Core Competencies Reflection
Core Competencies Reflection
Core Competencies Reflection
Nolan Overgaard
1. Connect and engage with others. (strength)
I have a very strong ability to communicate with peers to do all sorts of things ranging from
school assignments to helping with personal matters. When discussing many different topics, I
can take other peoples’ perspectives and put them into my own thought process in order to
narrow down a solution (or whatever we are trying to get). Engaging with others is something I
do not struggle with, as I am easily able to understand their personality and what they need
from me in order to succeed.
2. Collaborate to plan, carry out, and review. (strength)
When collaborating with others, I will typically take a leadership role. I can listen to other
peers’ ideas and combine them effectively to generate a plan that works for everyone. For
example, in chemistry last year when we had to design our own lab, I would discuss possibilities
with the group and propose several possible ideas which could work as our experiment.
3. Explain/recount on experiences and accomplishments. (weakness)
When looking back at past experiences and learning moments, I find difficulty in realizing
what it specifically was that I learned or that helped me learn. That aside, I am still able to share
my experiences and accomplishments, but struggle with sharing how and why they affected
Creative Thinking:
1. Novelty and value (strength)
I am skilled at creating ideas which provide insight into my own unique perspective. I am
passionate about my opinions, and this is often reflected when reviewing ideas I have made. An
example of an idea which contains my own perspective is in grade 10 English, when we had to
write a short essay on what inspires us in life. By integrating my own life experiences into the
essay, I was able to create a piece which offers insight into my perspective, which could
influence another person's way of thinking. Also, I got a 100% on that assignment. (pretty proud
of that one)
2. Developing ideas (strength)
One of my great strengths is my capability to expand and progress on an idea which I
have come up with or been presented with. I will especially excel at this when the idea is
related to a topic which I have interest in. When a problem is encountered, I will always
persevere through it by finding ways around the presented obstacle, until I have reached the
finalized idea I can be satisfied with.
3. Generating ideas (weakness)
While I might carry skill in developing ideas, it is generating them that is the problem. I
will typically lose myself in the brainstorming process, struggling with my indecisiveness. When
I am deciding which idea to pursue for any matter of things, usually assignments at school, I am
unable to picture what the process to achieve the result will be, and this will set me back
typically leading to me giving up. The only way for me to get around this mental block is to take
a few steps into each idea and determine which one is most effective for me.
Social Awareness:
1. Building Relationships (strength)
One of the most important things about my character is that I can make friends with no
matter where I go, nearly never creating a negative relationship with another. I am close with
my family, whether it be my brother, parents, or grandparents, with no negative emotions
involved in our connections. At work, I can make friends will most if not all the staff, no matter
their age.
2. Valuing Diversity (strength)
When it comes to peoples' different races and cultures, I do not see any reason to treat them
differently from any other person whose culture and race aligns with my own. I can accept
there is a difference between certain people, and I can find interest in the differences too.
Because of my open-minded point of view, I have made friends from all sorts of diverse
backgrounds. I never use ethnicity as a point in any situation, whether it be in person or online.