Lisr He (C) Aray: Elc - Renb.d
Lisr He (C) Aray: Elc - Renb.d
Lisr He (C) Aray: Elc - Renb.d
9- HrSh prgDS actually is crlt€d :
( ) srg@ntafion (D) Demnd p.Ejns
(. ffDsl.irg rDt \ | pdlhn8
15- Al dE mo.lul€s of rhe sysien are inr.grat€d and ksrei .s .6nptet€ system i. the 6p of :
(A) Botrom npbring (B) Topdown psug
(c) San.lwich bsti.g (D) Bis-B3ng resrins
r6 Afttu ni€lL8"nce h Lh<,tudy or ,oeas wh..h "tubte ompure, \ ro .o the d$F h/t mt
Fbpk €en nre['g.nt. This ommonty u*( dd,Dbd of Al is quoFd by .
(A) Ala! Tlnns (B) pahnk H€nrv Wi$bn
(c) Billc.r€ (D) pabnk Thohen KniSnr
21. Thc ,- art..k cln e.danger thc se'uriry of the Diflte Ilcllman mcthod iftwo
parties at not aulhdli.alcd to cach othd
(A) Man (Bl CiPhd krt
(c) 'nrhemiddle
Pldin text arra.k (D) Norc of the arDve
24. Wni.h of ihc lolLowing ,lSontrn solvd a[ pan shon$t Paih Pobl€n ?
q A s crlled
25. lf,t A.nd B b. lwo ets If 4ery elemenb of Ais an elemenl or ihe
{Bi union oi B
(D) None or the.bove
24. l& mmb.r oI preks cmpl€hd p.r unit
(^) ourput (3) ftroushPur
(^) HyFr 't€rr Transtpr prordol (B) HyFr Tetr Transrqmdion protrcl
(C) HyF€r I cxr Tie prcldol
{B) DFs algonthm
(D) B4r tr$ alSonfim
37. Paglng sutles trom
is lh,) ai€.... antt nrr of t.$fornrn:lj m6:2E s ro ntuk. rhtm s{urcr nrrnune
39, A mathenrari..l n.del wiih . n lLriid ol dtr'tlions defrned on that nod€l $ clllcd
(A) Dal. srru{rurc (B) ftimihre Data TyPe
(c) Absrr'.t Dara lip. (D) AlSorirhm
,t6- ln a Ee b€rwq w€ry tmir or ihere is :
(A) path
Exacdy one (B) 4 srtr@p
(c) Ito cndii (D) NnumberolFrlas
43. Trale.sing a bimry trce fi6l roor and th€n letr and nghr sublr€es caltrd
4e. A graph wnh no edsee ir knoM as dpry grapll Empry Sraph is atso rnown as j
{A) graph
R..g!ld {B) Triviar I,nph
(c) MonosEPn (D) Nm€ or rh.,bove
53. The tet!re ot dE objcr ori€nted pa6.tiFr which herF @.€ Fu* s ;
(A) obj€ct (B) clas (q rnn{itlnce (D) Asgegarion
!!. AlPlm,nd &ln linina i( loms ol
(A) Ac€rtan.e reshns
(C) Sy{en tushns
whi.h otrhe lollowin8 Tcp/rp proro.ot used fo! tiaturering .te.rrcni. 6a,l nessa8es
hom one mr.hine ro andlha 7
(A) Fr' (B) s\MP (cl sMrP (D) RPC
(E du (g cmP
(C) 192.11.1 to 223 255 255 255 (D) 19201.1 to 223.255 254 254
77, Analfis which der€rmines tht mein na of a slatehcnt oncc ns Er,mmitirdl structue
b€.m known b lerhed as :
(A) Resular Analysh (B) Ge.e€l Analvs6
(c) Spmrtic Analyris (D) synlax AMlysis
A 11 12/2011
SheU ir the exclnsiv€ featurc ol:
(8) DOs
(c) uNrx (D) Op.rJtDs syst€n
whi.h of th€ following reginers is Nd to k..p tact of iddp$ of thc menory lGarbn
whac rhe next lnslrlchon is lo.ated
(A) Memry Adar6 RegEter (31 M.nioN Dd. l{e€isrer
(C) Indtu.tio. L.8isbr (D) Prc8rah counter
3t, Which n,dia sllt has s! dance sryl6 on the hsr ol ihe ctrssicl danG ?
(A) Mrnipu (B) Oiss (c) Kerah (D) AndF pradesh
34. which of India has the low€l lil.!.cy rat€ as rEr 2011 census
36. wlo was the Kqalft€ wh. lor rh€ Arjuna Award in m1l 2
38. l\h. {a\ rhe rcturn,ng afli.d lhc lndjan Frc$denllr! cl{hon 2!12
(rJ) v.K. A8ii[othri
(c) l)eerrLL Go\rl (r )) k VNhwan han
dtr- r'J rhp i1ln, \i'.i. \l.cRh' $5hi \i. rl-p l0l I O. r, . $,rd
93, who \ird oursvstch h to rFal€ | cla$ 'lndian in bl.od.nd.olors bul Rilish in in
opnriDa n\ morale ind in nneD{|" ?
(^) lhomis BabinFtof Mi..ulay (B) st charl$ Wood
{(l r'ft rtunier (l)) Jdruthan Dunkm
\lughal nn6 who ar'.rded rhe hir. "Raja" b lran Vohan rio! w.s :
96, Thu l)cnnDrl enrblishcd ih.n selllenent inS.uih India in 1620 ai:
(A) Tnnq!.ltr {R) ?ondi.h.a]
13 t2/2Ot4
97, In whkh ycar Indla lauched lh. tiBr 3oundrg r(ker Irom Truiba €quato.ial Irocbt
Launching s|rrjon,
(A) r971 (B) le61 (c) r 973 (D) 1953
96. which om of the loUowirg ,mll i5 sdared w{h Chirag Ati SlEh ?
(A) Polisar Revolt (B) santh.l Rdolr (c) .aqrRevoh (D) s.nlasi Reeou
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