KFGQPC Arabic Symbols 01 Glyph Table: Mu Ammad Khālid Ussain 6 Rabī II 1438
KFGQPC Arabic Symbols 01 Glyph Table: Mu Ammad Khālid Ussain 6 Rabī II 1438
KFGQPC Arabic Symbols 01 Glyph Table: Mu Ammad Khālid Ussain 6 Rabī II 1438
1 Introduction
This project aims to make the glyphs from the KFGQPC Arabic Symbols 01 font more accessible to
users in XELATEX, while at the same time providing a higher quality reference for those using Microsoft
Then simply call \XeTeXglyph <number> to call the appropriate glyph into your document. If you wish
to use the glyps in between other text, it is recommended to create a macro. An example of a macro
which builds upon the last example is as follows.
\newcommand{\<your_command_name>}[1]{{\QPCSymbols{\XeTeXglyph <number>}}}
Do not forget to scale the glyph according to main text font, otherwise, you will have gaps between
sentences to make up for the difference in heights.
4 Glyph Table
6 ﷲ % \XeTeXglyph 6
7 ﶊﺪ & \XeTeXglyph 7
8 ﻗﺮ ٓن ﺮﱘ ' \XeTeXglyph 8
ﰻ ﺎم و ٔﻧﱲ ﲞﲑ ) \XeTeXglyph 10
11 اﻟﺴ ﺖ * \XeTeXglyph 11
12 أﺪ + \XeTeXglyph 12
اﻻﺛﻨﲔ , \XeTeXglyph 13
14 اﻟﺜﻼ ء - \XeTeXglyph 14
15 ا ٔرﺑﻌﺎء . \XeTeXglyph 15
16 اﶆ ﺲ / \XeTeXglyph 16
17 اﶺﻌﺔ 0 \XeTeXglyph 17
18 ﳏﺮم 1 \XeTeXglyph 18
19 ﺻﻔﺮ 2 \XeTeXglyph 19
20 رﺑﯿﻊ ا ٔول 3 \XeTeXglyph 20
No Symbol Arabic Text Key XELATEX
32 اﶈﺘﻮ ت ? \XeTeXglyph 32
33 ! ﰎ ﲝﻤﺪ ﷲ @ \XeTeXglyph 33
35 # ﻞ ﻼ B \XeTeXglyph 35
36 $ ﻞوﻼ C \XeTeXglyph 36
37 % ﻋﺰ و ﻞ D \XeTeXglyph 37
53 5 رﲪﻬﺎ ﷲ T \XeTeXglyph 53
54 6 رﲪﻬﻦ ﷲ U \XeTeXglyph 54
55 7 رﲪﻪ ﷲ V \XeTeXglyph 55
56 8 رﲪﻬﲈ ﷲ W \XeTeXglyph 56
57 9 رﲪﻬﻢ ﷲ X \XeTeXglyph 57
58 : ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ Y \XeTeXglyph 58
No Symbol Arabic Text Key XELATEX
59 ; ﻓﻬﺮس Z \XeTeXglyph 59
60 < اﻟﻔﺼﻞ [ \XeTeXglyph 60
61 = ﲤﻬﯿﺪ \XeTeXglyph 61
62 > ﲤﺖ ] \XeTeXglyph 62
63 ? اﻟﺒﺎب � \XeTeXglyph 63
64 @ اﳉﺰء _ \XeTeXglyph 64
65 A ﲥﺎﻧ ﺎ ` \XeTeXglyph 65
66 B ﷲ ٔﻛﱪ a \XeTeXglyph 66
67 C ﻋﺰ و ﻞ b \XeTeXglyph 67
69 E ﻞ ﻼ d \XeTeXglyph 69
70 F ﻞوﻼ e \XeTeXglyph 70
No Symbol Arabic Text Key XELATEX
92 \ درﱒ { \XeTeXglyph 92
93 ] دﯾﻨﺎر | \XeTeXglyph 93
94 ^ ﻟﲑة } \XeTeXglyph 94
95 _ اﳊﺰب \XeTeXglyph 95
96 ` اﻟﺮﺑﻊ � \XeTeXglyph 96
97 a ا ﳥﻦ � \XeTeXglyph 97