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99 /2075
1. Ndnrc.I rlE Engin€ \'hich harc bore it dqual !o seoke knBrh :

(,{) {ranktL En8iit (B) Iradial Engne

'Cj qtudPI'a' e nr f)b"dlnB

2- l\'nP ddNn con ti t1u.firn :

(A) lrlr=BBPr FHP (E fIO-BHP+IHP


3- l{lli.h or $e lDll4 ing Cycle is u*d rnFrol tn8't' '

(A) Ditselcltle ilJ) otl! cltle
(( ) Cmot Cr...lt (D) B"lron Clde

4- Ancn8inehass{.Pt}olomeofrio{r'llcohP€$ionratiokS5'deterninecle'ran'evolune

(A) c. (B) 60.. (c) 30 {!r) 10o r'


5. (he bd is equal to (Kl'a - KnoP'sal)

(A) 1 KPa (B) 10 KPa (c) rooo (l't (D) 100 l(|,a

6. A.h,!l poNei d€tiv.FJ it the da'lk sh'n :


t. th€ Faii wiich.onnc.h PEton afld (tnr{ling bd l

(D) cask'{
(A) crankPin (D) PhtonPin (c) n! wne'l

8, Itc exhasr valve usuallv starb oFninS :

(A) rt EDc (!) ai TDc (c) b€fo* IIDC (D) befor' TDC

9. valve.leaEd is heasu.ed by rh' hettummr :

(A) sdd gauge (B) sliP 8atrgF (C) !'@i€t c'liPtr {D) r€l'rsiu8€

10. Whi.l, dl rlrc lollo{,i.8 is u(.d to.void ovcr cooling jn rhe .ooth8 sysrem olrheengjne ?

(l r'Lssur op {B) Thmosrar

(c) lirFnsion Ie^on (D) Radiatdr

11. In whrh ofihe fotldving tubt.ahon stsrem tubicanr oil is mixcd wilh tuet?
(A) srlish slstem (B) PFssuE slisrcm (C) Dry sunp (D) pehoir svslcn

12. lfhch is tic follo\ring nunb.r is ned to indicrr€ ignihon qual _! ot djsel tuet ?

(A) (oranc (B) o.trne (c) Randon (D) Non€orrh*

13. W-hch o, rhc foUo$in8 ts uscd in tuet tant to hdue su€tng oa toet on 4rcunr ot sudden
brak or.orn.rinS ?

(.\) nftrfiler (R) Baine pbre (c) D.ain ptuE (o) Rdt€, afr

14. An ele.hral luel NDp op.$Les Lrul deliver iisutticimr luel. l hjs may be dft to :

(^l t h{r.d pnnp frx.h (B) wom our v:tv6

(c) Dirug.n dtaphDqm (D) All.t the abo€

15. Th.l.vi.. whi.h uFd ni ar varyjng toad condirion I

(A) n) wheer {B) rrr (c) cdmo! {u) rniecror

16 The igniibn idvamc mprhrri .onbots ignition rihing ac.o..tjng to engine sFed :

{^) v..uun adlan.e (B) Cend.ifugal advan e

(c) Elccti. advm.e (D) None or rhere

I7. A hrJ ..id Iuh€N is.n aulomobite used ihe &id :

(A) sulphuric..id (B) Hyaehlon..cjd
(C) Nitric a.id (D) phosphorjc acid

13- A lour rvh€eler normlly u*s baftry oI :

(rr) ll rnx (D) |5 r.rr

19. Ih. rsr u:Rt ro kno\r the .hemnil dondirnm af;'o\irrp ind nplirivP tLJl, tr:
(r\l sac.,rn gnlity rPsi {B) o|er v'riie$
(C) lli$h Llb.haf8. r€n {D) ci'ltiiL'"' i'{

20. lh..lukh daes tot rclute clrmPins slnifS ind rclorj' lev''
(r\J .on. rlur.h (ll) tn8l' l'htP nnr'l\
((:l diath sm.!ukh (r)) nrnhi di"lut'h

21. turM lor.h{.h driEdtPin is:

(A) r(c$rvc free lreLlnL plat G) DaniicJ Picssut( tkte
(() ch.kcd clui.h Plare (D)

:2. ih..lurdl i\ leated l)cldeen rlrd ge.i bdr rrd th.

l^) EnSN (RJ R..r a\le (c) l"o!'11'r shill (lr) JriIer'ntirl

23. Whnh of llrp adlowiilrl gear bol ut.d doobll dcclin'hnrg Pnr$s ?

lA) slNhrontnr 8..r bor lB) sliJrlr D'!h

(c) cdnstr ncsh (n) A!!oi rhcnrrc

2r. In.rer* oi to.quc in n lLhiclt is lbtnined b( :

(^) Incicfiings$.d (B) Deousnls 5Pdc't

(c) ln.r$\ins Powrr (l)) ALlorlhciMc

25. sred ol lr,d dnving s€ar (Al 1s00 rprl sFed of Lhe d cn scar (B) ntsh r'th A s
lo(xl rtm Whai B 8'tr rabo .
(A) 2 (rl) oa (c) 15 (r) lnxl

26. I he !r'c of gcd 1$x u*d

(A) *abox
EPiclclic (B) c'nninr nresh 8(!r ta\
((l) slidinS nresh (D) sl'druNdr r$f b'r

27. When thr rirLhknuJ uin l1r. out€t rvh(:cl haY' lo lrrrel atrtur
d^tMrc n\ comfrred ro
rl'. innpr u hPel in dn sime rin1r, ihe ddi't uFd ld id lsl ths Li:
(A) PtuF(U.r shalr (s) slil F nt (c) l)iirtrenrirl (D) Iirnskr

A 5 799 /2075
24, The rear axle shaft supporting which ine axle shalt can be taken out or reDla.ed wuhout
jacking !p t}\e vehide b I


Th€sp4ion mvenent m@6 Frpsdicular thc rdd b :

(^) Bolncin8 (B) (c) Pirching (D) Noie ol drs

30, 'Ine ind.pendenr susFnsim sysrem whi.h

(A) b?e
wishbon€ (B)
(q verftar8uide (D)

[|hid ot tlE lolowing sp€nsion s\Gl€h

(A) Rigrd.xl€ (B) lndep.ndmr

I}l. ril of th€ velt.le wh€els

(c) KingFn nEtin.tion (D) conbi.ed angl€

34, ]}ie ratio between side ior.e sustained

or tyre whon height to lh€ qae

(B) Aspd htio

Tneprffi oI fiuina air in r}t is :

(A) rnn.ion (B) Dedation
37. Th€ tyPe or Nheel lhich cannot b€ u*a with a tub€165lyE:
(A) Disc whel {B) Altov whel (c) W'E wh@l {D) Nme ot th€se

33, Th€ hon oI th€ h-vdhulic trake sytb s:

(A) whel.ylindcr (B) M.sl€..rlind€r (c) Adjuler (D) Brate Fdal

3c, ThrPIuNorFm.v'nadr ko'n hfddul''flskm is

(A) srlrr adjustnenr (B) Brake bl€eding
(c) rvheel al,gnmcnr (D) Brake aliSnmenl

a0. whi.h ol the follo$ing hile cannot srop th' vehnk like *Nie bt'k€ ?
(A) Fnsine eil,.usl brake (B) Air brake
(q Lbn,lir hydronax brtk. (D) Disc bFk€

41, IuI fori otABs which is tsed in vehicle 1s:

(A) Ablohte Brakins svsien (B) Al{aF B€ttti s'flic'
(c) Anh-lftl Brakin8 s-rn.n (D) Nore or rht*

42. Ihe ihstrumen vhich shows ihPdisrance traveued by lhe v€h''le

{^) sr*tdonPb (B) Taclnmerer (c) odoneter '

$, AnbaS usdd ina..r h:

(A) ,1diag€ or ai' (B) donse or oivsen
(c) lor Pbkrion or PsenEd (D) ror air brar€

{4, Thc i@l !*d ro iinish a Previootly ddled nob n :

( ) Gnnder (B) Re'rcr (c) TaP and dn {D) Trb€ dll6

whi.h ot lh. Iollowin8 is an .xlsnal en8ln€ ?

15. 'odblstion
(A) Pctol dgift (B) Di*l €nsine {C) sted 68jne (D) Gs €ns:ne

Pnn'$ ol Fmoving .'ridst hon lhc cngn€ :
46. The Eas
(A) laavensing (s) CmPF$im (g EnSine sla? (D) s'alrirg

47. \lrh.nli..tefficr'ry
(A) N IPlBHP (a) RIlrYn{P

44. flF $und pmducd du. .lcarmce bdLv.en piston and slinder during.otd

(B) (c) lrunnnins (D)

49. fhe dhlane beh{Nn (rter line of dakdn and main j!)urnal axic js:
(A) ciank ihmw (B)
(c) r,e€n&icirr (D)

50. Wfi.h .f ihe following valve is uscd i. automobLle enginc ?

(^) rt)Fper vilr! {B) Ror.n! larre (c) st&( rjne

51. Ihe rarn, ofRPM ot.rankshafi the RPM ol .ahshrfr is :

(^) I @)2 (c) 0i (o)

52. whi.h oi the lollowing is used heasurc lsv.l ol lubncrting .n in

(A) oilprclsureg,uge
(c) warning lighl

53, Ih€.mdnt of h6l cmPlere cmbushd ot 1

(A) Kno.kins ri(c (c) crlolifir value (D)

Fuel Ini(tion (r!,lPrD h u*d nl

ensDe (B) Pcriol cnsine

55. amtunr ol voltl8e B ired lo pod!.e spart in 5l cngiN is rerm.d

(^) (B) Brrke tl.wn v.trrge
(cl (D) |lreslbld !6ltage
55. Io rdu.e mslid of unburned hvdrftarbon in dE autonobiL erhanst g'c 'onbnstion
ch:mb€r is d*igftd as i

(A) sPh€ c.l (B) HenisPhdi.al (c) conical (D) clbi"l

57. Th€ cdd of PGitjve Pldt€ in lrad acid batt€ry i5 :

(A) chdolat€ bmwn (B) GreY

(c) whft€ (D) Red

58, fte ddi.e uled to onvat AC culg{ in rhe t'.Dturc coil to DC lmt is :
(A) Yokr (B) connttator (c) conta'l bDakef (D) Bolhsr ffiistor

59. The rstrumdt ed lo t€l sho.r.imil beh{en alfrlud winding in naning mobr d

(^) cdwl€! (B) Multimdd

(c) High Ete djs.hdse h,,ro (D) strobo$oPe

6lt. Th€ volure L.tw@ IDC ,nd BDc in a single cvlindd mg'n' is :
-roht lolunc {D)
(A) strok! valune (B) sw€Pt wollm (c) Both (A)and {B)

61. Tolal dmber ol 86rs in . diffd€nlial i6 :

(A) 2 (B) 3 (c) 4 (D) 6

62. In p€hl dgine the unit which mix FtNl and air is :

(A) ca'blFxor (s) Fu€l PmP (c) Injftror (D) Gdenor

63, Spa* Phg G u*d in :

(A) sl entire (B) cl ensft (c) steah en8ire (D) All ot rhe above

6{. Whd of 0t to[Nint f&tot/lactoB d€Pends uPm lt Ue ?

(A) lnnadon (l) hvins 3tvle/method

{c) T6!bl6 drv€hide (D) All ot lhe akt'

A 9 1991201s
lr.r'o l

6s. llE may b€ due to :
rEad da.king of a

(a) overl@ding (B) ovo inflarid (c) under inn.don (D) A! or the above

65, The *tid ol conBring i.d i :

(A) | *crion (B) L seddn (g Ds06 (D) Ts€.ron

67, Can sh.lt is nor reqded in :

iA) t rhle Fht en8ie (q a sFoke di*t €ngjre

(c) Two sr'oke osine (D) None orrh€.

68. lo redu(. rh' nor.c .rE'nr , \t d Fr \..nn*-ted ro ,rc

(3) Calaryti.orvcnd

69. Ihe lubricatjon sl,sbem r$d jf, spub.ar is :

lA) Pdroil sFbn (B) p|@E sFreh

(c) D.,y sbp system {D) sprash srsrm

70, Itle ruin constituent ot cNC (compre$ed Natural cas) js:

(A) Mcrharc (B) Erhane (c) Bubne (D) prop.n€

tl. ft" Frsn lor the wde u* ol Atumrun JIoy p6h is

( ) Low wejghl (B) ltign rh€rhat .ondu.riviy
(c) Inm$ed c@ling edici€ft, {D) Allofhamv.

72. wd}jng priRipte ot nywh€.l in 6Sine is :

(A) Momr ot inedja (B) Psat hw
(c) venturi primiple (D) Charl€s l'w

73. AI dP ge.n in rhe diildnriat are j

(D) Dorble helical ter

r99/zors t0
74. A lyre is dlje.iried aF P 205/7t R14 Thedigit 7t srtnds
(^) Ra,iius (B) Diametd (C) AsPd ratio (D) SF dralt

75. Whi.h ol ihe follos in8 slar{in8 dnve is uPd in rchide


(A) B.{du dite (B) Tonrue htb' dn!€

(C) HothknsJriv. (D) rull floalin8drirc

charEPtL.ond'rnr rhe sP.cifi'aD!ity ofele'lrolvte'115 degr" 'elsi!s

76. h thetullt
(^) 12e (B) l.lr (c) 1 (D) 2r

77. r\ ba(ery .l l0o lll (AmPctc H{u)

g*e :

(A) rl) A cunenl nr 10ll (B) 20AIor;ll

(c) 25 r\ for'l I I (Di AU ol lh€ ar6!e

73. rher\ta o' \u.Pmston.'(mu edriYoLvh4krn

(A) RlS rxle (R) ivac I'ne6'on
(c) sain8ing hill nxle (D) TelesoPn shtrk ab$rb€r

t9. whi.h ul the iolloh ing bartdy Bt ocs hydtotutd ?

(A) tesl
Ol)tn voli (B) (jdnium let
(c) Ill8h d$.h.r8e rest (D) Si{iric Siiv v kst

Whi.n ol the lollowilA horks acco inS to Ven[n PrinciPle

(.{) FIP {B) Ir€d PumP (C) cdluettd (D) lnFtor

3r. I'arliah.nr ol lnLlia off$bot:

(A) Loksabha anJ Raitas'bha
(gl Pi.cidcnt, vi.. Pres ent, Lol6abha and Rajyaebha
(c) aLromei Crhc$j, l,lsbha 'nd Raivaebha
(n) I'r.ritlmr, I oksabha and Rajyasabha

81. whi.n i3 dc liEr pffir a bill on rhe 6laujsnmot ot r.k y*rlu in 19ru ?
srat€ io

(A) K€rala (B) puFb {c) odhh. (D) R.iasrhan

83. The ld@ for rh€ iftlusio of .S€ialist in rh€ pre.mbte is pronpt€<t by :
(A) C.n<U$
IndhiE (B) Jay.prdrash N,nyrn
(c) Acharya &ipaldi (D) R2m Manohar t hy,

84. Prd*rion oI dilds ftqn *xu.t ol'mc6, bin pa6sed by Lrkebh. on :

() 2013 M^y 2 (q 2Or2 May

.l2 lq 2m2 M.y 22 (D) 2013 May 12

85. Tle*iirl Efohq llwn as,(erata LiNotn :

(A) Padir K.P. K,ruppan (B) AlTrnkali
(c) s.hoddln Ayyappan (D) panbadi John

86, wl ch pair i! lkon .i ?

(A) Yog.&h.m s.bha - 1908
(B) Nair Savie Soci€t ,1914
(C) Satlh! Jae Parip.lru Sangd - 1903
(D) Vaala s.muday. p.nsbtarani sabha - 1910

8t 'Pr.thFkha Rakha Ddb SaUD, - Tb. dgdisatim ro! dalit Oututims ac founded by :

{A) Chavar. AdEn (B) poyrayit yoh.M

(g P.mladi lonn Ioleph (D) paratruuath Eb.ahan Marpan

8E. Who.! rle dly Malayate social rerom.r hendn€d in th€ arrobto8ralhy of Mahah

{A) M.dhav.n
T.K. (B) sE N,nyana curu
(C) Darisler G.P' Pi[.i (D) Ayy.thd Copald
r99/20rs 72 t
89, T1r. alogar'(iiredbhiHarao i5 €l.tcd k' $hiLh live r,c[ thn ?

{'\) v6 (B) vril ((:) vrr'n iD) l\ro

90. dt lnsl b dliulaie lh.

l!-no is n.tonal in.omr of lndit ?

{A) I'c nllhJanobjs {B) ( D DelhNkh

(C) Gu!.nl.l N.ndi (Dl l)iltabhi' \aoro,'

91. l\ho ir tnoFn s Falhcr ol \1llisalin, l'rinrin! 7

(A) Ilennnn cunddl lB) Bcrjinln Diill
((:) Amo* Inthiri lD) Hc.rik \iffRd

9!. r (cnla 18
Thc tiFr.olLpge narrei m:
( )Thnr!..a.ihafutan 0lrhilaslcrt
t( ) K.7hiLoJ. (D) Kollir.n'

93. Nhi.h Anfti.an .oonlrr l.uchcd thc conskurlion .l J ltr\' ..r91 'onnanng Admtu an'l

(A) P:ntrnD (B) NicraSxr (() corl.uittr (D) Iitcxr'o

94. |\t. b{anp th. Fid lndian l@iballfi lo be cnnleired tlirh thP Aci.n FNtl'nll cmftdqarion

9i. N.me the l..deror'tuliyinsarhr-'aFrih,'0917_13). who died i'1Pl''r 'ttion 2

(A) Mad.thil (R) Kovirharil

^Fp! 'lrrrkrndan
(C) Ac. v€raludh!! (D) r'({on Ku'hanl'u N'ir

96. lt.!:o. Tmfdt ]ltmnrl Nlunic'Fl lbBnll.nlis! LIPJin:

(^) lnr (q IralaPplrm (( ) vrniL{i |)) lonnrni

97. nE ot6.ial i@l of SNDP e* i
(A) Kgara Kamudi (B) MithlYadhi
(c) s.hodh.ra. (D) viveroLylm

,6. Wtich pat i! leoct ?

(A) Kala Vyaen - I<oduig.lr Kqnhiluthn Thapen

(B) X€Ela Kalidaen - K<ala VaI@ Variakoyi th.mpian
(c) KebL Varh'Eki - valh$ol
(D) Khla Prini - N. Krishna P'[.t

99. nt book'(dala Sahithya Ch.ritnrah' has live volumes and sixty tour.IEpt€B, wlD

(A) G€oE
Aof. K.M. (B) Ult@ I Prarelwlh IF
(c) S.rda K.M Pani.k6 (D) Dr. M. Lalavadn

1o0. 'Aokkaa V.da!.*athu' is a f.ms fam t in Sodt Malibar @rribured a lor to K.ntt
won6 efp@.'1Mt, Iind dt rhe t1,@ ot rh. rclofus noi belonas ro ,An Lts.
vad.tbtru' fahny :
(A) r{.v Atl@
KuttinEh (E Atmu Swamitutr.n
(c) Lalith. Phbhu (D) caprain bkrlu,j

199/2J)t5 L4

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