99 /2075
1. Ndnrc.I rlE Engin€ \'hich harc bore it dqual !o seoke knBrh :
4- Ancn8inehass{.Pt}olomeofrio{r'llcohP€$ionratiokS5'deterninecle'ran'evolune
(A) rt EDc (!) ai TDc (c) b€fo* IIDC (D) befor' TDC
(A) sdd gauge (B) sliP 8atrgF (C) !'@i€t c'liPtr {D) r€l'rsiu8€
10. Whi.l, dl rlrc lollo{,i.8 is u(.d to.void ovcr cooling jn rhe .ooth8 sysrem olrheengjne ?
11. In whrh ofihe fotldving tubt.ahon stsrem tubicanr oil is mixcd wilh tuet?
(A) srlish slstem (B) PFssuE slisrcm (C) Dry sunp (D) pehoir svslcn
12. lfhch is tic follo\ring nunb.r is ned to indicrr€ ignihon qual _! ot djsel tuet ?
13. W-hch o, rhc foUo$in8 ts uscd in tuet tant to hdue su€tng oa toet on 4rcunr ot sudden
brak or.orn.rinS ?
(.\) nftrfiler (R) Baine pbre (c) D.ain ptuE (o) Rdt€, afr
14. An ele.hral luel NDp op.$Les Lrul deliver iisutticimr luel. l hjs may be dft to :
16 The igniibn idvamc mprhrri .onbots ignition rihing ac.o..tjng to engine sFed :
20. lh..lukh daes tot rclute clrmPins slnifS ind rclorj' lev''
(r\J .on. rlur.h (ll) tn8l' l'htP nnr'l\
((:l diath sm.!ukh (r)) nrnhi di"lut'h
23. Whnh of llrp adlowiilrl gear bol ut.d doobll dcclin'hnrg Pnr$s ?
25. sred ol lr,d dnving s€ar (Al 1s00 rprl sFed of Lhe d cn scar (B) ntsh r'th A s
lo(xl rtm Whai B 8'tr rabo .
(A) 2 (rl) oa (c) 15 (r) lnxl
27. When thr rirLhknuJ uin l1r. out€t rvh(:cl haY' lo lrrrel atrtur
d^tMrc n\ comfrred ro
rl'. innpr u hPel in dn sime rin1r, ihe ddi't uFd ld id lsl ths Li:
(A) PtuF(U.r shalr (s) slil F nt (c) l)iirtrenrirl (D) Iirnskr
A 5 799 /2075
24, The rear axle shaft supporting which ine axle shalt can be taken out or reDla.ed wuhout
jacking !p t}\e vehide b I
(A) b?e
wishbon€ (B)
(q verftar8uide (D)
a0. whi.h ol the follo$ing hile cannot srop th' vehnk like *Nie bt'k€ ?
(A) Fnsine eil,.usl brake (B) Air brake
(q Lbn,lir hydronax brtk. (D) Disc bFk€
Pnn'$ ol Fmoving .'ridst hon lhc cngn€ :
46. The Eas
(A) laavensing (s) CmPF$im (g EnSine sla? (D) s'alrirg
47. \lrh.nli..tefficr'ry
(A) N IPlBHP (a) RIlrYn{P
44. flF $und pmducd du. .lcarmce bdLv.en piston and slinder during.otd
49. fhe dhlane beh{Nn (rter line of dakdn and main j!)urnal axic js:
(A) ciank ihmw (B)
(c) r,e€n&icirr (D)
58, fte ddi.e uled to onvat AC culg{ in rhe t'.Dturc coil to DC lmt is :
(A) Yokr (B) connttator (c) conta'l bDakef (D) Bolhsr ffiistor
59. The rstrumdt ed lo t€l sho.r.imil beh{en alfrlud winding in naning mobr d
6lt. Th€ volure L.tw@ IDC ,nd BDc in a single cvlindd mg'n' is :
-roht lolunc {D)
(A) strok! valune (B) sw€Pt wollm (c) Both (A)and {B)
62. In p€hl dgine the unit which mix FtNl and air is :
(A) sl entire (B) cl ensft (c) steah en8ire (D) All ot rhe above
6s. llE may b€ due to :
rEad da.king of a
(a) overl@ding (B) ovo inflarid (c) under inn.don (D) A! or the above
81. whi.n i3 dc liEr pffir a bill on rhe 6laujsnmot ot r.k y*rlu in 19ru ?
srat€ io
83. The ld@ for rh€ iftlusio of .S€ialist in rh€ pre.mbte is pronpt€<t by :
(A) C.n<U$
IndhiE (B) Jay.prdrash N,nyrn
(c) Acharya &ipaldi (D) R2m Manohar t hy,
8t 'Pr.thFkha Rakha Ddb SaUD, - Tb. dgdisatim ro! dalit Oututims ac founded by :
8E. Who.! rle dly Malayate social rerom.r hendn€d in th€ arrobto8ralhy of Mahah
{A) M.dhav.n
T.K. (B) sE N,nyana curu
(C) Darisler G.P' Pi[.i (D) Ayy.thd Copald
r99/20rs 72 t
89, T1r. alogar'(iiredbhiHarao i5 €l.tcd k' $hiLh live r,c[ thn ?
9!. r (cnla 18
Thc tiFr.olLpge narrei m:
( )Thnr!..a.ihafutan 0lrhilaslcrt
t( ) K.7hiLoJ. (D) Kollir.n'
93. Nhi.h Anfti.an .oonlrr l.uchcd thc conskurlion .l J ltr\' ..r91 'onnanng Admtu an'l
94. |\t. b{anp th. Fid lndian l@iballfi lo be cnnleired tlirh thP Aci.n FNtl'nll cmftdqarion
97. nE ot6.ial i@l of SNDP e* i
(A) Kgara Kamudi (B) MithlYadhi
(c) s.hodh.ra. (D) viveroLylm
99. nt book'(dala Sahithya Ch.ritnrah' has live volumes and sixty tour.IEpt€B, wlD
(A) G€oE
Aof. K.M. (B) Ult@ I Prarelwlh IF
(c) S.rda K.M Pani.k6 (D) Dr. M. Lalavadn
1o0. 'Aokkaa V.da!.*athu' is a f.ms fam t in Sodt Malibar @rribured a lor to K.ntt
won6 efp@.'1Mt, Iind dt rhe t1,@ ot rh. rclofus noi belonas ro ,An Lts.
vad.tbtru' fahny :
(A) r{.v Atl@
KuttinEh (E Atmu Swamitutr.n
(c) Lalith. Phbhu (D) caprain bkrlu,j
199/2J)t5 L4