Instructional Module in TLE 7 Lesson 1
Instructional Module in TLE 7 Lesson 1
Instructional Module in TLE 7 Lesson 1
Module in Technology and Livelihood Education 7 14. Kitchen Shears They are practical for opening food
(Commercial Cooking) packages, cutting tape or string to package foods or simply
Module No. 1 to remove labels or tags from items. Other cutting tools such
Topic: Utilize kitchen tools and equipment
as box cutters are just as handy, especially for opening
Materials of Kitchen Utensils and Equipment Commonly
15. Measuring Cups, Spoons Measuring tools are among
Found in the Kitchen.
The tools, utensils and equipment are made of the most important items found in any kitchen, since
different materials, each having certain advantages and consistently good cooking depends upon accurate
disadvantages. The following lists are materials of kitchen measurements. Measuring tools should be standardized.
utensils and equipment commonly found in the kitchen. Measuring cups and spoons are also in the home kitchen.
Scales are used to weigh materials of bigger volumes. These
Aluminum is the best for all-around use. It is the most are delicate and precision instruments that must be handled
popular, lightweight, attractive and less expensive. It
carefully and are more dependable in terms of accuracy.
requires care to keep it shiny and clean.
17. Potato Masher used for mashing cooked potatoes,
Stainless Steel is the most popular material used for tools turnips, carrots or other soft cooked vegetables.
and equipment, but is more expensive. It is easier to clean 18. Rotary eggbeater – used for beating small amount of
and shine and will not wear out as soon as aluminum. eggs or batter.
Stainless steel utensils maybe bought in many gauges, from 20. Seafood Serving Tools make the task of cleaning
light to heavy.
seafood and removing the shell much easier.
Glass is good for baking but not practical on top or surface 21. Serving spoons- a utensil consisting of a small, shallow
cooking. Great care is needed to make sure for long shelf bowl on a handle, used in preparing, serving, or eating food.
life. 22. Serving Tongs enables you to more easily grab and
transfer larger food items, poultry or meat portions to a
Cast Iron is sturdy but must be kept seasoned to avoid rust. serving platter, to a hot skillet or deep fryer, or to a plate.
Salad oil with no salt or shortening can be rub inside and out
23. Soup Ladle is used for serving soup or stews, but can
and dry. Wash with soap (not detergent) before using.
also be used for gravy, dessert sauces or other foods.
Ceramic and heat-proof glass is used especially for baking 24. Spoons – solid, slotted, or perforated. Made of stainless
dishes, casseroles, and measuring cups. Glass and ceramic steel or plastic, the solid ones are used to spoon liquids over
conduct the heat slowly and evenly. foods and to lift foods, including the liquid out of the pot
25. Temperature Scales - used to measure heat intensity.
Plastic and Hard Rubber are used for cutting and chopping
26. Two-tine fork – used to hold meats while slicing, and to
boards, table tops, bowls, trays, garbage pails and canisters.
They are much less dulling to knives than metal and more turn solid pieces of meat while browning or cooking Made of
sanitary than wood. stainless steel and with heat-proof handle.
27. Vegetable peeler. used to scrape vegetables, such as
Cooking Utensils List That Every Kitchen Needs carrots and potatoes and to peel fruits.
28. Whisks for Blending, Mixing used for whipping eggs or
1.A baster is handy for returning some of the meat or batter, and for blending gravies, sauces, and soups.
poultry juices from the pan, back to the food. 29. Wooden spoons continue to be kitchen essentials
2. Cans, bottles, cartoons opener use to open a food tin, because of their usefulness for used for creaming, stirring,
preferably with a smooth operation, and comfortable grip and mixing.
and turning knob
3. Colanders also called a vegetable strainer are essential Equipment
for various tasks from cleaning vegetables to straining pasta Refrigerators/Freezers are necessary in preventing
or tin contents. bacterial infections from foods. Most refrigerators have
4. Cutting Boards a wooden or plastic board where meats special compartment for meat, fruits and vegetables to keep
and vegetables can be cut. the moisture content of each type of food. Butter
5. Dredgers – used to shake flour, salt, and pepper on meat, compartment holds butter separately to prevent food odors
poultry, and fish. from spoiling its flavor. Basically, refrigerator or freezer is
6. Double boiler – used when temperatures must be kept an insulated box, equipped with refrigeration unit and a
below boiling, such as for egg sauces, puddings, and to keep control to maintain the proper inside temperature for food
foods warm without overcooking. storage.
7. Emery boards/sharpening steel – used to sharpen long Auxiliary equipment like griddles, tilting skillets,
knives. broilers/grills, steamers, coffee makers, deep-fat fryers, wok,
8. Flipper use for turning hamburgers and other food items crockery, cutting equipment (meat slicer, food choppers,
9. Funnels – used to fill jars, made of various sizes of grinders) mixers and bowls, pots and pans are utilized most
stainless steel, aluminum, or of plastic commonly in big food establishments, some with specialized
10. Garlic Press is a kitchen tool which is specifically uses and some are optional.
designed for the purpose of pulping garlic for cooking. Microwave Ovens have greatly increased their use in the
11. Graters used to grate, shred, slice and separate foods food industry. Foods can be prepared ahead of time, frozen
such as carrots, cabbage and cheese. or refrigerated during the slack periods, and cooked or
12. Handy Poultry & Roasting Tools make it easier to lift a heated quickly in microwave ovens
hot roasted turkey from the roaster to the serving platter, Blenders are used to chop, blend, mix, whip, puree, grate,
without it falling apart. and liquefy all kinds of food. A blender is a very useful
13. Kitchen Knives often referred to as cook's or chef's appliance. They vary in the amount of power
tools, knives are a must for all types of kitchen tasks, from (voltage/wattage). Others vary and do not do the same jobs.
peeling an onion and slicing carrots, to carving a roast or
Brgy. Leviste, Laurel, Batangas
Name:____________________________________ Score:__________________
Grade & Section:_________________________
Lesson 1
A. Direction: On the third column draw a star if the statement/s in column A match with
column B and if not write the correct word/s that best describe the statement/s .
1. It is the most popular material used for tools and
equipment, but is more expensive.
2. It is a greatly durable and cheap material of kitchen Glass
utensils but may not last long
3. An essential utensil for various tasks from cleaning
vegetables to straining pasta or tin contents.
4. Used to level off ingredients when measuring dry Scraper
6. Commonly made up of heatproof glass and transparent Measuring Cup for Liquid
so that liquid can be seen when measuring Ingredients
7. It make the task of cleaning seafood and removing the
Seafood Serving Tools
shell much easier.
8. Enables you to more easily grab and transfer larger
food items, poultry or meat portions to a serving platter, Serving spoons
to a hot skillet or deep fryer, or to a plate
9. Used for whipping eggs or batter, and for blending
Pastry blender
gravies, sauces, and soups.
B. List down atleast ten (5) utensils and equipment you can find in your kitchen. Identify the
materials of your kitchen tools and equipment. Write your answer on the table provided