Obe Learning Plan Group 4
Obe Learning Plan Group 4
Obe Learning Plan Group 4
1. Identify the two most 1. Multimedia presentation The students shall fill in the
fundamental types of viewing shall be utilized to Venn Diagram that is a
particles. provide an entertaining perfect graphic organizer for
visualization of the knowing the basic
introduction of fundamental characteristics, differences,
types of particles in and similarities of the basic
elements. fundamental types of
particles. Following the
answer keys made by the
teacher, the students progress
will be identified.
1. Students will be able 1. Interactive Reading the Matching type of quiz will
to explain the students will be grouped serve as an assessment to
distinguished theories into 4 and each group will match the theory to its
on the formation of be assigned to read an respective definition, features,
universe. article of a certain theory and characteristics. The scores
of the formation of on the quiz will determine the
universe in a creative way. students’ progress throughout
This will be utilized to the learning process.
gain learning through
reading and listening.
2. The students will be 2. Compare and Contrast Brain storming & Reporting
able to compare and Graphic Organizer will shall come after to answer the
contrast the different be used to easily compare guide questions inspired by the
types of galaxies in and contrast the different graphic organizer. Reporting
the universe. types of galaxies in the would determine the learning
universe as to its form, of the students base on the
features, and graphic organizer. The answers
characteristics. will be scored according to the
designed rubric that would
determine the learning
3. Students will be able to 4. Demonstration of the Labeling type of assessment.
assemble, use and parts and functions of the Shall be utilized to assess the
disassemble the various telescope will help the mastery of the students on the
types of telescopes students to master the name and functions of the parts
available for their use. name of the parts, its of telescope. This is possible
functions and the proper by labeling the parts being
way of using the telescope pointed in the arrows in the
in the outer space answer sheet. Scores will
discovery. The determine the student’s status
demonstration will show in learning. Individual Re-
actual use of telescope demonstration will come after
using its parts to enjoy to determine the student’s
features for the users application of knowledge.
Formative Plan
3. Demonstrate
understanding on 3. Demonstrate the Video Presentation making.
the superconductivity and prove Students will then produce
Microelectrons. the properties of doping a venue in social media
Matt insulator to opposed discussing the understanding
other interpretations. of micro electrons.
- Create a template in
superconductor on a Micro
electron superconductor or
exploiting the knowledge
base of high-temperature
superconductivity in doped
“Matt Insulating” copper
oxide materials.
Summative Plan
Summative assessment
The students will demonstrate the model in relativity and beyond (Looking deeper into
everyday phenomena)
1. Create your own scale model of the solar system to help you understand cosmic
2. Pick an object (Such as a grapefruit or basketball ball) to represent the sun.
3. Look up the diameters of the Earth and the Sun , as well as the distance from the Earth to
the Sun.
4. How big should your scale-model be and how far away should it be from your model sun,
to fit the scale?
5. How far away would Proxima Centauri be from your model sun?
6. How about the Andromeda Galaxy?
Scoring Rubrics
Model Rubrics
Prepared by: