PTR in Etech
PTR in Etech
PTR in Etech
1. Remember the human – be mindful of your words e.g. tagging by FB, Twitter, use tags that start with the
2. Adhere to the same standards online that you follow sign #, referred to as hashtag. – algorithm
in real life. – maintain your behavior
3. Know where you are in cyberspace. - Cyberspace is 2. Rich User Experience - content is dynamic and is
where you communicate online responsive to user’s input
4. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth. –
people have other priorities 3. User Participation - The owner of the website is not
5. Make yourself look good online. – be decent and
the only one who is able to put content. Others are able
to place a content of their own by means of comments,
6. Share expert knowledge
7. Help keep flame wars under control reviews and evaluation
8. Respect other people’s privacy.
9. Don’t abuse your power. e.g. Lazada, Amazon.
10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistake.
4. Long Tail - services that are offered on demand
rather than on a one-time purchase. This is synonymous
SIX TYPES OF SOCIAL MEDIA to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the
a) Social Networks - These are sites that allows you to amount of time you spent in the internet (binabayaran
connect with other people with the same interests or monthly)
background. Once the user creates his/her account,
he/she can set up a profile, add people, share content, e.g. Netflix, Spotify, Grammarly
5. Software as a services - users will be subscribe to a
Example: Facebook and Google+ software only when needed rather than purchasing
b) Bookmarking Sites - Sites that allow you to store and
manage links to various website and resources. Most of e.g. Google docs used to create and edit word
the sites allow you to create a tag to others. processing and spread sheet.