8 Q3-Diass
8 Q3-Diass
8 Q3-Diass
Module 8: Professionals and
Practitioners in
Jorge W. Echavia, Jr. M. Ed. GC, LPT
Compiler/ Contextualizer
What I Know
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter in
your notebook or on a separate piece of paper.
2. The foremost important role of communicators and journalists.
A. Deliver facts to the public C. Make available all information
B. Present all issues to the public D. Channel incorrect information
4. The function of communicators and journalists that deliver truth and facts
is to ________.
A. Provide B. Judge C. Document D. Communicate
6. The work area where the field of communication is wide and important.
A. Business Organizations C. Production Companies
B. Economic Management D. Building and Construction
11. The communicators and journalists work area that translates, coordinates
tour, and corresponds to foreigners.
A. Broadcasting C. Public Relations
B. Journalism D. International Relations Management
12. The career opportunity of communicators and journalist that become college
professors, speech teachers, and language and arts coordinators.
A. Broadcasting C. Communication Educators
B. Public Relations D. Advertising, Marketing, and Sales
13. Which of the following is a work area of communicators and journalists?
A. Journal writing C. Press briefing
B. Speech writing D. Electronics Technician
15. What work area of broadcasting that is basically for education and training?
A. Radio B. Television C. Electronic Media D. Classroom
Congratulations! You may record your score for monitoring purposes. You are now
ready to proceed on your lessons in the professionals and practitioners of
communication. You are advised to read the lessons properly. Good luck!
In this module, you will now be able to widen your understanding of the real
work of Communication and Journalism practitioners. The lessons ahead will
enlighten you more on the professional practice of Communication and Journalism.
Studying more about COMMUNICATION will provide you opportunity to deeply
understand the complex nature of the profession as you are to stand for truth and
practice responsible broadcasting and freedom of expression!
On April 3, 1995, former President Fidel V. Ramos declared the month of April
as Broadcaster’s Month. It is important to know that the practice of communication
has a great responsibility in nation building whether in water, land, and air.
What’s In
What’s New
In the way of their role, the functions of communicators and journalists may
follow naturally.
1. To collect, gather, and document information, facts and opinions without
bias and present them for public analysis and realization.
2. To communicate is to deliver truth and facts.
3. To be present where the news is happening and having the ability to record
what is happening accurately with available technology.
Activity 2: Share Your Ideas (SYI). As a student of Humanities and Social Sciences
(HUMSS), how important is public communication especially in times of crises? How
will you protect yourself from fake news and public scandal? Briefly support your
answer. You may write it in an extra sheet of paper and submit it to your teacher.
Keep it short and simple (KISS).
What Is It
research specialist, program coordinator, negotiator, lobbyist, press
secretary, and elected officer.
What’s More
What’s More
Reading Skills
Writing Skills
1. Follow the truth regardless of the consequences arising from it and must
show full respect for the right of the public to know the truth.
2. Defend freedom of information and all the rights derived from this freedom
(the right to comment and criticism, as well as independence and the
dignity of profession).
3. Publish only such information, documents, pictures, and the sources of
which are known to them.
4. Must not suppress any information or important elements of information
or distort any text, document, or picture.
5. Clearly mark unconfirmed announcements and mention photographic
combination in the production and must respect reasonable deadlines.
6. Must not practice dishonest means in obtaining information, pictures, or
documents. Must not manipulate or use manipulated pictures to give
distorted views and must prevent plagiarism.
7. Correct every news item they have published if its content proves to be
partially or fully false.
8. Keep the professional secrecy and do not reveal the sources of confidential
9. Respect the privacy of the individual unless public interest requires the
contrary and restrains from all anonymous and unfounded accusations.
10. Do not accept any advantages or promises, which are liable to limit their
professional independence and to curb the freedom to express their own
11. Avoid any form of commercial publicity and do not accept any conditions
on the part of the advertisers.
12. Accept journalistic instructions only from the responsible members of
their editorial staff and accept them only if they are not in contrast with
the present declaration of the journalistic duties.
1. I shall scrupulously report and interpret the news, taking care not to
suppress essential facts nor to distort the truth by omission or improper
emphasis. I recognize the duty to air the other side and the duty to correct
substantive errors promptly.
2. I shall not violate confidential information on material given me in the
exercise of my calling.
3. I shall resort only to fair and honest methods in my effort to obtain news,
photographs and/or documents, and shall properly identify myself as a
representative of the press when obtaining any personal interview
intended for publication.
4. I shall refrain from writing reports which will adversely affect a private
reputation unless the public interests justify it. At the same time, I shall
write vigorously for public access to information, as provided for in the
5. I shall not let personal motives or interests influence me in the
performance of my duties; nor shall I accept or offer any present, gift or
other consideration of a nature which may cast doubt on my professional
6. I shall not commit any act of plagiarism (copying other’s work).
7. I shall not in any manner ridicule, cast aspersions on or degrade any
person by reason of sex, creed, religious belief, political conviction,
cultural and ethnic origin.
8. I shall presume persons accused of crime of being innocent until proven
otherwise. I shall exercise caution in publishing names of minors, and
women involved in criminal cases so that they may not unjustly lose their
standing in society.
9. I shall not take unfair advantage of a fellow journalist.
10. I shall accept only such tasks as are compatible with the integrity and
dignity of my profession, invoking the “conscience clause” when duties
imposed on me conflict with the voice of my conscience.
11. I shall comport myself in public or while performing my duties as journalist
in such manner as to maintain the dignity of my profession. When in
doubt, decency should be my watchword.
What’s More
Guide Questions:
1. How important are the rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of
communicators and journalists in giving accurate information?
2. How can a good journalist become more reliable and not biased in giving news
and information to the public?
3. In our situation today, what responsibility of communicator is more
important? Briefly explain your answer.
4. What might happen if communicators and journalists unethically provide
wrong information especially in this pandemic? Briefly describe your answer.
5. If you were a communicator or a journalist, how can you provide correct
information to the public?
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter in
your notebook or on a separate piece of paper.
1. The work area of broadcasting that is basically used for education and
A. Radio B. Television C. Electronic Media D. Classroom
4. It is considered the necessary skills for good communication.
A. Listening and writing C. Speaking and Reading
B. Reading and writing D. Writing and Speaking
5. The function of communicators and journalists that deliver truth and facts
is to ___________.
A. Provide B. Judge C. Document D. Communicate
9. The work area where the field of communication is wide and important.
A. Business Organizations C. Production Companies
B. Economic Management D. Building and Construction
10. The career opportunity of communicators and journalists that reports, edit,
and newscast.
A. Broadcasting C. Performing
B. Journalism D. Marketing
11. The career opportunity of communicators and journalist that write, produce,
and direct.
A. Public Communication
B. Communication Educators
C. Theater and Performing Arts
D. International Relations Management
13. The career opportunity of communicators and journalist that become college
professors, speech teachers, and language and arts coordinators.
A. Broadcasting C. Communication Educators
B. Public Relations D. Advertising, Marketing, and Sales
15. Which work or career is true to a public relations officer?
A. Agent B. Fund-raiser C. Manager D. Composer
Additional Activity
Instructions: Using a separate sheet of paper, copy the template below or directly fill
it in with the needed reflection. In answering, keep it short and simple
(KISS) and submit it to your teacher. Keep a copy in your notebook for
future reference as we go along with your self-learning.
Activity 3: STAY INFORMED! (Suggested Answers)
What’s In: Suggested
1. Broadcasters,
International Relations,
Public Relations
2. Public Communications,
Public Relations,
3. Teachers, Broadcasters,
Public Communications
What’s More 4. Teachers, Speech
Activity 6 Writers, Public Relations
1. TRUE 5. Public Communications,
2. TRUE Broadcasters, Advertising
3. TRUE 6. Broadcasters, Public
4. FALSE Communications,
International Relations
7. Speech Writers,
6. FALSE Teachers, Public
7. FALSE Relations
8. TRUE 8. International Relations,
9. FALSE Public Communications,
Speech Writers
9. Marketing and Sales,
Broadcasters, Theater
and Performing Arts
10. Advertising, Marketing
and Sales, Theater and
Performing Arts
Answer Key
Activity 4: SKILLS 101 (Suggested Answers)
Abadingo, L. (2018). Disciplines and ideas in the applied social sciences for senior
high school. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Abulencia, A, et.al. (2017). Disciplines and ideas in the social sciences, reader.
Pasig City: DepEd-BLR.
Ariola, M. (2017). Disciplines and ideas in the applied social sciences. Manila:
Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing, Inc.
Dela Cruz, A. et. al. (2016). Disciplines and ideas in the social sciences. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Sampa, E. (2017). Disciplines and ideas in the applied social sciences. Manila: Rex
Book Store Inc.
Wall, P. (2012). Media studies, third edition. London: HarperCollins Publishers
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