Performance of Slag Concrete in Marine Environment: Aci Materials Journal Technical Paper
Performance of Slag Concrete in Marine Environment: Aci Materials Journal Technical Paper
Performance of Slag Concrete in Marine Environment: Aci Materials Journal Technical Paper
This paper reports the findings from an evaluation of concrete revealed some interesting trends in terms of the relative
containing ground pelletized blast-furnace slag after 25 years of performance of the concrete mixtures after 10 to 15 years of
exposure in a marine tidal zone. Twelve large concrete blocks (305 x exposure and these have been reported elsewhere.1
305 x 915 mm [1 x 1 x 3 ft]) were retrieved from the exposure site In 2003, a decision was made to retrieve one of the two
and were sampled for evaluation in the laboratory. The specimens
blocks from each of the mixtures as they reached an age of
were from three series of mixtures with a water-cementitious material
ratio (w/cm) of 0.40, 0.50, and 0.60; within each series, the 25 years for testing in the laboratory. The testing will include
concrete mixtures contained 0, 25, 45, or 65% slag by mass of total the determination of mechanical properties, depth of chloride
cementitious materials. penetration, and the measurement of various mass transport
Severe surface erosion was observed for concretes containing properties. This paper reports the results from testing the
higher levels of slag (45 or 65%) with a w/cm of 0.50 or 0.60, the blocks from Phase I, which were placed in 1978, that
extent of damage increasing with increasing slag levels. The contained up to 65% of a pelletized slag.
surface condition, however, was satisfactory for all concretes with
a w/cm of 0.40. Laboratory testing included the determination of RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
the depth of chloride ion penetration, compressive strength, The Treat Island exposure site provides a unique opportunity
modulus of elasticity, splitting strength, chloride permeability
to study the performance of concrete under very severe
(ASTM C1202), chloride diffusion, and hardened air-void parameters.
exposure conditions. This paper presents long-term data,
The depth of chloride penetration after 25 years of exposure was
greater than 100 mm (4 in.) for all the control concretes (that is, few of which exist already, for concrete with various levels
without slag) regardless of the w/cm. The slag concretes showed of ground pelletized blast-furnace slag. Such data are essential
significantly greater resistance to chloride ion penetration (generally for determining the real effect of supplementary cementing
<50 mm [2 in.] for 45 and 65% slag), the depth of penetration materials, such as slag, on the ability of concrete to resist the
decreasing with increasing slag content and decreasing w/cm. penetration of chloride ions. The long-term diffusion data
The beneficial effect of slag in terms of reducing mass transport from this study will serve as valuable input for emerging
was confirmed by laboratory tests with the slag concretes mathematical models for predicting the service life of
showing more than tenfold reductions in chloride permeability concrete exposed to chloride ions and freezing-and-thawing
and diffusion coefficients. conditions in service.
These data indicate that the use of slag at relatively high levels
of replacement by North American standards (for example, 45 to
65%) results in a significant increase in the performance of EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
concrete in a very aggressive marine environment provided the Twelve concrete blocks (305 x 305 x 915 mm [1 x 1 x 3 ft])
w/cm is kept low (that is, w/cm ≤ 0.40). from Phase I of the investigation were collected from the
marine exposure site at Treat Island, Maine, on August 19,
INTRODUCTION 2003. The blocks had been exposed to tidal conditions in the
In 1978, the Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy Bay of Fundy for 25 years representing approximately
Technology (CANMET) initiated a study on the marine 18,250 cycles of wetting and drying and 2500 cycles of
performance of concrete containing supplementary freezing and thawing. The concrete specimens were produced
cementing materials (SCM), which involved placing large from three series of mixtures with different w/cm values of
concrete blocks (305 x 305 x 915 mm [1 x 1 x 3 ft]) in the 0.40, 0.50, and 0.60. At each w/cm, there were four blocks
tidal zone of the marine exposure site at Treat Island, with slag replacement levels of 0, 25, 45, and 65%. Mixture
Maine.1 Between 1978 and 1994, 16 different series of proportions for the concrete mixtures are given in a previous
concrete mixtures were placed at Treat Island; these paper.1 The slag used was a ground pelletized blast-furnace
mixtures had water-cementitious material ratios (w/cm) in slag from Hamilton, ON, Canada. The portland cement used
the range of 0.40 to 0.60 and various levels (up to 80% by met the requirements of ASTM C150 Type I. The chemical
mass of cementing material in some cases) of fly ash, slag, analyses of the cement and slag are given in Table 1. The
and silica fume. Other parameters investigated included the portland cement had a C3A content of 11.4% (Bogue
use of lightweight aggregate, fibers, epoxy-coated steel, and calculation). The specific surface area of the portland
alkali-silica reactive aggregates.1 cement and slag were 339 and 466 m2/kg, respectively. The
28-day compressive strength of standard-cured cylinders cast
The exposure conditions at Treat Island, which is situated
from the 12 mixtures are given in Table 2. The fine aggregate
at the entrance of the Bay of Fundy, are extremely aggressive
with among the highest tides in the world and an average of
100 freezing-and-thawing cycles per annum. Testing to date
has included visual examination and rating, pulse velocity, ACI Materials Journal, V. 105, No. 6, November-December 2008.
MS No. M-2008-064 received February 20, 2008, and reviewed under Institute publication
and resonance frequency of the exposed blocks and policies. Copyright © 2008, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
compressive strength and elastic modulus determinations of the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
Pertinent discussion including authors’ closure, if any, will be published in the September-
cylinders under laboratory conditions. The testing has October 2009 ACI Materials Journal if the discussion is received by June 1, 2009.
used was a natural sand and the coarse aggregate was a river
gravel with a nominal maximum size of 37.5 mm (1-1/2 in.).
Some of the blocks exhibited severe surface scaling, the
extent of damage generally increased with an increase in w/cm
or slag content. The concretes with a w/cm of 0.40 generally
performed well and visual differences between concretes
with different levels of slag were small. At a w/cm of 0.50 or
0.60, however, the slag concretes suffered more surface
scaling, especially at the highest level of replacement (65%
slag). Block B11 was split into two pieces, and this was
attributed to the action of freezing-and-thawing cycles that
opened a fine crack that was observed on the specimen at the
time of placing on the exposure site. The fine crack is
believed to have resulted from stresses during handling and
placing the specimen on the exposure. Figure 1 shows Fig. 1—Photographs of blocks at 25 years of marine exposure;
photographs of the blocks with a w/cm of 0.60. w/cm = 0.60.
Eight 114 mm (4-1/2 in.) diameter cores and two 102 mm
(4 in.) diameter cores were drilled from each block; the cores
were drilled through the block and were approximately
305 mm (12 in.) long. The larger cores were used to determine
mechanical properties, whereas the 102 mm (4 in.) cores
25 0.50 2.42 (0.118) 0.98* 71.1* (3.475)
45 0.66 1.34 (0.065) 1.29 4.12 (0.201)
Fig. 5—Chloride profile for concrete at w/cm = 0.60 after 65 0.52 0.89 (0.044) 1.52 2.10 (0.103)
*Low (r2
25 years of marine exposure. regression coefficient < 0.90).
28 m 28 m
D t = D 28 ⎛ ------⎞ + D ult ⎛ 1 – ⎛ ------⎞ ⎞ (3)
⎝ t⎠ ⎝ ⎝ t⎠ ⎠
Fig. 9—Chloride profiles predicted by service life model6 Fig. 10—Effect of slag, depth of cover, and chloride threshold
versus experimental data for 25-year-old concrete blocks value Ct on predicted times to corrosion for concrete (w/cm =
with w/cm = 0.40. 0.40) in marine tidal zone.