312 Physics SR Secondary Paper 2018

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Time : 3 Hoursl [Maximum Marks : 80
rltrtl : 3 qA] tgrrt-n' 80
Note: (i) AII questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks allotted arc indicated against each question.
(iii) Ilach question from Question Nos. 1 m 10 has four alternative - (A), (B), (C)
and (D) out of which onc is most appropriate. Choose the correct answer
among the four alternative and write it in your answer-book against the num-
ber of the question. No separate time is allotted for attempting multiple choice

Rfu : (i) vrft vw efi-{r$ tt

(iii) Y*q srq t qrci 3iq q$t-i rrA tt
(i") sw mqiq 1 A 10 d s-+6 it qn fr*'aq - (A), (B), (C) gft{ (D) ft0'r} t, fu{S V* v& tt
qRI {ffi { t E-& u-m gfrA s*{ eTq-fr vrr-gRur d vw m.qia, * rnqt ft{Hl E-gee'fffi
ev{i * ftr} srfrka, wrrq rfr tqr wrimt

1. The accclcration of a body depends upon : tu

(A) 'l'hc cxtcrnal forcc acting on the body only

(B) 'l'hc mass of thc body onlY

(C) Iloth thc cxtcrnal forcc and the mass
(D) The displacemcnt of thc body only
\rfr qE in,T ?Ewr fir{r 6,rm t :
(A) Aird qq q{ e.rd u,d qr& qra Erfl w
(B) a;Tfi aq * qqqm q{
(C) qr@ Ercr rIuTEaqrt qH w
(D) Affim aq * ft+enq{ qt

56/OSSrt-312-Al G-4s 2 llililffilillilililllilllllillllllilllllllfrlllll[ffillllll

2, I1 work donc in comprcssing a spring by a distance x is W, work done in
compressing it by distance 2x from beginning will bc : tll
(A) w (B) 2W
(c) 3w (D) 4w
qR fuS ffi'r +1 x(ft ir*, {frBa u,l} * ftq fuqr rrqr qnd Wt, * sfr y'Rcrl * Zxq!
rq'dfra E6Gr 16r qrri rrm :

(A) w (B) 2w
(c) 3w (D) 4W
3. A floating body displaccs the liquid :
(A) Equals to its own weight (ll) More than its own weight
(C) Less than its own weight (D) I..ive timcs its weight
rto ffi d uq Ern erqr rir trE :
(A) aq * qR * wr* $m (B) eq * trR + erf}m, d'n
(C) arq * trn i qrT *rn (D) eq * trn t ri* U*, t*
4. The ratio of the frequency of the fundamental notes produced by an open pipe
and a closed pipe of the same length is : tU
(A) t:2 (B) 2:t
(C) 2:3 (D) 1:3
qtttn HErg * q) qr{qf, g.F qmr q Rrrr +q, { qn wrai ff errdffi ql srgqrd t.
(A) t :2 (B) 2:1
(C) 2 :3 (D) 1:3
il I ltrill llil[ iililffi ilililll lil fl 1il

5. Electric forcc bctween two stationary charg", tr.**es 1/1Oth when space between
them is filled by a diclcctric medium. I{clativc permittivity of the medium is:[L]
(A) 1 (B) 10
(c) 100 (D) 1.1
A ftR GrE snN t *q ftga qa 1/10fr wrn t qe srt ft m frm +srn ffi
q{F*'gfrfi rrTcqq t rn fut vm tt YtI rrr&r5s # eT'*lfs frgilvfrffir drft :

(A) 1 (B) 10
(c) 100 (D) 1.1

56/OSS(L4L2-A1 G-49 3 r con,d

1Iililililililililtil iltil tfltililtililffi ililtilililtililfliltiliiii
6. Variation of A.C. Voltage (V) and Current (I) with time (t) through an electric
component is given as : t1I

; I - 312 sin (3 l4t + /r>fnit component is

V = 312 sin (3140
(A) Resistance (B) Inductor
(C) Capacitor (D) None of these
ffi f'* ffi qm { A.C. *('?dr (V) e Enr (I) qir nrrir (t) * qrer rTfit*+q ffifud
ffit t rlm tr
V = 312 sin (31a0; I = 312 sin (314t. %;u5 vran !t
(A) sffiem 0l) nr*,
(C) {rnfiH (D) Eqil t 6t$ T€r

7. The refractive index of a material depends upon the : t11

(A) nature of the material onlY

(B) wavclength of the light onlY
(C) nature of the matcrial and wavelength of thc light both
(D) nonc of thcse
GnS rrqrel qn err{dqiffi ftft q.rm t :

(A) affin qEret ff ug,ft rr{

(B) Affid srr$ ff ai'r|pd qt
(C) qqrei & r5.fr iTerT sFM # Eitfu{ fr qt
(D) Fil + Gnfr qt $ft q€t

8. A light beam consisting of wavelengths 4000A, 4200L,4400A and 46004 at"

scattercd by a mcdium. Maximum scattcring occurs for t1l
(A) 4oooA (B) 42OoL
(c) 44ooA (D) 46004
4000A, 4IOOL,4400A e 4600A ffi # wr HA ffi rrTcqq t seffa d* tt
erleffiilc vtrc *tn :

(A) 4oooA (B) 42oOL

(c) 44ooA (D) 4600A
56/oSS/1,-3L2-Al G-49 4 ilfiil tilllil lll llil illil illl ll l ll lillilllllll lll] llilllilllilllllllil
r con'fd
g' If the activity of a radioactive sample drops to 1* of its initial value in 3 hours,
It's half life is :

, hours Gl) ;6 hours

(C) hours (D)
4 ; hours

qG fufr tHrrfr r(+ S riftardr 3 tit { ssff sriFrE

E rrFr *
15 wft tr vu r6t
# eni errg ffi :

3 a
(A) ErA
16 twe
f (D)

10. Combination of thrcc NAND gates as shown

in thc figure is equivalent to t1I

(A) NOT Gatc (B) OR Gate

(C) AND Gatc (D) NOR Gate
fud d Wri+ rrq *{ NANI) fu+W{dq+tetm:

(A) NOr tu (B) oR +e

(C) AND iz (D) NOn tu
56/OSSfl-31,2-Al G-49 5 IContd......
11. Define the term-impulse. Write its SI unit. Is it a vector or a stalar? t21
oTr*.r ff qfttrryr {frrqr ETml SI qreq. ftrfuer wr z16 w nfrivr eTqqr erfrrr nFr tr

12. State the first law of thcrmodynamics. Give one application of the law. tzl
s.qrffi irr eerq fuq frfu'q q Frr.fi qfi sqqtr qrrtr

ililil ill tililililillllil ilil Iilil I tll

13. with the help of thc suitable diagram, explain the rise of water in a capillary
g..qgffi ftr{ # rdr{ilr t *Frfr-r Rft d qFft t scrr rai # frqr q) vrrrEqr

14. Find equivalent resistance between A and I] in thc combination shown in the

fud d Wrf-A rr( rrfoer t ftrq A erh B t frq g.'q sft-ter yrfl 6tt

56/053/1,-312-Al G-49 6 r con,d

1iltililililIililtilil fltil fliltillllililnilil ffi iltil|ililil|||ililil
L5. A force acts on a charged particle moving in a magnetic field but this force does
not change the speed of the particle. Explain. Izt
ffi g{eq e}T { rrRflq srraftrd i6q rrt qt$ qa frqr qmr t qrg y{r Er.T qur ft qra t
d *t$ qfrrdq €r tmt arcr fiftqr

16. State Brewster's law and give its one application. t2)
!ts{ q"r ftqq ft{fuq q F{rdrt qrq sq*rr qtrtf

ililfi ill Iililfl ililililI ]tfl lillil I til

17. Explain how decay constant is related to half lifc of a radioactive subst ance.
ETrsn fifrq fr Grm tMerfr qqTd q-r erq fi,erniq, urt erel eilg + ftq y*rr
18. What is a rcctifier? I)raw the circuit diagram of a full-wave rectifier using two
diodes. 12)
ftiynrfr t wr sTFrsrq tl d w+s t sq*.r i
(t-"in frr*.lq qfoer # wr+r q'}t

19. Distinguish bctwccn conrinuous and digital signals. lll

eTF*a s+r Bkcd (€Iifiq) {arai * rTeq Fd+q #frer

20. A trolley of mass rn = 5kg is connccted to a block of mass m = 2kg with thc help
of massless inextensiblc spring passing ovcr a light frictionless pulley as shown
in the figurc. Find thc tcnsion in the string. t41

(Assumc no frictiorl, g = 10ms-2 sin 53" = una cos 53o = Jl


s6/ossft-312-A1 G-49 7 r c.n,d

1 |llilililtil1il ilfl ilil trlil ililt ililililililililililililtil1ililil flil
M = 5kg qqqn ff q5 Erfr t+r{fr erF{frrrq enn ff E6rrdr m = 2kg Eqqrd t* g.at
*, qrer silS rr* f q-6 *Ir.n fud { Wrin'r} 5;q { Eaft ftrrft *' sqr t w rA t t errt
{ rrre ql qrr irm #frqt
4 3

1qffi q-ra * dtq Elt$ q{ur qf,f tt g = 10ms-2 sin 53"

and cos 53o = 5)


2L. Define viscosity and coefficient of viscosity. Derive the unit and
formula of coefficient of viscosity. t4I
qEr.F e ffiq sfiq"tur srs
yqrrrtrr e*E vq*dr gqiffi *1 qft**Rfr #&qr y?rFftn gqr6 ifi

operations of a
22. with the help of thc indicator diagram, briefly explain thc four
Carnot cycle. t4l
11a-66 oTns # F{Frilr t 6rfr
q6* qR Yqffi* mr ri*q it euir ffFqqt

in an
23. Describe an experiment to demonstrate existance of nodes and antinodes
organ pipe. t4l
ffi sf iq qrgq { q g.{da * gqftrft ftg1} * ftrq qn }rftr q;T quiq ffftet

24. Obtain the exprcssion for energy stored in a capacitor'C' when it is connected
an electric supply of 'V' volts. l4l
rierrkd 'C'{ 'V' Volts fr fugil ffi t E[g-]
q{, {fod ssTt q'r ffir'5'y,rs dtFqqt

r con'fd
56/ossft-312-Al G-49 8 lillillilllillllffi txlilllilililffi il|fl ffilllilllillllillillil
25- Define angle of minimum deviation. For a prism of angle A 60o, the angle of
minimum deviation is 30'. Calculate its refractive index of the material of the
Define dispersive power of a prism. Calculate the dispersive power for a prism
for following data.
Pi = 1.6444, prn = 1.6520 ?nd 1ro = 1.6637, whcre C, I), F are the Fraunhofer
nomenclatures. (trn = 48614, l, = 5893A, I"
= 6563A)
qffiq F{qiaET 6}ur q} qlwrfod #&qf \rs &gq 6.1 6tur A = 60o t sfr{ Frs.r
Eftrq qtur 30' tr Aq * r(rri m eTqtr#{iq. rTffiil ff&er
ffi eFq # rrftqlq,xr emtrr e} qftr1rfril fi&qr ffifur s1iq4} + ffi fuq ff
qftelqur fn fffrql lrc = 1.6444, Fo = .6520q [rr, = 1.6637 w6i C, D E F
errriTT 1

rrtiq"r-qrqqGfi * er$T{ tt 1t. = 4g6lA,Ir, = 5tJ93A, }.c = 6563A)

26. With the help of the circuit diagram, explain the working of a p-n junction diode
in forward biasing and draw the typical VI characteristics curves.
qfoer fi FErffir t, ern srFrffi p-n *fiEr Yruts fi uld ftft ql euir #FTq nen grt vl
eTnrmqm T16 fuF{ql

27. a) Show that the work done by a force on a body is equal to the change in its
kinetic energy. t61
b) In a hydro electric power station, 1000 x 103kg water falls through a height
of 51m in onc second. Calculate (i) work done by the falling water and
(ii) powcr gcneratcd under ideal conditions. (g = 10ms-2)
a) Show that the mechanical cnergy during the free fall of a body remains
b) A ball of mass lkg is at a height of 20m abovc the ground. In free fall, find
(i) specd of the ball when it reachcs the ground and (ii) work done by the
gravitational forcc. (Take g = l0ms-2).

56/ossfl-312-AI G-49 e ilffi ilililil iltilil iltil iltfl til

f, ilililililil iltililililtililililtililil
r con,d
or) ftr€ frFTq ft q-* e.-q q-{ FTra qre ffi Er{r ftqr rnn qird, 3.{r& rTmq 3;qt fr a}
e,d rTfidq * qtrm drr tt
a) qmvrmfr{dqr+r*r+d1000x103kg\rrfr51mffff*Frrdrt?(i)Fr{e
qrfiEnr ffi.r& qrd npr (ii) srrqrt Ferft i[ 3-fl.* YrR6, fi 'rurn
(g = 10ms-2)

a) frrd ftP"Tq fr 5m sq t ffi ft€ fi EnB-n 5qi iferd refi tt


6orwra fr qn
a) lkg"*t"i qq errffir t 20m:ffi qr rreft tr gm sq i m q{ (i) wrra
* rn gg-ft qra ne:11 (ii) 55-;e1]q q-m Enr ftfr 'ri q;r$, ff rrurfi ffFqqt
(g = 10mt-z; il

the current through each

28, State Kirchhoff 's rules for electrical network? Calculate
resistor using Kirchhoff's rules' t6]

A 2e2


il r Illil llllll llllllllllllllllll lll llllll

ffi6 t ftrga ru{t t ga frqq wr t r ftd .ri ffi d vmsfi t 5"ilTft Fs erKr vEr6

6r qH F*.d*; fruu yd'r mrt Ee ft-q,dr

r con'fd
s6/oss/L-312-Al G-49 L0 llllililillillll ffi illllffilllililililillllflfi ill[ililflllllfl llfl
29. a) Describe Young's double slit experiment to producc interference and hence
derive an expression for the width of thc interfcrcnce fringes. t6I
b) What would happen to the interferencc pattcrn obtained in Young's double
slit expcriment whcn
i) One of the slits is closed

ii) The distance of the screen from thc slits is increased.

er) qfrfiuI Ysa qd * frq + sftr q"r euh ffFqqr erf,: fril 61 t
"irr G Grft
ft{q aiffi Egire fiftqt "ts-r$

e) ritr * E Crft ]r+.r { sns qfr*-rur +ed q{ trdr e$nE .r}rn ws

i) tq,ftaffrqt
ii) qeffBftmt(ftffitt

30. i) With thc help of a circuit diagram, explain how a transistor can be used as
an amplificr in common-cmitter configuration. t6]
ii) Why CE, configuration is preferrcd ovsr othcr configuration for transistor
iii) In a transistor, 50 pA basc current is rcquired to change the collector current
by I rnA. Calculatc current gain B.
i) 1r* qfuer sTtts fi vArtmr * €TflTSq fr ffi fifu€{ ffi strqfts-snsEfn (CE)
forns { yeslq * sq { sqifu frrn qnn tr
ii) qd CII fuqr€ qi er;q CFcnqT *' sw dftrsr yqfn v+ri { qft{rdr fr *.4 ti
iii) qm Eifuer d 50 pA ff sITerR qrr (IB) ver6 * qqErE +, rirrrp srrr (Ic) ral-{ fr
1 mA qT qfit.+tq &n tt ERren$T I rrm qir
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s6/osvt-312-Al G-49 11, riltilililtililffiilililfiililililtililllililll]tilililil[lil

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