Learning: Powerpoint® Presentation
Learning: Powerpoint® Presentation
Learning: Powerpoint® Presentation
by Jim Foley
No response
Before Conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus and response:
a stimulus which triggers a response naturally,
before/without any conditioning
response (UR):
Unconditioned dog salivates
stimulus (US):
yummy dog food
During Conditioning
The bell/tone (N.S.) is repeatedly presented with
the food (U.S.).
Neutral Unconditioned
stimulus Unconditioned response (UR):
(NS) stimulus (US) dog salivates
After Conditioning
The dog begins to salivate upon hearing the tone
(neutral stimulus becomes conditioned stimulus).
MORE stuff makes you drool. LESS stuff makes you drool.
Ivan Pavlov’s Legacy
Insights from
Insights about
science • Substance abuse
Insights about • Learning can be conditioned
conditioning in studied triggers, and
general objectively, by these triggers
quantifying (certain places,
• It occurs in all actions and
creatures. events) can be
isolating avoided or
• It is related to elements of
biological drives associated with
behavior. new responses.
and responses.
John B. Watson and Classical
Conditioning: Playing with Fear
▪ In 1920, 9-month-old Little Albert was not afraid
of rats.
▪ John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner then clanged
a steel bar every time a rat was presented to
▪ Albert acquired a fear of rats, and generalized
this fear to other soft and furry things.
▪ Watson prided
himself in his ability
to shape people’s
emotions. He later
went into
Before Little Albert Experiment
No fear
NS: rat
Natural reflex:
Little Albert Experiment
Natural reflex:
Little Albert Experiment
NS: rat
Operant Conditioning
Operant conditioning involves How it works:
adjusting to the consequences of our An act of chosen behavior (a
behaviors, so we can easily learn to “response”) is followed by a
do more of what works, and less of reward or punitive feedback
what doesn’t work. Examples → from the environment.
▪ We may smile more at work after Results:
this repeatedly gets us bigger tips.
▪ Reinforced behavior is more
▪ We learn how to ride a bike using likely to be tried again.
the strategies that don’t make us
crash. ▪ Punished behavior is less
likely to be chosen in the
Bar or lever
that an animal
randomly at
first, later for
Food/water dispenser
to provide the reward
▪ Reinforcement refers to This meerkat has just
any feedback from the completed a task out
environment that makes in the cold
a behavior more likely
to recur.
▪ Positive (adding)
adding something
desirable (e.g., For the meerkat,
warmth) this warm light is
▪ Negative (taking desirable.
away) reinforcement:
ending something
unpleasant (e.g., the
Shaping Behavior as teaching a baby to walk
In order to teach desired
behavior, reinforce what’s
right more often than
punishing what’s wrong.
More effective forms of operant conditioning
The Power of Rephrasing
▪ Positive punishment: “You’re
playing video games instead of
practicing the piano, so I am
justified in YELLING at you.”
▪ Negative punishment: “You’re
avoiding practicing, so I’m turning
off your game.”
▪ Negative reinforcement: “I will
stop staring at you and bugging
you as soon as I see that you are
▪ Positive reinforcement: “After
you practice, we’ll play a game!”
Summary: Types of Consequences
Adding stimuli Subtract stimuli Outcome
Positive + Negative – Strengthens
Reinforcement Reinforcement target behavior
(You get candy) (I stop yelling) (You do chores)
Positive + Negative – Reduces target
Punishment Punishment behavior
(You get spanked) (No cell phone) (cursing)
If the organism is
learning associations
between events that it
does not control, it is...
classical conditioning
Role of Biology in Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
▪ John Garcia and others found it was easier
to learn associations that make sense for
▪ Food aversions can be acquired even if the
UR (nausea) does NOT immediately follow
the NS. When acquiring food aversions
during pregnancy or illness, the body
associates nausea with whatever food was
▪ Males in one study were more likely to see
a pictured woman as attractive if the
picture had a red border.
▪ Quail can have a sexual response linked to a
fake quail more readily and strongly than to
a red light.
Role of Biology in Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
▪ Can a monkey be trained to peck with
its nose? No, but a pigeon can.
▪ Can a pigeon be trained to dive
underwater? No, but a dolphin can.
▪ Operant conditioning encounters
biological tendencies and limits that
are difficult to override.
▪ What can we most easily train a dog to
do based on natural tendencies?
▪ detecting scents?
▪ climbing and balancing?
▪ putting on clothes?
Cognitive Processes
In classical conditioning In operant conditioning
▪ When the dog salivates at the ▪ In fixed-interval
bell, it may be due to cognition reinforcement, animals do
(learning to predict, even more target
expect, the food). behaviors/responses around
▪ Conditioned responses can the time that the reward is
alter attitudes, even when we more likely, as if expecting the
know the change is caused by reward.
conditioning. ▪ Expectation as a cognitive skill
▪ However, knowing that our is even more evident in the
reactions are caused by ability of humans to respond
conditioning gives us the to delayed reinforcers such as
option of mentally breaking the a paycheck.
association, e.g. deciding that ▪ Higher-order conditioning can
nausea associated with a food be enabled with cognition;
aversion was actually caused by e.g., seeing something such as
an illness. money as a reward because of
▪ Higher-order conditioning its indirect value.
involves some cognition; the ▪ Humans can set behavioral
name of a food may trigger goals for self and others, and
salivation. plan their own reinforcers.
Latent Learning
▪ Rats appear to form cognitive
maps. They can learn a maze just
by wandering, with no cheese to
reinforce their learning.
▪ Evidence of these maps is revealed
once the cheese is placed
somewhere in the maze. After only
a few trials, these rats quickly catch
up in maze-solving to rats who
were rewarded with cheese all
▪ Latent learning refers to skills or
knowledge gained from experience,
but not apparent in behavior until
rewards are given.
Learning, Rewards, and Motivation
▪ Intrinsic motivation refers to
the desire to perform a
behavior well for its own sake.
The reward is internalized as a
feeling of satisfaction.
▪ Extrinsic motivation refers to
doing a behavior to receive
rewards from others.
▪ Intrinsic motivation can
sometimes be reduced by
external rewards, and can be
prevented by using What might happen
continuous reinforcement. if we begin to
▪ One principle for maintaining reward a behavior
behavior is to use as few someone was
rewards as possible, and fade already doing and
the rewards over time. enjoying?
Summary of
Learning by Observation
▪ Can we, like the rats exploring the maze with no reward,
learn new behaviors and skills without a direct experience of
▪ Yes, and one of the ways we do so is by observational
learning: watching what happens when other people do a
behavior and learning from their experience.
▪ Skills required: mirroring, being able to picture ourselves
doing the same action, and cognition, noticing consequences
and associations.
Observational Learning Processes
The behavior of others serves as a model, an
Modeling example of how to respond to a situation; we may try
this model regardless of reinforcement.
Vicarious ▪▪ Vicarious: experienced indirectly, through others
Vicarious reinforcement and punishment means
Conditioning our choices are affected as we see others get
consequences for their behaviors.
Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment (1961)
▪ Kids saw adults punching an inflated doll while narrating
their aggressive behaviors such as “kick him.”
▪ These kids were then put in a toy-deprived situation…
and acted out the same behaviors they had seen.
Mirroring in the Brain
▪ When we watch others doing or feeling something,
neurons fire in patterns that would fire if we were
doing the action or having the feeling ourselves.
▪ These neurons are referred to as mirror neurons,
and they fire only to reflect the actions or feelings of
From Mirroring to Imitation
▪ Humans are prone to spontaneous imitation of both
behaviors and emotions (“emotional contagion”).
▪ This includes even overimitating, that is, copying adult
behaviors that have no function and no reward.
▪ Children with autism are less likely to cognitively “mirror,”
and less likely to follow someone else’s gaze as a
neurotypical toddler (left) is doing below.
Mirroring Plus Vicarious Reinforcement
▪ Mirroring enables observational learning; we cognitively
practice a behavior just by watching it.
▪ If you combine this with vicarious reinforcement, we are
even more likely to get imitation.
▪ Monkey A saw Monkey B getting a banana after pressing
four symbols. Monkey A then pressed the same four symbols
(even though the symbols were in different locations).
Prosocial Effects of Observational Learning
▪ Prosocial behavior
refers to actions
which benefit others,
contribute value to
groups, and follow
moral codes and
social norms.
▪ Parents try to teach
this behavior through
lectures, but it may
be taught best
through modeling…
especially if kids can
see the benefits of
the behavior to
oneself or others.
Antisocial Effects of Observational Learning
▪ What happens when we learn
from models who demonstrate
antisocial behavior, actions that
are harmful to individuals and
▪ Children who witness violence in
their homes, but are not physically
harmed themselves, may hate
violence but still may become
violent more often than the
average child.
▪ Perhaps this is a result of “the
Bobo doll effect”? Under stress,
we do what has been modeled for
Media Models of Violence
Do we learn
such as
from indirect
of others in
the media?