Core Competencies
Core Competencies
Core Competencies
Core Competencies
These past couple months I have been trying and learning how to take care of myself. Some of those
consist of going to the gym in the morning even when I don’t want to. Eating healthier, with limitations,
as I wanted a balanced diet. I have been trying to stay on top of my homework as it is very important for
myself to get good grades. These past couple months I have been very motivated for success, and I will
continue to stay motivated because that is what makes me who I am.
One thing that I am very proud of in myself is that I can set goals and achieve them. An example of this
would be buying a new car. I first bought a car just to have one, but now I am working towards a new car
that I will have worked towards since I’ve started working. All this time working for this car would have
been worth it.
Areas of Improvement
1. I am personally responsible, self-motivated, and can advocate for myself.
I need to work on advocating for myself because I struggle with trying to be responsible for myself. I still
struggle with standing up for myself and asking for help when I need help. I need to stay motivated in
order to stay on topic to get my stuff done.
Social Responsibility
1. I have positive peer and intergenerational relationships. Social responsibility.
My peers/friends are always aware if something is wrong in my life, and they always have a way
to cheer me up if something is wrong. That goes the same for if one of my peers/friends is
having a bad day. I believe having peers/friends who help you through problems is the way to
overcome adversity because having someone to talk to and be there for you can create a new
view for you to learn from.
2. I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act ethically in all my
interactions, including online.
Advocating for others is a strong value that I hold. I understand more than anyone else that
some people can't advocate for themselves because I am one of those people. I find it easier to
speak out and voice my opinion for someone else and to help them stand up for themself. I find
having that person to be there for you is extremely helpful in stressful situations.
Area of Improvement
1. I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and evaluate
strategies to resolve problems.
This is something that I struggle with because I think that I have very strong opinions that can
enforce my decisions and my availability to view different situations. This is problematic
because whatever I think is right and no other viewpoints matters. This causes difficulties
because I need to be more open-minded in order to understand new perspectives.
Critical Thinking
1. I can explore and create new ways to represent my learning around a variety of
problems, events, issues, and needs.
I am dyslexic which means that I must figure out how to communicate and show my learning so
my peers and teachers can understand my thinking. This has been very difficult because my
thinking can be all over the place and sometimes completely one sided. This is still a challenge,
but I have adapted new strategies to help with my dyslexia.
2. I can assess my progress.
I understand how far I have come within a project or a goal that I have in my mind. I can assess
my process in where I have gained my knowledge on the topic. This is a skill that I think I have
developed more and more throughout the years.
Areas of Improvement
1. I can analyze and critique my work and my learning.
I am not able to critique my own written work as it is still very difficult for me to understand
what level of writing I need to be at for an assignment. I am trying to work towards
proofreading my assignments before I hand them in.
Creative Thinking
1. I can persevere, and understand that failure can be productive
I believe that failure is the best thing that can happen in my life. Failure is where I learn the
most out of. I can learn more from failure than anywhere else because it teaches me life lessons
and I can make better life decisions after I fail.
2. I can take my ideas, evaluate, develop, and refine them and make something productive
out of them.
I have many ideas that I have been planning out in my head. The projects that I plan out in my
head are something that can make me successful in life as they are leading me into my future.
An example would be investing in my future.
Areas of Improvement
1. I can use the environment around me, including others, and my unconscious mind to
generate new ideas.
I struggle with including others to generate new ideas. I often only use myself to figure out the
solution to the problem which is probable because I need to ask for help sometimes especially
when I don’t have the answer to the problem.
1. I can reflect on the purpose of learning and share what I have learned
I am good at understanding and reflecting on my learning. I can share what I have learned if I
have a good understanding of the topic. I can talk about the topic if I have the knowledge to
share about it.
Areas of Improvement
1. I can work with other students to plan, inquire, and solve problems.
I struggle with planning and planning with other students confuses my head of all the details
that I need to stay on top of. I get stressed out when I must plan with others to solve problems.
Personal and cultural identity
1. I understand what is important to me
I know what I need in my life to be successful, whether it be family or friends. I know what I
need to surround myself with in life. I am very confident that I know what I need.