ECET 2011 Electrical and Electronics Engg Question Paper

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1. ln sJinahronairs motor, minimum armatde current corrcsponds to

(a) lagging po',rer factor tq, /(r,, n l\!er lactur
(c) uni5 po\Yer facior {d) leadi]rg p.wer tilctor ;,.-:
2. The arqle tr.t*ecn the synchronolrliy rclating stntor fiux ar,d roior *,* il"ry]:*:q:
mttor ii knolrn as
(l) tr-'rqrr. angl. I', p.,,(r li. lor lngle
(c) sli,i:ir,i"'lil ad) synchninizinlr andldl .- '1.-

:;. -Alieicciri.- oior in 1.,,hich ioih ti1.r.c!L{ and staio. lrclds lotaidat saiilc soccd is called ( )

(il! I)a .roior (b) uriv:rsal:!!1alor': - '

(c) inducrion iroior (d) syiribonoiia:tro1c(
4, Brcathcr of a trrnsforfier hiis ( )
rar \dnd {bl ,rercur}
(c) silicagel ...r. ilt,(dt 'salt
5. l)udig resisi3rc! rveidirg lh. irect produced at rl,c.loint is propurli ,n.r' ti ( )
tJ) uurrcnl {bl \.llaPr
tct I:H (dr \nli JmDere
6. 'fha maxiirufi3ldiling
lqrqnr oix ]-phirsc induction motor is obtaineLl $hcn the rotor resiria jr
js :::'...'. t:r-{i (. )

,'lldtl cqli.ilalo illiq rolor reacnrcc ib) double tLEt oi.lle roror reactarce
. a:.;({f1'5 dh6b of the rotor r.acrance (d) very smaii and rotof rerctunce is large
...-7,'.illle ii:idtor rsuallv used l'or drj\,lng:r is ( )
' ':t:' t0 DC shurt orotor ib) univcrsal moioi
(q) caprciior siari irld ion lilotor L l) plaifi s,lllille] cagc iliil iltiolt trotor
3. Th< ,n,r"r '\,'r, l, r. no: -: .' ,rno .. ()
(iJ inductirtn motor " rih hi!| slrir (b) ixluliroir Lriol.oi r', riir nr,:r1;rrl slip
ac) 5haide{l p.'ir rio1.rr (d) syncirr ortoLl:; tn,,i '-
ECET(FDH)- OUESTTON PAPER - 2011 -----€ ---s: ---€ ----$ ----{: --€ --N: ---S: 125
9. Skewing of rotor slols ir induction motor is to
(a) reduce the rnagnetic hum of rotor
(b) increase the efllciency
(c) increase the disffibution factor
(d) rcduce thc .ynchronou\ speed
10. The aatio betw(]en rotor input, rotor output ard rotOr Cu losses is
(a) l:l-S:S (b) I : S: l-S (c) S : 1-S: 1 (d.) l-S :S : I
I l. The advantage of capacitor start motor compared to standard split phase winding motor is that
(a) it induces less back emf (b) it induces more tack emf
(c) it develops 1ow starting torque (d) it develops high starting torque
12. A 4-po1e,50 Hz induction nrotor is found to be running on full load at a slip of 5%. The speed of
the induction rnotor is ( -)
(a) 950 mm (b) 1425 rpm (c) 1575 rpnr
13. In the circuit givcn belou, the current 1 is given by

15. The m&\imum power thal a I 'irith an internal resislance of2 ohms can supply to
(c) 36w td) 72W
16. The total ioifdd@cc ol'-the circuit shown is

"::rt:' .':::' t!)

A--- n&\lv - I
.i:::'-.':1iii-:fr1-i; o1 ot r'r' (b) (5 + j 0) ohrns (c) (0 + j 8) ohms (rl) (7 +j 0) ohn1s
'i'"' ff, Th. Thetenin'. eLr,.,'elert across AB is given br (
-i.:.. -{i-:S
(a) Voc: tV,Req=
3 3l
(b) Vo. : ()
ri) t V, P.eq: t
5 3l
(d) Voc:;V,Req
Vo. .. 9V" Req = Q
; ,o
I8. 't'irc uEii {)irab$olute pc'flritil/lty ofa medium i!
(a) .louie/coulomb ib) Ne*tor-metre
(c) Farad/metre (d) ialad/coulomb
19. Thc cairacity of a iead-acid ceil does not dcperd on ils
(a) raic of charge (b) rate oi' discharge
(c) ternperature (d) qlinnt;ry of active ,a1er;al
20" T.r'io slmilar electric chargs oll(i each are3 plaaeai lm.part in air. icrce i1-telluision belweerl
thcfi $ould he nearl:y ne\\'l^ns .l i
,-) ,.r I r.. bf )l lU ll
21. T'.1. ir.ilers rated at i000 i(,.250 V erclt, are coririe.icd in reries ar)ros-":l 250V.:()Hz..aAa
''-;. .1. .at porrrr,':,'ir: lrJ-.hc slrl.,..) \.urri l\(
(r' irtlll Y (!rl 50il w l.: li,r '.! ld) l 00 WL :.:''
?2 ,\ i,'ir,i..lrii.tu. is rlr,-rii.)ril\ ner:'!ri!l bcciu:i.r I )

.l) cariers
:rr. ririririii.y (bi ,r,r un&iiiii!A&.it:- ...

r!) l1., rie;j onrriers (dl.equ;rl p!fuvclild niirlLlivc .ji i rier ,<

2.1. Lialtriirls which aie good !'ortrllicl()rs {rt'5ott: h6it.q$..eiffifr atr i }

(a) tlclals (i:,) aeralx;ts' :'(c)ifliirrners (.il P\'('

E(:orlo riscrs in fhernlal trcl\,e-r slaiiQtJllrir heat
{rj df (r]f::gi!.. -rlli;iit;l lieC.,iarcr (d) irerrLi
25- Lifall tire Do{er |iants, urinii{iii$.iLrintiry of lue! is icquii.d in
(a) Iherrr:r{;,{ler pla{ :; (b) Hidfo-eleclric pollerulant
(c; oiesei.:.ifo!?llyt iJ, \,rtlc,'r nowcr irlanr
26. l-o-ad ilclor i3€&q{$y thc latio oi
,-"',{a) alerrigii;loiii to maxir'.rni demaid (h) x,..ragc load lo co,nlecte.i ioad
.... :1i,-:1.4r. .diiiacted load io rra\imum ,ltmaliJ (d) inaxiinum dcnand to avertlqe lcrd
:::,.,.--,...Ui. A-rez col,crad by the load .iruniio! .r!!\'e r: e(l'r:rl te lh.
._"",i' ' (ir) pc.1ti !!.nerated (l-'i cn.iFy Scnerated
':::,'' 1'jl .i',rrageload ri) \4ar\imum denkml
:8. fir,- id.ri tarii'f tbr anf iJp-, ofcoisinner ri
i:r) rarifl'
Irial ri]le lbl biock raie Dii*'
i(, 5v,-' pirl tL!:;f i.l) 11 ee-pail- tarili
ECET(F3iI)- OUESTiON PApER - 20'il ---_s: --€ -.'--\i: 127
--S:--$ parailel -i::-\:.-is
29. li^ver ltctor caIl be rmproved b.r, iastallirg such a device i, rvith load wLich takes ( )
(a) leading rcactive polYlr (5) lagging rmctiYe power
(c) leading aclive po"-,er (d) iagging actir.c power
30. Ir an in'rerconaected grid syslenl. the di!.rslty lactor of tirc \iholc svstem ( )
ia) irrcreases (b) decreases
(c) relnains unaltereaj (d) reaches to a dangercus Ievel
3t. W}ich potjoD oIlhe lrdns ission sl,slclx is inore prone to l'al,lls ?

l:1J Aircmator (b) traflstbnnet

(c) overhead lincs (il) mderground ceblcs
32, A irse is nolmeill'a
(a) i}il-wer liniii:rg oc1ic. (5) vo!lage ii.niti.g device
l.) .!,reo1 lirxi,ilrg deriail (d) powe. lactor.orre.tirg devjce
.11. iluchh.)iz telay is .,5e!i li]r il,e prr,ieclioi o!'
1r) bu!-.iar ib)
icl generaloi (d.l

-r!. \'ilri-- ..lays hev. :r ti-li i'ilre cha.aaiiri5(;a,j

:. 'r
,h: I
",.. i,..',E:1 l:r',' ,

i!ir i slla;gl1l linc

lili,rll.i n, R-a{is
i,:,; ir ,lraighi liJe !!irl:r.l Lr X-:r,'.is
r - i:'.le pa. t'.j rr':'.':: ,h ,i_ c t.':'l
!'r .h one ofti. lirll!,,. in8 ls p.ovideC !rid1.i1.cin
l:) arr hrcatc s,r.i,r:], lll:' (t) i
, rJ ril s,riioh . '.i :il- (d) ;&qhtening arre-":or
...,.,..,.,t,,'.,, ..'.r :.. ire dea4e',.,,'rt,i'.hn,r;. rireii..c...n, t iransmission ime a.e
ir,) rrn t),?e .,r:',-. :: (b) suspelsion ryp.
i.'j s1rai4:[:p€;X .: ic) shackle typ!
l|e A€ir!&i.lised Ooitrlsri:! ,'\ rnd il .ri*ri- !:rarrsmission lire ha..r-
(b) dimension-i oi ohnr
s ol lrir; (d)
Jiineosjon..r ilj' ;r;nr.r
ii, ,,io.
,,j!r _$1q-t*intg
--1:]:! s{rur.c suspiilsri-'rl r:,,, 1:lit)n i.he !*ixinru:,,r vohage appea.s acrcss the
...."'.r. (€l uJlit f
unit iirrhrr, llrr :,.! L1( iai
Li, il) (ll1it in the :riddie of lhc siring
'.::" iai lrnit nearasa ic ttc !i)irl:tralor id) ali units ir, rhe llfiLrg
' j.i. Tli,r n:osl cotilrriili r,', ii)r stccni:i:.,' tiistr'ibution ol 4il01,'. .1 ] 0'l i!
ial lfiti
-i phale. .l |i, 1-phrse. -1 lriru

'i,.r, ilC. l-!\,ir. ldi DC, l'\vire

-----s ----* ----* ELECTRIcAL AND ELEcTRoN lcs ENGINEERING
-€ -
128 EcET(FDH)-
40. Ifthc length ofa cable is doubled, then its capacitance is ( )
(a) remains same (b) halvod
(c) quadrupled (d) doubled
41. Por higher transmission voltages
(a) transmission elficiency is less (b) voltage drop is high
(c) conductor nute.ial required is less (d) power l'actor is high
42. During type of braking motors are reveNe connected to supply
(a) pluggjng (b) Rheostatic braking
(c) Mechanical braking (d) Rcgenerative braking

43. Ring main distribution system is preferred to a radial systelr! because )

(a) it is less expensive
(b) \olrrgc drop in lhe l'ceder is less
(c) No stabilily problems i.,. :
(d) supply is more reliable
44. Strrng cftrciercy is increased b) usiog .-:, {:]'.')
(a) eaflhing (b) f'uses .-i:,.- 1::.:: :::.-
(c) gu3rd rmg (d) lightening arl4ia.a'-. . ::. :'
45. Ifthe rag in an overhead liie increases, rension ;n tht Iilq _ ( )
(a) unaltercd (b) decldiige"s- ::a '::"
(c) increases 1d.1 reaches tr) a,&rigerous value
46. r sCR l,d. junctions
PN ( )

(a) oae (b) two {' (c):lhrea (d) lbur

47. A srllgic dioJe operates as-a ,- -rt'. lr ( )
(tr) lutl wa\,e rectifier :la.:i- half'-wave rectifier
(c) bridge rectifier i- i;" (d) mid point rectifie.
.18. lx phase ,gQliltrli{ld rectificatiiiii, power factor.
rvith firing angle, n

ii, :(c) d9,q199i6s *'ith increase in firing angle, cI

-:il:i. ?l'!t) related to firing angle. cr

Ton+Toff Ton+Toff

fon+Toff Ton+Toff
(c) (d)
EGET{FDT,)- QUE STlOl.l PAPER - 2011 ---S: --S-: -*$ 12S

50. A cycio-converler is -S: -\:----S -€:---$- ( )

(a) ac-dc converier (b) dc-ac convErter
(.) dc dc converler (d) ac-ac conveder
51. it is advisable to control speed of induclion motot by mairtaining
(a) voltage consianl (b) fre.luency constaEt
ic) v/f ratio constani (cl) siip constam

52" in digital computors, a iiY'l-E denoles

(a) an 8-bi1 bina.y word (b) a 6-hii bil1ary woid
(c) a 4-bil binary $ord (d) a 12-bit bina.y $ord
53. in order to enler a control word ir: ihc colltl'ol register of u255. Ihe instruction to be uscd is
111 OUT 0l (bi OUT 0,1 (c) oUT03 (d) 8NTER .,
44. A Zener diode is opcraicd in ihe .:, & )
(a) [oi1\'ard bias {b) rc\ers: hic\ :
ic) breakdo\i r region ,d1 neithcr ,I :hrurr,l bias 4Y I"r rc\u,:( \iaP

55. Thc oulpui ol-lwo-onpur ANli gaic is I ()

i,r) only il'both irpfis are I (h) ody if boi! i$if$Jti:0 . ':'
i,ji rrlii rf oD- ijliiiri ls i atd t\e oth.. is 0 id) if atleasl'oneilf tt&:i!l1tr,1s dic i)

,r B{- ii cquila1cn1 li)

(1) A 1 B+C {<i).,\.B.r
it) mccharical su,itr:hes :il: ';i.fL{rJ relays

1c) vacurrr tub.s (d) semicoilductor devires

(b) dc signals
(d) time-invariant signals
(,l clystal osciliatrl) ;s that its outpul is
ib) dc
(d) varibale iiequency
ltt;i.:!0:..{hc input irpedancc of thc operali.r.'::l al]]i'ljfier is'
(x) intinite (b) zero
(c) vcry high buL not iaiinite (d) very small
iiis arc usually naCr: ol
(:) Silicor (b) Gcrmani:irn
(.) Aluminium (d) Silver
The tnosl modem method of heating used in lood processing is ()
(a) induction heating (b) resistance heating
(c) dielectric heating (d) eddy currcnt heatirg
63. The illumination at various points olr a horizontal surface illunimted by the same source varres as
(a) Cos 0 (b) cos2 6 (c) cosr 0 (o)
64. Which ofthe fbllowing is prcsent inside the fluorescent tube ?
(a) Helium & oxygen (b) Argon & Neon
(c) Argon & CO. (d) Mercury vapor
65. The \cluc ol coeBlcienr oladhcsron \ ill bc higfi uhen rails are
(a) wet (b) cleaned with sand
(c) greased (d) prayed with oil
66. The speed time cufte for urban seoice locomoti.r'e has t1o .., ..(,'' )

(al cl,aslin:r pcflod (br l'r(e runr)inp pcriod .

(c) braking pe.iod (d) acceieration period - ':::(j ..
67. Long distancc railrn'ays opcrate on -.;i:r' :l '' 1 )
(a) ac
25 kV single phase (b) 25 LV rhrce,phasca!:. :,
(c) l-5 kV three phase ac (d) 600 V dt: -iia. '::::t
68- Themachinehnvinghcavyfluc1ualiono1.]oadis
(al larhc (h) planer ' :'
(c) punching trachine ;r''fd) priiiiirt:niiichine
69. The best suited motor lor rollingmi1ls.$! - ll ( )
{ar D('.lrunt noror 'a . (b) D( (unrulari\e compounJ motor
(c, .q.rirrcl (ad( rr,ducL,un ir)od (d) s)nihrurous mo(or
70. PLC stands lor ... i " ( )
(a) proportiogal -liild contrcller:' (b) progra.nnable load controller
(.) controllcr (d) proponional logic controller
of a dc machine are insuiated lorm each other by a thin layer of
(b) mica (c) rubber (d) PVC
DC rnachine has an armanrre resistance of 0 02 ohns. The difference in the induced
s rvhen the nraohine is running as a motor irnd as a generator and carrying a full load
current of 200 A, is (i
(a) 4 volts (b) 8 volts (c) 0 volls (d) 16 volts
73. Negalive vollage reglrlatior is obtained in the following DC generatot
(a) llat compound gener i:lor (b) under compound generatot
(c) over coiapound gencrator (d) series gencrator
ECET{FDH)- QUESTTON PAPIR 2011-----i::*-\::.---\::-1i-.*S'-S-:-_-\::-"--i:131
74. ha4-pole,36 slot d.c. arllu'rurc. the coil span of lll0 eleclicai dogrces \\'iil be obtaincd rvhe[
the coil occupjes ()
(&) I and 9 slots (b) I and 10 slots
(c) 2 ard 9 slots (d) i and l.l siots
75. The essential condilion lbr slable pirlaliel op.rraii()ll of I'io idcnllcx! DC generalors is iir., they
should havc ( )
1a) sarne no-load ald fitll-load speed (h) same kW otliil1 ratings
(c) samc percentage feglLlation id) Droppirg voliase rharacierisdcs
76. ln a DC series rnotor, the tield flux is
(a) nearly constait (bl i{oportiirnal to arnttnre cun-el1i
(c) inversely propollional |o iield current ld) pfopottional to sq'lare ofthc armallD e curicnt
7?. In a DC shuat motcr- at 20A of load clrnenl thr ioiq c develoPed is -10 l'{rn. ifthc loild current
is doubled, the iorque changes io (a)
(a) 60Nm (b) ,45N (t) l0Nrr ld) 120 trnr ir'.,:i
78. Hystefesis and lid.iy cur.ent losses;r.icctiifal mxl,lines Li.f..ll.l on . '.]:, . {:ii.
(a) llx cicnsity (ir) spccd
(c) speed a ci lltx d.jrsit), ld) ottage
79. l_l1e ejhcielrl,rl obr,ai.icc da.ripi,',: L,.1L rL i:,ri.r'l ".r'rmnrsi'i" i' i )

(ir) air li;cd.n dilmpinE 1.1,, r,r,i(L trictro'i Tnpit a::':-


.. , r,)..(ri,r. Li.,n.:..r,. rJ, ;.Jq) iuncnr ,i 'nfrn..

80. lndnction typ! \railrlrter operation is irased on :i.:;i;,, l t:' i )
(a) Eddy currerls floq, -..1i
- (b) iilElma,-iaia1;. .ilict
,cr tl,.rrrru.(:e.l l, ..|'l.r't ,.1, pliorc tui .ri.. .rrect
81. Brsicall.v, a megger is :-..:,r',, i i
(a) nroving iron of inslrulncnt:ltil:]:li.l. (b) clcctro sialle lvpe tnst.urllcllt
(.) instfllml:)nii. id) nu,ing-coil L'i|c oi inslnrmcnl
hol-vrire lytrqni.
82. The ihelnoco!{glltslrqmcrt will tnetsure { l
(n) te;rpiliaturqi.i'. ,::" ('Lr) vuiHge
..1e') si,bid '. :- {J) jlu:.
. 8&ii,1lglaadiiii]ing bctween two translormors.ritraiing in Pliallel. rs accordirg lo ljrcir ( )

:at ..',-'.:&J sfficieDcy ib) tu impedancc

:ii:":i: fc) raring (d) lcxkigc.caciaDc-
:11{4. 1'he prirr,aiy and sccondary ilduced erni's. Lr ir':.] E. i! a l\Yc ',,ril]ding transfo.nieJ iirr rli'rays
(r) Equal in Da$itudc ib) in-pha-se rvilh clri oihct
i.) airlifh&se wiih ea.h olhcr ld) depends oli ihe i,vLre 1]l""he ll-3ltsii)f'tdi
85. A. 200 kvA tmnsformer has alr irol loss of i kw .it(l a;11 load copper loss ol2 kW. The loa<i
kVA. corrcspording to maxirnum elliciency is ( )
(a) s0kvA (t,) 100kvA (r) 1,11.,+ kv.r (d) 200kVA
36. llhe arain pu.pose of pj-forring open-circuii icsi on a r.laiist'om'lc:- is lc, find its ( )

(a) core loss (bl coppcr ioss

(c) cfticiellcy irsllation resistalice ic)
8?" WheD compared to a 1-A fhrce-phase trarslolriar bank the capaaily .:f V-V aransformer banl
{a\ 5 .t .-lY. ib) so% i.l 66.791, (dt 86.5%
88. The equivalellt primary r.sistar.e ol the tl"turii)rnt. vith k = a ir 0.1 irlur VJhel ii is:-ellerred
to secondary. then 1t 'aacorics ()
(a) 0.5 ohfts 0.0: ohr$ (c) 0.004 rhns
{i) ii) 2.,i ohBl:i
89, in the ifi]'equatiorr oi ir ira!:li.rler. thr iiu.\ irivoi\:i js
(iii instrntaneous \i!li.i Ib) .lvcrage i,3iur
(c) ma ixlum valuc (ii) ri--s raluc ''t:t:
90. Ar :r| crurenr gr iver b1 i = 14.i4 siu (\rt + !"- ' r.!x.. YalL'.,ri '::lXilAi!
(.r r.l 1 1- i.l 7.41A '.t'11,' l.4ii.,{' :"

91, lh.ri.aL.1an.eofaci:.]',!oi:fr:riuqlli:9t.lJt!sl0"i]l11'Ll:clieq,rrr:cl;
is i!.ercilcd io 100 Itz. ri:.f iis rea,rtance llccril.s ..,::
la) ii oltms r i) i0 oirms

"' - ,:.
r \':.L Lh ,- i,t
(b) peak r,al$e to n:::
,- ' .,',,,.:"
':lrr .;:
m. i rlLlr In .'. ', . .ah:e t'
,:rl) -i., :".. -,. t :" '-::'i
rms vaiue io pei:i-
93- In t1,Jo wattmetgr methcti i rriesurlng Ji-p'rt:.t por."r eild pL,\\.' rr{or is 0-5, then o"r,: oi'the
r'" r.,rcrcr yril I !}-i:l t

(ir) r
... \{' irt _:. ",.r1 .') ,
: !\,

:!i94;A coilirttdiisleocc I ilr'r O and ioductance 100 uH is i! s,r'ies \rith i 00 pl :'sp:r:iior
ttrtttsss i! 10V variatiir liiiqnL-ilcy supply. lhr. resorance irequcrt; ii Lhc circuii is
. ' '_ i& i )
^. .'r"r l)o roul!, : i;q rojll ., ,5,.,r1', , : "' l0"H:
. ., t5. .1. lriir.itl.l crcuir Lo li\ r i,i ar 1.5 pI cail:1.rtor iix.i a coil \\,i!)sr rcsrsiance and irdirctatlce are
'rl,ir',i 20" inH . .," ri'r l_. ". d)',r,r,i..n1-r'anc<r.,.1. i)
(a) l56ti ohms iir) .i:-i'J.3 ohms io) 1500 ohnrs i.i) ir(l-l- oltl.:s
96. ,At leading po\1er lar.ti,r!. ll:,:' tln.rturc tlux io an aherlralor iin_ i.!or tlux ( )
(r) nflo\e! 1l) ,liliorts (c) ails r:it io,-r noL ctle'ii
97, Thc distributiol factor is dcfined as the ratio of ( )
(a) adthmetic sun of coil eDfs to phasor sum of coil enr,li
(b) phasor sum ofcmfper coil lo lhe arlhemalic sum ofeml-pe]. coil
(c) phasor sum of coil emfs to the a hematic sum ol coil enis
(d) phasor sun ofcoil e[LIs to the per phase voltage
98. Zero power factor niethod of at1 altemator is used g,find ils (
ta) cl1icrcn. y t7'
(b) roltage reguiation ;;j],. , . :

(c) armature resistance !-1ii:. ,

td) synchronnu.. irrrperJance

99. A sincwavc has a iiequency of 50 ilz. Iis lngular freqllcnc]/ is radianslsecond (
(i) (hl 50
. (it ru .. (J) la,r x

100, Ifan altcrnatu. 'findinghasa fractional pilch oi 516, tlien ihc coil .punl,
-. t;.t
: :i.,.. :''
(a) 3000 (bl 1500 (c) 3uu oQll

f*"_- ..- ir ::. .:.

xrv lrsrl

Ic 21, ld 4. .J. C-' !,a 3. d 9. 10. a

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