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Infor Dynamic Enterprise

Performance Management Designer

User Guide (On-premises)

Release 2022.x
Copyright © 2021 Infor

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Publication Information
Release: Infor Dynamic Enterprise Performance Management (d/EPM) 2022.x
Publication Date: December 10, 2021
Document code: depm_2022.x_designer__en-us


Contacting Infor..................................................................................................................................8

Chapter 1: Overview of Designer......................................................................................................9

Chapter 2: Program start and user interface.................................................................................10

Starting Designer............................................................................................................................10
Creating a new Designer database.................................................................................................10
Registering a Designer database....................................................................................................10
Registering a farm repository..........................................................................................................11
Adding connections......................................................................................................................12
Editing connections......................................................................................................................13
Connecting with a Designer database.............................................................................................13
User interface..................................................................................................................................13
Navigation tree................................................................................................................................14
Moving objects between projects.................................................................................................14
The Common folder.....................................................................................................................15
Data section....................................................................................................................................15
Status section..................................................................................................................................15
Running the DistClean utility...........................................................................................................15
Chapter 3: Working with Designer..................................................................................................17
Menu commands.............................................................................................................................17
Creating and deleting folders.......................................................................................................25
Folder objects in the data section................................................................................................25
Relational tables..............................................................................................................................26

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Data section of relational tables...................................................................................................26

Data input.....................................................................................................................................26
Creating, editing, and deleting elements......................................................................................26
Comments and notes...................................................................................................................27
The Help tab................................................................................................................................27
Creating and deleting dimensions................................................................................................27
Editing dimension properties.......................................................................................................27
Data section of dimensions..........................................................................................................33
Adjusting and analyzing the structure..........................................................................................34
Data input.....................................................................................................................................35
Using parent and child elements in hierarchies...........................................................................35
Unified data sources....................................................................................................................38
Comments and notes...................................................................................................................39
The Help tab................................................................................................................................39
Creating cubes.............................................................................................................................39
Editing and deleting cubes...........................................................................................................39
Using MDAC cubes......................................................................................................................40
Properties of cubes......................................................................................................................41
Comments and notes...................................................................................................................42
Importing and exporting rules..........................................................................................................42
Importing rules.............................................................................................................................42
Exporting rules.............................................................................................................................42
Confirming rule creation...............................................................................................................43
Office documents............................................................................................................................43
Embedding, saving, and deleting documents..............................................................................43
Opening Office documents..........................................................................................................43
Web pages......................................................................................................................................44
Embedding and removing web pages..........................................................................................44
Opening web pages.....................................................................................................................44

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Creating and deleting scripts.......................................................................................................44
Specifying, editing, and running scripts.......................................................................................45
Script properties...........................................................................................................................45
Comments and notes...................................................................................................................45
Moving a Designer database between farms..................................................................................46
Chapter 4: System folder.................................................................................................................47
Data Sources...................................................................................................................................47
Data Connections............................................................................................................................48
Managing languages....................................................................................................................49
Assigning multilingual captions....................................................................................................50
Assigning Designer permissions to roles........................................................................................50
Rule groups..................................................................................................................................53
Creating a rule group...................................................................................................................53
Assigning a rule to a group..........................................................................................................53
Deleting an assignment...............................................................................................................53
Editing a rule group......................................................................................................................53
Chapter 5: Connector.......................................................................................................................55
ODBC connections..........................................................................................................................55
Source databases...........................................................................................................................55
Business units.................................................................................................................................55
Business groups..............................................................................................................................56
Mapping source tables to target dimensions...................................................................................56
Mapping elements and creating hierarchies....................................................................................56
Reference database........................................................................................................................56
Data connections for cubes.............................................................................................................57
Step by step....................................................................................................................................57
Connector settings..........................................................................................................................58
ODBC connections tab................................................................................................................58
Configuring data connections..........................................................................................................58

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Enabling connections and business units....................................................................................58

Configuring business units..............................................................................................................59
Editing the business units............................................................................................................59
Work space of the business unit configuration.............................................................................59
Properties of the tables................................................................................................................61
Configuring the fact tables...........................................................................................................62
Configuring the dimensions.........................................................................................................63
Properties of the fields.................................................................................................................64
Synchronizing attribute table fields..............................................................................................64
Editing the related fields...............................................................................................................65
Importing hierarchical information................................................................................................66
Adding tables...............................................................................................................................66
Removing tables..........................................................................................................................67
Creating lookup dimensions.........................................................................................................67
Editing SQL statement.................................................................................................................67
Configuring business groups...........................................................................................................67
Creating business groups............................................................................................................68
Editing business groups...............................................................................................................72
Deleting business groups.............................................................................................................77
Refreshing the mappings of a business group.............................................................................77
Mapping tables and dimensions......................................................................................................77
Creating mappings.......................................................................................................................77
Editing mappings.........................................................................................................................78
Selecting source elements for import...........................................................................................79
Refreshing the mappings.............................................................................................................81
Deleting mappings.......................................................................................................................81
Mapping dimension elements..........................................................................................................81
Copying elements........................................................................................................................82
Mapping elements........................................................................................................................83
Copying with dynamic ranges......................................................................................................83
Creating hierarchies with dynamic ranges...................................................................................84
Configuring data connections for cubes..........................................................................................84
Creating, editing, deleting data connection for cubes..................................................................85
Configuring the data transfer.......................................................................................................85
Importing data.................................................................................................................................86

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Exporting data.................................................................................................................................86
Connector configuration check........................................................................................................87

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Contacting Infor

Contacting Infor

If you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at and
create a support incident.
The latest documentation is available from or from the Infor Support Portal. To access
documentation on the Infor Support Portal, select Search > Browse Documentation. We recommend
that you check this portal periodically for updated documentation.
If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact

Infor Dynamic Enterprise Performance Management Designer User Guide (On-premises) | 8

Overview of Designer

Chapter 1: Overview of Designer

Designer is the modeling tool for Infor Budgeting & Planning.

Designer can be used only for Budgeting & Planning and for custom budgeting, that is, for budgeting
that utilizes the Infor d/EPM platform but not any Infor d/EPM business application.
In Designer, you design multidimensional OLAP databases and store the metadata in a relational,
Designer database. The Designer project is a set of dimensions, elements, and cubes that make up a
Each Designer database resides in an application and each application has a single OLAP instance,
whose data model can be described by the information stored in the Designer database in that
application. The Designer navigation tree gives you an overview of the model.
Designer offers advanced methods for creating complex models. It enables you to define dimensions
and cubes, and has rich dimensional features such as multiple hierarchies and attributes. Designer
maintains user rights to the model, and supports basic data loading functionality. Support for multiple
languages is automatic.
The Connector enables you to access other data sources and import their data and structures into a
After the model is created in Designer, it is published to the OLAP database that is used by the running
application for data storage. The data is then loaded into the model using a separate set of tools.

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Program start and user interface

Chapter 2: Program start and user interface

This section describes how to start Designer. It also contains overview of the user interface.

Starting Designer
Select Infor d/EPM > Designer.
On first use, you must register a repository for the Designer database and connect to the model of the
If a repository has been registered, see the "Connecting with a Designer database" topic.
The repository contains the structural information that you use to create the OLAP database for your

Creating a new Designer database

1 Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
2 In the Databases folder, right-click and create a new database.
3 Browse to the script C:\Program Files (x86)\Infor\BI\Designer\DatabaseScripts\
Designer_InitialScript_ss2k.sql and open it.
4 On the toolbar, select your database's name from the drop-down list.
5 Click Execute on the toolbar.

Registering a Designer database

When you start the program, the Connect to Infor d/EPM Designer dialog opens. Here you administer
database registrations and connect to the repository of the farm.
To register a Designer database:

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Program start and user interface

1 Click Creates a Designer database registration.

2 Specify a name for the registration.
3 Click Wizard.
4 Select the OLE DB provider on the Provider tab and click Next.
5 Specify the server name where the database is located on the Connection tab.
6 Specify the required information to log on to the server.
Note: When connecting to and working with the Designer repository database, we recommend
that you connect with the dbo credentials.
7 Select the database to use from the Select the database drop-down list.
Note: If SQL Native Client 10.0 is selected as the provider, the Allow saving password option
on the Connection tab does not work correctly. If you use SQL Native Client 10.0 without integrated
security, specify the password in the Connection String field of the Register Database dialog.
Specify the password as password=[sa password]. Use semi-colons (;) to separate attributes in
the connection string.
8 Click Test Connection. If the connections is successfully established, click OK.
9 Select Allow saving password and click OK.
The new Designer database registration is created.
10 To edit a registration, select the registration from the drop-down list and click Edits the Designer
database registration.
11 To delete a registration, select the registration from the drop-down list and click Deletes the
Designer database registration.

Registering a farm repository

When you start the program, or select File > Log on As, the Connect to Infor d/EPM Designer dialog
box opens. Here you administer database registrations and connect to a repository of the farm.
1 If you select a Designer database for which no farm repository has been registered, you are
prompted to specify the repository.
2 Click Yes.
3 If you have no connections specified, click ADD CONNECTION.
a Select the farm profile to add.
b If the profile requires a password, specify the password and click OK.
4 Select the connection and click CONNECT.
5 Specify the user name and password of the administrator to log on to the Designer database.
6 Click Next.
7 Select the farm repository from the Choose a repository list and click Connect.
8 Select the authentication system and specify the log-on information of the administrator for the
repository database. The administrator must have Administer Repository permission on the farm
level and Administer Permissions on the application level.

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Program start and user interface

9 Click OK.
10 Select the project.
If you are configuring Budgeting & Planning, you must select DEPM.
Caution: Do not select DEPMAPPS for Budgeting & Planning as this project is for Business
Modeling-based applications. DEPM is the project that belongs to the OLAP database that you
want to create from this Designer database.

11 Select the check box Synchronize users and roles while logging on to start synchronization of
users and roles from Repository to Designer when you log on to the Designer.
12 Specify a password to delete the connection information if the selected repository is no longer
13 Click Next.
14 To confirm the selected synchronization option, click Yes.
15 Review the selected settings and click Finish.
16 Select the Designer database to work with the Database list.
17 Select the authentication system from the Authentication list.
18 Specify the user name and password. The user must have Administer Repository permission on
the farm level and Administer Permissions on the application level.
19 Click OK.
The farm repository information is stored within the Designer database. If you register a Designer
database in another Designer installation, the farm repository registration is the same for both
You can edit the farm repository in File > Settings > Repository Connection.

Adding connections
You can add a connection to a farm from the Sign-in Wizard:
3 Browse to the .farmprofile file of the client to connect and click Open.
The profile must be appropriate for the version of the client. Profiles and clients must be downloaded
from the Client Access dashboard.
4 Specify the password for the profile and click OK.
You can drag connections to change the order in which they are displayed.
5 Click DONE.

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Program start and user interface

Editing connections
In the Sign-in Wizard you can edit the name and description of a connection to a farm, or delete a
Edit and Delete icons are displayed on existing connections.
2 Click one of these icons:
Icon Function
Edit Opens the Edit Connection dialog box. You can edit the name and
description of the connection.
Delete Deletes the connection, if you click Yes to confirm.

3 Click DONE.

Connecting with a Designer database

When you start the program, the Connect to Infor d/EPM Designer dialog opens. Here, you administer
database registrations and connect to a repository.
Note: You must log on as a user with the Administer Repository permission on the farm level and
Administer Permissions on the application level.
To connect with a Designer database:
1 Select the Designer database to work with the Database drop-down list.
2 Select the authentication system from the Authentication drop-down list.
Note: When you use a Designer database for the first time, it has no connection to a farm repository.
3 Specify the user name and password.
4 Click OK.
Note: When you connect with a Designer database, the database is locked by Designer. The database
can only be edited by Designer. If you try to edit the database in d/EPM Administration, you may receive
this error message:

The database can only be modeled by Infor d/EPM Designer.

To unlock the database, recreate the OLAP database with Designer and close Designer.

User interface
The Designer user interface has four main elements:

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Program start and user interface

1 Menu commands
2 Navigation tree on the left: It contains projects, folders, and database objects.
3 Data section on the right: Specify or view data of a selected object.
4 Status section at the bottom: Shows the log.
To hide the navigation tree, click the small left arrow icon at its top right.
To hide the status pane, click the dash at its top right.

Navigation tree
The navigation tree displays the objects of the Designer database. The folders at the top level of the
tree represent the projects, which you can integrate into the database models in the Settings dialog.
In a project, you can create these database objects:

Database objects Description




Relational tables

MS Office documents

Web pages

Scripts (SQL statements, VBScript, JavaScript).

When you select an object, its contents are displayed in the data section.
To use database objects in several projects, you create links. To create a link in a folder or a project,
right-click the folder in the tree, select the Link command and then the object type for that you create
a link, for example, Link > Dimension. The New Link dialog opens, where you select the object.
The nodes Connector and System in the tree do not depend on projects.
You find commands and options for the administration of database objects on the shortcut menu
(right-click an object) and the Action menu.

Moving objects between projects

You can move objects of the tree (system objects) between Designer projects.

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Program start and user interface

Note: System objects of applications cannot be moved to Designer projects. Designer system objects
cannot be moved to application projects.

The Common folder

The tree contains a folder Common. Objects in this folder can be used by all users in all projects
regardless of their permissions.

Data section
When you select an object in the tree, it is displayed in the data section for analysis and data input.
The data sections of the object types (dimension, cube, document, etc.) are not identical. The data
section of most object types contains the tabs Design (data input), Notes (specify comments) and
Help (information about the object).

Status section
In the status section at the bottom events are logged that occur creating the data model or during
automatic database updates. The columns Description and Time provide information about processes
and the course of the database testing and creation. You configure the log function in the Settings
Right-click the log and select Copy to Clipboard or Save As, to search or further process the log data
with another program. Use the tab as separator for export.

Running the DistClean utility

During the development of an application in Designer, a large amount of data may be stored that is
unnecessary or unwanted in the final version. DistClean enables you to remove redundant data from
the staging area and its content.
DistClean is a separate utility which is installed by the Setup process to c:\Program Files (x86)
To run DistClean:
1 Double-click Mis.Modeller.DistClean and log on to the database to clean.
2 Click Run.

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Program start and user interface

3 DistClean creates a detailed log of the data it deletes.

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Working with Designer

Chapter 3: Working with Designer

This section describes how to create multidimensional OLAP database and create, edit, or delete
cubes, dimensions, and elements of the OLAP database.

Menu commands
The Designer menu bar consists of these menus: File, Action, and Help.

The File menu contains these commands:

Menu commands Description

New Project Creates a project. A project is represented by a
folder at the top level in the tree. In a project, you
create and administer database objects, for ex-
ample, dimensions and cubes. On the Models
tab of the Settings dialog you can configure
several database models and select, which
project is contained in which target database.
Create Database Creates the OLAP database.
Log on As Connecting to a Designer database and to a
Import Database Languages Imports new and updated language packs to the
Designer database.
Validate Database Checks validity of the configuration. The result is
written to the log.
Validate Database Schema Validates the schema of the Designer relational
database. Validation is executed after every up-
date of the database.

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Working with Designer

Menu commands Description

Connector configuration check Produces a report to help identify errors in the
mapping of measures in the source database to
the Designer database.
Settings Here you specify the settings of the program
language, the database models, the database
connections, the log, and the Auditing feature.
Exit ClosesDesigner.

Creating database
Select the menu command File > Create Database to open a dialog, in which you create the OLAP
database on the basis of the relational database in Designer. Before the dialog opens, the database
configuration is tested. If you select the Recreate entire database check box, the data model will be
completely rebuilt. The complete creation may take very long. Without this option, only the modified
dimensions are rebuilt.
When you update an OLAP database using the Create Database command, the data is cached before
the structure is updated. If target elements are missing when writing back data to the database, the
data is written to the file Error_Data_Data.txt. The location of the file is displayed in the log that
you see in the Status section.
Status information regarding the database creation is logged.

Validating database
Select File > Validate Database to check whether Designer can establish a connection to the OLAP
If the validation fails, the OLAP database uses a different farm repository than Designer.
Note: Ensure that Designer targets the OLAP database which belongs to the OLAP permission
management that has been configured in the Repository Connection tab.
You configure the target OLAP database on the Models tab of the Settings dialog. Select the database
from the OLAP Server drop-down list.

Importing database languages

Select File > Import database languages to import languages into the Designer database and assign
them to the language columns of the tables.
Select the check boxes and select the language columns from the drop down lists.

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Working with Designer

Validating database schema

Select File > Validate Database Schema to check whether the Designer database contains the objects,
tables, table fields, relations, and indices that are required for the correct operation of Designer.
If the validation fails, you must correct the Designer database.

Select File > Settings to open the dialog Settings. In the Settings dialog, you configure the program
language, the database models, and the logging.

On the Language tab, you select the program language and the date separator. The date separator
is relevant for the elements of the period dimension. When you change the language, you must restart
the program.

Repository Connection
On the Repository Connection tab, the repository of the farm is selected by default. Click Connect.
In Connect to repository specify the log-on information and click OK. Then select the project and the
OLAP permission management.
If you select the check box Synchronize users and roles while logging on, users and roles are
synchronized between repository and Designer database each time you log on.

Modeling Service
The Modeling Service is part of the Infor d/EPM Platform applications integration. The information is
read by the Model Manager.

On the Models tab, you administer the target databases for the creation of the OLAP database.
In the Settings of the database model section you select the OLAP database on which the model
must be created from the OLAP server drop-down list.
Select the default permission of the model (All, Write, Read, None) from the Default user permission
drop-down list.
If you select the check box The database model can only be modified by Designer, the object
structure of the OLAP database can only be changed in Designer.

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Working with Designer

You can select the check boxes of projects that must be included in the databases.
To save the model settings, click Apply.

On the Logging tab, you configure the settings for the event log. Select the check boxes Enable the
event list and/or Events in Windows event log. You can select the detail level of the log for both
methods from the drop-down lists: Debug (all events), Information, Warning, and Error. Each category
includes the subsequent ones. The information in the Status section is not saved automatically. The
events that are logged can be checked in the Windows Event Viewer when you select the log file Infor
BI Designer.
To activate the Auditing feature, select Enable Auditing. By default, auditing is disabled. Once you
enable auditing, you cannot disable it again. To view the audit entries, click View Audit Entries.

In the Audit Viewer dialog, you can view and search for Designer auditing data. Audit entries are
recorded automatically when you enable the Auditing feature.
To open the Audit Viewer dialog, select File > Settings. Click the Logging tab and click View Audit
Entries. To use the Auditing feature, you must have the permission Administer Audit on the farm level.
The Audit Viewer dialog provides a variety of search capabilities to search for recorded audit entries,
so that you can quickly find the data you are looking for.
These are basic searching scenarios:
• Show all audit entries between a start and end date.
• Show all audit entries for a specific user.
• Show all audit entries for a specific application.
• Show all audit entries for a specific audit event (requires to also set the application).
• Show all audit entries for a specific audit event of an application filtered by additional fields.
You can use these search criteria in the Audit Viewer dialog:
• From, To: Time period in which the audit event happened.
• Repository user: The Repository user who performed the audit event. This is the user login name
in Repository.
• Windows user: Windows user name under which the audit event happened. This is the fully
qualified Windows user name.
• IP address: IP addresses of the physical machine where the audit event happened. This is a
semicolon separated list of all IP addresses the current local machine has assigned.
• Computer name: Name of the physical machine where the audit event happened. This is the
current local machine name from the operating system.
• Process name: Name of the Windows process (executable) in which the audit event happened.
This is the name of the process without extension.

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Working with Designer

• Application: Predefined list of applications that offer auditing. You can select Designer from the
drop-down list. The Event field shows a list of application-specific audit events that are recorded
by Designer.
• Project: List of available projects in the current repository in which the audit event happened. This
is the unique name of the repository project. You can select <Any> here to consider all projects in
the current repository, or <Unknown> if projects were deleted meanwhile and cannot be mapped
to existing projects.
• Event: Audit event that happened. The list of audit events shown here depends on the selected
application. Custom fields that are linked to an audit event are available for filtering if a certain
audit event is selected. In such a case, a specific set of additional fields appears in the filter section
for the selected audit event. You can select <Any> here to consider all events in the current
repository respectively application.
If you select a combination of different search criteria, they are always combined with a logical and
when a database query is performed. The only criteria that you must always specify are the time range
and the application. You can leave other search criteria empty or use the <Any> option.
To start the search according to the specified search criteria, click Search. On the right side of the
dialog, a list of the resulting audit entries is shown. By default, this list shows the common column
information without custom field information. If you perform a search by using a specific audit event as
a filter, in addition applicable custom columns are shown that are based on the selected event.
Note: When you perform a search that retrieves a number of audit entries greater than 50.000, an
error message is shown: The search would return more than 50 000 entries. Try to
specify more specific filter criteria to narrow down the results..
To reset the specified search criteria, click Reset.
To start the export of the search result to a .csv file, click Export. In the Save As dialog, specify the
file name and click Save. The current view of audit entries of the previous search is saved to the file.

Audit events in Designer

This table shows the audit events in Designer that are recorded:

Audit event Description Event-specific custom fields

Activate Audit The auditing is enabled in De- User name, Audit active
Add Cube to Cube Relation A cube to cube relation is Cube, MDAC
Add Dimension A dimension is added. Cube, Dimension
Change Default Permission of The default permission of the Model, Default permission, De-
Model model is changed. fault permission
Change Modified By Designer State of the check box Modified Model, Modified By Designer
Only Update option by Designer Only is changed. Only
Change OLAP PM The OLAP Permission Manage- OLAP PM, OLAP PM
ment is changed.

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Working with Designer

Audit event Description Event-specific custom fields

Change OLAP Server of Model The OLAP database of the Model, OLAP database, OLAP
model is changed. database
Change Project A project is changed. Project, Project
Change Projects of Model Projects are added or removed Model, Project, Project
from the model.
Change Repository A repository is changed. Repository, Repository
Create Attribute An attribute is created. Dimension, Attribute, Type,
Length, Precision
Create Cube A cube is created. Cube, Accelerated
Create Cube to OLAP Server A cube of an OLAP database is Model, Cube
Create Database to OLAP An OLAP database is created. Model, Database
Create Dimension A dimension is created. Dimension
Create Dimension to OLAP A dimension of an OLAP Model, Dimension
Server database is created.
Create Element An element is created. Dimension, Element, Order,
Create Model A model is created. Model, OLAP database, Default
Permission, Modified By Design-
er Only, Projects
Create Parent-Child Relation A parent-child relation is creat- Dimension, Parent, Element,
ed. Order, Weight
Create Rule A rule is created. Cube, Rule, Type, Order,
Source Area, Destination Area,
Create Scenario A scenario is created. Cube, Scenario, Permissions,
Enabled, Order
Create Subset A subset is created. Dimension, Subset, Type, Defi-
Delete Attribute An attribute is removed. Dimension, Attribute
Delete Cube A cube is removed. Cube
Delete Dimension A dimension is removed. Dimension
Delete Element An element is removed. Dimension, Element
Delete Model A model is removed. Model

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Working with Designer

Audit event Description Event-specific custom fields

Delete Parent-Child Relation A parent-child relation is re- Dimension, Element, Parent
Delete Rule A rule is removed. Cube, Rule
Delete Scenario A scenario is removed. Cube, Scenario
Delete Subset A subset is removed. Dimension, Subset
Enable Scenario A scenario is enabled. Cube, Scenario, Enabled
Remove Cube to Cube Relation A cube to cube relation is re- Cube, MDAC
Remove Dimension A dimension is removed. Cube, Dimension
Set Accelerated The Set Accelerated option is Cube, Accelerated
Set Measure Dimension The measure dimension is set. Cube, Dimension, Dimension
Set or Update Scenario Subset A scenario subset is set or up- Cube, Dimension, Scenario,
dated. Subset, Subset
Swap Dimensions The position of a dimension in Cube, Dimension, Dimension
the cube is changed. For exam-
ple, the first dimension is moved
to second position.
Update Attribute Length An attribute length is updated. Dimension, Attribute, Length,
Update Attribute Precision The attribute precision is updat- Dimension, Attribute, Precision,
ed. Precision
Update Attribute Type The attribute type is updated. Dimension, Attribute, Type,
Update Default Member A default member is updated. Dimension, Element, Element
Update Dimension A dimension is updated. Dimension, Flat View, Invert Hi-
Update Element Name An element name is updated. Dimension, Element, Element
Update Element Order An element order is updated. Dimension, Element, Order,
Update Element Type An element type is updated. Dimension, Element, Type,
Update Member Caption At- A member caption attribute is Dimension, Member Caption
tribute updated. Attribute, Member Caption At-

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Audit event Description Event-specific custom fields

Update Member Key Attribute A key attribute of a member is Dimension, Member Key At-
updated. tribute, Member Key Attribute
Update Parent Rule Group Id A parent rule group Id is updat- Cube, Rule, Group Id, Group Id
Update Parent-Child Order Po- A parent-child order position is Dimension, Parent, Element,
sition updated. Order, Order
Update Rule Definition A rule definition is updated. Cube, Rule, Definition, Defini-
Update Rule Destination Area A rule destination area is updat- Cube, Rule, Destination Area,
ed. Destination Area
Update Rule Enabled Rule update enabling/disabling Cube, Rule, Enabled
is changed.
Update Rule Name A rule name is updated. Cube, Rule, Rule
Update Rule Order A rule order is updated. Cube, Rule, Order, Order
Update Rule Source Area A rule source area is updated. Cube, Rule, Source Area,
Source Area
Update Rule Type A rule type is updated. Cube, Rule, Type, Type
Update Scenario Permission A scenario permission is updat- Cube, Scenario, Permission,
ed. Permission
Update Subset Definition A subset definition is updated. Dimension, Subset, Definition,
Update Value of Element At- A value of an element attribute Dimension, Element, Attribute,
tribute is updated. Attribute, Attribute

Designer Database
On the Designer Database tab, you specify the Designer database ID.
Select the check box Use Database ID and specify a Designer database ID. This is required if the
same version of the database is used for the data transfer between databases, for example, when you
update the structure of the OLAP database during a structure import (DBT file).

On the General tab, select the check box Disconnect users from Infor BI OLAP Server while
creating the database, if users must be logged off automatically before the database is created. Users
that have administrator rights cannot be logged off automatically. They can still access theOLAP

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Working with Designer

Select the check box Disable Event Agent while creating the database, to prevent that the Event
Agent of OLAP generates events during the database creation.
Note: Event Agent generates many events during the database creation by Designer. This can
dramatically slow down the database creation or crash it. Therefore, the check box Disable Event
Agent while creating the database is selected by default. Change this setting only in special cases.

The menu items of the Action menu depend on the object selected in the tree. The commands are
the same as those on the shortcut menu of the object in the tree.

The Help menu contains these commands:

Menu commands Description

Designer Help Opens the help.
About Designer Displays information about the installed version
of Microsoft Windows, Designer, OLAP, Microsoft
Office, and the memory allocation. For support
inquiries copy this information to the clipboard
with the Copy button and save it to a text file.

You can create and delete folders.

Creating and deleting folders

To create a folder, right-click a folder in the tree and select New > Folder and specify a name. To
delete empty folders, use the Delete command on the shortcut menu.

Folder objects in the data section

When you select a folder in the tree, its objects are displayed in the data section.

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Working with Designer

Relational tables
This section describes how to manage elements in relational tables. In relational tables, you can create,
edit, and delete elements.

Data section of relational tables

When you select a relational table in the tree, its contents are displayed in the data section. Relational
tables are part of the Designer database and are used to create dimensions in the multidimensional
OLAP database. The number of columns and the column types differ according to the purpose of the
table. Columns that occur in many tables are ID, Description and Data Source ID, and English and
German for English and German element names.
When you specify text in the Filter text box, you restrict the view to elements that contain the string in
one of their column titles. Click Executes the Filter. Details regarding the contents of the selected
table are shown on the Help tab of the data section.

Data input
There are two types of columns:
1 Input columns: Specify values directly, or open the input dialog per double-click, or press F4.
2 Option columns: Double-click, or press F4 to open an option dialog.
In option dialogs you select values that have been specified in other tables. To work with cell values,
use the commands Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete on the shortcut menu. Details regarding the contents
of the tables and columns of a specific application may be found in the section about the application
and on the Help tab of the data section.

Creating, editing, and deleting elements

To create an element in a table, double-click New Element... or New Child Element... at the end of
the data section. In the dialog that opens, select the element ID and click OK. Fill the remaining cells
of the row.
To edit an element in a table, select a cell of the element row and specify a value.
To delete an element, right-click the first cell of the element and select Delete.
Note: We recommend that you do not create top level elements and levels of the same name within
the same dimension. The unique names of the elements would be the same as the unique names of
the levels.

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Comments and notes

You can add comments and notes to a table by clicking the Notes tab in the data section. Click the
Design tab to return to the data view of the table.

The Help tab

On the Help tab of the data section you find information on the selected table.

This section describes how to manage dimensions.

Creating and deleting dimensions

To create a dimension, right-click a folder in the tree and select New > Dimension. In the New
Dimension dialog, specify the ID and description and select the Type and the ODBO Dimension
Type from the drop-down lists.
To delete a dimension, right-click the dimension in the tree and select Delete. If this command is not
available, the dimension cannot be deleted, because it is required for the database.

Editing dimension properties

To edit the properties of a dimension, right-click the dimension in the tree and select Properties. Here
you specify the dimension properties that are used by the ODBO interface.

Dimension Properties
The ID of a dimension cannot be changed. You can specify a description of the dimension in the
Dimension description text box. It will be displayed in the tree.
In the next area, the element key, the element caption, and the default element are displayed. If you
click Reset, the default element of the dimension will be discarded.
Select the dimension type from the Dimension type drop-down list. Select the ODBO dimension type
from the ODBO dimension type drop-down list. The ODBO provider may use this dimension type.

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If you select the Flat view check box, the dimension is displayed non-hierarchically in the hierarchy
browser in OLAP Administration. In flat view, all the elements of the dimension are listed without their
hierarchical structure.
If you select the Inverted hierarchy check box, only the top level elements of the dimension are
displayed in the hierarchy browser. By default, hierarchies are displayed from top to bottom, with the
top level consolidated element at the top and the base level elements at the bottom. Inverting the
hierarchy reverses this.
If you select Synchronize with OLAP, the visual appearance of the dimension elements in Designer
is synchronized with that of the hierarchy browser in OLAP Administration.

Level Names
On the Level Names tab, you can add, edit, and delete level names of the dimension.
To structure dimensions clearly, you can specify level names on the Level Names tab. For example,
the Periods dimension may have the levels Year, Half a Year, Quarter and Month. This facilitates the
navigation within the hierarchy. You may specify as many level names as you like. If a level does not
exist in the dimension, it will be marked with a warning sign. Non-existing levels will not be created in
Note: We recommend that you do not create top level elements and levels of the same name within
the same dimension. The unique names of the elements would be the same as the unique names of
the levels.
To specify a level name, select it, click Edit level name and specify the level name in the Add or edit
level name dialog.

You can edit 3 attribute tables. On the Languages tab, the attribute fields of the languages are displayed.
You cannot add or delete languages.
The attribute tables contain the columns ID, Description, Data Type, Length, Precision, and

Column Description
ID Name of the attribute
Description Description of the attribute
Data type • String
• Boolean
• Double
• Date

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Column Description
Length, Precision For the data type String you may specify values
between 0 and 252. It determines the maximum
length of the field. When you specify -1, the field
length will automatically adapted to the longest
You cannot specify values for the Boolean data
For the data type Double you may specify the
number of decimal places.
Unchangeable Shows which attributes can be edited. If the value
is Yes, it cannot be edited, because it is required
for the dimension. If the value is No, the attribute
can be edited.

Creating and editing attributes

To create attributes, go to the Attributes tab in the Dimension Properties dialog and click the Add
field button. In the Create Attribute dialog, you specify the properties of the attribute. To edit attributes,
select it in the table and click Edit Field. In the Edit Attribute dialog you specify the properties of the
Note: If the data type of an attribute is Double, you must specify a length and precision. Values of this
type are displayed with a separator. You must include the separator character when you specify the
length. For example, 123.4 has a length of 5 and a precision of 1.
To delete an attribute, select it in the table and click Delete.
To define an attribute field as element key, select it and click Sets the Element Key. To specify an
attribute field as element caption, select it and click Sets the Element Key Caption. The ODBO provider
may use the element key and element key caption.
Note: The element key and the element caption are displayed on the Dimension Properties tab of
the Dimension Properties dialog.
To move an attribute up and down within the list, select it and click Move up or Move down.

The cubes that use this dimension are shown here. They cannot be edited here.

Here the mappings of the business units of this dimension are shown. They cannot be edited here.

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Working with Designer

Hierarchies are used to define a set of automatic data aggregations. There are two types of hierarchies
allowed in a dimension: parent-child hierarchies and attribute-driven hierarchies. Parent-child hierarchies
are based on a set of hierarchical relationships between parent and child elements. Attribute-driven
hierarchies are hierarchies whose aggregated elements are derived from values stored in the attribute
tables of the dimension.
On the Hierarchies tab, you can manage the hierarchies of the selected dimension. The tab shows a
list of defined hierarchies. For each hierarchy, the name, description, default member, and hierarchy
type are listed. Users can create, edit, or delete hierarchies and also set the default hierarchy for a
dimension. Each dimension has a default hierarchy, which cannot be deleted.

Creating a parent-child hierarchy

If your model requires multiple hierarchies, you can create additional parent-child hierarchies. When
you create a dimension, a parent-child hierarchy is created automatically. This hierarchy is used as
the default hierarchy.
To create a parent-child hierarchy:
1 To edit the properties of a dimension, right-click the dimension in the tree and select Properties.
2 Click the Hierarchies tab.
3 Click Create Hierarchy on the toolbar and select Parent Child Hierarchy from the menu.
The Parent Child Hierarchy dialog opens.
4 Specify this information:
Specify the name of the parent-child hierarchy.

Specify a description for the parent-child hierarchy.

Default member
Specify the element that is used as default element for the hierarchy. Each hierarchy has a default
member. If not explicitly selected or defined, the default member is the first element in the top
level of the hierarchy. Applications selects this element automatically.

5 To save the hierarchy, click OK.

The new hierarchy is displayed in the list.
6 Select the default hierarchy from the Default Hierarchy drop-down list.
This selection is only relevant if you create multiple hierarchies. The default hierarchy cannot be
7 To save the dimension properties, click OK.

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Creating an attribute-driven hierarchy

Before you use an attribute-driven hierarchy, create the parent-child modeled hierarchies, add the
attribute tables and fields, and set the attribute values for the base elements.
To create an attribute-driven hierarchy:
1 To edit the properties of a dimension, right-click the dimension in the tree and select Properties.
2 Click the Hierarchies tab.
3 Click Create Hierarchy on the toolbar and select Attribute Hierarchy from the menu.
The Attribute Hierarchy dialog opens.
4 In the General Properties section, specify this information:
Specify the name of the attribute-driven hierarchy.

Specify a description for the attribute-driven hierarchy.

Source Hierarchy
Select a source hierarchy from the drop-down list. The source hierarchy must be a parent-child

Default Member
Specify the element that is used as default element for the hierarchy. Each hierarchy has a default
member. If not explicitly selected or defined, the default member is the first element in the top
level of the hierarchy. Applications selects this element automatically.

5 In the Top Level section, specify this information:

Use top level element
To use the top level name and the top element name of the source hierarchy, select this check

Specify the top level name.

Specify the top element name.

6 In the Attribute Levels section, click Add Attribute to add the required attributes.
The Attributes dialog opens.
7 Select one or multiple attributes from which the values are taken to build aggregated elements in
the hierarchy and click Select.
The selected attributes and levels are shown in the list.
8 To remove an attribute, select the attribute from the list and click Remove Attribute.
The attribute is removed from the list.
9 Click Move Up and Move Down to change the order in which the selected attributes are displayed
in the list.

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10 Specify the base level name in the Name field.

11 To save the hierarchy, click OK.
The new hierarchy is displayed in the list.
12 Select the default hierarchy from the Default Hierarchy drop-down list.
This selection is only relevant if you create multiple hierarchies. The default hierarchy cannot be
13 To save the dimension properties, click OK.

Subsets are subsets of the elements of a dimension. Subsets are displayed in the tree underneath the
dimension. Subsets may be static, dynamic, or parent-child subsets.

Creating subsets
To create a subset, right-click the dimension in the tree and select New Subset. In the Subset Wizard,
you specify the name of the subset and select the type of the subset, static, dynamic or
Note: The synchronization of the OLAP model in Designer does not cover the synchronization of subset
elements. If a customized dimension uses subsets and the dimension is enabled for synchronization,
subsets do not work anymore.

Creating a static subset

To create a static subset, select Static subset and click Next. Select the elements of the subset and
click Finish.

Creating a dynamic subset

To create a dynamic subset, select Dynamic subset and click Next.
Select the check box Edit filter definition. Click Yes. Specify the SQL statement in the Filter definition
text field.
Click Filter. Specify the filter definition in the Filter Dialog. If you select No filter (select all elements),
all elements of the dimension are taken into the subset. If you select Filter by, you may specify the
elements of the subset by defining the filter. Specify the Column, Operator and Value of a filter
definition. You may create several filter definitions and combine them by logical operators AND or OR.
To delete a filter definition, click Delete Filter.

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The SQL statement of the filter definitions is displayed in the Filter definition field of the Subset Wizard
and can be edited there.

Creating a parent-child subset

If you create a parent-child subset, you select an aggregated element. The child elements are included
in the subset. Parent-child subsets are also dynamic. Child elements that you add to the aggregated
element later on become part of the subset. To select the elements, use the buttons Collapse all
elements and Expand all elements. Subsets are displayed in the tree underneath the dimension.

Editing and deleting subsets

To edit a subset, right-click the subset in the tree and select the Edit command. The Subset Wizard
To delete a subset, right-click it in the tree and select the Delete command.

Data section of dimensions

When you select a dimension in the tree, the data section shows the corresponding relational table
from the repository. You use these tables to define the dimension structure of the multidimensional
OLAP database.
In the first column you can view the hierarchical element structure and change it by using a drag-and-drop
The data section of dimensions is divided into two sections:
1 Data input and administration of the structure (on the left)
2 Option section (on the right) that includes the tabs Parents, Permissions, and Import, and for
the dimensions Accounts and Assets the Financial Budget Derivation tab.
You can hide the option section. The number of columns and the column types vary according to the
purpose of the dimension. Many tables contain the columns ID, Data Source ID, English, German,
and Spanish for the English, German, and Spanish element names.
There are two types of columns:
1 Input columns: Specify values directly, or open the input dialog per double-click, or press F4.
2 Option columns: Double-click, or press F4 to open an option dialog.
In option dialogs you select values that have been specified in other tables. To work with cell values,
use the commands Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete on the shortcut menu. Details regarding the contents
of the tables and columns of a specific application may be found in the section about the application
and on the Help tab of the data section.
When you specify text in the Filter text box, you restrict the view to elements that contain the string in
one of their column titles. Use the buttons Collapse All and Expand All to expand the view of the

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dimension structure or reduce it to the top-level elements. In the data section you also edit the structure
of the dimension. Details regarding the contents of the tables and columns of an application may be
found in the relevant section and on the Help tab of the data section.

Adjusting and analyzing the structure

You expand and collapse the view of closed and opened aggregated elements by clicking the appropriate
symbol. If you open aggregated elements, their subordinate aggregated and base elements are
To create a top-level dimension element, right-click the gray area underneath the first column of the
table, select the New Element... command and specify a name. To delete an element, right-click its
symbol and use the Delete command. If the element that you delete contains child elements, these
elements will be moved to the top level of the structure.
• Columns and elements in grey cannot be edited. The corresponding dimension attributes have the
property Built-In in the database and are required for the application.
• If you change a dimension and the changes are not displayed, right-click the dimension in the tree
and select the Refresh command.
Elements may be moved and subordinated to other elements by holding down the left mouse button
using drag and drop. When you move elements with the right mouse button, you can select Move or
Copy. The shortcut menu contains further commands:
• Select New Child Element... to add a child element to the selected element. A dialog opens, where
you specify the name and the weighting of the element for the calculation of the parent element
(Weighting: Negative -1, Zero 0 or Positive 1). You can change the weighting later on the Parents
tab in the option section.
• Select Remove from Parent to detach an element from the superior element. If it is not subordinate
to any other element, it is moved to the top level of the hierarchy.
• Select Add Parent... to assign a parent element to the selected element, or create parallel
hierarchies by assigning additional parent elements. In the Select Element dialog use the text
filter and the buttons Collapse All and Expand All to expand or collapse the view. You cannot
create circular parent-child relations. An element cannot be a child element and a top level element
at the same time.
Note: Use the Add Parent... and Copy commands to assign a parent to a child element, without
creating a new element (parallel hierarchy). The data of child elements assigned to more than one
parent must be edited only once apart from the weighting, which is parent-specific.
Caution: Changes to the organization structure in Infor d/EPM business applications can result in
loss of data. Follow these rules:
• Do not add or move dimension elements in the Organization dimension (BPDORGANIZATION)
unless all tasks in Infor d/EPM are completed for all cycles.
• Do not add or move dimension elements in the Organization dimension (BPDORGANIZATION) until
all tasks that have been accessed by a planner are submitted and approved.

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Working with Designer

Data input
In the data section for dimensions you specify values for both aggregated and basic elements. There
are two types of columns:
1 Input columns: Specify values directly, or open the input dialog per double-click, or press F4.
2 Option columns: Double-click, or press F4 to open an option dialog.
In option dialogs you select values that have been specified in other tables. To work with cell values,
use the commands Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete on the shortcut menu. Details regarding the contents
of the tables and columns of a specific application may be found in the section about the application
and on the Help tab of the data section.

On the Parents tab in the option section of dimensions you see the parent elements of the selected
Further command buttons are available:
• Click Add Parent to assign a parent element to the selected element, or create parallel hierarchies
by assigning additional parent elements. In the Select Element dialog use the text filter and the
buttons Collapse All and Expand All to expand or collapse the view. You cannot create circular
parent-child relations. An element cannot be a child element and a top level element at the same
• Click Remove Parent to detach an element from the selected parent element. If the child is not
subordinate to any other parent, it will be moved to the top level of the hierarchy.
To change the weighting of the element for the calculation of the selected parent element, click the
entry in the Weight column and specify a value.

Using parent and child elements in hierarchies

You can move a selected element by drag and drop to a new parent element in the same or another
hierarchy structure in the work space of a dimension.
Use this method to achieve that child elements are assigned to multiple parent elements:
• To assign an element to a new parent element in the same hierarchy structure, right-click the
element in the work space and select Add Parent from the menu. In the Select Element dialog,
select the additional parent element from the same hierarchy and click OK. The same element is
created under the new parent element in the same hierarchy structure.
• To create two elements with the same name in different hierarchies, right-click the element from
a hierarchy structure in the work space and select Add Parent from the menu. In the Select
Element dialog, select the new parent element from the second hierarchy and click OK. The same
element is created in the second hierarchy structure.

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Working with Designer

On the Permissions tab in the option section of the dimensions you administer the rights of roles for
the selected dimension element. The Role table shows an overview of the mappings of rights and roles
in the columns Role, Description and Permission.
To assign permissions, select the role in the Role table and click one of the buttons for the permissions:
Default, Administer, Write, Read, or None. For each element only one permission can be assigned
to a role. The rights are those used in OLAP.
Click Pass to descendants if the permissions of a role should be passed to the descendants of a
parent. A selected check box in the Pass to descendants column shows that this function is activated.
This option allows to define permissions on aggregated elements that will be inherited by all descendants.
The permissions of the dependent elements can be applied automatically by OLAP through the usage
of stored permissions on elements in DAC cubes (Dimension Access Control cube).

On the Import tab of the dimensions, you import structures from a text file and create mappings for
subsequent operations or you select a relational data source and then the table structures that must
be imported.

Selecting the data source text file

On the Import tab, select the Text file option in the Data source type section.
Select the file that contains the structures from the Data source drop-down list , or select Browse in
the list to search for a text file. Then select the separator that is used in the text file from the Separator
drop-down list.
The structure of the file is shown in the import table when you click Schema beneath the import table.
When you double-click a cell in the Mappings column, you can map the columns of the source text
file to the columns of the selected dimension.
To view the data that will be imported from the text file, click Data beneath the import table.

Selecting the data source table from a relational database

On the Import tab, select the Relational data source option in Data source type. Select the database
that contains the structures from the Data source drop-down list, or select Browse in the list to connect
to a relational database.
Note: The connection is only temporarily established when you browse for a relational data source.
The connection cannot be saved as a profile.

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If you use a source frequently and save information about the origin of imported elements, create a
registration in the Connections table and assign it to a data source ID in the table Data Source. The
source is then available in the Data source drop-down list and can be used for import.
Select the table that you import from the drop-down list Table. The structure of the table is shown when
you select the Schema tab in the import table on the Import tab. Save the table selection with the
Save Profile button. For quick access to saved profiles, profiles are the first entries in the Table
drop-down list.
When you double-click a cell in the Mappings column, you can map the columns of the relational data
source table to the columns of the selected dimension.
To view the data that will be imported from the relational data source, click Data beneath the import

Importing data
When you select a data source, the available structures and elements are shown in the import table
on the Import tab. You can import these elements or map them to dimension elements for subsequent
operations. The import table is divided into the tabs Schema and Data.

Schema tab – overview and column mappings

The Schema tab contains an overview table of the structure from the selected source. The Schema
tab shows these columns:
• Column: Columns of the source listed line by line.
• Sample: Sample elements from the source.
• Mapping: Mapping of the source and destination columns.
Double-click one of the rows in the Mapping column to change the mapping from the import source
to the dimension in the Designer. A dialog opens, where you select the target dimension column for
the selected source column.

Data tab – importing and mapping elements

The Data tab shows available elements and provides functions for the import to the selected dimension
and the mapping of elements from the source to the target structure.
When you move elements with drag and drop from the Data tab into the dimension structure of the left
data section you can select the commands Copy or Move to create the selected element in the
dimension and Create Mapping... to create a mapping of source and target elements.
These shortcut menu commands are available to work with elements on the Data tab:

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Command Description
Insert as Element... Import as child element. A dialog opens for the
selection of the target element.
Insert as Element Automatically Import as child element applying the mapping on
the Schema tab. The Parent column is used for
the hierarchy.
Insert as Element Automatically (without Import as basic element without applying map-
Parents) pings from the Schema tab.
Map to Element Mapping to an element. A dialog opens for the
selection of the target element.
Map to Element Automatically Automatic mapping to an element of the same
name or ID.
Remove Mapping Deletion of a mapping.

You can perform these shortcut menu commands with several elements at the same time.
On the Data tab, mappings are displayed with a blue square in front of the mapped element in the key
You can clear or select the check box Display Mapped Elements to hide or display mapped elements
on the Data tab. The check box is only shown in case of saved profiles for relational data sources.

Order position
By default, elements imported in a dimension are ordered alphabetically by name, regardless of their
order in the file from which they are imported.
To control the order of the elements, specify the order position of each element in the Order Position

Unified data sources

When you create mappings of tables from source databases to a dimension in Connector, you find the
tab Unified Data Sources in the data area of the target dimension. Here you find the source elements
you have selected for the import in Connector.
Information about the import of source elements and the Unified Data Sources tab is included in the
description of the Connector.

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Working with Designer

Comments and notes

To add comments and notes to a dimension, click the Notes tab in the data section. Click the Design
tab to return to the data view of the dimension.

The Help tab

On the Help tab of the data section you find information on the selected dimension.

This section describes how to manage cubes.

Creating cubes
To create a cube, right-click the node Cubes in the tree and select New > Cube. Specify the name
and description in the Create Cube dialog and select the cube type. You can edit the cube in the data
section of the cube.

Editing and deleting cubes

When you select a cube in the tree, the Edit Cube dialog opens in the data section. At the top you see
the property fields for names, Cube name, Cube description, and Cube type. In the Dimensions of
the Cube list (on the right) you see the dimensions that the cube consists of. The list Available
dimensions (on the left) shows the dimensions that can be assigned to the cube. To select the sorting
method of the list Available dimensions, click By Project, Alphabetically, or By Dimension Type.

Buttons Description
To change the cube structure, move the dimen-
, sions from Available dimensions to Dimensions
of the Cube, and vice versa, by using these
A cube may contain a maximum of 20 dimen-
, sions. Adjust the position of a dimension in the
Dimensions of the Cube list by using these

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Buttons Description
Click this button to remove all dimensions from
a cube.

By selecting the Cube type, you determine the function of a cube:

Cube type Description

Data Data cubes (default).
Comment Automatically created cubes which contain the
Currencies System cubes that are nor edited, required for
currencies and currency translation.
Exchange Rates System cubes that you cannot edit. They are re-
quired for currencies and currency translation.
Cell Lock Cubes that lock cells of assigned cubes.
System System cubes that serve internal purposes of
OLAP and Designer.
Data Connection Data connection cubes.

To delete a cube, select the Delete command on the shortcut menu of the cube in the tree.

Caution: The position of the dimensions in the Dimensions of the Cube list is important for the
creation of reports withApplication Studio and should not be changed without consultation, because
report structures must be adjusted.

Using MDAC cubes

You use MDAC cubes to lock areas of data cubes on cell level. These cells cannot be read or changed
by role-users. You may create an MDAC scenario for each data area you lock.
The MDAC cube must contain the same dimensions as the data cube except the Group dimension.
The Group dimension will automatically be assigned and assigns the locked areas to the roles.
To create an MDAC cube and an MDAC scenario:
1 Create a cube and assign the dimensions to it.
2 Open the Properties of the cube and select Cell Lock as the cube type. On the Cube-to-Cube
Relations tab, you see the list of cubes that can be assigned to the MDAC cube. If you clear the
check box Show only MDAC cubes that can be related to this cube, all cubes are displayed.
Note: If the cube is first displayed when the check box is cleared, you must check the dimension

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3 Select the check box of the cubes that can be assigned to the MDAC cube in the ID column. Click
OK to close the dialog.
4 Right-click the MDAC cube and select Add MDAC Scenario.
5 In the Create Scenario dialog, specify a name and a description. If you clear the check box Do
not create scenario with the database, the scenario is inactive and the cell areas will not be
locked. Click OK. The scenario is displayed underneath the MDAC cube in the tree.
6 To lock an area, click the scenario and select a subset.
7 For each dimension, select one subset. If required, click the button New Subset to create a subset
and select it.

Properties of cubes
Right-click a cube in the tree and select the Properties command to open the Properties dialog, where
you administer cube permissions and select the measure dimension for the selected cube.

Editing general cube properties

On the General tab, you can edit the cube description. The description will be displayed in the tree.
Here you select the cube type and the measure dimension of the cube. Select the Accelerated check
box to enable the accelerators of the cube.
When Designer updates a cube there may be values for dimension elements that no longer exist. After
the update, these values are no longer available.
For example:
Account number 1001 has a value of 333 for 2009/04.
If account 1001 is deleted and the cube updated, the value 333 is no longer available and cannot be
restored. This requires a manual correction, for example, increasing the value of another account by
To help identify values that require to be corrected manually, select the Create rescue file for missing
elements check box. The rescue file logs values and their previous coordinates in the database.
The rescue file contains these information:
1001,2009/04,333,#E65 (#E65 is the OLAP error code for a missing element).
In this example, a user must investigate whether element 1001 or element 2009/04 is the cause of the

Administering cube permissions

On the Permissions tab of the Properties dialog for cubes you enable or disable the transaction log
and administer the role permissions for the cube. To assign rights, select the Enable role-based

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Working with Designer

access permissions check box. Select the role in the Role list and click one of the buttons for the
permissions: Default, Administer, Write, Read, or None. The permissions are those used in OLAP.
Use the filter to search for roles.

Cube-to-cube relations
Here you see the cubes assigned to the cube. You can only assign cubes that have the appropriate
dimension structure. To display all cubes, clear the check box Show only MDAC cubes that can be
related to this cube.

Comments and notes

To add comments and notes to a cube, click the Notes tab in the data section. Click the Design tab
to return to the data view of the cube.

Importing and exporting rules

You can import and export rules and rule groups from and to the OLAP database.

Importing rules
To import rules into a cube:
1 Right-click the cube and select Rules > Import Rules from OLAP. Rules are imported into the
2 Click OK at the message that the import has been successfully completed.
If an imported rule group exists in OLAP but not in Designer, it is created in Designer and named

Exporting rules
To export rules of a cube:
1 Right-click the cube and select Rules > Export Rules to OLAP. Rules are exported to the OLAP
Note: The cube and cube rules are updated. You do not require to rebuild the cube.
2 Click OK at the message that the export has been successfully completed.

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Working with Designer

Confirming rule creation

In d/EPM Administration, you can confirm that rules imported to Designer are in sync with the OLAP
database rules.
1 In d/EPM Administration, select Dashboards > OLAP > Edit Database.
2 Expand Cubes.
3 Select the cube and click the Rules tab.
The cube rules are displayed.

Office documents
This section describes how to use Office documents in Designer.

Embedding, saving, and deleting documents

You can embed these documents types in the database: Microsoft Excel (*.xls), Microsoft Word (*.docx,
*.doc; *.dotx, *.dot), Microsoft PowerPoint (*.ppt), Microsoft Project (*.mpp) and PDF-documents (*.pdf).
The documents, with exception of PDFs, can be opened and edited in Designer.
To embed a document, right-click a folder in the tree and select New > Document. To display the
documents, the required software must be installed.
If the document is embedded, it is stored in the designer database.
Use Save As... to save the document in another place. Before saving, you may decide whether the
changes of the document must also be saved in the Designer database.
To save a document to the hard disk, right-click the document in the tree and select the Save As...
command. To remove a document from the database, right-click the document in the tree and select
the Delete command on the shortcut menu.
Note: With Save As... the state of the file at the time of the integration into the database is saved to
the hard disk. Changes to the document are not considered.

Opening Office documents

When you select an Office document in the tree and Microsoft Office is installed, the Office interface
is loaded into the data section.

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Working with Designer

Web pages
This section describes how to use web pages in Designer.

Embedding and removing web pages

To embed a web page, right-click a folder in the tree and select New > Web Page. Specify a description
and the URL of the web page in the Create Web Page dialog. To save the web page, click OK. To
remove a web page, right-click the web page in the tree and select Delete.

Opening web pages

When you select a web page in the tree, the page opens in the data section. Address bar, tool bar and
menus are not available.

You can insert scripts in the tree, which are stored in the relational database. Scripts can either be
SQL Statements, VBScripts or JavaScripts. You can execute these scripts with the shortcut menu
command Execute.
Subs and functions of VBScripts and JavaScripts are loaded and are globally available (also for other
scripts) when you start Designer and the connection to the relational database is established. Existing
VBScripts and JavaScripts are automatically executed. SQL scripts are not executed when starting
Designer. You can enable and disable scripts and set the time-out for the execution of a script.

Creating and deleting scripts

To create a script, right-click a folder in the tree and select New > Script. In the New Script dialog
specify the name of the script. Select the script type from the Script type drop-down list. You can
create SQL Statements, VBScripts, or JavaScripts. To delete a script, right-click the script in the tree
and select Delete.

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Working with Designer

Specifying, editing, and running scripts

When you select a script in the tree, a text editor displays the contents of the script in the data section.
you may edit the script. You are prompted to save the changes, when you select another object in the
tree. To run a script, select the Run command on the shortcut menu of the script.
Note: When you run a VBScript or a JavaScript using the shortcut menu command Run, not only the
global commands and function calls are executed but also the first encapsulated procedure (sub or
function) of the script.
When you run this example of a VBScript, the message This is a test. is displayed, whereas
the message Hello World! is not displayed:

Sub Main()
End Sub

Public Sub Test()

MsgBox "This is a test."
End Sub
Public Sub World()
MsgBox "Hello World!"
End Sub

Script properties
Right-click a script in the tree view and select the Properties command to open the Properties of
Script dialog. Here you can enable or disable the script. If you select the Enable script check box,
the script is started when the Designer starts and the connection to the relational database is established.
Additionally, you can specify a value for the Timeout, after which the execution of the script is stopped.
To disable the timeout, specify the value 0 (zero).

Comments and notes

To add comments and notes to a script, click the Notes tab in the data section. Click the Design tab
to resume the edition of the script.

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Working with Designer

Moving a Designer database between farms

You can move a Designer database, version 12.0.x from one farm to another. One of the reasons why
you would move your database is if you have a production database that you want to modify and test
in a test environment.
1 In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:
a Create a copy of your Designer database.
You can, for example, create a back up of your database.
b Restore the database with a new name.
c Navigate to the restored Designer database, and edit the tlbSystemProperties table.
d Clear values for these IDs:
• COSProject
• FarmOLAP
• FarmProfileName

2 Start Designer.
3 Register the restored Designer database.
4 Register the database in a farm repository.

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System folder

Chapter 4: System folder

The System folder contains connections to other databases, configured data sources systems, data
connections of cubes, settings for languages, the administration of users and groups, and settings for

In the Connections view you administer the connections to other databases. You can use these
connections, for example, for the import of structures.
To create a connection, click New. Specify the name of the database connection in the dialog Register
Database. If you require the character code translation from OEM to ANSI for the new database
connection, select the OEM to ANSI check box. Click the Wizard button to configure a connection to
a Microsoft SQL Server database. Since many functions in the Designer use this ID, you must assign
a data source ID to the database connection in the system table Data Sources.
To edit a database connection, select it and click Edit.
To delete a database connection, select it and click Delete.

Column Description
Name Descriptive element name of the database con-
nection. This name is available in the Connection
ID column of the Data Sources table, when you
configure a new data source.
Database Type This column is filled automatically, when the
connection has been specified, for example, Mi-
crosoft SQL Server.

Data Sources
The table Data Sources contains a list of configured data source systems. Before you add a data
source, you must configure a database connection in the Connections system table. In the Data

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System folder

Sources table, you define this database connection as a data source. To create a new element in the
Data Sources table, double-click <New: ID> at the bottom of the ID column and specify the unique ID.
Double-click the entry of the Connection ID column and specify the configured database connection

Column Description Required

ID Primary key of the element
name, the unique identification
of the element within the OLAP
data model (no special charac-
ters, max. 72 characters). The
ID in this table must be a num-
ber. The column Data Source
ID is used in many tables and
can be used to filter elements
according to their data source.
Data Source Name of the data source
Table Prefix Here you can define filters for
data sources. For example,
specify PK1 for a data connec-
tion to a database, if only tables
starting with PK1 are to be dis-
Connection ID Assignment of a data connec-
tion name configured in the
system table Connections.
OEM to ANSI Select Yes, if you require the
character code translation from
OEM to ANSI for the new
database connection.

Data Connections
In the Data Connections view, you specify how values are transferred from a detail cube to a central
cube and how values are transferred within a cube.
To set the parameters of data connections, click Data Connections in the System node of the tree.
In the Cube drop-down list you select for which cube the settings are displayed. Select Source View
to display data connections where the selected cube is used as source and Target View for data
connections where it is used as target.

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System folder

If you select the source view, the column Target Cube is displayed. In the target view, the column
Source Cube is displayed. You edit the contents of the table in the Transfer Editor that opens when
you click the New or Edit button or double-click one of the cells.
In the Transfer Editor you select the source and the target cubes of the data connection on the Source
and Target tab. The dimensions of the selected cube are displayed. Dimensions that are not contained
in both cubes are highlighted in red. Right-click a dimension in the source cube to select all elements
of the dimension (only dimensions marked with an asterisk '*'), or a single element, or a subset of the
dimension. Use the shortcut menu command Subsets > Create Subset to create a subset for the
selected dimension in the Subset Wizard without switching to the tree view. Right-click a dimension
in the target cube to select the same elements as in the source cube or to select a single element.
Rules may also be defined for data connections. On the Properties tab, select Infor d/EPM OLAP
Server Rule or Event Agent Rule (Push Rule). If you create an Event Agent Rule, you can lock the
target area in order to prevent inconsistencies in the database, if wrong entries are made in the target
If you select the Execute further calculations automatically check box, you can create a chain of
multiple Event Agent Rules. If the target area of an Event Agent Rule is identical with the source area
of another Event Agent Rule, the second Event Agent Rule is triggered by the first one. If you clear the
Execute further calculations automatically check box, only the first Event Agent Rule is executed.

Caution: If further calculations are performed automatically, this may lead to circular references.

If you select the Allow loop in target area check box, you can specify an aggregated element as
target area of an Event Agent Rule. The source value is then written to all child elements.
Select the check box Calculate online to specify that the values are calculated online immediately
after each input. Clear the check box Calculate online to calculate the values off-line as batch process.
Select the check box Clear target area before calculation to specify that the target area is deleted
before the calculation.
On the Rule tab, you create the calculation rule. The default rule is: Target.Value =
Source.Value. To edit the rule, click Formula Wizard. In the Formula Wizard you select the data
cube from which the data will be retrieved. A Source.Value expression is created with the selected
elements. Click the Check Syntax button after you have created the rule to check it. When you click
Save the syntax is also checked.

The user interface of Designer can be displayed in a variety of languages.

Managing languages
To add, disable, remove a language, or to reorder the language list:

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System folder

1 Select System > Languages.

2 Click Add language.
3 Select the language to add and click OK. In the Maintain Languages table, the language is enabled
by default.
4 To disable a language, clear its check box in the Actions column.
5 To reorder the list of languages, use the Moves the language up and Moves the language down
buttons in the Actions column. This affects the order in which the attribute tables of dimensions
are displayed.
6 To remove a language from the list, select its Delete language button in the Actions column.

Assigning multilingual captions

You can assign captions to dimensions, cubes, navigation objects, and menus in each of the available
languages. You can also edit the translated names of the available languages, for example, change
English to English (USA).
To provide a translation of a caption:
1 Select System > Multilingual Maintenance.
2 Select the appropriate tab: Dimensions, Cubes, Navigation Objects, Menus, or Languages.
3 In the ID column, select the caption for which you provide a translation.
4 Specify the translated text in the appropriate language column and press Enter.

Assigning Designer permissions to roles

In the Designer Permission Management you specify, which objects of the navigation are available for
1 Click Designer Permission Management in the tree. The data area opens. It corresponds to the
2 Here you select the role and assign its permissions. Use the Filter text box to search for specific
3 To assign the permission to use an object of the navigation to a role, select the object in the data
section and select the role in the options section.
4 Click the Show or Hide buttons to assign the respective permission. If the selected object has
child elements, click OK in the next dialog to assign the permission for these child elements as

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System folder

The Common folder contains the Currencies dimension. The entries of the Currencies dimension are
required to run the application. The ISO code of the currencies is used for the unique assignment of
the currencies.

Column Description Required

ISO Code Specify the ISO code of the X
currencies, for example, EUR
or GBP.
Description Descriptive element name of the
Language names The text that you specify in
these fields is used in the appli-
cation, when you select the lan-
guage. If no entry is available,
the entry in the Description
column is used.
Order Position Non-alphabetical element order
when sorting in tables and when
building a database. In tables,
entries are first sorted according
to their order position, then ac-
cording to the ID.
Company Currency Specify, whether the currency
may be used as company cur-
rency in the application.
Group Currency Specify, whether the currency
may be used as group currency
in the application.
Data Source ID ID of the data source from which
the data are retrieved. Double-
click a cell of this column and
select a source from the Data
Sources table.

The Rules table contains rules. Rules apply to specific areas of a cube. The cell values of a cube are
not stored in the database: they are calculated at the moment they are retrieved. Accelerators are rules
that accelerate this calculation.

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System folder

You can create rules in this table. To create rules in this table, you must specify this information:

Column Description Required

ID To create a rule, double-click
<New: ID> on the bottom of the
table and specify the primary
key of the rule. This is the
unique identification of the rule
within the OLAP data model (no
special characters, max. 72
Order Position Non-alphabetical element order
when sorting in tables and when
building a database. In tables,
entries are first sorted according
to their order position, then ac-
cording to the ID.
Rule Type Type of the rule. Specify 1 or 2
(1 = accelerator, 2 = rule).
Source Area Source area of the accelerator.
The entry is required, if you se-
lect Accelerator as the rule type.
Target Area Target area to which values are
written. The entry is required, if
you select Rule as the rule type.
Rule Here you specify the rule or ac-
Enabled Specify Y to enable the settings.
Data Source ID ID of the source from which the
data are retrieved. Double-click
a cell of this column and select
a source from the Data Sources
Cube Double-click a cell of this col-
umn and select a cube for the
ParentRuleGroupID The ID of the rule group to
which the rule is assigned.
Name Descriptive element name of a

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System folder

Rule groups
Optionally, you can organize rules into groups. It is important that rule groups and the rules which they
contain are associated with the same cube. To ensure that you do not group rules of one cube in the
rule group of another, it is good practice to include the cube name in the description of the rule group.
By default, the names of new cube rule groups are prefixed with the name of the cube with which they
are associated. But you can edit the name of the rule group.

Creating a rule group

To create a rule group:
1 Select System > Rules. The Rules table is displayed.
2 Right-click the blank area below the table and select Create rule group.
3 Select the cube to which the rule group relates and click OK.
4 Specify the name for the group and, optionally, a description. Click OK.

Assigning a rule to a group

To assign a rule to a group:
1 Double-click the ParentRuleGroupID column of the rule to assign a rule group. The Select Element
dialog is displayed.
2 To assign the rule, double-click the rule group.

Deleting an assignment
To delete the assignment of a rule to a rule group:
1 Click the ParentRuleGroupID column of the rule.
2 Press F2 to make the field editable.
3 Delete the Parent Rule Group ID.

Editing a rule group

You can edit the name of a rule group, but you cannot change the cube to which it relates. You can
also disable and enable rules.
To edit a rule group:

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System folder

1 Right-click the rule group in the Rule table and select Edit rule group. The Edit Cube Rule Group
dialog is displayed.
2 Edit the rule group as required and click OK.
Note: If you change the name of the group to which a rule is assigned, you must manually reassign
the rule.

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Chapter 5: Connector

With Connector, you can import the structures and data from other databases into a multidimensional
OLAP database.
The node Connector is integrated into the tree view of Designer at the top level.

ODBC connections
To access a source database, Connector uses ODBC connections. ODBC connections establish the
connection to a data source. These may be relational data sources (SQL Server, Oracle, Access or
others), text files (.txt-, csv-files and others) and Excel. To get a complete list of available data source
drivers, open the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog. ODBC data sources do not contain
categorization information.
When the ODBC connection is enabled tables that contain a primary key which consists of only one
field, will be categorized as dimension tables.

Source databases
If you use ODBC connections and you want to establish the connection to a source database, enable
the ODBC connections in the Connector Settings dialog.

Business units
Connections recognize the business units of the source database, for example, companies or reporting
entities, depending on the database type. Business units of the source database are combined to
business groups using a wizard.

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Business groups
In a business group you create unified mappings between source tables and OLAP dimensions. The
mappings standardize the access to data and structures that are equal for all business units.

Mapping source tables to target dimensions

To determine the structures that are imported into selected dimensions, you create unified mappings
in Connector. The mappings that are specific to a business group are displayed in the tree underneath
the business group. Mappings may be used for all business units of the group, or only for part of it.
Because the unified mappings belong to the business group, you may already configure the mappings,
when you create the business groups. Mappings may also be added and edited later.

Mapping elements and creating hierarchies

For mappings of source tables to OLAP dimensions, you specify, which source elements to import
later. When you specify the source elements, you do not yet create a hierarchical structure.
You create the hierarchical structure in the target dimensions. The source elements that you have
selected in the mapping, may be imported from the Unified data sources tab in the data area of the
target dimension.
In the target dimension, you assign source elements to target elements and thus create the hierarchical
structure of the dimension. There are different possibilities to process source elements, for example,
to assign several source elements to one target element, or to create a target element for each source
Note: To import data, you must create the OLAP cubes from several dimensions. With data connections
for cubes you specify, which data are written into these cubes.

Reference database
The business data that you import into an OLAP database using Connector, are temporarily stored in
a reference database comparable to a Data Warehouse.
You specify, when the data are loaded from the source databases into the reference database. This,
you specify for each business group. The data must be loaded, when you create the OLAP database.
You configure the transfer of business data from the reference database to the OLAP database using
data connections for cubes.

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Data connections for cubes

You configure the transfer of business data from the reference database to theOLAP database using
data connections for cubes.
A data connection for cubes is part of a cube. To fill a cube with the data of the source databases, the
cubes in Designer must contain dimensions that have mappings, which refer to tables of the source
If a cube contains dimensions with mappings of source tables, you must create a data connection for
cubes. Select a business group as the data source to specify, which data are transferred to the OLAP

Step by step
When you use Connector for the first time:
1 Install and configure the preferences.
2 Check the target structure.
Before you create unified mappings for business groups, check, whether the target dimensions
and target cubes exist. Unified mappings may also be added and edited later.
3 Create the business groups.
Create the business groups with the Business Group Wizard. Thus, you combine the business
units, for which you use the same settings. Unified mappings, currency settings and settings to
load business data, are specific to the business groups.
4 Check the mappings.
Check the mappings you have created with the Business Group Wizard. Create further mappings,
if necessary. For the unified mappings select the elements to import later.
5 Assign elements in the target dimension.
Create the hierarchical structure for the import. Copy the source elements to the target dimension
or create elements that you assign to the source elements.
6 Create data connections for cubes.
Create the data connections for cubes for the cubes of the OLAP database. Thus, you determine,
which data are loaded into the cube, when the database is created.
7 Create the OLAP database.
Create the database using the menu command File > Create Database. In the OLAP database,
the structures are created and the mapped data are imported from the source database.

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Connector settings
To open the Connector Settings dialog, right-click Connector in the tree and select the Settings
Note: In the lower section of the Summary tab, an overview of the connections is displayed.

ODBC connections tab

Available ODBC connections are shown on the ODBC Connections tab. Select the check boxes of
the desired ODBC connection on the ODBC Connections tab. Specify the user information based on
which the connection is to be established in the Log On Data dialog and click OK.
To create an ODBC connection, click Show ODBC Data Source Administrator. Create a System
DSN in the ODBC Datasource Administrator dialog and click OK.

Configuring data connections

To access the source databases, you must enable the business units that you combine to business

Enabling connections and business units

To create the business groups and the mappings for the import, you must enable the business units
that you use in the business groups.
Note: To enable connections and business units, ODBC connections must be configured.

Enabling business units

Now you must enable the business units from where you import the data and structure. Click Configure
Connections on the overview page of the Connections node. The Configure Connections dialog
opens. Here, you see the databases and the business units in a tree view.
To enable business units and to make them available for business groups, select the check box of the
business unit. To enable all business units of a source database, select the check box of the database.
Note: Business units that you do not enable here cannot be used in the business groups.

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Configuring business units

When you click a business unit, the work space where you edit the structure information of the business
unit, opens. This may be required, when structure information is not sufficiently categorized or cannot
be used by the business unit.
To configure a business unit, click on the enabled business unit.
Note: When you use ODBC connections, the category information must be checked and adjusted.

Editing the business units

These commands are available in the shortcut menu of the business unit:

Commands Description
Deactivate Deactivates the business unit. It will no longer be
shown in the navigation.
Export Source Configuration Definition File Exports the configuration data of the business
unit to a file.
Import Source Configuration Definition File Imports the configuration data of the business
unit from a file.
Create ad-hoc project Creates an ad-hoc project. It contains mappings
based on dimensions that exist in the source
connection. Cubes are created from the fact ta-
bles. For each mapping a dimension is created.
Data connections are created for the cubes.
To create an ad-hoc project, right-click the busi-
ness unit and select Create Ad-hoc Project. In
the Create Ad-hoc Project dialog specify the
name of the ad-hoc project and click OK.
Refresh Refreshes the settings of the business unit.

Work space of the business unit configuration

The work space consists of two sections: the tree that shows the structure information and the properties
section of the nodes of the tree. Above the tree are buttons to edit the nodes. The commands can also
be executed by the shortcut menu. The number of buttons and their type depend on the selected node.
There are different properties of the nodes.

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Icons of the tree nodes

Icon Description
Dimension or group of dimensions



KEY field


Field that contains a relation

Table or fact table

Tables that are not categorized

Erroneous tables

Node that is edited

Buttons to configure nodes

Business unit
Button Description
Exports the data of the configuration of the busi-
ness unit to a file.
Imports the data of the configuration of the busi-
ness unit from a file.
Refreshes the tree display.

Dimension, fact table, not categorized and errors

Opens the Add Table dialog.

Business unit
Button Description
Opens the Add Table dialog.

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Business unit
Button Description
Deletes the selected table.

Groups tables of the same category and displays

them below the superordinate node.
Ungroups the tables of the same category.

Opens the SQL Query Tool to edit SQL state-

Opens the Related Fields dialog.

Creates a dimension that contains known ele-


The Properties section

The properties section varies depending on the selected node of the tree.
In addition to the properties of the node, you can also show the SQL statement of the table:

Button Description
To show the SQL statement, select a table and
click the button.
To edit the SQL statement, click the button.

In addition to the properties of the fields, you can specify related fields:

Button Description
To specify a related field, select a field and click
the button. In the Related Fields dialog you
specify the related fields.
To hide this section, click the button.

Properties of the tables

To edit a table, select it in the tree and specify the properties in the Properties section. Assign the table
type. This determines the category of the table, its purpose. You can select these table types:

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Property Description
FACTTABLE Specifies the table as a fact table. Fact tables
contain values that are stored in a cube. Fact ta-
bles must contain the ID fields of the dimensions
and the references to the dimensions.
CHARTOFACCOUNTS Specifies the table as a chart of accounts dimen-
sion. The chart of accounts contains the available
PERIOD Specifies the table as a period dimension.
CURRENCYCODE Specifies the table as the dimension of the cur-
rency codes.
CURRENCYRATE Specifies the table as the fact table of the curren-
cy rates.
ANALYTIC Specifies the table as a common dimension. A
common dimension is not further categorized.
YEARPART Specifies the table as the dimension of the years.
PERIODPART Specifies the table, that contains the parts of the
periods definition (days, weeks, months, quar-
UNCLASSIFIED Tables that are not categorized. To bring these
tables into further use, the type FACTTABLE or
ANALYTIC must be assigned to them.
LOOKUP This type is automatically assigned to dimensions
that are created on basis of the list of known en-
tries of a field.

Configuring the fact tables

CURRENCYRATE and LEDGER are fact tables. They contain the values that are stored in a cube.
• LEDGER: To load values of a fact table, at least one field must be of the type IS_MEASURE or
• CURRENCYRATE: These fields must be specified: Field of the source currency (Conversion code
from) and the field of the target currency (Conversion code to) must be of the type
IS_CURRENCYCODE. The period field must be of the type IS_PERIOD. If a conversion operator
exists, it must be of the type IS_CONVERSIONOPERATOR. The fields that contain the exchange
rates must be of the type IS_CURRENCYRATE. There must be at least one field of the type

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Incrementally loading the fact tables

Loading the fact tables incrementally improves system performance by loading only new and changed
To use incremental loading, you must edit the Source Configuration Area and select incremental loading
in the properties of the Business Group.
1 In the Source Configuration Area, expand the Fact Tables node.
2 For each ID field, set the value of the primary key to True.
3 In the fact table, select the date field that contains the incremental time load stamp information. In
the field Category, set its value to IS_INCREMENTALLOADTIMESTAMP.
4 In the Business Groups node, right-click the business group and select Properties.
5 Click the Loading Fact Data tab.
6 In the Period column, select Incremental load from the drop-down list.

Configuring the dimensions

Each dimension must have a key field, and we recommend that it should also contain a description

Specifying the Key field

To specify a key field of a dimension, expand the dimension. Click the field that should become the
key field. In the properties of the field, select True from the drop-down list of the field Primary key
column. Specify IS_ANALYSIS in the field Category.

Specifying the Description field

To specify the description field of the dimension, expand the dimension. Click the field that contains
the description and that should become the description field. In the properties of the field, select
IS_DESCRIPTION from the drop-down list of the field Category.

Additional settings of specific dimension types

• Dimension type CHARTOFACCOUNTS: The key field must be of the type IS_ACCOUNTCODE.
You must specify another field of the type IS_ACCOUNTTYPE. Optionally, you may specify a field
of the type IS_BALANCETYPE. It will be used by Enterprise Planning to calculate the values of
the carry forward.
• Dimension type CURRENCYCODE: The key field of the CURRENCYCODE dimension must be
of the type IS_CURRENCYCODE.

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• Dimension type PERIOD: The key field of the PERIOD dimension must be of the type IS_PERIOD.

Properties of the fields

Type Description
IS_ACCOUNTCODE Specifies the field as account code.
IS_PERIOD Specifies the field as period.
IS_DESCRIPTION Specifies the field as description field.
IS_CURRENCYCODE Specifies the field as currency code.
IS_CURRENCYRATE Specifies the field as exchange rate.
IS_ANALYSIS Specifies the field as common field.
IS_ACCOUNTTYPE Specifies the field as account type.
IS_OTHER Not specified field.
IS_MEASURE Specifies the field as a common value field.
IS_FIXEDCURRENCYMEASURE Specifies the field as a value field that contains
the values of a currency.
IS_VARIABLECURRENCYMEASURE Specifies the field as a value field that contains
values of different currencies.
IS_CONVERSIONOPERATOR Specifies the field as the conversion operator of
the currency rates.
IS_BALANCETYPE Specifies the field as balance type. The balance
type is used by Enterprise Planning to calculate
the carry forward.

Synchronizing attribute table fields

In the configuration of the source, you can assign the field properties AutoCreateToMappings and
AutoCreateToDimensions. When you set the properties to TRUE, the attributes are created automatically
in the mappings and dimensions. They are created with the same data type and size.
Four types are available.
• Boolean
• String
• Data
• Long/ Double

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Note: Automatically created attribute table fields cannot be edited. They are marked with a lock icon.

Attribute fields of the type IS_PARENT, IS_WEIGHT, IS_ORDERPOSITION,

attribute fields whose property IsKey has been set to TRUE, do not have

Editing the related fields

This section shows how to add or remove related fields, how to navigate between related fields, and
how erroneous relations are caused.

Adding related fields

To create related fields, click a field in the tree and select Add related field from the shortcut menu.
Or, click the Arrow Down button in the Properties section, then click the button Adds a Related Field.
The Related Fields dialog opens. In the upper section of the dialog, the sources of the selected field
are displayed. From the Tables and Fields table, select the field to which to create a relation. Double-click
the field or click the Move Right button.
Click OK to close the dialog.
Fields with a relation are indicated by a small square icon.

Removing related fields

To remove related fields, click the related field in the tree that is marked with the square icon that
indicates a field with a relation. In the Properties section, select the relation and click Deletes the
Related Field.

Navigating between related fields

Use these buttons to navigate between the related fields of a relation:

Button Description
Click Goes to the Related Field to jump to a re-
lated field.
Click Goes back to the Original Field, to step
back to the original field.

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Erroneous relations
Erroneous relations can occur when the relation has been deleted or deactivated on one side. Erroneous
relations and the tables that contain them are marked with a red point.

Importing hierarchical information

You can use Connector to import hierarchical information from a ODBC source. To import hierarchical
information, a pair of tables is required. One table holds the child elements, the other parent element
table holds the hierarchical information.
To categorize the parent element table:
1 Create or import a table that holds the hierarchical information. It must contain the parent field, the
child or ID field and, optionally, the weighting field.
2 Create or import a table that holds the child elements. It must contain the ID field.
3 Select the ID field of the child element table and set the Primary key column in the Properties to
4 Set the type of the parent field in the Properties to IS_PARENT.
5 Select the parent field and the child field and set the Primary key column in the Properties to
6 Optionally, set the type of the Weight field in the Properties to IS_WEIGHT.
7 Specify the relation between the parent elements of the parent table and the ID fields in the child
table. The ID field of the child element table must be Master.
The mappings of the child element table will be hierarchical, if the source provides adequate
Note: The parent element table must be defined as a detail table.

Adding tables
This section shows how to add tables for ODBC connections:
• ODBC connections: To add a table, right-click the node and select Add table. Create the SQL
statement in the SQL Statement section. Specify the ID of the table in the Name field. Select the
table type from the drop-down list Type and specify a description for the table. Click OK to close
the dialog and to save the definition.
Note: Do not use these key words: create, alter, drop, delete, update, insert, execute,
into, checkpoint, dbcc, declare, deny, backup, dump, exec, go, goto, grant, kill, load,
restore, revoke, rollback, setuser, transaction, shutdown, use, waitfor, truncate.

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Removing tables
To remove a table, right-click it and select Delete.

Creating lookup dimensions

Dimensions of the type Lookup contain the list of known entries of a field.
Select a dimension and select LOOKUP from the Category field in the Properties pane on the right
side. The type Lookup is assigned automatically.

Editing SQL statement

This section shows how to edit SQL statements for ODBC connections:
• ODBC connections: Right-click a table and select Edit SQL to open the SQL Query Tool. In the
SQL Statement section, the SQL statement of the table is displayed. You can edit the SQL
statement. To see a preview of the table, click Test.
Note: You must not use these key words: create, alter, drop, delete, update, insert, execute,
into, checkpoint, dbcc, declare, deny, backup, dump, exec, go, goto, grant, kill, load,
restore, revoke, rollback, setuser, transaction, shutdown, use, waitfor, truncate.

Configuring business groups

In a business group you create unified mappings between source tables and OLAP dimensions. When
you create unified mappings, you standardize the access to data and structures that are equal for all
business units.
Business groups are the basis for the import of business data. When you create OLAP cubes that you
fill with data from the source database, select a business entity as the data source in the data
connections for cubes later. Thus you can fill cubes with data from different business groups.
You create and configure business groups using a wizard. Properties that you do not configure with
this wizard can be edited in the properties dialog of the business group. Mappings that you create with
the wizard are displayed in the tree. The mappings may be added and edited later.
To create a business unit, enabled connections must exist.

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Creating business groups

You create business groups with the Business Group Wizard. You configure these properties of a
business group:

Property Description
Name and description You specify the name and the description of the
business group.
Business units Select the business units to add to the business
Currencies Select the group currency of the business group
and the currencies of the business units, whose
values are imported. This is important for the
currency translation.
Default mappings You create general mappings of source tables to
target dimensions. You can edit these mappings
later and create further mappings.
Data transfer You select the periods, whose data will be written
from the source database to the OLAP cubes,
when the OLAP database is created.

Properties that you do not configure with the Business Group Wizard can be edited in the Properties
dialog of the business group.
Mappings that you create with the wizard are displayed in the tree. You can edit them later.
To start the Business Group Wizard, right-click the Business Groups in the tree and select the New
Business Group command. To create a business group, take these steps:

Step 1 - Specify the name and description

Here you specify the name and description of the business group. Business groups and their descriptions
are displayed in the tree.

Step 2 - Select the business units

Here you select the business units to add to the business group. The databases and business units
are displayed in a tree.
Select the check boxes of the business units to add to the business group.
To add all business units of a source database, select the check box of the database.
Note: Only those business units are displayed which were enabled when configuring the connections.
You can add business units to the business group later, in the Properties dialog.

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Step 3 - Configure the currencies

From the Currency drop-down list of the business group, select the group currency of the business
group. This is important for reporting and the currency translation for transactions from one business
entity to another.
To process the currencies of the business units, assign a code from the table Common > Currencies
to the currencies of the business units in the ISO Code column.
A business entity may have several currencies. With the settings in the Currency function column,
you specify whether the values of the currencies are imported and which function a currency has in
the target database.

Currency function Description

Used The values of the currency are imported as the
currency of the business entity. You may import
several currencies per business entity with the
Used function.
Local Select this function for the local currency. You
may only import one currency per business entity
with the Local function.
Not used The values of the currency are not imported into
the OLAP database.

Note: You may change the currency settings in the Properties dialog.

Step 4 - Create the unified mappings

Here you create general mappings of source tables to target dimensions. For each table in a source
database a mapping is proposed in the column ID of the unified mapping.
If you expand the view of a mapping, you see the business units that contain these tables. In the
Description column, you find the description of the table. With the help of the description, you may
check, whether tables with the same Id have the same function in all business entities. If the function
and the content are not Identical, a unified mapping does not make sense.
To use all business entities in a mapping, select the check box of the mapping. To exclude a business
entity from the mapping, clear the check box of the business entity in the mapping.
In the column Target dimension select the dimension, into which you import the data and the structures
of the table later on.
Columns for the creation of mappings in the Business Group Wizard:

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Column Description
Id of the unified mapping For each table used in at least one business en-
tity of the source database, a mapping will be
proposed. Only one mapping will be created for
tables of the same name in several business en-
tities (unified mapping). Use the Description
column to check, whether the table has the same
function in all source databases. You may ex-
clude individual business entities. Select the
check box next to the mapping ID to create the
Description Specify the description of the mapping. The de-
scription of one of the tables in the source
database will be proposed. Use the description
to check, whether all business entities in tables
of the same name store the same contents.
Use default mapping Select the check box to add all elements of the
source table as preselection to the element list.
This is useful, if import all elements later on.
Thus, you will not require to select the elements
separately for the import. The elements are
available on the Unified Data Sources tab in the
target dimension. If you select the option Use
default mapping, a dynamic range will be creat-
ed for the mapping, which contains all source el-
ements. Filter: ID LIKE %.
Target dimension Select the dimension, into which you import the
data and the structures of the table later on. The
dimension must exist in the tree of Designer.
Use default mapping (Target dimension) Select the check box to add elements of the
source table to the target dimension. This is only
useful, if the check box Use default mapping is
also selected for the mapping. If you select the
option Use default mapping, a dynamic range
will be created for the target dimension, which
contains all source elements. Filter: ID LIKE %.

Note: You can edit the mappings later and create further mappings.

Step 5 - Data Transfer

Here, you configure the data transfer from the source database to the reference database. This is
important, because only those business data (fact data) are transferred to the OLAP database that are

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contained in the reference database. Dimension elements and structures will also be created, when
the reference database is empty. You may change all settings in the properties dialog of the business
Select the check box Load data, when the database is recreated to load all data of all business
entities, before the OLAP database is created the next time. If all data are loaded into the reference
database, those data are also loaded that are not assigned to anyOLAP dimension. When creating the
database with the command File > Create Database, the check box is automatically cleared.
In the table you specify, the data that is always loaded into the reference database before the OLAP
database is created. For each business unit you select the periods for which data are loaded.
The table contains these columns:

Column Description
ID and Description ID and description of the business entity.
Load exchange rates Select the check box, if the exchange rate values
of the business entity are to be loaded into the
reference database, when the OLAP database
is created.
You cannot specify for which periods the ex-
change rates are loaded. The exchange rates of
all periods are loaded.
Load fact data Select the check box, if the fact data of the busi-
ness entity are to be loaded into the reference
database, when the OLAP database is created.
In the Periods column you specify, for which
periods the business data (fact data) are loaded.
You can specify that the data is loaded incremen-
tally. Select Incremental Load from the drop-down
list in the Filter column.
Periods Select the periods, for which business data (fact
data) must be loaded into the reference database
from the drop-down lists, for example, Current
Select the option Select periods manually to se-
lect individual periods in a dialog.

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Column Description
Manual selection If you select the option Select periods manually
in the Periods column, click the Browse button
in this column to open a dialog, where you may
select individual periods.
In the dialog, first specify the values for the start
period and the end period to restrict the range of
the selection. Then select the check box of the
periods, whose data are to be loaded into the
reference database, when the OLAP database
is created.

Note: To write the data from the reference database into the OLAP database, you must create data
connections for those cubes that contain dimensions with mappings for source tables. You may change
the settings of the data transfer in the properties dialog of the business group.

Step 6 - Loading structures

In the ID column, select the check boxes of the mappings, whose structures are to be refreshed when
the database is created. This is important, because the structures of the tables and dimensions of the
source database may change.

Step 7 - Summary
Here, you see the summary of the configuration steps.
Select the check box Load structure data of the business units when the wizard is finished to
load the structure data used in the business group and the mapping, if you click Finish. If you do not
select the option, the structure data must be loaded, when you click a mapping in the tree or when you
edit a mapping.

Editing business groups

To open the dialog, right-click the business group in the tree and select the Properties command. In
the Properties dialog of a business group, you edit these settings on separate tabs:

Tab Description
Business Group Here you change the description of the business
group. Furthermore, you select the exchange
rates for the key date rate and the average mar-
ket price.

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Tab Description
Business Units Here you specify, which business units belong
to the business group.
Currencies Here you configure the currencies of the business
group and of the business units.
Mappings Here you edit the mappings of the business
Data connections for cubes Here you specify, when and which data are
transferred from the reference database to the
OLAP database. To transfer data to the OLAP
database, the data must be contained in the ref-
erence database.
Data transfer Here you specify, when and which data are
loaded from the source databases into the refer-
ence database. Only data contained in the refer-
ence database can be transferred into the OLAP
If you select Select periods manually and
no data is available for the business unit, the pe-
riods 15 years before and after the current period
are shown. Once the data are imported from the
source system, the periods are shown correctly.
Depending on the periods of the source system,
they require to be adapted.
Loading of Structures Here you specify the mappings of the business
group, which are to be refreshed always, when
the OLAP database is created.
Carry Forward Here you specify, whether the values of the pre-
vious year are to be carried forward to the starting
period of the following year.

Changing the description of a business group

You edit the description of the business group on the Business group tab of the Properties dialog of
the business group. The ID of a business group cannot be changed. Business groups and their
descriptions are displayed in the tree.

Specifying exchange rates

Click Exchange Rates to specify the rates for the currency translation. A dialog opens that contains
a tab for each exchange rate type, for example, key rate date and average market price. On the tabs,

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select an exchange rate for each currency pair, which is valid for the entire business group, Currency
1 and Currency 2, for example, EUR and USD. Select the business entity in the column Business
entity, whose rate you use. In the Currency rate column, select the rate, for example, Rate1. The
available rates depend on the selected database.
Note: To work with the currency translation, you must create a mapping of the Currencies type. This
mapping must contain at least two currencies. If you do not create any mapping for the currencies, the
Exchange Rates button is disabled.

Business units
On theBusiness Units tab in the Properties dialog of the business group, select the business units
that belong to the business group. You see the databases and the business units in a tree. Select the
check box of a business unit to add it to the business group. To add all business entities of a source
database, select the check box of the database.
Only the enabled business units are displayed.

On the Currencies tab in the Properties dialog of the business group, you configure the currencies.
The options are identical with those of the step Configure the currencies in the Business Group Wizard.
Select the group currency of the business group from the drop-down list Currency of the business
group. This is important for the representation in reports and for the currency translation for transactions
from one business entity to another.
In the ISO code column, you assign a code from the table System > Currencies. This is important
for the unambiguous mapping of currencies, because currencies in different business entities may
have different IDs.
A business entity may have several currencies. With the settings in the Currency function column,
you specify, whether the values of the currencies are imported and which function a currency has in
the target database.

Currency function Description

Used The values of the currency are imported as the
currency of the business entity. You may import
several currencies per business entity with the
Used function.
Local Select this function for the local currency, if you
import data. You may only import one currency
per business entity with the Local function.
Not used The values of the currency are not imported into
the OLAP database.

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Note: You must import at least one currency per business entity with the currency function Used or

To see an overview of the mappings, select the Mappings tab in the Properties dialog of the business
To edit a mapping, click Edit. In the Properties of the Mapping dialog you edit the description of the
mapping and select the source tables and target dimensions.
You create and delete mappings with the shortcut menu of the business group in the tree.

Data connections for cubes

On the Data connections for cubes tab in the Properties dialog of the business group, is a tree
showing the data connections for cubes. The tree is divided into business groups, cubes, and data
connections. For each business group, only those cubes are displayed for which you have created a
data connection to the business group as the source.
In the overview, you determine for the data connections, when and which business data are transferred
from the reference database to the OLAP database. Select the Load automatically check box if the
business data are to be transferred from the reference database to the cube of the OLAP database,
each time an OLAP database is created.
Note: Only data loaded into the reference database are transferred to the OLAP database. On the
Data transfer tab of the Properties dialog of the business group, you configure, when and which data
are loaded from the source databases into the reference database.

Data transfer
On the Data transfer tab of the Properties dialog of the business group, you configure the transfer of
data from the source databases into the reference database. This is important, because only those
business data (fact data) are transferred to the OLAP database that are contained in the reference
database. Dimension elements and structures will also be created, when the reference database is
Select the check box Load data, when the database is recreated to load all data of the business
units before the OLAP database is created the next time including the data that are not mapped to any
OLAP dimension. The check box is disabled, while the database is created. In the table, specify, which
periods are loaded for each business unit.
The table contains these columns:

Column Description
ID and Description ID and description of the business entity.

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Column Description
Load exchange rates Select the check box, if the exchange rates of
the business entity are to be loaded into the ref-
erence database, whenever the OLAP database
is created.
The exchange rates of all periods are always
loaded into the reference database.
Load fact data Select the check box, if the business data (fact
data) of the business entity are to be loaded into
the reference database, whenever the OLAP
database is created.
In the Period column you specify the periods,
whose business data (fact data) are loaded.
Period Select a period category, for which business data
(fact data) are loaded into the reference database
from the drop-down lists, for example, Current
Select Select periods manually from the
drop-down list to select individual periods in a
Manual selection If you select the option Select periods man-
ually in the Period column, click the button in
this column to open the Periods dialog, where
you may select the periods.
In the dialog, first specify the values for the Start
period and the End period to restrict the range of
the selection. Then select the check box of the
periods, whose data are to be loaded into the
reference database, when the OLAP database
is created.

Note: To write the data from the reference database into theOLAP database, you must create data
connections for those cubes that contain dimensions with mappings for source tables.

Loading structures
In the property dialog of the business group, you specify the mappings, whose structure is always
refreshed when the OLAP database is created on the Loading Structure Data tab. In the ID column,
select the check boxes of the mappings, whose structures are to be refreshed when the database is
created. This is important, because the structures of the tables and dimensions of the source database
may change.

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Carry forward
Here you specify, whether the values of balance sheet accounts of the previous year are to be carried
forward to the starting period of the following year. Select the Carry forward check box to enable the
function. If you specify several balance sheet accounts, select a separator that separates the balance
sheet accounts in the entry field. Specify the name of the balance sheet account types.

Deleting business groups

To delete a business group, right-click the business group in the tree and select Delete.

Refreshing the mappings of a business group

To refresh all mappings of a business group, right-click the business group in the tree and select
Mappings > Refresh Mappings.

Mapping tables and dimensions

To determine which structures and data are imported into which dimension, you create unified mappings
in Connector. The mappings are specific to a business group, they are displayed in the tree underneath
the business group. Through the configuration of the mappings, you specify, for which business entities
they are used (all business entities of the business group, or only part of it).
First you create the mapping of one source table to an OLAP dimension and select the business entities
that the mapping is used for. These settings may be edited later.
If you click a mapping in the tree, you see the elements of the source tables on the Sources tab. Here,
you select the source elements that are to be available for the import into a dimension. You can import
these elements later or map them to elements in the data area of the target dimension.

Creating mappings
To create a mapping, right-click the business group in the tree and select Mappings > New Mapping.
The wizard for mappings opens.
1 Specify the name and description of the mapping.
Here, you specify the name and the description of the mapping. In the tree you see the mappings
and their description. The descriptions may be edited later. From the drop-down list Mapping type,
select the type of the mapping, for example, Scenarios. Selecting the mapping type restricts the

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selection of source tables. Example: If you select Currencies as the mapping type, only those
source tables are displayed that contain currencies. The mapping type cannot be edited later.
2 Select the source tables.
Here, you select the source tables of the mapping. In a tree, at the top level, are the business
entities that belong to the business group. At the level underneath are the tables of the business
entities. Only those source tables are displayed that match the mapping type, for example, currency
tables for the mapping type Currencies.
Because tables with the same name may have different functions in the business entities, select
the table for each business entity that is to be used in the mapping. You can only select one table
as the source per business entity.
Select the check box in the Use default mapping column to insert all elements of the source table
as preselection into the element list. This is useful, if you import all elements. If you import all
elements, it is not required to select the elements for the import on the Sources tab of the mapping.
The elements will be available in the target dimension, when you create the mapping on the Unified
data sources tab.
3 Select the target dimensions.
Here, you select the OLAP dimension, into which to import the data and the structures of the source
tables. If you later click these dimensions in the tree, you will find the Unified Data Source tab in
the data area of the dimension. This tab contains the elements that you select in the data area of
the mapping for the import.
Select the check box in the Use default mapping column to add all elements of the source table
to the target dimension. This is only useful, if this option is also selected for the source tables.
Note: You select the elements, which you import later, in the data area of the mapping on the
Sources tab.

Editing mappings
To edit a mapping, right-click the mapping in the tree and select Properties. The Properties of the
Mapping dialog opens, where you edit the description and select the source tables and the target
On the Mapping tab you change the description. In the tree you see the mappings and their description.
The mapping type cannot be edited. If you require the mapping of a different type, you must create an
additional mapping.
On the Data sources tab you select the source tables of the mapping. In a tree, at the top level, you
see the business entities that belong to the business group. At the level underneath you see the tables
of the business entities. Only those source tables are displayed that match the mapping type, for
example, currency tables for the mapping type Currencies. In each business entity, select the check
box of the source table that you map to a dimension.
In the Target Dimension tab, you select the OLAP dimension into which the structures and data of
the source tables is to be imported. If you later click these dimensions in the tree, you will find the
Unified Data Source tab in the data area of the dimension. This tab contains the elements that you
select in the data area of the mapping for the import.

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Note: You select the elements that you import later, in the data area of the mapping on the Sources

Selecting source elements for import

For each mapping of source tables to OLAP dimensions you must specify, which source elements to
import into the dimensions later. When you specify the source elements, you do not yet create a
hierarchical structure, but a common list for the source elements of all business units of the mapping.
The source elements that you select for a mapping, may be imported later on the Unified Data Sources
tab in the data area of the target dimension.
To create the list of the source elements for the import, click the mapping in the tree view. In the data
area of the mapping, you see the element table on the left and the Source tab on the right. The element
table contains the elements that will later be available in the target dimension for import. In the Source
tab, the source elements of the source table are displayed.
Since you specify separately for each mapping of a business entity, which elements are imported, there
is a separate section for each business entity on the Source tab containing the tabs Data, Schema
and Dynamic Ranges. Only the range of one business entity is displayed.
To show the source elements of a hidden business entity, click the bar with the name of the business
entity. Select the source elements of the business units one by one and create a common selection of
elements to import later on.

Tab Description
Data Here, you see the source elements of the select-
ed business entity:
Source elements that have not been mapped or
Source elements that you have copied to the ele-
ment list.
Source elements that you have mapped to a dif-
ferent element of the element list.
Source elements that have been copied into the
element list by a dynamic range.
Schema Here, you map the columns of the source table
(Column) to the columns of the target dimension
(Mapping). Thereby, you determine, how the
values of the source elements will be processed.
Dynamic ranges Here, you create dynamic filters for an element
selection, which may be stored and re-applied to
the modified source database.

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Copying elements
The Data tab shows the source elements you have mapped to the dimension. To copy source elements
to the element list, so that for each source element an element in the element list is created, select the
source elements and drag them into the element list. A shortcut menu opens, where you select the
Copy command. An element of the same name will be created. Alternatively, to select the source
elements in the list, right-click them and select Insert Elements Automatically.
To show elements that have not yet been assigned, select Only show unmapped elements.

Mapping elements
The Data tab shows the source elements you have mapped to the dimension. To map source elements
to an element in the list, select the source elements and drag them to the target element in the element
list. A shortcut menu opens, where you select the Create Mapping command.
If you map source elements within the element list, select the source elements on the Data tab, right-click
them and select Automatically Map Elements if Target Exists.
To show elements that have not yet been assigned, select Only show unmapped elements.

Copying with dynamic ranges

Dynamic ranges may be compared to filters for source elements. If you create a dynamic range, the
source elements that correspond to the filter of a dynamic range, are copied into the element list. If
source elements are added that match the filter criteria, these will automatically be added to the list,
when the list is accessed. Thus, you make sure that the element list always contains all elements
matching the properties that you have specified, even if the source database has changed.
To create a dynamic range, click Add on the Dynamic ranges tab. The Dynamic Range dialog opens.
Specify the name and the description of the dynamic range.
To select the filter criteria, click Filter in the dialog. The Filter dialog opens. By combining the fields
Column, Operator, and Value you specify the filter criteria:

Field Description
Column Select the column of the source table, by which
the values are to be filtered, for example, ID.
Operator Select a comparison operator for this value, for
example, > (the SQL convention applies to oper-
Value Specify the value that will be checked by the
comparison operator of the Operator field using
the value of the field Column, for example, 1,000
(the SQL convention applies to wildcards).

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Select the ID column from the drop-down list Column. Select the operator > (greater than) from the
drop-down list Operator. Specify the value 1,000 into the Value field. As a result, all source elements
with an ID greater than 1,000 are transferred into the element list.
To combine various filter criteria, define additional criteria in the Filter dialog. With the option buttons
AND and OR you determine, whether those source elements are added exclusively that match all
criteria (AND; restrict list), or whether source elements only have to match one of the two criteria (OR;
expand list).
To save the dynamic range and to add the filtered elements, close the dialogs Filter and Dynamic
Range with OK and click Save on the Dynamic Range tab.
Note: If you select the option Use default mapping when creating a business group, a dynamic
range will be created in the mapping, which copies all source elements into the element list. Filter: Id

Refreshing the mappings

To refresh a mapping and to re-load the structures from the source database, right-click the mapping
in the tree and select Refresh. To refresh all mappings of a business group, right-click the business
group in the tree and select Mappings > Refresh Mappings.

Deleting mappings
To delete a mapping, right-click the mapping in the tree and select Delete.

Mapping dimension elements

To import structures and data into the OLAP database, you must copy the source elements that you
have selected in the mappings into the dimension or map them to the dimension elements. Thus, you
create the hierarchical structure of the dimension, specify the weighting of the elements and assign
access permissions. The source elements selected in the mappings are located on the Unified Data
Sources tab in the data area of the target dimension.
To display the data range of a dimension, click the dimension in the tree. In the data range of the
mapping, you see the dimension on the left and the Unified Data Sources tab on the right. The
dimension table contains the elements of the dimension and their hierarchical structure.
Since you specify for each business entity separately, which elements are imported, there is a separate
section for each business entity on the Unified Data Sources tab containing the tabs Data, Schema,
and Dynamic Ranges. Only the range of one business entity is displayed.

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To show the source elements of a hidden business entity, click the bar with the name of the business
entity. Select the source elements of the business entities one by one and add them to the dimension
to import them.

Tab Description
Data Here, you see the source elements of the select-
ed business entity:
Source elements that you have not mapped or
Source elements that you have copied to the ele-
ment list.
Source elements that you have mapped to a dif-
ferent element of the element list.
Source elements that have been copied into the
element list by a dynamic range.
Only show unmapped elements Enable the check box Only show unmapped
elements to show elements that you have not
yet mapped or copied.
Schema Here, you map the columns of the source table
(Column) to the columns of the target dimension
(Mapping). Thereby, you determine, how the
values of the source elements will be processed.
Here you may specify, whether a column of the
source table is to be used as parent.
Dynamic ranges Here, you create dynamic filters for an element
selection, which may be stored and re-applied to
the modified source database.

Copying elements
The Data tab shows the source elements you have mapped to the dimension. To copy source elements
to the dimension, so that for each source element an element in the dimension is created, select the
source elements and drag them into the dimension. A shortcut menu opens. Select the Copy command.
An element of the same name is created. Alternatively, you can select the source elements in the list,
right-click them and select Insert Elements Automatically.
To show elements that have not yet been assigned, select Only show unmapped elements.

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Mapping elements
The Data tab shows the source elements you have mapped to the dimension. To map source elements
to an element of the dimension, select the source elements and drag them to the target element of the
dimension by drag-and-drop. On the shortcut menu, select Create Mapping.
To show elements that have not yet been assigned, select Only show unmapped elements.
To map source elements to dimension elements of the same name, select the source elements on the
Data tab, right-click them and select Automatically Map Elements if Target Exists. Connector
compares the names of source and target elements and maps elements of the same name.
Note: The data of the source element, which you map to dimension elements, are imported into the
element. If you map several source elements to a dimension element, the values are summed up. Do
not create mappings to parent elements in the dimension (C elements). Imported values cannot be
distributed to subordinate elements.

Copying with dynamic ranges

Dynamic ranges can be compared to filters for source elements. If you create a dynamic range, the
source elements that correspond to the filter of a dynamic range, are copied into the dimension. If
source elements are added that match the filter criteria, they will automatically be added to the dimension,
when you open the dimension in OLAP. Thus, you ensure that the dimension always contains all
elements matching the properties that you have specified, even if the source database has changed.
To create a dynamic range, click Add on the Dynamic ranges tab. The Dynamic Range dialog opens.
Specify the name and the description of the dynamic range.
To select the filter criteria, click Filter in the dialog. The Filter dialog opens. By combining the fields
Column, Operator, and Value you specify the filter criteria:

Field Description
Column Select the column of the source table, by which
the values are to be filtered, for example, ID.
Operator Select a comparison operator for this value, for
example, > (the SQL convention applies to oper-
Value Specify the value that will be checked by the
comparison operator of the Operator field using
the value of the field Column, for example, 1,000
(the SQL convention applies to wildcards).

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Example: Select the ID column from the drop-down list Column. Select the operator > (greater than)
from the drop-down list Operator. Specify the value 1,000 into the Value field. As a result, all source
elements with an ID greater than 1,000 are transferred into the element list.
To combine various filter criteria, define additional criteria in the Filter dialog. With the option buttons
AND and OR you determine, whether those source elements are added exclusively that match all
criteria (AND; restrict list), or whether source elements only have to match one of the two criteria (OR;
expand list).
To save the dynamic range, close the dialogs Filter and Dynamic Range and click Save on the
Dynamic range tab.
Note: If you select the option Use default mapping when creating a business group, a dynamic
range will be created in the mapping, which copies all source elements into the element list. Filter: Id

Creating hierarchies with dynamic ranges

With the content of columns of unified mappings you can automatically create hierarchies in the target
dimension. This allows to dynamically create hierarchies with the information of the source system.
To create a hierarchy, select the dimension a hierarchy is to be created for. Go to the Unified Data
Sources tab in the data area of the dimension. There, go to the Schema tab. Select the column of the
source, that contains the parent information. From the Mapping column, select Parent.
When you create a dynamic range, the elements and the hierarchy are added to the dimension.
Note: If the parent and the element have the same ID, the hierarchy has been defined incorrectly and
cannot be fully created. The erroneous elements are listed in the log while processing dynamic range.
These elements are added to the top level of the dimension.

Configuring data connections for cubes

You configure the transfer of business data from the reference database to the OLAP database using
data connections for cubes.
A data connection for cubes is part of the cube. If a cube contains dimensions with mappings of source
tables whose data you import into the OLAP database, you must create a data connection for cubes.
Select a business group as the data source to specify which data are transferred to the OLAP cube.

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Creating, editing, deleting data connection for cubes

To create a data connection for cubes, right-click the cube in the tree and select Data Connections
for Cubes > Add. The Create Cube Data Connection View dialog opens.
In the Create Cube Data Connection View dialog, specify the Id and the description of the data
connection and select the business group from the drop-down list Source, whose data you transfer to
the OLAP cubes. Select one or more fact tables to import. Fact tables are grouped according to content.
You can only select fact tables from within a single group. Configure the data transfer from the reference
database to the OLAP database.
To edit a data connection for cubes, right-click the data connection in the tree and select the Properties
command. The Configure Data Connection dialog opens. Here, you edit the description of the data
connection, configure the data transfer from the reference database to the OLAP database, and enable
the export function.

Option Description
Load automatically Select the check box, if the fact data are to be
loaded from the reference database into the cube
of the OLAP database, whenever theOLAP
database is created.
To use external data for the cube, select the Use
external data check box. Data of an existing fact
table are loaded. The fact table will not be created
Allow Export Enable this check box, to enable the export
function for the data connection.
Clear data area Select this check box to clear the target data area
of the cube, where the data is transferred to. This
ensures the consistency of the data in the cube.

To delete a data connection for cubes, right-click the data connection in the tree and select Delete.

Configuring the data transfer

You configure the transfer of business data from the reference database to the OLAP database using
data connections for cubes. For this purpose, you select a business group as the source, when you
create the data connection.
To determine, how the data of the reference database is transferred to theOLAP database, click Data
connections for cubes. The work space has five tabs: Summary,Default elements of dimensions,
Used mappings, Unused mappings and Dimension filters. In the upper section, the filters of the
mappings, used mappings and dimensions are specified. Specify the default member for the dimensions
that do not have a mapping. On the Unused mappings tab, the mappings of the business group that
are not assigned to a dimension are shown. On the Used mappings tab the mappings are shown that
are assigned to a dimension. The Dimension filters tab displays all dimensions in the cube. You can

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create filters on used and unused mappings that limit the data transferred to OLAP. You can also create
filters on the Dimension filters tab.
To specify the default element of a dimension, select it from the drop-down list of the Default column.
To specify a filter of a mapping, a used mapping or a dimension, click the Browse button. Specify the
filter in the Filter dialog.
Note: Only data that have already been loaded into the reference database can be transferred into the
OLAP cube. You may specify, whether the data are loaded automatically from the source databases
into the reference database.
To enable the export function for a data connection for cubes, so that you can export the data of the
data connection, right-click the data connection in the tree and select Properties. In the Edit Data
Connection for Cubes dialog, enable Allow Export. On the Data Connections for Cubes tab in the
Property dialog of a business group, you can enable Allow Export for all data connections of a cube
or of a business group.

Importing data
When all steps of Connector are completed, you must create the OLAP database to import the data.
To create the database, select File > Database.
You can use the Export dialog, to export the data you have imported into the OLAP database and
edited there, for example, to re-import the data to a SunSystems database.

Exporting data
You can export the data, which you have imported to an OLAP database using Connector into a text
file, for example, to re-import edited SunSystems data to a SunSystems database.
• For the export, information from the reference database and the repository are required. Therefore,
only data can be exported which originate from OLAP databases and cubes, which you imported
using Connector.
• To export the data of a data connection for cubes, you must enable the Allow Export option for
the data connection. When you have enabled this option for a data connection, you must re-create
the database.
You use the Export dialog, to export cube data to a text file. There are two ways to open the Export
• Right-click the cube and select Data Connections for Cubes > Export.
• Right-click a data connection for cubes and select Export.
In the Export dialog, there are these options:

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Option Description
Data connections for cubes From the drop-down list, select the data connec-
tion for cubes, whose data you export. You can-
not select the data connection, if you have
opened the dialog by the shortcut menu of a data
connection in the tree.
Business entity From the drop-down list, select the business en-
tity, whose data you export.
Periods In the list, select the periods, whose data you
export (multiple selection with Ctrl).
Scenario From the drop-down list, select the scenario,
whose data you export.
Bridge From the drop-down list, select the bridge, whose
data you export.
Journal type If you select the file format SunSystems 4, you
select the journal type of the transactions that
you export here. If the journal types cannot be
retrieved (error message), you can specify a
journal type you know.
File format Select the file format of the export file, for exam-
ple, SunSystems 4 or SunSystems 5.
Filename Specify the name and the path of the export file.
Transaction reference Specify a text to be used as transaction reference
for the export.
Description Specify a text to be used as description for the

Click OK to start the export.

Connector configuration check

Configuring the Connector involves a chain of tasks. The Connector Configuration Check enables you
to check each link in that chain to ensure that they are correctly configured, and that the mappings
between the source database and Designer model are valid. The Connector Configuration Check
produces a report that displays a hierarchical view of the dependencies between measures, measure
dimensions, fact tables, and cubes.
You create the overview in the Validation dialog, which has three tabs, Measures, Measure
Dimensions, and Cubes on which you configure the mappings to check. The tabs depend on one

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another. For example, if you select a measure, the associated measure dimensions and cubes are
To run the connector configuration check:
1 Select File > Connector Configuration Check. The Validation dialog is displayed.
2 Select the measures, measure dimensions and cubes to check.
3 Click OK.
The results are displayed. They show a hierarchical view of the mappings and highlight unmapped
elements and invalid mappings.
4 Click OK, to close the overview.
5 Optionally, save the results as an HTML report.
a Click Save report as HTML.
b Browse to where to save the report and click OK.

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