Lisr He (C) Aray: Elc - Renb.d

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l. Th€ r..m pGh and

2, Rinary s€arch algorithm .annot tE aPPli€d to :

{) sorled linkedLisr (B) SodRl biiry hE

(c) Sorted lhsar aray (D) l'onlt r anat

wh.rc elc.renb.d b€ addcd or remov€d al en\er end but Dot in


Lcr Pand Q b!pn)F,sitjons. The prcposilio. l'^ Q is .aned

(A) conF.tior d P nd Q (B) l)isjunction of P and Q
(c) Negalion ot l'>ind Q

o...) re a rauroloEy, the rrtrrh table conlair in

(^) P t3) I (c) Ir (t) o

lormula conshling oI conjun.tion or the tua {.rms only is knowr ad :

(A) P n.iple conjunctiv€ nornal rom

(B) PnnciFle disjurdive nomal loh
(c) conjtrEbve noffidr ttrm
(D) Disjdcrive nonar tom

M.mory mana8enenr s.heme

(C) Alocation or ten.4 (n) Dcadlo.k prevdlion icheme

L Rornd rcbin shedulinS alSorithm r:lls undcr the cal€gory or :

{A) Prenpiiv€ shedrling

(B) Non pNmptivc {hedDling
(c) sdEti.G PEemptive sddnlE non PRnPnve
(D) None ot th$e

9- HrSh prgDS actually is crlt€d :
( ) srg@ntafion (D) Demnd p.Ejns
(. ffDsl.irg rDt \ | pdlhn8

(A) M€ga AEa Neh{ork (B) M€bopolil,n Nel{,ork

(c) Mini A.a Ne,ork (l)) Medium Area Nerwork

11, Which oi rhd f.Uowirg laye! h tur in C$l @dd ?

(A) Physical rays
(B) rnrm€r la!,er (C) Nehvork ra rcr (D) Transpon lar!,
r2. Cnlldion ofintu']Gt€d netsots sohctins.a ed :
(A) tbte'net (B) wirer4s Nclwork
(c) Mobile N€iworr (D) None of thes
13. fie morr impotut featuF ot model is:
' (A) R€quienbr analysis (r]) Rb( hanagemmr
(c) Qurlity mnaBement (D) Conrisuiation nanaganenl
14. The wo6r ttF of@uplinS ia :

(A) Dal. orpling

(c) stamp couplng

15- Al dE mo.lul€s of rhe sysien are inr.grat€d and ksrei .s .6nptet€ system i. the 6p of :
(A) Botrom npbring (B) Topdown psug
(c) San.lwich bsti.g (D) Bis-B3ng resrins
r6 Afttu ni€lL8"nce h Lh<,tudy or ,oeas wh..h "tubte ompure, \ ro .o the d$F h/t mt
Fbpk €en nre['g.nt. This ommonty u*( dd,Dbd of Al is quoFd by .
(A) Ala! Tlnns (B) pahnk H€nrv Wi$bn
(c) Billc.r€ (D) pabnk Thohen KniSnr

17. I}E ihitation game was developed by _ b demonshat€ a .ompuler inreltigence

(A) Din8.k (B) Henry crErks parick
(q Alan TuinS (D) Nore or rhe abov€

18. Al r*a(h was sraried t y whi.h.ounrq, :

{A) rndia (B) Am€rica (c) rrK (D) iapan
72/2014 4
Whi.h of th louoriinS Alg.rirhff tr lon8s lo iymft{'ic cncr-lPtion ?
(A) |nple Dri's (lt RSA (c) Kc rriPlc
(D) lDlALs

Which E drc Lnrgen disadlaflage ol lht svnnt.{nc Enc:tption

(A) More.omPlox and thdetore mo!€ hmdl)nsuning cilcuratons
(B) Prcblem ol rhe se.!re tr.nsmisnon oI lhe:€d K'v
(c) l,ss s{ur en.rYtl'on tundron
(D) All ihe abd!€

21. Thc ,- art..k cln e.danger thc se'uriry of the Diflte Ilcllman mcthod iftwo
parties at not aulhdli.alcd to cach othd
(A) Man (Bl CiPhd krt
(c) 'nrhemiddle
Pldin text arra.k (D) Norc of the arDve

22. Tfie omPldty ot Blbbl€ eod 2laotithm

jl :

{A) o(n) (B) o(l%n) (c) oinl

8, nre minimud number oI cd86 in a cotr{t l BEPh on n v€nie

{B) Nrr
(c) N-1 (D) None or thc Above

24. Wni.h of ihc lolLowing ,lSontrn solvd a[ pan shon$t Paih Pobl€n ?

(A) Dllkslra's.lgonthn (B)

(c) Prin s alSori[n (D)

q A s crlled
25. lf,t A.nd B b. lwo ets If 4ery elemenb of Ais an elemenl or ihe
{Bi union oi B
(D) None or the.bove

26. Ha* diaSF m aE dF*n for :

(A) Booldan al8€bE

(q rarhally oldd€d *t

27. Nlhbet oI snhsers oI

(^) s (l)8 (q 12 (D)

24. l& mmb.r oI preks cmpl€hd p.r unit
(^) ourput (3) ftroushPur


30. 5ynem cannor bar if


(^) HyFr 't€rr Transtpr prordol (B) HyFr Tetr Transrqmdion protrcl
(C) HyF€r I cxr Tie prcldol

32. slnduonou! Transfd Moda tundamenratl!,a_ r<hnology.

(A) Cixufi swnching (3) Pa.ker swit.hins
(c) Narow band (D) Noe of these

33. whicn of th. tollowing i5 nor. ttp€ ot c.hpurd Ncrwork ?

( ) Lftat Ard Nerwork (B) Pe6on.l Area Neh{ork
(c) Remor€ Are. Networt (D) M€hopolilan AE Nerwork

{B) DFs algonthm
(D) B4r tr$ alSonfim

35, l}le hadirional AI khnaqu6 stit @d tod.y rnclud. ,lt of dp ,ollowhg

repr :
(A) s€archinE G) Panh recosntdon
(c) Plalkt pGe$ing (D) Iteu sticd
36. p.iEry outome of lhe automatic langurg€ rhnstation p.ograh w6 the reatiado.
(^) Hunan are laster Dd mop a@lare
(B) cdputer are fas|d,nd tun aauiabe
(c) comprters mnk Gmr €m6 than h!ture
(D) conput.c can a(uately kanslar. 999 ot the rext

37. Paglng sutles trom

is lh,) ai€.... antt nrr of t.$fornrn:lj m6:2E s ro ntuk. rhtm s{urcr nrrnune

(Al (ry .shFhr (B) CryltanaLysis (C) crYPtol$t

39, A mathenrari..l n.del wiih . n lLriid ol dtr'tlions defrned on that nod€l $ clllcd
(A) Dal. srru{rurc (B) ftimihre Data TyPe
(c) Absrr'.t Dara lip. (D) AlSorirhm

folloains ibsrDct dat.r tyP. ..n be used to rcPrcscnt a 6.nv to nanv

f.llowins dat.' dru.tur€ can'l slorc $e nd honogc&ous drtr elcnents

(B) Rcco.ds (c) PainhF (D) Nonc

,12. A progam ir qolion is .alled :

(A) rrc.e$s (B) I'Ntitct'on

primrry PuJP@ ot lhe o|l.Erins syn.m is :

fo na*€ th€ moi cffi.i.nt u$ of lhe comPuter hddhdc
(R) I o .tlow peopl€ to use lhe com?utd

(c) rd kc.f sysbns !rugradmeE emPk,t.

a) To rul..ompurss tdst{ ro $e

rttl- LiShl wcight Pn€s G callql

45. virtual n.mory ir @onll


,t6- ln a Ee b€rwq w€ry tmir or ihere is :
(A) path
Exacdy one (B) 4 srtr@p
(c) Ito cndii (D) NnumberolFrlas

(3) I (CJ P (D) ?P

43. Trale.sing a bimry trce fi6l roor and th€n letr and nghr sublr€es caltrd

(A) Pr€trdd (E tnddd (c) rostoftld (D) Non. or rlp above

4e. A graph wnh no edsee ir knoM as dpry grapll Empry Sraph is atso rnown as j
{A) graph
R..g!ld {B) Triviar I,nph
(c) MonosEPn (D) Nm€ or rh.,bove

50. 9wtkh i3 a Ddi.e ot _ rjld of O6J Modet.

(a) Ner*o! (B) Data Link (c) Appticarion (D) !r6,on

51. Wi-Fi hhnologt Ef*s to:

(A) Wirel€s LAN conn<tjotu
(B) WiB onneting. cmPuis l.ltu ro rh€
(g A drire o a rrpbp lnar ml]Er, ro the tn6d
(D) The bd<twidth of $e swd ro whi.h a laptop coftt6

52. sdfhvare dg'rering aim 6r d4etoping :

(^) Reli.bte sotr!@

(B) cast Efn1aiv€ Softw.r.
(c) Relbbl€ and Ccr E te.tiv€
(D) Noft of rhe alore

53. The tet!re ot dE objcr ori€nted pa6.tiFr which herF @.€ Fu* s ;
(A) obj€ct (B) clas (q rnn{itlnce (D) Asgegarion

!!. AlPlm,nd &ln linina i( loms ol
(A) Ac€rtan.e reshns
(C) Sy{en tushns

r<. Itr.', \lpJr''-m'n8lr'iLrPs ' l'' r.b-m w hJro n t{-nLllf

hr'. r,' k "'r;\ rrtrJ a1+'rJ'nl!7? irhcL''vPNn\
- "r\4drPilLr\
tir t"'- "r,ar.r.r Crn!dnJm |}l pLRq v ho herJrd dD (@

na.hinps produ.Pd by borh l,MI a.d Synbolic werP b3*rl 'n


{q NaT (g RAMD (D) St nruord uiv*itv

is ale known as sPr'.ift.tion or l

(^) whire hx tcshng (B) ecs t6tn8

(c) rnbsrated icshna (D) rlla.k box t"tin8

53. Thc opdahng systm man.Ses

(() D'sk and lO devt$

59. PMILR dande ror:

(A) PaB€ MaP trblt l-inril Regiitcr
(B) I'ase Menory Tabld wiih l-ifrit Re8ish
(C) Page Main Table r,o'd R€Sisror

(D) I'age Mcmor-Y Tim.l,ad R€Bisler

posttji notation or 'B+c/D is:

(^) ,rB'C D/ + (B)

(c) .AB/ cD+ (D) BD


whi.h otrhe lollowin8 Tcp/rp proro.ot used fo! tiaturering .te.rrcni. 6a,l nessa8es
hom one mr.hine ro andlha 7
(A) Fr' (B) s\MP (cl sMrP (D) RPC

Bankels al8ontlm lor ftsorre

(AJ Deldldk Frdhtim (B) Deadlkk avoidane

64, availabl€ in $fiware life cycle 7

(B) rsr'n8 {c) Mainkmnc.

listed bclow nor one ol rhe sonwre €ngi!@ring layd! ?

(3) Manufacluring (c) Methorrs (D) rmts

which ol ihe Iollowing IP dddFs .taes

(A) cr,i$B (B) ct6s A

(B) white bor r6tjng

(c) (D) Dat frow 6tin8

to ohpare the filer is tnown as :

(E du (g cmP

An AI reh.igu€ tnat aUows .ohpute6 [o unddtnnd a$diations

and nlariofthjps b€tueen
objds and ev6rs is @lled :
(A) Heu'istk prtrcin8 (B) cosridE *ift€
(C) RdativesFbolim {D) Parem erching

edibr ro delete a iingle clurader ?

(3) y {c) a (D) r
72/2014 l0
?1. r{hi(h lanSlo8e i5 u{d in rhc aFas ol Pitttrn re.ognirioq anituinl and I@
simulihm oI arffi l

72, Corv{sion.l.n oclnlnumber 20 toit! bi.aiv nrmb.r $:

(A) 10000 (B) l0lol! {q lrrll) (D) 11001

73. Th. OR, xoR dd AND be Frf{dEd bt

(A) Regsrq (B) (lPU

(A) Userul l)ab Pn'ldol (B) U*r Datrgram P'oto.ol

(c) used Datr Pr.k'col

75, IP address r.nge for (lffs c

(A) 123.'I.0.1 b (B) 192.000 r' 221255255255

(C) 192.11.1 to 223 255 255 255 (D) 19201.1 to 223.255 254 254

76, rranilator for low l€lcl Prosramming hnFa8c werc ierndd N

(A) Linker (a) ({'nPiler (C) hader (D) AsmblE

77, Analfis which der€rmines tht mein na of a slatehcnt oncc ns Er,mmitirdl structue
b€.m known b lerhed as :
(A) Resular Analysh (B) Ge.e€l Analvs6
(c) Spmrtic Analyris (D) synlax AMlysis

78. ln break?vm analtsis we a$um€ :

{A) Nd'lincar Plationships

(B) Lino. elatioshiF
(c) Dininishing retums to lhe vdiable lactos or Produchon
(D) Non p'oPortional d.tiomhjP6

A 11 12/2011
SheU ir the exclnsiv€ featurc ol:
(8) DOs
(c) uNrx (D) Op.rJtDs syst€n

whi.h of th€ following reginers is Nd to k..p tact of iddp$ of thc menory lGarbn
whac rhe next lnslrlchon is lo.ated
(A) Memry Adar6 RegEter (31 M.nioN Dd. l{e€isrer
(C) Indtu.tio. L.8isbr (D) Prc8rah counter

3t, Which n,dia sllt has s! dance sryl6 on the hsr ol ihe ctrssicl danG ?
(A) Mrnipu (B) Oiss (c) Kerah (D) AndF pradesh

42, of United Natiom l@tly ?


33. ieam whidi won lhe FIFA ltorld Cup 2010 in


34. which of India has the low€l lil.!.cy rat€ as rEr 2011 census

{A) Rljasrhan (B) ssam (c] Einar

85, r4tu ha8l€cived the Dada S$€b Phdtke Award ior the year 2012 ?
(A) Dcv Atund (B) K. sala.hand.r
(c) Sou'nithn ch.ttsjc (D) P6n Krishan sjkand

36. wlo was the Kqalft€ wh. lor rh€ Arjuna Award in m1l 2

(A) rteja saedhaF {B} sr*shdth

(c) r.M. vijayar (D) Ka*hik

wno wn OE Malaysian Ol.n crand Pnx to th€ yd 2m3 7

(A) Shdhu PV rB) llera De{ (CJ C)pnJia}udn

38. l\h. {a\ rhe rcturn,ng afli.d lhc lndjan Frc$denllr! cl{hon 2!12
(rJ) v.K. A8ii[othri
(c) l)eerrLL Go\rl (r )) k VNhwan han

39. \an,e th..os whith Aor Jn rhc Cu,n'Lc5,lio.L ofRe.ortl\ as th!

(^) Lanr (B)

dtr- r'J rhp i1ln, \i'.i. \l.cRh' $5hi \i. rl-p l0l I O. r, . $,rd

(B) Dav si.dl.r

(c) (D) c.oln$ Rush

aS.rinst B ish .ml tb.ied rbe"lidc of I ib.ny'rr

i;\) (l|) sFernnsapillanrm
(c) (D) Purt Novo

9?. Hnii$ one ofthc LlLo*irlg lr3ns is noi.orLrrly tuhhcd ?

(]\) Rhiliisrpeln! Rursi. (B) R(xtrk€la Ccmnnv
(c) Dursrpur -Piriand (D) Nonc or lrl'*

93, who \ird oursvstch h to rFal€ | cla$ 'lndian in bl.od.nd.olors bul Rilish in in
opnriDa n\ morale ind in nneD{|" ?
(^) lhomis BabinFtof Mi..ulay (B) st charl$ Wood
{(l r'ft rtunier (l)) Jdruthan Dunkm

\lughal nn6 who ar'.rded rhe hir. "Raja" b lran Vohan rio! w.s :

lvtuhan\nr.d lhrh (B) Inosh shah

(c) Shnh ll (Dl Jahirdar shah
95, lalilpur s iiruaiai onthcbrnk.r:
(,^) Krishn! (B) kvcii

96, Thu l)cnnDrl enrblishcd ih.n selllenent inS.uih India in 1620 ai:
(A) Tnnq!.ltr {R) ?ondi.h.a]

13 t2/2Ot4
97, In whkh ycar Indla lauched lh. tiBr 3oundrg r(ker Irom Truiba €quato.ial Irocbt
Launching s|rrjon,
(A) r971 (B) le61 (c) r 973 (D) 1953

96. which om of the loUowirg ,mll i5 sdared w{h Chirag Ati SlEh ?
(A) Polisar Revolt (B) santh.l Rdolr (c) .aqrRevoh (D) s.nlasi Reeou

99. Who wrole the hinorical look Tdiq -i,Firc6hnh, ?

{B) lgaulaM Ziauddin
(D) ltuntud lbr AnrEd Albs$i
rm. The Bl@tha Maihr Asjrrion war io!.de<t in M.dE by :
iA) NiLk.nda Brahm.hdi and vanchi Aiva!
(B) M Charb4* and rlla nddayal
{q B/rtitEkumr chosh.nd latirdmlri Bmdie
{D) Nm€ of thee


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