box.
Payment Collection Run can create the bank payment file required to collect the payments electronically.
It also generates the ledger transactions required to post the payments to the debtors/receivables accounts,
and produces a payments file from which payment related documents can be printed, for example account
You can produce the aged analysis reports to analyze the outstanding transactions by due date.
Note: In a multi-currency environment you may need to alter the Currency for Payments setting in Ledger
Setup (LES), depending on whether you want to produce or collect payments in the base currency or in
different transaction currencies.
If you are using payment stamps to group transactions for payment, you must assign the payment stamps
before you pass the transactions through to Payment Run for payment. Payment stamps are assigned via a
control desk.
Before you initiate the payment or payment collection run you must identify the payment profile that is
required. If a profile doesn't exist, you must create it using Payment Profiles (PYP).
Even if you select the transactions for payment via a control desk you must still identify the payment profile
to be used by Payment Run to produce the payment documents.
Post Transactions
Select Yes to generate and post the payment transactions, produce a payments file, set the allocation
marker to Paid on the selected transactions, produce the payment run details report and optionally
produce a bank transfer file. If provisional postings are optional, you can choose to post the transactions
as provisional. If this option is mandatory, then the transactions are always posted as provisional.
Select No to only produce the payment run details report showing the items selected for collection.
Collection Date
The date to be used as the transaction date for the debit transactions generated during this run. The
default is today's date.
Posting Period
The period to which the transactions generated during this run are to be posted. The default is the
current period.
accounts and journal sources. A transaction must meet all of these selection criteria to be included in
the payment collection run.
Bank Subcode
The subcode, if used, on the bank details record identified in the field above. Otherwise leave blank.
Collection Account
The chart of accounts code to which the balancing, bank transactions for the collections are to be posted.
It would normally be a bank account. You cannot select a memo account. This account can be set on
the payment profile.
If you are collecting payments in more than one transaction currency, the Collection Account identified
for each currency in Currency Codes (CNC) is used. If a collection account has not been defined for a
currency, the account you enter here is used.
Collection Account
The chart of accounts code to which the balancing, bank transactions for the collections are to be posted.
It would normally be a bank account. You cannot select a memo account. This account can be set on
the payment profile.
If you are collecting payments in more than one transaction currency, the Collection Account identified
for each currency in Currency Codes (CNC) is used. If a collection account has not been defined for a
currency, the account you enter here is used.
2 The Payment Collection Run Bank Transfer details are required to create a bank transfer file from the
payment collection run. This form is only displayed if all of the system and run time settings have been
set to create a bank transfer file.
You can use the bank transfer file as input to another application or software package to collect the
payments using an automated settlement system.
Specify this information:
Bank Payments Processing Date
The date on which the settlements are to be processed by the bank. You cannot select a date earlier
than today's date. In the UK BACS normally requires a date not less than two days earlier and not more
than 40 days later than the date of transmission. This date can be reset or overwritten at the time of
Leave all of the analysis dimensions blank if you want to generate and post a single consolidated payment
collection transaction to each receivables/debtor account for the total amount collected from the debtor
in this run. This is the default option.
Enter '..' against an analysis dimension to generate payment collection transactions with the same
analysis codes (for that dimension) as the original receivable transactions being collected. This means
that there could be several payment collection transactions generated for a given debtor, if the original
transactions in the debtor account contain various different analysis codes for a dimension. These
analysis codes are also automatically entered on the corresponding bank account transactions, providing
you are not using the Single Transaction to Collection Account option (described above). Alternatively,
you can enter a specific analysis code for a dimension in order to set that code on the generated payment
collection transactions.
Note: You cannot use this feature for transaction sequence or daybook codes.
Consolidate Hierarchy
If a principal to principal hierarchy has been defined on the transactions select this option to consolidate
the transactions at each level of the hierarchy.
6 Click Exch Gain/Loss Analysis to display the Payment Collection Run Consolidation form for the
exchange gain / loss transaction analysis codes.
7 Specify this information:
Analysis Dimensions
The Payment Collection Run Consolidation form lists the analysis dimensions assigned to the ledger.
You can use this form to assign analysis codes to any exchange gain / loss transactions generated by
currency payments.
Leave all of the analysis dimensions blank if you want to post a single consolidated transaction for each
exchange gain/loss difference generated. This is the default option. Alternatively, you can enter a specific
analysis code for a dimension in order to set that code on any exchange gain / loss transactions.
Note: You cannot use this feature for transaction sequence or daybook codes.
Consolidate Hierarchy
If a principal to principal hierarchy has been defined on the transactions select this option to consolidate
the transactions at each level of the hierarchy.
8 Click Bank Analysis to display the Payment Collection Run Consolidation form for Bank Analysis Codes.
The purpose of this function is to allow the setting of analysis codes on the bank account transaction
where Single Transaction to Collection Account is defined on the Payment Profile (PYP) or set on the
Payment Collection Run Bank Transfer form.
Note: Where payment collection is by transaction currency and multiple variable currencies are in use,
multiple bank lines are still generated according to those currencies. The payment collection lines are
also summarized according to the analysis you set, and depending on the settings, multiple grouped
lines may also result.
Analysis Dimensions
The Bank Analysis form lists the analysis dimensions assigned to the ledger. You can use this form to
determine analysis on the bank transaction, where the Single Transaction to Collection Account check
box is checked on the Payment Collection Run Bank Transfer form (as described above).
Leave all of the analysis dimensions blank to generate and post a single consolidated transaction to the
collection account for the total amount collected by this run. This is the default option, providing the
Single Transaction to Collection Account option is set.
You can enter a specific analysis code for a dimension in order to set that code on the generated bank
Additionally you can enter '..' against an analysis dimension to generate bank transactions with the
same analysis codes (for that dimension) as the debtor / client side of the collection transaction. In this
case, it is possible for several bank transactions to be generated, according to the common groupings
of analysis codes.
Note: If you enter'..' for an analysis dimension, in order to copy that dimension's analysis codes from
the debtor / client transaction lines you must first enter an option for the dimension on the Payment
Collection Run Consolidation form for Debtor / Client Analysis Codes. To do this, click Amend
Consolidation, as described above.
Consolidate Hierarchy
If a principal to principal hierarchy has been defined on the transactions select this option to consolidate
the transactions at each level of the hierarchy.
Payment documents
Payment documents refer to any printed output required to support a payment produced by Payment Run
(PYR) or collected by Payment Collection Run (PYC). This typically includes cheques and remittance advice
but can also include any other type of printed payment schedule or output required.
Payment documents are defined using Report Designer in SunSystems Reporting Services. A document
format is required to link the report executable to the appropriate payment run or payment collection run.
You can produce different types of payment document, for different types of payments. For example, you
might want to produce remittance advice in the appropriate language, and only produce combined
cheque/remittance advice for payments made in the base currency.
You use Payment Documents (PYD) to request the production of the payment documents for a particular
payment run or payment collection run. You can choose to only print the documents for a range of accounts,
a particular currency, a payment method or an account holder. For example, you may need to change the
stationery for different currencies or accounts.
The documents themselves are printed using the standard SunSystems report printing facility. This allows
you to print test documents, print the documents as draft or final output, and reprint the documents.
Note: You can also produce statements or other account related documents to send to your customers or
suppliers. Account documents typically list all, or selected, transactions on an account.
The Currency Code field is displayed only if the Currency for Payments field is set to Transaction Currency
in Ledger Setup (LES). In other words, this field only appears if you are generating payments by currency.
These document formats use the SRS example reports; however, it is recommended that you design your
own reports for payment documents using Report Designer, to incorporate your organization's requirements
and stationery constraints, and so on. You can base your report formats on the SRS example reports.
The document formats listed above can be used to print the payment documents for payment runs with a
Payment Method of Cheque, Bank or Other.
The single payment document format can be used for payment runs with a Payment Methodof Single
Payment. This payment method is used to make miscellaneous payments. These single payment document
formats obtain the payee name from the description field on each transaction. See 'How is the Payment
Method Used?'.
Single payment runs produce a separate payment for each transaction selected for payment, rather than for
each account.
Cheque Details
The cheques produced by the default payment documents referenced above use a predefined, sample cheque
layout. This layout prints the payment (document) date followed by the supplier name. Beneath this it prints
the cheque amount in words and then as a number.
If a payment document reference number, for example cheque number, is being printed this appears on
another line below the value line.
When the cheque amount is printed as a value, asterisks are printed before and after the numbers for security,
for example **43,511.65**.
To print the amount in words the value is converted into the following factors of ten and it is assumed that
these factors are preprinted as headings on the cheque stationery:
• Hundred Millions
• Ten Millions
• Millions
• Hundred Thousands
• Ten Thousands
• Thousands
• Hundreds
• Tens
• Units
• Decimals.
The amount that applies to each factor of ten is printed in words, except the Decimals which are printed as
a number.
For example, a value of 43511.65 is printed as follows: Zero Zero Zero Four Three Five One One 65.
Note: You can use document format APD4 to output the cheque details to a separate text file. For example,
you may want to use this file as input to a specialized cheque printing package. The default settings for the
text output from APD4 assume that Post Single Transaction to Payment Account is set to Mandatory within
Payment Profiles (PYP) and this is required for accurate content. The format of the text file, and its name
and location are all determined by Report Designer.
Currency Code
The currency code for which you want to print payment documents.
Account Holder
If the payments for several accounts have been consolidated by account holder, enter a valid account holder
code to only print account documents for payments to this account holder.
Payment Method
Select the payment method for which documents are to be printed.
Aligning Stationery
When you are printing onto preprinted stationery it is important that the paper is positioned correctly in the
printer. This is to ensure the details are printed in the correct place on the stationery, for example if the cheque
value is printed in words within preprinted value boxes.
You can use the Print Test Page option in the document format report parameters form to print a test page.
This page contains a series of XXXs wherever information would normally be printed for the appropriate
payment document. This allows you to ensure the details appear in the correct place on the paper.
After a test page has been produced, the document format report parameters form reappears with the default
settings. You can adjust the stationery as necessary and repeat the process, until the alignment is correct.
When you are satisfied, you should select the normal print options.
The reference number can be generated automatically as a numbered sequence, for example for cheque
numbers. Alternatively, it can be preset to a constant value.
If a numbered sequence is required, the details are defined and controlled using Number Streams (NSS).
Account Documents
An account document lists all, or selected, transactions for an account.
A common example of an account document is a customer statement which lists a customer's outstanding
items. You can produce account documents for any type of account, although normally you print them for
debtor, creditor, or client accounts.
The Account Documents (ACD) function is used to produce account documents for selected account
transactions, in a selected document format. There are two predefined account document formats available,
one for a single currency environment and one for a multi-currency environment. These have been designed
as customer statements. These formats are produced using Report Designer so you can amend them to suit
your own requirements, or define your own alternative layouts.
When you use Accounts Documents (ACD), all of documents are produced using the same document format,
and the documents use each account's default address.
Transactions generated during Ledger Revaluation (LER) are excluded from documents. This means that
the document reflects the amounts due in all of the transaction currencies, at the original entry date.
In addition, any transactions generated by Ledger Cleardown (LCL) are also excluded.
Account Type
Select one or more type of account for which documents are to be printed.
Authorization in Progress
Select this option to include transactions that are still going through the authorization process.
Budget values are entered onto accounts as budget transactions, in the same way as ledger transactions are
posted to ledger accounts.
A budget can be held as a total for the year, entered into any of the periods available. Alternatively, the budget
can be spread across the periods in the year.
When entering the budget into the ledger, budget records are created for the unique combination of the
• Account Code - this must be the Budget Check Account defined on the Budget Check Setup.
• Period
• Analysis Code 1 (optional - dependent on the Budget Check Setup)
• Analysis Code 2 (optional - dependent on the Budget Check Setup)
• Analysis Code 3 (optional - dependent on the Budget Check Setup)
• Analysis Code 4 (optional - dependent on the Budget Check Setup)
• Analysis Code 5 (optional - dependent on the Budget Check Setup)
The above details are taken from the journal when posted. The normal Chart of Account and Journal Type
rules apply, so care must be taken with mandatory, optional, prohibited analysis and so on. Budgets must
be entered in the base currency.
On posting the journal, entries are made in the Primary Budget Ledger, and also in the budgeting tables.
The budgeting tables are used by the budget checking functionality. The Primary Budget Ledger is then
used for reference only.
For purchase orders and purchase invoices, amounts are entered as debit amounts. The following is an
example of a journal entry:
Example 1 of a budget:
Example 2 of a budget:
Reallocating budgets
Budget amounts can be moved between accounts, account and analysis combinations or periods.
A journal is entered to credit the source budget and debit the target budget.
For example, if budget is to be moved from Account A Period 04/2006, to Account B Period 03/2006, the
following journal must be created:
Note: You should not move more than the available budget for that period because you will cause an overspend
against the budget. The available budget is calculated as: available budget = budget - committed expenditure
- actual expenditure.
Note: Budget journals are subject to normal double entry controls so you may want to define a budget
suspense account and use this as the account on the balancing postings for all budget journals.
Intercompany Posting allows you to post journals across business units and business unit groups.
You can create intercompany entries in Ledger Entry or Transfer desk by using an intercompany journal type.
The Intercompany Posting option within the Intercompany Awaiting Posting Inquiry enables you to post the
transactions from the source business unit to the target business unit.
Some example Intercompany Posting scenarios are as follows:
• Transferring inventory from one company to another
• Recharging expenses
• Selling goods or services
• Cash payments
• Intercompany loans
• Automatic cash receipt and matching in a shared service centre type operation.
1 In the Subsidiary Company target business unit TU1, select Ledger Interface Account Recognition
Codes (LIA) from the SunSystems menu.
2 Create an Account Recognition Code A01.
3 Select the Business Account Code for the Account Recognition Type.
4 In Business Account Codes (BAC) create the details for the Account Recognition Code A01.
5 In the Misc Analysis Code field enter the source account code.
6 In the Account Code Analysis field enter the target account code.
Misc Analysis Code (source account code) Account Code Analysis (target account code)
7 In the Subsidiary Company target business unit TU1, select Ledger Interface (LIS) from the SunSystems
8 Create a Ledger Interface Defn Code INCO.
9 Set the Module to Intercompany.
10 In the Batch or Online Posting field select Online.
11 In the Target Ledger field select A.
12 Ensure the Journal TypeBatch field contains a journal that is not an Intercompany Journal Type, for
example FGJ.
13 Select External/Business Line Import Values as the Ledger Interface Value Type.
14 Click Line Details.
15 Setup one detail line to credit the Account Recognition Code A01.
Table 1:
Note: A debit transaction line in the source business unit creates a credit transaction line in the target
business unit. Similarly, a credit transaction line in the source business unit creates a debit transaction
line in the target business unit.
Note: When setting up the Ledger Interface you must ensure that the resulting journals balance by
specifying the correct values for the credits and debits.
16 Match the Value with the corresponding Business Line Import Value.
17 Select the Business Line Import tab.
18 Select the Value tab.
19 Select Business Line Import Value 2 from the Transaction drop down list.
Note: The import value is directly inserted into the target value. Ensure that the source value has the
same currency as the target value. Alternatively map the transaction value from the source transaction
value to insert the transaction currency code.
Table 2:
Value Txn
Business Line Import Value 2
Table 3:
29 If you have selected Intercompany Automatic Posting in the source business unit Journal Type (JNT),
the journal is automatically posted to the target business unit.
Table 4:
30 If you have not selected Intercompany Automatic Posting in the source business unit Journal Type
(JNT), when the journal is posted, the data is automatically inserted into the Business Line Import tables
and the Intercompany Posting Status is updated to Awaiting Posting.
31 To post the Intercompany Posting transactions to the Subsidiary Company target business unit TU1,
select Intercompany Awaiting Posting Inquiry.
32 Enter the journal number(s) and click OK to display the Intercompany Posting transactions that have a
status of Awaiting Posting.
33 Select Review or Review All.
Table 5:
38 In this example a debit journal line posted to the intercompany account in the source business unit posts
a credit journal line to the corresponding intercompany account in the target business unit and vice
You can use a fixed account code or an account recognition code.
39 In the source business unit select Ledger Entry (LEN) from the qu menu.
40 Create the intercompany entries:
Table 6:
41 Extract the journal through Intercompany Awaiting Posting and select only the intercompany account
line (SAC01 100 Credit) to run intercompany posting.
An intercompany journal is generated in the target business unit per the eline details specified in the
target ledger interface.
Table 7:
Note: If you are using automatic intercompany posting you can only post the full journal, not selected
journal lines.
You can re-allocate costs and revenue using the Corporate Allocation Run (CAL) and Corporate Allocation
Setup (CAD) functions.
Corporate Allocation Run (CAL) is used to perform an allocation. The allocation is identified by the Allocation
Setup code defined using Corporate Allocation Setup (CAD).
Debit/Credit Retained from the source transac- Amount Reversal field in Corporate Allo-
tions cations Setup
Journal Type Retained from the source transac- Retain Journal Type field in Corporate
tions Allocations Setup. The status on the
journal type must be either Open or
Journal Source Retained from the source transac- Retain Journal Source field in Corporate
tions Allocations Setup
Asset Code, Subcode, and Retained from the source transac- Update Assets field in Corporate Alloca-
Asset Value/Depreciation tions tions Setup, and the entries in Corporate
Indicator (Update Method) Allocation Targets
Currency Code Retained from the source transac- Unless swapped in Corporate Allocations
tions Setup
Analysis Codes Retained from the source transac- Unless consolidated or amended by
tions Corporate Allocation Ratios
Journal Number Generated by Ledger Import No
Journal Line Number Generated by Ledger Import No
Allocation Marker blank No
Entry Date and Period Generated by Ledger Import No
Allocation Reference, Date Imported as zero, shown as blank No
and Period
Conversion Rate Generated by Ledger Import No
Provisional Flag Generated by Ledger Import Post Transactions field in Corporate Allo-
cation Run
Posting Date Generated by Ledger Import Post Transactions field in Corporate Allo-
cation Run
Running an Allocation
Corporate Allocation Run (CAL) is used to perform an allocation. The allocation is identified by the Allocation
Setup code defined using Corporate Allocation Setup (CAD).
An allocation setup can consist of a number of steps which are identified by sequence numbers and run in
sequence number order. You can choose to run all of the sequences for an allocation, or to run a selected
range of sequences.
Note: If the allocation run finds no data to process, but journals have been posted in the period range being
processed, this can be caused if you are using an allocation source or allocation ratio setup that specifies
Change in Balance as the option for Source Amount or Ratio Amount.
1 Specify this information:
Allocation Setup Code
The Allocation Setup code that identifies the allocation you want to run. This must have been defined
using Corporate Allocation Setup (CAD).
Period From/To
The single period, or range of periods, for which this allocation is to be run. The default is the current
period. This is used in conjunction with the Source Amount chosen on the Allocation Source and
Allocation Ratio, to determine the amount used as the basis for the allocation calculations.
When an allocation is run, the source transactions are consolidated where possible, for posting to the
target accounts. Transactions with the same period, currency code or analysis codes are automatically
consolidated for posting to the target accounts.
If a range of periods is selected, then the source period is ignored and any period based amounts on the
source or ratio definition are combined for the target postings.
Post Transactions
You can select Yes to post the target transactions as part of the allocation run, or No to simply validate
and report on the transactions without posting them. In both cases the Allocation Run and Ledger Import
reports are produced. The Allocation Run report prints all of the allocation details. The Ledger Import
report lists the generated transactions and identifies any validation errors.
If you select Yes and no errors are found, the postings are made in real-time by the Ledger Import process
and a new journal number is generated. This journal number is printed on the Allocation Run report.
If you select No the Allocation Run and Ledger Import reports are produced, but the generated target
transactions are not posted. The first time you run an allocation you should select No to check that the
allocation has allocated the costs to your requirements.
Process as Provisional
You can choose to post the allocation target transactions as provisional, if the Provisional Postings
option in Ledger Setup (LES) is set to Optional.
You can choose to include all of the transactions, for each stage in the allocation process, on the Allocation
Run report or to summarize them and only print the totals on the report.
• journal number to display all of other transactions in the journal to see which other accounts were
updated by the journal.
• one of the ten available transaction analysis codes to view the description of the analysis code referenced
on the transaction.
Account inquiry
Account Inquiry (ACQ) allows you to display selected, current transactions posted to a particular account.
This inquiry uses a predefined control desk and filter. The account transactions are displayed on the Financials
- Account Inquiry window.
You can print selected transactions on the Ledger Inquiry by Account report.
You are simply prompted to enter the inquiry selections, for example to choose the account, journal or asset
you are interested in.
1 Select Account Inquiry (ACQ) from SunSystems to display the Selection - Account Inquiry form.
2 Enter the account transaction selection details to identify the account transactions you require.
3 Click OK to extract the account transactions and list them on the Financials - Account Inquiry window.
4 Select Action > Review to list the selected transactions on the Control Desks In-Tray. Select the
transactions you want to place in the control desks in-tray. You can de-select some transactions at this
stage, if required.
5 Choose a processing option from Report Process and click OK to process these transactions. For example,
choose Matching Process to lists the transactions on the Search Results - Account Allocationwindow.
Note: You can print the archived and current transactions for an account.
1 Select the Ledger Inquiry option from SunSystems to display the Control Desk Filter Selection form.
2 Select SALQA as the Filter Type Code.
3 Select Archive Inquiry as the Filter Name.
4 Click Run to display the Ledger Archive Inquiry form.
5 Enter the selection details.
6 Click OK to extract the records.
7 The account transactions, including archive transactions, appear on the Ledger Inquiry - Archive window.
Filter Name
Specify Intercompany Awaiting Posting.
6 Double-click on a field to drill down to the related details, if they are available.
7 To post the journal(s) into the target business unit, select Review or Review All.
8 Post the intercompany journals to the target business unit:
a In the Report Process field, specify Intercompany Posting.
b Click OK.
9 Alternatively, cancel a journal from being sent to the target business unit:
a In the Report Process field, specify Cancel Intercompany Posting.
b Click OK.
Using Explode
You can highlight a summarized line, or range of summarized lines, and select the Explode action to display
the next level of detail available for each summarization.
For example, if you explode the highest account level summary total, the period totals are listed. You can
then explode a period total to display the date totals or list the detailed transactions.
The Explode All action performs the same function for all of the summarized lines.
Using Implode
You can use the Implode, or Implode All, actions to summarize the detailed information to a particular level.
For example, to summarize to the second level of summarization you would select an existing second level
summary line on the display and select Implode or Implode All to summarize to that level.
Financials - Inquiry
The results of an account balance are displayed on the Financials - Inquiry window. This window lists all of
the selected transactions posted to a chosen account and displays selected details for each transaction. The
inquiry initially displays an overall summary balance for each account or asset. You can use the Explode or
Explode All actions to break this balance down by accounting period, and again to break it down by date.
The inquiry initially displays an overall summary balance for each account or asset. You can use the Explode
or Explode All actions to break this balance down by accounting period, and again to break it down by date.
Stream Period
Only displayed if the Restart option in Voucher Number Stream Setup (VNS) is set to Period.
Stream Year
Only displayed if the Restart option in Voucher Number Stream Setup (VNS) is set to Year.
Stream Date
Only displayed if the Restart option in Voucher Number Stream Setup (VNS) is set to Daily.
The ability to provide meaningful information in a suitable and readable format is a vital element of any
financial solution.
SunSystems offers a number of reporting tools to cater for the variety of reports that are required.
Note: All SunSystems reports are produced by the SunSystems Reporting functionality. They are printed or
displayed using Report Manager.
Financial/Management Reports
SunSystems provides three financial report writers: Financial Analysis, Financial Statements and Financial
Tables. Each offers a variety of features that assist you in preparing reports:
• Financial Analysis is a quick and easy to use report writer. It provides an analysis or view of SunSystems
information, selected and sorted to your specification. It allows you to list transactions included in your
• Financial Statements is similar to Financial Analysis but provides more control over the layout and
content of the report. It is used mainly to present management information such as profit and loss,
balance sheet, and similar reports.
• Financial Tables is similar to Financial Statements in that you have a high degree of control over the
presentation of information on a report. However, it has the additional feature of allowing more flexibility
in specifying the contents of columns on a report. A Financial Tables report can be likened to a matrix.
You must define the reports you require from these financial report writers. Once a report has been defined
it can be produced at any time.
Note: Many of these reports are requested via a SunSystems function and so a document format is always
required for each of these reports. However, the reports are still produced so an authorized user can use the
Report Designer functionality to alter the format of the report.
Account Listing
Business Unit
The business unit to be reported.
Ledger Code
The ledger to be reported.
Accounting Period
The period up to which transactions are included in the report. Leave this blank for all periods up to and
including the current accounting period.
• Journal Listing with Analysis for PK1 (JLA) - this report prints the main transaction details, it excludes
the payment term details but includes any analysis codes entered on the transactions, for the PK1
demonstration database only.
• Journal Listing for Unbalanced Journals (JLU) - this report prints the full transaction details and
includes unbalanced journals, for example budget journals.
Note: An unbalanced journal is only posted in extremely unusual circumstances by an authorized user.
The journal listing reports print the base currency, transaction currency and second base/reporting currency
details for each transaction. Fourth and fifth currency fields are also available to be defined.
You can use Report Designer to design alternative journal listing reports. You can design as many reports as
you want, with each showing the information required.
Journal Listing
Business Unit
The business unit to be reported.
Ledger Code
The ledger to be reported.
Journal Number
A journal number, or range of journal numbers, to be included in the listing. Leave this field blank to include
all journal numbers in the listing.
Journal Source
The journal source, or range of source codes, for which journals are included on the report. Leave this field
blank to include all journals in the listing, regardless of the journal source. The journal source typically
identifies the operator who entered the journal.
Journal Type
A journal type, or range of journal types, to be included on the report. Leave this field blank to include all
journal types in the listing.
Accounting Period
If you want to include transactions by accounting period, this is the period, or range of periods, to which
journals must have been posted to be included in the report. Leave this blank to include journals for all
Entry Date
If you want to select transactions by entry date, this is the specific entry date, or range of dates, for which
journals are included in the report. Leave this blank to include journals for all entry dates.
Entry Period
If you want to include transactions by entry period, this is the period, or range of periods, in which journals
must have been entered to be included in the report. Leave this blank to include journals entered in any
period up to and including the current accounting period.
Some of the journal listings also include the following additional parameters:
Suppress Transaction
Select No, or leave the field blank, if the report is to show details of permanent transaction. Select Yes to show
only the date, description, and total values of each journal. If you suppress the transactions, the description
of each journal is printed by the journal total line.
Ledger Code
The ledger to be reported.
Journal Number
A journal number, or range of journal numbers, to be included in the listing. Leave this field blank to include
all journal numbers in the listing.
Last Status
The status code for which journals are listed on the report.
Journal Type
A journal type, or range of journal types, to be included on the report. Leave this field blank to include all
journal types in the listing.
Date Created
The date, or range of dates, on which journals must have been created to appear on the report.
Suppress Transactions
Select No, or leave blank, if the report is to show details of each transaction. Select Yes to show only the date,
description, and total values of each held journal. If you suppress the transactions, the description of each
held journal is printed by the journal total line.
Payment Listing is produced using the standard SunSystems Reporting functionality. You can use Report
Designer to design alternative payment listing reports. You can design as many reports as you want, with
each showing the information required.
Payment Listing
The following report parameters are specific to the listing:
Account Code
The account code, or range of codes, to be included in your report. Leave this field blank to include all
Allocation Marker
You can choose to report on all transactions, allocated transactions, unallocated transactions, or those
transactions with or a marker of Allocated, Corrected, Paid, Reconciled or 0-9 numeric markers. The allocation
markers Brought Forward, Force, Withheld and 0-9 Numeric are treated as unallocated.
Allocation Reference
The allocation reference, or range of references, you want to include in this listing.
Journal Type
The journal type, or range of journal types, you want to include in this listing.
Journal Source
The journal source, or range of source codes, for which transactions are included on the report. Leave this
field blank to include all transactions in the listing, regardless of the journal source. The journal source
typically identifies the operator who entered the journal.
Accounting Period
Leave these fields blank to select the current period transactions. Otherwise, enter a single period, or the
range of periods you want to include.
Transaction Date
Leave these fields blank to select all transaction dates. Otherwise, enter the single date, or the range of dates
you want to include.
Transaction Reference
The transaction reference, or range of transaction references, you want to included in this listing.
Trial balance
A trial balance should be printed at the end of each period.
It is a fundamental audit report. You can use Trial Balance (TBL) to produce a standard trial balance report.
You can choose to report on a range of accounting periods or entry dates. The trial balance report shows one
line for each account which reports the following values for the period of the report: the opening balance,
the total debits, the total credits, the net movement for the period, and the closing balance.
If the previous year's net profit and loss is not equal to zero, the balancing figure is printed immediately prior
to the report totals.
You can produce subtotals, based on the setting of Trial Balance Subtotal - Position of Character field in
Ledger Setup (LES).
The trial balance is produced using the SunSystems Reporting functionality. This means that you can design
your own trial balance report, if required.
Value Basis
The currency value you want to report on. You can select base currency, second base/reporting currency, or
fourth currency.
Note: You can only select fourth currency if it is being used as a fixed currency.
Select Transactions
The type of transactions to be included in this report.
Account Code
The account, or range of accounts, to be aged. The transactions for these accounts are analyzed into
the appropriate ageing periods on the report.
Account Type
The account type, or range of account types, to be included in the report. For example, you may want
to restrict the report to debtor or creditor accounts. Leave this field blank to include accounts regardless
of the account type.
Allocation Types
The allocation markers to be included in the ageing. Transactions with the selected markers are aged
on the report.
Daybook Listing
The Daybook Listing, as the name implies, is designed to be run daily to print all of the transactions that
have been posted during the day.
Daybook listing reports are designed using the report writing tools which enable you to design your own
daybook listing formats, if required.
The transactions can be sequenced primarily by entry date or transaction date. The report includes totals for
each day, each page, the year-to-date, and at the end of the report.
You can also exclude a range of journal types and range of accounts from a daybook listing using the settings
in Daybook Setup (DYB).
Definitive Requests
Printing a definitive request for a daybook listing:
• assigns daybook sequence numbers to transactions.
• permanently posts any provisional transactions which appear in the daybook listing.
• updates the Last Processed Date field in Daybook Setup (DYB).
• inserts the continuous page numbers on the listing and updates the number stream.
• optionally amends the Open Dates in Ledger Setup (LES).
Sequence By
The sequence in which the transactions are sorted and printed on the report. A predetermined set of
sort options are available. This is important if daybook sequence numbers are being assigned because
it determines the fields that can be used to control the sequence numbering.
Numbering Method
This identifies the transaction field that determines when the daybook sequence number should change.
The transactions on the listing are sorted according to the Sequence By option, and when the value of
the field chosen here as the Numbering Method changes, the next sequence number is assigned.
If you do not wish to assign daybook sequence numbers, select the No Numbering option.
If daybook sequence numbering is required, the numbering method you can choose depends on the
chosen Sequence By method. The numbering method must be one of the fields identified in the Sequence
By sort sequence. For example, if you choose to sequence the transactions by Transaction Date/Journal
Number, you can only choose Transaction Date or Journal Number as the numbering method. You could
not, for example, choose Transaction Reference as the numbering method.
A daybook sequence number is assigned to each transaction included on the listing. When the field value
you choose as the numbering method changes, the next daybook sequence number is assigned to this
transaction. The transactions are reviewed in the order in which they are printed. This means that the
transaction sort sequence can affect the sequence numbers that are assigned. For example, if you
sequence the listing by Transaction Date/Journal Number/Transaction Reference and choose Transaction
Reference as the numbering method, if the same transaction reference appears in two journals, different
daybook numbers are assigned to each.
1 Create an analysis dimension to maintain the daybook sequence numbers when they are generated.
Ensure the Validation Method of the dimension is set to No Validation. Analysis dimensions are created
usingAnalysis Dimensions (AND).
2 Assign this analysis dimension to one of ten analysis dimensions used to analyze the Ledger entity (901)
in Analysis Structure (ANS).
3 Identify this analysis dimension in the Daybook Dimension field on Ledger Setup (LES). The daybook
sequence number assigned to each transaction is stored in this analysis dimension on the transaction.
3 Select Action > Print. The standard document format print request form appears to allow you to control
the production of the payment documents.
4 Enter the remaining print request details and click OK.
Note: If a transaction reference number stream is being used to continue the page numbering from the
previous daybook listing, you may have the option to override the next page number to be printed in the
Data Settings section on the Document tab. The option to use the transaction reference as the page
number, and the ability to override this at run time, is set for the document format using Document
Format (DFS).
5 Enter the Transaction Date From/To which is an entry date, or range of dates, to be included in your
report. These dates must be within the fiscal year.
6 Select the Definitive Request option to change the provisional transactions included on the report to
permanent transactions, to assign daybook sequence numbers to the transactions, for the Next Sequence
Number on the Number Stream Details Setup to be updated with the next page number and to include
continuous page numbers on the report, if required.
The Daybook Listing does not calculate the last page number or write back the last page number to the
number sequence if the Pre-Printed Sequence is set to Pre-Printed Stationery.
7 Select Yes to reprint a daybook listing for which you have already printed a definitive request with a new
start page number. If you select this option, you can only select a range of dates which is prior to the date
in the Last Process Date field in Daybook Setup.
If you select Yes to reprint the Daybook Listing, you must also manually set the start page number based
on the last page number printed on the previous report.
Tax Reporting
Financials Tax Reporting provides a flexible reporting mechanism that allows you to report on the tax
transactions, and the related 'taxable' gross and net values.
Tax Reporting (TXR) allows you to produce tax reports in a variety of different formats, depending on the
reports defined using Data Source Designer.
Two tax report formats are provided as standard with Financials:
• Tax Listing Detail Report (Document Format TL1) - this report analyzes the tax transactions by
transaction reference, for example by invoice number. Each transaction reference is printed on a single
line containing the gross, net and tax values.
• Tax Listing Summary Report (Document Format TL2) - this report analyzes the tax transactions according
to the account code to which the gross taxable value has been posted, typically the debtor, creditor and
client accounts. For each account it identifies the gross, net and tax values.
The standard tax reports use a single tax filter that is assigned to the document format using Document
Format (DFS).
The tax filter is defined using Filter Designer (FLD) and determines the type of transactions, and transaction
details that are extracted for the tax reports.
For the standard tax reports, the tax filter extracts either the gross, net or tax related transactions depending
on the range of account codes you select. The tax report then uses the document format Offset selection
capability to extract the corresponding gross, net or tax transactions.
Note: The Offset option for the tax reports must be set on Document Format (DFS) to automatically extract
these offset journal postings.
For example, if you enter the range of tax account codes as the filter account code selection to extract the
tax transactions, the Offset facility extracts the corresponding gross and net transactions automatically. It
uses the journal transaction reference on each tax transaction to retrieve the relevant gross and net
As an alternative you might use multiple filters to retrieve the gross, net and tax transactions separately and
define a report that analyzes these transactions.
For example, you may want to produce a report which separates the net value into different columns depending
on the type of tax rate. In this case you could use classification code 1 to group together your tax rates as
required. For example, grouping transactions for tax codes V04, V07 and V16 as 'Standard Rates', transactions
with tax codes A04, A07 and A16 as 'Self Supply Rates', and transactions with rate code VEX as 'Export Rates'.
You could then set up a report that prints separate columns for gross and tax based on the Gross/Net/Tax
indicator, and extra columns for each different type of net total, depending on the Gross/Net/Tax indicator
and Classification Code 1 field values.
The tax filter required to extract the transactions is provided and is referenced on each document format. In
addition, the Offset option is set on the document formats.
You must define the business rule required to produce the tax reports.
The Tax Report Listing window identifies the total number of transactions selected for tax reporting.
This is the total number of transactions included on the interface table which includes any offset
transactions that have been extracted automatically.
10 Click OK to run the tax report. The report is produced by Report Manager in the normal manner.
11 Alternatively, click Exit to cancel the report.
Account Type
The type of accounts extracted for the report. You can restrict the account selection to one or more
account types only, for example, you might restrict the report to Customer, Supplier and Client accounts
Analysis Codes 1 to 10
The range of analysis codes, for each of the ten available analysis dimensions, for which transactions
are extracted for the report. This defaults to All for each analysis dimension to include transactions for
all analysis codes.
Code From/To
The range of transaction currency codes for which transactions are extracted for the report. By default,
all currencies are selected.
Allocation Marker
The allocation markers for which transactions are extracted for the report. You can select one or more
markers to restrict the transactions selected.
Period From/To
The accounting period, or range of periods, you want to be included in this report.
2 The Financial Analysis Consolidation dialog appears when you select Action > Amend Consolidation,
providing the Consolidate option is selected for the report.
You can consolidate values from up to 30 different business units on the report.
Specify this information:
Period From/To
The accounting period, or range of periods, you want to appear as this period on your report. Leave the
field blank to select the default, current period.
You can enter a single code, or a range or codes, for each selection dimension. Leave the fields blank to select
all of the codes available for the dimension.
The selection criteria also depends on the columns chosen on the report, for example if quarterly columns
are included Accounting Quarter fields appear.
Period From/To
The range of periods for the report. The default is the current period. To produce the report for a single
period, leave the To field blank.
The selection criteria also depends on the columns chosen on the report, for example if quarterly columns
are included Accounting Quarter fields appear.
Reporting on Assets
A number of standard reports are available in the fixed asset register. The first three listed below are
user-definable report formats, although layouts, which you can use or adapt, are supplied.
You can use Report Designer to design your own reports.
Budget Code
Optionally select a budget code or codes to include in the report. Check the All check box to include all
budget codes.
Analysis Dimension
The asset analysis dimension you want to use to select assets for the report. Leave this blank to select
all dimensions.
This period is used to evaluate an asset's status from the start of the asset's life to a particular period.
Leave this blank for the current period.
Asset Status
Options are:
• Blank - to disregard the asset status.
• Suspended - to include assets with a status of Suspended.
• Disposed - to show assets that are marked as Ready for Disposal.
Fully Depreciated
Enter Yes, or leave blank, to report fully depreciated assets that are not marked for disposal. Enter No to
omit these from the report.
Disposed - No Transactions
Select Yes to report assets that have been disposed of, and have no transactions present, but where the
asset record still exists. Select No to omit these from the report.
Asset acquisitions, revaluations and other asset related transactions are all entered using SunSystems Ledger
Entry (LEN) or Ledger Import (LIM).
The fixed asset transaction you enter posts to both the balance sheet chart of accounts code for the asset in
Financials, and to the appropriate asset code in the Fixed Assets Register.
Further information is available in 'Entering the Journal Details' and 'Ledger Entry Asset Details'.
In a 12 period accounting year, an asset purchased in 07/2007 with a gross value of 2600 Euros is depreciated
until 11/2011 at straight line 20% at 43.34 Euros. Check the check box Lock Calculated Depreciation in Ledger
Setup (LES), and change the asset percentage to 12.5%.
Run Depreciation Calculation (FDC) historically for period 06/2012. The calculated depreciate charge is now
7.05 Euros. This new depreciation charge is calculated as follows:
100 / 12.5% x 12 = 96
As 52 of the 96 periods have already been depreciated, the remaining 43 periods are then depreciated at the
new percentage.
Asset net value / depreciation periods remaining = new depreciation charge.
for the change. You can suppress this compensation amount for all assets by checking theLock Calculated
Depreciation check box on the Ledger Setup (LES).
However, it may be appropriate to manually post a depreciation amount to an asset under the following
• You are posting a depreciation amount that correctly brings the accumulated depreciation into line with
the depreciation rate, gross value and number of periods depreciated. For example, posting the
accumulated depreciation of an asset that you are migrating into SunSystems.
• You are posting the depreciation to an asset that is excluded from the depreciation calculation, for
example if its depreciation method is defined as no-depreciation on the Value tabs in Asset Records
• You are posting a manual correction or adjustment to the accumulated depreciation of an asset, for
example, in an asset revaluation. In this case it is usually necessary to also adjust the gross value (using
an additional journal), the percentage or the start period of depreciation in Asset Records (FAS), so that
the manually posted depreciation is not reversed by the depreciation calculation in the following period.
In addition to standard depreciation, if you are using enhanced depreciation you can post manual adjustments
for advanced and reduction depreciation. You must use specific journal types for each, which must first have
been created in Journal Types (JNT), with the Asset Depreciation Type option set to Standard, Advanced or
Reduction, as appropriate.
Multi-currency depreciation
Asset values can be maintained in the base currency, transaction currency, and second base / reporting
currency, and different depreciation methods may be used for each.
Depreciation Calculation calculates the depreciation required for the base, transaction, and second base /
reporting currencies.
Note: If you are using expenditure checking, transactions are posted during Depreciation Calculation even
if budgets are exceeded.
Depreciation exceptions
If an asset already has a depreciation amount posted to it within a period, then it is excluded from the
Depreciation Calculation for that period, and a depreciation amount is therefore not posted for that asset.
You cannot post depreciation to an asset that has the status Ready for Disposal or Suspended.
The final value is a value below which depreciation is not calculated. It can either be deducted before
depreciation is calculated, so that it is always excluded from depreciation calculations, or depreciation can
be calculated on the gross amount, until the net value reaches the final value. In the final depreciation
calculation, only the difference between the net value and the final value is generated.
It is important to note that the net value may be less than the final value if depreciation is posted manually
or if the gross value is reduced by posting a disposal. Such exception conditions are shown on the Asset Status
Calculating depreciation
Use Depreciation Calculation (FDC) to calculate depreciation.
1 Specify this information:
Asset Class From/To
The asset class, or the range of asset classes, to be processed. Leave this blank either to select all assets,
or if you want to select specific asset codes in the field below.
Analysis Dimension
The asset analysis dimension to be used to select assets. Leave this blank to select all assets, regardless
of the analysis dimensions.
Depreciation Period
Depreciation is calculated for periods between the last period for depreciation and the period selected
here. The default is for depreciation to be calculated up to the current period. Otherwise, enter the
period up to which depreciation is to be calculated.
Post Transactions
If you wish to report on the depreciation calculations without posting them, select No. Select Yes to
calculate and post the depreciation. If provisional postings are mandatory or optional, you can select
Post Provisional to post the transactions as provisional transactions. A depreciation report is always
Posting Period
Select Single to post all of the calculated depreciation to the period specified in the Depreciation Period
field. Select Historic to post the calculated depreciation to the period to which it relates.
Suppress Transactions
Select Yes if you only want to print the asset transactions generated during this run. Select No if all of the
asset transactions are to be printed, including any previous depreciation, asset and disposal transactions.
Balance Sheet
The balance sheet depreciation account to which the depreciation is posted. Normally, depreciation is
posted to the balance sheet account on the asset record in Asset Records. If this account is blank in
Asset Records, then the account entered in this field is used.
Note: SunSystems does not check that the account entered is a Balance Sheet type account.
Analysis Dimension
For each analysis dimension, check the check box to consolidate the profit and loss posting by that analysis
dimension into one transaction line. You can specify the range of analysis codes to be consolidated, or
alternatively leave the From and To fields blank with the check box checked if you want all analysis codes
for that dimension to be consolidated. Additionally, analysis codes are removed if the analysis is not allowed
for the relevant depreciation account.
Note: If you consolidate asset codes and/or analysis codes then those codes are not included on the
consolidated transaction line.
In addition to consolidation, you can also use Business Rules to set or validate analysis codes on the generated
transactions. To do this, create an Event Profile that checks for a Function Code of Asset Depreciation, and
use a Call Point of either 00015 Populate or 00016 Validate Analysis on System Generated Transactions.
Note: If you use both Consolidation and Business Rules for this function, the analysis codes validated and
set by Business Rules are definitive, and if different, override the codes set (or removed) by Consolidation.
This is because the Business Rules operate after the Consolidation process finishes setting analysis codes
on the generated transactions.
Note: If a transaction fails validation by a Business Rule using call points 0015 or 0016, by default the error
message is not shown in the transaction report. This is because it is not included in the SunSystems sample
reports; therefore, to show the details of such analysis code validation, you must add an appropriate column
for this to the asset depreciation transaction report.
Enhanced depreciation
In certain countries, financial legislation allows companies to implement a number of additional accounting
elements and calculations over normal straight line depreciation, known collectively as "Enhanced
Use Fixed Asset Reduction Depreciation Selection (FDR) to select assets for reduction depreciation. Use Asset
Advanced Depreciation Selection (FDA) to select assets for advanced depreciation.
Analysis Dimension
An analysis dimension for which you may select a range of codes to be included. Leave this blank to
select all dimensions.
Reduction Percentage
Enter the percentage (0 to 100) by which the ordinary depreciation is to be reduced for the selected
assets for the current year.
Note: By entering 0 (zero) in the Reduction Percentage, you can clear the % Current Year Reduction
field on all of the assets selected, thus leaving that field blank in Asset Records (FAS) for those assets.
Analysis Dimension
The asset analysis dimension to be used to select assets. Leave this blank to include all assets that have
percentage specified in the % Current Year Reduction option in Asset Records, regardless of the analysis
Depreciation Period
Enter the last period of the current year.
Post Transactions
If you wish to report on the reduction depreciation calculations without posting them, select No. Select
Yes to calculate and post the reduction depreciation. If provisional postings are mandatory or optional,
you can select Post Provisional to post the transactions as provisional transactions. A reduction
depreciation report is always produced.
Posting Period
Select Single to post all of the calculated depreciation reduction to the period specified in the
Depreciation Period field. Select Historic to post the calculated depreciation reduction to the period
to which it relates.
Suppress Transactions
Select Yes if you only want to print the asset transactions generated during this run. Select No if all of the
asset transactions are to be printed, including any previous depreciation and reduction depreciation,
asset and disposal transactions.
Balance Sheet
The balance sheet depreciation account to which the reduction depreciation is posted. Normally,
reduction depreciation is posted to the balance sheet account on the asset record in Asset Records. If
this account is blank in Asset Records, then the account entered in this field is used.
Note: SunSystems does not check that the account entered is a Balance Sheet type account.
2 If you select Yes in the Consolidate Profit and Loss field, when you click OK the Depreciation
Consolidation form is displayed. This allows you to define how you wish to consolidate the profit and
loss depreciation transactions.
Asset Code From/To
Check the Asset Code check box to consolidate the profit and loss posting by asset code into one
transaction line. You can specify the range of asset codes to be consolidated, or alternatively leave the
From and To fields blank with the check box checked if you want all asset codes to be consolidated.
Analysis Dimension
For each analysis dimension, check the check box to consolidate the profit and loss posting by that
analysis dimension into one transaction line. You can specify the range of analysis codes to be
consolidated, or alternatively leave the From and To fields blank with the check box checked if you want
all analysis codes for that dimension to be consolidated. Additionally, analysis codes are removed if the
analysis is not allowed for the relevant depreciation account.
Note: If you consolidate asset codes and/or analysis codes then those codes are not included on the
consolidated transaction line.
Analysis Dimension
An analysis dimension for which you may select a range of codes to be processed. Leave this blank to
select all dimensions.
Process Mode
Determines the course of action to be performed on the group of assets selected above.
Select Exclusion to remove the check from the Advanced Current Year check box in Asset Records
(FAS) for the group of assets, thus excluding them from the advanced depreciation calculation for the
current year.
Select Reset to check the Advanced Current Year check box for the group of assets. For each asset in
the selection, the check box is checked unless the current year is after the term of advanced depreciation
for the asset, in which case it is unchecked. To establish whether or not the year falls into the term of
advanced depreciation, the system inspects both the Apply From and Term of Years options on the
asset record.
From SunSystems select Asset Advanced Depreciation Calculation (FAA) to calculate advanced depreciation
at year-end, after all ordinary depreciation methods have been posted. The advanced depreciation is posted
to the same periods as ordinary depreciation, and therefore may be 'back-posted' to periods throughout the
year. By setting the Post Transactions option to No on the Advanced Depreciation Calculation form, you can
run advanced depreciation calculations without posting to the ledger. You can view the calculation results
report, and try different scenarios to help you decide whether to include a group of assets or not for the
definitive calculation.
Advanced depreciation, also sometimes called 'anticipated depreciation', is the multiplication of the ordinary
depreciation amount by a factor during the first few years of the asset life. Both the multiplication factor and
the term in years for which advanced depreciation applies are defined on each asset record using Asset
Records (FAS).
1 Open Asset Advanced Depreciation Calculation (FAA).
2 Specify this information:
Asset Class From/To
The asset class, or the range of asset classes, to be processed. Leave this blank either to select all assets,
or if you want to select specific asset codes in the field below.
Analysis Dimension
The asset analysis dimension to be used to select assets. Leave this blank to select all assets, regardless
of the analysis dimensions.
Depreciation Period
Enter the last period of the current year.
Post Transactions
If you wish to report on the advanced depreciation calculations without posting them, select No. Select
Yes to calculate and post the advanced depreciation. If provisional postings are mandatory or optional,
you can select Post Provisional to post the transactions as provisional transactions. An advanced
depreciation report is always produced.
Posting Period
Select Single to post all of the advanced depreciation calculated to the period specified in the
Depreciation Period field. Select Historic to post the advanced depreciation calculated to the period
to which it relates.
Suppress Transactions
Select Yes if you only want to print the asset transactions generated during this run. Select No if all of the
asset transactions are to be printed, including any previous depreciation, asset and disposal transactions.
Balance Sheet
The balance sheet advanced depreciation account to which the advanced depreciation is posted.
Normally, advanced depreciation is posted to the Advanced Deprctn Acnt Bal Sheet identified on the
asset record in Asset Records. If this account is blank in Asset Records, then the account entered in
this field is used.
Note: SunSystems does not check that the account entered is a Balance Sheet type account.
Analysis Dimension
For each analysis dimension, check the check box to consolidate the profit and loss posting by that analysis
dimension into one transaction line. You can specify the range of analysis codes to be consolidated, or
alternatively leave the From and To fields blank with the check box checked if you want all analysis codes
for that dimension to be consolidated. Additionally, analysis codes are removed if the analysis is not allowed
for the relevant advanced depreciation account.
Note: If you consolidate asset codes and/or analysis codes then those codes are not included on the
consolidated transaction line.
In addition to consolidation, you can also use Business Rules to set or validate analysis codes on the generated
transactions. To do this, create an Event Profile that checks for a Function Code of Asset Advanced/Reduction
Depreciation Calculation, and use a Call Point of either 00015 Populate or 00016 Validate Analysis on
System Generated Transactions.
If you use both Consolidation and Business Rules for this function, the analysis codes validated and set by
Business Rules are definitive, and if different, override the codes set (or removed) by Consolidation. This is
because the Business Rules operate after the Consolidation process finishes setting analysis codes on the
generated transactions.
Note: If a transaction fails validation by a Business Rule using call points 0015 or 0016, by default the error
message is not shown in the transaction report. This is because it is not included in the SunSystems sample
reports; therefore, to show the details of such analysis code validation, you must add an appropriate column
for this to the asset depreciation transaction report.
Asset Disposal
Disposing of an Asset
There are three stages involved in the disposal of an asset:
1 You must identify the asset to be disposed of by setting the Asset Status to Ready for Disposal. You can
do this manually using Asset Records (FAS), or you can change the status for a range of assets using
Asset Disposal Selection (FAE).
2 You should use Ledger Entry (LEN) to manually post any sales proceeds for the asset, if it has been sold.
Note: Do not remove the asset static data if sales proceeds are to be posted after disposal. The asset
sale proceeds posting does not need to contain an Asset Marker.
3 You must then use Asset Disposal to dispose of the assets by generating transactions that reduce the
asset values to zero, and remove the selected asset details. If Force Journal Listing is switched on in
Ledger Setup (LES), then a listing of the generated transactions is printed.
Note: If you are using over-expenditure checking, transactions are posted during Asset Disposal even if
budgets are exceeded.
If you choose to remove asset details, note that they are still accessible in Ledger Inquiry.
Once an asset has been processed by Asset Disposal, the Disposed flag is set for the asset on Asset Records
• If you use both Preset Analysis Codes and Business Rules for this function, the analysis codes validated
and set by Business Rules are definitive, and if different, override the codes set by Preset Analysis Codes.
This is because the Business Rules operate after the disposal process finishes setting analysis codes on
the generated transactions.
• If a transaction fails validation by a business rule using call points 0015 or 0016, by default the error
message is not shown in the transaction report. This is because it is not included in the SunSystems
sample reports; therefore, to show the details of such analysis code validation, you must add an
appropriate column for this to the asset disposal transaction report.
Analysis Dimension
An analysis dimension for which you may select a range of codes to be included. Leave this blank to
select all dimensions.
2 Select Action > Process to select the assets and change the asset status.
3 Save your changes.
Disposing of Assets
Asset Disposal (FAD) can automate the procedures for disposing of a selected asset or group of assets. It
generates the relevant disposal postings, and reports the postings.
You must first select the assets for disposal by setting the Ready for Disposal status for each asset.
Note: Do not remove the asset static data if sales proceeds are to be posted after disposal. The asset sale
proceeds posting does not need to contain an Asset Marker.
You can use Business Rules to set or validate analysis codes on the transactions generated by the disposal.
To do this, create an Event Profile that checks for a Function Code of Asset Disposal, and use a Call Point
of either 00015 Populate or 00016 Validate Analysis on System Generated Transactions.
1 Specify this information:
Asset Class From/To
The asset class, or the range of asset classes, to be processed. Leave this blank either to select all assets,
or if you want to select specific asset codes in the field below.
Analysis Dimension
You can select assets for disposal according to their asset analysis dimensions. Leave it blank to select
all dimensions.
Post Transactions
Select No to report on the disposal transactions but not post them. Select Yes to post the transactions.
If provisional postings are optional, you can select to post the transactions as provisional transactions.
Business Rules
Business Rules
In addition to presetting the analysis codes for the asset postings, you can also use Business Rules to set or
validate analysis codes on the transactions generated by the disposal.
To do this, create an Event Profile that checks for a Function Code of Asset Depreciation, and use a Call
Point of either00015 Populate or 00016 Validate Analysis on System Generated Transactions.
Note: If you use both Asset Posting Presets and Business Rules for this function, the analysis codes validated
and set by Business Rules are definitive, and if different, override the codes set by Asset Posting Presets.
This is because the Business Rules operate after the Part Disposal process finishes setting analysis codes on
the generated transactions.
Note: If a transaction fails validation by a business rule using call points 0015 or 0016, by default the error
message is not shown in the transaction report. This is because it is not included in the SunSystems sample
reports; therefore, to show the details of such analysis code validation, you must add an appropriate column
for this to the relevant asset disposal transaction report.
Asset Quantity
Display only. The current asset quantity of the selected asset, as stored on the asset record.
Analysis Dimension
You can select an asset for part disposal according to its asset analysis dimensions. Leave it blank to
select all dimensions.
Disposal Quantity
The quantity of the selected asset that you want to dispose of. This must be greater than zero, and cannot
be more than the current asset quantity remaining on the selected asset record. If the quantity you enter
equals the total asset quantity, a complete asset disposal is processed, as described in 'What is Asset
during the disposal are posted to the last period in the range selected here. The Part Disposal Period
on the asset record is also updated with this period.
Post Transactions
Select No to report on the part disposal transactions but not post them. Select Yes to post the transactions.
If provisional postings are optional, you can select to post the transactions as provisional transactions.
Remove Details
This field is only displayed if you select to post the disposal transactions, and the Disposal Quantity
you enter equals to the total quantity of the asset (that is, a complete asset disposal). Options available
• No - select this if the asset details are not to be removed
• Remove Transactions - select this to remove transaction details for the disposed asset from the Fixed
Assets Register. They are still accessible in Financials for account inquiries and reports.
• Remove Transactions and Assets - select this to remove transaction and asset details from the Fixed
Assets Register.
Reconciliation Manager (RCM) provides the facility to match and reconcile transactions in the SunSystems
ledgers, either automatically according to predefined match criteria, or manually.
Reconciliation Manager allows you to reconcile transactions on different accounts. For example, to reconcile
transactions that appear on two corresponding inter-company accounts.
Because of its flexibility Reconciliation Manager has a number of uses including:
• bank reconciliation
• inter-company reconciliation
• debtor/creditor payment matching.
Reconciliation Manager matches and then reconciles two sets of transactions according to a set of predefined
match criteria. The two sets of transactions are defined as separate reconciliation accounts. The selection
and matching criteria are defined in a reconciliation profile.
Reconciliation Manager can reconcile the transactions automatically using the match criteria and also allows
you to manually reconcile the transactions. This is particularly useful if you are reconciling a large number
of transactions because you can automatically reconcile all of the obvious matches, then manually check the
results and make any further reconciliations.
For example, if you use Reconciliation Manager to perform a bank reconciliation, you can automatically
reconcile the bank account postings to the bank statement details by matching on the amount and reference
number. Then you can manually reconcile any additional transactions such as bank charges.
Reconciliation Manager
The Reconciliation Manager allows you to:
• automatically and manually match items.
• generate a journal for any balancing entries required such as exchange gains and losses, or bank charges.
• split values.
• produce a reconciliation report.
• post the reconciliations.
1st Business Unit
The business unit for which transactions will be displayed in the top grid of the reconciliation manager form.
Currency Code
The transaction currency code for which transactions are extracted for reconciliation.
Note: This is not required if the Reconciliation Profile being used reconciles by Third Amount, as this is
defined in the business unit.
Show Posted/Reconciled
Select this option to include transactions that have already been reconciled in the transaction grids. For
example, you might want to reset the reconciliation flag on selected transactions.
Note: You can use the Hide action to remove these transactions from the reconciliation manager grids, and
the Show action to redisplay them.
• Using these fields you can specify a value, or range of values, for each selection criteria to determine the
transactions selected for reconciliation. Transactions for the reconciliation accounts are only selected
if they match these selection criteria, and they fall within the overall transaction date range and other
criteria identified above.
Selection criteria only appear if they have been defined for the profile using Reconciliation Profiles
Note: If you are using a reconciliation profile in which Allocation Marker is one of the selection criteria, you
can use a '-' (hyphen) in the From/To fields to extract only the unallocated transactions.
These reconciliation totals are expressed in either the base or transaction currency, as determined by the
Use Transaction Amount field for the reconciliation profile.
Each transaction grid displays the following transaction details:
• Transaction Date
• Transaction Reference
• Allocation Marker
• Amount in the Base Currency
• Transaction Currency Amount
• Credit/Debit Indicator
• Description
• Posted Date
• Ledger Analysis Codes 1-10.
Each grid also contains the following indicator fields for each transaction:
• Fully Rec - this indicates a reconciled transaction and can be set manually or automatically, and removed
• Duplicate - which indicates a duplicate transaction and is set by Auto-Reconcile.
1 Click on the transaction grid in the Reconciliation Manager window that contains the transactions you
want to search.
2 Select Action > Find to display the Data Dictionary Lookup dialog.
3 Click on the data item you want to use to find the transactions and click OK. For example, to search for
a particular reference, click Transaction Reference. The Reconciliations Find dialog appears and the
chosen data item is identified alongside the Enter Value for prompt.
4 Enter the search value in theEnter Value for field.
5 Click OK to find the matching transactions. The Reconciliation Manager window reappears. The first
transaction that matches the find value appears as the first line of the grid and is identified as the current
transaction by the arrow to the left of the transaction.
• If set to No or Not Applicable and you select Generate, a transaction is generated with the opposite sign.
Use Generate Balance to post a transaction for the amount required to balance the reconciliation. For
example, if a payment amount in base currency does not balance exactly with the corresponding invoice due
to exchange rate differences, Generate Balance automatically sets the journal amount required to balance
the reconciliation in the base currency. The offset account for the generated balance in this example could
be the exchange gains and losses account.
1 Select Action > Generate or Action > Generate Balance to display the Reconciliation - Generate form
for journal entry.
2 Enter the journal details as required.
3 Click OK.
The journal amount is added to the reconciliation totals that appear at the top of the Reconciliation
Manager window.
Transaction Reference
A reference to the accounting or business transaction, normally from the originating document. For
example, the invoice number. You cannot leave this blank.
Transaction Date
The date that applies to this transaction. This defaults to the current date. You can enter another date
if required. You can only post to dates that fall within the open date range specified in Ledger Setup
Accounting Period
The default accounting period is the current period unless preset otherwise. You can only post to periods
that fall within the open period range specified in Ledger Setup (LES).
Account Code
A valid account code, created using Chart of Accounts (COA), to which the balancing reconciliation
amount is posted. You cannot select a closed account. If you select a suspended account a warning
appears but you can continue and post to the account.
A description of the business transaction.
Ledger Analysis 1 to 10
Up to ten ledger analysis codes can be entered on a ledger transaction. Analysis codes can only be
entered for analysis dimensions that have been assigned to the ledger transactions entity. The analysis
codes required, and whether they are mandatory or optional, depends on the journal type and the
account referenced on the journal transaction. The codes may be preset using journal presets.
General Description 1 to 20
You can enter up to twenty additional descriptions to be applied to each transaction line generated.
Manual Reconciliation
If you are using Reconciliation Manager to manually match single debit and credit transactions on a single
account and an exchange difference posting is required, the analysis codes for both of the exchange difference
transactions are taken from the transaction in the matched pair that has the lowest amount in base value.
If you are using Reconciliation Manager to manually match multiple debits and credits on a single account,
the Manual Ledger Alloc - Analysis Codes form is displayed. This allows you to enter the analysis codes
required for the exchange difference transactions posting to the source account and exchange gain/loss
account. The analysis codes available for input on this form are determined by Chart of Accounts (COA) and
Ledger Setup (LES).
Automatic Reconciliation
If you are using the Auto-Reconcile facility, Reconciliation Manager must be able to automatically determine
the analysis codes that should be used on any exchange difference transactions required.
The system derives a set of default analysis codes from the reconciled transactions. These default codes are
derived in different ways depending on how many transactions are being reconciled and the Consolidate
Amounts setting for the Reconciliation Profile, as follows:
• If you are using Reconciliation Manager to automatically match single debit and credit transactions on
a single account and the Consolidate Amounts flag is not selected on the Reconciliation Profile, the
default analysis codes for both of the exchange difference transactions are taken from the transaction
in the matched pair that has the lowest amount in base value.
• If you are using Reconciliation Manager to match multiple debits and credits on a single account and
the Consolidate Amounts flag is not set, you are prompted to enter the analysis on the gain/loss and
source accounts.
• If you are using Reconciliation Manager to automatically match multiple debits and credits on a single
account and the Consolidate Amounts flag is set, the reconciled debit and credit transactions are
consolidated. The default analysis codes are taken from the group of debit or credit transactions with
the lowest consolidated value. The default analysis codes are copied from the transaction in this group
that contains the largest value.
Once it has determined the default analysis codes it applies any analysis code overrides that have been
defined on the Reconciliation Profile. You can override the default codes separately for the two exchange
difference postings, to the source account and to the gain or loss account.
Note: You can only define these analysis code overrides if the Exchange Difference per match option is set
on the profile. If the Exchange Differences per match option is not set, all gains and losses are consolidated
and the balance posted to the gain/loss and source accounts.
The Reconciliation Manager report begins by identifying the source of the transactions selected for
reconciliation. It identifies the Reconciliation Accounts from which the transactions were extracted for the
top and bottom transaction grids, referred to as Window 1 and Window 2. It also identifies the accounting
period and transaction date range that applied to the transaction selection.
The report then lists the transactions in window 1, the top grid, followed by all the transactions in window 2,
the bottom grid. You can choose to include all the transactions extracted for each window, or only those that
have been reconciled or unreconciled.
For each transaction it identifies the original Allocation Marker and the current Allocation Marker. It identifies
the transactions for which this marker has changed by printing an '*' asterisk in the Changed This Session
Finally, the reconciliation processing is summarized at the bottom of the report.
The Consolidate Amounts option must not be set if you want to use this matching method.
A tolerance amount or percentage can be set on the Reconciliation Profile. This allows two transactions to
be reconciled if the two transaction amounts are within this tolerance. In this case, the larger of the transactions
is split into two transactions. One split transaction contains the exact amount required to match and is
reconciled automatically. The second split transaction, for the smaller amount, remains unreconciled on the
Using this method only two transactions can ever be reconciled together, one in each set.
Note: Auto-Reconcile ignores duplicate transactions on a Reconciliation Account, except if the Consolidate
Amounts flag is set. This is because it cannot decide which of the duplicate transactions it should match.
Instead it indicates the duplicate transactions to allow you to manually reconcile them.
Before Auto-Reconciliation
Transaction Set 1 (Top section of window)
Table 8:
Transaction Processing
Details Details
Dept Tx Date Tx Value Dr/Cr Alloc Ind Considered Consolidat-
for Rec? ed Total
100 20/05/02 200.00 Debit Yes 200.00
100 25/05/02 150.00 Debit Yes 350.00
Transaction Processing
Details Details
100 26/05/02 100.00 Debit Yes 450.00
110 26/05/02 100.00 Debit No (wrong
Table 9:
Transaction Processing
Details Details
Dept Tx Date Tx Value Dr/Cr Alloc Ind Considered Consolidat-
for Rec? ed Total
100 02/05/02 100.00 Credit Yes 100.00
100 06/05/02 50.00 Credit Yes 150.00
100 07/05/02 60.00 Credit Yes 210.00
100 10/05/02 80.00 Credit Yes 290.00
100 11/05/02 50.00 Credit Yes 340.00
110 14/05/02 40.00 Credit No (wrong
After Auto-Reconciliation
Transaction Set 1
Table 10:
Transaction Processing
Details Details
Dept Tx Date Tx Value Dr/Cr Alloc Ind Processing Consolidat-
ed Total
100 20/05/02 200.00 Debit R Fully Recon- 200.00
100 25/05/02 140.00 Debit R Original tx 340.00
split and rec-
100 25/05/02 10.00 Debit New split tx
- unrecon-
Transaction Processing
Details Details
100 26/05/02 100.00 Debit Not recon-
100 26/05/02 100.00 Debit Yes 340.00
Transaction Set 2
Table 11:
Transaction Processing
Details Details
Dept Tx Date Tx Value Dr/Cr Alloc Ind Processing Consolidat-
ed Total
100 02/05/02 100.00 Credit R Fully Recon- 100.00
100 06/05/02 50.00 Credit R Fully Recon- 150.00
100 07/05/02 60.00 Credit R Fully Recon- 210.00
100 10/05/02 80.00 Credit R Fully Recon- 290.00
100 11/05/02 50.00 Credit R Fully Recon- 340.00
110 14/05/02 40.00 Credit
Reconciliation Profiles
A reconciliation profile identifies a reconciliation or matching requirement for Reconciliation Manager (RCM).
For example, you might define reconciliation profiles for:
• your monthly bank reconciliations, reconciling a bank account to the corresponding bank statement
• large volume customers accounts, reconciling cash receipts against invoices and credit notes on the
As well as identifying a requirement, the reconciliation profile identifies the match criteria that determines
how the two sets of transactions are to be reconciled by the Auto-Reconcile facility. If the transactions can
be matched by a simple field value comparison, the match criteria are defined in the reconciliation profile.
For example, the match criteria may be transaction reference and amount. Alternatively, if more complex
comparisons and conditions are required to match the transactions, the match criteria can be defined in a
rule set which is referenced on the reconciliation profile.
Each static data record contains a status code that determines the current processing status of the
record. A status is assigned to each static reference record, for example to every account, asset, customer
and supplier. It determines the current processing status of the record.
• Open - this status is set automatically when you add a new record, for example, if you create a new
account. Open items are available for input, inquiry, processing and reporting.
• Hidden - a record with a hidden status does not appear on any inquiries but is available for input,
processing and reporting.
• Suspended/Held - a suspended record.
• Closed/Completed - a closed record cannot be used for input or processing. For example, you cannot
post transactions to a closed account or analysis code.
You can alter the status of a record at any time. You must use the options on the Action menu to change
the status.
Generate Difference
This determines whether or not exchange gain or loss differences are calculated and posted to the
exchange gain and loss accounts. The exchange gain or loss accounts are identified in the Reconciliation
Account details.
Note: Any gain or loss when reconciling by Third Amount is calculated in terms of Base Amount only
and differences in Transaction Amount currencies are ignored.
Allocation Indicator
The allocation indicator to assign to the reconciled transactions. You can assign any one of the following
allocation markers to the reconciled transactions: Allocated, Correction, Withheld, Forced, Reconciled,
Not Allocated, or any of the numeric markers 0 to 9.
For example, if the profile matches payment transactions against invoices on a debtor account, you
would assign the Allocated allocation marker. Whereas, if the profile matches bank account transactions
to the bank statement details, you would assign the Reconciled allocation marker.
Transactions marked as Allocated, Reconciled or Correction must balance before the details are posted.
Note: The Allocated and Correction markers can only be assigned if you are reconciling transactions on
the same account, with opposite signs.
Journal Type
The journal type to be assigned to any journal transactions generated when manually reconciling
transactions using this reconciliation profile. Journal types are defined using Journal Types (JNT).
Set this option to Yes to match transactions with the same sign. For example, if you use the reconciliation
profile to match bank account transactions to the bank statement transactions, you would use same
sign matching to match each bank account posting to its corresponding bank statement items.
Note: This is on the assumption that the sign of the bank statement transactions was reversed when
the transactions were loaded into SunSystems.
Set this option to No to match transactions with opposite signs. For example, to match payment and
invoice transactions on a debtor or creditor account.
Alternatively, set this option to Not Applicable if the sign of the transaction amount is irrelevant to the
matching process. For example, if the transaction amount is not one of the matching criteria.
Note: This can also be used to determine the sign of any transactions you generate with Reconciliation
Match Percentage
The percentage tolerance allowed between matching transaction values. Transactions are matched if
the difference in the transaction amounts is within this percentage. If a percentage is entered, an amount
field must be selected as one of the matching criteria.
Note: If you enter both a match percentage and match amount, the difference in the two transaction
values is compared to the smaller of the Match Percentage or Match Amount values.
Match Amount
The tolerance amount allowed between matching transaction values. Transactions are matched if the
difference in the transaction amounts is equal to, or less than, this amount. If an amount is entered here,
an amount field must be selected as one of the Matching Criteria.
Note: The Match Percentage and Match Amount are ignored if the Consolidate Amounts options is
Amount To Be Used
This determines the currency in which the reconciliation totals are displayed at the top of the
Reconciliation Manager form. This is also the currency in which the reconciled values must balance
before they can be posted. Entries in this field update the match criteria, as detailed in the Matching
section below.
Reconciliation Manager can use any one of Values 1, 2, 3 or 4 as a basis for matching. Whichever Currency
Value is used for determining the match, Value 1 amounts are always balanced. Value 3 and Value 4
amounts are balanced according to the Cur Amount Balancing settings on the Value 3 and Value 4 tabs
of the Business Unit Setup. Resulting currency differences are generated according to the settings on
the Reconciliation Account records. Currency differences are never generated into Value 2, because it
is the transaction currency, and each transaction can hold a different currency in Value 2.
Note: The generation of balancing entries is only applicable to Allocations (transactions marked as
Allocated or Correction), and not to Reconciliations (marked as Reconciled).
Consolidate Amounts
This determines whether the Auto Reconcile feature consolidates the values of the matching transactions,
for example, to match several smaller value transactions against a single large value transaction. The
amount field is selected as one of the matching criteria automatically.
Note: If a Match Percentage or Match Amount is entered, or the Consolidate Amounts option is set,
the Auto Reconcile process may split a transaction in order to balance the matching transaction values.
This split processing is carried out regardless of the Allow Split flag setting on the reconciliation accounts.
Report Options
The Report Option allows you to select whether a report is generated, and if so, what transactional
details are included in the report.
• No Report - Select this option if no report is to be generated
• Report Only Changed Transactions - Select this option to only include details of transactions that
have changed
• Report All Transactions - Select this option to include all transactions.
4 The Matching tab is used to identify the data items that must match on the selected transactions for
them to be reconciled by the automatic reconciliation process, Auto-Reconcile. For example, you may
wish to match transactions on transaction reference, amount and ledger transaction analysis code 1.
When you choose to automatically reconcile, the system searches through the transactions extracted
for each reconciliation account, and identifies transactions that contain the same data in the matching
criteria fields. These transactions are matched and then reconciled.
Note: If you are matching by currency, then the currency code must have already been created in the
business unit in which Reconciliation Manager (RCM) is being run. This may be a different business unit
from those identified on the Reconciliation Accounts for which the reconciliation is being run.
5 The reconciliation profile matching option compares the contents of the same fields on each set of
transactions. If you need to match on different fields, or apply conditional or more complex matching,
then you should leave the matching criteria on Reconciliation Profiles Setup blank and define the matching
rules in a Rule Set.
For example, you may want to compare the transaction reference field value in one group of transactions
with the transaction description on the other set of transactions.
To define a matching rule set you must:
• set up an event profile that initiates the rule if Reconciliation Manager is being used with the
appropriate Reconciliation Profile. For example, the event profile may contain the following conditions
where BankUSD is the Reconciliation Profile:
If Function Code = Reconciliation Manager
• define a rule set that contains the matching conditions and uses the special command of Match to
match the transactions if the conditions are met.
If the matching criteria in a rule set needs to be applied to multiple Reconciliation Profiles, you can
reference each Reconciliation Profile in the same event profile. For example the event profile might
contain the following conditions where Bank and BankUSD are the required reconciliation profiles:
If Function Code = Reconciliation Manager
Note: If the matching criteria are defined using a Rule Set, you cannot identify data items on the Matching
6 Source Acct Analysis Override only applies when the Exchange Difference per Match option is selected,
and only applies to Auto-Reconcile processing.
This tab is used to override the default transaction analysis codes that apply if exchange difference
transactions (per match) are generated for the Reconciliation Profile. The analysis code overrides defined
here apply to the exchange difference transactions that post to the source account.
The default analysis codes for the exchange difference source transaction are taken from the transaction
in the matched set that contains the lowest base currency value.
Note: The analysis codes that apply to the exchange difference transaction that posts to the gain/loss
account are defined on the Gain/Loss Acc Analysis O-ride tab.
Ledger Analysis 1-10
Select an analysis code, for an analysis dimension, to be used if a default analysis code is not provided
on the source transaction.
Alternatively, leave the analysis code blank to use the default code. The default code is taken from the
transaction in the matched set that contains the lowest currency value.
Enter '-' hyphen to remove any default code and leave the analysis code blank on the exchange difference
7 Gain/Loss Acc Analysis Override only applies when the Exchange Difference per Match option is
selected, and only applies to the Auto-Reconcile processing.
This tab is used to override the default transaction analysis codes that apply if exchange difference
transactions (per match) are generated for the Reconciliation Profile. The analysis code overrides defined
here apply to the exchange difference transactions that post to the gain or loss account.
The default analysis codes for the exchange difference gain/loss transaction are taken from the transaction
in the matched set that contains the lowest base currency value.
Ledger Analysis 1-10
Select an analysis code, for an analysis dimension, to be used if a default analysis code is not provided
on the source transaction.
Alternatively, leave the analysis code blank to use the default code. The default code is taken from the
transaction in the matched set that contains the lowest currency value.
Enter'-' hyphen to remove any default code and leave the analysis code blank on the exchange difference
Reconciliation Accounts
A reconciliation account identifies the account and ledger from which transactions are to be extracted for
reconciliation or matching by the Reconciliation Manager (RCM).
Reconciliation accounts are defined using Reconciliation Accounts (RCA).
Reconciliation Manager reconciles two sets of transactions which appear in the top and bottom sections of
the Reconciliation Manager window. A reconciliation account determines the source of a set of transactions.
This means that two reconciliation accounts must be defined for a reconciliation profile: one identifying the
source of the top set of transactions; and the other identifying the source of the bottom set of transactions.
The transactions in each set are extracted from a particular account and ledger. You can extract transactions
into the top and bottom sets from any of the following, depending on your requirements:
• the same account, ledger and business unit
• the same account but from different ledgers and/or business units
• different accounts, ledgers and business units
For example:
1 To reconcile the postings on a particular debtor account the reconciliation accounts for the profile would
both extract transactions from the same debtor account and ledger. For one group of transactions you
would extract credit transactions and for the other, debit transactions.
2 To reconcile the bank statement details against the bank account postings in the ledger, you might load
the bank statement transactions into a budget ledger for the bank account. You would then define two
reconciliation accounts both extracting transactions from the bank account, but one extracting the bank
account transactions from the actuals ledger and the other extracting the bank statement transactions
from the budget ledger.
Note: In order to import a bank statement for reconciliation purposes, use Transfer Desk (TRD) to define
the bank statement file layout using Format Designer, and map it to the Ledger data using Transformation
Designer. You must then create an import profile in Import Profile Designer, using this transformation
record, and run the import profile to import the data.
Note: Bank statements must be imported to a ledger other than Actuals.
The source account does not need to be stored permanently in the reconciliation account details. Instead it
can be entered at run time. This enables you to use the same reconciliation profile and reconciliation accounts
to reconcile different bank accounts or debtor accounts, depending on the requirements.
The status assigned to the static data record.
Window Number
The section of the Reconciliation Manager form in which transactions will be displayed. The top part
of the form is identified as window number 1 and the bottom section as window number 2.
The full name or description of the data item or record. This is used to identify it on reports and inquiries.
also be used if the bank statement details are imported into a different business unit. If you use multiple
databases, it is possible to specify business units from different databases for windows 1 and 2.
Account Code
The account code for which the transactions are extracted. You can leave this blank to select the account
at run time. For example, to select the debtor account you wish to match, or the bank account you wish
to reconcile.
Allow Generate
This determines whether or not journal transactions can be generated as part of the reconciliation
process. For example, whether exchange gain or loss postings are to be generated automatically.
Allow Split
This determines whether or not a transaction can be split. You may wish to split a transaction to allocate
only part of the transaction value. See 'Splitting Transactions in Reconciliation Manager'.
Debit or Credit
This can be used to restrict the transactions selected to either debit or credit transactions only, or both.
For example, if you are matching transactions for a debtor account you might wish to display the debit
transactions in the top window and the credit transactions in the bottom window.
SunSystems Withholding Tax calculates and posts withholding tax on selected accounting transactions
according to user-defined tax rules and thresholds.
Withholding Tax calculates the tax to withhold and generates the journal transactions required to post these
values. Once the tax transactions have been posted the payments can be produced. If the withholding tax
transactions are posted back to the source account, these transactions will have adjusted the amount due
for payment or collection on the account either at invoice posting point or at payment posting point
A description of the withholding tax. For example, Withheld Corporation Tax.
Calculation Details
1 Specify this information:
Withhold Point
This flag indicates whether the payment should be withheld at invoice or payment posting time.
Calculation Type
This determines how the withholding tax is calculated on the selected taxable transactions.
Options are:
• Non cumulative individual
calculates the tax on the cumulative total of all the taxable transactions selected for the tax time
frame. In this case, cumulative taxable totals are maintained for each withholding tax time frame
and are used in each successive calculation. If the cumulative source transaction amount is less
than the Minimum Non-Taxable Base amount or the final tax amount is less than the Minimum to
Withhold, then no transaction is generated.
• Non cumulative total
calculates the tax by the sum of transactions over the 12 months prior to payment.
Note: For Invoice Cumulative (Argentina) calculation type, if the sum reaches the minimum amount,
two withholdings are determined, income tax and VAT.
Apply by Default
This check box controls how the supplier or customer accounts for which the tax should be calculated
are determined. It allows you to calculate withholding tax even if no tax adjustment is applied. If Apply
by Default is not selected withholding tax will only be calculated if there is a tax adjustment.
Uncheck this check box, to leave blank, if this type of withholding tax should only be calculated on the
source accounts that reference this withholding code specifically.
Note: This check box is checked by default.
Receivables or Payables
This option indicates whether the Withholding Tax Typeapplies to the receivable transactions generated
via Payment Collection Run (PYC) or payable transactions generated via Payment Run (PYR). This
option is only available if the Withhold Point is Payment Posting.
Source Account
An alternative to the transaction source account for the withholding tax offset posting. Leave this blank
to post the withholding tax amount back to the account referenced on the source transactions, and
thereby adjust the account's balance.
Selection Criteria
1 Specify this information:
Selection Criteria
Choose the relevant selection criteria options if required. The options are:
• Not Applicable
• Account Code
• Conversion Code
• Journal Source
• Journal Type
• Transaction Reference
• Account Analysis 1-10
The description of the withholding tax calculation rule.
Start Date
The first date on which this set of withholding tax rules apply. The year must be entered as four digits.
End Date
The last date on which this set of withholding tax rules apply. The year must be entered as four digits.
Minimum to Withhold
The minimum amount of withholding tax that can be withheld. If the calculated withholding tax is less than
this value, no tax is withheld. For example, if the minimum value is 100 and the tax due is calculated as 40,
then no tax is withheld. If the tax is calculated on a cumulative basis, this minimum is applied to the total
tax calculated. Whereas, if the tax is calculated on a non-cumulative basis, this minimum is applied to the
tax calculated for each individual taxable transaction or set of taxable transactions.
If the withholding tax Calculation Type is non-cumulative, tax is calculated for a transaction or set of
transactions only if its total value exceeds the non-taxable base. For example, if the non-taxable base is 1000
and the taxable transaction value is 5000, then withholding tax is calculated on the 5000. Conversely for the
same non-taxable base of 1000, a transaction value of 800 means that withholding tax is not calculated.
If the Calculation Type is cumulative, the non-taxable base amount is deducted from the cumulative total
of transactions and withholding tax is calculated on the remainder. That is, withholding tax is calculated only
on the amount by which the cumulative total exceeds the non-taxable base. For example, if the non-taxable
base is 1000 and the cumulative total of taxable transactions is 5000, then withholding tax is calculated on
Minimum Unit Price
If the Calculation Type is Invoice Cumulative (Argentina), enter the required minimum unit price. The
default value of minimum unit price is 0.00 and is validated against the highest unit price during the
withholding tax calculation.
The percentage of withholding tax to be calculated. If withholding tax is calculated on a non-cumulative
transaction basis, this percentage is calculated on the individual transaction value or on the total of the
selected taxable transactions. If withholding tax is calculated on a cumulative basis, this is the percentage
tax to apply when the cumulative taxable value falls within the associated range of values. This percentage
is only calculated on the amount of the total taxable value that falls within the current range.
For Example
A type of corporation withholding tax might apply to payments to suppliers. Different rates of tax might apply
according to the type of class of service being purchased, as illustrated in the following table:
The class of rent or service is identified by a transaction analysis code called PG Class with a value of either
Rent or Service. Therefore, a selection criteria of PG Class could be identified for this withholding tax code
and calculation rules could be defined. One rule defining the professional services tax details for transactions
referencing the service, and the other defining the rent tax details for transactions referencing the rent.
The full name or description of the data item or record. This is used to identify it on reports and inquiries.
Short Heading
The short heading, which is used where space is limited. If this is blank it defaults to the first characters
of the description.
Lookup Code
A lookup code can be used to find a record, as an alternative to the record code. It is often set to a
shortened version of the description. It is particularly useful if a record is often referred to using different
codes. For example, the Chart of Accounts code for Fuel Expenses is 75201 and the Lookup Code is set
The last date for which transactions are included in the time frame, based on the transaction date.
The exemption percentage rate is entered for the account, and applies to a particular period of time. This
enables you to record temporary exemptions that only apply until a specified date.
The withholding tax is calculated in the normal way for the account, and then at the end of the processing
the exemption percentage is deducted to calculate the actual amount of tax due.
Account Code
The nominal ledger account code that requires a specific withholding tax rate.
A description for the Withholding Tax Exemption code.
Exemption Rate
The percentage of the normal withholding tax amount that should be used to calculate the final withholding
tax for transactions posted to this account. The percentage can be between 0 and 100 and include up to two
decimal places.
Start Date
The first date on which the exemption percentage applies.
End Date
The last date on which the exemption percentage applies.
Note: If the same withholding tax type and account code are used, but a different exemption code is entered,
where the effective dates overlap a warning message is displayed, Overlapping date ranges are not permitted.
2 If the tax is being calculated on a non-cumulative basis it is calculated either for each individual transaction
or on the total of the transactions for the account. Whereas, if the tax is being calculated on a cumulative
basis it is calculated on the total taxable value for the tax time frame. If the tax is being calculated on an
Invoice Cumulative (Argentina) basis it is calculated by the sum of transactions over the 12 months prior
to payment, including any unpaid transactions.
Note: An audit log identifies all of the choices made by the tax calculator on each account, and on each
transaction within each account.
withholding tax at invoice posting point, the transaction date is the last source taxable line's transaction date
and the allocation marker is set from Withholding Tax Allocation Mkr in Ledger Setup (LES).
you are using the cumulative calculation type and the cumulative amount is less, then the non-taxable amount
is not reversed.
If you are using payment posting point, withholding tax is not recalculated if the relating withholding tax
transactions already exist.
Note: Only generated withholding tax transaction lines are reversed. For cumulative type, if the base amount
is less than the Minimum Non-Taxable Base amount, the cumulative amount in the cumulative table is not