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Module 8: Professionals and
Practitioners in
Jorge W. Echavia, Jr. M. Ed. GC, LPT
Compiler/ Contextualizer


Second Semester
Quarter 3: Module 8/ Week 8
Professionals and Practitioners in Communication

Content Standards : Professionals and Practitioners in


Performance Standard : Undertake participant observation (e.g., a day

in a life of a communicator/journalist) to
adequately document and critique their roles,
functions, and competencies.

Competencies : 1. Explain the roles and functions of

communicators and journalists.
2. Identify specific work areas in which
communicators and journalists work.
3. Explain the rights, responsibilities, and
4. Distinguish between ethical and unethical
behaviors among practitioners.

Learning Outcomes : 1. Identify the roles and functions of

communicators and journalists on specific work
areas using mind map and table organizer.
2. Evaluate the rights, responsibilities, and
accountabilities of communicators and
3. Compare or contrast the ethical behaviors
among practitioners of communication.

What I Know

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter in
your notebook or on a separate piece of paper.

1. The skills needed to gather data and information for accurate

A. Listening and Reading C. Speaking and Reading
B. Writing and Speaking C. Reading and Writing

2. The foremost important role of communicators and journalists.
A. Deliver facts to the public C. Make available all information
B. Present all issues to the public D. Channel incorrect information

3. It is considered the necessary skills for good communication.

A. Listening and writing C. Speaking and Reading
B. Reading and writing D. Writing and Speaking

4. The function of communicators and journalists that deliver truth and facts
is to ________.
A. Provide B. Judge C. Document D. Communicate

5. Which skill set is the least important competency of communicators and

A. Listening skills C. Reading skills
B. Speaking skills D. Interviewing skills

6. The work area where the field of communication is wide and important.
A. Business Organizations C. Production Companies
B. Economic Management D. Building and Construction

7. The main function of communicators and journalists is to______.

A. Comment B. Communicate C. Gather Data D. Collect

8. The career opportunity of communicators and journalists that reports, edit,

and newscast.
A. Broadcasting B. Journalism C. Performing D.

9. The career opportunity of communicators and journalist that write, produce,

and direct.
A. Public Communication C. Theater and Performing Arts
B. Communication Educators D. International Relations Management

10. The career opportunity of communicators and journalists that manage

stations, news editing, technical writing, and film directing.
A. Broadcasting and Journalism C. Communication Educators
B. Advertising, Marketing, Sales D. Theater and Performing Arts

11. The communicators and journalists work area that translates, coordinates
tour, and corresponds to foreigners.
A. Broadcasting C. Public Relations
B. Journalism D. International Relations Management

12. The career opportunity of communicators and journalist that become college
professors, speech teachers, and language and arts coordinators.
A. Broadcasting C. Communication Educators
B. Public Relations D. Advertising, Marketing, and Sales

13. Which of the following is a work area of communicators and journalists?
A. Journal writing C. Press briefing
B. Speech writing D. Electronics Technician

14. Which work or career is true to a public relations officer?

A. Agent B. Fund-raiser C. Manager D. Composer

15. What work area of broadcasting that is basically for education and training?
A. Radio B. Television C. Electronic Media D. Classroom

Congratulations! You may record your score for monitoring purposes. You are now
ready to proceed on your lessons in the professionals and practitioners of
communication. You are advised to read the lessons properly. Good luck!

What I Need to Know

In this module, you will now be able to widen your understanding of the real
work of Communication and Journalism practitioners. The lessons ahead will
enlighten you more on the professional practice of Communication and Journalism.
Studying more about COMMUNICATION will provide you opportunity to deeply
understand the complex nature of the profession as you are to stand for truth and
practice responsible broadcasting and freedom of expression!

The module is divided into three main lessons:

• Lesson 1 – Roles and Functions of Communicators and Journalists
• Lesson 2 – Competencies and Work Areas where communication
practitioners work
• Lesson 3 – Rights, Responsibilities, Accountabilities, and Ethical
Standards in the Practice of Communication

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the roles and functions of communicators and journalists on
specific work areas using mind map and table organizer,
2. evaluate the rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of
communicators and journalists, and
3. compare or contrast the ethical behaviors among practitioners of


On April 3, 1995, former President Fidel V. Ramos declared the month of April
as Broadcaster’s Month. It is important to know that the practice of communication
has a great responsibility in nation building whether in water, land, and air.

What’s In

Activity 1: SAY IT ISN’T SO

Instructions: Identify the roles and functions of communicators and journalists

by analyzing the work or work areas they may be found. You may
choose as many appropriate specializations provided inside the box.

Public Relations Speech Writers Theater and Performing Arts

Advertising Broadcasters Public Communications
Teachers International Relations Marketing and Sales
Sales and Marketing Journalists
1. Make available information and evidence to inform the public about issues.
2. Provide facts for the public to form judgment and decisions.
3. Facilitate accurate processing and analysis of facts and information.
4. Collect and document information accurately.
5. Communicate to deliver truth and facts.
6. Present the news or current events accurately and on time.
7. Educate aspiring practitioners of communication.
8. Gather facts and opinions without bias.
9. Present information in a creative way to inform the public.
10. Provide excellent opportunities for people to learn and earn.

What’s New


The foremost important role of communicators and journalists is to make
available information and evidence to inform the public about issues that matter to
them in the most neutral way possible. They provide facts for the public to form
judgment and decisions. In some cases, they facilitate accurate processing and
analysis of such facts in a professional and follows the standards of ethical practice.

In the way of their role, the functions of communicators and journalists may
follow naturally.
1. To collect, gather, and document information, facts and opinions without
bias and present them for public analysis and realization.
2. To communicate is to deliver truth and facts.
3. To be present where the news is happening and having the ability to record
what is happening accurately with available technology.

Activity 2: Share Your Ideas (SYI). As a student of Humanities and Social Sciences
(HUMSS), how important is public communication especially in times of crises? How
will you protect yourself from fake news and public scandal? Briefly support your
answer. You may write it in an extra sheet of paper and submit it to your teacher.
Keep it short and simple (KISS).

What Is It


1. Journalism. Reporter, editor, newscaster, author, copy writer, script
writer, publisher, news service researcher, technical writer, acquisition
editor, and interviewer.
2. Advertising, Marketing, and Sales. Customer service representative,
marketing assistant or officer, advertising, sales assistant, account
executive, research associate, and operations manager, copy writer,
account executive, sales manager, media planner, media buyer, creative
director, media sales representatives; public opinion researchers and
pollsters (in Social Weather Station and Pulse Asia); bloggers/vloggers, in
the fashion industry and lifestyle; products and services marketing.
3. Communication Educators. College or university professors and speech
communication department chairpersons, language and arts
coordinators, elementary and high school speech teachers, forensic and
debate coaches, or drama directors.
4. Public Relations. Publicity manager, advertising manager, marketing
specialist, press agent, lobbyist, corporate public affairs specialist,
account executives, development officers, fund-raiser, membership
recruiter, sales manager, media analyst, creative director, audience
analyst, news writer, and public opinion researcher.
5. Theater and Performing Arts. Performing artists, script writers,
producers, director, arts administrator, performing arts educator, costume
designer, theater critic, makeup artist, stage manager, art and prop
curator, model, theater professor, and casting director.
6. Broadcasting. Broadcast station managers, director of broadcasting, film
and tape librarian, community relations director, unit manager, film
director, news editor, news director, news writer, news anchor, transmitter
engineer, and technical director.
7. Public Communication. Government and politics-related, public
information officer, speech writer, legislative assistant, campaign director,

research specialist, program coordinator, negotiator, lobbyist, press
secretary, and elected officer.

8. International Relations Management and Negotiations. On-air

international broadcasting talent, corporate representative, translator,
student tour coordinator, diplomat, foreign relations officer, host/hostess
for foreign dignitaries, and foreign correspondent.

Other opportunities may include advertising sales coordinator, traffic and

continuity specialist, market researcher, actor/actress, disc jockey, public relations
manager, comedy writer, casting director, floor manager, talk show host, account
executive, media buyer, and many more.

What’s More

Activity 3: STAY INFORMED!

Instructions: Create a MIND MAP on your understanding on the practice of

communication careers and opportunities. You may copy or modify
the sample mind map and connect the concept appropriately. Keep
it short and simple (KISS).



Along with the roles and functions, the competencies of communicators and
journalists must be kept in kind as these are crucial in the professional practice.
1. Listening skills
2. Speaking skills
3. Reading skills
4. Writing skills

Listening and reading skills are data and information-gathering skills

necessary for accurate writing and speaking. Writing and speaking skills are
necessary for communication as tools since poor writing and speaking skills can
distort the message regardless of good intentions of the communicator.


The field of communication is wide and almost every aspect of business and
human organization has communication specialists or roles. Professionals pursuing
careers in communication have many options.

The following are areas of specialization for communicators and journalists

are the following: speech writing and press relations; advertising, marketing, and
sales; communication education teachers; electronic media, radio, and television
broadcasting; public relations; journalism; theater and performing arts; public
communication and opinion management; and international relations management
and negotiations.

What’s More

Activity 4: SKILLS 101

Instructions: Research and create a TABLE ORGANIZER relating to the
competencies of communicators and journalists. You may follow the
table format shown below in a separate sheet of paper. In answering,
please remember the KISS Principle (Keep It Short and Simple).

Competencies Importance to the Practice of Communication

Listening Skills
Speaking Skills

Reading Skills
Writing Skills


The right to information, to free speech, and to criticize the government

policies are some of the basic human rights. The duties and rights of journalists are
derived from the people's right to know facts and to share their opinions. The
responsibility of journalists towards the public has priority over any other
responsibility, particularly the responsibility to their employers and the state organs.
In fulfilling information tasks, the journalists may use own free-will, but rules,
duties, rights, accountabilities, and code of ethics must be observed as formulated
by international and local journalist organizations.


To become worthy of being a journalist, one must consider the duties
faithfully. While recognizing the existing laws of every country, professional
journalists must adopt the opinion of their colleagues only and refuse any
interference by the state or any other authority. In gathering, editing, and
commenting on information, all journalists must consider the following duties,
responsibilities, and accountabilities in the exercise of freedom of speech:

1. Follow the truth regardless of the consequences arising from it and must
show full respect for the right of the public to know the truth.
2. Defend freedom of information and all the rights derived from this freedom
(the right to comment and criticism, as well as independence and the
dignity of profession).
3. Publish only such information, documents, pictures, and the sources of
which are known to them.
4. Must not suppress any information or important elements of information
or distort any text, document, or picture.
5. Clearly mark unconfirmed announcements and mention photographic
combination in the production and must respect reasonable deadlines.
6. Must not practice dishonest means in obtaining information, pictures, or
documents. Must not manipulate or use manipulated pictures to give
distorted views and must prevent plagiarism.
7. Correct every news item they have published if its content proves to be
partially or fully false.
8. Keep the professional secrecy and do not reveal the sources of confidential
9. Respect the privacy of the individual unless public interest requires the
contrary and restrains from all anonymous and unfounded accusations.
10. Do not accept any advantages or promises, which are liable to limit their
professional independence and to curb the freedom to express their own
11. Avoid any form of commercial publicity and do not accept any conditions
on the part of the advertisers.

12. Accept journalistic instructions only from the responsible members of
their editorial staff and accept them only if they are not in contrast with
the present declaration of the journalistic duties.


To right of communicators and journalists are in a way allow them to fulfill

their duties and responsibilities. These rights must be kept in mind.
1. The right to reveal the sources of information.
2. The right to access to official records and documents pertaining to official
acts of government officials.
3. The right to be informed on matters of public interest.
4. The right to form associations and unions.
5. The right to speak for the grievances of the oppressed.
6. The right to report political and social issues that affects and concerns the
7. The right to act as mediator in controversies and conflicts.
8. The right to accept advertisement as income sources.


As approved by the Philippine Press Institute, the National Union of

Journalists in the Philippines, and the National Press Club in 1988 as the regulating
body or communicators and journalists, the general code of ethics are as follows:

1. I shall scrupulously report and interpret the news, taking care not to
suppress essential facts nor to distort the truth by omission or improper
emphasis. I recognize the duty to air the other side and the duty to correct
substantive errors promptly.
2. I shall not violate confidential information on material given me in the
exercise of my calling.
3. I shall resort only to fair and honest methods in my effort to obtain news,
photographs and/or documents, and shall properly identify myself as a
representative of the press when obtaining any personal interview
intended for publication.
4. I shall refrain from writing reports which will adversely affect a private
reputation unless the public interests justify it. At the same time, I shall
write vigorously for public access to information, as provided for in the
5. I shall not let personal motives or interests influence me in the
performance of my duties; nor shall I accept or offer any present, gift or
other consideration of a nature which may cast doubt on my professional
6. I shall not commit any act of plagiarism (copying other’s work).
7. I shall not in any manner ridicule, cast aspersions on or degrade any
person by reason of sex, creed, religious belief, political conviction,
cultural and ethnic origin.
8. I shall presume persons accused of crime of being innocent until proven
otherwise. I shall exercise caution in publishing names of minors, and
women involved in criminal cases so that they may not unjustly lose their
standing in society.
9. I shall not take unfair advantage of a fellow journalist.

10. I shall accept only such tasks as are compatible with the integrity and
dignity of my profession, invoking the “conscience clause” when duties
imposed on me conflict with the voice of my conscience.
11. I shall comport myself in public or while performing my duties as journalist
in such manner as to maintain the dignity of my profession. When in
doubt, decency should be my watchword.

Code of Ethics for Journalist (Philippine Press Institute-PPI/National Press Club-

1) Thoroughness
2) Transparency and respect for confidentiality
3) Fairness, honesty, and originality
4) Decency, integrity, and dignity
5) Cautiousness.

Guiding Principles for Journalist (National Union of Journalist in the Philippines-NUJ-P)

1) Pursuing the truth
2) Upholding transparency
3) Serving the community as penultimate goal.

Code of Ethics for Broadcaster (Kapisanan ng Mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas- KBP)

1) Informative news and public affairs
2) Uphold values, culture, and tradition
3) Serve the public through national development and citizen welfare and
4) Accurate and reliable information
5) Uphold human rights and dignity
6) Observe decorum and respect for the laws
7) Possess qualifications and competence.

What’s More


Instructions: Using a separate sheet of paper, write a 5-paragraph essay on the
BEHAVIORS of communicators and journalists especially in giving
or disseminating facts and information. You will be guided by the
questions that follow and your answers will be rated according to
the rubrics presented.
Criteria Description Points
The content was well-thought, the message was clear and
Content 6
truthful in answering the guide questions.
The essay was well-organized, made with accuracy and value
Organization 7
concerning the topic.
The essay was produced with quality, imaginative skills, and
Creativity 7

Guide Questions:
1. How important are the rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of
communicators and journalists in giving accurate information?
2. How can a good journalist become more reliable and not biased in giving news
and information to the public?
3. In our situation today, what responsibility of communicator is more
important? Briefly explain your answer.
4. What might happen if communicators and journalists unethically provide
wrong information especially in this pandemic? Briefly describe your answer.
5. If you were a communicator or a journalist, how can you provide correct
information to the public?

Activity 6: TRUE or FALSE

Instructions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
incorrect. Write your answers in your notebooks or on a separate piece of paper.
1. In gathering, editing, and commenting on information, all journalists must
consider their duties, responsibilities, and accountabilities.
2. Follow the truth regardless of the consequences arising from it and must show
full respect for the right of the public to know the truth.
3. Defend freedom of information and all the rights derived from this freedom.
4. Unpublish information, documents, pictures, and the sources of which are
5. Must suppress any information or important elements of information or
distort any text, document, or picture.
6. Correct every news item published if its content proves to be partially or fully
7. Keep professional secrecy and reveal the sources of confidential information.
8. May access official records and documents pertaining to official acts of
government officials.
9. Journalist do not have to be informed on matters of public interest.
10. Journalists must not form associations and unions.


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter in
your notebook or on a separate piece of paper.

1. The work area of broadcasting that is basically used for education and
A. Radio B. Television C. Electronic Media D. Classroom

2. It is the least important competencies of communicators and journalist.

A. Listening skills C. Reading skills
B. Speaking skills D. Interviewing skills

3. The foremost important role of communicators and journalists.

A. Deliver facts to the public C. Make available all information
B. Present all issues to the public D. Channel incorrect information

4. It is considered the necessary skills for good communication.
A. Listening and writing C. Speaking and Reading
B. Reading and writing D. Writing and Speaking

5. The function of communicators and journalists that deliver truth and facts
is to ___________.
A. Provide B. Judge C. Document D. Communicate

6. The main function of communicators and journalists is to ____________.

A. Comment B. Communicate C. Gather Data D. Collect

7. The communicators and journalists work area that translates, coordinates

tour, and corresponds to foreigners is _______________.
A. Broadcasting C. Public Relations
B. Journalism D. International Relations Management

8. The skills needed to gather data and information for accurate

A. Listening and Reading C. Speaking and Reading
B. Writing and Speaking C. Reading and Writing

9. The work area where the field of communication is wide and important.
A. Business Organizations C. Production Companies
B. Economic Management D. Building and Construction

10. The career opportunity of communicators and journalists that reports, edit,
and newscast.
A. Broadcasting C. Performing
B. Journalism D. Marketing

11. The career opportunity of communicators and journalist that write, produce,
and direct.
A. Public Communication
B. Communication Educators
C. Theater and Performing Arts
D. International Relations Management

12. The career opportunity of communicators and journalists that manage

stations, news editing, technical writing, and film directing.
A. Broadcasting and Journalism C. Communication Educators
B. Advertising, Marketing, Sales D. Theater and Performing Arts

13. The career opportunity of communicators and journalist that become college
professors, speech teachers, and language and arts coordinators.
A. Broadcasting C. Communication Educators
B. Public Relations D. Advertising, Marketing, and Sales

14. Which of the following is a work area of communicators and journalists?

A. Journal writing C. Press briefing
B. Speech writing D. Electronics Technician

15. Which work or career is true to a public relations officer?
A. Agent B. Fund-raiser C. Manager D. Composer

Additional Activity


Instructions: Using a separate sheet of paper, copy the template below or directly fill
it in with the needed reflection. In answering, keep it short and simple
(KISS) and submit it to your teacher. Keep a copy in your notebook for
future reference as we go along with your self-learning.

Activity 3: STAY INFORMED! (Suggested Answers)
What’s In: Suggested
1. Broadcasters,
International Relations,
Public Relations
2. Public Communications,
Public Relations,
3. Teachers, Broadcasters,
Public Communications
What’s More 4. Teachers, Speech
Activity 6 Writers, Public Relations
1. TRUE 5. Public Communications,
2. TRUE Broadcasters, Advertising
3. TRUE 6. Broadcasters, Public
4. FALSE Communications,
International Relations
7. Speech Writers,
6. FALSE Teachers, Public
7. FALSE Relations
8. TRUE 8. International Relations,
9. FALSE Public Communications,
Speech Writers
9. Marketing and Sales,
Broadcasters, Theater
and Performing Arts
10. Advertising, Marketing
and Sales, Theater and
Performing Arts
Answer Key
Activity 4: SKILLS 101 (Suggested Answers)

Competencies Importance to the Practice of Communication

Listening Skills Gather and edit accurate news, facts, and information.
Speaking Skills Fast and clear delivery of news, facts, and information.

Reading Skills Clear and accurate facts, news, and information.

Writing Skills Write and edit accurate news, facts, and information.

Abadingo, L. (2018). Disciplines and ideas in the applied social sciences for senior
high school. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Abulencia, A, et.al. (2017). Disciplines and ideas in the social sciences, reader.
Pasig City: DepEd-BLR.
Ariola, M. (2017). Disciplines and ideas in the applied social sciences. Manila:
Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing, Inc.
Dela Cruz, A. et. al. (2016). Disciplines and ideas in the social sciences. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Sampa, E. (2017). Disciplines and ideas in the applied social sciences. Manila: Rex
Book Store Inc.
Wall, P. (2012). Media studies, third edition. London: HarperCollins Publishers

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