Semi - Kinder - Shapes
Semi - Kinder - Shapes
Semi - Kinder - Shapes
Topic: Shapes
Materials: laptop, power point, Manila paper, picture charts, art paper, printing answer sheet.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Prayers
3. Checking attendance
4. Review
B. Motivation
Let’s sing!
The teacher will present video presentation. The student watch and sing a song.
C. Presentation
The teacher will discuss the different type of shapes and she/he provide examples.
D. Activity
The teacher will spread the shapes out on the floor and gather everyone around. Tell everyone
to close their eyes. Take away one shapes and say “open your eyes”. Everyone must guess which
shape is missing.
Then, With the shapes still spread out on the floor say “ hands up in the air”- once all hands are
up say “touch a (green) circle-and have everyone quickly touch (not slam!) a green circle. Do this
for all of the shapes.
E. Analysis
F. Abstraction
(The Teacher will give or ask students to give the summary of the discussion)
1. What are the different kind of shapes?
2. Can you give me an example of things that have different shapes?
G. Application.
The teacher will be grouped the students into four group and every group will making
creativeness using different cut of art paper through different shapes.
Group 1- House
Group 2- Tree
Group 3- Car
Group 4- Flower
IV- Evaluation:
Direction: Draw and Trace the picture and count how many squares and rectangles.